Peter Wasowski, CEO and Founder of Vasper, LLC

Peter Wasowski, CEO and Founder of Vasper, LLC. The Early Years

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Page 1: Peter Wasowski, CEO and Founder of Vasper, LLC. The Early Years

Peter Wasowski,CEO and Founder of Vasper, LLC

Page 2: Peter Wasowski, CEO and Founder of Vasper, LLC. The Early Years

The Early Years

Page 3: Peter Wasowski, CEO and Founder of Vasper, LLC. The Early Years

Human Growth Hormone

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Page 4: Peter Wasowski, CEO and Founder of Vasper, LLC. The Early Years


Vasper is a revolutionary approach to fitness and performance that strengthens and rejuvenates the mind, body, and spirit.

Vasper is an innovative option for those who want to have more energy, sleep better, feel better, look better, and simply achieve an overall sense of well-being. Vasper helps top athletes perform more competitively in their sports and get back in the game faster after injuries.

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Page 5: Peter Wasowski, CEO and Founder of Vasper, LLC. The Early Years

Vasper Technology

Liquid-Cooled Vascular Compression Vasper is less effort, yet more gain

Core Body Cooling Vasper facilitates an efficient and enjoyable

Grounding Vasper helps restore the body and allows for a deeper and more restful sleep.

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Page 6: Peter Wasowski, CEO and Founder of Vasper, LLC. The Early Years

Liquid-Cooled Vascular Compression

Mild compression increases concentration of lactic acid in the muscles

Brain receives a strong feedback signal from the muscles similar to much more intense exercise

As a result, brain produces higher levels of your own growth hormone

Body then develops new bone and muscles for strength, injury prevention and endurance

Plus increase in energy and metabolism, and strengthening of joints and ligaments

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Liquid-Cooled Vascular Compression

Allows stronger workout, without sweating or shortness of breath

Efficiently burns more fat cells without the pain and discomfort of an intense workout

Benefits of over two hours of exercise in a 20 minute session followed by 20 minutes of core cooling recovery.

User can change directly into work clothes and start day.

No shower required.

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Equipment is electrically grounded to enhance the effects of compression and cooling.

This unique component of Vasper system—promoting neutral electrical balance in body, helping to restore your natural circadian rhythm.

Users report increased mental focus, lower stress, and deeper sleep.

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Nature = The Perfect Design

Biomimicry is a new school of thought that reinstates nature as the ultimate teacher.(Bios: The Greek term for life + Mimesis: To imitate)Vasper Vitality Technology is inspired by nature.For example: Elephants, sharks, and hummingbirds all have different ways to cool their core body temperature.

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I first heard about Vasper during a 6 week period between Ironman events. I was recovering from Ironman Canada and had 2 more weeks before the world championship in Hawaii. Vasper allowed me to accelerate my recovery and feel fit and ready to race in Hawaii. Rather than feeling like I had just completed an Ironman, I felt strong and exceeded my expectations by finishing in a personal best time by 50 minutes.

Tana JacksonTriathlete

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I have to be in prime, elite shape at all times. On March 7, 2011, I suffered a traumatic injury to my right ankle. After having completed about 20 sessions at Vasper, I am just about ready to resume my regular training on land. I feel confident that I never would have recovered this quickly had it not been for Vasper. My injury was the type that had, thus far, been medically undocumented. My time at Vasper has renewed my hope of competing at the 2012 Olympic Games.

Erica Ashley McLainOlympic Athlete

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I first started using Vasper a couple of years ago. I was excited to try it out, and learn about all the technology behind the product. Within 20 minutes of my first use, I had the endorphin rush that you can usually only achieve after a much longer workout. It helps with my recoveries after strenuous workouts on and off the ice during training. I don't feel as tired, I sleep much better and just feel so much healthier and stronger overall since beginning to use Vasper.

Patrick MarleauNHL Athlete, Olympic Gold Medalist1/25/12 © Copyright 2012, All rights reserved. 12

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