Petalite... A High Vibration Stone Aids Contact With Angels and Guides Petalite is an extremely high vibration stone, yet has a smooth balanced energy. Using it allows you to make a deep connection to the spiritual realm. It is a powerfully protective stone, as it will not allow negative energy to remain in is vicinity. In the past been it has been used as a talisman... and was believed to destroy all black magic or other unwelcome forces. It has powerful qualities that aid the development of clairaudience and may help you to hear the voice of angels and spirit guides... and also has a number of excellent healing attributes including helping to relieve stress. Where does it come from ... Petalite Meaning The Petalite meaning relates to the Greek word meaning 'a leaf' which refers to the cleavage of the stone. It is a crystal that is reasonably easy to obtain and should be able to be bought at most good crystal shops. This stone has been found in quite a few locations, including Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, Namibia and Sweden. It's color may be pink, colorless, gray, white, greenish white or yellow, although the pink stone is the most common. The transparent variety of the stone is called Castorite. Why Would You Use It Its vibration will elevate you to a special place where you may enjoy a sense of quiet peace and healing. There you may allow your concerns and worries to slip away. It is a heart chakra stone of the pink ray... and Petalite is a crystal


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Petalite... A High Vibration Stone Aids Contact With Angels and Guides

Petalite is an extremely high vibration stone, yet has a smooth balanced energy. Using it allows you to make a deep connection to the spiritual realm.

It is a powerfully protective stone, as it will not allow negative energy to remain in is vicinity.

In the past been it has been used as a talisman... and was believed to destroy all black magic or other unwelcome forces.

It has powerful qualities that aid the development of clairaudience and may help you to hear the voice of angels and spirit guides... and also has a number of excellent healing attributes including helping to relieve stress.

Where does it come from ... Petalite Meaning

The Petalite meaning relates to the Greek word meaning 'a leaf' which

refers to the cleavage of the stone.

It is a crystal that is reasonably easy to obtain and should be able to be bought at most good crystal shops.

This stone has been found in quite a few locations, including Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, Namibia and Sweden.

It's color may be pink, colorless, gray, white, greenish white or yellow, although the pink stone is the most common. The transparent variety of the stone is called Castorite.

Why Would You Use It

Its vibration will elevate you to a special place where you may enjoy a sense of quiet peace and healing. There you may allow your concerns and worries to slip away. It is a heart chakra stone of the pink ray... and Petalite is a crystal that will beautifully and gently heighten and increase your awareness.

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Clear Petalite Crystal... aka Castorite

The common sensation was a feeling of being able to access the Higher Realms. There you may begin connecting with angels and more easily make contact with spirit. Your meditation journey will be aided by its high sweet vibration... as it elevates you up into... and beyond the soul star chakra.

This is said to be a stone of manifestation, as it will assist you to bring into your life the visions that the journey has shown you. When you arrive at the realm of pure white light... you will enjoy the wonderful sense of deep calm and joy it brings.

As you allow yourself to enjoy the heavenly rapture you may make contact with your spirit guides or even with angelic beings!

Who Should Use It

If you are working to expand your clairvoyant or other psychic abilities... you should obtain one of these strong crystal energy stones. You may experience an increase in psychic visions when using one of these crystals... including Petalite crystal skulls... and this may aid you to elevate your abilities... and it may help to gently assist you to open your heart.

This is a strong third eye chakra stone ... that may stimulate the birth of a range of psychic powers.

These psychic gifts include clairaudience, clairsentience, mental telepathy and psychic communication.

A good way to use this stone is to use it in meditation... and regular daily meditation with this pink stone is highly advantageous.

As you can see it is possible to get crystal skulls made from this stone as well. Although they are not common, their strong energy to aid connections with the higher realms makes skulls made from this stone helpful for meditation.

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Using your crystal skull to do a crystal skull meditation is an excellent way to utilize it, and the addition of the high vibration energy of these stones adds to your ability to make connections, and as it is also protective, this is an added advantage.

How Will It Help You

Any color of this stone will be most beneficial as it will work on all of the chakras from the heart through to the crown chakra and above to the soul star chakra... right up to and including the fourteenth transpersonal chakra. These pink stones also have a strong energy for healing.

Pink Petalite have an excellent healing action that may aid high blood pressure and these stones are known to help in the treatment of cancer.

Its healing action is also said to help the eyes, the lungs and to aid muscular spasms....and may help to ease anxiety and stress.... and using these stones are one of the ways to relieve stress.

Wearing these stones in ear-rings may boost clairaudience and its energy may help you to hear the voice of the angels communicating with you. Wearing one of these beautiful gems at the throat chakra is said to boost communication abilities... and this may boost your spiritual gifts of 'clear speech'.

You may find yourself being able communicate what you have seen and heard during your journey to the angelic realms ... clearly, accurately and concisely.

How To Use It

Petalite is one of a group of high frequency stones. They are excellent to use in combination as using any two together will boost both of their vibrations. While any one of these stones are impressive... they are extraordinarily powerful when used together.

Buying a pendant made from Petalite will allow you to be bathed in its wonderful energy... for hours at a time.

Worn close to the heart chakra it will focus the love energy. Because this stone works on all of the chakras from the heart chakra up... having it anywhere in those areas may bring through a range of new gifts.

These lovely stones are on the zodiac birthstones list and are a Leo birthstone. It may be obtained in quite a few colors, but by far the most common color is pink, which makes lovely jewelry, but the clear Petalite stone is also very attractive.

Regardless of the color, it is very advantageous to the heart chakra. If it is made from a faceted crystal, it would be more powerful as the facets allow the energy to flow in more directions.

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Combining It With Other Stones

Pink Petalite is a powerful high vibration stone, so one of the best ways to use it is to combine it with the other high crystal energy stones. Petalite combined with any of the other high vibration crystals, will bring you to an entirely new point in your spiritual development... yet they have a wonderful ability to also keep you protected and spiritually grounded.

The main stones that make up the group of high vibration stones that you may like to use together are Moldavite, Scolecite, Natrolite, Satyaloka Quartz, Elestial Quartz, Stellar Beam Calcite, Herderite, Danburite, Selenite Crystals, Tibetan Tektite and White Azeztulite.

Celestite Cluster

Another of the high crystal energy stones that you might use with this crystal, is a blue Celestite Cluster... as it is very powerful to aid you to make contact with your guardian angels and other beings from the higher spiritual realms.

Other crystals that may also be used with it to connect with angels, include Seraphinite, Aragonite Star Clusters, Angelite, Cryolite, Angel Phantom Quartz or Tremolite.

If you use it with Amblygonite, Ajoite, either Pink Tourmaline or Green Tourmaline, Morganite, Lilac Lepidolite, Lepidocrocite or Lithium Quartz ... it may elevate the positive feelings of peace, harmony and joy.

It is also excellent to combine it with any of the chakra stones from the heart chakra right up to the soul star chakra... including with high vibration crystals such as Phenacite, Brookite, Herkimer Diamonds and Blue Kyanite.

This stone can be faceted to create beautiful pink gemstones, and its energy is particularly amplified when you combine it with Strawberry Rose Quartz Crystals.