Page 1 PestPac Inventory Module Version 1.41.4 The Inventory Module allows you easily to track your inventory on hand, receive inventory from distributors, transfer inventory among warehouses and technicians and project whether you have enough inventory on hand for upcoming services. This document will detail both setup on the server and how to use the PestPac Mobile Inventory program. System Requirements Server version 1.41.4 or higher PestPac Inventory license Approved handheld for use with PestPac Mobile Inventory (if using the PestPac Mobile Inventory pro- gram). A list of approved devices can be found here. Setup Steps Company Setup configuraon (Server side) Download the 3 of 9 barcode font (Server side) Lookup Table configuraon (Server side) Please note that some of the setup steps for the server will be repeated in the PestPac Mobile Inventory sec- on of this document. It is recommended that you turn the Inventory Module on in the Company Setup aſter hours. Turning it on will cause the Services dropdown not to work on certain screens such as the Service Setup and Service Order screen unl the setup steps outlined for the server setup are completed.

PestPac Inventory Module Version 1.41support.pestpac.com/documents/PestPac Mobile Inventory.pdf · 2012-05-03 · It is recommended that you turn the Inventory Module on in the Company

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Page 1: PestPac Inventory Module Version 1.41support.pestpac.com/documents/PestPac Mobile Inventory.pdf · 2012-05-03 · It is recommended that you turn the Inventory Module on in the Company

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PestPac Inventory Module Version 1.41.4

The Inventory Module allows you easily to track your inventory on hand, receive inventory from distributors,

transfer inventory among warehouses and technicians and project whether you have enough inventory on

hand for upcoming services. This document will detail both setup on the server and how to use the PestPac

Mobile Inventory program.

System Requirements

Server version 1.41.4 or higher

PestPac Inventory license

Approved handheld for use with PestPac Mobile Inventory (if using the PestPac Mobile Inventory pro-

gram). A list of approved devices can be found here.

Setup Steps

Company Setup configuration (Server side)

Download the 3 of 9 barcode font (Server side)

Lookup Table configuration (Server side)

Please note that some of the setup steps for the server will be repeated in the PestPac Mobile Inventory sec-

tion of this document.

It is recommended that you turn the Inventory Module on in the Company Setup after

hours. Turning it on will cause the Services dropdown not to work on certain screens such

as the Service Setup and Service Order screen until the setup steps outlined for the server

setup are completed.

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Company Setup

To turn the Inventory Module on, in the Company Setup select Inventory. Check the Use Inventory check-

box. If you’d like to keep track of your material cost, check the Use Costing checkbox. The Inventory module

uses the FIFO (first in first out) method of accounting. Please note that if you turn on costing, you must enter

prices for each transaction on the handheld if using the PestPac Mobile Inventory program.

Download Add-Ons

From the Company Menu, select Download Add-Ons. Click on the blue link for the Bar Code Font to install it.

This option will enable you to print barcodes for Distributors, Warehouses, Technicians, Materials, Units of

Measure and Quantities that can be scanned for use with the PestPac Mobile Inventory program.

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Lookup Tables

From the Company Menu, select Lookup Tables. Several Lookup Tables must be populated in order to use

the Inventory Module.

Units of Measure Lookup Table

For each Unit of Measure that you wish to track in Inventory, you must check the “Track in Inventory” box in that Unit of Measure’s lookup. If you wish to track Material usage on Service Setups and Service Orders, check the “Track on Setups & Orders” checkbox.. (This is recommended for accurate Material tracking). On the Receive, Transfer and Reconcile (Warehouse only) screens, the UOM that is defaulted is the Warehouse UOM.

Materials Lookup Table

Several steps need to be completed in the Materials Lookup Table in order for them to be tracked correctly

using the Inventory Module.

Check the “Track in Inventory” checkbox for every material you want to track using the Inventory Mod-


Click on the blue UOM & Conversions link to bring up a pop up where you can enter in conversions for

different UOMs.

Undiluted UOM: This is the UOM that is used to determine how much undiluted material goes into

water. Make sure to enter this correctly the first time as it cannot be edited later.

Tech Base UOM: This is the UOM that is used when Material is distributed to a Technician. For

example, If you distribute an entire Gallon of undiluted material to the technician, you would use

your UOM for Gallon in this field.

Warehouse Base UOM: This is the UOM that is used when Material is received from a Distributor.

For example, if you buy Material in Cases, you would enter the UOM for Case in this field.

Entering Conversions: For each UOM that may be related to the Material you’re entering, enter

the conversions from that UOM to the Undiluted UOM listed in the pop up. In the example on the

next page, the Undiluted UOM is FO (Fluid Ounce) so you would enter 128 when converting from

Gallons to Fluid Ounces. Make sure to click on Save when finished.

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Track on Setups & Orders: Check this box if you’d like to track this Material on Service Setups and Service

Orders (including projected Setups and Orders. Projected Setups and Orders can be viewed if the

“Include Projected Setups” option is selected under the Appointment Scheduler section of the Additional

Features section of the Company Setup).

Access Rights Lookup Table

There are several Access Rights dealing with Inventory under

the Branch Access Rights. Select the Access Rights that you

want each person using Inventory to have. A detailed expla-

nation of each Access Right is detailed in the Access Tem-

plates Lookup Table help file.

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Inventory Distributors Lookup Table

The Inventory Distributors Lookup Table allows you to enter companies that you purchase Materials from.

You should add each company that you use to this lookup table. You must at least enter a Distributor Name

when adding a new Inventory Distributor. It is recommended that all fields on the Lookup Table are filled

out for ease of finding contact information for each Distributor in the future. Click on Save to save the new


Inventory Warehouses Lookup Table

The Inventory Warehouses Lookup Table allows you to enter locations where you company stores its Materi-

als. You must enter all locations in this Lookup Table so that you can accurately track how much Inventory

you have at each location.

Enter in at least a Warehouse Name for each Warehouse. At the bottom of the screen, select which

Branch(es) this Warehouse supplies. To select multiple Branches, press the CTRL key on the keyboard and

click on the different Branches. Click on Add when finished.

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Employees Lookup Table

In each Employee’s Lookup Table who will

be receiving Inventory (usually technicians),

select a Default Inventory Warehouse for

them. This field can be found in the Basic Information section of the Employees Lookup Table.

Using the Inventory Module

Inventory Main Menu

The Inventory Main

Menu can be found un-

der the Tools

dropdown. Each of the

options allows the user

to perform the follow-


Manage Inventory:

Allows the user to Receive and Transfer Materials between Distributors, Warehouses and Technicians.

Reconcile Inventory: Allows the user to enter in actual numbers for inventory amounts that are taken

from a physical inventory. Amounts entered in this screen will overwrite whatever the Material amount

is on the server for the Warehouse or Technician you are reconciling.

Import Transactions: Allows the user to import Inventory Transactions from a flat (text) file into PestPac.

Print Barcodes: Allows the user to print barcodes that correspond with Materials, Technicians, Distribu-

tors, Warehouses, UOMs and Amounts in your system. They can be scanned if using the PestPac Mobile

Inventory program.

Inventory on Hand Report: Allows the user to run a report that shows how much Material is currently

recorded in the Inventory Module for Warehouses and Technicians.

Projected Inventory Usage Report: Allows the user to run a report that shows how much material the

program anticipates you will need for scheduled orders and setups. Please note that you must have Ma-

terials on the setups or orders in order to use this report.

Reconciliation/Variance Report: Allows the user to run a report where a snapshot of what materials have

been changed using the Reconcile Inventory function and the cost of those Materials. This may be espe-

cially helpful in finding technicians that are under/over reporting how much Material is being used.

Transfer History Report: Allows the user to run a report that shows what Materials were moved between

Distributors, Warehouses and Technicians.

Cost vs. Production Report: Allows the user to run a report that will display a comparison between post-

ed Inventory costs versus production cost. This will enable to user to determine how much profit is being

made per service.

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Manage Inventory

The Manage Inventory screen allows you to receive Inventory from Distributors and transfer them between

your Inventory Warehouses and Technicians.

First select either a Distributor, Warehouse or Technician on the From line.

Select either a Distributor, Warehouse of Technician on the To line.

The boxes underneath will populate with choices for either Distributor, Warehouse or Technician de-

pending upon your From and To choices. The From is the left box and the To is the right box.

Click on the specific From and To options in the boxes.

The Transaction Date will default to today’s date.

On the Material line, select the Material and enter the Quantity, UOM and Cost of the material (if using

costing) then click on the gold Transfer button.

All transactions completed while in this screen will display under Recently Transferred Materials.

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Reconcile Inventory

The Reconcile Inventory screen allows the user to enter in actual amounts of Material based on a physical

inventory. It is suggested that you perform a physical inventory regularly to keep your Material Amounts

and costs accurate.

Select to reconcile either a Warehouse or Technician by clicking on the corresponding button on the

Reconcile line.

Select the specific Warehouse or Technician that you want to reconcile from the dropdown.

Enter the physical inventory amount in the New Qty field for each Material you are reconciling. If a cost

was entered when receiving the Material, it will be automatically populated. Click on Save when fin-


Import Transactions

You can import transactions by using a flat (text) file. Select if the Material is coming from a Distributor or

Warehouse and whether it is going to a Distributor or Warehouse. In the boxes below, select the From and

To Distributor/Warehouse. The transaction date will default to today’s date. Use the Browse option to se-

lect the file you want to import. Use the file format noted on the bottom of the screen. Make sure to enter

UOM and Material codes exactly as they appear in the lookups.

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Print Barcodes

The print barcodes function allows

the user to print barcodes that cor-

respond with codes stored in your

Lookup Tables to be used in con-

junction with PestPac Mobile Inven-

tory. Under Data to Print, select

whether you want to print barcodes

for Technicians, Warehouses, Dis-

tributors, Materials, Units of Meas-

ure and/or Quantities. You can se-

lect to print them on plain paper or select a label format. Click on the gold Print button to print the barcodes.

This concludes the Server portion of this document. The PestPac Mobile Inventory Guide

will appear next in the document.

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PestPac Mobile Inventory Version 1.41.4

PestPac Mobile Inventory integrates with the Inventory Module within PestPac. It allows the user to enter

Inventory Transactions on the Handheld and sync those transactions to the server. You can download

PestPac Mobile Inventory from the component download site here.

System Requirements

Server version 1.41.4 or higher

PestPac Mobile Inventory license

Approved handheld for use with PestPac Mobile Inventory. A list of approved devices can be found here.

Setup Steps

Company Setup configuration (Server side)

Lookup Table configuration (Server side)

Company Setup

In the Company Setup under Additional Modules, click on Inventory. You must check the Use Inventory checkbox in order to turn Inventory on. Check the Use Costing option if you’d like to track the cost of ma-terials you use and materials on handheld. This uses the FIFO method (first in first out) of calculating the cost. If Use Costing is selected in the Company Setup under PestPac Mobile Inventory, then the Price field on all screens where an amount can be entered will be required.

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Lookup Tables

There are several Lookup Tables that must be populated prior to using the Inventory Module for the first

time. This section will go over which ones and how to populate them correctly.

Unit of Measure Lookup Table

For each Unit of Measure that you wish to track in Inventory, you must check the “Track in Inventory” box in that Unit of Measure’s lookup. If you wish to track Material usage on Service Setups and Service Or-ders, check the “Track on Setups & Orders” checkbox.. (This is recommended for accurate Material track-ing). On the Receive, Transfer and Reconcile (Warehouse only) screens, the UOM that is defaulted is the Warehouse UOM.

Materials Lookup Table

Several steps need to be completed in the Materials Lookup Table in order for them to be tracked correctly

using the Inventory Module.

Check the “Track in Inventory” checkbox for every material you want to track using the Inventory Mod-


Click on the blue UOM & Conversions link to bring up a pop up where you can enter in conversions for

different UOMs.

Undiluted UOM: This is the UOM that is used to determine how much undiluted material goes into

water. Make sure to enter this correctly the first time as it cannot be edited later.

Tech Base UOM: This is the UOM that is used when Material is distributed to a Technician. For ex-

ample, If you distribute an entire Gallon of undiluted material to the technician, you would use your

UOM for Gallon in this field.

Warehouse Base UOM: This is the UOM that is used when Material is received from a Distributor.

For example, if you buy Material in Cases, you would enter the UOM for Case in this field.

Entering Conversions: For each UOM that may be related to the Material you’re entering, enter the

conversions from that UOM to the Undiluted UOM listed in the pop up. In the example on the next

page, the Undiluted UOM is FO (Fluid Ounce) so you would enter 128 when converting from Gallons

to Fluid Ounces. Make sure to click on Save when finished.

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Track on Setups & Orders: Check this box if you’d like to track this Material on Service Setups and Service

Orders (including projected Setups and Orders. Projected Setups and Orders can be viewed if the

“Include Projected Setups” option is selected under the Appointment Scheduler section of the Additional

Features section of the Company Setup).

Inventory Distributors Lookup Table

The Inventory Distributors Lookup Table allows you to enter companies that you purchase Materials from.

You should add each company that you use to this lookup table. You must at least enter a Distributor Name

when adding a new Inventory Distributor. It is recommended that all fields on the Lookup Table are filled

out for ease of finding contact information for each Distributor in the future. Click on Save to save the new


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Inventory Warehouses Lookup Table

The Inventory Warehouses Lookup Table allows you to enter locations where you company stores its Materi-

als. You must enter all locations in this Lookup Table so that you can accurately track how much Inventory

you have at each location.

Enter in at least a Warehouse Name for each Warehouse. At the bottom of the screen, select which

Branch(es) this Warehouse supplies. To select multiple Branches, press the CTRL key on the keyboard and

click on the different Branches. Click on Add when finished.

Using PestPac Mobile Inventory

After the setup steps are complete, you may begin using PestPac Mobile Inventory on the handheld.

Enter in your Company Key, Username and Password (if

applicable). Enter your server address in the Server Ad-

dress field. Please note that this information is the same

login for PestPac Mobile. See below for your PestPac

Mobile Inventory server address:

If using www.mypestpac.com online use:


If using www10.mypestpac.com online use:


If hosting PestPac on your own server:

Please contact your IT Manager for your IP.

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PestPac Mobile Inventory Main Menu

Receive: From Distributor to Warehouse

Distribute: From Warehouse to Technician

Transactions: Listing of transactions currently not uploaded to

the server

Transfer: From Warehouse to Warehouse

Reclaim: From Technician to Warehouse

Reconcile: Update inventory amounts when a physical invento-

ry is taken

Upload Activity: Allows the user to upload transactions on the

handheld to the server

Exit: Exit the Main Menu to the Login Screen

Receive Screen: Distributor—>Warehouse

You c an either select the Distributor, Warehouse, Material,

Quantity and UOM via the dropdown or by scanning.

If “Use Costing” is selected in the Company Setup, you must

enter a price in the Price field.

Use the Each/Total buttons to either enter the cost of each Unit

or the total cost for the Material you are Receiving.

Tap on Save when finished.

You many then scan or select different options for the next Ma-

terial you are receiving.

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Distribute Screen: Warehouse—>Technician

You can either select the Warehouse, Technician, Material,

Quantity and UOM via the dropdown or by scanning.

If “Use Costing” is selected in the Company Setup, the Price

field will be available, but is not required..

Use the Each/Total buttons to either enter the cost of each Unit

or the total cost for the Material you are Receiving.

Tap on Save when finished.

You many then scan or select different options for the next

Material you are distributing.

Transactions Screen

This screen shows the list of transactions that are currently on

the handheld that have not yet been uploaded to the server.

Use the + sign to expand the tree and - to contract the tree.

If “Use Costing” is selected in the Company Setup, it will also be

listed on this screen.

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Reclaim Screen: Technician—>Warehouse

You c an either select the Technician, Warehouse, Material,

Quantity and UOM via the dropdown or by scanning.

If “Use Costing” is selected in the Company Setup, the Price

field will be available, but is not required..

Use the Each/Total buttons to either enter the cost of each Unit

or the total cost for the Material you are Receiving.

Tap on Save when finished.

You many then scan or select different options for the next Ma-

terial you are reclaiming.

Transfer Screen: Warehouse—>Warehouse

You c an either select the Warehouse, Material, Quantity and

UOM via the dropdown or by scanning.

If “Use Costing” is selected in the Company Setup, the Price

field will be available, but is not required..

Use the Each/Total buttons to either enter the cost of each Unit

or the total cost for the Material you are Receiving.

Tap on Save when finished.

You many then scan or select different options for the next Ma-

terial you are transferring.

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Reconcile Screen

Use this screen to enter in Material amounts when a physical in-

ventory is taken. The amount entered on the handheld on this

screen will overwrite the amount on the server.

You c an either select the Technician, Warehouse, Material,

Quantity and UOM via the dropdown or by scanning.

Use the Each/Total buttons to either enter the cost of each Unit

or the total cost for the Material you are Receiving. Tap on

Save when finished.

You many then scan or select different options for the next Ma-

terial you are reconciling.

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This concludes the PestPac Mobile Inventory training.

If you need additional

information, please use our support form here or con-

tact our support team at 800.762.0301