Edion 1 April 2017 JOB ACCOMMODATIONS FOR Persons with Asthma

Persons with Asthma€¦ · Occupational asthma can be prevented by the removal or control of hazardous substances in the workplace, health surveillance and prompt and effective intervention

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Page 1: Persons with Asthma€¦ · Occupational asthma can be prevented by the removal or control of hazardous substances in the workplace, health surveillance and prompt and effective intervention

Edition 1

April 2017


Page 2: Persons with Asthma€¦ · Occupational asthma can be prevented by the removal or control of hazardous substances in the workplace, health surveillance and prompt and effective intervention
Page 3: Persons with Asthma€¦ · Occupational asthma can be prevented by the removal or control of hazardous substances in the workplace, health surveillance and prompt and effective intervention

Job Accommodations for

Persons with Asthma

Edition 1

April 2017

Page 4: Persons with Asthma€¦ · Occupational asthma can be prevented by the removal or control of hazardous substances in the workplace, health surveillance and prompt and effective intervention
Page 5: Persons with Asthma€¦ · Occupational asthma can be prevented by the removal or control of hazardous substances in the workplace, health surveillance and prompt and effective intervention

Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


Contents Page

1. Introduction 6

What is asthma? 6

2. What is an accommodation? 12

3. How common is asthma? 13

4. Etiquette and inclusive communication 14

5. Making accommodations 15

Recruitment and selection 15Job descriptions 16Advertising and attracting applicants 16Application forms 17Interviews and tests 18Case Study 1 19Induction and training 20Retention 20Working arrangements to retain employees 21Case Study 2 22Managing workplace triggers 23Support the employee in managing their own condition 26Health and Safety 27Emergency evacuation 27

6. Regulatory Framework in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 28

7. Useful Organizations 31

8. Collaborative Partners 35

Page 6: Persons with Asthma€¦ · Occupational asthma can be prevented by the removal or control of hazardous substances in the workplace, health surveillance and prompt and effective intervention

Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


1 Introduction

This is one of a series of guides, published by the Human Resources Development Fund, which provide practical guidance for employers on specific topics relating to the employment of persons with disabilities and persons with health conditions. It will be particularly useful for human resources managers, line managers, Taqat centers, Recruitment Offices and any services promoting the employment of persons with disabilities and persons with health conditions.

What is asthma?

Asthma is an inflammatory condition of the airways. When someone with asthma comes into contact with something they are allergic or sensitive to, their airways become narrower as the muscles around the airways tighten, making it harder to breathe. A person experiencing an asthma attack will often experience coughing, wheezing and a tightening in the chest.

Asthma is often made worse by exposure to irritants or triggers. A trigger is anything that irritates the airways. Everyone’s asthma is different and a person with asthma will often have several asthma triggers. Common triggers include:

• Respiratory infections – such as colds, flu, or bronchitis.• Allergens – substances which some people are allergic to, e.g. pollen, foods, dust,

moulds, feathers, animal fur, house-dust mites and some forms of medication.• Irritants in the air – e.g. dirt, tobacco smoke, gases, chemical fumes and odours.• Over-exertion – such as running too fast or carrying heavy loads (although people

with asthma can benefit from exercise).• Climate and temperature – such as very cold air, windy weather, hot and humid

weather, high ozone levels or sudden changes in weather.• Emotional stress – such as anxiety, fear or excitement.• The majority of people with asthma will only experience attacks when exposed

to a particular irritant or trigger. However, some people with chronic asthma will experience symptoms of coughing and breathlessness almost continuously, although the severity of these symptoms will vary.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


What causes asthma?

The exact cause of asthma is unknown however there are a number of things that can increase a person’s chances of developing it. These include:

• A family history of asthma or related allergic conditions (known as atopic conditions) such as eczema, food allergy or hay fever.

• Having another atopic condition.• Having bronchiolitis (a common childhood lung infection) as a child.• Exposure to tobacco smoke as a child.• The person’s mother smoking during pregnancy.• Being born prematurely or with a low birth weight.

What are the symptoms of asthma?

The most common symptoms of asthma are:

• Wheezing (a whistling sound when breathing).• Breathlessness.• A tight chest – which may feel like a band is tightening around it.• Coughing.

These symptoms can have a number of causes, but they’re more likely to be asthma if they:

• Happen often and keep coming back.• Are worse at night and early in the morning.• Seem to occur in response to an asthma trigger – for example, exercise or exposure

to an allergen (such as pollen or animal fur).

Asthma attacks

Asthma symptoms can sometimes get worse for a short time – known as an asthma attack. This can happen suddenly, or gradually over a few days.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


Signs of a severe asthma attack include:

• Wheezing, coughing and chest tightness becoming severe and constant.• Being too breathless to eat, speak or sleep.• Breathing faster.• A rapid heartbeat.• Drowsiness, confusion, exhaustion or dizziness.• Blue lips or fingers.• Fainting.

What to do if an asthma attack happens

People with asthma are usually very capable of managing their own attacks and the key actions you will need to take are usually to assist the employee if required. The following simple first aid procedures may be useful:

• Keep calm and reassure the employee.• Get the employee to take their usual dose of their reliever inhaler – this is the blue

inhaler. Encourage them to breathe slowly and deeply.• Ensure the person is sitting up to aid breathing, ideally leaning slightly forwards

and supporting the upper body by placing their arms on their knees or on a firm surface like the back of a chair or a table.

• Loosen tight clothing.• If there is no immediate improvement, encourage the person to continue to

take one puff of reliever inhaler every minute for five minutes or until symptoms improve.

Your first aiders should be fully aware of this process. Ask the employee to advise you if they have any particular requirements.

Usually no further medical support will be required. However, call for an ambulance if:

• The person has never had breathing problems before.• Their inhaler has had no effect after 5-10 minutes.• There is a grey-blue tinge to the lips or earlobes.• Their condition is getting worse, breathlessness is making talking difficult and they

are becoming exhausted.

Help the employee to use their inhaler every 5-10 minutes until the ambulance arrives.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


Treatments for asthma

There are effective treatments that help people with asthma to control their symptoms.There are two main kinds of asthma treatments called relievers and preventers. Both treatments are commonly taken using an inhaler or using an aerosol based inhaler taken with a spacer or mouth mask.


Most people with asthma have a reliever inhaler. Relievers are treatments taken to relieve asthma symptoms. They quickly relax the muscles surrounding the constricted airways (within 5 to 10 minutes) making it easier to breathe again. Reliever inhalers are usually blue.Frequent use of a reliever inhaler throughout the day can be a sign that asthma is not well controlled. People with asthma should have their treatment reviewed regularly by their doctor.


Preventers help to control swelling and inflammation in the airways and stop the airways from being as sensitive to triggers. They improve an individual’s ability to control their asthma and reduce the likelihood of permanent damage to the airways. The protective effect builds up over time so it is important they are taken every day. Preventer inhalers are usually brown, red or orange.

Additional treatments

Some people also require additional medication to control their asthma. People with allergies such as hay fever may also take antihistamines and other medication.A minority of people with asthma use a nebulizer machine, which creates a mist of treatment which is inhaled through a facemask. Recent research suggests that taking an inhaler through a spacer is more convenient and effective, portable and cost effective than the more cumbersome nebulizer which is now mainly only used for emergency asthma treatment in hospital.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


Occupational asthma

Occupational asthma occurs when an individual works with a substance or substances which if inhaled can cause the condition to develop. Such substances are known as respiratory sensitizers. Employees with no prior history of asthma or respiratory problems can develop occupational asthma if they become sensitized or extremely sensitive to the substance.

When someone is sensitized to a workplace substance the body sets off an immune reaction to the substance and any further exposure to it can bring about an asthma attack. In some cases the symptoms develop immediately after exposure, but for some people they will not appear until hours, weeks, months or even years after starting to work with the substance.

Occupational asthma has the following in common:

• It tends to be substance specific – symptoms initially occur only in response to that substance.

• It can be unpredictable – only 5-25% of individuals exposed to the substance will become sensitized.

• Sensitization might only occur after months or years of exposure.• It cannot be cured – once an individual is sensitized to a substance allergy symptoms

may reoccur even on slight exposure. The asthma will not occur once exposure has stopped.

Occupational asthma can be prevented by the removal or control of hazardous substances in the workplace, health surveillance and prompt and effective intervention as soon as an employee starts to display symptoms. Employers must be vigilant of the risk of occupational asthma and swift to act on suspected cases. Any delay could result in an employee developing chronic occupational asthma and permanent lung deterioration.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


To reduce the incidence of occupational asthma employers must identify and manage hazardous substances in their workplace that could cause occupational asthma. There are over 200 identified respiratory sensitizers. The most common include:

• Dust from wood, flour or grain used in occupations such as carpentry, joinery, industrial baking, farm-work and grain transport.

• Glue and resins especially acid anhydride and amine hardening agents used in occupations involving work with adhesives, plastics, moulding resins, surface coatings.

• Glutaraldehyde (a biocide and chemical disinfectant), mainly used in the healthcare, offshore, papermaking and agricultural sectors.

• Isocyanates used in vehicle spray painting and foam making.• Laboratory animals (air-borne proteins from the animal’s fur or urine) used in

research and educational activities.• Dust from latex rubber often encountered in latex gloves used in laboratory work,

nursing, care-work and dentistry.• Solder/colophony found in soldering fumes used by the electronics industry.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


2. What is an accommodation?

Accommodations are a way of removing barriers that get in the way of a person with a disability or a person with a health condition doing their job. For example, changing where they work, the way in which they do their job or providing equipment to help them.

An accommodation is not special treatment, but a way of treating people differently to give everyone the same opportunity to succeed. Accommodations may well be simple, inexpensive and make good business sense.

Accommodations and best practice

Employers should make accommodations for any employee who might be facing barriers at work because of a disability or long term injury or health condition – even if it has not been diagnosed as a disability or accepted as such by the individual.

The best practice approach is to make ‘reasonable’ accommodations for anyone who needs them in order to work effectively and contribute fully to your organization.

Most employers will want to know what is ‘reasonable’. Doing what seems fair for the individual and others who work for you given the size and resources of your organization is a good place to start.

This guidance will help you deliver best practice.

In order to demonstrate best practice:

• Involve the individual in generating solutions and respect their right to confidentiality.• You might need to treat people differently in order to treat them fairly.• Don’t make assumptions about what people can and can’t do.• Ensure that everyone knows who is responsible for doing what and when it must

be done.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


2,000,000people in KSA have asthma

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 235 million people currently have asthma. Asthma is the most common non-communicable disease among children.

Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in Saudi Arabia, affecting more than 2 million Saudis.1

3. How common is asthma?

235,000,000 people have asthma

1. http://www.thoracicmedicine.org/article.asp?issn=1817-1737;year=2016;volume=11;issue=1;spage =3;epage=42;aulast=Al-Moamary

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


4. Etiquette and Inclusive Communication

A word on language when speaking about disability and health conditions

When speaking about disability or health conditions, it is important to use the terms “person (or persons) with a disability” or “person (or persons) with a health condition”.

The word “person” or “persons” is deliberately separated by the word “with”, to stress that the disability or health condition does not define or describe the whole person.A person with asthma should always be referred to as a person first. It is also important not to say the people are suffering from or afflicted with asthma.

For more information on etiquette and communication see the Human Resources Development Fund’s “Guide for etiquette and rules of communication with person with disabilities”.


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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


5. Making accommodations

4 in 10 people with asthma find that their asthma affects their ability to do their job, either as a result of an asthma attack at work, disrupted sleep or the need to avoid their asthma triggers.

It makes good business sense to make accommodations. Without accommodations, good candidates may not apply and good employees could be lost. Precise requirements vary from one individual to another. Many people with asthma will need few if any accommodations. Always ask the person what they need.

Recruitment and Selection

Candidates with asthma may be prevented from demonstrating their abilities and potential by conventional recruitment processes.

You need to make sure that you do not discriminate against a job applicant with a disability or health condition during the recruitment process. You may also have to make reasonable accommodations. It is important not to make assumptions about what the applicant can or cannot do. Instead, ask applicants about accommodations as part of the recruitment process. If you use external recruitment agencies, ask for evidence that they make accommodations for persons with disabilities and health conditions and work to the standards that underpin this guidance.

It is not good practice to ask candidates questions about health or disability prior to offering the job unless the question relates directly to an intrinsic aspect of the role for which the person is applying, or is for the purpose of making accommodations to the application or interview process. This is because information about a candidate’s health or disability gained during the application and assessment stage might encourage recruiting managers to make negative assumptions about a candidate’s ability before they have the opportunity to demonstrate that they can to do the job.

Every candidate should be given the opportunity to request accommodations for each stage of the recruitment process. Remember that requirements will vary between individuals. Always consult with the individual to identify the right accommodation for them.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017



Advertising and attracting applicants

When advertising a job:

• Use positive wording like “we welcome applicants with disabilities and health conditions”.

• Provide a point of contact for people who require accommodations for the recruitment process, using a range of contact methods (e.g. email, phone, MMS).

• State that applications will be accepted in alternative formats, e.g. on paper, audio or by email.

• Advertise in more than one medium. In addition to mainstream press, advertise on local radio and through the web.

• Post the vacancy on Taqat National Labor Gateway.


Job descriptions

When drawing up job descriptions and candidate specifications:

• Be specific about what skills are needed, the nature of the working environment and what the job involves. For example refer to requirements to work outside in all weathers, to work with animals or to carry weights up to 10 kg.

• Be flexible. Very often minor changes can make a significant difference, e.g. reallocating the duty to occasionally work outside to other employees during summer months when the pollen count is high.

• Do not needlessly exclude a candidate with asthma. Concentrate on what is to be achieved in a job rather than on how it is achieved. For example, stating “candidates must be able to work onsite at all times” in a role which could accommodate flexible working practices may exclude an excellent candidate whose asthma may require them to work flexibly or occasionally work from home.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


Application forms

Do not ask someone about their disability status on application forms. It is best practice to ask questions that are directly relevant to the person’s ability to do the job for which they are applying. Avoid general questions about health, disability or medical history.

Accommodations may need to be made to the short-listing process, because an applicant may:

• Apply for a job for which they are over qualified because they need to regain confidence.

• Have gaps in their CV due to their disability or health condition.• Have gained experience outside of paid employment, e.g. work experience and

voluntary work.

It may be appropriate to communicate to prospective candidates that there is a particular level of pressure or responsibility attached to some roles. However such statements in job descriptions should not be regarded as an abdication of responsibility.

Employers should still manage the pressure and levels of stress to which they expose their employees. Generalities such as: “Must be able to work under pressure” or “must be able to work in stressful situations” should be avoided.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


Interviews and tests

As you want to recruit the best person for the job, you need to ensure that all candidates are able to demonstrate their capacity to do the job. Focus on the person’s abilities, not on the person’s asthma. If you have any doubts about a person’s ability to carry out an intrinsic function of the job simply ask how they would do it.

When you invite applicants for an interview, make sure you ask all candidates if they require any accommodations. If necessary gather more information about the individual’s asthma triggers so that you can manage any environmental triggers the candidate may be exposed to:

• Consider how the candidate will reach the interview venue. If public transport could prove difficult, offer to reimburse the taxi fare or provide car parking.

• Ensure that your interview is held in accessible locations, e.g. on the ground floor or in a room accessed by a lift. Remember that someone with asthma triggered by exercise may struggle to climb flights of stairs to get to an interview.

• Manage any potential triggers in the workplace setting, e.g. ensuring as far as possible that the candidate is not exposed to pollen, cigarette smoke, chemicals or dust in the reception areas, interview room and routes through the building.

• If selection normally involves an assessment exercise or task be sure it accurately reflects the core requirements of the role and be prepared to make any accommodations that would be reasonable were the person to be appointed. For example warn the candidate in advance about any physical exertion required. Allow the candidate to use their inhaler before they begin the task and provide some time to warm-up.

• Be aware that stress is a common trigger for asthma attacks – be prepared to allow the candidate a break if the interview or assessment exercise causes them to experience asthma symptoms. Remember that this is not any indication they will continue to experience frequent attacks if offered the post.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017




Faisal’s line manager, Mohammed is aware that he has asthma. During his induction, Mohammed asks Faisal if he requires any particular support from him. Faisal tells Mohammed that his condition is exacerbated by dusty conditions and so Mohammed decides to remind all employees to keep their desks tidy so that the cleaner can clean them thoroughly at the end of each day.

Case Study 1

Faisal has recently started a new job as a data processor at an accountancy company.

Faisal has had asthma since he was born and uses an inhaler to relieve his symptoms.

Faisal’s symptoms get worse in dusty environments, which can cause him to feel short of breath.

Faisal also explains that he occasionally experiences asthma attacks and that it will be helpful for colleagues to be aware of this and to know what to do if he experiences an attack in the office. Mohammed agrees to notify the team and also introduces Faisal to the two members of staff in the office who are trained in first aid so that they can also understand how to best support him.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017



Once someone has been offered a job, you may need to put in accommodations to ensure they can perform to their highest capability. Start getting the accommodations in place as soon as practicable after you have made an appointment – it may take time. Consult the individual and make sure that the employee’s manager or supervisor understands the agreed accommodations.

Build in regular reviews of accommodations, for example at the end of the probationary period, in supervision sessions and appraisals to ensure that the accommodations are still effective. Creating a written accommodation agreement is a good way of recording and reviewing accommodations.

Ensure that you take the same approach to accommodations when an employee with asthma applies for promotion, again not making assumptions about what the employee can or cannot do.

Induction and training

Disability awareness and the need to make accommodations should be embedded in all policies, e.g. policies on sickness, training, and appraisals. New recruits should be made aware of these policies during the induction procedure. It is important that your standard

induction and training program is accessible, so that an employee with asthma has the same information about, for example, the companies health and safety procedures:

• Allow flexibility for induction and training activities and take care to ensure induction and orientation activities are held in accessible venues with minimum exposure to the candidate’s known asthma triggers.

• Ensure employees with asthma have equal access to further in-house and external training, meetings and career development opportunities.

• Ensure all employees are alert to the warning signs of occupational asthma.


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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


Working arrangements to retain employees

Many people with asthma will need few if any accommodations in the workplace. In most cases the only reasonable accommodation required is an increased understanding of asthma by those in the workplace.

It is very important to involve the individual concerned when considering making any reasonable accommodations. Consider when you are assessing the need for accommodations:

• Is the individual’s asthma well controlled?• What are the frequency and duration of asthma attacks?• Is there any specific care that should be given either during or after an asthma

attack?• What symptoms are associated with the individual’s asthma? For example,

coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, fatigue, dizziness, etc.• How is the individual’s ability to do their job affected by asthma? For example, high

sickness absence, reduced ability to concentrate, inability to be in a particular work environment.

• What are the known triggers that exacerbate the individual’s condition?• How can these known triggers be managed in the working environment?• Are there any other reasonable accommodations that will enable the individual to

do their job?

Steps to help prevent exposure to hazardous substances include:

• Assessing the risks and deciding what precautions are needed.• Preventing exposure.• If possible, eliminate dangerous substances from the workplace, change the process

or activity so that the hazardous substance is no longer required or generated; or replace the hazardous substance with a safe alternative.

• Adequately control exposure. If it is not possible to eliminate a hazardous substance take measures to reduce an employee’s exposure to it, by providing ventilation or removing the employee from contact with the hazard.

• Monitor the effectiveness of your systems to prevent or control exposure.• Have regular health surveillance carried out if respiratory sensitizers are necessary

to a place of work.• Provide information for employees on how to recognize the early signs of occupational


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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


Nada was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 9, it was caused by hay fever and dust allergies. As Nada got older, her asthma is also triggered by anxiety and stress.

When Nada starts her new job as an administrator at a school, she informs her manager Sana about her condition.



Case Study 2

Together, Sana and Nada identify a number of accommodations to help her overcome the difficulty relating to her asthma, including:

Allowing Nada to work from home on days where the pollen count is high.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


Managing workplace triggers

Once you have identified the triggers that aggravate an employee’s asthma you can take steps to manage the premises and environment to prevent or reduce the employee’s contact with them.

Identifying and managing environmental triggers can be challenging and the effectiveness of solutions will vary according to the number of triggers, the severity of the asthma, the nature of the workplace and the individual’s role.

Steps to control asthma caused by allergens, e.g. pollen, foods, dust, mould, feathers, animal fur and house-dust mites:


• Consider providing at least one access route to your premises that is free from long grass and flowers to reduce exposure to pollen for employees with hay fever and asthma.

• Provide air conditioning so that windows can be kept shut.• Do not permit the delivery of flowers to your premises, or set aside enclosed areas

where flowers can be placed.• Consider allowing employees with hayfever related asthma to work from home on

days with high pollen counts (typically mid-June and early-July) where reasonable.

Dust and moulds:

• Use a dehumidifier to dry the air as this makes it harder for house-dust mites to survive, and can prevent growth of mould and mildew.

• Do not use brooms and brushes to dry sweep as it can cause high levels of air-borne dust. Instead use an industrial vacuum cleaner that has good suction and a filtered exhaust which does not scatter dust. Wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth and clean upholstery and soft furnishings using an anti-house dust mite product.

• Where it is not possible to make changes to the whole work environment provide the employee with a partitioned workstation and ensure this is as dust free as possible.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


Feathers or animal hair:

• Restrict the presence of animals to your premises with the exception of work animals and assistance animals for people with disabilities.

• Where it is not possible to remove animals from the workplace, protect the individual from exposure to the animal by designing animal facilities with local exhaust ventilation, providing segregated work and rest stations for vulnerable employees and restricting areas where the animal can go.


• Provide information about the food ingredients in your canteen or refreshment areas. Food allergies to certain fruit, nuts, shellfish, dairy products, eggs and food colourings are often associated with asthma. Consult your employees and provide allergen free options wherever possible.

• Provide a food storage and preparation area for employees who need to bring pre-prepared food from home.

• Make sure catering for any work parties or functions has allergen-free alternatives.• Raise awareness of food allergy and food hygiene among your workforce to reduce

the risk of exposure and of cross contamination of foods.

Asthma caused by irritants in the air, e.g. dirt, tobacco smoke, gases, chemical fumes, perfumes and odours:

• Provide a well maintained ventilation system to prevent dirt and moisture accumulating. Ensure the system is not distributing pollutants throughout the worksite from locations within or outside the building.

• Have an air quality test performed by an industrial hygiene professional.• Use non-ionizer based air purification systems and extraction ventilation throughout

the building and in personal work stations.• Consider implementing a fragrance-free policy for perfumes and aftershaves

along the lines of your dress-code and restrict the use of other fragrances and air fresheners.

• Prohibit smoking near the main entrance, exits and access routes to and from your building.

• Use the low allergen/non toxic building materials, furnishings and supplies wherever possible – including cleaning products, pesticides, gardening products.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


• Minimize and control the use of known irritants and pollutants.• Store, handle and use hazardous substances with care to minimize the presence of

airborne dust or fumes, e.g. store hazardous chemicals in a fume cupboard.• Provide advance notice to the workforce of any events like painting, pesticide

application, floor waxing or carpet shampooing.• If possible have cleaning and maintenance activities conducted when the building

is not occupied to reduce employee exposure to irritants or if this is not possible offer the option of flexible working practices such as home working.

• Restrict employee access to high-risk areas and ensure employees wear personal protective clothing, e.g. gloves and overalls and take regular breaks where necessary.

Asthma caused by respiratory infections, climate and temperature:

• Monitor sickness absence related to asthma separately from non-asthma related sickness absence and consider making reasonable accommodations to attendance management systems.

• Encourage employees to protect their health and to make enquiries with their medical adviser about steps to reduce the incidence of colds and respiratory infections.

• Regulate the temperature in the workplace and try to reduce drafts.• Encourage employees to monitor ozone levels and consider allowing home working

on days when ozone levels are high.• Allow employees to wear scarves and extra clothing when working outdoors on

cold days even if this is in conflict with your dress code.

Asthma caused by over-exertion or emotional stress:

• Encourage employees to carry their reliever inhaler at all times and allow them to take their inhaler 5-10 minutes before physical activity or a test or examination takes place.

• Give employees advance notice when they will be expected to take part in tests or physical activity outside their normal duties.

• Consider reallocating minor duties that the employee finds aggravate their asthma to other members of the team.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


• Assess the employee’s route to their workstation taking into account distances to be walked and any flights of stairs to be climbed. Try to provide resting points on long routes and consider installing lifts for employees who find climbing stairs difficult to manage.

• Be alert to the risk of workplace stress and pressure for employees with asthma. For more information about managing workplace stress see the ‘mental health’ briefing.

Support the employee in managing their own condition

Asthma is a long-term condition and needs to be reviewed on an individual basis – employees should visit their doctor to review their symptoms and the medication they are taking.

Encourage employees to keep a diary of their symptoms to help identify triggers that may be aggravating their asthma in the workplace.

Be aware that employees with asthma may monitor their condition by keeping a peak flow diary measuring how quickly they can blow air out of their lungs using a piece of equipment called a peak flow meter. Encourage employees to advise you if they suspect their condition is deteriorating.

While you cannot insist that an employee with asthma gives up smoking you can offer assistance in helping employees who have made the decision to quit and need additional support.

Although exercise can be an asthma trigger, regular exercise can help with lung function and breathing – encourage employees to adopt healthy lifestyles.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


Health and Safety

Most people with asthma pose no greater risk in terms of health and safety than any other employee.

In limited circumstances, for example, where an employee is working in a high-risk environment, it may be necessary to conduct an individual risk assessment. This risk assessment will help to determine whether the individual’s asthma presents any increased risks either to themselves or others. Such assessments must always be specific to the particular individual, job-role and working environment.

All employees, including those with asthma, must know about emergency evacuation procedures. Sometimes a personal emergency evacuation plan may need to be developed for an employee whose asthma is triggered by stressful situations or exposure to smoke.

Emergency evacuation

Employers should also provide a means of escape and have related safety precautions in place to ensure the preservation of life of all employees in the event of a fire.

Employers should work with employees with a disability or health condition, including those with asthma to develop a personal plan regarding what will happen in the event of an emergency.

Considerations for persons with asthma might include:

• Use of a fire evacuation lift if one is available.• The provision of handrails to aid escape.• The option of carrying the employee down stairs if their asthma means they are

unable to walk unassisted.

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


6. Regulatory Framework in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The rights of Persons with Disabilities have been clearly stated globally in the UnitedNations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and locally in thedefinition of disability by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.

In 2008 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia signed and ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability which states the following:

Article 27

Work and employment

. 1 States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to work, on an equal basis with others; this includes the right to the opportunity to gain a living by work freely chosen or accepted in a labour market and work environment that is open, inclusive and accessible to persons with disabilities. States Parties shall safeguard and promote the realization of the right to work, including for those who acquire a disability during the course of employment, by taking appropriate steps, including through legislation, to, inter alia:

a. Prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability with regard to all matters concerning all forms of employment, including conditions of recruitment, hiring and employment, continuance of employment, career advancement and safe and healthy working conditions;

A. Global

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b. Protect the rights of persons with disabilities, on an equal basis with others, to just and favourable conditions of work, including equal opportunities and equal remuneration for work of equal value, safe and healthy working conditions, including protection from harassment, and the redress of grievances;

c. Ensure that persons with disabilities are able to exercise their labour and trade union rights on an equal basis with others;

d. Enable persons with disabilities to have effective access to general technical and vocational guidance programs, placement services and vocational and continuing training;

e. Promote employment opportunities and career advancement for persons with disabilities in the labour market, as well as assistance in finding, obtaining, maintaining and returning to employment;

f. Promote opportunities for self-employment, entrepreneurship, the development of cooperatives and starting one’s own business;

g. Employ persons with disabilities in the public sector;h. Promote the employment of persons with disabilities in the private sector

through appropriate policies and measures, which may include affirmative action programs, incentives and other measures;

i. Ensure that reasonable accommodation is provided to persons with disabilities in the workplace;

j. Promote the acquisition by persons with disabilities of work experience in the open labour market;

k. Promote vocational and professional rehabilitation, job retention and return-to-work programs for persons with disabilities.

. 2 States Parties shall ensure that persons with disabilities are not held in slavery or in servitude, and are protected, on an equal basis with others, from forced or compulsory labour.

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Edition 1, April 2017


B. National

Definition of Disability by the Ministry of Labor and SocialDevelopment

Who is a person with a disability in the workplace?

The Executive Regulations to the Labor Law via Royal Decree No. 1982 specifies the definition of disability and employment and recommendations for minimal accommodations and services. The regulation defines a person with a disability as a person who has one or more of the following permanent disabilities: a visual impairment, hearing impairment, cognitive impairment, physical impairment, mobility impairment, learning disability, communication disorder, behavioral disorder, affective disorders, autism or any other disability that is substantiated by a medical diagnosis and report by entity that is authorized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development. The report should state that the person with disability requires minimal accommodations and/or services to enable him/her to perform his/her tasks and maintain the job.

For the official legal document kindly refer to the Executive Regulations of the Labor Law and its appendices (the official copy is only available in Arabic).

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Edition 1, April 2017


7. Useful Organizations

If you are an employer that is interested in recruiting talented and skilled employees including persons with disabilities the following services, organizations and companies can facilitate your business need and persons with health conditions.

p Taqat - National Labor Gateway

TAQAT the national labor gateway is a major national initiative to build the largestvirtual labor market platform in KSA across both, private and public sectors.

TAQAT’s mission is to offer and facilitate employment and training services, efficiently and effectively, to further sustain and develop the labor force.

Web. https://www.taqat.sa/web/guest/about-taqat

p HRDF Branches and Taqat Centers

Web. https://www.hrdf.org.sa/Locations

Non-HRDF services or organizations listed are not necessarily endorsed by HRDF.

p Saudi Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Society (SAAIS) The SAAIS is a charity which aims to develop scientific research and provide information in this field. It also provides translations of scientific books.

Tel. +966 11 469 1520Web. www.saais.infoEmail [email protected] Service Region Region 1

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Edition 1, April 2017


p Saudi Thoracic SocietyThe Saudi Thoracic Society (STS) is a non-profit, professional and scientific society for respiratory and critical care medicine. The STS is committed to the prevention and treatment of respiratory disease through research, education, patient care .The long-range goal of the STS is to decrease morbidity and mortality from respiratory disorders and life threatening acute illnesses in people of all ages.

Web. http://saudithoracic.com/Service Region Region 1-13

p Saudi Initiative for Asthma (SINA) To provide a comprehensive approach for asthma in Saudi Arabia. Such approach should increase the awareness and knowledge in many aspects of the disease including research, education for patients, healthcare workers and public, and creation of links between different parties interested in asthma.

Web. http://sinagroup.org/Service Region Region 1-13

p King Salman Center for Disability Research Research, lectures, programs and conferences relating to disability issues.

Tel. +966 11 488 4401Fax. +966 11 482 6164 Web. www.kscdr.org.saService Region Region 1-13

p Business Disability Network (Qaderoon)Provides guidance, advice, training and best practice to employers to recruit, retainand include employees with disabilities through inclusive work environments.

Tel. +966 11 698 6116 Web. www.qaderoon.saEmail. [email protected] Region Region 1-13

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Edition 1, April 2017


p World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)W3C is an organization created to develop and maintain standards on the internet that allows users to access pages on the web without display issues.

Web. www.w3.orgService Region International

p World Health Organization

WHO staff work with governments and other partners in more than 150 countries to ensure the highest attainable level of health for all people.

Web. http://www.who.int/en/Service Region International

p International Labour Organization’s Global Business and Disability Network

The ILO Global Business and Disability Network is a network of multinational enterprises, employer organizations, business networks and organizations representing persons with disabilities.

Web. http://www.businessanddisability.org/index.php/en/Service Region International

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Job Accommodations for Persons with Asthma

Edition 1, April 2017


8. Collaborative Partners

HRDF welcome feedback on this job accommodations guide from interested individuals, organization and employers.

Please contact HRDF Tawafuq at [email protected] with feedback and suggestions.

• Edition 2 of the guide will incorporate feedback and include the name of organizations and employers who were part of the review.

• Deadline to feedback on Edition 1 is August 1st, 2017

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