International Journal of Advanced Engineering Re search and Technology (IJAERT) Volume 2 Issue 8, November 2014, ISSN No.: 2348  8190 312 www.ijaert.org  Performance Analysis of Image Filtering Technique and Combined Approac h for Image Segmentation Shradha P. Dakhare*, Manoj B. Chandak** *Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Nagpur University W.C.E.M. Dongargaon, Nagpur, India **Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Nagpur University S.R.C.O.E.M. Nagpur, India ABSTRACT Segmentation of an image entails the division or separation of the image into regions of similar attribute. The accurate and effective algorithm for segmenting image is very useful in many fields, Many image segmentation techniques have been developed over the  past two decades for segmenti ng the images , which help for object recognition, occlusion boundary estimation within motion or stereo systems, image compression, image editing. In this project that is combined approach for segmenting the image, first we used histogram equalization to the input image, from which we get contrast enhancement output image. After that we applied median filtering which will remove noise from contrast output image. At last we applied fuzzy c-mean clustering algorithm to denoising output image, which give segmented output image. Keywords -  Histogram Equalization( HE), Median  Filter(MF), Fuzzy C Means(FC M). I. INTRODUCTION Image segmentation refers to the major step in image Processing in which the inputs are images and, outputs are the attributes extracted from those images. The goal of segmentation is typically to locate certain objects of interest which may be depicted in the image. It is one of the challenging tasks in image analysis. Segmentation is the first essential and important step of low level vision [9]. There are many application of image segmentation. For example, in a vision guided car assembly system, the Robot needs to pick up the appropriate components from the bin .For this segmentation followed by recognition is required. Its application area varies from the detection of cancerous cells to the identification of an airport f rom remote sensing data, etc. In all this area, the quality of final output depends largely on the quality of segmented output. Segmentation is the process of partitioning an image into non-intersecting regions such that each region is homogeneous and the union of no two adjacent regions is homogeneous. Formally, it can be defined as follows: If F be the set of all pixels and P() be a uniformity (homogeneity)predicate defined on groups of connected  pixels, then segmentation is a partitioning of the set F into a set of connected subsets or regions( S 1  , S 2  , · · · , S n ) such that The uniformity predicate for all regions and when is adjace nt to  Note that this defini tion is a pplicable to all type of Image s. Clustering is powerful technique that has been research in image segmentation. It is the process of organizing data objects into a set of disjoint classes called clusters. Clustering aims to analyze and organize data into groups  based on their similarity [6]. Clusterin g is an example of unsupervised classification. This paper is divided in 3 section, in first section for each input image, HE , MF and FCM are applied and compare their output on the basis of time, mean square error (MSE), peak signal noise ratio (PSNR), figure of merit (FOM) and data loss. In second section HE & FCM, HE & MF and MF & FCM are combined and compare there output . In third, combine approach. for one input image HE is applied and the output get from this HE, to the same outp ut MF is applie d and the output get from MF ,to the same output FCM is applied . The output get from this is the better segmented output. II. HISTOGRAM EQUALIZATION Histogram Equalization is a method that increases the contrast of an image by increasing the dynamic range of intensity given to pixels with the most probable intensity values. One transformation function that accomp lishes this is a cumulative distribution function. In the histogram equalization function that was used to produce the results

Performance analysis of image filtering technique and combined approach for image segmentation

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAER

Volume 2 Issue 8, November 2014, ISSN No.: 2348 – 81


Performance Analysis of Image Filtering Technique and Combined

Approach for Image Segmentation 

Shradha P. Dakhare*, Manoj B. Chandak**

*Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Nagpur UniversityW.C.E.M. Dongargaon, Nagpur, India

**Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Nagpur University

S.R.C.O.E.M. Nagpur, India

ABSTRACTSegmentation of an image entails the division orseparation of the image into regions of similar attribute.The accurate and effective algorithm for segmenting

image is very useful in many fields, Many imagesegmentation techniques have been developed over the

 past two decades for segmenting the images, which helpfor object recognition, occlusion boundary estimationwithin motion or stereo systems, image compression,

image editing.In this project that is combined approach for segmentingthe image, first we used histogram equalization to theinput image, from which we get contrast enhancement

output image. After that we applied median filtering whichwill remove noise from contrast output image. At last weapplied fuzzy c-mean clustering algorithm to denoising

output image, which give segmented output image.

Keywords -  Histogram Equalization(HE), Median Filter(MF), Fuzzy C Means(FCM). 


Image segmentation refers to the major step in image

Processing in which the inputs are images and, outputs arethe attributes extracted from those images. The goal ofsegmentation is typically to locate certain objects ofinterest which may be depicted in the image. It is one ofthe challenging tasks in image analysis.

Segmentation is the first essential and important step oflow level vision [9]. There are many application of imagesegmentation. For example, in a vision guided car

assembly system, the Robot needs to pick up theappropriate components from the bin .For thissegmentation followed by recognition is required. Itsapplication area varies from the detection of cancerouscells to the identification of an airport from remote sensing

data, etc. In all this area, the quality of final outputdepends largely on the quality of segmented output.

Segmentation is the process of partitioning an image innon-intersecting regions such that each region homogeneous and the union of no two adjacent regions

homogeneous. Formally, it can be defined as follows:If F be the set of all pixels and P() be a uniformi

(homogeneity)predicate defined on groups of connect pixels, then segmentation is a partitioning of the set F ina set of connected subsets or regions(S 1 , S 2 , · · · , S n) su


The uniformity predicate for all regio

and when is adjacent to

 Note that this definition is applicable to all type of Image

Clustering is powerful technique that has been research image segmentation. It is the process of organizing daobjects into a set of disjoint classes called clusterClustering aims to analyze and organize data into grou

 based on their similarity [6]. Clustering is an example unsupervised classification. This paper is divided in section, in first section for each input image, HE , MF anFCM are applied and compare their output on the basis time, mean square error (MSE), peak signal noise rat(PSNR), figure of merit (FOM) and data loss. In secon

section HE & FCM, HE & MF and MF & FCM acombined and compare there output.  In third, combiapproach. for one input image HE is applied and toutput get from this HE, to the same output MF is appliand the output get from MF ,to the same output FCM

applied . The output get from this is the better segment



Histogram Equalization is a method that increases th

contrast of an image by increasing the dynamic range intensity given to pixels with the most probable intensi

values. One transformation function that accomplishes this a cumulative distribution function. In the histograequalization function that was used to produce the resu

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAER

Volume 2 Issue 8, November 2014, ISSN No.: 2348 –  81


shown in this report, the transformation is scaled such that

the least intense value in the original image is mapped to azero intensity value in the equalized image. As well, themost intense value in the original image is mapped to anintensity value that is equal to the maximum intensity

value determined by the bit depth of the image.

a)Normal HE b)Adaptive HE

Fig. 2.1 This is an image of brain Tumor. Histogramequalization increases the contrast of image in the image

a) is normal Histogram Equalization and b)is Adaptive

Histogram Equalization



AHE is a computer image processing technique used toimprove contrast in images. It differs from ordinaryhistogram equalization in the respect that the adaptive

method computes several  histograms,  each correspondingto a distinct section of the image, and uses them to

redistribute the lightness values of the image. It istherefore suitable for improving the local contrast of animage and bringing out more detail. However, AHE has a

tendency to over amplify noise in relatively homogeneousregions of an image. Ordinary histogram equalization uses

the same transformation derived from the image histogramto transform all pixels. This works well when the

distribution of pixel values is similar throughout the image[10].


Median filtering is one kind of smoothing technique, as linear Gaussian filtering. All smoothing techniques aeffective at removing noise in smooth patches or smooregions of a signal, but adversely affect edges. Oft

though, at the same time as reducing the noise in a signait is important to preserve the edges. Edges are of criticimportance to the visual appearance of images. For smato moderate levels of (Gaussian) noise, the median filter demonstrably better than Gaussian blur at removing noiwhilst preserving edges for a given, fixed window siz

However, its performance is not that much better thGaussian blur for high levels of noise, whereas, fspeckle noise and salt and pepper noise (impulsive noise

it is particularly effective. Because of this, median filterinis very widely used in digital image processing.

Fig. 3.1 Original Image is image of brain tumor havinnoise and Filter image is noise removed image by Media



In fuzzy clustering (also referred to as soft clusteringdata elements can belong to more than one cluster, an

associated with each element is a set of membershlevels. These indicate the strength of the associatio

 between that data element and a particular cluster [4

Fuzzy clustering is a process of assigning themembership levels, and then using them to assign da

elements to one or more clusters. One of the most wideused fuzzy clustering algorithms is the Fuzzy C-Mea

(FCM) Algorithm (Bezdek 1981).In the FCM approach, the same given datum does n belong exclusively to a well-defined cluster, but it can

 placed in a middle way as shown in the diagram below. this case, the membership function follows a smoother lito indicate that every datum may belong to several clustewith different values of the membership coefficient [5].

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAER

Volume 2 Issue 8, November 2014, ISSN No.: 2348 – 81


Fig. 4.1 Membership function of fuzzy clustering


Step1. Choose a number of clusters in a given image.Step2. Assign randomly to each point coefficients for

 being in a cluster.Step3. Repeat until convergence criterion is met.

Step4. Compute the center of each cluster.Step5.For each point, compute its coefficients of being inthe cluster [4-5].

Fig.4.2 Shows the image segmented by C means algorithm


In this for one input image HE is applied and the outputget from this HE, to the same output MF is applied and theoutput get from MF, to the same output FCM is applied.

The output get from this is the better segmented output.

Histogram EqualizationInput Image




Median Filter

Fuzzy C-means



Output image


Output image

Fig. 5.1 Working of combined approach

Figure 5.2: show the image formed by combin


Fig. 5.2 this shows, combine output of all techniques.


  By combining HE & FCM, data loss is improved.

  By combining HE and MF none of the factor improved

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Technology (IJAER

Volume 2 Issue 8, November 2014, ISSN No.: 2348 –  81


  By combining MF & FCM none of the factor is


  By combined approach accuracy is improved.


CONCLUSIONThe techniques are developed in MATLAB lab for

analysis and comparisons. Combined approach produces

fairly higher accuracy as compare to FCM. The future

scope of combined approach is to decrease the

computation time and increase a PSNR, which generally

indicates that the reconstruction is of higher quality.


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