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    Q.1. What is a Official Communication?

    The purpose of Official communication is to get your message across to others clearly and

    unambiguously in a formal way

    In fact, Official communication is only successful when both the sender and the receiver

    understand the same information as a result of the communication.

    By successfully getting your message across, you convey your thoughts and ideas effectively. When not

    successful, the thoughts and ideas that you convey do not necessarily reflect your own, causing a Official

    communications breakdown and creating roadblocks that stand in the way of your goals both

    personally and professionally

    Official communication is a two way communication and always follows feed back process.

    Q.2. How do we use communication personally as well as Officially/ Professionally?

    Official and personal communication is managed through a combination of technology and

    personality. Tools make it possible to communicate rapidly, but listening to what is said is essential in

    making the communication meaningful and successful. Set parameters for answering phones and

    sending emails to have room for strategic thinking and planning. Use tools and interpersonal strategies

    to manage strategically and avoid reacting to immediate requests.

    Personal communication is a key skill for personal and professional relationships. What you sayand what you don't say both carry a lot of weight in communication. Having effective Personal

    communication means that you use both of these forms to your advantage and remain aware of your

    behavior throughout a conversation.

    When it comes to communicating person to person, your career and relationships can be

    negatively impacted if you don't know how to interact. Poor personal communication can lead to hurt

    feelings and driving others away. Developing a plan to improve your personal communication can allow

    you to be more successful in your career and relationships. You can bring others closer to you and find a

    greater sense of connection with those around you. Follow these simple steps to improve your personal


    Success in many areas of life depends on personal communication skills. You need

    communication skills for survival in academic settings, to foster personal and professional relationshipsand for conducting simple transactions like buying groceries and school supplies. If you're trying to

    improve your personal communication skills to get ahead at work, you can coach yourself without

    anyone's help. Observe yourself speaking in the mirror, and improve your posture, body language, tone

    of voice and facial expressions accordingly.

    Q3.What is the importance of Official Communication in professional Setups?

    A good or effective communication skill doesn't just mean verbal skills on the part of the social worker.

    A client may have trouble communicating their problem. In situations like these social workers need to

    make use of their official communication skills to build up confidence in the subject and help them to

    communicate their problem.So it's important for social workers to develop verbal as well as different

    kinds of non-verbal official communication skills by practicing them frequently as well as increasing their

    interpersonal interaction with their subject. For instance, social workers need not just communicate

    with their subject while providing a solution but also otherwise--to help incorporate a friendship.

    Similarly, while dealing with fundraisers or officials from other organizations--the social worker should

    keep interpersonal relationships going, for instance, by just sending seasons greetings on various


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    Communication Between Management and Employees

    In order for an organization to ensure that goals are being accomplished to the best of the

    group's ability, there must be solid communication between the management and employees involved.

    This occurs on three levels. Initially, management should always make their expectations incredibly

    clear. The more specific management is in their communication with employees, the more likely the

    work turned out will be what is needed for the organization to continue to progress. Second, it is critical

    that management be as transparent as possible with their employees. By keeping employees in the loop

    about what is happening to the company as a whole, management has the ability to keep rumors at bay,

    which can help keep employees confident about their employment and loyal to the organization as a

    whole. Finally, communication between management and employees can help the management better

    address concerns the employees may have, once again reassuring the staff and helping management to

    remedy potential problems facing the organization.

    Communication Approach:

    There are three type of approach which is used for good and efficient communication.

    1. Arrow Approach2. Circuit Approach3. Dance Approach

    Arrow Approach

    A very simple and straight forward Approach. Communication Process is seen in a one way process. There is no need of feedback. If message encoded correctly it is enough effective for good result.

    The arrow approach was the name given to the one-way communication model of approach i.e. from

    transmitter to receiver. This classical model of the process of communication was developed in 1949 byEngineer Claude Shannon. This model of approach starts from the presumption that as long as the

    information and decisions transmitted were formulated clearly and in a language that is sufficient to

    those it is addressed to, then the receptors feedback is not considered necessary. This idea is based on

    the belief that if the message for the transmitter is clear, it must also be equally clear for the receiver

    who will act in accordance with the context of the received message.

    Circuit Approach

    Communication circle. unlike Arrow approach feedback is very important. Individual Preferring this approach .

    Emphasis is said on the dynamics of communication. Unlike the arrow approach, the circuit communication model in all cases supposes the existence

    of the receptors reaction to the message. this model regard the person receiving the message

    as a proactive receptor and takes into account the fact that the receiver decodes and interprets

    the message based on their own system of values and the context in which she/he acts. The

    arrow approach can be considered defective and incomplete as it ignores the receptor which

    only serves to generate problems .

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    Dance Approach

    People have to cooper and decipher each other to get in the same wave length and position People dance for a wide variety of reasons: to entertain, inform, persuade, incite, and even

    seduce. Some dance as a form of self-expression, whereas others dance for the audiences

    entertainment. The same can be said of communication.

    Importance of Organizational Communication life blood for organization

    Task-1: List elements of communication and give an example of violation of each element and the result

    of this violation.

    Elements of communication

    CONTEXT:Technically mismatch the thing from one another, like If normal Person involved in teaching

    profession, it technically mismatch the situation.

    Violation and its result:

    Person belongs to English Literature Field and giving Lecture On Electronics. In this Case such Person

    would not be able to Give lecture on a field of which he knows nothing. This would result in Zero

    Transfer of knowledge of the particular field.

    SENDER - ENCODER:The sender-receiver method of communication is one of the most important because it is the basic

    concept of a conversation. That basic concept is someone talks and another person listens. The sender isthe person that is talking at the time and the receiver is the person that is listening. I use this element of

    communication every day. I have friends on campus and I talk to them all the time and when we talk, we

    usually both have thoughts and opinions we wish to share with one another so we both are sending and

    receiving messages using the sender-receiver element of communication.

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    Violation and its result:

    Sender's Speech is boring and he is doing lot of mistakes. It would Result in Change in Mood of

    audience and they would merely pass there time.

    MESSAGE:The next element of communication is the message. The message is basically what the sender is

    saying. Messages do not have to be verbal. A message can be sent in all forms of communicating:

    verbally, written, or using signs. I also send messages every day and in each of those forms as well. Every

    day I find myself talking to someone, testing someone, or just nodding my head at someone. So Im

    basically sending messages to people all day every day

    Violation and its result:

    If there is no Body movement and lack of gestures. Speaker wont get the attention of audience in

    proper way.


    .The Channel is the medium of the communication. The medium is basically how a message is received.

    We all use medium in communicating every day. For instance I use the medium of sight when I dress or

    the medium of touch when I shake someones hand. There is medium for every type of communication

    one can do.

    Violation and its result:

    Noisy Environment . Speaker Wont be able to pass his messege to the audience.

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    The Receiver is the party receiving the communication. The party uses the channel to get the

    communication from the transmitter. A receiver can be a television set, a computer, or a piece of paper

    depending on the channel used for the communication.

    Decoding is the process where the message is interpreted for its content. It also means the receiver

    thinks about the message's content and internalizes the message. This step of the process is where the

    receiver compares the message to prior experiences or external stimuli.

    Violation and its result: No attention of audience. If there is No Any attention of audience then

    speech of speaker is worthless.


    Feedback is the final step in the communications process. This step conveys to the transmitter that the

    message is understood by the receiver. The receiver formats an appropriate reply to the first

    communication based on the channel and sends it to the transmitter of the original message.

    Violation and its result:

    If Questions are not raised by audience. It means the message has not been conveyed properly to the

    audience, and they are just poker faces.

    How is communication the life blood of an organization?


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    because nothing would get done if people did not communicate

    1. Write the way you speak

    Take a look at your letters and memos. Do they sound like you or someone else? Effective business

    communications don't need to be formal and stuffy to communicate effectively. In fact, most readers

    understand what youre saying much more easily when you use a normal, conversational tone.

    2. Take a positive approach

    When readers are confronted by a negative message, they become blocked on an emotional level and

    often cannot fully absorb the entire message. So no matter what the message even if it isn't what the

    reader was hoping to receive deliver the message using a positive tone and a positive approach.

    3. Tell your readers whats in it for them

    If you really want to reach your readers, tell them how they will benefit from the message you are

    communicating. Tell them what they stand to gain.

    4. Write at the readers level

    So you have a masters in psychology. Big deal. Most of your readers wont. And you wont impress them

    with big words. You will only confuse them. A business communication is written to communicate. To do

    that effectively, your readers must understand the message you are sending, so be sure to use words

    your readers will understand.

    5. Never send a business communication when you are angry

    Its okay to be angry. But communications written when you are still angry tend to be accusatory orcondemning in tone. Little things can slip into your writing that you wouldn't normally allow, putting up

    walls between you and your reader or fostering ill will. In business, its never wise to totally burn your

    bridges. So wait until you calm down before you send off that message and then choose your words


    6. Anticipate questions

    As you are writing a communication, try to anticipate what questions, if any, your reader will have. Then

    answer them right away. Your reader will benefit from being informed up-front and you will save on

    additional correspondence or communications to answer those questions later.

    7. Be careful with acronyms and technical language

    Common acronyms, words, and phrases within your specific industry may seem like everyday language

    to you. But what about your readers? If you are writing to a colleague in the same field, it may be

    acceptable to use industry jargon. But if you are writing to someone and you are not certain what their

    level of understanding is, spell it out in clear terms everyone can understand.

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    8. Remember that longer is not necessarily better.

    If you can say what you want to say in three paragraphs, why write five? Extra text does not necessarily

    enhance the message. Sometimes it just buries it and bores the reader. Tighten up your text. Make each

    word count. Every sentence should convey something meaningful.

    9. If you can wait an extra day before sending the communication, take advantage of that extra time.

    10. Write the communication one day, get a good nights sleep, and then proof it a final time in the

    morning when you are refreshed and ready to start a new day.

    Frequently, you will find small or subtle errors you might otherwise have missed when you were caught

    up in drafting your message.

    If you have difficulty writing effective business communications, writing at your readers level, or with

    spelling, grammar, or punctuation any aspect of the written communication process take a class to

    enhance your skills and/or enlist a good secretary or a trusted colleague to proof your communications

    before you send them.

    Writing effective business communications is a skill. It is a skill that can to some degree be learned and

    developed. Practice, practice, practice, and develop your written business communications skills today.

    Effective business writing is a transferable skill you can use in any and every profession.

    Tina L. Miller is a freelance writer who is been published in Corporate & Incentive Travel and the

    Milwaukee Business Journal. Learn how to avoid common grammar and punctuation mistakes in your

    writing with her one-on-one refresher course.


    Communication is not just an act. It is a process.

    The process of communication includes transmission if information, ideas, emotions, skills, knowledge

    by using symbols, words, pictures, figures, graphs or illustrations.

    The act of communication is referred to as transmission. It is the process of transmission that is

    generally termed as communication. Communication regulates and shapes all human behavior.

    Therefore, it is important to have a clear understanding of the concepts of communication what is

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    communication? Why

    is it important to us? How does it work? What are the elements

    in the process of communication?

    What are the different types of communication that we are engaged in? These are the questions that

    come to our mind when we study this subject


    Message should be organize in such a way than the receiver has no doubts about anything contained in

    it While answering a letter make it sure that you have answered all the questions.

    Checking for the five W question: who, what, when & why & any other essential points like how also

    helps to make your message complete.

    As you strive for completeness, keep the following guidelines in mind: Answer all questions asked.

    Give something extra, when desirable.

    Check for the five W's and any other essentials.

    CONCISENESS:A concise message saves time and expense for both sender and receiver. Conciseness is saying

    what you have to say in the fewest possible words without sacrificing the other C qualities. Conciseness

    contributes to emphasis. By eliminating unnecessary words, you help make important ideas stand out.

    To achieve conciseness try to observe the following suggestions:

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    Eliminate wordy expressions.

    Include only relevant statements.

    Avoid unnecessary repetition.

    CLARITY:Clarity means getting your message across so the receiver will understand what you are trying to

    convey. You want that person to interpret your words with the same meaning you have in mind.

    Accomplishing that goal is difficult because, as you know, individual experiences are never identical, and

    words have different meanings to different persons.

    Here are some specific ways to help make your messages clear:

    1. Choose short, familiar, conversational words.

    2. Construct effective sentences and paragraphs.

    3. Achieve appropriate readability (and listen ability).

    4. Include examples, illustrations, and other visual aids, when desirable.

    COURTESY:Courteous messages help to strengthen present business friendships, as well as make new friends.

    Courtesy stems from sincere you-attitude. It is not merely politeness with mechanical insertions of"please's" and "thank-you's." To be courteous, considerate communicators should follow these

    suggestions regarding tone of the communications.

    Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful, and appreciative.

    Omit expressions that irritate, hurt, or belittle.

    Grant and apologize good-naturedly.

    CONSIDERATION:Consideration means that you prepare every message with the recipient in mind and try to put yourself

    in his or her place. Try to visualize your readers (or listeners)with their desires, problems,circumstances, emotions, and probable reactions to your request. Then handle the matter from their

    point of view. This thoughtful consideration is also called "you-attitude," empathy, the human touch,

    and understanding of human nature. (It does not mean, however, that you should overlook the needs of

    your organization.)

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    In a broad but true sense, consideration underlies the other six C's of good business communication.

    You adapt your language and message content to your receiver's needs when you make your message

    complete, concise, concrete, clear, courteous, and correct.

    However, in four specific ways you can indicate you are considerate:

    Focus on "you" instead of "I" and "we."

    Show reader benefit or interest in reader.

    Emphasize positive, pleasant facts.

    Apply integrity and ethic.

    CONCRETENESS:The correctness principle comprises more than proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. A message

    may be perfect grammatically and mechanically but still insult or lose a customer and fail to achieve its

    purpose. The term correctness, as applied to a business message, means the writer should:

    Use the right level of language

    Include only accurate facts, words, and figures

    Maintain acceptable writing mechanics

    Choose nondiscriminatory expressions

    Apply all other pertinent C qualities.


    I want to send my congratulation ( use "You" attitude).Ans: concreteness is required in this sentences. it can be rewritten as " We want to send our


    This is a very good computer (" Make it vivid ").Ans: courtesy is required in this sentences. it can be rewritten as " This is a very good computer

    having gigahurtz processor and infinite external memory"..

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    We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter. (" Avoid trite expression").Ans: conciseness is required in this sentences. it can be rewritten as " We wish to acknowledge your


    We regret that we can not extend your payment date for more than two months.("Eliminate negative aspects").

    Ans: Consideration is required in this sentences. it can be rewritten as " We are extremely sorry to

    say you that we are not able to extend your payment date for more than two months".

    Permit me to take this opportunity to call your attention to the fact that we have brought youraccount up to date. (" Eliminate word")

    Ans: conciseness and clarity is required in this sentences. it can be rewritten as " You are to inform that

    your account is up to dated".

    ****Part 2****


    Presentation on Advertisements:

    Preparation Steps:

    1. Identify your purpose: Purpose of my presentation is to impress the audience through the message

    presented in silent videos or commercials.

    2. Analyze your audience: My audience is my classmates along with our subject teacher.

    3. Venue: I am making this presentation in our class . I will be provided the projector facility, the seating

    arrangement is also well good.

    4. Time and length: My presentation will be of max 15 minutes. It will be in morning.

    5. Method: I will make this presentation by highlighting main motive of or lesson in advertisements and

    I will explain those points. My presentation would be formal as it will be presented in front of the

    classmates of my department. I would include some visual aids also.

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    6. Content: I should mention all the important features and theme through videos.

    7. Structure: i) Introduction: I will introduce myself then I will introduce the title of my advertises. ii)

    Body of presentation: In the body, I will explain briefly my opinion and then I will give the details of what

    i'm trying to convey, how I will influence them through silent videos . iii) Conclusion: In conclusion I will

    explain that why I have chosen this among many commercials.

    1. Use Of Equipment:Overhead projector. Whiteboard. Duster. Markers. Flip chart.Notebook computer.Handouts. 35mm slide


    TASK 2: Now choose equipment and design tools that you are going to use.

    The equipments which will be required are:

    Projector.Laser beam.


    Following are the consideration:

    Nerves.Audience rapport.Body language.Cultural consideration.Voice quality.Visual aids.Audience



    You are supposed to select an advertisementsand than you are going to interpret the message.

    Here are the links given below:

    selected videos for presentation



    Simplicity And Clarity,Signposting.

    Example: Due to presence of signals, a member of the audience can now visualize your presentation like


    1. Introduction:Welcome! Explanation of structure.

    1. BodyEurope Asia Africa

    1. ConclusionSumming up RecommendationExample: Throughout your presentation, put up the signposts telling them which point you have

    reached and where you are going now.

    when you finish Europe and want to start Asia, you must say:

    That's all I have to say about Europe. Lets turn now to Asia.

    When you have finished Africa and want to sum up, you might say:

    Well, wevelooked at the three continents, Europe, Asia, Africa. I'd like to sum up now.
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    And when you finish summing up and want to give recommendations, you might say:

    What does all this mean for us? Well first I recommend

    More Examples: Here are some useful expressions to signpost the various parts of your presentation.

    Introducing the subject:

    I'd like to start by........ Let's begin with........ First of all,I'll............

    Finishing a subject:

    Well,I've told you about....... That's all I have to say about......... We've looked at........

    Starting another subject:

    Now we'll move on to........ Let me turn now to........ Next.......

    Analyzing a point and giving recommendations:

    Where does that lead us? Let's consider this in more detail........ What does this mean for ABC?

    Giving examples:

    For example....... A good example of this is...... As an illustration........

    Written Communication:

    Planning Steps:

    To identify your purpose. Defer the message. Analyze your audience. Choose your ideas. Collect your

    data. Organize your message.

    Basic Organizational Plans:

    Direct (Deductive) Approach. Indirect (Inductive) Approach.

    TASK 1:

    You have been asked to draft a letter of complaint to a company which provided you some electronicitems.

    List each step and write down how you would use it for this situation.

    Production manager, We have been in collaboration with you for many years. It has been a great

    experience for us. We ordered some electronic items including some Laptops and some other appliances

    but there is problem in some of the computers like display flickering ,heating up quickly. We are not

    satisfied this time, so we are sending back those computers which have got problem. Check them and

    after repairing send the computers back to us.


    Composing The Message Standard and optional parts of business letter Remember three things:

    Format Style Tone

    Layout of business letters:

    Full block. Semi block AMS (American manual standard)

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    Full block format of the letter

    TASK # 1: Write a letter on a situation given to you by the resource person. Possible situation to write

    letter on:

    Complaint about students behavior.Request for leave.Congratulating your boss/senior.

    1. Complaint about students behavior.15-April-2013

    Mehranuniversity of engineering and technology, Jamshoro, Sindh.

    The Chairperson, Mehranuniversity of engineering and technology, Jamshoro, Sindh.

    Subject: Complaint about students behavior.

    Respected Madam, We, the students of 10ES, are writing this letter for the complain of some students

    of our class having roll numbers 10ESx, 10ESy, 10ESz. They always disturb us during class and dont let us

    study. They tease us and also laugh at us, sometimes they start fighting with us on silly things. Kindly

    help us out with these students. 10ESa, 10ESb, 10ESc, 10ESd.

    2. Request for leave.21-April-2013

    H#A-55 GOR Colony Karachi Sindh

    The Head officer, EFU life assurance limited, Karachi, Sindh.

    Subject: Request for leave.

    Respected Sir, It is stated that I am suffering from fever since last night and I am unable to come office.

    Kindly grant me three days leave so that I should get well and be able to join office again. I shall remain

    thankful to you for your act of kindness. ABCD

    3.Congratulating your boss/senior.21-April-2013

    H#A-55 GOR Colony Karachi Sindh

    The President, EFU life assurance limited, Karachi, Sindh.

    Subject: Congratulating boss.

    Respected Sir, I have come to know that you have got promotion to 20th grade, that is really a good

    news. We, the employers of your office, heartily congratulate you for your success. May you get more

    success in for carrier.Employers of EFU.

    TASK 2: Separate the following letter parts as standard or optional

    Senders address Date line Inside address Reference number Salutation Subject line Body of letter

    Complementary close Signature box Enclosure Carbon copy Post script

    Standard: Date line Senders address Inside address SalutationSignature box Body of Letter.

    Optional: Carbon copy Body of letter Post script Complementary close Subject line EnclosureReference


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    SESSION 7:

    Objectives of the session:

    Understand various types of letters. Understand the purpose and structure of different types of official

    letters. Identify Various types and openings and closings of different letters. Draft letters for various

    purposes with standard format and languages. Critically evaluate an official letter.

    Basics of business letters:

    The start The reference The reason of writing Requesting Agreeing to request


    Memos Parts of memo:

    Opening segment Summary segment Discussion segment Closing segment

    Writing Memo:

    1. General memo:i) Main idea ii) Explanation iii) Decisions/action iv) Closing

    1. Warning memo:i) Main idea ii) Detail/background iii) Decision taken

    1. Bad news memo:i) Buffer ii) Explanation iii) Decision

    TASK 1:

    Write down a memo warning all your subordinates for late coming to office Draft a memo informing all

    the members of your staff about the change in office timing. The new time is 9am to 6pm.

    ANS: It has been observed for many days that you are not punctual. It is to warn you that if this

    happened again then you would have to pay the penalty, either your salary will be deducted or you

    would not get the bonus. So be on time now onwards. It is to inform you all that the office timing have

    been changed. The new timings is from 9am to 6pm instead of 9am to 4pm, so be on time.

    Report Writing:


    Report writing

    What is Report?

    Defined as a document in which a given problem is explained for the purpose of conveying information,

    reporting, findings, putting ideas and sometimes making recommendations.

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    Types of report:

    1. On the basis of frequency:i) Daily report ii) Weekly report iii) Monthly or biannual report iv) At different stages of work v) Required


    1. On the basis of format:i) Formal report ii) Informal report (memo report, letter report) iii) Performa report

    1. On the basis of contents:i) Information report ii) Progress report iii) Justification report iv) Analytical report v) To-file report

    1. Structure of a formal report:i) Front matter ii) Main body iii) End matter

    Writing short reports:

    No fixed structure but one may follow the following:

    Introduction/background/reference Methodology/procedure Findings/observation/results/outcome

    Discussion if needed

    Stages In Writing Report:

    The four stage method in report writing:

    Stage I: Preparation of report.

    Stage II: Arrangement of report.

    Stage III: Writing of report.

    Stage IV: Revision of report.

    Stage I: Preparation of report.

    Your purpose Your reader Your material

    Stage II: Arrangement of report.

    Write down your purpose in one terse sentence. Consider your collected facts and ideas. Review any

    main division critically and revise them if necessary. Decide the order in which you will present the main

    divisions. Within each division, arrange your material in an order which your reader will easily follow.

    Make sure your conclusion or recommendations square with your facts. Review your title and section

    headings critically. Consider what use you can make of illustrations to supplement or replace words.

    Consider whether you can lift any factual details out of the main divisions and place them in appendices.

    Stage III: Writing the report.

    Report style Arrangement of contents Illustrations Introduction The main section of report The

    conclusion List of references

    A last word on the report writing techniques:A paragraph should convey a single idea. Sentences should not be too long. The average sentence length

    should not exceed 20 words. Write in active voice (direct speech). Eliminate jargon.

    Stage iv: Revision.

    Make a cursory examination of your draft as a whole.

    Consider the title , table of contents , introduction and conclusion in realtion to one another.

    Examine the text in detail

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    Read a text aloud to yourself.

    Check your illustrations

    If possible , submit your draft report

    Task 1:

    You have been asked to submit and prepare a report on the reasons for declining the morale of the staff

    working in interior Sindh.


    Looking at the working staff in the interior Sindh, we can say for sure Satan has his sights on the Sindh


    Morale of the working staff is declining day by day in interior Sindh for many reasons, and we have to

    find the reasons and need to eradicate them as soon as possible so that our Sindh province could get out

    of the moral decline.

    First what we need is a strong political leader to do something to get us out of the moral slump that

    we're in.

    Some of the reasons of this morale decline is that the working staff in interior never get appreciated,

    they are never given free perk such as free lunches, bonuses and casual Fridays etc. The working

    environment greatly effects the morale of the working staff. Bribery is very much common in interior

    Sindh, which is the one main reason or morale decline .

    Like these there could be a list of such reasons which are responsible for the morale decline of working

    staff of interior Sindh.

    And its our first obligation to work on them, so that our Sindh can progress as fast as other provinces are

    progressing and growing.