FORTY-§IX - TH YEAS, : 2' " ' 41 lir• dirt 6t* AL NOTIOIeRaMbe I asenot 11plotolod 1 7.26, "" . 60.4, at 4O ems par Ume,, alagis Warms ; 1tu......t. ` l2lloo k ...TT saireiseas isserdea: 1, i3eNikAN "Boe icedites Prin- .ters And Binders. 0. Centre auvwc reflat llte. Fn. Plittexo',.?otirttai. St fORDAir, A.PI9L 16,,1870., - Trig MINEIVI: JOCItNAL Is issued every tiattintal , mo rning, and furnithed to sunserihers at gl 75 per annum, in: ' advance. or Itl if not pain in ado: n cr.trs strascrapriovrsisvenitst.f ZNADITA.NaIt: S -Coess tootle andr . eat.c 03 pr. Cotits to one &Wrest, PD tiOf t 3 al 15 - " To News Dealers $ 00 per 103 .Coplloo.o lllo . -f Tcitlilnistera snot fielsool.. Tim/tura .we Jononssli_OT mail, at 111 40 per annum, to ad v an ce: olher•-: .geld at fall rates ,oow . •• . l' TIM DAILY" 31.1:NsDIS .101 DINA 1. Is published : aveil , leeer4t3 Lnnerling. Saturdays eseepted. TER Teo cents per enzeic;psystite to the carrier og, melt or whom It Is s*ry ed. . MAIL-zPayable In tce uivan, one ye:tr. VI. Or i; ui ,Flooths,r. 74; three months, f 4 :A. - i DAILY AND WEERIA" NLNE.II.S* JOUL.S Ai. e 7 54Pee: =hum, In advance; 41 ta) for six giolltila-- , . ! MOLNAR . & RAMSEY. PobSshert. ~: THE MINEIIk AND . t.TM. ' HL ACT to !theorponqe the 'Miners!' 1 - i asylum: of *t.htivlitill ,P. 31.t. , 4 a m, . 2 - •.cl . ..r - - County; ica.4 i iass.ed, as-our readers are au arci : at the hest session _Of . the Legislatur,e. \Wq - !lose already published. tfje Act as it passed' the teg,loature, baCwe n'tay rcetipittilateti . .- feu' 'Uf the leading';'provisions: . It provide 4 - 'rot the erection at some location -- ; :ikt the County easy of aeitess from all partis of the mining iegion, of a.H.n - sPital tun! A'Syl-pm fol.. the care; treatmeni ,;- 'eure and - relief, Oft or' charge, - pf. all residents of the -County wh? are injured in mined, dr on'railroadsor ~, t nulS, or who mac-beeome permanently di ' bled.by rea.son of in;uries so received. -also prOvidegthat the trust6es shall constt:: tote the board of managers, fi llet-1# In nunk- . tier, to be:elected as follows:—three by the ... 1-Inrough Council of the . Borough of 'Pott4- yille t and one mat, by. the respective boll.- ough councils Of tire. borolghs of tit: Claif, Ashland, Ilfrit Carbon, Mithanoy City, Ta 7 maqua,l Tremont, .tchuylkill 'llliven, $l4- nandoah City, Nlinersville,(irardVille, New Philadelphia and 'lnce - rove; To provide in,qna for the purantse of ground 'and emi t .: lion: OP the necessary building; and the mailitenonee and t...t(10N...-a(ent of the Insti- tution, ,ft tax of one cent is to he imposed .on every t-iii of col Mined in the County, , and 'transported ever any. Oti (lie railroads, the collectors to colleet the tax monthly. 'Tate', owners of the vital are atith.orizeil to . ehartte I the sane upon the coal to the purchasers, in addition. to the. contract price for which it , 1 AVa..l sold. ' . .. , .! . ' Thee are itielluainl provistons of the AOL. _ In the course Of a weAThr two we will i f e- : .publish the bill; anti strike it off.in pamphret form so that all can understand the:questi4n "fully and he Prpared to act : when the 1# goes into full . operation; which will ,be oni. the lstof J anuary next.: . 'l On the 'score of lthinanitY to a class' of 11+i' ,_.... who - are engaged' ire= an. occupation molt than ordinatllly .perilous, and in which, un- _questionably; there are more fatal 'accideti lis and miire . en permanently injured - than in -any other occupation - we can, natne, 7 thqe should:be no trouble ., in collecting the small said hauled in the 1.011. .‘lt"c can hardly lie- iieve thatanyltir.claiter abroad would object -to the assessment for the purisise'eontem-.' -Aided. One objection we have heard is, that it will be-ask.ssed - litre and not in the other regions. 'Ant this . will te removed. •sliOrt IS', for at the (101111111; session of the 4g- , islature, hills proViding 'tor similar institu- ' tions in the 'other anthracite eoili re i Ili t., kJ I Will be introduced-, and will withoutdonbt be adopted, SI , that as- far as this tax isecin- - cerne4.all the. regiott,i promise s - 6;-fr-ty island on the - same footing. - . I 4 i 1 We trust therefore, that.the'=differeat 4 sec- tions of the County interested .in the (*nib- . lislunelit of this institution, will take steps at an early day to prepare for plitting_thelk into active Operatiini. 'Let the trustees Is; seleetesl; lit them organize; k-t 'don:Akns lie,-oeeived from' tl lose N;ho having the meatis -.Would desire to _contribute to theendowin4ut ..,...of the Hospital. We lielieve.fhitt hen tl. 4 '! . ,matter is. thorongl/13. understood aN apore- . eintgd„ there wIll•be no trouble in proenting abundant means to put the Hospital and .: ' Asylum into . efficient operation. PheY.have: for molly years been absolutely :neededi-tin, -. the regbm,and their es-taldishnient has been': tlelayoli too long-for the credit of `humanity. Mitch Sympathy has been- exprei.sed for the i liner in his dangerous avocation; and when a catastrophe takes plai'a! like that' at Avon ,: dale, with its, teuntlred corpesand larger number of -,withm4rilanitorphans, the country iS korrOrrstlyeken. Altruist daily during the acti,ve coal tinning seasi .in, accidents hapfien, 'in which life or liiii'.l is lost, I-olated, they do -n ' Ot attraot attention 'like the 'dreadful' I occurrence referred to, but muCh suffering and inisery are still - eonsequent upon them, whielka good Hospital and Asylum are pal-' culated to relieve. Let synipathyle directed- praeyeally to 111(.1r establislinient,l'and a too l-mg ;neglected-duty will have 'been !dis-' einirged. ,• " llli T't I Rif .1 . , ri 7riK,Taritl..lpill . i. 4 drag.gitig itsSlowlength ..I_--' rise iii - the House. , tirfacti the whole . e,titist.i' of legishition. at this :scssiOn of ‘.'on.-: gres•dia•Aluggisli, and it lookS tiOw'LLS ',it it w0uei.,..,1 ,De prolonged iiitb the month of July. 0:t Ifie tra ri ft' bi II but foil ileen ! piiges out of 'firt3 ., fizz 'e been acted tf -pioi /bit t much of the ' stiiw i progress is dileto the Denmeratic meta- beht who are fighting the:Protect:lye feaOreS foot by foot.. Then. , are hot more: than' three . and ve think that there are onlytivo Detno- ,7. , -cratzt in the House who ff ivor 'Protection. SeOl r year o•hers (•o iip.lled by the incsSitie ii their districts, go in for protectinn lin Stnples wolio. ,exby [licit. c•mitituen:S ., a species of tilfi,ilings wit icli is Mori , to ,be'eondeinned thfinieven the advoc -icy qfyrecTi-ade, fair it is eilealated to bring discredit Ant 'the advo-':, caeyiul the co:Tut- Ft grin iple of Proteltion for all produccr-iiTtlie eountrY; - which prim., e pie we. ad voctay. i Po: I u3tatiee, the !Dm: M I,Voila.L.l of Pcunsylvinia, ativoeates the special ProtectiOn of coal,iiit iron, With tio thou);ht for other interests'that need pro; ectian jitii . a; inae'a. It is the exclusive," selfish advocacy- of Pennsylvanian indmitilal intes:ests.by• Democratic metuber of Congrew froirrAis State„which has dobe - muttti . to datriag&ithe4ohl'yof Protection; by -digtis-• Aug ilid:se who witness men singling out one itire 4 Ihr. -protei,7thln to: the. eXelusion , of all ,others. `I& would lie 'far better if ,thescinien W,3re . out-and-out i uncompromising : I Free, I . Traders, tilan to net tin this , way and excite prejntlic . against4he policy and:mixt-3*e. . We It lowthat anthracite coal Would be. ti bmetl e(fil the dilly should ,be taken off of blunt hums coal, `for it would retard th im- provemeh,ts in the bituminous region' ne- eessartti keep up •a supply of &all, and /i, prices - would advance, in' which •iiilvan c•alt- . qtracite would.participate largely. - It . - Ould be a good thkng for our local busines4, lint we believe In a ditrerentl. polley. We bidieve in, fo,tering the bitunaiiibus-: interests, devel- oping tiuk;,e, cacti fields Alidlieepingdoslu the prices of fi.el. Our policy lii-the matt er is to . prof ...et all interests th 4 need it, for the ben- efit of all. . t .. ~ .:. -1, . We Urge worltingructr to Watch the i.ouse of the wench of C.;figress on this sttbject, unit See Who,by 'their course and' votesiadvo- - ..,, se.tte their interests and who do notj The iii• ' dy for , defeetion to their interests4n this r lies with thew, and they shoufd , use . m . e ' en who are false ' t 3.0 thern ever ~ i,. i ... p - for re-election. j: 'i ~, ,T HE INDEPENDENT, honest, Manly and fearles4 course of thiVerifor,r;Geary lifsettingh is foot (in the bold raids ilia the Treasury made nt the last session; hiss Won golden opinionstrom all. But a day Or two since, we heard a citizen. say, wiloVvoted against GoVeroor (;vary' at the last elttetion, that the Governor's course during thCv _late -. O.Arlion of the Legislature; MIS satistiO him •that-lie acted. wrong, and that bad hl to'do "'Lover agniri„ he ) would certainly vote for J Governor Geary: - He Is 14 EitliSiV-id thint the , parties . - who ,misrepreseuted the Governor wanted in the attempt to derciihire, to sub- -1.,?.. serve their own selfish interests A , ! fleece the. :State treasury. lifeuy othek‘v . 'o like this citizen, voted . against Governor lt3igis),, •dirCnow saestied:thtt they aced - wing in aroting s . gaitiAt so independent and bluest a an' an as error Cleary, and regret ltl This is the feetiag4 the : !yieople Who adm !re the stand that Goversoitleary has taitenl ' lEI -MENDING TILET4TE COIV*TI- T ~ITIO . 5110IFT slow Motiiks tilllllapse brf Fe the y peopLeoftheiretate will make di:intim" ti ant:n..4 foroandiditeis for tbe'nei t tippet* One of theinatten4hieh shoißd engage 04 attention et that billy la the calling ofititit* 'Convention in the Ijiterest of reformawhieli are Liapertitively.dei:Oanded; and. the .people who perceive tbiiineeessity, should, in mak- ilk; their nominitions, ;exact pledges that the Candidates elected, will vote for the trams- u:e. The State of Initials hnsa.Convention note lu suasion, revising the State Canstltu- tlition, and the probability! ir4 what has already been done, is stay indication, that it will make a complete Coustiiiitian. serve by the way, , that views similar to those we have already suggested, in cantfectimi with 4- change in .the _Canatitutioei of-this State, are hehl, and aeted_upoii by the Illi- noisCoriviution. They proPotie for instancT, to have three hundred members Ii Ate lower: House, atrll oho hur.dred is ilia Semite, which: would give glair representation to all ' see-. i:onsq . the State. Mao to Unlit each session to fifty days, with Qt) a day' pay: for er.cli imbsir. that time should be exceeded, tte members to reeelVe only $l a day. They also propose to have getterr.l laws for ailfspe- etai leglstation which is a great source of corruption in all modern legislative Wiles. This will be dotle by removing to the Courts the powers of special legiOation: So' far as 'they have proce.sled, the' retormS are ex- cellent. WEEKLY .ALMANAC, S 21 6 1$ 617 6 16 6 14 6 13 5 11. =2EI 16 iithcashi - r... 17 SITSDAY.-. ls Mostunr 16 20 WILDMIXDAY 21 Tzwvairua... 21 FRIDAY.—.. itoov '5 cain - ars. XXI% InE33 1 641 'First Q,. 1$ II Zi es. 6 41 04111 11L LI e 5 MT tr. 6 44 LILO, Q. 22 11.2) :no. 646 .45 New M. IQ I 41 er. 6 . To-morrow.--Sixteetith Sunday of tho year . andEaster Scuiday. ' Dies length, is hours surd 22 minutes. = situllar change' are needed 'in the Constitu- tion of our State. In. the JUdiciary system chitiges are, also. needed. The State should laf tdistrietei for the -Styronia- Court, so as to have a Judge as.t . the 'll4*ll in cueh.distriet, while the other judielal4iistricts should be. .so arranged !.o.as to ;have two Law Judges . and dispense With t**A sseoeiate Judges ; by tiding which the business can he expedited-. by having sessions all th -ecyear round ,if it sliould be necessary. '• By increasing ;the number of mernbeei of the Legis7ature'as we have . heretofore .svg; , l Bested, - all of the districts of .theSfate would be fully. ,0,1 more sitisfaelbrilY 'represetne.d . than - at present, and both political .onri.;es would be under its operation better satistit.ci. This, mutter is. important, and it, is to I. hoped that the press of the-State, will assist in bringing it 'prominently beforelhe people, so they eau act at their nominating conven- tion's, with - a view of pledging their candi- dateS to a calling of u State Convention to amend the .C.onstitittion and procure these desirable reforms. : LAWLESSNESS ANLYVI9I4:NC.i.—:3i ;wick the impression created . On the , titinds of the iti-- eendiaries air assassins of ibli . COunty that_ theCrimina . CoOrt bill would be defeated; the County I as been the.secneof acts which- were frequen :: before the bill establishing that Court au I, Police . fOree - was pased. Within .a, week two incendiary . tires - Mr. Silliman'S breaker, and a stablest a colliery, and a murder have been added to the erimi- ' dal record:3,9f the County., There is a giving . teelitigngain of insecurity to life and, proper- ty in sCounty, and if thsCriminal Court: Is net spec put into optatiou and a.stop put: to these acts rainstihe laws, thg peo- ple in self-defence ma: be compelled totake sueh . nuitters into.their Ow 2 landt, and like the'peeple of-California and Indiana rid the community of the presence of the Schuylkill . County Thugs. l'estertiay morning, a wortily ,man, boss at a colliery up the Valley, a brave: soldier and a good citir.e.ti, was .waylaid and. shot down dead, While going frem his home to his work. l'aileSs Oda terrible state iif af- fairs is checked, but fewthen will feel that they. dare accept, situations at eollieriCsi while capital and population willbe driven from the County. 'Gne efficient reMedy for . this evil we believe would be the putting in- % to effective operation of Judge Green's Critn, anal Court, and we earnestly hOPe that there, will be no further delay in the matter, for the sake Of law', and- order: in _Schein* County, and : increased security to life and property in the' Region, .. -. SHERIDAN, THE, S:EtFlOll,—Sheritinn ar- rived in Troy , . yesterday, remained about,, four lidurs, and then left for PhiladelphiE, where he is to join in "a'banquet. Sherid:ui e.tme with the hotly Major ,General of the artily; Geo. ft. Thomas, a man before whose glorious, manly career, timglory of Sheridan pale, almost to nothingness. There are not words enough to express our detesta- tion Ofthe eold seltighness Sheridanduia ex- hibited. Nor are We. alone in this . feeling. Almost everybody. unites in terming it an outrage on deceney.. 'Sheridan could wait until a brother oftic,4ir was etr'' last resting place,, but must. nee from the scene of niourniug to one feasting: l 7 7(Ni, Poper, Apr nurtitteos it ere strongly ta . lked of of Pottsville .yesteray atter- . The' BoroughCoWneirWill dine at the liter- ehant's Hotel owTnesday evening.: ttieVeratin- vited guesta will help- them do. jostles to the good tuinga they are sure to have. . 24/leloua Lilachief.—Pat and. JohnLee, fath- er bad Von, of Oty, were brought to thui Borough yegerday Anorning, by coat po- Beetle:in Stauffer, and, I.l3ruluitted to jail: in detault of bait, en the Charge of malicious. Andre iller, the man ariested on suspicion! Of baying tired the breaker S. Sillituan was discharged, there not being'proorsutil cieut W Warrant in bolding, but was put *nuclei, lOr forcible detainer, lie haring refused give the keys of the tool chest. ' The Rev. Dr. Stu/ley will preach in the 2nd Presbyterian Church, ISbirket Square, to-mor 2 , ow, at 101 A. M. and 7 P. M., upon. the pleat Veniral Miracle of Christianity, the Resurree; lion Of Christ. , Those who wislr to' hoar a full discussion of this question will doubtless be protitted by attending. Seatsiree. Go early. ; . ' A Fiend in Human Forth .—William Daven'r port, twed about fifty-seven yea , air Ettglish man by birth, and-a resident of Mahatioy 6itk." was brought to Pottsville and et nimitted to jail vesterday. Morning, otr the charge of having einninitted ti rape upon his daughter, aged about thirteen years, and a1 ,401 for an titteMpt to colli -- tpit. a.rape cm.A.nnie Jr. 'Sevier ofthat platy. -, .. .. Handloarta Priz3.—The largei'VaSC of . wak fruit which was on exhibition, and designed to. be disposed ofi , ut the fair of en Post G. A. tWp years. ago; wa.4117,11i0 pt t up and die.; trosed ofin shares the present wet. The draW- ing took place at the Pest rood* olt3 lakt Thura- day &vetting, When :lklajor Jame.3l 'reit WaS the luckifinun, tarrying off the prize itit one of hisiickets. It is one of the moat be alibi...par- lor Prnameitts we have lately seen. - . f Unclaimed letters remaining itlthe PotL4Vilie Po:st Uflice. April 15, 1870: .Anunertiuut U T Heiser P,clwant Mellann P ship , Burns Frank - Janes Eitzsbettt Natty Edward ByersJoshita Jarrett Jahn •ji'oury llanctah' :Maur John Jones Tnotaa.t. O'Brien „Mazy .InOwn James Klutparottra.l ltter Mary Barber Win Lang George .1 Speaknum.Taines Brenta James J Long Mrs,' maid Jaeop'• Coliister 1i W Lawrence P •liteverison John . Courtney .1 A . Lewis Win L znoyspaliss j uihoe A Martz Augustwl *Mud ry P Mtentley Wsl4lp,Marttu Chship) :Walt Moritz Garcia Wi n sfilp , . , Street Performances.-- To .. Hog: Family, consisting of Mr. Hog and halfza-dozen litchi Hogs gave a grand street perf o rman c e. in thief of the Mortimer House; about noon yesterday, to the music of the handor4.lll located at the u"racr. The performstuce was deeidegty'ri* each Hoe' pertorming Well his part, ao4l icing 'with each otherrto root a . couifortabkl 7lying 7 down place in the mud of the gutter. ' The per- thrthanee was witucssed by a large ii eber of people: A Matinee will begin earl) day at va- t ious poieta on Centre street until the ordin- :thee preVentihg the Hog nullity exhibltiptia is 43 11turcet.L.: Proposed . Celebration' of the 'Fifteenth j !Amendnient by our "Colored Citizens:±A i meeting orti4ilored citizens of. Matsville was held in the A. M. E, elitireh,.baurel street, :on /Tuesday evening Mull I.2thi ,tor the purpose; of making arrangements for the eelehratiott of the' Piftwtalt Amendment on the alth of April.— The meeting .was called to order, Mr. S. Thtnup- sonin the Chair. .After some 'reivarks by the President, 14r. Ileorgo Martz addressed ::the neeting atsulne length, giving cone ek.cellent advice in regard to the. manner orcelebrating the day, at the: conclusion of which a vote of thank; was returned to -the gentreman. -After some other business had .been transacted, the . Meeting adjourned to meet on Tuesday - eve Mpg, April 19th, at 8 o'clock. More Deeds of Blood—Two /fon Shot at and Wounded.-;-06 Tuesday evening two:men were quietly sitting in front ora tialelpn at Haas, .11;chizet tt Co.ti colliery, Tatkey Hun, when a party of four men from Shenambiali 'came u and ord , ...r.id them to `ge.t oat of Cds a; soon a; possible," whereupon they. started to go Into the home, when the villains tired upon them wounding'ofi mHe man named William in the stomach—which it is suppost4l pi-oyc tatal—and the ether than, whose ,nanie dirt rage t 4piriug i+..13; e'e lialt c•e- Lkwh of the The above statement is onforti fact.. That it is SO; pained, the - I 'every one present on tittat sail ots think that the high sense re. honor that exists' among brother the army, fo say nothing of tote gi sow for the deatli . of:i . great; and g. should hare' been so mhockingiy, V was by General-'Sheridan'sgiett. on hand. Iva present at a dinncr,r. r iWhlt4 Pine, Hemlock and Oak Boards cut tiny . - new. Our Milts are 70 miles belotr Williamsport What mikes - the eonducl , Sheridan Aug a saving of $2 50 frelght per two feet. Orden; Med 'promptly. Price I kits furnished ou applleaticm. more ..reprelxgrisiiiief is the fact that 'wink •„Tait . - thee• Rut senior Vice President of the. Society-Of the, Army of the. Cumberland, by General Thomas' death, who was the President ;of the Society, he becanie'thepresidiug officer, and *as the Incite under obligation to re- main and by hts bodily ptescnce. 4at. show respect to the menlory of one so dear- ly-helovedby his emnrades in-arms. ', I'IPI r 1 g EMI A STEEL I:Ai:a/VERY —IIOORTANT ne TRt•E-A,NOT II EU ;REV 0 LE T1025.—.1t., la asserted on gcod authority that a large deposit of iron ore.of a very peculiar 'nature has been, re- cently opened up in- York county, Pennsyl-' vania.• This ore ; we are informed upon good authority, has the. quality.of turning pig irOn into good merchantable steel,. by simple mixture and manipulation with - the pig iron_ in a, puddling furnace Of ' the ordinary. konstruction. ' . The. .chemical analysis of the ore shows . the presence , of considerable quantities of manganese:. silicon and altuniniutu With the iron: ;The Ore:is : Stift and friable in the bed, so much so that it can be mined with the spade, but upon exposure to the atmosphere it soon Lard- ens. ProfesSOr Lesley, who has examined Meow.. bed, estimates tho'- eindents ;lit 17, tsin,oo9 tons. For• a few mouths past the discovery has madelquite a stir among the iron furnaces and rolling Mills of our State and, Maryland, and there is amite a strong desire-to knOW more o f a matter that: Seems id promise Such important mults.".rhe ore, as we are informed, has beetaested in tik presence.of experienced manufacturers, in the Abbott Rolling Mills, -Baltimore; the; Cambria iron Works, .ut •John'Stown,,:Pen .". sylvania; the LdehielJron works„near risburg, ; the Tamaqua. Rolling Mills; te- e. man, ltalim 7 & Coss works,. at Pittsburg; the, Alliance liolling,Mlllsat, AllianetrOhio. and at other ;places; and in all earn. it has been shown to posses the remark:MP quid- ity A:tanned ftirit. T ^ steel pnfduCted dur- ing these tests was gr -xliy uitd for tusking steel-capped: Falls, a, 'c/of these bans, niade at Pittsburgh, 1 vn. to possess a tensile strength Of !Inds to the Square inch of cross STATISTICS OF Ii.HB„ REUEL ARMY,—A meeting of the Confetithite Relief and His- torical society was held at Metnphis on the 30th ultimo, Governor Harris in - the chair. Dr. Avent read a asinimunication on the Confederate army, which contained the fol- lowing statistics: . Yew., . irWed. ,14 - oundell. Prisoners.. Yew.,.. ._..._»:.r 4 , 315 4A' Vitt Ift o tor.2 atom 1563 apcs 11,21 11,21 / 4 61 70.000 some 1965 . Total...... 51,773 - ko.ll 24,2b3 . "If the deaths - From diiiase be ad d ed, the sum total will . Present - the entire 105.4. The . returns of the held and general hospitalsare known for 1861--titt, and if it he fairto assume that the,total mortality of Ititti andlBl/4 was fully equal to that of 1862, then the iota or c is in the Confederate army it:twlt:Ka-45 was at least 160,000,,ekelusiveat the deatlat• in the northern prisons, which would' swell: the *number to near, 185,000; and If the deaths among the discharged ,for. wounds and disease,' and among the sick and wound- ed on furlough, be added, the grand total of deaths.in the Confederate army, during the entire war, didriot tall far short.of 2.10,030. According to this eilleulatiou, the deaths front diseaseweiv about three times as nu- merous as those resulting froth the - casualties of battle. ,' . . The available conrederate force capable of active service, did not, - d urine theentire. war, Atseeed 69Cf,t0i men. Of this number; not more than 409,000 were enrolled at any Due' tune; and the Confederate Staten never. had In the field more than 210,000 men capable Of beariug.nrms at any one time, exclusive of. sick, woundel and disabled: - -- California- has a new "paper„_ called: the WEEKLY DEMOCitAnC PHA)42OIi. An exchange sap* the negro acted for years in that evaelly. but al he ist hereafter 'to rote, it is Ileceam7* tO have a neurone. _ - i Vrga. ll garbs. .; P. SMITH, ATTCINNEY AT LAW, Ito nu r. No. 24, Letterleo Centre street, .fanNIO-S-131 I'oOxv.ll I ENBY 41 SHEA.FIaIt, ATTOIi:NEY-AT- LAW.. Ottkv, 156 Ci!tare t9t. , I•utttivtlle. ; May 11 WI ME So Many Ways for -hlis'' Mone.--;"trti4( o .l; one day in the country," says 'a writer in. r; ERIE i/E4EnvEd, !virile years ago, ''well., in' e.ampsay with a nian whom we Soon amee _allied to ,- ,be a well-to-lira-in-tho-world far er...-In the course of conversation npon'var" iti(i soh- - jects, principally agricultural, we fo ntl that ho was just returning from our town wie ho had that day contracted for the sale.o live Inindrisf bushels of -wheat, 'at seventy ;a/o centS per bushel. From this ;Our cony ' fixation passed to that of newspapors 1 and up n ascertaining that ke was not a spbserilier tyarfiv paper„wii ofTeriA him ours.. But the man d''so many whys for- his money ' ho eriuld'.. of afford. it., .We then asked him if ho worth bea'onicia imbierlhor in ease we would co - ince blur' that .if he hid' taken the Taper, I would have saved, in bile bargain. alone, ti e' times tin)cost of it for-)a year. lieagr . .to this, and we took - fiorn our pocket one o our litte ! it papers, in which - was an - advertia rent, offering' to contract fiairany 'quantity . wheat' at eighty-one cents per bushel. , hits !'we illustrated to Our\fartner friend that if he had been a reader of ouriliapor, hi...might have saved six'eenti on each Of \ his fivehundred bushels Of wheat.—making ' s Vital of; arty ddllars--stilliciont to piy for the papeg fifteen 'you*. - lie paid us two dollara, and /eft ai sonywlingst himself for beings() tie'glißeist of his true interest . " Do you bake the; Joca- itaL? ; . ' ' 4.- Adjdnined"brirairfal Court.--The following is a list-of the ilatnes'of.-Petif - Jurors, drawn to attend a Special Adjourned Court -of Oyer and' Terthinei -, &c., to be held at Pothwille r t. in and for Schuylkill Connty,.on Monday, April. thick at 20,o'ciock in the forenoon : •! John E. , Lehman. shoetitaker, Tremmit. , JOhn W - ;lictiber, - Esquire, Wayne. . ' Jeremiah Alleniateb, titrnter, V‘nyne. Joseph Foeller, fuason, Ashland. '. John lairmer,iikeeper, NorwegianE John- M. :Ifilter, book hinder,: Pottsville. Borkfamfrr fleyJr, farmer Wet Dennis Muiphy,:yeomap, paper. Fredezlek 14430 f, cabirieesker, Asidand. Etiwatif Osulan, fartner, o)cins.' ' I; Hitter Raub. lumberman, tidbit Charleelimndenberger, mason, Port Clinten. Mioinis4l. Wilthutia: lilahanoy City. llama* Clark, miner; East Norsieginn. Phloem Garber,' blacksmith; litahan,.y .City: John Dawson. merchant, fit. Club: David J. Stewart, farmer,Hindl. David 'Bo fah ; farrner,Darbr' RdWard Kest, mot t, ltribersvit:e. George Bertainger,clerk, ifidutruiy Toarnsliip. JosephPrederiel, yeomaniAuburn. j_ Joiepb Dsdlow.• tram, Shetisnltalt.'', 1 Jeseriblo. Stidera, don'ts', Naaville.; Stephen Harris, engineer, Pottsville.i• John Ruck; miller, Pottsville. 4, William Millington. tesmalter, St. Clair. Jacob sterner, mrpenterdilteh. Llaren.; 4 4torge Ernst, farmer, Butler. ; ; ' Viewr Babb', mlutid,ar, Pine:o)sra Hem-1r D.etfendorter r t ,lnder, Anion rn. John P: Hoffinsit, initkeelier,Shenatidoah. Andrew a Cochntn, engineer,-Pottsville, DmIA Boyer. Esq., North Manlielni.i Joiseph -Moorhead, clerk, 31hlertivilitC ,Sam net Swaim, farmer. Regina. .whit fleidonnian; Jr., farrner,liegfo;••• Michael Banshee, eotitan, Butler, GeOrgele:KimMelOatinee, 0:8'4,4)114 V' :P John . Lewis, Merchant. Butler. , P. W. Shearer, engineer; Pottsville.' George,lL Ztillek, clerk, Orwigsburg, Samuel Breslin, Miller, f4trmt4, if nbley. _ John svlile UeorgeMa ,ttram, : blisekstlaitb. Butler. , Joseptillolti druggist, Goorga Walker, farmer, Rash. Howls S. Stine, Milner. Pottsville. .lienj. L. Esholtnen, coal dealeh Port Carbon. Dude) Werrifs, Otrpenter. MaTtinoy: IL IL Crooks, marchaz t , Tremont.. Thomas Humble. cabinetmaker, Ashland. Aerendsh Sterner, boatman,liett. Haven. Stephen Goho, carpenter, Shensunleah.• •• JacobRitudey,eluerruiker, 'Andrew John,liVldte lifelonsh, , miner, St. Clair. , thrum', Butler.• - JohlintAller.innkeeper, Beale ;•- Charles H. Wol ioen. s P otts - eine. Michael Clark, Wmer; Union. Jonathan. Oakum, shoemaker, 'New Natl.!. -• rangernentS tors d 'banquet to hek. held it the 'Town 11,' en aerate Idohdat evening: -Evarir Ithterrind Nathitial Li ht Inf4nt ry should an especial pride in rattunetner,stinv I,§thilay, of April,. Itfal..irbektrti resin:ooln Lh derit"they-iiiere the 14/r t o litntdredsnen to rvPort thinnsel:tsilln readiness bade duty for an. Imperined p at of ,. It is att lin !billable honor-,-one i Ant W 3 itteiid" ceding al.dr Isavatintirmalfteirefablnixwed bright on the pattt44o4.ltiteir country's history, 1onn; velar after the . soul has passed to Its re wimi. e, 'ear that tlprt. Slrnou Vamerorr; Col. John __`.ara&beintrat...rin3tobOrs of the AllentAnc,_n and •Readlng Cotnpanies will be present, and a pletisaaitre-uttioti autkipated, Local Jottinga--Plolv, weelt has been 14, served in the Ephicopa/ thureli. , The Gerdniut Lutheran Synod will wisemble . in Pottsville In _,...,.. . . ' Fishing Ipartiel bai boon quite numerous duringtbe past WOO. ' * ---- The Wheeler Trou delighted Si., Clair mull- l enees astPriday arilSaturday evening". ' Menke& Sash nd litishler. Of. . Reading are . about to. play ael mpion plover billbtedswith iciaso too mow froin'M y City. -r' l'• -. - An old gangs v Was struck at Colorado ColL ilery. last ~weeki'ltr whkiti 'Was 'found an old -wagon :tiled by! Stephen' Girard,many year* The Pottsville Denevoietit - Ailsoelation ask - for old. ', V-•.' l' - •l- '-- --: : / ;-:•, An excitin fn Istnavirry Was gotten -up last Sat- -iliclay : ntuir rigl , by'• Mri- , Vittli Horn's dimble ' The Grand TlOmo,of the ItrOtberhood of the „Union' will hold its next , sekislori in ' Pottsville hi -September. s j - •.' - .•' •t-S"1. . .• ' -B. S. tiilllnienl tlt-Co's• Breaker , at Mahoney City, was destitiged bytire last Saturday night, the worklot" sin Incendiary. alas 460,000, tn- scired air flM,0014.:: - *- '— - The farmersirre busy in their-110k%. .• . , Pie-eiHexcursicins will iloso be all the rage.. The bane 'ball- fever. has broken ,got, and is- raging .fixrifull vi inthe subbrbs. -'. ! ' - . linck beer mall . sooll- be in Season., ilitit that will bs nil rftisort.Wky every fellow should get' "huelted.r. I- ' 4 : ' '..:: . '.. `BusineWs Is rviving-in this illoreugh,-and our- streets Tennanintsted appearance. ' The'Thrd Iresii:,;teryheld'its semi annual ression ii the ittr4t Presbyter ian Chtirekeoni: meneing 111.3 Tuesday anti continuing two days.' On Sati3 rtlay last, Mr. John ' lietiodirt, a putt- ' dier at tli Fislibaeli: Bolling Mill, wite seriously burned by a blast. -. . . ; , ~ , •B. B. Lluiek.; of Beading, IS abolit,Ope tlg a 1 Ilw elliee;in th s Illirough. . . - , ' The survivi ig unletbers Hof the 'earn lea which ce. - 4clusi,Washington en the Alith of April, 181.11„ex pest to ileve a pharsant - thrie on Monday evening. I'. J."- '_ . ...~ ; •• The street. %Winkler .1% doing a good w.„r:: in our street f i. L ~.' ' ! ... . , . The sti - Cet li- finds ire resetting the. curbs, in i Centre street, udween 2s".orwegian and Market.' (h G ary has signed the death. Warriult '(if Diehl, the ilirderr of llerlan, and he w;11 lie-executed MI-leading otithe'llith of .May. Aiain•i Ll olelftek en hell Saturday morning the -stable of 'iii-iii fiteiuhelper, itt , ,Big' Mine Bun, was 1115106NCINA to he 'tin - tire,'bur before the flames bad Mride Mitch headway they Were ex- tinguished. It was The' work'of!an 'incendiary. And reW Mlller wa.stirreated• ter Menday on ,susiiieioof-laivine, set.tiretO E. S:Sillictiiin it. Co's mill ry, Nit the evidenee beinglnaufarient. upon whiel7 hold hint lie was discharged. Considerah e real estate is olungitig lien& in I'ottsville-. - , - . ~ . . •• The.,Philstielphiw, Reading; and :Pottsville. , Telegraph COnipany. has over one 'hundred I sills, Curbs are king set iu Bast It.hiriregian street, -=-•.tr,„Cliarle% Haber is greatly' improving his resillenee en Manch Chunk street.... ' Olive te,ren ;eCtureti to a large-iind•fashiona- . 'hie audrenee itt Union 11a11. on Nednesdav eve- ning. tier lecture vas , sharp, puinteil -and 1. Port Garb: r is improving very rapidly in new beildin , s,. .1 ... ..,. " ' -Tlle.ohl ell elidster'.bililtlirig 'hi Centre street has' beciil I e vOl ed to the ground and' it handsome new builditr 4 tiirhanking purposes. will go up.' hi its place. ' . Thd next , sli - rii in of Cie Thin Philtdelphia.- j Presbytery lilt lactield.at, We .t 'Cliester. . I Saint:el •B: II otters spins; rar,t bargains in town I/AS.; S.. wiiii advertisefnent. . The Thd - ir 'Luring.' hill i'sf the' Phoenix Fire i. ,L'Ompanv WI l be held' at Union Mall on: Mon- day c felling ,t.' •• i' -•.- The Oki' 'ellows will observe the- '26th of April as sda' of "rhankagiving. : - Many Of the' minert 'are getting sick of -Pus- pension.' It 'don't bUytiread. - Duane; the renowned hinnoriat. will give one of his choice l eutertainniefitt at Unicui,Ballen Tuesday! evening; - r- ~ •'• Post i4 unpata Army of ,tile. 'Republic, Lan- caser, haeadopted the name; Of Post George If. ~Th,Velas.l . I ' ; sudden- couitey 'Pest Oun+ .l : /*lgen'. „WhichBtllrutiliorts., )1. 114 th13 ' wkilled: y to till. tnistm-; Ittralh,g Appiving ilktolele ---, &stars and ~,,_ „root& Ado . .phial? ...,-asy; 'end the Ldhainvered :States !would. be' Pointed Why the' monarchs Of ' to p:, las Proof talent. - cavil of the-Illttare;sf blicas-tiorernment.---Eng- lend's friendsh p.for the United States wits then pox: tint 3;rl It ho „uncertain stitandrn . r fro the ,gri el d _Ala , ..).E„.._,., \And& and optiti tWar , ll not now. waged against. , our GoVeinnient. ,Shall Two therefore imagine war never r fopihi may . eel : SeJr - tit Taridfr*. Illiiiiry tetiatei us nations are tivettsafe Crom hoatiliPerfulea, itud we are'', cautioned .thatlire '.!in Peace prepare fur war." Shalt we Rine - adept such measures as Will tentil should isui ; .ooVernment he 'again in-Voltod in. warj to render us.dependent upon the. -friemllyi, * aid of foreign Owens, and (iambi:lly of En--,,. , land, milts,, wle7are certain 'the dflendahip- ef , thole to - *bent 'WS entrust the safety 'of our-, country, iti naisuriallsivond a doubt? - What haw ' , England disimmince thCotifederary wuOrrhsheti to indicate:sue 'undy i ng love for this tepiibliel Haas she paid "nit -for the ,shiPe. her. Aitthanl 4- _bullied:. , lies 'she :held nut any hope, titled li . Ante4o-en free ,traders canpoint us to.tri sletilP .- lidien tetol,y', (on her-gond"' wl11? IsTana wha•;,-. ever'. She is, I still; the 'England :of 1776—the ' Englander lall--aud'the.l . England*** the slave , •betders Telsollittit..J _ :2 , ~ . ,it 'ha-4' tpcetli said of t i he treat Indian; .!hilt' he •xli t Ill;i .protOaded friendship, Leg and receive bread an a irhithatau and thenstitalth- tly .ithooti,hi idown the next night. On' the lumping, of e "twenty-tlitnl -of janualy last , t the, agenti2Of' 'nglishmen were In this country 13mring MS to give our bread,' the bread' Of our iverkiuguien, I to. their '.r.mitalists aernis the water. -. On the night of the twenty-third of 'January last., Orl.'llokohama harbor,; her iriaj- , estY's smatnen Iletnbay. cut down to the.water's edge the chip' [Oneida, istlite, Anicriten :Sayy. Cpoii,whAni resti the: blame .for; the collision, we have' not I r vet infer/nation to ;determine. Perhaps the fii&istei-- restated from accident, and no (m .:sin either,yea*ean be re roach- ad .! for it: , _The Bombay Was but ell tiv in-. ,lured.%%lll4' ured. The oneida .ainkliii; when e ;ships,: 4 , parted. Conn:nett hunutulty required the Cap- , rain of lima Ilritialt steamer, atleast-te pause altd: satisfy himself, that the unforttiriate men. lie was ab ttik leaving, were not in' need of aid. The, whL.Ve of; the Oneida Wa4 sounded,. 'Three tidies the cannon boomedin ,signal of. distress. The EitellshiMut saileden to hearties! uncon- cern. The Oneida: with' her heroic Captain and hi* mei) WOJi4;doA sil in, the darkneis, and few _esC.aped. tisfell:theittory:of•tho crime. •:1 The Briton strived. at yoktAiszna, and 'his murderous heart !prompted him to hJait that lac !glad- Olt the Whole cputt ter otra il- 1 --fl s4ll- key frigate, and served tier. bleotly right wcil.".:, 'Sue then tile tale or his:atracioua I erline...has.l gone ttott: eiri , Te of thcocivitized world, It has even spell beyluid vivllization„l, and greetitd;the etr of tie editor.of the Lexington u.aucxstXrv ., and his ftiert'ls. .Captain Eyre has beep mada.l Mifte! tlait w lei evar he may•sail ;among Chris- thin,, thi, lie tees , the uttrk of CAM . lie:now iitoN , , it 'conveillc ntlio seek to exculpate hintself. ;lie: ,t 44.l tiu 4 that he did not hear the,wniale, liorthe cacao t shots 1 TWeety miles iilifily s in 013.54i 1 / I f2 d.rt ctiott; the' eiple of Yokellainal heard the signal guns. H p Is it .nectainary to argue further that the sauce[ sound must have reached the ear- of C...putht Eerer ,- , ' ,;! - What:has 'ithis disatOr, thousan ds ottntles •aeresshe twaft..., to do with Oar tariff? It la an ! index of England's feeling toward Anterica. :C.lpta:ii Eyros Xme of her nejesty's: naval .illi; ,. vers. ' ire maY .. 1..1,. ex.Pc Med to understand-the leelitig• of his imlther offi cers toward the United Stou ts. Stmts. ,11.11.1 henot known•that the hostility to •c dr :courttry; witiiit existedin his heart, was arsM harbored!' itv'tho',:,..bre.tatit 1 hf tummy other British naval offieers, he watiltE. not have dared' to sail away :trout. the 'sinking \ Oneida. Trite, ," lie overshot his mark. i,. Ills crime Was taro atm- .• elem. to :liebo openly justified by any Civilized 'people. 'We , iro told lie ha.s already !teen exiit-' detailed:totilsrght punishment ter his M WIho- niani y. , t aft i enal'y . mild be. too• severo for his ..untrilercius .dereltetiun of ditty? Shall he, lie,punished L 1)i :though he had utijnstitiabkr lea ii .dog to t ecs'i in the waves? The ltti.it .Dl',Captain :Williamsjand: his herole, ' seanteit ahutlld 'warn us to be a:onions lion' We trust thiglis 'l' good , will. England contd. hear the snmals c f distress IV:tiell circle to her treat the S9,rtthern Confederacy. England could not rw-, the , pirate course which the , AlaballittWAS . 4:itended to ail uPom• She , cOuld ; Ind hear the 'warping:4 'w deli- she ireceived , before the rebel ship staffed Tom her port.. .That, '.i.tur country has VIAIIy NV' rift :friends 'Milt° {British L:hinds- bi admitted; tit EirghitadtwtEoglinul is I , lll' to- all apneals.in the interest of the.lN eAtenx Re- piddle, deaf „it.seause °She wilt not ;hear, Let us then beivare bow we perthit free trade ti) pp. lice: onr, itiriAt her 4let. If we trust her friendslii and enact la vs ,Whielt 01311 ihhke Us dePezur it upon herait., our republic may sonie thiy ink. boicath the f0r t ....0.. °tour euelmes, as the neida went doWn .)citelith-the waves of the ist.at.; while gilgtailtl sat .4 fdrward, safa.ntul un g reding, as the nonillay proceeded on•hei co ya . . , '/ ,J'e'ts.: - ' . Henry;Mason•was 'severely injured by a fall of coat at sii4de zeeille on Tuesday. - Two Irishnien it - Anted Green-and Dooley had a fight.oti Um Depot on Wechiesihty, evening.. , The wikxl4 in the vicinity or Glen Caron- and Mt. Latthe took lire 'en iuestlayytul burn- ed for tsep days: - ~..? -...-- ••- The Solidity Sehsol of S. Paul's Episcopal Church, I.Nliders'yille, wilt hold no . anniversary exereise:i-to-qmorrow,- . Veiterdayl Wats portions' observed as a holi- day in Pettsyille.. The' klaukti were - closed and speciat - iervices . svcre' held ,in some of the churches. t .... ' -• , . ' An Englishman Wits shot. through the: hand by a 11-1:10, tinder 010 intlumice of liquor, on last SaturdaY at Ithorsiville7 . ..- . . W. U. Lisiisa, and Ida- Lawren.!o, ,It.tr:iir.l Itatielitr nrick Mary Ann 'Phillips were :arrestel on oath.efJhlionua A.:obi:yet St.: Clair, Char , I with anhovitsg and threiitening. her. - W I. Lawrence ;J•as held•te bail in *WO. v "Jinithy . the Fiddler" get:married to', other 1 man's wife low day lakit week. . The Drehersvilic Powder Mill Is to to sold at 3 public sale 0-day., - . •said'be 1 Pottsville are if, be sUperior to all others in thh interior 01 the tits ." A Work khe foundation of , e new Minera- -1 Ville streci kehool Muse hias• 'en comment. ed. ' Messrs'pAthins I:ru's ve• ccrunttneed the ; erection' of h !hie of teleg ,Ph from their, otliee .to their rolling mill. . . -Bev : Morri s; In preach In the Evan- ), gcliral Church, at I' ) irt Carbon; to-morrow. A hulk teacher I ,one or Our public schools is -"- to be diSmiksed r erneitv-I to time children On- ' der her Charge i. I . The stit udet s of fillrard College Nrill shortly Imy a visit the'c , ed tiAils'of thus' County. 4 Satnn •I filler and George' Helms were ar- t i rested o Thursday evening and fined .tt attl costs f r fi ghting on Centre street. Th Anthraene 11.cird of Trade and E. S. costs ,•Sil 'man ik,C,3: hatootpred a reward of $l,OOO '"' the 'apprehensionreak of •the-' party who tired' e Breaker of the ainsve ' firm on Saturday h 1 night: ' I ' ' . Wm. I . .teallinnit leil re:eivhd nearly the whole tote of the. o.lst Filthy:vs .of , this County for It. W. U. W. of the trratol L'ill..e..of Penn; . e. sylvaniii. A sli:,,lit. fire occurred at Welkjen's ' tebacco store in/ Thtirsday Morning: : ' ~, Mr..i Harry Foster, pi uI ti li..tr, 401 imity burned by the exptosion in sae tine onThursdayoftet- noon. II irrEN roe THE ~,S tx itf.i' r ititirt.r .. 1 , „.1' ,S.A .4 itiE, iti 7 E. ../rEVE.3. v ' v.IIW.LS: in lie year Kt ~ to. be ;particular about 3.• tLtteti, w licit , fil l a ,v .s important' matter 4n a snake story 'Many- which are a ' , Mobiles's ehatneter, es x•eliply sea-snake storilos: Icevertlic- IY:ii..thi. one •aut as lt TO relate' IS Strictly-true: and I shell e ideav r to give the (att.& preeiziely as they. ocAirr.ii. ell, It was to 18;u; itrinnuer.sble -year In the iiol feat annals'of the etitintiy,—Mel/1- oe4 h:e far - .ocr eci cider'—add .Ilia} "saute old coon"' ail well as for', if nt mat - oilier matten that were 44 epeesep ees gre:lte 'lrW , 110.. iit Witoi the Presidential election year, au oif prominent candidates. Mr the highest' uillee I: .thel oft of ,tbe people were' Martin Van Buret the "L):4IF ,x lir hitiderlinok," and Willi On Her y llarrlsou, the :"11,A.0 of Tippeeatme.",- The d. est was a. warm mie, butresulted int he tritunpli-• Velecrion.of -, tippecatioe and Tyler, too. - ' I then 'Ned in the Schuylkill Vally, and should the vaden pat ticular, about the exact, locality, I would telt him that It IWas at win* .wait then ,ealled Bartow Mines, about one-halt hole west, of the hamlet of New Pliffrulelphiti, I wcrrlttsl hi' 'the mines as an infiretithe Miner., I forsuyk any profession of Mdi. (welch ii:a.sby like. was mule ill ICeri,' on the open- - Ing of A ivlght lon, early In tile spring;, and at this time watroulte o scale.' in the art Ofminim; an- . thruelte coal. );'ardini the; ye “grcasytneeltaidas,;" it I tell you 'that there is as much .art displayed in atoms, as . diere is in inlay of your varh ats callings. 100 matter what your' pruslciency,)„.there is rtXl,lll for- Improvement, and . the .. thinking minor, '. though he . l may haVe Worked it. 1111-41ple In the inirles. -: Joey dully. !guru something new . n his seemingly unpleasant avocation. -: .. There.were four or live boys of UA, nearly. of the *ante age, euttagtsla,‘ ail ventat the mine; and many owl often Were thin councils Ice, held; to discuss different topics:, Mid we had our ambition, too, plough I Copilot say that it wane( a very-lofty char- acter. Nelthorwere i the Crowd destitute of talent: to say that they werd would lie unjust to several of, hay eoniriules, lassldell being a gross contradiction of the estlivate I have placed upou myself, awl that - wooldiet dii at all, you know, In thestrpuffing days, where ever Irosly bitivrs.his horn loud nod lour in self-praise, There were among 'usnf wane that would i 'have made heir mark in the world, hid:they been put upon the right 'thick with proper I nstruetlowf. Tenc../ ti chilli! in the way ,ire should go, and when he Is Add he, will 'not deist/3 'from IL" One would hive made It tine 'artist bad be nuide art a special study; his life-like ',,keteltes and caricatures mold be fountfor& every' available, place,. inside and out= side of the tallies. ( Aumber was p natural linguist ; he tmuld -Mik English. Welsh, Dutch anditish, as flippant min Poll parrot, wield colt for his dinner. -All could read mid write . ..Auld cipher a little,too. ;and malty were' the. encomiums we received front 'those that:re so unfortunate its nut 'to Ix) able to do either.. ~- In those yi but little work wasdoneat the ni/ nes In winter:and. It was -a (volution thing' to send the cattle off tit the farmers during the winter osstson, -a Al tkodriv, r iSenetaliy Went to sehnoi. And it so naPPettesithe winter previous to the time'! i write of, tmt the easjority of our drivers lad the i I clime of going inswhoor, But I couldn ' tgo to re tool, for eireturtatanceerfottipened me to work: This caused me:so-tie very nup e went fielinrs, tun bectuise I had to work, but slmplythat tied nog like the. idea of befog left behind my comrades on the scale of edu- claim': Iliwever, a happy plan suggested knell to me, and that was toripply myself ALlgently during eveningh ors-to study the same lessons that an comrades tratiel at school; trusting if i met with any tiliften t problems that I could manage to Let' the nem. ry information' from one or, the other o the scholars. , thtthow toget, the, necessary' hooks that was,the rub. For those were store-order times , and hookar m ete milt articles. 'But,, as luck woul have It a -tali frfel made men present of a span fah dollar:. a bright, shining, silver'dollar, with th Millais oflis nsme and tile word Excelsior neat', engraved n the one side of it: It Was given an . accepted n condition that r muouid how'-It as. ' 'keepsake.' I 'did „keep lt., too. I kept it mil the night tuid tall the next day, tier the next day 'w !Sunday.) and ttunday night. lint early 'Blonde. ' morning fogad me wenditur•-rdy way untards Putt . vile, straddled on tclong-leggeil, long-eared aulinal The way that that. nag lifted his heels thattnornin and thresintf some of his shoes not If he had an kits 1 that he e9oLia hrtke lidttertittie by being barefooted was nobody's"business. Sherldan's.ride wastio city . cumstance to it; and the people along the route!, espectillythose who knew the "dome andlibt rider '-- would hare it that some; great catastrophe ha happebed 1 at Barlow ?dine's. . 'Old Sur was .oil ". about to take bismornlng- piacp over thncrest of tit lihary Mountain, at the eery town of Puttsvill, when the Slitter dollar was exchanged for slate, pen cif, copytkfok and tveiniy.Of finales' Arithmetic: 4 ' ' The rldeLhotne was not necoMplishedwith as mut halite,' for II was so well -pleafied 'With Myself that , ' , Dick ',mule, ,who I now. most.respectfullisedlet Richard, was allowed . to traVe/, back at nta ietsun , whiloA wOold take a sly .glance over the . ..pages i f my book. - But on approaching any lexly 'along the road [.would Justin's slyly close the covets., and.in order, Co o mike mtellf appear Unconcerned, w..iuld' begin slu. ".q'l had it donkey what would not go, hiti I would wallop him, no, no, no; 1 I wind give Min some hay sand, cry gm, wo, I And.calaat ,up-",:iiiehard. , . . . ' I folindt,tvies' Arithmetic to be amuch better work tine that stupid book, Walklnganzeit Tutor's Assistant, from which I Mid taken my ..tessonsin thetirlaulry rules of arithmetic onithe other side of 'the Atlantic:ocean. ! And, what with a naturhi de- , ilre (tie mi. 4. olproVemen', awl' being r.timulated- by , ,cotopetitilm: I studied with etterg,y and mastered all the rules in Devine_ Arithmetic duzingitindmin- ter. When ate school term elated In the spring. I bound , Mytettlf- ahead of alt. outupetttors, my cont. -radel having Improved but-little In adt.tne tic at school., All:were to the. Ruleot Throe at the begin- ning of theterm and at. Its elate ',_.all were In the Rote of Three still,and - no further. Perhaps the, Mute of Tlaree. was. The limit that- scritbrnetie was ttnought at that_achmal. Speaking of the Rule of - ttireoXthils xae ufalittiostory.; 14 r. M. I. Potts. it .. Vert _gentleman; and one at !hp proprietors Orthe col ftery,msfmeettlag several Women toget her front our place one dity;attmo Complimenting . them ' -generally 'asked one woman ft Inutleniar, as to bow her, y was getting . on- nt seboo'. rim reply ' , mu that w' hoproyolif rapidly lu reading and 401 1 wilting; dismin 7.oivierl isacr ag 764 1 , ti vaiwthe 1:1:::h vi r:e s: 'Jest theti another erstra ar - after . pee iischer anus 4s4be . sik the roost coo;equentW, asersner,, with ads : ors a lent—( rinseiew isselAter ifolanap is to threads *tos„ter: cal I: knitonk) -- In tit thips•lbey-11:-..Sie Mall rand the- traveling ' rtl th-stionahl- eisedir„ iodper -- .ly on ti l:tittirtruy i fit7l ud Nailer lnead - bererren -Portugal* and Tutuaspin. That Paz at Margate between Port (hrbun and Imams was 1 areostiplithed by stalk and it wad' .tat oae.hpriaddpar t. e.,one . bonie„ one fltit*M- t due etle. ThasoP4ras modeledafter oar' old Mehl , 031116 00, and ersareousrortably taphole-' tered:huide; and gaily petaled outside. And wile% wads it bitituthul gout bursts, and a driver perched oti lofty s.Wol,,ttle snare hearse celled Isj :rude quite a . ereditabie appearance., 'The petition of Utardriver welt rent_ iv envied by .14te angoritY. of sift exowt, t ad , t ,daiiii, know bat 'that -say one of us stouts -bees dozed ft egreet , horrot to be pissed na tils illtuatio , -Bat tan ,of the boys. - to become - stake drivers ed lb be the: l't of th eir ambition. 011110 f la -- suieptime : Wae. is 10 AP - driver ' *ad MAY I n.thisbatnemi Yet. for. .ill . I know. Or oca4 the :dhoti soarniesated thin trade sitme wanted - another. Ibis them Inn' one .- boy among us that Would htheptresied the Melt, philosopher to tell ' what he 'Bloat te.... Hosrover.- his parents - ell V' of. stilftaigitiro ettred...eslied *cows- . hi dellbee.ileapairthe Matter g. end yawing. iii ll,„ bo p et u4 , bele a= i rsittAteml like to learn grAt,r= In the wawa :butvsm being asked - balatfentede saki: !I don's ittwori" sad - .1301111tharst.' arpesssphisee could prevail on biro to ma " a atil* iton: ;IL Oh gibunsuat, th e Parents woad tike trade *Ler another until' the whole d'- j ,f,ortripoilbtuct. Tat }.;•iii3O . C.l are lipt reNwlatil../e for any sintiments p t. esaett uy 11. - ritner:do lacy indorse then) al lx at.Llcrottti, betters aro( vorrespoude add to WE, otlitxt, anti utteutl,4 .or potellnatton, must bays tbs. Hanle of too .truer ottoc.iat,—tuot twit WV ainall Pub it. but fur our ist: orot:toooo—atot be written on one Inds tbei paper 0114 y. %Auer% 14. y Into thew kW. —kwass. Jot:asst. t. . L quit Err.s;4 FROII 4.3 - xiors. LDS. JOVElNAL:—.Arraigned before the "Jus- tice," We hate stated our caw; though he in- comprehensibly uilidakes ' thanks for ridicule. We. are sorry for the twenty-four hours of hard study, hut puiriNbuieut• sets naughty boys to Nv Iwo sometimes. they Jolty tampre- heini autumn/kg, and are•liot. certain that they dfafter alt, they not attempt to write i out, as •they •invaiialdy• become mud- dled, obit just as mien c iroerei4 to their niter chnrin, when they are apt to.resiort to falsehood for escape. We ewla/Jet our explanation suffi- cient, ii,ol to., much Inc ".lustice's" .iximprehen- Rion, appowrs. rOpearlxi obakustmietit 'has beittight miu kr tutuiciug, is gentle reproof may,lti min g00d..-lie should - remember the proverb "Lying laps are , an abomina- tion, wiico ,he apcii4o4 me of copying one of irviifs bix4 prodections, , which he. ad- mires. I Strong, c.tioeulenco, lieu* an admiring friend eau liclog :4 nose u•Smuition, alter he ha, reoaghiaed two source fur, most cif my authority, then of having: isipled the *hole. of another. - To- close and, not to weart you, liear editors!, we .state _the truth -and by your kind indueoda, when I shall. for- ever c.msider any mow attempts on the part of "Justieir as--shoo t flies, don't bother truth Is all siifticient, suiwe i;ity in dismilusing, him, that part-of the art I. .0 yJur lisue .of , * April 4, so much-of it us Was sots:taut:arty taken: from Parkor's Fourth Reader is pniperlytnark;.• ed quoted, *Tact well ituuWo and which-ran - le seen' by referelleti: While We are still great& for Wei correction, wit lave MO thanks for the. attempt to hear the truth, Gelb* assertion that' Sander's Fourth Render was the *Ante of mkt` of the essay, or that We oop:tidoue of •W. Irvin's oast productions.; A timing ebue is * comfort, but ode that , pincbes Is *lough to make one calf - 610.i - Ari.uous. . Porravii4x,,April 15, 1r..% w.nprzy •inis tans inazior socasst Ora ISLE viLLpil24lflthis W4.0 the advocates of.free 'Wide, indted te at:Willa 41. vity gib- the imneacibms Or etiagrefi 911 mild larar dayt Asp; are urging their tioetrates upon our Legislators,: it may be well W oomotter the leelllnfeubstilig among the' people, pi Urcat lirltimiu, t?ward ib United States: The turista tendoney of free trade .Is. to.undte. us -outirely deism:teak upon foreign . nadoni, and espeelatly ussi . England, for our. supply of many artietarindtspenalsble. mod- era warfare: urnit ,piumitient among whieb iroula iw matillbld,contilrona and too. Bad Liere never be a pronaltiVe. Wig ea trot* ilk alla eUuntry, our , Iron manntstaitres: never (-mad have prospered::_ England would gladly. nave hitulahed us - the heeeveary metal ,nt her. „own Wear penee'ildgiled -thititigbont oar, borders. The national tioi•ertitnent Ott have pro:instal at great 'expense,- 'and ity . the: ern.; ploytnent of forelgn %Tor/mien,. !Tottednver. ior 1210 PurPro:e, otangen and small , am ai; es we starer tbiuOr. folioed: . We - tniatO have !twinned .wlse'oar fines: ; Vide iiejigtein: We rellbtliwreideeznadit as, attairitty to build- up Aniarlean Iron manufsetunis unftrapro Ceetivei taritt es to .inditeattisi•Prodnetlou eteptrult, tstini ircento by be was For imanY: Yuit's'or quid been gnoving stronger, siovrip," slitamt. se en: pavetved 113 the elettrieiti with*, tittle byUtile COUNTYi PENN-NELVANI . 'elogne Wait exhausted,- wi thout ladling one that suited the, taste of' .young i hopeful.. a , sow,!,lf there Lires one trade that , att more . lad to him than! 411tOttier.; it was shoemaking; for we 'boys', were In Noe habit of calling him stIOU Sereral rninttt-liibildi . peeled in silence, and the father hal%.4tivelnAp the -pail ert hopeless; but'the atigtietlea .4111 th no poor thlng. wereso -great fee the -MOM re . 'the ‘enst of her Want," that she . 1 as she ' efteitrardit,used.to say.) to Anal the -eettrenity.-. She d Atonsid Cel l l rveletteAV it" trade...MA *earned one. two whit:bah° th id would /Aft film; tuft ta)thd ellmag;' she mentioned shoemaking.-: if ' this; young - hopeful arose, and. 4* themostellan , but .; 11101ettut manner; said: •.`Nol Nest silfitt:Ottat a 4, ,. ._. bating Man all the days of mg lifer' , -l' But fOr reectli, me. - I would be ^Palmeri . WhY. it Was that I was smfoollsk as to make thisaelection I couldn'.,ttell: Perhaps It was , my Adel - or. It may I 'betted It rarr in the,blood: for mining had been the I ,i'occupation of my forefathers for secendgeterations. One of rote great-streat-grand-fathers opened the r first coal; trines on the Monntoothaldrei Bile*, at 1 Bryn Cter.: ) Row bug ago I cannot tell ; :but It wait i Sway baCkflothe days -or e arrudt th ,lig'S...e.hezt.9 lo.. penny n day was the rate o. emitter *wawa - (Quely; 1 I What then could have been the basis?) 1 •: -There is an old tradition connected - with the An d-. deg of the coal. It went to say that my meat anees- tor wait befismed in :cnosing, the' mountains, when rinrbts way . from Bridge t.ind, OltunurksOlhire. to d, the town:of Mee:in. - Anci he Mudd .turreted for sev- eral hours , in the foe. he becanie. 'satisfied. that to travellimier the cfrehhistatleelfttligtraltelrsatilnllft-t -tektite; ter he-knew not where o.le. wet, tor, Whets! he may go. And; being then' on.as,faencable spes of ground as he could expect tit' find tn"the moan= -tains. hemade up his mind .Ith - i email. there until the fog -disappeared. - tlleafterwards , found .that - this place was justeta corner where the thriee'oun- ties, tilemontan. Breccia. and Ifennictuth: formed a . junction.) 'The ilig continued all daY,ondthe night being!, dent- tbtre waft i, meldrtg 'deft Adm. but to remain there all night.: HoWever..sometime in. the night he saw !a light; which "he' belieral to be a light in some hutuan hahltatitm; soul as the dis- tance did not appear to he far, hg left his horse and ', went On faM in that direction. '‘l'llen he' bad' ap.. pemclied: nearly! to wherehe , espected.to Mid the dwellimr. the light movesinway abrig.til angles to the direction hverbiell, be Wstagohnt ; but believing thatliontanimate of the atouse had just! taken the light with hilt - on argue errand. be kept .on his' course, ex melt ngisoon to Mitts Place of libspittillty. In this, however, he wartrdoamedtodisapp•- rintment, 'fur on reaching to•Nehert." , he thought the house to Is). he found himself i n the mire; and. ihe more hestried. tcrgeroutof it the metre be .such ti the nrirY.bog.! While in this candition he esperititieed;great-fear, - which awakened hint to the: true. &We of aftkirs;' thlat lie had been led mtray,.by the ttraeheterts Jack with it lantern. The light was still visible et a shot t distance. and- though he was - aware. of labeing the - .0',use Of; his trouble he could nut nYold' look logst it. When suddenly many smatter 14;114-made their afineurance„ and nil began,to imp; and 'skip, 'and „deuce; the Installer lights trial:ea about la the most . infhtMels Manner, , as if)n the greatest:glory over his mistertune. Doubtless the smelter dighta Isere: 'young,Jaek with a lanterns i ' that cojoYt 4 the fun , pretty Much the :Lamella children sometimes weultt enloyn.the comic misfortune: of some'llalf . erair- drunkard.. But; the tituiltini.UT the liter 11*htts were More majestic-and 'dignified: it *oath s :novo towardsf Lim nail then recede again anti tatni Mils if inviting him tO follow-, 4tewpting. the Invitation, he followed; and as he found it Volsci fon solid ground, Ws feast left him and he felt like one enchanted. The help. still beckoned and hg.followed it Olt and en, until an tropasSable barrier-in the: shape of u 'vertlearcliff of et eke put a stop to his prOgress. - The . - lights'after having ascended the, - rooks were no longer eisittle, anti his being' pnrt ty well 'exhausted witt tarigne,ho rayed Wm down .la !rift. and-soon te was fast asleep.' Ile hraot! been eery long *Meet'', when he was awakened lg.' air. sound of sweet music =the. moot ininuonlous and melodious be ever heard: The moan was -slowly rirti fig teerthel:usterrt h I lisottui immediately Defeat hint' a Laird of tallies serf ,.: holditig high carnival flu; the: heath. The.: seenewmt most sub:late; and he was delighted-be- yon) Measure; not only on ititeortnt . ,of what he then. saw and hertni4 hat also berzu Ar! to those dues for to-41 . 1a! man to- sit tact ,. a air? rianea,wils considered Is mist Cavoraitte , tunen. BLit pre-catty the (peen ! of 'the fat ties !Optoached tarof toughed film Nei fh 'her ' titeglit Wand, and.he again Was sound adeep. .When he :makeup' in the morning the stm.:was shining brightly, and there was no vapor 'y !slide' in the sky. Attertisk toga general view- of the landscape, and matlsfying himself rs - to' the ' locality, 'he-tamed !• aroand to make a closer exarninat ion of the rocks that , : sheltered "dm during' the night.:Being by iiiil , ion a.. land-measurer,' his chief - oh- Ject In : is, doing, - was to' , fix on, !time protni- vent !: point as a landmark. -While thus en- gaged' he disc-coalAveoverrd avein 'of tram to six feat In thickness; the- veil:Lb:wring beedrecently ex- . poited by a landsible. Being welt aetittaluted with; -and a grelltitttvortte of the lord of , the nianht, be had no ili us tlio.tity in securing a favorable batik. AV! ltnnliatCly rifler .the !,roper; doduntruls h d been /Opted he began to. worl d bean lye. - For many yeang after that . the tuffilF had ;been 'opeuerl; the inhabitants of Bryn per,i and ta u sur. rounding countey. believed the above tradition to be strictly trite; and litany 'tit the obispeople no lon.- --ger than seventy-tive XeWrs.agalxdicv,ed every word of-it.' There is, ati old song that embo died the aurae'. ideas; but the did TA ks W,Riltl have it that It was a re- cent rriXlitotion. I , anult..l on the old tradiCti 1. But . the facts in the eats' are,- that the itengWatfeottipctsed and circulated. tut an advertising; dodge, tottell the coal. ', My father tells nie' that he .henul the whole song recited Mxrut , sevent y years ago.untirrom whet he can reinenther,:lkv.ieves Uralic! a 'calcite.) effu4lon, of eonsiderabiei merit. I. '•remeinbet• to hear _lay father :dowels/ft of,it w hmk I, Watt Il:suitill boy. but Mil have been able to glean fre.int him is thefollow- ine-shanza; aslo Its e irritiiititosTranilol vouch,!bv.t will gtye it be - re for whnt,,ihrl wartla :- .1 . .* . :kr (Arial Ilryll (ler, 1 ,'• . . 1 1 ' •Wrth oleo .yr.oor.' I. . Ue ndit b-y-nut roman ddych*lnteal,o'l thin; ! Ac yin) arbwrt.liwyl, i . Cympsi mt tug wyl,; :., Sfewn swynol Ito' riaeti ~., . -tt bytt'oedd eu cah 1, Cannon ho, li . CaTitaw A ha, 114! , . Nikgwylltsrf y . ynydd lit teeth ytOwy my g , ,rati thlaWifst tit trey gllydd itr tiodeu.y grog: /I •: , vannwni . ho! esunwn ho. h 012.. Prisfawr)v nor oust illWy tiWgrthlaWr yw g)e.' , . ; yteuxuLt;:tioNNFX'r Wr.t.;K.l 4 , ,yr r idaTt ' s mat to—'npt dint. ! t - 3 suicide to Trutt. Custom. ' ! •, ~-. Davis gleans 'over! 11l life. Insurance. poli(rfes.a (lay. •- ",•c 1 ! ! .—flarhad wan:sr - C . ) !- a:mused ts)-- the 1..7u States. )nth c 7l - Ja•oe'r that the North. ; . (la 't..)11(4 or-25 cent piegewin Vault. ; rutit()ii . an4 veal i4e41131 1,;) cef qr cult . Pllll3 telp:ll3 SlIpl.). 211. a 1.13S1! 311 club la;t —There is tiothing:i.tlf-tv.i,Y'lll.l;tit,:haehiaCt .5e hey 'do it in junks. i ' . permitted o lain in prison.''- .:4 t -y)titt3 neti area e.,vdt-u.4 det. --fetter h. taprig:lt. ,plverly. than-Int- - )ritn•iple.l wttll plenty. - i;•ia tiliiniti7:ntar4,for tbelbrusilan uppoitinti nor papers. , rofn,.st:t`J.ll.llllnl;llll,!Wilitospe;tking, svith . eoll'de an.l -. ,The "Llocc.t..s&l wif& si4rt ii ugtin ° heard iu Oti.% Ilritimh Parliament. : plu:u a nlit ro;is!I t.) (Maas des:se:LA ju,t ifow. . - louu•it Flinn lia.4 an SS;,(I6) ',Lae% but no oucisrielA taibugit t l Ac ci It. 3 : --;ilantili;'wlth a tAurf allig- A:tor 83 a ttecuy is an tittlit4Vtliellt - In Ali :4'311a —,-poeciii-v.1, 4 'of art vial ). ; , tliink4 of eliangity:4 its C:ntgre;sitiaii IJJgati is to(i pagv.; Ic ook foor,ita y s in jairt.) 'linty:4)l94le a Now Hatnp..sitito tutu! to pay -- I S.glitiineal of amiggardlY "l)rfok. to tite;:onty wi tit thine eyes;A*7-41'oitrtil- storekeeper "Tian., bowls or .111 , suri4 and sizeN.". Out We , again who lieei s ,)l,4 a ken:lent:ill's faausiiing, store Is ea:le,l- a •msoirtist." \ - , . . . . . -alio New •, York brokeressesr-eke oai their iili:jxne by the sale of , their phoeographS... .--itieventy-ti.ve e-.atli a' ii•y ttnkl' 'rats is the .prite or cLiillo64.l rani) labor 1:,01. the •PayiTrie'. -It only costs St, lintis ilawyet's $5O to 4 . 31. •each other !'liar" arid!'t•Uward' ;' to wort- sueeeS.sfill exper,u in animr.l vtWiltiation have been ntade , at llotitbay. colony of seventyjti.t.e,.:•young men of Charleston t's LI start t4aoliTor.V,enezuela. ' 4 nightyou git o'r dangle," Is the notitv serVed by WYonutt..; ettiiintittee. —The Ilosten •sayo that oekets are like-. elontla wipe again-411 . 0v liavu at•silver.lhiing,. --Canada - has get •trt find: itself standing army hereafter. The regttlar4 itre`going home. tlespite her rt.l.!oe4i•K'l:lsl aceumu- hued to time:lt -Nalipose Er;'ease In Walking. , , •- It is vaid t.11.0440r0 aro qn gold in Wall.atreeft;•buc ilwre tonli oho' golden calf there. '• Thore is.a:riian in It3el;. cnulity, W13(1711811). 81 years of age, is, fatliei.ut u child, twu . tnyntlis oltl. ., 4—lu ' the Park street Jelicirelt in Boston the quartette cbcir giros' plit&- to`ti`ehorna ofsturiy. trained singers.- - i: il:-'• *;:' i-* -: ' -, . difTiculty over scittml 'disputed Cattle in Texas was athicatd3 'settled '! by tho death of buth ; the disputants. . .J.Au Illinoi domestic li:l'A - 11er voila;- iu a fit oliageaud.has since warkediu silence. Such ""half; , is demand. •„ ' - , . Tite ranks; of the Washington correspond- ents' corps hat'd ails wititor been augnunnted- by halt Soren women. . 1.: -An entdiprisiug female trawler in Indiana, seOurod a Whole railway t4P , lo.beraelf rarry- itnea jar of butler knout. rqndustry was pohrlY rew.ard+d in the case of, ,u J6nuly burgtar sato ,after thine hours and got'rdne.cptua.,. I -- 2 A girl of eigh 1).21 teep, of , M 0..; was tilmhumumi from a propamed ^ elopement by a imod mistaking from ue! medlar. E tst India ruby, wiig,lttng Ave karatA, probably the Oat *atttaple.to the country. is to be seen in a' hashati .—They have ataboo J trip unit don't, know whether to eau Inn., a Justieess•or the .,Pettre, lir Justlee or the reambre. pair of •Georgialuvera:,h3vh_ehrresponded a lend dine by, w ritinj nu , ec tp. . They nhght be eggii-c:itleit fur t••41.4%-triaviiwklit tiffeAlun. r ~I ' •—•Thffi _SVOitLD ' isaitt ut isoiiitii.uOtiir,"lo deg could bite huh That 13 Oie gen eral opinihu:at ,11"afflaittitchi; ttittrn "Shoo I —Vernietit hadiee think then diver ti vs oP that State net?ct tshkaiiing; They have Wei* tiredtou iuu4s,porikapii,...hery are a 3 out 7 , in re-- pair,, Utetterst:st:paiper aiyairthis Japanese -, , "w111 grin unriferaaltuipuut by a akin. eo heatheti.ah -habit 411ey- tu.teith e ; their: ;hu. 4 •. ; tisdtintifil '4(44,44 that, -Altui)o,,Vey" war -evanpoiwg ithoatc-,' and deilkated: -t4 Waive& isoi ciber —lienlnsn. in w .publ ic .1 04fere;laag tu hi the 'Boalsoniasts how to ire hairpy,, tirtempeAkowf Lv- tug, tied flown) get - rte/t", by thillisiittrat, Lisaac H , i. of - . .l , rear, 1 1„sizoildie, "was t e Sather:or the gtbitlnti s ,34r.:spootatos In Cussgrasa.- anisis Irivitzipo , wrltar; but' no is.tha amid evinaikablet dltiorente bc. tarean- tbe Aueleilta and therlintxleetta?' The *adman ara f d their 40.0 and the tundeasteurn *hair - ' , ;-,-ram tabu heongldelg i bfpasTett- ' tolii ball, in Illstnlnghsisn rs„ tecvlsodthispritii ,—a gold watch; thy ehletonhapetltoit.Wald only. Master fifty-four. ' ; . -- lUPitteb: - '•:'.. )' 2 .1.='.3 j L AND VP AEBANTS WANTED OF WAR- OF ist2 AtiIi..? , LEXICAN WAIL .FOR.E.ION' COINS, STOCK-S, GOLD, fVERN, MENT and other BOND,S BOUGHT - and SOLD. COLLECTIONS profanity wade on-all )E POsEDS' AtEVEIVED.. ' ' patrol No paiwilt be - minaret' to : serve lifitlimita al ' hose who laver tui With their burdnest. JOJIN F. Rustrros 'a co., Dunker/I and Bro:,:ers.f No. ,i 0 Sou le Uct St..; Philada. Jou 1. 7u ; -1-ly APRIL, 1.870. Xer Sale anb,ilo 'gif. for ,Star.imk-fia•zgai:::.i-t von SALE —A llmixe :and Lot -in IttetniuttelAtt;. r. Loutt tu r.,TINV 111 P. Tenn' i A ly t• TianlA AL WA.l.l(l .:lt,'Noi. in Bt. ilium ine. . April 9. 10-040 .r ) 2 ,.. f. ve 0 v.: : 8.-11 - tice-story stone, dwelling bf)i rid.- situated itit Market P" e - r 00 feet front by 4 The Lento rikrealisonsible. Ant -1n 'lll,m/ glven .by applyltig to• 7,1O.F. KIM :110 :kis, Jun - 15, "1"0-44mLos DAVID LITTI.E. 'Shaw, rUP, +l% E,Ntims.,—Altoom, third 11°4 to Acitz' itti Ceutrectliaotterillo. Apply to titAt A Viva Ton Loeb-h./Dare, st•II:04.. p+ ail bCII. UNetii f0r ,.,,,,. Octal coal dirt at the miner and•is in to GEO. W. SNYDEit, Pnlts7 ;01, 'COB SALE .—Breaker Mid Engine; ithipe 1.: and raigirte; Boilers. Oillee, Sh4.4*, mask ; late ly occupied by the Primrose Mul l'sarb ir !.l,„ ; Co_at St, > f Will be sold low. ,;\ pr* t., HENRY. C. $C El., lb Italiantelw s: . Jan 1.5. '7O, 3-tt . .. . Air Acitiatuzer _wait 64,1ifi0 hone en, iti..gtoe. pt.b., 4 1. - ptitA i t , ez 1, •-oxle 60 horse. . i rug' tie', 411'17111, ptltllliliti 4it , ; WHIM [WM raga or, 2 butlers, /0 fret fa and *. one 16 "Inh pole pump, nail a .}y.i.rd4 inch column pite t Leigh t t . 0u ,....4 .it-, ,L by 3{ ilityal: lot 1214 r wile at...„ i"-- AM/ 1,11 M. iititLiA , Or a. 1.1014111 i ~,..1. ......1m Aptit 4 16-1..1. i j urby letter to Port Carbopn .3' TO LE: sicanTLY.--The second atitry of the Al- prelniatet obeliplied by Skeen & Kearns, 141%111 nail 161 CeistMoiltiet. having It• convenient outside 'entrance, InWeell toil tett for ttotaturtaleating cakes; Or might be /4tivattl ,tor a small nanny wit/aunt :tirtilercatidren ! J-I . r lif,fltt 444OCIALA.,__ 'NEL. --. N. k-8 .- 60ortleekvir m,n anal" zwiradithe• Int (Nu. MIA 34.0 opeu to a )ptott tenant while the time* are dull. Aptit 1 37 M C .' 2. :0-11 41t .' . •• .........._____:_ V. . .. . 111. . AMIABLE PROITATT WI" /17A.TE if aituraa.ol934ietattetatntoem, ip the tract of 031 4._tabil. 111 atair Caatte Thapaebtp. sonylkin Co., (amain -asltba ,lll4,lli Sassalw.trar.,l mutatattag about tal acres , „: - -' ' kleftet Mt acrea4lslllloAL *ha T41.134t bl ip: inalley Tiewmatry,- 1 -. Iva au 4 snabi ballga .11botiltilatalta ` ' 4 dlitottaa- Etc WU kvetisof 23 Treat att- . .. enue, rankela Cheat-th' 'Orsatuartho4nt Amt.-ttsa.,llear4ittle.•-• bf . Auld twaybuyikAtt po tamktaisitaarboc, Ifart.. , .s *.:, tei ll e l.*itaill4 ',U1 k 2ii'llfovidittfa E-eli At T 11 t o , lt t if , a‘ Patsvllle.V-r. 647: . .- t091.1f 11212M-- - I , 76lsMairlitraxiiers - nornet•Ziknond •und sfabantong o stt• ..11 OTA April. Ist. -Apply to REVEL' c. Reidpitale.Airritilf "l!rantotsiobtr ti o. : DWEI÷LING HOUSES FOB SALE, &spry 13tielc, Alshnntongolit. . I . •2 t 'rev-gory . hTiek ".t ' attattlibtt ta .I .ll(.„ARLSSEL,.iieaTi..kstlie g. -N: 8D st k , Jp.nn, 'COXI/13.111.,Ei--.4:: - Five Ton Lotornotive. ,kril.4l fOr e mud.. Lait,bm n Vt.!' tng eoniand' tit the Wises, and Is de;._:Apply to 44E4: W. SSNLJEtt, Potts t;,. Jaftqary . 30,41h4h1crtsti.Mpt..C4 1., neltot,d) 7h - Winehrentr! Trite_,t ,'lOl4l tei11n71313,4 hi; unit - .F471m3714111 taut- tiektsluing about AO men*, iivutteied - fur uhcln ryasblutbje.l-ernia. -. Appt,v_to : - - tiANNAti, Agent; ;FL% 11 17, - 04s I,',Dttsville or l'ort,t %,1 1,, :1 ..)11 8.111;i;-Tliniiker acre,: u IA _Lebanon Coetfly:pjz ' hlles I fi no gro rti. tob,i; me tine of, the Lebahon n, The timber' ha wine/pall V Ply to. -I,MASOX-WEIDNIAN,VottsviII,,, im 'Mi. mLoint,r.4 Fttrgv. p. t July 31, '#* 7 . b tt Lehinoti,o, F9ll 0 .V OR T.A11 , -&- ick.::--A.. - Vttlisable Lenge on ihe Nl.' 1101:114 - PRIMROSE, and , SEIDM lJtl:: Vk r :a:UN a Ituill'or• une intle-11). the 11W14:0 - V..1%/it*Y- NLebobof Col/dory— -ApAy to .• ". . FUANI: c.Aftll:l:, 17.$tate,igent,alyer Terraee. I NA IR% 11 . , 311, . 4tt•• ' TIEB/I : CA itESIDEIg ao FOE 'SA I,i 1-.4 - 'Ms wets ritvattotbrra tor 4111110 hia ittiu cerneror9lh and sehuyitall A y, maigrous.Al l eftww frx nem.%) art - uWur :Net lONA lOWmircit,PKtOtkedleltb fruit-mm* 4 ahrt:i., .tt:•. „Pot terin•-;,#'ll-furthor tatorntatlott, : t fig.,Xf• , 'JVAtust-zy.t., Feu I 1.Z.0 .`1,,,,V S „„r,r- o kialtic,llLTUßE-L PA AN-D •titulerislant oth, the Schuylkill County Park 'AasUclationycill r, liropintalx %or rt•lotrer I:fatii" Louse of tiurti,,tcl -I'ar.U.; 'WAN p.tyitrAo'clutirtetipito aulvance. ro: slop given on t h c' ist tiny Of :April, h'7•l. •'.E.IirOILLI-sla.iiil,7, eb:i, VexxxxiLp -ciRLIaLitY . MACHINE SILEI.k>t,,t4-A- (i0,..4, RA ILI I) 1 FAIC - .41A.E.F- —1 ugw'Slemin Pulan and l'ihes; MIA I uz brunt Una i• ffroaker hery.• tWelve Niute , n lot of WmtiMA, T It •Tor.h., .te,„ &Z....lately used at SllverCreek; appi !, WI L 1.1 ANI Lk ER 11.51A ' yen:l, Nu.= 0t:36 Apetell Mtilit , 11111)1' „tnettln,b,lt stat•lr.,'Nlrnateort the II ne of the sett, ad b7 ,uliquellnatitlkWßOGul,-.14-tuttew from hems of ritetaYilf ate nude*. ettitleat .11.1•4lire entrefedlt.lth'itteititut grant* of In y, grnwth,. whieh.'wetthl I.mA - ft exoeUkf prop. an uere,sr are envt4eil gitltheut: Vtitnber. - The Imp. j ntentiretin44-o,lloittitettantlia new :•••z &trig, hitt IttnikesAtnetn ttew unnenall is It wuter er..Stqat, connt!thil of'homes; eows, (arming -Impletrients: , The price:Lockett run. he izeil from the timber mote, Tem.:Cent:4% App!, 40 AN Ent tirly.'s - I WWI nt. Dr F~ItGL AlciarliAnNo. to Centre flit49!vii* : 1.15 i /- rA1ia.t.7;:13.:,411-t4 A HAKE. OPPORTUNITY' TO;. OUT tt'i'i4 TIIA rsi)diTtirelta 00A1.,e011- P.',N 4 1: ,. Offer to lerwie ap!>rtlint of het et,i,eust 1htlt. Ext;p' untoutchell,ln the fl.lilaud Basln of the limit, V.egt.On canto ill fag the at w I tit t 1 e t, Lying and:ovalyttig Ve.hs; itu 'eery floe email fiu ; Application to he made ,to (126.' IL Ton's.. Prebideur; p.,114 110.wta - itx, Near Ygrk, or t o .S. C. . 3171.11.1.. ' Ca--t: . their Agot4 at, l'oltkw We, I,' 33/3 , e nr, 111. 1111- Di PAL' ESTAVE A.GENZY.L-OFFICE, I.' ::11 ~ ./.\:- 'BU. Trtnitot.c4Tho'und at - signed litry4 ti. 4. .,, 4.1 . Years' vs,pericnePfin, ' Survey nig, Pardo ill:yt'of . 1...,... 1 Worm ton amt.:Vilna mrm.t. e.if l'ond Lamis 'Vl's,. de:, '- kilt and' atktotialnif . `tnifft.ii,s, respectfully one!.. 1,:: 14 , Aarvinett . M-owners Land•a.Ctillleries,and Ite.tl l's tate of ever.a.' deserlppou. lie' js prepared tottleod Jo . PureliMe and Sale ,f ,Iteal 1.1 - s - tnIP: . . g‘..tarninatlolinnd IlvvelorattOnt of eitttl La la si ' I.:karts nation:aid Itopturt on' Ctmalt t lon of t 'ot I . ri..... Clullec oa'aßtMt. Payment of T 111.05. i ....,..e. of Illnes, Lumbt, Lots,-.4fre. i f••• .' - I:: - r11.1... , :1i CA iniF.E. .. ' R - r.lpmimicp;l4,fieorge 31. - Ttitit man, 'F.,...1., 're, ,- .dent 'Central.. ittlowtillank. l'hllailplphia:.Tt., .‘ llllltile Set.t.,a. "11adptphla ; Jimtha 1 u.ll. pi nv.; i 1.... ;.. Philadelphlat AdOlplit E. ItorlP,l.lsq:,Thiladelk t ht.. t Septonlber iirtitr" - - '• -..: . , s ..,,- If SAL Ftrst-,ela, s Wlitte - Ash I.'ol'l 4 the Thihanoy„,Coal -At Iliptruslid• trpxFa i Pub agtr, Rivgr.. I ••• A .twenty feet. lot / In Secontl, Stret t, sultat 1r t prlysiterthkoove. ••• : ToWis lots InlMattanoy - 70 , •: , LEaktr-llotton, mot b Iskitltrore arol „Veins, !war. 3liitittno.7,. C. 71 tk." - - . For-Root-*n,otticeitl Sliver TerraCe. A Applyto :; . ' NI( CAILTEit rteul Egtate, Silver Terrace; V 4_ 12 P A:L -IRON PRIZJA ACE PRO A PRIVATE BALE. ' One utf the tnoit disauthle awl %%linable Ei•Ji f , l PROPk:tirfLIB In the slletzand ‘.; v , iv noxt QtferetLat pliVnte tt4tle, known as cal.. Fttrettet"," and , k idtisaled -111 , sarnanclath 0rt),.1 miles sautb-entst 17tmatt-,t0,-1:, tt!Id t VAtinJairg, on the linen( Ow nah ( wts .ap ?hire ant (than aIX thouittztp acre* xtt Innti 3 it. tog MIX. of superior y n uallty ant( great alattiOant m Part of the- Pia/toe butittingar were.d. tru t ,) fire dar2lll4l " i'lte'wor• but the :stack. lowa+. t`t, Hearth are In wer} leab"e (total it itch. 'There I; oat property tl . It tidable Parellttur flown, eightc'ett others for 14 torkitto , n... - -t t at .8 a pur tnalt3r for pentans seek.)tp- ore For farther ipArtirtilitr, add re.o: ,N ue. LoISDELL or IJAVIit P. -II" It'lltaingtonLte JAS. 31Alt4TON, r:thnlaare, nandef in ILIBLEIJ )21 V 11) I'. Bt ":411: for C. BUSH'S ACHINEFA,Y SALE; EMI ~px"; ' O-i'J--tt} The tolinwing still on hand at tlieDunmn One pumping engine, sigty horse power, Mg all tins machinery connected.with ' . . . (like hoisting .erneine, sixty horse,. With_ all, chtnery connogied with hoisting. Kix 'boaters used for puniping and hobiti feet tiy.thirty--four inelies.lit diameter...with Connections, ,Nn Dell)) (wl.) )11 MEM thirty. 1 their .Ch stenSu pVmp.!son Banda .1 —a satbdaetury article: . .;• The . above' machinery is In goii.leontlltl wilibeKohl:reimmubly. I. I Also, odd watvr pump -and pipes. .-Wagoi. and '4*.i-ingi Kamm; t4IIK, Tru.iultmr,„Sh..xla;Fl storextraom, and aft tlter'llmildings wide' werelvt. ' - .Irot further 1n format al re at than Eiort , )/nrtieist•:. ni at. t odt/uncurl CollSery. Jaa7 'di:45.424f . 4011 N lIA OEM MEE 9 Of e %LAN NI 11Melt 121111 VOR SALE:' ..., u,--.'l-.• .:. . - —,. ,;Titi: 1- 14.tow,rsa, :, :'.. : .-- I `, NIINI - Nicf " MAC f - TINEitY: '' One high.tiressure Corntsh4lull fitrtrlngleitOne:. .2614:ineli ,yllrider I.feet stroke, Isa ers and 111 -I.a, t. ennip/eic, ancj 2 'llfts of Mumps: 86 S - dti . eaefi, one Is-. nett the other ii-Inch.plunger, eaelt SeVili (04:At rol,:.•. .. , .A: ) .1 ,.._4 ,--o .,t t ilelVillt c ul ezip ln ti g t l it in_ gi pti nn e , ll 2 ,l -it ilei te g y tn tli enieiii l,i, troke, , :with eletirnirearlng and-boilers (pin' lel e. AISO.-d-Four Rein Breaker •Miteli I :wry. 4 ,C A.1,8(1, 7,-169 thret.s.tonSfope Wagonft,- 11ea.1 - II ironed: or 4 feet track: I ". - ..0.. 1 AL50,,..-=-Cnie ALSO,,..-=-Cnie 16 feet Fiiii awl Engine - wl . .th. tubular' ilerelittiplete.' " ~- -, i 1 ' '- - r Under; feet stroke, with gem I ng and bobs. mid 1ae Ifte of pumpsloJ yards..eneh, wi1.114-citioi tiltin grrs . is feet stroke.. - •, -... : - I . •The ii.b.,,ve, machinery roarbeetti ln serrlee, l l,lll. is I: . - Arnrklngarster.,... . •"-- •• ..- •• . GEORGE \V. KNYDEI.., .nin9 ,'6li k:triir:Septa.,'o3---L-Iyil Pottsvf 1.., 0, 331181 VV.: MAC t. 6 . ori k`rfn3 - . y. COAL T*c ier‘r i fit Alefferkiteits Ilanimo rater level.'• •,;• _ 'mtnel lied !iiithfigitAft.l6yellYtit- jj JJ . One lied dab Lease- ou .t t 1.1,1;. A Lease on naralngth,slodipbre and rri nroNe ill eree.k. :,•7•11111ER LANDS.FOIt SALE I* . ! .Pilicrem splendid While Oak Timber I.atid,.s.n we for earmuff, 4e. 1803 acres-Timber I..and I yi Potter County.' :1 ,11 000 4StrecttAialll iitm am)e.pl iwcO ifaLtuber. tlonrlna. ;i. of Nso:ocre4chestnin timber laud. . .•1 800 , 4tores -gnat Bbd Witte IDSmlnq -tand, , bet wee?, Ilarim•irttit;_and the Tunnel, cut trite lots tti sun pn;- tit,ser& lA house.' and Jo' 4,.),1r N IGO-hors...kb irke engine. 1 fifty horse eos ins. th.trtV ,. " 1 twelve ," " 1 ten, " portable en. If 21c4 . 1Orti, :124,13. z 2/ ft.. , . x 2rl te. " 80lu.z30ft. - "•30114x/dtt... 12ft.' -2:- 171.%": 21 1 in. x d ft. , =“.-41-hoorsoo, tubtliar. 1 upright due boiler. , /74jekk,11..colutun PiPO itithlu bedfirandtittipi.: 140,40. 24 a.vp14_1. pr.• . NM "4 . 141. poke . pu lls ps, 2 -6 ." •!t• :; good 611120140fpr ugh Dpil.6lon,CoeNtimet. Ncnt. 116-14-1 t 10 sittall. 1111 tlil : toter pumps. toms of cltl . varlou' .1 10 feet hots/ ag dr . um. ;with bult4ratul - riirmillsx)Mplete. 141.4e141401stIttg drum 3 ' -!' 2 stacks 34 In- , c4f) 1- "-- :3o in. Abtotit 1!) loons I /eft Utnictlux A latge lot ofp tAnfau pot, lat the :took "Ito Omitting and ' safety lamps. tltynis of *ter rat!. ." :4" -, ''' t Irefrop Al*lXtrays on heed IrtoinaiDin. faii4 for ‘,.- tliatlng it mtge.," -.- , I. pin!. - \ ; /up ,t 1;;,,• wit!, Itßtae. r Iteconcr...hatkd !41 , et 4teti lit .t.e MIMEO =lllll ME CEntoll RO •• , —it% I Tait - SitliE.— he t ,••• 2 1 lktted. otret tt. - sitt tile -- 5100'.N . l'.\ IL. '.; ;S t. ROLLING•fdILL:t• Weaned t. Dlouut C rb. , 11. . I:* 'r- Pansy' Ile,scliuytitil I Count v. it, . 1 .TbelKllMeeninitht i fronitiky" pesiti II ng forte ,i- , heittlua ftt 'rraw•ett. a trtrin'qs-lhch rolls. or 1.,...,, , . 4,l l:oN.J.alerritaut hie host t nth', 1 . 0%in Int.. r.,1. 7 ,-:: ' Inches ,Irt Wroth, by; lai Ittelore tlituneter. ~ , t i : : 411 . zat4chtnerY for the tottautiteturtv.kftl;'o..l4......1, •••• : thatuflron.lthe pittiptrat.l puailing tioili. a• ; •pelled -by a rertle.ti engine or 34) too,. p ~,., Nir•rullf bra'borUatital- ettgine or m i k0 .N,.;1. and•the rernsititier, of Abe ot.tchinery„..4 01..3- Ingotheant. fen; de., by'lettalikes or 4,1 . nl l' 11 ' 1Y power rapectlvety_ '.• 'o,A.s..hfal' bath:M.lv which Covtit an row, iquarli feet.. aro ,clods ore I lie - fn rn aler3tAtas,reontalit)of :e -eat count rm. nips,tubstsylattaintanner, and coverel .. 474 ',.' ' : " theitiptift i t. 11411royty , Ar la - :.-4e:11.:2 1 4r)r. Zr e , f riren?..'' Lying contiguous and Appurtenant I, jio, I;,d Uhl; ane ift7 acres of arable. tt•l woo li .n I. 'office, ihrees•boulte. 21 - frooti ttntl COll Vel II I .I. r.l , .11t)liktailud art•excellent barn ralt .' '' I.n isl•I oat to town lota, wood meet with, u•,. .‘ ...;,..... .• .'A:espaclotts reiterVoir near the. 51:11;. 2r . - i... 1 , , : ,2' 7.lAstlbeViStk iabilitaant'sapp'l3' Of pure -; ,•'; ll 4 '"": ' ' 1 There Is also arrexcelierit skate qu2trp .0,, t i,, :. pi, ni• . I.4et. .Mor 'the successful prosecution' e I 1,. if ili, ti. eictufve of Iron, Ihe location /4 such 'its I. :nr,3:,,, L - , I•: frZl.' of the 'ben quality Is, n;:n•il ji . ttaAsktclnitst. Tte tacit ties of i an ,pol , . ;on are ample—either by the Reeding ita 1 - 110 I 1111:[ 0 1 . 1 ". i tunner.ou:t connections. Or by the :••zei. tylit rr• The lance qttaattfyloitihotcorisantett in r lie ,•,•'., 0 ig i°// ' 41:Turda an exeellent4tolue lA. 'tad, ;111,1 DU abundant 'apply it f Wrap Imo. r..., -. -: #iir:For furt.hatisfolloatlmrepplY-1 , r..,,.;'-: ~,, 44111111 110.414.NNF'-'4," Pot ' P. C. ONDRRAONK; poi .or teCALTIN al aaarotag TTE, POI '.:Jan. Tt, 70 THE MINERS! JOT. 7 Local Matters. WAIN TABUS. ••••••••••,..•••••011M IN MSN Xy —4:4",.--..:....-- 31. P . 64 0 : sr - ; -4.......:::...........; ..." 61 . .11/. .---:.... 1,............. --., 44 SF: •SI -. - - Z.,,;..--,..,--, MS •/. Mk,. -.-. /a . Thursday ....... .40 '•79' : ' 72 gocal, liasintss •• . :Streak a hoe heat, Inlertlan; c ents aline each subs. ;Mai •• _ 1, 1, Dux gran& J., GAL !iiiE --- - result:ll at 051111104'5. 'war priassralltlanarCri.. Dress (tastoriVialantrs., at irree .. 1:61 S" t.. ~ tor i. altar. at Oath Ives In ge. ,-, ~April 9, PATTZ.II r 'en 11-If red at4 r. Lloal street, Ann, X AtXX tt, ON LT la cents' tar a superior Oyster Stair at. Potts' Ladles and Gioia Restaurant. ro. MI Centro street. Prices .roctuord to salt the thue. Call and see for youoelves. . 3.t 0 - - Fzrmail, Engltsti and American Cloths, all Style, f ••••.. I 4410 I . li •2 = es 4.pure. ll ; 61 d . i ' ris . n . eltalis . l4 elixir. Whoever. is debarred . byailrcurn,tances from - unrestricted , access to Vila inidsible, but powerful sttmulant; .110e4ti invixorairt of some glad. 13141_1.11.A should be to choctze the beat. Popufailiv is a pretty good uantritee of .nierit in *MI scrutinizing and intell ; tit b this criterion Mattel- .... . . . . tzliejW. regulatiOg e rps of tirt attvi t, he tett .,peolloos g lot zu Us, eSpOrtfilly.fn c flectorfes w ven with - the.best possible ventilation the atutasplYerir lie always hi twine degree,poillt ie k t this saluhrlome , 'vegetable NMI 4;1411.7¢1WrIS mil,. Tn he' oture otthe trigredlentio is mystery. It consists of absolutely pore- iiirrusive stimulant. tilleture or. rather saiselieetedf—tilrb the tiablearitructs of. etann%- tous roofs unit:, barks and lieries. The prior:name lalgaittkittnetetlitraomt wki4e44 t mu.In tett -ro4 A•milirltac~lOOdibllATllltiti.t r rit each, 3 Not One oft . . .1 11 , m eouthlnes the: rye proper-, tied Cgrttelllharaersl, l #! i tipf s npAiriltorirnt, these e elniruts. nt . nor are these the„segO ORtl4lllWitliellig 111101;1411)0414Ai is. 11 1c.1 . 40 1 0 WootraielnrKiantad nmrsoliiivPiLslnnOir. TheMalerul effect which air that he's been ,pati.l- eitat Losteil'orltiotYgon by frequent breathing protiucat mit he vital organ I zation, IsMotoritma, and when to riel , i'detH`nlireel othavipbere the ilnimizitir vapor of hot nit Auranqrsi ti,.. i iavvion( OleterLow; kind the efirgine.. To enn- tite the system to btkarttp,•-evrat for a few ituneWeach day azatillt, the,,tisehilitatlng tltience of a vitiated atmosphere,Wholesmac - tonic and alterati,vc-ls -urgentts reuin4z• alas pun d.distilekatartvicAnp- ,plieti in. Itostt.qttet's attstalfitog,- hraithiprotirctitnt nz.tent etthor amoug Mltlelual. or adverrasett lan 1, 'i*O ., 1-1 y TIVA,FITE4S, J3Luiplijes 4, lIDE- , Ot.TA.katn. triAtted with 1 , 13 OCAS by .3L P.." Pro).- ot IThsesium- c if4.:3"o (: and , FiXe. 4crletltilt.rr the 31edlcal'CottlagecriPs.; tweive . yearner portence; ffor., inert); of Lepton, liolhadlj No, pkii, Area Ht., Pilau: •T4.iitilyittits at, Itbepttice..,Theqn"c4lo.l Waal)* ara It}vited tuactianipp4y theitrtt4 , titt: Inserted without . pain: - Mantlitnation Ott. - !.113 -.31,:',69-;214oul. ",zi ..; ' . .11 rat *BY SAYLOWS lILICED OLIXLIAVNT, The vial , external renteil,V, fof. late tattatisur.. Nettr:th Ltrt inn,- Mil 141 tits; . liiifi naeve=t4realliadts" Fra set Ij ,ll At (.4 .1 s Msets of Rlieyunatism and .7.41c6-. ralght,'Othetlllialsrpr bilivps e tirrAsupil,t4yso,zeatly to relieve pain' This II inlittot liasbeett In use•for the last fifteen year 4 tat 1,1 twolver . elitire' satisfaction Wherever It UV. WWI ' Prepared and sold by Mrs. C. 8.5.Y1,011,,, No. '96s bent flir.;:lfottnellio. Atetit at Al fluorovaltr,LAW; ItENCE. A t4)l}:'N., _ppa a hLhits;,,,Nll),,zitol, 11. I); st. ' —tfil I].I3OO2IiL,T,PZOTOE.AL.-3furc , than liottten this e.,tigii.Ntrditiiir4lttvi, sold. Itv tireyears,,4n,l thousands laiveAr b eh rtiml by ;it. "Plai•botigh tuxhatjutnyln- anylhililliatreolit and the dlntreasing cough of ibbleAnnprion Ma-will:to ' tp It, I , iisNthe grelltss,t i„_•atite to Ulu. comal ant 1.)- M:llw_ t k uia4, g. 411 Aviite*.ant to the .uste. r -prepa -r6aThy" r.Evl oniat-; tiourzEit, .ot . „Philadelphian, load- Is sold by Dr. ItQll4„NziON, „Drtr„„.".bas, Potts- ville, arid by tkOtirty every aruggleit atirStarekeeper at cernt..„; a boat. y Hie "„ Gad.; 44104 iwiwi-ikrie4: _uriaillui." :::•0110 „yonesoPlesigarroCure'as ItUsli.lllo 06:410 Akficartilse„..St*l"drk. ' Use tioigiitt' L.'W itlttAe 1.1i#ell!l!, 'TIAN ilupst.titing . Ru ViNs.CIYIII O:I3 . II-11N(18." . NAV ,. '6(40--6nt A 4501.1011, D. Oil AMIE :TIIRO 1.11E.• quires' ii.ft , ..llttentiten; n 9 iglect 6leti it*Citi Pi 11n 111 1 c 0 4 1 j A 414 bbitls W llat .rr47 , 6 4ATROCVNS syill 30 , 1 1 c ve Install*. FoilL4lo.Npuriet. ASTIDIA, CATA!itltlf, CAN ' SI:3II.III - 1.: all " tioicie..utlizimisi4or hiVedi I .*G ERS'a 11.720,1t3 AfritAK'gßiise illtkin to' ( "al 'lP** r°4l o m-v 2.. Ith* 'Yttfcr- n- 1.• ,Pf ','tnildttAt.i&ititii.46 find tiipti Cfr . i if.fy l4ite , TroOeg,truirlOorikteicfctied •i-isceri) are gr- ferc4;altir.4.a Di 5p Te‘tiPoi•ia, the true '' HltttlYtt Nov. A Timbre of revs hosting herbs, ~% se!,rid bottles enlY, at SI-ma IS •sitito b " .:- !. ~. per 11 Dia;. -,Sedtj3 alik.t. . 41 - Si , sw, ' . dregs 611 receipt g. tg mialey, and .1 gaaradeed: e -•- IIVII.: 4 01 ,' ' l *' 4. 0 E M U '4. .- % '' . ,„ 4 ttek iNs rbial IN IS NA- 1 . A Ocoi•jela . / /<ine rrcp7...red for Vzo Cure of +. dificiusnois, Celit,Te%cr Ag4e, !ten- . eour2ces evres-tinart-' burn Nktitles the . Blood. Si'elasa.eg- Liver. 'S.!'Circular, FcLl l e y Prnza PtR. . FA S Rag' . A acre enzo for Dysentery, D4YOIPIi colic, ","11,4113 'Punt. It reg Oat ei trio CRP' . -ell, quiets Restlcssoisa. al!3ys Inflznirratien, n:,.) promotes - Healthy: .It softZst.,ll.o . - Guns.-and .recaers Teething ensv. Prian atet....rer 25caivz;A: - . - neTcr , ' Sold' .by Druggio: Sep: AL Ta. 37-IY ILI.OLLOWAVB, ESSENCE OF JAMAICA 'GINGER, k dophle iitretigt.h, and the only, pure Essence 'of Janutitz. Ginger lu the .market; therefore file only article to be*relied on in eases of Colic, Cholera Marlins,-Illarrh ea, HySentery, Ludt- : gest ion."' he effects of Change of 'Witter, Coldii,ste... Ask for I tolloway's and take noot her.' A half tertz, apwartit of it 44 InOrEtturak egant tom - w7l(tleospoalatit I of Ain- 'ottitsr. tteact'' dettiall,tx and ihtertiteetsch , VMS; cents per :Walk. Johnson, Holloway & Cow'- . 'don, Arch Street, Philadelphia. CIIII,bI:F.N 'CRY Ton .lioi.r..ow.tYs att\netitE A:4)N FISCTIONN They are so delirious. The - drxltors and mothers' say thei . are the most :•••itfe njel effectual remedxfor t horse prst% of . lA'QI- 131s. - Phe +pautne•haKe the slamit tires of he a proprietors lar the' wropper each box. Twenty-ttve cents per box. -Johnson, Itotioway •Cetviten..ti , r2 Arch St.trltila. Uccle A, 'l7.4".telytr . , HE CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. T Published for the bepeht. ' YOUNP NlE,:kr, and, others who suirer,fi,nin Neevong.'liebtlitr; etc., sup: plying theduenns. , 3t,self-eurti. teu .-by 'one who Tired tilit,;elrt.and sent free on receiving ost",, iV 'dart:etc(' envelupe. Address NATIVI NI Er. * MAYFAI-Ei„ lironklYti N. Y.: Martian -CS. `' (I.I'.AVEIt.-110WE-t i t—Oit the sth inst., ;by -the. Rev. J. Fry. Satttnel K. VleaVer Lizzie C...11.0,ver, NM/ of (itrardyil/e,Selthylk Ili county, Pa. : . ItI7.II:IIEL—C.AILTER-011 thvi sth of Ft.bruar'y, - ,' , 157.1. by the. Rev ~.f. Dielcet's , n. M. F.IntoiNANO. flu)t3ikr. trOlvis ' N.t (7AIITER, both of Pottsville.' the Dth inst. at,- I'ottSvitie. tty theiter. Wilt. Morgan, Str..lAmr.s J.kNft , ..s, '.Ashlatid, to :qrs. RAC:f r.L DOt,GE, of Fistilsteb. KEEFElt—DF,Stil.Elt—on the 7th inst., by the 'Rev, k. Yelser, CitAitLEs - A. Er:Flat, of errs-snit:l, to ELLUN Div.vGt..,mt, of :seltuy11:111 Haven, 1'....171 , :N"—1WH.—1n. :klineraville, 'on the lath Inst.. liv tile /WV. ella& 1 . iclf. I itger, at the hou,e 01 the brlile's parents, Me.. '.TcHE I."rn '.' I'ATTEN of New .Mittes, to :slhBs SARAit .LA.NE Iloeix, of,M Inerarille, 1. IieIfALL—POTT.--04 the sth of .I.prito 1570,, it -the residence ottite bride's toot Iter,.GEoltca: schA O. O Philadelphia, to ,A3t e tt . Lt.t, daughter -or thefait 'Betki. Putt, Esq. , . 1)111•Sil.--OirAttet:Oth tilt....at the Sehtttktll Up:idly.. Aitttg-Itottse, JAt...`ttl.l Dattstt, tut the 7:41i yt:ur 01 hli age. . ' . .00.1.7TY- . -613 11th IriiL; is I.llltv.norotigh, CAno- lat:: wife of I tlltlit t•n ttv, :1•11 da,aghter o.- Joseph lteed, th )ht potr of hennge, FEY-1n Orwlgsburg,-on llorsday, the lint lust.; It.uvoLPit F/t .v, ngett yeah+. tent:lves an,l.triend.. of the deeen.4.l.l iare "i4peetfuliy Vlied to attest l the [ahem] front kis int. rebidettee toi-Sunt.hty ofternhohnt 1! of clock with- out further:notice. - . -- tiOltNlAN.—Oil 'the 9th of April, ni mt. •l. DWAItU GORMAN, SIC., it native of the rounty.of . Kilkenny, Ireland, atm rviddent of this region thelloa ai years;e‘tiged fii y'etirs. I ..t.•ti1t..,111,. Llewellyn DA.NIRL . DAV' In conit ., son ofdticob and.gtateli lie 11 e i ni; aged 2yeate; ti Mouths ands days.- , ,On--kin the - the Windt.; hr TPV: JOHN, son of oeillartiara 411(1 thelate . John p. schret- ler - aged t years and nmonth. ' sl3lo\—(ht the nth e...:TICA- Irtriti wife of Jurues stilton, aged 9 - I yeark, l Fountain Spring, on the- Oth lust Lul.44l.iriErratschat, sotrof the late Peter K. Seitz -Inger, in the 2lth year of linkage. Ft-relive'', dear tinittret, l fligt, -To JoinAhe laved one*" thlit liave gone hefOre; ".• The cent' let's o'er, thy work on earth is done, .., .r.'rhy mutterings ended—thou.so ineekly boie. We would net Cad thee hack—our Gad knew hest When thee he entletltekdri the aagelle throng,. lie thou our guirdian aog•ei hover near I.• And guide our u andering footsteps to yon heavenly .: . . home. . THOSIA--on Sunilay,Rpril 1,1 s n, CATEVIA- ILINETllOllA.„Wqe of Jaeup Tho3/4, hged 62,Yearri;:, and 9 mouths. Mrs. Thorns WWI horn in ilatriburg, illetkx County,' ra., July and 1,4 E, thegt to to, in in the fail of htlB, and -from - nce to .lielterille. - finv rit 'the- spring of Isla, where, with the exception or a_few years she resided up to Abe - time of her de tt'.l.. _A he was the mother of eleven children, live of 16 . 11otflare now. living. WITHELDETC—On the::4l hit.. st:Swaf ant. iteitlY Tp.. ay W t rIIELDEIZOI astive of Uerninny,ago 44 years anipidapt. Houle to *tree

Pennsylvania State University · 2018. 3. 9. · FORTY-§IX-TH YEAS,. , . : 2' - " • ' 41 lir•dirt6t*ALNOTIOIeRaMbeIasenot11plotolod17.26,"". 60.4,at4Oemspar Ume,,alagis Warms;

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Page 1: Pennsylvania State University · 2018. 3. 9. · FORTY-§IX-TH YEAS,. , . : 2' - " • ' 41 lir•dirt6t*ALNOTIOIeRaMbeIasenot11plotolod17.26,"". 60.4,at4Oemspar Ume,,alagis Warms;


: 2' - " • '41 lir• dirt6t* AL NOTIOIeRaMbeIasenot 11plotolod 17.26,"".

60.4, at 4O ems par Ume,,alagis Warms; 1tu......t. • ` l2lloo k ...TTsaireiseas isserdea: 1, •

i3eNikAN "Boeicedites Prin-.ters And Binders. 0. Centreauvwcreflat llte. Fn.

Plittexo',.?otirttai.StfORDAir, A.PI9L 16,,1870.,

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.l' TIM DAILY" 31.1:NsDIS .101DINA 1. Is published :aveil,leeer4t3Lnnerling. Saturdays eseepted.TER Teo cents per enzeic;psystite to the carrier og,melt or whom It Is s*ry ed. • .

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DAILY AND WEERIA" NLNE.II.S* JOUL.SAi. e 7 54Pee:=hum, In advance; 41 ta) for six giolltila--,• . ! MOLNAR.& RAMSEY. PobSshert. ~:


HL ACT to !theorponqe the 'Miners!'1- i asylum: of *t.htivlitill,P.31.t.,4 am, . 2 - •.cl...r- • -

County; ica.4 i iass.ed, as-our readers are au arci: at the hest session_Of. the Legislatur,e. \Wq- !lose already published. tfje Act asitpassed'

the teg,loature, baCwe n'tay rcetipittilateti ..- feu' 'Uf the leading';'provisions: . It provide 4- 'rot the erection at some location--;:ikt theCounty easy of aeitess from all partis of themining iegion, ofa.H.n-sPitaltun! A'Syl-pm fol..

• the care; treatmeni,;- 'eure and-relief, Oft or'charge, -pf. all residents of the -County wh?• are injured in mined, dr on'railroadsor ~,tnulS, or who mac-beeome permanently di 'bled.by rea.son of in;uries so received. •-also prOvidegthat the trust6es shall constt::

„tote the board of managers, fi llet-1# In nunk-. tier, to be:elected as follows:—three by the... 1-Inrough Council of the. Borough of 'Pott4-

• yille t and one mat, by. the respective boll.-ough councils Of tire. borolghs of tit: Claif,Ashland, Ilfrit Carbon, Mithanoy City, Ta 7maqua,l Tremont, .tchuylkill 'llliven, $l4-nandoah City, Nlinersville,(irardVille, NewPhiladelphia and 'lnce-rove; To providein,qna for the purantse of ground 'and emit.:lion: OP the necessary building; and themailitenonee and t...t(10N...-a(ent of the Insti-tution, ,ft tax of one cent is to he imposed .on •every t-iii of col Mined in the County,,and'transported ever •any. Oti (lie railroads, thecollectors to colleet the tax monthly. 'Tate',

. owners of the vital are atith.orizeil to. ehartte Ithe sane upon the coal to the purchasers, inaddition. to the. contract price for which it..

, • 1AVa..l sold. ' ...

, .! .

' Thee are itielluainlprovistons of the AOL._ In the course Of a weAThr two we will if e-•


.publish the bill; anti strike it off.in pamphretform so that all can understand the:questi4n"fully and he Prpared to act:when the 1#goes intofull. • operation; which will,beoni.the lstof January next.: . 'l

On the 'score of lthinanitYto a class' of 11+i',_....who -are engaged' ire= an. occupation moltthan ordinatllly .perilous, and in which, un-

_questionably; there are more fatal 'accidetilisand miire.en permanently injured -than in-any other occupation -we can, natne,7thqeshould:be no trouble., in collecting the smallsaid hauled in the 1.011. .‘lt"c can hardly lie-iievethatanyltir.claiter abroad would object

-to the assessment for the purisise'eontem-.'-Aided. One objection we have heard is,that it will be-ask.ssed -litre and not in theother regions. 'Ant this. will te removed.•sliOrt IS', for at the (101111111; session of the 4g-

, islature, hillsproViding • 'tor similar institu-' tions in the 'other anthracite eoili re i Ilit., kJ IWill be introduced-, and will withoutdonbtbe adopted, SI, that as- far as this tax isecin-

- cerne4.all the.regiott,i promise s-6;-fr-ty islandon the-same footing. - . I 4 •• i 1We trust therefore, that.the'=differeat

4 sec-tions of theCounty interested .in the (*nib-. lislunelit of this institution, will take stepsat anearly day to prepare for plitting_thelkinto active Operatiini. 'Let the trustees Is;seleetesl; lit them organize; k-t 'don:Aknslie,-oeeived from' tl lose N;hohaving the meatis-.Would desire to _contribute to theendowin4ut..,...of the Hospital. We lielieve.fhitt hen tl.4'!

. ,matter is. thorongl/13. understood aN apore-. eintgd„ there wIll•be no trouble in proentingabundant means to put the Hospital and .:

' Asylum into.efficient operation. PheY.have:' for molly years been absolutely :neededi-tin,

-. the regbm,and their es-taldishnient has been':tlelayoli too long-for the credit of `humanity.Mitch Sympathy has been- exprei.sed for thei liner in his dangerous avocation; and whena catastrophe takes plai'a! like that' at Avon,:dale, with its, teuntlred corpesand largernumber of -,withm4rilanitorphans, the countryiS korrOrrstlyeken. Altruist daily duringtheacti,ve coal tinning seasi.in,accidents hapfien,'in which life or liiii'.l is lost, I-olated, theydo -n 'Ot attraot attention 'like the 'dreadful'Ioccurrence referred to, but muCh sufferingand inisery are still- eonsequent upon them,

• whielka good Hospital and Asylum are pal-'culated to relieve. Let synipathyle directed-praeyeally to 111(.1r establislinient,l'and a too

• l-mg ;neglected-duty will have 'been !dis-'einirged. ,•- "

llli T'tIRif .1. ,ri 7riK,Taritl..lpill . i. 4 drag.gitig itsSlowlength

..I_--'rise iii- the House. , tirfacti the whole.e,titist.i' of legishition. at this :scssiOn of ‘.'on.-:gres•dia•Aluggisli, and it • lookS tiOw'LLS ',it itw0uei.,..,1 ,D•e prolonged iiitb the month of July.0:t Ifie trari ft' bi II but foil ileen ! piiges out of

'firt3., fizz 'e been acted tf-pioi /bit t much of the 'stiiwiprogress is dileto the Denmeratic meta-beht who are fighting the:Protect:lye feaOreSfoot by foot.. Then., are hot more: than' three.and ve think that there are onlytivoDetno-,7.,-cratzt in the House who ffivor 'Protection.SeOlr year o•hers (•o iip.lled bythe incsSitie iitheir districts, go in for protectinn lin Stnpleswolio.,exby [licit. c•mitituen:S., a species oftilfi,ilings wit icli is Mori, to ,be'eondeinned •thfinieven the advoc-icy qfyrecTi-ade, fair it iseilealated to bring discredit Ant 'the advo-':,caeyiul the co:Tut-Ft grin iple of Proteltionfor all produccr-iiTtlie eountrY;-which prim.,e pie we.ad voctay. i Po: I u3tatiee, the !Dm:M I,Voila.L.l of Pcunsylvinia, ativoeatesthe special ProtectiOn of coal,iiit iron, Withtio thou);ht for other interests'that need pro;ectian jitii. a; inae'a. It is the exclusive,"

selfish advocacy- of Pennsylvanian indmitilalintes:ests.by• Democratic metuber ofCongrewfroirrAis State„which has dobe-muttti. todatriag&ithe4ohl'yof Protection; by -digtis-•Aug ilid:se who witness men singling out oneitire 4 Ihr.-protei,7thln to:the. eXelusion ,of all,others. `I& would lie 'far better if ,thescinienW,3re . out-and-out i uncompromising :IFree,

I.Traders, tilan to net tin this, way and exciteprejntlic . against4he policy and:mixt-3*e. .We It lowthat • anthracite coal Would be.tibmetl e(fil the dilly should ,be taken offofblunt hums coal, `for it would retard th im-provemeh,ts in the bituminous region' ne-eessartti keep up •a supply of &all, and

/i,prices -would advance, in' which •iiilvan c•alt-. qtracite would.participate largely. -It. -Ould •be a good thkng for our local busines4, lintwe believe In a ditrerentl.polley. We bidievein, fo,tering the bitunaiiibus-: interests, devel-oping tiuk;,e, cacti fields Alidlieepingdoslu theprices of fi.el. Our policy lii-the matter is to.prof ...et all interests th 4 need it, for the ben-efit of all. .• • t


. ...

~ .:. -1,. We Urge worltingructr to Watch the i.ouseof the wench of C.;figress on this sttbject,unit See Who,by 'their course and' votesiadvo-

- ..,,se.tte their interests and who do notj The

iii•'dy for, defeetion to their interests4n thisr lies with thew, and they shoufd , use. m.e ' en who are false 't3.0 • thern ever

~ i,.i... p -for re-election. j: 'i •

• ~,• •

,THE INDEPENDENT, honest, Manlyand fearles4 course of thiVerifor,r;Gearylifsettinghis foot (in the bold raids ilia theTreasury made nt the last session; hiss Won• goldenopinionstrom all. But aday Or twosince, we heard a citizen. say, wiloVvotedagainst GoVeroor (;vary' at the last elttetion,that the Governor's course during thCv_late-.O.Arlion of the Legislature; MIS satistiO him•that-lie acted. wrong, and that bad hl to'do"'Lover agniri„ he) would certainly vote forJGovernor Geary:- He Is 14EitliSiV-id thint the, parties. -who ,misrepreseuted the Governorwanted in the attempt to derciihire, to sub-

-1.,?..serve their own• selfish interests A, ! fleecethe. :State treasury. lifeuy othek‘v.'o likethis citizen, voted .against Governor lt3igis),,•dirCnow saestied:thtt they aced- wing inarotings .gaitiAt so independent and bluest aan'an as error Cleary, and regret ltl Thisis the feetiag4 the :!yieople Who adm!re thestand that Goversoitleary has taitenl '



5110IFT slow Motiiks tilllllapse brf Fe the y

peopLeoftheiretatewill makedi:intim"ti ant:n..4 foroandiditeisfor tbe'nei ttippet*One of theinatten4hieh shoißd engage 04attention etthat billy la the calling ofititit*'Convention in the Ijiterest ofreformawhieliare Liapertitively.dei:Oanded; and. the .peoplewho perceive tbiiineeessity, should, in mak-ilk; their nominitions, ;exactpledges that theCandidates elected, will vote for the trams-u:e. The State of Initials hnsa.Conventionnote lu suasion, revising the State Canstltu-tlition, and the probability! ir4 what hasalready been done, is stay indication,that itwill make a complete Coustiiiitian.serveby the way, ,that views similarto thosewe have already suggested, in cantfectimiwith 4- change in .the _Canatitutioei of-thisState, are hehl, and aeted_upoii by the Illi-noisCoriviution. They proPotie for instancT,to have three hundred membersIi Ate lower:House, atrll ohohur.dred is iliaSemite, which:would give glair representation to all

'see-.i:onsq.the State. Maoto Unlit each sessionto fifty days, with Qt) a day' pay: for er.cli

imbsir. that time should be exceeded,tte members toreeelVe only $l a day. Theyalso propose to have getterr.l laws for ailfspe-etai leglstation which is a great source ofcorruption in all modern legislative Wiles.This will be dotleby removing to the Courtsthe powers of special legiOation: So'far as'they have proce.sled, the' retormS are ex-cellent.


S 216 1$6176 166 146 135 11.

=2EI16 iithcashi-r...17 SITSDAY.-.ls Mostunr --1620 WILDMIXDAY21 Tzwvairua...21 FRIDAY.—..

. ,

itoov'5 cain-ars.XXI% '


1641 'First Q,. 1$ II Zi es.6 41 „ 04111 11L LI e 5 MT tr.6 44 , LILO, Q. 22 11.2) :no.646.45 - New M. IQ I 41 er.6 • .

To-morrow.--Sixteetith Sunday of tho year.andEaster Scuiday.' Dies length, is hours surd22 minutes.


. ,situllar change' are needed 'in the Constitu-tion of our State. In. the JUdiciary systemchitiges are, also. needed. The State shouldlaftdistrietei for the -Styronia- Court, so as tohave a Judge as.t. the 'll4*ll in cueh.distriet,while the other judielal4iistrictsshould be..so arranged !.o.as to ;have two Law Judges.and dispense With t**Asseoeiate Judges; bytiding which the business can he expedited-.by having sessions all th-ecyear round ,if itsliould be necessary.

'• • By increasing ;the number of mernbeei ofthe • Legis7ature'as we have. heretofore .svg;,lBested, -all of the districts of .theSfate wouldbe fully.,0,1 more sitisfaelbrilY 'represetne.d.than -at present, and both political .onri.;eswould be under its operation better satistit.ci.

This, mutter is. important, and it, is to I.hoped that the press of the-State, will assistin bringing it 'prominently beforelhe people,so they eau act at their nominating conven-tion's, with -a view of pledging their candi-dateS to • a calling of u State Convention toamend the .C.onstitittion and procure thesedesirable reforms. :

. .

• LAWLESSNESS ANLYVI9I4:NC.i.—:3i ;wick theimpression created. On the ,titinds of the iti--eendiariesair assassins of ibli.COunty that_theCrimina .CoOrt bill would be defeated;the County I as been the.secneof acts which-were frequen :: before the bill establishingthat Court au I, Police . fOree - was pased.Within .a, week two incendiary . tires- Mr.Silliman'S breaker, and a stablest a colliery,and a murder havebeen added to the erimi- 'dal record:3,9f the County.,There isa giving.teelitigngain of insecurity to life and, proper-ty in sCounty, and if thsCriminal Court:Is net spec • put into optatiou and a.stopput:to these acts rainstihe laws, thg peo-ple in self-defence ma: be compelled totakesueh.nuitters into.their Ow 2 landt, and likethe'peeple of-California and Indiana rid thecommunity of the presence of the Schuylkill

. County Thugs. l'estertiay morning, a wortily,man, boss at a colliery up the Valley, a brave:soldier and a good citir.e.ti, was .waylaid and.shot down dead, While going frem his hometo hiswork. l'aileSs Oda terrible state iif af-fairs is checked, but fewthen • willfeel thatthey. dare accept, situations at eollieriCsiwhile capital and population willbe drivenfrom the County. 'Gne efficient reMedy for.thisevil we believe would bethe putting in-%to effective operation of Judge Green's Critn,anal Court, and we earnestly hOPe that there,will be no further delay in the matter, forthe sake Of law', and- order: in _Schein*County, and :increased security to life andproperty in the' Region, .. -.

. ,SHERIDAN, THE, S:EtFlOll,—Sheritinn ar-rived in Troy, . yesterday, remained about,,four lidurs, and then left for PhiladelphiE,where he is to join in "a'banquet. Sherid:uie.tme with the hotly Major,General ofthe artily; Geo. ft. Thomas, a man beforewhose glorious, manly career, timglory ofSheridan pale, almost to nothingness. Thereare not words enough to express our detesta-tion Ofthe eold seltighness Sheridanduia ex-hibited. - Nor are We. alone in this . feeling.Almost everybody. unites in terming it anoutrage on deceney.. 'Sheridan couldwait until a brother oftic,4irwas etr''last resting place,, but must. neefrom the scene of niourniug toonefeasting:l77(Ni, Poper, Apr

nurtitteositerestrongly ta. lkedofof Pottsville .yesteray atter-

. The' BoroughCoWneirWill dine at the liter-ehant's Hotel owTnesday evening.: ttieVeratin-vited guesta will help- them do. jostles to thegood tuinga they are sure to have.

. 24/leloua Lilachief.—Pat and. JohnLee, fath-er bad Von, of Oty, were brought tothui Borough yegerday Anorning, by coat po-Beetle:in Stauffer, and, I.l3ruluitted to jail: indetault of bait, en the Charge of malicious.

Andre • • iller, the man ariested on suspicion!Of baying tired the breaker S. Sillituan

was discharged, there not being'proorsutilcieut W Warrant in bolding, but was put *nuclei,

lOr forcible detainer,lie haring refusedgive the keys of the tool chest. '

• The Rev. Dr. Stu/ley will preach in the 2ndPresbyterian Church, ISbirket Square, to-mor2 ,ow, at 101 A. M. and 7 P. M., upon. the pleat

Veniral Miracle of Christianity, the Resurree;lion Of Christ. , Those who wislr to' hoar a fulldiscussion of this question will doubtless beprotitted by attending. Seatsiree. Go early. ;

• .


' A Fiend in Human Forth.—William Daven'rport, twed about fifty-seven yea

, air Ettglishman by birth, and-a resident of Mahatioy 6itk."was brought to Pottsville and et nimitted to jailvesterday. Morning, otr the charge of havingeinninitted ti rape uponhis daughter, aged aboutthirteen years, and a1,401 for an titteMpt to colli--tpit. a.rape cm.A.nnie Jr. 'Sevier ofthat platy.

-,- .. . . .. .

Handloarta Priz3.—The largei'VaSC of . wakfruit which was onexhibition, and designed to.be disposed ofi,ut the fair of en Post G. A.

tWp years. ago; wa.4117,11i0 pt t up and die.;trosed ofin shares the present wet. . The draW-ing took place at the Pest rood* olt3 lakt Thura-day &vetting, When :lklajor Jame.3l 'reit WaS theluckifinun, tarrying off the prize itit one ofhisiickets. It is one ofthe moat be alibi...par-lor Prnameitts we have lately seen. • -

. fUnclaimed lettersremaining itlthe PotL4ViliePo:st Uflice. April 15, 1870:

• .Anunertiuut U T Heiser P,clwant • MellannP ship ,Burns Frank - Janes Eitzsbettt Natty EdwardByersJoshita Jarrett Jahn •ji'oury llanctah':Maur John • Jones Tnotaa.t. O'Brien „Mazy.InOwn James Klutparottra.l ltterMaryBarber Win Lang George .1 Speaknum.TainesBrenta James J Long Mrs,' maid Jaeop'•Coliister 1i W Lawrence P •liteverison John .Courtney .1 A . Lewis Win L znoyspaliss j

uihoe A Martz Augustwl *Mud ry PMtentley Wsl4lp,Marttu Chship) :Walt MoritzGarciaWi n sfilp , .

,Street Performances.-- To. . Hog: Family,consisting of Mr. Hog and halfza-dozen litchiHogs gave a grand street performanc e. in thiefof the Mortimer House; about noon yesterday,to the music of the handor4.lll located at theu"racr. The performstuce was deeidegty'ri*each Hoe' pertorming Well his part, ao4l icing'with each otherrto root a .couifortabkl7lying7down place in the mud of the gutter. ' The per-thrthanee was witucssed by a large ii eberofpeople: A Matinee will begin earl) day at va-t ious poieta on Centre street until the ordin-:thee preVentihg the Hog nullity exhibltiptia is4311turcet.L.: •

Proposed . Celebration' of the 'Fifteenthj!Amendnient by our "Colored Citizens:±Ai meeting orti4ilored citizens of. Matsville washeld in the A. M. E, elitireh,.baurelstreet, :on/Tuesday evening Mull I.2thi,tor the purpose; ofmaking arrangements for the eelehratiott ofthe'Piftwtalt Amendment on the alth of April.—The meeting .was called to order, Mr. S. Thtnup-sonin the Chair. .After some 'reivarks by thePresident, 14r. Ileorgo Martz addressed ::theneeting atsulne length, giving cone ek.cellentadvice in regard to the. manner orcelebratingthe day, at the: conclusion of which a vote ofthank; was returned to -the gentreman. -Aftersome other business had .been transacted, the.Meeting adjourned to meet on Tuesday -eveMpg, April 19th,at 8 o'clock.


- •

More Deeds of Blood—Two /fon Shot atand Wounded.-;-06 Tuesday evening two:menwere quietlysitting in front ora tialelpnat Haas,.11;chizet tt Co.ti colliery, Tatkey Hun, when aparty of four men from Shenambiali 'came uand ord ,...r.id them to `ge.t oat of Cds a; soon a;possible," whereupon they. started to go Intothe home, when the villains tired upon themwounding'ofimHeman named William inthe stomach—which it is suppost4l pi-oyctatal—and the ether than, whose ,nanie dirt

rage t4piriugi+..13; e'elialt c•e-Lkwhof theThe above statement is onforti

fact.. That it is SO; pained, the - I'every one present on tittat sail otsthink that the high sense re.honor that exists' among brotherthe army, fo say nothing of tote gisow for the deatli.of:i.great; and g.should hare' been so mhockingiy,V

__________was by General-'Sheridan'sgiett._ • on hand.Iva present at a dinncr,r. r • iWhlt4 Pine, Hemlock and Oak Boards cut tiny. - new. Our Milts are 70 miles belotr WilliamsportWhat mikes - the eonducl, SheridanAug a saving of$2 50 frelght per two feet. Orden;Med 'promptly. Price I kits furnishedouapplleaticm.more ..reprelxgrisiiiief is the fact that 'wink •„Tait . -

thee•Rutsenior Vice President of the. Society-Ofthe, Army of the. Cumberland, by GeneralThomas' death, who was the President ;ofthe Society, he becanie'thepresidiug officer,and *as the Incite under obligation to re-main and by hts bodily ptescnce. 4at.show respect to the menlory of one so dear-ly-helovedby his emnrades in-arms.

',I'IPI r 1gEMI

A STEEL I:Ai:a/VERY —IIOORTANT neTRt•E-A,NOTIIEU ;REV 0LE T1025.—.1t., laassertedon gcod authority that a large deposit of ironore.of a very peculiar 'nature has been, re-cently opened up in- York county, Pennsyl-'vania.• This ore; weare informed upon goodauthority, has the.quality.of turningpig irOninto good merchantable steel,. by simplemixture and manipulation with - thepig iron_ in a, puddling furnace Of ' theordinary. konstruction. ' . The. .chemicalanalysis of the ore shows. the presence,of considerable quantities of manganese:.silicon and altuniniutu With the iron: ;TheOre:is:Stift and friable in the bed, so muchso that it can be mined with the spade, butupon exposure to the atmosphere itsoonLard-ens. ProfesSOr Lesley, who has examinedMeow.. bed, estimates tho'- eindents ;lit 17,tsin,oo9 tons. For• a few • mouths past thediscovery has madelquite a stir among theiron furnaces and rolling Mills of our Stateand, Maryland, and there is amite a strongdesire-to knOW more of a matter that: Seemsid promise Suchimportant mults.".rheore, as we are informed, has beetaested intik presence.of experienced manufacturers,in the Abbott Rolling Mills, -Baltimore; the;Cambria iron Works, .ut •John'Stown,,:Pen .".

sylvania; theLdehielJron works„near -

risburg, ; the Tamaqua.Rolling Mills; • te-e.man, ltalim 7 & Coss works,. at Pittsburg;the, Alliance liolling,Mlllsat, AllianetrOhio.and at other ;places; and in all earn. • it hasbeen shown to posses the remark:MP quid-ityA:tanned ftirit. T ^ steel pnfduCted dur-ing these tests was gr -xliy uitdfor tuskingsteel-capped: Falls, a, 'c/of these bans,niade at Pittsburgh, 1 vn. to possess atensile strength Of !Inds to theSquare inch of cross

STATISTICS OF Ii.HB„ REUEL ARMY,—Ameeting of the Confetithite Relief and His-torical society was held at Metnphis on the30th ultimo, Governor Harris in- the chair.Dr. Avent read a asinimunication on theConfederate army, which contained the fol-lowing statistics: . •Yew., . irWed. ,14-oundell. Prisoners..Yew.,..._..._»:.r

. 4,315 4A'Vitt Ift otor.2 • • atom • •1563 apcs 11,2111,21

/461 ....

70.000 some1965

. Total...... .... 51,773 -ko.ll 24,2b3.

• „• "If the deaths-From diiiase be added, thesum total will. Present-the entire • 105.4. The.returns of the held and general hospitalsareknown for 1861--titt, and if it hefairto assumethat the,total mortality of ItittiandlBl/4 wasfully equal to that of 1862, then the iota orc is in the Confederate army it:twlt:Ka-45was at least 160,000,,ekelusiveat the deatlat•in the northern prisons, which would' swell:the*number to near, 185,000; and If thedeaths among the discharged ,for. woundsand disease,'and among the sick and wound-ed on furlough, be added, the grand total ofdeaths.in the Confederate army, duringtheentire war, didriot tall far short.of 2.10,030.According to this eilleulatiou, the deathsfront diseaseweiv about three times as nu-merous as those resulting froth the-casualtiesof battle. ,' . . •••


• The available conrederate force capable ofactive service, did not, - durinetheentire.war,Atseeed 69Cf,t0i men. Of this number; notmore than 409,000 were enrolled at any Due'tune; and the Confederate Staten never. hadIn the field more than 210,000 men capable Ofbeariug.nrms at any one time, exclusive of.sick, woundel and disabled: • -

--California- has a new "paper„_ called: theWEEKLY DEMOCitAnC PHA)42OIi. An exchangesap* the negro acted for years in that evaelly.but al he ist hereafter 'to rote, it is Ileceam7* tOhave a neurone. _ -

iVrga.ll garbs. .;P. SMITH, ATTCINNEY AT LAW, Itonur. No. 24, Letterleo Centre street,.fanNIO-S-131 I'oOxv.ll

I ENBY 41 SHEA.FIaIt, ATTOIi:NEY-AT-' LAW.. Ottkv, 156 Ci!tare t9t. , I•utttivtlle. ; •May 11 WIME

,So Many Ways for -hlis'' Mone.--;"trti4(o.l;one day in the country," says 'a writer in. r;ERIE i/E4EnvEd, !virile years ago, ''well., in'e.ampsay witha nian whom we Soon amee _alliedto ,-,be a well-to-lira-in-tho-world far er...-Inthe course of conversation npon'var" iti(i soh- -jects, principally agricultural, we fo ntl that howas just returning from our town wie ho hadthat day contracted for the sale.o live Inindrisfbushels of -wheat, 'at seventy ;a/o centS perbushel. From this ;Our cony 'fixation passed tothat ofnewspapors 1 and up n ascertaining thatke was not aspbserilier tyarfiv paper„wii ofTeriAhim ours.. But the man • d''so many whys for-his money ' ho eriuld'.. of afford. it., .We thenasked him if ho worth bea'onicia imbierlhor inease we would co -ince blur' that .if he hid'taken the Taper, I would have saved, in bilebargain. alone, ti e' times • tin)cost of it for-)ayear. lieagr ..to this, and we took- fiorn ourpocket one o our litte! it papers, in which - wasan -advertia rent, offering' to contract fiairany'quantity . wheat' at eighty-one cents • perbushel. , hits !'we illustrated to Our\fartnerfriend that if he had been a reader of ouriliapor,hi...might have saved six'eenti on each Of\hisfivehundred bushels Of wheat.—making's Vitalof; arty ddllars--stilliciont to piy for the papegfifteen 'you*. - liepaid us two dollara, and /eftaisonywlingst himself for beings() tie'glißeistof his true interest." Do you bake the; Joca-itaL? ; . ' ' ' 4.-

Adjdnined"brirairfal Court.--The followingis a list-of the ilatnes'of.-Petif- Jurors, drawn toattend a Special Adjourned Court -ofOyer and'Terthinei-, &c., to be held at Pothwiller t. in andfor Schuylkill Connty,.on Monday, April.thick at 20,o'ciock in the forenoon : • •!John E.,Lehman. shoetitaker, Tremmit.,JOhn W- ;lictiber,-Esquire, Wayne. . 'Jeremiah Alleniateb, titrnter, V‘nyne.Joseph Foeller, fuason, Ashland.'. John lairmer,iikeeper, NorwegianEJohn-M. :Ifilter, book hinder,:Pottsville.•Borkfamfrr fleyJr, farmer WetDennis Muiphy,:yeomap, paper.

Fredezlek 14430f, cabirieesker, Asidand.EtiwatifOsulan, fartner, o)cins.' ' •I;Hitter Raub. lumberman, tidbit

• Charleelimndenberger, mason, Port Clinten.Mioinis4l. Wilthutia: lilahanoy City.llama* Clark, miner; East Norsieginn.• • Phloem Garber,' blacksmith; litahan,.y.City:JohnDawson. merchant, fit. Club:David J. Stewart, farmer,Hindl. • •David 'Bo fah; farrner,Darbr' •

RdWard Kest, mot t, ltribersvit:e.George Bertainger,clerk, ifidutruiyToarnsliip.JosephPrederiel, yeomaniAuburn. j_JoiepbDsdlow.• tram, Shetisnltalt.'', 1 -Jeseriblo. Stidera, don'ts', Naaville.;Stephen Harris, engineer, Pottsville.i•JohnRuck; miller, Pottsville. 4, •William Millington. tesmalter, St. Clair.Jacob sterner, mrpenterdilteh. Llaren.; •44torge Ernst, farmer, Butler. ; ; • 'Viewr Babb', mlutid,ar, Pine:o)sraHem-1rD.etfendorterr t,lnder, Anionrn.

• John P: Hoffinsit, initkeelier,Shenatidoah.Andrew a Cochntn, engineer,-Pottsville,DmIA Boyer. Esq., North Manlielni.iJoiseph -Moorhead, clerk, 31hlertivilitC,Samnet Swaim, farmer. Regina..whit fleidonnian; Jr., farrner,liegfo;•••Michael Banshee, eotitan, Butler,GeOrgele:KimMelOatinee, 0:8'4,4)114V':P •John . Lewis, Merchant. Butler. ,P. W. Shearer, engineer;Pottsville.' _George,lL Ztillek, clerk,Orwigsburg,SamuelBreslin,Miller, f4trmt4, ifnbley.

_John svlileUeorgeMa ,ttram,:blisekstlaitb. Butler.,Joseptillolti druggist,Goorga Walker, farmer, Rash.Howls S. Stine, Milner. Pottsville..lienj. L. Esholtnen, coal dealeh PortCarbon.Dude) Werrifs, Otrpenter. MaTtinoy:IL IL Crooks, marchazt, Tremont..Thomas Humble. cabinetmaker, Ashland.Aerendsh Sterner, boatman,liett. Haven.Stephen Goho, carpenter, Shensunleah.• • •JacobRitudey,eluerruiker,'AndrewJohn,liVldtelifelonsh,


miner, St. Clair. • • ,thrum', Butler.•• • - •JohlintAller.innkeeper, Beale • ;•- '

-Charles H. Wolioen. s Potts-eine.Michael Clark, Wmer;Union.Jonathan.Oakum, shoemaker, 'New Natl.!. -•

rangernentS tors d 'banquet to hek. held itthe 'Town 11,' en aerate Idohdat evening:-Evarir IthterrindNathitial Li ht Inf4ntry should an especialpride in rattunetner,stinv I,§thilay, of April,.Itfal..irbektrti resin:ooln Lhderit"they-iiiere the 14/r to litntdredsnento rvPort thinnsel:tsilln readiness bade duty foran. Imperined p at of ,. It is att lin !billablehonor-,-one i Ant W 3 itteiid"ceding al.dr Isavatintirmalfteirefablnixwedbright on the pattt44o4.ltiteir country's history,1onn; velar after the . soul has passed to Itsre wimi. e, 'ear that tlprt. Slrnou Vamerorr; •Col. John __`.ara&beintrat...rin3tobOrs ofthe AllentAnc,_n and•Readlng Cotnpanies will bepresent, and a pletisaaitre-uttioti autkipated,


• • Local Jottinga--Plolv, weelt has been 14,served in the Ephicopa/ thureli. •

, TheGerdniut Lutheran Synod will wisemble.in Pottsville In _,...,.. .

. ' Fishing Ipartiel baiboon quite numerousduringtbe past WOO. ' * ----

The Wheeler Troudelighted Si., Clair mull- •lenees astPriday arilSaturday evening". 'Menke& Sash nd litishler. Of..Reading are

. about to. play ael mpion plover billbtedswithiciasotoo mow froin'M y City. -r' .-

•- l'• -. -An old gangs v Was struck atColorado ColLilery. last ~weeki'ltr whkiti 'Was 'found an old-wagon :tiled by! Stephen'Girard,many year*

The PottsvilleDenevoietit-Ailsoelation ask- forold. ', V-•.' l' - •l- '-- --: : /

;-:•,An excitinfnIstnavirry Was gotten-up last Sat--iliclay :ntuir rigl,by'• Mri- ,Vittli Horn's dimble

' The Grand TlOmo,of the ItrOtberhood of the„Union' will hold its next ,sekislori in ' Pottsvillehi-September.sj - •.' - .•' •t-S"1. . .•

' -B. S. tiilllnienl tlt-Co's• Breaker, at MahoneyCity, was destitiged bytire last Saturday night,the worklot" sin Incendiary. alas 460,000, tn-scired air flM,0014.:: - • *- • '— -

• The farmersirre busy in their-110k%. .• .,Pie-eiHexcursicins will iloso be all the rage..The bane 'ball- fever. has broken ,got, and is-

raging .fixrifull vi inthe subbrbs. -'. ! ' - • .• linck beer mall .sooll- be in Season., ilitit thatwill bs nil rftisort.Wky every fellow should get'"huelted.r. I- • '4: ' .- '..:: . '..

`BusineWs Is rviving-in this illoreugh,-andour-streets Tennanintsted appearance. 'The'Thrd Iresii:,;teryheld'its semi - annualression ii the ittr4t Presbyterian Chtirekeoni:meneing 111.3 Tuesday anti continuing two days.'

On Sati3rtlay last, Mr. John ' lietiodirt, a putt- 'dier at tli Fislibaeli:Bolling Mill,wite seriouslyburned by a blast. -. . . ; , ~.

, •• •B. B. Lluiek.; of Beading, IS abolit,Ope tlg a1Ilw elliee;in th s Illirough. . . -


The survivi ig unletbers Hof the 'earn leawhich ce.-4clusi,Washingtonen theAlithof April,181.11„expest to ileve a pharsant -thrie on Mondayevening. I'. J."-'_ . ...~ ;• • The street. %Winkler .1% doing a good w.„r:: inour streetfi. L ~.' ' ! .... , . •

The sti-Cet li-finds ire resetting the. curbs, ini Centre street, udween 2s".orwegian and Market.'

(h G ary has signed the death.Warriult'(if Diehl, the ilirderr of llerlan, and he w;11lie-executed MI-leading otithe'llithof .May.Aiain•iLlolelftek en hell Saturday morning the

-stable of 'iii-iii fiteiuhelper, itt,,Big' Mine Bun, •was 1115106NCINA to he 'tin - tire,'bur before theflames bad Mride Mitch headway they Were ex-tinguished. It was The' work'of!an 'incendiary.

AndreW Mlllerwa.stirreated• ter Menday on,susiiieioof-laivine, set.tiretO E. S:Sillictiiin it.Co's mill ry, Nit the evidenee beinglnaufarient.upon whiel7 hold hint lie was discharged.

Considerah e real estate is olungitig lien& inI'ottsville-. - , • • - . ~ „. . . ••• The.,Philstielphiw, Reading; and :Pottsville.,Telegraph COnipany. has over one 'hundredI sills,-- Curbs are king set iu Bast It.hiriregian street,

-=-•.tr,„Cliarle% Haber is greatly' improving hisresillenee en Manch Chunk street.... • ' •

Olive te,ren ;eCtureti to a large-iind•fashiona- .'hie audrenee itt Union 11a11.on Nednesdav eve-ning. . tier lecture vas , sharp, puinteil -and1.

Port Garb: r is improving very rapidly innew beildin, s,. .1 ... ..,. "' -Tlle.ohl ell elidster'.bililtlirig 'hi Centre streethas' beciil IevOl ed to the groundand' it handsomenew builditr 4 tiirhanking purposes. will go up.'hi its place. ' • .


Thd next ,sli-rii in of Cie Thin Philtdelphia.-jPresbytery lilt lactield.at, We.t 'Cliester. . • ISaint:el •B: II otters spins; rar,t bargains in •town I/AS.; S..wiiii advertisefnent. - .

The Thd-ir'Luring.' hill i'sf the' Phoenix Firei.,L'Ompanv WI l be held' at Union Mall on: Mon-day cfelling ,t.' ''

•• i'


-•.- •The Oki' 'ellows will observe the- '26th ofAprilassda' of"rhankagiving. • : • -

• Many Of the' minert 'are getting sick of-Pus-pension.' It 'don't bUytiread. - -•

Duane; the renowned hinnoriat. will give oneof his choice l eutertainniefitt at Unicui,BallenTuesday! evening; - r- •


•'• Post i4 unpata • Army of ,tile. 'Republic, Lan-caser, haeadopted the name; OfPost George If.~Th,Velas.l . I '

-.; •



„WhichBtllru•tiliorts.,)1. 114th13'wkilled:y totill.tnistm-;Ittralh,g


---, &starsand~,,_„root& Ado . .phial? ...,-asy; 'end theLdhainvered :States !would. be' • Pointed Why the'monarchs Of 'top:, las Prooftalent.-cavil ofthe-Illttare;sf blicas-tiorernment.---Eng-lend's friendsh p.for the United States wits thenpox: tint 3;rl It ho „uncertain stitandrn.r fro the,griel d _Ala , ..).E„.._,.,

\And& and optiti tWar,ll notnow. waged against. ,our GoVeinnient. ,ShallTwo therefore imagine war never r fopihi may.eel:SeJr-tit Taridfr*. Illiiiiry tetiatei us nationsare tivettsafe Crom hoatiliPerfulea, itud we are'',cautioned .thatlire '.!in Peace prepare fur war."

Shalt we Rine- adept such measures as Will tentilshould isui; .ooVernment he 'again in-Voltod in.warj to render us.dependent upon the. -friemllyi,

* aid of foreign Owens, and (iambi:lly of En--,,.,land, milts,, wle7are certain 'the dflendahip-ef,thole to -*bent 'WS entrust the safety 'of our-,country, iti naisuriallsivond a doubt? - What haw

' , England disimmincethCotifederary wuOrrhsheti• to indicate:sue 'undying love for this tepiiblielHaas she • paid "nit-for the ,shiPe. her. Aitthanl 4-

_bullied:. , lies 'she :held nut any hope, titledli. Ante4o-en free ,traderscanpoint us to.tri sletilP.-lidien tetol,y', (on her-gond"' wl11? IsTana wha•;,-.ever'. She is, Istill; the 'England :of 1776—the

' Englander lall--aud'the.l. England*** the slave ,•betdersTelsollittit..J _ • :2, • ~ .

,it 'ha-4' tpcetli said oftihe treat Indian;.!hilt'he •xlitIll;i .protOaded friendship, Leg andreceive bread an a irhithatau and thenstitalth-tly .ithooti,hi idown the next night. On' thelumping, of e "twenty-tlitnl -of janualy last ,tthe,agenti2Of' 'nglishmen were In this country13mring MS to give our bread,' the bread' Of ouriverkiuguien, I to. their '.r.mitalists aernis thewater.- . On the night of the twenty-third of

'January last., Orl.'llokohama harbor,; her iriaj- ,estY's smatnen Iletnbay. cut down to the.water'sedge the chip' [Oneida, istlite, Anicriten:Sayy.Cpoii,whAni resti the: blame .for; the collision,we have' not Ir vet infer/nation to ;determine.Perhaps the fii&istei-- restated from accident,and • no (m.:sin either,yea*ean be re roach-ad .! for it:, _The Bombay Was but ell tiv in-.,lured.%%lll4'ured. The oneida .ainkliii; when e ;ships,:4,parted. Conn:nett hunutulty required the Cap- ,rain of lima Ilritialt steamer, atleast-te pause altd:satisfy himself, that the unforttiriate men. liewas ab ttik leaving, were not in' need of aid.The,whL.Ve of; the Oneida Wa4 sounded,. 'Threetidies thecannon boomedin ,signal of. distress. •The EitellshiMut saileden to hearties! uncon-cern. TheOneida: with'her heroic Captain andhi* mei) WOJi4;doAsil in, the darkneis, and few_esC.aped. tisfell:theittory:of•tho crime. • •:1

The Briton strived. at yoktAiszna, and 'hismurderous heart !prompted him to hJait thatlac !glad-Olt the Whole cputt ter otra il- 1--fl s4ll-key frigate, and served tier. bleotly right wcil.".:,'Sue then tile tale orhis:atracioua I erline...has.lgone ttott: eiri,Te of thcocivitized world, It haseven spell beyluid vivllization„l, and greetitd;theetr of tie editor.of the Lexington u.aucxstXrv.,and his ftiert'ls. .Captain Eyre has beep mada.lMifte! tlait w lei evar he may•sail ;among Chris-thin,,thi, lie tees , the uttrk of CAM. lie:now iitoN ,

, it 'conveillc ntlio seek to exculpate hintself. ;lie:,t44.ltiu 4 that he did not hear the,wniale, liorthecacao t shots 1 TWeety milesiilifilys in 013.54i 1/If2 •d.rt ctiott; the' eiple of Yokellainal heard thesignal guns. Hp Is it .nectainary to argue furtherthat the sauce[ sound must have reached the ear-of C...putht Eerer ,- , ' ,;!

- -What:has 'ithis disatOr, thousan ds ottntles•aeresshetwaft..., to do with Oar tariff? It la an

!index of England's feeling toward Anterica.:C.lpta:ii Eyros Xme of her nejesty's: naval .illi;,.vers. ' ire maY .. 1..1,. ex.Pc Med tounderstand-theleelitig• of his imlther offi cerstoward the UnitedStouts.Stmts. ,11.11.1 henotknown•that the hostility to

•c dr :courttry; witiiit existedin his heart, wasarsM harbored!' itv'tho',:,..bre.tatit 1 hf tummy otherBritish naval offieers, hewatiltE. not have dared'to sail away :trout. the 'sinking \ Oneida. Trite,,"lie overshot his mark. i,. Ills crime Was taro atm-

.• elem. to:liebo openly justified by any Civilized'people. 'We ,iro told lie ha.s already !teen exiit-'detailed:totilsrght punishment ter his MWIho-niani y., t aft i enal'y . mild be. too• severo for

his ..untrilercius .dereltetiun of ditty? . Shall he,lie,punished L 1)i :though he had utijnstitiabkrleaii.dog to t ecs'i in the waves?The ltti.it .Dl',Captain :Williamsjand: his herole,

' seanteit ahutlld 'warn us to be • a:onions lion' Wetrust thiglis 'l' good ,will. England contd. hearthe snmals c f distress IV:tiell circle to her treatthe S9,rtthern Confederacy. England could notrw-, the, pirate course which the ,AlaballittWAS.4:itended to ailuPom• • She ,cOuld; Ind hear the'warping:4 'w deli- she ireceived , before the rebelship staffed Tom her port.. .That, '.i.tur countryhas VIAIIy NV' rift :friends 'Milt° {British L:hinds-bi admitted; tit EirghitadtwtEoglinul is I,lll' to-all apneals.in the interest of the.lN eAtenx Re-piddle, deaf „it.seause °She wilt not ;hear, Let usthen beivare bow we perthit free trade ti) pp. lice:onr, itiriAt her 4let. If we trust her friendslii •and enact la vs ,Whielt 01311 ihhke Us dePezur it

• upon herait., our republic may sonie thiy ink.boicath the f0r t....0.. °tour euelmes, as the neidawent doWn .)citelith-the waves of the ist.at.; whilegilgtailtl sat .4 fdrward, safa.ntul ungreding, asthe nonillay proceeded on•hei coya ,

. . , • '/ ,J'e'ts.:. .- ' .

. .Henry;Mason•was 'severely injured by a fallof coat at sii4dezeeille on Tuesday. • -Two Irishnien it-Anted Green-and Dooley hada fight.oti Um Depot on Wechiesihty, evening.. ,The wikxl4 in the vicinity or Glen Caron-

and Mt. Latthe took lire'en iuestlayytul burn-ed for tsep days: - ~..? -...-- ••-

The Solidity Sehsol of S. Paul'sEpiscopalChurch, I.Nliders'yille, wilt hold no.anniversaryexereise:i-to-qmorrow,- .

Veiterdayl Wats portions' observed as a holi-day in Pettsyille.. The' klaukti were - closed andspeciat- iervices. svcre' held ,in some of thechurches. t ....


' -• ..

, .

' An Englishman Wits shot. through the: handby a 11-1:10, tinder 010 intlumiceof liquor, on lastSaturdaY at Ithorsiville7. ..- • . .

W. U. Lisiisa, and Ida- Lawren.!o, ,It.tr:iir.lItatielitrnrick Mary Ann 'Phillips were :arrestelon oath.efJhlionua A.:obi:yet St.: Clair, Char, Iwith anhovitsg and threiitening. her. - W


Lawrence ;J•as held•te bail in *WO.v "Jinithy.the Fiddler" get:married to', other1 man's wife low day lakit week. • .

The Drehersvilic Powder Mill Is to to sold at


• public sale 0-day.,- . •said'be1 Pottsville are if, be sUperior to allothers in thh interior 01 the tits ."A Work khe foundation of , e new Minera--1 Villestreci kehool Muse hias• 'en comment. ed.

' Messrs'pAthins I:ru's ve• ccrunttneed the; erection' of h !hie of teleg ,Ph from their, otliee.to their rolling mill. . .

-Bev: Morris; In preach In the Evan-), gcliral Church, at I')irt Carbon; to-morrow.A hulk teacher I ,one or Our public schools is-"- to be diSmiksed r erneitv-I to time children On-' der her Charge i.I . The stitudet s of fillrard College •Nrill shortly

Imy a visit the'c,ed tiAils'of thus' County.4 Satnn •I . filler and George' Helms were ar-t i

rested o Thursday evening and fined .tt attlcosts f r fighting on Centrestreet.Th Anthraene 11.cird of Trade and E. S.costs

,•Sil 'man ik,C,3: hatootpred a reward of $l,OOO'"' the 'apprehensionreak of •the-' party who tired'e Breaker of the ainsve ' firm on Saturdayh 1night: ' I ' ' .Wm. I ..teallinnit leil re:eivhd nearly the •whole tote ofthe. o.lst Filthy:vs .of ,this Countyfor It. W. U. W. of the trratol L'ill..e..of Penn;. e.sylvaniii. ..A sli:,,lit. fire occurred at Welkjen's ' tebaccostore in/ Thtirsday Morning: : '

~, Mr..i Harry Foster, piuIti li..tr, 401 imity burnedby the exptosion in sae tine onThursdayoftet-noon.

IIirrENroe THE ~,S tx itf.i' r ititirt.r ..

' .1 , „.1' ,S.A .4 itiE, iti 7 E.../rEVE.3.v

' •

v.IIW.LS: in • lie year Kt ~ to. be ;particular about3.• tLtteti, w licit , fil l a ,v .s • important' matter 4n asnake story 'Many- which are a ',Mobiles'sehatneter, es x•eliply sea-snake storilos: Icevertlic-IY:ii..thi. one •aut as lt TO relate' IS Strictly-true:and I shell e ideav r to give the (att.& preeiziely asthey. ocAirr.ii. ell, It was to 18;u; itrinnuer.sble-year In the iiol feat annals'of the etitintiy,—Mel/1-oe4h:e far -.ocr eci cider'—add .Ilia} "saute old coon"'ail well as for',

ifnt mat-oilier matten that were44epeesepeesgre:lte'lrW ,110.. iit Witoi thePresidential electionyear, au oif prominent candidates. Mr the highest'

uillee I: .thel oft of ,tbe people were' Martin VanBuret the "L):4IF ,x lir hitiderlinok," and Willi OnHer y llarrlsou, the :"11,A.0 of Tippeeatme.",- Thed. est was a. warm mie, butresulted int he tritunpli-•

Velecrion.of -,tippecatioe and Tyler, too.- ' I then'Ned in the Schuylkill Vally, and should the vaden

• pat ticular, about the exact, locality, I would telthim that It IWas at win* .wait then ,ealled BartowMines, about one-halt hole west, of the hamlet ofNew Pliffrulelphiti, I wcrrlttsl hi' 'the mines asaninfiretithe Miner., I forsuyk any profession of Mdi.(welch ii:a.sby like. was mule ill ICeri,' on the open- -Ing of A ivlghtlon, early In tile spring;, and at thistime watroulte o scale.' in the art Ofminim; an-.thruelte coal. );'ardini the; ye “grcasytneeltaidas,;"it I tell you 'that there is as much .art displayed inatoms, as.diere is in inlay of yourvarhats callings.100 matter what your' pruslciency,)„.thereis rtXl,lllfor- Improvement, and . the .. thinking minor,

'.though he.l may haVe Worked it. 1111-41ple Inthe inirles.-: Joey dully. !guru something new.n his seemingly unpleasant avocation. -:..

• There.were four or live boys of UA, nearly. of the*ante age, euttagtsla,‘ ailventat the mine; and manyowl often Were thin councils Ice, held; to discussdifferent topics:, Mid we had our ambition, too,plough I Copilot say that it wane( a very-lofty char-acter. Nelthorwerei the Crowd destitute of talent:to say that they werd would lie unjust to several of,hay eoniriules, lassldell being a gross contradiction ofthe estlivate I have placed upou myself, awl that -wooldiet dii at all, you know, In thestrpuffing days,where ever Irosly bitivrs.his horn loud nod lour inself-praise, There were among'usnfwane that wouldi'have made heir mark in the world, hid:they beenput upon the right 'thick with proper I nstruetlowf.Tenc../ ti chilli! in the way ,ire should go, and whenhe IsAdd he, will 'not deist/3 'from IL" One wouldhive made It tine 'artist bad be nuide art a specialstudy; his life-like ',,keteltes and • caricatures moldbe fountfor& every' available, place,. inside and out=side of the tallies. ( Aumber was p natural linguist ;he tmuld -Mik English. Welsh, Dutch anditish, asflippant min Poll parrot, wield colt for his dinner.-All could read mid write...Auld cipher a little,too.;and malty were'the. encomiums we received front'those that:re so unfortunate its nut 'to Ix) able todo either.. ~- •In those yibut little work wasdoneat the ni/ nesIn winter:and. It was -a (volution thing' to send thecattle off tit the farmers during the winterosstson,-a Al tkodriv, r iSenetaliy Went to sehnoi. And it sonaPPettesithe winter previous to the time'!iwrite of,tmt the easjority ofour drivers lad the i Iclimeof going inswhoor, But I couldn ' tgo to re tool, foreireturtatanceerfottipened me to work: This causedme:so-tie verynup e wentfielinrs, tun bectuise I hadtowork, but slmplythat tied nog like the. idea ofbefog left behind my comrades on the scale of edu-claim': Iliwever, a happy plan suggested knell tome, and that was toripply myselfALlgently duringeveningh ors-to study the same lessons that ancomrades tratiel at school; trusting if i met withany tiliften t problems that Icould manage toLet'the nem. ry information'from one or, the other othe scholars. ,thtthow toget, the, necessary' hooksthat was,the rub. For those were store-order times ,and hookar metemilt articles. 'But,, as luck woulhave It a -tali frfel made men present of a spanfah dollar:. a bright, shining, silver'dollar,with th .Millais oflis nsme and tile word Excelsior neat',engraved n theone side of it: It Was given an .accepted n condition that r muouid how'-It as. ''keepsake.' I 'did „keep lt., too. I kept it mil thenight tuid tall the next day, tier the next day 'w!Sunday.) and ttunday night. lint early 'Blonde. 'morning fogad me wenditur•-rdy way untards Putt .vile, straddled on tclong-leggeil, long-eared aulinalThe way that that. nag lifted his heels thattnorninand thresintf some of his shoes not If he had an kits 1that hee9oLiahrtke lidttertittie by being barefootedwas nobody's"business. Sherldan's.ride wastio city .cumstance to it; and the people along the route!,espectillythose whoknew the "dome andlibtrider '--

would hare it that some; great catastrophe ha• happebed 1 at Barlow ?dine's. . 'Old Sur was .oil ".

about to take bismornlng-piacpover thncrest of titlihary Mountain, at the eery town of Puttsvill,whenthe Slitter dollarwas exchanged for slate, pencif,copytkfok and tveiniy.Of finales' Arithmetic: 4 '' The rldeLhotne was not necoMplishedwith as muthalite,' for IIwas so well -pleafied 'With Myself that ,',Dick ',mule, ,who I now. most.respectfullisedletRichard, was allowed. to traVe/, back at ntaietsun

,whiloA wOold take a sly .glance over the...pages i fmy book. -But on approaching any lexly 'along theroad [.would Justin's slyly close the covets., and.inorder, Coo mike mtellf appear Unconcerned, w..iuld'begin slu.• ".q'l had it donkey what wouldnot go,

hiti Iwould wallop him, no, no, no; 1I wind give Min some hay sand, cry gm, wo, IAnd.calaat,up-",:iiiehard. ,_

. . .' I folindt,tvies' Arithmetic to beamuch betterwork tine that stupid book, Walklnganzeit Tutor'sAssistant, from which I Mid taken my ..tessonsinthetirlaulry rules of arithmetic onithe other side of'the Atlantic:ocean. ! And, what with a naturhi de-

, ilre (tie mi. 4.olproVemen', awl' being r.timulated- by ,,cotopetitilm:I studied with etterg,y and masteredall therules in Devine_ Arithmetic duzingitindmin-ter. When ate school term elated In the spring. Ibound , Mytettlf-ahead of alt. outupetttors, my cont.-radel having Improved but-little In adt.tnetic atschool., All:were to the. Ruleot Throeat the begin-ning of thetermand at. Its elate ',_.all were In theRote of Three still,and - no further. Perhaps the,Mute of Tlaree. was. The limit that- scritbrnetie wasttnought at that_achmal. Speaking of the Rule of- ttireoXthilsxae ufalittiostory.;14r. M. I. Potts. it.. Vert _gentleman; and one at!hpproprietorsOrthecolftery,msfmeettlagseveralWomentogetherfrontour place one dity;attmo Complimenting .them '-generally 'asked one woman ft Inutleniar, as tobow her, ywas getting .on- nt seboo'. rim reply',mu that w' hoproyolif rapidly lu reading and4011wilting; dismin7.oivierlisacrag764 1,tivaiwthe 1:1:::hvir:e s:'Jest theti another erstra ar -after . pee iischeranus4s4be . sik the roost coo;equentW, asersner,, withads • : ors alent—(rinseiew isselAter ifolanap isto threads *tos„ter: cal I:knitonk) •-- In tit thips•lbey-11:-..Sie Mall rand the- traveling 'rtl th-stionahl-eisedir„ iodper-- .lyontil:tittirtruyifit7l udNailer lnead-bererren -Portugal*and Tutuaspin.ThatPaz at Margate between Port (hrbun andImams was


areostiplithed by stalk and it wad'..

.tat oae.hpriaddpar t. e.,one .bonie„ onefltit*M- t due etle.ThasoP4ras modeledafter oar'old Mehl, 03111600, and ersareousrortably taphole-'tered:huide;and gaily petaled outside. And wile% •wads it bitituthul gout bursts,andadriverperched otilofty s.Wol,,ttle snarehearse celled Isj :rudequite a .ereditabie appearance., 'The petition of Utardriverweltrent_ iv envied by .14te angoritY. of sift exowt,tad ,t ,daiiii, know bat 'that -say one of us stouts-bees dozedft egreet ,horrotto be pissed na tilsilltuatio • , -Bat tan ,of the boys. - to become -stakedrivers ed lbbe the: l't of theirambition.011110 f la--suieptime :Wae.is 10AP-driver '*ad MAY In.thisbatnemiYet. for. .ill . Iknow. Oroca4the :dhoti soarniesated thin tradesitme wanted -another. Ibis them Inn' one .-boy among us thatWouldhtheptresied the Melt, philosopher to tell 'whathe 'Bloat te.... Hosrover.- his parents -ell V' of. stilftaigitiro ettred...eslied *cows- .hi dellbee.ileapairthe Matter g.end yawing.

iiill,„bopetu4 , belea=irsittAteml liketo learn •grAt,r= In thewawa :butvsm beingasked -

• balatfentedesaki: !Idon's ittwori"sad -.1301111tharst.' arpesssphiseecould prevail on biro toma"a atil*iton: ;IL Oh gibunsuat, the Parentswoadtike trade *Ler another until' thewhole d'-

j ,f,ortripoilbtuct.Tat }.;•iii3O .C.l are lipt reNwlatil../e for anysintimentsp t.esaett uy 11.-ritner:do lacy indorse then)al •

lx at.Llcrottti, betters aro( vorrespoude add toWE, otlitxt,anti utteutl,4 .or potellnatton, must bays tbs.Hanle of too .truerottoc.iat,—tuot twit WV ainall Pub it.but fur our ist:•orot:toooo—atot be written on one Inds tbeipaper 0114y. %Auer% 14. y Into thew kW.—kwass. Jot:asst. t.


Lquit Err.s;4 FROII 4.3-xiors.LDS. JOVElNAL:—.Arraigned before the "Jus-tice," We hate stated our caw; though he in-comprehensibly uilidakes ' thanks for ridicule.We.are sorry for the twenty-four hours of hardstudy, hut puiriNbuieut• sets naughty boys toNv Iwo sometimes. they Jolty tampre-heini autumn/kg, and are•liot. certain thatthey dfafter alt, they not attempt towrite i out, as •they •invaiialdy• become mud-dled, obit just as mien c iroerei4 to their niterchnrin, when they areapt to.resiort tofalsehoodfor escape. We ewla/Jet our explanation suffi-cient, ii,ol to., much Inc ".lustice's".iximprehen-Rion, appowrs. rOpearlxi obakustmietit'has beittight miu kr tutuiciug, is gentle reproofmay,lti min g00d..-lie should -remember theproverb "Lying • laps are , an abomina-tion, wiico ,he apcii4o4 me of copyingone of irviifs bix4 prodections, , which he. ad-mires. I Strong, c.tioeulenco, lieu* an admiringfriend eau liclog :4 nose u•Smuition, alter he ha,reoaghiaed • two • source fur, most cif myauthority, then of having: isipled the *hole.of another. -To- close and, not to weartyou, liear editors!, we .state _the truth-and by your kind indueoda, when I shall. for-ever c.msider any mow attempts on the part of"Justieir as--shoot flies, don't bothertruth Is all siifticient, suiwei;ity in dismilusing,him,that part-of the art I. .0 • yJur lisue .of,*April 4, so much-of it us Wassots:taut:arty taken:from Parkor'sFourth Reader is pniperlytnark;.•ed quoted, *Tact well ituuWo and which-ran - leseen' by referelleti: While We are still great&for Wei correction, wit lave MO thanks for the.attempt to hear the truth, Gelb* assertion that'Sander's Fourth Render was the *Anteof mkt`of theessay, or that We oop:tidoue of •W. Irvin'soast productions.; A timing ebueis *comfort,but ode that , pincbes Is *lough to make onecalf -610.i - Ari.uous.

-.Porravii4x,,April 15, 1r..% • • •

w.nprzy •inis tans inaziorsocasstOra ISLE viLLpil24lflthis

,W4.0 the advocatesof.free'Wide, indted teat:Willa 41.vity gib- the imneacibms Oretiagrefi911 mild larar dayt ► Asp; are urgingtheir tioetratesupon our Legislators,: it may bewell W oomotter the leelllnfeubstiligamong the'people, pi Urcat lirltimiu, t?ward ib UnitedStates: The turista tendoney of free trade.Is.to.undte. us -outirely deism:teak upon foreign .nadoni, and espeelatly ussi . England, for our.supply of many artietarindtspenalsble. mod-era warfare: urnit ,piumitient among whiebiroula iw matillbld,contilronaand too. BadLiere never be a pronaltiVe. Wig ea trot* ilkalla eUuntry, our , Iron manntstaitres: never(-mad have prospered::_ England would gladly.navehitulahed us-the heeeveary metal ,nt her.„own Wear penee'ildgiled-thititigbontoar,borders. • Thenational tioi•ertitnent Otthavepro:instal at great 'expense,- 'and ity. the: ern.;ploytnent of forelgn %Tor/mien,. !Tottednver.ior 1210 PurPro:e, otangen and small,am ai; es we starer tbiuOr. folioed: . We-tniatOhave !twinned .wlse'oar fines: ; Vide iiejigtein:Werellbtliwreideeznadit as, attairitty to build-up Aniarlean Iron manufsetunis unftraproCeetivei taritt es to .inditeattisi•Prodnetloueteptrult, tstini ircento by be wasFor imanY: Yuit's'or quidbeen gnoving stronger, siovrip," slitamt.se en:pavetved 113the elettrieitiwith*,tittle byUtile


'elogne Wait exhausted,- wi thout ladling one thatsuited the, taste of' .young ihopeful..a,sow,!,lf thereLires one tradethat , att more . lad tohimthan!411tOttier.; it was shoemaking; for we 'boys', were InNoe habit ofcalling him stIOU Sereralrninttt-liibildi .peeled in silence, and the father hal%.4tivelnAp the-pail ert hopeless; but'the atigtietlea .4111 th nopoor thlng. wereso-great fee the -MOM re .'the ‘enst of her Want," that she .1 - as she 'efteitrardit,used.to say.) to Anal the

-eettrenity.-. She d AtonsidCelllrveletteAV it" trade...MA *earned one. twowhit:bah° th id would/Aft film; tuft ta)thdellmag;' she mentioned shoemaking.-: if ' this;young-hopefularose, and. 4* themostellan , but.;11101ettutmanner;said: •.`Nol Nest silfitt:Ottat a 4,,.._.bating Man all the days of mg lifer' , -l' •

But fOr reectli, me. - I would be ^Palmeri . WhY. itWas that Iwas smfoollsk as to make thisaelectionI couldn'.,ttell: Perhaps Itwas, my Adel- or. It may I'betted Itrarr in the,blood: for mining had been the I,i'occupation of my forefathers for secendgeterations.One of rote great-streat-grand-fathers opened ther first coal; trines on the Monntoothaldrei Bile*, at 1Bryn Cter.: )Row bug agoI cannot tell ; :but It wait iSway baCkflothe days -or earrudt th,lig'S...e.hezt.9lo..penny n day was therate o. emitter*wawa -(Quely; 1I What then could have been the basis?) 1 •:-There is an old tradition connected-with the And-.

deg of thecoal. It went to say that mymeat anees-torwait befismed in :cnosing, the' mountains, whenrinrbts way . from Bridge t.ind, OltunurksOlhire. to d,the town:of Mee:in. - Ancihe Mudd .turreted for sev-eral hours, in the foe. he becanie. 'satisfied. that totravellimier thecfrehhistatleelfttligtraltelrsatilnllft-t-tektite; ter he-knew not where o.le. wet, tor, Whets!he may go. And; beingthen' on.as,faencable • spesof ground as he could expect tit' find tn"themoan=

-tains. hemade up his mind .Ith- i email. thereuntilthe fog -disappeared.- tlle• afterwards , found .that

- this place was justeta corner where the thriee'oun-ties, tilemontan. Breccia. and Ifennictuth: formeda .junction.) 'The ilig continued all daY,ondthe nightbeing!, dent- tbtre - waft i, meldrtg 'deft Adm. butto remain there all night.:HoWever..sometime in.the nighthe saw !a light; which"he' belieral to bea light in some hutuan hahltatitm; soul as the dis-tance did not appear to he far, hg left his horse and ',went On faM in that direction. '‘l'llen he'bad' ap..pemclied: nearly! to wherehe,espected.to Mid thedwellimr. the light movesinway abrig.til angles tothe direction hverbiell, be Wstagohnt ; but believingthatliontanimate of the atouse had just! taken thelight with hilt -on argue errand. be kept .on his'course, ex meltngisoon to Mitts Place of libspittillty.In this, however, he wartrdoamedtodisapp•-rintment,'fur on reaching to•Nehert.", he thought the house to Is).he found himself in the mire; and. ihemore hestried.tcrgeroutof it the metre be .such ti the nrirY.bog.!While in this candition heesperititieed;great-fear, -which awakened hint to the: true. &We ofaftkirs;'thlat lie had been led mtray,.by the ttraeheterts Jackwith it lantern. The light was still visible eta shot tdistance. and- though he was -aware. of labeing the-

.0',use Of; his trouble he could nut nYold' look logstit. When suddenly many smatter 14;114-madetheirafineurance„ and nil began,to imp; and 'skip, 'and„deuce; the Installer lights trial:ea about la the most.infhtMels Manner, ,as if)n the greatest:glory overhis mistertune. Doubtless the smelter dighta Isere:'young,Jaek with a lanternsi' that cojoYt 4 thefun

, pretty Much the :Lamella children sometimes weulttenloyn.the comic misfortune: of some'llalf .erair-drunkard.. But; the tituiltini.UT the liter 11*httswere More majestic-and 'dignified: it *oath s:novo

• towardsf Lim nail then recede again anti tatni Mils ifinviting him tO follow-, 4tewpting. the Invitation,hefollowed; and as hefound it Volsci fon solid ground,Ws feast left him and he felt like one enchanted.The help. still beckoned and hg.followedit Olt anden, until an tropasSable barrier-in the: shape of u'vertlearcliffof et eke put a stop tohis prOgress. - The.

- lights'after having ascended the, -rooks were nolonger eisittle, anti his being'pnrt ty well 'exhaustedwitt tarigne,ho rayed Wm down .la !rift. and-soontewas fast asleep.' Ile hraot! been eery long *Meet'',whenhe was awakened lg.' air. sound ofsweet music

- =the. moot ininuonlous and melodious be everheard: The moan was-slowlyrirti fig teerthel:usterrt• h I lisottui immediately Defeathint'a Laird of talliesserf,.: holditig high carnival flu; the: heath. The.:seenewmt most sub:late; and he was delighted-be-

, yon) Measure; not only on ititeortnt.,of what he then.saw and hertni4 hat also berzu Ar! to those dues forto-41.1a!man to-sit tact,. a air? rianea,wils consideredIs mist Cavoraitte,tunen. BLit pre-catty the (peen

! of 'the fat ties!Optoached tarof toughed film Neifh 'her 'titeglit Wand, and.heagain Was sound adeep. .Whenhe :makeup' in the morning the stm.:was shiningbrightly, and there was no vapor 'y !slide' in the sky.Attertisk toga general view- of the landscape, andmatlsfying himself rs-to' the ' locality, 'he-tamed

!• aroand tomake a closer exarninat ion of the rocksthat , : sheltered "dm during' the night.:Beingby iiiil,ion a.. land-measurer,' his chief - oh-Ject • In: is, doing, - was to',fix on, !time protni-vent !: point as a landmark. -While thus - en-gaged'he disc-coalAveoverrdavein'oftram to six

feat In thickness; the- veil:Lb:wring beedrecently ex-. poited by a landsible. Being welt aetittalutedwith;-and a grelltitttvortte of the lord of, the nianht, behad no iliustlio.tityin securing a favorable batik. AV!ltnnliatCly rifler .the !,roper; doduntruls h dbeen /Opted he began to.worl d bean lye.- For many yeang after that . the tuffilF had ;been

'opeuerl; the inhabitants of Bryn per,i and tau sur.rounding countey. believed the above tradition tobe strictly trite; and litany 'tit the obispeople no lon.---ger than seventy-tive XeWrs.agalxdicv,ed every wordof-it.' There is, ati old song that embodied the aurae'.ideas;but the did TA ks W,Riltl have it that Itwas a re-cent rriXlitotion. I,anult..l on the old tradiCti 1. But

. the facts in the eats' are,- that the itengWatfeottipctsedand circulated. tut an advertising; dodge, tottell thecoal. ', My father tells nie' that he .henul the wholesong recited Mxrut ,seventy years ago.untirrom whethe can reinenther,:lkv.ieves Uralic!a 'calcite.) effu4lon,of eonsiderabiei merit. I. '•remeinbet• to hear _layfather :dowels/ft of,it whmk I, Watt Il:suitill boy. butMil have been able to glean fre.int him is thefollow-ine-shanza; aslo Its e irritiiititosTranilolvouch,!bv.twill gtye itbe-re for whnt,,ihrl wartla :- .1 . •

, . .* . :kr(Arial Ilryll (ler, 1 ,'• . ., 11 ' •Wrth oleo .yr.oor.' I.

• . Uendit b-y-nut roman ddych*lnteal,o'l thin;•! • Ac yin) arbwrt.liwyl, i

. Cympsi mt tugwyl,; :. ,Sfewn swynol Ito' riaeti ~.,. -tt bytt'oedd eu cah1, Cannon ho, li . CaTitaw A ha, 114! •



Nikgwylltsrf y . ynydd lit teeth ytOwy my g,

• ,rati thlaWifst tit trey gllydd itr tiodeu.y grog:/I•:

, vannwni . ho! esunwn ho. h012..•Prisfawr)v nor oust illWy tiWgrthlaWryw g)e.',

. ; yteuxuLt;:tioNNFX'r Wr.t.;K.l --

4 , •,yrr idaTt 's mat to—'npt dint. !t-3 suicide to

Trutt. Custom. ' ! • •, ~-. •Davis gleans 'over! 11l life. Insurance.

poli(rfes.a (lay. •-" ",•c • 1!

! •.—flarhad wan:sr-C. ) !- a:mused ts)-- the1..7u States.

)nth c 7l-Ja•oe'rthat the North.; .

(la 't..)11(4 or-25 centpiegewin Vault. ;

rutit()ii.an4 veal i4e41131 1,;)cef qr

cult .Pllll3 telp:ll3 SlIpl.).211. a 1.13S1!311 club la;t—There is tiothing:i.tlf-tv.i,Y'lll.l;tit,:haehiaCt .5ehey 'do it in junks. i ' .

permittedo lain in prison.''- .:4

t -y)titt3neti area e.,vdt-u.4 det. •

--fetter h. taprig:lt. ,plverly. • than-Int--)ritn•iple.l wttll plenty. -

i;•ia tiliiniti7:ntar4,for tbelbrusilanuppoitinti nor papers. , •

rofn,.st:t`J.ll.llllnl;llll,!Wilitospe;tking,svith .eoll'de an.l -.

,The "Llocc.t..s&l wif& si4rtii ugtin °heardiu Oti.% Ilritimh Parliament. • : • -

plu:u a nlit ro;is!I t.)(Maas des:se:LA ju,t ifow. . -

louu•it Flinn lia.4 an SS;,(I6) ',Lae% but nooucisrielA taibugit t l Acci It. 3 • :

--;ilantili;'wltha tAurf allig-A:tor 83 a ttecuy isan tittlit4Vtliellt-In Ali :4'311a—,-poeciii-v.1,4 'of artvial ).

; ,

tliink4 of eliangity:4 its C:ntgre;sitiaiiIJJgati is to(i pagv.;

Ic ook foor,itays in jairt.) 'linty:4)l94le a NowHatnp..sitito tutu! to pay--IS.glitiineal of amiggardlY "l)rfok. to

tite;:onty wi tit thine eyes;A*7-41'oitrtil-storekeeper

"Tian., bowls or .111,suri4 and sizeN.".Out We ,

again who lieeis,)l,4 a ken:lent:ill'sfaausiiing, store Is ea:le,l-a •msoirtist." \ •

-,. . . . .

-alio New •, York brokeressesr-eke oai theiriili:jxne by the sale of , their phoeographS...• •.--itieventy-ti.ve e-.atli a' ii•y ttnkl' 'rats is the

.prite or cLiillo64.l rani) labor 1:,01. the •PayiTrie'.-It only costs St, lintis ilawyet's $5Oto 4.31.

•each other !'liar" arid!'t•Uward';' to wort-sueeeS.sfill exper,u in animr.lvtWiltiation have been ntade,at llotitbay.


colony of seventyjti.t.e,.:•young men ofCharleston t's LI start t4aoliTor.V,enezuela. ' 4

nightyou git o'r dangle," Is the notitvserVed by WYonutt..; ettiiintittee.

—The Ilosten •sayo that oekets are like-.elontla wipe again-411.0v liavu at•silver.lhiing,. •

--Canada - has get •trt find: itself standingarmy hereafter. The regttlar4 itre`going home.tlespite her rt.l.!oe4i•K'l:lsl aceumu-hued to time:lt-Nalipose Er;'ease In

Walking. „ • , , • • ••-

It is vaid t.11.0440r0 aro qn gold inWall.atreeft;•buc ilwre tonli oho' goldencalf there. '•

Thore is.a:riian in It3el;. cnulity, W13(1711811).81 years of age, is, fatliei.ut u child, twu.tnyntlis oltl. •

. ,

.4—lu ' the Park street Jelicirelt in Boston thequartette cbcir giros' plit&-to`ti`ehorna ofsturiy.trained singers.- •

-i: il:-'• _ *;:' i-* -: ' -, .

difTiculty over scittml 'disputed Cattle inTexas was athicatd3 'settled '! by tho death ofbuth;the disputants. .

.J.Au Illinoi domestic li:l'A- 11er voila;- iu a fitoliageaud.has since warkediu silence. Such""half;, is demand. •„' -

, .

Tite ranks; of the Washington correspond-ents' corps hat'd ails wititor been augnunnted-by halt Soren women. . 1.:-An entdiprisiug female trawler in Indiana,seOurod a Whole railway t4P,lo.beraelf rarry-itnea jar of butler knout. =


• rqndustry was pohrlY rew.ard+d in the caseof, ,u J6nuly burgtar sato ,afterthine hoursand got'rdne.cptua.,. I •

. ,

--2A girl ofeigh1).21teep, of, M0..; wastilmhumumi from a propamed ^ elopement by aimod mistakingfrom ue! medlar.

E tst India ruby, wiig,lttng Ave karatA,probably the Oat *atttaple.to the country. is tobe seen in a' hashati.—They have ataboo Jtrip unitdon't,know • whether to eau Inn., a Justieess•orthe.,Pettre, lir Justlee or the reambre. • • •

pair of•Georgialuvera:,h3vh_ehrrespondeda lend dine by, w‘ritinj nu,ec tp. . They nhghtbe eggii-c:itleit fur t••41.4%-triaviiwklit tiffeAlun. •• r •~I'•—•Thffi _SVOitLD 'isaitt ut isoiiitii.uOtiir,"lodeg could bite huh That 13 Oie general opinihu:at ,11"afflaittitchi; ttittrn "ShooI—Vernietit hadiee think then divertivsoPthat State net?ct tshkaiiing; They have Wei*tiredtou iuu4s,porikapii,...hery are a 3 out 7,in re--pair,, •

Utetterst:st:paiper aiyairthis Japanese -,,"w111grin unriferaaltuipuut by a akin. eo heatheti.ah-habit 411ey- tu.teithe; their: ;hu.•4•. • • ;

tisdtintifil '4(44,44that, -Altui)o,,Vey" war -evanpoiwgithoatc-,'and deilkated: -t4 Waive& isoiciber—lienlnsn. in w .public .104fere;laag tuhi the'Boalsoniasts how to ire hairpy,, tirtempeAkowf Lv-tug, tied flown) get-rte/t", by thillisiittrat,

Lisaac H, i. of -..l,rear, 11„sizoildie, "was • t eSather:or the gtbitlnti -.s ,34r.:spootatos InCussgrasa.- anisis Irivitzipo , wrltar; but' nois.tha amid evinaikabletdltiorente bc.tarean- tbe Aueleilta and therlintxleetta?' The*adman arafd their 40.0andthetundeasteurn*hair - ' - ,

;-,-ramtabu heongldelgibfpasTett- 'tolii ball, in Illstnlnghsisn rs„ tecvlsodthispritii,—agold watch; thy ehletonhapetltoit.Wald only.Masterfifty-four. ' • ; . •

--lUPitteb: - - '•:'.. )'2 .1.='.3jL

AND VP AEBANTS WANTEDOF WAR- OF ist2 AtiIi..?,LEXICAN WAIL •.FOR.E.ION' COINS, STOCK-S, GOLD, fVERN,• MENT and other BOND,S BOUGHT-and SOLD.COLLECTIONS profanity wade on-all )EPOsEDS' AtEVEIVED.. ' ' •patrolNo paiwilt be-minaret' to :serve lifitlimita al' hose who laver tui With their burdnest.• JOJIN F. Rustrros 'a co., •Dunker/I and Bro:,:ers.f No. ,i 0 Sou leUct St..; Philada.Jou 1. 7u ; -1-ly

APRIL, 1.870.Xer Sale anb,ilo 'gif.

for ,Star.imk-fia•zgai:::.i-tvon SALE—A llmixe :and Lot -in IttetniuttelAtt;.r. Loutttu r.,TINV 111P. Tenn' i A lyt•TianlA AL WA.l.l(l.:lt,'Noi. in Bt.ilium ine. . - April 9. 10-040 - .r

• )2 ,..•



v.:: 8.-11-tice-story stone, dwelling bf)i•rid.- situated itit Market

P" e -r 00 feet front by4 - The Lento rikrealisonsible. Ant -1n'lll,m/glven.by applyltig to• 7,1O.F.KIM :110 :kis,

Jun- 15, "1"0-44mLosDAVID LITTI.E. 'Shaw,rUP, +l%

•E,Ntims.,—Altoom, third 11°4to Acitz' ittiCeutrectliaotterillo. Apply to -

- ' -titAt AViva Ton Loeb-h./Dare, st•II:04..p+ • ail bCII. UNetii f0r ,.,,,,.Octal coal dirt at the miner and•is into GEO. W. SNYDEit, Pnlts7 ;01,

'COB SALE .—Breaker Mid Engine; ithipe1.:and raigirte; Boilers. Oillee, Sh4.4*, mask ;lately occupied by the Primrose Mul l'sarb ir !.l,„;Co_at St, >f Will be sold low. ,;\pr* t.,

• • HENRY. C. $C El., lb Italiantelw s:.•Jan 1.5. '7O, 3-tt

. .

. .. .AirAcitiatuzer _wait 64,1ifi0 hone en,iti..gtoe. pt.b., 4 1.-ptitA it,ez 1, •-oxle 60 horse.. irug' tie', 411'17111, ptltllliliti 4it , ; WHIM [WMragaor, 2 butlers, /0 fret fa and *. one 16 "Inhpole pump,nail a .}y.i.rd4 inch columnpitetLeigh tt.0u,....4 .it-,,L by 3{ ilityal: lot 1214r wileat...„ i"--AM/ 1,11 M.iititLiA,Or a. 1.1014111 i ~,..1.......1mAptit4 16-1..1.i j urby letterto PortCarbopn „

.. _

.3' •TO LE: sicanTLY.--The second atitry of theAl- prelniatet obeliplied by Skeen & Kearns, 141%111nail 161CeistMoiltiet. having It• convenient outside'entrance, InWeell toil tettfor ttotaturtaleating cakes;Or might be /4tivattl ,tor a small nanny wit/aunt:tirtilercatidren! J-I.r lif,fltt 444OCIALA.,__'NEL.--. N.k-8 .-60ortleekvirm,n anal" zwiradithe•Int(Nu. MIA34.0 opeu to a )ptott tenant while thetime* are dull.Aptit137 M• C.'• 2. :0-1141t .' . • •.........._____:_

V. . . . .111. .AMIABLE PROITATT WI" /17A.TEif aituraa.ol934ietattetatntoem, ip the tract of0314._tabil. 111atair Caatte Thapaebtp. sonylkin Co.,(amain-asltba,lll4,lli Sassalw.trar.,l mutatattagabout tal acres • • ,„: - -' • 'kleftet Mt acrea4lslllloAL *ha T41.134t bl ip:inalley Tiewmatry,- 1 - •-.Ivaau 4snabiballga .11botiltilatalta `

' 4dlitottaa-Etc WU kvetisof 23 Treatatt-. ..enue, rankela Cheat-th''Orsatuartho4nt Amt.-ttsa.,llear4ittle.•-• bf. Auld twaybuyikAtt potamktaisitaarboc, Ifart..,.s *.:,tei llel.*itaill4 ',U1k2ii'llfovidittfaE-eli





a‘Patsvllle.V-r. • 647:..-t091.1f•

• 11212M---I,76lsMairlitraxiiers- nornet•Ziknond •und sfabantong o stt• ..11OTA April. Ist. -Apply to REVEL' c.Reidpitale.Airritilf "l!rantotsiobtr tio.


DWEI÷LING HOUSES FOB SALE,&spry 13tielc, Alshnntongolit. • •. •

I . •2t 'rev-gory . hTiek ".t '

attattlibttta .I.ll(.„ARLSSEL,.iieaTi..kstlie g. -N:8D st k , - Jp.nn,

'COXI/13.111.,Ei--.4::-Five Ton Lotornotive. ,kril.4lfOr e mud.. Lait,bm n Vt.!'

tng eoniand' tit theWises, and Isde;._:Apply to 44E4: W. SSNLJEtt, Potts t;,.

Jaftqary -


30,41h4h1crtsti.Mpt..C4 1.,neltot,d) 7h -Winehrentr! Trite_,t,'lOl4l tei11n71313,4hi; unit -.F471m3714111

taut- tiektsluing about AO men*, iivutteied-furuhcln ryasblutbje.l-ernia. -. Appt,v_to

_ : - • - • tiANNAti, Agent; •;FL% 11 17,-04s I,',Dttsvilleor l'ort,t %,1 1, , :1..)11 8.111;i;-Tliniiker acre,: u

IA _Lebanon Coetfly:pjz 'hlles Ifinogrorti. tob,i; metineof, theLebahon n,- The timber'ha wine/pall V

Ply to. • -I,MASOX-WEIDNIAN,VottsviII,,,im 'Mi. mLoint,r.4 Fttrgv. p. t

July 31, '#*7. b tt Lehinoti,o,

F9ll 0

.VOR T.A11, -&-ick.::--A..-Vttlisable Lenge on ihe Nl.'1101:114- PRIMROSE, and,SEIDMlJtl:: Vk r:a:UN a Ituill'or•une intle-11). the 11W14:0- V..1%/it*Y-NLebobofCol/dory— -ApAy to.• ". . FUANI: c.Aftll:l:,••

• 17.$tate,igent,alyer Terraee. INA IR% 1 1.,311, . 4tt•

"•• ' •

TIEB/I:CA itESIDEIg ao FOE 'SAI,i• 1-.4- 'Mswets ritvattotbrra tor 4111110 hia ittiu

cerneror9lh and sehuyitall A y,maigrous.Alleftww frx nem.%) art-uWur:Net lONA lOW mircit,PKtOtkedleltb fruit-mm*4 ahrt:i.,.tt:•. „Pot terin•-;,#'ll-furthor tatorntatlott, •: t fig.,Xf• ,'JVAtust-zy.t.,Feu • I

1.Z.0.`1,,,,V S„„r,r-okialtic,llLTUßE-L PAAN-D •titulerislant oth,the SchuylkillCounty Park 'AasUclationycill r,

liropintalx %or rt•lotrer I:fatii" Louse of tiurti,,tcl-I'ar.U.; 'WAN p.tyitrAo'clutirtetipito aulvance. ro:slop given on thc' ist tiny Of :April, h'7•l. •• • • • •'.E.IirOILLI-sla.iiil,7,


VexxxxiLp -ciRLIaLitY .MACHINESILEI.k>t,,t4-A-(i0,..4, RA ILI I) 1FAIC -.41A.E.F-—1 ugw'Slemin Pulan and l'ihes;

MIA I uzbrunt Una i• ffroakerhery.• • tWelve Niute,n lot of WmtiMA, T It•Tor.h., .te,„ &Z....lately used at SllverCreek; appi

• !, WIL 1.1ANI Lk ER 11.51A' yen:l, •

Nu.=0t:36Apetell Mtilit, 11111)1'„tnettln,b,lt stat•lr.,'Nlrnateort the IIneof the sett,ad b7,uliquellnatitlkWßOGul,-.14-tuttew fromhems of ritetaYilf ate nude*. ettitleat.11.1•4lire entrefedlt.lth'itteititut grant* of In y,

grnwth,. whieh.'wetthl I.mA-ft exoeUkf prop. anuere,sr are envt4eilgitltheut:Vtitnber.-The Imp. jntentiretin44-o,lloittitettantlia new :•••z&trig,hitt IttnikesAtnetn ttew unnenall is It wuterer..Stqat, connt!thil of'homes; eows,

• (arming-Impletrients: , The price:Lockett run. heizeil from the timber mote, • Tem.:Cent:4% App!,40AN Enttirly.'s - IWWI nt.Dr F~ItGL AlciarliAnNo. toCentreflit49!vii* : 1.15 i /- • rA1ia.t.7;:13.:,411-t4A HAKE. OPPORTUNITY' TO;. OUT

tt'i'i4 •

TIIA rsi)diTtirelta 00A1.,e011-P.',N41:,.Offer to lerwie ap!>rtlintof het et,i,eust 1htlt. Ext;p'untoutchell,ln thefl.lilaud Basln ofthe limit,V.egt.On cantoillfag theatw Ititt 1 e t,Lying and:ovalyttig Ve.hs; itu 'eeryfloeemail fiu ;Application to he made,to (126.' IL Ton's..Prebideur; p.,114 110.wta-itx, Near Ygrk,or t o

• .S. C. .3171.11.1.. 'Ca--t: •• . • their Agot4 at, l'oltkwWe,



, e nr,111.



./.\:- 'BU. Trtnitot.c4Tho'und at-signed litry4 ti.4..,, 4.1 .Years' vs,pericnePfin, ' Survey nig, Pardo ill:yt'of . 1...,...1Wormton amt.:Vilna mrm.t. e.if l'ond Lamis 'Vl's,. de:, '-

kilt and' atktotialnif . `tnifft.ii,s, respectfully one!.. 1,::14,Aarvinett.M-owners Land•a.Ctillleries,and Ite.tl l's •tate ofever.a.' deserlppou. lie' jspreparedtottleod Jo. PureliMe and Sale ,f ,Iteal 1.1-s-tnIP: .

. • g‘..tarninatlolinndIlvvelorattOnt of eitttl La la si' I.:karts nation:aid Itopturt on' Ctmalt t lon of t 'ot I . ri.....Clullec oa'aßtMt.Payment of T111.05. _i....,..e. of Illnes, Lumbt, Lots,-.4fre. i•

, f••• .' - I:: .._

-r11.1... , :1i CA iniF.E... ' R-r.lpmimicp;l4,fieorge 31. -Ttititman, 'F.,...1., 're,

,-.dent 'Central.. ittlowtillank. l'hllailplphia:.Tt., .‘ .llllltile Set.t.,a."11adptphla ; Jimtha 1u.ll. pinv.; i 1....;..Philadelphlat AdOlplit E. ItorlP,l.lsq:,Thiladelktht..t Septonlber iirtitr" - - '• -..: . ,s

..,,- If„

SAL Ftrst-,ela, sWlitte-Ash I.'ol'l 4the Thihanoy„,Coal-At Iliptruslid• trpxFai Pub agtr,Rivgr.. - I - •••

A .twenty feet. lot/In Secontl, Stret t, sultat 1r tprlysiterthkoove. ••• :ToWis lots InlMattanoy•-70,•:,LEaktr-llotton, mot b Iskitltrore arol„Veins, !war. 3liitittno.7,. C.71 tk."- - .For-Root-*n,otticeitlSliver TerraCe.

A„Applyto :; . • • ' NI( CAILTEit

• rteul Egtate, Silver Terrace;

V 4_12PA:L -IRON PRIZJA ACE PROA PRIVATE BALE. 'One utf the tnoitdisauthle awl %%linable Ei•Ji f,lPROPk:tirfLIB In the slletzand ‘.; v ,

iv noxt QtferetLat pliVnte tt4tle, known as cal..Fttrettet"," and, k idtisaled -111 ,sarnanclath 0rt),.1miles sautb-entst 17tmatt-,t0,-1:, tt!Id tVAtinJairg, on the linen(Ow nah(wts .ap?hire ant (thanaIXthouittztp acre* xtt Innti 3 it.tog MIX. of superior ynuallty ant( great alattiOant •

mPart of the- Pia/toe butittingar were.d. tru t ,)fire dar2lll4l" i'lte'wor• but the :stack. lowa+. t`t,Hearth are In wer} leab"e (total it itch. 'There I;oat •property tl. It tidable Parellttur flown,eightc'ettothers for 14 torkitto,n...--t tat .8 a purtnalt3r for pentans seek.)tp-ore

For farther ipArtirtilitr, add re.o:,Nue. LoISDELL or IJAVIit P. -II"

It'lltaingtonLteJAS. 31Alt4TON, r:thnlaare, nandefin

• ILIBLEIJ)21V11) I'. Bt":411:for C. BUSH'S


EMI~px"; ' O-i'J--tt}

The tolinwing still on hand at tlieDunmnOne pumping engine, sig‘ty horse power,Mgall tins machinery connected.with' . • . „ • .

(like hoisting .erneine, sixty horse,. With_ all,chtnery connogied with hoisting.Kix 'boaters used for puniping and hobitifeet tiy.thirty--four inelies.lit diameter...withConnections,


Dell))(wl.) )11

MEMthirty.1 their

.Ch stenSupVmp.!son Banda .1—a satbdaetury article: ..;• The. above' machinery is In goii.leontlltlwilibeKohl:reimmubly. I. I• Also, odd watvr pump -and pipes. .-Wagoi.and '4*.i-ingi Kamm; t4IIK, Tru.iultmr,„Sh..xla;Flstorextraom, and aft tlter'llmildings wide'werelvt. ' • -.Irotfurther 1nformat alre at thanEiort,)/nrtieist•:.ni at. t odt/uncurl CollSery.Jaa7 'di:45.424f . 4011 N lIA


9 Ofe %LAN NI11Melt

121111VOR SALE:' ...,

u,--.'l-.•.:. . - —,. • ,;Titi: 1-14.tow,rsa, :, :'.. : .--I`,NIINI-Nicf" MACf-TINEitY:'' One high.tiressure Corntsh4lull fitrtrlngleitOne:..2614:ineli ,yllrider I.feet stroke, Isa ers and 111-I.a, t.ennip/eic, ancj 2 'llfts ofMumps: 86 S-dti. eaefi, one Is-.nett the otherii-Inch.plunger, eaelt SeVili (04:At rol,:.•.

.. ,.A: ).1 ,.._4,--o.,tt ilelVilltc uleziplnti gtlit in_ gipti nne,ll 2,l-it ileite gytn tli enieiiil,i,troke,,:with eletirnirearlng and-boilers (pin' lel e.• AISO.-d-Four Rein Breaker •Miteli I :wry. 4 ,CA.1,8(1,7,-169 thret.s.tonSfope Wagonft,-11ea.1- II • ironed:or 4 feet track: -• • • I - ". - . ..0.. 1AL50,,..-=-CnieALSO,,..-=-Cnie 16 feet Fiiii awl Engine -wl..th. tubular'ilerelittiplete.' " • ~-

-, i 1 ' '--

rUnder; feet stroke, with gem Ing and bobs. mid 1aeIfte of pumpsloJ yards..eneh, wi1.114-citioi tiltin grrs.is feet stroke.. - • •, • - -... ••

: - I .•The ii.b.,,ve,machinery roarbeetti ln serrlee,l l,lll. is I:. - Arnrklngarster.,... . •"-- • •

• • ..- •• • . • • „ GEORGE \V. KNYDEI..,.nin9,'6li—k:triir:Septa.,'o3---L-Iyil Pottsvf 1.., 0,

331181• VV.: MAC t. 6. orik`rfn3-. • y. COAL

T*c ier‘r i fit Alefferkiteits Ilanimorater level.'• • •,;• _'mtnel lied !iiithfigitAft.l6yellYtit- • jjJJ. One lied dab Lease- ou .t t1.1,1;.A Lease on naralngth,slodipbre and rri nroNeill eree.k.•:,•7•11111ER LANDS.FOIt SALE I*. !-

.Pilicrem splendid While Oak Timber I.atid,.s.nwe for earmuff, 4e. • -

1803 acres-Timber I..and I yi Potter County.':1,11

000 4StrecttAialll iitmam)e.pliwcO ifaLtuber.tlonrlna. •;i. - of •Nso:ocre4chestnin timber laud. . .•1 •800,4tores-gnat Bbd Witte IDSmlnq -tand,, bet wee?,Ilarim•irttit;_and the Tunnel, cut trite lots tti sun pn;-tit,ser& - •

lA house.' and Jo' 4,.),1r


IGO-hors...kb irkeengine.1 fifty horseeosins. _th.trtV,."

1 twelve ," "

1 ten, " portable en.If 21c4. 1Orti, :124,13. z 2/ ft.., . x 2rlte." 80lu.z30ft.-"•30114x/dtt...

12ft.'-2:- 171.%": 211 in. x d ft., =“.-41-hoorsoo, tubtliar.1 upright due boiler. ,/74jekk,11..colutun PiPOitithlubedfirandtittipi.:140,40.24a.vp14_1.pr.• .


"4 . 141.poke . pullsps,

2 -6 ." •!t• :;

good611120140fpr ughDpil.6lon,CoeNtimet.Ncnt. 116-14-1 t

10 sittall. 1111 tlil : toterpumps.tomsofcltl . varlou'

' •

.1 10 feet hots/ ag dr. um.;with bult4ratul- riirmillsx)Mplete.

141.4e141401stIttgdrum3 ' -!'2 stacks 34 In-,c4f)1- "-- :3o in.

Abtotit 1!)loons I/eft UtnictluxA latge lot ofptAnfau pot, latthe :took "Ito

Omitting and' safety lamps.tltynis of *ter rat!.

." :4"-, • ''' t Irefrop

Al*lXtrays on heedIrtoinaiDin. faii4 for ‘,.-

tliatlng it mtge.," -.- ,

I. pin!. • -\

; /up ,t 1;;,,•• wit!,

Itßtae. r

Iteconcr...hatkd !41,et4teti lit .t.e





RO •• , —it% • I Tait -SitliE.— he t ,••• 2 1lktted. otret tt.-sitt tile -- 5100'.N. l'.\ IL. '.; ;S t.ROLLING•fdILL:t• Weaned t. Dlouut C rb. ,11. . I:* 'r-•Pansy' Ile,scliuytitil I Count v.it, .1.TbelKllMeeninitht i fronitiky" pesiti II ng forte ,i- • ,heittlua ftt 'rraw•ett. a trtrin'qs-lhch rolls. or 1.,...,, , .4,ll:oN.J.alerritaut hie host tnth', 1.0%in Int.. r.,1. 7,-::' Inches ,Irt Wroth, by;lai Ittelore tlituneter. ~, ti : : 411. '' -

zat4chtnerY for the tottautiteturtv.kftl;'o..l4.....• .1, •••• :• thatuflron.lthe pittiptrat.l puailing tioili. a• • ;•pelled -by a rertle.ti engine or 34) too,. p ~,.,Nir•rullf bra'borUatital- ettgine or m i k0 .N,.;1.and•the rernsititier, ofAbe ot.tchinery„..4 01..3-Ingotheant. fen; de., by'lettalikes or 4,1 . nl l' 11'1Ypowerrapectlvety_ '.•'o,A.s..hfal' bath:M.lv which Covtit an•row, iquarli feet.. aro ,clods ore Ilie -fn rnaler3tAtas,reontalit)of :e -eat count rm.nips,tubstsylattaintanner, and coverel ..

474',.' ' : " theitiptiftit. 11411royty,Ar la - :.-• 4e:11.:2 14r)r.Zr e,friren?..''Lying contiguous and Appurtenant I, jio, I;,dUhl; ane ift7 acres of arable. tt•l woo li .n I.• 'office, ihrees•boulte. 21-frooti ttntl COllVelIII .I.r.l • - • ^ • ,.11t)liktailudart•excellent barn . ralt .' '' I.nisl•I oat to town lota, wood meet with, u•,. .‘ ...;,..... .•

.'A:espaclotts reiterVoir near the. 51:11;. 2r . - i... • 1 , , : ,2'7.lAstlbeViStk iabilitaant'sapp'l3' Of pure -; ,•'; ll 4'"": ' '1There Is also arrexcelieritskate qu2trp .0,, t i,, :. pi, ni•

.I.4et. .Mor 'the successful prosecution' e I 1,. if ili, ti.eictufve of Iron, Ihe location /4such 'its I. :nr,3:,,,L-,I•:frZl.' of the 'ben quality Is, n;:n•il • ji.ttaAsktclnitst. Ttetacit ties of i an,pol,. ;onareample—either by the Reeding ita 1-110 I 1111:[0 1. 1".itunner.ou:t connections. Or by the :••zei. tylit rr• •

.The lanceqttaattfyloitihotcorisantett in r lie ,•,•'., 0igi°//' 41:Turda an exeellent4tolue lA. 'tad, ;111,1 DU

• abundant 'apply itfWrap Imo. r..., -.-: #iir:Forfurt.hatisfolloatlmrepplY-1 ,r..,,.;'-: ~,, • 44111111110.414.NNF'-'4,"Pot

' P. C. ONDRRAONK; poi.or teCALTIN alaaarotag TTE,POI'.:Jan. Tt,70

THE MINERS! JOT. 7Local Matters.

WAIN TABUS.••••••••••,..•••••011M


Xy—4:4",.--..:....-- 31. P . 640 : sr-;-4.......:::...........; ..." 61 .

.11/. .---:.... 1,.......,«......--., 44 SF: •SI -.- - Z.,,;..--,..,--, MS •/. Mk,. -.-. /a .


__— .40 '•79' : ' 72

gocal, liasintss • •• .

:Streak a hoe heat, Inlertlan; cents aline each subs.;Mai .• • • • •_ •


1, • -

Duxgran&J., GAL




result:ll at 051111104'5.'warpriassralltlanarCri..Dress (tastoriVialantrs.,atirree.. 1:61 S" t..~ tori. -

altar.at OathIves In ge. ,-, ~April 9,



red at4r. Lloalstreet, Ann,XAtXXtt,

ONLT la cents' tara superior Oyster Stair at. Potts'Ladles and Gioia Restaurant. ro. MI Centro street.Prices .roctuord to salt the thue. Call and see foryouoelves. . 3.t0

- -

Fzrmail, Engltsti and American Cloths,all Style,• f • ••••.. I • 4410 I.li •2 •

-= es 4.pure.

ll ;61 d.i '

ris.n.eltalis.l4 elixir. Whoever. is debarred.byailrcurn,tances from- unrestricted, access to Vilainidsible, but powerful sttmulant; .110e4ti

invixorairt of some glad. 13141_1.11.Ashould be to choctze thebeat. Popufailiv is a pretty •good uantritee of .nierit in *MI scrutinizing andintell ; tit b this criterion Mattel-

.... . . . .

tzliejW.regulatiOg erps of tirtattvit,he tett.,peolloos g lotzu Us, eSpOrtfilly.fnc flectorfes w venwith-the.best possible ventilation the atutasplYerirlie always hi twine degree,poilltiekt this saluhrlome ,

'vegetable NMI 4;1411.7¢1WrIS mil,. Tnhe' otureotthe trigredlentio is mystery. It consists ofabsolutely pore- iiirrusive stimulant. tilleture or.rather saiselieetedf—tilrb the tiablearitructs of. etann%-tous roofs unit:, barks and lieries. The prior:name

lalgaittkittnetetlitraomt wki4e44t mu.Intett-ro4 A•milirltac~lOOdibllATllltiti.trriteach, 3 Not Oneoft...1 11, m eouthlnes the: rye proper-,tied Cgrttelllharaersl,l #!itipfsnpAiriltorirnt,these e elniruts. nt . nor arethese the„segO ORtl4lllWitliellig• 111101;1411)0414Aiis. 11

1c.1. 40 10 WootraielnrKiantad nmrsoliiivPiLslnnOir.TheMalerul effect which air that he's been ,pati.l-eitatLosteil'orltiotYgon by frequent breathing

protiucat mit he vital organ I zation, IsMotoritma, andwhen to riel,i'detH`nlireel othavipberethe ilnimizitir vapor ofhot nit Auranqrsi ti,..iiavvion(OleterLow; kind theefirgine.. Toenn-tite thesystem to btkarttp,•-evratfor a few ituneWeachday azatillt, the,,tisehilitatlng tltience of a vitiatedatmosphere,Wholesmac -tonic and alterati,vc-ls-urgentts reuin4z• alas pun d.distilekatartvicAnp-,plieti in. Itostt.qttet'sattstalfitog,-hraithiprotirctitnt nz.tentetthor amoug Mltlelual. oradverrasettlan 1, 'i*O . , 1-1 y

TIVA,FITE4S, J3Luiplijes4, lIDE-,Ot.TA.katn.triAtted with 1,13 OCAS by .3L- P.." Pro).-ot IThsesium-cif4.:3"o (: and,FiXe. 4crletltilt.rr the31edlcal'CottlagecriPs.;tweive.yearner portence; ffor.,inert);of Lepton, liolhadlj No, pkii, Area Ht., Pilau:•T4.iitilyittits at, Itbepttice..,Theqn"c4lo.l Waal)* araIt}vited tuactianipp4y theitrtt4,titt:Inserted without . pain: -Mantlitnation Ott. • -

!.113 -.31,:',69-;214oul. • ",zi ..; '


.11 rat*BY SAYLOWS lILICED OLIXLIAVNT,The vial, external renteil,V, fof. late tattatisur..

Nettr:th Ltrtinn,- Mil 141 tits; .

liiifinaeve=t4realliadts" FrasetIj,ll At (.4 .1 sMsets of Rlieyunatism and .7.41c6-.ralght,'Othetlllialsrpr bilivpsetirrAsupil,t4yso,zeatly to

relieve pain' This II inlittot liasbeett In use•for thelast fifteen year 4 tat 1,1 twolver.elitire' satisfactionWherever It UV. WWI •

' Prepared and sold by Mrs. C. 8.5.Y1,011,,, No.'96sbent flir.;:lfottnellio. • Atetit at Al fluorovaltr,LAW;ItENCE. At4)l}:'N., _ppaahLhits;,,,Nll),,zitol, 11. I);

st. • ' • —tfilI].I3OO2IiL,T,PZOTOE.AL.-3furc , than

liottten this e.,tigii.Ntrditiiir4lttvi, sold.Itv tireyears,,4n,l thousands laiveArbeh rtiml by ;it."Plai•botigh tuxhatjutnyln- anylhililliatreolit and thedlntreasing cough of ibbleAnnprion Ma-will:to 'tp It, I,iisNthe grelltss,t i„_•atite to Ulu. comalant 1.)-M:llw_ tkuia4, g.411Aviite*.ant •to the .uste. r -prepa-r6aThy" r.Evl oniat-;tiourzEit, .ot. „Philadelphian, load- Is sold by Dr.ItQll4„NziON, „Drtr„„.".bas, Potts-ville, arid by tkOtirty every aruggleit atirStarekeeperat cernt..„; a boat. • y Hie

"„ • .

• •

,Gad.; 44104 iwiwi-ikrie4: _uriaillui."• :::•0110 „yonesoPlesigarroCure'as

ItUsli.lllo 06:410Akficartilse„..St*l"drk. 'Use tioigiitt'L.'W itlttAe 1.1i#ell!l!, 'TIAN ilupst.titing

. Ru ViNs.CIYIIIO:I3.II-11N(18." . • NAV,. '6(40--6nt

A 4501.1011, D. Oil AMIE :TIIRO 1.11E.•quires' ii.ft,..llttentiten; n 9iglect 6leti it*Citi Pi 11n 1111 c 0 „4 1jA 414bbitls•W llat.rr47,64ATROCVNSsyill

• 30,11cve Install*. FoilL4lo.Npuriet.

ASTIDIA,CATA!itltlf, CAN'SI:3II.III-1.:all • "tioicie..utlizimisi4orhiVediI .*GERS'a 11.720,1t3AfritAK'gßiise illtkin to'

("al 'lP**r°4l o•m-v2..Ith* 'Yttfcr- • n-1.• ,Pf '-

','tnildttAt.i&ititii.46find tiipti Cfr. iif.fyl4ite,TroOeg,truirlOorikteicfctied •i-isceri) are gr-ferc4;altir.4.a Di 5p Te‘tiPoi•ia,the true ' ' • •

- HltttlYttNov.

A Timbreof revs hosting herbs, ~%se!,rid bottles enlY, at SI-maIS •sititob" .:-

!. , ~. per 11Dia;. -,Sedtj3alik.t. .41-Si-

,sw, • '. dregs 611 receipt g.tg mialey,and



-•- IIVII.:401 ,'' l*'4. 0 E MU '4. .-

% ' '

. ,„ 4ttekiNs • rbial INIS NA- •

1 .

A Ocoi•jela .

/ /<ine rrcp7...red for Vzo Cureof +. dificiusnois,

Celit,Te%cr Ag4e, !ten- .eour2ces evres-tinart-'burn Nktitles the.Blood. Si'elasa.eg-

Liver. • 'S.!'Circular, FcLl le y PrnzaPtR. . •


. A acre enzo for Dysentery,D4YOIPIi colic, ","11,4113'Punt. Itreg Oateitrio CRP' . • •-ell, quietsRestlcssoisa. al!3ys -

Inflznirratien, n:,.) promotes -Healthy: .It softZst.,ll.o • . -Guns.-and .recaers Teethingensv. Prian atet....rer

25caivz;A:-. -neTcr, ' Sold'.by Druggio:


'GINGER, k dophle iitretigt.h, and the only,pure Essence 'of Janutitz. Ginger lu the .market;therefore file only article to be*relied on in eases ofColic, Cholera Marlins,-Illarrh ea, HySentery, Ludt-: gest ion."' he effects of Change of 'Witter, Coldii,ste... •Ask for Itolloway's and take noother.' A half tertz,

apwartit ofit 44 InOrEtturak egant tom- w7l(tleospoalatitIof Ain- 'ottitsr. tteact'' dettiall,tx and ihtertiteetsch,„VMS; cents per :Walk. Johnson, Holloway & Cow'-. 'don, Arch Street, Philadelphia. •

CIIII,bI:F.N 'CRY Ton .lioi.r..ow.tYs att\netitE• A:4)NFISCTIONNThey are so delirious. The-drxltors and mothers' say

• thei.are the most :•••itfe njel effectual remedxfor t horseprst% of. lA'QI-131s. -Phe +pautne•haKe the slamit tiresofheaproprietors larthe'wroppereach box.Twenty-ttve cents per box. -Johnson, Itotioway•Cetviten..ti,r2 Arch St.trltila. Uccle A, 'l7.4".telytr

. ,

HE CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID.T Published for the bepeht. ' YOUNP NlE,:kr, and,others who suirer,fi,nin Neevong.'liebtlitr; etc., sup:plying theduenns.,3t,self-eurti. teu .-by 'one who •Tired tilit,;elrt.and sent free on receiving ost",, iV'dart:etc(' envelupe. Address

NATIVI NIEr. *MAYFAI-Ei„lironklYti N. Y.:

• Martian-CS. `' •(I.I'.AVEIt.-110WE-tit—Oit the sth inst., ;by -the.

Rev. J. Fry. Satttnel K. VleaVer Lizzie C...11.0,ver,NM/ of (itrardyil/e,Selthylk Ili county, Pa.: . ItI7.II:IIEL—C.AILTER-011 thvi sth of Ft.bruar'y,-,',157.1. by the. Rev~.f. Dielcet's ,n. M. F.IntoiNANO.flu)t3ikr. trOlvis' N.t (7AIITER, both ofPottsville.'

the Dth inst. at,-I'ottSvitie.tty theiter. Wilt. Morgan, Str..lAmr.s J.kNft,..s,'.Ashlatid, to :qrs. RAC:f r.L DOt,GE, of Fistilsteb.KEEFElt—DF,Stil.Elt—on the 7th inst., by the'Rev, k. Yelser, CitAitLEs -A. Er:Flat, of errs-snit:l,to ELLUN Div.vGt..,mt, of :seltuy11:111 Haven,

. - . ......

1'....171,:N"—1WH.—1n. :klineraville, 'on the lathInst.. liv tile /WV. ella& 1. iclf. I itger, at the hou,e 01the brlile's parents, Me.. '.TcHE I."rn'.' I'ATTEN of New •.Mittes, to :slhBs SARAit .LA.NE Iloeix, of,M Inerarille, 1.IieIfALL—POTT.--04 the sth of .I.prito 1570,, it-the residence ottite bride's toot Iter,.GEoltca: schA O.O Philadelphia, to ,A3te tt.Lt.t, daughter -or thefait'Betki. Putt, Esq.,

. 1)111•Sil.--OirAttet:Oth tilt....at the Sehtttktll Up:idly..Aitttg-Itottse, JAt...`ttl.l Dattstt, tut the 7:41i yt:ur 01 hliage. . ' ...00.1.7TY-.-613 11th IriiL; is I.llltv.norotigh, CAno-

lat:: wife of Itlltlit t•n ttv, :1•11 da,aghter o.-Joseph lteed, th )ht potrof hennge,

FEY-1n Orwlgsburg,-on llorsday, the lint lust.;It.uvoLPit F/t .v, ngett yeah+. •tent:lves an,l.triend.. of the deeen.4.l.l iare"i4peetfuliy Vlied to attest l the [ahem] front kis int.rebidettee toi-Sunt.hty ofternhohnt 1! of clock with-out further:notice. - •

.--tiOltNlAN.—Oil 'the 9th of April, ni mt.•l. DWAItU GORMAN, SIC., it native of the rounty.of. Kilkenny, Ireland, atm rviddent ofthis regionthelloa ai years;e‘tiged fii y'etirs. I ..t.•• •

ti1t..,111,. Llewellyn DA.NIRL.DAV' In conit.,son ofdticob and.gtateli lie 11e i ni;aged 2yeate; ti Mouthsands days.- ,,On--kin the-the Windt.; hr TPV:JOHN,son of oeillartiara 411(1 thelate. John p.schret-ler -aged t years and nmonth. '

,sl3lo\—(ht the nth e...:TICA-Irtriti wife of Jurues stilton, aged 9-I yeark,lFountain Spring, on the- Othlust • Lul.44l.iriErratschat, sotrof the late PeterK.Seitz-Inger, in the2lth yearof linkage. •Ft-relive'', deartinittret,lfligt,

-To JoinAhe laved one*"thlit liave gonehefOre; ".• •Thecent' let's o'er, thy work onearth is done, ..,.r.'rhy mutterings ended—thou.so ineekly boie.• We would net Cad thee hack—our Gad knew hestWhen thee he entletltekdri the aagelle throng,. •lie thou our guirdian aog•ei hover near I.•And guide our u andering footsteps to yon heavenly.:• . . home. .

THOSIA--onSunilay,Rpril 1,1 s n, CATEVIA-ILINETllOllA.„Wqe of Jaeup Tho3/4, hged 62,Yearri;:,and 9 mouths. •

Mrs. Thorns WWI horn in ilatriburg, illetkx County,'ra., Julyand 1,4E, thegtto to, in in the failof htlB, and -from- nce to .lielterille.- finvrit 'the-spring of Isla, where, with the exception or a_fewyearsshe resided up to Abe- time of her de tt'.l.. _A hewas the mother of eleven children, live of 16.11otflarenow. living. •

WITHELDETC—On the::4l hit.. st:Swaf ant. iteitlYTp.. ay W t rIIELDEIZOI astiveofUerninny,ago44 years anipidapt.

