Penmanshiel Wind Farm RES 11 Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology Introduction and Overview 11.1 This section sets out the methodology and findings of the assessment of the effects on hydrology and hydrogeology of the construction, operation and decommissioning of the proposed Penmanshiel Wind Farm. ‘Hydrology’ relates to surface water processes and features, whereas ‘hydrogeology’ refers to groundwater. A summary of the underlying geology is provided for context for the hydrology and hydrogeology. The existing state of the site is assumed to represent the baseline environment. 11.2 The proposed wind farm is fully detailed in Chapter 4: Description of the Proposed Development. The site is defined by the planning application boundary presented in Figure 11.1. 11.3 In overall hydrology and hydrogeology terms the development proposals present a small and mostly theoretical potential risk of effects on relevant receptors. Nonetheless this assessment has identified these risks and presented measures (mostly the adoption of proven standard construction controls) that will avoid their occurrence. 11.4 The development has the potential to affect the quantity and quality of water in local surface and groundwater catchments that in turn may impact upon downstream watercourses, fisheries and private water supplies. These potential effects result primarily from changes in drainage patterns and erosion and sediment transport rates resulting from site works during the construction phase. 11.5 The risk of increased runoff and pollution to surface water in watercourses within or near the site is assessed and appropriate mitigation recommended where necessary. Particular care will be required during construction to ensure that watercourses on the site are not affected. Sources of pollution are identified for each stage of the site development and suitable mitigation measures recommended. 11.6 Hydrogeologically, the potential risks to the groundwater resource and private water supplies within and surrounding the site are also determined. The permeability of the soils and geology are assessed with regards to their ability to infiltrate incident rainfall and yield groundwater in significant quantities. Abstractions have been identified and mitigation measures recommended where necessary to prevent contamination of groundwater supplied during construction and operation of the development. 11.7 The assessment is based on the collection of a wide range of data and information from published material, plus consultations with statutory bodies, principally the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), and other stakeholders relating to the local and wider hydrological environment. Methodology Planning Framework National 11.8 The Scottish Government's planning policies are now set out in the National Planning Framework (NPF2), which is supported by a revised and consolidated Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and Planning Advice Notes (PANs). The consolidated SPP is of most relevance to the proposed development, and is a statement of Scottish Government policy on land use planning. 11.9 The Flooding and Drainage and Renewable Energy subject policies are of particular relevance to this chapter. Both sections of the consolidated SPP outline important elements of national policy on matters relating to flood risk, surface water management and water pollution which require to be assessed by the EIA. 11.10 The basic premise of the flooding and drainage subject policy section of the SPP is that development will not normally be permitted which would itself be at significant flood risk, or would increase flood risk elsewhere. For developments where flood risk is a potential issue, this needs to be demonstrated through submission of an appropriate flood risk assessment (FRA) with the planning application. 11.11 The renewable energy subject policy section of the SPP states that wind farms should be supported where the technology can operate efficiently and environmental and cumulative impacts, including those on the water environment, can be satisfactorily controlled or mitigated. Local 11.12 Local planning policies for the area are contained within the Scottish Borders Local Plan, which was approved in 2008, and the Scottish Borders Structure Plan, which was originally approved in 2002; but a consolidated version (including two subsequent alterations) was approved in 2009. Those policies related to the water environment are listed below. These policies must be taken into consideration during the EIA process so that the proposed development complies with the relevant policy issues: Local Plan Policy NE5 Development Affecting the Water Environment, which requires developers to consider the potential impacts upon water resources; Local Plan Policy INF6 Sustainable Urban Drainage, requires new development to comply with SuDS best practice and to ensure that surface water treatment is dealt with in a sustainable manner; and Structure Plan Policy I15: Flood Risk Areas, states that development which would create an unmanageable risk of flooding on or off-site will not be permitted. Regulatory Framework 11.13 The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD, Directive 2000/60/EC) came into force on 22 December 2000 and established a comprehensive legal framework for the protection, improvement and sustainable use of all water bodies across Europe. The remit of the WFD extends to all rivers, canals, lochs, estuaries, wetlands, coastal waters and groundwater. 11.14 The WFD was transposed into Scottish Law through the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 (WEWS Act). The core objective of the WEWS Act is to protect and improve Scotland’s water environment. This includes preventing deterioration in status of waterbodies and, where possible, restoring surface waters and groundwater damaged by pollution, water abstraction, dams and engineering activities to ‘Good Status’ by 2015. However, the WEWS Act recognises that, in some cases, achievement of Good Status by 2015 would be technically infeasible or disproportionately costly, so later deadlines can be justified where appropriate. 11.15 In order to meet these objectives, the WFD and subsequent WEWS Act introduced a new process known as ‘River Basin Management Planning’ to protect, monitor and improve the water environment in a sustainable way, and provided for regulations (the Controlled Activities Regulations, discussed below) to control the adverse impacts of all activities likely to have an impact on the water 11-1 Volume 2: Main Report Chapter 11: Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology

Penmanshiel Wind Farm RES 11 Geology, Hydrology … 2- Chapter 11...11 Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology ... (dams and weirs) of rivers, ... • Good Practice Guide for Handling

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Penmanshiel Wind Farm RES

11 Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology

Introduction and Overview

11.1 This section sets out the methodology and findings of the assessment of the effects on hydrology and hydrogeology of the construction, operation and decommissioning of the proposed Penmanshiel Wind Farm. ‘Hydrology’ relates to surface water processes and features, whereas ‘hydrogeology’ refers to groundwater. A summary of the underlying geology is provided for context for the hydrology and hydrogeology. The existing state of the site is assumed to represent the baseline environment.

11.2 The proposed wind farm is fully detailed in Chapter 4: Description of the Proposed Development. The site is defined by the planning application boundary presented in Figure 11.1.

11.3 In overall hydrology and hydrogeology terms the development proposals present a small and mostly theoretical potential risk of effects on relevant receptors. Nonetheless this assessment has identified these risks and presented measures (mostly the adoption of proven standard construction controls) that will avoid their occurrence.

11.4 The development has the potential to affect the quantity and quality of water in local surface and groundwater catchments that in turn may impact upon downstream watercourses, fisheries and private water supplies. These potential effects result primarily from changes in drainage patterns and erosion and sediment transport rates resulting from site works during the construction phase.

11.5 The risk of increased runoff and pollution to surface water in watercourses within or near the site is assessed and appropriate mitigation recommended where necessary. Particular care will be required during construction to ensure that watercourses on the site are not affected. Sources of pollution are identified for each stage of the site development and suitable mitigation measures recommended.

11.6 Hydrogeologically, the potential risks to the groundwater resource and private water supplies within and surrounding the site are also determined. The permeability of the soils and geology are assessed with regards to their ability to infiltrate incident rainfall and yield groundwater in significant quantities. Abstractions have been identified and mitigation measures recommended where necessary to prevent contamination of groundwater supplied during construction and operation of the development.

11.7 The assessment is based on the collection of a wide range of data and information from published material, plus consultations with statutory bodies, principally the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), and other stakeholders relating to the local and wider hydrological environment.


Planning Framework


11.8 The Scottish Government's planning policies are now set out in the National Planning Framework (NPF2), which is supported by a revised and consolidated Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and Planning

Advice Notes (PANs). The consolidated SPP is of most relevance to the proposed development, and is a statement of Scottish Government policy on land use planning.

11.9 The Flooding and Drainage and Renewable Energy subject policies are of particular relevance to this chapter. Both sections of the consolidated SPP outline important elements of national policy on matters relating to flood risk, surface water management and water pollution which require to be assessed by the EIA.

11.10 The basic premise of the flooding and drainage subject policy section of the SPP is that development will not normally be permitted which would itself be at significant flood risk, or would increase flood risk elsewhere. For developments where flood risk is a potential issue, this needs to be demonstrated through submission of an appropriate flood risk assessment (FRA) with the planning application.

11.11 The renewable energy subject policy section of the SPP states that wind farms should be supported where the technology can operate efficiently and environmental and cumulative impacts, including those on the water environment, can be satisfactorily controlled or mitigated.


11.12 Local planning policies for the area are contained within the Scottish Borders Local Plan, which was approved in 2008, and the Scottish Borders Structure Plan, which was originally approved in 2002; but a consolidated version (including two subsequent alterations) was approved in 2009. Those policies related to the water environment are listed below. These policies must be taken into consideration during the EIA process so that the proposed development complies with the relevant policy issues:

• Local Plan Policy NE5 Development Affecting the Water Environment, which requires developers to consider the potential impacts upon water resources;

• Local Plan Policy INF6 Sustainable Urban Drainage, requires new development to comply with SuDS best practice and to ensure that surface water treatment is dealt with in a sustainable manner; and

• Structure Plan Policy I15: Flood Risk Areas, states that development which would create an unmanageable risk of flooding on or off-site will not be permitted.

Regulatory Framework

11.13 The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD, Directive 2000/60/EC) came into force on 22 December 2000 and established a comprehensive legal framework for the protection, improvement and sustainable use of all water bodies across Europe. The remit of the WFD extends to all rivers, canals, lochs, estuaries, wetlands, coastal waters and groundwater.

11.14 The WFD was transposed into Scottish Law through the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003 (WEWS Act). The core objective of the WEWS Act is to protect and improve Scotland’s water environment. This includes preventing deterioration in status of waterbodies and, where possible, restoring surface waters and groundwater damaged by pollution, water abstraction, dams and engineering activities to ‘Good Status’ by 2015. However, the WEWS Act recognises that, in some cases, achievement of Good Status by 2015 would be technically infeasible or disproportionately costly, so later deadlines can be justified where appropriate.

11.15 In order to meet these objectives, the WFD and subsequent WEWS Act introduced a new process known as ‘River Basin Management Planning’ to protect, monitor and improve the water environment in a sustainable way, and provided for regulations (the Controlled Activities Regulations, discussed below) to control the adverse impacts of all activities likely to have an impact on the water

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Volume 2: Main Report Chapter 11: Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology 11-2

environment. The WEWS Act names SEPA as the competent authority for managing both the planning and regulatory frameworks.

11.16 A central principle of the WFD is that comprehensive River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) are prepared for each member state to set out how the water environment within each River Basin District (RBD) will be managed over a succession of planning cycles. The first RBMPs will cover the period from 2009 to 2015 and subsequent plans will be published every six years thereafter.

11.17 Most of Scotland is located in the Scotland River Basin District (RBD). SEPA produced a RBMP for the Scotland RBD in December 2009. This contains an assessment of the current condition of all water bodies within the district, sets out the environmental objectives for the current river basin planning cycle and beyond, and specifies the programme of measures required to meet these objectives. The Scotland RBMP is supplemented by a number of Area Management Plans, which provide further local detail to expand upon and contribute to the wider Scotland RBMP. The proposed Penmanshiel wind farm is situated in the area covered by the Forth Area Management Plan.

Controlled Activities Regulations

11.18 The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2005 (CAR) provide the framework for consenting all activities that have the potential to impact the water environment1 including:

• Discharges to all wetlands, surface waters and groundwaters (replacing the Control of Pollution Act 1974);

• Disposal to land (replacing the Groundwater Regulations 1998);

• Abstractions from all wetlands, surface waters and groundwaters;

• Impoundments (dams and weirs) of rivers, lochs, wetlands and transitional waters; and

• Engineering works in inland waters and wetlands.

11.19 Three levels of authorisation are provided for activities under CAR, depending on the potential impact of the activity on the water environment, namely the following:

• General Binding Rules (GBRs) represent the lowest level of control. GBR activities taking place in accordance with the rules do not require an application for authorisation from SEPA:

• Registrations allow for the registration of activities which individually pose a small environmental risk but, cumulatively, could result in environmental harm. Operators must apply to SEPA to register these activities; and

• Licences are required for activities which, in themselves, pose a potential risk to the environment. Licences allow for the imposition of site-specific conditions to protect the water environment.

11.20 The CAR regime has been designed to be an integrated approach to the regulation of all activities affecting the water environment, allowing development to proceed, whilst ensuring that the key aims of the WFD are achieved.

The EU Floods Directive / Flood Risk Management Act (Scotland) 2009

11.21 The Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 transposed the EU Floods Directive into domestic law and creates a new and more sustainable approach to assessing and managing flooding across Scotland.

1 SEPA, 2008c. The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2005: A Practical Guide. Version 5, June 2008, 31pp

11.22 Section 42 of the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 amends the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Regulations (Scotland) 2009 so that planning authorities will require applicants to provide an assessment of flood risk where a development is likely to result in a material increase in the number of buildings at risk of being damaged by flooding.

11.23 Apart from planning legislation, the main legal framework for dealing with surface water is provided by the Environmental Impact Assessment (Water Management) (Scotland) Regulations 2003.

Best Practice Guidance

11.24 A range of best practice guidance is of relevance to this assessment. SEPA produce Pollution Prevention Guidelines (PPGs) for a range of activities, which outline measures that should be taken by those managing the environmental effects of those activities. The PPGs provide a basis for the assessment of effects on groundwater and surface watercourses, and include information relating to the design of surface water treatment systems. The key documents relevant to the water aspects of the proposed development include the following:

• PPG1: General Guide to the Prevention of Water Pollution;

• PPG2: Above Ground Oil Storage Tanks;

• PPG5: Works In, Near or Liable to Affect Watercourses;

• PPG6: Working at Construction and Demolition Sites;

• PPG7: Refuelling Facilities;

• PPG8: Safe Storage and Disposal; and

• PPG21: Pollution Incident Planning Response.

11.25 SEPA also produce a range of guidance outlining best practice with regard engineering activities in the water environment in support of CAR as well as a position statement on culverting of watercourses. The guidance of relevance to this development proposal include:

• WAT-SG-25: ‘Construction of River Crossings’;

• WAT-SG-29: ‘Temporary Construction Methods’; and

• WAT-PS-06-02: ‘Culverting of Watercourses’.

11.26 Other relevant SEPA documents include a Regulatory Position Statement ‘Developments on Peat’ and Land Use Planning Guidance Note 4 ‘Windfarm Developments’.

11.27 In addition, Planning Advice Notes issued by the Scottish Government also provide advice on good practice and other relevant information. Of particular relevance to this development proposal are:

• Web-based Renewables Advice Onshore Wind Turbines2; and

• PAN 61, Planning and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems.

11.28 General guidance relating to the water environment includes the following:

• CIRIA Culvert Design and Operation Guide (C689);

2 Previously PAN 45 (Scottish Government, 2002), which has now been replaced with web based renewable advice


Penmanshiel Wind Farm RES

• Construction Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soils on Construction Sites (Defra,

September 2009);

• Good Practice Guide for Handling Soils (MAFF, 2000);

• CIRIA Report C532: Control of Water Pollution from Construction Sites;

• BS6031: 1981 Code of Practice for Earth Works;

• CIRIA Report C502: Environmental Good Practice on Site; and

• Good practice during wind farm construction (Scottish Renewables, Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Forestry Commission Scotland, 2010).

Information Sources

11.29 The baseline assessment comprises a desk based study using the data sources listed in Table 11.1, complemented by a site visit undertaken in July 2011, to gain further understanding of the local hydrology and the potential constraints it places on turbine and track locations.

11.30 The assessment involves the collection and interpretation of a wide range of data and information from published material, plus consultations relating to the local and wider hydrological environment with statutory bodies, principally SEPA and Scottish Borders Council (SBC). The data and other sources of information collected are listed in Table 11.1.

Table 11.1 Hydrology and Hydrogeology – Sources of Information

Topic Source of Information

Topography Elevation, relief

Ordnance Survey (OS) Explorer 1:25,000 map sheet 346 (Berwick Upon Tweed)

Geology Solid & Drift geology

BGS: http://www.bgs.ac.uk/GeoIndex/ British Regional Geology: Sheet 34

Soils Soil type

Soil Survey of Scotland Sheet 7, Southeast Scotland

Climate Rainfall

UK Hydrometric Register 2008 (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology) Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) United Kingdom Climate Projections, Defra http://ukclimateprojections.defra.gov.uk/content/view/375/499/

Surface Hydrology Water quality / surface water body RBMP status Flood risk

SEPA River Basin Management Plan online map (http://gis.sepa.org.uk/rbmp/) SEPA online floodmap (http://www.sepa.org.uk/flooding/flood_map/view_the_map.aspx)

Groundwater Groundwater vulnerability Aquifer classification Groundwater body RBMP status

Groundwater Vulnerability Map of Scotland (Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research (SNIFFER), 2004) Bedrock Aquifers Map of Scotland (British Geological Survey (BGS)/SEPA, 2004) Superficial Aquifers Map of Scotland, (BGS/SEPA, 2004) SEPA River Basin Management Plan online map (http://gis.sepa.org.uk/rbmp/)

Topic Source of Information

Abstractions and Discharges Licensed abstractions Private water supplies

SEPA Scottish Borders Council

Identification of Effects

Construction, operation and decommissioning of a wind farm may affect:

• Surface water flows;

• Surface water quality;

• Groundwater recharge;

• Groundwater quality;

• Soil stability; and

• Peat drainage.

11.31 A thorough assessment of the current baseline environment documents and the hydrological characteristics of the site allows the determination of those features that are most sensitive to potential effects arising from development.

11.32 The key aspects to identifying possible significant effects are:

• Understanding the physical characteristics of the site in terms of climate, geology, soils, land use and hydrology;

• Determining how and where water flows through the system both on the surface and in the subsurface;

• Locating water supply installations or water dependent ecosystems and understanding their relationship with their hydrological catchments;

• Understanding how private water supplies are utilised;

• Considering how the hydrological environment may change in the future (other than as a result of the development); and

• Integrating this understanding into an assessment of the likely overall sensitivity of the various component parts of the hydrological environment to the development.

Evaluation of Effects

11.33 The assessment methodology employed to evaluate the significance of potential effects of the proposed development takes into account the sensitivity (or importance) of potential receptors and the magnitude of predicted effects on the water receptors. The sensitivity is based on the value of the water feature or resource (Table 11.2), while the magnitude of a potential effect is estimated based on the degree of effect and is independent of the sensitivity of the feature (Table 11.3). The significance of a potential effect (either ‘significant’, ‘not significant’ or ‘no effect’) is derived by considering both the sensitivity of the feature and the magnitude of the effect as summarised in Table 11.4.

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Table 11.2 Definitions of Policy Importance/Sensitivity

Level of Value Definitions and examples

International An internationally important site e.g. Special Protection Area (SPA), Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Ramsar or a site considered worthy of such designation which is water dependant e.g. rivers, wetlands, raised bogs

National (UK) A nationally designated site e.g. Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), or a site considered worthy of such designation which is water dependant e.g. rivers, wetlands, raised bogs

Regional Areas of internationally or nationally important habitats (rivers, wetlands, raised bogs) which are degraded but are considered readily restored Significant surface watercourses of good quality classification which are not designated sites Public water supplies (surface water intakes or groundwater abstraction boreholes)

Local (Site and Surrounds)

Local natural surface water features which are not designated Private water supplies (groundwater or surface water)

Magnitude of Impact

11.34 Hydrological receptors are usually watercourses, wetlands, groundwater bodies, and public or private water supplies. Impacts can be permanent or temporary; direct or indirect, and can be cumulative and, wherever possible, the magnitude of the impact is quantified. Professional judgement is used to assign the effects on the receptors to one of four classes of magnitude. Table 11.3 provides the rationale used in this assessment.

Table 11.3 Magnitude of Impact (Hydrology and Hydrogeology)

Hydrological / Hydrogeological Definition

Magnitude of Impact

Site runoff regime

Surface water quality

Riverine flow regime

Riverine morphology

Groundwater levels

Groundwater Quality

High Change (>50%) in proportion of site rainfall immediately running off, changing the flood risk or erosion of channels

Change in water quality, changing river status with respect to EQS3 for more than one month

Change in flows >5% resulting in a measurable change in dilution capacity

Change in erosion and deposition, with conservation interests put at risk

Change in groundwater levels leading to an identifiable change in groundwater flow regime and artesian flows

Change in groundwater quality, changing site quality with respect to DWS4 for more than 1% of samples

3 EQS - Environmental Quality Standard, as laid down in relevant EU Directives and national legislation. 4 DWS - Drinking Water Standards

Hydrological / Hydrogeological Definition

Magnitude of Impact

Site runoff regime

Surface water quality

Riverine flow regime

Riverine morphology

Groundwater levels

Groundwater Quality

Medium Change (10-50%) in proportion of site rainfall immediately running off, changing the flood risk or erosion of channels

Change in water quality, changing site status with respect to short-term EQS, or for less than one month with other EQS

Change in flows between 2-5% resulting in a measurable change in dilution capacity

Some change in deposition and erosion regimes

Change in groundwater levels leading to an identifiable change in groundwater flow regime

Change in groundwater quality, changing site quality with respect to DWS for less than 1% of samples

Low Small change (<10%) in proportion of site rainfall immediately running off, but no change in flood risk or channel erosion

Measurable short-term change in water quality but no change with respect to EQS

Measurable change in flow of up to 2%

Slight change in bed morphology and sedimentation pattern, minor erosion

Measurable change in groundwater levels, but no appreciable change in groundwater flow regime

Measurable change in groundwater quality, but not changing site status with respect to DWS

Negligible No detectable change.

No detectable change.

No detectable change.

No detectable change.

No detectable change.

No detectable change.

Significance of Effect

11.35 The significance of the effect is a product of the policy importance / sensitivity of the hydrological receptor and the magnitude of the impact. Table 11.4 illustrates the matrix used for guidance of the assessment of significance. Effects are considered to be either Significant or Not Significant.

Table 11.4 Effect Significance Table

Magnitude of Impact

Value of Receptor

High Medium Low Negligible

International Significant Significant Significant Not Significant

National Significant Significant Not Significant Not Significant

Regional Significant Not Significant Not Significant Not Significant

Local Significant Not Significant Not Significant Not Significant

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11-5 Volume 2: Main Report Chapter 11: Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology

Baseline Information

Hydrology and Hydrogeology

11.36 This section aims to characterise the existing local hydrological and hydrogeological environment so that the potential effects of the proposed wind farm can be determined and appropriate mitigation implemented, if required. It also provides the point of reference against which the success of the adopted mitigation measures can be assessed.


11.37 The 1961-90 standard average annual rainfall for the site has been estimated from the Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) CD-ROM (V3) as 740 mm per annum.

11.38 The statistics suggest that the area has slightly lower annual rainfall compared to the UK national average (832 mm, Source: Met Office, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, UK).


11.39 The elevations range from 115m to 275m with Lady’s Folly (north of Broad Bog) and Wolf Cleugh being the highest points within the proposed development boundary. The topography within the site boundary is very similar across both the open hillside and afforested parts of the site. The majority of the proposed development site is elevated above 180m and relatively flat (less than 4 degrees). The north-western perimeter of the site has a gradient above 10 degrees as it forms the eastern ridge of a steep valley. The south-eastern boundary of the site where it borders the A1 is also steep as this forms part of the valley of the Cast Burn which is a tributary of the Eye Water. Within the site there are also localised steeper valley sides around Winding Burn and Harelaw Burn which are at the south and Pease Burn to the north-west.


Solid Geology

11.40 Solid strata within the vicinity of the site comprises of sedimentary rocks. These consist of several thousand metres of interbedded and folded greywacke, siltstone and shale (known as the Llandovery series) in 1 – 6 metre thick beds (BGS 1:50,000 Solid Geology Edition Sheet 34). There are no mapped faults within the site. As the majority of the site is composed of impermeable bedrock, it is unlikely groundwater will be significant within the bedrock. This is confirmed by the 2004 SEPA and SNIFFER Bedrock Aquifer map, classifying this area as having low productivity in terms of groundwater abstraction5, with any water bearing strata likely to be confined to the upper, weathered bedrock layers.

Drift Geology

11.41 The site is predominantly underlain by impermeable boulder clay interrupted by Ordovician to Permian bedrock exposed near or at the surface (BGS 1:50,000 Drift Geology Edition Sheet 34). The north west of the site boundary is covered by isolated areas of glacial meltwater deposits including bedded sand, fine to coarse gravel, laminated silt and clay which may contain local shallow groundwater bodies. There are localised clay lenses occurring regularly across the site which are likely to interrupt contiguous groundwater flow.

5 SEPA and SNIFFER 1:100,000 Bedrock Aquifer mapping (2004)


11.42 Soils on the site consist of peaty podzols, peaty gleys, and brown non-earths with non calcareous gleys. It should be noted that peat was only found at two locations on the site (in the centre of the site around NT 8081 6683 next to Broad Bog Burn, and in the west at NT 8169 6796, Moss Maw) as shown by the peat probing survey (see results drawing 26806-E023-B) which is included in Appendix 11.1. At the first location, peat was up to 2m deep, and up to 1m at the latter, from the survey these appear to be localised areas of peat.

11.43 The FEH CD-ROM has been used to calculate the SPR (standard percentage runoff), which provides an indication of soil permeability. The value for the Howpark Burn which receives flows from the watercourses on the site of Broad Bog Burn, Harelaw Burn and Winding Burn at NT8170065650 is 36.3%, which suggest that the soil is relatively permeable as reflected by the limited extents of peat only being found at two locations.

Land Use

11.44 Land use within the site is equally split between open hillside near Penmanshiel and Harelawside farms (divided into fields consisting of agricultural land with some occasional scrub, heath and grassland), and coniferous plantation. The majority of the coniferous plantation covers the eastern half of the site (Penmanshiel Moor Forest), with isolated areas of coniferous woodland situated north and west of Penmanshiel and Lady’s Folly. Throughout the site there are a number of tracks and footpaths, but no roads with the exception of the access track to Harelawside Farm at the south of the site. The East Coast Railway Line and A1 road border the south-western boundaries of the site. The settlement of Grantshouse is to the south of the site.


11.45 Any groundwater that is present in the vicinity of the site according to SEPA and SNIFFER, exists as mainly intergranular flow in the superficial aquifers6 and fracture flow in the bedrock aquifers4. As noted there are limited superficial aquifers on the site and the main bedrock apparent from fractures is impermeable. Groundwater in the vicinity of the proposed development site is defined by SEPA and SNIFFER as level 4c/4d on their vulnerability scale, with 5 being the most vulnerable and 1 the least. Category 4 infers groundwater is vulnerable to those pollutants not readily adsorbed or transformed. Thus any groundwater present may be at risk from contamination of fuels, lubricants, oils and other hydrocarbons. Based on the assumption that contaminants can only be attenuated where inter-granular flow occurs within drift deposits, there is a small risk that the sub-catchments around Penmaneshiel could suffer from groundwater contamination, particularly in the north and south-western areas.

11.46 The site area is included within the Saint Abbs bedrock and localised sand and gravels Groundwater Body, as classified within the Scotland RBMP (SEPA, 2009, Water Body Identifier Code 150124). The overall status of this water body, which considers both groundwater quantity and quality, is Poor due to pressures from nitrates and abstraction. This status is projected to increase to good by 2015, via the reduction of diffuse source pollution and a reduction in abstraction pressures on the groundwater body.

6 SEPA and SNIFFER 1:100,000 Superficial Aquifer mapping (2004)

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Surface Hydrology

11.47 The proposed Penmanshiel wind farm lies on the watershed between the catchments of the Eye Water and the Pease Burn. The Eye Water drains to the south and south east of the site into the North Sea at Eyemouth. The site does not drain directly into Eye Water, but instead into two tributaries, the Kitchencelugh Burn and Howpark Burn, which drain the majority of the site to the south, as shown in Figure 11.1.

11.48 Kitchencleugh Burn drains the south-western part of the site, and flows into the Cast Burn which flows into the Eye Water at NT 810 654. The Harelaw Burn and its tributaries flow through the site before forming the border of the site in the south-east. The majority of the site is situated within this sub-catchment and is forested to the east with open grassland and moorland to the north. Howpark Burn is the principal burn draining the subcatchment. Broad Bog Burn and Blegdon Burn flow into Harelaw Burn which confluences with Howpark Burn. The Howpark is also fed by the Winding Burn which is fed by the Longstruther Burn. The Howpark Burn confluences with the Eye Water at NT 816 655.

11.49 The Pease Burn catchment drains the north-west of the site. This catchment contains an un-named burn, which flows along the north-western perimeter of the site through Penmanshiel Wood into the Pease Burn. The catchment outlet is at NT 793 688, from where the Pease Burn flows north for approximately 2.30km to the North Sea at Pease Bay.

11.50 There are five unnamed ponds within the site, three are in the vicinity of the Harelaw Burn, one is at Harelawside Farm and one is located by The Chesters Earthworks. All ponds and watercourses are shown on Figure 11.1.

11.51 SEPA’s Indicative Flood Map provides information of the likely extent of flooding from rivers and sea for the 0.5% Annual Exceedance Probability event (equivalent to the 1 in 200 year average return period event). Only The Eye Water and the Pease Burn are classified under SEPA’s indicative Flood Maps and no development will take place within the extents of the mapped flooded area for these two watercourses.

11.52 The remaining watercourses on the site are below the minimum catchment requirement for SEPA’s Indicative Flood Map7 (3km2) and therefore no flood risk is shown. This does not necessarily signify that there is no flood risk associated with these watercourses. However, any flood risk that does exist is likely to be highly localised, by virtue of the pronounced topography of the site, and small size of the watercourses within the site. With the exception of watercourse crossings all development has been located at least 70m from the watercourses and is therefore deemed to be at a low risk from fluvial flooding. The site is sufficiently elevated above sea level for tidal flood risk not to be an issue. There are no other surface water features on or near the site that could result in flooding

Surface Hydrology Flow Characteristics

11.53 There are no gauged records of river flow within the sub-catchments. However, there is a gauging station at Eyemouth Hill on the Eye Water downstream of the site. This gauging station could potentially be used as an analogue to estimate flows within the sub-catchments. The catchment area, and hence flows, are significantly greater within the gauged catchment than the on site tributaries to the Eye Water, although the annual average rainfall is similar. However, part of the gauged catchment (Ale Water) contains very different geology, thus this gauging station is not deemed an

7 SEPA’s Indicative River and coastal flood Map(http://go.mappoint.net/sepa/)

appropriate analogue for the sub-catchments draining the site. The flow characteristics for the sub-catchments were therefore estimated using the industry-standard hydrological software packages for estimating river flow within ungauged catchments. Table 11.5 presents estimates of the mean flow and the 95th exceedence percentile (Q95) determined using the LowFlows software system, as well as the median annual flood determined using version 3 of the Flood Estimation Handbook software. It should be noted that these are reference figures derived using the QMED equation relating this statistic to catchment descriptors and do not incorporate local data and hence should not be used for detailed design.

 Table 11.5 Surface Water Flow Characteristics 

Watercourse Name

Outlet NGR

Catchment Area(Km2)

Mean Flow(m3/s))

Q95 Annual Median Flood(m3/s)

Kitchencleugh Burn

NT810654 3.23 0.04 22.9 0.59

Howpark Burn NT817656 7.77 0.08 13.4 1.70

Pease Burn NT793689 10.64 0.12 22.4 1.47

Eye Water8 NT942635 119 1.25 10.4 37.5  

Surface Water Abstractions

11.54 The SEPA RBMP shows that there are abstraction pressures on the Eye Water Waterbody for arable farming. There are no public water supply abstractions within the sub-catchments draining the proposed development (confirmed by Scottish Water)9. The majority of the properties situated within the sub-catchments are privately abstracting water. Details of private water supplies are held by local council Environmental Health departments and the proposed development site lies within the administrative area of the Scottish Borders Council (SBC).

11.55 SBC10 has identified a number of properties that abstract private water supplies in the vicinity of the proposed Penmanshiel wind farm. A series of wells and springs are shown on the Ordnance Survey map at a 1:10,000 scale. Some of the actual abstraction points are directly within the site boundary, whereas others abstract water from within the sub-catchments. The locations of all the private water supplies in the vicinity of the site identified by SBC are shown in Figure 11.1, while Table 11.6 lists all private water supplies in the local area. Subsequent discussions have been held with the landowners of Penmmanshiel Farm and Harelawside Farm as these were not on SBC’s list of private water supplies. Penmanshiel Farm has a pumped mains fed domestic water supply, its agricultural water supply is taken from a borehole at Lady’s Folly and a spring at Penmanshiel Farm. Harelawside Farm is a mains fed water supply.

8 Gauging Station 021016. Source: Marsh, T. J. and Hannaford, J. (Eds). 2008. UK Hydrometric Register. Hydrological data UK

series. Published by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallingford

9 Graeme McIlroy (Asset & Investment Management), ScottishWater: 22.10.2009

10 Data supplied by Denis Watney of Scottish Borders District Council

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Table 11.6 Private Water Supplies in the Vicinity of the site

Properties Properties supplied

Domestic / Commercial

ABBEY ST BATHANS (at Cockburn) Groundwater springs 16 Both

ABBEY ST BATHANS (at Holy Well) Groundwater springs 4 Domestic

ABBEY ST BATHANS (at Weirburn) Groundwater springs 2 Domestic

ABBEY ST BATHANS (at Bankend) Groundwater springs 5 Domestic

ABBEY ST BATHANS (at Cockburn) Groundwater springs 16 Both

ABBEY ST BATHANS (at Holy Well) Groundwater springs 4 Domestic

ABBEY ST BATHANS (at Weirburn) Groundwater springs 2 Domestic

ABBEY ST BATHANS (at Bankend) Groundwater springs 5 Domestic

ABBEY ST BATHANS (at Barnside) Groundwater springs 4 Domestic

BERRYHILL (at Drakemyre) Groundwater springs 1 Domestic

BLACKBURN Groundwater Springs 11 Domestic

BLACKBURN (at Blackburnrig) Groundwater well 1 Domestic

BROCKHOLES Groundwater springs 12 Both

BUSHELHILL Groundwater springs 3 Domestic

BUTTERDEAN Groundwater springs 9 Domestic

DOWLAW Groundwater springs 8 Domestic

DRAKEMYRE Groundwater springs 1 Domestic

ECCLAW Groundwater springs 6 Domestic

FULFORDLEEES Groundwater springs 6 Domestic

GODSCROFT Groundwater well 5 Domestic

GREENWOOD Groundwater well 1 Domestic

HEADCHESTERS Groundwater borehole 1 Domestic

HOPRIG Groundwater borehole 7 Domestic

HOPRIGSHIELS Groundwater borehole 4 Domestic

HORSELY Groundwater well 4 Domestic

HOWPARK Groundwater springs 6 Domestic

LUCKIESHIEL Groundwater springs 1 Domestic

MOUNTALBAN Groundwater springs 5 Domestic

NETHERMONYNUT Groundwater springs 4 Domestic

PAITSHILL Groundwater springs 2 Domestic

QUIXWOOD Surface watercourse 9 Domestic

RENTONBARNS Groundwater springs 6 Domestic

THE REST SCROGEND Groundwater springs 1 Domestic

REDHEUGH Groundwater springs 1 Domestic

REDHEUGH COTTAGES Groundwater springs 8 Domestic

Properties Properties supplied

Domestic / Commercial

TOWNHEAD Groundwater springs 5 Domestic

WHITEBURN Groundwater borehole 3 Domestic

11.56 Properties at Renton Barns and Howpark to the south east of the site have a domestic private water

supply and both are fed from groundwater springs. Both of these properties are upstream from the Harelaw Burn catchment which would take any runoff and groundwater flows from the development at this part of the site. As a result these private water supplies are not considered to be at risk from the development.

Water Quality

11.57 Water quality within the sub-catchments may be affected by the construction and operation of the proposed Penmanshiel wind farm, including the forestry operations. The current pressures on water quality are abstraction for arable farming and diffuse pollution associated with animal husbandry. Waterbody data sheets have been developed by SEPA as part of the RBMPs. These contain a summary of the waterbody, details of the current waterbody classification, current pressures on the waterbody and measures to address these, and classification objectives for 2015, 2021 and 2027. The waterbody data available for Eye Water and Pease Burn is discussed below.

11.58 The Eye Water Waterbody is a large river waterbody stretching 33.97km from the Lammermuir Hills to Eyemouth. Eye Water has a current classification of Moderate11. The target objectives for this waterbody are moderate for 2015, 2021 and 2027. The pressures on this waterbody are from phosphorous due to livestock farming and non-urban land management measures. The tributaries to the Eye Water are below the minimum catchment requirement for the WFD (10km2) and are therefore excluded from classification in the RBMP.

11.59 The Pease Burn Waterbody is a small river waterbody, stretching 6.69km from Ecclaw Hill to its mouth at Pease Bay. The Pease Burn water body has a current classification of moderate. The target objectives for this waterbody are good for 2015, 2021 and 2027. The pressures on this waterbody are from phosphorus due to livestock farming and non-urban land management measures.

11.60 The coastal water body into which the Eye Water and Pease Burn discharge is classified as having Good status under the Scotland RBMP (SEPA, 2009.) The Berwickshire and Northumberland Coast including the Saint Abbs and Eyemouth voluntary marine reserve form a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) for vegetated sea cliffs of the Atlantic Coast.

Identification of Receptors

11.61 The main hydrological features of the site are shown on Figure 11.1.The potential surface water receptors for any direct effects associated with the proposed development are The Pease Burn and The Eye Water and its tributaries which are as follows;

• The Winding Burn;

• The Longstruther Burn;

11 http://apps.sepa.org.uk/rbmp/pdf/5011.pdf SEPA classify waterbodies statuses ranging from bad, poor, moderate, good to high.

Classification is based upon a range of morphological, ecological and water quality factors.

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• The Broad Bog Burn;

• The Harelaw Burn;

• The Kitchencleugh Burn;

• The Cast Burn;

• The Blegdon Burn; and

• The Howpark Burn.

11.62 These receptors are considered to be of local importance, due to their small size or limited extent, and the absence of any environmental protection or nature conservation designations covering the site.

11.63 The groundwater body underlying the site is also a receptor for potential effects arising from site development. Agricultural drinking water is taken from spring and borehole supplies for Penmanshiel Farm, while all domestic water is from a pumped mains supply. However, given the low permeability and storage potential of the underlying geology, it is considered to be of only Local importance. Renton Barns and Howpark have private domestic water supplies from groundwater springs.

11.64 The abstractions for Penmanshiel Farm are considered to be potential receptors for effects from this development. Review of the topography on figure 11.1 shows that any surface water runoff and groundwater flows from the development will drain to Harelaw Burn catchment and its tributaries. HowPark Burn and Renton Barns are upstream of the Harelaw Burn catchment and as such are not predicted to be affected by the development. Accordingly Howpark and Renton Barns are not considered any further in this assessment.

Predicted Trends 11.65 There are two main areas of potential environmental change that could be expected to have an

influence on the hydrology of the site in the medium to long term, independent of any effects arising from the proposed development. These are land use change and climate change.

11.66 Changes in land use have the potential to affect hydrology through changes in ground permeability and evapotranspiration regime, which, in turn, affect infiltration and runoff rates. The nature of the land type and elevations within the development site mean that the land use and therefore permeability is unlikely to change substantially during the lifetime of the proposed development. However, changes in land management practices such as gripping (which describes the cutting of drains through areas of peat) can influence the wetness of peat soils and also the potential for sediment and dissolved organic carbon input to drainage.

11.67 Climate change has the potential to affect the hydrological regime through changes in both precipitation and temperature patterns. For Eastern Scotland, the latest climate change predictions assuming a medium emissions scenario indicate a general increase in temperature and a greater seasonality in precipitation, with decreases in summer and increases in winter (summarised in Table 11.7). This is likely to result in a reduced occurrence of frost and snow, increased evapotranspiration, and greater seasonality of stream flows, with consequently greater susceptibility to both drought and extreme flood events.

Table 11.7 Climate Change Predictions by the 2050s, Medium Emissions Scenario, Scotland East12

Estimated Change Parameter

Unlikely to be less than (10% probability)

Central Estimate (50% probability)

Unlikely to be more than (90% probability)

Summer mean temperature (oC)

+1.1 +2.3 +3.9

Winter mean temperature (oC)

+0.6 +1.6 +3.0

Summer mean precipitation (%)

+2 -11 -24

Winter mean precipitation (%)

+3 +13% +24

Constraints to Development 11.68 A key objective of the design is to protect the baseline water environment by avoiding any

hydrological or hydrogeological receptors in the siting of any structures, therefore avoiding the risk of direct effects occurring.

11.69 The main hydrological constraints for the development are presented in Table 11.8. The constraints are divided into three broad categories:

• Areas which should be avoided for turbine infrastructure positioning;

• Areas which may be acceptable for turbine infrastructure positioning, with mitigation; and

• Areas suitable for turbine infrastructure positioning without mitigation.

11.70 A 20 m buffer zone is recommended13 as the minimum buffer separating features (track/turbines) from adjacent surface water features that lie within the site boundary. This buffer zone is intended to minimise the potential interaction between construction activity and water features, both in terms of affecting flow paths and as potential point sources of pollution. The chosen site layout means that all development is in fact 70m away from surface water features (except where tracks cross).

11.71 SEPA require a 250m buffer around private water supplies. This is to minimise risk of disruption to groundwater flow, accidental spillages or concrete pollution entering the water environment.

11.72 Areas whose development may be acceptable with mitigation include marshy grassland areas which have been observed across the proposed wind farm site as shown in Figure 8.2.

12 Information from the UK Climate Projections (UKCP09), Key findings for Scotland East, Medium Emissions Scenario, UKCIP,

2010, http://ukclimateprojections.defra.gov.uk.

13 Forestry and Water Guidelines - Fourth Edition. Forestry Commission, 2003

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Table 11.8 Hydrological Constraints to Development

Hydrological Constraint Rationale

Areas to be avoided

20m buffer zone around all surface water features, with the exception of access route crossings, springs and all known functioning ditches.

Risk of suspended sediments, accidental spillages, or concrete pollution entering the water environment.

250m buffer zone around all groundwater abstractions, with the exception of access route crossings, springs and all known functioning ditches.

Risk of suspended sediments, accidental spillages, or concrete pollution entering the water environment.

Areas acceptable with mitigation

Areas of marshy grassland areas with unmapped drainage channels, where not in the immediate vicinity of watercourses.

Sensitive hydrological regime. Damage to the soils and change in flows may occur, but construction may be acceptable if mitigated.

Areas acceptable without mitigation

Areas suitable without mitigation – Drier, elevated ground well away from watercourses, and springs.

Unlikely to result in accelerated runoff rates, except for access roads. Not likely to lead to significant changes in hydrological regime. Impacts expected to be minimal in light of best working practices.

Design Evolution

11.73 This section outlines the measures that have been incorporated into the design to protect the water environment:

• The number of watercourse crossings has been minimised;

• With the exception of watercourse crossings, all development has been sited away from watercourses with the nearest being 70 m, which is significantly further than the advised 20 m standoff from watercourses;

• The layout avoids, as far as possible, marshy areas (see Chapter 8: Ecology);

• The design has incorporated a 250 m stand-off from private water supplies; and

• The layout avoids areas of known peat deposits.

Predicted Effects of the Scheme

11.74 This section assesses the predicted effects of the proposed development during the wind farm construction and operation on the surface water and groundwater environments, taking into account measures outlined in the design evolution section.

Construction and Operation Effects

Deforestation Impacts

11.75 A major component of the project is the removal of 204 ha of existing woodland (mainly coniferous plantation). The conversion of woodland to open semi-natural grassland/bog will have a resulting impact on the local hydrology, particularly given the scale of change proposed.

11.76 Various investigations have been undertaken into the impacts of forest cover on catchment hydrology. One of the most well known being the Institute of Hydrology’s (IoH) Plynlimon research (see IoH report 109, 1991). This compared to small neighbouring sub-catchments, both around 10 km2 in area, the Wye with 1.2% forest cover, and the Severn with 67.5% forest cover.

11.77 Broadly this research found that percentage changes in runoff for peak flow events was relatively limited, with the largest changes occurring for the most frequent rainfall events. For small rainfall events (i.e. those which occur many times a year, and are not associated with high flows in the downstream watercourses), the research found that peak runoff in the unforested Wye sub-catchment, could be up to double that in the forested Severn sub-catchment. However, the small difference in the mean annual flood between catchments was considered to be statistically insignificant (1.79 m3/s in the unforested Wye, compared to 1.58 m3/s in the forested Severn). For even larger high-flow events the difference between peak flows was also limited (see Figures 27 and 28 in IoH109). Peak flows in the unforested Wye sub-catchment were found to be around 14.4% greater.

11.78 These findings were interpreted as indicating that during smaller rainfall events, the interception storage provided by trees and leaf litter was extremely effective in capturing a large proportion of the rainfall and thus reducing runoff. However, in larger events the storage interception available was rapidly filled, and forestry drainage ditches may have assisted in removing runoff into the main streams.

11.79 These findings have been used to examine the key hydrological changes resulting from the removal of the Penmanshiel Moor forest. Table 11.9 sets out the key catchment parameters. As the Howpark Burn catchment (which contains the Penmanshiel Moor forest) is only 26.5% forest, an adjustment is made for the forested area.

Table 11.9 Hydrological Assessment

Catchment Area (km2) Site woodland as percentage of catchment

Site catchment as percentage of Eye Water catchment

Site woodland 2.04 100.0 N/A

Site Catchment (i.e. Howpark Burn) @ Eye Water Confluence

7.8 26.5 N/A

River Eye upstream of confluence 28.5 7.3 27.4

Eye Water @ Reston 56.1 3.7 13.9

Howpark Burn, Standard Run Off (SPR) = 36.4, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate (SAAR) = 740mm

IoH Plynlimon catchments

Area (km2) Woodland (%)

Standard Percentage Runoff (SPR)

Peak discharge (m3/s per km2)

% peak flow difference

% increase in peak flow, per % less woodland

Severn 8.7 67.5 45.5 0.97 N/A

Wye 10.6 1.2 51.4 1.11 14.43 0.21

Wye/Severn Experimental Sub-catchments, SPR = as above, SAAR = ~2450mm

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Extrapolating from the Plynlimon Wye/Severn Catchment Hydrology to the Howpark Burn

Likely percentage increase in peak flows can be found by: (Site Catchment % Woodland) X (% increase in peak flow per % less woodland) = 26.5 X 0.21 = 5.67 i.e. for the Penmanshiel site, which is only covered by 26.5% forest (as opposed to 67.5%, peak flows on the Howpark Burn might increase by around 5.67%

Event Howpark Burn (peak flow, m3/s) estimated in Re-Vitalised Flood Hydrograph Model (ReFH)

Eye Water (peak flow, m3/s) estimated in ReFH

Howpark Burn (peak flow, m3/s) increased by 5.67%

Predicted peak flow increase

% increase in Howpark Burn peak flow, as a % of Eye Water peak flow

1 in 2 year (50% AEP)

1.9 4.1 2.01 0.11 2.63

1 in 5 year (20% AEP)

2.4 5.1 2.54 0.14 2.67

1 in 10 year (10% AEP)

2.8 5.8 2.96 0.16 2.74

1 in 30 year (3.33% AEP)

3.3 6.9 3.49 0.19 2.71

1 in 100 year (1% AEP)

4.1 8.5 4.33 0.23 2.74

Given that the downstream floodplain width of the Eye Water is typically 80 to 160m wide, these small percentage increases in flow, are unlikely to produce notable increases in depth (given the velocity and cross-sectional area of the Eye Water when it is in flood). The percentage increase in peak flows will further reduce downstream as the Penmanshiel site becomes a proportionally smaller and smaller proportion of the total catchment.

Plynlimon values taken from Table 13, p61 in IoH Report 109 Plynlimon Research (1991)

11.80 From examining the potential impacts (Table 11.9) it appears that removal of the forest could result in peak flows on the Howpark Burn increasing by up to ~6% ( i.e. 5.67%). ReFH has been used to estimate peak flows for a variety of events on the Howpark Burn, and on the Eye Water above the confluence, from these flow estimates it appears that peak flows would increase by between 0.11m3 and 0.23m3, equivalent to up to 2.74% of the peak flow on the Eye Water.

11.81 Given the width of the downstream floodplain (typically 80 to 160m), this percentage increase in flows is considered to be of limited significance. Taking into account the cross-sectional area and flow velocity, a notable depth (i.e. greater than ~0.02m) increase is unlikely. The effects will further reduce downstream as the total catchment area increases, such that at the nearest settlement (Reston, 8km downstream) the flow contributions from the Howpark Burn will be even smaller since the total catchment area has doubled.

11.82 Possible mitigation could include siting of replacement forest within the upper Eye Water catchment to attenuate a similar management of hillside runoff as the existing Penmanshiel forest (however see Chapter 13: Forestry for proposed compensatory woodland planting proposal – it is not possible to identify a particular area at this stage). Onsite mitigation measures, such as small check-dams in existing ditches, bog areas and valley bottoms should retain runoff for longer and could be produced

via the slight raising of tracks, or the use of brashwood generated during forest removal operations. Brashwood check-dams can be particularly useful in diverting runoff laden with sediment into adjacent low-lying areas for settlement.

Surface Water Flows

11.83 The laying of tracks on otherwise vegetated surfaces will change the localised runoff characteristics of the land used during the lifetime of the development. The cambered tracks may be expected to shed water more quickly than an equivalent area of moorland or grassland. Trackside drainage channels will be used to drain runoff through sediment traps or filters and will discharge either to ground or to the nearest natural surface watercourse. However, the tracks represent a small proportion of the overall site area (less than 1%) and consequently no significant change is predicted regarding flow regime, flood risk or channel erosion for any of the small watercourses crossing the site.

11.84 As with access tracks, the areas of hard standing associated with the temporary construction compound, crane hard standing, turbine foundations and the control building will be minimal compared with the overall site area. These areas will be surrounded by compacted aggregate which will attenuate increased runoff in the immediate vicinity. Consequently, development of these areas is not predicted to lead to significant changes in the watercourse flow regime at the site. During construction cut off drains will be installed around the working areas to intercept uncontaminated surface runoff and divert it around the works. Silt traps will be used to capture suspended solids generated during construction, supplemented by settlement ponds and attenuation areas where necessary.

11.85 Cable trenches are small, temporary features and as such their potential effect on runoff pathways and rates is likely to be limited. To minimise disturbance effects, it is intended that cables will be laid in small trenches along the side of on-site access tracks as far as possible. This layout will ensure they will not be located close to any key hydrological features, except for in the vicinity of essential watercourse crossings

11.86 In farm fields the fields are often underlain by small plastic slotted pipes to assist with field drainage. New access tracks and the associated excavation and loading have the potential to disturb and/or damage the under-drainage. The track layout follows field boundaries as far as possible, therefore avoids crossing field drains. The majority of the new access tracks will also be laid in the forested areas which will not have field drains in place. Where field drains are encountered during excavation care will be taken to ensure that they continue functioning.

11.87 Dewatering of excavations may be required, particularly for the turbine foundations. The dewatering may potentially increase the sites surface water runoff and sediment.

11.88 The need for watercourse crossings cannot be avoided on the development site, which is crossed by numerous small watercourses. Although the course of the on-site access tracks has been designed to minimise the number of crossings, eight watercourse crossings are required (Figure 11.1). In the absence of additional mitigation there would be an adverse effect on the watercourses in terms of water quality and potentially localised flood risk due to the culvert causing an increase in flood risk.

Surface Water Quality

11.89 There is a risk that minor volumes of sediment eroded from access tracks, watercourse crossings and hardstanding, and silt laden runoff from any exposed areas including areas which are clear felled may enter local watercourses. This is most likely during heavy rain, although potential dilution of the

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watercourses is also at its greatest during these periods. During low flow periods it is unlikely that silt released by the development could reach a watercourse.

Groundwater Recharge

11.90 Very small localised changes in recharge may occur during the construction phase, as a result of the development of access tracks and hardstanding areas, and the construction of turbine foundations. Measures to promote infiltration of water pumped from excavations, and revegetation of working areas following development will ensure that any change in groundwater recharge is short lived and of limited magnitude.

Groundwater Quality

11.91 Spillages related to site working practices are likely to be very small and planning mitigation measures should readily contain any accidental spillages. The use of sulphate resistant concrete should further minimise the risk of groundwater contamination.

Peat Drainage

11.92 Peat probing was undertaken, and it was found that there were only limited areas of peat in the vicinity of the Broad Bog Burn and Moss Maw. No turbines are proposed in these locations. However, peat may still be encountered when laying the access tracks in currently forested areas, which could not be accessed during the peat depth study due to the density of tree-planting. However, if small areas of deep peaty soils are encountered in these areas and are unavoidable, the incorporation of mitigation measures such as floating roads will substantially mitigate any adverse affects, so that any change in the hydrological regime of the peat will be minimal.

Decommissioning Effects

11.93 Potential residual effects during decommissioning are likely to be similar to those during the construction phase, but will depend on the exact nature of the decommissioning activities that take place. However, it is likely that the ground disturbance will be less as it is anticipated that much of the infrastructure will be left in situ. The most likely effects are from spillages and leaks associated with plant and machinery.

Cumulative Effects

11.94 A number of wind farm developments are within the catchments of the Pease Burn and the Eye Water. A full list of the wind farms is included within Table 7.4 Chapter 7: Landscape and Visual. The key risk from wind farm developments is at construction stage, where there will potentially be an increase in surface water runoff and sediment if adequate mitigation is not put in place. As part of the planning process all the proposed wind farms will need to demonstrate that they will not impact upon the hydrological environment. It is also unlikely that all the developments will progress to construction at the same time meaning that there will be a limited cumulative impact as a result. Once operational the cumulative impact of the wind farms will be negligible.

Assessment of Effects

11.95 Table 11.9 summarises the hydrological effects of the proposed development and assesses their significance on the basis of the criteria set out in Tables 11.2-11.4.

Table 11.9 Effects and Evaluation of Significance

Significance Effect Probability of Effect Occurring

Policy Importance or Sensitivity

Magnitude of Effect

Level* Rationale

Surface Water Flows (Pease Burn and Eye Water and its onsite tributaries)

Change in runoff characteristics, and alteration of watercourse morphology, as a result of site infrastructure such as access tracks and construction compound

Likely Local Low NS Limited land take. Road alignment and siting of infrastructure to avoid key hydrological features and minimise changes in runoff patterns. Hard standing areas will principally consist of compacted gravel which will not increase surface water runoff flows, where necessary SuDS features such as settlement lagoons will be provided to maintain existing runoff rates.

Change in runoff characteristics and alteration of watercourse morphology due to forestry felling

Likely Local Low NS There will be an increase in runoff and sediment as a result of the forestry felling. All works will be undertaken in compliance with SEPA’s CAR guidelines and the Forest and Water Guidelines. Outline deforestation hydrology assessment indicates changes in runoff will be limited. Mitigation measures include on-site check-dams.

Creation of new drainage pathways from electric cable laying, turbine foundations and access roads

Unlikely Local Low NS Excavations are relatively small in area and will be dug in sections, (although construction during periods of particularly heavy rainfall will be avoided). Access roads will have drainage ditches and check dams to retain any excess flows which do not infiltrate into the ground.

Surface Water Quality (Pease Burn and Eye Water and its onsite tributaries)

Erosion of exposed ground and track surfaces producing silt-laden runoff which enters local watercourses

Likely Local Low NS Mitigation measures will prevent elevated sediment loads entering watercourses through settlement and filtration measures.

Generation of silty runoff from electric cable laying

Unlikely Local Negligible NS Trenches are small and will be dug and provided with silt traps. Construction will not occur during periods of particularly heavy rainfall.

Sediment laden runoff from forestry felling

Likely Local Low NS Mitigation measures will prevent elevated sediment loads entering watercourses through settlement and filtration measures. Use of brashwood check-dams to divert sediment laden runoff into low-lying areas for settlement. Drainage to ground using infiltration SuDS where possible

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Significance Effect Probability of Effect Occurring

Policy Importance or Sensitivity

Magnitude of Effect

Level* Rationale

Chemical spillages during refuelling / maintenance of plant

Unlikely Local Low NS Refuelling only to be carried out in specified roofed or hardstanding areas at least 10 m from the nearest surface water course Drip trays and absorbent mats and pellets will be used to contain or absorb accidental spillages

Damage to soil profile, leading to increased erosion

Unlikely Local Negligible NS Appropriate guidelines for the handling of soil will be followed during construction. Soil will be quickly restored to pre-construction condition on completion of construction activities.

Groundwater Recharge (St Abbs Groundwater Body)

Change in recharge characteristics

Likely Local Negligible NS Limited land take and limited groundwater on site. Working area around foundations re-vegetated as soon as possible.

Disruption or damage to Private Water Supplies

Unlikely High Low NS Private Water Supply assessment determined none of the sources would potentially be affected by wind farm activities, there is a 250m buffer around all Private Water Supply sources.

Disruption or damage to agricultural drains or PWS pipework

Likely Low Low NS Where encountered during track excavation field drains to be repaired or re-routed if required.

Groundwater Quality (St Abbs Groundwater Body)

Chemical spillages during refuelling / maintenance of plant contamining groundwater

Unlikely Local Low NS Any spillages will be small away from watercourses and quickly controlled.

Alkaline pollution of groundwater through leaching of concrete in turbine foundations

Unlikely Local Low NS Use of sulphate-resistant concrete

Peat Deposits within Site

Localised peat drainage

Unikely Local Low NS On site Peat deposits have been avoided in the site design.

* NS = Not Significant

Mitigation and Enhancement Measures

11.96 A range of mitigation and enhancement measures are proposed to ensure that risks to the water environment are minimised.

11.97 The mitigation measures focus on preventing water pollution and maintaining existing site drainage patterns. They are described for each element of the wind project during construction, operation and decommissioning. Construction Method Statements (CMSs) will be produced for all aspects of site work listed below and will require approval from SEPA prior to commencement of site works. The measures described are essential to pollution prevention and control and reflect current industry best practice.

Construction Phase

Site Working Practices

11.98 As with similar construction operations, there will be heavy plant and machinery on site, and this will result in the need to store oil and diesel. With such storage, and during refilling and maintenance operations, there is the potential for accidental spillages and leaks to enter the water environment.

11.99 During the tendering process the expected level of environmental control will be included in the tender documents so that all the contractors allow for mitigation measures in their costs and method statements.

11.100 The site induction for contractors will include a specific session on good practice to control water pollution from construction activities. Contractors will be made aware of their statutory responsibility not to “cause or knowingly permit water pollution”. A Pollution Incident Response Plan will be prepared for the site in line with PPG 21, and all contractors will be briefed on this, with copies made available on site. Equipment to contain and absorb spills will also be readily available.

11.101 The requirements for mitigating effects of dust and vehicle movements include the dampening down of areas potentially producing dust and the provision of wheel washing facilities.

11.102 All chemical stores will be within areas of hardstanding. These will be bunded so that 110% of the stored capacity is provided, and they will be located at least 20m from any surface watercourses or drains.

11.103 Plant and machinery used during the construction phase will be maintained to minimise the risks of oils leaks or similar. Maintenance and refuelling of machinery will be undertaken off-site or within designated areas of temporary hardstanding. In these designated areas contingency plans will be implemented to ensure that the risk of spillages is minimised. Placing a drip tray beneath a plant and machinery during refuelling and maintenance will contain small spillages.

11.104 Throughout the construction phase best working practices will be adopted and measures to protect the water environment will be taken by adopting recommendations set out in SEPA’s PPG guidance notes.

Site Tracks and Turning Areas

11.105 The potential effects of the construction of new tracks/turning areas include reduced infiltration and the erosion of exposed ground and track surfaces, which could result in the generation of silt-laden runoff, especially where tracks are constructed on slopes. New tracks can also damage soil structure and adversely effect soil hydrology.

Penmanshiel Wind Farm RES

11-13 Volume 2: Main Report Chapter 11: Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology

11.106 In the design phase, consideration was given to the potential effect of track construction on hydrology, and this is reflected in the final layout. The track lengths and crossing points have been kept to a minimum with the tracks typically about 5 m wide on straight sections (increasing at bends) and following the site topography, thereby avoiding steep slopes and the protection buffer zones.

11.107 A minimum buffer zone of 20m from watercourses should be maintained for all construction activity on site, with the exception of the watercourse crossing points described below.

Watercourse Crossings

11.108 Eight crossings of onsite watercourses are proposed for the development, as shown on Figure 11.1.

11.109 The watercourse crossing design and capacity, and the methods used for construction will be agreed in advance with SEPA, and will be in accordance with best practice guidance to minimise impacts on watercourse morphology, aquatic habitat and flood risk14. Given the size of the watercourses (less than 2 m wide), any watercourse crossing is likely to be either subject to a General Binding Rule (GBR6) or Registration under CAR, depending on the design chosen.

11.110 Construction of watercourse crossings will not occur during periods of particularly heavy rainfall, when resulting high flows would make in-watercourse construction activities impractical, and cause excessive sediment to enter the watercourse.

11.111 The following measures will be implemented to minimise effects on hydrology during construction of the tracks:

• During construction of new tracks on sloping ground, drainage will be controlled by placing excavated soils on downhill slopes and lateral drainage ditches on the uphill slopes, and working only small stretches of track at any one time. Aggregate for the tracks will be sourced from nearby offsite quarries;

• Use of fine materials will be avoided;

• Silt traps will be used to capture suspended solids generated during construction, supplemented by settlement ponds and attenuation areas where necessary;

• The tracks will be cambered to reduce the potential for tracks to act as new conduits for surface runoff;

• Excavations and earth works for the track construction will be undertaken in sections, ideally in drier months and left exposed only for short periods, in compliance with PPG and CIRIA guidelines;

• SuDS measures will be incorporated into the design of track drainage. This will include track side vegetated swales and ditches providing temporary storage for run-off thereby reducing run-off rates. Drainage will not directly discharge into a watercourse;

• If required, silt fences will be used, in accordance with guidance from the Forestry Commission15 within the track drains during construction, to remove much of the suspended sediment from the track drains; and

• Micro-siting and judgement will be used during track construction to avoid localised topographic depressions, areas of water pooling or unmarked watercourses and obvious flow pathways.

14 http://www.sepa.org.uk/water/water_regulation/guidance/engineering.aspx

15 Forestry and Water Guidelines - Fourth Edition. Forestry Commission, 2003

Electric Cables

11.112 Cable laying has the potential to damage soils and to introduce new drainage pathways that could generate silty runoff. Micro-siting will occur to avoid obvious flow paths or topographic depressions where water pooling is observed. To minimise disturbance effects, cable trenches will be located along the side of the access tracks as far as possible, no excavation will occur during periods of severe heavy rainfall and trenches will be open for only a short period to reduce the possibility of their acting as alternative drainage channels and pooling areas of water that will need to be discharged.

11.113 Temporary silt traps will be provided in the longer trench runs, if necessary, during construction. All earthworks will be in line with industrial best practice16, and all construction activities will maintain a minimum 10m buffer from all watercourses, and where practicable, attempt to increase this buffer distance.

Wind Turbines and Crane Pads

11.114 For a typical 2 MW machine the foundation will characteristically comprise around 300 m3 of concrete reinforced by 50 tonnes of steel bar, in a tapered octagonal block of approximately 18 m diameter and from 1.5-3.5 m depth (see Figure 4.3). The foundation excavation will be slightly larger than the base dimensions, although this area will be partly dressed back with local soils and landscaped into the surrounding area upon completion of turbine erection.

11.115 Each turbine will also require a hard standing craneage area of approximately 1200 m2 for construction and maintenance. An additional temporary area totalling 665 m2 will be used for the assembly of the main crane jib and rotor and then reinstated.

11.116 The hard standing area will replace natural vegetation and therefore some minor effects on runoff and recharge may occur. The removal of soils may also lead to short term drainage of surrounding soils. There is also the potential for the generation of silt-laden water from exposed ground and the leaking of concrete residues into the water environment.

11.117 Although turbines and crane pads will not be located within 20 m of any surface watercourse, surface runoff during the construction phase could still potentially pollute a nearby watercourse, or infiltrate into groundwater. Therefore measures based on best practice guidelines from SEPA will be adopted during construction, with all contractors made aware of a pre-planned pollution incident response procedure, as detailed in PPG21. The turbine foundation design will minimise excavation requirements in accordance with BS6031: 2009 Code of Practice for Earth Works.

11.118 Careful scheme design will also be supplemented by environmental measures as described in SEPA’s PPGs and special requirements, including the following:

• Scheduling construction activities to minimise the area and period of time that soils will be exposed, particularly so as to avoid severe heavy rainfall events that would produce large amounts of surface runoff capable of washing loose soil into watercourses;

• Installation of cut-off drains, silt traps or bunds around the working areas to intercept uncontaminated surface runoff and divert it around the works;

• Minimising the stockpiling of materials and locating essential stockpiles as far away as possible from watercourses;

• Drainage control to ensure runoff does not exceed the greenfield runoff rates; and

16 http://publications.environment-agency.gov.uk/PDF/PMHO0410BSGN-E-E.pdf

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Volume 2: Main Report Chapter 11: Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology 11-14

• Revegetation of foundation and temporary crane pad working areas as soon as possible after construction.

11.119 Turbine construction will need to adopt mitigation measures to prevent contaminants entering the shallow groundwater system. The main potential groundwater effect arising from the construction of the wind turbine foundations and adjacent crane pads is the risk of leaking concrete residues into the water environment. To minimise the potential of concrete leaching and alkaline pollution of groundwater, suitable sulphate-resistant concrete will be used.

11.120 Excavations will occur, where possible, in areas away from near surface water tables, and outside of periods of severe heavy rainfall, to minimise the volume required to dewater during excavation. Any water removed from the excavation will be treated using settlement and filtration based SuDS features, and will be fully outlined in the construction method statement. These activities will be undertaken with prior agreement from SEPA.

11.121 Once constructed, wind turbine foundations will be re-covered to a depth of approximately 1m, and topsoil and turf will be replaced where possible, to reinstate the former soil profile and vegetation, and maintain hydrological characteristics as far as possible.

11.122 Areas of hardstanding around the turbine bases will be required for cranes and other construction equipment. Once each turbine has been assembled the temporary areas and the crane pad will be covered with topsoil, thus minimising the long-term changes in the site hydrological regime.

Control Building and Contractors’ Temporary Construction Compounds

11.123 The main temporary construction compound will comprise an area of 60 m x 50 m (3,000 m2) and will be situated adjacent to the access track to the east of Penmanshiel Farm. A secondary gatehouse and enabling works compound will be set up at Harelawside Farm.

11.124 The temporary construction compound will consist of aggregate and geogrid, with a number of portacabins, parking for staff, plant vehicles and machinery, areas for chemical and material storage, and, if required, a refuelling and wheel washing area surfaced in concrete/tarmac with an oil interceptor built into the drainage.

11.125 The permanent sub-station and control building will comprise an area of approximately 924 m2 in total and be located just south of the temporary construction compound.

11.126 The new hardstanding areas of the compound and control building are located in existing undeveloped areas and therefore surface water run-off rates from these areas will be increased following development. However, this will be a localised change: it is not anticipated that the run-off from these areas will adversely affect flows in watercourses associated with the site, due to the limited land take in comparison to the total catchment area of the watercourses. Nevertheless, suitable drainage measures will be incorporated into the design of the control building and temporary construction compound, incorporating sustainable drainage techniques as appropriate. The drainage will be designed to ensure that runoff rates do not exceed existing runoff rates, in accordance with SPP.

11.127 The earthworks for both temporary compound and permanent control building will be in accordance with MAFF soil handling guidance, and SEPA and SNH best practice, specifically relating to soil storage and sediment settlement structures. Building structures will utilise SuDS where deemed necessary. Waste from temporary toilet facilities will either drain into a small package treatment plant or a septic tank with soakaway.

11.128 Chemicals and oils will be stored in a bunded containment. Secondary containment will also be provided for oil and diesel tanks in line with PPG2, with a minimum of 110% storage capacity, and will be located a minimum distance of 20m from surface waters or drains. A Pollution Incident Response Plan will be produced in accordance with PPG21, and all contractors will be briefed on this.

11.129 At the end of the construction phase, all temporary structures, including the construction compound, will be removed, thereby minimising long term hydrological effects.

Felling of forestry plantation

11.130 Extensive forest felling is proposed (see Chapter 13) and this will potentially increase sediment and silt. Care should be taken to ensure compliance with SEPA’s Diffuse Pollution General Binding Rules17 and the Forest & Water Guidelines18. Key measures typically are the use of silt traps and the blocking of forestry drainage trenches.

11.131 Onsite mitigation measures will include the incorporation of small check-dams in existing ditches, bog areas and valley bottoms where possible, in order to retain runoff for longer. Detailed site investigations will be required before it can be determined how this mitigation could best be employed. However, it is envisaged that checkdams could be produced via the slight raising of tracks, or the use of brashwood generated during forest removal operations (brashwood check-dams can be particularly useful in diverting runoff laden with sediment into adjacent low-lying areas for settlement).

Operational Phase

Site Activities

11.132 There will be very little in the way of on-site activities during the operation of the wind farm. However, there will still be the need to carry out regular maintenance or emergency repair of the wind turbines and infrastructure, which will require access by maintenance crews. During such activities there will remain the risk of accidental spillages. Throughout the site operation best working practices will continue to be adopted, and recommendations set out in SEPA’s PPG Notes will be followed.

Site Tracks and Turning Areas

11.133 The proposed mitigation incorporated into the design and construction of the site tracks and turning areas will continue to function throughout the operational phase of the site. For example, trackside swales and ditches will be used to control track run-off, and silt traps used to capture any sediment entrained run-off. Methods incorporated into the scheme are designed to be sustainable and to cope with storm events. Therefore, only routine maintenance is envisaged to be necessary for the track network within the site during the operational phase. Such maintenance will generally be carried out in the summer months when the tracks are dry, reducing further the potential effect on the water environment.

11.134 Additional roadstone for track maintenance will be sourced from the same offsite quarries used during the construction phase.

17 Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 18 Forestry Commission, 2003. Forests & Water Guidelines, Fourth Edition. Forestry Commission: Edinburgh.

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11-15 Volume 2: Main Report Chapter 11: Geology, Hydrology and Hydrogeology

Electric Cables

11.135 Once the electric cables have been installed, and the soil profile restored, the cable runs will return to close to their natural, pre-construction condition. Consequently, no mitigation measures regarding electric cable conduits will be required during the operational phase of the development. If maintenance and checking is required, any earthworks will be undertaken following guidance set out in CIRIA, SEPA PPG and MAFF (2000) relating to soil handling.

Wind Turbines and Crane Pads

11.136 No continuing effect from the turbines and crane pads is envisaged once they are complete. The sulphate resistant concrete used during construction will prevent groundwater contamination from concrete leaching. The areas around the turbines and pads will be reinstated as far as possible, and the remaining hard surfaced areas are sufficiently small that any additional surface runoff is considered to have an insignificant effect on the natural runoff regime of the site.

Control Building and Contractors Temporary Construction Compound

11.137 Once construction is complete and the temporary construction compound removed, no further works will be required other than routine maintenance. Consequently, no mitigation measures regarding the control building will be required during the operational phase.


11.138 Decommissioning of the site, involving removal of the turbines, also requires impact assessment. The potential effects on the water environment during decommissioning are similar to those during the construction phase, and therefore similar mitigation will apply, although risks will be lower as many elements of the site will remain undisturbed, such as turbine bases, access tracks and underground cabling. Any new legislation or guidelines published in the time between construction and decommissioning will be adhered to and incorporated into the mitigation design prior to decommissioning taking place. Measures such as leaving underground cables in-situ will substantially reduce the potential for further ground disturbance and runoff. It is also proposed to leave turbine foundations in place, with the towers removed to below ground level and the bases covered to encourage re-vegetation. Access tracks are also proposed to be left in situ.

Assessment of Residual Effects

11.1 Provided that the measures outlined above are undertaken there are not envisaged to be any significant residual effects as a result of the development.


11.139 If required by SEPA, monitoring of water quality in the watercourses to which the site drains will be undertaken before and during construction, to ensure that no significant negative effects are occurring. Routine inspection of access roads and site tracks will be undertaken during construction and operation, and remedial action taken if necessary.

Summary and Conclusions

11.140 The hydrological assessment has highlighted a number of potential effects on site hydrology, primarily during wind farm construction, but also during site operation and decommissioning. These effects are associated with a range of activities, including access track construction and foundation placement. The most significant potential effects are associated with changes in the existing runoff regime through the introduction of impermeable surfaces, sediment-laden runoff from exposed ground entering watercourses and peat drainage promoting erosion and degradation. It is considered that the proposed mitigation measures will ensure that the surface water and groundwater environments are sufficiently protected from these potential effects and any residual effects will be Not Significant.

11.141 The construction and routine operational activities will also be undertaken in line with current best practice and SEPA guidance on prevention of pollution to the water environment. This will reduce the likelihood of abnormal or accidental occurrences causing pollution, as well as ensuring that appropriate response measures are in place throughout the project.

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SCALE- 1:15,000







29307-E005C.WOR PANNG







Site boundary

Private Water Supply


Standing water/stream



Hydrological Buffer(250m PWSBuffer, 20m Watercourse buffer)

Site Access Track