PENERAPAN CHALLENGE BASED LEARNING (CBL) MELALUI ...repository.upi.edu/37990/1/T_FIS_1707272_Title.pdfpenerapan challenge based learning (cbl) melalui pendekatan stem (science technology

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    Diajukan untuk memenuhi sebagian syarat untuk memperoleh gelar

    Magister Pendidikan Fisika



    NIM 1707272











    Noviana Putri

    S.Pd Universitas Jambi, 2015

    Sebuah Tesis yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar

    Magister Pendidikan (M.Pd.) pada Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika

    ©Noviana Putri 2019

    Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

    Agustus 2019

    Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang.

    Tesis ini tidak boleh diperbanyak seluruhya atau sebagian,

    dengan dicetak ulang, difotokopi, atau cara lainnya tanpa ijin dari penulis.






    Noviana Putri


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas penerapan Challenge Based

    Learning (CBL) melalui pendekatan STEM dalam meningkatkan keterampilan

    berpikir kreatif siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini

    adalah metode kuantitatif dengan bentuk quasi-eksperimen research. Desain

    penelitian yang digunakan berupa pretest-posttest control group design. Subjek

    penelitian ini terdiri dari 45 siswa kelas X di salah satu sekolah menengah

    kejuruan. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes esai yang

    terdiri dari 4 pertanyaan keterampilan berpikir kreatif yang dikembangkan dari

    indikator Torrance. Peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa diketahui

    dengan analisis normalized gain () kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok

    kontrol. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kreatif

    digunakan analisis statistik non-parametrik Mann-Whitney U Test dan uji Effect

    Size. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan keterampilan berpikir

    kreatif siswa pada kelas CBL melalui pendekatan STEM lebih tinggi dibanding

    kelas CBL tanpa pendekatan STEM. Penerapan CBL melalui pendekatan STEM

    efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa.

    Kata Kunci : Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif, Pendekatan STEM, Model CBL.





    Noviana Putri


    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of Challenge

    Based Learning (CBL) through the STEM approach in improving students'

    creative thinking skills. The research method used in this study is a quantitative

    method in the form of quasi-experimental research. The research design used was

    a pretest-posttest control group design. The subjects of this study consisted of 45

    students of class X in one of the vocational high schools. The instrument used in

    this study was an essay test consisting of 4 questions of creative thinking skills

    developed from the Torrance indicator. Increased students' creative thinking skills

    are known by normalized gain analysis () of the experimental group and the

    control group. To find out the difference in the improvement of creative thinking

    skills used non-parametric statistical analysis Mann-Whitney U Test and Effect

    Size test. The results showed that the increase in students' creative thinking skills

    in the CBL class through the STEM approach was higher than in the CBL class

    without the STEM approach. The application of CBL through the STEM approach

    is effective in improving students' creative thinking skills.

    Keywords: Creative Thinking Skills, STEM Approach, CBL Model.



    LEMBAR HAK CIPTA ................................................................................. i

    LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ........................................................................... ii

    PERNYATAAN .............................................................................................. iii

    KATA PENGANTAR .................................................................................... iv

    UCAPAN TERIMAKASIH........................................................................... v

    ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... vi

    ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... vii

    DAFTAR ISI .................................................................................................. viii

    DAFTAR TABEL .......................................................................................... x

    DAFTAR GAMBAR ..................................................................................... xii

    DAFTAR LAMPIRAN .................................................................................. xiii

    BAB I PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................... 1

    1.1. Latar Belakang Penelitian .................................................................... 1

    1.2. Rumusan Masalah Penelitian .............................................................. 7

    1.3. Tujuan Penelitian ................................................................................. 8

    1.4. Manfaat Penelitian ............................................................................... 8

    1.5. Struktur Organisasi Tesis ..................................................................... 8

    BAB II KAJIAN PUSTAKA ......................................................................... 11

    2.1. Challenge Based Learning (CBL) ...................................................... 11

    2.1.1 Definisi Model CBL .................................................................. 11

    2.1.2 Sintak Pembelajaran CBL .......................................................... 13

    2.2. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) ........... 16

    2.2.1 Definisi STEM ............................................................................ 16

    2.2.2 Perspektif Pendidikan STEM ...................................................... 18

    2.2.3 Dimensi Pendidikan STEM ......................................................... 19

    2.3. Worksheet (Lembar Kerja Siswa) ....................................................... 21

    2.3.1 Definisi Worksheet (Lembar Kerja Siswa) ................................. 21

    2.3.2 Jenis Worksheet (Lembar Kerja Siswa) ..................................... 21

    2.3.3 Struktur Worksheet Problem Solving Laboratory (PSL) ........... 22

    2.4. Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif ............................................................. 23

    2.5. Hubungan CBL melalui Pendekatan STEM dan CBL berbantuan

    Worksheet dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif ........ 29

    2.6. Penelitian Relevan ............................................................................... 30

    BAB III METODE PENELITIAN ............................................................... 35

    3.1. Desain Penelitian ................................................................................. 35

  • 3.2. Partisipan ............................................................................................. 36

    3.3. Populasi dan Sampel ........................................................................... 36

    3.4. Instrumen Penelitian ............................................................................ 37

    3.4.1 Jenis Instrumen Penelitian .......................................................... 37

    3.4.2 Teknik Analisis Instrumen .......................................................... 37

    3.4.3 Hasil Uji Coba Instrumen ............................................................ 42

    3.5. Prosedur Penelitian .............................................................................. 43

    3.5.1 Tahap Perencanaan ...................................................................... 43

    3.5.2 Tahap Pelaksanaan ...................................................................... 44

    3.5.3 Tahap Pengolan Data dan Pelaporan ........................................... 44

    3.6. Hipotesis Penelitian ............................................................................. 45

    3.7. Teknik Analisis Data ........................................................................... 46

    3.7.1 Peningkatan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif............................. 46

    3.7.2 Uji Pembeda Peningkatan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif ....... 51

    3.7.3 Uji Efektifitas Pembelajaran CBL melalui Pendekatan STEM 53

    3.7.4 Kualitas Keterlaksanaan Pembelajaran .................................... 54

    BAB IV TEMUAN DAN PEMBAHASAN .................................................. 56

    4.1. Perbedaan peningkatan Penerapan CBL melalui Pendekatan STEM

    dengan Penerapan CBL berbantuan Worksheet .................................. 56

    4.1.1 Perbedaan Peningkatan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif secara

    Keseluruhan ............................................................................... 56

    4.1.2 Perbedaan Peningkatan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif tiap

    Aspek ......................................................................................... 63 Perbedaan Peningkatan Aspek Fluency ......................... 65 Perbedaan Peningkatan Aspek Flexibility ..................... 71 Perbedaan Peningkatan Aspek Originality .................... 78

    4.2. Efektivitas Penerapan CBL melalui Pendekatan STEM ..................... 84

    4.2.1 Uji Statistik .................................................................................. 85 Uji Normalitas ............................................................... 85 Uji Non Parametrik Mann-Whitney U .......................... 85

    4.2.2 Uji Dampak ................................................................................. 87

    BAB V SIMPULAN, IMPLIKASI DAN REKOMENDASI ...................... 91

    5.1. Simpulan .............................................................................................. 91

    5.2. Implikasi .............................................................................................. 92

    5.3. Rekomendasi ....................................................................................... 92

    DAFTAR PUSTAKA .................................................................................... 93

    LAMPIRAN-LAMPIRAN ........................................................................... 103



    Tabel 2.1 Sintak Pembelajaran Challenge Based Learning .......................... 13

    Tabel 2.2 Dimensi Scientific Practice dan Engineering Practice dalam

    Pendekatan STEM ........................................................................ 19

    Tabel 2.3 Struktur Worksheet Problem Solving Laboratory ......................... 22

    Tabel 2.4 Pengembangan Aspek Fluency, Flexibility dan Originality ......... 25

    Tabel 2.5 Hubungan Penerapan Model CBL melalui Pendekatan STEM

    dan CBL berbantuan Worksheet dalam Keterampilan Berpikir

    Kreatif............................................................................................ 26

    Tabel 3.1 Desain Penelitian .......................................................................... 35

    Tabel 3.2 Instrumen Penelitian ..................................................................... 37

    Tabel 3.3 Hasil Expert Judgement ............................................................... 38

    Tabel 3.4 Kriteria Koefisien Korelasi Validitas Instrumen ........................... 39

    Tabel 3.5 Hasil Uji Validitas Item Tes Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif ........ 39

    Tabel 3.6 Kategori Koefisien Reliabilitas ..................................................... 40

    Tabel 3.7 Kategori Tingkat Kesukaran ......................................................... 41

    Tabel 3.8 Hasil Uji Indeks Kesukaran (IP) Soal Test ................................. 41

    Tabel 3.9 Kategori Indeks Daya Pembeda ................................................... 42

    Tabel 3.10 Hasil Uji Daya Pembeda ............................................................... 42

    Tabel 3.11 Rekapitulasi Hasil Analisis Soal Tes ............................................ 43

    Tabel 3.12 Pedoman Penskoran Tes Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif .............. 46

    Tabel 3.13 Kategorisasi Skor N-Gain ............................................................. 51

    Tabel 3.14 Interprestasi Ukuran Dampak ........................................................ 54

    Tabel 3.15 Kualitas Pembelajaran ................................................................... 55

    Tabel 3.16 Perhitungan Tanggapan Respon Kualitas Pembelajaran ............... 55

    Tabel 4.1 Skor Rata-rata Pretest,Posttest dan N-Gain .................................. 57

    Tabel 4.2 Kualitas Pembelajaran Kelas Eksperimen..................................... 60

    Tabel 4.3 Kualitas Pembelajaran Kelas Kontrol ........................................... 60

    Tabel 4.4 Evaluasi Hasil Pembelajaran tiap Pertemuan ................................ 61

    Tabel 4.5 Rata-rata Pretest, Posttest dan N-Gain Setiap Aspek .................... 63

    Tabel 4.6 Rata-rata N-Gain Aspek Fluency tiap Konteks Soal ..................... 68

    Tabel 4.7 Rata-rata N-Gain Aspek Flexibility tiap Konteks Soal ................. 74

    Tabel 4.8 Rata-Rata N-Gain Aspek Originality tiap Konteks Soal ............. 81

    Tabel 4.9 Hasil Uji Normalitas Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif .................... 85

    Tabel 4.10 Hasil Uji Mann-Whitney ............................................................... 86

    Tabel 4.11 Hasil Analisis Ukuran Dampak Berpikir Kreatif .......................... 87

    Tabel 4.12 Hasil Analisis Ukuran Dampak tiap Aspek Berpikir Kreatif ........ 88



    Gambar 2.1 Famework Challenge Based Learning .................................... 13

    Gambar 2.2 Perspektif Pendekatan STEM .................................................. 18

    Gambar 3.1 Alur Pelaksanaan Penelitian .................................................... 45

    Gambar 3.2 Alur Uji Hipotesis .................................................................... 53

    Gambar 4.1 Sampel Jawaban Siswa Kelas Kontrol dan Eksperimen .......... 63

    Gambar 4.2 Diagram Peningkatan N-Gain Setiap Aspek ........................... 64

    Gambar 4.3 Diagram Perkembangan Keterampilan Fluency ...................... 67

    Gambar 4.4 Diagram Peningkatan Aspek Fluency tiap Konteks soal ......... 68

    Gambar 4.5 Sampel Jawaban Posttest Siswa Kelas Eksperimen ................ 70

    Gambar 4.6 Sampel Jawaban Posttest Siswa Kelas Kontrol ....................... 70

    Gambar 4.7 Diagram Perkembangan Keterampilan Flexibility................... 74

    Gambar 4.8 Diagram Peningkatan Aspek Flexibility tiap Konteks Soal .... 75

    Gambar 4.9 Sampel Jawaban Posttest Siswa Kelas Eksperimen ................ 77

    Gambar 4.10 Sampel Jawaban Posttest Siswa Kelas Kontrol ....................... 77

    Gambar 4.11 Diagram Perkembangan Keterampilan Originality ................ 81

    Gambar 4.12 Diagram Peningkatan Aspek Originality tiap Konteks Soal ... 82

    Gambar 4.13 Sampel Jawaban Postest Siswa Kelas Eksperimen ................. 83

    Gambar 4.14 Sampel Jawaban Postest Siswa Kelas Kontrol ........................ 83


    Lampiran Halaman

    Lampiran A.1 Perangkat Pembelajaran Kelas Eksperimen ......................... 103

    Lampiran A.2 Perangkat Pembelajaran Kelas Kontrol ............................... 163

    Lampiran B.1 Lembar Judgment Instrumen Tes ......................................... 204

    Lampiran B.2 Kisi-kisi Instrumen Test ....................................................... 206

    Lampiran B.3 Instrumen Soal Pretest dan Posttest ..................................... 213

    Lampiran C.1 Rekapitulasi Hasil Uji Instrumen Test ............................... 215

    Lampiran C.2 Rekapitulasi Hasil Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir

    Kreatif .................................................................................. 217

    Lampiran C.3 Analisis Normalitas dan Efektifitas .................................... 227

    Lampiran D.1 Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian ........................................ 230

    Lampiran D.2 Surat Keterangan Telah Melaksanakan Penelitian ............... 231

    Lampiran D.3 Dokumentasi Penelitian ....................................................... 232


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