Charity Champion Pack the Pennines PEDAL #PedalThePennines ONE BIKE. 350KM. ONE GREAT CAUSE.

PEDAL the Pennines · 691,000 people living with a breast cancer diagnosis in the UK today . ... Competition rules ... Hold a sweepstake and charge £2 to enter

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Charity Champion Pack

the Pennines PEDAL




Thank you so much for being part of our first ever Pedal the Pennines taking place throughout offices across the North and Midlands. We’re delighted that you’ve chosen to get involved and look forward to working with you to make this event a huge success. I’m sure you and your colleagues will have a great time taking part in Pedal the Pennines – there may even be a budding Sir Bradley Wiggins amongst your teams! Most importantly you will be raising vital funds to support the

691,000 people living with a breast cancer diagnosis in the UK today. This guide will give you all the information you need to make sure your event is a huge success. If you have any questions please do give me a call or drop me an email. I look forward to seeing you on race day!

Community Fundraiser 0114 263 6482 [email protected]



SheffieldWinter Gardens

Old Trafford

The HumberBridge





Event details

Pedal the Pennines is an office based cycle challenge with companies competing against each other to complete a virtual 350km route following the Trans Pennine Trail. Your team will cycle the equivalent distance of this coast-to-coast trail between Southport on the west coast and Hornsea on the east coast, totalling 350km.


The important stuff • Pedal the Pennines will take place on the

1 and 2 March 2017.

• Cycling begins at 9am each day and ends at 5pm.

• You will have 50 cycling slots of 15 minutes each to fill over the two days – please feel free to encourage people to take more than one slot.

• We ask that each team aims to raise a minimum fundraising target of £1,500 to ensure we raise as much money as possible to help people facing breast cancer.

• There are lots of other ways to fundraise and have fun on the day.

Titles to be won You don’t have to be Sir Bradley Wiggins or Victoria Pendleton to be in with the chance of being crowned a Pedal the Pennines winner…

• Pedal the Pennines Champion: Awarded for both physical and fundraising efforts. Teams will be ranked and allocated points based on the time it takes them to complete the 350km route and their fundraising total. The team with the most points wins the title.

• Furthest distance: Does what it say on the tin. Simply the team that travels the furthest over the two days. Don’t stop just because you’ve completed 350km; if you’ve got time, keep going!

• Best Fundraiser: Awarded to the team who has the highest fundraising total at the end of the two days. We will provide you with lots of handy ideas on how to get the whole office involved in the event.

• King and Queen of Speed: Prizes are awarded to the male and female participants who travelled the furthest in their 15min slot.

• Best selfie: Not that keen on cycling? The individual who posts the best #pedalthepennines Twitter selfie over the two days wins too!

Winners will be announced on 6 May and prizes distributed over the following two weeks.

If you need anything please contact Heather

[email protected]

0114 263 6482


The bikes • We will provide everyone with a bike for the

competition. Bikes will be delivered on Monday 27 February and collected on Friday 3 March.

• Please call 0114 263 6482 immediately in the unlikely event that there is a problem with your bike

Booking time slots • You will be responsible for booking and managing

time slots. We’ll provide you with a booking form.

• All companies must send a completed time sheet with your overall distance cycled in each time slot to Heather by 6pm on both days of the competition.

• We’ll send you a progress map and leaderboard at the end of day one. If you don’t send us your time sheets, your distance may not be counted.

Managing donations• You will be responsible for collecting the donation

from each cyclist. We suggest a minimum of £5.

• We’ll send you a link to set up a JustGiving page in your team’s name. This is a really good tool for seeing each office’s fundraising total!

• Any cash donations must be added to your JustGiving ‘off-line donation’ total so we can keep track of the amount each team has raised. Cash donations can then be paid to us by sending a cheque made out to Breast Cancer Care, and posted to Breast Cancer Care, St James, Vicar Lane, Sheffield, S1 2EX. Make sure you include a completed money return form which can be found in this pack.

• Remember to direct volunteer cyclists to your JustGiving page to make their donation or collect donations on the day and include the money in your off-line JustGiving total. Remember to encourage staff that are not cycling to donate too.

• To be in with the best chance of being crowned Pedal the Pennines Champion, please pledge your fundraising total by 7pm on 2 March by emailing Heather. This should include all the money you have raised so far and any money promised but not yet collected.


Competition rules • Cycling should take place between 9am and 5pm

on both days of the event.

• The start and finish distance must be recorded after every 15-minute cycle slot – even if the individual has booked two cycle slots in a row.

• All distances recorded must be accurate – no cheating.

• Cyclists may select the resistance they wish to pedal at and adjust it at any point during their slot.

• Individuals can cycle for as many slots as they like but they must make their donation for every slot cycled.

• All donations must be recorded on the company Pedal the Pennines JustGiving page – off-line donations can be banked separately but need to be added to the ‘off-line donations’ record.

• Any outstanding cash donations yet to be paid in must be pledged by email to Heather by 7pm on 2 March.

• You must display the disclaimer form (at the end of this pack) during the event to ensure Breast Cancer Care or TEAMcycles are not held responsible for any injury incurred during the event.

• Time sheets must be completed and emailed to Heather no later than 6pm on both days of the competition as well as the time when your company reaches 350km (though keep cycling!). Failure to meet these deadlines may result in your distance not being counted.

• Your company is responsible for the bike whilst it is in your care and you must not tamper with it. You must ensure you have sufficient insurance to cover theft or damage and sign a liability form which we will provide. Please call immediately if there is a problem with your bike.

• In the unlikely event that a bike breaks down, we will allow the missed cycle slots to be added on at the end of the day whilst the bike was out of action. The additional slots must be agreed beforehand with your Breast Cancer Care representative.

The resultsBreast Cancer Care will email a leaderboard to all Charity Champions by 8.30am on 2 March.

By 12pm on 6 March the following titles will be announced:

Pedal the Pennines Champion Furthest distance Best Fundraiser King and Queen of Speed Best selfie


Fundraising ideas

We ask that each team aims to raise a minimum fundraising target of £1,500 to ensure we raise as much money as possible to help people facing breast cancer. We have lots of fundraising suggestions to engage the whole office (not just your cyclists) or you can get creative and come up with your own ideas.

• Dress up or down day – encourage staff members to come to work in their casual clothes in return for a donation. Or you could ask staff to wear their finery to work, wear something pink, or dress in their cheesiest work-out gear.

• Bake sale – after burning all those calories on the bike, maybe a treat is in order?!

• Sweepstakes – how far can your Directors cycle during their slot? Hold a sweepstake and charge £2 to enter.

• Playlist – put together a playlist for your cyclists to listen to and charge colleagues £1 for each song requested.

• Auction – see if you can get your hands on some desirable prizes and either raffle or auction them off over the two day challenge.

• Sponsored ban – all the best athletes prepare for a big event. Why not encourage your team to give up alcohol, coffee or chocolate in the run up to Pedal the Pennines and ask friends and family to sponsor you?

• Leg wax (or head shave) – some of the best cyclists swear by waxing their legs to help them go faster. Is anyone in your office brave enough to have their legs waxed or head shaved for charity?

• Set targets – when your team hit their fundraising target, your Director or Manager could agree to wear fancy dress, such as some Bradley Wiggins sideburns or fetching lycra cycling gear.

Fundraising materialsOne of the most important things to remember when fundraising is to make sure everyone knows how to get involved. We know company emails can be restricted but it’s a good idea to send out a launch message with all the details of the event. Then use posters, internal meetings, the intranet and social media to remind people what’s going on and why you’re taking part.

We will provide you with banners, balloons, a box of pin badges and a collecting bucket for the days of your Pedal the Pennines event. If you would like additional items please let us know.

We also offer Breast Cancer Care t-shirts in orange and pink which are available in sizes small, medium, large and extra large for a charge of £5 per t-shirt. If you would like to purchase t-shirts, please get in contact with Heather.

Social mediaPlease encourage your colleagues to Tweet before, during and after Pedal the Pennines.

@BCCare @BCCare_UpNorth #pedalthepennines facebook.com/breastcancercare

‘I understand the risk associated with Pedal the Pennines inherent and otherwise, which includes, but are in no way limited to, risks associated with exertion and clothing catching in the apparatus.

I understand the risk of injury from the activities involved may be significant. I understand and acknowledge that Breast Cancer Care and TEAMcycles are in no way making any representation as to any participant’s physical ability to participate in this cycling activity.

I have no health problems or medical conditions which could in any way be exacerbated by this activity that I choose to participate in. I assume all health risks associated with such activity. I hereby acknowledge, confirm and agree that, at all times whilst using this apparatus, I am doing so at my own risk and will exercise the highest degree of care and caution for my own personal safety and the safety of others.

Breast Cancer Care and TEAMcycles shall not be liable for any damages arising from personal injuries sustained by me in using this apparatus. I agree to assume and bear all risks of injuries or damages to my person or personal property sustained while doing so whether by natural occurrence, my own acts or the acts of others. I hereby release Breast Cancer Care, their officers, agents, members, other participants, successors and assigns as well as any other person or entity acting in any capacity on its behalf, from all claims, demands, damages, rights of action or causes of action or liability for any such personal injury or property damage that I may incur.’

If you have any doubts, do not participate.






About Breast Cancer Care

Breast cancer changes everything. Breast Cancer Care understands the emotions, challenges and decisions people face every day.

They know that everyone’s experience is different. That’s why they are there to offer support and information and campaign for better care.

They are the only specialist UK-wide charity providing support to people with breast cancer. Their free services include support over the phone with a nurse or someone who’s been there, welcoming online forums, reliable information and local group support.

They’ll help people to live life with breast cancer and beyond. From the moment someone notices something isn’t right, through their treatment and beyond, Breast Cancer Care will be there.

How your money helps

This year we will receive less than seven percent of our funding from government, meaning we are reliant on voluntary funders and companies (such as you) to help us run our services and support people affected by breast cancer.





could give a woman with breast cancer the specialist information and support she needs when she needs it most through our Helpline.

could give 40 younger women with breast cancer the expert support of a specialist younger women’s nurse for two days at a bespoke event.

could give a group of 15 women with secondary breast cancer (an incurable breast cancer diagnosis) the expert information on pain management they so desperately need at a Living with Secondary Breast Cancer session.

could give 10 women with breast cancer somewhere to turn after their treatment through attending four sessions of a Moving Forward course.

‘Speaking to Breast Cancer Care gave me hope when I felt like my world had come to an end.’ Rebecca, 34, Birmingham

Registered charity in England and Wales 1017658 Registered charity in Scotland SC038104 Registered company in England 2447182. BCC387

When you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer, every bit of your life can change forever.Every year, 60,000 people in the UK are told they have breast cancer, and more than 11,600 women die from it. It’s the most common cancer affecting women in the UK today, not to mention one of the fastest growing. But, although the number of people being diagnosed is constantly increasing, we know the breast cancer services in the NHS are stretched.Every day, our care, support and information helps thousands of people to find a way to live with, through and beyond breast cancer. We hope to keep our essential services free for the many more who will need us in the future, but we can’t do it without your help.By taking part in Pedal the Penninies you can be confident you’ll be helping people through one of the most difficult challenges they will ever face.And, don’t forget we’re here for you too. Call us free on 0808 800 6000 or visit us at breastcancercare.org.uk