Peakhurst South Public School Wellbeing Policy, 2016 Peakhurst South Public School Student Wellbeing Policy Respect Integrity Fairness Co-operation Excellence

Peakhurst South Public School Student Wellbeing Policy ... · Values shape our relationships, our behaviours, our choices and our sense of who we are. The more positive our va lues,

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Page 1: Peakhurst South Public School Student Wellbeing Policy ... · Values shape our relationships, our behaviours, our choices and our sense of who we are. The more positive our va lues,

Peakhurst South Public School Wellbeing Policy, 2016

Peakhurst South Public School

Student Wellbeing Policy

Respect Integrity Fairness Co-operation Excellence

Page 2: Peakhurst South Public School Student Wellbeing Policy ... · Values shape our relationships, our behaviours, our choices and our sense of who we are. The more positive our va lues,

Peakhurst South Public School Wellbeing Policy, 2016

Rationale At Peakhurst South Public School we are committed to creating a quality learning environment for all of our students. This will be achieved through “strengthening children’s cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development”(DoE Wellbeing Framework for Schools, 2015). This policy is based upon our value system, The Student Wellbeing Framework (DoE, April 2015) and The Kidsmatter Framework. All student wellbeing programs sit under the four components of the KidsMatter Framework. The PSPS Student Wellbeing policy works towards creating a safe, and secure environment where all students, staff and the community can work together in a harmonious and educationally productive environment.

In Kindergarten to Year 2, the Kimochis Program is designed to give students the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to recognise and manage their emotions, demonstrate care and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions, and build resilience.

In Years 3 to 6, students participate in the Bounce Back program. This program teaches our students a variety of values, including our own five core values. It details each value, promotes resilience, teaches students how to respond to bullying and build better social skills with others.

Both programs teach the 5 core social and emotional concepts:

• Self Awareness: managing emotions and behaviours to achieve one’s goals • Self Awareness: recognising one’s emotions and values as well as one’s strengths and limitations • Social Awareness: Showing understanding and empathy for others • Relationship skills: Forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict • Responsible Decision-making: Making ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behaviour. (Casel, 2006)

Restorative Justice is used as a playground and classroom modification and communication tool. It assists teachers and students to resolve problems effectively. It uses key questions that allow our students to reflect in an open and empathetic manner. The students learn to solve problems/issues that arise at school effectively through the use of the Restorative Justice tool.

Values shape our relationships, our behaviours, our choices and our sense of who we are. The more positive our values, the more positive our actions. This is one of the reasons why values education is taught at our school. Values help students, staff and the community focus on their own self and the actions they take towards others.

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Peakhurst South Public School Wellbeing Policy, 2016

Parameters The PSPS Student Wellbeing Policy does not expressively refer to every single example of conduct or behaviour which might be deemed unacceptable in a given set of circumstances. Teachers’ judgement and professionalism is to be used when dealing with micro, informal or minor behaviours- both positive and negative.

Rights and Responsibilities Rights of Students • To be respected

• To be able to learn • Know what is expected of them • Feel safe

Responsibilities of Students • To follow directions from staff • Respect school staff, peers and other community

members • Look after property/school resources

Rights of Staff • To be respected by colleagues, all students and community members

• To be supported by the parent community so that they can teach their children well

Responsibilities of Staff • To teach the curriculum to all students and make sure every student has access to the curriculum

• To treat colleagues, students and parents with respect • Look after school resources.

Rights of Parents • To have their children educated to standards in accordance with their ability

• To be respected Responsibilities of Parents • To get their children to school on time and make

appropriate arrangements for their return after school • To treat all staff and all students with respect • Uphold the school value system and practices of the


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Peakhurst South Public School Wellbeing Policy, 2016

Student Wellbeing Policy and Practices Values Our school culture is defined by the school values of our staff, students, parents and carers. These values are necessary to teach and positively influence our students. These values are reflected in and reinforced by our rights and responsibilities. Our whole school community – students, staff, parent community- share and uphold these beliefs, school values and rights.

The School Values of Peakhurst South Public School The definition of our values was developed by Stage 3 students in 2014 and expressed in student-centred language so that students, staff and the wider community have shared understanding of our values.

1. Fairness • Treat everyone equally no matter their differences. • Equality means be fair.

2. Respect • We will accept others’ differences. • We will be polite to teachers, parents and other students.

3. Integrity • Be considerate, honest and trustworthy towards all Peakhurst South students, staff and the wider community. • Learn from your mistakes.

4. Co-operation • Work well as a team with your teachers, fellow students and the whole of the Peakhurst South Public School

Community. 5. Excellence

• Strive to excel. • Never give up and always try your best.

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Peakhurst South Public School Wellbeing Policy, 2016

Students are encouraged to demonstrate these values in all aspects of learning in and out of the classroom. Students are given mini merits, house points and class merits to acknowledge a value being upheld by a student.

Positive Behaviour Strategies Classroom and Playground

At PSPS we believe that Positive Behaviour is characterised by our Core Values. Students will be encouraged, acknowledged and rewarded for displaying these values.

Acknowledgement could be minor such as ‘thank you’ or individual or group praise, house points can also be awarded for low level positive behaviours.

At times students’ behaviours may warrant a symbolic token of recognition. At PSPS we follow a School Merit Policy and students may be awarded a mini merit.

At each assembly, the SRC will promote the school value focus. During the following week mini merits are awarded by SRC members to students in the playground who are demonstrating the Value of the Week.


Each classroom teacher will reward individuals or groups within the classroom for following school values or class rules. All classroom teachers use their own class system for rewarding students. Merit awards are given at assembly for excellent work or behaviour demonstrated in class during the week that is linked to the teacher’s class system.


Mini Merits are given out in the playground by teachers and SRC members to students who are demonstrating our values.

Whole School Peak Award System

Students receive Mini Merits for demonstrating the values of our school in and out of the classroom. There are weekly values and these are discussed at each assembly. Students are awarded mini merits and collect them until they reach Base Camp= 10 mini merits. Then students will be awarded a certificate as they collect 20 mini merits at a time after Base Camp. They will receive a badge at Level 10.(See Appendix 2)

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Peakhurst South Public School Wellbeing Policy, 2016

Strategies to Manage Inappropriate Student Behaviour At Peakhurst South Public School we believe that students learn in a safe, caring and supportive environment where values are taught and responsible behaviour is encouraged.

The practice of Restorative Justice used at PSPS provides staff, students and the wider community a way of communicating when values are not being reflected.

Students who elect not to follow the PSPS Core Values will meet with a teacher in a restorative way in the classroom and playground.

Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice provides a general framework for a broad range of approaches for students and teachers to enable successful resolution of conflict. This gives the school community members tools and principles needed to resolve problems and build positive and valuable relationships.

The underlying premise of Restorative Practices is that people are happier, more cooperative, more productive and more likely to make positive changes when they play an active role in conflict resolution. Restorative Justice is based on a framework that helps to explain human motivation and social behaviour among families and students in classrooms to workplaces and communities.

Staff, students and the community at PSPS are trained in Restorative Justice strategies to ensure consistency throughout the school. Kindergarten parents, new parents and students will be given a handbook explaining how restorative Justice is used at Peakhurst South Public School.

The following questions will be used by staff, students and the community when communicating with students who have not followed PSPS school values. It is a way to educate students on how to make positive choices. These strategies also educate students to approach situations more constructively to make better choices next time.

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Peakhurst South Public School Wellbeing Policy, 2016

Restorative Questions I

When things go wrong

• What happened • What were you thinking of at the time? • What have you thought about since? • Who has been affected by what you have done? In what way? • What do you think you need to do to make things right?

These questions are used when someone has been hurt during a situation either physically, mentally or emotionally:

Restorative Questions II

When someone has been hurt

• What did you think when you realised what had happened? • What impact had this incident had on you and others? • What has been the hardest thing for you? • What do you think needs to happen to make things right?

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Peakhurst South Public School Wellbeing Policy, 2016

Classroom Management Behaviour Strategies In our classrooms at Peakhurst South Public School every student is expected to follow our school values and class rules. The five L’s are outlined as the appropriate behaviour throughout our school. The five L’s are hands in Laps, Listening ears, eyes Looking to the speaker, Lips closed and Legs crossed.

If a student chooses to disregard our school values and class rules (along with the five L’s ) then the teacher will follow the system of Restorative Justice. After one or two reminders are given for a student to adjust their behaviour. Students will receive a first reminder, then a second reminder, then a timeout, which will require a student to reflect on their behaviour in the classroom. The classroom teacher can send a yellow note or make a phone call home letting the parent/carer know the student has been in timeout during a session.

If a student still requires reflection time on their behavior, they can be sent from the classroom to an appropriate “buddy” class, an off-stage class. A Classroom yellow note will be sent home to the parent with a phone call. The parent will need to send the slip at the bottom of the letter back to the classroom teacher. Students may have privileges withdrawn (such as PSSA, Band, excursions, school leadership positions etc.). After three classroom yellow notes being sent home, a student will receive a blue note from the appropriate Stage Assistant Principal along with a phone call. The parent will need to send back the slip at the bottom of the letter. Students may have privileges in representing the school (such as PSSA, Band, excursions, school leadership positions etc.) withdrawn. The student will be counselled each time by the appropriate Stage Assistant Principal and a referral to the L&ST will be written by the classroom teacher. After three blue behaviour letters the executive, the classroom teacher and the parents will have another meeting outlining the possibilities is this behaviour persists.

If the behaviour still persists and L&ST intervention does not help the student, then parents will be called in to discuss further options with the Principal.

NB: These actions are at the discretion of the Assistant Principal or Principal.

It is the responsibility of the Stage executive to keep records of any classroom or playground misdemeanours that are minor, moderate or serious in nature. A database of playground and classroom behaviours is kept up to date by Stage supervisors.

NB: If a student displays violent or aggressive behaviour, assistance can be sought from the nearest available executive and parents will be notified. The procedures outlined above operate on a term cycle giving students who are experiencing behavioural challenges a fresh start at the beginning of each term. (See Appendix 3: Behaviour Flowchart)

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Playground Management Behaviour Strategies

All members of Peakhurst South Public School community will be expected to apply the PSPS School Values in the playground environment.

If a student disregards our School Values then Restorative Justice is to be used. Students may be placed in Time out or may walk with the teacher on duty to discuss the situation. This is when the behaviour is considered moderate. (See Appendix 4: Playground Slip).

In the case of violent or aggressive behaviour, students are to be taken out of play immediately and the duty teacher will send for the nearest available executive staff member.

In the case of either a second reminder, moderate or serious behaviour the duty teacher will fill in a playground slip and send this slip to the classroom teacher to sign. All playground slips will need to be sent to the appropriate Stage Assistant Principal so these can be added to the database. At Stage meetings these playground incidences will be discussed to see if any patterns are emerging for any particular student or group of students from any stage in the playground. All Stage Assistant Principals are responsible for keeping the database up to date.

In the case of 2-3 moderate offenses in the playground a student/s will receive time off the playground and a Pink Playground note will be sent home. This action will be at the discretion of the Assistant Principal or Principal.

In the case of a serious behaviour offense or offenses, student/s will receive time off the playground and a Pink Playground note and a phone call to the parents letting them know about the incident or incidences and the appropriate follow up. They may also participate in a Behaviour Modification Program. This may involve a behaviour card o playground restrictions ( see Appendix 4). The amount of time this behaviour modification program is utilised will be at the discretion of the Stage AP. The student will also be referred to the Learning and Support Team for behaviour support.

Students can be given a Formal Caution or be suspended immediately (as outlined in the Suspension and Expulsion of school Students- Procedures 2011- updated in 2015) for serious offenses or repeated misbehaviour by the Assistant Principal or Principal at their discretion. The AP and the Class teacher will meet with the student and the parents at this stage.

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Peakhurst South Public School Wellbeing Policy, 2016

A student or students can be suspended immediately (as outlined in the Suspension and Expulsion of school Students- Procedures 2011- updated in 2015) for serious offenses or repeated misbehaviour by the Assistant Principal or Principal at their discretion. In the case of suspension this could be in school or suspension from school. A phone call and letter will be sent to parents from the Principal and a meeting set up with the parents and student at the time of suspension and then returning from suspension.( See Appendix 3: Behaviour Flowchart)

Playground Expectations Students are expected to apply the School Values of Respect, Integrity, Co-operation, Fairness and Excellence in all aspects of school life; including the playground.

Modifications to the following rules may be implemented at the discretion of the teacher on duty.

No hat, play in the shade( refer to sun safety policy)

Play safely- do not endanger yourself or other people.

Be responsible – Remain in supervised areas at all times.

Before 8:50am

• As the school playground is unsupervised before 8:50 am then any student who is at school prior to 8:50am MUST sit under the COLA (Covered Outdoor Leaning Area) area or on silver seats in the main asphalt area in any type of weather(under a shelter when raining)

After 8:50am

• Students in Years K-6 are able to play in the main asphalt area on the COLA side of the toilets. • The other side of the toilets near the hall is out of bounds and students may only walk to the canteen to place lunch orders

in the box (see Appendix 5: Map of playground) • Handball games are ONLY permitted at this time unless there is PSSA training.

When the first bell rings students begin lining up in their two lines waiting for their teacher. On the second bell all students should be assembled in two lines ready to enter class.

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Peakhurst South Public School Wellbeing Policy, 2016

Recess: 11:20- 11:45am

All students are expected to sit down and eat under the COLA (see Appendix 5)

• All students can play either on the grass or on the asphalt after they have finished eating. • Students are allowed on the grass ONLY when a teacher is on duty in that area.

To signal the end of recess, music will play.

• When the music plays, it will give students two minutes to go straight to class lines under the COLA and be ready to listen to announcements by the sound of the recess bell.

• Whole school reminders, messages and presentations are held under the COLA at the end of recess.

First Half Lunch: 1:00 – 1:25pm

All students must sit under the COLA or on seats for at least 10 minutes to eat their lunch. Students must wait until they have been dismissed by the teacher on duty before they put their lunch boxes away in their lunch baskets. (See Appendix 5: Map)

All students in K- 6 can play in all areas of the playground, however they must wait for the duty teacher to be in the grass area to commence play in that region. The fake grass area near the Blue Court and the bark area where tables and seats are located is for quiet activities and where groups can sit down. No running is allowed in these areas.

Second Half Lunch: 1:25 – 1:50pm

All students in K- 6 can play in all areas of the playground. The fake grass area near the Blue Court and the bark area where tables and seats are located are for quiet activities.

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Appendix 1

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Peakhurst South Public School Wellbeing Policy, 2016

Appendix 2

THE PEAK AWARD There has been a recent review of the Peak Award system and it has been decided that it will stay the same until the end of this year and then it will come up for review. The

Peak Awards are given out in terms of our values: Fairness, Co-operation, Respect, Integrity and Excellence. We expect students, staff and all members of our community to be consistent in following these values and all that they mean. It is appropriate that our award system is built around the expectations we have of our students and values developed by our School Community. How the system now operates:

• All teachers, including support teachers, will give out mini-merits (see attached samples) in the classroom and the playground to students who are demonstrating the responsibilities of the school rules. The five school values are in one colour.

• Students will be responsible for collecting, storing and managing their own mini-merits. • Once students have collected the appropriate number of mini-merits to qualify for the first or subsequent levels, they will need to take them to their teacher for

endorsement and be registered as achieving their next level. • Students will need to collect a total of 10 mini-merits to enter Base Camp (starting point) and then start the climb up The Peak. • Once Base Camp is achieved, students will need to collect a total of 20 mini-merits to reach each successive level. • Students will receive a certificate of recognition for each level. All awards will be presented at our Friday assembly. • Students will work towards achieving their Personal Best (PB) in climbing The Peak, and are not compared to other students. • The system will be continuous from the day each student starts at our school until the day the student leaves. Students who start during the year will need to achieve

Base Camp first and will then move up the levels. This award system recognises, values and promotes all aspects and expectations of being a student at Peakhurst South Public School. It is focused on positives. Students are continuously moving forward; they do not go backwards. An incident will not stop them from earning relevant mini-merits and progressing through the levels. Separate behaviour modification strategies and consequences are used to address incidents.

Levels: All students need to qualify for Base Camp before starting to climb the levels. Level 1 metre Level 10 metres Level 100 metres Level 190 metres Level 2 metres Level 20 metres Level 110 metres Level 200 metres Level 3 metres Level 30 metres Level 120 metres Level 210 metres Level 4 metres Level 40 metres Level 130 metres Level 220 metres Level 5 metres Level 50 metres Level 140 metres Level 230 metres Level 6 metres Level 60 metres Level 150 metres Level 240 metres Level 7 metres Level 70 metres Level 160 metres Level 250 metres Level 8 metres Level 80 metres Level 170 metres Level 260 metres Level 9 metres Level 90 metres Level 180 metres Level 270 metres

We look forward to working with all our students, regardless of race, culture, language, gender, religion or disability, to assist them to reach their full potential.