- .viv.. vyn.%%t.>-*%*\\f u**i*»xv*%***^v*%* a , I WINTERVILLE DEPARTMENT In Charge of S. C. CARROLL Authorized Agent oi The Eastern Reflector tor Wir.terville and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application We are headquarter* for the peg-t ttfa and reversible disc hai row:, stalk eutiers, Syracuse A. G. Cox Manufacturing Co. i Miss Ethel May Carroll is at, Raleigh attending the B. U. W.' two i <> - plows. No fsrnterean commencement. d" without these valuable ma-; Get the "Syracuse" plow for Chiiies on his farm. We can | tearing up new grounds. giv.> y HJ pric s that will interest' Harrington, Barber & Co. you. Harrington, Barber & Co. I Mice Fattia Sutton went to J D C x left for F^irmua;Greenville today. V. c-.i . . Chickens and eggs a specialty. M ' '- >!da Bi wning and Come and get tiie best prices, herd r, Miss Mamie, who Harrington, Barber & Co. b n vidting Urs. A. W., Miss Sarah Barker went to ange thia week, returned to|chocowinity this morning. t ; home at Jamesville, Thurs- Wc are carrying a nice line of da> . ;. .;.ii g. j Coffinsand Cr.skets. Prices are M ::. •.. an went to G reenviile; r j^ht and can iur.iish nice hearse Wed. i day. | service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. \ mint our line of Mieses Magdalene, Ver.etia and men i and b y's spring batsjjeanett Ccx. Olive Butt. Miriam that h per.edup. Johnson and M- J. Bryan and ' rtonfia r&Co. Gordan Johnson went to Wash- < ; ..... was in, ington this morning. tuwn B si; 11 woiJe Wednesday. /. i . A. :. .^ Co. have sum- ro; and d ra. Our iine of men'f a:id boy's straw bats opened up. We have Sunday with them from the wide brimmed I Farm ville. palmetto to the nicest dress hat. Harrington Barber & Co. A new lot of men's and ladies' in is shoes just in. Harrington, Barber & Co. We call your special attention to the iast statement of the Bank before buy- of WinterviHe, showning the ex- [ „. Hai uigton. Barber & Co. cellent condition of the bank. Itj. ;' Becne : Bpdgit, one of our solicits your patronage and guar- rp ^ no,-: p. osperous farmers, v ifi;antees prompt service. KING'S CROSS ROAD ITEMS. Kings X Roads. May 2\ 1909. Mrs. Bettie Matthews is very ill. We hope she will soon recov. r. C. E. Case, W. I,. Matthews and 17. W. Worthington spent Thursday evening with rV. C. Moore. W. S. E. Smith went to Foun- tain Wednesday. Chester Smith, of Farmville, was in our town Sunday. H. S. Tyson and son spent Sunday with W. E. Smith. Mrs. Mattie J. Smith and H. L. Smith spent Saturday night and Sunday with Willie Ran- dolph, near Greenville. Joe Brown and wife spent Sunday with W. E. Smith. G. W. Burnett and wife spent his mother ni ur l). K. ' '. - ;;....; ... m Wake 1.... .. ... : he i.a been in j c Wednesday Dight. "Buster" isa favt rite imcng us fed .. n .... ,;. -• have l.i.n liOll: new reveraibl* o.^c bar* r -• i i .I I an up-to f] ! . is harnburgs of aii styies. Guy! lylofi •- i ,ii V •. a .1. . Ayilt i, a for-1 A - vv - Ange & Co of this place was To Oar Friends and Customers: i ' ', ' ' desire to cs.ll your kind ". . Cox i turned ' ntion u HIT Bandy T I B ;.. . .-i i.. night, from iVins- Frucksastne season is now al- i ..' ro, where t has been most at band when you will need : trucks for housing your tobacco. Mis* Evelyn Sutton went tol We have orders now for mere v.He F id mo n!ng and thanlOOG (o-: future shipments ? ion the nig train, and would, therefore, urge our' v "- of best crockery customersw place their wderalwj-^-"*. A" Smith jj»c opened as early as possible whicii will ;- ton, Barber & Co. insure getting them when want* y ...- ilj..i!.'i:; . i !. ., t' ,)L\ CJ, otherwise owinc to the great of we, are visiting Misses leraand might be somewhat Huldah and MadaieueCox this delayed. week, 1 Call or write A. G-Cox Manu- B. F. Manning tfentto Green- faeturingCo., WinterviHe *.< '. C, Little Miss May Bell Tvscn visited her sister, Mrs- W. E. Smith, last week. Our farmers are well pleased with their tobacco crop. Cotton is nearly a failure in some places. Mibs Iola Smith is on the sick list. H. L. Smith is preparing to ve in about a week to represent the E. A. Brown Tobacco Co. John Allen is suffering much with mumps. Ws hope he will soon be up again. J. L. Matthews attended the quarterly meeting at Old Sparta Sunday. A. J. Corbett spent last Sun- day night with Seba Corbett, who is right sick. H. L. Smith spent Thursday night in Fountain with his vil y< Bierday, W< ve just received our line oi men's and ladies' slippers. Sec u. for styli a and prices, Harrington, Barber & Co. The VV. H. S. Students are gone at.d it would bo very lonely w . it i o: for the sympathetic drummers. Only louneen in town today. Car load of hay just in.—A. W. Arge & Co. S'-ver-d of the college students arc coming home tonight. We are carrying sewing ma- chine needles of aii kinds. Don't be bewildered if you breaa the last one on hand. vV'e have them. A W. Ange & Co, Cannon Smith, one of the lirst residents here, is vtry ill. We fresh corned herrings. Harrington. Barber & Co. Prompt Settlement of Insurance. Mr. Thos. L. Willing ham, Dis- trict Manager. Ayde-n, N. C. Bear Sir: I wisn to thank your good company, through ycu, for the Prof. G. E. Lineberry went tol very prompt settlement of the Greenville today. I policy I held on the life of my F. B. Iripp left for Norfolk late husband, Josiah H. Barrett today. . Nitrate of Scda is the stuff that makes big crops and fat | purses. We have it. A. W. Ange & Co Nice lot of crockery just re ceived. Harrington Barber & Co. We gladly welcome C. J. Jack- son home from Wake Forest college, where he has just taken 'the B.C. course. "Jack" is a popuiar fellow and we hope he is going to stay with us for awhile now. F. A- Eumundson, C. T. Cox, greatly sympathize with him in, 0 ^'.Rollins, Eugene Cannon M9 affliction* and hope to see< aml Ca »' t VVhitehead went to h-iii uut again real soon. Remember Greenville to the show Monday for $1000, in your company, and who died here several days agj. The proofs of death were com- pleted on Apr. 27th. and the company's check is dated Apr. 30:h., just three days. I had always heard that the Security Lite & Annuity was a splendid company and now I know it. I wish to assure you that the kindness and courtesy extended me in this matter will never be forgotten. V ery Respt. Mrs. Mary A. Barrett. N. B.: My friend, Mr. Barrett also had another policy for $1000. which was paid his estate: all carried in The Security Life & Annuity Co. 5 22 tw T L. W. Dr J. N. Byr.u.a Dead. P n -u« I witr out wneni, 11 A telegram from larmville lci fUknkttM ti»- ber that A. C. Cxj n 'S ht - Manufacturing have lots ot flue) F. F. Cox and Jno. R. Carroll iron already on hand and are came home Saturday night from therefore, prepared to furnish Wake Forest, where they have flue tot the coming gxjasjn. been in school. Pi nade right and WCI Prof, and Mrs. G, E. Lineberry ship i laranteed. ... ;.i to .... tgh yesterday. M . ;;. r.Cox left foi .. •; ma McSlohon went larday. ' .; I iyto viait her; ,.,..,. . ,. T n ,- i ch occurred at his home o :. B ttie it.; , i ne I ,. ie •, Mrs. J. R.Smith. c: . i^ht E been .. T. II. King cam i I i the Du led ;.' ' Eula Cox, Janie and : . .,'. D. B . illed nil ' '• ' ' ' >P*nt last night r.. ppointmei t M. '•:. wi th Mie Bertha Carroll. i Sundaj on J. F. Stokca wa§ in town yes- . .*. ot other engagements he t •.".': ly. i. ... reach at nig it. MsPills TM> ponulnr remedy never (nils to effectually cure dyspepsia, Constipation, S!ck 1 cod;'.; ho. Biliousness Ami ALL DIS1-ASUS arising from a To.-pi'J tiver And Bad Digest ion The nntural result Is good appetite and solid flesh. Ihisc .small; tl.gant- l> Auearcoatcd and easy to swallow. Take No Substitute. BOY'S BODY IN COTTON BALE. Mystery of Child's DisiporaraBce Safe ed by Opening the Bale in Liver- pool. News from Liverpool that the body of a boy baby was found in a bale of Texas-grown cotton uti earths the mysterious disappear. anceof a 2J-months-old ton cf George Haitman, a farmer of Giilespie county, Texas, abiut six months ago. It is believed the body is that of the Haitman chi.d and that he was killed in a gin and the frail body crushed into a bale of cot- ton which was exported and found its way to the Liverpool cotton mills. The descrip'ion answers that of the child, which, it was feared had met death by drowning in a river. Late in November the father carried a wagon load of cotton to a gin in a small town in Giilespie county, and the baby son accom panied him. The child was missed, but the father thought some of his friends had the boy in charge. The search was kept up for many weeks and a reward otfered, but no trace of the body was found. Evidently the tot got into one of the cotton presses and was killed and baled in the cotton. The nody will be ship- ped to America. —Concord Time. 'Willingham will treat you right REPORT OF Till; CONDITION OF THE BANK OF WINTERVILLE, AT WINTKKVll.I.K, N. O. At the close of business April .'Mb, 1909, Resources Loans and discounts furniture ami ftxturei Demand loam Dai- from bksandbkri Gold coin Silver coin. Including minor eurreney Nul bank note* and other Liabilities 18,411.61 Capitol itoek. 1.178 •> '! Surnhi- fund loO.llll 2..T.I7. in J.'u "" lOii.'.'O I . S. notes Total 1,687 <"' ai4,8» 16,000.00 r5.>0.<)0 Undivided profits, less expanses ami taxes |).| 42K M Time esc of deposit 202.20 Deposits subject to <-k 8,06-1,61 Cashier's ehe.-k outst'd'g LOO Total f 14,804) 84 .STATE OF KORTU CAROLINA. I'itt County, ssj We..). E. tireen. < 'ushier a ml I''. A. Bdmondson. Asst. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above auto* mi'iit is inn- to the best of our knowledge and belief, F. A KDMONDHON, J. B. GREEK. A'st, Cashier. Cashier be- Correct—Attest : .1. F. Harrington, G- E. Lineberry, II. Hiinsucker. A. (i. CiUC. Notary Public I Directors Subscribed and sworn to fore me, this SVd day of May, 1900. R KILLS TO STOP TIIE FIEND. The worst foe for 12 years of John I I).»yi", of Qlsdwl•!, Mi-h., m a running luiecr. He pod irii-ti.rs r\,-r ...,00.0U without benefit. Then !-. . !ui's Arn- ul.-.r and cu'i-d announced him. Cures Kv.r-Sor,-, Bog*, K.ze- "<:>, nil Kheum, Infaliiiil.) for I'll.*-, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Bethel Banking & Trust Co., AT BETHEL. N. c. At the close of business, April '.'Sill, li»0!l. Resources Loans ami discounts Overdrafts secured and unsecured Furniture ami fixtures Due from l.ks tlid I'kis Gold ami silver inel'd'g .minor coin currency Total Liabilities 120.062.42.Capital Itaak ii.00D.oo Surplus fun.l 4400,00 L ndivided prolits less azpeDsesand tuxes pd 1,868.01) Time eertillcates of dep l>.M9IM Deposits sub to check 27,67) .60 Total 889.46 I,276.00 U, 1111.20 2,967,16 43,085 88 148,066.28 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of 1'itt, s»: l t W. II. Woolard, Cashier of the above-named bunk, do sol- emnly swear thai the alxive statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W, H, Wool.AHD, Oaabiar, sworn to be-1 Correct day of May, I Subscribed aud fore me, this 4th 1009. S. T. Carson, i Notary 1'ubllc, Attest: If, O. Dlount, s. M. Jones, Robt. Ktaton, Directors. Girl Gets Prize. Miss Dorothy Norman, a little •' <;. I .vent to R - irday I the Dr. .). O. Hyatt will be in Gn : 'lotei Bertha on M inday an ' 1 u iday, June 7th .. Kittrell ret rned and 8th, fur i, 1 -i purpc- eof treat* Sat:. night from Durham, ing diseases of the eye and fit- v.. . .-.' ; "!i a •.'ii-Viii in ting glasses. Parties dpsirin? th«: Southern Conservatory of to see about having work doi.e Music. I will ba charged no fee unless Mra. Susan Jackson relumed lerms are ajrreed upon. from kWhwi jaittrday. (S18eod*£Vtf Mot:dav afternoon the d> ath of Dr. J. -V oynum. Burnt, Bealds, cuts, Corns. 2oc at daughter of Mr. nr.u Mrs. J. b. all Druggists. iN;rm.n, was the happy winner i from that town at 2 _."""' "' . 'ot 125 in gold at the droving at o'clock. Dr. Bynum was abou'| For Sale-Horcora Long sta M( , rf , j;o big ttlo Saturday. a phys'cian of P' a co,,on ?ee,! - ( •«" " n Bpalght. •ktmA Ann nt tho'&Co., Creen\il!c. 2 23ld tfw ,. ,. . , anu one IfanZ l*i Kfraedy li pul on In a tuba v. la sttacii ' Ifai ba rln K applied directly to the BlTectod parta. Uua:uit«t 7" years old, ! <rir practice, county's foremoat citizen-, .-., mnf lmcka ,. hi . , leaves a wife and several Child- quek relief to lurobaeo, rheu-j utisni. K. Elite Top Dressing for Cotton and Corn—nothing better. Manufactured by The Scotland Neck Guano Co. 5 21 4t Wools I.ivr Mcdieinc isa liver Mf> ulator whicii Im.i'.- quick r. lief to nick lie rca and ifrand children. 'Willingham will treat you right' Call snd see P. M. Johnston whr n i - : t wn for gea< ral engine iboll 'epair work and any- hop op ;.'.'..' fjuj all otbsf s>mptomi of i ; l- I nty dlssftpi. Tii'-y ii.'" a lonla to ti,e lentirs ivntairi and binM aprtMiurUlsnd health. Price 60s and •. i.-o. :..ii l,y John I,. Woot-n. I', tea headache, constipation, bilioueneas and HI her (ymptomi of liver disorders. Particularly recommended for Jaundice n ehllla. favaf, malurin. The fl.00 size Oc. Bold by John eontauw 2.1-21 moa as much if the 60c 1.. Woolen. Fcr Bate or Rent—Three I houses in West Greenville. 'Willingham will treat you right' 5 20 & 2tw W. Leslie Smith. mze. Bo ; by Join I, Wootan. Corno hen feed, will make your hens lay Get it at F. V. John- ston's. 6 14 2td ltw thing you r/py need, posito Ho" el Bertha 4 DO tf w Dizon'e pencils, you kaow what they are, at Reflector Book Itar*. SYRUP ooar ami ra aaviaoAL rasa f ao A«» aeeee ta». Aa la*ar*r«*«aat •vaa* auaarr •tna.'b. UimtmnA itmm-.lUt Ha—llUl. a»iiaaji It Ml rfce iviiim at a aata Wv aettnf ti a e«i'nnl. an «>• L»*i'». M.. OI.IKM. MuaraaMad k> IM •aUWaaliM *r aaaSMy n'.it«. Prapan* laf fliitULU NaaXdMH (*.. SHKAIO, U, ». A. FOX 3ALB B^ JNO. 2L» WOOTaW. THE EASTERN REFLECTOR. D. J. WHrHARD, Editor and Owner Truth in Preference to Fiction. f Cne Dollar Per Year VOL. No. XXVI GRFENVILLi:, PITT COUNTY. w NORTH CAROLINA, Fi'lDAY, JUNE 4, !DC9 M)M1 EB 23 MR SMALL'S POSITION SEEKtR AFTER INFORMATION. Caanot Ftrsoually Favor Auy Partica .Qaettions Patted Up to the Town Of- lar Site for Public Builduif. hcialt. Washii gton, N.C., May ^8, 1G09. j Greenville. N. 0. May 29, 1909. Editor Refl-ctcr: jD-f.r Mr. Editor: In view of a number of letters' 1 noticed with gratitude a which I have received frem corner 8et *** ff ' r wom " n in . ... .. i Friday's paper. 1 am sure every prominent citizens of Greenville, i _ * .. , '| woman in town thanks you regarding the s lection of a Now in rt rv , f t . f lhi8 suitable site for the proposed j space you have to kindly given, public building in QraonvtUe, I I make bo'd to fce ; < a little infer* deem it proper to make a puMic'maiion, trusting that this miy statement of my attitude re- j not be in vain gardinjr the matter. I ought' First. Can you t?H me on what not, and I cannot, take a position jdays the traab man goes north favoring or opposing any partic- ular site. This is inclusively a and south, and east and WMtT I am continually in dread of sow local matter, and should be left'one's complaining of my trash to the citizens of Greenville to]box as a nusianc- on the Street, determine. yet I dare pot move it for fear Evenif I should decide to favor 'hew;!! pa 3 j just at that time, some panicular site, I *ou!d i " But he hiS uot P""" - ^ V* 1 -" only do c o after v-ry cartful: li u W)li Pubi.sh a schedule of ptrsnnal examination of all the! h ' 8 *jpa it will 00 greatly appro- sitis and all the locr.l condition?,,*•**•* in order that my conclusion Second. If you are unabl.• t> might be based as far as possible ; do tbis - can V 0 ' 1 teU thiB •*«« upon merit. However, thin ii mus who to apply to for the the function of the treasury i abov ? information department, and not of the district representative in con- Third. Can you give me the name of the sinitary inspeccor ? gress. Suppose, however, I; As he has not called thus far, J should attempt to inform myself; should like •» have hi,r » inspect and reach a conclusion as to the I m * P^miaea. and see that there moat appropriate site, would it l8 nothing toaendanger the health be proper even under such dr-,®' m > neighors or my family, cumstancea for me to advocate' Any light on the subject will be appreciated. anv particular site? I think not. I* am the representative of all the people of Greenville, and if I have any influence with the treasury department, arising from such official position, I Very cordially. Mrs. I ''formation Seeker. {The Reflector believea that under the town ordinances Mon- days and Thursdays are the ought not to use that influence | prescribed daya for . the tow.i in favor of the owner of any cart3 to remove trash, but owing one site, against the owners of m much work to be done there othersites. is no regularity in their move- in view of the fact that an ment As _ t0 the , 8anitar y in ; agent of the treut-rv department 2g"» the ^ n *• no 8 " ch haa.uadea recommendation for fiftsW ' *"«t«<iona along that a particular site, I havertqi-.sted line devolving upon the polic; the treasury departminc to htld , WBet **~ fcU -J up the matter of approval of this raport until July 1st. I first | HOW MANY GOVERNORS DID YOU named June 1st, but have re- quested a month longer, in order that the fullest opportunity may be afforded. I will very gladly arrange for any public hearing before the assistant secretary of the treas- ury upon behalf of any citizen oi delegation of citizens lrum Greenville, in order tnat they may present their views, re- gardless of what their views may be. This is a very important matter for Greenville, because it involves the location of a site for a postoffice building, which will probably not be changed for many years to come, and it is th* right of your board of trade, or any citizens of Green villn to take a part in the de- termination of the matter. I will thank you to uublish this communication, in order that my position may be fully known. I have stated my posi- tion without any mental reserva- tions, and shall endeavor con- sistently to maintain my atti- tude upon the aubject. I shall be absent from Wash ington, D. G, from Tuesday June 1st, for about a week, with a party of congressmen on a trip of inspection of the Norfolk- Beaufort waterway, and after that shall be continuously at Washington, D. C, during the month of June. Very respectfully, Jno. H, Small. FIND. See if You Called Their Nemti Right —Here They Are. 1. Kilchin. 2. Morehead. 3. Tryon. 4 Martin. 5. Lane. 6. Glenn. 7. Russt.ll. 8. White. 9. Fowl or Aycock. 10. Miller. 11. Owen. 12. Stone. 13. Swain. 14. Holden. 10. Jarvis. Largest shipment flue iron aver received in Greenville at one time. I want your orders for flues. J- J. Jenkins. tarlutm'* Warehouse. 6 22 d w Ira Good Work of Greenville Agency. The Greenville agency for the Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York, leads the State in business written in May, C. L. Wilkinson, of this agency, hav- ing written $81,000 which heads the lists of the agents of the entire State. Mr. Wilkinson I says this is easy done, as the 'liberal conditions of the old Mutual Life appeals to the people taking sound insurance. Mr. Wilkinson is receiving many letters iof congratulations from different agencies of the State- During the month of June there will be a contest between the State agencies of North Carolina and Virginia to see which can turn in the most in- surance. District Manager H. B. Harriss says if other local agents do as well as he and Mr. Wilkinson are g^inrr to do he is sure North C»rolina will lead in this conUet. 5 31 ltd ltw JONES-lUNVrALL. A Pretty Evening Marriage of Popular Couple. At the home of Mr. and Mr«. Joseph S- Tunslall, their dauah- Itcr, Miss Minnie Thorpe, was married toftjr. J. Arthur Jones, faaeday evening at 7 o'clock. At the front hali door was Mr. K. B 'furstall, of KtnatOE, with Miss Mamie BnttoTunatall, sister o 1 " the bride, nodrad the quests Mr. and Mrs. C. D. lunstali were at liw 'na: parlor door and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. liali Mn at the tatt parlor door. At the punch Oowi, Mr. T. M. Hooker with liss Vernessa Smith. At C:4o Mrs. W. L. Hall sang "Uecause" and charmed all present with her aweec vo.ee. Mrs. T. E Hooker then sang "O. Premise Me," to the delight Of all present. VV'iniu the sing- ing araf accompanied bf Mrs. J. L. Carper in bar happy mode and masterly touch, the gueetf were arranged to await the arrival •if i.*' bride and groom. The wedding march was ren- dered by Mrs. Carper. Mi-a Mattie Pniliipu, of Kinstop, en- tered the parlor as bridesmaid, then followed thn groom with his best man. AT. C. H Ferguson, and following gauM the bride, 1 aning on the am: of her father. She wore a trave.ing suit of green with hat to match and carried bride roiea. Ths ceremony wai> performed by Kcv. D. W. Arnold, pastor of the bride. The couple left on the evening N. & S. train for a bridal tour to Washington, D. C. The presents were handsome andnunurous, showing the es- teem of the many friends and relatives. The bride is a young lady of many attractions, and the groom a pjpular employe' in the office of the American Tobacco Com- paiiy here. Their many friends M ish them a happy wedded life. RESULT Or PRIMARY. H W. Whedlxe Declared Nominee far Mayor. We, the undersigned, who were appointed to hold and conduct a primary for the nomination of a Democratic candidate for mayor to be voted for at an election to be held on the 7th day of June, l'.iOV, beg leave to report that we have held the said primary on the 1st day of June, 1909, from the hours of 2 to 8:30 p. m., and that the following named persons received the following votes to- wit: Harry Whedbee 21G votes. S. C. Wooten 68 votes. W. H. Long 1 vote. And the said Harry W. Whed- bee having received a majority of all the votes cast we hereby declare him duly nominated aa the Democratic candidate for miyor of Greenville to be voted for on the 7th day of June, 1909. Given under our hands this the 1st day of June, 1909. R. Hyman, L. W. Lawrence. Judges of Primary. [Mayor II. W. Whedbee was the last man to vote; His modesty would not allow him to vote for himself, so he cast his ballot for Mr. W. H. Long, which accounts for that gentleman getting one vote—Ed.] Potato Qnatationi. The pricea of potatoes were quoted today ss follows: Philadelphia-$4.26 to •4.50. I Pittsburg— Firsts |4 25, aee enda S3- BURN THE TRASH. Timely Sogget'.ioo to Help ';'. \> lie Town Clean. Dear Mr. Editor: As another Monday has passed and the trash man has not parsed, v.e bog to say a few words in behiif of our town officials. In your reply to Mrs. Information St ker last Friday, you stated that us there was ro inucii work to be done, the tn& man was unable to make his usu;.* rounds. We air- glad that the Street force is busily en- gaged, and while some may say that the force is inadequate, aid sho'iid be increased, we must all remember that Greenviile't treasury cannot be ovtrflowirg, on M6MMC of raCflt heavy drairs. Therefore it is incrrr.- bent on every citizen to do ail he can to help these good tffidals keep the l«wn free cf rubbish and trath We have noticed in several places that piles of paper and trash have baan borned. Now this is a got d example to be followed by evi ryone, and it is amazing how the town woikof carting away the trash could be lightened if every hou-eholder would do the same thing. Let us, therefore, work to- gether, and by turning every- thing that can be burned, lighten the work of the town officials in keeping the streets clean of loese paper and trash. A Helper. The King'i Daagbten Eipreu Thanks. The Patient Circle of The King's Dau«hti-rg of Greenville desire to return profound thanks and appreciation to all the citi- zens of our town who so kindly contributed time and services to render the stay of rur del. gates pleat ant during the recent con- vention. Especially will t ; ey ever remember the kindness extended by Carolina Club in permitting the use of their handsome rooms for the luncheons and r-c-ptior;; also the Methodist coogregatfoD who so generously off- red their beautiful church for the service*. Tie Musical Club and their accompliaheu president, Mrs. Travis Hooker, were most kind in furnishing delightful music that added much to the ODJ »y- mentof all present Too much cannot be Said in gratitude to Messrs. Wiley Brown and W. H. Dail, Jr., whose services were invaluable in assisting with the transporta- tion of our guests and their bag- gage; nor of Mr. O. E. Warren for his donations of beautiful cut flowers. Mrs. R. Williams, Tn as. Mrs. J. L, Wooten, Sec. Mrs. A. L. Blow, Pros. RESOLUTIONS OF/tLSPECT. DLACK JACK ITEMS. Htl! cl Covecar.! Lodge No. 17. 1. 0. Black Jack, N. C. June 1. 0". F. ,' E. L. C'ark has returned from ,.., ,,, . . .WhiUettInstitute, "here he has Whireap, an AUwise I'rovi- - . .. . . , /•„ , * i i ibe«n taking a t cainess coarse. «:•> ce IIHS seen fit '.', tike from] this world th" soul of o^r belovi d broth- . Dr. .1 .V Bymim; there fore be it resolved: 1st. That h t:.i death of, Brother J. N. Byiurn our lo'.i losssooeof its oldest and faith i ful mernoe.-s, thecodPty one ot its beat ar.d tr'j- it dtiz ns. 2nd. Tnat we, the members Iof Covenant !-'-• •<*, deeply mourn I the loss tint baa come upon us by the death of Brother Bynum, , and f'.e! that a place is made va leant that will be hard [•; fill. 3.d. That we extend to the j bereaved family of Brother By- jnum our heartfelt sympathy in their great 'oss,and would com* mend them to Him whodoeth all things well, who alone carj com- fort them i;i their sad bereave* ment. 4tr:. That a copy of these res- oiution> be sent v> the family of our deceased brother, and a c 'py spread on our minutes, and tnat a copy be sent IO The Reflector for publication. D. C. Moore, I L. H. Pend.r, J. L Dis m and W. V. Clark attended the eomm»r-c*fl>ent at •'. d< n Is t we k. 1 ;• renort . fine thn*. ' A i" C '.: of Ayd«sn. -,.- . here Satnrdi y and londa). Mr. and Mrs. L. I'. end e I dren, of ' '. %' .. guest uf Mr W L. Clark Sattu ' ' ams (ill, were '. Mrs. ; ight und D. W. Uardee,) ROCHDALE ITEMS. Com. RocidV: >, X. C, Ju^.e 1. 1909. Iw mifh went to Farmville Wednesday evening. Mrs. C E McLawhorn and Mark Smith delegates from Smith's School bouse church and J. Ii. Smith delegate from the Sunday school to the Bookerton union meeting, left Friday even- ing, to stop at Wilson and pp'-nd] the night and to make their way Saturday morning to Fremont to the union. They returned Mon- day and report a good meeting. Rev. S. W. Sumerd, of Grif-1 ing fine, i ton. arri-'.ii Saturday evening at 'c. E. McLawhorn's and pr»-»ch- e.i u very good sermon that night at SmitO'a »cho )l house. He Sur-day. Mr. and r- W. J. Mayo, of Oum .-' i. ;:ii« ra also th'-ir guest . MUsB rtha Coward, of Salem, was the guest of Mi a Bettie and Jama Harper Saturday night snd Sunday. J. A. Clarlt pud sister. Miss Martha, stietded thecommence* ment at Urimesland Thursday I night. i Mist Sophia Uardee, of Mac- cedonfa church : : p"nt Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Lillie Buck. Mil SM It'.'thI Edwards and Alice Biggs returned b >me Sun- day evening after spending a few days with Miss Martha William* - . J. Ii. Clark spent Saturday night and Sunday nere. Adam Qaskins is on the sick li-.t. Hop? he will oe better soon. We wore very glad to see so- many out I'bursday night to hear the debate. It was ably discus- sed by the young men. There will be another of s Friday night. Miss Zara Edward.-: spent Sat- urday night and Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. M. H. Arnold. Tnerc will bs an exsreise giv- en here by the pupil.; of the Satbath school ac WinterviHe on Sunday m"rning, at 10.30. We hope to have a large crowd present. Crop3 in thi. j section are look- Thanks to Phy»ici«m and DruggUlt The North Carolina Branch of The King's Daughteni and Sons, assembled in State convention in Greenville May 2U-27, by ris- ing vote expressed sincere thanks to the physicians and drugurists throughout the State for their ready response to all demands made upon them for services and medicine by memaers of the order. Committee. State papers please copy. also preached :>n excellent rer- mon Sunday at 11 a. m. and 'returned home Sunday evening Mills Smith went to Greenville Saturday, Patrick Cobb, of Kinston was in our action Saturday night and Sunday, Miss Trott, of Richlands, who is visiting Mrs. T. A. Nichols and Mrs. Nichols were in our town Sunday. Mrs. C. L. and Leon Tyson, of Renston, cume Saturday morn- ing to visit at C. E. McLawhorn's and returned home Sunday. Sheriff Tucker and ex-sheriff Harrington were stopping at Ivy Smith's Sunday evening. J. H. Flanagan, of Farmville, was at ivy Smith's Sunday. Several people were stopping at F. M. Smith's Sunday fr3m the Primitive Baptist union meeting; held at Tyson's. Miss Agnes Smith left yester- day morning tor Grifton to at- tend the marriage of Miss May Brooks and Mr. Joe Cobb, of Jamesville. T. E. Little has been on the sick list for nearly a week. fhe Dr.: r. Cor pi The dms parade of Bryan Falie Statement Corrected. My competitors are trying to get orders for tobacco flues by telling farmers they have bought me out of the busi- ness, patterns and all. It is entirely falae, as I am still very much in the flue business and have a large stock on hand. Fluea now ready for delivery. Come early to avoid the rush. L. H. Pender, Main Street. 6 1 4*4 2tw Grimes Drum Corps on Evans street Wednesday evening was witnessed t-y a large number of people. The boys acquitted them- selves well and executed the drill mov?ments in goo] order. The moving picture tho<* at the Gem Theatr) was for the benefit of the corps and was well patron- ized. The Gem had on a program of excellent pictures. For Sale. On Monday, June 21st, at 12 o'clock we will sell at public action to the highest bidder before the court house in Green- ville one hons now ased for the Free Will Baptist church known as the public school house. And one lot 75x75 on Eleventh street near said church. Terms of sale one-fourth cash, remain- der by Jan. 1st, I!'10. A. L. Potter. j, T. Abrams, C. A. Jones. Building Committee. G 1 to G 15 & to 6 19 Strawberries at S. M. Schultz'?. When you have baggage to go Mrs. Mills Smith ha3 been to trains phone No. 45. 2 11 tf very sick for several days with! chills and fever. The weather has got warm enough fcr crops to grow and the farmers have put on a pleasant look. Crops are look- ing well in spite of the long cool spell we had in May. You don't lose your fountain pen or pencil if you have a "Modern Clip." They cost but 6 eoiit.i at Uetloctor Book Stare. Everybody wants the best '.flour, it is Henry Clay, at S. M. iSchultz. I For tobacco fluea aee J. J. Jenkins at Parham'a warehouse. »22d wlm Letters from Rev. B. F. Huske, who is unde tfaai wnt In a Bal- timore hospital, b' nu the grati- fying information t<> nil host of friends that his improvement is progressing SBtisfactorly. A >~jkt\ -

WINTERVILLE THE EASTERN REFLECTOR. - ..:.„.;»_ „ *i :\ , „ , ,;f,,\ ].j * ,., - "• B'' ',,• . *», « and . — \ ™ . -^^ Capital „) & ; »" •••

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    Authorized Agent oi The Eastern Reflector tor Wir.terville and Vicinity-Advertising Rates on Application

    We are headquarter* for the peg-t ttfa and reversible disc hai row:, stalk eutiers, Syracuse

    A. G. Cox Manufacturing Co. i Miss Ethel May Carroll is at,

    Raleigh attending the B. U. W.' two i - plows. No fsrnterean commencement. d" without these valuable ma-; Get the "Syracuse" plow for Chiiies on his farm. We can | tearing up new grounds. giv.> y HJ pric s that will interest' Harrington, Barber & Co. you. Harrington, Barber & Co. I Mice Fattia Sutton went to

    J D C x left for F^irmua;Greenville today. V. c-.i . . Chickens and eggs a specialty.

    M ''- >!da Bi wning and Come and get tiie best prices, herd r, Miss Mamie, who Harrington, Barber & Co. b n vidting Urs. A. W., Miss Sarah Barker went to ange thia week, returned to|chocowinity this morning. t ; home at Jamesville, Thurs- Wc are carrying a nice line of da> .;. .;.ii g. j Coffinsand Cr.skets. Prices are

    M ::. .. an went to G reenviile; rj^ht and can iur.iish nice hearse Wed. i day. | service. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.

    \ mint our line of Mieses Magdalene, Ver.etia and men i and b y's spring batsjjeanett Ccx. Olive Butt. Miriam that h per.edup. Johnson and M- J. Bryan and

    ' rtonfia r&Co. Gordan Johnson went to Wash- P*nt last night r.. ppointmei t M. ':. wi th Mie Bertha Carroll. i Sundaj on J. F. Stokca wa in town yes-

    . .*. ot other engagements he t .".': ly. i. ... reach at nig it.

    MsPills TM> ponulnr remedy never (nils to effectually cure

    dyspepsia, Constipation, S!ck 1 cod;'.; ho. Biliousness

    Ami ALL DIS1-ASUS arising from a To.-pi'J tiver And Bad Digest ion

    The nntural result Is good appetite and solid flesh. Ihisc .small; tl.gant- l> Auearcoatcd and easy to swallow.

    Take No Substitute.


    Mystery of Child's DisiporaraBce Safe ed by Opening the Bale in Liver-


    News from Liverpool that the body of a boy baby was found in a bale of Texas-grown cotton uti earths the mysterious disappear. anceof a 2J-months-old ton cf George Haitman, a farmer of Giilespie county, Texas, abiut six months ago.

    It is believed the body is that of the Haitman chi.d and that he was killed in a gin and the frail body crushed into a bale of cot- ton which was exported and found its way to the Liverpool cotton mills. The descrip'ion answers that of the child, which, it was feared had met death by drowning in a river.

    Late in November the father carried a wagon load of cotton to a gin in a small town in Giilespie county, and the baby son accom panied him. The child was missed, but the father thought some of his friends had the boy in charge. The search was kept up for many weeks and a reward otfered, but no trace of the body was found. Evidently the tot got into one of the cotton presses and was killed and baled in the cotton. The nody will be ship- ped to America. Concord Time.

    'Willingham will treat you right



    At the close of business April .'Mb, 1909,


    Loans and discounts furniture ami ftxturei Demand loam Dai- from bksandbkri Gold coin Silver coin. Including

    minor eurreney Nul bank note* and other


    18,411.61 Capitol itoek. 1.178 >'! Surnhi- fund

    loO.llll 2..T.I7. in

    J.'u ""


    I . S. notes Total

    1,687 mptomi of i ; l- I nty dlssftpi. Tii'-y ii.'" a lonla to ti,e lentirs ivntairi and binM aprtMiurUlsnd health. Price 60s and . i.-o. :..ii l,y John I,. Woot-n.

    I', tea

    headache, constipation, bilioueneas and HI her (ymptomi of liver disorders. Particularly recommended for Jaundice

    n ehllla. favaf, malurin. The fl.00 size Oc. Bold by John eontauw 2.1-21 moa as much if the 60c 1.. Woolen.

    Fcr Bate or RentThree I houses in West Greenville.

    'Willingham will treat you right' 5 20 & 2tw W. Leslie Smith.

    mze. Bo ; by Join I, Wootan.

    Corno hen feed, will make your hens lay Get it at F. V. John- ston's. 6 14 2td ltw

    thing you r/py need, posito Ho" el Bertha 4 DO tf w

    Dizon'e pencils, you kaow what they are, at Reflector Book Itar*.

    SYRUP ooar ami ra aaviaoAL rasa f ao A aeeee ta.

    Aa la*ar*r*aat vaa* auaarr tna.'b. UimtmnA itmm-.lUt HallUl. aiiaaji It Ml rfce iviiim at a aata Wv aettnf ti a ei'nnl. an > L*i'. M.. OI.IKM. MuaraaMad k> IM aUWaaliM *r aaaSMy n'.it. Prapan* laf fliitULU NaaXdMH (*.. SHKAIO, U, . A.


    THE EASTERN REFLECTOR. D. J. WHrHARD, Editor and Owner Truth in Preference to Fiction. f Cne Dollar Per Year




    Caanot Ftrsoually Favor Auy Partica .Qaettions Patted Up to the Town Of- lar Site for Public Builduif. hcialt.

    Washii gton, N.C., May ^8, 1G09. j Greenville. N. 0. May 29, 1909.

    Editor Refl-ctcr: jD-f.r Mr. Editor: In view of a number of letters' 1 noticed with gratitude a

    which I have received frem corner 8et *** ff'r wom"n in . ... .. i Friday's paper. 1 am sure every prominent citizens of Greenville, i _ * .. ,

    '| woman in town thanks you regarding the s lection of aNow in rtrv,ft. f lhi8 suitable site for the proposed j space you have to kindly given, public building in QraonvtUe, I I make bo'd to fce;< a little infer* deem it proper to make a puMic'maiion, trusting that this miy statement of my attitude re- j not be in vain gardinjr the matter. I ought' First. Can you t?H me on what not, and I cannot, take a position jdays the traab man goes north favoring or opposing any partic- ular site. This is inclusively a

    and south, and east and WMtT I am continually in dread of sow

    local matter, and should be left'one's complaining of my trash to the citizens of Greenville to]box as a nusianc- on the Street, determine. yet I dare pot move it for fear

    Evenif I should decide to favor 'hew;!! pa3j just at that time, some panicular site, I *ou!d i "But he hiS uot P"""-^ V*1-" only do co after v-ry cartful:

    li yu W)li Pubi.sh a schedule of ptrsnnal examination of all the!h'8 *jpa it will 00 greatly appro- sitis and all the locr.l condition?,,**** in order that my conclusion Second. If you are unabl. t>

    might be based as far as possible ;do tbis- can V0'1 teU thiB *upon merit. However, thin ii mus who to apply to for the the function of the treasury iabov? information department, and not of the district representative in con-

    Third. Can you give me the name of the sinitary inspeccor ?

    gress. Suppose, however, I; As he has not called thus far, J should attempt to inform myself;should like have hi,r inspect and reach a conclusion as to the Im* P^miaea. and see that there moat appropriate site, would it l8 nothing toaendanger the health be proper even under such dr-,' m> neighors or my family, cumstancea for me to advocate' Any light on the subject will

    be appreciated. anv particular site? I think not. I* am the representative of all the people of Greenville, and if I have any influence with the treasury department, arising from such official position, I

    Very cordially. Mrs. I ''formation Seeker.

    {The Reflector believea that under the town ordinances Mon- days and Thursdays are the

    ought not to use that influence | prescribed daya for . the tow.i in favor of the owner of any cart3 to remove trash, but owing one site, against the owners of m much work to be done there othersites. is no regularity in their move-

    in view of the fact that an ment As_ t0 the ,8anitary in; agent of the treut-rv department 2g" the ^n *no 8"ch haa.uadea recommendation for fiftsW' *"tent at '. d< n Is t we k. 1 ; renort . fine thn*.

    'A i" C '.: of Aydsn. -,.- . here Satnrdi y and londa).

    Mr. and Mrs. L. I'. end e I dren, of ''. %'

    .. guest uf Mr W L. Clark Sattu

    ' ' ams (ill, were

    '. Mrs. ; ight und

    D. W. Uardee,)



    RocidV: >, X. C, Ju^.e 1. 1909.

    Iw mifh went to Farmville Wednesday evening.

    Mrs. C E McLawhorn and Mark Smith delegates from Smith's School bouse church and J. Ii. Smith delegate from the Sunday school to the Bookerton union meeting, left Friday even- ing, to stop at Wilson and pp'-nd] the night and to make their way Saturday morning to Fremont to the union. They returned Mon- day and report a good meeting.

    Rev. S. W. Sumerd, of Grif-1 ing fine, i ton. arri-'.ii Saturday evening at 'c. E. McLawhorn's and pr-ch- e.i u very good sermon that night at SmitO'a cho )l house. He

    Sur-day. Mr. and r- W. J. Mayo, of Oum .-' i. ;:ii ra also th'-ir guest .

    MUsB rtha Coward, of Salem, was the guest of Mi a Bettie and Jama Harper Saturday night snd Sunday.

    J. A. Clarlt pud sister. Miss Martha, stietded thecommence* ment at Urimesland Thursday

    I night. i Mist Sophia Uardee, of Mac- cedonfa church ::p"nt Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Lillie Buck.

    Mil SM It'.'thI Edwards and Alice Biggs returned b >me Sun- day evening after spending a few days with Miss Martha William*-