Case s tud y wellcome middle school, north carolina R r l Nor h C rolin Mi l school Promo In ivi liz Prof ion l d v lopm n School Improvement Network www.schoolimprov ement.com | www.PD360.com | 800.572.1153 “Pd 360 u uz p- f vp u vu . i pk f p xp u ju v ff ppuy pp fuy fu g uy pub pv gup, uy , v .” t F a Pp w m s P cuy s, nc Wellcome Middle School (WMS) is located in rural Greenville, North Carolina and serves 460 students with 35 teachers. WMS is dedicated to providing students with academic excellence and creating an environment where staff, parents, and community bond together to build a rich learning climate. All are c ommitted to the school motto: Wildcats will exceed the expectation of others by aspiring to reach higher heights of excellence. Like many schools, WMS faces challenges. These include: Title I designation 80% of students eligible for free or reduced lunches Minority-majority student population of 63% Black, 18% Hispanic, and 14% White Ranked 535th of 612 North Carolina public middle schools District-wide budget cuts Thomas Feller is a dynamic, motivated administrator who understands the effect that powerful professional development (PD) has on teachers and the impact that empowered teachers have on students. Introduced to PD 360, he was impressed by the comprehensive, individualized PD and remembered it three years later when he became Assistant Principal at WMS. Mr. Feller knew the results for the school would be enormous and was pleased when Title I funds were allocated to purchase a subscription. “Pd 360 y ug f ju v by f u f u, bu - y . i pv g. i y v f b. w p u g g .” t F a Pp w m s P cuy s, nc PD 360 is an on-demand library of professional teacher development resources that leverages technology to make professional learning more effective, convenient, and sustainable. With over 200 hours of research-based video content,plustoolsforfollow-up,tracking,reection,and group training, PD 360 is the most comprehensive solution  to your professional teacher development needs. sCHOOL PROFILe sOLutION CHaLLeNGes aBOut Pd 360

PD for Title 1 - PD 360 Case Study

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8/3/2019 PD for Title 1 - PD 360 Case Study

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www.schoolimprovement.com | www.PD360.com | 800.572.1153

More than 700,000 educators across North America

already use PD 360 to access individualized support on

 the most relevant topics, like differentiation, minority

student achievement, English language learners, classroom

instruction that works, leadership, assessment, and many

more. PD 360’s content is divided into hundreds of indexed

and searchable segments that make it easy for teachers,

administrators, aspiring leaders, coaches, mentors,

paraprofessionals, and professional learning communities


added to keep educators up to date. See a demonstration

at www.pd360.com.

In November 2010, Mr. Feller introduced PD 360 to

 teachers by showing video segments at every faculty

meeting. In January 2011, the administrators and teachers

were trained and the program was put into action in the

following areas:

WMS requires PLCs to use PD 360 as a learning tool. The

 teachers select a video, watch it on their own, then meet

 to discuss classroom implementation. Most groups chose


In addition to using it in PLCs, PD 360 has been used to

support staff development days. The group would watch the

video together then spend time discussing and processing 

it, using the guidebooks as a general guide but also pulling 

in additional resources as were appropriate.

“Pd 360 u b Plc 21

uy v f bk uy. i ff y

and efcient way to conduct PLCs by providing the

, u gu, v u

yu v uy , v,

p g yu b

yu v!”

t F

a Pp

w m s

P cuy s, nc

Career licensed employees receive a minimum of two

observations each year for years 1-4 and then four obser-

vations in year 5 while probationary licensed employees

receive a minimum of four observations every year.

Observation 360 was also implemented at this time,


instructional leaders to perform effective classroom

observations using an iPad, iPhone or iTouch. Feedback is




with 15 appropriate credits. PD 360 viewing is used to

earn Continuing Education Units along with planned district

 training and college courses.

Professional Development Plans are built yearly with

each WMS teacher and Action Plans are put together as

needed for struggling teachers who demonstrate severe


of plans for teacher growth in pinpointed areas.

WMS is promoting PD 360’s Learning 360 Framework

with its educators for development and increased studentachievement. This comprehensive, research-based

framework is strictly modeled on best practices for school

improvement and educator PD through teacher education.


 to love and utilize it as evidenced by their high usage and

increased exchange of ideas. Good teacher response to

PD transforms to enthusiasm in the classroom that in turn

motivates students.



January 2011- September 2011







Average Minutes

Viewed Per User

624 1,134 9,426 241.7

Mr. Feller knows that PD should focus on job-embeddedresponsibilities and meet diverse teacher needs as more



in PD 360 to improve teaching and provide support when

needed instead of waiting for workshops.

Because PD 360 is an online and on-demand solution,

WMS teachers can access it anytime and anywhere they



Proessional Learning Communities (PLCs)

Staf Development Days

Classroom Observations

License Renewal

Proessional Development Plans / Action Plans

Learning 360 Framework

Teacher Enthusiasm

Diferentiated Teacher Development

Accessibility / Unlimited Use

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www.schoolimprovement.com | www.PD360.com | 800.572.1153

have the Internet. They can log on at home as well as at

work, which encourages teachers to take charge of learning 

on their own time schedule. Educators have unlimited

access to view segments and programs as many times as

 they wish.

The real classroom examples shown in PD 360 programs

have been most helpful to WMS teachers by demonstrating 

how the practices are implemented.

PD 360 is proving to be a great conversation starter in

PLCs, staff meetings, teacher groups, and in-service

activities. Watching a program as a group or assigning it

ahead is a start to good dialogue.

“Pd 360 v by p

v gg g. a ’

zg bu . w k f b

xp f b y fy g jb v pf

v pf. a

ppy p, ’ Pd 360 .”

t F

a Pp

w m s

P cuy s, nc

PD 360 supports consistent common language and


unity and an ongoing collective vision with all educators.

By improving classroom instruction, PD 360 is a positive

impact on student achievement.

Wellcome Middle School, NC

ABC Growth Results







































Every aspect of PD 360, from easy navigation to versatile

application, is designed to encourage educator interaction

and to customize PD to individual needs. At WMS, teachers

are working together to overcome challenges and students


“t v ppuy v

video segments that both dene and demonstrate

u p (

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v v bu

p k p g

u . Pd 360

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gv p .”

t F

a Pp

w m s

P cuy s, nc


School Improvement Network is the leading provider of  teacher education and teacher training, specializing in

on-demand, research-based professional development

anytime, anywhere. As the home of The Video Journal of 

Education, PD 360, Observation 360, and the Learning 

360 Framework, School Improvement Network’s education

 training resources focus on the most relevant topics, such

as classroom management, minority student achievement,

English language learners, and more. The resources also

feature top experts such as Michael Fullan and Douglas

Reeves, and show how to put theory into practice. With its

focus on long-term improvement, sustainability, and greater

internal capacity, School Improvement Network helps its

clients close achievement gaps, meet high standards, and

increase student learning for both elementary education

and secondary education. To learn more about School

Improvement Network’s dynamic resources, visit



To read more case studies, scan this QRcode with a smartphone or visit www.schoolimprovement.com/casestudies

Teacher Interaction


Real Classroom Examples

Common Language and Practice

Improved Student Growth