PCFG Parsing, Evaluation, & Improvements Ling 571 Deep Processing Techniques for NLP January 24, 2011

PCFG Parsing, Evaluation, & Improvements Ling 571 Deep Processing Techniques for NLP January 24, 2011

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PCFG Parsing, Evaluation, & Improvements

Ling 571Deep Processing Techniques for NLP

January 24, 2011

RoadmapParsing PCGFs:

Probabilistic CKY parsing


Issues:Positional and lexical independence assumptions

Improvements:Lexicalization: PLCFGs

Parsing Problem for PCFGsSelect T such that:

String of words S is yield of parse tree over SSelect tree that maximizes probability of parse

Extend existing algorithms: CKY & EarleyMost modern PCFG parsers based on CKY

Augmented with probabilities

Probabilistic CKYLike regular CKY

Assume grammar in Chomsky Normal Form (CNF)Productions:

A -> B C or A -> w

Represent input with indices b/t wordsE.g., 0 Book 1 that 2 flight 3 through 4 Houston 5

For input string length n and non-terminals VCell[I,j,A] in (n+1)x(n+1)xV matrix contains

Probability that constituent A spans [i,j]

Probabilistic CKY Algorithm

PCKY Grammar Segment

PCKY Matrix:The flight includes a meal

Det: 0.4


PCKY Matrix:The flight includes a meal

Det: 0.4


N: 0.2


PCKY Matrix:The flight includes a meal

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.2=.0024[0,2]

N: 0.2


PCKY Matrix:The flight includes a meal

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.2=.0024[0,2]

N: 0.2


V: 0.05


PCKY Matrix:The flight includes a meal

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.2=.0024[0,2]

N: 0.2

[1,2] [1,3]

V: 0.05


PCKY Matrix:The flight includes a meal

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.2=.0024[0,2] [0,3]

N: 0.2

[1,2] [1,3]

V: 0.05


PCKY Matrix:The flight includes a meal

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.2=.0024[0,2] [0,3]

N: 0.2

[1,2] [1,3]

V: 0.05


Det: 0.4


PCKY Matrix:The flight includes a meal

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.2=.0024[0,2] [0,3]

N: 0.2

[1,2] [1,3]

V: 0.05

[2,3] [2,4]

Det: 0.4


PCKY Matrix:The flight includes a meal

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.2=.0024[0,2] [0,3]

N: 0.2

[1,2] [1,3] [1,4]

V: 0.05

[2,3] [2,4]

Det: 0.4


PCKY Matrix:The flight includes a meal

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.2=.0024[0,2] [0,3] [0,4]

N: 0.2

[1,2] [1,3] [1,4]

V: 0.05

[2,3] [2,4]

Det: 0.4


PCKY Matrix:The flight includes a meal

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.02=.0024[0,2] [0,3] [0,4]

N: 0.2[1,2] [1,3] [1,4]

V: 0.05

[2,3] [2,4]

Det: 0.4


N: 0.01[4,5]

PCKY Matrix:The flight includes a meal

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.02=.0024[0,2] [0,3] [0,4]

N: 0.2[1,2] [1,3] [1,4]

V: 0.05

[2,3] [2,4]

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.01=0.0012[3,5]

N: 0.01[4,5]

PCKY Matrix:The flight includes a meal

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.02=.0024[0,2] [0,3] [0,4]

N: 0.2[1,2] [1,3] [1,4]

V: 0.05

[2,3] [2,4]

VP: 0.2*0.05*0.0012=0.000012 [2,5]

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.01=0.0012[3,5]

N: 0.01[4,5]

PCKY Matrix:The flight includes a meal

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.02=.0024[0,2] [0,3] [0,4]

S: 0.000012* 0.0024[0.5]

N: 0.2[1,2] [1,3] [1,4] [1,5]

V: 0.05

[2,3] [2,4]

VP: 0.2*0.05*0.0012=0.000012 [2,5]

Det: 0.4


NP: 0.3*0.4*0.01=0.0012[3,5]

N: 0.01[4,5]

Probabilistic Parser Development Paradigm

Training:(Large) Set of sentences with associated parses

(Treebank)E.g., Wall Street Journal section of Penn Treebank, sec 2-21

39,830 sentences

Used to estimate rule probabilities

Probabilistic Parser Development Paradigm

Training:(Large) Set of sentences with associated parses

(Treebank)E.g., Wall Street Journal section of Penn Treebank, sec 2-21

39,830 sentences

Used to estimate rule probabilities

Development (dev):(Small) Set of sentences with associated parses (WSJ,

22)Used to tune/verify parser; check for overfitting, etc.

Probabilistic Parser Development Paradigm

Training: (Large) Set of sentences with associated parses (Treebank)

E.g., Wall Street Journal section of Penn Treebank, sec 2-21 39,830 sentences

Used to estimate rule probabilities

Development (dev): (Small) Set of sentences with associated parses (WSJ, 22)

Used to tune/verify parser; check for overfitting, etc.

Test: (Small-med) Set of sentences w/parses (WSJ, 23)

2416 sentences Held out, used for final evaluation

Parser EvaluationAssume a ‘gold standard’ set of parses for test


How can we tell how good the parser is?

How can we tell how good a parse is?

Parser EvaluationAssume a ‘gold standard’ set of parses for test


How can we tell how good the parser is?

How can we tell how good a parse is?Maximally strict: identical to ‘gold standard’

Parser EvaluationAssume a ‘gold standard’ set of parses for test


How can we tell how good the parser is?

How can we tell how good a parse is?Maximally strict: identical to ‘gold standard’

Partial credit:

Parser EvaluationAssume a ‘gold standard’ set of parses for test


How can we tell how good the parser is?

How can we tell how good a parse is?Maximally strict: identical to ‘gold standard’

Partial credit:Constituents in output match those in reference

Same start point, end point, non-terminal symbol

ParsevalHow can we compute parse score from


Multiple measures:Labeled recall (LR):

# of correct constituents in hyp. parse# of constituents in reference parse

ParsevalHow can we compute parse score from


Multiple measures:Labeled recall (LR):

# of correct constituents in hyp. parse# of constituents in reference parse

Labeled precision (LP):# of correct constituents in hyp. parse# of total constituents in hyp. parse

Parseval (cont’d)F-measure:

Combines precision and recall

F1-measure: β=1

Crossing-brackets:# of constituents where reference parse has

bracketing ((A B) C) and hyp. has (A (B C))

Precision and RecallGold standard

(S (NP (A a) ) (VP (B b) (NP (C c)) (PP (D d))))

Hypothesis(S (NP (A a)) (VP (B b) (NP (C c) (PP (D d)))))

Precision and RecallGold standard

(S (NP (A a) ) (VP (B b) (NP (C c)) (PP (D d))))

Hypothesis(S (NP (A a)) (VP (B b) (NP (C c) (PP (D d)))))

G: S(0,4) NP(0,1) VP (1,4) NP (2,3) PP(3,4)

Precision and RecallGold standard

(S (NP (A a) ) (VP (B b) (NP (C c)) (PP (D d))))

Hypothesis(S (NP (A a)) (VP (B b) (NP (C c) (PP (D d)))))

G: S(0,4) NP(0,1) VP (1,4) NP (2,3) PP(3,4)

H: S(0,4) NP(0,1) VP (1,4) NP (2,4) PP(3,4)

Precision and RecallGold standard

(S (NP (A a) ) (VP (B b) (NP (C c)) (PP (D d))))

Hypothesis(S (NP (A a)) (VP (B b) (NP (C c) (PP (D d)))))

G: S(0,4) NP(0,1) VP (1,4) NP (2,3) PP(3,4)

H: S(0,4) NP(0,1) VP (1,4) NP (2,4) PP(3,4)

LP: 4/5

Precision and RecallGold standard

(S (NP (A a) ) (VP (B b) (NP (C c)) (PP (D d))))

Hypothesis(S (NP (A a)) (VP (B b) (NP (C c) (PP (D d)))))

G: S(0,4) NP(0,1) VP (1,4) NP (2,3) PP(3,4)

H: S(0,4) NP(0,1) VP (1,4) NP (2,4) PP(3,4)

LP: 4/5

LR: 4/5

Precision and RecallGold standard

(S (NP (A a) ) (VP (B b) (NP (C c)) (PP (D d))))

Hypothesis (S (NP (A a)) (VP (B b) (NP (C c) (PP (D d)))))

G: S(0,4) NP(0,1) VP (1,4) NP (2,3) PP(3,4)

H: S(0,4) NP(0,1) VP (1,4) NP (2,4) PP(3,4)

LP: 4/5

LR: 4/5

F1: 4/5

State-of-the-Art ParsingParsers trained/tested on Wall Street Journal PTB

LR: 90%; LP: 90%; Crossing brackets: 1%

Standard implementation of Parseval: evalb

Evaluation IssuesConstituents?

Evaluation IssuesConstituents?

Other grammar formalisms LFG, Dependency structure, ..

Require conversion to PTB format

Evaluation IssuesConstituents?

Other grammar formalisms LFG, Dependency structure, ..

Require conversion to PTB format

Extrinsic evaluationHow well does this match semantics, etc?

Parser IssuesPCFGs make many (unwarranted) independence

assumptionsStructural Dependency

NP -> Pronoun: much more likely in subject position

Lexical DependencyVerb subcategorizationCoordination ambiguity

Improving PCFGs:Structural Dependencies

How can we capture Subject/Object asymmetry?E.g., NPsubj-> Pron vs NPObj->Pron

Parent annotation:Annotate each node with parent in parse tree

E.g., NP^S vs NP^VPAlso annotate pre-terminals:


Can also split rules on other conditions

Parent Annotation

Parent Annotation:Pre-terminals

Parent AnnotationAdvantages:

Captures structural dependency in grammars

Parent AnnotationAdvantages:

Captures structural dependency in grammars

Disadvantages: Increases number of rules in grammar

Parent AnnotationAdvantages:

Captures structural dependency in grammars

Disadvantages: Increases number of rules in grammarDecreases amount of training per rule

Strategies to search for optimal # of rules

Improving PCFGs:Lexical Dependencies

Lexicalized rules:Best known parsers: Collins, Charniak parsersEach non-terminal annotated with its lexical head

E.g. verb with verb phrase, noun with noun phraseEach rule must identify RHS element as head

Heads propagate up treeConceptually like adding 1 rule per head value

VP(dumped) -> VBD(dumped)NP(sacks)PP(into)VP(dumped) -> VBD(dumped)NP(cats)PP(into)

Lexicalized PCFGsAlso, add head tag to non-terminals

Head tag: Part-of-speech tag of head wordVP(dumped) -> VBD(dumped)NP(sacks)PP(into)VP(dumped,VBD) ->


Two types of rules:Lexical rules: pre-terminal -> word

Deterministic, probability 1 Internal rules: all other expansions

Must estimate probabilities


PLCFGsIssue: Too many rules

No way to find corpus with enough examples

PLCFGsIssue: Too many rules

No way to find corpus with enough examples

(Partial) Solution: Independence assumedCondition rule on

Category of LHS, head

Condition head onCategory of LHS and parent’s head

PLCFGsIssue: Too many rules

No way to find corpus with enough examples

(Partial) Solution: Independence assumedCondition rule on

Category of LHS, head

Condition head onCategory of LHS and parent’s head


nmhnnhpnhnnrpSTP )))((,|)((*))(.|)((),(

Disambiguation Example

Disambiguation Example



























