PC Chapter 43

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  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 43


    Chapter 43

    Molecules and Solids

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 43


    Molecular Bonds

    Introduction The bonding mechanisms in a molecule

    are fundamentally due to electric forces

    The forces are related to a potential

    energy function

    A stable molecule would be expected at

    a configuration for which the potential

    energy function has its minimum value

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    Molecular Bonds Feature 1 The force between atoms is repulsive at

    very small separation distances This repulsion is partially electrostatic and

    partially due to the exclusion principle Due to the exclusion principle, some

    electrons in overlapping shells are forced

    into higher energy states The energy of the system increases as if a

    repulsive force existed between the atoms

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    Molecular Bonds Feature 2 The force between the atoms is

    attractive at larger distances The attractive force (for many molecules) is

    due to the dipole-dipole interactionbetween charge distributions within theatoms of the molecules

    The electric fields of two dipoles willinteract, resulting in a force between thedipoles

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    Potential Energy Function The potential energy for a system of two

    atoms can be expressed in the form

    ris the internuclear separation distance

    m and n are small integers A is associated with the attractive force B is associated with the repulsive force

    ( )n m

    A BU rr r

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 43


    Potential Energy Function,

    Graph At large separations,

    the slope of the curve ispositive Corresponds to a net

    attractive force

    At the equilibriumseparation distance, theattractive and repulsive

    forces just balance At this point the potential

    energy is a minimum The slope is zero

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    Molecular Bonds Types Simplified models of molecular bonding

    include Ionic


    van der Waals


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    Ionic Bonding Ionic bonding occurs when two atoms

    combine in such a way that one or more

    outer electrons are transferred from oneatom to the other

    Ionic bonds are fundamentally caused

    by the Coulomb attraction betweenoppositely charged ions

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    Ionic Bonding, cont. When an electron makes a transition

    from the E= 0 to a negative energy

    state, energy is released The amount of this energy is called the

    electron affinity of the atom

    The dissociation energy is the amountof energy needed to break themolecular bonds and produce neutralatoms

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    Ionic Bonding, NaCl Example

    The graph shows the total energy of the molecule

    vs the internuclear distance

    The minimum energy is at the equilibrium

    separation distance

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    Ionic Bonding,final The energy of the molecule is lower

    than the energy of the system of two

    neutral atoms It is said that it is energetically

    favorable for the molecule to form The system of two atoms can reduce its

    energy by transferring energy out of the

    system and forming a molecule

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    Covalent Bonding A covalent bond between two atoms is

    one in which electrons supplied by

    either one or both atoms are shared bythe two atoms

    Covalent bonds can be described interms of atomic wave functions

    The example will be two hydrogenatoms forming H2

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    Wave Function Two Atoms

    Far Apart Each atom has a

    wave function

    There is little overlap

    between the wavefunctions of the two


    1 31( ) or as


    r ea

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 43


    Wave Function Molecule The two atoms are

    brought close together

    The wave functionsoverlap and form the

    compound wave shown

    The probability

    amplitude is larger

    between the atoms than

    on either side

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    Active Figure 43.3


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    Covalent Bonding, Final The probability is higher that the electrons

    associated with the atoms will be located

    between them This can be modeled as if there were a fixed

    negative charge between the atoms, exerting

    attractive Coulomb forces on both nuclei

    The result is an overall attractive force

    between the atoms, resulting in the covalent


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    Van der Waals Bonding Two neutral molecules are attracted to each

    other by weak electrostatic forces called vander Waals forces Atoms that do not form ionic or covalent bonds are

    also attracted to each other by van der Waalsforces

    The van der Waals force is due to the fact

    that the molecule has a charge distributionwith positive and negative centers at differentpositions in the molecule

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    Van der Waals Bonding, cont. As a result of this charge distribution,

    the molecule may act as an electric

    dipole Because of the dipole electric fields, two

    molecules can interact such that there

    is an attractive force between them Remember, this occurs even though the

    molecules are electrically neutral

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    Types of Van der Waals

    Forces Dipole-dipole force

    An interaction between two molecules each

    having a permanent electric dipole moment Dipole-induced dipole force

    A polar molecule having a permanent

    dipole moment induces a dipole moment ina nonpolar molecule

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    Types of Van der Waals

    Forces, cont. Dispersion force

    An attractive force occurs between two nonpolarmolecules

    The interaction results from the fact that, althoughthe average dipole moment of a nonpolarmolecule is zero, the average of the square of thedipole moment is nonzero because of charge

    fluctuations The two nonpolar molecules tend to have dipole

    moments that are correlated in time so as toproduce van der Waals forces

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    Hydrogen Bonding In addition to covalent bonds, a

    hydrogen atom in a molecule can also

    form a hydrogen bond Using water (H2O) as an example

    There are two covalent bonds in themolecule

    The electrons from the hydrogen atoms aremore likely to be found near the oxygenatom than the hydrogen atoms

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    Hydrogen Bonding

    H2O Example, cont.

    This leaves essentially bare protons at

    the positions of the hydrogen atoms

    The negative end of another molecule

    can come very close to the proton

    This bond is strong enough to form a

    solid crystalline structure

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    Hydrogen Bonding, Final The hydrogen bond

    is relatively weakcompared with otherelectrical bonds

    Hydrogen bonding isa critical mechanismfor the linking ofbiological moleculesand polymers

    DNA is an example

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    Energy States of Molecules The energy of a molecule (assume one

    in a gaseous phase) can be divided into

    four categories Electronic energy

    Due to the interactions between the moleculeselectrons and nuclei

    Translational energy Due to the motion of the molecules center of

    mass through space

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    Energy States of Molecules, 2 Categories, cont.

    Rotational energy

    Due to the rotation of the molecule about itscenter of mass

    Vibrational energy Due to the vibration of the molecules constituent

    atoms The total energy of the molecule is the

    sum of the energies in these categories: E= Eel + Etrans + Erot + Evib

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    Spectra of Molecules The translational energy is unrelated to

    internal structure and therefore

    unimportant to the interpretation of themolecules spectrum

    By analyzing its rotational and

    vibrational energy states, significantinformation about molecular spectra

    can be found

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    Rotational Motion of

    Molecules A diatomic model will be

    used, but the same

    ideas can be extended

    to polyatomic molecules A diatomic molecule

    aligned along anxaxis

    has only two rotational

    degrees of freedom Corresponding to

    rotations about the yand


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    Rotational Motion of

    Molecules, Energy The rotational energy is given by

    I is the moment of inertia of the molecule

    is called the reduced mass of the molecule






    2 21 2

    1 2

    Im m


    m m

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    Rotational Motion of Molecules,

    Angular Momentum Classically, the value of the molecules

    angular momentum can have any value

    L = I Quantum mechanics restricts the values

    of the angular momentum to

    J is an integer called the rotationalquantum number

    1 0 1 2 , , ,L J J J h K

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    Rotational Kinetic Energy of

    Molecules, Allowed Levels The allowed values are

    The rotational kinetic energy isquantized and depends on its moment

    of inertia As Jincreases, the states become

    farther apart


    rot 1 0 1 22 , , ,IE J J J


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    Allowed Levels, cont. For most molecules,

    transitions result in radiationthat is in the microwave

    region Allowed transitions are given

    by the condition

    Jis the number of the higher


    2 2

    rot 24

    1 2 3

    I I

    , , ,


    E J J




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    Active Figure 43.5


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    Sample Transitions

    CO Example

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    Vibrational Motion of

    Molecules A molecule can be

    considered to be aflexible structurewhere the atoms arebonded by effectivesprings

    Therefore, themolecule can bemodeled as a simpleharmonic oscillator

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    Vibrational Motion of

    Molecules, Potential Energy A plot of the

    potential energyfunction

    ro is the equilibrium

    atomic separation For separations

    close to ro, theshape closelyresembles aparabola

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    Vibrational Energy Classical mechanics describes the frequency

    of vibration of a simple harmonic oscillator

    Quantum mechanics predicts that a moleculewill vibrate in quantized states

    The vibrational and quantized vibrational

    energy can be altered if the molecule

    acquires energy of the proper value to cause

    a transition between quantized states

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    Vibrational Energy, cont. The allowed vibrational energies are

    vis an integer called the vibrational quantum


    When v= 0, the molecules ground state

    energy is h The accompanying vibration is always present,

    even if the molecule is not excited


    10 1 2

    2 , , ,E v h v


  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 43


    Vibrational Energy, Final The allowed vibrational

    energies can be expressedas

    Allowed transitions arev = 1

    The energy betweenstates is Evib = h



    2 2

    0 1 2 , , ,

    h kE v



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    Some Values for Diatomic


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    Molecular Spectra In general, a molecule vibrates and

    rotates simultaneously

    To a first approximation, these motionsare independent of each other

    The total energy is the sum of the

    energies for these two motions:


    12 2


    E v h J J


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    Molecular Energy-Level

    Diagram For each allowed state ofv,

    there is a complete set of

    levels corresponding to the

    allowed values ofJ The energy separation

    between successive

    rotational levels is much

    smaller than betweensuccessive vibrational levels

    Most molecules at ordinary

    temperatures vibrate at v= 0


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    Molecular Absorption


    The spectrum consists of two groups of lines

    One group to the right of center satisfying the selection rulesJ= +1 and v= +1

    The other group to the left of center satisfying the selection

    rules J= -1 and v= +1

    Adjacent lines are separated by /2I

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    Active Figure 43.8


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    Absorption Spectrum of HCl

    It fits the predicted pattern very well

    A peculiarity shows, each line is split into a doublet Two chlorine isotopes were present in the same


    Because of their different masses, different Is are

    present in the sample

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    Intensity of Spectral Lines The intensity is determined by the

    product of two functions ofJ The first function is the number of available

    states for a given value ofJ There are 2J+ 1 states available

    The second function is the Boltzmannfactor

    2B( 1)/(2 )IJ J k T

    on n e


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    Intensity of Spectral Lines,

    cont Taking into account both factors by

    multiplying them,

    The 2J+ 1 term increases with J

    The exponential term decreases

    This is in good agreement with theobserved envelope of the spectral lines


    B( 1)/(2 )2 1 II J J k T J e h

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    Bonding in Solids Bonds in solids can be of the following

    types Ionic Covalent


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    Ionic Bonds in Solids The dominant interaction between ions

    is through the Coulomb force

    Many crystals are formed by ionicbonding

    Multiple interactions occur among

    nearest-neighbor atoms

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    Ionic Bonds in Solids, 2 The net effect of all the interactions is a

    negative electric potential energy

    is a dimensionless number known as the

    Madelung constant The value of depends only on the

    crystalline structure of the solid


    attractive e



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    Ionic Bonds, NaCl Example

    The crystalline structure is shown (a) Each positive sodium ion is surrounded by six negative

    chlorine ions (b) Each chlorine ion is surrounded by six sodium ions (c) = 1.747 6 for the NaCl structure

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    Total Energy in a

    Crystalline Solid As the constituent ions of a crystal are

    brought close together, a repulsive

    force exists The potential energy term B/rm accounts

    for this repulsive force

    This repulsive force is a result ofelectrostatic forces and the exclusion


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    Total Energy in a Crystalline

    Solid, cont The total potential energy

    of the crystal is

    The minimum value, Uo, is

    called the ionic cohesive

    energy of the solid It represents the energy

    needed to separate the solid

    into a collection of isolated

    positive and negative ions






    ekU +=

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    Properties of Ionic Crystals They form relatively stable, hard


    They are poor electrical conductors They contain no free electrons

    Each electron is bound tightly to one of the

    ions They have high melting points

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    More Properties of Ionic

    Crystals They are transparent to visible radiation, but

    absorb strongly in the infrared region

    The shells formed by the electrons are so tightlybound that visible light does not possess sufficient

    energy to promote electrons to the next allowed


    Infrared is absorbed strongly because the

    vibrations of the ions have natural resonant

    frequencies in the low-energy infrared region

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    Final Properties of Ionic

    Crystals Many are quite soluble in polar liquids

    Water is an example of a polar liquid

    The polar solvent molecules exert anattractive electric force on the charged ions

    This breaks the ionic bonds and dissolves

    the solid

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    Properties of Solids with

    Covalent Bonds Properties include

    Usually very hard

    Due to the large atomic cohesive energies High bond energies

    High melting points

    Good electrical conductors

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    Cohesive Energies for Some

    Covalent Solids

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    Covalent Bond Example


    Each carbon atom in a diamond crystal iscovalently bonded to four other carbon atoms

    This forms a tetrahedral structure

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    Another Carbon Example --


    Carbon can form

    many different

    structures The large hollow

    structure is called

    buckminsterfullerene Also known as a


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    Metallic Solids

    Metallic bonds are generally weaker

    than ionic or covalent bonds

    The outer electrons in the atoms of ametal are relatively free to move

    through the material

    The number of such mobile electrons ina metal is large

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    Metallic Solids, cont.

    The metallic structure can

    be viewed as a sea or

    gas of nearly free

    electrons surrounding alattice of positive ions

    The bonding mechanism

    is the attractive force

    between the entirecollection of positive ions

    and the electron gas

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    Properties of Metallic Solids

    Light interacts strongly with the free

    electrons in metals

    Visible light is absorbed and re-emittedquite close to the surface

    This accounts for the shiny nature of metal


    High electrical conductivity

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    More Properties of Metallic


    The metallic bond is nondirectional This allows many different types of metal

    atoms to be dissolved in a host metal invarying amounts The resulting solid solutions, oralloys, may

    be designed to have particular properties

    Metals tend to bend when stretched Due to the bonding being between all of

    the electrons and all of the positive ions


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    Free-Electron Theory of


    The quantum-based free-electron theory of

    electrical conduction in metals takes into

    account the wave nature of the electrons The model is that the outer-shell electrons

    are free to move through the metal, but are

    trapped within a three-dimensional box

    formed by the metal surfaces Each electron can be represented as a

    particle in a box

    F i Di Di ib i

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    Fermi-Dirac Distribution


    Applying statistical physics to a

    collection of particles can relate

    microscopic properties to macroscopicproperties

    For electrons, quantum statistics

    requires that each state of the systemcan be occupied by only two electrons

    F i Di Di t ib ti

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    Fermi-Dirac Distribution

    Function, cont.

    The probability that a particular statehaving energy Eis occupied by one of

    the electrons in a solid is given by

    (E) is called the Fermi-Diracdistribution function EF is called the Fermi energy

    B( )

    1( )


    FE E k T E


    F i Di Di t ib ti

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 43


    Fermi-Dirac Distribution

    Function at T= 0

    At T= 0, all states

    having energies less

    than the Fermienergy are occupied

    All states having

    energies greater

    than the Fermienergy are vacant

    F i Di Di t ib ti

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 43


    Fermi-Dirac Distribution

    Function at T> 0

    As Tincreases, the

    distribution rounds

    off slightly States near and

    below EF lose


    States near and

    above EF gain


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    Active Figure 43.15


    El t P ti l i

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    Electrons as a Particle in a

    Three-Dimensional Box

    The energy levels for the electrons are

    very close together

    The density-of-states function givesthe number of allowed states per unit

    volume that have energies between E

    and dE:

    F B

    3 2 1 2

    ( )3

    8 2( )


    E E k T

    m E dE g E dE

    h e

  • 8/14/2019 PC Chapter 43


    Fermi Energy at T= 0 K

    The Fermi energy at T= 0 K is

    The order of magnitude of the Fermi

    energy for metals is about 5 eV

    The average energy of a free electron in

    a metal at 0 K is Eav = (3/5) EF

    2 32



    (0) 2 8e


    h n

    E m

    F i E i f S

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    Fermi Energies for Some


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    Wave Functions of Solids

    To make the model of a metal more

    complete, the contributions of the

    parent atoms that form the crystal mustbe incorporated

    Two wave functions are valid for an

    atom with atomic numberA and asingle s electron outside a closed shell:

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) o oZr na Zr nas s r A r e r A r e

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    Combined Wave Functions

    The wave functionscan combine in thevarious ways shown

    s- + s

    - is equivalent to

    s+ + s


    These two possiblecombinations of wavefunctions representtwo possible states ofthe two-atom system

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    Splitting of Energy Levels The states are split into

    two energy levels due tothe two ways of combiningthe wave functions

    The energy difference isrelatively small, so the twostates are close togetheron an energy scale

    For large values ofr, theelectron clouds do notoverlap and there is nosplitting of the energylevel

    S litti f E

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    Splitting of Energy

    Levels, cont.

    As the number ofatoms increases,the number of

    combinations inwhich the wavefunctions combineincreases

    Each combinationcorresponds to adifferent energylevel

    Splitting of Energy

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    Splitting of Energy

    Levels, final

    When this splitting is

    extended to the large

    number of atoms

    present in a solid, thereis a large number of

    levels of varying energy

    These levels are so

    closely spaced they canbe thought of as a band

    of energy levels

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    Energy Bands in a Crystal

    In general, a crystalline solidwill have a large number ofallowed energy bands

    The white areas representenergy gaps, correspondingto forbidden energies

    Some bands exhibit anoverlap

    Blue represents filled bandsand gold represents emptybands in this example ofsodium

    Electrical Conduction

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    Electrical Conduction

    Classes of Materials

    Good electrical conductors contain a highdensity of free charge carriers

    The density of charge carriers in an insulatoris nearly zero

    Semiconductors are materials with a chargedensity between those of insulators andconductors

    These classes can be discussed in terms of amodel based on energy bands

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    To be a good conductor, the charge carriersin a material must be free to move inresponse to an electric field We will consider electrons as the charge carriers

    The motion of electrons in response to anelectric field represents an increase in theenergy of the system

    When an electric field is applied to aconductor, the electrons move up to anavailable higher energy state

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    Metals Energy Bands

    At T= 0, the Fermi energylies in the middle of the band All levels below EF are filled

    and those above are empty If a potential difference is

    applied to the metal,electrons having energiesnearEF require only a small

    amount of additional energyfrom the applied field toreach nearby higher energylevels

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    Metals As Good Conductors

    The electrons in a metal experiencing

    only a small applied electric field are

    free to move because there are manyempty levels available close to the

    occupied energy level

    This shows that metals are goodconductors

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    There are no available states that lie close inenergy into which electrons can move upwardin response to an electric field

    Although an insulator has many vacant statesin the conduction band, these states areseparated from the filled band by a largeenergy gap

    Only a few electrons can occupy the higherstates, so the overall electrical conductivity isvery small

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    Insulator Energy Bands

    The valence band isfilled and the conductionband is empty at T= 0

    The Fermi energy liessomewhere in theenergy gap

    At room temperature,very few electrons

    would be thermallyexcited into theconduction band

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    The band structure

    of a semiconductor

    is like that of an

    insulator with a

    smaller energy gap

    Typical energy gap

    values are shown inthe table


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    Energy Bands

    Appreciable numbers

    of electrons are

    thermally excited into

    the conduction band

    A small applied

    potential difference can

    easily raise the energyof the electrons into the

    conduction band


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    Movement of Charges

    Charge carriers in asemiconductor canbe positive,

    negative, or both When an electron

    moves into theconduction band, it

    leaves behind avacant site, called ahole


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    Movement of Charges, cont.

    The holes act as charge carriers Electrons can transfer into a hole, leaving

    another hole at its original site

    The net effect can be viewed as theholes migrating through the material inthe direction opposite the direction of

    the electrons The hole behaves as if it were a particle

    with charge +e

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    Intrinsic Semiconductors

    A pure semiconductor material

    containing only one element is called an

    intrinsic semiconductor It will have equal numbers of conduction

    electrons and holes

    Such combinations of charges are calledelectron-hole pairs

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    Doped Semiconductors

    Impurities can be added to asemiconductor

    This process is called doping Doping

    Modifies the band structure of thesemiconductor

    Modifies its resistivity Can be used to control the conductivity of

    the semiconductor

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    n-Type Semiconductors

    An impurity can addan electron to thestructure

    This impurity would bereferred to as a donoratom

    Semiconductorsdoped with donoratoms are called n-typesemiconductors

    n-Type Semiconductors

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    n-Type Semiconductors,

    Energy Levels

    The energy level ofthe extra electron is

    just below the

    conduction band The electron of the

    donor atom canmove into the

    conduction band asa result of a smallamount of energy

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    p-Type Semiconductors

    An impurity can add a holeto the structure This is an electron


    This impurity would bereferred to as a acceptoratom

    Semiconductors doped

    with acceptor atoms arecalled p-typesemiconductors

    p-Type Semiconductors

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    p-Type Semiconductors,

    Energy Levels

    The energy level of thehole is just above thevalence band

    An electron from thevalence band can fill thehole with an addition of asmall amount of energy

    A hole is left behind in

    the valance band This hole can carry

    current in the presence ofan electric field

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    Extrinsic Semiconductors

    When conduction in a

    semiconductor is the result of

    acceptor or donor impurities, thematerial is called an extrinsic


    Doping densities range from 1013

    to1019 cm-3

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    Semiconductor Devices

    Many electronic devices are based on


    These devices include Junction diode

    Light-emitting and light-absorbing diodes

    Transistor Integrated Circuit

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    The Junction Diode

    Ap-type semiconductor is joined to an


    This forms a p-n junction Ajunction diode is a device based on

    a singlep-n junction

    The role of the diode is to pass currentin one direction, but not the other

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    The Junction Diode, 2

    The junction has three

    distinct regions ap region

    an n region a depletion region

    The depletion region is

    caused by the diffusion of

    electrons to fill holes This can be modeled as if

    the holes being filled were

    diffusing to the n region

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    Because the two sides of the depletionregion each carry a net charge, aninternal electric field exists in thedepletion region

    This internal field creates an internalpotential difference that prevents further

    diffusion and ensures zero current inthe junction when no potentialdifference is applied

    The Junction Diode, 3

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    Junction Diode, Biasing

    A diode is forward biasedwhen thep side isconnected to the positive terminal of a battery This decreases the internal potential difference

    which results in a current that increasesexponentially

    A diode is reverse biasedwhen the n side isconnected to the positive terminal of a battery

    This increases the internal potential difference andresults in a very small current that quickly reachesa saturation value

    Junction Diode:

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    Junction Diode:


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    LEDs and Light Absorption

    Light emission and absorption in semiconductors issimilar to that in gaseous atoms, with the energy bands ofthe semiconductor taken into account

    An electron in the conduction band can recombine with ahole in the valance band and emit a photon

    An electron in the valance band can absorb a photon andbe promoted to the conduction band, leaving behind a


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    A transistor is formed from twop-n


    A narrow n region sandwiched betweentwop regions or a narrowp region between

    two n regions

    The transistor can be used as An amplifier

    A switch

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    Integrated Circuits

    An integrated circuit is a collection ofinterconnected transistors, diodes,resistors and capacitors fabricated on asingle piece of silicon known as a chip

    Integrated circuits Solved the interconnectedness problem

    posed by transistors Possess the advantages of miniaturization

    and fast response

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    A superconductor expels magnetic

    fields from its interior by forming surface

    currents Surface currents induced on the

    superconductors surface produce a

    magnetic field that exactly cancels theexternally applied field

    Superconductivity and

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    Superconductivity and

    Cooper Pairs

    Two electrons are bound into a Cooper pair

    when they interact via distortions in the array

    of lattice atoms so that there is a net

    attractive force between them

    Cooper pairs act like bosons and do not obey

    the exclusion principle

    The entire collection of Cooper pairs in ametal can be described by a single wave


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    Superconductivity, cont.

    Under the action of an applied electric field,

    the Cooper pairs experience an electric force

    and move through the metal

    There is no resistance to the movement of

    the Cooper pairs They are in the lowest possible energy state

    There are no energy states above that of theCooper pairs because of the energy gap

    Superconductivity -

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    Critical Temperatures

    A new family ofcompounds was found thatwas superconducting at

    high temperatures The critical temperature is

    the temperature at whichthe electrical resistance of

    the material decreases tovirtually zero

    Critical temperatures for