District 24-L Paw Prints — MAY 2020 Page 1 Lion Links District 24-L LCI LCIF Lion Magazine MyLion App Training PAW PRINTS MAY 2020 CORONAVIRUS UPDATE (May 1, 2020) Several clubs have made inquires about when we can resume meengs, so I want to address those concerns here. We are currently sll under Virginias Stay at Homeorder. It is currently set to expire on June 10th, but, of course, that is subject to change at anyme. First and foremost is that we all remain safe! So long as the Stay at Home order is in effect, all physical Lions acvies in the District are suspended, including club meengs and fund raisers. Certain club-level service projects may be connued so long as proper social distancing measures are maintained and no more than ten people are involved. Electronic meengs, such as those conducted via ZOOM, are, of course, allowed and encouraged! Please use the phone, email, Facebook, and social media to keep in touch with your fellow Lions. Aſter the Stay at Home order expires, individual clubs are free to resume acvies when they deem it to be safe. At this me, we are not scheduling any physical Zone or District meengs unl at least July 1st without prior approval from the District Governor. If the Stay at Home order does expire, and it looks to be safe to resume meengs, we may schedule some zone or district acvies during the laer part of June! Club Officer Training will be held on June 6th and June 13th, but they will be held electronically via ZOOM. There will be no physical training sessions on June 6th or June 13th. Please contact PDG Wilma Murphy for more informaon. Her email address is [email protected]. Please feel free to contact me if you have any quesons regarding District Coronavirus policies. Lion Sco McMurrain District Governor [email protected]

PAW PRINTS MAY 2020 - WordPress.com · 2020. 7. 23. · District 24-L Paw Prints — MAY 2020 Page 6 Lion Rose urrus retired from ivil Service after serving the men and wom-en of

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District 24-L Paw Prints — MAY 2020 Page 1

Lion Links

District 24-L LCI

LCIF Lion Magazine

MyLion App Training


CORONAVIRUS UPDATE (May 1, 2020) Several clubs have made inquires about when we can resume meetings, so I want to address those concerns here.

We are currently still under Virginia’s “Stay at Home” order. It is currently set to expire on June 10th, but, of course, that is subject to change at anytime. First and foremost is that we all remain safe!

So long as the Stay at Home order is in effect, all physical Lions activities in the District are suspended, including club meetings and fund raisers. Certain club-level service projects may be continued so long as proper social distancing measures are maintained and no more than ten people are involved.

Electronic meetings, such as those conducted via ZOOM, are, of course, allowed and encouraged! Please use the phone, email, Facebook, and social media to keep in touch with your fellow Lions.

After the Stay at Home order expires, individual clubs are free to resume activities when they deem it to be safe.

At this time, we are not scheduling any physical Zone or District meetings until at least July 1st without prior approval from the District Governor. If the Stay at Home order does expire, and it looks to be safe to resume meetings, we may schedule some zone or district activities during the latter part of June!

Club Officer Training will be held on June 6th and June 13th, but they will be held electronically via ZOOM. There will be no physical training sessions on June 6th or June 13th. Please contact PDG Wilma Murphy for more information. Her email address is [email protected].

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding District Coronavirus policies.

Lion Scott McMurrain District Governor [email protected]

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District Governor Scott McMurrain Fellow Lions, Even during our quarantine, Lions throughout the world have continued to serve while maintaining social-distancing! As of April 30th, LCIF has awarded 166 grants totaling $3,208,655 directly for COVID-19 Frontline Relief. Whenever there is a need, Lions will be there!

I want to personally thank all of our own hard-working Lions who have found new ways to serve during this unprecedented shutdown. I am proud to be associated with such a great group of dedicated volun-teers who want to help make the world a better place! It looks like May will be another month with full quarantine orders in effect. We will be electing our district officers this month. We are happy to report that most clubs did send in their delegate lists on time, and ballots were sent out on May 1st to each delegate. The ballots are on a simple postage-prepaid postcard. All each delegate has to do is mark his or her preference for Gover-nor, First VDG, and Second VDG, and then drop the card in the mail by May 18th! The ballots will be counted on May 23rd, and we will announce the results as soon as they are counted and verified. Good luck to all the candidates! IMPORTANT: Because we have been effectively shutdown for two months, we will make allowances on the requirements for our various state Awards. Any activities that we due in March, April, or May will be considered on time if they are completed by June 30th. Requirements involving the State Conven-tion and related activities will be waived. The number of visitations needed to earn the Visitation Awards has been reduced to 9 instead of 12. If you or your club is close to meeting the requirements, but not quite there, don’t give up! Please contact me and we will work together to make it work out. We don’t want the quarantine measures to prevent any deserving Lion or Club from completing the re-quirements for any award they have been working hard all year to earn! Finally, please remember no matter how you choose to serve, remember to keep safe! Yours in service, Lion Scott McMurrain District Governor [email protected]

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First Vice District Governor

Glen Logan

Hello Lions! I hope you are doing well and staying safe during the quaran-tine. I know it has been a rough time for everyone to adjust their everyday lives to combat the spread of the Coronavirus. Hopefully most of you have made adjustments to how your club conducts business and have figured out new and innovative “no-contact” ways to carry out service activities. My experience communicating with my fellow incoming District Governors across the U.S. indicates that Lions making and distributing face masks is a

very popular and valued service activity. Providing food service is another great project that can be ac-complished with minimal contact. For example, my good friend and ALLI classmate, DG-E Bonita Davis, and her club in Texas have prepared meals on several occasions for first responders and medical per-sonnel. Finally, please remember to support area food banks which are stressed due to the increasing demand. For those of you with the time and inclination, there are a number of online events (web seminars, webinars for short) sponsored by LCI, the Global Action Team (GAT) and other Lions leaders. On April 25th, the NAMI – Young Lions Task Force hosted the first highly informative Virtual Lions Sym-posium. One thousand Lions logged on Zoom and many more viewed the symposium on a YouTube live stream. Re-plays of the symposium presentations are available at sev-eral YouTube links. Just go to YouTube.com and search for Lions Virtual Symposium or FaceBook.com/LionsVirtual. I will try to get the links posted on the District website soon. Again, stay safe—be well and continue to serve!

Yours in Service,


(571) 426-5048 (Mobile)

[email protected]

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MARCH 2020

Club/Member (Sponsor)

Crozet Lions Club

Francoise A. Garcia (Edna Lumley)

Culpeper Mid-day Lions Club

Grady Botens (Hank Milans)

Fairfax Host Lions Club

James Friedlander (G. Tillery)

Kevin D. Humphrey (William Barlett)

Deborah A. Mueller (Pete Conklin)

Lake of the Woods Lioness Lions Club

Donna G. Morrissey (Julie Phend)

Shenandoah Lions Club

Joyce A. Shifflett (R.L. Campbell)

Winchester Host Lions Club

Debera A. Taylor (Sabra Veach)

Winchester Shawnee Lions Club

Thomas J. Meyers (Charles Puglisi)

Woodbridge Lions Club

Firmin Nikoghe (John Relph)

We Remember ...

Carl A. Wiberg, Aquia Harbour Host Lions Club

Joanne W. Walmsley, Greater Falls Run Lions Club

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DISTRICT ELECTION UPDATE Normally, our district elections would be held at the State Convention. But since our convention has been cancelled this year, The

Council of Governors met last month to discuss the current Coronavirus situation and decide how to hold elections for next year’s

District officers.

It was decided that we hold elections for the District Governors and Vice District Governors via mail, and to postpone the endorse-

ment of a candidate for International Direct as well as any proposed Constitutional amendments until next year.

On May 1, 2020, postcard ballots will be mailed directly to club delegates. Each delegate will need to fill out the ballot and mail it

back to our State Secretary, Tammie Brightwell, no later than May 18, 2020. Each ballot is a postage pre-paid post card. All you

have to do is drop it in the mailbox. Cards must be postmarked after May 18, 2020 will not be counted.

A Unique Opportunity

While we are all disappointed that the State Convention has been cancelled, this does provide a unique opportunity for those clubs

who rarely, if ever, attend the convention. Normally, your club’s delegates must attend the convention in order to vote in the elec-

tion. But this year, since we are doing it by mail, there is no reason that EVERY club in the district should not be able to cast a vote

and have their voice heard!


The candidates for District Governor and Second Vice District Governor are running unopposed. Our current 1st VDG, Glen Logan,

is running for District Governor, and Lion Rose Burrus is running for Second Vice District Governor. Your delegate will simply have

to vote either “YES” or “NO” for each of these candidates.

However, we do have a contested race for First Vice District Governor. Lions Thomas Kenevan and Joel Kendall are running against

each other. Both have served as Second Vice District Governor and meet all of the requirements to run for First Vice District Gover-

nor. Both have been properly endorsed by their own clubs for this position.

One of the major duties of a Vice District Governor is to officially visit clubs on behalf of the Governor. This not only allows for

more clubs to receive official visits, but also gives clubs a chance to meet their future governors. Hopefully, many of you have al-

ready had the chance to meet the two candidates for First Vice District Governor when they were doing their visitations as Second

Vice District Governor!

However, we realize that not all of the clubs have had a chance to meet the candidates, so the following two pages in this news-

letter will introduce them to you. We wanted to be fair to all candidates, so each candidate was allowed exactly the same amount

of space to introduce themselves. Below that, we have listed the previous Lions positions they have held as well as the major train-

ing classes they have attended and awards they have earned.

Since the Coronavirus has shut down all club meetings between now and the election, we have also listed the contact information

for each of the candidates. Please feel free to call or email them with any questions you might have. They are all great Lions, and

would love to hear from you.

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Lion Rose Burrus retired from Civil Service after serving the men and wom-

en of our Armed Forces for more than 35 years. She directly supported the

18th Airborne Corps, the 82nd Airborne Division, and deployed service

members as Deputy Director of the Armed Forces Entertainment (AFE)

office. Her financial and project management experience significantly

improved activities and coordination at the highest levels of government to

include her personal deployment to multiple combat zones and over 30

countries across the globe.

In 2011, after retiring Lion Rose looked for volunteer opportunities. An

opportunity to learn about Lions presented itself, and she joined the

Stafford County Lion Club. Lion Rose’s commitment and determination to

learning contributed greatly while serving in and exceling in a myriad of

club and district positions. Positions held included President, Secretary,

Zone Chair, Membership Chair, and District Global Service Team Coordina-

tor. Lion Rose has participated in thousands of hours coordinating and

supporting in multiple areas of need. Her desire to connect with the com-

munity at continuingly higher levels and make a significant difference in

people’s life spurs her enthusiasm to continue to strive tirelessly in the

Lions organization. Lion Rose has been recognized separately by the Chair-

man, Lions Clubs International Foundation and the International Director

for her tremendous efforts to enhance and expand the KidSight program in

Stafford County. Lion Rose offers enthusiasm and determination to contin-

ue the good work of the Lions. She is seeking the 2nd VDG position in

District 24L for the 2020-2021 Lions year.


Zone Chair (2 Terms) Club President (2 terms) Club Secretary (2 terms) Global Service Team Coordinator Lion Reporter Assistant Editor


Regional Lions Leadership Institute Advanced Lions Leadership Institute 100% Secretary Award International President’s Certificate of Appreciation Melvin Jones Fellowship


First Vice District Governor Second Vice District Governor (2 Terms) Zone Chair (2 Terms) Club President (3 terms) Club Secretary (2 terms) Global Leadership Team VA Lions Eye Institute Foundation Trustee LOVF Distinguished Humanitarian


Regional Lions Leadership Institute Advanced Lions Leadership Institute Faculty Development Institute Three-Time Certified Guiding Lion District Governor’s-Elect Seminar Bachelors - Lions University Masters – Lion University Melvin Jones Fellow

Lion Glen joined the Alexandria Asian American Lions Club in March 2006.

He has applied his military planning expertise to accomplish detailed plan-

ning for four highly successful Philippines medical missions. Lion Glen has

sponsored six new Lions of which five remain active members.

Lion Glen is a retired United States Air Force lieutenant colonel. He now

serves as an independent consultant for the Department of the Navy. His

USAF assignments included acquisition of space launch vehicle avionics,

nuclear test ban treaty monitoring systems, and advanced avionics archi-

tectures. The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force selected Lion Glen to

represent him on a Joint Task Force within the Office of the Under Secre-

tary of Defense to develop innovative defense acquisition policies.

As a system engineer, Lion Glen has supported major defense programs

including Marine One Presidential Helicopter Replacement, Joint Tactical

Radio System, Joint Strike Fighter, Biometrics, Naval Special Warfare, Joint

Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Electronic Warfare

and Undersea Unmanned Vessels.

Lion Glen’s academic and professional credentials include: B.S. Electrical

Engineering (With Distinction) - University of Louisiana – Lafayette; M.S.

Electrical Engineering - Air Force Institute of Technology; Certified System

Planning, Research and Development Engineer; Associate Fellow - Ameri-

can Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; and co-inventor of a U.S.

patent for computer and communications technology

In recognizing today’s pandemic environment and need to serve in new

ways, Lion Glen has adopted “Serving Through High Tech” as his theme for

Lion Year 2020-2021.

Lion Glen is married to Lion Nenita “Nanette” Yu.

Glen Logan Candidate for District Governor

Rose Burrus Candidate for Second Vice District Governor

(571) 426-5048

[email protected]

(540) 429-0863

[email protected]

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At the Club level: Lion Tom, has been an active Lion since joining the Aquia Harbour Host Lions Club in March of 1992. Lion Tom has served on numer-ous Board of Directors positions from 2003 to the present, including: Vice-President (2004-05), Membership Chair,(2006-07), President for two Years 2008–2009 and 2009-2010, and Immediate Past President 2010-2011. As the Club's President, Aquia Harbour Host received the 100 % Club Excel-lence Award. King Lion Tom received the Outstanding President award, and he conducted a year-long revamp of the Club’s bylaws. Tom also served as the Club’s Newsletter Editor, reporter, writer, photographer, and publisher for seven years.

Community Service: Lion Tom proposed and implemented an Annual Lions Family Picnic Day, and he started an Annual Fourth of July and Oktoberfest Community Day for the Aquia Harbour Community. Lion Tom chaired the Fourth of July and Oktoberfest events for seven years.

At the District level: Lion Tom served as Zone Chair (2011-2012), and his

Zone Clubs worked together as a team. This effectiveness as a team was

demonstrated working with Stafford County officials in the planning, imple-

mentation, and execution of the 350th Anniversary of Stafford County.

During this time, LCI established an award for Zone Chairs.

I appreciate this opportunity to let you know that I am running for 1st Vice District Governor for 24L.

During my year as Second Vice District Governor, I was honored to visit over 20 clubs and get to know many great Lions throughout our district. I had been looking forward to making the rounds again visiting some of our Lions Clubs this spring before the Convention.

Now, those plans have certainly changed. I am very disappointed in re-gards to not being able to travel and go to as many meetings as possible. I am even more disappointed in not being able to get out there and meet members, both old and new, and get a feel for their needs and wants. I look forward to supporting the District Governor’s programs and helping our clubs in 24L continue to be successful.

I have included some information about myself and if you have questions feel free to call or email me. If you can put this out to your members and delegates, I would appreciate it very much. In this trying time, please stay safe and healthy. Roar Lions, Roar!


Second Vice District Governor Zone Chair Club President Club Secretary


Regional Lions Leadership Institute


Second Vice District Governor Zone Chair Club President Global Leadership Team Guiding Lion


Regional Lions Leadership Institute Advanced Lions Leadership Institute Faculty Development Institute International President’s Leadership Medal Melvin Jones Fellowship

Thomas Kenavan Candidate for First Vice District Governor

Joel Kendall Candidate for First Vice District Governor

(540) 659-1399

[email protected]

(540) 894-1941

[email protected]

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To All Virginia Lions Clubs,

As you probably know by now, the Lions of Virginia State Convention has been cancelled for this year. The LOVF Raffle, traditionally held at the convention, HAS NOT BEEN CANCELLED! LOVF is legally obligated to hold the raffle and win-ning tickets will be drawn on the scheduled day, May 17, 2020. As we are obligated to pay out $11,000 in prize money, we need your help more than ever. First, if you have ticket books to sell, please sell them. Every book sold will help us cover our financial exposure. Second, please remit all sold ticket stubs, with accompanying payment, no later than May 1, 2020.

We are utilizing the LOVF District Representatives as collection points for the sold tickets, as they are most familiar with the clubs in their areas. The Reps are:

24-L (old 24-C) – Mary Beth Schwab 24-C (old 24-F) – Priscilla Hall

24-L (old 24-A) – Charles Carroll 24-I (old 24-B) – Ray Mueller

24-C (old 24-E) – Deborah Chaffin 24-I (old 24-D) – Pat Kerr

We realize that clubs are in different situations and may utilize different methods to get their tickets to the District Reps. Direct drop off, delivered by another person who is “heading that way”, U.S. Postal Service, or other. The im-portant thing is that they get to the District Rep, not the manner in which they get there. Should your club choose to utilize the U.S. Postal Service, keep you receipt for the postage charges. You can submit the receipt to me and you will be reimbursed.

As always, the booklets which you are turning in should remain stapled. Please do not pull out the staples! Also, pay-ment needs to accompany the booklets which you are turning in. If payment does not accompany the submitted book-lets, those tickets will not go into the drum. We also ask that you minimize the number of checks covering the booklets which are being turned in. Ideally, there is one club check to cover your submission (as opposed to separate checks from individual Lions buying a book).

I thank you in advance for your assistance and support in bringing this raffle to completion during these trying times. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Lion Jim Newman, President, LOVF

540-525-1726 (cell) email: [email protected]

LOVF Raffle Ticket Check-off Sheet

_____ Collect all sold ticket stubs

_____ Collect all monies due for sold tickets

_____ Leave ticket stubs stapled

_____ Write (one) check to cover ticket sales

_____ Pack ticket stubs and check together

_____ Send stubs and check to LOVF District Rep. by May 1st

_____ Mission accomplished. Breath sigh of relief

_____ Check LOVF website on May 17th to see who won!

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North America Membership Initiative (NAMI) Mission: Reverse the trend on declining membership in North America.


NAMI has the full support of the International Vice Presi-dents, plus additional Lion leaders on the NAMI Steering Committee. All of these Lions have proven skills in club and membership growth and are a resource for the support of any NAMI dis-trict or multiple district. For example, Lion Jordan Glass is the chairperson of the Young Lions Task Force. Her team exists to help any district that would like to start Lions clubs for young people, retain young Lions or have more young people join existing Lions clubs.

Focus Areas and Sample Plan:

Increase # of Clubs Increase # of Members In-crease Member Satisfaction Provide Leader Support

District Process (2020)

February 29th April 30th Jul 1st +

Bottom Line: Incoming DG Glen Logan is committed to NAMI Success. Zone Chairs and Clubs will be important NAMI Team Members. More information available at lionsclubs.org/nami or contact First Vice District Governor Glen T. Lo-gan, [email protected], (571) 426-5048.

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District Family & Women’s Specialist Dr. Erika M. Laos

Greetings fellow Lions! The COVID-19 crisis continues to test the adaptability of each club and every member. Lions around the district are making strides to remain resilient to embrace our new normal. The fog of crisis places our focus on what truly matters. Many Lions are embracing virtual meetings. Many others are reacquainting themselves with mailing cards to club members and checking in on their members to remain connected. These trying times require us to be creative on how approach our ser-vice. During April, clubs observed Leo Awareness Month through social me-dia. At least one club in the District is on target to charter a new Leo

club in the next three months. The month of May brings more engagement opportunities for Lions to learn about Leo clubs. These events are free – join us and spread the word!

District 24-L Virtual Event: Leo Club Advisor Orientation Training When: May 14, 2020 06:30 PM – 8:00 PM Eastern Time

Training open to all Lions in the District. Registration is required. Registration is FREE. Space is Limit. Register with this link:

https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_39JLnjJBRjCj3ZoQrefNeA ***After registering, you will receive a registration confirmation within 48 hours**

USA/Canada Forum Virtual Leo Leadership Conference

When: May 30 & 31, 2020 2:00 PM Eastern Time Training is open to all Leos, Leo Advisors, Faculty Advisors, and Lions.

Register at leoconference.leosforum.org Lastly, I want to wish mothers in the Lions family a warm Happy Mother’s Day. Mothers are leaders who impact their families and their communities for generations. Thank you for all your contribu-tions! Let’s make this a great Lions month! Warmest regards, Dr. Erika Laos Family and Women’s Specialist Cell (571)330-3101

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Leadership & Training WHAT IS LEADERSHIP? It is simply solving problems; the ability to lead or guide other individuals, teams or


An organization cannot survive without leadership. In order to have leaders it is now time for our Lions clubs to

be filling their leadership positions. Has your nominating committee selected officers and committee chairs for

the 2020-2021 Lions year? That part of the process should have been accomplished during February. If this has-

n’t been accomplished, I encourage your nominations committee to complete this portion of the process as soon

as possible. The slate of officers should be presented to the club membership in March and a vote taken in April.

It is very important to follow this schedule and update the information on the LCI website as soon as possible, but

no later than May.

Our cabinet secretary uses this information to prepare our directory. If you do not input your officers our direc-

tory will contain old, outdated information.

To aid incoming officers we provide training via ZOOM! on June 6th and June 13th!

Yours in Service,

IPDG Wilma

GLT-D Coordinator

[email protected]

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MEMBERSHIP NEEDS MEMBERSHIP----While you were home obeying the COVID-19 rules, Lions from all over the world were

continuing to serve by giving aid and assistance to others from their homes.

Take the example of the Lions in Stafford County Lions’ Club who made over 500 material masks for the

Doctors at INOVA Fairfax and George Waashington University Hospitals who placed them over their

protective masks to extend their lifetime.

Another example, a group of Lions, Aquia Evening Lions, who got into their cars and drove over to the

home of a Lion who had just been released from the hospital. These lions raised the roof as they wel-

comed her home from their cars.

How about the Lions who donated funds so that a new mother, whose husband was not working, would

have funds for diapers, formula, and food.

How about a whole community who donated canned good and other food items to a pantry where

neighbors could help themselves to what they needed.

I think a lot of good things have come from our time at home-- a time to rethink about our plans to be

better at what we do, to be a better listner, to be a better helper, to be a better communicator, to be a

better friend and neighbor to those who are close to us, and especially to be appreciative that we have

our health, our family, and our Maker.

Looking forward to seeing you in June, socially distancing, for our Officer training.

Yours in Service and Friendship,

Lion Sally

PDG Sally B Kenavan

GMT-District Coordinator

GAT for Membership

[email protected]

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Let’s meet Legacy

You might ask who is Legacy? Future Leader Dog Legacy has a very important designation - #20,000. That’s right, Legacy is the 20,000th Leader Dog Puppy to enter the Leader Dog Program. During Leader Dog’s 80th Anniversary Year it only seems fitting to mark another major milestone. Legacy is a Labrador / Golden cross who is full of energy and is ready to experience his new surroundings and begin to learn his role as a Leader Dog. His puppy raisers recently picked him up and for the next 12 to 18 months Legacy will be loved and spoiled while at the same time he will begin to learn how to be a great Leader Dog. Good Luck Legacy.

Thanks to your support, Leader Dogs for the Blind provides Leader Dogs to over 200 individuals every year offering over 3,000 days of safe travel and independence during their working life as a Leader Dog.

In every Leader Dog Beats the heart of a Lion!!! Lion Chuck Schwab MD-24L Leader Dogs for the Blind Chairperson [email protected]

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Congratulations District 24L for the Success of LEARNS!! Lions Empowering and Aiding Regional School Nurses (LEARNS) is a program provided by District 24L and LCIF to provide an online

training program on the care of the child with diabetes in the schools. In May 2019, District 24L received a grant to pilot a program in

which school districts could provide online training for school nurses and school personnel within the boundaries of District 24L. District

24L partnered with the Virginia Diabetes Council, the Virginia Department of Education, the Virginia Association of School Nurses and

the Virginia Association of Diabetes Educators. Our hope was that we could educate all school nurses within the 41 school districts. This

would provide a standard of care for all children no matter what the financial ability of the school district.

The law in the Commonwealth of Virginia states that all schools must train individuals within the school system who interact with a stu-

dent with diabetes to ensure that child is safe and their diabetes is properly managed during the school day. This education would be for

the school nurse who leads the team and who is responsible for providing the education to teachers, health aides, administrative staff,

counselors, coaches. Each school district must develop their own training program. In our research we found the training programs var-

ied from district to district dependent on the resources of the district. The LEARNS project was established to ensure health equity

across all school districts in the care of students living with diabetes.

Our program started on July 1, 2019 and the pilot will be completed on June 30, 2020. We are presently waiting on approval of Phase 1

implementation grant funding from LCIF in which we will continue to expand the program within 24L and hopefully partner with Dis-

tricts 24C and 24I in coming years to spread this program statewide.

We would like to share our success with members of District 24L and ask that Clubs consider supporting LEARNS by adopting a school

district in the more rural areas or adopting schools in their area.

Over the past year, 26 school districts and 1 training program enrolled in the program. Loudoun County purchased the program on their

own and Louisa County Lions Club adopted Louisa County School District. 335 schools received licenses for the online training at a cost

of $33/school. Our hope was at a minimum the school nurse and health aide would enroll. The program was adopted as the training pro-

gram for multiple school districts and 3,470 individuals enrolled in the program – teachers, administrators, counselors, bus drivers,

coaches, and athletic trainers. The response was overwhelming. Some school districts also provided education credits for teachers and

nurses received 6 continuing education credits. In the measurement of outcomes we found that 82% of those that enrolled in the online

training completed the program and in many districts this has been established as a requirement.

Fairfax County did not enroll in the program and does not provide a school nurse within the school. The Fairfax County Public Health

Nurses are assigned to monitor multiple schools. However the Health Department did enroll and all Public Health Nurses received the

training. It is our hope that the health aides placed in schools may receive the training in the upcoming months.

The LEARNS pilot is a success beyond our wildest dreams, Lions in District 24L should be proud of their accomplishment in supporting

this program. Virginia is now being looked upon as a model. This program successes are being presented at national meetings for school

nurses and diabetes educators.

Life is changing for all of us with COVID -19, how we present information to groups will be changing. The value of this online program is

of greater value in our present environment, as school nurses can provide a training in a format that allows individuals to view at their

convenience and in a safe environment. Diabetes care is becoming more technological, staff needs to understand the technology. We have

worked closely with Salus Education to ensure that our school personnel is equipped to provide the best care possible.

As we wrap up this Lions year, I ask you to consider making a donation to the Diabetes Awareness Fund and mark your donation to be

given to the LEARNS project. We can only continue this program if we find ongoing funding. Since we are re-enrolling schools from the

pilot, we receive a discounted rate of $23.10/school. Schools are mandated by Virginia law to provide yearly education to all school per-

sonnel, therefore this is an ongoing need.

If you are interested in adopting a school district or schools please contact Kathy Gold at [email protected] or 703-282-4078.

Kathy will be willing to participate in a ZOOM meeting or do a presentation when meetings resume.

Respectfully submitted,

The LEARNS Committee

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Recently, our Woodbridge Lions Club joined in a major collaborative effort with our Virginia Lions Of-

fice in Roanoke and 1st VDG Glen Logan.

We received a referral from Lions Clubs International (LCI) with an urgent request from a local resi-dent, Eddie Phillip, who suffers from debilitating eye diseases. With a medical prescription in hand, he was in desperate need of a CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) with a video magnifier as his vision was 20/400. The CCTV magnifier provides full range of visual needs, specializing in assisting individuals with various debilitating eye diseases. This also allows for more independence through visual magnifi-cation and technology. With the proverbial cliche of “it takes a village” and in our case, “a pride of lions,” good fortune fol-lowed. Lion Sharon Schrack (Club Secretary) contacted our Virginia Lions Office to discuss getting a grant to buy a CCTV and Video Magnifier. To our delight, they had just acquired a CCTV Magnifier and were willing to donate the unit to the Woodbridge Lions Club. Now the plot thickens as 1st VDG Glen Logan transported the donated CCTV unit from Roanoke to his home in Alexandria. That was the first leg of the journey. From there it was retrieved by Lion PCC Phil Schrack son-in-law who transports the unit back to his home in Marshall, VA where it was then moved to Lions Phil and Sharon’s home in Warrenton. The very next day, Lion Sharon Schrack linked up with Lions President Chet Nolf and Lion Karl Tritchler and delivered the CCTV unit to Eddie Phillip in Woodbridge. Setup and connecting the units was not as easy as one might think. There was not an operations manual for installation readily available. Lion Chet Nolf found the setup and cable connec-tion information on YouTube. Before you knew it, everything was installed and operational to the de-light of Eddie Phillip. He was so happy, excited and very grateful. So before we left, he was insistent on making a $20 donation to our sight program as he was now ready to read his Bible. The Woodbridge Club would like to give a “huge” thank you to all those who assisted and especially 1st VDG Glen Logan in making this happen. Proudly, this is why “we serve” wherever we can. Photo below, recipient Eddie Phillip, President Chet Nolf and Karl Tritchler

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VLEIF, Inc. c/o Sandi Armendaris, 7623 Virginia Ave, Falls Church, VA 22043

Virginia Lions Eye Institute Foundation

1. Do you know what we do?? Invite us to your Club/Region/Zone Meetings so we can inform you as to what we

do, and how we help those with vision related issues.

2. Besides the Scholarship Grants that we offer, we also support the Lions Eye Clinic, and the Virginia Low Vision

Learning Center in Alexandria. We are also working to expand Low Vision Services in Northern Virginia.

3. Check out our “Joe Lipomi Scholarship Grant”. Please check your communities for scholarship applicants. Appli-

cations plus detailed instructions and requirements are featured on our VLEIF Website. http://vleif.org/ Please

send in applications as you get them, no need to wait for deadline. Get acquainted with the “Teachers of the

Visually Impaired” (TVIs) in your local schools, they have the inside track to the students that could benefit from

our Scholarships.

4. ATTENTION CLUBS: We now have board approval and a budget set aside to assist clubs that may need help

meeting the needs of people with vision related problems trying to enhance the quality of their lives. We will

work with the clubs to help when needed. This will be on a case by case basis as needed and within our budget

constraints. All we ask is that your Club has (a) Set a reasonable Budget for eye care and exceeded it. (b)

Checked with Zone/Region Chair to see if club in nearby area are able to help. If your club has done this, and still

need help, please contact us (Letter, E-Mail or Phone Call). Our aim is to make sure that you can meet the needs

of your communities.

5. Please consider including us in your budget. We are only able to do what we do because of donations by the

clubs and individual Lions. We are a 501(c)3 Organization, and part of the federal government’s Combined Fed-

eral Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNA), so giving is very easy. Thanks to one and all for your sup-

port, and we plan to continue trying to help those with vision-related problems improve their quality of life.


Ed “Woody” Woodard, PDG, President VLEIF Board Cell: 703-314-0889 E-Mail: [email protected]

District Representative for VLEIF is Lion Sheryl Bass Cell: 703-314-4278 E-Mail: [email protected]

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A 501(c)3 Corporation – CFC #37060

Since 1976, We are there when you need us!!!

Book us for Sight & hearing Screenings

24 Hour Van Scheduling – Lion Jim Alexander – Res: 540-658-0469 Cell: 703-475-1692

E-Mail: [email protected] Check us out at: http://24alionsmobilescreening.org/

Van is funded by Donations from Lions Clubs, Schools, Individuals and Corporations. Donations should be made payable to: “Northern Virginia Lions Mobile Sight & Hearing Screening Unit” and mailed to Treasurer: Doug Cross, PDG, 13334 Fieldstone

Way, Gainesville, VA 20155-6616

Book a Program for your Club:

Lion Jim Cech - District Chair - 703-680-2363; E-Mail: [email protected] or you may call any Board Member.

Looking for a great Centennial or Legacy Project?

Mason Neck Lions Park Benches


Delivered and Installed

$300 each

Useful for: Parks, Tot Lots, Bus Stops, Recreation Areas, and Memorials.

Constructed of reinforced concreate, treated lumber, and galvanized bolts.

Note: Lions Club Logo not provided.


LION JOE CHUDZIK (703) 339-1686 or email [email protected]

LION TOM NALLY (703) 451-5358 or email [email protected]

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Is your club using Social Media to keep everyone informed of what your Club is doing???

Do you post your Projects, Fundraisers and meeting times on Social Media??

If Not, Why Not??

Social Media is the future, and more importantly, in your efforts to recruit new and younger mem-

bers, your club will need to become Tech Savvy in order to get and keep the interest of

younger members.

We don’t have all the answers, but are willing to help your club in any way that we can.

Together we can find the answer.

Contact your Social Media Chair:

Tejas Patel

[email protected]

To set up a Facebook Page or Twitter Account, click on the link below, or paste it into your

browser, and it will take you to a page with explicit instructions:



Protect your Identity! Remember your encrypted passwords are only as good as the decryption

skills of the person seeking to steal your identity. Change passwords often, and never use

personal information in your passwords.

When using Social Media, remember the airwaves are public domain and items posted/transmitted can be

view by almost anyone, and are almost always permanent records.

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Bailey’s Crossroads Host Lions Chartered in 1954

Home of PID Roy Wilson

PCC Mike Valencia PCC Shirley Wilson

1st & 3rd Thursday 6:30 (Social) 7:00 (Dinner)

Goodwin House Bailey’s Crossroads 3440 S. Jefferson Street Falls Church, VA 22041

We Serve

If your club or business would like to have an ad in District 24-L Paw Prints for July 2019 to June 2020, please follow the procedure below: 1. Create your ad and save it as Joint Photographic Group (.jpg), Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or

Powerpoint (.ppt or .pptx) document. 2. Send the ad via email to [email protected]. State in email the size and cost of the ad you want (see

costs below). 3. Mail your Club's check for the ad (payable to DISTRICT 24-L) to: Lion Scott McMurrain District 24-L Governor P.O. Box 298 Fishersville, VA 22939

4. Your Club advertisement will appear in the next issue of Paw Prints. Ads costs for July 2019 through June 2020: Business Card Size Ad: $45.00 ¼ Page Ad: $60.00 ½ Page Ad: $90.00 Full Page Ad: $150.00