Patterns in Nature m

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  • 8/13/2019 Patterns in Nature m



    Patterns of Packin~ Crackine.Shapes: Polygon, NetsPurpose or Function: lbreeway joints with sharedpartitions minimize surfacearea required to enclose thesame amount of volume. lbisshape saves space, material,energy, and creates the .shortest path (besides a line);it also provides a rigidstructure.Examples in Nature: Hexagon:soap bubbles, ice crystals, honey-combs, corn kernels, turtle shells, snake skin sccolwnns. cilia stnlts, bird bones, networlc of veinAssociated Mathematical Terms: hexagon: 1Examples in Garden and Permaculture L>eshexagonal spacing of plants in Biodynamic systtriangular spacing of seeds or plants; storagePatterns of GrowthShapes: Spiral. HelixPurpose or Function: Spirals add size withoutthe shape. They uniformly fill a space and maxiamount of material within it. The ability to contspring adds length without adding width. Spirafound where bannonic flow, compact form, effiincreased exchange. transport, or anchoring is n(Mollison, p. 83).Examples in ~ature: spider web, mollusk shelshelJs, horns, composite florets, cacti, fem frond


    Sphere: expansion and contraction

    atterns in ature

    Illustrations by Lisa Wittrup

    Pattern of PerfectionShapes: Sphere, Hemisphere,DomePurpose or Jo unction: 1be sphereis a balance between expansive andcontractive, outward and innerforces. Spheres provide the leastamount of surface area for the mostvolume; this shape minimizes heatloss .Examples in i'iature: Planets, stars,Uropli of watt:r, r.uliolarians. volvoxalgae, diatoms, eyes, eggs, seeds,cherries, crabapples, squash, pumpkins, breadfruiLAssociated ~fathematical Terms: Volume = 413 r3; Surface area = 4 rExamples in Garden and Permaculture Design: circle gardens, solarumbrellas, geodesic domes.

    ~rian Farrior ..e permacuJture principle of observing and replicating patterns innature can become a fascinating study-and a life-long one. Here is ashort outline of the primary patterns that occur in nature. These patternsan: about forms in space; timing and rhythms influence them as well,but as my observations are part ofa life-long study, I have not yet hadenough opportunity to research the time dimensionThis synopsis follows the outline from Peter Boyle's wonderfulbook, Palterns in Nature (see references), with a few additions.

    Archimediean spiralKNOWLEDGE. PATTERN & DESIGN JUL

  • 8/13/2019 Patterns in Nature m


    Phyf[ota { is

    Shape: StreamlineS,Overbeck jetPurpose or f unction: Natural strof fluids and gases past fixed bod


    tendrils, pine cones, pineapple. eddies. hurricanes, convectioncurrents, sunspots, planetary orbits, galaxies. DNA.AssoCiated Mathematical Terms: The Archimedes spiralmaintains a constant distance between coils and increasesarithmetically (~picture). The logarithmic spiral (alsocalled equiangular or proportional spiral) increases geome.trical1Y.1Lually hy the number if> = 1.61803..., where cIl=4Y- 1.Phi (if. or the proportion 1.6J803:1, is called theGolden Mean orGolden Ratio. Phi (if is approximated bythe ratio of each number in the Fibonacci series of integersto the previous number. where each number in the series isdefined as the sum of the preceding two numbers, i.e., I, J,, 13.21,34.55,89, 144,233.377.610.987. etc.The ratio of F.lFu in this series is J.6 J8032786.xamples in Garden and Permaculture Design: Spiralgarden; Spiral plowing

    ~ II

    O\ erbeck elgenerates vortices or spirals.Examples in Nature: mushrooms,jellyfish,rivers flowing into the sea, cream in coffee.van Karman trails in water, Ekman spiralsin wind Associated Term: Torus .Examples in Garden and Pc Design:keyhole garden;mandala garden;flowforms,permanent foreStedges, windrows, and hedgerows.22 THEPERMACULTUREACTIVIST//39

    Shape:Fibonacciangle or ideal anglePurpose or unction:Distributes leaves to provide maximumexposure to swilight with minimumoverlapping of leaves.Examples in Nature:Phyliotaxis. whichis the distribution or arrangement ofleaves or buds on a stem. or seeds in aflowerhead.Associated Malhematkal Terms:Fibonacci angle = 137.5; Divergency constant, approximately .3819 = 13~ 51Patterns of flow 360. defined as (tin), where t = theShape: Meander, Waves. Ripples ~umber of turns around a stem or axis,Purpose or Function: movement. circulation, and n = the number of leaves; e.g. 112,1/.transportJitioD,uniform expenditure of energy 3,215, 3/8, 5/13, 8121.Notice theExamples in ~ature:streams, rivers, glaciers, sand Fibonacci numbers recWTingin the nltio FDlFn+2..dunes, moray eel. snake Examples in Garden and Permaculture Design:spiraJ garden

    Associated Terms: laminar tlow, vortices. turbulence. -- -.- ... - - - - ... - .. -- - . -- .... - . - -... - -_.--_. _.- - helliptical intervals. Jobes. Examples in Garden and Permaculture Design: edge effect. crenelated edge of pond, lobular p. and g~eDs ..

  • 8/13/2019 Patterns in Nature m


    SMpe: FScatter pPurposeFunction:similarityrepeatedduplicatioshape onscales (itedetail loolarger picIrregularstroctures.J::xamples:\ature: rcoastlines,lichens, trbranches.clouds, frcrystals,snoviflakeslines. lighneuronalinformatioAssociated~f8thematTerms: frgeometry.equations.dynamicsExamplesGarden aPenna cu IDesign: panetworks,

    _IiPatterns of Branchjm~. ForksSha p~: Forks, bilateral

    .~~~Le;::::::n:nd duubleon and distrihution ofnutrients or physical properties,such as energy. Diffusion andinfusion of materials and heat. The most efficientway to reach all points in a large area while movingthe ;horte.c;t(lO 'sih1edistance (Ie.~