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Past/Present Perfectmrteach.beepworld.de/files/repetitorium-themendergram…  · Web viewMr Huebner teaches English, plays the piano ... - Feststehende Pläne, Programme (auch

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Past/Present Perfect

C. Hbner - Repetitorium - Themen der Grammatik


Simple Present and Present Continuous

Simple Present

Present Continuous

- Dauerzustnde:

London is on the Thames

- Gewohnheiten/regelmig wiederholten Handlungen:

Jill gets up at six. I don't read comics.

Every Saturday he washes his car.

- Fhigkeiten:

Mr Huebner teaches English, plays the piano ...

- Feststehende Plne, Programme (auch


Our train leaves at seven o'clock.

- Kurzstze: momentane Minihandlungen


Here he comes. There goes our last train.

- aufeinander folgende Handlungen:

He pays for his petrol, then he jumps into his car and drives away.

bei Verben mit statischer Bedeutung, die keine Verlaufsformen haben, wie

to be, to love, to hate, to like, to understand, to think, to remember, to forget, to notice, to realize, to sound, to hear, to see, to smell (riechen nach), to seem, to mean, to doubt (anzweifeln), to prefer, to want, to wish, to belong, usw.

Signalwrter: every, usually, often, sometimes, always, never usw.

Beachte: Bei Verben die in der 3. Person Einzahl stehen und die im Infinitiv auf -o oder Zischlaut enden, wird noch ein -e vor das -s geschoben; z.B.: do - does, watch - watches

- Noch nicht abgeschlossene Handlungen:

It is raining. He is working.

- Wiederholte Handlungen/Zustnde in

begrenztem Zeitraum:

Jill is living with her aunt this week.

- Augenblickliche Ttigkeiten:

Jane is playing the piano.

- Persnliche Plne, Abmachungen:

We are leaving for France tomorrow.

She's getting married soon.

- Wiederholte, nicht regelmige

Handlungen (abschtzig!)

She's always wearing that hat.

He's always disturbing us.

Signalwrter: just now, at the moment, Look!, Listen!

Beachte: Dauerzustnde stehen im Simple Present; z.B.: Our house stands in East Lane.

Bei Verben die in Infinitiv einen kurzen betonten Vokal - a, e, i, o, u - haben, wird der darauffolgende Konsonant beim Anhngen von -ing verdoppelt; z.B.: to put putting, to sit sitting.

Bei Verben, die im Infinitiv mit stummen -e enden, fllt das -e beim anhngen von -ing weg; z.B.: to come coming, to give giving

Simple Past and Past Progressive

Simple Past

Past Progressive

Abgeschlossene Geschehnisse der Vergangenheit mit keinem unmittelbaren Bezug zur Gegenwart.

John went to England last year.

He arrived at the front door, opened it, and was shocked.

Did he go by bus or by train?

When did our Easter holidays begin?

Signalwrter: last..., ...ago, in 2009, yesterday; z.B.: I saw him last week.

Beachte: Endet das Verb im Infinitiv auf Konsonant + y, so wird beim Anhngen von -ed aus dem -y ein i; z.B.: to carry he carried

In der Vergangenheit oder zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit ablaufende Ttigkeiten oder Vorgnge

Yesterday at 9 o'clock I was watching TV.

eine Handlung, die gerade stattfand, als ein neues Ereignis eintrat (das neue Ereignis steht dagegen im Simple Past)

We were watching TV when the telephone rang. (neues Ereignis)

Beachte: Fanden mehrere Vorgnge gleichzeitig in der Vergangenheit statt, so benutzt man bei allen Vorgngen Past Progressive:

I was watching TV while my mother was knitting.

Fanden mehrere Vorgnge nacheinander in der Vergangenheit statt, benutzt man dagegen Simple Past:

First I watched TV, then I read a book.

Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Progressive

Present Perfect Simple

Present Perfect Progressive

- Ergebnis eines vergangenen Geschehens:

Andy has cleaned his moped. (It is clean now!)

The Millers have gone to France on holidays. (They are away!)

Our poor aunt is dead and gone.

- Geschehnisse whrend eines noch andauernden Zeitraums:

Have you seen John this morning? (Frage vor Mittag!)

I haven't heard anything of him this year.

I have done all my work today.

- Zustand, der in der Vergangenheit begonnen hat und noch andauert:

How long have you been married?

She has been ill for a week now. (She still is!)

I've known that for ages!

I've always loved reading books.

Auch fr gewohnheitsmige, wiederholte Handlungen:

I've often met him.

Signalwrter: yet, so far, up to now, never, ever, already usw.

Eine Handlung oder ein Vorgang hat in der Vergangenheit begonnen und dauert in der Gegenwart noch an, verluft weiter:

We have been walking for ten minutes now (and are still).

She has been working there since 2011.

Im Affekt kann es auch an Stelle des present perfect simple stehen, also eine (gefhlsbeladene) Wirkung ausdrcken:

What have you been doing to my book? It's all dirty!

I've been shopping all afternoon, I'm dead tired.

So that's what you've been doing last night.

Beachte: Present Perfect Progressive betont besonders Ablauf, Dauer und Unabgeschlossenheit eines Vorgangs.

Present Perfect Simple betont dagegen eher das Ergebnis eines Vorgangs oder einer Handlung.

Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Progressive

Past Perfect Simple

Past Perfect Progressive

Handlungen, die zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt der Vergangenheit bereits abgeschlossen waren.

Before I visited New York, I had already been to San Francisco.

Ablauf und Dauer eines Vorgangs, der bis zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt der Vergangenheit andauerte oder ber diesen hinausging, sollen betont werden:

He had been working for two hours when she arrived.

Zusammenschau der Vergangenheiten

2010 2014 now

John left school in 2014.

Mary had left it in 2010.

John left school years ago.

Mary (had) left it ten years before.

He went to school from 2010 to 2014.

He went there for four years.

F r e n c hTom has done French at school.

no He hasn't spoken it since 2010 / for years.

S p a n i s h He has been doing Spanish since 2014.

The Tenses - die Zeiten

Die Zeiten



Simple Present

1. Verbformbei 3. Person Einzahl: + -s

I workhe works

Present Progressive

am/are/is +1. Verbform + -ing

I am workingyou are workinghe, she, it is workingwe, you, they are working

Simple Past

2. Verbform

I worked/wenthe worked/went

Past Progressive

was/were + 1. Verbform + -ing

I was workingyou were workinghe, she, it was workingwe, you, they were working

Present Perfect

have + 3.Verbformbei 3. Person Einzahl: has

I have worked/have gonehe has worked/has gone

Present Perfect Progressive

have + been + 1. Verbform + -ingbei 3. Person Einzahl: has

I have been workinghe has been working

Past Perfect

had + 3. Verbform

I had worked/had gonehe had worked/had gone

Past Perfect Progressive

had + been + 1. Verbform + -ing

I had been workinghe had been working


will + 1. Verbform (bei "I" und "we" statt "will" auch "shall"

I will workhe will work

going to-Future

am/are/is + going to + 1.Verbform

I am going to workyou are going to workhe, she, it is going to workwe, you, they are going to work

Future Progressive

will + be + 1. Verbform + -ing

I will be workinghe will be working

Future Perfect

will + have + 3. Verbform

I will have worked/gonehe will have worked/gone

Future Perfect Progressive

will + have + been + 1. Verbform + -ing

I will have been workinghe will have been working

Conditional I

would + 1. Verbform (bei ,,I" und "we" statt "would" auch "should"

I would workhe would work

Conditional I Progressive

would + be + 1. Verbform + -ing

I would be workinghe would be working

Conditional II

would + have + 3. Verbform

I would have worked/would have gonehe would have worked/would have gone

Conditional II Progressive

would + have + been + 1. Verbform + -ing

I would have been workinghe would have been working


Das Will-Future dient zur Vorhersage von zuknftigen Handlungen oder Vorgngen:

Tomorrow the sun will shine.

Das Will-Future kann einen Entschluss ausdrcken, der spontan im Moment des Sprechens fllt:

Just a moment, I'll drive you.

Going to-Future

Drckt eine Absicht aus, die zum Zeitpunkt des Sprechens bereits besteht (also keinen spontanen Entschluss wie beim Will-Future):

I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow.

Das Going to-Future drckt eine logische Schlussfolgerung aus:

Look at the clouds! It's going to rain.

Future Progressive

Ein Vorgang wird zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt der Zukunft gerade ablaufen wird:

When you get this letter, I'll be lying in the sun.

Ein zuknftiger Vorgang wird fr ganz sicher oder selbstverstndlich gehalten:

I'll be seeing him tomorrow.

Future Perfect und Future Perfect Progressive

Vorzeitigkeit gegenber einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt der Zukunft. Der Gebrauch des Progressives betont die ununterbrochene Dauer:

By 2 o'clock tomorrow we will/shall have collected enough books for the jumble sale.

By tomorrow evening Jim will have been working for 5 hours.

Conditional I

In den Hauptstzen von Bedingungsstzen mit unwahrscheinlichen Bedingungen. In den entsprechenden Nebenstzen steht Past Tense:

I would buy a Rolls Royce if I had the money.

In der indirekten Rede, wenn das einleitende Verb in einer Zeit der Vergangenheitsgruppe steht und in der direkten Rede Future I steht:

He said, I will go to England." (Direkte Rede)

He said he would go to England. (Indirekte Rede)

Conditional I Progressive

Der Gebrauch des Progressive betont die ununterbrochene Handlung.

Conditional II

In den Hauptstzen von Bedingungsstzen mit unmglicher Bedingung. In den entsprechenden Nebenstzen steht Past Perfect:

I would/should have gone to the theatre if I had been to London.

In der indirekten Rede, wenn das einleitende Verb in einer Zeit der Vergangenheitsgruppe steht und in der direkten Rede Future Perfect oder Conditional I steht:

He said, I will have seen Big Ben by this time next week." (Direkte Rede)

He said he would have seen Big Ben by that time the following week. (Indirekte Rede)

Conditional II Progressive

Der Gebrauch des Progressive betont die ununterbrochene Dauer.

A) I. Explain the use of the progressive and the non-progressive past in the following sentences:


a) Bond dropped the paper on the floor and sat down and slowly ate his breakfast and thought about Mr Dupont and Goldfinger.

b) The man forced his way to the table in the room. He pulled out two chairs, snapped his fingers for the waiter, spread the menu in front of him, and ordered a bottle of Bordeaux.


2) People were killing other people all the time, all over the world. People were using their motorcars to kill with. They were carrying infectious diseases around.



a) He was raising his hand to strike her, when he stopped short.

b) I was just interrupting him, when a shot was fired.

c) He was turning to her, when the door opened.



a) While he was reading the newspaper, his wife was doing the housework.

b) Yesterday afternoon I was repairing my car while John was cleaning the windows.


A. II. Observe to what effect the progressive and the non-progressive forms can be used in narrative.

5) Mr Dupont gave instructions to a steward in a white coat. Two others were already setting up a card table. Bond walked to the rail that surrounded the roof and looked down.


6) He drove on, cursing, and suddenly it happened; suddenly his hands were trembling feverishly, his face was burning, his heart beating wildly.


A. III. Explain the use of the progressive and simple forms in the following sentences.


a) When I saw him, he ran away.

b) When I saw him, he was running away.



a) They ate tacos when the phone rang.

b) They were eating tacos when the phone rang.



a) We swam while they played tennis.

b) We were swimming while they were playing tennis.


IV. Sentences for translation

1. Betty, die sich gerade die Haare brstete, nickte. 2. Langweile ich dich mit meiner Geschichte? 3. Du hattest einen bsen Traum, und ich hielt es fr besser, dich zu wecken. 4. Als wir ankamen, aen sie gerade zu Mittag. 5. Es nieste jemand, whrend der Prsident sprach. 6. Halte du das Baby, whrend ich die Flasche wrme.



B. I. Present perfect and past tense with time indications. - Sentences for observation.

1.a) I visited Rome last year.

b) The rain stopped a minute ago.

c) I scarcely noticed her at the party.


2.a) Where did you have lunch today?

b) I've had a very busy day at the office today.



3.a) I did not look at the paper this morning.

b) I haven't looked at the paper this morning.



4.a) Have you paid your rent recently?

b) He told me quite recently that ...



B. II. Present perfect and past tense without time indications. - Sentences for observation.

1.a) Were you at Oxford?

b) Have you been to Oxford?


2.a) Newton has explained the movement of the moon.

b) Newton believed in an omnipotent God.


3.a) England has had many able rulers.

b) Assyria had many able rulers.


4.a) America was discovered by Columbus.

b) Though America has been discovered by Columbus, Peter von Zahn seems to think that he has to

do the whole job over again.


B. II. Point out the differences between these sentences.

1.a) Helen has been to England.

b) Helen is in England for six months.

c) Helen was in England for six months.

d) Helen has been in England for six months.


2.a) We always discussed these things on Thursdays.

b) We have always discussed these things on Thursdays.


3.a) He lived in this village all his life.

b) He has lived in this village all his life.


4.a) My father has lived through three wars.

b) My father lived through three wars.


5.a) Fortune has always smiled on him.

b) Fortune always smiled on him.

B. III. Sentences for translation.

1. Ist er schon lange tot? 2. Wie lange sind Sie schon in London? 3. Ich kenne Herrn Jones schon sehr lange. 4. Wie lange bist du schon zurck? 5. Ich kann kaum glauben, dass ich erst einen Tag in England bin. 6. Dieses Denkmal steht schon 50 Jahre hier. 7. Hier ist die Leiche des Mannes, Herr Kommissar. Er muss schon ein paar Stunden tot sein. 8. (Im Konzert:) Es ist das erste Mal, dass ich dieses Musikstck hre.



Aspect: simple and progressive forms

aJanet and Gary are talking on the phone.

Complete their conversation. Use the simple present or present progressive forms of the verbs in brackets.

Gary:Hi, Janet. It's Gary.

Janet:Oh, Hi.

Gary:Janet, what _______________________ (you/do) at the moment?

Janet:I _______________________ (sit) in the dining-room, and I _______________________ (finish) my biology homework. Why?

Gary:I _______________________ (need) some help. Which question _______________________ (write about)? A or B?

Janet:I _______________________ (not know) yet. Which one _______________________ (you/answer)?

Gary:I _______________________ (try) to answer B. But I _______________________ (have) problems.

Janet:Oh, I _______________________ (think) A is probably easier. Why don't you try to answer A?

Gary:I _______________________ (find) A just as difficult. Oh, by the way, what _______________________ (you/plan) to do tonight?

Janet:My French homework, I _______________________ (expect).

Gary:Oh. Well, Paul and I _______________________ (go) to the cinema to see that new film. The one everyone _______________________ (talk about) at the moment.

Janet:Lucky you. I _______________________ (not have) the time to go to the cinema, I _______________________ (have) too much homework. Also, I _______________________ (try) to save some money for my holiday. Anyway, I _______________________ (hope) the film is good.

Gary:Thanks. Bye.

bAll about Gary.

Find the right ending for each sentence. Then explain the use of the tenses and/or the aspect.

1.Gary usually works in the chip shop a) two years ago.

2.Gary attends a ... b) private school.

3.Gary took his GCSEs ... c) Rugby School.

4.Gary does not attend a ... d) next summer.

5.Gary has been working in the shop ... e) comprehensive school.

6.Gary spent a week at ... f) on a Saturday.

7.Gary is taking his A-Levels ... g) as a designer in a theatre.

8.Gary worked in the chip shop ... h) for over a year.

9.Gary wants to work ... i) yesterday.

10.Gary is planning to go camping ... j) in the holidays.

c Susanna and Robert both work on a Saturday to earn some extra money. At the end of the day they travel home on the bus together.

Write their dialogue. Pay attention to the tenses and to the aspect.

Susanna: today - terrible/begin - badly/talk - another waiter - when - boss - see me/she - angry/then - carry - plate - food - when - fall over - bag/of course - restaurant - full/people - wait - pay, others - meals, - food - on carpet

Robert: day - bad/boring/Saturdays - usually - busy - lot - customers/usually - no time - think

Susanna: not - busy?

Robert: not know/last week - not busy - either/people - not spend - much - moment/probably - no money - left - because - spend - Christmas/do - tonight?

Susanna: this morning - think - go - concert, too tired - now/you?

Robert: go - party/like - come?/or - too tired?

Susanna: feel - better - now/come

dIndependent schools

Complete the following text by choosing the right verb from the list. Remember to pay attention to the tenses and to the aspect.

choose - ask - teach - mean - cost - have to - take - not be - receive - cannot - fail - be born - want - believe - do - be - send

In Britain many parents _______________________ to send their children to independent schools, because they _______________________ that their children _______________ a better education there. Some schools _______________________, in fact, so popular that parents _______________________ decide if they _______________________ to send their child to such a school before the child _______________.

Rugby School _______________________ pupils since 1567. This _______________________ that parents _______________________ their sons here for over 300 years. Girls _______________________ attend the school till much later.

School fees at public schools _______________________ cheap. In 1989 it _______________________ 4,425 a term for day pupils and 7,575 a term for boarding pupils at Rugby School.

Next June pupils from both public and state schools _______________________ their A-Levels. A lot of them, including many pupils from public schools ______________________ , their exams. Perhaps their parents _______________________ themselves if they _______________________ the right thing.

The past tense forms of the auxiliaries:




I can go to the cinema with you.I _________________ go to the theatre with

My mom has said yes.Kevin.

Kids mustnt touch the animals.The children ______________________ to feed

Its dangerous.the lion. It was too dangerous.

I can swim really well.But my father ______________ swim faster.



The pupils have to do their homework.They ___________ to write a letter in French.

They must study hard.And they ____________ study for a quiz.


You neednt clean the kitchen,Tom ________________ clean his room.

Ive already done that.

!in questions: did ... have to ... !

in negative sentences: didnt have to ...


I was listening But I wasnt doing

You ________________ You ________________

He ________________ She ________________

to the radio last night. my homework.

We________________ We ________________

You________________ You ________________

They________________ They ________________

Were you watching TV last night?Yes, I was.

_______ your mother _______________ dinner at 8 pm?No, she _____________

________ your parents ______________ the news at 8 pm?No, they _____________

What _________________________?


I. STATEMENTS (Aussagen)

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

1. Present


Past (regelmige Verben: -ed/ unregelmige Verben: 2.Form)












2. Future (will)

Conditional (would)

3. Past

Past Perfect (had + past participle/3rd form)

4. Present perfect (have + past part/3rd form)


Zu 1.: Diane: Im enjoying my new job. Diane said (that) she was enjoying her new job.

My father isnt very well. She said (that) her father wasnt very well.

Peter: I have to go early. Peter said (that) he had to go early.

Ann: I cant find a new job. Ann said (that) she couldnt find a new job.

Mike: My son doesnt like school. Mike said (that) his son didnt like school.

I: I feel fine. I said (that) I felt fine.

Zu 2: Steve: Ill phone you. Steve said (that) he would phone me.

Zu 3: Tim: I went there last year. Tim said (that) he had gone there last year.

Zu 4: Sue: I ve just come back from Sue said she had just come back from


Exercise 1 Complete the sentences.

1. When I was a child, a friend of my fathers told me ...(I take a cold bath every morning.)

2. Just before the plane took off, Mary told Peter (Im feeling rather scared.)

3. When John got home, his wife told him(Ive got a surprise for you.)

4. When Harry was a child, he told everybody that (I want to be a doctor when Im 20.)

5. Tom rang up today to say that (Ill come round at seven.)

6. Bill was happy with his present. He said that (Ive always wanted a gold watch.)

7. I told Fred that(I dont like the idea.), but he said that (Theres nothing to worry about.)

8. Peter was very late. He explained that (I missed the train.)

9. We heard someone shout that(The hotel has caught fire.)

10. I invited him to the party, but he told me that (Im too busy. I cant come.)

11. Someone should tell John that (You need a new suit.)

12. Mr Smith said to Mrs Jones that(Your children make too much noise.)

Exercise 2

1. When the police came, he swore that (Im not the man youre looking for.)

2. George admitted (=gab zu) that (Ive made a mistake.)

3. When the Browns came to see us, my husband said (I wont speak to them.)

4. He said (I cant accept the invitation.)

5. We got a letter from the hotel which said (We have reserved a room for you.)

6. He got angry and told me (I wont come.)

7. The bank manager told me (Theres no money in your account (=Konto).)

8. I told John to be careful, but he said that (I know what Im doing.)

9. Mary told me that (I saw the accident, but I didnt cause (=verursachen) it.)

10. She told me (Ill never speak to him again.)


II. COMMANDS & REQUESTS (Aufforderungen und Bitten)


Mary: Please close the door, John. Mary told John to close the door.

John (to Mary): Please dont throw it away. John asked Mary not to throw it away.(bat)

Regel: Der Befehl/die Aufforderung oder die Bitte wird zu einem Infinitiv mit to.

Die verneinte Aufforderung oder Bitte wird zu not to + infinitive.

Please oder Will you/Would you (=Wrdest du bitte) wird dabei weggelassen!

Die hufigsten Verben, die Bitten, Aufforderungen oder Befehle einleiten, sind:

ask someone = jemanden bitten

tell someone = jemanden auffordern

1. Harry told the waiter(Bring me some sugar before my tea gets cold.)

2. The policeman told the motorist(Drive more carefully unless (=wenn nicht) you want to be arrested.)

3. Mary asked George (Please dont ring me up while Im in the office.)

4. Mr Smith asked his wife(Please dont talk to me while Im shaving.)

5. George asked Ann(Please return the book I lent you if youve finished with it.)

6. When they got back, we asked them(Please tell us about the places youve been to.)

7. Joan got home so wet that her mother told her(Go and have a bath, otherwise youll catch cold.)

8. We told the children(Dont go too far into the wood, you may get lost.)

9. I wrote to Tom and asked him(Please come and stay with us before you go Spain.)

10. Mr Brown rang up his neighbour and asked him(Please stop your dog from barking. It keeps me awake all night.)