Passover The Feast of Unleavened Bread The Feast of Firstfruits Pentecost The Feast of Trumpets The Day of Atonement The Feast of Tabernacles

Passover The Feast of Unleavened Bread The Feast of ...storage.cloversites.com/longviewpointbaptistchurch/...Yeshua, our Messiah, our Savor and our King. We will see that Jesus fulfills

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Page 1: Passover The Feast of Unleavened Bread The Feast of ...storage.cloversites.com/longviewpointbaptistchurch/...Yeshua, our Messiah, our Savor and our King. We will see that Jesus fulfills


The Feast of Unleavened Bread

The Feast of Firstfruits


The Feast of Trumpets

The Day of Atonement

The Feast of Tabernacles

Page 2: Passover The Feast of Unleavened Bread The Feast of ...storage.cloversites.com/longviewpointbaptistchurch/...Yeshua, our Messiah, our Savor and our King. We will see that Jesus fulfills
Page 3: Passover The Feast of Unleavened Bread The Feast of ...storage.cloversites.com/longviewpointbaptistchurch/...Yeshua, our Messiah, our Savor and our King. We will see that Jesus fulfills

Introduction Jane Bush

We are here today to honor the God of Israel - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. A feast is God’s “Set time, it’s His appointed time. He is the host and we are His invited guests. Today, the spotlight is on God’s Son...the root of Jesse, Son of David, Lion of the Tribe of Judah,

Yeshua, our Messiah, our Savor and our King. We will see that Jesus fulfills all 7 of the Biblical Feasts of Is-rael.

1. Jesus is God’s Passover Lamb. (John 1) John the Baptist declared of Jesus, “Behold the Lamb of God”. When describing Passover, 3 things come to my mind: (1) The Lamb, (2) Innocent Blood and (3) Deliver-ance. Jesus was actually crucified on Passover Day.

2. Jesus is the unleavened Bread of Life. He is our sinless Messiah.

3. On the Feast of the Firstfruits, Jesus was raised from the dead. He is the first of a great harvest to come. He is the choicest of the entire harvest.

4. Counting the Omer, 50 days later is Pentecost. On the Old Testament Day of Pentecost, Israel received the Torah at Sinai. It was 7 weeks after the Exodus and the birthday of the Jewish Nation. Israel is be-trothed to Jehovah God as talked about in Isaiah 54, Jeremiah 2:2, Hosea, etc. At Pentecost in the New Testament, (Acts 2:2) there came a sound from heaven like a rushing, mighty wind. Filled with the Holy Spirit, the church is birthed and is become the bride of Christ. The Cross is our bridal price. Our wedding proposal is the gospel. To accept is to say, “I do. I do accept you, Jesus, as my Savior and Lord”.

The first 4 feasts are now fulfilled by Jesus at His first coming. Just as Jesus fulfilled the first 4 feasts, I believe He will fulfill the last 3 feasts.

5. 1 Thessalonians 4...One of these days, Gabriel will sound his horn. There will be a second exodus. There is a generation who will hear the midnight cry. Our Jewish bridegroom will come in the air to “catch up” his bride. Changed in 11/100 of a second, we will be escorted home by the Lord Himself. Could this be our rehearsal party before the Hebrew wedding of Messiah? Let us EAGERLY look for Him!

6. The Day of Atonement pictures the 1,000 year reign of King Jesus, sitting on David’s throne. Israel will be forgiven and restored. Israel will know her Messiah. “And the first shall be last and the last shall be first.”

7. Finally, our King of Kings and Lord of Lords will tabernacle with His Jewish and gentile believers together forever in His kingdom.

Three of the 7 feasts are called Pilgrimage Feasts. All Jewish males were required to go to the central sanctu-

ary to appear before the Lord 3 times a year. (Deut. 16:16) (1) Passover - in the spring during the Barley Har-

vest, (2) Pentecost - also in Spring during the Wheat Harvest, and (3) Tabernacles - in the fall during the Fruit


May the Lord bless you from Zion all the days of your life.

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Old Testament Feast of Passover Kellie Thompson

Exodus 1:5 Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who knew not Joseph. God allows a new king (pharaoh) of Egypt to arise. God knows His people are't ready to leave. Their hearts are in Egypt. Remember in the wilderness how the children of Israel cried out for the leaks, the garlic, the melons, cucumbers and the fish. This new pharaoh had no respect, no regard for Joseph or for Joseph's God or people. This pharaoh provoked the Hebrews to want to leave Egypt. First, pharaoh had taskmasters. They forced labor in building programs of pharaoh's treasure cities. There was the mud, the bricks, the whips. Then there the midwives who were ordered by Pharaoh to cast the Hebrew male newborns into the river. The purpose was to restrict the Hebrews from growing and multiplying. Now, God's chosen people are finally ready to leave Egypt. Israel cries out to God for deliverance from slavery and from severe oppression. Moses is God's choice of a deliverer. Moses is accepted by Israel as their leader. God sent Moses to announce His demands to Pharaoh. God sent 10 plagues: (1) water to blood (2) frogs (3) gnats (4) swarms of flies (5) death of livestock (6) festering boils (7) hail (8) locust (9) darkness. After the 9th plague, God said the firstborn males of every house would die when the death angel passed over unless the doorframe of the house was covered with the blood of a perfect male lamb. On the 10th day of the first month, each man is to take a lamb for his family. It was to be fully grown--a year old male lamb without defect--perfect in quality. Keep the lamb and take care of the lamb until the 14th day of the first month. No last minute arrangements are allowed. Slaughter the lamb at twilight while there is still enough light for the slaughter. Put the blood on the sides and top of the door frames of the houses where you eat the lamb. Eat the meat roasted with fire along with bitter herbs and bread without yeast. Roasting requires no set up or wash up. There is no time for water to boil. Roasting is the simplest, fastest way to cook, The concept is of speed and readiness. The moon is full at this time on their Lunar Calendar and provides maximum night time light. Eat "all" the meat--no leftovers-- no refrigeration. Trust God to provide for tomorrow. The power of a sacrificial, innocent animal protects God's chosen people from death. Applying the blood demonstrates Israel's confidence in God's power to kill as well as to rescue. The door face is seen by the outside world. It's a sign showing the faith of those who dwell within. The blood was smeared on the door frame before the Passover meal was eaten. Deliverance from death comes first. Then eat a quick meal, gathered as families. It was to be a sudden departure. It was their last meal in Egypt. They'd go on a moment's notice. They'd never return to homes they'd built and raised their families. They'd lived in Egypt 430 years. Parents and grand-parents had lived and died there. Shoes were usually removed in the house. With this Passover meal, shoes were worn because a trip was im-minent. Shoes on, staff in your hand...eat in haste. (Ex 12:11) The beginning of a great journey was undertaken by Israel with all their possessions, including livestock. They'd relocate in that new land flowing with milk and honey...the land promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Ex 6:8)

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The Passover Feast in the New Testament Claire Humphries

In Matthew 26: 17- 19, we see Jesus giving the disciples instructions for preparation of the final Passover meal that they would share before his death. 17 Now on the first day of Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Where will you have us prepare for you to eat the Passover?" 18 He said, "Go into the city to a certain man and say to him, 'The Teacher says, My time is at hand. I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples.'" And the disciples did as Jesus had directed them, and they prepared the Passover. In verses 26 through 29 we see Jesus and the disciples celebrating the Passover together. Jesus at that time implements the Lord's Supper. He set forth the ordinance of the Lord's Supper for all believers to partake of, from that point on. By transitioning the Passover to the Lord's Supper, he establishes the new covenant of salvation being offered through his death on the cross. 26 Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, "Take, eat; this is my body." 27 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, "Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus uses the broken bread and the fruit of the vine to represent the sacrifice that he would offer. The very next day Jesus, who was perfect and sinless, laid down his life on the cruel cross of Calvary. There, his body was broken and his blood was shed for our sins. Just as the blood of the sacrificed lamb saved the Hebrew people, Jesus' blood saves any person who places their faith in Christ. This means his shed blood covers the sins of those who receive him as Lord and Savior. While it's important to read from God's word about the Passover in Exodus, and understand its significance, the Lord's Supper demonstrates that the Passover is ultimately fulfilled in Christ. Jesus is our Passover Lamb ( 1 Corinthians5:7).!! John 1:29 says " The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him [John the Baptist] and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! Thankfully, unlike all of the other lambs that had been sacrificed under the Old Testament Law, this Spotless Lamb of God did not stay dead! After three days in the tomb, Jesus Christ rose from the grave conquering sin and death forever! ( 1 Peter 1: 19 tells us "the precious blood of Christ, [ is] like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.) One day those who have been saved by the blood of Christ will be among those described in Revelation 5: 12 saying with a loud voice, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain... and v. 13 ..."To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!" HALLELUJAH WHAT A SAVIOR!!

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The Feast of Unleavened Bread

Peggy Flinn

The Feast of Unleavened Bread pictures the sinless Jesus “the bread of life” from heaven. It begins the day

after Passover eve and lasts for seven days.

Because they are so closely related in time and purpose, the names are often interchangeable. During Pass-

over and the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Jewish people put away all leaven from their houses and eat

unleavened bread. Leaven in the scripture is usually a symbol of sin. It is pierced (the bread) even as our

Lord was pierced, by nails in His hands and feet and the Roman spear in His side. It is striped in the baking,

reminding us that Isaiah said “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities,

...and with His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5)

God gave a ceremony of searching and removing leaven from the house prior to the Festival of Unleavened

Bread, in preparation for the feast. The ceremony was as follows: First, the wife thoroughly cleans the house

to remove all leaven from it. The Bible says that leaven is a symbol of sin. In cleaning the house, the wife is

instructed to leave ten small pieces of leaven (bread) in the house. Then the father takes the children, along

with a candle, a wooden spoon, with a feather, and a piece of linen cloth, and searches through the house for

the ten pieces of leaven. By night fall, on the day before Passover, a final search is performed. At this time,

the house is completely dark, except for the candle. Once the father finds the leaven (bread), he sets the

candle down by the leaven and lays the wooden spoon beside the leaven. Then he uses the feather to sweep

the leaven onto the spoon. Without touching the leaven, he takes the feather, spoon and leaven, wraps

them in linen cloth and casts them out of the door of the house. The next morning he goes into the syna-

gogue and puts the linen cloth and its contents into a fire to be burned.

The spoon represents the tree that Jesus died upon. The leaven or sin was swept on the spoon or tree as

part of the ceremony. Likewise, our sin was swept upon Jesus (II Corinthians 5:21) when Jesus died upon the

tree. The leaven (Jesus upon the tree) was then wrapped in linen and Jesus was cast out of His house (His


The 15th day of the same month of the Passover, in March or April, marks the beginning of a seven day feast

period. Israel was to eat bread without leaven (sin) in remembrance of their baking unleavened bread in

their haste to escape Egypt.

Unleavened bread pictures the suffering of the Messiah. Isaiah 53 prophesied the suffering of the Messiah.

The unleavened bread used in the Passover is called “Matzo”.

Just as God fed the Israelites in the wilderness with manna from heaven, the Messiah, now feeds the believer

with the true bread of heaven - Himself - the Bread of Life.

The Passover ceremony of “breaking” and “burying” and then “resurrecting” very obviously

represents the gospel in the midst of the modern Jewish Passover celebration. God performed this exact

ceremony with the burial of Jesus.

“Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the Universe who brings forth bread from the earth!”

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New Testament Feast of Unleavened Bread

Dara McIngvale

So, where does that leave us, as we transition to the New Testament Feast of Unleavened Bread? Do we cele-brate the Feast or not? Is this still applicable to us New Testament Gentile believers and followers of Christ?

1 Corinthians 5:7 says: Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleav-ened. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed.

Everything the law could not do Jesus fulfilled. The law could not provide an innocent lamb to be sacrificed once and for all for our sins. Jesus was a perfect Lamb that was lead to slaughter who gave Himself as our guilt offer-ing. Isaiah 53:7, 10 say of Jesus He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He did not open His mouth, like a lamb that was led to slaughter…. But, the LORD was pleased to crush Him, putting to grief if He would render Himself as a guilt offering.

Just as the sin in the leaven was swept onto the spoon by the feather, the sins of all mankind were put on Jesus while He hung on the cross for you and for me. Just as the feather, the spoon, and the leaven were wrapped in a linen cloth and cast out of the house by the Father to be burned, Jesus took the sins of mankind putting them on Himself dying on the cross as His Father casted Him away from His presence and was then wrapped in linens and laid dead in a tomb. The linen cloth with its contents was carried the next day to the synagogue to be burned in the fire. So our sins are the same. They are carried away, they died with Jesus. We receive this gift of payment for our sins, called salvation when we accept what Jesus did, believe Who Jesus is, and Confess Jesus is the Son of God. Then we have been forgiven. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says: He became sin who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

But we don’t just stop there and go on living the way we have in the past. He tells the churches in Revelation to repent and return to their first Love. That is Jesus, He is our first Love.

So, do we celebrate the feast today? 1 Corinthians 5:8 says: Therefore, let us celebrate the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. The feasts were celebrated by Jewish Christians. When this letter was written Jesus had already ascended and the church age had started. They were celebrating the feast but, they were not dealing with the sin issues in their lives or in the body of Christ. There was arrogance, sexual sins, acting immoral, gossipers, hypocrites, jealousy, coveting and much more.

This is very important to us because we are in the Church age. We are New Testament Believers. We are dealing with the same exact sins today. Paul says Boasting is not good, do you not know that a little leaven, leavens the whole lump of dough? (1Cor5:6) Jesus points out all in Gospels, the Pharisees and their teachings. They ap-peared righteous outwardly but inwardly were full of hypocrisy, lawlessness, false religion, and other sins (Matthew 23:28, 16:12,1John 3:4).

In the world, leaven is all around us. It is not only in baked goods but in many other products. Leaven spreads and affects most other products. Translation- Sin spreads and affects most other areas. The leavening agents in-clude: yeast, baking soda and baking powder. The leavening agents physically “PUFF UP” grain containing prod-ucts, and make them look larger than they otherwise would be. In actuality, we wouldn’t celebrate the feast be-cause we have been forgiven. However, it is a wonderful idea to celebrate the feast. Jesus is not as concerned with keeping a traditional ordered feast as He is us keeping our hearts pure and our lives right with Him.

Lastly, Paul leaves us in this chapter with a few instructions inspired by God! Not only are we to celebrate with Jesus, our Bread of Life in sincerity and truth but to, clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as we are in fact unleavened. With prayer and the Word of God daily in our lives we need to clean up our sins. Make a deliberate effort to clean up our sins personally. If we are in Christ we are a new creation and the old things have passed away and the new things have come! That’s exciting news!! It’s true and worth celebrating!

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(2 Cor. 5:17) We don’t have a Savior that can’t relate to what we are going through. Hebrews says Jesus has been tempted in all things just as we are, yet He was without sin. He is trustworthy. So we truly do have someone who understands and knows how to help us!

As the feather was used to clean up sin ladies if we call ourselves Christians we have this “feather” in us. He is called the Holy Spirit. He is our constant help. Call to Him, Call to Jesus. He is always there.

By His stripes, we are healed.

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Feast of the Firstfruits

Lora Snyder

A simple ribbon. Just a piece of cloth. But, it was extremely important to Jewish families of the Old Testament. Today

I will share with you about a special festival, a festival we do not hear much about, the Festival of the Feast of the

First Fruits. You can read about this feast in Leviticus 23:9-14. Let’s look at this special day, the background information, the process of presenting the first fruits, and other events that happened on this exact day of the year in the Old

Testament. The day I’m referring to would be the day after the Passover Sabbath… known as Nissan 16, which falls

each year sometime in March or April. Nissan is the first month of God’s religious calendar in the spring of each year.

This year, for example, Nissan 16 fell on April 9th. This day is also referred to in the Bible as Reishit (re sheet) or the

first day of unleavened bread and also as the barley harvest. This feast was part of the agricultural harvest festival

commanded by God in Leviticus. It was a feast of thanksgiving for the barley harvest because barley was the first fruit

of the season. Barley was simply one of the crops the Israelites wanted to thank God for. In fact, this feast was an

annual day for thanking God for giving them the land of Israel. As Leviticus 23:10 says to all Israelites, “bring a sheaf

of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest.” A sheaf was simply a bundle of the grain. In the Bible the term sheaf is

also used to represent a person or persons. Additionally, according to Leviticus 23:11, -“wave the sheaf before the Lord,

to be accepted for you: the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it”. So it was that every family took the first sheaf

of the harvest and presented it in Jerusalem to the priest. This process was familiar to all of the families. When the first

standing ripe harvest of barley was ready to be reaped, the Jewish family would take one sheaf from the standing har-

vest and bring it to the priest during the Passover. On the next day, the first day of Unleavened Bread, the sheaf was cut

and prepared for the offering. On the third day, “Reishit”, the priest waved the sheaf before the Lord. Counting the

days or omer then began and continued until the day after the 7th Sabbath or the 50th day, which is Pentecost (the

next feast on the calendar). This first token harvest was viewed as a promise of the larger harvest to come of all the

grains and fruit for that year. First fruits were always: the choicest, the best , the first, the preeminent of all that was to

follow. They were “holy” to the Lord. Though Reishit is rarely practiced today, it remains a special day in the history

of the Jewish people. Nissan 16 is significant in Biblical history for other reasons also. This was the day Noah's ark

came to rest on Mt Ararat. Nissan 16 was the day of the year that Israel crossed the Red Sea. It was also the day

the Israelites enjoyed the fruits of the Promised Land for the first time and there was no more need for manna. And,

Nissan 16 is the very day that Esther saved the Jews in Persia and Media from death by Haman.

Soon, Ms, Evelyn will explain to you why this day is so special to Christians, but first I must tell you about the ribbon.

It is quite simple, but very profound. Each year the Israelite families would excitedly rush into their fields and vineyards

and fruit orchards when the fruit was just starting to ripen. They would mark the first fruit for the Lord with a ribbon

similar to this one. This was a tradition which was important because it revealed to each Israelite family how significant

it was to give to the Lord the first of all they had been blessed with.

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Festival of the Firstfruits (NT)

Evelyn Pate

When they took Jesus down from the cross, Joseph, a rich man who had a tomb nearby, went to Pilate and

asked for the body of Jesus. Pilate allowed him to take the body. Joseph wrapped it in clean linen cloths

with spices for it was too near the Passover to prepare a proper burial.

The tomb was a simple chamber with three hewn-out benches, or shelves, within a dug pit with a stone to

cover the entrance.

Just imagine how Mary Magdalene felt when she went early in the morning of the third day to prepare the

body for burial, and the stone was rolled away from the entrance. She ran to tell Simon Peter and the disci-

ples that Jesus loved. When they heard the news, they ran to the tomb only to find it empty. Peter went

into the tomb and saw the linen cloths lying there with the face cloth rolled up in a different place. They did-

n’t know what to think since they had not understood the words of Jesus “that he would rise again from the

dead”. As they returned to their homes, Mary stayed weeping outside the tomb. When she looked in again

she saw two angels, one sitting at the foot and one at the head where the body had been. Later in the day

Jesus was seen by many including Mary Magdalene and the disciples. He told the disciples to wait in Jerusa-

lem to receive power from the Holy Spirit and while he spoke he was lifted up and they saw a cloud receive

Him. Jesus went up to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of God our Father. Now we can know that a

sealed tomb with guards could not keep Jesus from rising on that third day.

Thank you Jesus for being willing to die on the cross so that we can live through you.

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Feast of Weeks

Martha Stone

We are celebrating the Feast of Weeks at this table, but you may know it better as Pentecost. However, I’m

writing from the perspective of the Old Testament, where you won’t find the word Pentecost. So I will be

using the term Feast of Weeks in my presentation. It gets its name by the calculation used to determine

when it is celebrated. From the important holiday Passover, seven weeks or seven Sabbaths are counted,

then the next day the Israelites were to bring an offering to the Lord.

In Leviticus 23: 15-21, God commanded the Israelites to institute this festival once they crossed over to the

promised land. Each household was to bring two loaves of bread, baked with leaven, for a wave offering as

first fruits to the Lord. The offering was lifted up in the priests’ hands and waved unto God to remind them

of the covenant that God made with man through Moses. Also required were seven male lambs without de-

fects, a bull, two rams, one male goat, and two more male lambs as various sacrifices and offerings.

Everything done at the Feast of Weeks was to show joy and thankfulness for the Lord’s provision of the har-

vest. This special time was accompanied by a sacred assembly of the people. It is also one of three holy days

when all Jewish males were instructed to celebrate in “the place where the Lord your God chooses to estab-

lish His name” (Deuteronomy 16:11); a designated holy place, if you will.

The Feast of Weeks, according to Jewish oral tradition, was also the time that Moses received the Ten Com-

mandments on Mt. Sinai. God said He would meet with all the people. They were instructed to purify them-

selves for three days prior to this meeting, and on that day they were not to touch the boundaries of the

mountain, where God came down. There was thunder and flashes of lightning, a thick cloud, and a loud

trumpet sound. He descended upon the mountain in fire, and the whole mountain quaked. All of this, plus

the voice of God, frightened the people so much that they begged Moses to be their mediator; for he alone

to get the Lord’s commands from Him, and bring them back to the people.

This is the Feast of Weeks in a historic nutshell!

God divinely and richly orchestrated details of festivals and rituals in Old Testament times to parallel the re-

demptive ministry of Christ in New Testament times. Dianne Belk and I will show you some of these paral-


1. The harvest: (OT) The first grain planting/harvest was barley, and the second planting/harvesting was

wheat. (NT) The Jews were God’s “First crop,” the barley, and the Gentiles were the second crop, the

wheat, in a spiritual harvest of people.

2. Leavened bread: (OT) It took two loaves of leavened bread to make one complete offering to God at

this festival. Leaven represented sin, or that which is false, deceitful, and impure. (NT) The two loaves of

bread represent Jews and Gentiles, who make up one body in Christ. The leaven indicates that though in

Christ, we still deal with sin daily.

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3. Wheat: (OT) The Feast of Weeks was a festival to celebrate the wheat harvest. (NT) Wheat represents

God’s people, believers in Christ Jesus.

4. Joyous Celebration: (OT) The Jewish people celebrated a joyous wheat harvest at the Feast of Weeks. (NT)

The church celebrated a harvest of newborn souls at Pentecost.

5. Law of Sinai:

A. (OT) Ten Commandments were written on stone tablets by God’s finger. (NT) Law

of God was written on the hearts of the disciples by the Holy Spirit.

B. (OT) Law was given externally to the people as a whole. (NT) In Jerusalem it was

put in each believer individually through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

C. (OT) God was manifested in smoke and fire at Mt. Sinai. (NT) At Pentecost the

Holy Spirit was manifested in fire and through speaking in tongues.

D. (OT) The fire at Sinai was visible by all, but touched by none. (NT) The fire at

Pentecost divided itself and rested on each individual.

E. (OT) The Israelites became the servants of God when they accepted the Law given

to Moses at Mt. Sinai. (NT) The disciples became witnesses for Christ when they

received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

In summary , the Feast of Weeks in the Old Testament was a celebration of the wheat harvest and also a com-

memoration of God’s law given at Mt. Sinai for His chosen people. It foreshadowed the redemptive work of

Christ Jesus on behalf of all the people of the earth.

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Pentecost in the New Testament

Diane Belk

God uses living pictures like Jewish festivals and feasts to convey spiritual truths. Just as in the New Testament, Jesus

uses parables from daily Jewish life to teach kingdom principles, (eg.parable of the seed and the sower, parable of the

wedding feast and parable of the lost sheep), so God uses physical experiences of our lives to help us conceptualize and

internalize spiritual realities that we cannot see. The ritual pictures of the Old Testament feasts foreshadowed the

coming of Christ and His redemptive ministry in the New Testament.

Pentecost is the New Testament counterpart of the Feast of Weeks in the Old Testament. Both feasts fall on the same

day. The word Pentecost is derived from the Greek word meaning fifty as the Feast of Pentecost is celebrated fifty days

after Passover.

Acts 2 commemorates the first Christian Pentecost. (Read Acts 2:1-11). It was during this feast that the baptism of the

Holy Spirit was received by the disciples. The church, thus, was birthed as the new people of God consisting not only of

Jews but in time “all that are far off as many as the LORD our God will call” (Acts 2:39), making this Pentecost the be-

ginning of the fulfillment of Gen. 12:3(b) where God said to Abraham, “And through your seed all the families of the

earth shall be blessed.” Even further back in Gen 3:15, this Pentecost is God fulfilling His spoken Word to Adam and Eve

that their seed would crush the head of the serpent. This Christian Pentecost was very significant in the fulfillment of

God's covenant to redeem man from sin.

With the birth of the church, came the mission of the church which is to spread the Good News that the Messiah had

come for the remission of sins. The Holy Spirit empowers all the redeemed, then and now, for evangelism and bestows

spiritual gifts as needed for the sole purpose of “equipping all the saints for the work of ministry for the building up of

the body of Christ” (Eph 4:12).

Pentecost also pointed to something that occurred in the spiritual realm. The miraculous outpouring of the Holy Spirit

was heaven communicating to us that Jesus Christ's redemptive works was accomplished, and that Jesus had as High

Priest and King received all authority in heaven and on earth, and was the Anointed One over His people (Idem, Acts of

the Apostles, p.38). Here at this Pentecost ended a need for an earthly High Priest and daily sacrifices for the sins of the

people. Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice, once and for all, that takes away the sins of the world. He is now the way, the

truth and the life. This first Christian Pentecost ushered in a new covenant for a new people, Gentiles and Jews, in a

new era called Grace.

The picture images in the Old Testament Feast of Weeks have their parallels in the New Testament Feast of Pentecost.

For instance, the many imagery of harvests in the Old Testament are from actual crop harvests like barley, wheat

and grapes. In the New Testament, the harvests deal with people and spiritual harvests.

In the Feast of Weeks of the Old Testament, the two loaves of leavened bread make up one complete offering to

the LORD. In the New Testament Pentecost, the two loaves symbolize Jews and Gentiles who make up one body in


The leaven in Old Testament represented sin and what was false, deceptive and impure. While in the New Testa-

ment Pentecost leaven signifies the offering of sinners before Christ. Three thousand sinners were converted in the

first Christian Pentecost.

Wheat in the New Testament always represented believers as in Matt. 3:12, Matt. 13:25, Matt. 13:30 where God

would gather in His wheat harvest but burn up the tares (or the wicked).

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Jews celebrated a joyous wheat harvest at the Feast of Weeks, and the Church celebrated a harvest of newborn souls

at Pentecost.

At Sinai, the ten commandments were written on stone tablets with God's finger (Ex. 31:8). At Pentecost, the law of

God was written on the disciples' hearts by the Holy Spirit (Jer. 31:33)

At Sinai, the law was given externally to the people as a whole while at Pentecost in Jerusalem, it was put within each

believer individually through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Both at Sinai and Pentecost was the manifestation of the Presence of God. (The physical manifestation of God's pres-

ence, is called a theophany.) At Sinai the theophany was manifested in the form of fire, cloud and mighty voice while at

Pentecost it was in the form of fire and speaking in tongues. (The manifestation of tongues in many different languages is

very pivotal in this Pentecost because it is the reversal of cursing to blessing for the whole world. It represents the reversal

of the scattering and hostility of the nations that followed God's judgement of man's rebellion at Babel (Gen. 11:1-9).

Thus, this Pentecost signifies the inauguration of God's missionary purpose for the church to unite peoples of all cultures,

nations and languages under Christ.

Fire at Sinai was visible to all but touched by none. Fire at Pentecost divided itself and rested on each individual.

After Moses went up to Sinai, the Torah was given to the Israelites at the Feast of Weeks. When the Israelites accepted

the Torah, they became the servants of God. Similarly, after Jesus went up to heaven, the Holy Spirit was given at Pente-

cost. When the disciples received the Holy Spirit, they became witnesses for Christ.

These are some of the innumerable parallels between the Feast of Weeks in the Old Testament and the Feast of Pentecost

in the New Testament. The Feast of Weeks is a joyous celebration of divine blessings for the Spring wheat harvest and

continues into the New Testament as a celebration of spiritual harvest of souls because of Jesus Christ's redemptive minis-


The New Testament Pentecost gives us an opportunity to be thankful for not only material blessings in our lives but spiri-

tual blessings. Pentecost for the Christian is a time of Thanksgiving because Jesus rose from the dead as the firstfruit of

the redeemed. His resurrection guarantees our resurrection. Pentecost is a time for Thanksgiving because Jesus ascended

into heaven to begin an intercessory ministry on behalf of His believers. Lastly, Pentecost is a time of Thanksgiving for the

gift of the Holy Spirit who is our Guide, Truth, Counselor and Comforter. Pentecost calls us to become receptive to the in-

filling and enabling of the Holy Spirit, living lives led “Not by power nor by might but by My Spirit,” saith the LORD, into


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Feast of Trumpets

Charity Zeiset

The Biblical Feasts are especially fascinating because they originated from the mouth of the Lord. Holidays such as,

Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, Valentine’s Day, even Christmas and Easter did not begin with a mandate or command

from the Lord accompanied by a list of rules of observance. Celebrating a holiday out of obedience to the Lord adds a

spirit of reverence and awe to the day or the season that cannot be duplicated by man-made holidays. With rituals

and repetition, the Lord aimed to permanently engrave Himself on the hearts of His people. He wants to be remem-


The Feast of Trumpets is sometimes called, Yom Teru’ ah, or Day of the Shofar. This year (2012), in mid- August, sho-

fars (ram’s horns used as musical instruments) will sound out in Israel and other places around the world where Jew-

ish people reside. The shofar will be heard every day for a month preceding the Feast of Trumpets. Its blasts are in-

tended to “awaken” listeners to prepare for the coming judgment. Yom Teru’ ah and Yom Kippur are the holiest days

of the Jewish Year - called High Holy Days. They are a time for deep thought, self- examination, and prayer. As the

shofar blasts in August this year, Jews around the world will begin to search their hearts for sin, and look for error or

wrong motives in their actions and thoughts of the previous year. True repentance must occur; broken relationships

are to be mended; Debts forgiven; and hearts are not only to repent and repair….but turn from the sinful way, and

renew their focus on the Lord and His Commandments. This is also a time where Jews are to be especially thoughtful

of those in need and how they might assist them.

In our home, my children may not immediately recognize the term “Feast of Trumpets” because it is known to us as

Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah means “Head of the Year” and celebrates beginnings. It is considered the Jewish New

Year, and we greet each other with “Shanah Tovah”, which in Hebrew means “A Good Year.” There are many cus-

toms that accompany each Jewish holiday. On this holiday, apples are dipped in honey symbolizing a sweet new year,

the challah may be made round to symbolize a crown since Rosh Hashanah is the “Head” of the year, or it may be

formed into a ladder on which prayers travel up to the Lord; it is a time to send special greeting cards to relatives and

friends wishing them well (similar to our American custom of the Christmas Letter or Christmas cards). However,

unlike other holidays that require cooking, cleaning, or building – the preparation for Rosh Hashanah is invisible. It

takes place within the heart.

Traditions can be fun and create great memories. Our family chooses which traditions we will practice by drawing a

distinction between the exact commands of the Lord and the many other traditions that are at times presented as

commandments but were really mandated by man. We sometimes take part in non-biblically-required- traditions

during our observances of the Feasts and Sabbaths, but we discuss the fact that the tradition was not truly a com-

mandment of the Lord, and therefore optional.

So, where is the Feast of Trumpets mentioned in the Bible? And what did the Lord have to say about it? It all begins

in Leviticus 23: 23-25 when,

“The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘In the Seventh Month on the first of the

month, you shall have a rest, a reminder by blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. You shall not do any laborious

work, but you shall present an offering by fire to the Lord.’”

Perhaps you are thinking, “Wow. That was pretty short and to the point.” Well, it is.

First, the Lord specifies the date.

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The Feast is to take place on the first day of the seventh month, that is, the first of Tishri. The month of Tishri in the

Jewish calendar generally coincides with September or early October. In 2012, the first of Tishri begins for us at sun-

down September 16. For Jews, a day ends at sundown and the new day begins after that.

Then, the Lord commands rest.

Rest is a recurring command, often to take place at the beginning or end of a biblical feast. Resting on the first day of a

feast helps one to clear one’s mind of worldly clutter and focus on the Lord and His mighty works.

It is to be a time of remembrance by blowing of trumpets.

Remembrance of the Lord, all He has done, His greatness, love and compassion is also a repeated objective of the

Feasts. The Lord requires His children to remember Him.

Horns or trumpets are referenced throughout the Bible and often represent deliverance.

An early example of this is found in Genesis 22: 10-13. Abraham is about to slay his son Isaac as commanded by the

Lord. The angel of the Lord stops him for, “behold, behind him a ram caught in the thicket by his horns.” And Abraham

offered the ram in place of Isaac. The Lord preserved the Hebrew people that day by delivering the child of the Prom-


In Joshua 6, the city of Jericho is delivered into the hands of the Israelites after the priests blew the trumpets/ram’s

horns/shofars. Rahab, the harlot, was also delivered that day – delivered from death and harlotry. She later married an

Israelite and is in the lineage of Jesus as listed in Matthew 1:5.

Judges 7 chronicles yet another miraculous deliverance where trumpets are involved. After a seven year occupation of

Israel by Midian, the Israelites had “made themselves dens” in the mountains – and were brought “very low” because

of the Midianites, the Lord sent Gideon to deliver them. When Gideon and his army blew 300 trumpets and smashed

pitchers that were in their hands, the Midianite army fled and Israel was delivered once again.

Every year since I was a young girl, I remember the time leading up to Rosh Hashanah as very exciting. My mom was

anticipating the possible return of Jesus. She couldn’t wait to be raptured by her Savior and to be in His presence ever-

more. When she got excited, so did I. What a wonderful thought to be preparing for Jesus to come, to think we might

see Him face to face very soon. The many years of waiting have not subdued our excitement and anticipation. Mom is

still convinced He will come on Rosh Hashanah, and although she doesn’t claim to know what year it will be, she’ll

never stop looking for Him to be coming on the clouds, and we’ll keep listening to hear the trumpets sound.

Come, Lord Jesus, Come. We are watching and waiting.

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The Lamb’s Book of Life

(The New Testament Fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets)

Lindsay Atkinson

~This is the time for the return of Jesus Christ to the earth to establish the Kingdom of God. ~

Rosh Hashanah, or “The Feast of Trumpets”, is the Old Testament yearly feast solemnly celebrating the beginning of ten

days of judgment when the righteous are written in the “Book of Life”, the wicked are condemned, and those who are not

wholly righteous or wholly wicked are given ten days to repent. However, as Christians, we celebrate with anticipation

the fulfillment of this Old Testament feast. Those of us who know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior are written in “The

Lamb’s Book of Life” once and for all and do not fear judgment, but rather look forward to Christ’s return.

“But nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written

in the Lamb’s book of life.” Revelation 21:27 ESV

We have learned about the feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, and Pentecost which have all been fulfilled

by Jesus during his time on earth as a suffering servant and upon his resurrection and ascent to Heaven. “The Lamb’s Book

of Life” is the next awaited fulfillment of “The Feast of Trumpets”. This fulfillment will be issued in by the rapture of the

church (the bride of Christ) at the sound of the trumpet (shofar) and the return of Jesus Christ (the bridegroom).

“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you

may be also.” John 14:3 ESV

“For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the

sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught

up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore en-

courage one another with these words.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 ESV

As Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…” This includes

the feasts of the Bible. According to the Jewish calendar, the previous feasts which have already been fulfilled took place

in spring. Right now we are in a summer season, a time of labor in the fields and preparation for the final harvest, also

known as the Church Age. This is a time to focus on spreading the gospel throughout the world. Jesus said the end would

not come until the gospel was proclaimed throughout the whole world (Matthew 24:14). He also said in John 4:35 that

the fields are already white for harvest.

Jesus came to this earth as a suffering servant, but when He returns He will be coming as the only true King to rule and

judge the nations. “And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment”(Hebrews 9:27 ESV).His

return is not something to take lightly. Just as the shofar was sounded from Sinai and met with trembling from the people

(Exodus 19:16), it will also one day be sounded from Zion (Isaiah 27:13). The sound of the shofar is meant to awaken us

from spiritual slumber. “Is a trumpet blown in a city, and the people are not afraid” (Amos 3:6 ESV)? It: celebrates the

birth of creation when God began to rule over the world, is a battle cry against the devil, is signaled upon the coronation

of kings, and reverberates freedom from the slavery of sin. So also the shofar will one day sound to herald in Jesus Christ

- Creator and Sustainer, Redeemer, King of kings. He will come to judge the nations and those who are not written in “The

Lamb’s Book of Life” will be thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation20:15).

Because Jesus said we do not know of that day or hour, but only the Father knows, we should all quickly come to repen-

tance and put our faith in Jesus Christ because he is coming soon! (Mark 13:32 and Revelation 22:7)

“Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself

ready”. Revelation 19:7 ESV

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Day of Atonement in the Old Testament

Jean Foley

My topic is the Old Testament, Day of Atonement. The most solemn holy day of the year for the Jewish peo-ple, is the Day of Atonement, also known as Yom Kippur.

In Biblical times, the Day of Atonement was the only time the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies. He would go into the Holy of Holies, in the presence of God with the blood of a sacrificial goat, to beg forgive-ness for the sins of the people. When he had finished this atonement sacrifice, another goat was brought before the congregation. The High Priest would place both hands on the head of this goat and all the sins of all the people were laid on this goat, thus, he became the scapegoat. He was then led off into the wilder-ness, never to return, so their sins were carried away, never to return. (See Leviticus 16 for more detail.)

After the temple was destroyed in A.D. 70, Jewish People could no longer offer animal sacrifices for atone-ment of sins. They have substituted prayer, good works, and charitable donations hoping to take away the penalty for their sins.

Yom Kippur is observed every year in late September or early October. It is a day of fasting and praying. No work is done on this day, not even at home. Many Jews spend the day at the synagogue, repenting and pray-ing for forgiveness of sins.

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The Day of Atonement in the New Testament

Crystal McNabb

During Old Testament times, the Day of Atonement was the day the high priest would sacrifice an animal to atone for

his sins and the sins of his people. The Day of Atonement is also known as Yom Kippur, and is the Jewish people’s most

solemn holy day. Yom means “day” & Kippur means “atonement.” Atonement means the reconciliation of God and


In the Holy Place of the Tabernacle, there was an inner room called the Holy of Holies which was entered only once

each year on the Day of Atonement. The Holy of Holies was separated from the people by a veil that reached from

floor to ceiling.

The Day of Atonement pointed to a future event. With the death of Jesus Christ, the Day of Atonement occurred in the

New Testament. The animals chosen by the priests didn’t have a say in their sacrifice. They were sacrificed to atone for

man’s sin. Jesus Christ was without sin, and yet he offered himself as a sacrifice willingly. Jesus was perfect. He was

sinless; therefore he was the only one worthy to make such a sacrifice. He was perfect because he was the son of God.

His death atoned for everyone’s mistakes and poor judgment of the past, present, and future. God demands that all of

our sins be punished. Jesus made atonement for the sins of all people for all time. Because of God’s love, Jesus’ death

paid the penalty for our debt.

Hebrews 10:10-12 10 And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. 11 Day after

day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never

take away sins. 12 But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of


Hebrews 9:12 12 He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his

own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption.

When Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the tabernacle was ripped from top to bottom.

Luke 23:44-46 44 It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, 45 for the sun stopped

shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. 46 Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I

commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last.

Those who believe in Jesus accept his death on the cross as the final atonement for sin

Romans 3:23-25

23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption

that came by Christ Jesus. 25 God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be

received by faith.

He did this to demonstrate his righteousness, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand


The ultimate Day of Atonement is about the 1,000 year reign of Jesus on this earth at His second coming. He will sit on

David’s Throne and rule from Jerusalem. Israel will be regathered, forgiven, and restored. They will know their Messiah.

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Feast of Tabernacles in the Old Testament

Lil Voyles

“Celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days after you have gathered the produce of your threshing floor

and your winepress. Be joyful at your feast. For the LORD your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all

the work of your hands and your joy will be complete”. Deuteronomy 16:13-15.

The Feast of Tabernacles is also known as Feast of Shelters, Booths, and Sukkoth (sue coat). Sukkoth in Hebrew

means Feast of Shelters or Booths. The feast memorialized God’s holy Dwelling Place, the desert Tabernacle.

The word Tabernacle comes from the Latin word that means dwelling. This feast signified God’s presence with

His covenant people.. The feast recalled the shelters the people lived in during the time they received the Ten

Commandments at Sinai and during the rest of their Exodus experience. It was a reminder of the time they

were homeless and God delivered them from their enemies and protected them. God had been their provider

(Jehovah Jireh). God had supplied all their needs; water, food, shelter, clothing and protection. It was the

most joyous and longest of the feasts. The feast was held in the fall lasting for seven days with a sacred assem-

bly on the eighth day. Each day of the feast sacrifices and offerings were made to the LORD. The Israelites

were instructed to build temporary shelters to live in during the festival. The shelters were fragile dwellings

built with sticks and covered with leafy tree branches and palm leaves. Throughout the holiday, meals were

eaten inside the shelter. The people slept in them as well. It was a time of joy and celebration to praise and

thank God for the harvests, new born livestock and all He had done for them. It could be rightly viewed as the

biblical Thanksgiving holiday.

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Feast of Tabernacles

Angela Akbary

Feast of “Tabernacles” (Sukkot) pronounced Soo-kote

This feast commemorates the 40 year journey in the Wilderness.

God’s Purpose: God wanted to celebrate the fact that he provided shelter for the Israelites in the wilderness. (Lev.


Tabernacles represents: the Lord’s shelter in the world to come.

1) Who? Jewish People and GOD

2) What? A happy feast when people rejoice in God’s forgiveness and material blessings.

3) When? It is celebrated during September or October (Lev. 23:24). It is a week long celebration.

Scripture Justification: Leviticus 23:33-43

33And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 34Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, The fifteenth day of this seventh

month shall be the feast of tabernacles for seven days unto the LORD. 35On the first day shall be an holy convocation: ye

shall do no servile work therein. 36Seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: on the eighth day

shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: it is a solemn assem-

bly; and ye shall do no servile work therein. 37These are the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convo-

cations, to offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD, a burnt offering, and a meat offering, a sacrifice, and drink

offerings, every thing upon his day: 38Beside the sabbaths of the LORD, and beside your gifts, and beside all your vows,

and beside all your freewill offerings, which ye give unto the LORD. 39Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month,

when ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days: on the first day shall be

a sabbath, and on the eighth day shall be a sabbath. 40And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees,

branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the LORD

your God seven days. 41And ye shall keep it a feast unto the LORD seven days in the year. It shall be a statute for ever in

your generations: ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month. 42Ye shall dwell in booths seven days; all that are Israelites

born shall dwell in booths (tabernacles - shelters made of boughs (a bough is a branch of a tree, especially a main


4) Where? Locally, in backyards and near the Jaffa Gate. The whole city is provided with a municipal shelter to worship


5) Why? To give God thanks and Glory through obedience, observance (proves belief) and worship

6) How? How will it be celebrated? Jewish people are to build booths (temporary shelters of branches) Specific plants

are to be used only; citron, myrtle, palm, and willow. (Lev. 23:39-40)

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7) Draw Conclusions/Infer: From the early walks of God and Adam, throughout time, even today God continuously desires time

spent with Him by His children. He is truly a provider (Jehovah Jireh) and even provides appointed days on the calendar with His


8) Problem/Solution: It is part of God’s redemptive program and a solution for sin’s separation of man from God. This feast is an

appointed feast when all Jewish males were required to go to Jerusalem to “appear before the Lord” (Deut. 16:16) So it is a Pilgrim-

age feast.

9) Cause/Effect: God causes people to worship Him and even provides a way to make it happen.

10) Climax of the Story? God’s Provision!

11) Author’s Purpose? Moses wrote to show the history of God’s dealings with man. Side Note: Every scripture is given for us, Ro-

mans 15:4. For whatsoever things were written beforehand were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of

the scriptures might have hope.

12) Summarize: Now after looking over the feasts it is clear that God did a momentous thing here. He forecasted the entire career

of the Messiah, the Jews, the Church, and even other nations. He foresaw the tribulation period in all its agony, the presence of the

Jew and the Gentile together in Church, and even the detail of leaving the corners of the fields for sustenance for the poor, includ-

ing His Son and His disciples. He laid out the feasts in the calendar year in a manner that reflects in proportion the history of the

Church. The seven feasts reassure us about a pre-tribulation Rapture. We may also see God’s clever design shown in the earthly

week - 6 feasts of work and the last one of rest. It is rather like the creation week, in which God worked 6 days and then relaxed in

His Tabernacle on the seventh. The biblical history has indeed described some six thousand years, and if we are to foresee the king-

dom, somewhere in the near future, then a logical one thousand year rest period is coming up.

13) Other information: The sukkah, or booth, is a temporary structure built of wood and canvas. The roof is made of branches and

leaves, with enough open spaces to see the stars. It is decorated with fall flowers, leaves, fruits, and vegetables. Many Jewish peo-

ple erect booths on their lawns or balconies and eat at least one meal a day in them.

14) Also a lulav, made up of willow, palm, and myrtle branches, is waved in all four directions (north, south, east, and west) and up

and down to symbolize that God’s presence is everywhere. God is ubiquitous.

Works Cited

God “Holy Bible (KJV)” 1989 Thomas Nelson Inc.

Levitt, Zola “The Seven Feasts of Israel” 1979 by Zola Levitt

“Feasts of the Bible” 2004, 2011 by Rose Publishing

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Provoking to Jealousy

Diane McNeil

There is a little known, rarely taught command that was given to the Church some two thousand years ago known as “provoking

to jealousy” (the term used in the King James Version). I dare say that if you queried one hundred active, evangelical Christians

as to what “provoking to jealousy” is and the last time they were conscious of God using them in that role, their only response

would probably be a confused, glazed stare. What is provoking to jealousy, and is it really a command given to the Church? Paul

is the New Testament authority on this subject, and is the one from whom we will seek answers. Following are excerpts from

Romans 10:18 – 11:33, taken from The Living Bible: But what about the Jews? Have they heard God’s Word? Yes, for it has gone

wherever they are; the Good News has been told to the ends of the earth. And did they understand [that God would give his

salvation to others if they refused to take it]? Yes, for even back in the time of Moses, God had said that he would make his

people jealous and try to wake them up by giving his salvation to the foolish heathen nations. And later on Isaiah said boldly that

God would be found by people who weren’t even looking for him. In the meantime, he keeps on reaching out his hands to the

Jews, but they keep arguing and refusing to come. . . . So this is the situation: Most of the Jews have not found the favor of

God they are looking for. A few have . . . but the eyes of the others have been blinded. This is what our Scriptures refer to when

they say that God has put them to sleep, shutting their eyes and ears so that they do not understand what we are talking about

when we tell them of Christ. And so it is to this very day. . . . Does this mean that God has rejected his Jewish people forever?

Of course not! His purpose was to make his salvation available to the Gentiles, and then the Jews . . . As you know, God has

appointed me (Paul) as a special messenger to you Gentiles. . . .so that if possible I can make them want what you Gentiles have

and in that way save some of them. . . . When God turned away from them it meant that he turned to the rest of the world to

offer his salvation; and now it is even more wonderful when the Jews come to Christ. It will be like dead people coming back

to life. . . . Now many of the Jews are enemies of the Gospel. They hate it. But this has been a benefit to you, for it has resulted

in God’s giving his gifts to you Gentiles. Yet the Jews are still beloved of God because of his promises to Abraham, Isaac, and

Jacob. For God’s gifts and his call can never be withdrawn; he will never go back on his promises. Once you were rebels against

God, but when the Jews refused his gifts, God was merciful to you instead. And now the Jews are the rebels, but some day they,

too, will share in God’s mercy upon you. For God has given them all up to sin so that he could have mercy upon all alike. Oh,

what a wonderful God we have! How great are his wisdom and knowledge and riches! How impossible it is for us to understand

his decisions and his methods! From the Apostle Paul’s writings, it is undeniably clear that all believers are fully equipped to

provoke to jealousy. We make those on the outside jealous for what we have simply by living unhindered, Christ-infused lives

boldly and openly before Jews and before all people. Is provoking to jealousy broadly taught in churches today? When was the

last time the above-average Christian (those passionately pursuing the things of the Lord) asked for this assignment?

Most of us, if presented with the opportunity, would be at a complete loss as to what to do or how to do it. If encountered with

this opportunity, we would probably not even recognize it, and I would have been at the top of the list before the Lord thrust me

on this unimaginable journey.

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The term “provoking to jealousy,” is foreign to most Christians, and Paul must have understood the impending problem because

of his warning, “I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery” (Romans 11:25a - KJV). Sad to say that the mystery (Jews

denouncing what was rightfully theirs, thereby allowing Gentiles to be grafted in, which in turn provokes Jews to jealousy) escapes

almost all Christians today. We are ignorant of God’s desired outcome: that He could have mercy upon all alike (Romans 11:32).

Because provoking to jealousy remains a mystery, it goes without saying that the vast majority of Christians are not “on

assignment.” When was the last time any of us woke up in the mornings and prayed, “Lord, your Word says I am to be provoking

to jealousy, so would you please send me a precious Jewish person, or anyone else, who I can lovingly provoke to jealousy?”

This seems more like no man’s land, does it not? But, wait until you see how easily it is accomplished. God illustrated provoking

to jealousy to me on two different occasions. The first instance occurred when I was privileged to witness a dialogue between a

world-renowned Orthodox Rabbi and an equally high-profile, lay evangelical Christian. The Christian hammered away at the

Rabbi, telling him that it was a Christian’s responsibility to try and convert him. The Rabbi listened patiently, waiting his turn, and

when the Christian finally ran out of steam, the Rabbi responded, “I’ve read the New Testament. I know what Paul says about

Gentiles provoking Jews to jealousy, but you have been trying it your way for two thousand years, and it hasn’t worked. Now, let

me tell you how to provoke me to jealousy: if you will just love me, you will provoke me to jealousy.” His words exploded inside

me! What a phenomenal lesson for the Church! But why should the Rabbi’s simplistic yet powerful response be surprising? Isn’t

that exactly what Jesus taught? “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind,

and with all thy strength . . . and thy neighbor as thyself . . . there is no other commandment greater,” (Mark 12:30-31). This love

about which Jesus was teaching and the Rabbi was speaking is unconditional love, the only love that is truly Biblical, and

commanded. Sadly, though, the Rabbi’s invitation to love him seemed to completely evade the Christian. Oh, how grievous are

our missed opportunities!

Can we love – unconditionally? If so, then we are ready for our provoking to jealousy assignment; we have all the necessary tools.

And, thankfully, we do not have to be Bible scholars, which God understands most of us are not. If that were a criterion, about

ninety-nine per cent of us would be left at the starting gate.

The other occasion when I witnessed a Christian provoking to jealousy was when I had received word that the husband of a dear,

Orthodox Jewish friend of mine had died. Most Jewish funerals occur within twenty-four hours of death because they do not

embalm. They take literally the Genesis 3:19 passage, “… for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” I was thankful

for the call because in most instances, it is too late to attend services if you find out about the death in the newspaper.

This funeral was held in a small chapel on the grounds of a Jewish cemetery. After the service, we walked directly to the adjacent

burial site. When everyone was in place, the Rabbi said a few words, the Cantor chanted, and the burial commenced. The Jewish

leaders in charge placed the coffin in the ground and covered it with the mandatory concrete slab, followed by the dirt. There

were hired laborers to come in afterward and complete the task, but the work was done primarily by the Jewish men officiating.

We had had torrential rains in Memphis the day before, and the grounds were completely saturated. They were not shoveling

dirt; it was literally mud. I was on the sidelines taking in everything. The Rabbi shoveled a while, and then the Cantor took the

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shovel and made a few digs, and then another Jewish man who was part of the leadership took his turn, and so on. Then,

quite by surprise, an African-American man standing in the background parted the onlookers and stepped forward. He was

meticulously dressed in a light, chocolate brown suit, with a pristine white shirt and a perfectly coordinating tie. He could have

been featured in a men’s fashion magazine; yet, he seemed oblivious to his fine attire or the mud. He reached for the shovel,

Never making eye contact with the Rabbi. I was aghast. “Can he do such a thing – is that allowed?” And, he quite possibly may

have entertained the same thoughts, but he did not let anything stop him. He took the shovel from the Jewish hands and began

diligently filling the grave, side-by-side with the Jewish officials. The Rabbi took the final strokes, and then asked the family to line

the sidewalk so that all present could file past, expressing condolences as we left the cemetery. I followed along and headed for

my car, overwhelmed by what I had just witnessed. As I proceeded to my car, it just so happened that I was walking by the

uninvited grave digger. I could not restrain myself and said, “What you did truly blessed me.” He seemed somewhat embarrassed,

and for whatever reason said, “I’m not Jewish” (maybe to justify his actions for fear he might have overstepped his bounds). I told

him I was not Jewish either, that I was a Baptist. He said, “I am a Methodist.” It was obvious this conversation was making him

uncomfortable. He then said in somewhat of a reprimanding tone, and probably to end the mostly one-sided conversation, “I did

it because I love them!” He got it; he understood and exercised perfectly the provoking to jealousy command, although apparently

oblivious of his role. He had cultivated a relationship with the deceased during his lifetime and then loved him to the end – literally.

A couple of days later, I visited in the home of this family who was sitting sheva (the seven days of mourning when the family

receives those wishing to pay their respects). We were all in a large circle in the living room making light conversation when one

of the Jewish ladies who had been at the funeral spoke up and said, “Something happened at the cemetery that I will

never forget.” Tears welled up in her eyes and began running down her cheeks. She continued, “I could not believe that man (our

African-American, Methodist man) would help shovel the dirt.” Many similar comments followed from all around the room, each

echoing the same sentiment. That man had literally provoked to jealousy every Jew (and this Gentile) at that funeral – by his

selfless, unconditional, loving act of servitude. He had dared to cross that invisible, yet ever-present, Jewish-Gentile dividing line

and follow his heart. He dared to step out in faith. He brought Paul’s charge to life – he fulfilled the command. And, incredibly,

his selfless act had the ripple effect of not only touching those in attendance, but, by word of mouth, many others who

had not been present that day.

How many of us are willing to step out of our comfortable Christian confines (our ruts) and cross over into that taboo (or so we

have been taught) world of Judaism, picking up whatever lowly instrument God provides, and stoop to shovel whatever it is with

which we are presented? That is the kind of person God will use on this assignment. But, surely, since Jesus stepped from His

comfortable confines of Heaven and stooped to pick up the humiliating instrument of the cross for us, we can avail ourselves to

Him in this possibly uncomfortable arena.

My all-time favorite verse is, “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest,

that he will send forth labourers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:37).

Do we have ears that can hear the plea in this verse? Can we pray for more laborers to come into God’s harvest field – even if it

means us? And, incidentally, this is a red letter verse –Jesus is the Spokesperson! Jesus, himself, is the One pleading for us to

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pray for more workers in His Father’s fields. Can we, with arms reaching upward toward Heaven, exuberantly respond and say, “Here

am I, Lord, send me!” There is no doubt that this is one exciting field, to which I can personally attest, and there is also no doubt that

this field is near to the heart of God.

The prophet Jeremiah said (8:20), “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” Oh, my friend, open your

ears to God’s cry and His call. Counter Jeremiah’s woeful lament with, “Not in my field and not on my watch!”

Prayer: Oh Father, please forgive our insensitivity and our lack of concern in this area of Jewish-Christian relations. We do not

want to be ignorant, as the Apostle Paul warned. Enlighten our minds to all truth, and take away the spirit of fear when the

circumstances may be foreign. Give us the same boldness as the man at the funeral, and may we, without our ever having any

consciousness of it, provoke to jealousy all who come in contact with us and who do not have a genuine, personal relationship

with you. Thank you, Father, for the invitation to be in your field, and may everything we do and say in your service reflect our

allegiance solely to you. All praise to the Most High God forever and ever! In the sweet Name of Jesus, Amen.


Many years ago, I had a powerful dream (or vision) that, on occasion, is resurrected and replayed for my continued consideration.

This was a powerful experience that I knew was from the Lord. In this dream I witnessed the progression of my spiritual journey.

The setting was a row of houses on a city street. I began at the first one, and moved from house to house en route to my final

destination. The houses were lined up, one after the other, and after a brief stop at one, I would move on to the next. These

houses represented the different churches where Ken and I had been members. In some, there were people inside to greet me –

the ones who had a personal impact on my spiritual walk. There were probably five or six such houses on my route. At the end

of these houses, yet in line with and somehow connected to them, was a man sitting outside in an old wooden ladder-back chair

all by himself with a board game on his lap. He called out to me to come and play (I do love board games.), but I declined because

I knew I dared not get side-tracked.

Suddenly, there was a driving force inside me, and I realized that my predictable, spiritual course, as I knew it, was about to

undergo a profound transition. The status quo no longer held any allure. I knew I could not stay this course any longer, even

though I loved these places and loved these people.

The total distance I covered seemed no more than one side of a city block. Each structure was on the same side of the street, one

right after the other, and following the man playing the board game was an open field where there was space for more of the

same-type structures to be built. Following the open field was an intersection. I reached the intersection and paused; I was at a

critical juncture in my spiritual journey. I could either cross the street and continue on as usual, or I could turn to the left or to the

right. I do not recall ever looking to the left, but I intuitively knew I did not want to cross the street. As I stood there trying to find

my way, I was suddenly intrigued by activity some distance off to my right. As I gazed down that road, I saw a single, burning light

hanging from a power line, and dark-skinned people slowly, one-by-one, beginning to gather underneath that light. It was the

light and those people that held the allure for me, and so strong was the compelling that I could not be stopped. I had to go

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where they were. My choice was made. I turned to the right. At this point I was conscious of Ken, my precious life partner, who

was a short distance back. I had already turned right at the intersection, and he was now approaching the intersection and also

had his own choice to make. I was so hopeful that he would make the same choice as I had made. After he stood there for a

while, he called out to me to come back and cross the street with him, but I just could not be deterred from that light or those

foreign-to-me and different-from-me people. However, I was ever-conscious of him and hopeful for the choice he would make.

Then I saw him turn to the right toward me, and the dream ended. I knew this Light and I knew these people because I had read

about them in the prophet Isaiah (9:2): The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of

the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. Had my life up to that point been a mistake? Of course not! It was that

wonderful spiritual journey that had brought me to my Savior and the Holy Scriptures. Was I merely playing games up to that

point? Certainly not! My fellow church members had a positive, godly impact on my life. Oh, how tender are my thoughts toward

each of those matriarchs and patriarchs. They helped mold my life. However, God had a new direction for me, and if I were to

remain in that status quo position, then I would be the one playing a game, one at which I would never win.

In this dream I was the one who had to make the break; I had to determine to change my course. It is true that God’s hand was

heavy upon me, but the choice was still mine. The Lord taught me so much while writing and researching my previous book (Ruth

3,000 Years of Sleeping Prophecy Awakened). One of the most critical and pivotal junctures in that story was also at an

“intersection of choosing.” It had to do with the relationship between Jewish Naomi and Gentile Ruth. In that book, it was Gen

tile Ruth who stepped from her comfort zone (Moab) to embrace a foreign-to-her people (Jewish) and a different-from-her cul-

ture (Judaism). What if she, like her sister-in-law, Orpah, had never budged from Moab? Most of us are very familiar with, and

many can even quote, those endearing words from Ruth to Naomi at that juncture (1:16). However, rarely, if ever, do we include

the seventeenth verse – the continuation of Ruth’s discourse. Many have even had that sixteenth verse read during their wed-

ding ceremonies, but they omit the more ominous seventeenth verse. Let us look at all of Ruth’s words: (16) And Ruth said, In

treat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will

lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: (17) Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord

do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me. In verse sixteen and continuing into the first part of verse sev-

enteen we see Ruth’s vow to Naomi, but the latter part of verse seventeen is Ruth’s vow to God. In that second vow she stated

that if – for any reason, except death – she failed to keep her vow to Naomi (that of constant companionship), then God was to

step in and deal with her very severely.

Who moved in the story of Ruth? Who crossed over from her comfort zone into that no-man’s land? (Israel was the enemy na-

tion of the Moabites.) And, who benefitted from Ruth’s selfless, determined resolve? Of course she did, but so did Naomi, as well

as all the Jewish people and ultimately the whole world. Ruth was on a Kingdom assignment, an assignment that culminated in

her becoming the great-grandmother of King David – the lineage of Jesus! (Incidentally, the Encyclopedia Judaica reports that

Orpah, who turned her back on Naomi and remained in Moab, went on to be the great-grandmother of Goliath. Do you see the

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Importance of our choices? Ruth and Orpah/David and Goliath . . .)

There is one additional aspect of Ruth’s vow that I believe must be understood. Naomi had no role in keeping any part of that


Ruth placed the whole of the vow solely on her own shoulders – no matter what Naomi did or did not do! It was a one-sided vow

with all responsibilities for its keeping resting entirely on Ruth. The understanding of this element is absolutely critical.

How many of us have stopped to consider that God’s two favorite people groups are His Chosen and His Church? We are His

absolute favorites! (And, please note that all people in the world can fit into one of these two groups.) Yet, there is a despicable,

prideful division separating the two that bears the stench of hell and the devil. God loves sweet-smelling aromas rising to His

throne, but unfortunately, where Israel and the Jews are concerned, the fragrance given off by many Christians, and some entire

churches and denominations, is a far cry from what God genuinely desires.

There is potentially limitless power roaming free on the earth today, which few fail to grasp. It is the untapped resource of a

unified Israel (all Jews) and the Church (true, evangelical Christians). The possibilities could be earth-shattering. If these two


were as inextricably woven, as was the relationship Ruth vowed to Naomi, there would be limitless Kingdom work abounding in

our world today. No force on earth could stop it.

What if the true Church determinedly moved? What if she denounced her arrogance, ignorance and pride (Romans 9, 10 and 11)

and embraced God’s Chosen People, vowing to love Israel and the Jewish people unconditionally – till death us do part? What if

the true Church made the same one-sided vow as did Ruth?

What if pastors all over the world prayerfully, reverently and fearfully began embracing the Jewish roots of Christianity? What if

the priceless Jewish roots of our faith were embraced and spewed forth from every pulpit of every genuine Church of the Living

God all over the face of the earth? What universal impact would that have?

What if pastors moved from their comfort zones and began building relationships with area rabbis? What if pastors and rabbis

made it a matter of priority to meet for lunch, or coffee, or just simply to meet once a month, working toward bridging that

unnecessary, ubiquitous chasm that divides, while gleaning rich truths each from the other?

A starting point might be to hold Passover Seders in our Churches. Jesus observed Passover right before his death, revealing to

those present that He was the fulfillment of the Passover promise. Nothing has changed; it is still all about Him. What an

incredible teaching tool because every element in the Seder points to the perfect Lamb of God and His shed blood of

redemption. What could be more fitting?

Oh, fellow believers, this division has gone on far too long. We have grieved the heart of God in this matter much too deeply.

For the Lord’s sake, let us take that first step, and every step thereafter, if need be. He moved for us; certainly, we can move for

Him and for His Kingdom’s sake.

I close with the precious words of our Lord.

Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to

wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily, I say unto you,

The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. John 13:13-16.

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Prayer: Oh, Father, have exceedingly great mercy and pardon on us! Please prick our hearts in this matter of Jewish-Christian

relations. Please give us your understanding. Let us not continue doing things our way any longer. Let us be willing to move

wherever and whenever you so choose, especially as relates to your Chosen People. Strip our attitude of superiority and

replace it with the very same servant heart that was at home in your Son. “Here am I, Lord”; I yield to your will in this matter, and

I commit myself to be totally surrendered and to be used to bridge the great divide between your Chosen and your Church. Let

me never again be a divider, but always a repairer of the breaches, I pray in the Perfect and only Name of Jesus, Amen.

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Flame=Holy Spirit




(or 7 feasts)