Passive Infinitive

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  • Passive + infinitive

  • Sample sentences:

    It is said that he knows some very influential people.He is said to know some very influential people.

    It is believed that Tom is leaving the company.Tom is believed to be leaving the company.

    It is claimed that the old lady lost her wallet on the way home from the market.The old lady is claimed to have lost her wallet on her way home from the market.

  • Form:

    1. It is said that a very rich man.

    2. is said a very rich man.

    heHeisto bepassive +infinitive

  • Form:

    1. It is said that

    2. are said the pricesare be rising.The pricespassive + infinitive

  • Form:

    1. It is said that a lot of money.

    2. is said a lot of money. the old ladylostto have lostThe old ladypassive + infinitive

  • To refer to the present or future we use present simple infinitive.It is believed that he is a good psychologist.He is believed to be a good psychologist.

    2. To refer to an activity in progress at the moment of speaking or in the future we use present continuous infinitive.It is rumoured that the prices are increasing.The prices are rumoured to be increasing.

  • 3. To refer to the past we use perfect infinitive.It is said that they suffered from an unknown disease.They are said to have suffered from an unknown disease.

    4. To refer to an activity in progress in the past we use perfect continuous infinitive.It is said that they were suffering from an unknown disease.They are said to have been suffering from an unknown disease.

  • It is claimed that he is the richest man in Serbia.He is clamed to be the richest man in Serbia.

    2.It is expected that this shop will move its premises to London next year.This shop is expected to move its premises to London next year.Present simple infinitive

  • Present continuous infinitiveIt is rumoured that they are planning a new strike this week.They are rumoured to be planning a new strike this week.

    2.It is believed that he will be staying in Paris for five days. He is believed to be staying in Paris for five days.

  • Perfect infinitiveIt is thought that he made a lot of money last year.He is thought to have made a lot of money last year.

    2.It is clamed that prices have risen again.Prices are claimed to have risen again.

  • Perfect continuous infinitive1.They believe she has been writing songs for years. She is believed to have been writing songs for years.2. Everybody thinks the organizers were preparing the exhibition for years. The organizers are thought to have been preparing the exhibition for days.

  • We use the passive + infinitive:

    1.when the statement is speculative (the information is not confirmed)

    2.mainly in newspaper reporting

    3.with verbs such as:



    If the reporting and the reported action happen at the same time, we use present simple or continuous infinitives.

    If the reported action happens earlier than the reporting itself, we use perfect or perfect continuous infinitives.

  • 1. They say this football coach is strict but fair.This football coach is said to be ..2. They think Vincent is living in Paris at the moment.Vincent is thought to be living..3. They believethis painting is owned by Mr Wilkins.This painting is believed to be owned .4. They believe he has never smiled at anyone.He is believed never to have smiled ..5. They assumed Lucy had left the day before.Lucy was assumed to have left 6. They believe she was stealing the money.She is believed to have been stealing.

  • 1. Everyone knows the portrait was painted by an Italian.The portrait is known to have been painted ..2. The police thought that the thief was still in the house.The thief was thought to still be..3. People think that neither side wanted war.Neither side is thought to have wanted .4. It is believed that the Chinese invented gunpowder.The Chinese are believed to have invented ..5. Apparently the ship did not sustain any damage.The ship appears not to have sustained 6. Everyone knows that eating fruit is good for you.Eating fruit is known to be good for you.