Auj««t H. Nifflut. A^Mtatr. ptVtULAK AIVITUN HALE of STOCKH and JaV BOM DB.AT. BERT H. NTOOf AY win a*H TH IS DtY fMoaaiay), ti I2f o'clock. hit Stock Salr.roou,, No. jf. .V **ai Wail .v»*We.M*rhh*.l.'Tl«,,k. fSOenoh. tfaherr* Park Rank, *»<.¦ SA ebare* Artiaai... Baak. * 100 .-ach. S* aharea Atlantic Bank, at 100 earb. 3f aharea Noilb Auien. ,-r. Fir* laaav Co «Vieaert * akaiao Cattaiarca Fire Im Cajv. f I0»o»s J -1-y? lM* rr ». ^ »¦»» \**tco., «»oettL. ¦ akait.kle.ro,-,!,,.,.!',:, |.. , . +fjV. . , it.uei.oi a (hrpli.). <eir>i*a*h. lutgb. * My rire tu«. I o.. t)M>*ath. l-tte.cn. "..hare* American Ouei.o I o MaWraU Jliatu.',iugb t it, kOsheiea l.aruat Ki.- **aharea Fnrton Fire It,. Co" 4o*harrr N.v Mailar*. F.v.-W.r* Fire Ira C Mehare. Darn ., , r re «Sahar,. Marihattaa Fir. In ( *T«l*har** Rereaer*. Oa* l.hl ( Sakarr. Hut- !-,-.. Jkolkaira I pira my Fir. . < .~'*>luOeaVh. ».«her. , t !,.. Si. Paul A Fond du Lac K. R., AKJOeeab. »«hare. Jeff.r.o., r ire I... to, **.»., h **«hare, Lang lalaad Fl - In» Co., *S0ea. b. » aharea Park Fir* Ina t ..., a loriaarn. . shares Excelsior Fir.- Ina. Co t>M *a. b a>.,nraj Dai, Lark and W, aurn It R. rW«,,d Mnrtaa-e Bonds. M.akO Trv*r< rt».n ( oal A H. K Fir* Morl-nre BoudaT aaVaatRaatai' A Mia.. R. K F r.t Muri .-a*-.- Bonus 4.0UI VMirrln r. < i. V. (> oeut Bonda ».tun Dario-, ar..i Mi. lilr.n R. H. First Mortgage Bond*. Seseritiea received in ad tit«oa to tn* regularly <.lirm.d li.t *yrmf -T -DAY, Nor r. Raauaar Auction c-«Jes of M-vtaaud Bonda every Monday and Thursday, or every day wttrn -vrr re.. ,r. d at Iii o'clock, at the Stock BaknaroOBi, No. U W ilium at., or at the Merchant.' l-.x- aaaiaja, aa de.ired. S'.o. kt .u, 1 li.ud* bought and told at privat* .aar and at the t'.roa. ri' i'.o.rd later.-.! allowed on der»v«i-* and drtidenc-a tv.llrrt, .1. S i, al.o mad.- of Reul Eatite at pablac or at private tale, wben deeired. . , ALMERT H. MICOLAT, J*ancA Anctioueer. Brokrr a:.<) Il.uke-. ;.r WilLani.i., near WaJL BY. B. DRAPER ! I INDAV, Nor. atC «£ at No. t* Ptr,«-«t at ¦ aN l^k. ,,***.*"¦¦ nVew-1 o.k I . Co paid diridcud oi Ii per cent iaat Deauaubei v. . i»r|t» aurfdaa. K Baav roa Ha: ie..a. No. 97 Bleeaker at., Oct. 30, 1SS9. JfrTll.K '.. DEPOS1TOKS..In order to »Yoid and a«.rract ir^tddental error«, and to furniah information tliat ¦ want, d, in tala InatttHoa AawHaS acaatwtt not aatad aa fot more than MYaa y.ara, to aend fAtakraaa* books ta lb'- Baii>.. . be written »p. By direction *f aVa TYusteat JAMES DP PFYH'I i-.R OPPEN, Secretary, Orrn a Pa.ttaa Raii.l:oan OttattASft, j Naw-Yonc. O.-t. It. lHJf. ( HOLDERS of Iii« FIRST HOBTOAOE Bands af the PANAMA RAILROAD COMPANY, whieawUl become due on the lit day of December nert, ara haarabr ra.4ur.ud to rite » tire at the ortioe of taa Company, aa at betöre tbe lOtk ot Not. or, a r | lyment ia W.* Bank *r London will he pr. ferred _ AUUrsTUS HOFFMAN, Treaaorer. R" EMITTANCES iND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND tnd WALK Si*hl Rllit an the I'NION HANK OF LONDON. BANK OF L1V ERPOOL, NATIONAL RANK OF SCOTLAND BNI.FAST BANKING COMPANY, Ireland, fkitaum. fron. AI upward. Issued by TAYLOIC BSOTHEBGei BaaRnra, No. "6 Wall-at., New-York. NOTICE to rerat.iik holding BONDS of the CITY at* CINCINNATI, doe in ltCv-NoUce ia hereby ffrrea tv Iba Slukin| fund Commii tAanatl. that thry are i,ow prepared to PIR( HASE BONDS of the CITY of < 1NCINNATI, due 10 1W5. taj |M a.i .unt af Twa liauared Thouaand Dollart 1 it>20«i,Mi0), aaid Bonds havine been tasieed te the 1 incinnati and White Water ( anal and tu the latitk» Miami Railtcad t aatntany. ArrpReatiea forth* dianoaal af the ah'.te Bonda, by »tatiuf terum, Ac may be made to THOS. If. WEASNhR, I hmruian t oiuiniltee of Claims and Fckuanae. or R. M BISHOP, Mayor, Cancinnati, O. Cm or Naw-YokK, Pefautubxt of :«. .v. k CoMTnoi.i.bh'a Orrt. K. Not*, i. luö4«. PROPOSALS for fttaM),0OU WATER STOCK «.f that ITT of MTWTOBR BFAI.BP PROPOSALS will be RECEIVED at thi ("ONTROLLER'S OFFICE null, TTTESDaY, Dec. fi, for the whole or any part of the amount of alt bundled and bfty thousand dodart of " i be Water St a of the City of New-Vo'rk of tbe year 18M." authoriie 1 by chapter 34S of the laws of 18M, and by an ordinance oi Iky* CsHBataaaa Council, approved by the Mayor Nor. 1, 1HS9, for purrh.i..i./ lands, conatruc-ing a new Reservoir and extcudin. the Crotun W'atar Warka. The aald atock will con.i.t of tlx tho.i-,.ad five h iudred tliarea af one hundred dollara eM-b. and In-;r ntere-t at tier ia'e ol Ber rent per annum, payaule qunitei vea/iy from the Siuklur Fand for P.yn.eiit of n.ie.-s.ton the Crfy Debt, and thn Prinrv aal radw-maLle ou the brat day ol Ol tober, IH7&, from the Sink- Lc Fuu.i lor the Reilernption of the City Debt. The proposal, will fate the amount of atock deaircd, and thn artce per ebare, and the aeraon, whose propoaala arc a- ep'..-u. ariU be required to dej o.it eith the Chamberlain of the City, within ten day. aflat the ivfinta* af the bid., the aajn awarded to til am respectively, lie ludin» the premium cm the earn*. Oa preaeutlnr the rrreipta of the Chauiba-rlaiu totho Con- .roll«, bid Jera will be rutllled to receive ntTtiArSätlll lor e<|ual roTKintits of the jiar value of the stuck, bealiug iuterrtt hum lie- tlales of payments. Each propo.ltio;i should be aealcd and indorsed "Propoaala *or Water Stock." and tbe propoaala thua «.ei.led and indor..«!, put ia aa.-rond envelop* aditrested to the C unit oiler. Ties light it reserved on the pnrt of the Controller to reject any er all of the bid«, if ci niidt-rcd n. aaaarj to aroteet er promote jh* nvteraat of the city. ROBT. T. HAWS, CunUtaUar. (2AJÖLIGHT STOCKS for SALE in rtvrioai ( n , B t^unieani.s payiiif frcam LiOlli tu TWELVE PER CENT OIVIPENDS. JOHN B. Ml HR AY, No. 40 Wall at. New-York, Proprietor af The American OaaUght Journal. JAMES BROWN, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT and ARBITR ATOR, No. 4 Bo» ;.nr (ire. n Aeaoontt ot Public ( omp.nlea Audited; Partnerships and fomflicat. d As. raaata Inveatigated | Insolvent Estalea wound ap Dttput. » Arbitrated. AUGUST BELMONT A Co.," BANKERS, No.M' Wallat., iasne LETTERS of CREDIT for travelara, aerdlable in all pcrfa of tbe world, through the More. Rotha- eAilda of Paria, London, Franklort, Nt| ¦*., and «laiina, and aheir aerraapoiideuta. Uarrnaa' Bxna, Bbthbi., Ct., Nor. 7. THE CIKCI LATINO NOTES aMnwd by thi.- BaaA from the new plate will be redeemed by the IM¬ PORTERS' AND TRADERS' BANK, New-York, at par. WM. A. JUDD.Ca.hier. ALL kindl~oir s I' m KS, BONDS, <%«. bomfEt and told at BBl »REES1 BOARD or private .ale, by THOMAS DENNEY tt Co., No. 3H Wall at. ARDWARE. METAL anil IRON PAPER.. Partie« having any to dl«po»«<>f »III tmd it for their inteie.t kvapplyto P. \V GALLADDET, Nate Broker, No. M Wall at, t*w** Advancea made M good baalat at |><>|»f EUGENE niOMSONi Aii.M!.mfer and Broker, No. r Wittiai at buy. tad aalll STOCKS and BONDS at Broken'Board INSURANCE STOCK at prieat. sale. Price 4 uneM e' In. .ran. Mi k lotuiahrd on uppUcaiion. MILWAUKEE CITY BONDS..The tn>ltl«>rsof the Milwt kre City Bonda are reoua.te.1 to meet at the am..- nf Maaata. MANN A RODMAN. No. «» Wail-at ,ou MON¬ DAY, the 14th inat.. at i o'clock, ou bu.im-.. ol fmportan .-. H1CAGO CITY II Ö N S.SEWERAt.E LOANS. . Tbe Bonda bear 7 per cent Interest. Coupons abas January 1. and July 1, 1st New-Vvrk, aud mature H C nay able January jatHL Th* payment of interest and .inkier fund ia provided for try aa annual tax. Iba eatire debt ol the City I ( In, ^o it 0»'.VJ*»,U»a.all of which has been contracted] for strictly muniel- aai parpoaas. Fur tale by A > 111. E Y A NOlfRIS, No. M Excbauge place s Jnenrutuc Companies. PIKE INSURANCE 1OMP.V.NY, No. II P1NE-ST. CABH CAPITAL.f^OO.OOO. CHEAPEST AND SAFEST INSURANCE. DEALERS RECEIVE TS PER CENT NET PROFITS Whan preferred, a Plaeonnt !r..m the Premium will he made ax liru of a Parti, ipatton in the Pronta. JOSEPH WALK K R. Prwidenl THOMAS W. BIRPSALL, Vice Präsiden». R. L. Hliwil, Mecr. tarv -EvTEAV ENGL\M) Mi l l' A L LIFE INS. CÖT, 11 Button. * at'ilal ui.,1 ». ntnalated Pre . A1,0 ...'.» >: Pavrnx ca.h divi lend ot 3h iier tu a:'t. . iusrtred t'amph- Arts. Report.. 4 fnrui.hclgratia. JOHN HOPPER Agent and Attorney for the Co.. No. 110 Broadway. N. Y. rajon8c-/nrni9l)ing ©oobs. FRL\K: .NF.\\ GArj-REFLECTOESfoi -how- window., diaplay good, te great advantage. Also, hi* new BVEFLBt'TlNO SHaDkS for bauka, office., jiirlor., kc .Vc. PKl.NK'S IMPK* \ t P P vYl.lt.Ill Kl'fl.t i POBS light »U shark apattn.enta In th* daytime with dayki/l.t laati all ot gas. J. P. KRINK, Inventor and ?ole Mai.ula. tWr, At P.nrciay-at. Proffsslonal Xoticco. Office f*r Pr.«.-uringj J^IJERICAN and FOREIGN PATENTS. ef.JP. F1BSSON, No. 5 W VLT. ST., N. Y. A aauiphlet of information sent fr*e by mail. jkJXW PATE ST SPElTACLES..Ot>» B«vt>a«ita ll f..rl.'e - Park :ow. New Y. rx. i'atentaa, jjBaaal laut tu f. Itatliitti 1 | l*lp'.-u»t to th* >*e York Eya Ktaalltl. and Spocia.ie Mak. to th* Eya luhni.ui ». 1. viaBhal attaaiilinallv tfl* pnr,<lpt1 cr.iea ol th* F:*Maru, Wrettrn and Soutl..n. M I'ea. |>ATENT AGENCY OFFICES..American had M. F.oreaeaa PATENTS SECURED, and a Pannhirt of Ad- vrtoe fuiidaiird trea, oa application to Ml'NN A «o «theee Taa hrkatiac Aiuaarkoati. No. JT Park-row, New-York City. QTKT8ON 1 PÄTEN F Ai.I.M i.-- tHOMAS trw.'v¦. :' -"¦*** 1TOR ol AM ERP AN aud kOR KION PA11J.TS. N». } T,yoa ,.. ,\.v. pri.iU-d »«Ivic* free Älarliincrn. tpOTltiN MACHINERY lor Sv!E.-Tl.-ve Cot*NT» R TWIST SPKFPFP.S. |.K 9 Ca.. a very p. rf< ct machine, ai.d in food condition. Tt.ree Paa. r.a.01. ,., .ia vpinnle. earn two Creel tk !*. B*>0- vhtaaaat-A ; a-nv .-roL Prs» .a,- r. a.-..,- I do ., ... . .'in-.; twa Haad M- Ira, 512 apindle. e.eh our lW piaka, two Chore tapp,ra AH or ai:y Part of t l.ia macl.'cerr wt] re,- «oli t*ry hrm. URO II. JONES Ay :u.*, Itaratog* Cj- N.T Sake bn SUrtion. ALK TION NOT.CE..P1 RJ1MPTOBY SALE of eietant and r<««ly HOII8F.HOI D K KMTIJHk_ ALBERT M. GRIFFIN. kmtMcmtmt. will etil, THIS DAY Monday, it Ce Tetidcnce of Charles O. H«rl. esq.. No. 4t W-st !'.¦ »* nni.i,«t1 ol r aw * Mad Drawn .-. -,, Can. it nr. .... Dining room FaWattera, rosewood *r>d mahogany Chamber For- aitire. haie to commence at II o'clock For particulars «e# Herald of this day._ A. m Mbrwib, AaetitsBiw BT RANG>, MERWIN A Co., Trade Safe- room* No II Park-raw TUESDAY MORNING, Not. 15, i«V9 ¦awl fear fei Irr« ing deya, rommctjoinf nrh .lav at a n'rlark a n- GREAT SALE liF ENOLIHH AND AM? H.'CAN HOOKS .eUsrini a Tory airaaual opportunity la) tit* trade, and rv. a- b«j .. generally. 1 be legaler Fall **le of Eegiiah and .'. i. :i tan l'.aoka will b* ran msuvwd a* above elated. The rataloan« k) now mady. and may be bad on appHeatiou. It lavejade* lavaa and fthaablr invoirea from n.any o! the London puonei*.-*, .. .- Bracing t greet variety of tbe beet Er-h-h editi-ue of valuable worka in every department, including a r n-.ice collection of v.-ry b end egpeniiv* lileatreted Bo--ka I Li- .¦¦....¦.i ai-' prise* cztemdve ronrirninrnt* from tbe Aneri au Trade, of above* publication*, in hue and s. r-etaMtiel b rial ine» and a large aaaeitnieut of u> w adecellarvei.ua literature, etc. Tbe whole to be sold without reaerve, in i«te to auit | r, .... ¦. <.»¦¦ A. LauTtTT, taaflaaiir. L> Y (. E *. A. LEat VITT & Co TRADE SALESROOMS, Noa. rrTand Ml BROADWAY, roH tni «in or BOOKS, STATIONERY. WORKS OF ART, Ac fV < 'r.-irTiinenls eo.iri'e.l 4}J Anaitv H. Mrtira, Auctioneer. pEREMI'ioRY BALE to 4 LrOSE aTRl'sT.-- i üv order ol CHARLES YATES, e.q Truetee of 171 Lol s ami GORES, air ated on Avenue A. let. Itb. »-t!i Lib and lltb ava., ir:d 2ad, «d. Hf.th, 87th. Kstb. Wtb 104th, Bt*th, Kati:. lilt!.. HMh. 11-tb. 117th, Witt and lild-ata. Alta. YALL'AItLi. WATER RIGHT. The aasovi nth aed properfv wifl be aold at Anrtion M Tl ESDAi. Nov. 15, at la" ii'rluuk. at Hie Men- laitta'Etchunge. Terma liberal; 70 per :rut can reiuaiu on bvud and mortgage for five to ten yeara. M..pa are now ready at t'r.o Office of the Auctioneer. No 35 Wallst f2.Tvjt.) önilbinq Ülatcriais. 17NCAU8TIC TILES foi FLOORS..Mutoo'i -*t Tilea for Veatlholea Ha'la. Dining Hooms, Conaervatonoa, hearth., aud for pubiic buildtnga of every kind, aa laid by the at.becrirer* in tin Capitol at Weaklngtnti, and in many rhnrcbe* banks, hotela and dwi liinga in every part ol tbe nouu'.ry. Alau, Oarnkurk Cbiinuey i ope. Drai'i Pipe. hi. Fur (ale by MILLER It t 0AT1 a*. .No. T.'J p. arl-tt.. New-York. MILLER'" PATENT CHEMNEY CAT and \ F.NTtLATOB. enree arru.kv i io neya or venti'.atea roouia thorouuhly. B. F. MILLER. iiianiiteo'r. Jti West h'way. R~EMOVAL. JAMF1S BOGARDUS. /rcbitect in lion, Originator. Conatrnctor, axd Patentee of IRON BUILDINGS, Pateidee and Maiiiifactirer of BchARui .'« Ki i etmiii: I ,Nit«u«M. MfLL. Macbine Room. cor. White ,. i F|m all. In Harlem Railroad Dep it. Office, No. »07 ( anal at., uoar I rnt.-c New-York. Iron Bnild'ng. corner c.; f entre and Huan»--t«., formerly occn- pied, baa i.e. n removed in widening Duane-.t. taJlTtl ( E UMBER, BEAMS. (711LDERS. Sec.. (j A bai .itoiue aaaortuient at the Yard of JOHN P. BBLL, loot of ltd and tSd-eta., N. R., for aale at the lnwe.t market rates. Coportncrsliip iXoticee. r|MlE COI'ARTNERSHII» h-reiofort einging R nadir tba trm rfS. IW.K, CORWIN waa Mnireileaj the l«t day of Atiruat, 1859. The business will hereafter be car- lies! on by SEI II M. CORWIN, DRY GOODS. No. .W7fth av. fetiin.e, (Oils, ÜMnos, #c. INERAL t»IL..Warratitfd Bl jH-rfe-i-T a CobJ 1»I Oil at auy other in market for duratdlity, brilliancy in o,.ining. aud ail the qualities ol a first-rate article. Tbia wi'l be told below the naual prices. Darrels of 40 gallons. JOHN W, Ql iNl Y k ( ¦>., No. <W William at iiiisrcilancons. a! AI.'I EI.'MAN"» PATENT STOVE POItlBR No. in leh -t RV w York. THREE BECOl^HAED 8A1 ES for SALE, J. WILDCR'B and HERRINO'S PATENT", Also, one lar/e sized Jeweler'a Safe, at No. ftfl Malden lana '(I MAMTAtTERERfi «.f COAL und ROSÜ, I River, It prepared to give eatimalea. aiid furuiab KJlTI'LESof fror.. SOfi to 2,t«jo gallons euch. Having a large eiperieni e in the .i turn out the work with di.patch. The Kettles are aB made trnm Cannon iron. (Pccon Stcumcre, Ä-r._ OETä AILANIJi: SIEAMSHIP CO.. REGULAR THROUGH LINE TO SAN FRANCISCO, via PANAMA RAILROAD. And conneetinj only with Steameia GOLDEN GATE. GOLD¬ EN AGE, JOHN L. 8TEP111 NS. and SONORA, of the Pacific Mail Baaaznahip Company at l'anauiv DIRECT TO ABPlMvt ALL. The splendid Steamahipa BALTIC .ADRIATIC and 4.TI.AN- TH having been entirely rehtted and adapted to the California trade, will hereafter run aa above. Leaving this port on the Mil and IUI 11 ol I 11 U MONTH, from the foot eft anal-at., North River. The ATLANTIC. 4.000 turn burden. It. el IVereon, Comman- dei. will leave on MONDAY, the list of November, at J p. in., to connect at f'uiian.a with tba well-known and auporier tteaia- ship GOLDEN AGE. J. T. Watkii a. Commander. The BALTIC, A. G. Gray, Coiuiuauder, wiU fulkw on tbe Mb ut December. An eiperieucrd Surgetin ia attached to each ahlp. Tatrough Freight and I'atteugera will be immediately forward¬ ed open arrival of the steamer at Aaplnwall. , Each ef tb» above ttetou.hips baa oapa lty fur WK> to 900 tuna fVt ijl.t. v. Meat will lie taken at moderate rates. It is Bt beved that the ac- omrn. lationa adorded by tbe above ebipa are i.usiirpaased by auy In the world. Al eitra ahip ia alwaya in reaerve at Panama, ao that there vtid be no dcteutit-ii iu lorwaiding Putengera, Baggage and Fr. t. I 1 lelglit. apply tt the office of the Company. No. Wal!-st. lor I'aasase, ai'pfy U tUc only oüue ol tin- l ompaniea, on the wharf, foot S t anal O., to WM. H. WICK HAM. \tlant1c" ÄND PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. V S. MAIL LINE pan CALIFORNIA (formerly the M Van lerbilt Line"», From the old estabhabed wharf, loot ot Warren at, North River. FIFTH AND TWENTIETH OF EAFH MONTH. The favorite «teamtbip NORTH BTAR, t apt. I ones, will leave as abrve on MONDAY. Nov. 21. at 2 o'clock p. in., con i.e. Una vie Panama Railroad with the ateauisuip Oltl/.A B At Eitra ateazner tf thia line alwaya at Panaiua, luauring prompt OOonecticn at the lathniua. The NORTHERN LIGHT au.cccda tbe NORTH STAR, leaving Sew York Dec 5 I ACTION TO THE PUBLIC. Ktware cf Ti krt .-wi i.i rs. hoal « Paast-e Offrea. and -on- eorra laiaely ttyiiug llieiuat Ivea Mali" Co: .panie*. L mesa you bt on voti ruard v on will be deceived and fraadetl. T bit it tit ... v kao carrying the I mied Metet Mafia on thit route, under contract with the Goverumeut. F. freight or paat.ige a;<ply at kbe only office of tbe lice la the I lty of New York. No i77 Weat rt corner cf Warren at. D. R ALLEN. Agent N. B .Ail persona are forbid trusting any one account of the above ahapa or owners. mHiTligrnRn" ami NORTH American X ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. fni'M .taw loaa iu uiaxruuL Chief Cui.iu Pataage.$100 Bt cond l'abin Paaaage. 7S vk-.a awaaWl no iiTaaroou Chief Cabin Paiatege.B110 .-.-.mid Camn Passage. I<0 Tbe slap, from Hoston call at llalltai. Pf BS I A, Cept I- t 1NAIU, Capt. Laag. A KAU I A. I apt. J. Stone, AMERICA, (apt. Mjku. AMA Capt. E. G Lett, NI AO ABA, t apt. Vbtieraon, AFP A. < a;-t Shannon. 1 l'HOP.*.. » a;d. J. Leitch. T ... v.... ... a-ry a bar white light at meat head green on atarl-oaid b"t> red on port bow. Pir\.- Judkin. i. N. York. ..Wednesday, Nov. 9 AMFKIt A Mulai.le.tet Hoatj:: V\ edlteeday. Nov. ASI A Lett.leave* N. York... Wednesday, Nov. M I AN A DA, l.ang.leave* Boston ... Wednesday. Not. J" AFRICA, Shli aea.leaves N. York.. .Wedaesday, Doc 7 NIAGARA i u.. lrat.-a P.ostou_U'eJaeeday. Dee. 14 PI RSIA Jodkina.lesvet S York...Wednesday. Dec. ill B. rtiis not set ired until paid tor. An ex (a-re net 1 ."urgivu on Bear I. 1tie< »n« raof these ahip* w lU nut be *k-TOnntal'le for Gold, Silver Bunion. Specie, Jewelry Pre.rloo* Stone* or Metal*, an lea* bills of Lading are signed thereleraud the value thereof there¬ in exrr««*ed For Ueigut or pssaea*. appiy to _i. I I'NARD. .No. 4 Bow ling Green. the NORTH GERMAN LLOVFs S1EÄM- jL soil- NF W YORK. H. J von Saaten. Couviiander, will *ail potitivtiy. cairyinfi tbe I'uitrd State* Mail, on SATURDAY. Nov. K. at It an, Pava BREMEN, via SOUTHAMPTON, taking pa.eeurer. tor LONDON HANRf, .-Of'Ml VMI'ToN. anil BREMEN, at tbe follow ing rate*: Oawda, #MB BwaaTaBll -t -teterage. A3A Fol nr.t'.t 01 pas-age Bjiply to 1 OELPCKE? KEUTGF.N a RKTCHTLT, No. it Broe iway. ]~>ORTI-\ND and CANADA SEMI-WEEITlY LINE, via \ ICTORIA BRIDGE. The first !s»s screw ateamanip*. t HKS iE! kRJ.Capt. Sidnev Crow»li, PA Ai'.-t O.CapC L. H. Layf»el4. wlv leite i'ie: No. 12 North Rive., New-York and Brown'a ,i ...» every WEDNESDAY aad SATURDAY, at I e'clock p. aa. Ruaaine ttrae. »S hour*. raa.age. incied.iig n.eal* and stateruum. t>S. .. Grand Tnma Railway, ead fnrtn the cbe.vjH'st aud c oat eipediuoua freight line to Moulrcal and Uneher aa t, H. b. CROMWELL a Co No as W^g, FOR SAVANNAH anti fl0*RII»A..C S. MAIL LINE..Tha fcvatua eteaaj.hip M .tK OF THE .-. I 1H Catst Thea. Lycn. a di leave tan 1 UASDAV, Nov li, at I p ¦< from Tier No. 4. N R Through tuketg riven ta M >u> gomery, Columaia. Attaau. Albany, aud Macou. Bi. of Lading tigTiod ealv on board For .rvight or peaaage epplv to S.'MI F L L. MlTtlliLL A SO.N.N«. 13 Broadway. PASSENGERS per -team-hij.. KAJLNAji R) ll.i.. vte Naasao. V P., are antra |c NN bearet I I!: > :Mr .lav MdRNINO at II »Vklrl _E. < .»Uli So 4 Rewl.raj^reea. S~TEAM TO~ LIVERPOOL I/»\DON ami i-l.HM.OW. eaRtnr«: QCr.F.NSTO»K,irfhd to lead seat embark pw ni'n um! «H'?«irh>-«. TU U.fipctiL Sfw-Vrrt «ad PblNnrtpkea Btr ¦iHplVo- Ntji srlrLdid < ylde-owJ» llun S-J-w ;-.r.j,a_.,. t_-t ui»u..r-J I* Mi) M «elioWf rnoB *bw toxi r. » irrri. nTT or BALTIMORE..SATTRDAY, Scn.^lvtit 1 ioo ..-A ; L KDAi , UVriiiun A EDINBURGH.SAHRDAY. [W^tR i ad «ten aj'err.ete »eciic.ey «j boco. fro.*, I'teg jh 44 N. tt. mow K"W '.o«k r-fi at trgntr CITY «iPMANCHFHT- A .- t TUR D A Y, December tri. KANOAKOO.SATURDAY. January 1«4», aed ej«h month im AA inter «; r| b «itrrT.il* Sal r_«T S,o, B.er, frora I'trr .No. 44 Norm I,.»»r »irr.» r :-t"j>.«- CaMn, to Qocesetewn, lat*errx<d or l.it»(ow.NTS Calm to Let. Jen (via Live.-pc- .i. BO I Third Clae. to Q.neenetcwn. Ltr< r|-ool. Ouvurow. «1 J T nd i ir.- m Lt-ndvu. Al Third Claea Retain Ticket«. »Tulafilr for «ii months, .-roan Lrvtrpool or Outage*. Peaecr-rera forwarded to H»tt. P«r.«. Haior :rg. - . r. ud Antwerp at -.nrougt rat». < < r.f.ratee af passage ia.-ed from Liverpool and Olaarow to Jirw York. These Meaner, tare . :^ rior acrou.r.-iodav'crs *er Pas.- rigera, a-. cr.«:r .r:. «i with ujM com partin-at,, ai.al aiij ej- peri, nerd S_rr. . Fcr fr. :gbt or f uor* Brpre it the OflW-e of the re.rainy. JOHN C-. DALE. No IS Bioedwer. Nr»-. ork, .tarat. in Liverpool to AA'V i.-4MAN. Tow. r KrriMmr*. in Olesgow to WM. i>MA>. No. 19 Dixofs-st. ©B SAVANNAH .liKi ELORU>A. Ihr Aim n- ran AtlaNalt Screw Htaaaaaaiai oupur'i >». and favorite ataaajafcip NONTfiiiMFIiY Wm. ( Berry Comma.ider wU ;. uielierNo. .IN. aU. on THUBBDAT, Nor. K, at I ¦ p Hi. Pasture to Savannah a ilh cnfrxrparvid] a i-o-nm"d«uo:i! *>'.:.. Thr© ;ii tickets to New-Oneena + T.V to Mobile »J £ Montar-mery. »W, Albany Oa.. **4, Colnmhwa 4)IA. Atlant aSI-'i, BaaaMat »Ii. Augii.'. a>ia. Also, to principe, p.- e- ._, r .ond at loarat rafra Fr.,.ki 1' enta p*r foot. Inaurater onr-ha prrorLt. NoriakUie- ind -f.'1"'- Apniyto U. B. CROMWaXL A Co., No M WeaWL I^BEAT REDUI TION..THE V.\Mu.E'iilET \J Fl KOPP A N LINK 'N'l TV D BTATRB MAT'. «TKXM- BHIPS nail EVF.RY FOKTMOHT batwren Ni.A-YOKK, bOI I IIA.MPK N and IMA KK d-r : .a -. tkiis tide earh alternetr t-ATL'KDAi , and tue oilier iidr «a> a atrrnate TfEDNE.-DAY ftrta«; Q'ri-« Seal iry VajmrxaiTT. Lefrrra. FKoa nataa ud »octh isnLt roa % aw ..V-dnr.dyNor.-S AVrdnradaj.Doe.7 anon ««« i hi »r K «1| TH»»H"X l«l IHrMK. Sal-.idar, Nor. ^. v 'day. Not. 1 L. .e "ti annhip. havr w ei 'isnt roii.pajtmn.if Pr. I at* raai'.f» either w-j the taais. rir: A ANDBRBILT 1st rat in, A ISO and $1M| 2d r»bin, and I ¦* Or«»v Qrnaw.It ,-aM-i 4? 100 and #80; ?J raiin. BBB Third rabin, a limited r. Certlfeate» of ruipare i.ajed from E-irope to Ameri.-a. fpeHa aWawrad u. htndon and I'l.-i.. D. TOTtRANC**. Arent. No. Ä Howiin|«>rren. New-iork. ficoda »aker. n '¦. ; r«-ea ITN1TED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIP EINE. / .For HAVANA aid NF.AV-ORI.FANS-The fart and farorite ataaaaaaip MOi i 8 lA.LnRwill tail on rillK. DAY. Not. IT. at 1 o'rio -k p. m.. from Pier foot af \A'*rTrn- .t.. North River. Billa of lading, of tue BroNBX form, fiu- niahed at the office aiet no bills of lading trill ne a-'gned «fler the hour of anilm*. For freight or paaaage apply al No. ITT West- it.,.on.erof AAarren. M. O. ROBERTS. FOR SOTTHAMFrOX anu~iE\\T'E.-r. S. A4, ateam.hip VANDKRBI I. T. ( apt. p. B, feferre. will aoaitisely tail at t o'rloek p. nv on HAT I RDA \ Not. PJ. from Pier No. 3. N. K.. New Y'ork. with mail., pntaengers, and specie, for England and Fianar lor passage ....d :..daAa. .pplr to D. TORRANl K Ag/M. No .1 Ro» ln.gO.ee,,, X. T. Fteamthip Ot EAN Ul EE.N wui lollow on Dec H FOR ALEXANDRIA. WASHINGTON, and Id OROETOWN.-Tho New-York and Vtnbla >i,ip Coirranr't new and fint <iat« tteamth.p MOUNT API > ON. F. (. Smith, Commander, will leate Pier No. 11 North River for the above portt. EVERY BATÜRDAY at 3 p. m. t abiu aaasare, with unsnrpaated accorr.modatioua. 4A7 JO. Freight H renli pei foot on measurement rood.. otürr a.'ti. lra a proporion; and re. eivrd on Friday, ana Sat .idtya. No com- mia.ir i. charged for forwarding. No bills of l.d.ut urned after depirf ra of atearr.er. For f'eirht or paasare apjiv '.. II B. CROMWELL k to.. N'¦¦'¦<¦ W. «t . Btcamboats anb ttailroabc. 3PECUL NoTK'E. CHARtii: op hoi'Ro. H A R N D 1. N I 1. I PRESS, roa BOSTON. PROVIDENt F. aviy TUP. F AST, NOA\ m a'. P> liAILY texcet-t Bagtgky). »:» STONINOTON Mail Route, at 3:40 p. m. INLAND t'XPRKSS I p. m., via NEW-HAVEN RAILROAD. Oi.r expt.Mea for Philadelphia. Baltimrrre, AVarhinrton. and tl.eAA'eat, .^avannah, Mtcon. Montgomery, MiLiie, New Oi- ieti.i. and the South, it heretofore. For fnrtl.tr partkulart, applr to HARN DEN'S EXPRESS. No. T4 Broadway, and No. SHT Canal-r!. J^OR NEW-IIAVEN^Tty Hteam- n. ELM (TTY from I'eck-i:ip at 3 p. in., and i RAA 1.1.Kit at ii p. m., ir- riTing in time fcr the morning trains B. PECK, Agent. PpHE E'EdEEAK *E\IL LINE, via s ro\|\.;- 1 TON fcr BOBTON, PROVIDENCE.Laad Raate TBsj ahortett and most direct.Carrying the Eastern Mail. The »träniert PLYMOUTH HOCK ( apt Joel Mone. and C "'AMPBRBIAT <apt.lt. B. Sturgea, In oniinoction with the fttaalagtoa and Providenee, and Koatou and Providence Kail' raad earing New I :k ..lv Sunday ex. apiedl. (roni Pier Na. 3, N K. inr.t wharf above Batterr place), at 4 p. m and Ston inrtou at «:*» p. in or «:. arrival ol the mail train w.o r, ... Bo.ton at 9:8a p in The C. A' A Nil F R BI LT, from New York. Mnnd.v AA edaea- dar. and Friday. From Stonin^tou, Tue.J.iy, Thuraday, and Satnrdar. I |m PXYMt IUI II Rock, froai NawO ark. 1 uesday. Thür» dtv ud Saturday. From Stonmrion.Monday. AA'ednrsday anil Friday. i i-.,-. ugerv proceed from Stonington. per Railroad to Provi¬ de!,. >. and Boston in the Exprraa Miil Train, placea in advance of tboae by otber iwaaaa, and in ample time lor all the early Morning Line, connc linr North and K.a^. Paaarii^er. that prt-ler it. irn.ain ou board the tteamer, enjoy a i.i.: t'l rrat nndittnrbed, breakfaat if devired and leave Montur- lou in the T a. in. train, lonuecting at Providence with the 0 a. ni. train for Rcrton. a Bag«age Maaui accou.puii.o ihr Meauitr an 1 Tis.!, .brough eai h w«y. For pt..»ce hertht. »tate-room». or frelrhr applv on board the steamer, et «I the Fre.,,ht Olt.cr Pi. r No 1 North Riier. or at the otliee of the Company. No. M B.ttery-plscr. CENTRAL RAILROAD b< NEW-.1EICSEV- llaj it New-Hampton with 'be Daal rarg l.o.-ta wanna and AAe.tern RaUioad. and at Easton with the Leb-.gh Vai.ey Railroad. Fxll AKKA>u«MraT»-Commencing Oct. it. 1HW. f . av.t S.v. fOrA (Ol t «¦ n and uitermcdiate plaee«. Mai Pirr No. 3 North River, at T:30 and 11:43 a- in., and at 4 p. m.; f ir Sc.met. vi.'e by the above trail... and at It li p. ta. I'he above I rain t oounect at Elizabeth with train, ou the Nee-Jrrvey Railroad, which i. ave New York from foot of CourtlanJt tt., at'T.40 and II m and 4 .10 and NM p. m. The li :4i a m. train from New Y'ork make, a r-ipte connection at I a>ton with the Lehuh A alley Railroad, and tc -uce via Hast P. nnay ra a Rrilrotdto Reading without change ot car,, aaJ e< aayecti at Raadlng Hur. t for I'oittvilie and Dairtabtirf. Passengers ior Iba I'elaware. Lackawonna. Baaj AA t,-.c.-i Rail¬ road will leave at T Sa> a. m. only for Lehigb Valley Railroad at * .10 a in aad 11 laA only- JOHN 0. STERNS. I iperlutetident. HUDSON RIVER KAIEROAD.-Frr.m NW. 14, IHM. Trains will leave Chambers at, Sution as follows: Expresa Traica. T and 11 «. m. and i p. m.; far Siar Sing, 4 and t 1' p. m.; for Pouihkcep.ie. T:30 a. m. aaaT It ¦ and 3:/n p. ii..; tor Peakskill, S:.m p.m. The Poiiglikeeaait, PerkikLi. and Sing Sing Traina atop at mo.tof the Way Stetiona. P-«.ei,«era taken at ( tiambers Canal, < anrtopber. and Jltt-ats. Tra.ni. fat New York leave Trey at 6:15aad 10 a. in., and 4 p in., and Albany about IS minntra later. On SundViy. at 6 p.m. A. P. SMITH, Sapr:.ateuaeuL NEW -YOLK AND-ER IE lUILROivI)..Ofl and a'ter Menday Nov. 11. 1-.c*. P«*.cnger Trains will leave Pi-r foet «I lliiane-.! ».',.»< >; DUNKIRK EXPRESS tlTi in., for Oanktrk, Buffalo, Can- andaigua. and pnn ipal lalatUJtdials Staliona. way PASBl .M.r.H ai '.st- p. L. f .r Newt.rgh. P rt Jerviat, abd intermediate Statiotja. N1UB i EXPRESS at 4 30 p. m., for Dukirk, Buffalo, Caaan- tUIrua. and principal Stations. Taw Exptatt Trains roLnrcl at Elmlra with the Canaadaigsa and Niagara FaJ.s Railroad; at Bu.rbamtoa. wath the Syracuse H.Ilr. so; at Corning, with the Bu'Jalo and New Y jrk Railroad, ft r R vubrstet ana BaSalo; at Otrat Bend. With the Railroad for S, .-art. n and at Baflala and Dunkirk, witk the Laxe Shore RalL-rad for ( ievcJand. Ciniinnati, Toledo, Det:ott. ( hicago, Ac and the Canada Railroads. NATU L AiAlUsU. Receiver CHAS. MINOT. Oeu" Sap't ITH »K BRIDGEPORT . EartT'oo-rented.Tkm rteau.rr BRIDOl PORT leaves Peck »Ii;.. F. R every Monday wednrsday sn.i priday. at 12 a'o. a. arriving in tone tu connect with Naug»t0 Himrattrni aad Nrw Haven traint. Freight taken. 1X)B BRIWEPOTcT.Ftrv 50 Cn steam..- BKIDOEPOKT leaves Peck-slip E. r, rvery MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY at li « .-a., a. s.-r 1 na B 11 rr to i onnecAaWith Ntugatuck, liouaatwu^, and N> w Uavea R. .roadaPrAht taken. XLVY-YORK and HARLEM RAILR.3ÄD. i.1 WINTER kRBANOEMENT. f a r 1 rwu dollars ro kUiANT. On and xttrr MONDAY. Nov. 14.13W, trains will leave S6th rt. station New Y'ork, as follewt: t or AA .llisntbTkaga.M at' and 11 a m.; 2 30 and S;30 p. m. For White P.sias.It-Jk and i p. m kot White Malus.«;15 p. m.. (TOB) cor. White and t entre-tta. Put Crott a Fails.4 p. m.. from 36th-tt ' For MV.lrrten.I a. m.. from iv.h rt. For Altany.9 a, m from !tth »t mail train. Returning. Will leave VA d.iainabriige.6.4Ö and *:M a n... 1 and 1:40 p. rn. AA -- ;-a..d-.it»a ci auityip.ax. I r .t l kails.7 a. m. MCI«Tt> n.? a m. Ail-any.11 a m mail train. NE W I ORK and NEW-HA YEN KAILKOAD. laü». vYINTEE AJLRANOEMEET. las«. Coramen. lag Not '4. 183*. Passenrer«' Stttion in Nrw-\ ark, corner of rth-»t. and 4 .v i , t kIN8 LEAVE new-YORK: F.r Nc» Haven. 1 » a :ix Ist.) Ii.'\ IS (el » i> and 4:St'p. tu. For Drid'-aart. T, Sam. fex.:l II: U. J:lSlrx.|i S.Se.au i.J' p at. lor .Afilf,.;d. Mrttfard FaiiUeid. .-v*t .port. and Weetport, tin.: U:l\ J:So. abdk:s*a. an. Far Nerwakk. T, 9 a. av; U:l\ k.lS tea.): g-Su. 4:3-', ..so p. m. For D.ri- l ai.d Or-.-iwi, h. T. 9a. in.: IJ.TS. S:J4». 4:J0. $:» p. m ler Stan t r! T, t (ex.,. 9am., 1R:is, 3:1S (ex.1. 4:4f, g:S". IVitvS, p. aa. For Port CaataSai and lntrrmtaii^r Sta- tiuta. T. 9 a. m ; 12 1- * r.i ( *1 a* « » ta. CON.NKl ilNw 1 rains. Prr r-<*tor. » a ta. (ex.). S:15 p. m. (ex ) Far Hartford and S| .-.*- . iei Up a. ex Par On-wt ii r.v- et Rai'roa.1 to Moatreal, » a. m tex \, and 1:19 a m let. )te Norttarnpior. For Hartferd. Pre idear» tad Flahkill Ka:.-oa ! I a. e.. (ex ». F'or New-Haven, Nea London and Stouuuxtca Ranioad at j a. tu. and 3:lj p. m. For CanjJ RaUread to c viler. * t. an. (ex.). and IS-IS p. ax., to Nortaaciatoa Par Horaatouic Railroad. Sam. For Naageteek RaDraad. Han, 1:13p. K. Ft* Davnbtxrv and Nerwa.x Railroad. T. »a av. 3:4* P- m JAJktaU H. iiOYT, Sjperiatrmisut. \TEW-J£ii;i:Y ILAlU;OAr»-r.r PHILA- I ITI -M».I and I....re*, fine, leave New-l n " * and II *> an. anal 4 4*4 a a. at.; fare AA Thr.-ta TUft. told (or I in. ctaaet. aad the Maat, and lur W atlunrtcm. NewOrwaca. aod tht rWeth, »f. .nd thmegk harraje faecAi-d la Weairtngloe in * a as. **vd . a. a*. Lruaa. J w v, >/ lfRt'FF Aattetant V' '.»*»». B-iU be i«..|red lot «..y treto. .¦--.¦> u- ..wed »cd » "j^ " «narr» in advance of the lima of leaving. FOB BOSTON «od PROVIDENCE, tia HEW- FO KT aad FALL RIYlaL.The er»V*vdiA and aaarlar ttaaataf Alt! RuFt'LIS. ( apt U.-et. u Ve..* .Nrw I ort overt TUFSDAY THURSDAY, and SATURDAY, at 4 o'clock* r *tvd'he EMPIRE STATE. « apt. Bravtea oa MONDAY, tcTI-M-DAY, and FRIDAY, at 4 uork p. » from Pier ho J N R, Her«*"er Bwreeant wi'lbe retarded a* .aaeaaaj to anv eppib e*o; " '¦' tte *au»e iltaU hate Seea pawd for. Prent! to l.otton u torw»tded threegk »Ith great dVpatrb by an Ilxpr.a* F reich: Trau». _WM. BORDEN, Agent. Noa 7? ar.d .1 YVeet-et. -Tin: i i:.nn.-.:.'. aniacenteal RAILROAD. Tie cape, ity of U-a Road ia now *c.cal to any La tke reoaatry. THREETHROUGH f A I S fSfl K ¦ TRAIN* - BEYw t-.E.N riilLADLl.FH1A AND !'I TTr- BUROH, renre-t rg i reet »t Pt;ledelphii wtth through trttn. from Bee¬ ten. New I er* »ad ..1 pointe eaet, and ia tne L'i.e.n depot at J"altet rtb with ti roughi train* fur Cinainaad, St Loci* iVtr- kvr.o\ t Serage, Burtingtoa. M. Faul*. I uttianapeti«, Lee*»vUJe, New i rle»r.«. end all intermediate poicU in Ohio Indiana lib- noi». Keataehy. Michigan. WV.ri.ln. Minne..4a. aCoari. hau»*., and Netraaka-tiiu* f^rtiuLii^ facihuie* for the brent- portati n of paattngrra unaarpaaaed for apeed and comfort r>y another rcte. E«p« and f»tt T.'-ir-t r.r .. r :-, :-gh witho- t ; a- g. . ., tr. vr condu. ^m. ¦MOKINO CARS are attarSel to e*. h train; Weaadruff* BLEEPING CARD to F.apre.t end Fart Trains THE EX- I Rl - RUNS DA4LY Mail an I Fart ute. ^uudav. eacepted. Ma l Train ieive. Philadelphia*!.7'i»e, m. Fett Line leave* Philadelphia at.II.»*, m. Fipre., 1 .-|iu ;«..,». Pr.iauVlphiaet.10:Ni p m. Sia Dairy T-a:n. o. t-.rren New-York and Phiia.'.*lp..ia. Twe Pai.r I ia.Lt h.-tve^a New-i nrk and Ho-t.-n. Ti.ro.igh Ticket. (aU Rail) are go,,d on either of the above train*. BUAT JURI. I > ti#ui tJo.toa are good, tie Norwkh, Fall R|v. r or Me-ingtr. bt.e. Pa.-et.gert I... Ui .... .f. ,-y I.iv» two .!*:> Tali.* from Bakrimore, eonnectiac at H*rri«bnrg fjr all poiLta Vi e*t.leeviug Balf.m. re at-a. at, Bad-p no P*-'rgt r. for St:nb.rrv. \t'Tliaintnort, FTmtra. B-.ffale. Ni agara fall., ar d interant.Lale joa.'t, [eating Piiüadrlp^^ at a. m ai-'i »L.'si a. m.. go directly thror.gh. 1 ;ck. tt We.-ward ii.^t h. o-'-atned U the off.ce nf toe Co.ti- par.y La PaBaaOaJaataa, Sew-V^rk, lioeton. or Uaitamure; aud * w.eta Fa.tward at any of the .mportant Raih. v! orft-ea In the U .t s':.u. en n.ierd iny uf the .eg.iar l.iue of S'.eanu rt on the Mi -pi or < ''.I j It.ver- FALL Ai.^ Ai - dJ LOW A-J BT AN i OTHER ROUTE. A<K FOR TU KITS BY PITTSBURGH. The rrn.pl»-i"n . tt.. t\ » .. r: cn::rectiar.t of t.-.a Penri' yi- ttjaia Ralfa id to Ckicaeo Bsakaa t] DIRECT Ll.NE BllTWEEN 1 HE EA^T AM) THE GREAT NOK7H-WEST. The ronrecttng of trackt r y ft;.- R»i!-aed Bridge»» Flttthnrrh, av. ,...i,g ail lirayage or feriiage .1 Freight, t »j» teer w i'i. l:ie retiLg cf lime, are aJvantar. . readiiy :.\ rt<. .at. i y thippen of bright and '.he travel!! t public. FREIGHT?) WESTWARD. Bythi*roote. fn-igbtt o; ail deterlj-tion. .-an be forwarded fror: Philadelphia. New-York, Bettott, ..r Baltnoore, any p-unt on the lailr. ada of Ohio K-irt.;' ty. ludiaua, iilu.ci.. Wiacoaaiu. Iowa, er Mi**o«.ri. by railroad Bwai t. The Pent-y!v iria K»'r a.l g,.o r.nertg *t Pittabnrrh with *t**0jtri by which Mean tau be Ktoaidrd tu a ly port <>o the f»hio. Mnttti gum, R. ;,tu. ty, T. Bneatea, Cat iberil.nd, IIRniia, Witccntin. Mlttoari, Kar..... Arkan.a.. and Red Rivera; and at t leveiatd. Siüilutkv. ^ud I Lieajj with tteaauera to ail pou* wu the North-Wettern Ltkea. M. r<;. .. .-I..: ;. r. -.rr-i-tinf the tranaportation of thtir Frtlgl.t to t!ii» t'on pany. can r-ly v. ill, ^ Mi lenc- ..n it. "peeüy tran-it. rHE RATES OP FPEIfiriT to env point in the We.t bv the Perjiay'.vxr.ia Ruiiruid are at all timea aa favorable aa any riiarged « y other lta..r.,« j Be f.arti'ci ,.'r to ,. tk rl ret "»u Pei.n. R. It " Merckant. in the W. .*. trd**rLnf good* from tl.o Ea*t, will Jo well to direct ihem to be flipped by ttit route. Fir:. Lrbt . octraeta or aaipping Dirr ctior.a apply to or al- drea* eitLrf at the teiltet rg «entt el th- u.tanj D. A. STEWART. Pitt.hnrth; Bovie k (V. Pteti' eT.v HJe, ol .. \{. g, PierceatCo. Zaneavil'., Ohio; J. J. John.ton. Bipley. Ohio; R. M.N'eely Meytville, Ky.; Ormaby It Cropper. lYrteu.outh, Gaio. Pa'l lock kt o., Jetteitonv.ile. Itt.i.; H. W. Hrowu k to. I .. im.ati. Ohio; Muern k Hilbert. lu.cui.V:. O1..0. lt. C. .'>l-li: in,. Mauieon, In.! William tUntbare,. LeatntilT* Ky P G O'RDoy k Co., I v .i,.-. 1, D.d.: N. W. Grahani a Co., Caim 111.; R F. Sa**, St. I n,.:.. Mo John H. H.m. Keefrt Be, Tenn.; Harri* tt Hunt. Memphia. Ten a.; 1 l.rk k ( o., Cnicago, 111.; Wa H. E. Kovi.rt. AI'.u. III.; ajnrphy k WaLie. Dtibuque. Iowa: or to 1 reigl t Agent* of Railroad, at UiServut poiuta 111 the Weit Pal .- ettea.hng to their owu tlnpmruta from, the Ea.t will lind it to thear Intereat to call on the Ag.-.it. f .(.!. 1 'o> .; the I'dlovt lug piarea before .'.it. ping: or letter* adtlre.aed to either of them, on the auhject of freigbta, will meet with prompt atteLlii E. J SKEEDEI Phi:ade:r!Ja. MAGBAW It ROONS. No. at) North-it. Baltimore. LF.Flt H A Co., No. 1 tatet Hoote, or No. 1 S. \\ .IHlB* It .TT T LEI CH A Co.. No. M Kilbi K .ton. H. li. HOI .-TON. Geaerj Fi. igi.t Ateut. Philadelphia. For through ticket* appU at Imlt oHm e. No. 2 A*for-Houae. J. L. ELLIOTT. Ag.nL L. L. HOI- PT. Oenertl Ticket kgwat, Pbil.i I. iphia. T. A. St OTT. General Superintendent. A.toou*. Pa. U)dtcr-(Cure. MOUNT PROSPECT WATER-CURE Bing- n N. Y., eight hon-* fr tin N'.-a York by N. Y. ead Erl» R. R. Haa a very beautiful location, and aftorda'inuaual bu"i)itk> * for < nrr fort and improvement in health in the Wietel aeaat u. For < ire i.ar. »ddre.* J. H. NGKl'll. M: D. eflaUMcol* i) j;. VELPEAU*" CANEEELNE. Dr. \ KLPEIU'S CANRERINE core. Canker. Dl YXLPKAU'fl CANRERlNE curet Sore Nipple*. Dr. \ ELPEAl 'B t A.SKI RINE caret burn*. Dr. \ ELPE At 'S CANKER1NE cure. cut*. Dr. \ I I.PF.Al S I ANRERINE cniea I Icertied Gun... I r \ ELPEAU-fl CANKFRINE cure. Soretof .11 kind.. Dr. VELPE AI H f ANKERINE enrea Tootrurhe. Dr. \ ELPEAU'S CAN Kr RINE purile* the Ureelh. Bl RBII.L k HUNTING. Proprietät CONRAD FOX No. 1 B*rc!»y lt., Wl.u!e»ale A.-eat For .ale by all .Iruff.i.tt. nR. J. LEATHE - VK!.!.u\V-|M)CK SYBI P For Co*tiverie*». Dyipep-i*. P.heamatiim. Scroi lia 1'ile.. »»d Female Debility, tnitgre.t r.-i. .¦<:v i.aa no equal. Depot. No*. lat)Ckatbtm-ai. Watrtand¦«'... 476 Broadway. ÜPÜY* CHILBLA INS RA I Jl ralm ttie iiitupiKirtable itching, at once. Dnpuy'a Swi«» Corn Pie*- ter. «nre* coma apet-dily by allay;i f inna. .rn.ti o. VVhole.ale at No. butt Breed v. ay. and at the piln. lpal druggiat* evc.ywhere. QUEBIT- COD LTVEE~ oil." JELLY, apt roved by the Academy of Medicine, ia tue or.lv r,ue |*g CGBsi MPTH 'N, ASTHMA, aad all kiada ef (XJUGBS. Itlg Iwtar more eBiiaciuua than the liquid on. At*.), Ql ERI S PATr NT JEi.i.IFIF.D CASTOR OIL, Pleaaaiitly tlavnred, and taken wilhn..t naute*, and doe* not c*n*e cnetipetioii aner nae. Hi* the beat pumtive lor tmmk dr^n. To be bad at the Inventor'*, No. I .to 4tn av., and all ro- apeetable druag-»ta- PENFOLD, PARKER A MOWER No. li Beekmaui at., Wholeaale Agent*. 1) ttrgal iVoItcco. In PUBSUANCE Of u tattitV "I ateftaUTrlgawROf the Conn'v 01 New 1 ri eirtart la aerahy given to aD per- aana having riaim* agtin*t Joii N STUART late of the City of Jtrtt Vork. Baker. decea--ed. 10 pre.ent the same, with vo n ner. thereof, to the mbtcriher. at the 1 ifh.-e of Eveleth k Iiiaa. il N 14 WaaVekVi iu toe I ity of Rt v, York, on or before tho It: uay r.t Dtcemberuext . Dated New-York, theXtb .lay : Mo :'. J.V.NETT .-TUAT. Adrniui.tralrii n:30 !»we:m-M \\ ktk the Will anneie l. IN ri"R>r.\\t E ..! .tii order i-l'tli.- Surr..i;;itf of the County of New-York, notice ia hereby given to all per- .on* hating claim* »eain.t RUHARD Bl liR. late of the C'tv Of Now-Tork, Sea I aptain eated. to preaent the tame, with totirhera thereof, to the inbarrSer, at ria office at tee f... ..( 41.. it.eel, Fiaat Riirr in the Cut of New-York, on or befer- the 27th dar tf Jacuarv bez'--Dated N'ew Yort. tl.e .'ii Hay of lady. I»* JOHN P. T'JW > -END. jy2i lawrtnM Executor. IN PUBSUANCE of an order <-f the Son*>gatfl of lb' i n:t ."<«» \ ork notice it hereby liven to all per- ton* havinf claim, agnit.it W ALTER i.tiBM IS' .teot the i uy of New^ ork her.!<»ar. ii,. :. Ijant. de. ea-ed. to preeent the .auiie Wirh vourhert Oereof to the aub~ rio.r at the re-iden. e .»f EDWARD MiELROY. No n Etat iTTtb at., in the City of New York, on or i-eiore the 12*h day u! Jan-oarv next..Dated New-York !rth d»v of July la.V». MARY ANN i.iillMiN Admiiiwtratril ;; law'jrxi M uf W alter (»oru.au. de. eeaed. SLfPBEEE COURT..WÄLTERQÜTN^ Plait tit aralnat THOMAS A tdf iNandMAK^ JANE Ql IS L iii)< ARTHUR A. Ql IN. f HARLE4 H. UCIN, OROaOE A' fins JOHN QUIN John r DF.VL.N. iui .idoai.v. ead aa el .lie AaTLn^taiaUatora ot ARTH I R i*T'IV de .e«.» ead Tl.tVID Ft AS- de', r.danta in parti'ioa.In purauanee of a;adgaueut of the bupteuie IV attol Laa r irvt Diairv-t, beatnug date aa the 5th day «f S*pfemt-*r. lfttO I, Wllliau. Wataon »he Rg.'rree in lue laid judgment named, will aell at Public Auction, at the M«: .alt'Exchange, in the ,:v ..'N^w-York. by An tkcay J. B.eeckrr a. Cat, on SATUftDAY. th* Fth day of Bevtmber UJnt, at 1.' o'. leek at boob of that day. All that cer¬ tain Lot piece or parrel of Land, with the Building* ther-on. aruutle. ly r.g and being in the >u,tb W ard of the Lkty erf New- York, bo Lil. i and dearnbed a, foil iwi Beaming at 1 point lerx; tne nonh-weaterly cort-er of WavLlturea and Ha_nn.ood etreeta ti.-t . 1ntiiorh* riy aioa: the wvtterly liur of Waaa- lagtaa *»rret ktiy^tne feet aad alt Lache* thence weeteriy, oa a .ii»r paawllal » itL liaaimood atreet. tiurty-fuur feet four inchati m thence .<n -iterly, oe eliae at ria-bt aragkv* with flaaaui <od atreet.* any feet, to the northerly bee of Haim-.ond xrcet, and tben.-e eaateriy along the aortherly ttn» of Harrncnd trreet twenty-two feet to the place ot beginbtrig A1.0 eli the certain iot. piece or peace 1 ef Land, with the Building thvreoa. litttiXe. Irin; and being it- 'he Nmtt Waid ot the City of New-York rtounded and ¦Vei ribed u fellow.: He, inning at a point ei. the ivrtbeJy llue at Hammoad atreet. 4»t*f^ tw«*aty-two feet, westerly from tl.e aorthw,ateriy corner of W aehiagton and Han.mood atreet*. than.re ruutuut uortlwriy at right auglra to taud Ha-nrnoed atreet Bfty teet. tti t. w > rfer.y. a-. ... ..').'¦. .'..»1, ;t»l- |y-twe feet; teeace aaatneny et ri*ht an ri. a 1.1 Httmuul -treet tfty teet to toe tad uvtAheriy Line of He'oinoe.i atreet. and llariite e**tei:y a.ooi the northerly lire of Haniaor.d a'rret, twe -y-two teet to the pbv e be; uBtng. Aad aiao. all that rarta.n lest piece cr parrel 0: Lai.d. a ith th' P.ulldiag theraoti, eituate. lyitt and beiag :l th' Ntn'h Ward el :kv» < ity ef New- *l ork. botteiid and (.ea-nped toJoavi: Banning at a point 00 the »er*heriy line of Haiiinaotid «tratet, dbvunt forty-toor feet weagrrty tram tier aorth-wraierty corner ef Wa*hiitglMi and Hau mood .treet*. than'e rjnn.'iig north, rly at right eaglet to .aid Haaucesd atrv-rt nfty feet thence weeteriy parallel a ith Han t. ocd ttreet t.ve feet aa I eutbt -achea th.-a uurtaariy and perallel with Waat nurtut atreet ktWa teet and foarr it* he., the;. e a. t ..... ia-.- t- *i Iii. 1 .t-. -tt-.-i feet thence aoutber'y and parmilel »ith W*^r»iturtJn atreet nfteea feet *n.i foer ir. het tber.ee eaateriy parallel arilA llaauuiund atreet ore >a*t end eight ucchea thence wetberiy aad at right angle* tat I'.emn <>ud itreet fifty feet, to the aaid nor r. art] rate of at..-..irnd .'ft.* .r-d fawn.-a-*~*-'T along the aortherly Una of Hamnw-cd ttreet twet-ty twe feet, to 'he place of hee nninr. tonet teer w Iti. til aad aingtila/ the bertaaifarueng* and appirte n»". ** tier, to he.. uglng. or m anywi^ appretainlng I)*ied 2let .-wpf'Biber IbTM WILLIAM WaTsON. vree. JOHN C. DIMMOCK. Plaiatifl '. Attomev tO 2aw»iW The aale of the above deterlead areroiee. la adjourned to the Bth day ef De eUit>e.-. 1*3». a: the M> anar at u I- N vember.V Vm9 WlbLiA-M. WATSON, Referet a' aawJlkih tvi-a IN IT 'RSl'ANt K <>t kB «Ttierel the < irr.*»i> of tit*Came*y ofNew Vera »ot. e ie berehy n'en I" el V"- ttmm herii t r'm am aarein-t i RN ?--t h VtlNN/F.R teteoT ibe i ktl -f New-t art. uruia»**. .>ra**aa«il. lo preaeut toe Mut. witk toother* thereat, lo ike istuc iiDrti. either at Nu. *p* taaartt., at the «tote et t .r&u^mt V.mmek'. or et t kwreeae>e«ee ef Henry Jabrj.na, No, 79 Howry in the City of New-i ork. on or b»l«r» I no |T»h day of IWcrmoer n-xL-UateJ New-York, the fo.irtn de* .f June. USB. Fl Iii i na NU Bi-kNCKB. ( »- .... a^iUwtgiM HLNKi' JPHN.-ON. .,'-aoc-uore. St iKMtK ( <»IT;r.( :tv an.l Ce-nt. of !W- Y*rt-JOB L RLAf'K mi ' N *th »n () JTSIAVirff, ..nur1. rain.t JOHN « t IS r Y i.. ".....ten.-?-, t -..wfr reeaat.To ike I'efrndaat Von are hereby aum-notied »n<1 re .: nr-d to alan»rr the roupialut Ui this aa-tioa. » birh wa. Hied ia the ..«er .1 ice < «rk ci uv < itr and C-.iurT Nee -lork on . M !«» vf ."¦Vptetabet la**' and of whwh a ce, » i. here¬ with aeire.1 upon too. and te aer*e a copy of rottl III HT to too ..id romrlaint en the mberr-Ser at hia opu«\"Se 1*' Broadway, in atuai 4 it * of New-York, witeui tw cat* «keya «.*trr toe « -m. e hereof »,.d«.i*e 'the .'«Tri a-ieb Ml I IM mmi if faOJ *. -»rr erer.pla.ntw::.> u ti.e lime a-'.-ieae a (be ptatu.dfa ia ::.]» w .' pi it ' - C,...i ., -. hei ,'. -Landed :o tl.e liiiMatalai l itt 'iik Iren! tn. tu*. e'tlawcwM' S. V. bAkLLY P'tir.: "*".'Attorne*-. r;/£ 8lAyERt QVKSTjOlf. AL'luulaVATTfl Kxr(»srri<>N <>f tiik p*. SITU>X OF KDUAKIt BATH, i r 11 pom thk KCIX m wkry nir i x«tptidn. h r m T\e St /.'on J'rraiav Veten. .Vor. t. s of the < rrirw*ir ion paperx of Mraeonri The St. Josrpk Witt anipr.t: il i'iin. v»hile r.iirnitiintr t!.»> ind«- ni.i v i t' private cm/., u«. wli >>i[>|>.ei«» tii.'ti !vee mn- :> y !. r ttie Preriilenrv, thnietiua' their opiiliiibM on nil iji.i>Li. r.n, urtsrLt'J. cti the n>tt:i:.\. nevertlielfsa :-.t|t it.- to tl.tuk that '!.< i.-i oi Kilwani Ilute.* i.« an a<« 11 ..>::. 'I \ 'hi.; Mr. I wit. - -'.in.L. ?.. j«n.i:ii- ti.-!.-i_\ . t to t!.e «....::.try is :. Jti ^ihlo i'ainliil.tte for the l'n eiiieiu v. and thut the anxiety of MiM-.<>uri:uie i* ?o irTt ut to de« litr«. in favnr of him, if hit Mevt n on the Sli.M ry i|ii« t*ii>n ;n> airep'iiliW t.> them, that Mr. Itatea oiiL-ht to mak> )»il>!i.- I riowe on that one and- Ii t at !i aef. < Bhi r*A in-, luany tin, tiller <-e>niinit- tinti* then.eelveti to bin eu| |k>tt, tuitfiit tint! theowelves in a lliii-e jmeltuiu. Tht:t> will be no or«:iriou for any ritiien t'Terfe* lintf any tn.huirdfrimiit (>n Mr. Huli'^ aicuiint. lie ia not a ciiniiiiialf lor the I'reaideuey, and will not aeem, by puhlidiitiK U-ttera unarkeil. and on even the iuoet trif- lin>r ih iarion. fo I «. uurtiin; att«'t;:li>n to hut vi» wa. Hut if Mr. Hat. h ahonld N- ma>I<> a oandiiiate hv tlie ;tl.oritativi> vice of l.ia eotinti vnien. ho will obtain no vote npou fall«' [>r> 'enhe-. lie wit! *tan<! itp<>n no jtii-'iile, like the linciimafi i'lat.'orui. with ill amba^aaaaati il. ui U> rr.iiiuii.-. flu ronntty \\\U know Inn |x>- attn <>n all '|tit'rticiii», iiutniteitly ae in leiten of lir ing üirl.t. T:llthtn, Mr. BaatMa tiews of Slavorv will ho* pt< I.ably I e more fortuallt t<et forth. Hut an Tii T.ri rung Seiet,, aeveral n.i tith* aifO, I r«-. t.t. .1 tl .. r.aiiii >t Mr. It.it.'* ux the favorite of the St. I.onin (lpj>o«itio:)>ti« for the Prenideney, it is rea- fonably to be mipje'red tlint wo bail niiHicicnt ktiow- letlite <>t hin opinion... n thia und other anl-jeit*, to Itir-tify the nomination of htm. It max b>> that we know i-nonifh ol fiia viewt. even now, to natiely the more iniportunate «in» riete ,n the matter. The follow¬ ing are what, we ale flire, will be Imitid to be tilt' \ii vt* <>f Kdwurd Ilir.-h on the Slavery t^iioetioti: -LANtllT MIT aUM n. m ... i U.L1, FOLITH'ALI.T OR HI 1.1«.Ml <I T. Mr. H:.t< * doea n>>' believe that " African Slavery tlit- itiriier^tone et l.iU rty '' He iIimh not believe that Afrn an Slaver, h a benrfirial :n«iitii(njn, either in a Hoeial, political, or religion* aenei. Not in a noetnt lire, It'iaiiaa' ii ai-te at iiuhrIiI the family relation antl m j .»..itc- trau ami w te, | a>enfe ami linl lreii. at tin: cat rice, or on the necent.itie* of ow nere; not In a politi- i a! i-enre, betntiM> it \* productive of dituortla between nation-' tha' tolerate it. and nation* that >!.> not, and liecnii-.' it it liable t<> pMkWat. rouitntifionN, iit*tirTt-ction«, anil mtiie.ii re*, ami baa ended often in blrxelv rvvoln lifii*. not in a relitriotia *en*e. bentnru* it ahnta the mind ainiinat kimu, l> .li.-e, iimkea the word of (iixl a aaaled <.<ik to the flave, and irtve* Ins \><A\ to the rerviet- of a human inaeter, wliereti* the boilv of every r< at'd ai . -nonl.l be In . Iv Lftv.n !.> the - rvce vi Chi. r.* k.XTt.N-Io> i'M o\-rtTI'TliiS tt KXI'EPT BT AFFIR- M4TIV-: I FGIM.tTION. Hecaiiee Mr. Hate* BwM not believe that Slavery i* a beneficial itietitution, either in a h.^ ial, political, or lelitrioii* eenee, bo i* u nutter amiy appaaeaf to iff e.rtrn- . inn in!" Tirnlurnx alreml y ' rer. Mr. I tale*, in Ilia < l:fi(nl i red, la a Henry Cht* Whiff; und Mr. Clay declan d that hi* " rfgM arm hIioiiIJ dr ip from Ina " rhoul.Ii r lefon he would vote to extend Slavery " over one foot of territory alre.nli tie. Mr Biffi btartilv indoree* that *entimeiif, and bold* to that ree.l. Mr. BaatM iWt not believe that the (V»ti*titntirin. by it>- i ro; ." vi^'or nirie* Slavery into all tin- 'IVrritoriea that n.av be ai'iiinred by the l'nited State«. He be- lievea that Fieedum i* 'he rule, un<l Slavery the e.xcep- tioatä II'' 'lo< * Ii"' believe that SI \ i ry can eAittt in agil Tel* tory :o >| ¦:' :< >i by tin- 11. >v. i'.iiieat of the I'uketl Slate*, e.xcei t by the flottiert lam of CVriaf"><. Th: ' «itive law Mr. Itafe* worrfli not be in favor ttt paerile.', bei ai.*.' tor re..»(:|j* alreadv iriven, h<* in op- i# -ed to the e.xteti.Mon mi Slaver\ into territory lit¬ re, idy Irr.-. lllfTIMTIoS BKTWKIV M.AVI AM) i.TllfK PROPKRT f lofcv.ti. with thk i.nt i:hn vii \ r. It it be held that tl.i* exiiiiHion ot .lave property froui territory "ac'i'iired b\ the cnuiuon blood and " li.-anile ot the i t:;, n," e tubliali. -- ..n uividioil* din- tit, toll between tw<> «eetioti* of the Ti.ion.that it ,j. ... |.. the S aith riu'lit* that are fteely (riven to iho N' nli Mt. Hatea deuie* empbata-.illv ttiat it ha* any inch effect, The di*tin tion nii.j.la.ned oj kt eoevaU with l!:e 0ITII niIBaalt If bt BO DflW thinif.no uiOO iTl i.iiri'*h:j in !aef no hardehip at nil. The; hraltzinj i t Slavery.the probil iin.ii <>l ltd emiirralino- and aatablirl.lt.»r itrelf in Flee Territory wa* embodied ill tbe eon pact of the I'tiion at the beifinninsr. Hut for tin* liiiotatn n lheSlu\. State* mm\ far more tbun an equivalent in beiti)' aRowi-d in the National t.'otijrre** and in Pie*idei:tial el< cf ion* thru roll* for every Jirr tlaret. Slavea do not vol.-, but their mairtera vote lor them. The votea uf .'iro tuen in the SoaLh ooant an it.in h a* the veten of _/".< men in the Free State*. t.ri/ES OF MIW-TOHk f 9mM aWI M RI'.ht OF PROP' I Kl Y MOT Utl.U ni a V I KOI NI an. Why ehould tin* be ><> If -lave* are only property, a* the N«>utl:« rn m:ui will *ay. why *hoi:bl not the Norti.em leaii'ti fmrnfirtf vote i:lao ? It ie nil fitly proyci 'ii. When the *:..\ ehold"T ii diepoeed to com¬ plain, thereto!e, that a 'lictini tion i* tn.nie ai/aiu*t him that he can t jro n.'o the nitinnou 'erritorv of the country ar.d take kit pi operty.*\\t , itixen of the Free State eM te» 1;-: " It i* DM pTOfaMtJ like my jiropeirty that yoti tv.»h to take, t ut it i* pninerty that roa>a ; tt ie property tiiat itiYea you ticonnil^i-heilr roten tm my urn it :e property that rnüKi t rite inftrttW tc WOU IB our relations to the Federal tiovi niment, and that it tint tair whe-n we come lo occupy what hn* be.-n mki hy the cuioiuou blotxl ami trtaeuro of the I Il.ol.. Tl.i* ilietimtion between fri-e nroricrty and alave property i*, a* before atated. a* obi a* t!.>- (' .netit n...u it-tlf. Ii then: were t o Tetnlorie« at all, the name «l.rt.n« tion woubl exiht. A ' ti/en of New-York can eii:. ,. .* domic:I to i! e St.it. ,.t < ihi'i. and e/irry nil ,t prtif ttf tritk kltn and hold tt. A < Itl/.en of Vir- ifii,Lt cannot remove to the f*fate of Ohio and carry all r j erry with him and hold it. He can't <lo it tiow. 11. .1 .'it;, t do .t ten \ e. I-, a;-... n r i wo'tr year* a**", r..,r al '.mcriiee llino cx.e'ci M M.Ue U tin; 1 t. D. Wl J i* this no * I>i/e* not the Cr^tatatHotlon prevail c|nally over all the t'nion 1 Ifciee not the very Iij)Kua»f* o! the nt-i oac! .-v-ctioti <>t the fourth Article of Ih< .distitutioo of the f 'nited Stateadc lare that "the '. < itin :;n r: aajel Stuf.- -hall be entitled to alt the priv- r and ixitmaaUilieB of eitixeaa in the aevenal " Natea?" SLAtlRT'l* k'OT PRrrTtr-rm PT THE ro>5TITt.*T!oV, ¦ I f 0BJ1,1 bt LOCAL LAW. Yet we tind that titueua of Ataw^uihuat-lta poaaeia, bi d have poeecnoed for over ßfty y*ortf n rtain pri\ileire* in the matter of chaniriu;.' their domirile*, whi. h the ritutrr.s of Virt/mut do not ytmMM. One c;oi t.» Ohio and tarry hia property and keep it. The other cannot. And yet deinaafo.'ue* would hitve South i n men believe tuiu t.o cu*-ritnination taZaUnat their cry ouajl.t to ex let, or erer d.d exttt% and that to , r> ¦ ni. h iBMlIlllIlaatii ii Is the *< ttlement ot new S'at" r wetild be to tttaLlttk a 'li-tinction leetwe, n cer- ie of preptrty whab the kv^uth cannot, iu hon« r, nubmit tw ! If Slavetj rannot (ro into the Fife .-»tatea and tnain- -. If why "hould it e.xptf-t lo i/o into Fre< Teiri- tea and maintairi iteelf.there In ,u.' in neither täte Iu al (awi to jiroteet it.' I* not the ("on»Utotiou of the I'niTrd State* a* twot^*, aa romprehetveive, and an jtu-t in < »h;o tu it u in Kanraa I l>*a it not reirarii tho ,¦¦ . .' , '/.- frtt.t ei.. ' '..ot ail rtaAf'lt, 11 oil pill- 'la Republic, .1* equally MicreclT If Slavery ie itationai.if it ei:*t* in th. t'..n-tü'ition iteelf.tiow i *n the t.oi.atitotiou pernii: an owu. r of aach propArrty . .. .:. -, !rd : .t in a F.e. S.-.i'c, a:.y n. -.. than in a Free Territory ? Can a Slate be raerriiittetj to nullify .. r l'L ., man in [roper;, thatte reaotrnixeti in tiie ( otiattiiutiou of the Liuted Suttx.miti the Kecfcral tjovernmer.t have no power to interfere ? Of coarse not: for tbe Cotaetrtation aaya that " Üi* I'mted rttatea '' ¦...»- e .:. Uj evexy s.- » a Imn oi «.ov*rriu«' Hm 'u.h a Stair- In ver..merit d.iBa**a ¦.»'¦'' would not lv ftepubli«. at (».-... It rlr,»r, that ' Si.iv. ry At ruU. it it U- Miwtuti.if it rxird* tat /it* Co\tt'ttimJmim, and . \rr iius C«**ietituUou preraikB-Üwat it ttt aa earred in Ohio an in Kanaaa. ant* aa ffrmly to be up- hrjr] in th. r aa on tb*' htiaka of live Sabine. Wher¬ ever the Flair ot the Fnloti AVtatfa, tlSw every cittaen is entitled to MotaaHHin ra tül tu rtfhJt. that at*- Na¬ tional and CoratiUiuoRtd. Stwh woold tVttWrauta) w it h it -rard to Slav* property, if SlaTery ia uatioitard. THE DI.*» HlllÄlTlol -itTtm TH.'COMT A »ABJWatl» bt rax BOCTM. it it not tt\ It ia not rUiawrd cyan hy the) mm been, that a elaveowtwr mm a right tu remove with hia ne»?i\>ee to a Free State, and IS - k>i. ninwrit to ONmttX bit* in hi* pyofBJTtx. t et hie ntrht to rotm Kreo State in at -r-t!» et, nude r the Pnitrd State* t V>»a*tit*HlaM», aa it in to co to Free Territory. Wat Kanaaa arwi:B»Tad hv Ütaj , . n-mon Wood and trearuire of lave Utatora f* i" Inxta-Html wlwit niflit ha.< Iowa, aay aaearaj j than Kanrvi*. to di*«-ntTi'r.ate a».n»ii»et ptoj>erty ao aa to tli I rive the ritueim ml any portion of the) Union of Üm i Kmm nat and t 'o^atituiioual right a I Ttiia die- t rinitriaiion agtunat tint e property, a* reirarda emigr»v- tioti Qto r'tve St.it«'», we have thoa »hown, baa .always . x -¦..!, and never by the South r>«f»«n tfionght a aatro- ahip. And why ' BexTaUre, i-erhapa, the citiaewa of i!r Slav State« I". It ti.at in lie privilege to Ctttt *>* tke,r t/arrt, that epecf» t property havd oMavriierl at M »:>chintiid\»tntH».-e overall otherprop¬ erty in thi I u.« a, that um t hau compensated fmr it* reathrüoo, to wh: that it ehiHtld not enter into aud eatiiM.eli iteelf in free? State», 1' '!,.- Smith It tired of thia diev'Hmination airninad, rty. which ha* emitted ainoe the (rotem- Btvnl wat -ituhlitthed, and desire* it abandoned, tkett the N ihould ri>('.».«. to abaiiil»>nai»>o the pnvib-ife* Hut r :. : < ttj ..i». Surety it ik only fajf that i. 'in u«. of fart, tVcvate ryatt«' IVforr» It elatrtiN ft* gm at njutil into the common territory of law Union. I: the s>uth .i*x-lint* th« one, how r*tu it fairly rleim the other ' TNI. m I I U iv BOaUB aorvn TO Tttr Oltlttlttt. wt- -THii Tii ss mroato ar LAW« Mr. RaVaM mmn tint, therefore. ix>irttr<l ihe rvon a»lmie- M.ivt-ry .iff- the IVrntorieaot the I'ni.'ti aa tttablitkinfr aaietii.. ti< ti N tween i>rot>ert\ Hut punt|4y I Hn inuiiituiiiiiiK a «liat.nction airwudy (.eta.Litie:.<.<!, wtlU i; flj BaaCTtea to '.v the South at the f.irinatum of the) (.oveinment, mmti mmtet mmmm, It m> only at th« aMBBtrii of iDUtt htevoua (iemajfi^'it« that the South ia now I let; pted lo chance [ vvitiou, und abavnilon tht) ütenü uad ;,r.,i eetoJ ronipnt»uu*t > of Lhc ( . iietituLion. .iait tnie ard tiprij;ht ritizrn, wlm lovea hia rxitintrr t w**Jtl» kept taith, nt he .I. e. bJ| own private honor, air. liulert oppooea the attetup' ot Sontnem fanatira to make) Slavery v. ileap it.« on»riiud richte, !imit*it»iii«, and reUtifiie t.. ot!ier pr>>p«'rty of the I tnoii. IntVtonat h an the cntiie l>emixnitic paxtjr of the Kretj Stiii. I an ,;- uWitfedlj OMaa^a! aa even the Kepiitihcan party to the extension of Slavery over territory previ- ontly Iree, it te iptite evident that t'tenrrerei will never intarvt ne to protect nlave prop«.'rty in the 1'en iMrtee. Such In nikt the lact, thore Semiliern wen who object to Mr. BeVttN M i Shi\er\, r»'.^r:i-:ioua.t tuicht Well aek then «ei vea whether more honor or a.lviuil.iire ia |(e*ine«l by Baking wI it aannot he hud, nn<l «ibnntting t«i xbrn ratal nen .-f.ty of denial and defeat, or urtkintfoiily that the pret-eiit limitf, | rivile^ee, and cuai-.taUoe of Slavery be mnintjuned. and obtaining it with th* cheerful and hc;tM\ .-t'licurrenre of mutetentha of ail part:en in the rnioit. UK K iV'l-O' I.HKKA IUI'. HI VliMU"- T'tC IHTKO- PVCTIOB of «I tVEKY IBTO TlttKITuKU.l IMrOaat- lll I. If the Vniional iJwmtvTTtry offer morr to the Somh, We knon tht ^ otli r v. \mt mm) nimot rtrB, ajul do not un an to try to gttPBi 'nut hietory of Kanaa- ia too re- md too inttrwfive. In whieb we nun the moat, violent Pr. -Slavety I'einoenite, an they ptx>feaa«<d (hi d aJlei cetiinx men and money from the South, by hundred* and bv thoiiaaiula, to nave Kittiriiri It) the South. Miiddeiily heeauie Free I>emo- rcto. when the\ found peVtCCM *!. mit>rtill under thai I'i.->..:,. rj em.ner, ewad wicht oltlee ait Free) Daiuo- cmin. uiibluehitiuK deelurtux that Slavery never had been ;iti itteue in KnnertH ! Tlie prmeinb- ot tlie K tllitava- Nt bta.-k.'i bill, In the ehapu ot S<|iitVter Saiivei^ta-nty, baa n-udered Iba >nl>oduotioa of Shivery into Tenriltj- riet unit the paertuce of that bill ialbe work of I National DOawOtncy. Mr. Hatee merely hold* iiaii/">~ ".h,i li the Ib inocraey have eautb- liahi i an I' cf> The qajCatioa of Slavery fclatcneioa ia no loncer b. iore ihi j i.| le. 11 dirt uiuted bowonlf t iih un abxtrai Hon. It Mr. I'at. eib.et not believe Slatvry to be a ttlM and UaWful in-ntiitioii. if be in opiioeed to ita extension into Territorie» already free.he uevertheleee jtint aa linnlv adh< n 11<> the richte of property in »Uvea nl all the Stute« where Slavery exirte, and will Kojmtt aa) far to ri ttet the ritrhu of Btatea in that mpMmm of properl v, ne Imi^ an lb<ei Ktittee cliooeo to keep it, at) any man living. patori tut PKitreirtM ot tbb fvbititb biatb i tw, Mi. BataW lielievi-e iu the uu<|iialilied rieht of ihm tfmjWmt Won tTfOf hia akavea it' tliey l etape to a Free) State: and, it Prent.lent, he would exeent« the Fuirt- tive Slave Law, i/UtearBlj and uavy of thotlo*ern- laen, were e<>aul lo the tank. And if the Fiu/itivi' Slave laiw thould be repealed, or rdiould ho found inudetjuate lo the perwftft «>i retuniin^ il.e. <.i»linuT ehi\.-n to their muiiterf, Mi. Hatii wuuhl earneetly i.. b Diei .! to ( oin rt -f to | iiMtt mmmm law that would un recertttinlt and more ueeeptablv. Miry otM the eon- -t tntional (fMrantatat of Itai richte of Southern aitive- I holden. Flo wordd tronaMer tlM I'nion a broken coin- tt if theae plain piaranffaa wrrr iknttid hj tltti tfa liberate und peiaavaaivg action oi any purl oi tho t'onfedrraey. It Contrreni, rlBBTfj |*Bpi*eA*ntiBg tlie will of the) <.< niitry,-hotild pnaa LaWl l' ..ili/itic and proteetmi.' .»luvt-1 rope rty in Temtoriex |>re\ iou-Iy free, IP. lltttett WtMM raetnjtia) thoM ktWl nit atjoaipdy aa any irthar lawa . t the ktnd. If u T'eintoi v ehotild oriffunae into a st;,ti, with ii r'.ifli' lent popalaVtiwn to ju-tify ita tvl- i: --..ii, Mini pret-eut a ('.-net if nt ion tolerating Sluvery, Mr. little- would not npjioee the admiaeion of aneh Suite bt aavM it liail a Pro-Slavery t.'oiitfitutinn. erf*) I »kjok Ttitr viifurut m m ¦ '»Mit«; a rnici »T*Tr?. I(i>> i tied iff, that evc:_V Si ate haa ,t rieht to mV how niticli it want* of Ali'» ;tit Slavery, ami h«)Mf lone it waati it. Bad how to mmt m\ of it whm ita jtmiple are ed of It. He dei n nol rrngmri it an a peq>etnal inati* Lntitin, but aa in ita very uatut »- ahminual aud evatv ercent. baUtJf^M ran.i!ly DDaVai the iuflueoee of tlitniüe). i i.miiien i- eivilirati'ii:, luwa. He knowa lanri ia clad toknott i' thai Wlraotiri ih rapidly beeominif a Free State, .o.a he u'./cit not deploie the lact that it in by tniiir] oi tation, and not by emuni .if ion, that the ffeate) im ao rapidly brroaib.ii rrtm; for he knows that tha Cmawtttipatiun of the .lave* to renuiin in thie country ami mix with the white». abhorrent and intolerable. Ami lo ratnd *l.t in .ib." »nilil« n ami total exotlua i* bayond 'he BttaBi nt By Qaiaiiiia)atali What ia et. ;.il bit own wiadi m. be kaavea t<i the in« rutai/lo ways Bad inflnita witwloni of Hod. The rapid and peaceful extinction oi .-ry thai ia cine aa in Mn- autiri, without the aid ol "'Emancipation Partie«." rithoul the heal ami ja-riiuotiy of dijmeattlc din- rord, ii entirely iu atitinLiiie. aritli tJie vi»-w« ami f.-elii« f Mr. Hate». W iile Mr. Hatea in cbd to aao t Slat/err de< I1nini< in Mir»«>tiri, olherKtronir (^rxMriüon- |ati are Mirry to are iL«: »wu«tt. aLarr.RT at a ruin RKt'it or « »-.t »- rnr.t i Anon BOaaat to innm rwahar, Mr. Pate» lind» no cauee of iliword tMttween liirneelf and lliat Prt.-Sliuery m icBrt'Ot on a»-< < tint of thit) dif- ten-ni e: for he knowx that fiertln-r the joy of the im»), r.or the juirrow ».| the trfJier, \t ill <|Olekeu or »I* lav th« f.e\ t.d le ronanmtnation that ie ahead. Mr. Bat«a regard* the fate of Slarery aa out of the dorraain of uWautaotraBW. utterly l»ey.»tid t)i«ir reach.and im- [elleii bt that Jiowei t'eit .riiigH tJa>- tim»-» BAM aeBttoua t.. lb*, r aj poiatad txmrae, and r»d|» up the H>utven« aa a Krall, ¦. i. He hue dot.- with the womlrtttM paao- raaara. U\ hat OWa ejtanipia be baa ahown tiual ba prefer! *<. lir< bj it own labor and not on bV lALVrr 1 tlavea. Put fie iH.m- to In:, in thie ptrtV-tiiau?, enly "aLaw untohiatateif.'' iMi. ti.."i:i t»i raotvtuati rouw tcbbitobi for otrLotnnsa rare at. trat. He wot.Id never, timl» r any lirciirnatawees. aoaiBlB hatinR in view tlie inter- ^^.ifif. ITie entire f'irtfttoTi «f the icral fioveniment rn recard to cilavery, in I hut opinion, »houid he to piuteet it where it ;*. not to extend i wheie if ia u<»t.and, ao far aa policy aad ahUfty in ty allow, to help thr>er* Statea fgH. Mtmr of it that may w.«h to da ao, by th. prM-nreaTwat of Iftmßfm t' lntoi t eaitabte to tb<- reaiiy and clteavp colonixati»/ti of free hia/ k«, air. 1 « icTieroua nnimne« to . very Stale of the I nion, both Fee*; aud Mara. Tina ia a iirtUon«l ntuaaiieit, anil thoald br-c.n to find a na> t.otial reuiedv. n ready bnavl^d in aOfnve; Statea of aellinir again into elAvery the freahbvka ' WaVtraA hainaii»- or i icteliil iiia.tera bate tluaiu itetted, aaleaaI o*»: the !State.when, ¦ - ad many of 1J10 Fre* pro- i.'iatiie w ithin tbeir Limiu under heavy jjenaltiee, ia. in the higbeet da^ree. crnei. It ia bttr- Itarouf. And it would die*/nice th* Atawriiraa Gorarn- ui» nt in the fare of ( hriateftdotn, to permit «neb a pol- ,< v to prevail, frrjtn the lack of ita own int^rvmttoa to procure a Btiitabie howje tor ibeae aore I y hiuted <tnd di»ti-et#<-<l freeinen of a well-worked aud !.. i.: -er. t tie race. As gasttaa Picbpoi an Dxtkctbi)..An expert Knailab tiiief namee freore« Wilaon, »Uaa Dablla Oec-rve, waa tierecud on »etwday ia tea »et ef at-'kuaa the em-Aetef attee » k ra McDonald of Hu.luiia. Lon« ItlandTef a ne'rea eootaiaisf »n ». hia the latter »a» abeaA aUpatnj eattor* fasaa faaa ettramer Mcttacu. He waa «baerved la bt* oraretiutia ay a Aec- oudWard poltren^n who alto raw hiaa drap the para* ta et- t-a.pt in-ie eecape V\ ilaon waa UXen hrttere la* CaVty ilaU rolice Conrt tad ommittod. Yocvo IlCWii.aRjt..Tliree ladt, ail nndtw 13 ymani of aae. brake Into the rarfcaauce of Aextnder Mcljuae, St.:B» De- leneey atreet. and atole tLettre e alrvar trtack aad otkat HBfOlty. 4 tlbvt SVatti Itct Uta. »\*i*1*iMAV>"h [tt^ M allei * m-l+'drnmimi |

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Auj««t H. Nifflut. A^Mtatr.

ptVtULAK AIVITUN HALE of STOCKH andJaV BOMDB.AT.BERT H. NTOOf AY win a*H TH IS DtYfMoaaiay), ti I2f o'clock. a» hit Stock Salr.roou,, No. jf. \»

.V **ai Wail.v»*We.M*rhh*.l.'Tl«,,k. fSOenoh.tfaherr* Park Rank, *»<.¦

SA ebare* Artiaai... Baak. * 100 .-ach.S* aharea Atlantic Bank, at 100 earb.3f aharea Noilb Auien. ,-r. Fir* laaav Co «Vieaert* akaiao Cattaiarca Fire Im Cajv. f I0»o»sJ -1-y? lM* rr ».^ »¦»» \**tco., «»oettL.

¦ akait.kle.ro,-,!,,.,.!',:, |.. , . +fjV. . ,

it.uei.oi a (hrpli.). <eir>i*a*h.lutgb. * My rire tu«. I o.. t)M>*ath.


"..hare* American Ouei.o I o

MaWraU Jliatu.',iugb t it,kOsheiea l.aruat Ki.-**aharea Fnrton Fire It,. Co"4o*harrr N.vMailar*. F.v.-W.r* Fire Ira CMehare. Darn ., , r re«Sahar,. Marihattaa Fir. In (

*T«l*har** Rereaer*. Oa* l.hl (Sakarr. Hut- !-,-..

Jkolkaira I pira my Fir. . < .~'*>luOeaVh.».«her. , t !,.. Si. Paul A Fond du Lac K. R., AKJOeeab.»«hare. Jeff.r.o., r ire I... to, **.»., h**«hare, Lang lalaad Fl - In» Co., *S0ea. b.» aharea Park Fir* Ina t ..., a loriaarn.. shares Excelsior Fir.- Ina. Co t>M *a. b

a>.,nraj Dai, Lark and W, aurn It R. rW«,,d Mnrtaa-e Bonds.M.akO Trv*r< rt».n ( oal A H. K Fir* Morl-nre BoudaTaaVaatRaatai' A Mia.. R. K F r.t Muri .-a*-.- Bonus4.0UI VMirrln r. < i. V. (> oeut Bonda».tun Dario-, ar..i Mi. lilr.n R. H. First Mortgage Bond*.Seseritiea received in ad tit«oa to tn* regularly <.lirm.d li.t

*yrmf -T -DAY, Nor r.Raauaar Auction c-«Jes of M-vtaaud Bonda every Monday andThursday, or every day wttrn -vrr re.. ,r. d at Iii o'clock, at theStock BaknaroOBi, No. U W ilium at., or at the Merchant.' l-.x-aaaiaja, aa de.ired. S'.o. kt .u, 1 li.ud* bought and told at privat*.aar and at the t'.roa. ri' i'.o.rd later.-.! allowed on der»v«i-*and drtidenc-a tv.llrrt, .1. S i, al.o mad.- of Reul Eatite atpablac or at private tale, wben deeired.


J*ancA Anctioueer. Brokrr a:.<) Il.uke-. ;.r WilLani.i., near WaJL

BY. B. DRAPER ! I INDAV, Nor. atC «£ atNo. t* Ptr,«-«t at ¦ aN l^k.

,,***.*"¦¦ nVew-1 o.k I . Co paid diridcud oi Ii per cent iaatDeauaubei v. R¦ . i»r|t» aurfdaa.

KBaav roa Ha: ie..a. No. 97 Bleeaker at., Oct. 30, 1SS9.

JfrTll.K '.. DEPOS1TOKS..In order to »Yoidand a«.rract ir^tddental error«, and to furniah information tliat

¦want, d, in tala InatttHoaAawHaS acaatwtt not aatad aa fot more than MYaa y.ara, to aendfAtakraaa* books ta lb'- Baii>.. . be written »p. By direction *faVa TYusteat JAMES DP PFYH'I i-.R OPPEN, Secretary,

Orrn a Pa.ttaa Raii.l:oan OttattASft, jNaw-Yonc. O.-t. It. lHJf. (


whieawUl become due on the lit day of December nert, ara

haarabr ra.4ur.ud to rite » tire at the ortioe of taa Company,aa at betöre tbe lOtk ot Not. or, a r | lyment ia W.*Bank *r London will he pr. ferred

_AUUrsTUS HOFFMAN, Treaaorer.




fkitaum. fron. AI upward.Issued by

TAYLOIC BSOTHEBGei BaaRnra,No. "6 Wall-at., New-York.

NOTICE to rerat.iik holding BONDS of theCITY at* CINCINNATI, doe in ltCv-NoUce ia hereby

ffrrea tv Iba Slukin| fund CommiitAanatl. that thry are i,ow prepared to PIR( HASE BONDS ofthe CITY of < 1NCINNATI, due 10 1W5. taj |M a.i .unt af Twaliauared Thouaand Dollart 1 it>20«i,Mi0), aaid Bonds havine beentasieed te the 1 incinnati and White Water ( anal and tu thelatitk» Miami Railtcad t aatntany. ArrpReatiea forth* dianoaalaf the ah'.te Bonda, by »tatiuf terum, Ac may be made to

THOS. If. WEASNhR, I hmruian t oiuiniltee of Claims andFckuanae. or R. M BISHOP, Mayor, Cancinnati, O.

Cm or Naw-YokK, Pefautubxt of :«. .v. k

CoMTnoi.i.bh'a Orrt. K. Not*, i. luö4«.



TTTESDaY, Dec. fi, for the whole or any part of the amount of

alt bundled and bfty thousand dodart of " i be Water St a ofthe City of New-Vo'rk of tbe year 18M." authoriie 1 by chapter34S of the laws of 18M, and by an ordinance oi Iky* CsHBataaaaCouncil, approved by the Mayor Nor. 1, 1HS9, for purrh.i..i./lands, conatruc-ing a new Reservoir and extcudin. the CrotunW'atar Warka.The aald atock will con.i.t of tlx tho.i-,.ad five h iudred tliarea

af one hundred dollara eM-b. and In-;r ntere-t at tier ia'e olBer rent per annum, payaule qunitei vea/iy from the SiuklurFand for P.yn.eiit of n.ie.-s.ton the Crfy Debt, and thn Prinrvaal radw-maLle ou the brat day ol Ol tober, IH7&, from the Sink-Lc Fuu.i lor the Reilernption of the City Debt.The proposal, will fate the amount of atock deaircd, and thn

artce per ebare, and the aeraon, whose propoaala arc a- ep'..-u.ariU be required to dej o.it eith the Chamberlain of the City,within ten day. aflat the ivfinta* af the bid., the aajn awardedto tilam respectively, lie ludin» the premium cm the earn*.

Oa preaeutlnr the rrreipta of the Chauiba-rlaiu totho Con-.roll«, bid Jera will be rutllled to receive ntTtiArSätlll lor e<|ualroTKintits of the jiar value of the stuck, bealiug iuterrtt hum lie-tlales of payments.Each propo.ltio;i should be aealcd and indorsed "Propoaala

*or Water Stock." and tbe propoaala thua «.ei.led and indor..«!,put ia aa.-rond envelop* aditrested to the C unit oiler.

Ties light it reserved on the pnrt of the Controller to reject anyer all of the bid«, if ci niidt-rcd n. aaaarj to aroteet er promotejh* nvteraat of the city. ROBT. T. HAWS, CunUtaUar.

(2AJÖLIGHT STOCKS for SALE in rtvrioai ( n ,

B t^unieani.s payiiif frcam LiOlli tu TWELVE PER CENTOIVIPENDS.

JOHN B. Ml HR AY,No. 40 Wall at. New-York,

Proprietor af The American OaaUght Journal.


Aeaoontt ot Public ( omp.nlea Audited; Partnerships and

fomflicat. d As. raaata Inveatigated | Insolvent Estalea wound

ap Dttput. » Arbitrated.

AUGUST BELMONT A Co.," BANKERS,No.M' Wallat., iasne LETTERS of CREDIT for travelara,

aerdlable in all pcrfa of tbe world, through the More. Rotha-eAilda of Paria, London, Franklort, Nt| ¦*., and «laiina, andaheir aerraapoiideuta.

Uarrnaa' Bxna, Bbthbi., Ct., Nor. 7.

THE CIKCI LATINO NOTES aMnwd by thi.-BaaA from the new plate will be redeemed by the IM¬

PORTERS' AND TRADERS' BANK, New-York, at par.WM. A. JUDD.Ca.hier.

ALL kindl~oir s I' m KS, BONDS, <%«. bomfEtand told at BBl »REES1 BOARD or private .ale, by

THOMAS DENNEY tt Co., No. 3H Wall at.

ARDWARE. METAL anil IRON PAPER..Partie« having any to dl«po»«<>f »III tmd it for their inteie.t

kvapplyto P. \V GALLADDET, Nate Broker, No. M Wall at,

t*w** Advancea made M good baalat at |><>|»f

EUGENE niOMSONi Aii.M!.mfer and Broker,No. r Wittiai at buy. tad aalll STOCKS and BONDS at

Broken'Board INSURANCE STOCK at prieat. sale. Price4 uneM e' In. .ran. <¦ Mi k lotuiahrd on uppUcaiion.

MILWAUKEE CITY BONDS..The tn>ltl«>rsofthe Milwt kre City Bonda are reoua.te.1 to meet at the

am..- nf Maaata. MANN A RODMAN. No. «» Wail-at ,ou MON¬DAY, the 14th inat.. at i o'clock, ou bu.im-.. ol fmportan .-.

H1CAGO CITY II Ö N 1» S.SEWERAt.ELOANS..Tbe Bonda bear 7 per cent Interest. Coupons

abas January 1. and July 1, 1st New-Vvrk, aud mature


Cnay able JanuaryjatHL Th* payment of interest and .inkier fund ia provided for

try aa annual tax. Iba eatire debt ol the City I ( In, ^o it

0»'.VJ*»,U»a.all of which has been contracted] for strictly muniel-aai parpoaas. Fur tale by A > 111.E Y A NOlfRIS,

No. M Excbauge place

sJnenrutuc Companies.PIKE INSURANCE 1OMP.V.NY,




Whan preferred, a Plaeonnt !r..m the Premium will he made ax

liru of a Parti, ipatton in the Pronta.JOSEPH WALK K R. PrwidenlTHOMAS W. BIRPSALL, Vice Präsiden».

R. L. Hliwil, Mecr. tarv

-EvTEAV ENGL\M) Mi l l' A L LIFE INS. CÖT,11 Button. * at'ilal ui.,1 ». ntnalated Pre . A1,0 ...'.» >:

Pavrnx ca.h divi lend ot 3h iier tu a:'t. . iusrtred t'amph-Arts. Report.. 4 fnrui.hclgratia. JOHN HOPPER

Agent and Attorney for the Co.. No. 110 Broadway. N. Y.

rajon8c-/nrni9l)ing ©oobs.

FRL\K: .NF.\\ GArj-REFLECTOESfoi -how-window., diaplay good, te great advantage. Also, hi* new

BVEFLBt'TlNO SHaDkS for bauka, office., jiirlor., kc .Vc.PKl.NK'S IMPK* \ t P P vYl.lt.Ill Kl'fl.t i POBS light »U

shark apattn.enta In th* daytime with dayki/l.t laati all ot gas.J. P. KRINK, Inventor and ?ole Mai.ula. tWr, At P.nrciay-at.

Proffsslonal Xoticco.Office f*r Pr.«.-uringj


ef.JP. F1BSSON, No. 5 W VLT. ST., N. Y.A aauiphlet of information sent fr*e by mail.

jkJXW PATE ST SPElTACLES..Ot>» B«vt>a«itall f..rl.'e

- Park :ow. New Y. rx. i'atentaa,

jjBaaal lauttu f. Itatliitti 1 | l*lp'.-u»t to th* >*e York EyaKtaalltl. and Spocia.ie Mak. to th* Eya luhni.ui ». 1. viaBhalattaaiilinallv tfl* pnr,<lpt1 cr.iea ol th* F:*Maru, Wrettrn andSoutl..n. M I'ea.

|>ATENT AGENCY OFFICES..American hadM. F.oreaeaa PATENTS SECURED, and a Pannhirt of Ad-vrtoe fuiidaiird trea, oa application to Ml'NN A «o «theeeTaa hrkatiac Aiuaarkoati. No. JT Park-row, New-York City.

QTKT8ON 1 PÄTEN F Ai.I.M i.-- tHOMAStrw.'v¦. :' -"¦*** *¦ 1TOR ol AM ERP AN aud kORKION PA11J.TS. N». } T,yoa ,.. ,\.v. pri.iU-d »«Ivic* free

Älarliincrn.tpOTltiN MACHINERY lor Sv!E.-Tl.-veV» Cot*NT» R TWIST SPKFPFP.S. |.K9 Ca.. a very p. rf< ct machine, ai.d in food condition. Tt.reePaa. r.a.01. ,., .ia vpinnle. earn two Creel tk !*. B*>0-vhtaaaat-A ; a-nv .-roL Prs» .a,- r. a.-..,- I do ., ... . .'in-.;

twa Haad M- Ira, 512 apindle. e.eh ourlW piaka, two Choretapp,ra AH or ai:y Part of t l.ia macl.'cerr wt] re,- «oli t*ryhrm. URO II. JONES Ay :u.*, Itaratog* Cj- N.T

Sake bn SUrtion.


ALBERT M. GRIFFIN. kmtMcmtmt. will etil, THIS DAYMonday, it Ce Tetidcnce of Charles O. H«rl. esq.. No. 4t W-st!'.¦ »* nni.i,«t1 ol r aw * Mad Drawn .-. -,, Can. it nr. ....

Dining room FaWattera, rosewood *r>d mahogany Chamber For-aitire. haie to commence at II o'clock For particulars «e#

Herald of this day._A. m Mbrwib, AaetitsBiw

BT RANG>, MERWIN A Co., Trade Safe-room* No II Park-raw

TUESDAY MORNING, Not. 15, i«V9¦awl fear fei Irr« ing deya, rommctjoinf nrh .lav at a n'rlark a n-

GREAT SALE liF ENOLIHH AND AM? H.'CAN HOOKS.eUsrini a Tory airaaual opportunity la) tit* trade, and rv. a-

b«j .. generally. 1 be legaler Fall **le of Eegiiah and .'. i. :i

tan l'.aoka will b* ranmsuvwd a* above elated. The rataloan«k) now mady. and may be bad on appHeatiou. It lavejade* lavaaand fthaablr invoirea from n.any o! the London puonei*.-*, .. .-

Bracing t greet variety of tbe beet Er-h-h editi-ue of valuableworka in every department, including a r n-.ice collection of v.-ryr» b end egpeniiv* lileatreted Bo--ka I Li- .¦¦....¦.i ai-'

prise* cztemdve ronrirninrnt* from tbe Aneri au Trade, ofabove* publication*, in hue and s. r-etaMtiel b rialine» and a largeaaaeitnieut of u> w adecellarvei.ua literature, etc. Tbe whole tobe sold without reaerve, in i«te to auit | r, .... ¦.

<.»¦¦ A. LauTtTT, taaflaaiir.L> Y (. E *. A. LEat VITT & CoTRADE SALESROOMS, Noa. rrTand Ml BROADWAY,


fV < 'r.-irTiinenls eo.iri'e.l 4}JAnaitv H. Mrtira, Auctioneer.

pEREMI'ioRY BALE to 4 LrOSE aTRl'sT.--i üv order ol CHARLES YATES, e.q Truetee of 171Lol s ami GORES, air ated on Avenue A. let. Itb. »-t!i Liband lltb ava., ir:d 2ad, «d. Hf.th, 87th. Kstb. Wtb 104th, Bt*th,Kati:. lilt!.. HMh. 11-tb. 117th, Witt and lild-ata. Alta.YALL'AItLi. WATER RIGHT.The aasovi nth aed properfv wifl be aold at Anrtion M

Tl ESDAi. Nov. 15, at la" ii'rluuk. at Hie Men- laitta'Etchunge.Terma liberal; 70 per :rut can reiuaiu on bvud and mortgage

for five to ten yeara.M..pa are now ready at t'r.o Office of the Auctioneer. No 35Wallst f2.Tvjt.)

önilbinq Ülatcriais.

17NCAU8TIC TILES foi FLOORS..Mutoo'i-*t Tilea for Veatlholea Ha'la. Dining Hooms, Conaervatonoa,

hearth., aud for pubiic buildtnga of every kind, aa laid by theat.becrirer* in tin Capitol at Weaklngtnti, and in many rhnrcbe*banks, hotela and dwi liinga in every part ol tbe nouu'.ry.

Alau, Oarnkurk Cbiinuey i ope. Drai'i Pipe. hi. Fur (ale byMILLER It t 0AT1 a*.

.No. T.'J p. arl-tt.. New-York.

MILLER'" PATENT CHEMNEY CAT and\ F.NTtLATOB. enree arru.kv i io neya or venti'.atea

roouia thorouuhly. B. F. MILLER. iiianiiteo'r. Jti West h'way.

R~EMOVAL. JAMF1S BOGARDUS./rcbitect in lion, Originator. Conatrnctor, axd Patentee of

IRON BUILDINGS,Pateidee and Maiiiifactirer of

BchARui .'« Ki i etmiii: I ,Nit«u«M. MfLL.Macbine Room. cor. White ,. i F|m all.

In Harlem Railroad Dep it.Office, No. »07 ( anal at., uoar I rnt.-c New-York.

Iron Bnild'ng. corner c.; f entre and Huan»--t«., formerly occn-

pied, baa i.e. n removed in widening Duane-.t.

taJlTtl ( E UMBER, BEAMS. (711LDERS. Sec..(j A bai .itoiue aaaortuient at the Yard of JOHN P. BBLL,loot of ltd and tSd-eta., N. R., for aale at the lnwe.t market rates.

Coportncrsliip iXoticee.

r|MlE COI'ARTNERSHII» h-reiofort eingingR nadir tba trm rfS. IW.K, CORWIN waa Mnireileaj

the l«t day of Atiruat, 1859. The business will hereafter be car-

lies! on by SEI II M. CORWIN, DRY GOODS. No. .W7fth av.

fetiin.e, (Oils, ÜMnos, #c.\§ INERAL t»IL..Warratitfd Bl jH-rfe-i-T a CobJ1»I Oil at auy other in market for duratdlity, brilliancy ino,.ining. aud ail the qualities ol a first-rate article. Tbia wi'l betold below the naual prices. Darrels of 40 gallons.

JOHN W, Ql iNl Y k ( ¦>., No. <W William at



No. in leh -t RV w York.

THREE BECOl^HAED 8A1 ES for SALE,J. WILDCR'B and HERRINO'S PATENT",Also, one lar/e sized Jeweler'a Safe, at No. ftfl Malden lana

'(I MAMTAtTERERfi «.f COAL und ROSÜ,IRiver, It prepared to give eatimalea. aiid furuiab KJlTI'LESoffror.. SOfi to 2,t«jo gallons euch. Having a large eiperieni e in the

.i turn out the work with di.patch. The Kettlesare aB made trnm Cannon iron.

(Pccon Stcumcre, Ä-r._OETä AILANIJi: SIEAMSHIP CO..



And conneetinj only with Steameia GOLDEN GATE. GOLD¬EN AGE, JOHN L. 8TEP111 NS. and SONORA,

of the Pacific Mail BaaaznahipCompany at l'anauiv


The splendid Steamahipa BALTIC .ADRIATIC and 4.TI.AN-TH having been entirely rehtted and adapted to the Californiatrade, will hereafter run aa above. Leaving this port on the

Mil and IUI 11 ol I 11 U MONTH,from the foot eft anal-at., North River.

The ATLANTIC. 4.000 turn burden. It. el IVereon, Comman-dei. will leave on MONDAY, the list of November, at J p. in.,

to connect at f'uiian.a with tba well-known and auporier tteaia-

ship GOLDEN AGE. J. T. Watkii a. Commander.The BALTIC, A. G. Gray, Coiuiuauder, wiU fulkw on tbe

Mb ut December.

An eiperieucrd Surgetin ia attached to each ahlp.Tatrough Freight and I'atteugera will be immediately forward¬

ed open arrival of the steamer at Aaplnwall. ,

Each ef tb» above ttetou.hips baa oapa lty fur WK> to 900 tuna

fVt ijl.t. v. Meat will lie taken at moderate rates.It is Bt beved that the ac- omrn. lationa adorded by tbe above

ebipa are i.usiirpaased by auy In the world.Al eitra ahip ia alwaya in reaerve at Panama, ao that there

vtid be no dcteutit-ii iu lorwaiding Putengera, Baggage andFr. t.

I 1 lelglit. apply tt the office of the Company. No. 8» Wal!-st.lor I'aasase, ai'pfy U tUc only oüue ol tin- l ompaniea, on the

wharf, foot S t anal O., to WM. H. WICK HAM.



CALIFORNIA(formerly the M Van lerbilt Line"»,

From the old estabhabed wharf, loot ot Warren at,North River.

FIFTH AND TWENTIETH OF EAFH MONTH.The favorite «teamtbip NORTH BTAR, t apt. Iones, will

leave as abrve on MONDAY. Nov. 21. at 2 o'clock p. in., con

i.e. Una vie Panama Railroad with the ateauisuip Oltl/.A B AtEitra ateazner tf thia line alwaya at Panaiua, luauring prompt

OOonecticn at the lathniua.The NORTHERN LIGHT au.cccda tbe NORTH STAR,

leaving Sew York Dec 5I ACTION TO THE PUBLIC.

Ktware cf Ti krt .-wi i.i rs. hoal « Paast-e Offrea. and -on-

eorra laiaely ttyiiug llieiuat Ivea Mali" Co: .panie*. L mesa youbt on voti ruard v on will be deceived and d« fraadetl.

T bit it tit ... v kao carrying the I mied Metet Mafia on thitroute, under contract with the Goverumeut.

F. freight or paat.ige a;<ply at kbe only office of tbe lice lathe I lty of New York.

No i77 Weat rt corner cf Warren at.D. R ALLEN. Agent

N. B .Ail persona are forbid trusting any one account ofthe above ahapa or owners.


fni'M .taw loaa iu uiaxruuL

Chief Cui.iu Pataage.$100Bt cond l'abin Paaaage. 7S

vk-.a awaaWl no iiTaaroouChief Cabin Paiatege.B110.-.-.mid Camn Passage. I<0

Tbe slap, from Hoston call at llalltai.Pf BS I A, Cept I- .» t 1NAIU, Capt. Laag.A KAU I A. I apt. J. Stone, AMERICA, (apt. Mjku.AMA Capt. E. G Lett, NI AO ABA, t apt. Vbtieraon,AFP I« A. < a;-t Shannon. 1 l'HOP.*.. » a;d. J. Leitch.

T ... v.... ... a-ry a bar white light at meat head green on

atarl-oaid b"t> red on port bow.Pir\.- Judkin. i. N. York. ..Wednesday, Nov. 9

AMFKIt A Mulai.le.tet Hoatj:: V\ edlteeday. Nov. 1«ASI A Lett.leave* N. York... Wednesday, Nov. MI ANADA, l.ang.leave* Boston ... Wednesday. Not. J"AFRICA, Shli aea.leaves N. York.. .Wedaesday, Doc 7

NIAGARA i u.. lrat.-a P.ostou_U'eJaeeday. Dee. 14

PI RSIA Jodkina.lesvet S York...Wednesday. Dec. illB. rtiis not set ired until paid tor.An ex (a-re net 1 ."urgivu on Bear I.1tie< »n« raof these ahip* w lU nut be *k-TOnntal'le for Gold,

Silver Bunion. Specie, Jewelry Pre.rloo* Stone* or Metal*, an

lea* bills of Lading are signed thereleraud the value thereof there¬in exrr««*ed For Ueigut or pssaea*. appiy to

_i. I I'NARD. .No. 4 Bow ling Green.


NFW YORK. H. J von Saaten. Couviiander,will *ail potitivtiy. cairyinfi tbe I'uitrd State* Mail, on

SATURDAY. Nov. K. at It an,Pava

BREMEN, via SOUTHAMPTON,taking pa.eeurer. tor

LONDON HANRf, .-Of'Ml VMI'ToN. anil BREMEN,at tbe follow ing rate*:

Oawda, #MB BwaaTaBll -t -teterage. A3AFol nr.t'.t 01 pas-age Bjiply to1 OELPCKE? KEUTGF.N a RKTCHTLT,

No. it Broe iway.


The first !s»s screw ateamanip*.t HKS iE! kRJ.Capt. Sidnev Crow»li,PA Ai'.-tO.CapC L. H. Layf»el4.

wlv leite i'ie: No. 12 North Rive., New-York and Brown'a,i ...» every WEDNESDAY aad SATURDAY, at I

e'clock p. aa. Ruaaine ttrae. »S hour*.raa.age. incied.iig n.eal* and stateruum. t>S.

.. Grand Tnma Railway, ead fnrtnthe cbe.vjH'st aud c oat eipediuoua freight line to Moulrcal andUneher aa

t, H. b. CROMWELL a Co No as W^g,

FOR SAVANNAH anti fl0*RII»A..C S.MAIL LINE..Tha fcvatua eteaaj.hip M .tK OF THE

.-. I 1H Catst Thea. Lycn. a di leave tan 1 UASDAV, Nov li,at I p ¦< from Tier No. 4. N R Through tuketg riven ta M >u>

gomery, Columaia. Attaau. Albany, aud Macou. Bi. of LadingtigTiod ealv on board For .rvight or peaaage epplv to

S.'MI F L L. MlTtlliLL A SO.N.N«. 13 Broadway.

PASSENGERS per -team-hij.. KAJLNAji R)ll.i.. vte Naasao. V P., are r»antra |c NN bearet

I I!: > :Mr .lav MdRNINO at II »Vklrl_E. < .»Uli So 4 Rewl.raj^reea.

S~TEAM TO~LIVERPOOL I/»\DON amii-l.HM.OW. eaRtnr«: QCr.F.NSTO»K,irfhd to lead seat

embark pw ni'n um! «H'?«irh>-«.TU U.fipctiL Sfw-Vrrt «ad PblNnrtpkea Btr ¦iHplVo-

Ntji srlrLdid < ylde-owJ» llun S-J-w ;-.r.j,a_.,. t_-t ui»u..r-JI* Mi) M «elioWf

rnoB *bw toxi r. » irrri.

nTT or BALTIMORE..SATTRDAY, Scn.^lvtit1 ioo ..-A ; L KDAi , UVriiiun AEDINBURGH.SAHRDAY. [W^tR

i ad «ten aj'err.ete »eciic.ey «j boco. fro.*, I'teg jh 44 N. tt.mow K"W '.o«k r-fi at trgntr

CITY «iPMANCHFHT- A .- t TUR D A Y, December tri.KANOAKOO.SATURDAY. January 1«4»,

aed ej«h month im AA inter «; r| b «itrrT.il* Sal r_«T S,o,

B.er, frora I'trr .No. 44 Norm I,.»»r»irr.» r :-t"j>.«-

CaMn, to Qocesetewn, lat*errx<d or l.it»(ow.NTSCalm to Let. Jen (via Live.-pc- .i. BO IThird Clae. to Q.neenetcwn. Ltr< r|-ool. Ouvurow. «1 JT nd i ir.- m Lt-ndvu. AlThird Claea Retain Ticket«. »Tulafilr for «ii months, .-roan

Lrvtrpool or Outage*.Peaecr-rera forwarded to H»tt. P«r.«. Haior :rg. - . r.

ud Antwerp at -.nrougt rat».< < r.f.ratee af passage ia.-ed from Liverpool and Olaarow to

Jirw York.These Meaner, tare . :^ rior acrou.r.-iodav'crs *er Pas.- rigera,

a-. cr.«:r .r:. «i with ujM com partin-at,, ai.al aiij ej-

peri, nerd S_rr. .

Fcr fr. :gbt or f uor* Brpre it the OflW-e of the re.rainy.JOHN C-. DALE. No IS Bioedwer. Nr»-. ork, .tarat.in Liverpool to AA'V i.-4MAN. Tow. r KrriMmr*.in Olesgow to WM. i>MA>. No. 19 Dixofs-st.

©B SAVANNAH .liKi ELORU>A. Ihr Aim n-ran AtlaNalt Screw Htaaaaaaiai oupur'i >». and favorite

ataaajafcip NONTfiiiMFIiY Wm. ( Berry Comma.ider wU;. uielierNo. .IN. aU. on THUBBDAT, Nor. K, at I ¦

p Hi. Pasture to Savannah a ilh cnfrxrparvid] a i-o-nm"d«uo:i!*>'.:.. Thr© ;ii tickets to New-Oneena + T.V to Mobile »J£Montar-mery. »W, Albany Oa.. **4, Colnmhwa 4)IA. AtlantaSI-'i, BaaaMat »Ii. Augii.'. a>ia. Also, to principe, p.- e- ._, r .ondat loarat rafra Fr.,.ki 1' enta p*r foot. Inaurater onr-haprrorLt. NoriakUie- ind -f.'1"'- Apniyto

U. B. CROMWaXL A Co., No M WeaWL


tkiis tide earh alternetr t-ATL'KDAi , and tue oilier iidr «a> a

atrrnate TfEDNE.-DAY

ftrta«; Q'ri-« Seal iryVajmrxaiTT. Lefrrra.

FKoa nataa ud»octh isnLt roa

% aw..V-dnr.dyNor.-SAVrdnradaj.Doe.7

anon ««« i hi

»r K «1| TH»»H"Xl«l IHrMK.

Sal-.idar, Nor. ^.v 'day. Not.

1 L. .e "ti annhip. havr w ei 'isnt roii.pajtmn.ifPr. I at* raai'.f» either w-j the taais. rir:A ANDBRBILT 1st rat in, A ISO and $1M| 2d r»bin, $»

and I ¦*Or«»v Qrnaw.It ,-aM-i 4? 100 and #80; ?J raiin. BBBThird rabin, a limited r.

Certlfeate» of ruipare i.ajed from E-irope to Ameri.-a. fpeHaaWawrad u. htndon and I'l.-i..

D. TOTtRANC**. Arent.No. Ä Howiin|«>rren. New-iork.

ficoda »aker. n '¦. ; r«-ea


farorite ataaaaaaip MOi i 8 lA.LnRwill tail on rillK.DAY. Not. IT. at 1 o'rio -k p. m.. from Pier foot af \A'*rTrn-.t.. North River. Billa of lading, of tue BroNBX form, fiu-niahed at the office aiet no bills of lading trill ne a-'gned «flerthe hour of anilm*. For freight or paaaage apply al No. ITT West-it.,.on.erof AAarren. M. O. ROBERTS.

FOR SOTTHAMFrOX anu~iE\\T'E.-r. S.A4, ateam.hip VANDKRBI I. T. ( apt. p. B, feferre. will

aoaitisely tail at t o'rloek p. nv on HAT I RDA \ Not. PJ. fromPier No. 3. N. K.. New Y'ork. with mail., pntaengers, and specie,for England and Fianar lor passage ....d :..daAa. .pplr to

D. TORRANl K Ag/M. No .1 Ro» ln.gO.ee,,, X. T.Fteamthip Ot EAN Ul EE.N wui lollow on Dec H

FOR ALEXANDRIA. WASHINGTON, andId OROETOWN.-Tho New-York and Vtnbla>i,ip Coirranr't new and fint <iat« tteamth.p MOUNT

API > ON. F. (. Smith, Commander, will leate Pier No. 11North River for the above portt. EVERY BATÜRDAY at 3p. m. t abiu aaasare, with unsnrpaated accorr.modatioua. 4A7 JO.Freight H renli pei foot on measurement rood.. otürr a.'ti. lra a

proporion; and re. eivrd on Friday, ana Sat .idtya. No com-

mia.ir i. charged for forwarding. No bills of l.d.ut urned afterdepirf ra of atearr.er. For f'eirht or paasare apjiv '..

II B. CROMWELL k to.. N'¦¦'¦<¦ W. «t .

Btcamboats anb ttailroabc.3PECUL NoTK'E.

CHARtii: op hoi'Ro.H A R N D 1. N I 1. I PRESS,


NOA\ m a'. P> liAILY texcet-t Bagtgky). »:» STONINOTONMail Route, at 3:40 p. m. INLAND t'XPRKSS I p. m., viaNEW-HAVEN RAILROAD.

Oi.r expt.Mea for Philadelphia. Baltimrrre, AVarhinrton. andtl.eAA'eat, .^avannah, Mtcon. Montgomery, MiLiie, New Oi-ieti.i. and the South, it heretofore.For fnrtl.tr partkulart, applr to

HARNDEN'S EXPRESS.No. T4 Broadway, and No. SHT Canal-r!.

J^OR NEW-IIAVEN^Tty Hteam- n. ELM (TTYfrom I'eck-i:ip at 3 p. in., and i RAA 1.1.Kit at ii p. m., ir-

riTing in time fcr the morning trains B. PECK, Agent.

PpHE E'EdEEAK *E\IL LINE, via s ro\|\.;-1 TON fcr BOBTON, PROVIDENCE.Laad Raate TBsjahortett and most direct.Carrying the Eastern Mail.The »träniert PLYMOUTH HOCK ( apt Joel Mone. and C

"'AMPBRBIAT <apt.lt. B. Sturgea, In oniinoction with thefttaalagtoa and Providenee, and Koatou and Providence Kail'raad earing New I :k ..lv Sunday ex. apiedl. (roni Pier Na.

3, N K. inr.t wharf above Batterr place), at 4 p. m and Stoninrtou at «:*» p. in or «:. arrival ol the mail train w.o r, ...

Bo.ton at 9:8a p in

The C. A' A Nil F R BI LT, from New York. Mnnd.v AA edaea-dar. and Friday. From Stonin^tou, Tue.J.iy, Thuraday, andSatnrdar.

I |m PXYMt IUI II Rock, froai NawO ark. 1 uesday. Thür»dtv ud Saturday. From Stonmrion.Monday. AA'ednrsdayanil Friday.

i i-.,-. ugerv proceed from Stonington. per Railroad to Provi¬de!,. >. and Boston in the Exprraa Miil Train,placea in advance of tboae by otber iwaaaa, and in ample timelor all the early Morning Line, connc linr North and K.a^.

Paaarii^er. that prt-ler it. irn.ain ou board the tteamer, enjoy a

i.i.: t'l rrat nndittnrbed, breakfaat if devired and leave Montur-

lou in the T a. in. train, lonuecting at Providence with the 0a. ni. train for Rcrton.a Bag«age Maaui accou.puii.o ihr Meauitr an 1 Tis.!, .brough

eai h w«y.For pt..»ce hertht. »tate-room». or frelrhr applv on board the

steamer, et «I the Fre.,,ht Olt.cr Pi. r No 1 North Riier. or at

the otliee of the Company. No. M B.ttery-plscr.

CENTRAL RAILROAD b< NEW-.1EICSEV-llaj it New-Hampton with 'be Daal rarg l.o.-ta

wanna and AAe.tern RaUioad. and at Easton with the Leb-.ghVai.ey Railroad.Fxll AKKA>u«MraT»-Commencing Oct. it. 1HW. f . av.t

S.v. fOrA (Ol t «¦ n and uitermcdiate plaee«. Mai Pirr No. 3North River, at T:30 and 11:43 a- in., and at 4 p. m.; f ir Sc.met.vi.'e by the above trail... and at It li p. ta. I'he above I rain toounect at Elizabeth with train, ou the Nee-Jrrvey Railroad,which i. ave New York from foot of CourtlanJt tt., at'T.40 and IIm and 4 .10 and NM p. m.The li :4i a m. train from New Y'ork make, a r-ipte connection

at I a>ton with the Lehuh A alley Railroad, and tc -uce via HastP. nnay ra a Rrilrotdto Reading without change ot car,, aaJe< aayecti at Raadlng Hur. t for I'oittvilie and Dairtabtirf.Passengers ior Iba I'elaware. Lackawonna. Baaj AA t,-.c.-i Rail¬

road will leave at T Sa> a. m. only for Lehigb Valley Railroad at* .10 a in aad 11 laA only-JOHN 0. STERNS. I iperlutetident.

HUDSON RIVER KAIEROAD.-Frr.m NW.14, IHM. Trains will leave Chambers at, Sution as follows:

Expresa Traica. T and 11 «. m. and i p. m.; far Siar Sing,4 and t 1' p. m.; for Pouihkcep.ie. T:30 a. m. aaaT It ¦and 3:/n p. ii..; tor Peakskill, S:.m p.m. The Poiiglikeeaait,PerkikLi. and Sing Sing Traina atop at mo.tof the Way Stetiona.P-«.ei,«era taken at ( tiambers Canal, < anrtopber. and Jltt-ats.Tra.ni. fat New York leave Trey at 6:15aad 10 a. in., and 4

p in., and Albany about IS minntra later. On SundViy. at 6

p.m. A. P. SMITH, Sapr:.ateuaeuL

NEW -YOLK AND-ER IE lUILROivI)..Ofland a'ter Menday Nov. 11. 1-.c*. P«*.cnger Trains will

leave Pi-r foet «I lliiane-.! ».',.»< >;

DUNKIRK EXPRESS tlTi in., for Oanktrk, Buffalo, Can-andaigua. and pnn ipal lalatUJtdials Staliona.way PASBl .M.r.H ai '.st- p. L. f .r Newt.rgh. P rt Jerviat,

abd intermediate Statiotja.N1UB i EXPRESS at 4 30 p. m., for Dukirk, Buffalo, Caaan-

tUIrua. and principal Stations.Taw Exptatt Trains roLnrcl at Elmlra with the Canaadaigsa

and Niagara FaJ.s Railroad; at Bu.rbamtoa. wath the SyracuseH.Ilr. so; at Corning, with the Bu'Jalo and New Y jrk Railroad,ft r R vubrstet ana BaSalo; at Otrat Bend. With the Railroad forS, .-art. n and at Baflala and Dunkirk, witk the Laxe ShoreRalL-rad for ( ievcJand. Ciniinnati, Toledo, Det:ott. ( hicago,Ac and the Canada Railroads.NATU L AiAlUsU. Receiver CHAS. MINOT. Oeu" Sap't

ITH »K BRIDGEPORT. EartT'oo-rented.Tkmrteau.rr BRIDOl PORT leaves Peck »Ii;.. F. R every

Monday wednrsday sn.i priday. at 12 #¦a'o. a. arriving in tone tu connect with Naug»t0 *¦ Himrattrniaad Nrw Haven traint. Freight taken.

1X)B BRIWEPOTcT.Ftrv 50 Cnsteam..- BKIDOEPOKT leaves Peck-slip E. r, rvery

MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY at li « .-a., a.s.-r 1 na B 11 rr to i onnecAaWith Ntugatuck, liouaatwu^, andN> w Uavea R. .roadaPrAht taken.


fa r 1 rwu dollars ro kUiANT.On and xttrr MONDAY. Nov. 14.13W, trains will leave S6th rt.

station New Y'ork, as follewt:t or AA .llisntbTkaga.M at' and 11 a m.; 2 30 and S;30 p. m.For White P.sias.It-Jk and i p. mkot White Malus.«;15 p. m.. (TOB) cor. White and t entre-tta.Put Crott a Fails.4 p. m.. from 36th-tt '

For MV.lrrten.I a. m.. from iv.h rt.For Altany.9 a, m from !tth »t mail train.

Returning. Will leaveVA d.iainabriige.6.4Ö and *:M a n... 1 and 1:40 p. rn.AA -- ;-a..d-.it»a ci auityip.ax.I r .t l kails.7 a. m.MCI«Tt> n.? a m.

Ail-any.11 a m mail train.


Coramen. lag Not '4. 183*.Passenrer«' Stttion in Nrw-\ ark, corner of rth-»t. and 4 .v

i , tkIN8 LEAVE new-YORK:

F.r Nc» Haven. 1 » a :ix Ist.) Ii.'\ IS (el » i> and4:St'p. tu. For Drid'-aart. T, Sam. fex.:l II: U. J:lSlrx.|iS.Se.au i.J' p at. lor .Afilf,.;d. Mrttfard FaiiUeid. .-v*t .port.and Weetport, tin.: U:l\ J:So. abdk:s*a. an. Far Nerwakk.T, 9 a. av; U:l\ k.lS tea.): g-Su. 4:3-', ..so p. m. ForD.ri- l ai.d Or-.-iwi, h. T. 9a. in.: IJ.TS. S:J4». 4:J0. $:» p. mler Stan t r! T, t (ex.,. 9am., 1R:is, 3:1S (ex.1. 4:4f,g:S". IVitvS, p. aa. For Port CaataSai and lntrrmtaii^r Sta-tiuta. T. 9 a. m ; 12 1- * r.i ( *1 a* « » ta.

CON.NKl ilNw 1 rains.Prr r-<*tor. » a ta. (ex.). S:15 p. m. (ex ) Far Hartford and

S| .-.*- . iei Up a. ex Par On-wt ii r.v-et Rai'roa.1 to Moatreal, » a. m tex \, and 1:19 a m let. )teNorttarnpior. For Hartferd. Pre idear» tad Flahkill Ka:.-oa !I a. e.. (ex ». F'or New-Haven, Nea London and StouuuxtcaRanioad at j a. tu. and 3:lj p. m. For CanjJ RaUread to cviler. * t. an. (ex.). and IS-IS p. ax., to Nortaaciatoa ParHoraatouic Railroad. Sam. For Naageteek RaDraad. Han,1:13p. K. Ft* Davnbtxrv and Nerwa.x Railroad. T. »a av. 3:4*

P- m JAJktaU H. iiOYT, Sjperiatrmisut.

\TEW-J£ii;i:Y ILAlU;OAr»-r.r PHILA-I ITI -M».I and I....re*, fine, leave New-l -» n

" * and II*> an. anal 4 4*4 a a. at.; fare AA Thr.-ta TUft. told (or I in.

ctaaet. aad the Maat, and lur W atlunrtcm. NewOrwaca. aodtht rWeth, »f. .nd thmegk harraje faecAi-d la Weairtngloe in* a as. **vd . a. a*. Lruaa.

J w v, >/ lfRt'FF AattetantV' '.»*»». B-iU be i«..|red lot «..y treto. .¦--.¦> u- ..wed »cd

» "j^ " «narr» in advance of the lima of leaving.

FOB BOSTON «od PROVIDENCE, tia HEW-FOKT aad FALL RIYlaL.The er»V*vdiA and aaarlar

ttaaataf Alt! RuFt'LIS. ( apt U.-et. u Ve..* .Nrw I ort overt

TUFSDAY THURSDAY, and SATURDAY, at 4 o'clock*r *tvd'he EMPIRE STATE. « apt. Bravtea oa MONDAY,tcTI-M-DAY, and FRIDAY, at 4 e¦ uork p. » from Pierho J N R,Her«*"er Bwreeant wi'lbe retarded a* .aaeaaaj to anv eppib

e*o; " '¦' tte *au»e iltaU hate Seea pawd for.Prent! to l.otton u torw»tded threegk »Ith great dVpatrb by

an Ilxpr.a* Freich: Trau»._WM. BORDEN, Agent. Noa 7? ar.d .1 YVeet-et.

-Tin: i i:.nn.-.:.'. aniacentealRAILROAD. Tie cape, ity of U-a Road ia now

*c.cal to any La tke reoaatry.THREETHROUGHf A I S fSfl K ¦ TRAIN*

- BEYw t-.E.N riilLADLl.FH1A AND !'I TTr- BUROH,renre-t rg i reet »t Pt;ledelphii wtth through trttn. from Bee¬ten. New I er* »ad ..1 pointe eaet, and ia tne L'i.e.n depot atJ"altet rtb with ti roughi train* fur Cinainaad, St Loci* iVtr-kvr.o\ t Serage, Burtingtoa. M. Faul*. I uttianapeti«, Lee*»vUJe,New i rle»r.«. end all intermediate poicU in Ohio Indiana lib-noi». Keataehy. Michigan. WV.ri.ln. Minne..4a. aCoari.hau»*., and Netraaka-tiiu* f^rtiuLii^ facihuie* for the brent-portati n of paattngrra unaarpaaaed for apeed and comfort r>yanother rcte.E«p« and f»tt T.'-ir-t r.r .. r :-, :-gh witho- t

; a- g. . ., tr. vr condu. ^m.¦MOKINO CARS are attarSel to e*. h train; Weaadruff*

BLEEPING CARD to F.apre.t end Fart Trains THE EX-I Rl - RUNS DA4LY Mailan I Fart ute. ^uudav. eacepted.

Ma l Train ieive. Philadelphia*!.7'i»e, m.

Fett Line leave* Philadelphiaat.II.»*, m.

Fipre., 1 .-|iu ;«..,». Pr.iauVlphiaet.10:Ni p m.

Sia Dairy T-a:n. o. t-.rren New-York and Phiia.'.*lp..ia. TwePai.r I ia.Lt h.-tve^a New-i nrk and Ho-t.-n. Ti.ro.igh Ticket.(aU Rail) are go,,d on either of the above train*.BUAT JURI. I > ti#ui tJo.toa are good, tie Norwkh, Fall

R|v. r or Me-ingtr. bt.e.Pa.-et.gert I... Ui .... .f. ,-y I.iv» two .!*:> Tali.* from

Bakrimore, eonnectiac at H*rri«bnrg fjr all poiLta Vi e*t.leeviugBalf.m. re at-a. at, Bad-p no

P*-'rgt r. for St:nb.rrv. \t'Tliaintnort, FTmtra. B-.ffale. Niagara fall., ar d interant.Lale joa.'t, [eating Piiüadrlp^^ ata. m ai-'i »L.'si a. m.. go directly thror.gh.

1 ;ck. tt We.-ward ii.^t h. o-'-atned U the off.ce nf toe Co.ti-

par.y La PaBaaOaJaataa, Sew-V^rk, lioeton. or Uaitamure; aud* w.eta Fa.tward at any of the .mportant Raih. v! orft-ea In theU .t s':.u. en n.ierd iny uf the .eg.iar l.iue of S'.eanu rt on theMi -pi or < ''.I j It.ver-FALL Ai.^ Ai - dJ LOW A-J BT AN i OTHER ROUTE.

A<K FOR TU KITS BY PITTSBURGH.The rrn.pl»-i"n . tt.. t\ » .. r: cn::rectiar.t of t.-.a Penri' yi-

ttjaia Ralfa id to Ckicaeo Bsakaa t]DIRECT Ll.NE BllTWEEN 1 HE EA^T AM) THE

GREAT NOK7H-WEST.The ronrecttng of trackt r y ft;.- R»i!-aed Bridge»» Flttthnrrh,

av. ,...i,g ail lirayage or feriiage .1 Freight, t »j» teer w i'i. l:ie

retiLg cf lime, are aJvantar. . readiiy :.\ rt<. .at. i y thippen ofbright and '.he travel!! t public.

FREIGHT?) WESTWARD.Bythi*roote. fn-igbtt o; ail deterlj-tion. .-an be forwarded

fror: Philadelphia. New-York, Bettott, ..r Baltnoore, any p-unton the lailr. ada of Ohio K-irt.;' ty. ludiaua, iilu.ci.. Wiacoaaiu.Iowa, er Mi**o«.ri. by railroad Bwai t.The Pent-y!v iria K»'r a.l g,.o r.nertg *t Pittabnrrh with

*t**0jtri by which Mean tau be Ktoaidrd tu a ly port <>o thef»hio. Mnttti gum, R. ;,tu. ty, T. Bneatea, Cat iberil.nd, IIRniia,Witccntin. Mlttoari, Kar..... Arkan.a.. and Red Rivera; and att leveiatd. Siüilutkv. ^ud I Lieajj with tteaauera to ail pou* wu

the North-Wettern Ltkea.M. r<;. .. .-I..: ;. r. -.rr-i-tinf the tranaportation of thtir

Frtlgl.t to t!ii» t'on pany. can r-ly v. ill, ^ Mi lenc- ..n it. "peeüytran-it.rHE RATES OP FPEIfiriT to env point in the We.t bv

the Perjiay'.vxr.ia Ruiiruid are at all timea aa favorable aa anyriiarged « y other lta..r.,« jBe f.arti'ci ,.'r to ,. tk rl ret "»u Pei.n. R. It "

Merckant. in the W. .*. trd**rLnf good* from tl.o Ea*t, will Jowell to direct ihem to be flipped by ttit route.Fir:. Lrbt . octraeta or aaipping Dirr ctior.a apply to or al-

drea* eitLrf at the teiltet rg «entt el th- u.tanjD. A. STEWART. Pitt.hnrth;

Bovie k (V. Pteti' eT.v HJe, ol .. \{. g, PierceatCo. Zaneavil'.,Ohio; J. J. John.ton. Bipley. Ohio; R. M.N'eely Meytville,Ky.; Ormaby It Cropper. lYrteu.outh, Gaio. Pa'l lock kt o.,

Jetteitonv.ile. Itt.i.; H. W. Hrowu k to. I .. im.ati. Ohio;Muern k Hilbert. lu.cui.V:. O1..0. lt. C. .'>l-li: in,. Mauieon,In.! William tUntbare,. LeatntilT* Ky P G O'RDoy k Co.,I v .i,.-. 1, D.d.: N. W. Grahani a Co., Caim 111.; R F. Sa**,St. I n,.:.. Mo John H. H.m. Keefrt Be, Tenn.; Harri* ttHunt. Memphia. Ten a.; 1 l.rk k ( o., Cnicago, 111.; Wa H. E.Kovi.rt. AI'.u. III.; ajnrphy k WaLie. Dtibuque. Iowa: or to1 reigl t Agent* of Railroad, at UiServut poiuta 111 the Weit

Pal .- ettea.hng to their owu tlnpmruta from, the Ea.t willlind it to thear Intereat to call on the Ag.-.it. f .(.!. 1 'o> .;

the I'dlovt lug piarea before .'.it. ping: or letter* adtlre.aed to

either of them, on the auhject of freigbta, will meet with promptatteLliiE. J SKEEDEI Phi:ade:r!Ja.MAGBAW It ROONS. No. at) North-it. Baltimore.LF.Flt H A Co., No. 1 tatet Hoote, or No. 1 S. \\ .IHlB* It .TT TLEI CH A Co.. No. M Kilbi a» K .ton.

H. li. HOI .-TON. Geaerj Fi. igi.t Ateut. Philadelphia.For through ticket* appU at Imlt oHm e. No. 2 A*for-Houae.

J. L. ELLIOTT. Ag.nLL. L. HOI- PT. Oenertl Ticket kgwat, Pbil.i I. iphia.T. A. St OTT. General Superintendent. A.toou*. Pa.


n N. Y., eight hon-* fr tin N'.-a York by N. Y. eadErl» R. R. Haa a very beautiful location, and aftorda'inuaualbu"i)itk> * for < nrr fort and improvement in health in the Wietelaeaat u. For < ire i.ar. »ddre.* J. H. NGKl'll. M: D.

eflaUMcol*i) j;. VELPEAU*" CANEEELNE.

Dr. \ KLPEIU'S CANRERINE core. Canker.Dl YXLPKAU'fl CANRERlNE curet Sore Nipple*.Dr. \ ELPEAl 'B t A.SKI RINE caret burn*.Dr. \ ELPE At 'S CANKER1NE cure. cut*.

Dr. \ I I.PF.Al S I ANRERINE cniea I Icertied Gun...I r \ ELPEAU-fl CANKFRINE cure. Soretof .11 kind..Dr. VELPE AI H f ANKERINE enrea Tootrurhe.Dr. \ ELPEAU'S CAN Kr RINE purile* the Ureelh.

Bl RBII.L k HUNTING. ProprietätCONRAD FOX No. 1 B*rc!»y lt., Wl.u!e»ale A.-eat

For .ale by all .Iruff.i.tt.

nR. J. LEATHE - VK!.!.u\V-|M)CK SYBI PFor Co*tiverie*». Dyipep-i*. P.heamatiim. Scroi lia 1'ile..

»»d Female Debility, tnitgre.t r.-i. .¦<:v i.aa no equal. Depot.No*. lat)Ckatbtm-ai. Watrtand¦«'... 476 Broadway.

ÜPÜY* CHILBLA INS RA I Jl ralm ttieiiitupiKirtable itching, at once. Dnpuy'a Swi«» Corn Pie*-

ter. «nre* coma apet-dily by allay;i f inna. .rn.ti o. VVhole.ale atNo. butt Breed v. ay. and at the piln. lpal druggiat* evc.ywhere.

QUEBIT- COD LTVEE~ oil." JELLY,apt roved by the Academy of Medicine, ia tue or.lv r,ue |*g

CGBsi MPTH 'N, ASTHMA, aad all kiada ef (XJUGBS. ItlgIwtar more eBiiaciuua than the liquid on.


Pleaaaiitly tlavnred, and taken wilhn..t naute*, and doe* not

c*n*e cnetipetioii aner nae. Hi* the beat pumtive lor tmmkdr^n. To be bad at the Inventor'*, No. I .to 4tn av., and all ro-

apeetable druag-»ta- PENFOLD, PARKER A MOWERNo. li Beekmaui at., Wholeaale Agent*.


ttrgal iVoItcco.

In PUBSUANCE Ofu tattitV "I ateftaUTrlgawROfthe Conn'v 01 New 1 ri eirtart la aerahy given to aD per-

aana having riaim* agtin*t Joii N STUART late of the City ofJtrtt Vork. Baker. decea--ed. 10 pre.ent the same, with vo n ner.

thereof, to the mbtcriher. at the 1 ifh.-e of Eveleth k Iiiaa. il N

14 WaaVekVi iu toe I ity of Rt v, York, on or before tho It: uay r.t

Dtcemberuext . Dated New-York, theXtb .lay : Mo :'.J.V.NETT .-TUAT. Adrniui.tralrii

n:30!»we:m-M \\ ktk the Will anneie l.

IN ri"R>r.\\t E ..! .tii order i-l'tli.- Surr..i;;itf ofthe County of New-York, notice ia hereby given to all per-

.on* hating claim* »eain.t RUHARD Bl liR. late of the C'tv

Of Now-Tork, Sea I aptain eated. to preaent the tame, withtotirhera thereof, to the inbarrSer, at ria office at tee f... ..(

41.. it.eel, Fiaat Riirr in the Cut of New-York, on or befer- the

27th dar tf Jacuarv bez'--Dated N'ew Yort. tl.e .'ii Hay of

lady.I»* JOHN P. T'JW > -END.jy2i lawrtnM Executor.

IN PUBSUANCE of an order <-f the Son*>gatfl oflb' i n:t ."<«» \ ork notice it hereby liven to all per-

ton* havinf claim, agnit.it W ALTER i.tiBM IS' .teot the i uyof New^ ork her.!<»ar. ii,. :. Ijant. de. ea-ed. to preeent the .auiie

Wirh vourhert Oereof to the aub~ rio.r at the re-iden. e .»f

EDWARD MiELROY. No n Etat iTTtb at., in the City of

New York, on or i-eiore the 12*h day u! Jan-oarv next..DatedNew-York !rth d»v of July la.V».

MARY ANN i.iillMiN Admiiiwtratril;; law'jrxi M uf W alter (»oru.au. de. eeaed.


L iii)< ARTHUR A. Ql IN. fHARLE4 H. UCIN, OROaOEA' fins JOHN QUIN John r DF.VL.N. iui .idoai.v.ead aa el .lie AaTLn^taiaUatora ot ARTH I R i*T'IV de .e«.»

ead Tl.tVID Ft AS- de', r.danta in parti'ioa.In purauanee of

a;adgaueut of the bupteuie IV attol Laa r irvt Diairv-t, beatnugdate aa the 5th day «f S*pfemt-*r. lfttO I, Wllliau. Wataon »he

Rg.'rree in lue laid judgment named, will aell at Public Auction,at the M«: .alt'Exchange, in the ,:v ..'N^w-York. by An

tkcay J. B.eeckrr a. Cat, on SATUftDAY. th* Fth day of

Bevtmber UJnt, at 1.' o'. leek at boob of that day. All that cer¬

tain Lot piece or parrel of Land, with the Building* ther-on.aruutle. ly r.g and being in the >u,tb W ard of the Lkty erf New-York, bo Lil. i and dearnbed a, foil iwi Beaming at 1 pointlerx; tne nonh-weaterly cort-er of WavLlturea and Ha_nn.oodetreeta ti.-t . 1ntiiorh* riy aioa: the wvtterly liur of Waaa-

lagtaa *»rret ktiy^tne feet aad alt Lache* thence weeteriy, oa

a .ii»r paawllal » itL liaaimood atreet. tiurty-fuur feet four inchati m

thence .<n -iterly, oe eliae at ria-bt aragkv* with flaaaui <od atreet.*any feet, to the northerly bee of Haim-.ond xrcet, and tben.-e

eaateriy along the aortherly ttn» of Harrncnd trreet twenty-twofeet to the place ot beginbtrig A1.0 eli the certain iot. piece or

peace 1 ef Land, with the Building thvreoa. litttiXe. Irin; andbeing it- 'he Nmtt Waid ot the City of New-York rtounded and¦Vei ribed u fellow.: He, inning at a point ei. the ivrtbeJy llueat Hammoad atreet. 4»t*f^ tw«*aty-two feet, westerly from tl.eaorthw,ateriy corner of W aehiagton and Han.mood atreet*.

than.re ruutuut uortlwriy at right auglra to taud Ha-nrnoed atreet

Bfty teet. tti t. w > rfer.y. a-. ... ..').'¦. .'..»1, ;t»l-

|y-twe feet; teeace aaatneny et ri*ht an ri. a 1.1 Httmuul -treet

tfty teet to toe tad uvtAheriy Line of He'oinoe.i atreet. andllariite e**tei:y a.ooi the northerly lire of Haniaor.d a'rret,twe -y-two teet to the pbv e be; uBtng. Aad aiao. all thatrarta.n lest piece cr parrel 0: Lai.d. a ith th' P.ulldiag theraoti,eituate. lyitt and beiag :l th' Ntn'h Ward el :kv» < ity ef New-*l ork. botteiid and (.ea-nped a« toJoavi: Banning at a point00 the »er*heriy line of Haiiinaotid «tratet, dbvunt forty-toor feet

weagrrty tram tier aorth-wraierty corner ef Wa*hiitglMi andHau mood .treet*. than'e rjnn.'iig north, rly at right eaglet to

.aid Haaucesd atrv-rt nfty feet thence weeteriy parallel a ithHan t. ocd ttreet t.ve feet aa I eutbt -achea th.-a uurtaariy andperallel with Waat nurtut atreet ktWa teet and foarr it* he.,the;. e a. t ..... ia-.- t- *i Iii. 1 .t-. -tt-.-i

feet thence aoutber'y and parmilel »ith W*^r»iturtJn atreet nfteeafeet *n.i foer ir. het tber.ee eaateriy parallel arilA llaauuiundatreet ore >a*t end eight ucchea thence wetberiy aad at rightangle* tat I'.emn <>ud itreet fifty feet, to the aaid nor r. art] rate ofat..-..irnd .'ft.* .r-d fawn.-a-*~*-'T along the aortherly Unaof Hamnw-cd ttreet twet-ty twe feet, to 'he place of hee nninr.tonet teer w Iti. til aad aingtila/ the bertaaifarueng* and appirten»". ** tier, to he.. uglng. or m anywi^ appretainlng I)*ied2let .-wpf'Biber IbTM WILLIAM WaTsON. K» vree.

JOHN C. DIMMOCK. Plaiatifl '. Attomev tO 2aw»iWThe aale of the above deterlead areroiee. la adjourned to the

Bth day ef De eUit>e.-. 1*3». a: the M> anar at uI- N vember.V Vm9 WlbLiA-M. WATSON, Referet

a' aawJlkih tvi-a

IN IT 'RSl'ANt K <>t kB «Ttierel the < irr.*»i> oftit*Came*y ofNew Vera »ot. e ie berehy n'en I" el V"-

ttmm herii t r'm am aarein-t i RN ?--t h VtlNN/F.R teteoT ibei ktl -f New-t art. uruia»**. .>ra**aa«il. lo preaeut toe Mut. witktoother* thereat, lo ike istuc iiDrti. either at Nu. *p* taaartt.,at the «tote et t .r&u^mt V.mmek'. or et t kwreeae>e«ee ef HenryJabrj.na, No, 79 Howry in the City of New-i ork. on or b»l«r»I no |T»h day of IWcrmoer n-xL-UateJ New-York, the fo.irtn

de* .f June. USB. Fl Iii i naNU Bi-kNCKB. ( »- ....

a^iUwtgiM HLNKi' JPHN.-ON. .,'-aoc-uore.

St iKMtK ( <»IT;r.( :tv an.l Ce-nt. of !W-Y*rt-JOB L RLAf'K mi ' N *th »n () JTSIAVirff,

..nur1. rain.t JOHN « t IS .» r Y i.. ".....ten.-?-, t -..wfrreeaat.To ike I'efrndaat Von are hereby aum-notied »n<1 re

.: nr-d to alan»rr the roupialut Ui this aa-tioa. » birh wa. Hied iathe ..«er .1 ice < «rk ci uv < itr and C-.iurT Nee -lork on

. M !«» vf ."¦Vptetabet la**' and of whwh a ce, » i. here¬with aeire.1 upon too. and te aer*e a copy of rottl III HT to too..id romrlaint en the mberr-Ser at hia opu«\"Se 1*' Broadway,in atuai 4 it * of New-York, witeui tw cat* «keya «.*trr toe « -m. e

hereof »,.d«.i*e 'the .'«Tri a-ieb Ml IIM mmi if faOJ *.-»rr erer.pla.ntw::.> u ti.e lime a-'.-ieae a (be ptatu.dfa ia

::.]» w .' pi it ' - C,...i ., -. hei ,'. -Landed :o tl.eliiiMatalai l itt 'iik Iren! tn. tu*.e'tlawcwM' S. V. bAkLLY P'tir.: "*".'Attorne*-.

r;/£ 8lAyERt QVKSTjOlf.AL'luulaVATTfl Kxr(»srri<>N <>f tiik p*.

SITU>X OF KDUAKIt BATH,i r 11 pom thk KCIX m wkry nir i x«tptidn.

h r m T\e St /.'on J'rraiav Veten. .Vor. t.

s .¦ of the < rrirw*ir ion paperx of Mraeonri The St.

Josrpk Witt anipr.t: il i'iin. v»hile r.iirnitiintr t!.»> ind«-ni.i v i t' private cm/., u«. wli >>i[>|>.ei«» tii.'ti e« !vee mn-

:> y !. r ttie Preriilenrv, thnietiua' their opiiliiibM onnil iji.i>Li. r.n, urtsrLt'J. cti the n>tt:i:.\. nevertlielfsa:-.t|t it.- to tl.tuk that '!.< i.-i oi Kilwani Ilute.* i.« ana<« 11 ..>::. 'I \ 'hi.; Mr. I wit. - -'.in.L. ?.. j«n.i:ii-

ti.-!.-i_\ . t to t!.e «....::.try is :. Jti ^ihlo i'ainliil.tte forthe l'n eiiieiu v. and thut the anxiety of MiM-.<>uri:uie i*?o irTt ut to de« litr«. in favnr of him, if hit Mevt n on theSli.M ry i|ii« t*ii>n ;n> airep'iiliW t.> them, that Mr.Itatea oiiL-ht to mak> )»il>!i.- I .« riowe on that one and-Ii t at !i aef. < Bhi r*A in-, luany tin, tiller <-e>niinit-tinti* then.eelveti to bin eu| |k>tt, tuitfiit tint! theowelvesin a lliii-e jmeltuiu.

Tht:t> will be no or«:iriou for any ritiien t'Terfe* lintfany tn.huirdfrimiit (>n Mr. Huli'^ aicuiint. lie ia not

a ciiniiiiialf lor the I'reaideuey, and will not aeem, bypuhlidiitiK U-ttera unarkeil. and on even the iuoet trif-lin>r ih iarion. fo I «. uurtiin; att«'t;:li>n to hut vi» wa.

Hut if Mr. Hat. h ahonld N- ma>I<> a oandiiiate hv tlie;tl.oritativi> vice of l.ia eotinti vnien. ho will obtain

no vote npou fall«' [>r> 'enhe-. lie wit! *tan<! itp<>n no

jtii-'iile, like the linciimafi i'lat.'orui.with ill amba^aaaaatiil. ui U> rr.iiiuii.-. flu ronntty \\\U know Inn |x>-

attn <>n all '|tit'rticiii», iiutniteitly ae in leiten of lir ingüirl.t. T:llthtn, Mr. BaatMa tiews of Slavorv willho* pt< I.ably I e more fortuallt t<et forth.

Hut an Tii T.ri rung Seiet,, aeveral n.i tith* aifO,I r«-. t.t. .1 tl .. r.aiiii >t Mr. It.it.'* ux the favorite of theSt. I.onin (lpj>o«itio:)>ti« for the Prenideney, it is rea-

fonably to be mipje'red tlint wo bail niiHicicnt ktiow-letlite <>t hin opinion... n thia und other anl-jeit*, to

Itir-tify the nomination of htm. It max b>> that we

know i-nonifh ol fiia viewt. even now, to natiely themore iniportunate «in» riete ,n the matter. The follow¬

ing are what, we ale flire, will be Imitid to be tilt'\ii vt* <>f Kdwurd Ilir.-h on the Slavery t^iioetioti:-LANtllT MIT aUM n. m ... i U.L1, FOLITH'ALI.T OR

HI 1.1«.Ml <I T.

Mr. H:.t< * doea n>>' believe that " African Slavery i«tlit- itiriier^tone et l.iU rty

'' He iIimh not believethat Afrn an Slaver, h a benrfirial :n«iitii(njn, eitherin a Hoeial, political, or religion* aenei. Not in a noetnt

lire, It'iaiiaa' ii ai-te at iiuhrIiI the family relation antlm j .»..itc- trau ami w te, | a>enfe ami linl lreii. at tin:cat rice, or on the necent.itie* of ow nere; not In a politi-i a! i-enre, betntiM> it \* productive of dituortla betweennation-' tha' tolerate it. and nation* that >!.> not, andliecnii-.' it it liable t<> pMkWat. rouitntifionN, iit*tirTt-ction«,anil mtiie.ii re*, ami baa ended often in blrxelv rvvolnlifii*. not in a relitriotia *en*e. bentnru* it ahnta themind ainiinat kimu, l> .li.-e, iimkea the word of (iixl a

aaaled <.<ik to the flave, and irtve* Ins \><A\ to thererviet- of a human inaeter, wliereti* the boilv of everyr< at'd ai . -nonl.l be In . Iv Lftv.n !.> the - rvce viChi.

r.* k.XTt.N-Io> i'M o\-rtTI'TliiS tt KXI'EPT BT AFFIR-M4TIV-: I FGIM.tTION.

Hecaiiee Mr. Hate* BwM not believe that Slavery i* abeneficial itietitution, either in a h.^ ial, political, or

lelitrioii* eenee, bo i* u nutteramiy appaaeaf to iff e.rtrn-. inn in!" Tirnlurnx alremly ' rer. Mr. I tale*, in Ilia

< l:fi(nl i red, la a Henry Cht* Whiff; und Mr. Claydeclan d that hi* " rfgM arm hIioiiIJ dr ip from Ina" rhoul.Ii r lefon he would vote to extend Slavery" over one foot of territory alre.nli tie. Mr Biffibtartilv indoree* that *entimeiif, and bold* to thatree.l.Mr. BaatM iWt not believe that the (V»ti*titntirin. by

it>- i ro; ." vi^'or nirie* Slavery into all tin- 'IVrritorieathat n.av be ai'iiinred by the l'nited State«. He be-lievea that Fieedum i* 'he rule, un<l Slavery the e.xcep-tioatä II'' 'lo< * Ii"' believe that SI \ i ry can eAittt in

agil Tel* tory :o >| ¦:' :< >i by tin- 11. >v. i'.iiieat of theI'uketl Slate*, e.xcei t by the flottiert lam of CVriaf"><.Th: ' «itive law Mr. Itafe* worrfli not be in favor tttpaerile.', bei ai.*.' tor re..»(:|j* alreadv iriven, h<* in op-i# -ed to the e.xteti.Mon mi Slaver\ into territory lit¬re, idy Irr.-.lllfTIMTIoS BKTWKIV M.AVI AM) i.TllfK PROPKRT f

lofcv.ti. with thk i.nt i:hn vii \ r.

It it be held that tl.i* exiiiiHion ot .lave propertyfroui territory "ac'i'iired b\ the cnuiuon blood and" li.-anile ot the i t:;, n," e tubliali. -- ..n uividioil* din-tit, toll between tw<> «eetioti* of the Ti.ion.that it,j. ... |.. the S aith riu'lit* that are fteely (riven to ihoN' nli Mt. Hatea deuie* empbata-.illv ttiat it ha* anyinch effect, The di*tin tion nii.j.la.ned oj kt eoevaUwith l!:e 0ITII niIBaalt If bt BO DflW thinif.no uiOO iTl

i.iiri'*h:j in !aef no hardehip at nil. The; hraltzinji t Slavery.the probil iin.ii <>l ltd emiirralino- andaatablirl.lt.»r itrelf in Flee Territory wa* embodied illtbe eon pact of the I'tiion at the beifinninsr. Hut fortin* liiiotatn n lheSlu\. State* mm\ far more tbun an

equivalent in beiti)' aRowi-d in the National t.'otijrre**and in Pie*idei:tial el< cf ion* thru roll* for everyJirrtlaret. Slavea do not vol.-, but their mairtera vote lorthem. The votea uf .'iro tuen in the SoaLh ooant an

it.in h a* the veten of _/".< men in the Free State*.t.ri/ES OF MIW-TOHk f9mM aWI M RI'.ht OF PROP'

I Kl Y MOT Utl.U ni a V I KOI NI an.

Why ehould tin* be ><> If -lave* are only property,a* the N«>utl:« rn m:ui will *ay. why *hoi:bl not theNorti.em leaii'ti fmrnfirtf vote i:lao ? It ie nil fitlyproyci 'ii. When the *:..\ ehold"T ii diepoeed to com¬

plain, thereto!e, that a 'lictini tion i* tn.nie ai/aiu*t himthat he can t jro n.'o the nitinnou 'erritorv of the

country ar.d take kit pi operty.*\\t , itixen of the FreeState eM te» 1;-: " It i* DM pTOfaMtJ like my jiropeirtythat yoti tv.»h to take, t ut it i* pninerty that roa>a ; ttie property tiiat itiYea you ticonnil^i-heilr roten tm myurn it :e property that rnüKi t rite inftrttW tc WOU IB

our relations to the Federal tiovi niment, and that ittint tair whe-n we come lo occupy what hn* be.-n

mki hy the cuioiuou blotxl ami trtaeuro of theI Il.ol..

Tl.i* ilietimtion between fri-e nroricrty and alave

property i*, a* before atated. a* obi a* t!.>- (' .netit n...u

it-tlf. Ii then: were t o Tetnlorie« at all, the name

«l.rt.n« tion woubl exiht. A ' ti/en of New-York can

eii:. ,. .* domic:I to i! e St.it. ,.t < ihi'i. and e/irry nil,t prtif ttf tritk kltn and hold tt. A < Itl/.en of Vir-

ifii,Lt cannot remove to the f*fate of Ohio and carry allr j erry with him and hold it. He can't <lo it tiow.

11. .1 .'it;, t do .t ten \ e. I-, a;-... n r i wo'tr year* a**",

r..,r al '.mcriiee llino cx.e'ci M M.Ue U tin;1 t. D. Wl J i* this no * I>i/e* not the Cr^tatatHotlonprevail c|nally over all the t'nion 1 Ifciee not the veryIij)Kua»f* o! the nt-i oac! .-v-ctioti <>t the fourth Article ofIh< .distitutioo of the f 'nited Stateadc lare that "the'. < itin :;n r: aajel Stuf.- -hall be entitled to alt the priv-

r and ixitmaaUilieB of eitixeaa in the aevenal" Natea?"SLAtlRT'l* k'OT PRrrTtr-rm PT THE ro>5TITt.*T!oV,

¦ I f 0BJ1,1 bt LOCAL LAW.Yet we tind that titueua of Ataw^uihuat-lta poaaeia,

bi d have poeecnoed for over ßfty y*ortf n rtain

pri\ileire* in the matter of chaniriu;.' their domirile*,whi. h the ritutrr.s of Virt/mut do not ytmMM. Onec;oi g» t.» Ohio and tarry hia property and keep it. Theother cannot. And yet deinaafo.'ue* would hitve Southi n men believe tuiu t.o cu*-ritnination taZaUnat their

cry ouajl.t to ex let, or erer d.d exttt% and that to, r> ¦ ni. h iBMlIlllIlaatii ii Is the *< ttlement ot new

S'at" r wetild be to tttaLlttk a 'li-tinction leetwe, n cer-ie of preptrty whab the kv^uth cannot, iu

hon« r, nubmit tw !If Slavetj rannot (ro into the Fife .-»tatea and tnain-

-. If why "hould it e.xptf-t lo i/o into Fre< Teiri-tea and maintairi iteelf.there In ,u.' in neither täte

Iu al (awi to jiroteet it.' I* not the ("on»Utotiou of theI'niTrd State* a* twot^*, aa romprehetveive, and an

jtu-t in < »h;o tu it u in Kanraa I l>*a it not reirarii tho

,¦¦ . .' , '/.- frtt.t ei.. ' '..ot ail rtaAf'lt, 11 oil pill-'la Republic, .1* equally MicreclT If Slavery ie

itationai.if it ei:*t* in th. t'..n-tü'ition iteelf.tiowi *n the t.oi.atitotiou pernii: an owu. r of aach propArrty. .. .:. -, !rd : .t in a F.e. S.-.i'c, a:.y n. -.. than ina Free Territory ? Can a Slate be raerriiittetj to nullify

.. r l'L ., man in [roper;, thatte reaotrnixeti in tiie( otiattiiutiou of the Liuted Suttx.miti the Kecfcraltjovernmer.t have no power to interfere ? Of coarsenot: for tbe Cotaetrtation aaya that " Üi* I'mted rttatea''

¦...»- e .:. Uj evexy s.- » a Imn oi

«.ov*rriu«' Hm 'u.h a Stair- In ver..meritd.iBa**a ¦.»'¦'' would not lv ftepubli«.at (».-... It i» rlr,»r, that ' Si.iv. ry 1» At ruU.

it it U- Miwtuti.if it rxird* tat /it* Co\tt'ttimJmim, and .«

. \rr iius C«**ietituUou preraikB-Üwat it ttt

aa earred in Ohio an in Kanaaa. ant* aa ffrmly to be up-hrjr] in th. r aa on tb*' htiaka of live Sabine. Wher¬ever the Flair ot the Fnloti AVtatfa, tlSw every cittaenis entitled to MotaaHHin ra tül tu rtfhJt. that at*- Na¬tional and CoratiUiuoRtd. Stwh woold tVttWrauta)w it h it -rard to Slav* property, if SlaTery ia uatioitard.THE DI.*» HlllÄlTlol -itTtm TH.'COMT A »ABJWatl»

bt rax BOCTM.it it not tt\ It ia not rUiawrd cyan hy the)

mm been, that a elaveowtwr mm a

right tu remove with hia ne»?i\>ee to a Free State, andIS - k>i. ninwrit to ONmttX bit*

in hi* pyofBJTtx. t et hie ntrht to rotm Kreo State inat -r-t!» et, nude r the Pnitrd State* t V>»a*tit*HlaM», aa itin to co to i« Free Territory. Wat Kanaaa arwi:B»Tadhv '¦ Ütaj , . n-mon Wood and trearuire of lave Utatora f*

i" Inxta-Html wlwit niflit ha.< Iowa, aay aaearaj

j than Kanrvi*. to di*«-ntTi'r.ate a».n»ii»et ptoj>erty ao aa to

tli I rive the ritueim ml any portion of the) Union ofÜm i Kmm nat and t 'o^atituiioual right a I Ttiia die-t rinitriaiion agtunat tint e property, a* reirarda emigr»v-

tioti Qto r'tve St.it«'», we have thoa »hown, baa .always. x -¦..!, and never by the South r>«f»«n tfionght a aatro-

ahip. And why ' BexTaUre, i-erhapa, the citiaewa ofi!r Slav State« I". It ti.at in lie privilege to Ctttt *>*

tke,r t/arrt, that epecf» t property havd oMavriierl at

M »:>chintiid\»tntH».-e overall otherprop¬erty in thi I u.« a, that um t hau compensated fmr it*

reathrüoo, to wh: that it ehiHtld not enter into audeatiiM.eli iteelf in free? State»,

1' '!,.- Smith It tired of thia diev'Hmination airninad,rty. which ha* emitted ainoe the (rotem-

Btvnl wat -ituhlitthed, and desire* it abandoned, tkettthe N ihould ri>('.».«. to abaiiil»>nai»>o the pnvib-ife*Hut r :. : < ttj ..i». Surety it ik only fajf that

i. 'in |» u«. of fart, tVcvate ryatt«' IVforr»It elatrtiN ft* gm at njutil into the common territory oflaw Union. I: the s>uth .i*x-lint* th« one, how r*tu it

fairly rleim the other '

TNI. m I I U iv BOaUB aorvn TO Tttr Oltlttlttt. wt--THii Tii ss mroato ar LAW«

Mr. RaVaM mmn tint, therefore. ix>irttr<l ihe rvon a»lmie-M.ivt-ry .iff- the IVrntorieaot the I'ni.'ti aa

tttablitkinfr aaietii.. ti< ti N tween i>rot>ert\ Hut punt|4yI Hn inuiiituiiiiiiK a «liat.nction airwudy (.eta.Litie:.<.<!, wtlU

i; flj BaaCTtea to '.v the South at the f.irinatum of the)(.oveinment, mmti mmtet mmmm, It m> only at th« aMBBtriiof iDUtt htevoua (iemajfi^'it« that the South ia now

I let; pted lo chance [ vvitiou, und abavnilon tht) ütenüuad ;,r.,i eetoJ ronipnt»uu*t > of Lhc ( . iietituLion. .iaittnie ard tiprij;ht ritizrn, wlm lovea hia rxitintrr t w**Jtl»kept taith, nt he .I. e. bJ| own private honor, air. liulertoppooea the attetup' ot Sontnem fanatira to make)Slavery v. ileap it.« on»riiud richte, !imit*it»iii«, andreUtifiie t.. ot!ier pr>>p«'rty of the I tnoii.

IntVtonat h an the cntiie l>emixnitic paxtjr of the KretjStiii. I an ,;- uWitfedlj OMaa^a! aa even the Kepiitihcanparty to the extension of Slavery over territory previ-ontly Iree, it te iptite evident that t'tenrrerei will never

intarvt ne to protect nlave prop«.'rty in the 1'en iMrtee.Such In nikt the lact, thore Semiliern wen who object toMr. BeVttN M i Shi\er\, r»'.^r:i-:ioua.t tuicht Well aekthen «ei vea whether more honor or a.lviuil.iire ia |(e*ine«lby Baking wI it aannot he hud, nn<l «ibnntting t«i xbrnratal nen .-f.ty of denial and defeat, or urtkintfoiily thatthe pret-eiit limitf, | rivile^ee, and cuai-.taUoe ofSlavery be mnintjuned. and obtaining it with th*cheerful and hc;tM\ .-t'licurrenre of mutetentha of ailpart:en in the rnioit.UK K iV'l-O' I.HKKA IUI'. HI VliMU"- T'tC IHTKO-

PVCTIOB of «I tVEKY IBTO TlttKITuKU.l IMrOaat-lll I.

If the Vniional iJwmtvTTtry offer morr to the Somh,We knon tht ^ otli r v. \mt mm) nimot rtrB, ajul do notun an to try to gttPBi 'nut hietory of Kanaa- ia too re-

md too inttrwfive. In whieb we nun the moat,

violent Pr. -Slavety I'einoenite, an they ptx>feaa«<d(hi d aJlei cetiinx men and money fromthe South, by hundred* and bv thoiiaaiula, to naveKittiriiri It) the South. Miiddeiily heeauie Free I>emo-rcto. when the\ found peVtCCM *!. mit>rtill under thai

I'i.->..:,. rj em.ner, ewad wicht oltlee ait Free) Daiuo-cmin. uiibluehitiuK deelurtux that Slavery never hadbeen ;iti itteue in KnnertH ! Tlie prmeinb- ot tlie K tllitava-

Nt bta.-k.'i bill, In the ehapu ot S<|iitVter Saiivei^ta-nty,baa n-udered Iba >nl>oduotioa of Shivery into Tenriltj-riet unit the paertuce of that bill ialbe workof I National DOawOtncy. Mr. Hatee merely hold*iiaii/">~ ".h,i li the Ib inocraey have eautb-liahi i an I' cf> The qajCatioa of Slavery fclatcneioaia no loncer b. iore ihi j i.| le. 11 .« dirt uiuted bowonlf t

iih un abxtrai Hon.It Mr. I'at. eib.et not believe Slatvry to be a ttlM

and UaWful in-ntiitioii. if be in opiioeed to ita extensioninto Territorie» already free.he uevertheleee jtint aa

linnlv adh< n 11<> the richte of property in »Uvea nl allthe Stute« where Slavery exirte, and will Kojmtt aa)

far to ri ttet the ritrhu of Btatea in that mpMmm ofproperl v, ne Imi^ an lb<ei Ktittee cliooeo to keep it, at)

any man living.patori tut PKitreirtM ot tbb fvbititb biatb i tw,Mi. BataW lielievi-e iu the uu<|iialilied rieht of ihm

tfmjWmt Won tTfOf hia akavea it' tliey l etape to a Free)State: and, it Prent.lent, he would exeent« the Fuirt-tive Slave Law, i/UtearBlj and uavy of thotlo*ern-laen, were e<>aul lo the tank. And if the Fiu/itivi'Slave laiw thould be repealed, or rdiould ho foundinudetjuate lo the perwftft «>i retuniin^ il.e. <.i»linuTehi\.-n to their muiiterf, Mi. Hatii wuuhl earneetlyi.. b Diei .! to ( oin rt -f to | iiMtt mmmm law that wouldun recertttinlt and more ueeeptablv. Miry otM the eon--t tntional (fMrantatat of Itai richte of Southern aitive-

I holden. Flo wordd tronaMer tlM I'nion a broken coin-tt if theae plain piaranffaa wrrr iknttid hj tltti tfa

liberate und peiaavaaivg action oi any purl oi thot'onfedrraey.

It Contrreni, rlBBTfj |*Bpi*eA*ntiBg tlie will of the)<.< niitry,-hotild pnaa LaWl l' ..ili/itic and proteetmi.'.»luvt-1 rope rty in Temtoriex |>re\ iou-Iy free, IP. lltttettWtMM raetnjtia) thoM ktWl nit atjoaipdy aa any irtharlawa . t the ktnd. If u T'eintoi v ehotild oriffunae intoa st;,ti, with ii r'.ifli' lent popalaVtiwn to ju-tify ita tvl-i: --..ii, Mini pret-eut a ('.-net if nt ion tolerating Sluvery,Mr. little- would not npjioee the admiaeion of anehSuite bt aavM it liail a Pro-Slavery t.'oiitfitutinn. erf*) I»kjok i» Ttitr viifurut m m ¦ '»Mit«; a rnici »T*Tr?.

I(i>> i tied iff, that evc:_V Si ate haa ,t rieht to mV howniticli it want* of Ali'» ;tit Slavery, ami h«)Mf lone itwaati it. Bad how to mmt m\ of it whm ita jtmiple are

ed of It. He dei n nol rrngmri it an a peq>etnal inati*Lntitin, but aa in ita very uatut »- ahminual aud evatvercent. baUtJf^M ran.i!ly DDaVai the iuflueoee of tlitniüe).i i.miiien i- eivilirati'ii:, luwa. He knowa lanri ia cladtoknott i' thai Wlraotiri ih rapidly beeominif a FreeState, .o.a he u'./cit not deploie the lact that it in bytniiir] oi tation, and not by emuni .if ion, that the ffeate)im ao rapidly brroaib.ii rrtm; for he knows that thaCmawtttipatiun of the .lave* to renuiin in thie countryami mix with the white». i» abhorrent and intolerable.Ami lo ratnd *l.t in .ib." »nilil« n ami total exotlua i*

bayond 'he BttaBi nt By Qaiaiiiia)atali What iaet. ;.il bit own wiadi m. be kaavea t<i the in« rutai/loways Bad inflnita witwloni of Hod. The rapid andpeaceful extinction oi .-ry thai ia cine aa in Mn-autiri, without the aid ol "'Emancipation Partie«."

rithoul the heal ami ja-riiuotiy of dijmeattlc din-rord, ii entirely iu atitinLiiie. aritli tJie vi»-w« amif.-elii« f Mr. Hate». W iile Mr. Hatea in cbd to aao t

Slat/err de< I1nini< in Mir»«>tiri, olherKtronir (^rxMriüon-|ati are Mirry to are iL«: »wu«tt.aLarr.RT at a ruin RKt'it or « »-.t »- rnr.t

i Anon BOaaat to innm rwahar,Mr. Pate» lind» no cauee of iliword tMttween liirneelf

and lliat Prt.-Sliuery m icBrt'Ot on a»-< < tint of thit) dif-ten-ni e: for he knowx that fiertln-r the joy of the im»),r.or the juirrow ».| the trfJier, \t ill <|Olekeu or »I* lav th«f.e\ t.d le ronanmtnation that ie ahead. Mr. Bat«aregard* the fate of Slarery aa out of the dorraain ofuWautaotraBW. utterly l»ey.»tid t)i«ir reach.and im-[elleii bt that Jiowei t'eit .riiigH tJa>- tim»-» BAM aeBttoua

t.. lb*, r aj poiatad txmrae, and r»d|» up the H>utven« aa

a Krall, ¦. '» i. He hue dot.- with the womlrtttM paao-raaara. U\ hat OWa ejtanipia be baa ahown tiual baprefer! *<. lir< bj it own labor and not on bV lALVrr

1 tlavea. Put fie iH.m- to In:, in thie ptrtV-tiiau?, enly"aLaw untohiatateif.''iMi. ti.."i:i t»i raotvtuati rouw tcbbitobi

for otrLotnnsa rare at. trat.He wot.Id never, timl» r any lirciirnatawees. aoaiBlB

hatinR in view tlie inter-^^.ifif. ITie entire f'irtfttoTi

«f the F» icral fioveniment rn recard to cilavery, in

I hut opinion, »houid he to piuteet it where it ;*. not toextend i wheie if ia u<»t.and, ao far aa policy aadahUfty in ty allow, to help thr>er* Statea fgH. Mtmr of itthat may w.«h to da ao, by th. prM-nreaTwat of Iftmßfmt' lntoi t eaitabte to tb<- reaiiy and clteavp colonixati»/tiof free hia/ k«, air. 1 « icTieroua nnimne« to. very Stale of the I nion, both Fee*; aud Mara. Tinaia a iirtUon«l ntuaaiieit, anil thoald br-c.n to find a na>

t.otial reuiedv. n ready bnavl^d in aOfnve;

Statea of aellinir again into elAvery the freahbvka' WaVtraA hainaii»- or i icteliil iiia.tera bate tluaiu itetted,

aaleaaI o*»: the !State.when, ¦- ad many of 1J10 Fre* pro-

i.'iatiie w ithin tbeir Limiu under heavyjjenaltiee, ia. in the higbeet da^ree. crnei. It ia bttr-Itarouf. And it would die*/nice th* Atawriiraa Gorarn-ui» nt in the fare of ( hriateftdotn, to permit «neb a pol-,< v to prevail, frrjtn the lack of ita own int^rvmttoa toprocure a Btiitabie howje tor ibeae aore I y hiuted <tnddi»ti-et#<-<l freeinen of a well-worked aud !.. i.: -er.

t tie race.

As gasttaa Picbpoi an Dxtkctbi)..An expertKnailab tiiief namee freore« Wilaon, »Uaa Dablla Oec-rve, waatierecud on »etwday ia tea »et ef at-'kuaa the em-Aetef attee» k ra McDonald of Hu.luiia. Lon« ItlandTef a ne'rea eootaiaisf»n ». .» hia the latter »a» abeaA aUpatnj eattor* fasaa faaaettramer Mcttacu. He waa «baerved la bt* oraretiutia ay a Aec-oudWard poltren^n who alto raw hiaa drap the para* ta et-

t-a.pt in-ie eecape V\ ilaon waa UXen hrttere la* CaVty ilaUrolice Conrt tad ommittod.Yocvo IlCWii.aRjt..Tliree ladt, ail nndtw 13 ymani of

aae. brake Into the rarfcaauce of Aextnder Mcljuae, St.:B» De-leneey atreet. and atole tLettre e alrvar trtack aad otkat

HBfOlty. 4 tlbvt SVatti Itct Uta. »\*i*1*iMAV>"h

[tt^ M allei * m-l+'drnmimi |