Passage to India - a journey inspired by You!

Passage to India

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Passage to India. - a journey inspired by You!. Overview. Why ? What ? How?. Why?. Because it feels like the most natural thing to do. “It is the happy man, not the idealist or the miserable escapee, who is revolutionary; - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Passage to India- a journey inspired by You!

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Because it feels like the most natural thing to do.

“It is the happy man, not the idealist or the miserable escapee, who is revolutionary;

and the happy man is not he who has many possessions. The happy man is the truly religious man, and his very

living is social work. But if you become merely one of the innumerable social workers, your heart will be empty. You may give away your

money, or persuade other people to contribute theirs, and you may bring about marvellous reforms; but as long as your heart is empty and

your mind full of theories, your life will be dull, weary, without joy. So, first understand yourself, and out of that self-knowledge

will come action of the right kind.”- Jiddu Krishnamurthy

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Growing into Service

Blessings, peace, contentment, freedom



Biggest help: Inspiring people and content

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Inspired by…

• Mahatma Gandhi• Parameshwar Rao• M.S. Udayamoorthy• Dhirendra Soneji and Smita Soneji• Amit Tandon and Liza Gagan Chawla • Rahul Brown and Asha • Gaurav Sahai• Dipti Vaghela• Balaji Coomandur• Krish Murali Eswar • Balaji Shankar• Vikram Akula• Abraham George

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Thank You California!

Our parting gift:


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Reading > Studying > Devouring > Dialog


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Why an Indian Village?

• Silicon Valley – Cutting Edge Entrepreneurship- technology, talent, ambition, resources, services

• Indian Village – Healing Edge Servant Leadership- simplicity, indigenous knowledge, fundamental needs

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Organic Farming YogaMeditation


EntrepreneurshipFolk Art

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• Resources– Rental Income– Gift Economy, Alternative Currencies

• Knowledge & Tools– (Indigenous + Industrial) = f (wisdom)– Ancient & Modern (internal and external)

• Approach– Organic, no Plan B– Star Fish, not Spider

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Aum - What about him?

• Day Care• Home School• Work with an existing school

or start one?• Environment and Examples• Introduction to multiple conditioning• It takes a child to raise a village

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