PASCAL Insight 2013/14

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Dear Readers

Another academic year has come to an end for our School; another

amazing and exciting year for PASCAL ENGLISH SCHOOL Lar-


As an educational institution, the evidence of our work is sometimes

very subtle. But after eleven years, we have graduates that have

completed their university studies with honours, and have started

their careers. They encourage us and make us proud at the same

time when they contact us via emails, letters or Facebook to let us

know that we made a difference in their lives.

In a world that is changing very fast, we aim to influence and touch

our pupils’ lives. On one hand we offer academic excellence and on

the other hand we provide our pupils with all the other necessary in-

gredients that will help them become righteous, and socially knowl-

edgeable, human beings.

The seeds we plant every single day in our School are now visible

and we have every reason to feel proud. The magazine you are

holding in your hands is testimony of all the hard work that is car-

ried out by the staff, teachers and parents.

We shall continue to dedicate all our efforts in providing our pupils

with a healthy, happy learning environment so that they can contin-

ue to grow and bloom.

Despina Lioliou


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Dear Readers,

Once again we submit this year’s Pascal Insight

with great pleasure and pride since it is a recogni-

tion of everyone’s hard work and dedication to

our establishment.

We hope to share memories and experiences with

the aspiration to provide you with a magical

glimpse of everybody’s hard work and dedication

over the last year. We hope you enjoy the material

we have provided for you in the following pages

and feel the same sense of pride and accomplish-

ment for our students and fellow colleagues as we


Mrs.Irene Petrou (Editor in chief)

Mrs Constantina Symeou

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On May 30th 2014, the mayor of Aradippou, Mr. Evangelos Evangelides

honoured this year’s year 5, 6 and IB art exhibition with his opening

speech to the parents, teachers and even members of the public, eagerly

awaited to view the students’ range of exciting artwork but also to buy

the artwork; where all the proceeds will go towards the Aradippou Mu-

nicipal Agora. We would like to extend our warm appreciation to Mr

Pambos Zinonos, PASCAL English School Larnaka PTA president, for

all his help and support and Mr Minas Efthimiou who kindly offered his

premises to house this event.

Sincere congratulations to both the pu-

pils and the teacher in charge of the

competition, Mrs. Eleni Christodoulou.

Sincere congratulations go to all the art

students and art staff, Rodoula Anasta-

siou, Anna Shipettaris and Ann Turton.



ηιρ 30 Μαΐος 2014 ο Δήμαπσορ ηηρ Απαδίππος ο

κορ Εςάγγελορ Εςαγγελίδηρ ηίμηζε ηη Φεηινή

Έκθεζη Σέσνηρ ηων ηάξεων 5ηρ, 6ηρ και IB, με ηην

εναπκηήπια ομιλία ππορ ηοςρ γονείρ, καθηγηηέρ και

κοινό, πος με ανςπομονηζία πεπίμεναν να θαςμά-

ζοςν ηα ζςναππαζηικά έπγα ηέσνηρ ηων μαθηηών αλλά και να αγοπά-

ζοςν κάποια από αςηά. Όλα ηα έζοδα από ηιρ αγοπέρ ηων έπγων θα δι-

αηεθούν ζηο Κοινωνικό Πανηοπωλείο Απαδίππος. Θα θέλαμε να εκ-

θπάζοςμε ηιρ θεπμέρ μαρ εςσαπιζηίερ ππορ ηον κύπιο Πάμπο Ζήνωνορ,

Ππόεδπο ηος ςνδέζμος Γονέων ηος PASCAL English School Lar-

naka, για όλη ηη βοήθεια και ζηήπιξη, καθώρ επίζηρ και ππορ ηον κύπιο

Μηνά Εςθςμίος πος αθιλοκεπδώρ ππόζθεπε ηιρ εγκαηαζηάζειρ ηος για

να ζηεγαζηεί η Έκθεζη. Θεπμά ζςγσαπηηήπια επίζηρ ππορ όλοςρ ηοςρ

μαθηηέρ και ηιρ καθηγήηπιερ ηηρ Σέσνηρ, κςπία Ροδούλα Αναζηαζίος,

Άννα ιηπεηηάπηρ και Άνν Σέπηον.

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The twelfth Hidden Talents’ Evening

was held in our Amphitheatre, here in

Pascal English School Larnaka. The

event was organized by the House of

Poseidon from the three Pascal Eng-

lish Schools in Cyprus; Larnaka, Nico-

sia and Limassol.

All the performers confirmed that

what is more important beyond the

prizes is the experience gained in preparing for the


It was truly a wonderful experience where students

from all three schools came together and worked

hard as a team. Through a healthy competition such

as this one, students learn to respect and support each

other. Each school participated with five different


Our school’s acts were Demetris Phokou 3A (Apollo)

Marina Georgiou 2B (Apollo), Barbara Paschali 5D

(Artemis),Andreas Parpottas 3C and

(Poseidon),Anastasia Koudelli 2B (Apollo).

The second prize went to George Parpottas 2A


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It is with great pride that we announce that for the second year in a row, a student of PASCAL English School Larnaka, has achieved the highest grade in Cyprus for his/ her performance in the IGCSE English as a First Language Examina-tions. Katerina Kavourides of Year 6 received this dis-tinction for her performance in the June 2013 ex-amination session and was awarded by Cambridge International Examinations at The Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards in February where “exceptional student performance in Cambridge examinations is recognized.”

Our warmest congratulations to both her and her teacher, Ms. Denise Evgeniou

PASCAL English School Larnaka stu-dent Michalis Koumi, from 3A, took part in the Kangaroo Mathematics Competition on the 22nd of March and won Silver metal. This is the second year in a row that Michalis manages to display a high level of effectiveness in Mathematics. Congratulations to him and his teacher.

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This year our team has participated in many tournaments, games and charity events. The latest achievement from the team was at the 2nd International Judo Tournament on Saturday 24/05/2014 where we participated with four students and got the following place: Paula Kosta - 52 kg - Bronze Medal Our girls did their best, fought with dignity and sportsmanship and made us proud.

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Our team has participated in many tournaments and games during the past year, always with distinction. The latest achievement from the team was in the Lefkosia-Larnaka Re-gional Archery Tournament on Saturday, 22/03/2014 where we partici-pated with four students and got the following places: Alexandra Taratinova (Form 4) – 2nd Division Cadet mixed (Boys/Girls) - Gold Medal. StylianosHadjiforados (IB1) – 2nd Division Cadet mixed (Boys/Girls) - Silver Medal. Armand Barle (Form 4) - Academies Division Cadet Boys - Gold Medal

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PASCAL English School Larnaka pupil, Kappelou Anastasia took part in the Euro-Quiz competition on the 6th November 2013 and was selected to take part in the European Youth Parliament (Euroscola) in Strasbourg. Anastasia managed to score the highest grades for the multiple choice questions of the 2013 – 2014 Euro-Quiz.

The questions revolved around matters related to education, youth, culture and covered not only European matters but matters of interest to Cyprus as well. In this competition there were 55 schools which participated voluntarily from all over Cyprus, with a total of 1914 pupils taking part from Year 5. One winner from each of the 55 schools will have the opportunity to participate in the European Youth Parliament and our pupil Anastasia Kappelou will be amongst them. The participation in such a competition ensures the interest of pupils for European and other matters, and encourages their zeal for general knowledge.  

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This year the U.S. Embassy interviewed over 130 ap-plicants for the 2014 Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Summer Institute. PASCAL English School Larnaka student, Charalambos Lappas has been se-lected as one of twenty students to participate in the ten-day summer institute in Washington, D.C. This program is designed specifically for Cypriot stu-dents and will cover global issues, leadership and me-dia training, collaborative project development, and is scheduled for July 20-29, 2014. Our sincere congratulations!  

Harry Newton, 3A of the PASCAL ENGLISH SCHOOL LARNAKA, has been selected to repre-sent Cyprus in the European Youth Activation Summit in Antwerp, Brussels, Belgium in Sep-tember 2014. Harry will be participating in an Educational Conference which shall train him as a leader to be the Ambassador in an Inclusion for Special Education Athletes Programme in our country frοm September 12th until September 17th. Congratulations to Harry Newton!  

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Our pupil Ellie Panoula, of 1A, who participated in the Pan-Hellenic Competition of Poetry, has been awarded an honorary distinction for her po-em “The Sea”. The award ceremony took place on the 21st March 2014, World Day of Poetry, in Athens. Sincere congratulations to our pupil as well as to the teacher in charge, Ms. Constantina Papa-markou.

Michalis Constantas of 2A, who participated in the writing contest launched by the Cypriot “Filoteliki” Com-pany and the Postal Services Department on the subject: “The Flowers of Cyprus and Cyprus Stamps” won first prize. The award ceremony took place on May 12th 2014 at the premises of “Filoteliki” in Nic-osia during which the Minister of Works and Transport awarded the prizes. Sincere congratulations to both the pupil and the teacher in charge of the competition, Mrs. Eleni Christodoulou.

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Back Row: Ms. Constantina Symeou, Themistoklis Pallikarides,

Ms. Evey Pistola

Middle Row: Kosmina Koumi, Katya Patsalos, Charis Alexandros

Petrou, Konstantinos Havadja, Stelios Astraios

Front Row: Kallis Antoniou, Ellie Panoula, Eirini Kassianou, Ga-

briela Ilieva, Alexey Gladyshev, Loukas Panteli, Nikolas Stavrinopou-


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Back Row: Christina Mama, Magdalini Christofi, Markos Kafataris,

Theodoros Katsios, Andreas Evangelou, Constantinos Vasiliou

Middle Row: Aggeliki Pantziarou, Maria Savva, Panayiotis Konto-

zis, Petros Symeou, Nicolas Papamoiseos, Vasilis Moleski, Theodosis


First Row: Mrs Eleni Christodoulou, Georgia Psara, Agathi Chari-

tonidou, Alexandra Sergi, Antonia Roti, Eirini Eracleous, Spyros

Miltiadous, George Spyrou, Mrs Evey Pistola

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Back Row: Nikos Koumi, Andreas Charalambous, Marios

Petrou,Demetris Iasonides, Ilia Kopeikin, Thomas Angelides,

MsTheano Kyriacou

MIiddle Row: Michalis Constantas, Antonis Nicola, Isabella Demetri-

ou, Gabriella Alfano Simmons, Constantina Evangelou, George Parpot-


Front Row: Demetris Gkougkoulides, Stavriani Stavrinopoulou, Pan-

teleima Nicolaidou, Katerina Eleftheriou, Marianna Vikentiou, Andrea

Eleftheriou, Constantinos Kyprianou, Pascal Schovanez

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Back Row: Mrs Maria Botonaki, Andreas Sergi, Charalambos Deme-

triou, Andreas Michael, Ioannis Katsiou, Christos Philippou

Middle Row: Angelos Hatzivasilis, Marina Pontiki, Margarite Chris-

tou, Demetra Pavlou, Tonia Christofidou, Andria Theodosi, Andreas

Kyprianou, George Dioikiti

Front Row: Vasilis Zachariou, Anna Parpi, Maria Georgiou, Sofia

Fylaretou, Anastasia Koudelli Marianna Mavroleftherou, Emily Mi-

chael, Lefteris Apostolou

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Back Row: Michalis Tsingis, Michalis Koumi, Vadym Myrlykin, Harry


Middle Row: Demetris Koulepos, Demetrius Phokou, Antonia Andre-

ou, Paraskevi Takka, Anna Pafiti, Paraskevi Toumazou, Alexey Gorskiy

Front Row: Ms. Anna Shipettaris, Antonis Anastasiou, Emily Ip-

ermachou, Georgia Poullou, Anastasia Panteli, Asal Ansari Pour,

George Kamaratos, Andrew Koutsoftas

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Back Row: Theodoros Demetriou, Vasilis Vasiliou, Michalis Alambri-

tis, Eleni Fouli

Middle Row: Mrs Margarita Theodoulou, Katerina Andreou, Maria Io-

annou, Pantelitsa Erakleous, Lambriani Alexandrou, Vivian Zhang,

Charitini Michael

Front Row: Christos Mousoullos, Andri Psara, Ioanna Tsingis,

Evroulla Andreou, Evanthia Kyriacou, Elena Hadjittoouli, Vaso Argy-


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Back Row: Loucas Nicolaou, Evangelos Neophytou, Georgios Chal-

loumas, Andreas Parpottas, Kyriacos Vouki

Middle Row: Mr Andreas Demetri, Christophi Marina, Maria Zakhe-

ou, Despina Christofi, Anastasia Kyprianou, Soitiris Ioannou

Front Row: Omiros Miliotis, Elena Michael, Anastasia Kounna, Va-

siliki Koshi, Christina Argyrou, Nicoletta Kone, Efrosyni Tsanga-

ri, Constantinos Miliotis

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Back Row: Armand Barle, Artem Osmolovsky, Nicolaos Angelides,

Mahan Fathi, Nikolay Marangos, Alexander Demetriou, Andrey

Sesyuk, Andreas Dinglis.

Middle Row: Mrs Evrilia Kiayia, Alan Whittingham, Emad Keshar-

varzi, Dimitra Poutzouri, Louisa Artemi, Alexander Vikentiou, Sebbie

Alfano-Simmons, Ifigenia Kleanthous, Natasha petrou, Charalambos


Front Row: Antonia Diakou, Frederiki Soteriou, Sophia Papanico-

laou, Satya Christodoulou, Maritsa Havadjia, Eleni Koumi, Ioanna

Arcadiou, Eleni Patsalos, Zhaou Zejinlong, Ms Artemis Fellas.

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Back Row: Mrs Evrilia Kiayia, Nicolas Tsangaris, Constantinos Ioan-

nou, Zhang Xi Yu, Anahita Gorgipour, Kypros Tilliros, Anastasis

Michaelas, Ms Maria Kkimitri.

Front Row: Chrysanthi Avgousti, Andria Kadi, Marilena Papachris-

todoulou, Margarita Georgiadis, Anna Savva, Paula Costa.

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Back Row: Georgos Savvides, Christodoulos Louvia, Demetris Geor-

giou, Kyriakos Damianou, Antonis Antoniou, Georgios Kousiappas,

Vasilis Neoptolemou

Middle Row: Andreas Astraios, Averkios Nicolaou, Costas Costi, Kyr-

iakos Stylianou, Kyriakos Pittas, Constantinos Kounnas, Panayiotis


Front Row: Mrs Evrilia Kiayia, Margarita Orthodoxou, Demetra De-

metriou, Mikaella Hadjiyianni, Charalambia Moleski, Marina Anasta-

siou, Michalia Georgiou, Thekla Kyriacou, Maria Paschali, Mrs Elina


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Back Row: Xenios Theodorou, Efraim Konis, Michalis Kemitzis, Io-

annis Efstathiou, Ioannis Toumazou, Anastasios Zachariou.

Middle Row: Mrs Evrilia Kayia, Savvas Savva, Christos Nikola, Laza-

ros Pieri, Christoforos Kounes, Georgia Zachariou, Evdokia Efthymi-

ou, Mr Petros Kimitris.

Front Row: Christiana Lagou, Alexandra Taratynova, Nicoletta Geor-

giou, Maria Manentzou, Thekla Georgiou, Eleni Polyviou, Antigoni

Tambourla, Chrystalla Karapitta.

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Back Row: Andrew Evgeniou, Stanislav Sheleh, Elliot Timm, Hossein

Gorgipour , Michalis Kavourides, Anastasios Kakoullis.

Middle Row: Michalis Kavourides , Paris Zingis , Anastasios Stavrou,

Roman Gerasimov.

Front Row: Nicoletta Xydia , Danae Palate, Natalie Redpath , Alexan-

dra Marangos, Anastasia Kappelou, Negar Rezaei, Demetria Panayiot-

ou, Andreanicolaidou, Mrs Christiane Camacho.

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Back Row: Stalo Vassiliou, Harry Karoullas,Panayiotis Pirillos, Chris-

tos Zorpides, Constantinos Iasonides , Stylianos Hadjiforados, Antonis

Stavrou, Charalambos Frangou.

Middle Row: Maria Demetriou, Andria Hadjiyiannakou, Marina

Agathokleous, Nicole Costa, Elena Alexandrou, Maria Pantziarou,

Georgia Foti, Nayia Panayi, Kyriaki Charalambous, Mr Elpidoforos


Front Row: Lazaros Hadjiforados, Eleni Marangou, Eleni Georgiou,

Pantelitsa Stavrou, Maria Christou, Iliana Kafatari, Efthymia Panayiot-

ou, Kostantina Charitonidou Georgia Georgiou, Loizos Zinonos.

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Back Row: George Kitis, Costas Sampson, Yiannis Papoulias, Alex

Todirica, Constandinos Zachariou, Anastasis Zinonos, Kleopas Kleopa,

Demetris Ioannou, Panayiotis Christou, Aggelos Antoniou

Front Row: Mrs Maria Evangelidou, Kyriaki Kadi, Maria Vassiliou,

Panayiota Foukkari, Sophia Charalambous, Marina Philippou, Rafaella

Solomonidou, Kyriaki Vassiliou, Sophia Koudelii, Stefanie Spyrou, Mr

Antonis Themistocleous.

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Back Row: George Kyriakou, Evros Petrides, Stavrinos Constantinou,

Andreas Foka, Andreas Sofokleous, Leonidas Solomondos, Lazaros


Middle Row: Mrs Maria Evangelidou, Lenos Prodromou, Christos

Georgiou, Demetris Demetriou, Andreas Mouzouris, Constantinos

Xydias, George Pavlou.

Front Row: Anastasia Andronicou, Christina Pelide, Theognosia Stav-

rinou, Electra Pilide, Andrea Theodotou, Mariana Anastasiou, Mrs Ili-

ana Tsiapou

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Back Row: Arad Shahriari, Elena Efraim, Yiannis Spanoudis, Nikoletta

Georgiou, Zacharias Foka, George Takkas

Middle Row: Rafael Matsangos Antonis Zakheos, Loukia Liperi,

Christiana Alexandrou, Marat Valeev, Joanne Papamichael, Vasiliki

Athanasiou, Anastasia Chambi, Vicky Konnari, Marina Kalli.

Front Row: Mr. Petrides Socrates, Daniil Ivanov, Lina Francis, Anna

Pashiourtidou, Mariam Venizelou, Irene Chrysovalanto Nicolaou, Kalli-

opi Athanasiou, Aleksandrina Valeva , Katerina Kavourides, Mrs Ange-

la Venizelou.

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Back Row: Constantinos Constantinou, Andrreas Tsikkos, George Pa-

pakyriakou, Kyriakos Christofides, George Nicolaides, Savvas Savva,

Andreas Charous, Kyriakos Spyrou, Yiannakis Savvides, Marios Kyr-


Middle Row: Mr Socrates Petrides, Kyriakos Kounnas, Nicholas

Kemitzis, Theodoros Eracleous, Gabriella Sotiriou, Maria Aresti, Stav-

ri Hadjigeorgiou, Christiana Mitsidi, Kallia Nathanael, Antonis

Yiallouros, Ms Lena Mahdessian.

Front Row: Nicholas Panayiotou, Irene Michael, Anna Pitta, Isabella

Panayi, Stavroulla Antoniou-Latouros, Eleni Alambriti, Chrysanthi

Evangelou, Loukia Efthymiou, Kyriaki Hadjiyiasemi.

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Back Row: Lambros Theodorou, Panagiotis Shambelas, Michalis Ni-

colaou, Charalambos Lappas, Moysis Papamoyseos, Marios Themis-

tokleous, Miltos Solomou, Theodosis Charalambous, Constantinos

Mallourides, Michael Xiourouppa.

Middle Row: Andreas Stavrou, Anastasia Perikli, Emma Ogden,

Efthimia Konatzi, Christina Thoupou, Fotini Malathoura, Andreas Ni-

colaou, Andronikos Andronikou, Mr George Georgiades.

First Row: Ms Maria Theophilou, Paraskevi Michael, Andria Elefthe-

riou, Georgia Ioannou, Elena Patsalou, Elena Anastasiou, Kyriaki

Stavrou, Evdokia Eleftheriou, Panayiota Papadopoulou, Ioanna Geor-

giadi, Sotiris Alexandrou, Mr Socrates Petredis.

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Back Row: Stylianos Savva, Demetris Christoforou, Yiannis Koumi,

Antonis Siantanis, Constantinos Hadjimatheou, Panayiotis Ppasias,

Koukakis Nicolaos, Petros Anastasi

Middle Row: Panayiotis Kontos, Markos Markou, Charis Xiourouppa ,

Maria Moyseos, Theodora Kyprianou, Maria Charalambous, Fo-

tiniiStephanou , Vasiliki Fouli, Mr Marios Thoma.

First Row: Socrates Petrides, Chrystalla Maouri, Michelle Michael,

Andrea Prastiti , Stella Kakoulli, Kyriaki Theodorou, Katerina Kyria-

kou, Stephania Loukaidou, Tonia Yerolemou

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Back Row: Ms. Evrilia Kiayia, Ms. Constantina Symeou, Ms. Maria

Papachristodoulou, Ms. Theano Kyriacou, Ms. Margarita Theodoulou,

Ms. Fragesca Frangou, Ms. Evey Pistola, Ms. Lena Mahdesian, Mr.

Petros Kimitris, Ms. Maria Kkimitri, Mr. Gregoris Demetriou, Mr.

Elpidoforos Anastasiou, Mr. Marios Thoma, Ms. Maria Theophilou.

Middle Row: Ms. Panayiota Athanasiou, Ms. Anna Shipettaris, Ms.

Elina Zervou, Dr. Simon Philips, Ms. Christiane Camacho, Ms. Maria

Evangelidou, Ms. Maria Botonaki, Ms. Angela Venizelou, Ms. Yiota

Eleftheriou, Mr. Socrates Petrides, Mr. Andreas Demetri, Ms. Artemis


First Row: Ms. Constantina Papamarkou, Ms. Andri Pentari, Mr.

Sotiris Panayi, Mr. Elias Kamaratos, Mr. Marios Hadjivasiliou, Ms.

Despina Lioliou, Mr. Costas Costa, Dr. George Georgiades, Ms. Denise

Michael and Ms. Christina Thomaidou-Pavlidou.

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Council Elections

-Sports Day

- 1st Excursion

-Overnight trips fo

r Forms 1 and 2 to


- Club Day 1

-Rotary Club Award Ceremony

-School Celebrations fo

r 28th


- 28th October Parade


- Back To School!

- Study Skills Week

- Lecture on Effective Study for

Parents of Form 1

-Presentation for Year 1

Students - Class Elections

- Club Presentations

DECEMBER 2013 - Club Day 3 - Book Fair - Food Baskets collection

- Christmas Demetra House Activity - Christmas Caroling





- Lecture on Optional Subjects for

Parents of Form 3

- Lecture on IBDP for Forms 3&4

-Artemis Halloween House Party

- Club Day 2

- Careers Fair



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- Club Days 4 and 5

- Parents – Teachers’ Meetings

- English Checkpoint Exam

- Valentine’s Day order/delivery of

chocolates and flowers

organised by events committee &

Apollo House

-Tsiknopempti Activity organised by

Parents’ Association and House of


- Carnival Party organised by Par-

ents’ Association

- Presentation by Tenia Makri

MARCH 2014

- French Cultural Day

- Club Day 6

- National H

oliday Parade

- Celebrations fo

r 25th March

and 1st of April

- Pascal Entrance Exams


PRIL 2014

- Hidden Talents’ Evening

- 2nd Excursion

MAY &JUNE 2014

-Science Fair -Pascal Discovery Day

-Art Exhibition - IB Induction

- End of Year Ceremony - Graduation Ceremony - Year 3 - Trip to Spain!

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On Thursday 19th September 2013 the Headmistess Mrs.

Despina Lioliou gave a presentation to Form 1 parents re-

garding effective study skills.

How should I study?

• There is no correct answer!


• There are different ways of learning!

Taking Notes in Class

• 1. Go to class prepared.

• 2. Improve your listening skills.

• 3. Develop a notetaking method that works for you.

• 4. Play close attention to content.

• 5. Review and edit your notes.

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PRESIDENT Katya Patsalos Magda Christofi

VICE PRESIDENT Themis Pallikarides Georgia Psara

SECRETARY Nicholas Stavrinopoulos Antonia Roti

TREASURER Gabriella Ilieva Spyros Miltiadous

ASSISTANT TREASUR-ER Ellie Panoula Markos Kafatari


PRESIDENT Marios Petrou Andreas Kyprianou

VICE PRESIDENT Isabella Demetriou Andria Theodosi

SECRETARY Constantinos Kyprianou Andreas Xenios Charalam-bous

TREASURER Demetris Iasonides Angelos Hadjivassilis

ASSISTANT TREASUR-ER Thomas Angelides Anna Parpi

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PRESIDENT Harry Newton Evroulla Andreou Christina Argyrou

VICE PRESIDENT Anna Pafiti Lambriani Alexandrou Anastasia Kounna

SECRETARY George Kamaratos Pantelitsa Irakleous Marina Christofi

TREASURER Demetris Phokou Christos Mousoullos Evangelos Neophy-tou

ASSISTANT TREASURER Anastasia Panteli Ioanna Tsingi George Challoumas

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FORM 4A 4B 4C 4D

PRESIDENT Antonia Diakou Marilena Papa-christodoulou

Michaella Hadjiyianni Maria Manentzou


Alexander De-metriou Paula Costa Costas Costi

Antigoni Tambour-la

SECRETARY Charalambos Phokou

Chrysanthi Av-gousti

Averkios Nico-laou Eleni Polyviou


Sebastian Alfano-Simmons

Margarita Georgi-adi

Thekla Kyria-kou Xenios Theodorou


Satya Chris-todoulou Xiyu Zhang

Vasilis Neoptol-emou

Anastasis Zachari-ou

FORM 5A 5B 5C 5D

PRESIDENT Anastasia Kap-pelou

Stylianos Hadjifo-rados

Panayiota Foukkari Christos Georgiou


Andrew Evgen-iou Georgia Foti

Stephanie Spy-rou

Demetris Demetri-ou

SECRETARY Stanislav Shelem Pantelitsa Stavrou Sophia Koudelli Lenos Prodromou

TREASURER Andrea Rafaella Nicolaidou Loizos Zinonos Kyriaki Kadi

Andrea The-odotou


Kyriaki Charalam-bous

Sophia Char-alambous

Theognosia Stav-rinou

Page 65: PASCAL Insight 2013/14

FORM 6A 6B 6C 6D

PRESIDENT Vicky Konnari Kyriakos Chris-tofides

Georgia Ioan-nou Marcos Marcou


Vasiliki Athana-siou Gabriella Soteriou Eleni Patsalou

Stephanie Loucaidou

SECRETARY Mariam Venize-lou Isabella Panayi

Andronikos An-dronikou Stella Kakoulli

TREASURER Joanne Papami-chael

Stavri Hadjigeor-giou Kyriaki Stavrou

Theodora Kypria-nou

ASSISTANT TREASURER Zacharias Fokas Kalia Nathanael

Panayiota Papa-dopoulou Charis Xiourouppa

Member Anna Pash-iourtidou

Stavroulla Antoni-ou

Ioanna Georgi-adi Tonia Yerolemou

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On Monday 23rd September 2013 the students and the

teachers responsible for this year’s clubs gave a short

presentation aiming to promote each individual club.

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Years 1 and 2 had their annual overnight trip in the area of

Protaras on Friday 18th October 2013. The students visited

archaeological sights in the area and enjoyed their stay.

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This year’s annual celebrations were carried out with great hon-

our in the Founder’s Theatre on Friday 25th October 2013. Stu-

dents from all years read poems and gave short theatrical perfor-

mances. We would like to extend our sincere congratulations to

both students and teachers involved, Mrs. Christodoulou Eleni

and Mrs. Venizelou Angela.

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Με κεγαινπξέπεηα ηειέζηεθε θαη θέηνο ν ενξηαζκόο ηεο εζληθήο

επεηείνπ ηεο 28εο Οθησβξίνπ 1940. Η εθδήισζε πξαγκαηνπνηή-

ζεθε ζην Ακθηζέαηξν ηνπ ζρνιείνπ καο ζηηο 26 Οθησβξίνπ 2013.

Σηε γηνξηή έιαβαλ κέξνο καζεηέο όισλ ησλ ηάμεσλ κε ηξαγνύδηα,

πνηήκαηα, θείκελα θαη ζεαηξηθά δξώκελα. Ήηαλ επθαηξία γηα

όινπο ηνπο καζεηέο ηνπ ζρνιείνπ καο λα δήζνπλ έλα αθηέξσκα

ζην έλδνμν «ΟΦΙ» θαη λα θαηαλνήζνπλ ηε δηαρξνληθή αμία ηεο

ζπζίαο ησλ Διιήλσλ. Υπεύζπλεο γηα ηελ πξνεηνηκαζία θαη νξγά-

λσζε ηεο εθδήισζεο ήηαλ ε θα Φξηζηνδνύινπ Διέλε θαη ε θα Βε-

ληδέινπ Αγγέια.

Page 73: PASCAL Insight 2013/14

On Thursday 31st October 2014 the Parents’ Association along

with students of Artemis House organized a Halloween Party in

the school’s cafeteria.

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On Wednesday, 20th November

2013, PASCAL English School

Larnaka hosted its 7th annual

Careers Fair on its school prem

ises, between 7 pm. till 9 pm.

Professionals from a range of

occupations, along with offi

cials from various Cypriot uni

versities were the honourable

guests invited to liaise with stu

dents from years 3, 4, 5,6 and


A presentation took place, giv

en by Mr. Nicos Marcou, Hu

man Resource Director of EY

Cyprus where he talked about

his own experience in his career

development and the choices he made as a student giving advice to students

regarding their future careers. Students and parents/ guardians were also en-

couraged to speak to professionals about their employment and prior studies

in order to better understand the academic process and practical issues relat-

ed to each profession. In addition, officials from various universities of Cy-

prus informed those interested about application procedures for entry into

their universities.

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Τελ Τεηάξηε 20 Ννεκβξίνπ 2013 πξαγκαηνπνηήζεθε κε επηηπρία ζηηο εγθα-

ηαζηάζεηο ηνπ PASCAL English School Larnaka ε 7ε Βξαδηά Σηαδηνδξνκί-

αο θαη Δπαγγεικάησλ. Κύξην ζεκείν ηεο εθδήισζεο απνηέιεζε ε ηδηαίηεξε

θαη ελδηαθέξνπζα παξνπζίαζε πνπ έγηλε από ηνλ θ. Νίθν Μάξθνπ, Γηεπζπ-

ληή Αλζξώπηλνπ Γπλακηθνύ ηεο ΔΥ Κύπξνπ, ν νπνίνο παξνπζίαζε ηηο πξν-

ζσπηθέο ηνπ εκπεηξίεο θαη ηηο επηινγέο πνπ έθαλε εθείλνο ζηα θνηηεηηθά ηνπ

ρξόληα θαη ζηε κεηέπεηηα θαξηέξα ηνπ, ζπκβνπιεύνληαο κε απηό ηνλ ηξόπν

ηνπο καζεηέο γηα ηηο ζσζηέο επηινγέο πνπ ζα πξέπεη λα θάλνπλ ζηε δσή


Αξθεηνί επαγγεικαηίεο παξεπξέζεθαλ ζηo ζρνιείν γηα λα ζπλνκηιήζνπλ κε

γνλείο θαη καζεηέο γηα ηηο πξννπηηθέο απαζρόιεζεο θαη γηα λα απαληήζνπλ

πξαθηηθέο εξσηήζεηο πνπ αθνξνύλ ηελ εξγαζία ζε ζπγθεθξηκέλα πεδία.

Μηα ζεηξά από εμαηξεηηθά δεκνθηιή επαγγέικαηα εθπξνζσπήζεθαλ από

αμηόινγνπο επαγγεικαηίεο, πνπ αθηέξσζαλ ρξόλν ζπδεηώληαο γηα ην εθ-

παηδεπηηθό ηνπο ππόβαζξν, ηελ επαγγεικαηηθή ηνπο πείξα θαη ηηο επηινγέο

καζεκάησλ, ζε κηα πξνζπάζεηα λα απαληήζνπλ ζε ζπλήζεηο εξσηήζεηο, νη

νπνίεο ζπρλά δελ θαιύπηνληαη ζηνπο Παλεπηζηεκηαθνύο Οδεγνύο Σπνπδώλ.

Η εθδήισζε αγθαιηάζηεθε εμίζνπ από γνλείο θαη καζεηέο, νη νπνίνη είραλ

ηελ επθαηξία λα ζπλαληήζνπλ έκπεηξνπο επαγγεικαηίεο ζηνπο ηνκείο ηεο Ια-

ηξηθήο, Οδνληηαηξηθήο, Ννκηθήο, Δπηρεηξήζεσλ, Αξρηηεθηνληθήο, Κηεληα-

ηξηθήο, Δπηζηήκεο, Φεκείαο, Μεραληθώλ, Δθπαίδεπζεο, Γηαηξνθνινγίαο,

Φαξκαθεπηηθήο, Χπρνινγίαο, Δηθαζηηθώλ Τερλώλ, Αζηπλνκίαο, Αεξνπνξί-

αο, Γηαθήκηζεο, Σρεδηαζκνύ θαη Πιεξνθνξηθήο κεηαμύ πνιιώλ άιισλ. Τν

παξόλ ηνπο έδσζαλ θαη εθπξόζσπνη θππξηαθώλ παλεπηζηεκίσλ πνπ πιεξν-

θόξεζαλ ηνπο καζεηέο γηα ηα θξηηήξηα εηζδνρήο ζηα παλεπηζηήκηά ηνπο.

Page 76: PASCAL Insight 2013/14

Between Monday 09th December until Wednesday 11th December

2013, the school launched a Book Fair in the school library.

All students were invited to visit the Book Fair and purchase

books of their liking. Books included English and Greek titles

which had been carefully selected.

Από ηε Γεπηέξα 9 Γεθεκβξίνπ κέρξη ηελ Τεηάξηε 11 Γεθεκβξίνπ

2013 ιεηηνύξγεζε ζηε βηβιηνζήθε ηνπ ζρνιείνπ καο ε εηήζηα

Έθζεζε Βηβιίνπ.

Η ζπιινγή πεξηιάκβαλε αγγιηθά θαη ειιεληθά βηβιία δηαθόξσλ

ζεκάησλ, κε πξόζθαηεο εθδόζεηο.

Page 77: PASCAL Insight 2013/14

The Jamming Club of PASCAL English School Larnaka had the honor

to participate in raising money for the Pancyprian Thalassemia Lar-

naka Famagusta Association, performing a variety of Christmas Songs.

They also contributed their Caroling at the Lighting of the main Christ-

mas tree in Larnaka at Ermou Street. Both events took place on the 1st

of December 2013.

On the 7th of December they performed at Debenhams and for the Elite

Sports organization, which took place at PASCAL English School Lar-


Τελ 1ε Γεθεκβξίνπ, 2013, ν όκηινο «Jamming» ηνπ PASCAL English

School Larnaka είρε ηελ ηηκή λα ζπκκεηάζρεη ζηελ εθδήισζε πνπ

νξγάλσζε ν Παγθύπξηνο Αληηαλαηκηθόο Σύλδεζκνο Λάξλαθαο – Ακ-

κνρώζηνπ, κε ζθνπό ηελ ζπγθέληξσζε ρξεκάησλ ηξαγνπδώληαο πνη-

θίια Φξηζηνπγελληάηηθα ηξαγνύδηα. Τελ ίδηα κέξα νη καζεηέο καο

ζπλέβαιαλ επίζεο κε ηα Φξηζηνπγελληάηηθα ηξαγνύδηα ηνπο θαη ζηελ

εθδήισζε ηεο θώηηζεο ηνπ ρξηζηνπγελληάηηθνπ δέληξνπ ζηελ Οδό

Δξκνύ ζηελ Λάξλαθα.

Σηηο 7 Γεθεκβξίνπ ηξαγνύδεζαλ ζην Debenhams θαη γηα ηελ Αζιεηη-

θή Οξγάλσζε Διίη, ε νπνία πξαγκαηνπνηήζεθε ζηνπο ρώξνπο ηνπ

PASCAL English School Larnaka.

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PASCAL English School Larnaka has set fundamental objectives to-

wards the promotion of activities and charity events that contribute so-

cially to our community and individuals in need, cultivating a humani-

tarian and voluntary spirit within the students.

On 20th December, 2013, a group of pupils representing PASCAL Eng-

lish School Larnaka escorted by their teachers, visited the Aradippou

Municipal Agora and donated a large number of foodstuffs that was

collected on the school premises. The pupils delivering the food were

able to witness the charitable work being done and developed a real

sense of responsibility and sense of solidarity with others around them.

It is our hope that such initiatives will be continued not only during the

period of Christmas but also throughout the year.

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Σην πιαίζην ηεο θνηλσληθήο πξνζθνξάο ηνπ PASCAL English School

Larnaka νη καζεηέο ηνπ ζρνιείνπ επηβεβαηώλνληαο ην θηιάλζξσπν θαη

εζεινληηθό πλεύκα πνπ ηνπο δηαθαηέρεη, πεξηζπλέιεμαλ έλα πνιύ κε-

γάιν αξηζκό ηξνθίκσλ. Αληηπξνζσπεία καζεηώλ κε ζπλνδεία θαζεγε-

ηώλ επηζθέθηεθαλ ην Παληνπσιείν Αξαδίππνπ ζηηο 20 Γεθεκβξίνπ

2013 θαη πξόζθεξαλ απιόρεξα ηα ηξόθηκα. Οη καζεηέο έλησζαλ εηιη-

θξηλή αηζζήκαηα επζύλεο θαη αιιειεγγύεο, επηβεβαηώλνληαο όηη ηέ-

ηνηεο πξσηνβνπιίεο ζα ζπλερηζηνύλ όρη κόλν ηελ πεξίνδν ησλ Φξη-

ζηνπγέλλσλ αιιά θαη θαζ’ όιε ηε δηάξθεηα ηνπ ρξόλνπ.

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On Saturday 13th of February 2014 students of Apollo House distribut-

ed roses and chocolates to their fellow students, teachers and members

of staff.

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On Wednesday 19th of February 2014 the Par-

ents’ Association organized a Carnival Party for

our students at Club Glamour.

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On Thursday 20th of February 2014 the Parents’ Asso-

ciation along with students of Poseidon House organized

Tsiknopempti’s events.

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On Wednesday 26th February 2014 at 7pm, PASCAL Education, the largest pri-

vate highschool educational organization in Cyprus, opened its doors to an in-

formal meeting between prospective parents and management, in the Founder’s

Theatre of PASCAL English School Larnaka.

The Headmistress, Ms. Despina Lioliou gave a short presentation regarding cer-

tain key issues concerning our school, focusing on the main characteristics that

make it differ from other private schools in Cyprus. The parents were able to

hear important information and to hear answers to any queries they had about

issues concerning the school, thus acquiring a clear picture of the academic and

humanitarian work that the

school carries out.

Thereafter, the distinguished psy-

chologist and collaborator of

PASCAL Education, Mrs. Tenia

Makri gave a presentation with

the title: “I am preparing for my

child’s first steps in High school”.

Parents and teachers had the

chance to listen to the opinions

and advice of an experienced psychologist, and to be informed on subjects con-

cerning the preparation of their children for high school, to comprehend the role

of parents within this critical time and at the same time to ask various questions.

The presentation, as well as the speech were particularly enlightening.

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Η PASCAL Education, ν κεγαιύηεξνο ηδησηηθόο εθπαηδεπηηθόο νξγαλη-

ζκόο κέζεο εθπαίδεπζεο ζηελ Κύπξν, νξγάλσζε ελεκεξσηηθή ζπλάληεζε,

ηελ Τεηάξηε 26 Φεβξνπαξίνπ 2014 ζηηο 19:00, ζην Founder’s Theatre ηνπ

PASCAL English School Larnaka. Αξρηθά ε δηεπζύληξηα θα. Γέζπνηλα Λίν-

ιηνπ πξνέβε ζε κηα ζπλνπηηθή θαη θαηαηνπηζηηθή παξνπζίαζε ησλ βαζηθώλ

ππιώλσλ ηνπ ζρνιείνπ καο, εζηηάδνληαο ζηα θύξηα ραξαθηεξηζηηθά πνπ ην

θάλνπλ λα μερσξίδεη. Οη παξεπξηζθόκελνη γνλείο έιπζαλ απνξίεο γηα βαζηθά

ζέκαηα πνπ ηνπο απαζρνινύλ θαη απέθηεζαλ κηα ζαθέζηεξε εηθόλα ηνπ αθα-

δεκατθνύ θαη αλζξσπηζηηθνύ έξγνπ πνπ επηηειεί ην ζρνιείν καο. Αθνινύ-

ζσο, ε δηαθεθξηκέλε ςπρνιόγνο

θαη ζπλεξγάηεο ησλ Σρνιώλ

PASCAL, θα. Τέληα Μαθξή δηε-

μήγαγε ζπδήηεζε κε ζέκα

«Προεηοιμάδομαι για ηα πρώηα

βήμαηα ηου παιδιού μου ζηο Γυ-

μνάζιο». Γνλείο θαη εθπαηδεπηη-

θνί είραλ ηε δπλαηόηεηα λα α-

θνύζνπλ ηηο ζπκβνπιέο θαη ηηο

απόςεηο κηαο έκπεηξεο ςπρνιό-

γνπ, λα ελεκεξσζνύλ πάλσ ζε ζέκαηα πνπ αθνξνύλ ηελ πξνεηνηκαζία ησλ

παηδηώλ γηα ην γπκλάζην, λα θαηαλνήζνπλ ην ξόιν ησλ γνληώλ θαη ηαπηόρξν-

λα λα ππνβάινπλ δηάθνξα εξσηήκαηα. Τόζν ε ελεκέξσζε όζν θαη ε νκηιία

ήηαλ ηδηαίηεξα δηαθσηηζηηθά.

Page 87: PASCAL Insight 2013/14

With the occasion of the International Book Day for children, the library

of PASCAL English School Larnaka, organized a small speech for all

pupils of year 1. The speaker was Ms. Melina Stylianou, Librarian of

Larnaka Municipality Library who read a passage from a book and ex-

plained to the children the value of books in our lives.

Mε αθνξκή ηελ Παγθό-

ζκηα εκέξα παηδηθνύ βη-

βιίνπ, ζηελ βηβιηνζήθε

ηνπ PASCAL English

School Larnaka, δηνξγα-

λώζεθε κηα κηθξή νκηιία

γηα όινπο ηνπο καζεηέο

ηεο 1εο ηάμεο. Οκηιήηξηα

ήηαλ ε Κα Μειίλα Σηπ-

ιηαλνύ Βηβιηνζεθνλόκνο

ζηελ Γεκνηηθή Βηβιην-

ζήθε ηεο Λάξλαθαο ε ν-

πνία αθεγήζεθε ζηνπο

καζεηέο θάπνην απόζπαζκα από βηβιίν θαη εμήγεζε ζηα παηδηά γηα ηελ

αμία ησλ βηβιίσλ ζηελ δσή καο.

Page 88: PASCAL Insight 2013/14

On Monday 31st March, a special ceremony was held at Pascal

Founder’s Theater to celebrate the national anniversaries of 25th

of March 1821 and 1st of April 1955-59. The ceremony included

detailed references to the historical events, short theatrical perfor-

mances, songs and folk dancing. We would like to extend our sin-

cere congratulations to the teachers involved, Ms. Maria The-

ophilou and Ms. Angela Venizelou, who offered our students the

opportunity to reveal their talents in a spectacular show. We would

also like to thank Mrs. Yioula Manentzou for her special contribu-

tion in organizing the students’ dance performances. Finally, we

would like to thank the Senior Masters Mr. Costas Costa and Mr.

Marios Hadjivasiliou, as well as Mr. Costas Satana ,for their coop-

eration and assistance.

Page 89: PASCAL Insight 2013/14

Σηελ αίζνπζα εθδειώζεσλ ηνπ Pascal English School Λάξλαθαο

πξαγκαηνπνηήζεθε ηε Γεπηέξα 31/03/2014 κηα μερσξηζηή ενξηα-

ζηηθή εθδήισζε γηα ηηο εζληθέο επεηείνπο ηεο Διιεληθήο Δπαλά-

ζηαζεο ηνπ 1821 θαη ηνπ Δζληθναπειεπζεξσηηθνύ Αγώλα ηνπ 1955

-59. Με ηις ζσνετείς εναλλαγές ιζηορικών αναθορών, δραμαηο-

πνηήζεσλ, ηξαγνπδηώλ θαη παξαδνζηαθώλ ρνξώλ, ε ζπγθεθξηκέλε

ζρνιηθή εθδήισζε πξνθάιεζε ην ελδηαθέξνλ όισλ όζνη ηελ παξα-

θνινύζεζαλ. Τελ νξγάλσζε ηεο γηνξηήο αλέιαβαλ νη θαζεγήηξηεο

Διιεληθήο Φηινινγίαο θα Μαξία Θενθίινπ θαη θα Αγγέια Βεληδέ-

ινπ, νη νπνίεο έδσζαλ ζηνπο καζεηέο θαη ηηο καζήηξηεο πνπ ζπκ-

κεηείραλ ηε δπλαηόηεηα λα μεδηπιώζνπλ ην ηαιέλην ηνπο θαη λα α-

πνιαύζνπλ κηα αμηόινγε θαιιηηερληθή εθδήισζε. Σεκαληηθή ζπ-

λεηζθνξά ζην ρνξεπηηθό ηνκέα ηεο γηνξηήο είρε ε θα Γηνύια Μα-

λέληδνπ, ελώ επηθνπξηθό ξόιν ζηελ πξνεηνηκαζία ηεο εθδήισζεο

είραλ νη ππνδηεπζπληέο θνο Κώζηαο Κώζηα θαη θνο Μάξηνο Φαηδε-

βαζηιείνπ θαζώο θαη ν θνο Κώζηαο Σαηαλάο. Η εθδήισζε επαλέ-

θεξε ζηηο κλήκεο καο ην ςπρηθό ζζέλνο θαη ην αίζζεκα ηεο αηε-

ιεύηεηεο θηινπαηξίαο πνπ δηέπλεαλ ηνπο ήξσεο ησλ αγώλσλ ηνπ

1821 θαη ηνπ 1955.

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Page 92: PASCAL Insight 2013/14

This year’s 6 Formers proudly represented our school in the

parade for the 25th March Celebrations.

We would like to ex-

tend our sincere

congratulations to

both students and

teachers involved.

Page 93: PASCAL Insight 2013/14

Parents, teachers and Form 6 students successfully organized a blood donation event

in an effort to contribute their immense love and care to their fellow citizens. The

event took place at the Pascal premises on 19th of March.

Sincere congratulations should be extended to everyone involved, for their support in

organizing the event.

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Page 95: PASCAL Insight 2013/14

Our students can’t wait to go to year 6 just to

register for this club! A club full of action and

activities which provides students with opportu-

nities which under normal circumstances would

never dare to try!

We started our activities with free diving, go

carting and climbed up to Trooditissa Moun-

tains for top rope climbing.

Students enjoyed every single moment of every

activity and expressed their enthusiasm for the

club as well as their disappointment when the

club finished.

Teachers involved: Ms. Despina Kaittani,

Mr. Gregoris Demetriou, Mr. Socrates Petrides

and Mr. Elpidoforos Anastasiou

The aim of the club was to enable stu-

dents to work out, improving their overall fit-

ness. The members of the club had the chance

to do something that took their mind off the

stress of the school and at the same time they

managed to improve their aerobic fitness, flex-

ibility and strength.

During the six club days, the instructor, Vaso

Petrou from Elite Sporting Club taught to stu-

dents some basic steps and techniques of aero-

bics in order to perform a small choreography.

In addition to that, students had the chance to

do some Tae Bo exercises. The instructor also

discussed with club members about fitness,

encouraging them to continue working out.

Teachers involved:

Ms. Elina Zervou,

Ms. Margarita Theodoulou

Page 96: PASCAL Insight 2013/14

The basketball club pro-

vided students with a good

physical workout and, most important-

ly, with the chance to get together and

have fun with their fellow classmates.

Teachers involved:

Ms. Maria Botonaki,

Dr. Simon Philips


coaching by Elite

Sporting Club helped them to develop

their skills in shooting, dribbling, pass-

ing, rebounding, and defense in fast

moving and fast-action games. Moreo-

ver, it promoted the idea of being a

good team player and developed social

skills in a safe environment.

Page 97: PASCAL Insight 2013/14

There's something

magical about dancing that

makes us feel free. The power

of the dance is that it unlocks a woman's energy

so that her natural beauty just shines through.

Students were told where a dance originates, its

cultural context; when a prop first appeared and

when a move became popular; who taught what

move to whom and how it changed over time. As

far as self-confidence is concerned, belly danc-

ing helps you appreciate and love your body and

become more comfortable with it. Students

through the club days where taught choreogra-

phies of oriental dancing.

Teachers involved: Ms. Angela Venizelou,

Ms. Maria Vassiliou.

The first aim

of the Boys’ Fitness Club was

to use the knowledge and the experience of a

nutrition expert; to enlighten the dangers of

fad diets and provide the students with the

abilities to have a balanced and controlled

nutritious diet. The Boys’ Fitness Club was

not only based on muscle exercise and body-

building, but also on the knowledge and the

use of a controlled balanced diet. Another

aim of our Club was to give professional ad-

vice to our students on how to work out at

the gym with the help of professional train-

ers, and with the use of body improvement

exercises and aerobic training. We presented

a whole body circuit training that was used

during our training at the gym. Before

workout, all of our students had to warm up

for 10 minutes using a treadmill, a stationary

bike, or some other cardio apparatus. These

exercises were performed in a circuit fashion,

until the students completed one set of every

exercise. In addition, students worked out

various muscle groups (Chest-Triceps, Back-

Biceps, Shoulders-Legs) throughout the six

club days that we visited the gym.

Teachers involved: Mr. Petros Kimitris,

Mr. Sotiris Panayi.

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Our Club was very

interesting. A lot of

students who love to

dance, participated this year

as they had the opportunity to learn dif-

ferent kinds of dance moves and tech-

niques involved in Hip hop, Latin and

Break dance. LATIN

In Latin dances, the dancers

shift their weight by stepping

leaving the upper body leveled

and unaffected by the weight

changes. The weight shifts cause

the hips to move. Arm and

shoulder movements are also incorporated. It

involves significant movement above the

waist, with up-and-down shoulder movements

and shifting of the ribcage.


Breakdancing is the kind of

dance in which solo dancers

perform acrobatics that involve

touching various parts of the

body (as the back or head) to the ground.


Our students learnt how to

do the dance step Walk It

Out. ... your arms for bal-

ance. As they got more

comfortable with the moves,

they felt free to add in a few hops, jumps and


Teachers involved: Ms. Maria Evangelidou,

Ms. Evrilia Kiayia

There was no other

club to delight one’s taste

buds run in our school this year than the Cooking

Club. Our students discovered some of the

world’s most unique flavours on a Real Food

Adventure. It was an extremely appetizing

“journey” that the students not only thoroughly

enjoyed, but also got them craving for more!

Mexico, China, Greece, France and Japan

were the countries we “travelled” to without ac-

tually leaving our own country. The students

were introduced to each country’s culture and

cuisine. They got familiar with the variety of

food ingredients and the different methods used

to prepare the traditional dishes of each country.

Special emphasis was given to kitchen safety and

hygiene procedures.

The “Nuevo Mexico” restaurant in Larnaca, Pas-

cal English School in Nicosia, the Chinese Res-

taurant Shanghai in Kiti, the Greek tavern “ Το

στέκι της παρέας” in Larnaca, the Restaurant

French Rendez-Vous in Larnaca and the Japa-

nese Restaurant Hokaido in Ayia Napa, were the

places where our students, with the help of the

chefs, performed miracles and literally tasted the

fruit of their labors.

We can hardly wait for the club to run next


Teachers involved: Ms. Evey Pistola,

Ms. Frangesca Frangou, Ms. Lena Mahdesian

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The general aims of

the Futsal Football

Club had been carried out throughout the

year on club days. Firstly, the students

had been informed for the importance of

the sport. Also, they had been taught the

importance of the right nutrition for an

athlete, especially for a football player.

Many of the students were aware of disci-

pline rules during a football match; there-

fore they had had many football matches,

where they had the chance to practice the

Futsal rules and techniques. Finally, we

had an exciting competition and the win-

ners got gold metals. The students were

very happy and they expressed the will to

join the club next year too!

Teachers involved: Ms. Panayiota Demetriou,

Mr. Andreas Demetri, Ms. Constantina Symeou,

Ms. Maria Theophilou.

This year the girls in the Fitness Explo-

sion Club experienced a wide variety of

body workouts that included circuit train-

ing, step aerobics, weight training and

floor exercises. But that wasn’t all! Our

girls were educated about how to work

out correctly to avoid injury and how to

eat correctly so they could enjoy optimum

health. Our Club visited a health food

store where items on the market were

sampled and good eating practice was en-


Teacher involved: Ms. Andri Louca

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Action, exercise,

co-operation, strategy!

The Paintball club offered all that and then

some! Students participating in the club had the

chance to hone their targeting skills using the

special markers shooting paintballs. We visited

Lapatsa and Moni for our Paintballing endeav-

ours, making full use of the multi-level stages

on offer, as well as the Aradhippou course for

Laser tagging, where students had the chance to

battle using sniper, close combat as well as

standard issue rifles using laser beams instead

of, thankfully, real bullets. All in all, fun was

had everywhere, and students and escorting

teacher were all very glad for the experiences

they had!

Teachers involved: Mr. Antonis Themisto-


When a party is

organized, girls need

to feel and look perfect. The ex-

citement to pick the right necklace or

bracelet or set of earrings to wear for the party

in order to dazzle their friends, is nothing com-

pared to the anticipation they feel in making

their own jewellery. It’s unbelievable what the

girls in the Jewellery Making Club created in

the year that’s passed. Throughout the year,

during our meetings, they used several different

kinds of materials and beads and they produced

stylish and fashionable pieces that would even

daze a professional. The girls had an amazing

time and they let their imagination run wild. I

totally agree with the adage "A picture is worth

a thousand words", so look at our photos and

enjoy….! They speak for themselves.

Teachers involved: Ms. Irene Alexandrou-

Petrou, Ms. Iliana

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Shooting is the second most popular

international sport. It is an outstanding way to

provide human growth and development op-

portunities. It also, introduces safe and respon-

sible use of firearms as well as it opens valua-

ble vocational and life-long recreational educa-

tion. The students who joined our club, were

taught to do safe and responsible use of fire-

arms including sound decision-making, self-

discipline and concentration. They enhanced

their self-concept, character, personal growth,

understanding of sportsmanship and ethical


Leadership skills, safe habits, self-discipline &

self esteem, respect towards each other, and

personal responsibility were some of the disci-

plines our students gained through their 6-day

exposure of our club.

Teachers involved: Mr. Marios Thoma,

Mr. Elias Kamaratos

The Sport Variety

Club offered the chance to

its members to “get away” from lessons and

school by engaging themselves in pleasant

and fun activities. On our visit to Paintball

Lapatsa, the students competed with each

other, had great fun and gained wonderful

experiences. We also visited “DP Sports

Club” in Aradippou, where our female stu-

dents were given the chance to participate in

an aerobic “frenzy” for a couple of hours,

whereas our male students were really busy

“building some muscles”. Our students had

the chance to learn important nutrition tips.

Our students proved for one more time what

good players they are when the club visited

the K-Bowling Center. In addition, our stu-

dents visited an Indoor Climbing Center in

Nicosia, where they had an interesting intro-

duction to climbing which comprised theory,

safety and practical instruction. Following

safety rules isn’t always easy but it’s defi-

nitely fun. Our club members surely enjoyed

themselves after having participated in a Go-

Cart competition, at Lucky Star Park in

Aradippou. Through these activities our stu-

dents developed a team spirit and above all

they enjoyed themselves.

Teachers in Charge: Ms. Panayiota Athana-

siou, Ms. Constantia Papamarkou

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The main objective of the volleyball

club was to equip students with all the skills

volleyball can offer. The students had the

chance to learn basic volleyball techniques

such as serving, passing, smashing and block-

ing. Each club day a different technique was

being taught and this gave the chance to the

students to practice each technique extensive-

ly. Moreover, the students had the opportunity

to improve their teamwork skills by partici-

pating in numerous tournaments. Overall, the

objective of the club has been achieved as

some of the students have opted for additional

volleyball practice outside school hours.

Teachers involved: Ms. Christina Thomaidou,

Ms. Yiota Eleftheriou.

The aim of the Tennis

club was to teach the

basic techniques of tennis and to pro-

mote sportsmanship and ethical behav-

ior. Theory of tennis and basic tech-

niques and principles were taught by a

professional coach of the Elite Sport-

ing Club. The members of the club

learned to follow rules, be disciplined

and learned to respect their opponents.

At the end of the academic year a tour-

nament took place between pupils in

the Tennis Club.

Teachers involved: Ms. Andri Pentari,

Ms. Maria Kkimitri.

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Zumba is a combination

of Latin and International music with a fun and

effective workout system. Zumba's choreogra-

phy incorporated hip-hop, soca, samba, salsa,

merengue, mambo and martial arts along with

squats and lunges. Students acquired

knowledge on how to eat healthily and main-

tain a healthy lifestyle and due to its relevance

it caught their attention . We began with am-

ple participation from students who appeared

to find it exciting and a great way of letting go

of all stress. .

Teachers involved: Ms. Eleni Christodoulou,

Ms. Artemis Fellas.

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This Year the Writing Competition took place between 17th to 25th

February. The topics included “The Ring’” for the lower school and

“Tunnel” for the upper.

Congratulations to the winners who are as follows:


Philippos Efthimiou (4A) Lefkosia & Michalis Kavourides (IB1) Larnaca


Mirona Mus (2A) Lefkosia


Demetris Gregoriou (Δ1) Lefkosia


Myria Tzika (B1) Lefkosia.

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We would also like to extend our congratulations

to the class winners.

1A: Ellie Panoula

1B: Angeliki Pantziarou

2A: Constantina Evangelou

2B: Emily Michael

3A: Alexey Gorskiy

3B: Elena Hadjittouli

3C: Christina Argyrou

4A: Sofia Papanicolaou

4B: Marilenna Papachristodoulou and Kypros Tylliros

4C: Thekla Kyriacou

4D: Eleni Polyviou

5A: Elliot Timm

5B: Nicole Costa

5C: Stefanie Spyrou

5D: Thea Stavrinou

6A: Joanne Papamichael

6B: Kyriaki Hadjiyiasemi

6C: Georgia Ioannou

6D: Maria Charalambous

IB1: Maria Demetriou

IB2: Andrea Mavroleftherou

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Winning Essay Upper School: The Tunnel

The repeated beeping sound of the heart monitor was interrupted by the occa-

sional mumbling prayer as a woman sat crying next to her unconscious husband. The

coma had lasted three months and day by day hope receded further and further. Last

week there had been a breakthrough, a flicker of movement under the eyelids. A sign

that maybe, just maybe, there was life remaining.

His eyes opened and he immediately winced at the harsh white glow emanating

from the overhead lights , reflecting off every polished surface. He could not move,

could not speak, his body did not feel like his own. At that moment memories of the in-

cident three months before overwhelmed him as if they had occurred only seconds ago.

His wife, noticing he was awake sprang to his side as his mouth contorted, he tried to

scream but no sound escaped him. His eyes darted restlessly in all directions then rolled

back as the beeping quickened. His face slackened and there was nothing she could do

to prevent him returning to the coma.

* * *

His mind descended through time to that day three months ago. Race day. It was

a beautiful day, although not in the conventional sense. There were no blue skies or roll-

ing hills, instead there were countless fumes of clouds each painted different shades of

silver and purple. Together they wove an intricate ever-changing pattern across the

skies of Monaco. The sun shone through holes in sporadic bursts down onto the build-

ings and roads that stretched out in great majesty. An opportunistic ray of light illumi-

nated his race car sending excited bursts of reflected colour out in all directions.

As man and machine completed lap after lap of precision and skill with alarming speed

and dexterity he felt a surge of power and liberty. The tunnel was his favourite section,

a short stretch of closed road with such intoxicatingly high speeds and tight corners. He

wished it would never end.

Approaching lap 35, or was it 45? It could have been 95 it was so involving and

consuming that no amount of time spent driving the track was enough. Drivers always

yearned for more, extra time to perfect that last corner. Above all, the main attraction

of the tunnel was its unforgiving ruthlessness. It punished drivers who weren’t up to

par, in devastating fashion. Any mistakes meant the end. For the more fortunate fools

it meant a crash. For the pitiful others, death was ominously probable.

As it was, he rounded the final corner preceding the tunnel and the car seemed to

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stick, the wheels momentarily locking causing dense white smoke to rise up off the

scorched rubber. Just when a collision seemed inevitable, the car lurched forward cor-

recting itself and the wheels straightened. The engine gave a defiant roar and within a

second the tunnel was upon him.

The droning shout of cheering fans became muffled, blocked out by the tunnel until

only a distant buzzing was felt through the ground. Inside there was only darkness ex-

cept for the strips of faint light overhead. Light or no light, he could navigate this le-

thal strip of track with his eyes closed. The car gobbled up the gears and its speed

peaked as he rounded the first corner in barely half a second. About to turn into the

second corner, the rear wheels locked once again, the front ones scrambling and writh-

ing desperate to regain control but it was hopeless. He put his face in his hands and

shut his eyes in resignation for he knew what was coming next.

The incredible sight of metal crashing into metal at two hundred and fifty kilo-

metres an hour is a spectacle that is as fascinating as it is deadly. Shapes bent and

curved, shock waves travelled along the walls causing cracks to appear and sparks

danced across the wreckage liked fireworks. The sheer momentum of the speeding ve-

hicle carried it to within twenty feet of the tunnel exit before it ground to a strained


Protected by his seat shell, helmet and suit he gazed through the exit then down

at himself, his ankle twisted at an impossible angle, then back out of the tunnel. A lone

camera tracked his situation with a solitary red beeping light. On-off. On-off. On-off…

His eyes grew heavy and he fell away into silence.

* * *

Once again he was in a tunnel but this time there was no car, no noise, not even

light. Looking around there was only shifting blackness and an icy breeze. At the end

of the tunnel there was faint daylight and the vague figures of trees and clouds and a

road. He continued on, not by will but through some strange otherworldly obligation.

A beeping started, distant at first but it grew into a piercing cacophony like a thousand

alarm clocks. As he neared the end of the tunnel it pulled him closer. The beeping be-

gan to fade, protesting intermittently before it stopped altogether. He stepped out of

the tunnel as the ground dissolved and the sky fell. A bright light consumed everything

and then there was nothing.

Michalis Kavourides IB 1

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The 11 of March 2014 was a special day at Pascal English

School Larnaca: it was the French day.

This year our guest was Mme Chantal Jauneau from the

French Institute in Nicosia (Institut Francais de Chypre).

Visitors could watch a slide show on Paris in the hall and

everybody could hear French songs during the three breaks.

They could also learn about the French monuments, the

French-speaking countries and French cuisine specialties

through the three main bulletin-boards decorated by the

French students.

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During period 5 the 1A French class gave presentations

about themselves, their family, their house, their best friend,

their pets and favourite singers or actors.

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During period 6 The French 5 students acted a sketch they

wrote themselves , recited a poem by Jacques Prevert “La

Grasse Matinee” and sang « Aux Champs Elysees ». The au-

dience was the 3A

class who also

sang with the

French 5 class

(karaoke) .

During period 7 the IB French 1 students acted 3 sketches

they wrote themselves , recited a poem by Jacques Prevert

“ familiale” “ dejeuner du matin” , « Hamlet » and “Pour faire

la cage d’un oiseau”

and sang

« La ballade des

gens heureux ».

The audience was the

6A class who also

sang with the IB

French 1 class (karaoke).

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This year the PES Larnaca European Youth Parliament club, took part in a num-

ber a successful events.

In December 2013 our school organized a mini-session and invited PES Limas-

sol and Xenion High School Paralimni to take part in a General Assembly. Top-

ics on current social problems facing Europe today were discussed and voted

on. The mini-session gives new delegates a taste of what a real EYP National

Session is like and prepares them for participation.

Following on from this, a six student delegation was chosen to represent our

school on the Pre-selection day on the 26th April. Our delegation: Natalie Red-

path (Y5), Pantelitsa Stavrou (Y5), Lazaros Hadjiforados (Y5), Stylianos

Hadjiforados (Y5), Marilena Papachristodoulou (Y4) and Maria Ma-

nentzou, prepared their topic and presented their resolution at the event. During

the Pre-selection day, 22 schools from Cyprus compete and 16 are chosen to

take part in the prestigious annual National Session in August.

Once again our delegations were successful and they have been chosen to repre-

sent our school at the 8th National Session at UCLAN this year. Congratulations

to our EYP delegation for all their hard work and we wish them good luck at the

National Session.

(Submitted by: Aspasia Manti EYP Coordinator PES Larnaca)

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Our school took part in the Mathematics Relay competition

that was held on the 31st of January 2014 at the University of Cyprus in Nicosia.

The Mathematics Relay is a very rigorous competition in which most of the top

schools (public or private) take part. The philosophy of the competition is to pro-

mote cooperation among students in a competitive environment and to improve

their abilities and skills when they are up against difficult problems in Mathemat-

ics as a team.

Every school participating has to send students from all the forms of the lower

school – 3 students from Year 1, 3 students from Year 2 and 3 students from Year


Students of Year 1 are given a problem and they have 15mins to solve it as a team.

Once they have found the solution to the problem, the Year 2 students are then

given a new problem which they have 30mins to solve. Once they have, the Year 3

students are given another one for which they are given 45mins. If any of these

teams finish earlier than the time allocated, the team that follows is given the ex-

tra time “earned” by the previous group – hence the title “Relay competition”.

A group of judges grades each answer given by each team of every school and the

ranking among the schools is immediately shown on a screen of the examination

room used. Once the competition is completed, the top 3 schools are awarded with

medals and the CMS Shield is awarded to the highest ranking school. Subse-

quently all schools are given certificates for their participation.

Participants: Themistoklis Pallikarides 1A, Ellie Panoula 1A, Aggeliki Pantjiarou

1B, Demetris Iasonides 2A, Michalis Constantas 2A, Marianna Maurolefterou 2B,

Anastasia Panteli 3A, Michalis Koumi 3A and Alexey Gorskiy 3A.

Teacher escorting students: Margarita Theodoulou

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Our school took part in the annual Students‟ Convention in Mathematics that took

place between the 7th and 9th of February 2014 at the Coral Beach Hotel in Pafos.

It is a convention in which all schools (public or private) in Cyprus participate. The

aim is for students to present original work on a particular field in Mathematics.

The team that represented our school consisted of Maria Kagkeli, Anastasia Kap-

pelou, Andrea Rafaela Nicolaidou and Antoni Georgiou, all from 5A.

The topic of our project was „Από το τανκ τοσ Ντα Βίντσι στα τανκς τοσ Χίτλερ’. A

draft (summary) was sent to the CMS and after approval students composed an ex-

tended work/project and presented that at the Convention. The vast majority of

Mathematicians in Cyprus attends the particular Convention and the students

were given the chance to present their work to people of high caliber in the field of

Mathematics which was quite challenging and intriguing.

At the end of the Convention, the students taking part received a certificate that

shows their participation – something that is a great addition to their student CV.

All the projects will be published by CMS as a special edition with the title: CMS

Annual Students‟ Convention Publication.

Teacher in charge: Margarita Theodoulou

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Our school took part in the Mathematics Olympiad that was held on the 6th of

April 2014 at the Vergina High School in Larnaca.

It is a very challenging competition in which the better students (depending on 1st

semester grades) from each school (public or private) take part (Years 1-6).

The aim is to bring such students up against harder problems in the field of Mathe-

matics in relation to what academic year they are in. The examination paper con-

sists of 30 multiple choice Mathematical questions/exercises/problems in both Eng-

lish and Greek. Each student has 1 hour to answer all questions. Every correct an-

swer gives 4p and every incorrect answer deducts 1p from the total mark of each

student. Once the examination papers are marked by the members of the CMS, a

ranking is formed amongst the students participating, in accordance to what aca-

demic year they are in. The top ranked students receive gold, silver and bronze

medals and other high achievers receive credit awards. The ranking is then re-

leased and it is a great honor for a school to have sent students to this competition

and receive a medal or a credit award on such a Mathematics competition.

Teacher responsible for the

preparation of students


Margarita Theodoulou

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The competition originates from Australia and this is why it has that name.

It was introduced to Europe in 1994 and now more than 40 countries from all over the

world take part in it.

Cyprus has entered the competition in October 2006.

The competition is held annually on the third Thursday of March.

The main aim of the competition is to promote Mathematics in a fun way, without any

ethnic or social discriminations.

Any student can take part in it (grades are not taken into account as they are for the

Mathematics Olympiad).

The questions are based on logical combination and not the strict implementation of

mathematical formulae.

It is executed in 75 minutes as a multiple choice test, consisting of 30 questions (3-point,

4-point and 5-point).

The questions for years 1-4 are 25.

The correct answer gets 1 point, 0 points are awarded for not answering and a quarter of

the points on each wrong answer is deducted from the total of each paper.

Each participant is given 30 base points (24 for years 1-4) to begin with and the maxi-

mum he/she can achieve is 150 points (120 for years 1-4).

The countries do not compete among themselves – the re-

sults are compared internally for each participating country

and the prizes are

regulated and organized nationally. One

student from our school took part in that

competition and won Silver metal,

Michalis Koumi from 3A.


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It was with feelings of great pride that both teachers and

pupils watched the celebration for our National ‘OXI’

day, organized by the Greek Department’s Ms Angela

Venizelou and Eleni Christodoulou on the 26th October.

Pupils from all classes participated with dances, singing,

poetry reciting, as well as short plays regarding the time

period. This gave the chance to all the students in our

school, regardless where they were from, to realize the

feat that Greece managed

during the onset of World

War 2, and also give them

an idea of the undying

Greek spirit, a spirit

which became renowned

through time.

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Two National Celebrations, each marking

the beginning of a struggle by two nations

that never felt like they were really two, but

one and the same. 25th March marks the be-

ginning of the Greek Revolution against the

long-term enslavement under Turkish rule, a

struggle that they managed to win despite

being severely outnumbered, outgunned and

out-trained. One thing they were not losing

in, though, was courage. The Greek spirit

once again took charge, leading thousands

against the hundreds of thousands of the Ot-

tomans, bringing them to their knees.

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The 1st April 1955 is an important day to all Cypriots,

since it was the day Georgios Digenis chose to initiate

the struggle against the British occupation, since Cy-

prus was, up to that point, a part of the British Empire.

Similar to the Greek Revolution, the young Cypriots

were outgunned and outnumbered but lead by the Greek

spirit and the thirst of freedom managed in four years to

force the British to grant Cyprus its independence. Stu-

dents had the chance to be reminded, or learn, both of

the important historical moments that, although staged

130 years apart, shared much in the way they were car-

ried out.

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Science Fair 2014

After a long preparation which started in December the finalists in the annual Pascal Education

Science Fair went to Lefkosia to take part in the fi-


The competition was stiff with many worthwhile

projects from all three Pascal Schools being on show,

ranging from clever ways to use renewable energy, to

the depiction of everyday scientific phenomena.

One could sense the tension in the air among stu-

dents as the time for them to present to the competition judges approached. It was particularly

nerve-racking for Form 3 students who had to do a verbal presentation to a panel of judges, us-

ing nothing more than 3 slides and their voice.

The following students were chosen this year to rep-

resent our school in the final, with Mariana Vikendi-

ou coming away with second place:

Gabriela Ilieva -1A (Hydroponics), Themis Pali-

karides 1A- (Crystal making), Agathi Charitonidou -

1B (Hydroelectric energy), Spyros Myltiadous -1B

(Veggie Electric Power), Angeliki Pantziarou 1B-

(Flower Fertilisation), Alexandra Sergi 1B- (Soap Making), Irini Erakleous 1B- (Motors), Ma-

rianna Vikendiou 2A- (Static Electricity), Andria Theo-

dosi 2B- (Tornadoes), Emily Michael 2B- (Factors af-

fecting rusting), Alexey Gorskyi 3A- (Static Electricity),

Asal Ansaripour 3A- (Influence of Solar Magnetic field

on cosmic rays), Antonis Anastasiou 3C- (Renewable

Energy), Katerina Andreou 3B- (Fire Whirls), Christina

Argyrou 3C- (Volcanoes), Andreas Parpottas 3C- (Earthquakes).

Congratulations to all students for their efforts.

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PASCAL English School Larnaka has successfully organized the Second

Annual Futsal Tournament for its students. The tournament took place on

a daily basis from February until March during first breaks. 10 teams par-

ticipated and competed with great enthusiasm for the trophy. The rest of

the school was cheering for their favourite team. GALAXY V was the

team that won the championship (pictured above, with the other finalist

team) with its captain, Yiannakis Efstathiou and his players Kyriakos Pit-

tas, George Koushiappas, Vasilis Neoptolemou and Kyriakos Damianou

overwhelmed by their accomplishment.

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On Saturday 1st of February the PASCAL English School Larnaka Judo team

participated in first official judo games for 2014 with great results and awards.

Marilena Papachristodoulou: Gold medal -48 kg

Paula Costa :Silver medal - 57kg

Anna Savva : Bronze medal - 44kg

Anastasia Kounna : Bronze medal - 48kg

Maria Manentzou: Bronze medal - 57kg

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The pupils of PASCAL English School Larnaka and members of Elite Sporting Club Judo

team, Marilena Papachristodoulou, Paula Kosta, Anastasia Kounna and Anna Savva, ac-

companied by their coach, Mr. Gregoris Demetriou, and Mr. Marios Koudellis, director of

Elite S.C., participated in the 2nd International Judo Tournament held in Ilioupolis in Ath-

ens on Saturday, 24th May. Paula Costa won third place in the 52 kg category and the oth-

er athletes, trained and prepared by their instructor Ms Despina Kaittani gained important

experiences from the tournament.

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The day was sunny from the

get-go so much sweat was in

order, both from the competi-

tors and the observers from the

stands, however, much fun was

also had, marking the day as

another success in our school


On Thursday, 10th October,

our school held its annual

Sports Day at the GSZ Stadi-

um. The games included both

track and field activities and,

true to the spirit of our school,

many of our students, from all

classes, participated in the

games, either for fun or to real-

ly show their abilities where it


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On 19th of February the Pancyprian School swimming games were held in

Limassol Olympic swimming pool. Our school participated with three up-

per school students. Our student Iasonides Constantinos of year 5 took se-

cond place in 200m free-style race with the amazing time of 2:10:09, an

improvement of 3 whole seconds over his last year’s time in the same com-


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On March 28th our school participated in the Pancyprian Games held at the

G.S.P. National Stadium, in Nicosia, with our student Vasilis Vasiliou of 6D. De-

spite being faced with fierce competition, Vasilis eventually ranked first overall

in the pole vault competition.

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At the 3rd Nicosia-Larnaka Regional Archery tournament for the 2013-2014 champion-

ship, that took place in Larnaka on Saturday, January 25 2014, PASCAL English School

Larnaka being the co-sponsor participated with four athletes and achieved three 1st plac-


They were:

Stylianos Hadjiforados (IB1) – 2nd Division Cadet Boys - Gold Medal.

Alexandra Taratinova (Form 4) – 2nd Division Cadet Girls - Gold Medal.

Armand Barle (Form 4) - Academies Division Cadet Boys - Gold Medal

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At the Lefkosia-Larnaka Regional Archery tournament that took place in Lefkosia on

Saturday 22.3.2014 PASCAL English School, Larnaca participated with four athletes and

achieved two 1st places and one 2nd.

Our medallists were:

Alexandra Taratinova (Form 4) – 2nd Division Cadet mixed (Boys/Girls) - Gold Medal.

StylianosHadjiforados (IB1) – 2nd Division Cadet mixed (Boys/Girls) - Silver Medal.

Armand Barle (Form 4) - Academies Division Cadet Boys - Gold Medal

The fourth participant was Michalis Kavourides of IB1 who took part in only his second

tournament and made a respectable showing.

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100 pupils from PASCAL English School Larnaka volunteered to assist in the Ayia Napa

Futsal Tournament held from Saturday 12th April until Tuesday 15th April from 8:00 am

until 8:00 pm. It was an amazing experience for the volunteers and their efforts are to be


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The aims of this pioneering program that will begin in the school year 2014-2015 are to

enable students who participate as athletes in high levels of competition to keep training

to the high levels that their standards require, making full use of our top-of-the-line sports

facilities, whilst simultaneously being offered a high level of education, enabling them to

apply for a place to any University they would like to when their six-year study period

comes to an end.

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This year the school’s facili-

ties have been upgraded

even further by constructing

four football pitches with

artificial turf and lighting of

300 lux.

Enriching our sports facil-

ities by resurfacing the

basketball and volleyball

courts with a synthetic

floor and incorporating a

tennis court and a hand-

ball court in the basketball

court is in the pipeline.

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Elite Sporting Club started operations in September 2013 in Pascal English School’s

sports facilities aiming to offer to people of all ages a wide variety of sports and activi-

ties. Football, basketball, swimming, martial arts, dancing, art are to name but a few of

the activities on offer, all taught by experienced teachers and trainers, offering high-

quality services.

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This year, special thanks need to be extended to a multi-tude of people who contributed photographs, narratives, translations and their artistic flair to make this edition of the School Magazine as wonderful as it is. This list in-cludes all Heads of Departments and teachers who so generously gave material regarding their subjects and

any event information for this publication.

Mrs. Rodoula Anastasiou, your help in the collection and collation of the material was invaluable, so a special

thank you to you.

Last but not least, members of the Language Depart-ment, Mrs. Irene Petrou, Mrs. Constantina Symeou, Ms. Theano Kyriacou, Mr. Antonis Themistocleous, Ms. Arte-

mis Fellas, Mrs. Maria Botonaki, Mrs. Christiane Camacho, Mrs. Elina Zervou, thank you for the collec-

tion, collation and arrangement of the material.