Part II Electrical Properties of Materials Chap. 7 Electrical Conduction in Metals and Alloys Chap. 8 Semiconductors Chap. 9 Electrical Properties of Polymers, Ceramics, Dielectrics, and Amorphous Materials

Part II Electrical Properties of Materials · Part II Electrical Properties of Materials Chap. 7 Electrical Conduction in Metals and Alloys Chap. 8 Semiconductors Chap. 9 Electrical

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  • Part II Electrical Properties of Materials

    Chap. 7 Electrical Conduction in Metals and Alloys

    Chap. 8 Semiconductors

    Chap. 9 Electrical Properties of Polymers, Ceramics,

    Dielectrics, and Amorphous Materials

  • 8.6 Compound Semiconductors

    GaAs (III-V compound)

    - larger band gap compared to Si

    - larger electron mobility due to smaller electron effective mass (Fig 5.24)

    - direct band gap (chap 12) : optical properties


    - High-frequency devices

    - Laser / light-emitting diodes (LED)

  • Other compound semiconductors(applications: optoelectronic devices)

    Group III-V elements-GaP, GaN, InP, InAs, InSb, AlSb

    Group II-VI elements-ZnO, ZnS,ZnSe, CdS,CdTe,HgS

    Group IV-VI-PbS, PbSe, and PbTe

    Ternary or quaternary alloys-AlxGa1-xAs, AlxGa1-xAsySb1-y, GaAs1-xPx :LEDsGaAs1-xAs also used in modulation-doped field-effect transistors (MODFET)

    Silicon carbide: Group IV-IV - band gap 3eV, very high temperature(700oC) device- Emit light in the blue end of the visible spectrum

    8.6 Compound Semiconductors

  • 8.7 Semiconductor Devices

    8.7.1 Metal-Semiconductor Contacts

    Types of contacts in semiconductor/metal

    rectifying contact (8.7.2)

    widely utilized in electronic devices to convert alternating current into direct current

    ohmic contact

    electron can flow in both ways and obeys Ohm’s law

    Band diagram for n-type and p-type semiconductors (Fig 8.12)

    n- type : surface negatively charged → repelling force on electron band edge → bent upward , depletion layer (space-charge region)

    p-type: band edge bent downward

  • 8.7.2 Rectifying Contacts (Schottky Barrier Contacts)Work function, φ : the energy difference between the Fermi energy and the ionization energy which is necessary to transport an electron from EF to infinity

    Metal / n-type semiconductor, φM > φS : After contact (Fig 8.13b), electrons flow from semiconductor “down” to metal until Fermi energies of both solids are equal → the metal will be charged negatively and potential barrier is formed just as shown in Fig 8.12

    In equilibrium state, electrons from both sides cross the potential barrier. This electron flow constitutes the so-called diffusion current

    8.7 Semiconductor Devices

  • 8.7.2 Rectifying Contacts (Schottky Barrier Contacts)Metal / p-type semiconductor, φM< φS

    Electrons diffuse from metal into the semiconductor, thus charging the metal and, therefore, the surface of the semiconductor positively. Consequently a downward potential barrier is formed.

    Contact potential:the potential height for an electron diffusing from the semiconductor into metal: φM- φS height of the potential barrier from metal side : φM- χ, where χelectron affinity

    8.7 Semiconductor Devices

  • 8.7.2 Rectifying Contacts (Schottky Barrier Contacts)

    Net current flow in metal / n-type semiconductor by d.c biasing

    - Reverse bias (when metal is connected to the negative terminal) : metal is charged even more negatively → the electron in the semiconductor are repelled even more → the potential barrier is increased and depletion layer becomes wider (Fig 8.15a)

    Both barrier are relatively high, the diffusion currents in both directions are negligible, voltage independent small drift constant from metal into the semiconductor

    - Forward Bias (semiconductor is connected to negative terminal)

    The potential barrier reduced. the depletion layer is narrow

    : a large electron flow from semiconductor into metal

    8.7 Semiconductor Devices

  • 8.7.2 Rectifying Contacts (Schottky Barrier Contacts)

    The voltage current characteristic (Fig 8.16a)

    Rectifier : convert alternating current into direct current (Fig 8.16b)

    The current that flows from the metal into semiconductor





    ⎛ −−=



    M2MS exp


    The current flowing from semiconductor into the metal





    ⎛ −−−=



    SM2MS exp


    where, A is the area of contact (see Fig. 8.13) and C is a constant

    8.7 Semiconductor Devices

  • ⎥⎦




    ⎛= 1expI

    BSnet Tk


    The net current Inet = ISM - IMS consists of namely, the saturation current

    and voltage-dependent term. The net current is obtained by combining the last two equation

    8.7.2 Rectifying Contacts (Schottky Barrier Contacts)

    Forward bias (positive V) the net current increase exponentially with V





    ⎛ −−=



    SM2S expI


    8.7 Semiconductor Devices

  • 8.7.3 Ohmic Contacts (Metallization)Ohmic contact: no barrier exists for the flow of electrons in either diction (Fig 8.17c)

    For the case of metal / n-type semiconductor contact, and φM< φS , electron flow from metal to semiconductor, charging metal positively.(cf, another case : metal / n-type semiconductor contact, and φM> φS )

    The band of semiconductor bend “downward” and no barrier

    8.7 Semiconductor Devices

  • 8.7.4 p-n Rectifier (Diode)After p-n contact : electron flow from higher level (n-type) “down” into p-type so that p-slide is negatively charged

    Conduction band: electron in the p-region diffuse “down” into n -region, in equilibrium state the number of electrons crossing the junction in both directions is identical

    8.7 Semiconductor Devices

  • 8.7.4 p-n Rectifier (Diode)

    “ quasi-Fermi levels” (Fig 8.19a)

    Electron density varies in the junction from the n-side to the p-side by many orders of magnitude, while electron current is almost constant. Consequently, the EF is almost constant over depletion layerExternal potential applied (Fig 8.19)

    - Reverse bias (connecting positive terminal to n-side): depletion layer becomes wider and potential barrier grows higher

    - Forward bias: barrier decreases in height, a large net electron flow occurs from n-type to p-type region

    8.7 Semiconductor Devices

  • 8.7.4 p-n Rectifier (Diode)

    while is the lifetime of electrons in the p-type region before these electrons are annihilated by recombination with holes


    D Bepepμ


    epepep τ⋅= DL


    The saturation current, IS in reverse bias, Shockley equation (ideal diode law)







    epepS L



    The diffusion constant is connected with the mobility (Einstein relation)

    Chn: equilibrium concentration of the holes in n-region, Cep :concentration of electron in the p-region, D: diffusion constant, L: diffusion length

    The minority carrier diffusion length is given by a reinterpretation of a well known equation of thermodynamics,

    8.7 Semiconductor Devices

  • 8.7 Semiconductor Devices

    8.7.5 Zener Diode

    - Breakdown: when the reverse voltage is increased above a critical value, high electric filed causes some electrons to become accelerated with a velocity at which impact ionizationoccurs → avalanching process

    - Zener breakdown (Tunneling):another breakdown process; when the doping is heavy and thus the barrier width becomes very thin (< 10nm), applying high enough reverse voltage causes the bands to shift to the degree that some electron in the valence band of p-side are apposite to empty states in the conduction band of n-side and these electron can tunnel through the depletion layer (Fig 8.20b) ; a circuit protection device (Fig 8.20d)

  • 8.7.6 Solar Cell (Photodiode): a p-n junction diode

    1. Light of high energy fall on or near the depleted area

    2. Electron are lifted from the valence band into the conduction band, leaving holes in the valence band

    3. The electron in the depleted area immediately “roll down” into the n-region, whereas the holes are swept into the p-region

    → The carriers can be measured in an external circuit (photographic exposure meter) or used to generate electrical energy

    In order to increase the effective area of the junction (Fig 8.21)

    - extremely thin p-type region (1 μm) :light radiation through p-region

    - narrow metal electrode (in the form of strips)

    8.7 Semiconductor Devices

  • Semiconductors8.7 Semiconductor Devices8.7.6 Solar Cell (Photodiode)

    - The closer a carrier was created to the p-n boundary, the larger is its change of contributing to the current. (the electron - hole created some distance away from the depleted region, do not separated by junction field and eventually recombine; do not contribute to the electric current) : see Fig 8.22






    - Quantum efficiency

    W, L: the width and length of depletion region

    α: a parameter that determines the degree of photon absorption by the electrons

  • Semiconductors8.7 Semiconductor Devices*8.7.7 Avalanche Photodiode

    - A p-n photodiode that is operated in a high reverse bias mode, i.e. at near-breakdown voltage

    1. Electron and holes created by transition from the valence band into the conduction band by the incident light, are accelerated through the depleted area with high velocity →which, in turn, ionize the lattice atom and generate secondary hole-electron pairs, thus generate even more hole-electron pairs → photo current gain

    2. Low light-level application, detectors in long-distance, fiber optics telecommunication system

  • Semiconductors8.7 Semiconductor Devices*8.7.8 Tunnel Diode

    A p-n junction diode - depleted area is very narrow ; → heavy doping Fermi energy extends into the valence band of p-type semiconductor

    energy band diagram and I-V characteristic : Fig 8.24

    - The voltage is increase to 100mV (in Fig 8.24d), the potential barrier might be decreased do much that, opposite to the filled n-conduction state, no tunneling take place; current decreases with increasing forward voltage: “negative current-voltage characteristic” : c-d region

  • Semiconductors8.7 Semiconductor Devices8.7.9 Transistors

    Bipolar Junction Transistorn-p-n transistor (n-p diode back to back with p-n diode) ; three connections of the transistor are called emitter(E), base(B), and collector(C)

    - For the amplification of a signal, the “diode” consisting of emitter and base is forward biased, whereas the base-collector ”diode” is strongly reverse biased (Fig 8.26a)

    1.The electrons injected into the emitter needed to have enough energy to be able to “climb” the potential barrier into the base region.

    2.The electron diffuse through the base area until they heave reached the depletion region between base and collector.

    3.The electrons are accelerated in the strong electric field produced by the collector voltage → this acceleration case amplification of the input a.csignal

  • Semiconductors8.7 Semiconductor Devices8.7.9 Transistors

    Bipolar Junction Transistor

    The electron flow from emitter to collector can be controlled by the bias voltage on the base

    - A large positive (forward) biasdecreases the potential barrier and the width of the depleted region between emit

    → The electron injection into the p-area is relatively high

    - A small, but still positive base voltage results in a comparatively larger barrier height and in a wider depletion area, which causes a smaller electron injection from the emitter into the base area.

    - the strong collector signal mimics the waveform of the input signal

    : this feature is utilized for the amplification of music or voice, etc

  • Semiconductors8.7 Semiconductor Devices8.7.9 TransistorsMetal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor

    - A field-effect transistor consists of a channel through which the charge carriers need to pass on their way from a source (S) to the drain (D)

    - The electrons that flow from the source to the drain can be controlled by an electric field which is established by applying a voltage to the so-called gate (G)

    - The gate electrode is electrically insulated from the channel by a thin oxide layer which prevent a d.ccurrent to flow from gate to channel

  • 8.7 Semiconductor Devices8.7.9 TransistorsMetal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor


    Two types of MOSFETs are common:

    1. Depletion-type MOSFET or “normally on” MOSFET

    - Consists of high-doped source and drain regions and a low doped channel, all of the same polarity (e.g. n-type): Fig8.28a

    - The channel width is controlled by the voltage between gate andbody

    - A negative charge on the gate drives the channel electrons awayfrom the gate and towards the substrate; the conductive region of the channel becomes narrowed by a negative gate voltage.

    - The more negative voltage (VG), the smaller the current through the channel from source to drain until eventually the current ispinched off (Fig 8.28c)

  • 8.7 Semiconductor Devices8.7.9 TransistorsMetal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor

    2. Enhancement-type MOSFET or “normally-off” MOSFET

    - No built-in channel for electron conduction at least as long as no gate voltage is applied.

    - If large enough positive voltage is applied to the gate, most of the holes immediately below the gate oxide are repelled, i.e., they are driven into the substrate, thus removing possible recombination sites and


    negative charge carriers are attracted into this channel; a path for the electrons between source and drain can be created by a positive gate voltage

    - Usages: memories, microcomputers, logic circuits, amplifiers, analog switches and operational amplifiers

  • 8.7 Semiconductor Devices8.7.9 TransistorsMetal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor


    CMOSFET: complementary MOSFET

    - Both an n-channel and a p-channel device are integrated on one chip and wired in series

    - This tandem device has become the dominant technology for information processing, because of its low operating voltage (0.1V), low powder consumption, and short channel length with accompanying high speed


  • 8.7 Semiconductor Devices8.7.10. Quantum Semiconductor Devices


    -To explain the nature of a quantum device: recall “the behavior of one electron in a potential well (Sec 4.2)”

    - Size quantization : dimensions of the crystalline solid are reduced to the size of the wavelength of electron (e.g., 20nm for GaAs ; → density of state, Z(E) is quantized

    - A small-band gap material is sandwiched between two layers of a “wide-band gap material (Fig 8.33a,b): the configuration for which all three dimensions of the center materials have values near the electron wavelength, is called quantum dot (quantum wire for 2-d, quantum wellfor 1-d confinement) → potential barrier between two GaAs region

  • 8.7 Semiconductor Devices8.7.10. Quantum Semiconductor Devices


    - Fig 8.34: If a large voltage is applied to the device, the conduction band of the n-doped GaAs is raised to a level at which its conduction electrons are at the same height as an empty energy state of the center GaAs region.

    → At this point, the electrons are capable of tunneling though the potential barrier formed by the AlGaAs region and thus reach one of these discrete energy state

  • 8.7 Semiconductor Devices8.7.10. Quantum Semiconductor Devices


    - If a slightly higher voltage is applied, the electrons of the n-doped GaAs are no longer at par with an empty energy level and tunneling comes to a near standstill a I-V characteristic with negative differential resistance (Fig 8.35)

    - An array of a multitude of quantum wells stacked on top of each other : The periodic arrangement of wide-band gap and narrow band gap materials is called supperlattice

    - Quantum devices are about one-hundredth of the size of presently known FETs

    - The major problems have still to be overcome concerning interconnections, device architecture, and fabrication of three-terminal devices

  • 8.7 Semiconductor Devices8.7.11. Semiconductor Device Fabrication

    (Text reading p.146-155)


    Techniques for single-crystal growth


    2. Float-zone technique

    3. Bridgman tech

    Once the rods have been obtained,

    They are sliced, lapped, etched, and

    polished to obtain 0.3-0.4mm thick


  • 8.7 Semiconductor DevicesSemiconductors

    8.7.11. Semiconductor DeviceFabrication

    Device fabrication on the wafers

    - Surface oxidation,

    - Photolithography

    - Oxide Etch

    - Photoresist Strip

    - Doping

    - Metallization

    - Packaging

    Part II Electrical Properties of Materials