Color Neutral Palette Northern Style Living This bathroom works well with a neutral color scheme In neutral living spaces, the rooms feel relaxed, cozy and calm. Neutral color schemes should be used in room that don’t have a lot of activity going on, such as bathrooms, reading rooms or guest bedrooms. Bathroo ms are great spaces for neutral color schemes! 30


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Color Neutral Palette



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This bathroom works well

with a neutral color


In neutral living spaces, the rooms feel relaxed, cozy and calm. Neutral color schemes should be used in room that don’t have a lot of activity going on, such as bathrooms, reading rooms or guest bedrooms.

Bathrooms are great

spaces for

neutral color



Emphasis Focal Point

Emphasis is the creation of a focal

point. A focal point means the most

important furniture or artwork that is

being used in a room.

This kind of focal point grabs the

attention of viewers. In my dinning room of my home in

Raleigh, NC, this china cabinet is a large piece of furniture and captures attention through its color and size.


Emphasis Focal Point-Structural

Focal Point-structural is used here because there are objects supporting the main focus point, the fire place.

The focal point is the most

important part of a design.

In this room, the fireplace is the main focal point, and

the structure around the fireplace and the wall it lays

on, helps support it.


Massing Actual Density

Here you believe and

know that this love seat and ottoman are heavy. We believe this from past

experiences or lifting up the

chair ourselves.

Its important to have both

heavy and light masses in a room.


Massing Optical Density

From looking at this banana

holder, you would think

that it weighs almost

nothing, but in reality the

weight of the metal actually makes its mass a lot heavier. The use of

optical density in rooms help balance out a



Rhythm Repetitive

Repetition by rhythm appears by one object being excessively repeated, such as columns, or repeated windows.

In this design, the stair rails

are being repeated, creating

movement and rhythm.

Repetition is repeating something over again.


Rhythm Climatic

Climatic rhythm is used to lead up until a

climax, otherwise known as the focal

point of the design.

Climatic rhythm is

simple, yet elegant.

Here the main focal point is the arbor.


Rhythm Contrast

Contrast in rhythm is used to show differences in color, however there is

still unity by their differences.

This is great way to create

rhythm, and is shown through houses that are very different, yet very alike.

Here these townhomes are

all similar in design, yet

have different styles.


Rhythm Transitional/flowing

The repetition of the windows of the building crates a

flowing rhythm from window to window.

In this design, the windows of the home create movement from

window to window and the

eyes move across the surface.

Use windows on the first

floor to show movement


Proportion In proportion with Space

Buildings in proportion with space, mean the size of them are

realistic and don’t seem overly large.

This is an image of my high school in

Raleigh, NC. The building appears to be large, because

of the angel it is taken at.

Different angels make the building

appear differently.


Proportion Not In proportion with Space

These objects are not in

proportion with space, meaning

they’re unrealistic.

This picture was taken from Life & Style. This dog house is very

unproportional with space, because the balcony is way too small to have a

human stand on.


Scale Human Scale

Here the building is in scale with a typical sized human car.

Most buildings are in size with humans, because humans live in them and that is

what they’re used for.


Scale Symbolic Scale

Symbolic scale, means a building that is so large that couldn’t be used for


Most symbolic scaled buildings are memorials,

such as the Lincoln Memorial

in Washington D.C.

My sister and I in front of the Washington
