Part 2 DIF detection in STATA

Part 2 DIF detection in STATA. Dif Detect - Stata Developed by Paul Crane et al, Washington University based on Ordinal logistic regression (Zumbo, 1999)

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Part 2 DIF detection in STATA

Dif Detect - Stata Developed by Paul Crane et al, Washington University based on Ordinal logistic regression (Zumbo, 1999)

Ordinal or continuous covariates (i.e. not restricted to binary). Model incorporates latent trait scores rather than sum scores -

advantage over parametric methods http://www.alz.washington.edu/DIFDETECT/welcome.html

DIFwithPAR but need Parscale software for this

Publications: Crane, Belle and Larson (2004) Test bias in a cognitive test: differential item functioning in

the CASI; Statistics in Medicine, 23, 241-256.

DifD website

DifD Model specification

• f (item response) = cut + ß∗1θ (1) • f (item response) = cut + ß∗1θ + ß∗2 group (2) • f (item response) = cut + ß∗1θ + ß∗2 group+ß∗3θ group (3)∗

Gibbons et al (2009) International Psychogeriatics, 21:1

The program examines 3 ordinal logistic regression models for each item

Cut represents the cutpoint(s) for each level in the proportional odds ologit modelθ (theta) is the IRT estimate of ability (e.g derived from Mplus) Group is the indicator for the covariate In model 3, β3 is the coefficient for the ability-group interaction term.

Tests for Uniform and Non-uniform DIF

ologit itemresponse ability group ability*group

Detecting Non-Uniform & Uniform DIF

Non-Uniform DIF (e.g. demographic interference between ability and item responses differs

at varying levels of the trait) Log likelihoods of models 2 & 3 are compared to test the significance of

the interaction term

Uniform DIF Fits models with and without group assignment (i.e. models 1 & 2) Compares the relative difference between parameters associated with θ If the relative difference was >10% then uniform DIF is present. Option to also be compare -2 log likelihoods). Default alpha 0.20

(Maldonado & Greenland, 1993)

Gibbons et al (2009) International Psychogeriatics, 21:1

How to run Dif Detect - Stata

In stata type: findit difd

1 package found (Stata Journal and STB listed first) difd from http://fmwww.bc.edu/RePEc/bocode/d

'DIFD': module to evaluate test items for differential item functioning (DIF) / DIF detection is a first step in assessing bias in test items. / difd detects DIF in test items between groups, conditional on the trait that the test is

measuring, using logistic regression.

• Gives installation file: (click here to install)• difd.ado• difd.hlp

How to run DIFd in Stata Code for detection of differential item function (DIF) from difd.hlp. difd varlist , ID(var) ABility(varlist) GRoups(varlist) CATegorical(varlist) RUnname(str)

NUL(#) NUP(#) NUPValue(#) UBeta(#) UBP(#) ULPV(#) UP(#) UPPValue(#) ITemsub(#)

where: varlist is the list of variables (items) to be tested for DIF id (nb leave this out). ability is the ability variable(s) (derive from Mplus or similar). groups is the list of grouping variables. (can use binary, ordinal or Continuous ‘grouping’


Options categorical is the list of any group variables that are categorical and have more than 2 levels. Note can omit dichotomous variables from this list. Default is none (all

continuous or dichotomous). runname names the log file DIFdRUnname.log. Default is DIFd.log.`

DIFd in Stata Code for detection of differential item function (DIF) from difd.hlp. difd varlist , ID(var) ABility(varlist) GRoups(varlist) CATegorical(varlist) RUnname(str) NUL(#) NUP(#) NUPValue(#) UBeta(#) UBP(#) UL(#) ULPV(#) UP(#) UPPValue(#)


Options cont….

• ul indicates whether the log-likelihood test will be used as a criterion for uniform DIF. Default is no (0). UL(1) will include this criterion

• ulpvalue is the p-value for testing uniform DIF with the log-likelhood method. Default is 0.05.

Note: DIF results for categorical grouping variables will be in terms of the ordered values of group. For example, if ethnic has 3 levels, 3 sets of DIF results will be reported: ethnic12, ethnic13, ethnic23, where ethnic12 compares the 2 lowest values of ethnic, ethnic13 the lowest and highest, etc.

DIFd Stata – back to Mplus

Run basic CFA model and save factor scores (ability) from Mplus to a data file

1) Add syntax to specify your ID in VARIABLE command:

idvar is caseno;


3) Add SAVEDATA following OUTPUT statement and specify file name and location

2) Add AUXILIARY in VARIABLE command to ensure covariates to be used to test for DIF are included in saved data file (as these will not in your basic CFA model or use variable statement )

auxiliary is sex;

Mplus to save F scores (ability)

USEVARIABLES are rut03 rut04 rut10 rut14 rut18; CATEGORICAL are rut03 rut04 rut10 rut14 rut18; idvar is caseno; AUXILIARY = sex;

missing are all ( 88 999 );

ANALYSIS: ! TYPE is missing H1; ESTIMATOR IS wlsmv; ITERATIONS = 1000; CONVERGENCE = 0.00005; MODEL:

Conduct by rut03 rut04 rut10 rut14 rut18; OUTPUT: SAMPSTAT STANDARDIZED RES MOD(10) ;


Mplus output (save data)

SAVEDATA INFORMATION Order and format of variables

Save file C:\DATA\bext16.DAT

Save file format 5F10.3 I6 F10.3

Save file record length 5000

Item responses

Individual factor scores / ability scores

RUT03 F10.3 RUT04 F10.3 RUT10 F10.3 RUT14 F10.3 RUT18 F10.3 CASENO I6 SEX F10.3 CONDUCT F10.3

Import .dat file to spssOpen .dat file in spss using text import wizard nb. Step 2 - select fixed width Step 4 - make sure column breaks are right aligned because of missing dataStep 6 – check if numeric

Right align col

Save as stata file!

DIFd in Stata• difd rut03 rut04 rut10 rut14 rut18, ru(difd16ext) ab(conduct) gr(sex) cat(sex) ul(1)

log: C:\data\DIFdfin16ext.log (0 observations deleted) There are 8773 observations. The 5 items of interest: rut03 rut04 rut10 rut14 rut18. The 1 group of interest: sex. The 1 ability of interest: conduct.• _______________________________________________________________• Non-Uniform Differential Item Functioning• -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• -> group = sex• --------------------------------------------• ability |• and item | P(Dif.(LL)) Non-Uniform DIF• ----------+---------------------------------• conduct |• rut03 | .8930773 no • rut04 | .0532258 no • rut10 | .0515209 no • rut14 | .0001041 yes • rut18 | .245261 no

Non-Uniform DIF if P(Dif.(LL)) < .05

DIFd in Stata (Uniform DIF output)Uniform Differential Item Functioning

-> group = sex---------------------------------------------------------- ability | and item | Change in Est. P(Dif.(LL)) Uniform DIF ----------+----------------------------------------------- conduct | rut03 | .0042654 3.46e-16 yes rut04 | .0135444 5.35e-06 yes rut10 | -.0003362 .8060181 no rut14 | .0011879 .159341 no rut18 | .0006344 .6337193 no ----------------------------------------------------------

Uniform DIF if Change in Est. > .1 or P(Dif.(LL)) < .05

This output was produced using DIFd version 1.0 by Paul Crane, Laura Gibbons, Lance Jolley, and Gerald van Belle University of Washington Copyright 2005

DIFd in Stata (output file)• Saves parameters estimates an output data set, DIFd.dta, which includes model

results, with Brant test p-values for ordinal items and Hosmer-Lemeshow p-values for binary items as data file (difd.dta)

Example extract of difd.dta file

type item group ability ll bab sebab bgp sebgp bi sebintx pHL pBrant model dif ll1

1 rut03 sex b16ext -1107.5 4.115 0.414 -0.982 0.313 -0.039 0.287 0.183 1 0.004 -1107.5

1 rut03 sex b16ext -1107.5 4.063 0.143 -1.021 0.130 0.125 2 0.004 -1107.5

1 rut03 sex b16ext -1140.8 4.046 0.140 0.080 3 0.004 -1107.5

2 rut04 sex b16ext -2315.2 2.830 0.253 0.160 0.135 0.313 0.162 0.045 1 0.014 -2315.24

2 rut04 sex b16ext -2317.1 3.297 0.085 0.369 0.081 0.005 2 0.014 -2315.24

2 rut04 sex b16ext -2327.5 3.253 0.084 0.038 3 0.014 -2315.24

DIFd in Stata

Advantages: Uniform and Non-Uniform Dif Continuous , binary and polytomous items Use ability scores rather than total scores

Disadvantages: One subgroup at a time Designed for unidimensional IRT (not multidimensional scales) Based on ordinal logistic regression model so assumes proportional slopes

To assess impact of DIF IRT scores can be compared between participants when accounting for DIF and not accounting for Dif

References• Camilli, G. and Shepard, L. A. (1994). Methods for Identifying Biased Test Items. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.• Crane, P. K., van Belle, G. and Larson, E. B. (2004). Test bias in a cognitive test: differential item functioning in

the CASI. Statistics in Medicine, 23, 241–256.• Crane, P. K., Gibbons, L. E., Jolley, L. and van Belle, G. (2006). Differential item functioning analysis with

ordinal logistic regression techniques: DIFdetect and difwithpar. Medical Care, 44, S115–S123. • Gibbons LE, McCurry S, et al (2009) Japanese–English language equivalence of the Cognitive Abilities Screening

Instrument among Japanese-Americans International Psychogeriatrics (2009), 21:1, 129–137 • Jones, R. N. (2006). Identification of measurement differences between English and Spanish language versions

of the Mini-mental State Examination: detecting differential item functioning using MIMIC modeling. Medical Care, 44, S124–133.

• Mellenburgh, G. (1989). Item Bias and Item Response Theory. International Journal of Educational Research, 13, 127 – 143.

• Reise, S.P. Widaman, K.F. and. Pugh RH (1993) Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Item Response Theory: Two Approaches for Exploring Measurement Invariance Psychological Bulletin Vol. 114, No. 3, 552-566

• Teresi, J (2006) Different approaches to Differential Item Functioning in Health Applications Advantages, Disadvantages and some neglected topics. Medical Care, 44, 11, S152–170.

• Zumbo, B. D. (1999). A handbook on the theory and methods of differential item functioning (DIF): Logistic regression modeling as a unitary framework for binary and Likert-type (ordinal) item scores. Ottawa, Canada: Directorate of Human Resources Research and Evaluation, Department of National Defense.