Letters relating to Moreton Bay & Queensland: A2 series – Reel A2.17 – Part 2 of 3 www.slq.qld.gov.au Last revised: April 2014 Page 1 of 42 NEW SOUTH WALES – COLONIAL SECRETARY LETTERS RELATING TO MORETON BAY AND QUEENSLAND RECEIVED 1822 – 1860 LETTERS RECEIVED 1847 - 1848 AND PAPERS FILED WITH THEM – REEL A2.17 CONTINUED FROM A2.16 SRNSW REF NO CS REF NO DATE REC’D TO FROM DATE OF DOCUMENT CONTENTS QSL REEL PAGE LETTERS RECEIVED 1848 AND PAPERS FILED WITH THEM 48/11301 1848 10 20 Hon CS Colonial Storekeepers Office, Sydney John Buchanan 1848 10 19 1848 10 20~ 1848 10 23 At top: “Colonial Storekeeper” Letter reporting Stores in annexed list received from abolished Police Station at Cressbrook – arms & implements in good order – to be held for re-issue Government Gazette to be sent to Government Printer Requests permission to retain Callaghans Acts of Council in his office & Notes in margin “Approved” Colonial Storekeeper [List of Stores] A2.17 054 – 055 056 48/07863 48/07863 1848 07 08 Hon E D Thomson, CS W Elyard for the CS Commissioner of Crown Lands Office, Moreton Bay S Simpson, C C L 1848 09 29 1848 06 30 1848 09 18~ Note Colonial Storekeeper to report if Stores received [Ref 48/11301] At top: “Commissioner Simpson” Letter reporting stores etc conveyed to Clerk of Bench Ipswich from Cressbrook –Mr Smith to forward receipt to Colonial Storekeeper Re Police horse – sold by auction £9-19-6 – paid into Colonial Treasury on 3 rd June & Notes in margin Resubmitted [several times] Query Colonial Storekeeper whether he has received these [Ref 48/11301] A2.17 057 058 48/07069 1848 06 15 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Clarence River Oliver Fry 1848 06 03 At top: “Commissioner Fry” Letter reporting horse received from Police Establishment at Cassino [Casino?] is advertised for sale & Note in margin [Ref 48/07863] A2.17 059 48/06411 1848 05 20 Hon CS Colonial Storekeepers Office, Sydney John Buchanan 1848 05 19 1848 06 08~ At top: “Colonial Storekeeper” Letter reporting certain packages from Cressbrook & Cassino not yet received [No 48/46] & Notes in margin Query to Commissioners at Moreton Bay & Clarence River re articles supplied to Benches at Cressbrook & Cassino being returned to Colonial Storekeeper A2.17 060

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Page 1: Part 2 - 1848 (page 054-449) [PDF 388 kb]

Letters relating to Moreton Bay & Queensland: A2 series – Reel A2.17 – Part 2 of 3 www.slq.qld.gov.au Last revised: April 2014 Page 1 of 42


RECEIVED 1822 – 1860








48/11301 1848 10 20 Hon CS Colonial Storekeepers Office, Sydney John Buchanan

1848 10 19 1848 10 20~ 1848 10 23

At top: “Colonial Storekeeper” Letter reporting Stores in annexed list received from abolished Police Station at Cressbrook – arms & implements in good order – to be held for re-issue Government Gazette to be sent to Government Printer Requests permission to retain Callaghans Acts of Council in his office & Notes in margin “Approved” Colonial Storekeeper [List of Stores]

A2.17 054 – 055 056

48/07863 48/07863

1848 07 08

Hon E D Thomson, CS

W Elyard for the CS Commissioner of Crown Lands Office, Moreton Bay S Simpson, C C L

1848 09 29 1848 06 30 1848 09 18~

Note Colonial Storekeeper to report if Stores received [Ref 48/11301] At top: “Commissioner Simpson” Letter reporting stores etc conveyed to Clerk of Bench Ipswich from Cressbrook –Mr Smith to forward receipt to Colonial Storekeeper Re Police horse – sold by auction £9-19-6 – paid into Colonial Treasury on 3rd June & Notes in margin Resubmitted [several times] Query Colonial Storekeeper whether he has received these [Ref 48/11301]

A2.17 057 058

48/07069 1848 06 15 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Clarence River Oliver Fry

1848 06 03 At top: “Commissioner Fry” Letter reporting horse received from Police Establishment at Cassino [Casino?] is advertised for sale & Note in margin [Ref 48/07863]

A2.17 059

48/06411 1848 05 20 Hon CS Colonial Storekeepers Office, Sydney John Buchanan

1848 05 19 1848 06 08~

At top: “Colonial Storekeeper” Letter reporting certain packages from Cressbrook & Cassino not yet received [No 48/46] & Notes in margin Query to Commissioners at Moreton Bay & Clarence River re articles supplied to Benches at Cressbrook & Cassino being returned to Colonial Storekeeper

A2.17 060

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1848 06 10

Commissioners of Crown Lands Moreton Bay & Clarence River [Ref 48/07069]

48/02294 “C A F”

1848 03 09~ 1848 03 13~ 1848 03 28 1848 05 06~ 1848 05 09~ 1848 05 16

Notes Re stores etc of late Police Establishment Cassino – now in charge of the Commissioner – arrangements & Notes in margin “Approved” Bench Grafton, Mr Fry, Colonial Storekeeper Resubmitted & Notes re above Enquire of Colonial Storekeeper if Callaghans Acts etc received & of Commissioner if horse disposed of Colonial Storekeeper, Commissioner [Ref 48/06411]

A2.17 061 – 062

1848 02 21~ Note Re papers given out with 48/02254 – Commissioner Mitchell – 11 Feb – reporting Stores belonging to Police Establishment Pockataroo not in his custody

A2.17 063

48/02294 48/02294

1848 02 21 Hon CS Commissioner of Crown lands Office, Clarence River Oliver Fry Clarence River Oliver Fry

1848 01 20 1848 01 20

At top: “Commissioner Fry” Letter transmitting List of Articles of Police Equipment received from Bench of Magistrates Cassino Return of Police Equipment handed over by the Bench at Cassino, to the Commissioner of Crown Lands Clarence River on First of January 1848 [Description of Article/ No of each]

A2.17 064 065 – 067

48/00991 48/00991

1848 01 22

“S S”

1848 02 20~ 1848 02 22~ 1848 03 13 1848 05 16 1848 06 02~ 1847 12 31~

Note Stores etc of late Police Establishment at Cressbrook ordered to be delivered to Commissioner who directed them to be forwarded to Clerk of the Bench Ipswich – arrangements & Notes in margin “Approved” Bench Ipswich, Commissioner Moreton Bay, Colonial Storekeeper Resubmitted [several times] Colonial Storekeeper to report whether articles received Resubmitted - See 48/07863 Inventory of Police Stores Delivered by Henry Abbott Clerk of Petty Sessions at Cressbrook to S Simpson Esq JP, Commissioner of Crown Lands [Date/ Articles/ Number or Quantity] [Includes one grey troop horse] “Received the above – S Simpson, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Cressbrook” & “Mem” Re stores – despatched to McConnel’s Store in Cressbrook for safety, with orders to forward them to Clerk of Bench Ipswich

A2.17 068 – 069 070 - 073

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48/12688 1848 11 17 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G

1848 11 16 1848 11 20~ 1848 11 20

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Letter reporting Revd W B Boyce Superintendent of Wesleyans has paid £15 being value of materials in Government Buildings at Brisbane [No 360] & Notes in margin Nothing further necessary at present – Capt Wickham to be informed of payment Capt Wickham, Copy to Surveyor General

A2.17 074

48/11351 1848 10 23 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G

1848 10 21 1848 10 26~ 1848 10 27

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Letter requesting information re buildings & allotments at Brisbane authorised for Wesleyan Church purposes – mentions Wesleyan Committee to pay £15 [No 355] & Notes in margin Copy of Capt Wickham’s letter of 18 Sept to D C General with required information re the allotments Deputy Commissary General

A2.17 075 - 076

48/10664 1848 10 02 Hon CS Brisbane J C Wickham “C A F”

1848 09 18 1848 10 13~ 1848 10 16~ 1848 10 18~ 1848 10 19

At top: “Police Magistrate Brisbane” Letter enquiring whether materials of the buildings on land authorised for the Wesleyans are to be included in the Grant: 3 allotments on which part of the Prisoners Barrack now stands – buildings of brick & include the old Bakehouse, another building built for overseers quarter & cookhouse, & part of old wall enclosing the Barrack – dilapidated state – bricks might realize £15-£20 & Notes in margin [Ref 48/07275] & Notes re above Governor’s decision on 48/07275 included Grant of the buildings also Value of buildings i.e. the materials should be charged – say £15 “Approved” Revd W Boyce, Surveyor General, Deputy Commissary General, Police Magistrate Brisbane [Ref 48/11351]

A2.17 077 - 079

48/10921 48/10921

1848 10 09

Hon CS

Audit Office, Sydney “W L” “C A F” Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G

1848 10 16 1848 11 13~ 1848 11 14~ 1848 11 25 1848 10 06

Note Re accounts – examined & considered correct – exception re rates charged for each passage – mentions Hunter River Steam Navigation Company Returned Colonial Secretary’s Office Note re above Approved – Mr La Trobe to be informed of higher rate charged by Mr Boyd – arrange for prisoners & escort to be conveyed at same rate as that of Hunter River Conveyance or to forward prisoners by their conveyance vessel Mr Lithgow, Mr La Trobe, Deputy Commissary General At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Letter enclosing account for conveyance to & from Melbourne of Corporal & 2 privates in charge of Colonial prisoners – requests payment £28-10-0 [No 351] [Account not filmed here] Also at top: “A.O. 2777-12/10/48”

A2.17 080 081 082

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1848 10 09

& Note in margin Auditor General Note [very faint] Re Vote for Passage & Escort for 1848


48/12621 1848 11 15 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G

1848 11 15 1848 11 18~

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Letter re payment into Military Chest of £28-10-0 for conveyance of Military Guard in charge of Colonial Prisoners between Melbourne & Sydney – Governor’s decision required [No 358] & Notes in margin Former papers with Mr Vallack Mr Vallack See letter to Deputy Commissary General 25 November 1848 – See 48/10921

A2.17 084

48/06992 1848 06 12 Hon CS Surveyor General’s Office, Sydney S A Perry D S G “C A F”

1848 06 10 1848 06 14~ 1848 06 15~ 1848 06 28

At top: “Deputy Surveyor General” Letter forwarding descriptions of Town & Suburban Lots in Moreton Bay District with a view to their proclamation for sale at Brisbane [No 48/266] & Notes in margin Descriptions enclosed 47/08438 & 48/05230 returned herewith [Descriptions not filmed here] “Not aware of any objection to the sale of these lands” “Approved” Proclaimed 23rd June for sale at Brisbane on 23rd August 1848 Colonial Treasurer with descriptions, Police Magistrate Moreton Bay Particulars Situation/ Allot/ Section / Area/ Applicant / Upset price last sale/ Average price realised last sale/ Proposed upset price per acre/ Remarks Town Lots North Brisbane Allots 1, 18-20/ Sect 4 / On recommendation of Capt Wickham in letter to CS transmitted to me under Blank Cover of 22nd October 1847/ Allotments not hitherto proclaimed for sale Ipswich Allot 12/ Sect 1 / On recommendation of Capt Wickham in letter to CS transmitted to me under Blank Cover of 22nd April 1847/ Allotment not hitherto proclaimed for sale Allots 2 & 4/ Sect 4 / On recommendation of Capt Wickham in letter to CS transmitted to me under Blank Cover of 22nd April1847 /Allotments sold as Lots 12 & 14 on 15th September 1847 to B Tandy – Colonial Treasurer’s letter 47/442 intimated he failed to complete purchase Suburban Lots South Brisbane Allots 31-33 / Bernard Sloane/ Allotments offered for sale as Lots 12, 13 & 14 on 21st October 1846 but not sold Allots 38 & 39/ The Crown/ Allotments sold to John Smith as Lots 12

A2.17 085 – 091

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& 13 on 18th March 1846 – Colonial Treasurer’s letter 46/263 intimated he failed to complete the purchase Allots 40 – 44/ The Crown/ Allotments offered for sale as Lots 14-18 on 18th March 1846 but not sold Garden Allotments near Ipswich Allots 10, 32-34/ The Crown/ Allotments offered for sale as Lots 2,3,4 & 5 on 10th September 1845 but not sold Allot 37/ The Crown/ Allotment sold to George Williams as Lot 15 on 11th October 1843 – Colonial Treasurer’s letter 43/330 intimated he failed to complete the purchase Allots 1-7/ The Crown/ Allotments not hitherto proclaimed for sale Ipswich Allots 4-6, 9 & 17/ John Rankin and the Crown/ Allotments offered for sale as Lots 1,2,3,6 & 7 on 15th September last but not sold Parish of Ipswich Bundamba Creek Allots 7A-12A/ Robert Douglas &James Taylor/ Allotments not hitherto proclaimed for sale - measured with others in 1844 as Suburban Lots - details

48/02982 1848 03 08 Hon CS Civil Crown Solicitor’s Office, Sydney G Cooper Turner, Civil Crown Solicitor

1848 03 08 1848 03 10~ 1848 03 11

At top: “Civil Crown Solicitor” “Immediate” Letter transmitting Writ of “Dedimus Potestatem” to administer Oath to Dr D Keith Ballow to act as Coroner for Moreton Bay [No 48/41] & Notes in margin To be transmitted to the Police Magistrate – inform Dr Ballow Police Magistrate transmitting Writ & Dr Ballow informed

A2.17 092

48/02227 1848 02 19 Hon CS Brisbane, Moreton Bay D Keith Ballow, Coroner W Elyard for the CS

1848 02 11 1848 02 21~

At top: “Coroner Brisbane” Letter re appointment as Coroner Moreton Bay – requesting Writ of Dedimus Potestatem be sent to Police Magistrate for oath to be administered & Notes in margin Apply to Civil Crown Solicitor [Ref 48/02982]

A2.17 093

48/02867 48/02867

1848 03 06 E D Thomson, CS North Brisbane, Moreton Bay Bartholomew Hore “C A F”

1848 02 26 1848 03 17~ 1848 03 23 1848 04 02~

At top: “B Hore” Letter applying for employment – injured by the “Mauries” [Maoris] at Bay of Islands & Russell in New Zealand where he was gaoler – His Late Ex Capt Fitzroy was Governor – currently constable & lock-up keeper in Police Force Moreton Bay – Police Magistrate to certify as to his character P S Requests “office of Gaoler in the Gaol now being erected here” & Notes in margin To be noted as candidate for employment - no better situation to which he could be appointed Capt Wickham Note Re application of Bartholomew Hore for situation of Gaoler at Moreton

A2.17 094 – 096 [095 dup 094] 098 – 098 again

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Bay – re testimonial - “Immediate” Delivered to Mr Hoare [also spelt Hore]

[no p 097]


1845 05 30

Hon CS

City of Sydney Bartholomew Hore “G G”

1845 05 30~ 1845 05 28 1845 05 31~ 1845 05 30

Note [pinned to letter at p 101] “45/03766 – B Hore – 17 May” applying for situation under the government “The situation at Newcastle is filled up” At top: “B Hore” Letter applying for employment as Gaoler Newcastle – held position of Gaoler at Bay of Islands for 4 years – now destitute in Sydney, outrages by natives, lost property & situation Note re above Situation at Newcastle has been filled up Mr Hore [Ref 48/02867]

A2.17 100 [no p 099] 101 102

48/00816 1848 01 20 Hon CS Surveyor General’s Office, Sydney S A Perry D S G “C A F”

1848 01 19 1848 01 20~ 1848 01 21~ 1848 01 22~ 1848 01 29

At top: “Deputy Surveyor General” Letter transmitting descriptions of Town & Suburban Lots in Moreton Bay District with view to proclamation for sale [No 48/35] & Notes in margin Descriptions enclosed [not filmed here] Not aware of any objection to the sale Query re upset prices “Approved” Proclaimed 25th January for sale at Moreton Bay on 22nd March 1848 Colonial Treasurer with descriptions, Capt Wickham Particulars Situation/ Allot/ Section / Area/ Applicant / Proposed upset price per acre/ Upset price last sale/ Average price realised last sale/ / Remarks Town Lots North Brisbane Allots 1,2, 17-20/ Sect 33 / The Crown on recommendation of Capt Wickham per letter to CS of 18th October last – transmitted 23rd October to Surveyor General/ Allotments have never been proclaimed for sale Ipswich Allots 6,9,23/ Sect 3 / The Crown on the recommendation of Capt Wickham per letter to CS of 18th October last – transmitted 23rd October to Surveyor General/ Allotments sold to George Furber & Catherine Savary as Lots 6,9 & 19 on 16th December 1846 - Colonial Treasurer’s letter 47/27 intimated failed to complete the purchase Allots 1-8, 25-28/ Sect 5 / The Crown on recommendation of Capt Wickham per letter to CS of 18th October last – transmitted 23rd October to Surveyor General Suburban Lots Parish of Yeerongpilly near South Brisbane Allots 1-7 / The Crown on recommendation of Capt Wickham/ Allotments have never been proclaimed for sale Parish of Woogaroo

A2.17 103 – 106 [2 x p 103]

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[no allot no]/ [no section no]/ [no Applicant] Allotment sold as Lot 16 on 21st October 1846 to John Stevens – Colonial Treasurer’s letter 46/456 intimated he failed to complete the purchase Parish of North Brisbane [no allot no]/ [no section no]/Applicant: John McConnell [also spelt McConnel]/ This land formed a road not required now, intervening between lands purchased by applicant; the surveyor in charge reports that there is no objection to its being sold Parish of Goodna Allots 4-8 / The Crown on recommendation of Capt Wickham/ These lands have never been proclaimed for sale Note at end of “Remarks”: “Approved – C A F – 22/1”


1848 11 13

Hon CS

Police Office, Brisbane J C Wickham

1848 11 13~ 1848 11 13~ 1848 11 13 1848 11 01 1848 11 24 1848 11 27 1850 05 10

Note Re papers given out with 48/07422 – Police Magistrate Brisbane – 16 June re allotments to be reserved for Court House etc Sent to Surveyor General 9/10 Aug Note Request return of papers with a report - “Immediate” Surveyor General At top: “Police Magistrate Brisbane” Letter submitting further estimate of expense for alterations to Court House at Brisbane – view to holding Circuit Court or Court of Quarter Sessions – original £150 – mentions Mr Petrie (builder) estimates £220 & Notes in margin To be expedited Yes [Ref 48/02233] Auditor – Estimates

A2.17 107 108 109 – 110

48/07422 1848 06 27 Hon CS Police Office, Brisbane J C Wickham Surveyor General’s Office “T L M” “J T”

1848 06 16 1848 08 09 1848 08 10~ 1848 11 30 1848 12 04~ 1848 03 11~ 1848 05 16~ 1848 06 18~

At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter re Allotment no 9 adjoining the Police Office being reserved for Police purposes – mistake – Allotments 10 & 11 are reserved for the Court House etc & quite sufficient for proposed alterations & Notes in margin Inform Surveyor General Transmitted for information of Surveyor General Noted [Ref 48/12472] “Observed – and Allotment no 9 restored to the original state” “Entd 48/315 folio 607 in vol 3” Returned Colonial Secretary Notes re above 48/02233 – Police Magistrate Brisbane – plan and specification of proposed alterations to Court House Returned by Surveyor General “Enquiry has been made for this” Since returned & noted as sent to Executive Council

A2.17 111 – 112 113

48/06201 1848 05 15 Hon CS Police Office, Brisbane J C Wickham

1848 04 29

At top: “Police Magistrate” Letter re allotment adjoining Police Office to be reserved for

A2.17 114

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alterations to the Court House – allotment No 9 is the allotment & Notes in margin [Refs 48/02233, 48/07422]

48/02233 48/02233 48/02233 48/02233

1848 02 19

Hon CS

Surveyor General’s Office, Sydney S A Perry D S G W Elyard for the CS Police Office, Brisbane J C Wickham

1850 05 10 1848 03 09 1848 03 11~ 1848 04 17~ 1848 04 17 1848 04 25~ 1848 03 06 1848 02 09 1848 02 28~ 1848 03 01~ 1848 03 01~ 1848 03 06~

Note At top: “A O 1018 - 10/5/50” Forwarded to Auditor General for Estimates with reference to Colonial Secretary’s letter 18 December 1849 authorising expenditure Note Re allotments to be reserved for Court House - not advertised for sale – requests information from Capt Wickham re Allots 9, 10 & 11 & Notes in margin Returned to CS Office “Immediate” Write to Capt Wickham as proposed & resubmit papers as required for Estimates & Question re Quarter Sessions at Moreton Bay “Entd 48/44 folio 486 vol 3” Note re above Capt Wickham 48/02233 to be sent to Auditor General for Estimates - See 49/12504 Note “Immediate” Surveyor General requested to report whether Allotment is under advertisement for sale & if not, to reserve it At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Letter transmitting Plan & Specifications of proposed alterations to present Court House to make it suitable for holding Courts of Quarter Sessions – estimate expense £150 [plan & specifications not filmed here] Discussion of Plan – additions include one of the Lots adjoining Police Office marked out for sale – suggests it be reserved – lock-up is part of range of buildings in Queen Street (about 200 yards from Court House) – inconvenient & Notes in margin Query whether allotment referred to has been advertised for sale Do not know - some advertised for the 22nd D S G should report – if advertised should be withdrawn “Approved – Immediate”

A2.17 115 116 117 118 119 – 122

48/04750 1848 04 06 Hon CS Principal Superintendent of Convicts Office, Sydney Thomas Ryan, Chief Clerk in absence of Principal Superintendent of Convicts “C A F”

1848 04 04 1848 04 08~

At top: “Principal Superintendent of Convicts” Letter re convict Joseph Andrews holding Ticket of Leave for Newcastle & complaint of William Antney – ticket transferred to Moreton Bay [No 48/97] & Note in margin “Read”

A2.17 123 – 125

48/04058 1848 03 29 Hon CS Police Office, Newcastle J H Crummer JP

1848 03 27

At top: “Bench Newcastle” Letter re complaint preferred against convict Joseph Andrews per

A2.17 126 – 127

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1848 03 31~ 1848 03 31

“Theresa” by William Antney – ticket of leave to be altered to another District – Andrews forwarded to Hyde Park Barracks to await his disposal & Note in margin [No 48/258] & Notes re above Refer to Principal Superintendent of Convicts Capt Innes [Ref 48/04750]

48/03491 1848 03 18 Hon CS Principal Superintendent of Convicts Office, Sydney J McLean

1848 03 15 1848 03 20~ 1848 03 23

At top: “Principal Superintendent of Convicts” Letter re complaint preferred by William Antney against convict Joseph Andrews per “Theresa” – has suggested to Bench of Magistrates that Andrews ticket of leave be altered to a distant District [No 48/75] & Notes in margin Write to Bench Bench Newcastle [Ref 48/04058]

A2.17 128 – 130

48/01323 48/01323

1848 01 28

Hon CS

Principal Superintendent of Convicts Office, Sydney J McLean “C A F”

1848 03 02~ 1848 03 11~ 1848 03 13 1848 01 27 1848 01 29~ 1848 01 31

Note To remind Capt McLean of this matter Query re what has been done Principal Superintendent of Convicts [Ref 48/03491] At top: “Principal Superintendent of Convicts” Letter re complaint of William Antney re his wife & convict Joseph Andrews per “Theresa” (ticket of leave for Newcastle) – referred to Bench of Magistrates Newcastle who requested complainant provide proof of his allegations – encloses Major Crummer’s letter [see p 140] & returning enclosures [No 48/33] & Notes in margin “C Pleydell N Wilton/ 29 Decr 1847 & enclosures” Refer to Antney’s letter to Revd Mr Wilton – sufficient proof in note of his wife’s infidelity although does not bear Andrews signature – should be removed to another District Principal Superintendent of Convicts with enclosure to Antney’s letter

A2.17 131 132 – 134

47/10339 47/10339

1847 12 30 Hon CS Revd C Pleydell N Wilton, AM

Newcastle C Pleydell N Wilton “C A F” Newcastle William Antney

1847 12 29 1848 01 01 1848 01 06 1847 12 28

At top: “Revd C P N Wilton” Transmitting letter from William Antney one of his parishioners Notes re above To be referred to Principal Superintendent of Convicts to enquire re truth of allegations of complainant – if true, convict Joseph Andrews should have ticket of leave cancelled or be transferred to a distant District Principal Superintendent of Convicts, Revd Mr Wilton [Ref 48/01323] Letter re conduct of his wife with paramour Joseph Andrews ticket of leave holder – mentions letter he snatched from his wife signed fictitiously “James Ferguson” – also mentions Major Crummer & proof required by Bench – asking Revd Wilton to intercede with authorities to recommend Joseph Andrews be removed from the Town

A2.17 135 136 137 – 138

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1848 01 08~

[Cover] The Reverend/ Charles Pleydell Neale Wilton AM/ Parsonage & Note: “Immediate”


48/01323 Principal Superintendent of Convicts, Sydney

Police Office, Newcastle J H Crummer JP

1848 01 20 1848 01 20~

At top: “48/689 – 26 January 1848” Letter re complaint forwarded by Revd C Wilton of William Antney relative to illicit conduct between Mrs Antney & convict Joseph Andrews (per “Theresa” – coxswain to Pilots Boat Newcastle) – informing that Mr Antney was required to provide proof but has failed to do so – consider it unnecessary to interfere further P S Joseph Andrews reprimanded by Bench and ordered to avoid Mrs Antney Note: “Mr Dumas”

A2.17 140 – 142 143

48/07902 1848 07 10 Hon CS Ipswich Richard & H Palmer “C A F

1848 06 17 1848 07 08~ 1848 07 12~ 1848 07 14

At top: “R & H Palmer” Letter notifying intention to erect a Wool Store on Wide Bay River – query re remuneration for buildings if government opens Township on that part of the River & Notes in margin Conclude they may receive the usual amount Yes Messrs Palmer [Cover] The Hon/ The Colonial Secretary/ Colonial Secretary’s Office/ Sydney [From] Ipswich, 17 June 1848 [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / * 8 / 1848]

A2.17 144 145

48/01522 1848 02 02 Chairman of the Sydney Quarter Sessions

James McAllister W Elyard for the CS C Rogers, Clerk of the Peace “C A F”

1847 02 02~ [as it is] 1848 02 02 1848 02 03~ 1848 02 03~ 1848 02 05

At top: “James McAllister” Petition of James McAllister applying for remuneration for attendance as witness in case of Davis, & for passage back to Moreton Bay – wife & family in North Brisbane At end: “M? Longford, Sussex Street near Erskine Street” Notes re above Referred to Prothonotary & Registrar of Supreme Court to report what has been paid to James Macallister [also spelt McAllister] McAlister [also spelt McAllister] attended Sydney Quarter Sessions 31st January last – payment as follows [details] - in all £5-7-8 Insufficient grounds for interference of government Inform applicant accordingly J McAllister

A2.17 146 – 147 148

48/05743 1848 05 01 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commr

1848 04 17 1848 05 04~ 1848 05 08 1848 05 26~

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter applying for flour & tobacco for distribution to the blacks [No 48/50] & Notes in margin Refer him to letter of 21 April 1847 - inform Auditor General Commissioner Rolleston Auditor General

A2.17 149

47/02990 1847 04 12 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling 1847 03 25 At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” A2.17 150 – 151

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Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commr “C A F”

1847 04 14~ 1847 04 15~ 1847 04 17~ 1847 04 21

Letter reporting 2 aborigines attached to his Station are of great use to him – re rations – requesting continuance & Notes in margin Query whether refused to some of the other Commissioners Trackers in Wellington District were directed to be discharged Inform Mr Rolleston as above Mr Rolleston [Ref 48/05743]

46/02837 1846 04 17 Hon CS Crown Commissioner’s Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commr “G G”

1846 03 31 1846 04 17~ 1846 04 22

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter applying for permission to distribute flour & tobacco to aborigines during winter months – explanation for request – relationship with Tribe frequenting the District – mentions 2 hutkeepers at outstation of Messrs Gore murdered by blacks from “Condamine Tribe” – other tribes fear retribution – also mentions the “Gowrie Tribe” & their Chief “Dicky” & Notes in margin May be authorised Commissioner Rolleston [Ref 47/02990]

A2.17 151 again - 154

48/05744 1848 05 01 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commr “C A F”

1848 04 19 1848 05 09~ 1848 05 10~ 1848 05 15

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter requesting payment of amount authorised for buildings transferred to the government - £200 in all, £50 already paid (Valuation £260) – requests Colonial Treasurer pay £150 to Bank of Australia [No 48/52] & Notes in margin Authorised by Minute on 48/01777 Approved Auditor General, Commissioner Rolleston

A2.17 155 – 157

48/01777 48/01777

1848 02 09 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Cambooya, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commr “C A F” Cambooya, Darling Downs Arthur Hodgson JP, Henry Hughes JP, J M Andrew JP, W Leith Hay JP, Patrick Leslie JP Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston

1847 12 31 1848 02 25~ 1848 03 01~ 1848 03 13~ 1848 03 20 1847 11 02 1847 11 02

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter submitting accounts of expenses (in duplicate) incurred by him in erection of buildings at his Station & Certificate re value & condition – requesting balance of £210 [No 47/150] & Notes in margin Buildings authorised for accommodation of Crown Commissioners are “sitting room, bedroom, closet and office with detached kitchen and a small room for a servant” – the cost must be determined in each case Query re largest sum paid for authorised accommodation – present buildings greatly exceed what has been deemed sufficient Refer Mr Rolleston to accommodation authorised – allowed £150 in addition £50 already advanced making up £200 in all Commissioner informed [Certificate] Re premises of Commissioner of Crown Lands at Cambooya Darling Downs - description re condition: Value – House £200, Kitchen £60 [PRINTED FORM] [ACCOUNT]

A2.17 158 – 159 160 161

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Christopher Rolleston, Commr Crown Lands

The DEPARTMENT of The Commissioner of Crown Lands at the Darling Downs / Dr to Christopher Rolleston / For the undermentioned SERVICES performed for the Department, viz Date/ Amount 1847/ Oct – Erection of a cottage at the Darling Downs [Description] : £200 Erection of a Detached Kitchen [Description]: £60 [Certificate] Re amount of £260 costs in providing suitable accommodation for Commissioner of Crown Lands Darling Downs [Duplicate - p 161 – 162]

162 163 – 164

47/00039 1847 01 04 Hon CS Crown Commissioner’s Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commr “C A F”

1846 12 24 1847 01 05~ 1847 01 08

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter reporting buildings at Border Police Station in need of repair – Court House, Store & Commissioner’s Dwellinghouse needing shingles – unable to get carpenter from Hyde Park Barracks – requests permission to hire carpenter in the District to do repairs – expense £50 & Notes in margin Approved - repairs seem to be indispensible Commissioner, Auditor [Ref 48/01777]

A2.17 165 – 167

48/07006 48/07006

1848 06 13 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commr Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commr

1848 05 27 1848 05 27

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter transmitting 1st part of Itinerary & Census Returns for present year – remainder to follow after visit to Stations in Lower Condamine River [PRINTED FORM] CENSUS RETURN of Christopher Rolleston Commissioner of Crown Lands, for Darling Downs forwarded to The Honourable the Colonial Secretary in letter dated 27th May 1848 [Station/Person Licensed/ Person Superintending / Persons on Establishment] [p 169] Goomburra/ P Leslie/ P Leslie Glengallan/ Colin Campbell/ Colin Campbell Maryland/ M H Marsh/ M McLeod ? Park/ H P Morris? [could be Moores?] Monday Creek / William MacKenzie/ William MacKenzie Pikedale/ John Pike/ H B Fitz Terica / A Trevethan/ A Trevethan Glenelg/ ? Richardson/ C McLeod Bodumba/ St George Gore/ St George Gore Canal Creek/ J P Robinson/ E Raine Ellangowan/ J Forbes/ C Coxen Cambooya/ Crown Commissioner [p 170] Eton Vale/ Crawford & Hodgson/ N Archer Westbrook/ Hughes & Isaac/ Hughes & Isaac Gowrie/ Hughes & Isaac/ Hughes & Isaac

A2.17 168 169 – 170

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Jondaryan/ Campbell & Andrew/ Campbell & Andrew Boyen/ H S Russell/ Irving Dunmore/ Robert Logan/ Robert Logan Braemar / N C Robertson/ N C Robertson Strathalladale/ H Mackay/ H Mackay Western Creek / J Laidley/ J Laidley Yandilla/ Gore & Co/ Wilks Tummaville/ Gore & Co/ Wilks Boarraba/ J J Whitting/ J J Whitting Rosalie/ Ramsay & Co/ H Wiseman Boomdale? / Campbell & Andrew/ Campbell & Andrew Clifton/ D Forbes/ D Forbes Talgai/ G Gammie/ G Gammie Toolburra/ Hay & Fairholme/ Hay & Fairholme Rosenthall/ J Taylor/ F Bracker Canning Downs/ W & G Leslie/ W & G Leslie Gladfield/ Niel Ross/ Niel Ross Strathmillar/ James Hay/ James Hay

48/08855 1848 08 09 Hon E D Thomson, CS

Commissioner of Crown Lands Office, Moreton Bay S Simpson, C C L

1848 07 31 At top:” Commissioner Simpson” Letter re Tenders for Supply of Provisions for ensuing year – recommends separate tenders for supply of forage for Commissioner’s Station, and for Police Lock-up at Ipswich Also at top: “Annual Contract Notice”

A2.17 171

48/08859 1848 08 09 Hon CS Wide Bay, Mary River George Furber Commissioner of Crown Lands Office, Moreton Bay S Simpson, C C L “C A F” W Elyard for the CS

1848 05 17 1848 07 31 1848 08 10~ 1848 08 11~ 1848 08 14 1849 03 03

At top: “George Furber” Letter re need for large Store for wool etc for Wide Bay & Burnett Districts – requests permission to occupy land on banks of Mary River (at the head of navigation - native name Boui) in order to erect Store, House of Accommodation & paddock – re costs of buildings, query re tenure – answer to be addressed to care of H Watson, Kangaroo Point, Brisbane [Certificate] Re Store to be erected at Wide Bay for squatters on Burnett & Mary Rivers – recommends George Furber & Notes re above Applicant be given usual answer “Approved” George Furber [Ref 49/01719] Notes re above Surveyor General as directed by His Excellency [Ref 49/01719]

A2.17 172 173 174

48/09023 1848 08 15 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commissioner

1848 07 26 At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter re Tenders for Supply of Provisions for 1849 – no reason for change in Notice as published in Government Gazette of 10th Sept 1847 [No 48/81] P S Re troopers allowance in lieu of rations & tenders for forage Margin: Circular 1st July/48 Also at top: “Annual Contract Notice”

A2.17 175 – 176

48/09025 1848 08 15 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs

1848 08 01

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter re “Transfer of Runs” & issuing of Licences – enclosing List of

A2.17 177 – 178

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Christopher Rolleston, Commissioner Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commissioner

1848 08 16~ 1848 08 16~ 1848 08 01

persons recommended for Transfer of Leases of Runs [No 48/83] & Notes in margin Those marked √ are “already in train” – others may be allowed to take their course “Approved” List of Persons Recommended for Leases of Runs, under Notice 1st January 1848 [Persons Recommended/ Claimants of Lease/ Stations] √Edward Barney/ Joseph King / Kogan Creek Henry Bowerman/ Ewen Cameron/ Coorangah √Robert (Tertius) Campbell/ Colin Campbell/ Glengallan Charles Coxen/ John Perrell Wilkie/ Darndine [as it is - Daandine?] Henry Dangar/ John Stevens/ Myall Creek √David Forbes & Philip Pinnock/ David Forbes/ Clifton √John Gammie/ Philip Pinnock/ Pilton √Honble Louis Hope & Ramsay/ Robert Ramsay/ Rosalie Plains Walter & George Leslie/ John Taylor/ Goomburra Walter & George Leslie/ Hay & Fairholme/ Toolburra √Colin John Mackenzie/ Henry Dennis/ Warra Warra George Mocatta/ Mathew Goggs/ Myall Creek John Pike/ Adolphus Trevethan/ Pikes Creek √David Perrier/ Joshua John Whitting/ Boarraba [Bourraba, Beauaraba?] Joshua John Whitting/ David Perrier/ Woondul [Wondul?]


48/09569 1848 08 30 Hon CS Brigade Office, Sydney Augustus Turner?, Capt “C A F”

1848 08 24 1848 09 01~ 1848 09 06

At top: “Brigade Major” Letter reporting Detachment at Moreton Bay to be renewed & Commissariat buildings required for Military purposes & Notes in margin Inform the Collector Collector Gibbes [Ref 48/11218]

A2.17 180

48/09397 1848 08 25 Hon CS Assistant Military Secretary’s Office, Sydney Edward Wynyard, Asst Military Secretary “C A F”

1848 08 24 1848 08 28~

At top: “Assistant Military Secretary” Letter re Barrack buildings at Brisbane Moreton Bay & Notes in margin Re interview with General Wynyard – mistake between Barracks at Newcastle & those at Brisbane – small Detachment of troops should be stationed at Brisbane – to be done as soon as whole of 11th Regt arrives in Colony [See 48/09569]

A2.17 181

48/11171 1848 10 17 Hon CS

Immigration Office, Sydney Francis L S Merewether “C A F”

1848 10 16 1848 10 18~ 1848 10 19~

At top: “Emigration Agent” Letter re arrangements for examination & disposal of emigrants to be sent by the “Artemisia” to Moreton Bay – mentions Colonial Land and Emigration Commission – medical officer to be appointed with Capt Wickham to inspect ships & immigrants on arrival [No 48/140] & Notes in margin “Immediate” - “Tamar” goes to Moreton Bay tomorrow afternoon “Approved” – Dr Ballow or officer of the Customs might be appointed

A2.17 182 – 184

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E Deas Thomson E Deas Thomson

Colonial Land & Emigration Office S Walcott, Secretary Colonial Land & Emigration Office S Walcott, Secretary

1848 10 20 1848 10 20~ 1848 06 07 1848 10 10 1848 10 10~ 1848 10 10 1848 05 30 1848 10 10

with Capt Wickham Capt Wickham, Dr Ballow, Sub-Collector of Customs Inform Mr Merewether [Ref 48/11863] At top: “Duplicate of M7846” Letter reporting charter of 3 vessels [attached List] for conveyance of emigrants to New South Wales [see also duplicate - p 207] & Notes in margin Inform Mr La Trobe by today’s post Mr La Trobe Immigration Agent to suggest arrangements for examination & disposal of emigrants to be sent by “Artemisia” to Moreton Bay Immigration Agent [List] [Name of Ship/ To which District/ When to sail from Plymouth 1848] “Emperor” / Sydney / 22nd July “Nelson” / Port Phillip / 28th July “Artemisia” / Moreton Bay / 5 August At top: “Duplicate M7845” Letter reporting charter of 5 vessels [attached List] for conveyance of emigrants to New South Wales & Notes in margin Inform Mr La Trobe by today’s post Mr La Trobe, Emigration Agent [List] [Name of Ship/ To which District/ When to sail from] “Agincourt” / Sydney / London 8 June “Tasman” / Port Phillip / Plymouth 14 June “Blonde” / Port Phillip / Plymouth 24 June “Charlotte Jane” / Sydney / Plymouth 30 June “Andromarche” / Port Phillip / Plymouth 15 July

185 186 187 188

48/11474 1848 10 26 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commissioner

1848 10 09 1848 10 27

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter requesting supplies of Forms: Application for Leases & Tender for a Lease of a New Run of Crown Lands [No 48/115] & Notes in margin Send a few of each - refer him to Storekeeper for the latter Commissioner Rolleston

A2.17 189

48/12732 1848 11 18 Hon E D Thomson, CS

Commissioner of Crown Lands Office, Moreton Bay S Simpson, C C L

1848 11 08

At top: “Commissioner Simpson” Reporting on letter from Rice Julian complainingThomas Coutts in unauthorised occupation of Crown Lands 25 miles from Ipswich Made enquiry at Rosewood – unable to find Rice Julian – absconded from hired service of Donald Coutts – outlines details of case: Thomas Coutts of the Clarence purchased “The Raven” steamer running between Brisbane & Ipswich – handed superintending of his sheep to brother Donald Coutts – licensed occupant of “Rosewood” and “Tambourine” – Coutts generally respected in District – charge of Rice Julias [also spelt Julian] unfounded

A2.17 190 – 191

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“C A F”

1848 11 19~ 1848 11 22

& Notes in margin Nothing further to be done – Julian’s complaint without foundation Civil Crown Solicitor, Dr Simpson

48/11202 48/11202

1848 10 18 Hon CS George Cooper Turner, Civil Crown Solicitor, George Street, Sydney

Civil Crown Solicitor’s Office, Sydney G Cooper Turner, Civil Crown Solicitor North Brisbane Rice Julian, shepherd at Coutts, Rosewood, Moreton Bay

1848 10 17 1848 10 18~ 1848 10 19 1848 09 29

At top: “Civil Crown Solicitor” Transmitting letter from Rice Julian reporting Thomas Coutts from Clarence River is depasturing sheep on government land near Ipswich without a Licence [No 48/164] & Notes in margin Refer to Commissioner of the District for enquiry & report Dr Simpson [Ref 48/12732] Letter reporting depasturing of 8-9000 sheep by Thomas Coutts on Government Land – no licence – details: shepherd at John & Donald Coutts Run “Rosewood” 25 miles from Limestone or Ipswich – brother Thomas Coutts from Clarence River – adds that he was accused of poisoning blacks at Clarence but not prosecuted [Cover] For/ George Cooper Turner/ Civil Crown Solicitor/ George Street/ Sydney [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney]

A2.17 192 193 – 195 196

48/12734 1848 11 18 Hon CS Police Office, Brisbane J C Wickham “C A F”

1848 11 14 1848 11 18~ 1848 11 19~ 1848 11 21

At top: “Police Magistrate Brisbane” Letter re arrangements for landing emigrants arriving at Moreton Bay in “Artemisia” – recommends hiring river steamer “The Raven” Emigrants to be landed at Government Wharf Brisbane – re charges for the service & Notes in margin For approval “Approved” Immigration Agent, Capt Wickham [Ref 49/00044]

A2.17 197 – 199

48/11863 1848 11 03 Hon CS E Deas Thomson

Police Office, Brisbane J C Wickham “C A F” Colonial Land and Emigration Office, Park Street, Westminster

1848 10 30 1848 11 07~ 1848 11 07

At top: “Police Magistrate Brisbane” Letter re accommodation at Moreton Bay for emigrants from Plymouth on “Artemisia” – mentions Mr Merewether – part of Prisoners’ Barrack available, also Committee of Hospital will provide accommodation for some Re more suitable buildings with view to establishment of depot to receive emigrants, plans sent to Mr Merewether with estimate of expense – requests permission to erect temporary convenience at rear of Prisoners’ Barrack, also temporary cook house & wash house needed & Notes in margin Arrangement for reception of immigrants – Prisoners’ Barrack authorised, also erection of temporary convenience - preparation of more suitable buildings for reception of immigrants must be deferred - “This should go if possible tonight” Police Magistrate [Ref M7904]

A2.17 200 – 203 204 - 205

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S Walcott, Secretary “C A F”

1848 07 20 1848 11 04~ 1848 11 05~ 1848 11 07 1848 12 09

At top: “M7904 – 4th Nov 1848” Letter re “Artemisia” proceeding to Moreton Bay with emigrants – suggestion that steamer be engaged rather than using ship’s boats to land emigrants at Brisbane – ship to leave Plymouth about 9th August & Notes in margin Capt Wickham to suggest arrangements for landing emigrants & to give notice in local newspaper of arrival time of “Artemisia” at Moreton Bay “Approved” Capt Wickham [Ref 48/12734] Mr Walcott

48/12020 1848 11 06 Hon CS General Post Office, Sydney James Raymond

1848 11 04 At top: “Post Master General” Letter reporting closing time for mail for Brisbane per “Tamar” steamer & Notes in margin Query re communication to Capt Wickham re “Artemisia” [Ref M7904]

A2.17 206

E Deas Thomson Colonial Land & Emigration Office S Walcott, Secretary “C A F”

1848 06 07 1848 06 11~

At top: “M7846 – 9 Oct 1848” - “Duplicate” Letter reporting charter of 3 vessels [attached List] for conveyance of emigrants to New South Wales [see also duplicate – p 185] & Notes in margin “Read” “Agent for Emigration, Auditor General – 11 Oct 1848” crossed out – “Duplicate – original already sent” [List] [Name of Ship/ To which District/ When to sail from Plymouth] “Emperor” / Sydney / 22nd July “Nelson” / Post Phillip / 26th July “Artemisia” / Moreton Bay / 5th August

A2.17 207 208

E Deas Thomson Colonial Land and Emigration Office, Park Street, Westminster S Walcott, Secretary

1848 07 20

At top: “Duplicate of M7904” [see p 204 – 205]

A2.17 209 – 211

48/13624 1848 12 06 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commissioner “C A F”

1848 11 16~ [difficult to read] 1848 12 07~ 1848 12 08~ 1848 12 11

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter reporting Roman Catholic priest at Moreton Bay has applied to erect school house at Drayton [No 48/120?] & Notes in margin Subject to usual selection & approval of Head of Denomination – report of Surveyor General to be obtained & submitted for Governor’s information – Commissioner should not permit possession of the land Mr Rolleston to be informed Commissioner of Crown Lands

A2.17 212

48/13625 1848 12 06 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commissioner “C A F”

1848 11 16 1848 12 06~

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter requesting leave of absence for 6 weeks – David Forbes to perform duties [No 48/119] & Notes in margin Approved – Mr Rolleston has omitted to state when he last had leave

A2.17 213

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1848 12 07 Commissioner Rolleston 48/14062 1848 12 19 Hon CS Brisbane

J C Bidwill Commissioner of Crown Lands, Wide Bay

1848 12 10 At top: “Commissioner Bidwill” Letter re communications between Brisbane & Wide Bay – requests letters be addressed care of Post Master at Brisbane & that they be sent per “Tamar” – quicker than by sailing vessels

A2.17 214

48/14083 48/14083

1848 12 19 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commissioner Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commissioner

1848 11 30 1848 12 24~ 1848 12 28 1848 11 29

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter transmitting Itinerary for North Western portion of the District to complete the one sent on 27th May for the present year – native tribes numerous, savage & hostile to settlement of whites – mentions Messrs Blyth & Isaac driven from their Runs & 5 white men murdered in last 3 months – discusses situation & requests party of Native Police be stationed in Lower Condamine [No 48/133] & Notes in margin Same reward to be offered as in a recent similar case Mr Rolleston, Notice for Gazette [Cover sheet] – on part of PRINTED FORM Itinerary/ Lower Condamine/ Darling Downs/ November 1848 [PRINTED FORM] ITINERARY of Christopher Rolleston Commissioner of CROWN LANDS for the District beyond the Limits of Location adjacent to the Counties of Stanley made during the months of October & November 1848 down the Lower Condamine River to “complete the Itinerary sent in on the 27th May 1848 [see p 169 – 170] [Extent of Days Journey [Date/ From/ To]/ Name of Each Station Visited/ Name of Person Holding Licence/ Name of Pe rson Superintending/ etc Remarks] 1848 October [p 219 & p 220] 30th/ Darndine [Daandine?]/ Stetchworth [Stretchworth?]/ Stetchworth/ H S Russell/James Spur? 31st/ Stetchworth/ Cecil Plains/ Cecil Plains/ H S Russell/ Irving November 3rd/ Cecil Plains/ St Ruth/ St Ruth/ John Taylor/ John Crowder 4th/ Cecil Plains/ Yandilla/ Yandilla/ Gore & Co/ James Wilks 9th/ Yandilla/ Tummaville/ Tummaville/ St John Gore/ St John Gore 9th/ Yandilla/ Peels Plains/ Felton/ Charles Mallard/ Charles Mallard 9th/ Yandilla/ Cambooya October [p 222 & p 223] 16th/ Cambooya/ Jondaryan/ Jondaryan/ Campbell & Andrew/ J M Andrew 17th/ Jondaryan/ Myall Creek/ Myall Creek/ George Mocatta/ T Ricketts 17th/ / Irvingdale/ Campbell & Andrew/ J M Andrew 18th/ Myall Creek/ Jinge Jinge [Jinghi Jinghi?]/ Jimbour/ Thomas Bell/ J & A Bell 18th/ / Coorangah [Cooranga?]/ H Bowerman/ A Bell 18th/ / Jinge Jinge/ Joseph King/ Joseph King

A2.17 215 – 217 218 219 – 224 [pages not in sequence]

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20th/ Jinge Jinge/ Braemar/ Warra Warra/J MacKenzie/ McDonald 20th/ / Braemar/ J & A Crowder/ A Crowder 22nd/ Braemar/ Kogan/ Kogan/ E Barney/ E Barney October [p 224 & p 221] 23rd/ Kogan/ Wombo Forest [Wambo?]/ Wombo Forest/ J G Ero…?/ 24th/ Wombo Forest/ Wieambilla/ Wieambilla/ R Birrell/ R Birrell 24th/ / Eagle Creek/ Eagle Creek/ Blyth & Chauvel/ Blyth & Chauvel [p 221 – Remarks : This Station is temporarily occupied only] 24th/ / Emu Creek/ Emu Creek/ F N Isaac/ F N Isaac 26th/ Eagle Creek/ Wombo/ see above 27th/ Wombo/ Braemar/ Chinchilla/ M Goggs/ George Goggs 27th/ / Wongongera/ M Goggs/ M Goggs 30th/ Braemar/ Darndine/ Darndine/ Charles Coxen/ J P Wilkie

48/14088 48/14088

1848 12 19 Hon CS Commissioner of Crown Lands, Darling Downs

Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commissioner “C A F” Whetstone, MacIntyre Brook J Quinn

1848 11 28 1848 12 20~ 1848 12 24~ 1848 12 28 1848 10 23

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter reporting murder of 3 aboriginal women & 1 male child by 7 white men on 26th ult at Canning Creek – attack near Capt Moffatt’s hut – 4 witnesses – unable to identify perpetrators – accompanying letter from overseer of Capt Dumaresque’s [also spelt Dumaresq] whose Station adjoins Capt Moffatt’s [No 48/131? could be 48/136] & Notes in margin Query re recent similar case at the McIntyre – “Herewith” Reward to be offered as in recent similar case [see 48/10740] Mr Rolleston, Notice for Gazette Letter forwarding report re disappearance of 2 year old child belonging to Samuel Kemp (stockman) – no trace – thought he had been carried off by aborigines – many outrages – cattle slaughtered or driven away & occasional murders – discusses lack of protection for residents [Cover sheet] J Quinn/ Whetstone 23rd October 48 Reporting the disappearance of a white child

A2.17 225 – 227 228 229

48/14091 1848 12 19 Hon E D Thomson, CS

Commissioner of Crown Lands Office, Moreton District S Simpson C C L “W L” “W L”

1848 12 09 1848 12 20 1848 12 21 1848 12 23 1848 12 23~

At top: “Commissioner Simpson” Letter stating Return of Licence Fees for the year ending June 1849 has been sent to Auditor General Also at top: “A.O.3227 - 23/12/48” & Notes in margin Auditor General – “To be returned” “Noted” Re Return of Licensed Occupants of Crown Lands – District of Moreton Bay for year ending 30 June 1849 – furnished on 18 Nov Returned to Colonial Secretary’s Office

A2.17 230


1848 07 11 Hon CS

Customs Sydney J Gibbes, Collector “C A F”

1848 07 10 1848 07 14~

At top: “Collector Customs” Submitting letter from Sub-Collector of Customs at Moreton Bay re taking possession of vacant government building for use as a Customs House [No 65] & Notes in margin Refer to Major General Commanding to ascertain if building will be

A2.17 231

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Collector of Customs, Sydney

Customs, Brisbane W A Duncan, Sub-Collector

1848 08 25 1848 06 27

required for military purposes – query re application for other use Brigade Major, Lt Col Gibbes [Ref 48/09569] [Cover] The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney Letter re temporary Custom House in old Prisoners Barracks Brisbane – not satisfactory or safe – “next to candle manufactory” – 3 unoccupied government buildings - late quarters of Asst Commissary General Kent, old Government Cottage formerly occupied by Police Magistrate & Commissariat Store - would be suitable until Custom House built Mentions £1000 voted for Custom House at Brisbane – requests authority to move into one of the buildings until permanent Custom House erected

232 233 – 234

48/07038 1848 06 14 Hon CS Police Office, Brisbane J C Wickham “C A F”

1848 06 02 1848 06 15~ 1848 06 22

At top: “Police Magistrate Brisbane” Letter furnishing estimate of expense of vessel to be attached to Harbour Master’s Department - £12-10-0 per ton, entire cost for vessel of 18 tons being £200 Re residences of Harbour Master, Pilot etc at Moreton Island “in forward state” – suggests Notice for Government Gazette re removal of Establishment from “Amity Point” & Notes in margin Re estimate for vessel – mentions Port Master & 48/06740 Notice to be published as suggested Police Magistrate, Port Master, Notice [Ref - See 49/06976]

A2.17 235 – 236

48/06740 1848 06 05 Hon CS Port Master’s Office, Sydney Merion Moriarty, Port Master “C A F”

1848 06 03 1848 06 06~ 1848 06 08 1848 06 10

At top: “Port Master” Letter reporting 2 anchors & stronger mooring chains for buoys forwarded to Moreton Bay – discusses situation Re buoy boat for Moreton Bay – costs & Notes in margin Expenses of Harbour Master’s Department at Moreton Bay so high cannot justify further large amount for buoy boat Port Master, inform Capt Wickham Capt Wickham [Ref 48/07038]

A2.17 237 – 240

48/05229 1848 05 15~ 1848 05 16~ 1848 05 19

Note At top: “48/05229 – Police Magistrate Brisbane – 7 April” Re recovery of buoys & recommending stronger moorings be laid down - sent to Port Master 25 April Refer to Port Master Mr Moriarty

A2.17 241

48/06199 1848 05 15 Hon CS Police Office, Brisbane J C Wickham

1848 05 08 At top: “Police Magistrate Moreton Bay” Further letter re vessel to be attached to Harbour Master’s Department – requested Harbour Master obtain information from builder in Sydney – suggests vessel be around 18 tons & Notes in margin [Refs 48/05229, 48/06740]

A2.17 242 – 243

48/05229 1848 04 17 Hon CS Police Office, Brisbane J C Wickham

1848 04 07

At top: “Police Magistrate Brisbane” Letter reporting proceedings for recovery of buoys which had drifted & recommending stronger moorings be laid down Mentions hire of ketch “Aurora” of Brisbane, C Richards Master to

A2.17 244 – 249

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“C A F”

1848 04 18~ 1848 04 25

secure buoys – cost £3 – also mentions Mr Freeman (Harbour Master) Suggests small vessel be attached to Harbour Master’s Department to maintain buoys & Notes in margin Approve of steps taken for recovery of buoys – Capt Wickham’s suggestions re moorings to be attended to Query re cost of vessel as proposed to be attached to Harbour Master’s Dept Mr Moriarty, Capt Wickham [Ref 48/06199]

47/10076 1847 12 21 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G “C A F”

1847 12 20 1847 12 22~ 1847 12 24

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Letter recommending immediate disposal of stock contained in Mr Kent’s letter of 6th inst [No 266] & Notes in margin “Approved” Deputy Commissary General

A2.17 250 – 251

47/09879 47/09879

1847 12 14 Hon CS Deputy Commissary General, Sydney

Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G “C A F” Commissariat Office, Moreton Bay John Kent A C G Commissariat Office, Moreton Bay John Kent A C G

1847 12 14 1847 12 16~ 1847 12 18 1847 12 06 1847 12 06

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Submitting copy of letter from Asst Commissary General Kent re disposal of government stock at Moreton Bay [No 264] & Notes in margin D C G should report on manner of disposal of stock as suggested by Mr Kent Deputy Commissary General [Ref 47/10076] “Copy” Letter enclosing Return of Government Cattle & Sheep mustered on 5th inst with recommendations re their disposal Re horses - to be retained with working bullocks, goats, implements etc – to be disposed at Public Auction [No 457] “True copy - ?” “Copy” Return of Government Cattle and Sheep the Property of the Crown as actually mustered and arranged for sale on the 5th December 1847 at Moreton Bay

A2.17 252 – 253 254 – 256 257

47/04919 1847 06 23 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G

1847 06 15 1847 06 16~ 1847 06 16

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Letter submitting Asst Commissary General Kent’s letter covering the Tenders for Boiling Down Government Stock Moreton Bay [No 224] [Letter not filmed here] & Notes in margin “Approved – Immediate” Deputy Commissary General [Ref 47/09879]

A2.17 258

47/03882 1847 05 12 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney Thomasson? for the Deputy Commissary General

1847 05 10 1847 05 12~

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Enquiring whether purchasers of government stock at Moreton Bay are to be allowed to remain in possession of the Runs for 6 months as suggested by Mr Kent [No 212] & Notes in margin Doubtful whether this should be granted – difficult to remove them – land in locality should be reserved for sale when no longer required by

A2.17 259

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“C A F”

1847 05 13~ 1847 05 14

government Inform Deputy Commissary General not advisable that purchasers have permission to remain for 6 months in possession of Runs as suggested by Mr Kent Deputy Commissary General [Ref 47/04919]

47/03470 47/03470

1847 04 27 Hon CS Deputy Commissary General, Sydney

Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G “C A F” Commissariat Office, Moreton Bay John Kent A C G

1847 04 27 1847 04 28~ 1847 04 30 1847 04 20

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Submitting copy of letter from Asst Commissary General Kent re disposal of government stock at Moreton Bay [No 203?] & Notes in margin Deputy Commissary General best judge as to whether suggestions advantageous - not prepared to object to them being acted on Deputy Commissary General [Ref 47/03882] “Copy” Letter re disposal of government stock at Moreton Bay – discussion re boiling down – recommends submitting stock to auction with permission for purchasers to remain for 6 months in possession of the Runs the stock now occupy [No 416] ‘True copy – Charles Wood D A C G”

A2.17 260 261 - 262

47/03054 1847 04 13 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G “C A F”

1847 04 12 1846 08 10~ 1846 12 15~ 1847 04 01~ 1847 04 06~ 1847 04 08~ 1847 04 12

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Letter reporting he has communicated with Asst Commissary General Kent re disposal of stock at Moreton Bay [No 200] & Note in margin “Read” [Ref 47/03470] Notes re above Re formation of the new Settlement On Col Barney’s return from his next trip Resubmitted, the Settlement having been ordered to be abandoned Deputy Commissary General to be instructed to prepare necessary measures for disposal of stock “Yes!” Deputy Commissary General [Ref 47/03054]

A2.17 263 264

46/05410 46/05410

1846 07 24

Hon CS

Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G “M O’C” “C A F”

1846 08 10 1846 07 23 1846 07 24~ 1846 07 25 1846 08 10~

Note Government livestock at Moreton Bay Submitted for information of His Excellency – instructions At top: “Assistant Commissary General” ‘Immediate” Recommending postponement of sale of government stock at Moreton Bay – mentions recently published Parliamentary Paper re new Penal Settlement to northward – statement of livestock remaining to 30th June last enclosed [No 120] & Notes in margin Concur with opinion herein until more definite information re establishment of new settlement to the northward “I approve” Deputy Commissary General “Approved”

A2.17 265 266 – 267

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Deputy Commissary General Ramsay, Sydney

Moreton Bay John Kent A C G

1846 07 01

“Extract” Return of Live Stock, remaining in hand at Moreton Bay, the Property of the Crown on the 30th June 1846 “Certified – W T Ramsay D C G”


46/04925 46/04925

1846 07 09 Hon CS Deputy Commissary General, Sydney

Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G “G G” Commissariat Office, Moreton Bay John Kent A C G

1846 07 08 1846 07 09~ 1846 07 11 1846 06 30

At top: “Assistant Commissary General” Transmitting letter from Asst Commissary General Kent re upset price of government cattle remaining unsold at Moreton Bay [No 119] & Notes in margin “Approved” Deputy Commissary General [Ref 46/05410] “Copy” Letter re upset price for government cattle – query re disposal of sheep [No 366] “True copy – Charles Wood D A C G”

A2.17 269 270

46/04543 46/04543

1846 06 23 Hon CS Deputy Commissary General Ramsay, Sydney J Kent D A C G in charge of Government Stock

Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G “G G” Commissariat Office, Moreton Bay John Kent A C G Border Police Station, Woogaroo S Simpson C C L

1846 06 22 1846 06 25~ 1846 06 26 1846 06 03 1846 06 02

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Enclosing copy of letter from Asst Commissary General Kent re disposal of 50 wethers from government flock to Commissioner of Crown Lands at Moreton Bay – re price [No 115] & Notes in margin Approved – Commissioner may not require so large a number Deputy Commissary General [Ref 46/04925] “Copy” Enclosing note from Commissioner of Crown Lands requesting permission to purchase 50 wethers from government herds for his Station – recommends [No 361] “True copy – Charles Wood D A C G” “Copy” Request to purchase 50 wedders [wethers] for use of Station “True copy – Charles Wood D A C G”

A2.17 271 272 273

46/03962 46/03962

1846 05 28 Hon CS Thomas W Ramsay D C G

Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G “G G” Commissariat Office, Moreton Bay John Kent D A C G

1846 05 28 1846 05 28~ 1846 05 29 1846 05 15

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Submitting copy of letter from Asst Commissary General Kent re sale of government stock at Moreton Bay – suggested upset price [No 110] & Notes in margin Inform Deputy Commissary General that approve of course proposed by him Deputy Commissary General [Ref 46/04543] “Copy” Letter re proposed upset price for government cattle – recommends sale take place at beginning of Spring, better sold on spot rather than in Sydney – re advertisement [No 360] “True copy – Charles Wood D A C G”

A2.17 274 275 – 276


1846 04 24 Hon CS

Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G

1846 04 24

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Submitting copy of letter from Asst Commissary General Kent re

A2.17 277 – 278

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Thomas W Ramsay D C G, Sydney

“G G” Commissariat Office, Moreton Bay John Kent D A C G

1846 04 25~ 1846 04 28 1846 04 13

disposal of government stock at Moreton Bay – reporting on same [No 107] & Notes in margin “Approved” Deputy Commissary General “Copy” Letter re disposal of remainder of government stock – arrangements – mentions boiling down sheep & salting cattle fit for slaughter – encloses Estimate of salt & saltpetre required & Requisition for Stores [No 354] “True copy – Charles Wood D A C G”

279 – 281

46/02237 1846 03 21 Hon CS

Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G “G G”

1846 03 20 1846 03 28~ 1846 03 30

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Letter re disposal of government stock Moreton Bay – reporting on sale advertised on 10th Inst – copy Deputy Asst Commissary General’s report re boiling down unsold cattle & sheep enclosed [see p 284] [No 102] Requests Governor’s final instructions with view to breaking-up of the Establishment & Notes in margin Anxious to break up Establishment at Moreton Bay – re disposal of cattle - salting preferred to boiling down – salt meat to Norfolk Island or Van Diemen’s Land Deputy Commissary General [Ref 46/03108]

A2.17 282 – 283

46/03108 Thomas W Ramsay D C G, Sydney

Commissariat Office, Moreton Bay John Kent D A C G

1846 04 13

“Copy” Letter re disposal of remainder of government stock – arrangements – mentions boiling down sheep & salting cattle fit for slaughter – encloses Estimate of salt & salpetre required & Requisition for Stores [No 354] “True copy – Charles Wood D A C G” [duplicate of letter at p 279]

A2.17 284 – 286

45/05823 1845 08 12 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G “G G”

1845 08 11 1845 08 14~ 1845 08 14

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Submitting copy of letter from Asst Commissary General Kent re Government Stock Station Moreton Bay – query re continued maintenance of that Establishment – suggests sale of stock [No 70] & Notes in margin Concur with Deputy Commissary General’s proposal to sell stock & break up Establishment Deputy Commissary General [Ref 46/02237]

A2.17 287 - 288

41/02799 1841 03 06 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney Miller D C G “G G”

1841 03 06 1841 03 11~

Letter applying for 12 men for Stock & Agricultural Establishment at Moreton Bay – to be sent by cutter “John” – discusses problems at Establishment – mentions Commandant Gorman withdrawing men for other purposes - has Governor’s instructions [No 760] & Notes in margin Has any such instruction been given? Inform Deputy Commissary General that not aware of giving orders to deprive Commissariat Officer at Moreton Bay of exclusive care & management of convicts assigned to Commissariat Dept - discusses

A2.17 289 - 292

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Mr Kent’s disrespectful attitude towards Commandant 12 men to be sent from Hyde Park Barracks to Moreton Bay – Capt McLean to select good men – Commandant to determine how many may be placed at Mr Kent’s disposal - copy letters to Lt Gorman & refer him to Order given by Minute on 40/00885 which is still in force

40/08442 1840 08 27 Hon CS Commandants Office, Moreton Bay O Gorman, Lieut 80th Regt, Commandant “G G”

1840 08 12 1840 08 30~ 1840 09 18

Letter re men required for care of government stock at Moreton Bay – mentions Major Cotton, Mr Miller & Mr Kent [No 40/42] Discussion re numbers – mentions arrivals in Cutter “John” and Schooner “Harlequin” – would only take men from Mr Kent if needed for Survey Department & Notes in margin Matter to be left to Lt Gorman’s discretion – important that Survey Dept be kept active Commandant [Ref 40/04997]

A2.17 293 – 295

40/04997 1840 05 19 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney Miller D C G “G G”

1840 05 18 1840 05 19~ 1840 05 28

Letter re care of government stock at Moreton Bay & numbers of men – mentions departure of Major Cotton & D A C G Owen [No 704] Re Lieut Gorman’s recommendation & differences between D A C G Kent and Lieut Gorman & Notes in margin Copy of letter to Lt Gorman with intimation he must not reduce number of men in charge of government cattle Lt Gorman, Deputy Commissary General

A2.17 296 – 299

40/04171 1840 04 25 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney Miller D C G “G G”

1840 04 24 1840 04 28~ 1840 05 08~

Reporting on Lieut Gorman’s letter re short supply of flour in Schooner “John & Charlotte” – Mr Kent reported wheat crop destroyed so more flour sent by Cutter “John” [No 695] Discussion re Lieut Gorman’s recommendation re withdrawal of men from Commissariat at Moreton Bay – discusses Mr Kent’s duties & requirements re care of stock & agriculture – mentions withdrawal of 3 experienced men in particular – transferred to Survey Department Margin John Mayhall Richard Snead Thomas Brooks & Notes in margin Lt Gorman to ensure sufficient number of men kept to take care of live stock under Mr Kent’s charge – re differences between Lt Gorman & Mr Kent Reply to Mr Miller, letter to Lt Gorman Deputy Commissary General, Commandant [Ref 40/04997]

A2.17 300 – 304

40/03535 1840 04 06 Hon CS Commandants Office, Moreton Bay O Gorman, Lieut 80th Regt, Commandant

1840 02 24

Letter reporting shortage of provisions brought by “John & Charlotte” schooner arrived 21st Inst – D A C G Kent informs re shortage of flour Re rations -Estimate of Provisions from Mr Kent attached [No 40/13] Reporting mail to be sent overland in charge of overseer William White [also spelt Whyte] accompanied by James Turner late coxswain of Pilot’s Boat & prisoner Thomas Delvin also from Pilot’s Boat – encloses statements of these men’s services (Statements not filmed here – see 40/03533 & 40/03534 – A2.11 – p 143 & 459) Outlines instructions to Capt Collins Commander “John & Charlotte” re carriage of White, Turner & Delvin as far as Clarence River – to continue by land if no vessel sailing immediately – to report to Major

A2.17 305 – 306

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“G G” Commissariat Office, Moreton Bay John Kent D A C G

1840 04 06~ 1840 04 07~ 1840 02 24

Kemp & Police Magistrate Gray at Port Macquarie & Notes in margin Letter to be sent to Commissary General – plenty of maize & other provisions at Settlement – no serious inconvenience from want of flour Deputy Commissary General [Ref 40/04171] Estimate of Provisions in hand at Moreton Bay shewing [sic] the time they are calculated to last from the 21st of February 1840 Quantity in Store / No of Days

307 – 308 [p 308 blank]

45/05823 T W Ramsay, Deputy Commissary General

Commissariat Office, Moreton Bay John Kent D A C G

1845 07 24 “Copy” Letter re slaughter of cattle at Moreton Bay & salt beef in Store including a Return of cattle & sheep (mentions sheep purchased from F Bracker) - discussion re management & sale [No 300] “True copy – Charles Wood D A C G”

A2.17 309 - 312

44/08666 1844 11 19 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney T W Ramsay D C G “G G”

1844 11 18 1844 11 20~

At top: “Deputy Commissary General” Letter re gratuity to Deputy Assistant Commissary General Kent - £100 per annum from 19th July 1839 [No 12] & Notes in margin “Read” [Ref – See 45/05823]

A2.17 313

Governor Sir George Gipps

Downing Street Stanley

1844 06 08 1844 11 11

At top: “M6428 – 19th Nov 1844” - “Received per “Dublin” 2nd Nov 1844” Acknowledging receipt of Despatch No 191 of 25 November 1843 re payment of gratuity of £150 to D A C G Kent & enclosing copy of Minute from Lords Commissioners of the Treasury – directions to pay Mr Kent £100 per annum from 19th July 1839 – when livestock disposed of, will be reviewed [No 88] & Notes in margin Copy to Deputy Commissary General [Ref 44/08666] At top: “M6428” Copy of a Treasury Minute dated 28 May 1844 Refers to Minutes of 6th & 27th April 1841 & letters from Mr Miller & Mr Stephen – instructions to write to Officer in Charge of Commissariat New South Wales re government flocks & herds at Moreton Bay & payment of gratuity to D A C G Kent from 19th July 1839 Also at top: “8499, 9423”

A2.17 314 – 316 317 – 321


1843 11 14 Hon CS

Commissariat Office, Sydney Miller D C G “G G”

1843 11 13 1843 12 07~ 1843 12 07~

Transmitting copy of letter from Mr Trevelyan to Mr Stephen re government cattle & sheep at Moreton Bay & granting of gratuity by Lords of Treasury to D A C G Kent on disposal of stock – discussion re delay in their disposal & Mr Kent’s claim for earlier payment - re his situation [No 951] & Notes in margin Reported to Secretary of State - Despatch No 191/1843 Query re answer to the letter or anything further to be done re Mr Kent’s gratuity Inform Mr Miller have written to Secretary of State re Mr Kent’s gratuity

A2.17 322 – 326

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43/08315 43/08315

James Stephen

Treasury Chambers C E Trevelyan

1843 12 09 1841 04 10

Mr Miller [Ref M6428] “Copy” Letter re Convict Establishment at Moreton Bay & government herds still remaining there – mentions Lord John Russell & application for special allowance for Mr Kent Commissariat Officer in charge of disposal of herds –re their sale Gratuity to be granted to Mr Kent once herds finally disposed of in proportion to his management – Governor to report When herds sold, remaining convicts & Commissariat Establishment at Moreton Bay may be finally removed Extract from Deputy Commissary General Miller’s letter to the Lord Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury, dated 6th February 1840 – No 2594 Recommending allowance to Mr Kent of £150 per annum from 19th July last

327 – 329 330 – 331

43/01371 1843 02 22 Hon CS Brisbane J C Wickham “G G”

1843 02 15 1843 02 22~ 1843 03 02

At top: “Police Magistrate” Letter re government stock at Moreton Bay & Runs on which they are placed – re D A C G Kent’s concerns at Limestone – encloses letter from Dr Simpson [see p 339] & Notes in margin Send copy of this to Mr Miller in reply to 43/00250 Mr Miller [Ref – See 45/05823] [Cover] On Her Majesty’s Service/ The Honble/ The Colonial Secretary/ Sydney [From] Police Office/ Moreton Bay [postmarked: General Post Office – Sydney / FE * 22 / 1843]

A2.17 332 – 333 334

43/00250 1843 01 10 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney Miller D C G “G G”

1843 01 09 1843 01 14 1843 01 16

Letter re disposal of government stock at Moreton Bay & delay – mentions stock removed from Eagle Farm & Sheep Stations in danger of infection with public thoroughfares running through – no room for increased flocks [No 889] Situation confirmed by Major Hunter – forwarding copies of 3 letters from D A C G Kent [see p 341 – 347] – mentions purchase of rams from Mr Leslie & Notes in margin Copy to Capt Wickham If Stations formed without having obtained licences, parties who have formed them within the limits must immediately vacate them; if any formed under licence, licensed parties to be warned licences cannot be renewed Query whether order rescinded which prohibited formation of Stations within 50 miles of Brisbane – inform Deputy Commissary General as above - to act on his own discretion re purchase of rams Capt Wickham, Commissary Miller [Ref 43/01371]

A2.17 335 – 338

43/01371 Capt Wickham, Police Magistrate

Brisbane S Simpson, Commissioner of

1843 02 12 Letter re location of squatters within 50 miles of Brisbane – brought to Governor’s notice when visiting that stock holders viz. Messrs Bigge,

A2.17 339 – 340

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Crown Lands Eales, Jones, Bell, Goodwin and others are within that limit – authorised to grant licences with warning re sale at an earlier period Discussion re enforcement of 50 miles limit & effects on squatters – would move to the Bunya Country – consequences Re Government Runs - mentions R Jones’ superintendent drove sheep from Darling Downs close to Government Station at Limestone – vacated on being warned

43/00250 William Miller, Deputy Commissary General William Miller, Deputy Commissary General, Sydney William Miller, Deputy Commissary General

Commissariat Office, Moreton Bay John Kent D A C G Commissariat Office, Moreton Bay John Kent D A C G Commissariat Office, Moreton Bay John Kent D A C G

1842 12 05 1843 01 05 1843 01 05

“Copy No 1” Letter re management of government stock at Moreton Bay if disposal delayed – mentions removal of stock from Eagle Farm [No 148] Discusses difficulties as all vacant land now occupied – applied to Commissioner of Crown Land re trespass of R Jones with sheep on the Government Station – suggests government establishments to be south of the Brisbane, cattle at Eagle Farm to go to Red Bank & sheep to the Bremer & Warril Creeks [Warrill?] Re expenses – mentions overseer & convicts & hire of labour “Copy No 2” Letter re government stock at Moreton Bay – if stock retained, need change of rams & recommends Mr Leslie’s offer – cost – requests authority to purchase [No 154] “Copy No 3” Letter re management of government stock at Moreton Bay [No 155] Requests information re land for sale – cattle moved from Eagle Farm in consequence of a sale to go to Redbank [also spelt Red Bank] & Limestone; sheep to be removed but land between Bandemba [also spelt Bundamba] & Warril Creeks is now being surveyed – includes most valuable parts of Runs, also the farm stockyard, shearing shed & other buildings – requests advice

A2.17 341 – 343 [2 pages numbered 341] 344 – 345 346 – 347

42/08770 1842 11 23 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney Miller D C G “G G”

1842 11 23 1842 11 24~ 1842 11 25

Letter stating sale of government stock not effected - to be deferred until land on which stock is depastured is sold – see enclosed catalogue [catalogue not filmed here] [No 869] & Notes in margin Cannot stop sale of land at Eagle Farm – bush growing up, land will deteriorate by remaining unoccupied – plenty of other Stations for the cattle – Eagle Farm far too near Brisbane for a Government Station Deputy Commissary Miller [Ref 43/00250]

A2.17 348 - 349


1842 08 29 Hon CS

Commissariat Office, Sydney Miller D C G “G G”

1842 08 29 1842 08 31

Transmitting extract of letter from Officer of Department at Moreton Bay re sale of land at Eagle Farm & other Stations occupied by government stock [No 852] Re stock advertised for sale on 8 November – some may have to be retained & Notes in margin Re sale of land – not advertised for any fixed time – to take place after 8 November Deputy Commissary General [Ref 42/08770]

A2.17 350 – 352

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W Miller, Deputy Commissary General

Moreton Bay John Kent D A C G

1842 08 22~

Extract from a letter dated 22 August 1842 Requirements for Establishment until Stations finally abandoned by Government & public property removed – men to be retained until stock sold. Arrangements re land for sale at Eagle Farm – difficulties re stock – mentions repairs to paddocks & preparation of branding yards at Eagle Farm, Cowper’s Plains [Cooper’s Plains] and Limestone “True Extract – Charles Wood”

353 – 355

42/05243 1842 07 18 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney Miller D C G “G G”

1842 07 18 1842 07 18~ 1842 07 18~ 1842 07 20

Letter enquiring if government stock at Moreton Bay to be sold in November so that public notice can be given [No 840] & Notes in margin Re papers – “herewith” Notes re above Inform Mr Miller government stock at Moreton Bay to be disposed of in accord with orders given by Lords of the Treasury – Mr Miller to give necessary directions as sale must be effected under his orders Mr Miller [Ref 42/06345]

A2.17 356 357

41/04750 1841 05 12 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney Miller D C G “G G”

1841 05 11 1841 05 14~ 1841 05 19

Letter suggesting sale of government stock at Moreton Bay – numbers of persons proceeding with stock to settle in Moreton Bay – opportunity to purchase stock on the spot [No 777] & Notes in margin Waiting to receive Despatches re Moreton Bay – fears only bidders at sale would be occupiers of Stock Stations of which there are only 8-10 Deputy Commissary General [Ref 42/05243]

A2.17 358 - 360

48/08858 1848 08 09 Hon CS Moreton Bay Henry Mort

1848 07 25 1848 08 10~ 1848 08 14

At top: “Henry Mort” Letter reporting having located on the River Boyne (sheep run) and urging appointment of a Commissioner – about 35 Stations already occupied on the Boyne & tributaries - not one Magistrate residing in the District & Note in margin To be appointed in the usual terms Henry Mort

A2.17 361 – 363

48/01480 1848 02 01 Hon CS Sydney Thomas S Mort

1848 01 25 1848 02 07~ 1848 02 10

At top: “T S Mort” Letter requesting transfer of lease of station at Darling Downs known as “Coorangah” [Cooranga?] & occupied by E W Cameron [Cover] To The Honourable/ The Colonial Secretary & Notes re above Mr Mort may be referred to Notice of 1st January Mr Mort

A2.17 364 365


1848 04 17 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commissioner

1848 04 01 1848 04 17~

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Returning Circular & Tenders for Runs in the Lower Darling District forwarded in error by Post Office & Notes in margin “Why were these posted in this absurd way?”

A2.17 366

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1848 04 18~ 1848 04 19

Notes re above Intended to be delivered to Mr Massie on his arrival in Sydney – now to be sent to him Mr Massie


48/05233 1848 04 17 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commissioner “C A F”

1848 04 01 1848 04 19~

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter explaining delay in forwarding Assessment Returns to Colonial Treasurer – floods mid January to March – communication to Stations in lower Condamine River & Macintyre & Severn Waters cut off [No48/43] & Note in margin “Read”

A2.17 368 - 369


1848 04 17

Hon CS

Executive Council Office Francis L S Merewether Clerk of Council “C A F” “C A F” Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commissioner “C A F”

1848 04 29 1848 05 06~ 1848 05 07~ 1848 09 22 1848 04 01 1848 04 19~ 1848 04 22~ 1848 09 23~

Note Re Mr Rolleston’s letter & renewal of licences for lands occupied for other than pastoral purposes – mentions Council Minute of 18 January (M7493) Re Mr Rolleston’s query re occupation of land by mechanics & others in Drayton – Deputy Surveyor General (as with Armidale) to report as to expediency of laying out allotments for sale & Notes in margin Necessary to give general information in summary to Commissioners re Council M7493 “Let this be done accordingly” No new licences for such purposes to be issued – Commissioners to prevent location of such parties until have fee simple of allotments - to be brought forward for sale in the townships – Notice should be published Necessary instructions to Deputy Surveyor General re laying out of Drayton “Approved” Notice of 4 September; Circular 21 September Mr La Trobe At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter reporting tradesmen establishing at Drayton & putting up buildings without licences – desirable & necessary for welfare of District - requests instructions [No 48/40] Query re renewal of licences for persons who have possession for other than pastoral purposes & Notes in margin For Executive Council? Executive / 48/107 – 22 April 1848 “This document which reached me yesterday does not appear to have been acted on”

A2.17 370 – 372 [pages are out of order] 373 - 374

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48/04305 1848 04 01 Hon CS Crown Lands Office, Darling Downs Christopher Rolleston, Commissioner “C A F”

1848 03 21 1848 04 14~ 1848 04 15~ 1848 04 19

At top: “Commissioner Rolleston” Letter reporting on application from Mathew Goggs for depasture licence – Run situated on Heads of Dogwood Creek (tributary of the Condamine) – requested more definite description of boundaries of Run from Goggs – mentions delays & visit from applicant’s brother George Goggs when application was forwarded – now recommends his petition [No 48/38] & Notes in margin Following report, Licence to issue to Mr Goggs “Approved” Colonial Treasurer, Commissioner Rolleston, Mr Goggs

A2.17 375 – 376

48/02832 1848 03 04 Hon CS Whissonsett, Murrurundi M Goggs

1848 02 27 1848 03 07~ 1848 03 07

At top: “M Goggs” Letter applying for depasture licence for land occupied by him northwest of Condamine River – details including extract from Mr Rolleston’s letter re Form of Application – reasons for delay in making application & requests that licence be granted – fee paid to Mr Rolleston & Notes in margin Refer to Mr Rolleston Commissioner Rolleston, Mr Goggs [Ref 48/04305]

A2.17 377 - 378

Executive Council Office Francis L S Merewether Clerk of the Council “C A F”

1848 04 15 1848 04 18~ 1848 04 20

At top: “M7572 – 19th April 1848” Summary of Proceedings of the Executive Council on the 3rd April 1848 relative to an application from the German Missionaries at Moreton Bay for information as to the terms on which they can be allowed to purchase a portion of the lands occupied by them & to keep possession of the remainder as a Run – “Minute No 48/9 confirmed 10th April 1848”___________________________________________ Must be sale by auction – if purchased German Mission to lease – answer to be made to missionaries [No 48/138] & Notes in margin “Approved” 48/02868 returned herewith German Missionaries

A2.17 379 - 380


1840 10 22~ 1840 10 23~ 1840 10 24~ 1840 10 27~

Notes Re selection of land for use of German Missionaries at Moreton Bay – terms of occupation (same as for Wesleyans on land between Geelong & Portland Bay) – Surveyor General has included in Abstract a description of land occupied [not filmed here] Selection approved by His Excellency the Governor – requests instructions As permissive occupancy no need for Deed or other documents or Abstract & Notes re above To be inserted in Abstract – to follow in all respects precedent of Wesleyan occupation Re Wesleyan occupation & Abstract [very faint] & Notes in margin

A2.17 381 – 382

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39/09504 39/09504

1839 08 24

Hon CS Robert Dixon, Surveyor Eaglefarm [Eagle Farm]

Surveyor General’s Office, Sydney S A Perry D S G “G G” “G G” Mount Zion, Moreton Bay Revd William Schmidt

1840 11 02 1839 08 24 1839 09 05~ 1839 09 16~ 1840 10 21~ 1839 04 13~ 1839 06 13

Nothing further necessary – permissive occupancy for 5 years subject to certain conditions - to be reviewed at end of term “Mr Raymond” [Ref – See 47/04222] Letter re land occupied by German Mission at Moreton Bay & Mr Dixon’s report re missionary settlement called Mount Zion - established on margin of swamp on track which natives pass to the northward & about 5 miles north north-east of Brisbane Town – 7 acres in cultivation, 7 residences & out buildings – wishing to remain [No 39/390] Encloses copy of letter from Revd William Schmidt on the subject & Notes in margin One Section of land or 640 acres may be marked off for the missionaries which they will be allowed to occupy on same terms as Wesleyans between Geelong & Portland Bay Revd W Schmidt, Surveyor General Requests Mr Raymond to provide papers re Wesleyan Mission near Portland Bay – Ref 39/07061 At top: “39/09504 – 12th April 1839 – Surveyor General” Note Request Surveyor General instruct Mr Dixon to report on quantity & situation of ground at Moreton Bay occupied by German Missionaries, and upon any application they may make to change their situation – made in consequence of request by deputation: The Revd Mr MacIntyre, Mr Wright & Mr Roemer “Copy” Letter indicating they do not want situation of the Mission changed for the present

383 – 385 386 – 387 388

44/04018 1844 05 20 Hon E D Thomson, CS

Commissioner of Crown Lands Office, Moreton Bay S Simpson, C C L

1844 05 06 1844 05 22~

At top: “Commissioner Simpson” Letter re application from German Mission for Licence to occupy land near sea coast for missionary purposes: visited site with 2 missionaries – situated 30 miles to north of Brisbane on Noonga Creek (called Cuthbertson by Dixon) & 3 miles from the sea – describes country – mentions 10 miles to east of main road heading north & to Tourbal Point [Toorbul?] –Tourbal Point probable “site of important township on the Bay & likely to become the great shipping place for the northern part of the District” & even of settlers on the Boyne - re Road from Brisbane to Tourbal Point Mentions coast blacks very numerous in area – discusses Mission & current situation with 4 new members from Berlin – now 40 people – want to establish agricultural & grazing establishment near coast with assistance of aborigines - do not want to abandon present situation near Eagle Farm – propose dividing into 2 bodies - recommends their application & mentions “their honest endeavours to christianize the aborigines” & Notes in margin Let missionaries be authorised to hold these 4 sections for 4 years rent free – understanding that if held longer they will be charged rent

A2.17 389 – 392

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1844 05 30

for them Dr Simpson - copies to Police Magistrate & Surveyor General [Ref 46/07186]

44/01967 1844 03 09 Hon CS At Mr Olbrecht’s, shoemaker, West King Street, Sydney Peter Nique, August Rode on behalf of the brethren of the German Mission at Moreton Bay “G G”

1844 03 09 1844 03 11~ 1844 03 11~ 1844 03 12

At top: “German Missionaries” Letter informing 4 additional missionaries arrived from a Society in Berlin to join Mission at Moreton Bay or to form a new Mission in the South Sea Islands –intend to proceed to Moreton Bay Mission and form a second or subsidiary Station in the Bunya Bunya Country – seeks Governor’s approval & occupation of section of land for formation of the Station for 5 years to be approved by Commissioner & Notes in margin They propose leaving Sydney on Wednesday – former papers re Mission herewith Regret cannot comply with application “Immediate” [Ref 44/04018]

A2.17 393

43/07529 1843 10 13 Hon CS Audit Office, Sydney William Lithgow, Auditor General “G G”

1843 10 13 1843 10 15 1843 10 17

At top: “Auditor General” No 128: Memorandum in reply to Minute of Honorable Colonial Secretary on letter from Secretaries to the German Mission re Application for gratuity of £100 each to Revd Messrs Schmidt & Eipper – similar sum awarded to Revd Mr Handt Re lay missionaries & occupation & possession of land Discusses Memo No 110 & claims by Secretaries re subscriptions paid – also credit claimed for rice expended for aborigines Re gratuities for Messrs Schmidt & Eipper: Mr Handt’s position different, ceased to be employed at Moreton Bay on discontinuance of Penal Settlement – Minister of Church of England then appointed by Bishop of Australia & Notes in margin Gratuities cannot be granted as different situation from that of Revd Handt No promises re this land – families of missionaries shall not be molested during the course of the ensuing year – Mission must not look to Government for further support Secretaries to German Mission [Ref 44/01967]

A2.17 394 – 397

43/06738 1843 09 15 Hon CS Audit Office, Sydney William Lithgow, Auditor General “G G”

1843 09 15 1843 09 16~ 1843 09 29

At top: “Auditor General” No 110: Memorandum reporting on application from Secretaries to German Mission for aid – equal to amount exhibited in List of Private Subscriptions viz £80-11-5 – expenses of Mission to date (excluding salary & allowances paid to Revd J C S Handt) & amount of private subscriptions & Notes in margin Copy of this to be sent to Secretaries in reply to 43/06401 - express deep regret not able to make any further advances Secretaries to German Mission [Ref 43/07361]

A2.17 398


1843 09 02 Hon CS Sydney John Dunmore Lang, Robert Ross Joint Secretaries

1843 09 01

At top: “Secretaries” Letter re application for aid to German Mission at Moreton Bay – transmitting List of Subscriptions received from Public in aid of the Mission in the early part of the year prior to government resolution – requests payment of £80-11-5, the amount exhibited in the List

A2.17 399

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“G G” Sydney William Kirchner, Treasurer

1843 09 06~ 1843 08 01

Notes re above Return papers relating to German Mission – payments already made in advance to Mission – accounts should be looked into, government not to pay anything on account of subscriptions raised in support of Mission since Notice given, which is referred to by the Secretaries Subscriptions & Donations received for the support of the German Mission at Moreton Bay 1842 Sept 21 Collection by the Revd J Forbes at Port Phillip - £20-5-6 Dec Collected at public meeting held in the School of Arts - £9-4-5 1843 Jan Collected by S Owen ACG - £26-10-6 [Names/Amounts] E Deas Thompson [sic], James Dowling, Alfred Stephen, John Hosking, George Allen, A Foss? H McDermott, E Hill, E V Thompson, Charles Falconer, John Saunders, James Lea? W H McKenzie, J P McKenzie, Robert Bourne, W R Richardson, T H Bowden, Stephen Nutter? E Mansfield, N Bushby, J T Hughes, John Blackman, A Garrett, F W W Received by the Revd Dr Ross - £21-6-0 [Names/Amounts] W A’Beckett, Mr Irving /Pitt St, Mr Griffith, Kemp & Fairfax, Mr Jarman, Mr Wilson per Mr Irving, Thomas Holt, Mr Chapman /King St, John Walker /York St, David Jones, Alexander Douglas, Mr Currey, Revd R Cartwright, R Sadleir, William Hustler, Robert Bubb Donation from a sincere friend - £1-0-0 Donation from Mr Steels Infant School - £2-5-0 [Total] £80-11-5

400 401 - 402

42/08543 1842 11 16 Hon E D Thomson German Mission, Sydney John Dunmore Land, Robert Ross, Secretaries “G G” “G G”

1842 11 15 1842 11 16~ 1842 11 21~ 1842 11 21~ 1842 11 24

Letter re previous communication re removal of German missionaries to Bunya Bunya Tree Country – mentions accompanying Journal – seeking Governor’s decision – requests return of Journal [Journal not filmed here] & Notes [written across letter] Re 42/05876 – open on Register & not with Records “42/05876 – Secretaries to the German Mission – 12 August 1842” Enclosing Journals of expedition to the Bunya Bunya Tree Country for perusal by Governor Notes re above Acknowledge receipt, return Journal etc – regret unable to give directions re proposed removal of Mission – Commissioner of Crown Lands to visit Bunya Country as soon as possible & on his return arrangements may be made Copy to Dr Simpson – indicate Police Magistrate Capt Wickham due in Brisbane in January, Dr Simpson to start on this journey to the Bunya Country soon after – force to accompany him for protection Secretaries for Managing the German Mission, Commissioner of

A2.17 403 – 404 405

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Crown Lands Moreton Bay [Ref 43/06401]


1842 09 05

Hon CS

Commissariat Office, Sydney Miller D C G “G G”

1842 09 20~ 1842 09 05 1842 09 06~ 1842 09 24~ 1842 09 26~ 1842 09 28~ 1842 09 29

Note [attached to front of letter 42/06580] These papers perhaps with Governor – Mr Miller informed that Colonial Government answerable for debt Letter enclosing account of cattle & sheep supplied to German missionaries Moreton Bay & their receipt - £175 – requests payment from Colonial Treasury [No 855] [Account & Receipt not filmed here] & Notes in margin “42/04737 – respecting missionaries at Moreton Bay” given to Chief Clerk 11 August - think papers returned to Records since 11 August Query re 42/04737: “on the subject of the removal of the locality of the Mission at Moreton Bay” They have not been seen since Notes re above £175 to be paid out of Colonial funds with the Military Chest Mr Lithgow, Mr Miller [Ref 42/08543]

A2.17 406 407 408

42/03103 1842 04 25 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney Miller D C G “G G”

1842 04 25 1842 04 27~ 1842 04 27

Letter re failure of German missionaries at Moreton Bay to pay for stock - £175 [No 825] & Notes in margin Government will be responsible for this debt Mr Miller [Ref 42/03386]

A2.17 409 – 410

42/01612 42/01612

1842 02 24

Hon CS

“G G” “G G” Sydney John Dunmore Lang, Convenor of the Synod’s Committee for

1842 04 11 1842 04 20 1842 04 20 1842 02 24

Note German Mission [Send copy of Lord Stanley’s Despatch No 21 of 1841 to Dr Ross of the Committee] Inform Committee of his late visit to Moreton Bay: inspected Establishment of the Mission – opinion that locality of Mission ill-chosen to be useful to aborigines – reasons Discusses monetary support for Mission & basis of same – also income from subscriptions within the Colony & from Berlin (transmitted by Revd Mr Gossner) – re debts – also mentions sum collected by Revd Mr Schmidt Mission appeared to be in great need of certain articles - blankets, flour, rice to be supplied – re distribution of blankets to aborigines & Note Order these to be shipped for Moreton Bay c/- S Simpson Crown Commissioner & inform him of shipment Colonial Storekeeper, Mr Simpson & Note in margin Committee for the Affairs of the German Mission [Ref 42/03103] Letter re German Mission to aborigines at Moreton Bay – outlines debts: Mr R Gordon for Ironmongery, Mr John Stirling for Groceries,

A2.17 411 – 414 415 – 416

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42/01612 42/01612

the German Mission Sydney William Schmidt

1842 02 24~ 1842 02 24~ 1842 02 23

Messrs King & Moutry for Haberdashery, Mr J Gould for Crockeryware, Mr R Jones for Flour etc, Commissariat for working bullocks, milch cows & wethers for slaughter, Mr G Chaudry for freight - £364-10-4 Contributions received on behalf of the Mission: Contributed by Revd Johannes Gossner of Berlin through Mr C Roemer, Collected by Revd C Eipper in Sydney, Collected by Revd Mr Schmidt in Sydney, Collected by myself as per accompanying lists - £246-9-11½ Requests payment from Colonial Treasury equal to amount received from private sources to Revd Mr Schmidt – also requests blankets for Mission from Commissariat Store Moreton Bay for distribution to aborigines during winter in return for labour List of Contributions, on behalf of the German Mission to the Aborigines at Moreton Bay collected by the Revd C Eipper [Names/Amounts] Mr Ross Coulter/ Maitland, Mrs Coulter, Mr Gavin Houston, Mr Clark (Bank of Australasia, Maitland), Mr John Whitelaw, A Friend, Mr Samuel Bailey, Mr John Mein (Commercial Bank, Maitland), Mr David Dickson, Mr A Dodds, Friends, Mr John Wisdom, A Friend, Mr James Blanch/ Sydney, Mr W Skinner, Mr Robert Stark, Mr William Houston, Mr Russell/ Maitland, A Friend - £18-15-6 “I certify that the above amount was received by Mr Eipper – J D Lang, Sydney – 24 February 1842” List of Contributions on behalf of the German Mission received & disbursed on account of the Mission by the undersigned [Names/Amounts] Mr David Goodsir, George Bowman, Mr Swan/ Printer, Mr Steel’s Infant School pupils, Mrs Ewing/ Bathurst, Dr Lang – £12-0-0 “I certify that this amount has been received & appropriated by me on behalf & for the purposes of the Mission – John Dunmore Lang, Sydney – 24 February 1842” List of Contributions for the support of the German Mission to the Aborigines at Moreton Bay [Names/ Amounts] – very faint & difficult to read 1 Revd Mr Adam, Windsor 2 P Horsey? 3 A Friend 4 Mrs Panton 5 James Ker Panton 6 Edward J C North 7 James & Selina Wood 8 Mr Ainsworth 9 Mrs Procter, Newcastle 10 William Bowman, Richmond 11 Mr McFarlane, Sydney 12 Mr Neal 13 King and Moutry 14 Thomas Barker 15 David Jones 16 Dr Bland 17 Mrs J P Mackenzie 18 Miss Pryde 19 Meinertzhagen 20 R Ronald 21 J Griffin 22 F M Gaunson 23 M Whytelaw, Sydney 24 Mr Hechinger? 25 Alex Champbell 26 Mr Lewis 27 A Friend 28 Mr Bourne 29 Brown & Co 30 Mr Wallace 31 Peter Stewart 32 J Josephson 33 Mrs Chisholm (New Town) 34 Mr Buyers [Breyers?] Sydney 35 Walter Clark 36 Robert Andrew 37 Mrs Andrew 38 A L Pasche 39 A Friend 40 Edward Hunt

419 [no p 417 or 418] 420 421 – 424

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Sir George Gipps

Downing Street Stanley

1841 10 24

41 William Stewart, Major General, Bathurst 42 George Rankin 43 Revd K D Smythe 44 Revd Colin Stewart 45 W Hutcheson 46 Foster 47 R Kennedy 48 Master John Busby 49 Miss Agnes Ferguson 50 Edward Austin 51 St Stephen’s Church Collection, Bathurst 52 Mrs McGillivray, Parramatta 53 Samuel Howieson 54 Miss Urquhart 55 John Stewart 56 Mrs Stewart 57 Dr Harris 58 ? Gordon 59 A Friend 60 A Murray 61 Revd J Tait 62 Eleanor Grant 63 John Owen, Richmond 64 James Smith, Sydney 65 Revd William Purves, Pt Macquarie [also spelt Port Macquarie] 66 A B Spark, Sydney 67 Robert Smith, Bathurst 68 Richard Jones, Sydney 69 John Alexander 70 Mr Foss 71 McEachern 72 Dr J B Wilson 73 Miss McIntyre 74 Mrs H S Murray 75 Mrs Parbury, Sydney 76 Scots Church, Parramatta Collection 77 Sir James Dowling 78 Sir M O’Connell 79 Russell Brothers 80 Revd J Saunders 81 E Deas Thomson 82 Mr Duguid 83 C Archer 84 W Kirchner 85 Mr M … 86 Capt Benson Regt 28th 87 R Gordon 88 Andrew Lang Dunmore 89 S Gould, Sydney 90 Capt McLean 91 Revd Croock? 92 Mr Dodds 93 P Nicholson 94 Thomas Aitken 95 C W Romer [also spelt Roemer] 96 Mr Archer, Moreton Bay 97 Honourable Mrs Smith of Dunesk, Scotland 98 A Friend, Maitland 99 A Friend, Windsor “Copy” Letter re Despatch No 88 of 5th of April & Report on progress of German or Lutheran Mission at Moreton Bay – discusses support for the Mission by H M Government – mentions Revd Dr Lang, the success of undertaking & whether aid to Mission can continue [No 21]

425 – 426

42/01353 1842 02 15 Hon E Deas Thomson, CS

Jamison Street, College Buildings, Sydney William Schmidt, Missionary “G G”

1842 02 15 1842 02 17~ 1842 02 19~ 1842 02 19

Letter re aid for German Mission to Aborigines at Moreton Bay – regrets lack of support from Committee of the Mission, mentions embarrassed circumstances of Presbyterian Church – requests Governor take German Mission under his protection Re debts: 1 £52-16-5 - R Gordon 2 £45-11-11 – J Stirling 3 £32-19-3 – King & Moutry 4 £11-3-9 – J Gould 5 £36-19-0 – R Jones 6 £169-0-0 – Commissariat Department 7 £16-0-0 - Govt? Chambers [Total] £363-10-4 £112 collected spent on articles sent to Moreton Bay & freight – unable to pay passages for Mrs Schmidt & himself and Mr & Mrs Franz - requests sum from Colonial Treasury Mission numbers: 2 clerical members, 7 lay members, 8 females, 17 children & Notes in margin Visiting Mission shortly – can’t promise further aid until then – requests all papers to take with him “Immediate” Revd W Schmidt [Ref 42/01612]

A2.17 427 – 431

41/10091 1841 11 22~ Note A2.17 432

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1841 11 19

Hon CS

“G G” Audit Office, Sydney W Lithgow, Auditor General “G G”

1841 11 19 1841 11 20~ 1841 11 23

Re delivery of stock - £169 to be paid Last paragraph of Minute cancelled relating to the £169 [Ref 42/00304] Memorandum on the letter of Revd Dr Lang dated 10th November 1841 soliciting aid on behalf of the German Mission, Moreton Bay: Re payment of £390-6-7 in aid of Mission, & payment to Commissary General for provisions to missionaries up to 31 May last – mentions value of livestock being sent to Mission - £169-0-0 Requests List of Subscriptions be certified Mentions amounts for use of Revd Mr & Mrs Schmidt and Revd & Mrs Eipper & Notes in margin Re Dr Lang’s letter of 21 May [Ref 41/05143] & large sum authorised from Colony’s Funds to aid Mission – regret unable to sanction further payments Re sum of £46-2-0 received from Revd Mr Gossner Berlin Re other sums paid out of Colonial Treasury - £64-2-5 - for provisions issued by Commissary General Re instructions to Commissary General to issue sheep & cattle to value of £169 [crossed out] & note: “cancel this latter paragraph – G G 23 Nov” Revd Dr Lang [Ref 42/00304]

433 - 435

41/10058 1841 11 17 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney Miller D C G “G G”

1841 11 17 1841 11 18~

Letter re proposed prices for cattle & sheep from Government stock to be delivered to Missionaries Moreton Bay [No 805] – 12 cows @ £6 each - £72 5 Bullocks @ £7 ea - £35 100 wethers @ 10/- ea - £50 20 ewes @ 12/- ea - £12 [Total] £169 & Note in margin “Read” [Ref 41/10091]

A2.17 436

“G G”

1841 11 6~ 1841 11 08

Note At top: “[obscured] 5641 – 10 Nov 1841” [could be M5641] Instructions to Deputy Commissary General re German Missionaries at Moreton Bay & purchase of stock from Government Herd – requests advice re prices indicated: 5 cows £8 each - 5 bullocks £7 each - 100 wethers 10/- each - 20 ewes 15/- each – not to be delivered until paid for & Notes in margin Deputy Commissary General [Ref 41/10058]

A2.17 437 – 438


1841 11 10 Hon CS Sydney John Dunmore Lang, Secretary J D Lang, Secretary

1841 11 10

Letter re aid to German Mission Moreton Bay – transmitting Certificate of Accounts of money & goods contributed towards the Mission – requests equal sum be paid to Revd C W Schmidt – also discusses previous transactions – indicates Mission now has reasonable prospects of success & Note in margin [Ref 41/05143] List of Contributions for the German Mission at Moreton Bay

A2.17 439 440

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“G G” W Elyard for the CS Sydney Revd C W Schmidt, Missionary to the Aborigines at Moreton Bay

1841 11 18 1841 11 09

Revd Mr Gossner & Friends of Mission at Berlin – 3 large cases of goods of all kinds - £229-0-4 Revd Mr Gossner – 2nd contribution of money, received by C W Roemer - £46-2-0 Contributions on behalf of Mr & Mrs Schmidt - £93-6-4 Contributions for Mr & Mrs Eipper - £3-6-9 [Total] £371-15-5 & Notes re above Refer to Auditor General Send order to supply stock to Mission from Government Herd Moreton Bay – to be paid for by the Mission Auditor General [Ref 41/10091] List of Contributions in Goods for the special use of the Revd C Eipper and Mrs Eipper, of the Mission to the Aborigines at Moreton Bay not previously indicated in any List submitted to Government A lady – 10/- A lady - £2-4-6 Mrs F – 12/3 [Total] £3-6-9 & Certificate Re receipt by Revd C Eipper


41/04894 1841 05 15 Hon CS Commissariat Office, Sydney Miller D C G “G G”

1841 05 14 1841 05 18~ 1841 05 16~ 1841 05 19

Letter re payment of claims for supplies issued from Department to the German Missionaries at Moreton Bay [No 779] & Notes in margin Inform the Auditor General “Read” Mr Lithgow [Ref 41/05143]

A2.17 442 – 443

41/04670 1841 05 10 Hon CS Audit Office, Sydney William Lithgow, Auditor General “G G”

1841 05 08 1841 05 10~ 1841 05 13

Letter re payment of £448-7-10 to Treasurer of German Mission Moreton Bay – amount equal to private contributions paid on their behalf – payments made to Deputy Commissary General for provisions viz £58-1-3 should be deducted from advance to Mr T Cadell [No 98] & Notes in margin £58-1-3 must be deducted – to ask Deputy Commissary General if any further demands on account for the Mission Auditor General, Deputy Commissary General [Ref 41/04894]

A2.17 444 – 446

41/04370 1841 05 01 Hon CS Sydney John Dunmore Lang, Secretary to the Mission Society

1841 04 30

Letter transmitting List of Contributions received on account of German Mission to Aborigines Moreton Bay – original agreement for Government to meet contributions with equal sums from Public Treasury – re delays with the various contributions & their receipt –Mission disadvantaged from the outset Mentions accompanying Statement of the origin, condition & prospects of the Mission to be published prior to applying for further aid [List & Statement not filmed here] Requests Governor order amount equal to contributions in List to be

A2.17 447 – 449

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“G G”

1841 05 06~ 1841 05 07

paid to order of Thomas Cadell Treasurer for the Mission, so Mr Eipper can return to Moreton Bay – also requests Commissariat Accounts of Provisions be deducted from money due to the Mission & that Governor authorise missionaries to purchase stock from government herds on the spot & Notes in margin Acknowledge receipt Re contributions: received prior to arrival of missionaries in New South Wales & therefore prior to arrangement re aid – contributions met by more than equal sums, government having paid £600 for passage of missionaries Mentions accounts received of the Mission not favourable: located short distance from Moreton Bay – soon to be surrounded by settlers - little attention paid to aborigines –only instance when they fired on them for stealing potatoes Anxious to aid in improvement of aborigines - will advance sums required – unless more satisfactory accounts received of the Mission after 12 months, will not feel authorised to pay any further from public revenue - Auditor General to be authorised to prepare Warrant for sum asked for: £448-7-10 Dr Lang, Auditor General [Ref 41/04670]

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NOTES ~ Have used this symbol throughout when I have “assumed” details which have not been provided – e.g. “Hon CS” has been omitted on document See also “Dates”

CS REF NUMBERS For SORTING purposes, I have entered CS Reference Numbers to five places 00001 - 10000 For FINDING purposes I have inserted 0s in the Contents where CS ref Numbers have been cited


Format used throughout is YEAR MONTH DAY – one space between

~ Used to indicate dates which are incomplete on document, usually in Notes e g 31 Mar - assumption made as to year

PAGE NUMBERS For SORTING purposes I have entered all page numbers to 3 places

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CONTENTS Reel No. A2.17

New South Wales – Colonial Secretary Letters Received 1826 – 1934


Letters relating to Moreton Bay and Queensland, 182 2 – 1860 From the Originals in the Archives Office of New So uth Wales

Letters received 1847 and papers filed with them 1 – 053 [continued from Reel A2.16]

Letters received 1848 and papers filed with them 054 – 842 [continued on Reel A2.18]