YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD-FT. LAUDERDALE Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Rabbi Adam Frieberg, Assistant Rabbi Rabbi Edward Davis, Rabbi Emeritus Dr. P.J. Goldberg, President 3291 Stirling Road, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 954-966-7877 email: [email protected] www.yih.org PARSHAT BO 4 SHEVAT 5778 JANUARY 20, 2018 TORAH READING Bo 10:1 HAFTORAH Jeremiah 46:13 Nach Yomi : Joshua 24 Daf Yomi : Avoda Zarah 5 SHABBAT TIMES Candle Lighting 5:36 p.m. Shabbat Ends 6:34 p.m. WE WELCOME ALL NEWCOMERS, VISITORS AND GUESTS SHABBAT SHALOM THIS SHABBAT Bar Mitzvah of Ayden Avraham Frank Mazel Tov! ____________________ Guest Speaker Dennis Prager “Happiness is a Moral Obligation” Shabbat Afternoon 4:35 p.m. Main Sanctuary 2 Main Sanctuary will be locked while the Torah is being read, during Mussaf Kedusha, and while the Rabbi is speaking, Contact Gerald Mayerhoff [email protected] or David Lasko [email protected] for an aliyah or kibbud at any of the minyanim Friday Night 5:36pm Candle Lighting 5:45pm Minchah/Maariv Main Sanctuary 5:45pm Minchah/Maariv Beit Midrash 5:45pm Sephardic Minchah/Maariv Library Shabbat Morning 7:00am Shacharit Minyan Main Sanctuary 8:00am Shacharit Minyan Room 1 & 2 8:15am Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Weinstock Beit Midrash 8:45am Sephardic Minyan Library 8:45am Beit Midrash Minyan House 9:00am Shacharit Minyan Main Sanctuary 9:00am Youth Minyan joint with Ayden Frank Bar Mitzvah Main Sanctuary 9:30am YP Minyan Chapel 9:30am Teen Minyan Room 5 9:15am Parsha Class with Rabbi Yitzchak Salid (not meeting this week) Room 6 9:50am Latest Shema Time 10:10am The Rest of the Story: Understanding the Haftarah Rabbi Yitzi Marmorstein Social Hall 10:15am Parsha Class with Rabbi Yitzchak Salid (not meeting this week) Back Room of House 10:45am Open Beit Midrash with Rabbi Rafi Stohl “The Most Essential Mitzvos in the Torah Beit Midrash 11:30am Youth Haftorah Class with Shimmy Lazar Modular

PARSHAT BO SHABBAT TIMES - ShulCloud...2018/01/20  · Dennis Prager “Happiness is a Moral Obligation” Shabbat Afternoon 4:35 p.m. Main Sanctuary 2 Main Sanctuary will be locked

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    Rabbi Yosef Weinstock

    Rabbi Adam Frieberg, Assistant Rabbi

    Rabbi Edward Davis, Rabbi Emeritus

    Dr. P.J. Goldberg, President

    3291 Stirling Road, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312

    954-966-7877 email: [email protected] www.yih.org

    PARSHAT BO 4 SHEVAT 5778 JANUARY 20, 2018

    TORAH READING Bo 10:1 HAFTORAH Jeremiah 46:13

    Nach Yomi : Joshua 24 Daf Yomi : Avoda Zarah 5


    Candle Lighting 5:36 p.m. Shabbat Ends 6:34 p.m.




    Bar Mitzvah of Ayden Avraham Frank

    Mazel Tov!


    Guest Speaker

    Dennis Prager

    “Happiness is a Moral Obligation”

    Shabbat Afternoon

    4:35 p.m.

    Main Sanctuary


    Main Sanctuary will be locked while the Torah is being read, during Mussaf

    Kedusha, and while the Rabbi is speaking,

    Contact Gerald Mayerhoff [email protected] or David Lasko

    [email protected] for an aliyah or kibbud at any of the minyanim

    Friday Night

    5:36pm Candle Lighting

    5:45pm Minchah/Maariv Main Sanctuary

    5:45pm Minchah/Maariv Beit Midrash

    5:45pm Sephardic Minchah/Maariv Library

    Shabbat Morning

    7:00am Shacharit Minyan Main Sanctuary

    8:00am Shacharit Minyan Room 1 & 2

    8:15am Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Weinstock Beit Midrash

    8:45am Sephardic Minyan Library

    8:45am Beit Midrash Minyan House

    9:00am Shacharit Minyan Main Sanctuary

    9:00am Youth Minyan joint with Ayden Frank Bar


    Main Sanctuary

    9:30am YP Minyan Chapel

    9:30am Teen Minyan Room 5

    9:15am Parsha Class with Rabbi Yitzchak Salid (not

    meeting this week)

    Room 6

    9:50am Latest Shema Time

    10:10am The Rest of the Story: Understanding the

    Haftarah Rabbi Yitzi Marmorstein

    Social Hall

    10:15am Parsha Class with Rabbi Yitzchak Salid (not

    meeting this week)

    Back Room of House

    10:45am Open Beit Midrash with Rabbi Rafi Stohl “The

    Most Essential Mitzvos in the Torah

    Beit Midrash

    11:30am Youth Haftorah Class with Shimmy Lazar Modular

  • 3

    Shabbat Afternoon

    4:35pm Gemara Shiur on Gittin (in Hebrew) Beit Midrash

    4:35pm Daf Yomi Library

    4:35pm Guest Speaker Dennis Prager Main Sanctuary

    5:35pm Minchah Main Sanctuary

    5:35pm Teen Minchah Chapel

    After Mincha Gemara Shiur with Rabbi Jonathan Hirsch Beit Midrash

    6:34pm Maariv Main Sanctuary

    6:34pm Teen Maariv Chapel


    after Maariv

    Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 5 min. class Library

    Safety, Security & First Aid

    “Safety & Security is everyone’s responsibility. If You See Something Say Some-

    thing!” Talk to the President, Rabbis, or Executive Director.

    AED (Automated External Defibrillator) along with other first aid equipment in closet

    next to Social Hall.

    Crossing schedule: Stirling Road at SW 33rd Avenue

    Hollywood Police will control the light this Friday 5:00-11:00p.m. Shabbat 7:45am-

    3:00pm & 4:00-7:00pm. A custodian will manually change the light between 6:50 &

    7:10am. Please cross Stirling Road in the crosswalk after all traffic has stopped.






    Mazel Tov:

    Ayden Avraham Frank on his Bar Mitzvah celebration. Mazel Tov to Jamie &

    Menashe Frank, siblings Yael Rani, Esther Miriam and Binyamin Pinchas,

    grandparents Douglas & Maureen Cohn and Nancy Grondin and to the entire


    Eliezer & Holly Seidenfeld on the birth of their son. The Shalom Zachor is

    Friday at 8:30 p.m. at their home in the Fairways, 3900 N. Hills Drive #215.

    Sandy & Norman Goldglantz on the birth of their granddaughter, Lielle Zahava.

    Mazel Tov to parents Stephanie & Jimmy Davis, siblings Ariel, Lior and Sapira,

    aunt & uncle Lauren & Simeon Stamm and great grandmother Miriam Mitzner.

    Judy & PJ Goldberg on the birth of their granddaughter Sarah Leah (Lili

    Arielle) to their children Joshua & Shaina Goldberg. Mazel Tov to great-

    grandparents Paula & Arnold Gassel and Ruth Goldberg.

    Danny & Linda Singer and Mark & Daryl Lamet on the birth of a granddaughter

    Abigail Rose to Ilana & Dovi Lamet of Miami Beach.

    Reyna & Barry Einhorn on the birth of their granddaughter, Zahava Chana-

    Zoey Hannah, born to Adena & Chaim Osina. Mazel Tov to uncle Stuart, aunt

    Bracha, and cousin Kayla Einhorn. Mazel Tov to great-grandparents, Joan

    Niad, Leah & Zev Einhorn, great aunt & uncles, Donna & Stan Herzek, Lewis

    Niad, and the entire Einhorn, Niad, Herzek, and Osina Families.

    Rabbi Moshe & Naama Parnes on the upcoming marriage of their daughter

    Chaya Baila to Shloimy Briller, son of Rabbi Rafael & Fraida Briller of

    Lakewood, NJ.

    Congratulations to Team Ertag for winning the


    would like to thank Rabbi Weinstock for attending a meeting on our

    behalf while he was in Tallahassee for a meeting of the Governor’s

    Faith Based Advisory Council. When a review of the bill was fast

    tracked through the FL House Subcommittee for K-12 Education, Rabbi Wein-

    stock was recognized by Rep. Manny Diaz, chair of the subcommittee, as Teach

    Florida’s representative in support of the legislation at the meeting. The next stop

    for the bill is the FL House Appropriations Committee.

  • 5

    Main Minyan Kiddush Menashe & Jamie Frank in honor of Ayden Avraham

    becoming a Bar Mitzvah

    Torah Dialogue Aunt Shira & Uncle Levi Cohn and Family in honor of

    Ayden Avraham on becoming a Bar Mitzvah.



    Grandma Nancy Grondin and Aunt Kathleen and

    Uncle Todd Young and Family in honor of Ayden

    Avraham on becoming a Bar Mitzvah.

    Shabbat Flowers Bubble Maureen and Zayde Douglas Cohn in honor of

    Ayden becoming a Bar Mitzvah.

    All other Kiddushim Shabbat Sponsors Group.

    Seudah Shlishit Bea Rubenfeld in memory of her beloved husband Joe



    Shabbat Sponsorship Opportunities

    $54: 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m., YP Minyan, Sephardic Minyan (sponsorship fee for

    catered Kiddush)

    $250: Beit Midrash Kiddush includes food

    $325: 9:00 a.m. Minyan Kiddush (cake, soda & paper goods only)

    $100: 9:00 a.m. Minyan Kiddush (sponsorship fee for catered Kiddush)

    $150: Youth Kiddush

    $150: Teen Kiddush

    $50: Shabbat Group Kiddush

    $100: V’Shinantum L’Vanecha

    $100: Monday Mishmar

    $360: Seudah Shlishit for 150 people

    $136 each: Torah Dialogue or Shabbat Announcements or Pulpit Flowers

    Weekly and special classes are also available for sponsorship. Contact Rabbi

    Adam Frieberg for more information [email protected]


    D’var Torah : Rabbi Yosef Weinstock

    As the ten plagues culminate and the exodus is imminent, Bnai Yisrael are commanded to

    institute a uniquely Jewish calendar. It is the first Mitzvah given to the Jewish People. And

    this mitzvah is dependent on the moon. On the words “Hachodesh Hazeh” the Medrash writes

    that Hashem showed Moshe exactly what the moon looks like at the beginning of the month.

    Why does the moon occupy such a prominent role?

    The Sefer Hachinuch describes the challenges that exist within this Mitzvah. the Jewish

    calendar must exist within two systems. On the one hand, a month is defined by the amount of

    time it takes the moon to orbit the Earth once. On the other hand, Jewish holidays such as

    Pesach, Shavuot and Succot commemorate agricultural milestones. The Agricultural cycle is

    tied to the seasons, and seasons are dependent on the sun. The Sefer Hachinuch reminds us

    that a lunar year is 354 days while a solar year has 365 days. In order to keep holidays in their

    seasons, an extra month must sometimes be added. This is done in order to synchronize the

    solar and lunar cycles.

    In Chasidic thought, the sun and the moon represent the ideal and the reality. The sun

    represents the ideal. It is the source of light, but it is distant and unapproachable. We cannot

    look directly at the sun without hurting our eyes. Similarly, the ideal should be viewed as a

    goal towards which we strive, yet never actually attained. The moon represents reality. The

    moon reflects light from the sun. The moon’s light resembles the sun’s rays; however the light

    is not as bright. We are comfortable with the moon; we can stare at it. Our reality is like the

    moon: it is a reflection of the ideal. Real life will never exactly match with what we hope it to

    be. Yet we must try to make the reflection in reality as close as possible to the ideal.

    The sun is always full. It remains constant. We experience the moon in a completely

    different manner. The moon waxes and wanes, varying from our perspective from completely

    full to barely visible. The moon mirrors our religious experience, not as we might ideally want

    it to be but rather how it exists in reality. There are times during which we feel inspired, when

    all the dots in our life seem to connect. Our faith and religious conviction at those times are

    strong, and can illuminate our lives like a full moon.

    Whether we focus on their lives of horrific subjugation, their slave mentality, or their

    position on the 49th and worst level of spiritual impurity - the plight of B’nai Yisrael could

    only get better. The Jewish People had been promised a brighter future, which they were

    anxiously anticipating. Perhaps some Jews at that time contemplated the possibility that their

    struggles and difficulties would be over for good. Perhaps the rest of history from this point

    forward would just keep getting better. At precisely that moment Hashem points to the moon.

    He reminds us that there will continue to be momentary lapses and reversals of fortune, in

    addition to the triumphs and achievements.

    In an ideal world, we would constantly be on an upward trajectory of spiritual growth.

    However, in reality we know that is not the case. There is no assurance that any of us will

    become better people tomorrow than we are today. It is not inevitable. Growth must be sought

    out and pursued. We must be on the look-out for avenues of inspiration. Rabbi Samson

    Raphael Hirsch explains that the new moon is a phenomenon which provides us with

    encouragement. He writes: “The Jewish consecration of the new moon is an institution for the

    periodic fresh spiritual and moral rejuvenation of Israel by finding itself again in conjunction

    with G-d.”

  • 7


    Dr. Yael Ziegler speaking on: David’s

    Sons: Punishment & Redemption

    January 29 8:00 p.m.


    Edwin Black Israel & International Law,

    The Historical Underpinnings

    January 31 7:30pm

    Brotherhood Super Bowl Party. $15 pp,

    $50 family max. RSVP at yih.org/superbowl

    February 4 6:00pm

    Sushi & Schmooze for Women– Review

    and Discussion on Marriage and Intimacy

    February 5 &

    February 12

    7:30 p.m.

    Empty Nesters Visit to the Jewish Muse-

    um of Florida. Info & Register: yih.org/


    February 18 11:00am

    Sisterhood & Brotherhood Couples

    Chocolate Making Night: Sweet Tooth 18435

    NE 19th Ave, NMB. Light dairy dinner &

    drinks $50 per couple. Signup: yih.org/


    February 21 7:00 - 9:00pm

    Annual Journal Dinner honoring Rabbi

    Yosef & Rebecca Weinstock

    March 13 7:00 pm


    Women’s Megillah Reading Group of Hollywood is seeking new readers for its 12th annual reading. Please contact Hannah Hostyk at (954) 439-4606.

    PATCH Free Tutoring Program for YIH Middle & High School students. Contact Larry Reiss (954) 662-3128

    January-May 2018, Sunday afternoons- Sunday Baseball League at Rotary Park. Grades: Pre-K to 8th grade in September 2017. League fees: $125.00 for residents $150.00 for non-residents.


  • 9



    Daf Yomi in the Library. Weekdays: 5:30am & 8:00pm. Shabbat: 1 hour before Minchah. Sundays: 6:30am.

    Morning Learning Program with Rabbi Yossi Jankovits. Sun. (8-9am), Mon.-Fri. (7-8am). Daily in the Beit Midrash 15 min. Mussar 15 min. Chumash with

    Rashi (Parashah HaShavua), 30 min. Gemara.

    U’Vkumecha “And When You Awaken” with Rabbi Yitzi Marmorstein

    Mon.-Fri. 30 minutes before the second Shacharit Minyan


    9:45am Chidon HaTanach for Middle School with Rav James in Social Hall

    9:45am High School Sunday Mishmar joint with YHS in the Beit Midrash with Rabbi Nachbar NOT MEETING THIS WEEK


    7:30pm Middle School Mishmar in Beit Midrash & Modular NOT MEETING THIS WEEK

    8:30pm High School Learning in conjunction with NCSY in Beit Midrash

    8:30pm The Book of Devarim, Tobi Wolf for women, Room 5

    8:30pm Talmud Tractate Brachot, Rabbi Yitzchak Salid


    11:00am Women’s TaNaCh class, Lisa Baratz, Library

    7:30pm Talmud Sanhedrin with Rabbi Michael Katz, Room 5.

    8:00pm Chaburah Night—Chaburah Options: NOT MEETING THIS WEEK


    7:30pm “Practical Jewish Living for Beginners” with Sara Frieberg, in Room 6. NOT MEETING THIS WEEK

    Weekday Daily Minyanim—Jan 21– Jan 26

    Shacharit: Sun. 7:15, 8:00, 9:00am, Mon: 6:15, 7:15, 8:00am Tues: 6:15,7:30, 8:00am. Wed: 6:15, 7:30, 8:00am. Thurs: 6:15, 7:15, 8:00am, Fri. 6:15, 7:30,

    8:00am, Minchah/Maariv 5:50pm

  • 11

    Bahor ben Merhai (Boris Yusupov-Roman Yusupov’s father), Baruch Zvi ben Rivka Batya (Rabbi Dr. Brian Galbut-Daniel Galbut’s cousin), Binyamin ben Chemla (Binyamin Israel), David ben Naomi (Dean Palmer), David HaKohen ben Esther (Lev Kandinov’s father), Eliezer HaLevi ben Chana (Leon Brauser-Joel Brauser’s father), Solomon ben Solika (Solomon Perez-Ilana Melnitsky’s father), Yaakov ben Mira (Jacques Vogel-Michel Vogel’s father), Yehuda Arieh ben Mindla (Philippe Leiberman’s father), Yitzchak Chanoch ben Chana (nephew of Vanessa Shamah and Lauren Davis).

    Bracha Etl bat Chana Nehorah (Ettie Langer), Chaya Mariam bat Blima (Harriet Bloom-Wendy Goldsmith’s mother), Chaya Sara bat Dubra (Irene Berlin-Reva Homnick’s mother), Devora bat Sheina Baila, Elka bat Tova (Leona Brauser-Joel Brauser’s mother), Etta-Reyzal Batya bat Chaya Reyzal (Tina Cohen-Danny Cohen’s mother), Feiga Necha bat Pessel (Fay Lerner), Masha bat Ruth (Marcia Chonchol-Craig Barany’s mother), Sara Leah bat Rochel (Cynthia Lynn Haber-Cheryl Hamburg’s sister), Sara Leah bat Bracha (Stacey Deutsch), Shira Raizel Esther bat Mina Zosha (Ruth Messer’s granddaughter), Tzirel Libah bat Frimed Mindel (Sylvia Lieberman-Philippe

    Lieberman’s mother), Vickia bat Fruma (Vivian Honig-Susan Chusid’s mother), Yocheved bat Tzril (Joan Niad).

    If you know of a shul member in the hospital or who might appreciate a home visit, please let the Rabbis know by contacting the shul office. Please contact the office if someone on this list has, Baruch Hashem, recovered.


    Destination Unknown– A Film Presentation, January 28, 7:00 p.m. followed by an interview with Ed Mosberg, one of the survivors in the film. Visit dpjcc.org

    ZOA's Fuel for Truth Boot Camp. Wednesdays, 1/17-2/14, https://tinyurl.com/fuelfortruthmiami. Contact Sharona Whisler 917-673-6123 or [email protected].

    Kolot Luncheon February 11 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. benefitting Goodman JFS domestic abuse program. (old cellphones can be dropped off at YIH to help support victims of domestic abuse. Reservations http://bit.ly/2D7DvlX

    New Hollywood Bridal Gemach The newly formed gemach is looking for donations of bridal gowns in all sizes. Also seeking bridesmaid/mother of the bride gowns in good condition. Please contact Robin Andisman at (954)588-7600 or [email protected]. Monetary donations welcome to assist in purchasing gowns for the gemach. All donations are tax deductible.

    The Cupboard– a Kosher Food Bank is low on food & supplies PLEASE DONATE. Smaller size food items are preferred. Drop off on the bench at the home of Chani & Jay Dennis or Michael & Tsilila Goldberg.

    No Late Ma’ariv or Early Minchah at Hollywood Community Kollel. To resume 1/29/18.


    LOST AND FOUND: Men’s Chaps Ralph Lauren size 50R black rain coat accident-ly taken from YIH while 2 other coats were left behind. Please check your home if you

    inadvertently took it with you and call the office if you have it. (We have many glasses,

    jewelry , jackets and coats, please come by the shul office to claim your lost items.)


    mailto:[email protected]

  • 13


    U.S. House Cheers Iran's Protests, Condemns Human Rights Violations

    The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a resolution Tuesday supporting the Iranian people's right to free expression while condemning the country's leadership for crackdowns on recent protests, Voice of America reported. The 415-2 vote comes just days ahead of the beginning of a congressionally mandated 60-day window for lawmakers to address U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to not re-certify the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. At least 21 people have been killed in nationwide anti-government protests that began last month. "With the passage of this resolution, we state that America stands with the Iranian people," Representative Ed Royce, Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Tuesday. The protests have since dwindled amid arrests of more than 3,700 people, according to one Iranian lawmaker. The demonstrations were the largest in Iran since the June 2009 "Green Revolution," triggered by a presidential election that protesters said was fraudulent.

    Our synagogue partners with AIPAC, America’s pro-Israel lobby, in educating our community on issues affecting the U.S.-Israel relationship. We encourage you to learn more by contacting AIPAC at (202) 639-5200 or by visiting www.aipac.org.


  • 15

    Time Program Age/Grade Location


    9:00am Game Room Pre K - 4th Grade Room 3-4

    9:00am Babysitting 18months-Nursery 3 House

    9:00am Youth Minyan joint with Ayden

    Frank Bar Mitzvah

    5th - 7th Grade Main Sanctuary

    9:30am Teen Minyan 8th - 12th Grade Room 5

    10:00am Shabbat Groups Pre K - 2nd Grade Rooms 2 & 6

    10:00am Minyanaires 3rd & 4th Grade Room 1

    11:30am Youth Haftorah Class with

    Shimmy Lazar

    5th-7th Grade Modular

    5:35pm Teen Mincha Chapel

    6:34pm Teen Maariv Chapel

    Shabbat Bo


    9:45am Chidon HaTanach Study Group


    8:30pm High School Monday Learning with Bnei Akiva & NCSY Beit Midrash


    6:15pm Cub Scouts

    6:15pm Girl Scouts

    7:30pm Boy Scouts


    8:00pm Latte & Learn Dunkin Donut

    Youth Happening This Week


    D’var Torah : Rav James

    Life without direction is no more than a collection of random acts, filling our time in the world. However, living a purpose driven life provides the opportunity for fulfillment and empowerment. Judaism believes that we were created and thus claims that there is a purpose to our existence. What then, is the purpose of life? Rav Kook in his sefer Orot HaKodesh writes extensively on this question, and introduces an incredibly profound idea: that “the purpose of existence as a whole as it is revealed to us, is a great plan for an eternal ascent and increment. If there were not a reality of ‘the small’ and of ‘lacking’ there could only be greatness and completion but not growth, a consistent drive for increased blessing.” We cannot comprehend Hashem the boundless, timeless reality Who transcends all limitations of our world but in terms of grasping the purpose of our existence we can suggest that if Hashem is perfect and completely actualized G-dliness, then we are the aspect of striving towards this perfection. Our world is characterized by its potential to achieve G-dlines, or the opposite. The catalyst in achieving the goal of striving towards perfection is mankind, and it is through our choices that the divine potential becomes manifest. We could therefore suggest that the purpose of existence is free choice. We have been created in order to realize the G-dly potential that is in all things and to allow it to become actualized through the choices we make. Therefore, it is a central principal of our belief that mankind has free choice. This principal becomes challenged, however, upon reading of the exchange between Moshe and Paroh, and of the latter’s reaction to the ensuing plagues with which he was punished. Our parasha opens with Hashem telling Moshe that He has hardened Paroh’s heart in order to continue to plague the Egyptians. This beckons the question: How could Paroh be stripped of his most basic human right to free choice? Moreover, how could he and his nation be punished for decisions he is ultimately not responsible for? The Rambam in Hilchot Teshuva answers this question, “A person may commit a great sin or many sins causing the judgment rendered before the True Judge to be that the retribution [administered to] this transgressor for these sins which he willfully and consciously committed is that his Teshuvah will be held back. He will not be allowed the opportunity to repent from his wickedness so that he will die and be wiped out because of the sin he committed ... For these reasons, it is written in the Torah "I will harden Pharaoh's heart." Since, he began to sin on his own initiative and caused hardships to the Israelites who dwelled in his land.” Everyone even Paroh has free choice, but only to an extent. Our ability to choose freely is a gift we have received, a privilege granted to us in order to fulfill our function in the world. There are, however, times when we abuse our ability to chose and thus pervert our ability to clearly and freely choose good over evil. This is not out of Hashem’s desire to make us suffer; rather it is the direct consequence of our past behavior. The Talmud teaches us that “Once man commits a sin and repeats it, it is as if it has become permissible to him.” After repeating a certain behavior many times either good or bad it becomes second nature to us; our future choice of that behavior becomes less pronounced, and it becomes much harder to choose to behave opposite of that. A particular independent action thus becomes either a good or bad habit, an addiction that must either be embraced or kicked. Similarly, throughout the first five plagues, Paroh hardened his own heart, bringing him to the “point of no return” when he was deeply addicted to his destructive attitude of enslavement. It was upon reaching this point that Hashem “hardened Paroh’s heart”, and the latter’s ability to freely choose G-dliness over evil became impaired, when he became a prisoner of his own attitude and decisions. In the empire of slavery he created and ruled over, the tyrant himself became the enslaved. Ironically, Paroh ultimately turns himself into the least free man in Egypt; dependant entirely on the lowly Israelite slaves. Our exodus from Egypt is the celebration of our departure from the clutches of the Paroh’s society that strips us of our clarity to see reality as it truly is. It is our rejection of all our vices and negative attitudes, and an embrace of our ultimate purpose, to choose g-dliness over evil and to strive towards Divine Perfection.

  • 17

    Youth Upcoming Events

    Mommy & Me January 27, 2018, 10:15-11:00am in Chapel

    VShinantam Siyum January 27, 2018 7:30pm in Social Hall

    Family Tu B’Shvat Seder January 30, 2018 6:30-7:30pm in Rooms 1&2

    HS Youth Council January 30, 2018 7:30-8:30pm in Room 1-2

    Early Childhood Family Dinner February 2, 2018 4:45-7:00pm in Rooms 1 & 2

    High School Tu BiShvat Oneg February 2, 2018 8:45:10:15pm

    Motzei Shabbat Madness February 3, 2018 8:00-9:00pm in Rooms 1 & 2

    Family Tu Bishvat Chesed Program February 4, 2018 6:00-7:00pm at Emerald Park ALF

    Bnei Akiva Southern Region Za’ah (7th & 8th Grade) Shabbaton February 9-10, 2018

    Middle School Everglades Trip February 11, 2018 10:00am-1:00pm

    Scoutmaster Camp February 16-18, 2018

    Parsha Quiz

    Mazel Tov to Eitan Lasry & Reese Zombek on winning last week’s quiz

    Email answers to [email protected] on Motzei Shabbat

    Elementary School

    How many plagues are there in Bo and what are they?

    Middle School

    On what day of the month were the Israelites commanded to select the lamb for sac-

    rifice? On what day were they commanded to sacrifice it? When were they told to

    eat it?


  • 19
