Parsha Shorts Yoseph has a dream. (Not quite a Martin Luther King one, but a dream nonetheless). He dreams that in the fields one day, the corn gave him a sign, the brother's eleven sheaves of corn turned and bowed to his. He then dreamed he saw eleven stars, the sun, the moon and sky, bowing down before his star. The brothers decide that the dreamer has to go. He goes to check on them shepherding, and they throw him in a pit, and then sell him to local travelers. He ends up a slave to Potifar, a top Egyptian politician and businessman, who's wife takes a fancy to Joseph. Joseph isn't interested so she cries foul, and claims that Joseph was trying to take her from Potifar. As the things he did were beyond the pale, Joseph is thrown into jail. In jail he meets a Baker and a Butler, who have both had dreams. Having a thing for dreams, he interprets them both, and correctly predicts that the butler will be released from prison and the baker will be released from life. As the butler leaves, Joesph תתת תתתת23 rd November 2013 תתת תתת"ת תתתת15:48 16:54 Vayeishev LAS T CHA NCE !

Parsha Shorts

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23 rd November 20 13 כ כסלו תשע"ד. וישב. Vayeishev. 15:48. 16:54. Parsha Shorts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Parsha  Shorts

Parsha ShortsYoseph has a dream. (Not quite a Martin Luther

King one, but a dream nonetheless). He dreams that in the fields one day, the corn gave him a sign, the brother's eleven sheaves of corn turned and bowed to his. He then dreamed he saw eleven stars, the sun, the moon and sky, bowing down before his star. The brothers decide that the dreamer has to go. He goes to check on them shepherding, and they throw him in a pit, and then sell him to local travelers. He ends up a slave to Potifar, a top Egyptian politician and businessman, who's wife takes a fancy to Joseph. Joseph isn't interested so she cries foul, and claims that Joseph was trying to take her from Potifar. As the things he did were beyond the pale, Joseph is thrown into jail. In jail he meets a Baker and a Butler, who have both had dreams. Having a thing for dreams, he interprets them both, and correctly predicts that the butler will be released from prison and the baker will be released from life. As the butler leaves, Joesph calls out with a cry of – “don't forget me...”....but the butler does...

שבת שלום

23rd November 2013 כ כסלו תשע"ד

15:48וישב 16:54Vayeishev



Page 2: Parsha  Shorts

Vayeishev Mikeitz Vayigash Vayechi Shemot Va’era

23 Nov 30 Nov 2013

7 Dec 2013

14 Dec 2013

21 Dec 2013

28 Dec 2013

Rishon Josh Schwartz

Josh Schwartz

Samuel Isaac

Josh Schwartz

Joel Cukier N

Sheni Dan Freedman

Josh Schwartz

Joey Sanford

Ariel Cohen

Joel Cukier O

Shlishi Josh Maurer

Daniel Simmons

Etienne Dean

Rafi Jacobs Ben Assor

Revii Jamie Saleh

Elliott Kaye

Daniel Cohen

Josh Maurer

Jamie Saleh Y

Chamishi Josh Zucker

Jordan Bernstein

Judah Jackson Aron Gale Jordan

Bernstein O

Shishi Oli Assor Ben Assor Alex Davidson

Josh Schwartz

Dan Freedman U

Shevii Josh Schwartz

Josh Schwartz

Ryan Peysner

Josh Zucker

Joel Cukier T

Haftorah Josh Maurer Oli Assor Jordan

BernsteinReuben Lubinsky

Joel Cukier H

For the rest of the rota, go to w




ParshanagramsRe Dams Have ConfessorI Sweat Ripoff Leaven RestsDry Habit Hora Hap

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Friday Night MinyanLooking forward to seeing you there next month!

-- Happy Birthday to Oli Leigh and Rafi Jacobs -- EXCITING EVENT: There will be a Youth Friday Night Chanukah Dinner on the 29th November… More info on the back page! BOOKING OPEN ONLINE -- We’re looking for Youth Council Reps, speak to Josh or Katie if you’re interested in becoming one -- Please sponsor Avital Cohen, Sophie Pollock and their friends who are canoeing 10 miles for charity. Speak to them for more details --

P Name Team Name Points

1 Scotts Team Scott Leigh 424

2 Teasing Tigers Russell Miller 415

3 CFC Champs Oli Assor 393

4 DAN THE MAN Daniel Robert 388

5 Witnessedthis Jess Phillips 386

6 Jordan’s Legends Jordan Nathan 376

7 Yak no 1 Yaacov Goldin 375

Fantasy League TableTop of the table is here, rest is online

What you’ve been saying this week:

“MAKE SURE TO BOOK FOR THE CHANUKAH DINNER”“And I only just realised towie is short for the only way is Essex”