17 de Maio 2020 May 17 2020 6ºDomingo da Páscoa 6th Sunday of Easter

Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA - TheBostonPilot.com: …€¦ · Nós e as pessoas de bem, sempre manteremos o Senhor Santo Cristo próximo de nossos corações. Como não

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Page 1: Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA - TheBostonPilot.com: …€¦ · Nós e as pessoas de bem, sempre manteremos o Senhor Santo Cristo próximo de nossos corações. Como não

17 de Maio 2020 May 17 2020 6ºDomingo da Páscoa 6th Sunday of Easter

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Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

Paróquia Santo António ∙ Saint Anthony Parish

400 Cardinal Medeiros Avenue ∙ Cambridge, MA 02141

Telephone 617-547-5593 ∙ Fax 617-547-1505 Website: www.saintanthonyparish.com Email: [email protected]

Equipa Paróquial ∙ Parish Staff

Pároco ∙ Pastor: Reverend Walter A. Carreiro [email protected]

Parochial Vicar: Reverend Luiz F. Lopes

In residence: Reverend Éric A. Pereira Religious Ed.: Mrs. Mariazinha Sousa [email protected] Religious Ed Assist.: Ms. Liz Carreiro [email protected]

RCIA: Mr. David Melo

IT / Bulletin: Mr. Higor Fontoura [email protected]

Directors of Music: Mrs. Dorothy Chaves Mr. Philip Chaves Mr. Luis Travassos [email protected]

Organistas ∙ Organists: Mr. Luis Travassos Mr. Jacob Chaves

Horas do Escritório ∙ Parish Office Hours

Domingo ∙ Sunday Fechado / Closed Segunda-feira ∙ Monday 10:00am— 5:00pm Terça-feira ∙ Tuesday 10:00am— 5:00pm Quarta-feira ∙ Wednesday 10:00am— 5:00pm Quinta-feira ∙ Thursday 10:00am— 5:00pm Sexta-feira ∙ Friday 10:00am— 5:00pm Sábado ∙ Saturday Fechado / Closed

Support during Coronavirus/COVID-19

May 10, 2020

Offertory/Ofertório - $780.00

Sincerest thanks to those who have made efforts to

mail or drop by their Parish Support!

Sincero agradecimento aos que continuam apoiar

sua Paróquia por correio ou posto na caixa na porta

da reitoria durante esta crise.

Deus abençoe aqueles que continuam doando. Se é ca-

paz, por favor, não se esqueça sua paróquia. Todas as

despesas continuam a acumular-se. Felizmente, temos

algumas reservas no fundo Central da Arquidiocese, que,

espero, não serão esgotadas.

If you are able, please don't forget your parish. All the

expenses continue to accrue. Luckily we have some

reserve in the Central fund at the Archdiocese, which

hopefully won't be depleted.

90 Days Now For Your Parish

Please join us in this campaign for

your parish!

Find the link at: www.saintanthonyparish.com

Choose Saint Anthony of Padua Parish (Cambridge)

at the dropdown list.

90 Dias Pela Sua Paróquia

Junte-se a nós nessa campanha pela sua paróaquia!

Clique no link que está no nosso website em:


Escolha Saint Anthony of Padua Parish (Cambridge)

na lista de igrejas.

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Saint Anthony Parish Cambridge, MA

Deus, Pai de misericórdia, escutai benignamente as nossas orações, para que, ao confessarmos a fé na res-surreição do vosso Filho, se confirme

em nós a esperança da ressurreição dos vossos servos.

Falecidos em Abril de 2020

(Deceased in April 2020) Ana Maria Cabral, Agnes C. Mullay,

Maria Escobar, Maria Paiva, Victor Ca-mara, Arnaldo Rebolo, Donata DiRen-

zo, Maria D. Fernandes, Amelia P. Alves, Jessie Babajtis, Arthur F. Sulli-

van, Maria P. Bairos, Luis Almeida, Sil-verio Pereira.

Falecidos em Maio de 2020

(Deceased in May 2020) Maria Sousa, Mary Albano

Deixe seu pedido de oração no

nosso website: www.saintanhotnyparish.com

Leave your prayer request on our

website: www.saintanthonyparisha.com

Leituras das Missas em Português:


Mass Readings in English:


Monday May 18

12:00 Noon (Português)

Luis Almeida, Paroquianos Enfermos

Tuesday May 19

12:00 Noon (Português)

Luis Almeida, Pelos Paroquianos Enfermos

Wednesday May 20

12:00 Noon (Português)

Em Louvor a Deus pelos dom da Ordenação Presbiteral 25 Anos Padre Walter Carreiro. Tiberio Carreiro e Família, Luis Almeida, Maria Estrela Melo, Pelas Almas do Purgatório.

Thursday May 21

12:00 Noon(Português)

Luis Almeida, Pelas Intenções dos Paroquianos

Friday May 22

12:00 Noon (Português)

Luis Almeida, Pelas Intenções dos Paroquianos,

Sunday May 24

9:45 a.m. (English)

Deceased members of Carreiro and Moniz Familiy, Emily and Marie Ciampi, João Jacinto e Maria Duarte Moniz, Manuel e Julieta Carreiro, Clara Marcelino e José D’Oliveira Carreiro, Américo Francisco, Manuel Carreiro dos Santos, Almas do Purgatório, Missa pro Populo

11:30 a.m.(Português)

Tiberio Carreiro e família, Octavio Simas, Anto-nio e Clotilde Martins, John Francisco e John Sousa Bartolomeu, Maria Ana e Gabriel Labao, Pais e Sogros de Maria e Carlos Costa, José B. Medeiros pais e sogros, António e Belmira Pacheco, Cristiano Rodrigues, Manuel de Paiva, Intenções da Comunidade Brasileira

Sunday May 17

Honra ao Senhor Santo

Cristo dos Milagres

9:45 a.m. (English)

Warren Pals, Américo Francisco, Maria Estrela Melo, Adriano Ventura Melo, Manuel Carreiro dos Santos, Almas do Purgatório, Deceased members of the Carreiro, & Moniz families, Missa pro Populo

11:30 a.m.(Português)

Antonio dos Santos, Maria Fatima Santos, Tibe-rio Carreiro e família, Octavio Simas, Antonio e Clotilde Martins, John Francisco e John Sousa Bartolomeu, Maria Ana e Gabriel Labao, Pais e Sogros de Maria e Carlos Costa, José da Estrela, Adriano Ventura Melo, José B. Medeiros pais e sogros, António e Belmira Pacheco, Cristiano Rodrigues, Manuel de Paiva, Intenções da Co-munidade Brasileira


Online Masses / Missa Online



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Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

Dear Parishioners and Friends, Under normal circumstances, during this paschal season, we would have been preparing to celebrate our annual fes-tivities in honor of Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres. This year, however, is far from normal. Because of the current pandemic the normal routine of our lives, for the time being, has changed dramatically. This year our spiritual prepa-ration during Lent was cut short. The usual traditions of Palm Sunday weekend and Holy Week were restricted to the internet or television and our Paschal Triduum was an online, livestream celebration of the mystery of our Salva-tion. Life indeed has changed. And yet in the Gospel of the Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, Jesus says three times, “Peace be with you.” This wasn’t only a greeting to the Apostles two-thousand years ago, it is just as real and just as intended for us each and every time we hear those words, but perhaps especially this year when we feel a loss of peace, and are perhaps instead filled with anxiety. “Peace be with you,” Jesus tells us and at the end of the Gospel of Matthew, prior to his Ascension he tells the Apostles: “And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” The Lord, to whom “All power in heaven and on earth has been given” will never abandon us. Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres is the “Ecce Homo:” The crown is intended to be one of royalty and the cape as if for a king. Little did those who persecuted Him know that He would be acclaimed King. “Behold the Man!” He is the Man who is God and redeems us by His suffering. His glorious Resurrection is the victory over sin and death by which we are freed and will be saved. Since the City of Cambridge is not issuing licenses for large gatherings and the governor’s “stay at home” order has been maintained until May 18th, it is not possible to hold our feast in honor of Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres. We and people of good will always hold Senhor Santo Cristo close to our hearts Since we are not able to come to-gether as a parish, and as we are live streaming Mass from the chapel during the week and on Sundays, the image of Senhor Santo Cristo will be placed in the chapel for the month of May so that it can be venerated during those times. Enclosed is an envelope for promises and as a request for your help to assist with the expenses that continue during this pandemic. We appreciate your continued generosity and support to this appeal. At your convenience, please re-turn the enclosed Santo Cristo offering envelope either by mail, or by dropping it off in the mail slot at the rectory. Please include the names of anyone who is ill or deceased and the envelopes will be kept by of the Santo Cristo stat-ue throughout the month of May. The continued support of your parish is tremendously appreciated. Know that you are remembered daily in our prayers. If you would like an intention included in our on-line Masses, please call the rectory to arrange that. When possible, we will celebrate Santo Cristo! The Raffle is necessarily postponed and will be drawn at the feast next year. Please hold onto your tickets and stubs. May the spirit of Joy and Peace of the Easter season remain with you, now and always! Very sincerely and gratefully, Reverend Walter A. Carreiro Reverend Luiz Fernando Lopes Reverend Eric Pereira Pastor Parochial Vicar Priest in Residence

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Saint Anthony Parish Cambridge, MA

Caros paroquianos e amigos, Em circunstâncias normais, durante este tempo pascal, estaríamos nos preparando para celebrar nossas festividades anuais em homenagem ao Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres. Este ano, no entanto, está longe do normal. Por causa da pandemia atual, a rotina normal de nossas vidas, por enquanto, mudou dramaticamente. Este ano, nossa preparação espiritual durante a Quaresma foi interrompida. As tradições usuais do fim de semana do Domingo de Ramos e da Semana Santa eram restritas à Internet ou à televisão, e nosso Tríduo Pascal foi uma celebração on-line do mistério de nossa salvação. A vida realmente mudou. No entanto, no Evangelho do Segundo Domingo da Páscoa, Domingo da Divina Misericórdia, Jesus diz três vezes: "A paz esteja convosco." Esta não foi apenas uma saudação aos apóstolos há dois mil anos, é tão real e direcionada à nós cada vez que ouvimos essas palavras, mas talvez especialmente este ano quando sentimos uma perda de paz, e talvez estejamos cheios de ansiedade. “A paz esteja convosco,” Jesus nos diz e, no final do evangelho de Mateus, antes de sua ascensão, ele diz aos apóstolos: "E eis que estou sempre convosco, até o fim dos tempos". O Senhor, a quem “todo o poder no céu e na terra foi dado” nunca nos abandonará. O Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres é o "Ecce Homo:" A coroa pretende ser da realeza e a capa como se fosse um rei. Os que o perseguiam pouco sabiam que ele seria aclamado rei. "Eis o homem!" Ele é o homem que é Deus e nos redime pelo seu sofrimento. Sua gloriosa ressurreição é a vitória sobre o pecado e a morte pela qual somos libertados e seremos salvos. Como a cidade de Cambridge não está emitindo licenças para grandes reuniões e a ordem de ficar em casa do governador foi mantida até 18 de Maio, não é possível realizar nossa Festa em honra ao Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres. Nós e as pessoas de bem, sempre manteremos o Senhor Santo Cristo próximo de nossos corações. Como não podemos nos reunir como paróquia, e enquanto transmitimos ao vivo a Missa da capela durante a semana e aos Domingos, a imagem do Senhor Santo Cristo será colocada na capela durante o mês de Maio, para que possa ser venerada durante esse tempo. Em anexo há um envelope para promessas e como um pedido de apoio para ajudar nas despesas que continuam durante esta pandemia. Agradecemos sua generosidade e apoio contínuos a esse apelo. Para sua conveniência, devolva o envelope de oferta de Santo Cristo, por correio ou deixando-o no compartimento de correio da reitoria. Por favor, inclua o nome de qualquer pessoa que esteja doente ou falecida e os envelopes serão guardados pela estátua de Santo Cristo durante todo o mês de Maio. O apoio contínuo da sua paróquia é tremendamente apreciado. Saiba que você é lembrado diariamente em nossas orações. Se deseja incluir uma intenção em nossas missas on-line, por favor chame para a reitoria. Quando possível, celebraremos Santo Cristo! A rifa será necessariamente adiada e será sorteada na festa do próximo ano. Por favor, guarde seus tíquetes. Que o espírito de Alegria e Paz da época da Páscoa permaneça convosco, agora e sempre! Com muita sinceridade e gratidão, Reverendo Walter A. Carreiro Reverendo Luiz Fernando Lopes Reverendo Eric Pereira

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Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

Papa pede que em maio as famílias rezem essas duas orações após a o Terço em casa

É tradição rezar o Terço em casa, em família, no mês de maio. Diante disso, o Papa propôs duas orações a serem rezadas no final do Terço neste mês que vai iniciar.

Assim, o Santo Padre propõe a todos redescobrir no mês de maio a beleza de rezar o Terço em casa: juntos ou sozi-nhos, o importante é levar em consideração “um segre-do”: a simplicidade.

O Papa recorda que é fácil encontrar, inclusive na inter-net, bons esquemas de oração a seguir, mas oferece dois textos que ele mesmo rezará ao final do Terço, espir-itualmente unido a nós.

Eis as orações propostas pelo Santo Padre:


Ó Maria, Vós sempre resplandeceis sobre o nosso caminho como um sinal de salvação e de esperança. Confiamo-nos a Vós, Saúde dos Enfermos, que permanecestes, junto da cruz, associada ao sofrimen-to de Jesus, mantendo firme a vossa fé. Vós, Salvação do Povo Romano, sabeis do que precisamos e temos a certeza de que no-lo providenciareis para que, como em Caná da Galileia, possa voltar a alegria e a festa depois desta provação. Ajudai-nos, Mãe do Divino Amor, a conformar-nos com a vontade do Pai e a fazer aquilo que nos disser Jesus, que assumiu sobre Si as nossas enfermidades e carregou as nossas dores para nos levar, através da cruz, à alegria da ressurreição. Amen. À vossa proteção, recorremos, Santa Mãe de Deus; não desprezeis as nossas súplicas na hora da prova mas livrai-nos de todos os perigos, ó Virgem gloriosa e bendita.


«À vossa proteção, recorremos, Santa Mãe de Deus».

Na dramática situação atual, carregada de sofrimentos e angústias que oprimem o mundo inteiro, recorremos a Vós, Mãe de Deus e nossa Mãe, refugiando-nos sob a vos-sa proteção.

Ó Virgem Maria, volvei para nós os vossos olhos miseri-cordiosos nesta pandemia do coronavírus e confortai a quantos se sentem perdidos e choram pelos seus famili-ares mortos e, por vezes, sepultados duma maneira que fere a alma. Sustentai aqueles que estão angustiados por pessoas enfermas de quem não se podem aproximar, pa-ra impedir o contágio. Infundi confiança em quem vive

ansioso com o futuro incerto e as consequências sobre a economia e o trabalho.

Mãe de Deus e nossa Mãe, alcançai-nos de Deus, Pai de misericórdia, que esta dura prova termine e volte um horizonte de esperança e paz. Como em Caná, intervinde junto do vosso Divino Filho, pedindo-Lhe que conforte as famílias dos doentes e das vítimas e abra o seu coração à confiança.

Protegei os médicos, os enfermeiros, os agentes de saúde, os voluntários que, neste período de emergência, estão na vanguarda arriscando a própria vida para salvar outras vidas. Acompanhai a sua fadiga heroica e dai-lhes força, bondade e saúde.

Permanecei junto daqueles que assistem noite e dia os doentes, e dos sacerdotes que procuram ajudar e apoiar a todos, com solicitude pastoral e dedicação evangélica.

Virgem Santa, iluminai as mentes dos homens e mul-heres de ciência, a fim de encontrarem as soluções justas para vencer este vírus.

Assisti os Responsáveis das nações, para que atuem com sabedoria, solicitude e generosidade, socorrendo aqueles que não têm o necessário para viver, programando soluções sociais e económicas com clarividência e espírito de solidariedade.

Maria Santíssima tocai as consciências para que as somas enormes usadas para aumentar e aperfeiçoar os arma-mentos sejam, antes, destinadas a promover estudos ade-quados para prevenir catástrofes do género no futuro.

Mãe amadíssima, fazei crescer no mundo o sentido de pertença a uma única grande família, na certeza do víncu-lo que une a todos, para acudirmos, com espírito fraterno e solidário, a tanta pobreza e inúmeras situações de mi-séria. Encorajai a firmeza na fé, a perseverança no serviço, a constância na oração.

Ó Maria, Consoladora dos aflitos, abraçai todos os vossos filhos atribulados e alcançai-nos a graça que Deus inter-venha com a sua mão omnipotente para nos libertar des-ta terrível epidemia, de modo que a vida possa retomar com serenidade o seu curso normal.

Confiamo-nos a Vós, que resplandeceis sobre o nosso caminho como sinal de salvação e de esperança, ó clemente, ó piedosa, ó doce Virgem Maria. Amen.

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Saint Anthony Parish Cambridge, MA

Pope Francis asks us to add these 2 prayers to end of Rosary during the month of May.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The month of May is approaching, a time when the Peo-ple of God express with particular intensity their love and devotion for the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is traditional in this month to pray the Rosary at home within the family. The restrictions of the pandemic have made us come to appreciate all the more this “family” aspect, also from a spiritual point of view.

For this reason, I want to encourage everyone to redis-cover the beauty of praying the Rosary at home in the month of May. This can be done either as a group or indi-vidually; you can decide according to your own situa-tions, making the most of both opportunities. The key to doing this is always simplicity, and it is easy also on the internet to find good models of prayers to follow.

I am also providing two prayers to Our Lady that you can recite at the end of the Rosary, and that I myself will pray in the month of May, in spiritual union with all of you. I include them with this letter so that they are available to everyone.

Dear brothers and sisters, contemplating the face of Christ with the heart of Mary our Mother will make us even more united as a spiritual family and will help us overcome this time of trial. I keep all of you in my pray-ers, especially those suffering most greatly, and I ask you, please, to pray for me. I thank you, and with great affec-tion I send you my blessing.

Rome, Saint John Lateran, 25 April 2020 Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist

Pope Francis

First Prayer

O Mary, You shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who, at the foot of the cross, were united with Jesus’ suffering, and persevered in your faith.

“Protectress of the Roman people”, you know our needs, and we know that you will provide, so that, as at Cana in Galilee, joy and celebration may return after this time of trial.

Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the will of the Father and to do what Jesus tells us. For he took upon himself our suffering, and burdened himself with our sorrows to bring us, through the cross,

to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen.

We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God; Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from every danger, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.

Second Prayer

“We fly to your protection, O Holy Mother of God”.

In the present tragic situation, when the whole world is prey to suffering and anxiety, we fly to you, Mother of God and our Mother, and seek refuge under your protection.

Virgin Mary, turn your merciful eyes towards us amid this coronavirus pandemic. Comfort those who are distraught and mourn their loved ones who have died, and at times are buried in a way that grieves them deeply. Be close to those who are concerned for their loved ones who are sick and who, in order to prevent the spread of the disease, cannot be close to them. Fill with hope those who are troubled by the uncertainty of the future and the consequences for the economy and employment.

Mother of God and our Mother, pray for us to God, the Father of mercies, that this great suffering may end and that hope and peace may dawn anew. Plead with your divine Son, as you did at Cana, so that the families of the sick and the victims be com-forted, and their hearts be opened to confidence and trust.

Protect those doctors, nurses, health workers and volunteers who are on the frontline of this emergency, and are risking their lives to save others. Support their heroic effort and grant them strength, generosity and continued health.

Be close to those who assist the sick night and day, and to priests who, in their pastoral concern and fidelity to the Gospel, are trying to help and support everyone.

Blessed Virgin, illumine the minds of men and women engaged in scientific research, that they may find effective solutions to overcome this virus.

Support national leaders, that with wisdom, solicitude and gen-erosity they may come to the aid of those lacking the basic ne-cessities of life and may devise social and economic solutions inspired by farsightedness and solidarity.

Mary Most Holy, stir our consciences, so that the enormous funds invested in developing and stockpiling arms will instead be spent on promoting effective research on how to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.

Beloved Mother, help us realize that we are all members of one great family and to recognize the bond that unites us, so that, in a spirit of fraternity and solidarity, we can help to alleviate countless situations of poverty and need. Make us strong in faith, persevering in service, constant in prayer.

Mary, Consolation of the afflicted, embrace all your children in distress and pray that God will stretch out his all-powerful hand and free us from this terrible pandemic, so that life can serenely resume its normal course.

To you, who shine on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope, do we entrust ourselves, O Clement, O Loving, O Sweet Virgin Mary. Amen.

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Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

By Dr. Scott Hahn

3rd Sunday of Lent (Cycle A) The Israelites' hearts were hardened by their hardships in the desert. Though they saw His mighty deeds, in their thirst they grumble and put God to the test in to-day's First Reading - a crisis point recalled also in to-day's Psalm. Jesus is thirsty too in today's Gospel. He thirsts for souls (see John 19:28). He longs to give the Samaritan woman the living waters that well up to eternal life. These waters couldn't be drawn from the well of Jacob, father of the Israelites and the Samaritans. But Jesus was something greater than Jacob (see Luke 11:31-32). The Samaritans were Israelites who escaped exile when Assyria conquered the Northern Kingdom eight centuries before Christ (see 2 Kings 17:6, 24-41). They were despised for intermarrying with non-Israelites and worshipping at Mount Gerazim, not Jerusalem. But Jesus tells the woman that the "hour" of true wor-ship is coming, when all will worship God in Spirit and truth. Jesus' "hour" is the "appointed time" that Paul speaks of in today's Epistle. It is the hour when the Rock of our salvation was struck on the Cross. Struck by the soldier's lance, living waters flowed out from our Rock (see John 19:34-37). These waters are the Holy Spirit (see John 7:38-39), the gift of God (see Hebrews 6:4). By the living waters the ancient enmities of Samaritans and Jews have been washed away, the dividing wall between Israel and the nations is broken down (see Ephesians 2:12-14, 18). Since His hour, all may drink of the Spirit in Baptism (see 1 Corinthians 12:13). In this Eucharist, the Lord now is in our midst - as He was at the Rock of Horeb and at the well of Jacob. In the "today" of our Liturgy, He calls us to believe: "I am He," come to pour out the love of God into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. How can we continue to worship as if we don't understand? How can our hearts remain hardened?

Today in every parish across the Archdiocese, Cardinal

Seán calls on us to support the annual Catholic Appeal.

The success of the Appeal is vital in funding the 51 cen-

tral ministries that provide assistance to our parishes,

schools, and communities in a variety of ways. Every

gift, regardless of the size, is meaningful and can make

an impact. Your participation in this weekend’s cam-

paign is very much appreciated by our parish and the

thousands that are served through the Archdiocesean

Central Ministries. Thank you for your generosity and

support of the 2020 Catholic Appeal this weekend.

Our 2020 Financial Goal is $9,863.00

Prayer of Spiritual Communion by St. Alphonsus di Liguori

My Jesus,

I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my

soul. Since I cannot at this moment re-

ceive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually

into my heart. I embrace You as

if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You.


Oração para

Comunhão Espiritual De Santo Afonso de Liguori

Meu Jesus,

eu creio que estais realmente presente

no Santíssimo Sacramento do Altar. Amo-vos sobre todas as coisas, e minha alma suspira por Vós.

Mas, como não posso receber-Vos agora no Santíssimo Sacramento, vinde, ao menos espiritualmente,

a meu coração. Abraço-me convosco

como se já estivésseis comigo: uno-me convosco inteiramente. Ah! não permitais que torne a

separar-me de Vós.


Prayer to Saint Michael Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust in-to hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world

seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Oração a São Miguel Arcanjo

São Miguel Arcanjo, defendei-nos no combate. Sede o nosso refúgio contra as maldades e ciladas do

demónio. Que Deus manifeste sobre ele o seu poder, esta é a

nossa humilde súplica. E vós, Príncipe da Milícia

Celeste, com o poder que Deus vos conferiu, precipitai no inferno a Satanás e aos

outros espíritos malignos, que andam pelo mundo em perdição

das almas. Amen.

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Saint Anthony Parish Cambridge, MA

By Dr. Scott Hahn

Easter Sunday (Cycle B) The tomb was empty. In the early morning darkness of that first Easter, there was only confusion for Mary Magdalene and the other disciples. But as the daylight spread, they saw the dawning of a new crea-tion. At first they didn't understand the Scripture, to-day's Gospel tells us. We don't know which precise Scripture texts they were supposed to understand. Perhaps it was the sign of Jonah, who rose from the belly of the great fish after three days (see Jonah 1:17). Or maybe Hosea's prophecy of Israel's restora-tion from exile (see Hosea 6:2). Perhaps it was the psalmist who rejoiced that God had not abandoned him to the nether world (see Psalm 16:9-10). Whichever Scripture it was, as the disciples bent down into the tomb, they saw and they believed. What did they see? Burial shrouds in an empty tomb. The stone removed from the tomb. Seven times in nine verses we hear that word - "tomb." What did they believe? That God had done what Jesus said He would do - raised Him up on the third day (see Mark 9:31; 10:34). What they saw and believed, they bore witness to, as today's First Reading tells us. Peter's speech is a summary of the gospels - from Jesus' baptism in the Jordan to His hanging on a tree (see Deuteronomy 21:22-23), to His rising from the dead. We are children of the apostles, born into the new world of their witness. Our lives are now "hidden with Christ in God," as today's Epistle says. Like them, we gather in the morning on the first day of the week - to celebrate the Eucharist, the feast of the empty tomb. We rejoice that the stones have been rolled away from our tombs, too. Each of us can shout, as we do in today's Psalm: "I shall not die, but live." They saw and believed. And we await the day they promised would come - when we, too, "will ap-pear with Him in glory."

Sextto Domingo de Páscoa

A liturgia do 6º Domingo da Páscoa convida-nos a descobrir a presença – discreta, mas efi-caz e tranquilizadora – de Deus na caminhada histórica da Igreja. A promessa de Jesus – “não vos deixarei órfãos” – pode ser uma boa síntese do tema. O Evangelho apresenta-nos parte do “testamento” de Jesus, na ceia de despedida, em Quinta-feira Santa. Aos discípulos, inqui-etos e assustados, Jesus promete o “Paráclito”: Ele conduzirá a comunidade cris-tã em direcção à verdade; e levá-la-á a uma comunhão cada vez mais íntima com Jesus e com o Pai. Dessa forma, a comunidade será a “morada de Deus” no mundo e dará testemunho da salvação que Deus quer oferecer aos homens. A primeira leitura mostra exactamente a co-munidade cristã a dar testemunho da Boa No-va de Jesus e a ser uma presença libertadora e salvadora na vida dos homens. Avisa, no en-tanto, que o Espírito só se manifestará e só actuará quando a comunidade aceitar viver a sua fé integrada numa família universal de irmãos, reunidos à volta do Pai e de Jesus. A segunda leitura exorta os crentes – con-frontados com a hostilidade do mundo – a terem confiança, a darem um testemunho sereno da sua fé, a mostrarem o seu amor a todos os homens, mesmo aos perseguidores. Cristo, que fez da sua vida um dom de amor a todos, deve ser o modelo que os cristãos têm sempre diante dos olhos.


By Dr. Scott Hahn

Sixth Sunday of Easter Jesus will not leave us alone. He won't make us chil-dren of God in Baptism only to leave us "orphans," He assures us in today's Gospel (see Romans 8:14-17) . He asks the Father to give us His Spirit, to dwell with us and keep us united in the life He shares with the Father. We see the promised gift of His Spirit being con-ferred in today's First Reading. The scene from Acts apparently depicts a primitive Confirmation rite. Philip, one of the first deacons (see Acts 6:5), proclaims the Gospel in the non-Jewish city of Samaria. The Samaritans accept the Word of God (see Acts 17:11; 1 Thessalonians 2:13) and are baptized. It remains for the Apostles to send their representa-tives, Peter and John, to pray and lay hands on the newly baptized - that they might receive the Holy Spirit. This is the origin of our sacrament of Confir-mation (see Acts 19:5-6), by which the grace of Bap-tism is completed and believers are sealed with the Spirit promised by the Lord. We remain in this grace so long as we love Christ and keep His commandments. And strengthened in the Spirit whom Jesus said would be our Advocate, we are called to bear witness to our salvation - to the tremendous deeds that God has done for us in the name of His Son. In today's Psalm, we celebrate our liberation. As He changed the sea into dry land to free the captive Isra-elites, Christ suffered that He might lead us to God, as we hear in today's Epistle. This is the reason for our hope - the hope that sus-tains us in the face of a world that cannot accept His truth, the hope that sustains us when we are maligned and defamed for His name's sake. Put to death in the flesh, He was brought to life in the Spirit, Paul tells us today. And as He himself promis-es: "Because I live, you will live."

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Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

...I was hungry and you gave me food…

Our food pantry is getting empty. Can you help? We need to help our brothers and sisters who need assistance with food when they knock at our door. We need anything you can provide but also things they mostly ask for like: pasta, tomato sauce, peanut butter, jam or jelly, corn in can, tuna, sug-ar, coffee, salt, oil, etc… If you would like to donate some hygiene items we also accept, like: tooth paste and brushes, hair brushes and soaps. Please verify the dates on the food cans before you buy it. You can leave these items at the rectory Monday through Friday from 10 am to 5 pm. Thank you very much and may Our Lord Bless you always.

...Tive fome e destes-me de comer…

Caros amigos(a) O nosso armário da comida está ficando vazio. Os nossos irmãos e irmãs mais necessitados precisam de nós quando nos batem à porta, podem ajudar? Precisamos de pasta, pasta de tomate (sauce), peanut butter e doce de morango ou uva, café, sal, açúcar, óleo, milho enlatado, atum, e se puderem também podemos oferecer produtos de higiene co-mo pasta de dentes e escovas e escovas para o cabelo e sabonetes, será muito apreci-ado. Podem deixar estes alimentos na reitoria de segunda à sexta das 10 am as 5 pm. Por fa-vor tenha cuidado em verificar as datas nos produtos alimentares que comprar. Muito Obriga-

do e que Deus vos abençoe sempre.

Religious Education Office ∙ Escritório da Educação Religiosa

Saint Anthony Parish now provides Online Giving - a convenient and safe way to make a one-time or recur-ring donation. Getting started is easy - just visit our website, www.saintanthonyparish.com, and click our GIVE button. When you participate, your gift will transfer directly into the parish bank account.

Please support your Parish!

Nossa Paróquia de Santo Antônio dispõe de uma ferra-menta de Doação Online - uma forma conveniente e segura de fazer uma doação única ou recorrente. Começar é fácil - basta visitar o nosso site, www.saintanthonyparish.com, e clicar em nosso botão GIVE. Quando você participar, sua doação será trans-ferida diretamente para a conta bancária da paróquia.

Por favor ajude a sua Paróquia!

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