Parish Staff Pastor Rev. David Powers Sch.P. Parochial Vicars Rev. Nelson Henao Sch.P. Rev. Richard Wyzykiewicz Sch.P. Parish Secretary Mrs. Rosemarie Ortiz Music Director Mr. Patrick Marques Musicians Mr. Jim Donaldson Mr. Alex Henriquez June 2017 Development Director Mrs. Stephanie Turtle St. Helena’s School (718) 892-3234 http://www.sthelenaelementary.org Early Childhood (3Yr Olds & Pre-K for All) Elementary School (Grades K-8) Principal: Mr. Richard Meller 2050 Benedict Avenue Bronx, New York 10462 High School: Monsignor Scanlan H.S. (718) 430-0100 http://www.scanlanhs.edu/ Principal: Mr. Peter Doran 915 Hutchinson River Parkway Bronx, New York 10465 St. Helena Rectory: 1315 Olmstead Avenue Bronx, N.Y. 10462 Phone: (718) 892-3232 Fax: (718) 892-7713 www.churchofsthelena.com Email: [email protected] Alumni: [email protected] Mass Schedule (Horario de Misas) Baptisms: Arrangements must be made at the Rectory for Baptismal Class. Bring a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate. Marriages: Arrangements for weddings should be made as soon as possible at the Rectory. Rectory. saint Helena parish Bronx, NY

Parish Secretary Music Director Musicians Helena · Deuxiement, la Sainte Trinite nous apprends la possibilite de l¶unite dans la diversite. Le Pere, le Fils, et l¶Esprit Saint

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Parish Staff Pastor

Rev. David Powers Sch.P.

Parochial Vicars

Rev. Nelson Henao Sch.P.

Rev. Richard Wyzykiewicz Sch.P.

Parish Secretary Mrs. Rosemarie Ortiz

Music Director Mr. Patrick Marques


Mr. Jim Donaldson

Mr. Alex Henriquez

June 2017

Development Director Mrs. Stephanie Turtle

St. Helena’s School (718) 892-3234

http://www.sthelenaelementary.org Early Childhood (3Yr Olds & Pre-K for All)

Elementary School (Grades K-8)

Principal: Mr. Richard Meller

2050 Benedict Avenue

Bronx, New York 10462

High School:

Monsignor Scanlan H.S. (718) 430-0100


Principal: Mr. Peter Doran

915 Hutchinson River Parkway

Bronx, New York 10465

St. Helena Rectory:

1315 Olmstead Avenue

Bronx, N.Y. 10462

Phone: (718) 892-3232

Fax: (718) 892-7713


Email: [email protected]

Alumni: [email protected]

Mass Schedule (Horario de Misas)

Baptisms: Arrangements must be

made at the Rectory for Baptismal

Class. Bring a copy of the child’s

Birth Certificate.

Marriages: Arrangements for

weddings should be made as soon

as possible at the Rectory.


saint Helena

parish Bronx, NY


As We Abandon the Triune God, We Abandon Individuality Trinity Sunday celebrates the Church’s faith in the triune God, one God in three persons. This doctrine has baffled people for 2,000 years. Many people are ready to give a polite nod to Jesus of Nazareth, and most honor him as a great moral teacher. Many even confess him as Savior. But as for being the Incarnation of the Eternal God, the second person of the Holy Trinity, people still struggle and think to themselves, or even say out loud, that God can’t be one and three at the same time. Such a notion is at worst illogical and at best meaningless. “This was all invented by the Roman Emperor Constantine in 313 AD,” profess people ranging from the Jehovah’s Witnesses to the Da Vinci Code.

Of course, this charge has no historical leg to stand on. St. Ignatius of Antioch wrote seven brief letters around 110 AD in which he called Jesus “God” 16 times, beating Constantine by over two centuries. True, the word “trinity” is not in the Bible. But everywhere the New Testament refers to three distinct persons who seem to be equally divine, yet one (e.g. 2 Cor 13:13). So over 100 years before Constantine, a Christian writer named Tertullian coined the term “Trinity” as a handy way to refer to this reality of three distinct, equal persons in one God, and it stuck.

But if the doctrine of the Trinity is authentically biblical, is it relevant? Does it really matter? If Christianity were simply a religion of keeping the law, the inner life of the lawgiver would not matter. But if Christianity is about a personal relationship with God, then who God really is matters totally. Common sense tells us that some supreme being made the universe and that we owe Him homage. But that the creator is a trinity of persons who invites us to an intimate friendship with Himself — this we never could have guessed! We only know it because God has revealed it.

God is love, says St.John, so if God were solitary, how could he have been love before he created the world? Who would there have been to love? Jesus reveals a God who is eternally a community of three persons pouring themselves out in love for one another. The Father does not create the Son and then, with the Son, creates the Spirit. No, the Father eternally generates the Son. And with and through the Son, this Father eternally “breathes” the Spirit as a sort of personalized sigh of love. “As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be.” That’s what the conclusion of the Glory Be really means, that the self-giving of the three divine persons did not begin at a moment in time, but was, is, and is to come.

If we are truly to “know” our God, we must know this. But if we are ever to understand ourselves, we must also know this. For we were made in the image and likeness of God, and God is a community of self-donating love. That means that we can never be happy isolated from others, protecting ourselves from others, holding ourselves back selfishly from others. Unless we give ourselves in love, we can never be fully human. And unless we participate in the life of God’s people, we can never be truly Christian either. Because Christianity is about building up the community of divine love which is called the Church. If God is Trinity, then there really is no place for free-lance, Christians.

The family, the domestic Church, is a reflection of trinitarian love – the love of husband and wife, distinct and very different persons, generates the child who is from them but is nonetheless distinct from them, indeed absolutely unique.

And that is the final point. One of the greatest treasures of

Western culture is the concept of the uniqueness and dignity of the individual person. You really don’t find this idea in the ancient societies of Greece and Rome or in other great world religions, such as Islam. The concept of the irreplaceable uniqueness of each person came into Western culture straight from the doctrine of the Trinity, three who possess the exact same divine nature but who are yet irreplaceably unique in their personhood.

The irony? As it progressively abandons the triune God, the Western world is undermining the very foundation of personal dignity, individuality, and freedom. So yes, the Trinity does


Catholic charismatic renewal is ‘current of grace for all the Church’

Pope Francis’s spoke in the Circus Maximus on the Vigil of Pentecost to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Catholic charismatic renewal. The Pope called for “reconciled diversity” among Catholics and Protestants for the sake of the common proclamation of the Lordship of Christ and the love of God the Father. This unity, he said, is also manifest in the “ecumenism of blood” in which “your throat is cut, immediately,” when you profess you are a Christian.

Pope Francis continued: “Fifty years of Catholic Charismatic Renewal. A current of grace of the Spirit! And why a current of grace? Because it has neither a founder, nor statutes, nor organs of governance. Clearly in this current multiple expressions have been born that are certainly human works inspired by the Spirit, with various charisms, and all in the service of the Church. But this current cannot be dammed, nor can the Holy Spirit be enclosed in a cage! …

This current of grace is for all the Church, not just for some, and no one among us is the ‘master’ and all the others servants. No. We are all servants of this current of grace.”

“Share with all in the Church the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, praise the Lord ceaselessly, walk together with Christians of different Churches and Christian communities in prayer and in action for those most in need,” the Pope concluded. “Serve the poorest and the sick, this is what the Church and the Pope expects of you, Catholic Charismatic Renewal, but from all of you: all, all of you who have entered in this current of grace! Thank you.”

St. Helena has two charismatic prayer groups, one in Spanish that meets every Monday at 7PM in the church and a second that meets every Wednesday at 7:30PM in the green building. Everyone is most welcome to attend.


Chers Freres et Soeurs, Dans une classe de catechese, le catechiste avait pose

cette question aux catechumens: “A quoi pouvons nous comparer Dieu?”. Les catechumenes ont donnes des reponse diverses. Par exemple l’un a repondu: “Dieu est comme le soleil qui brille sur tout le monde”. L’autre a dit: “Dieu est comme une grande montagne qui depasse tout le monde”. Dans ces reponses, un autre catechumene a donne une reponse plutot inattendu. Il a dit ceci: “Dieu est comme un morceau de sucre”. Pendant que les autres catechumenes rigolaient, le catechiste lui a demande d’expliquer comment et il peut comparer Dieu a un morceau de sucre. L’enfant a dit ceci: “mes parents m’ont appris que, quand on prend un morceau de sucre et l’on met dans une tasse de the, le sucre se dissoud. On ne le voit plus, mais il faut boire la tasse de the pour comprendre qu’il y a du sucre dans le the. De la meme maniere, Dieu est present dans le monde. On ne le voit pas mais sa presence se fait ressenti.” Effectivement la reponse de cet enfant a son catechiste nous permet de mediter sur la presence de Dieu parmi nous. Dieu est present dans le monde. Peut etre nous ne pouvons pas le voir physiquement, mais il est present.



Chaque annee apres la fete de la Pentecote, l’Eglise celebre la solennite de la Sainte Trinite. Autrement dit, nous celebrons la presence de Dieu parmi nous. Nous celebrons le fait que Dieu n’est pas abstrait mais il est concret comme Pere, Fils et Esprit Saint.

La solennite de Sainte Trinite en quelque sort resume l’histoire de notre salut. Au commencement Dieu nous a cree l’homme. Puisque s’est detourne de Dieu, Dieu ne l’a pas abandonne au pouvoir de la mort, il est venu le sauve par son Fils mort et ressuscite. Pour perpetuer sa presence parmi les hommes et son salut, il a envoye son Esprit Saint pour notre sanctification. La Trinite veut dont dire que Dieu est toujours a nos cotes. Il partage sa vie avec nous. Nous avons dont le devoir de modeler notre vie a celle de Dieu trinitaire. Dans cette perspective, nous devons apprendre a vivre comme la famille de la Sainte Trinite.

Premierement, Dieu n’existe pas comme un individu isole. Notre Dieu est un Dieu en relation. Le Pere, le Fils, et le Saint Esprit sont interconnecter. Ils sont de maniere perpetuelle en relation. Ils n’agissent pas seuls. Nous sommes par la invites a reviser nos relations interpersonnelles. Nous devons soigner nos relations interpersonnelles, dans les familles, dans les communautes chretiennes etc. D’ailleurs Dieu ne nous a pas cree pour exister seul. Il nous a cree comme des etres sociaux. C’est ce que veut dire la notion Africaine Ubuntu qui veut dire: « Je suis ce que je suis parce que vous êtes ce que vous êtes », ou d'une manière plus littérale: « Je suis ce que je suis grâce à ce que nous sommes tous ». Ubuntu, exprime la prise de conscience d'un individu qui se définit par le contexte humain dans lequel il vit et par ses interrelations avec autrui. Dans son discours hommage à Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama l'explique ainsi : « Mon humanité est inextricablement liée à ce qu'est la vôtre”. La Sainte Trinite nous invite fortement a vivre dans la fraternite et dans la reconciliation. Deuxiement, la Sainte Trinite nous apprends la possibilite de l’unite dans la diversite. Le Pere, le Fils, et l’Esprit Saint ne se confondent pas. Chacun joue son role sans toutefois ignore l’autre. Ils vivent ensemble dans la complementarite. De la meme maniere, nous sommes tous differents. Nous vivons avec les differences des races, des langues, des couleurs, des cultures, etc. Malheureusement, ces differences constituent souvent les points de conflits. Notons que la diversite est une richesse. Ce qui fait la beaute d’un jardin est la diversite des couleurs. Comme la Sainte Trinite vit de maniere unie mais dans la diversite, nous devons aussi tendre vers cela. Nous devons surmonter les tendances des divisions pour aller vers l’autre, pour creer le temps pour l’autre. Nous pouvons bien transformer cette societe si nous avons la volonte de vivre comme des freres et soeurs. Finalement, l’amour est le parfait resume du doctrine de la Sainte Trinite. Comme le Pere, Fils, Esprit Saint vivent ensemble en parfait amour, nous devons aussi fonder notre vie dans l’amour. L’amour pour Dieu demande l’amour pour le prochain. Qui aime Dieu doit aimer son prochain. Que la celebration de cette grande fete nous donne les graces des artisans de l’amour, de la reconciliation et de l’unite dans nos familles et communautes. Fr. Andrew

Have you written in our

Book of Prayer Intentions? We encourage our parishioners to write their needs in this book, which is located next to the vigil candles at the Mary altar. This book is part of our prayer all the time. Thank you to all who have made statements of faith by writing in this book. Your intentions were offered to God in a special way this Pentecost. Please write your intentions in this book so we can continue to bring them to God in our prayer.

Have you been to Confession lately? "Through the ministry of the Church, may God give you pardon and peace..."

Each time the Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated, the priest begins the formula of absolution with these words. They express the profound reality that is taking place. First, there is the recognition that the Church mediates God's loving activity of forgiving sins. Jesus intentionally created the Church to extend his victory over sin. Second, this Sacrament, like all of the others, begins with God's initiative. Long before we recognize our need for God's mercy, He is already calling us to himself, extending His offer of Grace.

This is what the Sacrament of Reconciliation is all about, God's love, which overcomes even our sins. there is NOTHING that we can do in life that will cause God not to love us. As Pope Francis said, "It is not God who tires of forgiving us; rather, it is we who tire of asking for forgiveness." But we never should give up on our desire for holiness. God will always forgive us IF we approach the Sacrament with sincere contrition. There is no need to be afraid. Whether you receive the sacrament regularly or have not been to Confession for many years, God is waiting to hear from you to take advantage of His generous offer of "pardon and peace.".


help cover our air conditioning costs. We have spent several

thousand dollars to repair our current system, and your support

and generosity is needed to help us cover that expense.


to everyone who participated in the 134th annual Black and

Indian Mission Collection last weekend. Your prayerful support

enables people to come to know Jesus Christ in African

American, Native American, and Alaska Native communities all

over the U.S.A. Spreading the gospel couldn’t happen without

your support!



other members of the 43rd Precinct will give a half-hour

presentation to the students of St. Helena School on Tuesday and

Wednesday, June 13-14. They will then meet with parents and

parishioners at 11:30AM in the school gymnasium on both Tuesday

and Wednesday to listen to and discuss any issues of concern.

They will return on Tuesday, June 20 at 7PM once again to listen to

any concerns of students, parents, parishioners, or members of the

local community and to give a brief talk on the services they provide

to the community. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Banns of Marriage II- Felipe Rosales & Carmina Ayala


50/50- MAY WINNER4 # 106 @ $280. Remember , it only

costs $5 for your chance to win in our 50/50 drawing. Pink

50/50 envelopes are available both in your mailed offertory

envelopes as well as at both entrances to the church and in

the bookstore. Enter the June drawing today, which will be

held on June 26.

BIBLE STUDY-This Tuesday, June 13, the English Bible

Study Class will study Chapter 27 of St. Matthew at 1PM and

7:30PM in the green building. The Spanish class meets at

7PM in the cafeter ia & is also studying St. Matthew.



JUNE 11, 2017


every Wednesday at 7:30PM in the meeting room of the

Green Parish Center. Everyone is welcome to attend.


every Monday at 7PM in the Church.


learning how to sing and praising God. Rehearsals are every

Sunday at 8:30AM in the choir loft of the church.


Parish Carnival is now only two weeks away, and pre-sale

tickets are on sale this weekend. You can purchase a sheet of

twelve tickets for $10, which will be enough for FOUR

kiddie rides or THREE children’s rides, or one adult and one

child and one kiddie ride. Those same tickets will sell for

$15 at the carnival. You can also signup to volunteer to help

out at the carnival, which will run for 29 hours over four

days, June 22-25. The more volunteers we have, the fewer

number of hours any one volunteer would need to

work. Raffle tickets are now on sale. They are $2 each or

three for $5. The top prizes are a 46in. Smart T.V., $444 in

cash, and a set of 14K gold earrings. Food tickets are on

sale for $1 each. All tickets are available in the Religious

Center, in the Rectory, and at a table in the church vestibule.


looking for cash donations as well as donations of SINGLE

SERVE containers of water, soda, and juice. We are also in

need of desserts. All donations can either be brought at any

time to the rectory, or they can be brought to the back of the

church during the weekend Masses. Thank you for your


CARNIVAL VOLUNTEERS needed to help in a var iety

of ways, including security and serving food. Please see the

volunteer sheets in the back of the church.

NEXT BAPTISM PREP CLASS will be held on Thursday,

June 22 at 7PM. Please br ing a copy of the child’s bir th

certificate as well as either a letter of suitability for the

godparents from their local pastor or a copy of the

godparent’s Confirmation Certificate and if a godparent is

married, a copy of their Catholic Marriage Certificate.


to be a sponsor or a godparent, you must have received your

own sacraments, be registered in the parish, be a practicing

Catholic who attends Sunday Mass regularly, and, if

married, be married in the Catholic Church. Godparent or

sponsor certificates are available in the rectory.

YOUTH GROUP for ages 12-18 meets on Fridays from

7-8:30PM in the gym.

2018 MASS BOOK is now open. Come to the Rectory.


Sunday from 8:30AM to 1PM.

CONFIRMATION PHOTOS-The Confirmation photos

taken with Bishop Jenik can be picked up either in the

rectory or in the Religious Goods Center after Mass. There

is no charge for these photos.


Saturdays at 11AM for 6 weeks in the Green Par ish

Center. A new group will begin in June. The group is

intended for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one or

a dear friend. To register or for more information about this

program, contact: Jessica Perez at [email protected].

BETHLEHEM HANDICRAFTS will be in the lobby this

weekend, and all proceeds from their olivewood carvings

will go to help support Christians living in the Holyland.

SECURITY GUARDS with exper ience are needed for

weekend work. Security certification preferred. Please call

718-892-3232 for more information.

REMEMBER ST. HELENA when you are wr iting or

revising your Will. A gift to your parish will give witness to

your faith and will bear fruit for many generations.

APARTMENTS WANTED-Within the Parkchester area. If

you know of one that is available, please call the Rectory.


return your baby bottles to the Rectory or the Religious

Goods Center on or before Father’s Day. Your cash, coin,

and checks will support Expectant Mother Care Frontline

Pregnancy Care Centers. Operating for 30 years through

New York City, Expectant Mother Care counsels thousands

of distraught expectant moms annually, providing free

testing, ultrasound, practical and spiritual help. Your gift

saves lives. For more information, go to

www.EMCFrontLine.org or call 212-213-4690 or write

them at P.O. Box Bronx, N.Y. 10470.

50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY-Our parishioners

celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary anytime during

2017 are invited to attend the Annual Golden Wedding

Jubilee Mass with Cardinal Dolan at the Cathedral of

St. Patrick, Sunday, June 18th at 2:00 pm. Pre-registration is

required. You must contact the rectory in order to register.


will be celebrated at 3PM on Sunday, June 25 in the

church. A reception will follow in the gymnasium.

WHITE MASS-You are invited to attend the Annual White

Mass, celebrating the dedicated work of healthcare

professionals and caregivers here at St. Helena's on Sunday,

June 25 at 10:30AM. The NEXT day, on Mon., June 26,

Timothy Cardinal Dolan will be the celebrant and homilist at

the Archdiocesan White Mass at 10AM at St. Patrick's


STREET CONTACT-The Legion of Mary will conduct

Street Contact on Saturday, July 1 beginning at 1PM in front

of the church. Music will be provided by Cristo Rey. Last

weekend, the Legion gave away free material at the end of

each Mass. We thank them for their active ministry. The

Legion of Mary meets every Friday at 7PM in the rectory

meeting room.

NEW ON FORMED-Beloved ¡Ahora en Español! Build

unity in St. Helena’s with one program in two languages.

Learn more about how you can use Beloved to strengthen

marriages and unite your community. Resources are


Sunday, June 4, 2017 $5,635.30

Black and Indian Mission $961.00

Catholic New York $668.00

Our weekly budget, (Nuestro presupuesto semanal es) $4,423.00

Thank you to everyone for your generosity and for your support and

for all that you do for St. Helena’s Parish. We are currently fixing

plumbing and electrical issues. We exceeded our weekly goal, and

we thank you for it. I ask you to please consider increasing your

regular weekly offerings a little so that we can exceed our 2017

weekly budget goal and be able to pay for much needed physical

plant improvements.

Gracias a todos por su generosidad y por todo lo que hacen por esta

Iglesia de St. Helena.

available in both English and Spanish. St. Helena’s Parish

has a free subscription to an online platform called

FORMED, and all parishioners have unlimited access to

faith formation programs, Bible Studies, Catholic-themed

movies and programs, enjoy music, e-books and much more.

It is very easy to register with FORMED. FIRST go to

formed.org and click the REGISTER link in the middle

of the page; enter the parish code 2KQQYD and your email,

then click “Go.” Fill in the registration information. After

registering, you will receive a message asking you to verify

your email address. Check your email (it may be in your

spam folder) and click VERIFY. You will be prompted to

login. You can then enjoy using FORMED.


parishioners have access to affordable, short-term

professional counseling available at convenient locations

throughout the Archdiocese. Up to six sessions can take

place with just a $10 co-pay per session. For more

information, please contact one of our priests.

AA BIG BOOK STUDY meets every Sat., 7-8:30PM in

the green building.


Monday from 7-8:30PM in the green building.


NEWS St. Helena’s congratulates the following

22 eighth graders who graduated on

Saturday, June 10. They are the 76th

graduating class, and we are very proud

of them and wish them all God’s many

blessings as they enter high school.

Daniel M. Belotto Kassandra Lara Pizarro

Kameron John Carrasquillo Nelson Gabriel Prevost II

Dayana Cordero Arly Destenny Reyes

Kaitlyn Diaz Charles Justin Reyes

Luis Farez Kennedy Samantha Rios

Emily Gonzalez Alexis Christina Roman

Hailey Lee-Ann Hidalgo Rita Marie Rosario

Andrew Javed Khan Xavier Enrique Solis

Hope Neandra Martinez Alyssa Sophia Soriano

Laila Paige Ojeda Neil S. Tayao

Noelani Alizé Pereira Adam Anthony Waldropt

Turning the Tassel: The movement of the tassel at graduation

from the right side of the mortarboard to the left side is called

"turning the tassel."


June 13 at 10AM—PreK 4

June 14 at 10AM—Kindergarten

June 15 at 10AM—Grades 4-7 Honors Award

June 15 at 11AM—Grades 1-3 Honors Award

June 16—Last Day of School

Congratulations to everyone. There is a NOON dismissal every

day this week. Have a wonderful and a Blessed Summer.

Read every day and have fun.


results have confirmed that Bishop Jean-Marie Benoit Balla

of Bafia, Cameroon, was the victim of murder, not a suicide.

Bishop Balla, whose body was discovered in a river on June

2, was “tortured and brutally murdered,” according to an

autopsy report. There are suspicions that his death may be

linked to that of Father Armel Collins Ndjama, a seminary

rector in the Bafia diocese, who was found dead at his home

last month.


Hotline operated by Catholic Charities at 1-800-566-7636.


medical appointments available Monday through Friday

from 8AM-4PM. Call R.A.I.N. at 718-882-8513. THE EXCELSIOR SCHOLARSHIP: MAKING

COLLEGE POSSIBLE-This year, Governor Cuomo and the

New York State Legislature enacted the nation's first tuition-

free degree program, the Excelsior Scholarship. The

Scholarship is available to students enrolled at SUNY or

CUNY school for the fall of 2017. The program goes into

effect immediately, and is available for students whose

families earn up to $100,000 annually beginning in the fall

2017. The application is now available. Visit

www.hesc.ny.gov to learn more, and text COLLEGE to

81336 for updates.

SUMMER ORGAN SCHOOL-a ten-week program of

private lessons for qualified keyboardists who wish to apply

their keyboard skills to the “king of instruments.” The cost

for 10 lessons is $400. The Summer Organ School is part of

the archdiocesan Organist Training Program, which seeks to

provide the qualified keyboardist with the skills and training

to successfully serve as an organist in a parish setting. For

more information, visit www.nyliturgy.org .


Thieriot Ave. Pre-sale tickets at the rectory 12 for $10.

JOB FAIR on Friday, June 16 from 6-8PM at the New

South Bronx Center Police Athletic League, 991 Longwood

Ave. Bring your resume. Remember our free resume writing

workshop here at St. Helena on Sun., June 4 at 11:30AM.


take place on Saturday, June 17 at the New York Catholic

Center, 350 East 56th Street. For more info, go to


PILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA-Fr. John Palatucci, a former

Parochial Vicar here at St. Helena, is leading a pilgrimage to

Fatima June 26-July 6 for the 100th Anniversary of the

Marian apparitions. The trip will include a journey through

Spain to visit Santiago de Compostela and Avila. For more

info, call the rectory or Fr. John at (845) 735-7405 or

e-mail:[email protected].

Please Pray for the Sick of our Parish

Joanne Frances Bernadette Sanabria, Ruben Mercado,

Mike Adorno, Catherine Holden, Carmelle and Nicole Antoine,

Indrowdi Sadu, Rosa Pena, Brenda Jackson, James Leunge,

Carole Primak, Anna Baez, Lucy Cannavacciuolo, Aaron Sylvester,

Sean Gaffney, Bertha Mero, Peter Vaccaro, Gino Vaccaro,

Ronald Horne, Doris Waldropt, Milagro Vasquez, Ynes Tavarez,

Theresa Delevan, Mariana Rivera, Noemi Cross, Arley Johnson,

Annissa Ramratansingh, Catherine Gregson, Josefina Gonzalez,

Rosa Amelia Escribano Santiago, Joseph Lopez, Fr. Andrew Buechele,

John Ford, Dick Williams, Melanie Rosario, Ayyapan Pandikatil,

Mary T. Early, Agnes Griffith, Belen Bonhomme

Please Pray for the Deceased and their Grieving Families: Fr. Jerome Ofoegbu, Hector Resto, Juana Rodriguez,

Fr. Francis Principe, Diane Morales, Angel Lopez, Gregory Santiago,

Andrew Farise, Manuela Roldan, Wilbert Audry, Andrew Kearse


PREP PROGRAM-St. Catharine Academy’s Higher

Achievement Program (HAP) for 7th and 8th grade girls will

be taking place from July 5th through July 21st from 9AM-

1PM. HAP will help to strengthen and reinforce English,

Math and Reading skills for success in the Test for

Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS). Your

daughter will also have the opportunity to experience

enrichment courses in Robotics and Art. Please visit

www.scahs.org or contact Ms. Tracy Keelin, Program

Director at 718-882-2882 ext. 122 for more info.


July 5 to August 11 from 8:30AM-2PM. It is a free

program for youth between the ages of 10-16. There are

weekly field trips, sports, and classroom work. The academy

will be held at Bronx Community College. Applications are

due by May 31 and can be downloaded at: http://





COAST-September 11-20, 2017, $3,799.00 per person

including air from JFK. Breakfast & Dinner Daily. Mass

daily at the Holy Shrines. For more info please call Cathie or

Michael Milano at 1-800-773-2660.



19 de junio a las 8 pm en la cafetería nos reuniremos para

ultimar detalles.



donantes de agua, sodas, productos de plástico como

plásticos, cubiertos, servilletas, etc. Quienes deseen donar

comida latina (arroz, cerdo, etc.) bienvenidos. También hay

una caja a la salida de la Iglesia donde será posible hacer

donaciones en efectivo que serán usadas para productos del

carnaval. Gracias por su apoyo!!


Ahorre dinero!!! Se están vendiendo 12 tickets por 10

dólares. Esos mismos 12 tickets durante el carnaval costarán

15 dólares. Los pueden comprar en el BOOKSTORE o en la


JECAFA: Jesús y Calasanz en la Familia. Nuevo grupo

para padres de familia. Como parte de la Pastoral Social de

nuestra Iglesia, se está promoviendo la creación de este

importante grupo de reflexión sobre la familia. Próxima

reunión: Junio 30 a las 7.30 pm en el Edificio Verde.


Ahorre dinero!!! Se están vendiendo 12 tickets por 10

dólares. Esos mismos 12 tickets durante el carnaval costarán

15 dólares. Los pueden comprar en el BOOKSTORE o en la


CLASES DE BIBLIA: Tanto en Español como en Inglés se

está estudiando el Evangelio de San Mateo. En Inglés las

clases son los martes a la 1 pm y a las 7.30 en el edificio

verde. En Español las clases son los martes a las 730 pm en

la cafetería. La ultima clase en Español se realizará el martes

20 de junio.


22 a las 7 pm. Traer copia del certificado de nacimiento. Si

los padrinos son casados deben traer el certificado de

matrimonio de la Iglesia. Si son solteros deben traer el

certificado de la Confirmación o una carta de la Iglesia a la

que pertenecen, en donde se diga que pueden ser padrinos de


BUEN DIA, HERMANOS: Queridos hermanos. En nuestra amada Iglesia Católica tenemos

cuatro tiempos litúrgicos que llamamos ‘fuertes’ y tenemos

también el llamado ‘tiempo ordinario’. Los tiempos litúrgicos

fuertes van por parejas, el Adviento nos prepara a la Navidad y

luego la Cuaresma nos dispone para la Pascua. Esos son los

cuatro tiempos fuertes. El tiempo de Cuaresma va desde el

Miércoles de Ceniza hasta el Jueves Santo, luego celebramos el

Triduo Pascual y desde la Vigilia Pascual hasta la Solemnidad de

Pentecostés tenemos el Tiempo Pascual, que ya ha terminado.

Hemos recomenzado de nuevo el tiempo Ordinario y acabamos

de terminar la semana número nueve de ese tiempo. Por qué la

semana número nueve? Porque las primeras ocho semanas las

vivimos entre el momento en que terminó el tiempo la Navidad y

el comienzo de la Cuaresma. Ahora continuaremos en el Tiempo

Ordinario hasta la semana treinta y cuatro. Por qué se llama

Tiempo Ordinario? No es porque sea un tiempo de menor

calidad que los llamados ‘tiempos fuertes’, se llama Ordinario

porque va en orden, (semana nueve, diez, etc.) y además porque

lleva un orden en la presentación de los textos de la Sagrada

Escritura y en la presentación de los Evangelios para conocer el

misterio de Cristo.

Es bueno pensar que durante el año litúrgico estamos recorriendo

el misterio de Cristo. En Adviento y Navidad celebramos ‘la

entrada’ de Cristo en esta tierra. En Cuaresma y luego Pascua

celebramos su ‘Éxodo’ de esta tierra. Él mismo lo dice: “Salí del

Padre y vine al mundo. Ahora dejo el mundo y voy al Padre”. La

primera parte de esta frase de Cristo corresponde al Adviento y la

Navidad, la segunda parte corresponde a la Cuaresma y la

Pascua. Ahora retomamos el Tiempo Ordinario desde la semana

nueve de un total de treinta y cuatro semanas.

Debemos recordar que el ciclo litúrgico del año tiene dos grandes

ciclos: uno para los domingos y otro para los días entre semana.

Los domingos se dividen en tres ciclos que se llaman A, B y C.

En el ciclo del año A el Evangelio es el de San Mateo; en el ciclo

del año B el Evangelio es de San Marcos y en el ciclo del año C

el Evangelio es el de San Lucas. Ya sabemos que el Evangelio de

San Juan se reserva para momentos especiales del año, como por

ejemplo la Pascua.

La liturgia en los días de semana (lunes a sábado) se mueve en

dos ciclos: años pares y años impares. Cada año tiene su propio

ciclo de la primera lectura que se lee cada día, pero el Evangelio

siempre tiene el mismo recorrido: primero se lee el Evangelio de

San Marcos, después el de San Mateo y finalmente el de San

Lucas. Para la primera lectura hay una combinación de libros que

van desde el Antiguo hasta el Nuevo Testamento, especialmente

las Cartas de San Pablo.

Por ejemplo, esta en la semana que terminó hemos comenzando

leyendo el libro de Tobías. Uno de los temas que sobresale en

este libro es acerca de la dignidad del cuerpo humano. Tobit, el

papá de Tobias, quien es el personaje central de la obra, es un

judío piadoso que se encuentra en un lugar de destierro, pero que

comprende que más allá del lugar donde él esté, hay una dignidad

propia del pueblo que Dios ha elegido. Esa dignidad se hace

presente en la vida en el cuerpo de cada uno de los judíos. Por

eso, la obra de misericordia que más se destaca en este libro, que

aconsejo leer, es una de las obras de misericordia corporales:

enterrar a los muertos.

Esta obra de misericordia no es tan popular como aquellas de ‘dar

de comer al hambriento’ o ‘dar de comer al sediento’. Tobit había

sido castigado por hacer esa obra de misericordia, enterrar a los

muertos, pero a pesar de ello arriesgaba inclusive su vida por

hacerlo. ¿Por qué esto puede ser importante para nosotros hoy?

Porque vivimos en una época en que se nota cómo se

menosprecia de una manera escandalosa al cuerpo humano. Hay

empresas que toman embriones desechados de la fecundación

artificial y el material orgánico es usado para hacer una especie

de joya. O sea, el cadáver de un pequeño ser humano, sea

embrión o feto, se convierte en un artículo de lujo por el cual una

persona paga y luce como cualquier otra joya.

Otras personas le ponen un toque de poesía al tema del entierro

de los muertos y piden que al morir sus cenizas sean echadas a un

río o al mar. Hay lugares en donde se usan los restos cremados de

una persona como abono para sembrar árboles. El árbol expresa

de esa manera la vitalidad de los componentes orgánicos de la

persona que termina siendo abono. Esa manera manera de utilizar

los restos de los cuerpos refleja una realidad aún más dramática.

Así se desprecia también el cuerpo de los vivos.

Miremos el caso de la prostitución, el terrible flagelo del tráfico

de personas, la pornografía, el aborto, etc., lo que se hace es

utilizar el cuerpo humano como una especie de juguete. El único

requerimiento es tener dinero para pagar por el uso de ese cuerpo

que apetece o excita y después simplemente se deja o se desecha.

En realidad, en ninguno de los casos antes mencionados esos

seres humanos son tratados como personas.

El libro de Tobías nos recuerda que el cuerpo humano no es un

juguete o un instrumento o un poco de abono, sino que es el lugar

donde reside el misterio mismo de Dios. La Biblia nos enseña

que somos “imagen y semejanza de Dios”. San Pablo afirma que

somos “templos del Espíritu Santo”. Las Sagradas Escrituras no

pierden de vista la sacralidad de la vida, la sacralidad del cuerpo

humano. Es importante tener siempre presente la “dignidad

irreductible del cuerpo humano”.

Aunque la Iglesia Católica prefiere la sepultura de los cuerpos,

por diferentes razones ha aprobado la práctica de la cremación de

los cadáveres. Sin embargo, es importante conocer algunas de las

recomendaciones para el uso de las cenizas. Se deben mantener

en un lugar sagrado, sea un cementerio o una Iglesia. Por lo tanto,

no se permite dejar las cenizas en el hogar, o esparcirlas en un río

o en el mar, o hacer joyas o abono con ellas. La familia no es

dueña del cuerpo de la persona fallecida, el dueño es Dios y por

eso se debe tratar con la dignidad que merece.

“La Iglesia siempre ha confirmado la dignidad del cuerpo y su fe

en la resurrección de la carne. Por eso el creyente debe evitar

rituales que impliquen conceptos erróneos de la muerte,

considerada como anulación definitiva de la persona, o como

momento de fusión con la madre naturaleza o con el universo, o

como una etapa en el proceso de re-encarnación (que no existe en

nuestra fe), o como la liberación definitiva de la prisión del


El artículo de la próxima semana lo escribiré desde el lugar

donde nos reunimos cada año todos los padres escolapios de la

provincia de USA-P.R. Les contaré un poco acerca de nosotros y

de lo que hacemos durante esta semana de encuentro entre

hermanos que buscan siempre, a pesar de sus debilidades, hacer

la voluntad del Padre. Bendiciones. P.Nelson

Mass Intentions

SUNDAY, June 11, 2017-Trinity Sunday 7:30 In Honor and Thanksgiving to St. Anthony 9:00 Joanne Savino’s Intentions 10:30 Albert Echevarria 12:00 Por to dos los padres Accion de Gracias por un año mas de vida Victor Galicia y Diego Hernandez 1:30 Gilbert Calderon 5:00 Tchapou Napo MONDAY, June 12, 2017-Feast of St. Guy of Cortona 6:50 Special Intention in Honor of Our Lady of Grace 8:30 Intentions for Sandra Aritonang Savino’s Future Well-Being and Hope for Longevity 12:15 In Thanksgiving for Favors TUESDAY, June 13, 2017-Feast of St. Anthony of Padua 6:50 Cicily Job, Xavier Francis, Meera Job, Staven and Jair Joseph (Intentions) 8:30 Elba de Jesus 12:15 Ralph A. Cerbone, Jr. and Sr. WEDNESDAY, June 14, 2017-Feast of St. Methodius 6:50 In Thanksgiving for Favors 8:30 Joan Ricci 12:15 Michael Guido 7:00 Adelina Rosas Maria Peña THURSDAY, June 15, 2017-Feast of St. Germaine Cousin 6:50 Joanne Savino’s Intentions 8:30 Special Intention in Honor of St. Anthony 12:15 Travis Stoddart Intentions in Honor and Thanksgiving to the Trinity FRIDAY, June 16, 2017-Feast of St. John Francis Regis 6:50 Msgr. John J. Voight 8:30 Dolores O’Leary 12:15 Police Officer Edwin V. Churchill, NYPD SATURDAY, June 17, 2017-Feast of St. Harvey 6:50 Special Intention in Honor of St. Jude 8:30 Rosa (Healing Intention) 10:00 Piarist 400th Anniversary Br. Vinod Diaconate 12:15 Ralph A. Cerbone, Jr. 5:30 Edward Sabatino SUN., June 18, 2017-The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 7:30 Father’s Day Novena 9:00 Philip W. Parke and Anthony D’Amico 10:30 Andrew Pugliese Jose Davila Ortiz 12:00 Alfredo Navarrete, Jacob Acosta and Jose Ortiz Julio Viego, Ignosio Mendosa, Gonzalo Mendoza, Pedro M. Gandry Eduardo Ortega Valentin Aviles 1:30 Ralph Cerbone, Sr. 5:00 Pedro Camacho Catherine Afeli (Intentions)

Readings for the Week of June 11, 2017 Sunday: Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9/Dn 3:52-56/2 Cor 13:11-13/Jn 3:16-18; Monday: 2

Cor 1:1-7/Ps 34:2-9/Mt 5:1-12; Tuesday: 2 Cor 1:18-22/Ps 119:129-133,

135/Mt 5:13-16; Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11/Ps 99:5-9/Mt 5:17-19; Thursday:

2 Cor 3:15--4:1, 3-6/Ps 85:9ab, 10-14/Mt 5:20-26; Friday: 2 Cor 4:7-15/Ps

116:10-11, 15-18/Mt 5:27-32; Saturday: 2 Cor 5:14-21/Ps 103:1-4, 9-12/Mt

5:33-37; Next Sunday: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a/Ps 147:12-15, 19-20/1 Cor 10:16-

17/Jn 6:51-58

SUMMER DRESS-As you come to Church to worship the Lord at

Holy Mass and to receive the Holy Eucharist, I ask you to please

consider GOD as you dress for church. Ask yourself, “Am I wearing

my “Sunday Best,” or do I just wear anything?” Remember, we are

worshipping in God’s house and receiving His Body and Blood at
