Collecons & Standing Orders St Georges: £995 St Teresas: £230 St Teresas Offertory Envelopes now available to collect in the Church Porch Thank you for your generosity Next Three Special Collecons: 7th May: Clergy Training Fund 28th May: World Communicaon Day 11th June: PriestsRerement Fund Diocesan Prayer Link: Christ The King, Thornbury & Holy Cross, Wooon-Under-Edge Parish Priest: Monsignor Bernard Massey Assistant Priest: Fr David Savoury [email protected]ſtondiocese.com [email protected]ſtondiocese.com Parish Administrator: Carolyn Kirby St George & St Teresa Parish Office Tel: 01823 272700 Hours: Monday - Thursday 9.30am - 1.00pm & Friday 10.00am - 5.00pm Email: [email protected]ſtondiocese.com Website: www.tauntoncatholicchurch.co.uk Permanent Deacons: Rev Trevor Jones 01823 270935 Rev Ed Channing 01823251253 [email protected]ſtondiocese.com [email protected]ſtondiocese.com Churches: St Georges Billet St, Taunton, TA1 3NN St Teresas Eastwick Rd, Taunton, TA2 7HF We remember those who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur at about this time: Alice Sergeant, Nancy Whitaker, Reginald Brigden, Brigid Roffe -Silvester, Josephine Vittles, Olive Markham, Michael Wilkins, Tom Willson, Lesley Crowley, Molly OBrien, Lillie Davies, Robert Reyntiens, Karl Profeiro, Trudie Warren, Stephanie Hunt (Brown), Edward McClusky, Mary Festing, Luigi Rogai, Fr William Stonestreet, Simon Hulme, Joy Hester & Rosie Jones. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKSHOP: please support your church & pay us a visit. Opening mes: Sunday, 8.30am-11.30am Volunteers needed to help run the bookshop. For more informaon, please email: [email protected] or tel: 01823 277737 OPEN DOOR: Always greatly appreciated sleeping bags, blankets, warm clothing. Donaons of these & nned & non-perishable food always welcome. A box is available at both churches . House required for a Refugee Family — FFI contact the Parish Office Church Volunteers Always Required for the Following: Flower Arrangers - If you would like to volunteer/join the flower rota at St Georges Church, please tel Marilyn on 277 400; contact Jorgelina at St Teresas or the Parish Office. St Vincent de Paul Society - FFI contact Elinor Samuel via The Parish Office Church Cleaning - If you could give a few hours on a Wednesday morning aſter Mass to join the cleaning rota, contact Margery Hart or The Parish Office. St George’s Day - Sunday 23 rd April St George’s Day Sung Vespers will be held at 4.00pm today, Sunday 23 rd April in St Georges Church followed by refreshments in St George’s School. If anyone would like to sing in the Choir for this occasion there will be a practice later today at 2.30pm, in St Georges Church; you will be very welcome. Well the Easter Services all went well. Although being critical, I nearly always find some things that we could improve or change. However, change can be difficult for some if not most of us, but change often also brings about growth. You need to prune a bush or a tree to get it to really improve and produce more fruit. It can be the same with us. So I'm about to embark on a small bit of pruning which I hope will result in growth. The change I'm making is that from the start of May we will have only one weekday Mass in Taunton. So if, for argument, we have a funeral, that will be the only parish Mass for that day, no matter which church it is taking place in. Also, this means that on Fridays there will only be one, not two Masses, and it will be at St Teresa's. I'm aware that those who live over that side of the town have to travel to St George's for a weekday Mass so hopefully it is not too much to expect the people of St George's to travel once a week. When I first arrived here I was struck by the strap line - One God, One family, One community. So now is the time to start to put this into action. In addition, I will be looking for people to volunteer to help more in our parish community. In particular I'm going to be looking for Ministers of Holy Communion especially from those in the 14 - 40 age group - so anyone who has been Confirmed. Also, after over 35 years of dedicated service Phil Jones has decided to retire from her role in the Sacristy at St George's. Again I will be looking for a team or 4 or 5 people to undertake this work. With a good size team, the workload on any one person should be something anyone (male or female) could do. If you want to volunteer or suggest someone or if you have any questions about the changes please ask me, or email me, or speak to Fr David. Lastly, thank you to all who worked so hard to prepare the Church and Liturgy for Holy Week and I would like to thank everyone for the generous offering to Fr David and myself for Easter. Mgr Bernard CONFESSIONS & ROSARY St George's: Confessions Thursday: 12.00-12:20pm Saturday: 10:00am-10:30am & 5:00pm –5:20pm Rosary : Thursdays: 11:45am & Saturdays: 10:00am St Teresas: Confessions by request Sunday Evening Sat 22nd 5:30pm St Georges 2nd of Easter Les Allen RIP Sun 23rd 8.00am St Georges 2nd of Easter Una Wilkinson RIP Sun 23rd 9.30am St Georges 2nd of Easter Roy Strickland RIP Sun 23rd 11.00am St Teresas 2nd of Easter Alice & Alan Langdon RIP Sun 23rd 5.00pm St Teresas 2nd of Easter People of the Parishes Mon 24th 9.30am St Georges St George Joe Honan RIP Tues 25th 9.30am St Georges St Mark Luigi Rogai RIP Wed 26th 9.30am St Georges Easter Weekday Tomie OBrien RIP Thurs 27th 12:30pm St Georges Easter Weekday Mathilda Rosa DAndrade RIP Fri 28th 9.30am St Georges Easter Weekday Simon Hulme RIP Fri 28th 10:00am St Teresas Easter Weekday Deceased of Hill Family Sat 29th 9.30am St Georges St Catherine of Siena Margaret Mary Butler RIP Sat 29th 5:30pm St Georges 3rd of Easter Margaret Gregory RIP Sun 30th 8.00am St Georges 3rd of Easter Carlos Santos RIP Sun 30th 9.30am St Georges 3rd of Easter Deceased of Jones & Kilcullen Families Sun 30th 11.00am St Teresas 3rd of Easter Deceased member of the Louis Family Sun 30th 5.00pm St Teresas 3rd of Easter People of the Parishes Mon 1st 10.00am St Georges Easter Weekday Peter OFarrell RIP MASS TIMES FOR THE COMING WEEK Refreshments aſter the 11am Mass at St Teresas Church today, Sunday 23rd April. APF/MISSIO ‘RED BOXES’ Thank you for your generosity during 2016. The marvellous sums of £4,117 & £1029 at St George’s & St Teresa’s was raised through the 'Red Boxes' which supports the Church's mission across the world. Promoters will be contacting 'Red Box' holders during in April. please give your Red Box to your promoter—see label on the boom of the box. Please do not leave boxes in the church. Many thanks and God bless. Phil' Jones & Bey Pond DIOCESAN YOUTH MINISTRY Youth Congress: Saturday 20th May, 11am—4pm at St Brendans, Bristol Living Your Faith Childrens Summer Camps at Nympsfield in August. FFI Contact Stephen Spurrell on 07860 849 460 or email: [email protected] Diocesan Youth Ministry Pilgrimage to Lourdes: 17th –25th August for those aged 16+ - Cost £490. Secure your place by downloading the registraon form from the Diocese & returning by 1st June 2017. For details on all Youth events, visit: cliſtondiocese.com/youthministry; email: youth@cliſtondiocese.com or tel: 0117 902 5594 Walsingham an Ecumenical Pilgrimage The Sacred Heart, Minehead together with the Holy Trinity, Taunton have arranged a Pilgrimage to Walsingham on Monday 19th — Friday 23rd June 2017. The Coach will be from Taunton & the Cost will be approx. £275 pp, half board. FFI contact Fr Michael Thomas, Sacred Heart, Minehead on 01643 702 201 24 Hours for Vocaons - 24H4V In conjuncon with Good Shepherd Sunday, World Day of Prayer for Vocaons for Priesthood and Consecrated Life, the Diocese is launching a prayer campaign called '24 Hours for Vocaons' or '24H4V' 24H4V is an opportunity for the diocese to storm heaven with our prayers and offerings for vocaons to the priesthood and consecrated life, as well as supporng our seminarians and all who are discerning their call in life. 24H4V offers 4 main areas for prayer, with 6 intenons for each area, thus a total of 24 intenons. It's not all about sing and praying. We are inving people, if it's more convenient, to offer 24 hours of work or some acvity for these 24 intenons. For example, Fr Ma Anscombe will be cycling from London to Paris in 24 hours! The Mass intenon on Sunday 7th May at 11am at St Teresas Church will be for “24H4VWe would be really grateful if you would offer the opportunity for 24 hours of Adoraon or 2 x 12 hours sessions, or 4 x 6 hour sessions. Whatever works for you! What is important is that we keep the prayer going in the diocese for this intenon.

Parish Priest: Monsignor ernard Massey Assistant Priest ...€¦ · St George’s Day - Sunday 23rd April St George’s Day Sung Vespers will be held at 4.00pm today, Sunday 23rd

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Page 1: Parish Priest: Monsignor ernard Massey Assistant Priest ...€¦ · St George’s Day - Sunday 23rd April St George’s Day Sung Vespers will be held at 4.00pm today, Sunday 23rd


Collections & Standing Orders

St George’s: £995 St Teresa’s: £230

St Teresa’s Offertory Envelopes now available to collect in the Church Porch

Thank you for your generosity

Next Three Special Collections: 7th May: Clergy Training Fund 28th May: World Communication Day 11th June: Priests’ Retirement Fund

Diocesan Prayer Link: Christ The King, Thornbury &

Holy Cross, Wootton-Under-Edge

Parish Priest: Monsignor Bernard Massey Assistant Priest: Fr David Savoury [email protected] [email protected]

Parish Administrator: Carolyn Kirby St George & St Teresa Parish Office Tel: 01823 272700 Hours: Monday - Thursday 9.30am - 1.00pm & Friday 10.00am - 5.00pm Email: [email protected] Website: www.tauntoncatholicchurch.co.uk

Permanent Deacons: Rev Trevor Jones 01823 270935 Rev Ed Channing 01823251253 [email protected] [email protected]

Churches: St George’s Billet St, Taunton, TA1 3NN St Teresa’s Eastwick Rd, Taunton, TA2 7HF

We remember those who have

died recently and those whose

anniversaries occur at about this

time: Alice Sergeant, Nancy

Whitaker, Reginald Brigden, Brigid Roffe

-Silvester, Josephine Vittles, Olive

Markham, Michael Wilkins, Tom Willson,

Lesley Crowley, Molly O’Brien, Lillie

Davies, Robert Reyntiens, Karl Profeiro,

Trudie Warren, Stephanie Hunt

(Brown), Edward McClusky, Mary

Festing, Luigi Rogai, Fr William

Stonestreet, Simon Hulme, Joy Hester &

Rosie Jones.

MISCELLANEOUS BOOKSHOP: please support your church & pay us a visit. Opening times: Sunday, 8.30am-11.30am Volunteers needed to help run the bookshop. For more information, please email: [email protected] or tel: 01823 277737 OPEN DOOR: Always greatly appreciated sleeping bags, blankets, warm clothing. Donations of these & tinned & non-perishable food always welcome. A box is available at both churches . House required for a Refugee Family — FFI contact the Parish Office

Church Volunteers Always Required for the Following:

Flower Arrangers - If you would like to volunteer/join the flower rota at St George’s Church, please tel Marilyn on 277 400; contact Jorgelina at St Teresa’s or the Parish Office. St Vincent de Paul Society - FFI contact Elinor Samuel via The Parish Office Church Cleaning - If you could give a few hours on a Wednesday morning after Mass to join the cleaning rota, contact Margery Hart or The Parish Office.

St George’s Day - Sunday 23rd


St George’s Day Sung Vespers will

be held at 4.00pm today, Sunday 23rd

April in St Georges Church followed

by refreshments in St George’s

School. If anyone would like to sing in

the Choir for this occasion there will

be a practice later today at 2.30pm, in

St Georges Church; you will be very welcome.

Well the Easter Services all went well. Although being critical, I nearly always find some things that we could improve or change. However, change can be difficult for some if not most of us, but change often also brings about growth. You need to prune a bush or a tree to get it to really improve and produce more fruit. It can be the same with us. So I'm about to embark on a small bit of pruning which I hope will result in growth. The change I'm making is that from the start of May we will have only one weekday Mass in Taunton. So if, for argument, we have a funeral, that will be the only parish Mass for that day, no matter which church it is taking place in. Also, this means that on Fridays there will only be one, not two Masses, and it will be at St Teresa's. I'm aware that those who live over that side of the town have to travel to St George's for a weekday Mass so hopefully it is not too much to expect the people of St George's to travel once a week. When I first arrived here I was struck by the strap line - One God, One family, One community. So now is the time to start to put this into action. In addition, I will be looking for people to volunteer to help more in our parish community. In particular I'm going to be looking for Ministers of Holy Communion especially from those in the 14 - 40 age group - so anyone who has been Confirmed. Also, after over 35 years of dedicated service Phil Jones has decided to retire from her role in the Sacristy at St George's. Again I will be looking for a team or 4 or 5 people to undertake this work. With a good size team, the workload on any one person should be something anyone (male or female) could do. If you want to volunteer or suggest someone or if you have any questions about the changes please ask me, or email me, or speak to Fr David. Lastly, thank you to all who worked so hard to prepare the Church and Liturgy for Holy Week and I would like to thank everyone for the generous offering to Fr David and myself for Easter.

Mgr Bernard

CONFESSIONS & ROSARY St George's: Confessions Thursday: 12.00-12:20pm Saturday: 10:00am-10:30am & 5:00pm –5:20pm Rosary : Thursdays: 11:45am & Saturdays:10:00am St Teresa’s: Confessions by request Sunday Evening

Sat 22nd 5:30pm St George’s 2nd of Easter Les Allen RIP

Sun 23rd 8.00am St George’s 2nd of Easter Una Wilkinson RIP

Sun 23rd 9.30am St George’s 2nd of Easter Roy Strickland RIP

Sun 23rd 11.00am St Teresa’s 2nd of Easter Alice & Alan Langdon RIP

Sun 23rd 5.00pm St Teresa’s 2nd of Easter People of the Parishes Mon 24th 9.30am St George’s St George Joe Honan RIP

Tues 25th 9.30am St George’s St Mark Luigi Rogai RIP

Wed 26th 9.30am St George’s Easter Weekday Tomie O’Brien RIP

Thurs 27th 12:30pm St George’s Easter Weekday Mathilda Rosa D’Andrade RIP

Fri 28th 9.30am St George’s Easter Weekday Simon Hulme RIP

Fri 28th 10:00am St Teresa’s Easter Weekday Deceased of Hill Family

Sat 29th 9.30am St George’s St Catherine of Siena

Margaret Mary Butler RIP

Sat 29th 5:30pm St George’s 3rd of Easter Margaret Gregory RIP

Sun 30th 8.00am St George’s 3rd of Easter Carlos Santos RIP

Sun 30th 9.30am St George’s 3rd of Easter Deceased of Jones & Kilcullen Families

Sun 30th 11.00am St Teresa’s 3rd of Easter Deceased member of the Louis Family

Sun 30th 5.00pm St Teresa’s 3rd of Easter People of the Parishes

Mon 1st 10.00am St George’s Easter Weekday

Peter O’Farrell RIP


Refreshments after the 11am Mass at St Teresa’s Church today, Sunday 23rd April.


Thank you for your generosity during 2016. The marvellous sums of £4,117 & £1029 at St George’s & St Teresa’s was raised through the 'Red Boxes' which supports the Church's mission across the world. Promoters will be

contacting 'Red Box' holders during in April. please give your Red Box to your promoter—see label on the bottom of the box. Please do not leave boxes in the church. Many thanks and God bless. Phil' Jones & Betty Pond

DIOCESAN YOUTH MINISTRY Youth Congress: Saturday 20th May, 11am—4pm at St Brendans, Bristol Living Your Faith Children’s Summer Camps at Nympsfield in August. FFI Contact Stephen Spurrell on 07860 849 460 or email: [email protected] Diocesan Youth Ministry Pilgrimage to Lourdes: 17th –25th August for those aged 16+ - Cost £490. Secure your place by downloading the registration form from the Diocese & returning by 1st June 2017.

For details on all Youth events, visit: cliftondiocese.com/youthministry; email: [email protected] or tel: 0117 902 5594

Walsingham an Ecumenical Pilgrimage

The Sacred Heart, Minehead together with

the Holy Trinity, Taunton have arranged a Pilgrimage to

Walsingham on Monday 19th —Friday 23rd June 2017.

The Coach will be from Taunton & the Cost will be approx.

£275 pp, half board. FFI contact Fr Michael Thomas,

Sacred Heart, Minehead on 01643 702 201

24 Hours for Vocations - 24H4V In conjunction with Good Shepherd Sunday, World Day of Prayer for Vocations for Priesthood and Consecrated Life, the Diocese is launching a prayer campaign called '24 Hours for Vocations' or '24H4V' 24H4V is an opportunity for the diocese to storm heaven with our prayers and offerings for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, as well as supporting our seminarians and all who are discerning their call in life. 24H4V offers 4 main areas for prayer, with 6 intentions for each area, thus a total of 24 intentions. It's not all about sitting and praying. We are inviting people, if it's more convenient, to offer 24 hours of work or some activity for these 24 intentions. For example, Fr Matt Anscombe will be cycling from London to Paris in 24 hours! The Mass intention on Sunday 7th May at 11am at St Teresa’s Church will be for “24H4V” We would be really grateful if you would offer the opportunity for 24 hours of Adoration or 2 x 12 hours sessions, or 4 x 6 hour sessions. Whatever works for you! What is important is that we keep the prayer going in the diocese for this intention.