1 PARENT /GUARDIAN & STUDENT BOOKLET 2019- 2020 Address: Pasture Road 9 St. Johns Saba , Dutch Caribbean Tel/Fax: +599 416 3281 Email: [email protected] Website: http:// www.sabasacredheartschool.com This handbook has been written with the purpose of being a reference for parents. We have endeavored to share basic information on the structure and management of our school . It is our hope that you will familiarize yourself with the content for the new school year.

PARENT /GUARDIAN & STUDENT BOOKLET 2019 2020€¦ · 1 PARENT /GUARDIAN & STUDENT BOOKLET 2019- 2020 Address: Pasture Road 9 St. John’s Saba , Dutch Caribbean Tel/Fax: +599 416

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Page 1: PARENT /GUARDIAN & STUDENT BOOKLET 2019 2020€¦ · 1 PARENT /GUARDIAN & STUDENT BOOKLET 2019- 2020 Address: Pasture Road 9 St. John’s Saba , Dutch Caribbean Tel/Fax: +599 416



Address: Pasture Road 9 St. John’s

Saba , Dutch Caribbean

Tel/Fax: +599 416 3281 Email: [email protected]

Website: http:// www.sabasacredheartschool.com

This handbook has been written with the purpose of being a reference for parents. We have endeavored to share basic information on the structure and management of our school. It is our hope that you will familiarize yourself with the content for the new school year.

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Welcome to Sacred Heart School

Proverbs 22:6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it. Dear Parents/ Guardians, I bid you all a warm welcome back to school. I trust that everyone had a wonderful summer break and are all ready for the new academic schoolyear 2019-2020. I would like to welcome all new staff members, parents and students. As a school we hope that you will take the time to read this parent guide carefully for it contains perti-nent information that you will need to know. The following quote states: “Education begins at home and we applaud the parents who recognize that: they-not someone else- must take the responsibility to assure that their children are well educated.” In order for us to have a very respectful, safe, and productive learning environment we will be expect-ing you the parents to support us with the following: Stay in regular communication with the school. Show an active interest in your child’s school work, progress and homework Help your child to be prepared for school (a good breakfast, a healthy lunch, all the needed school ma-terials in their schoolbag) Make sure your child attends school regularly and on time and notify the school on time when the child is absent Know the bus, school, and class rules Assist your child in following the rules of behavior Assist school staff with disciplinary issues involving your child I trust that with the help of God we will achieve our goal. May we all enjoy a peaceful and productive school year 2019-2020. Principal D. Wilson

Welcome Page 2

Mission Statement Page 3

Organizational Structure Page 3

School History Page 4

Compulsory Education Page 4

School Vacation Page 4

Presentis Page 5

Inspection Visit Page 5

General Information Pg.6-9

Care at Sacred Heart Page 10

Promotion Page 11

Test Calendar Page 12

Code of Conduct Page 13

Suspension Guidelines SHS Page 14

School song & Suggestion Page 15

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Mission Statement

The mission statement of the Sacred Heart School is:

To empower each child

Intellectually, emotionally, socially, Culturally, physically and spiritually

in an environment conducive to Self-motivated learning.

The child will develop to His/her fullest potential

As a contributing member Of the community.

Each child will be treated

with dignity, Respect and appreciation

Of his/her individual contributions.

School Board Members The Stichting Katholiek Onderwijs Saba (SKOSaba) is the employer of all staff at Sacred Heart School. The board is responsible for developing new and monitoring existing school policies for the school. The school board consist of:

The day to day management of the school has been delegated to the principal and the management team. Teacher’s Aide: Natasha Zaegers – Kindergarten 1 Henrietta Hassell - Kindergarten 2 Alison Hassel - (MR) Grade 1 Camille Johnson - Grade 2 Jessica Gumbs- Grade 6 Patricia Linzey- Dutch School Custodians: Inez Matthew, Myriam Hassell & Verianica Smith PEA - In service through EC2 LeShayne Charles & Claire Mandolono The Participation Council presently consist of the follow-ing members: Angela van Maris, Antoinette Granger. Par-ents: Alison Hassel and Tiffany Zagers.

Organizational Structure

Ms. M. Anastasia Simmons President

Mrs. Joyce Smith Vice-President

Ms. Monique Wilson Treasurer

Mrs. Pamela Meijvogel Secretary

Ms. Trisha Peterson Member

Mrs. Diane Wilson Principal

Ms. Miranda Simmons 1st Acting-Principal

Mrs. Ann Marie Blaise Care Coordinator

Ms. Lucia Woods Secretary

Grade 6

Ms. Tevonille Dunchie Grade 5

Mrs. Camille Blackman Grade 4A

Mrs. Jennifer Lucas Grade 4B

Mrs. Elka Charles Grade 3

Mr. Orlando McPherson Grade 2

Mrs. Chanda Jha Grade 1

Ms. Miranda Simmons Kindergarten 2

Ms. Sarah Johnson Kindergarten 1

Mrs. Helen Hassell Rt/ Spec. Ed.

Mr. Sundiata Lake Computer

Ms. Angela van Maris P. E/ MR

Mrs. Sila Woerdings Dutch

Ms. Antoinette Granger Sub K1/ MR

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School History In August 1986 the Foundation for Catholic Educa-

tion Saba was founded and relocated to St. John’s to

cater to the growing school population of Saba. The

Sacred Heart School is the one and only primary

school on the island. The school welcomes and re-

spects all denominations. Parents who do not wish

for their child to follow the religious instruction can

send in a written letter stating this.

School Population With the start of this academic school year 2019-2020, we started with 156 students and is steadily growing. The students are divided in 9 heterogeneous groups. Our aim is for students to accomplish independency through our teaching and become their inspiration and driving force of their development. Although English is the language of instruction, Dutch is being taught as a foreign language from Grade 3-6 and via TPR Dutch is taught in K1-Gr. 2.

The obligation of a parent/ guardians is to ensure that your child is registered as a pupil in school starts on the first school day of the month after the child has turned four years old. When pupils have completed their early stimulation education at the Laura Linzey Day Care Center they will be accepted into the Sacred Heart School. Throughout the school year students can be enrolled. Your child must be 4 years or older. Registration Registration can take place at our Administration Office, Ms. Lucia Woods is our Register. You can contact her during the week from 7:15a.m. –12 noon to register your child. The Administration Office number is 416-3881 and our school email is: [email protected] When registering your child at our school you would need the following documents : • Copy of passport • Copy of birth certificate • Original proof of registration from Saba Census

Office • Copy of vaccination booklet • Report Card from the grade attended and/or

transfer form from previous school • The school contribution is $100 per school year.

It contributes to house shirts, school button, spe-cial awards/ treats assemblies, house and class

activities. When is leave granted? In case of special circumstances, extra leave may be granted up to a maximum of 10 school days per school year. A request must be submitted to the prin-cipal. Extra leave will not be granted during the first two weeks following the summer holiday. In cases in which the requested leave amounts to more than ten days per school year, the Truant Officer Ms. Nadine Granger will decide if leave can be granted. Request for the extra leave must be submitted 8 weeks in ad-vance. Nadine Granger Truancy Officer Public Entity Saba Tel: +599-416-9345 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-12:00 pm Located

at the Saba Comprehensive School. At times school’s are entitles to 8 extra days allocat-ed for workshops and trainings.

Compulsory Education (Law) School Vacation

School & Vacation Schedule

Term 1 August 26 November 29

Term 2 December 2 March 20

Term 3 March 23 June 26

Midterm Report Card October 11

Term 1 Report Card December 3rd

Term 2 Report Card March 24

Term 3 Report Card June 30

Midterm Vacation Oct 14-18

Saba Day Celebration Dec 6

Kingdom Day Dec 15

Christmas Vacation Dec 16-Jan 3

Midterm Break Feb 17-Feb 21

Easter Holidays Apr 10 - Apr 17

King’s Day Celebration April 27

Labor day Celebration May 1

Ascension Day May 21, 22

Summer Break Jul 6 –Aug 21

School Re-opens Aug 24, 2020

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If a student is unable to attend school the parent/guardian should contact the school administration stating the reason for not attending school. This should be repeated for all the days that a student is unable to attend school. When students are not in attendance at school this will be recorded in our digital system PRESNTIS. All teachers use PRESENTIS as the student tracking system. In this system a distinction is made between author-ized and unauthorized absenteeism. Parents who do not give notice of their child absenteeism will be recorded as unauthorized absent. These records are passed on to the Truancy Officer. High absenteeism can lead to sanctions for parents. Absenteeism of each student is also shown on the report card which comes from our digital system as well. If a student falls ill during the school day, parents/ guardians will be contacted before sending the child home. In case the school is unable to contact the par-ents by phone the alternative person listed on the registration list will be contacted.

Every two years a survey will be conducted among students, parents/guardians, and staff to ask them what they think of the SHS. The results of survey are used to improve the quality of teaching, the working and learning environment in the school. The Dutch Inspectorate visits Sacred Heart at least twice per school year and assesses amongst others the target set, the quality of the lessons, the interac-tion and involvement of students and the results. You can the find report about Sacred Heart School on the inspectorate’s website: www.onderwijsinspecte.nl Complaint Procedures Our school aims to have good relationships with each and every parent/guardian. Nevertheless it can happen that you as a parent/guardian seriously disa-grees with your child’s teacher or the school. When this is the case, it is important to know where to go with your complaint. We have set a procedure for this. This procedure takes legal obligations into account. • When you have a complaint concerning your

child’s teacher, you first discuss it with the teacher and try to find an acceptable solution.

• If this conversation doesn’t lead to a satisfactory solution, or your complaint concerns school management, you can submit your complaint to the management of the school. You will be invit-ed for a meeting in which your complaint will be discussed and hopefully solved.

• When this meeting doesn’t lead to a satisfactory agreement, you can turn to the school board. You have to report your complaint in writing to the board. The board will issue a statement after all concerned parties have been heard. You can send your letter to:

[email protected]

• When your complaint still hasn’t come to an ac-ceptable solution, you can turn to the Complaints Committee for Education. There is a separate procedure for submitting a complaint to this committee. This procedure can be found on the SHS website.

• For general questions about the complaints pro-cedures or the Complaints Committee, you can contact RCN/OCW via e-mail: [email protected]

Inspection Visit SHS PRESENTIS

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General Information

School uniform The uniform is a symbol of the school and as such should be worn with pride. Students are required to wear the correct school uniform on school days un-less otherwise stated. Our school uniform is a blue polo shirt, along with either a short or long navy blue pants and skirts for girls, with black sneakers or black school shoes. NO SWEATERS OR JACKETS during P.E. or RECESS Our new P.E. uniform is a blue t-shirt with a navy blue pants with the school logo on it. It is our aim that by next school year all students will have the full uniform set for school and P.E. The house color button is part of the uniform School Hours

• Kindergarten ends at 12:30 p.m. • Grade 1– 5 can end at 14:00 p.m. as well de-

pending on the homework guidance that is be-ing offered here at school.

• The kindergarten children (K1 & K2) start their day between 7:45 and 8:00 a.m. and end at 12:30 p.m. The school buses will make a second run for these students. Please do not send the kids to early.

Saba Comprehensive School Sacred Heart School works closely with our partner in education SCS. The students of Grade 6 have an extended schedule on Tuesdays to Friday at the Saba Comprehensive School. This is done to give students in Grade 6 a head start in the subjects being offered at Saba Comprehensive


Parents are asked to provide healthy snacks for their children. (Snacks such as sandwiches, juice, fruit, cereal etc.). No sodas are allowed. This ensures that their little tummies are filled and they are ready and well energized for learning. A Smart Start at SHS is our meal program for stu-dents who need a healthy breakfast start before school begins and during the course of the day. We are ensuring that students have the necessities to start their morning and to properly function throughout the day. Snack Time The school sells the following items during break

Transportation The government of Saba provides school transpor-tation to and from school. The buses are also avail-able for field trips, visits to the Library and Dentist and any other school related event. • Greet the bus driver • Treat the bus driver with respect • Speak quietly in the bus • Remain seated • Treat each other with respect • Don’t throw anything out the window If a bus drivers complaints about a child’s behavior in the bus, their parents will be notified and this may lead to suspension of riding the bus.

A Smart Start at SHS

Classes Lesson Time

Grade 6 1 07:15 - 08:00

Grade 1-5 1 07:30 - 08:15

2 08:15 - 09:00

3 09:00 - 09:45

Break K-Gr.2 09:30 –10:00

Break Gr.3– 6 10:00 - 10: 30

4 10:30 - 11:15

5 11:15 –12:00

6 12: 00– 1:00

7 1:00 –2:00

Grade 6 Hospitality & Tech


Spanish Wednesday

Dutch Tue-Fri

Days Item Price

Daily Sandwiches $2.00

Hotdog $2.00

Water $1.00(small)

Water $2.00 (big)

Capri-sun $1.00

Popcorn $ 0.50


Wednesday Pizza $3.00

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Absence of teachers When a teacher of grade 1 - 6 is absent or ill, they will be replaced by a substitute teacher. If this is not possible, the students will be divided amongst the other groups. By doing this we aim to minimize cancelations of classes. Accidents

• Minor incidents such as scratches, bruises etc will be handled here at school.

Major accidents :

• The situation will be assessed by a first re-sponder

• Steps will be taken to ensure the child is stable/comfortable

• A call to parent/ hospital • Do a follow up check with hospital/ family • Have a talk with students Assemblies Assembly is held every other Monday morning to start our week. Each class gets a turn to share what they’ve learned during the week. At the assembly we also sing our anthem, school song, birthday song and we share the house points of the week. Every month the house with the most points will be treated. There are also special activities planned throughout the course of the year. Parents and guest who would like to attend these assemblies are most welcome bi-weekly on Monday morning at 7.30 a.m.

Birthday celebrations We find it a pleasure to celebrate each child’s birthday at school, but we strongly recommend that parents do this at the last period of the day. For k1-k2 it’s at 11.45 - 12.00 and for Grade 1-6 between 12.15 –12.30. As we promote healthy eating; please share healthy snacks and treats during the celebration time. Parent or students who chooses not to celebrate their birthdays we highly respect your decision. Great Ideas for Healthy Treats are available online.

Closure Protocol in the case of severe weather conditions The Island Governor is allowed to close the school for safety reasons. One of the main reasons due to (severe) weather circumstances. Once the Island Governor or Acting Governor decides to close the school, The Governor, or a civil servant on behalf of the Governor, will inform the director . The order to close the school can be for a limited time or open ended depending on the situation.

Students are to wear their gym shirts and shorts for P.E. classes. In order to stay fresh and clean until the end of the day students are to have their uniform shirts with them to wear after P.E. classes. Older students must also walk with baby wipes and deodorant to freshen up after. They must wear socks with their sneakers.

Physical Education

Classes Days Time

K1 Tues 10:30-11:15

Thurs 10:30-11:15

K2 Tues 11:15-12:00

Thurs 11;15– 12:00

Grade 1 Tues 07:30-08:15

Fri 10:30-11:15

Grade 2 Tues 08:15-09:00

Fri 07:30-08:15

Grade 3 Tues 09:15-10:00

Fri 09:15– 10:00

Grade 4A Mon 08:30-09:15

Thurs 08:30-09:15

Grade 4B Mon 09:15-10:00

Thurs 09:15-10:00

Grade 5 Mon 10:30-11:15

Wed 09:15-10:00

Grade 6 Mon 11:15-12:00

Wed 08:15-09:00

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General Information continues House System:

The entire school is divided into four houses, which represent pioneers of Saba.

Green – Mr. Lambert Hassell – Engineered the Road that couldn’t be built

Yellow - Mr. Freddie Johnson – Former School Teacher, First Agent for Winair

Purple – Ms. Rebecca Levenstone – A hard worker/ dedicated mother; carried a piano on her head from the Ladder Bay to the Bottom

Red – Ms. Laura Linzey- Nurse and worked where the Community Development Center is now lo-cated.

The house system encourages students to act responsibly. Students are encouraged to gain points for their house on a daily basis. A house colored button is part of our school uniform. Stu-dents are expected to wear this button every day. All points gained and lost will be tallied weekly. Prizes will be given to the House of the Month and the House of the Year. House Leaders are: Green: Miranda, Tr. Camille, Helen, Henrietta Yellow: Elca, Jessica, Ms. Camille, Antoinette Purple: Alison, Natasha, Orlando, Jennifer Red: Tevonille, Sarah, Ms. Patsy, Sila Criteria for awarding and deducting house points: Maximum 13 points per day Complete uniform 5 points (1 point each):

Blue uniform shirt Dark blue pants A black belt Shirt tucked in A house color button

Academic Performance 3 points (1 point each): Completing class assignments Completing homework Positive work attitude

Appropriate Behavior 5 points (1 point each): Showing kindness and respect to teachers Showing kindness to peers Working co-operatively Lining up punctually/ orderly Acting responsibly

House Colors Shirts can be worn on the following days: Sep 30, Oct 28, Nov 25, Jan 27, Feb 24, Mar 30, May 25, and Jun 29 Excursions & Field Trips Each year the students take part in various excur-sions to different places on the island. These are of-ten linked with Saba Conservation projects or for a celebration. For these excursions we ask parents to assist and accompany the classes.

Conscious Discipline (An anti-bullying program to prevent and stop bully-ing). Conscious Discipline has been specifically designed to make changes in the lives of adults first. The adults, in turn, change the lives of children. Conscious Discipline is the way we as a school or-ganizes our classrooms around the concept of a School Family. Each member of the family—both adult and child—learns the skills needed to successfully manage life tasks such as learning, forming relationships, com-municating effectively, being sensitive to others’ needs and getting along with others.

Showing kindness and respect to teachers Showing kindness to peers Working co-operatively Lining up punctually/ orderly

Acting responsibly Solving conflicts amongst each other Incidents on school compound

All incidents that take place on the school compound will be reported and documented in writing before the close of the school day to the Principal / management. Parents will also be informed about the incident.

If the well being of the child is at t stake the parents will

be notified along with the relevant stakeholders to provide

support to the child and family.

WHEN VISITING THE SCHOOL Parents are kindly asked to check with the principal at all times first before visiting your child’s class-room.

• We also ask that you think about your dress code when visiting the school or attending assembly.

• When visiting you absolutely don't want others impression of you to be a function of what you have on.

• The purpose of your dress is to fit in and to keep the focus away from what you’re wearing and on the purpose of your meetings and visits.

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Youth Health Care at the Sacred Heart School Saba 2019-2020

Youth health Care of the Public Health Department The role of the Public Health Department is to monitor, protect and promote the health of the peo-ple on Saba. One of the main tasks of the public health department is preventive Youth Health Care, from conception till age 19. It involves advising and supporting parents (to be), monitoring physical, social and emotional development of children at regular intervals, vaccinating children against infec-tious diseases, and signaling of problems and refer-ring when needed. We do this together with the school, other care pro-fessionals and of course the parents. This school year, they will provide the vaccinations in Grade 4 and all children of K2 and Grade 5 will be invited for a preventive health check. We will also participate in lessons about health and lifestyle at school. The Public Health Nurse is Marja van Kuppevelt. If you have questions or concerns, you can request make an appointment. [email protected] 416 3311 ext 315 or 416 5344

Contagious Conditions To foster the love for books and stimulate reading

in each child, the students visits the library bi-

weekly with their teacher.

Students are encourage to take books at their level

and to read with their parents daily.

Library Activities: Spelling Bee - December 2019

Book Week –May 2020

Damaging school property If your child damages materials of school or others, parents will have to pay the cost of the damages. Payment must be made the following day after be-ing informed by school to our school secretary.

Queen Wilhelmina Library

Classes Library Time

K1 Friday 10.00-10.30

K2 Friday 11.00-11.30

Gr. 1 Monday 10.30-11.15

Gr. 2 Wednesday 10.30-11.15

Gr. 3 Monday 11.15-12.00

Gr. 4A Tuesday 10.30-11.00

Gr. 4B Tuesday 11.00-11.30

Gr. 5 Thursday 10.30-11.00

Gr. 6 Thursday 11.15-12.00

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Care at Sacred Heart School Its remains a heartfelt passion of every teacher to reach every child and to see them succeed in life. The care for students at school is not solely the re-sponsibility of one person, but that of the entire staff. Each staff member; teaching and non-teaching has a vital role to play in the care and support of our stu-dents. The teaching staff is responsible for the implementa-tion of the school curriculum but also for social-emotional and psychological developments of the students through modeling of caring for others, pro-moting positive attitude and identifying behavioral concerns. The Care Coordinator plays a very important role. The main task of the care coordinator is to provide safe and healthy learning environment for all stu-dents. The care coordinator strives to provide guid-ance, support to students who are struggling academ-ically and /or have behavioral and social emotional difficulties. These difficulties may or may not have a negative impact on their general well-being or learn-ing. These students who are unable to achieve aca-demic success at ability level for various reason, are referred to the care coordinator by the classroom teacher. If the CC sees that the problem is more severe than what was explained this will be reported to the Prin-cipal and to the CART group, which is the second line of care line with parental consent. The out come of the CART meeting will result in special help for that child once the parents have been informed and have given their consent.

Expertise Center Education Care Saba (Expertise Centrum Onderwijs Zorg) EC2 has the task to pro-vide care for all youth on the island from Day Care throughout SKJ. That means from ages 4 until 24. In practice the vision on education care results in the following tasks for EC2: • Offer supportive activities to students with spe-

cial needs • Offer ambulatory guidance to the teachers and

parents of students with special needs • Help improve expertise within the schools and

EC2 team by means of offering intervention, workshops and hands on assistance

• Perform action-oriented diagnostics • Give advice and consultations to colleagues We use various resources to ensure that the quality of student care are met. This is structured in the daily practice and remains open for improvement: • At least twice a year an evaluation meeting is

held, where points for improvement will also be addressed

• Adjustment of the School Plan and Educational Plans

• Discussing pupils with the entire team • Group discussions • Performance Appraisal with Internal and Exter-

nal Care Team • Report conference with parents

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Report Card & Promotion Criteria

• Student promotion is based on student achievement and academic performance as they pro-gress successfully through the essential curriculum.

• Recognizing that all children do not learn or develop at the same rate, our education policy provides for differentiated instruction for those students who require it.

• Parents are notified when a child is having trouble mastering certain skills and may not be promoted despite intervention.

• A student, who passes all subjects or fails only two of the seven core (major) subjects for the year will be promoted.

Placement & Promotion

• Children may enter the school the first day of the next month after they have made four years of age. Children are to complete at least two full years of kindergarten.

• Children who enter in January should complete a whole year in Kindergarten 1. • Exceptions to the rule can be made if the teacher of that class after consultation with the inter-

nal guidance officer and management can adequately prove that the child is academically, so-cially and emotionally ready to be promoted.

Academically: refers to Language Art/ Reading readiness, math/science readiness, work habits and motor skills. Social emotional development: refers to being able to interact well with others, share and play cooperatively, participates in groups activities, keep hands to oneself, respect the rules of the school & class, show self-confidence and take care of one’s own needs. • All request to move children forward ahead of schedule must be handled in a joint meeting of

classroom teacher, management and the Care Coordinator. • In this meeting the class teacher’s advice weighs heavily. • The class teacher advises on readiness of the child according to the progress of the abovemen-

tioned academic, social and emotional development. • Parents who have made such a request will be informed of the outcome by the principal.

Transfer Students

• Transfer students coming from different islands in the region or from abroad shall need to have documented proof of them attending a previous school.

• They are still subjected to be tested if it shows that they are not meeting the standards of class they are put in.

• The school will also be in contact with the previous school if possible. Transfer to Saba Comprehensive School The students of grade 6/Group 8 participates in their final exams in the month of May. Manage-ment must meet with the committee of Secondary education to give advice regarding the future of each student. Decisions are made in consultation with the classroom teacher. Parents are informed in writing and will have the opportunity to discuss the decision with the teachers separately. A series of assessment with parental consent is carried out in Term 2 and Term. E.g. An IQ-Test, Social Well– being assessment, KTEA assessment which is usually carried out by EC2 Graduation is held during the last week of school for the Grade 6 students and is organized by the classroom teacher along with the parents.

Promotion Criteria

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Test Calendar

Term 1 August 2019- November 2019

August 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019

Review Group plans Revise and Adjust IEP/IDP/Group plans Weekly assessments Monthly Assessment

Weekly assessments Monthly Assessment Implement IEP/IDP/Group Plans Terra Nova

Weekly assessments Monthly Assessment Tempo Test Benchmark Unit 1 Grades k2 -Gr.6 Kindergarten 2: Health Check

Weekly assessments Monthly Assessment Term 1 Assessment Group Synopsis must be handed in Grade 5: Health Check Term 1: Report Card

Term 2 November 2019- March 2020

December 2019 January 2020 February 2020 March 2020

Weekly assessments Monthly Assessment Benchmark Unit 2 Grades k2 -Gr.6 Revise and adjust IEP/IDP/Group plans

Weekly assessments Monthly Assessment

Weekly assessments Monthly Assessment Benchmark Unit 3 Grades k2 -Gr.6

Weekly assessments Monthly Assessment Term 2 Assessment Group Synopsis up-date Term 2: Report Card

Term 3 March 2020–July 2020

April 2020 May 2020 June 2020 July 2020

Weekly assessments Monthly Assessment Terra Nova K-SEALS k2 Grades k2 -Gr.6 Revised Group plan

Weekly assessments Monthly Assessment Tempo Test Benchmark Unit 4

End of year Assess-ments Benchmark Unit 5 Grades k2 -Gr.6 Traffic Exam Grade 5

Group synopsis IEP/ IDP evaluation Term 3: Report Card

The results of the method related test are entered into PRESENTIS which is our students tracking system. The results are stored in the personal file of each child. At the end of each term an educational report card is printed for each parent. With this new system we are able to compare previous results and cater to individual areas after analyzing students results in the group overview. In kindergarten 1 & 2 we are working on learning areas of early literacy, mathematics, social emotional develop-ment and motor skills. In November, March and June the development of each child in these areas are docu-mented in the student profile. In Kindergarten 2 and Independent assessment from K-Seals is administered by EC2 in regards to students read-iness skills before entering Grade 1. In grades 1– 6 we test method related assessment of language, spelling, reading, mathematics, and science. Stu-dents are placed in groups based on ability and level of instruction needed.

Development of the student in the school The progress of students is monitored by means of:

• Method assessments

• Independent method assessments, such as Terra Nova & Alternative Assessment Techniques for Reading and Writing

• Group assignments

• Individual assignments such as Projects etc

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Code of Conduct Code of Conduct in School

• Form of address: We use Principal, Teacher, Ms or Mr. first name

• Respect towards each other is always our focus point. All members of our school community are treated with respect

• We don't use indecent or dubious remarks to hurt others, neither discriminating or sexual remarks nor abusive language.

• We use a positive approach when correcting stu-dents

• Everyone is held accountable for respectful and responsible behavior and must model such be-havior

• Proper behavior in the school bus must be shown as well

• No electrical gadgets are allowed at school • Handle books, Tablets, Headphones and other

material with care. Consequences for inappropriate behavior may include:

• Assignments such as extra work or cleaning du-ties

• Behavior plan • Confiscation of property that is not allowed in

the school • Contact with parents or guardians

• Sending a child home

• Loss of privileges

• Reminder or warning

• Suspension from school or bus

• Detention

Code of Conduct on the buses It is a privilege to ride the school bus. Students are expected to follow the rules. Students must: 1. Obey the driver 2. Stand off the roadway while waiting for the bus 3. Be at the bus stop on time and apply all school

rules 4. Sit according to the seating arrangement if one

is proved by the bus driver 5. Remain seated when the bus is in motion 6. Keep arms, legs, and head inside the windows. 7. Remain quiet, unnecessary conversation or loud

noise can cause danger. 8. Observe classroom conduct at all times while

aboard the bus. 9. No eating or drinking in the school bus 10. Pay for damage to school buses property within

10 days after billing. Zero Tolerance Our school policy allows no tolerance for aggressive behavior. This means that we do not tolerate:

Bullying Disrespectful body language Fighting Rude gestures Rude language Rude play Screaming Teasing Threats

At times students are confused with rules at home and at school, because they are usually not synchro-nized. Nevertheless, at school we can’t tolerate cer-tain behaviors Sometimes children lose their self-control. During these moments we teach them other ways to express their feelings or solve a problem. If students persevere in rudeness they will conse-quently be punished. Students’ behavior will be communicated to their parents by phone, by the communication book or by asking you to come in and/or sending a child home.

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Suspension Guidelines SHS School Suspension Guidelines for Sacred Heart School A positive school climate means everyone — stu-dents, parents, staff and community members – feels safe, welcome and respected. Everyone has a role to play in promoting healthy relationships and contrib-uting to a school climate which helps to encourage appropriate student behavior. When inappropriate student behavior occurs, schools will use a progressive discipline approach which combines early and ongoing interventions to pro-mote positive student behavior. Schools consider a range of options to determine the most appropriate way to respond to each situation and help students learn from their choices, while taking into account their individual circumstances. In some cases, a sus-pension may be necessary. Suspension will be considered whether the activity took place at school, at a school-related activity (e.g., a field trip), or in any other circumstances where the student’s behavior has an impact on the school cli-mate (like cyber-bullying). Suspension ranges from one day – five days based of the severity of the behavior. List of behaviors that warrant suspension

• Bullying, including cyber-bullying • Committing an act of vandalism that causes ex-

tensive damage to school property at the stu-dent’s school or to property on school premises.

• Inappropriate touching of the opposite sex enter-ing the change-room or washroom.

• Opening the door while the bus moving. • Physical Violence (Face punching, Private part

touching and any violence towards a teacher). • Sticking upper body outside of the window of

the bus. • Spitting on another • Swearing at a teacher or at any person in a posi-

tion of authority • Uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on

another person

List of behaviors that warrant detention

• Attitudes towards teacher (Refusing to do work, talking back, sucking your teeth, etc)

• Any derogatory terms towards other students regarding race , religion, sexual orientation, and disability.

• Cursing at school or on the bus • Pushing at school or on the bus • Throwing objects with the intent to harm • Slamming or punching of doors or windows. Protocol for Suspension

WHEN: The school has to notify the parent (s) of a suspension before it begins. If the principal deter-mines that a child is putting others in danger or caus-ing a major disruption, a short-term suspension can begin before you are given notice, but notice must be given within 24 hours. • HOW: The notice must be in writing and either

hand-delivered by the school, emailed or phoned to a parent or guardian.

• WHAT: The notice must contain 3 things: The date that it took place A description of the event (The description must

have enough detail for the parent to understand what event took place) And with whom the incident took place

• Parents have the right to request a conference

with the principal and/ or teacher.

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School Song Verse

Our school so proud it stands, real tall for all to see.

Oh Sacred Heart you are so dear to me.

Where learning fills our hearts, and laughter fills our hearts.

From thee dear Sacred Heart we will never depart.


Sacred Heart ,Sacred Heart so dear to me

Sacred Heart, Sacred Heart, proud and all can see.

Your beauty and your strength.

Your courage unrelent, and I pledge all my love to thee.


Small in size we may be, yet fill with dignity.

Our bodies as on in unity.

With God as our guide and shining down on us.

Thus all our loyalty in Sacred Heart entrust.


Sacred Heart ,Sacred Heart so dear to me

Sacred Heart, Sacred Heart, proud and all can see.

Your beauty and your strength.

Your courage unrelent, and I pledge all my love to thee.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about school, we would like to hear from you. • Please keep in contact with your child’s teacher regularly. Your child will benefit from this. Through

better communication there will be no misunderstandings and most important there will exist a positive working relationship. Teachers are here at school until 2 p.m.

Please refrain from sending your children with a cellular phone to school. Urgent calls can be made to the school principal or secretary and the message will surely reach your children. We encourage you to attend parent evenings, meetings and workshops organized by the school or other ed-ucational stakeholders.

Tel/Fax: +599 416 3281 Email: [email protected]

Website: http:// www.sabasacredheartschool.com