Parasitism and food web dynamics of juvenile Pacific salmon STEPHANIE J. PEACOCK, 1,  MARTIN KRKO ˇ SEK, 2,3 ANDREW W. BATEMAN, 1,2,3 AND MARK A. LEWIS 1,4 1 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E9 2 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3B2 3 Salmon Coast Field Station, Simoom Sound, British Columbia, Canada V0P 1S0 4 Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G1 Citation: Peacock, S. J., M. Krkoˇ sek, A. W. Bateman, and M. A. Lewis. 2015. Parasitism and food web dynamics of juvenile Pacific salmon. Ecosphere 6(12):264. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES15-00337.1 Abstract. There is an increasing realization of the diverse mechanisms by which parasites and pathogens influence the dynamics of host populations and communities. In multi-host systems, parasites may mediate food web dynamics with unexpected outcomes for host populations. Models have been used to explore the potential consequences of interactions between hosts, parasites and predators, but connections between theory and data are rare. Here, we consider sea louse parasites (Lepeophtheirus salmonis), which directly increase mortality of juvenile salmon hosts (Oncorhynchus spp.). We use mathematical models and field-based experiments to investigate how the indirect effects of parasitism via predation influence mortality of sympatric juvenile chum salmon (O. keta) and pink salmon (O. gorbuscha). Our experiments show that coho salmon predators (O. kisutch) selectively prey on pink salmon and on parasitized prey. Preference for pink salmon increased slightly when prey were parasitized by sea lice, although there was considerable uncertainty regarding this result. Despite this uncertainty, we show that even the small increase in preference that we observed may be biologically significant. We calculate a critical threshold of pink salmon abundance above which chum salmon may experience a parasite- mediated release from predation as predation shifts towards preferred prey species. This work highlights the importance of considering community interactions, such as predation, when assessing the risk that emerging parasites and pathogens pose to wildlife populations. Key words: British Columbia; functional response; Lepeophtheirus salmonis; model averaging; Oncorhynchus gorbuscha; Oncorhynchus keta; Oncorhynchus kisutch; parasite-mediated behavior; predation; prey preference; salmon. Received 1 June 2015; revised 29 July 2015; accepted 31 July 2015; published 11 December 2015. Corresponding Editor: D. P. C. Peters. Copyright: Ó 2015 Peacock et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/  E-mail: [email protected] INTRODUCTION Predators kill their prey, whereas the effects of parasites on hosts are often sub-lethal. Therefore, the way in which parasites affect predator-prey interactions in food webs can have implications for host population dynamics and communities (Hatcher et al. 2012, 2014). In some cases, parasite-induced changes in host behavior that make prey more susceptible to predation may have evolved to facilitate transmission to a definitive host (e.g., Carney 1969, Lafferty and Morris 1996). However, there is growing recog- nition that parasites can influence food web dynamics of host populations more broadly (Hatcher et al. 2006, 2014). Parasite-induced changes to host behavior may increase predation by non-host species (e.g., Marriott et al. 1989), v www.esajournals.org 1 December 2015 v Volume 6(12) v Article 264

Parasitism and food web dynamics of juvenile Pacific salmon · PDF fileReceived 1 June 2015; revised 29 July 2015; ... and digest prey (Holling 1959). ... which case the predator is

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Parasitism and food web dynamicsof juvenile Pacific salmon


1Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E92Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3B2

3Salmon Coast Field Station, Simoom Sound, British Columbia, Canada V0P 1S04Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G1

Citation: Peacock, S. J., M. Krkosek, A. W. Bateman, and M. A. Lewis. 2015. Parasitism and food web dynamics of

juvenile Pacific salmon. Ecosphere 6(12):264. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES15-00337.1

Abstract. There is an increasing realization of the diverse mechanisms by which parasites and

pathogens influence the dynamics of host populations and communities. In multi-host systems, parasites

may mediate food web dynamics with unexpected outcomes for host populations. Models have been used

to explore the potential consequences of interactions between hosts, parasites and predators, but

connections between theory and data are rare. Here, we consider sea louse parasites (Lepeophtheirus

salmonis), which directly increase mortality of juvenile salmon hosts (Oncorhynchus spp.). We use

mathematical models and field-based experiments to investigate how the indirect effects of parasitism via

predation influence mortality of sympatric juvenile chum salmon (O. keta) and pink salmon (O. gorbuscha).

Our experiments show that coho salmon predators (O. kisutch) selectively prey on pink salmon and on

parasitized prey. Preference for pink salmon increased slightly when prey were parasitized by sea lice,

although there was considerable uncertainty regarding this result. Despite this uncertainty, we show that

even the small increase in preference that we observed may be biologically significant. We calculate a

critical threshold of pink salmon abundance above which chum salmon may experience a parasite-

mediated release from predation as predation shifts towards preferred prey species. This work highlights

the importance of considering community interactions, such as predation, when assessing the risk that

emerging parasites and pathogens pose to wildlife populations.

Key words: British Columbia; functional response; Lepeophtheirus salmonis; model averaging; Oncorhynchus gorbuscha;

Oncorhynchus keta; Oncorhynchus kisutch; parasite-mediated behavior; predation; prey preference; salmon.

Received 1 June 2015; revised 29 July 2015; accepted 31 July 2015; published 11 December 2015. Corresponding Editor:

D. P. C. Peters.

Copyright: � 2015 Peacock et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons

Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the

original author and source are credited. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

� E-mail: [email protected]


Predators kill their prey, whereas the effects of

parasites on hosts are often sub-lethal. Therefore,

the way in which parasites affect predator-prey

interactions in food webs can have implications

for host population dynamics and communities

(Hatcher et al. 2012, 2014). In some cases,

parasite-induced changes in host behavior that

make prey more susceptible to predation may

have evolved to facilitate transmission to a

definitive host (e.g., Carney 1969, Lafferty and

Morris 1996). However, there is growing recog-

nition that parasites can influence food web

dynamics of host populations more broadly

(Hatcher et al. 2006, 2014). Parasite-induced

changes to host behavior may increase predation

by non-host species (e.g., Marriott et al. 1989),

v www.esajournals.org 1 December 2015 v Volume 6(12) v Article 264

adding to direct effects of parasites on hosts.Alternatively, if parasites reduce predation, par-asite-mediated relief from predation may offsetdirect effects of parasites on hosts. Whetherparasites increase or decrease predation mortal-ity of hosts therefore becomes a key question indetermining the net impact of parasites on hostpopulations.

Most theoretical models of predation andparasitism assume that predators will preferparasitized prey because they may be easier todetect and catch (e.g., Lafferty 1992, Ives andMurray 1997, Kisdi et al. 2013, Toor and Best2015). Empirical evidence of this has beenreported for red grouse infested with nematodes(parasitized individuals appear to emit morescent and are more easily detected; Hudson et al.1992) and selective predation of snowshoe haresinfested with nematodes (Murray et al. 1997).Selective predation on parasitized prey can haveimplications for population dynamics, destabi-lizing predator-prey cycles (Ives and Murray1997) and potentially improving the health ofhost populations by reducing the overall preva-lence of parasites (Hudson et al. 1992, Packer etal. 2003). There are numerous studies usingmathematical models to explore how predationand parasitism might interact (e.g., Lafferty 1992,Packer et al. 2003, Hatcher et al. 2014, Peacock etal. 2014), but connections between theory anddata are rare, particularly for multi-host systems.

The impact of sea louse parasites (Lepeophthei-rus salmonis) on juvenile salmon (Oncorhynchusspp.) in Pacific Canada has been an importantconservation issue (Krkosek 2010). Sea lice aremarine copepods that feed on the epidermis,blood and muscle of salmonid hosts. Sea licedevelop through copepodid, chalimus and motilestages while attached to hosts, with virulenceincreasing with stage (Brauner et al. 2012).Infestation pressure is naturally quite low forwild juvenile salmon during their early marinephase (Gottesfeld et al. 2009) but has increased inrecent decades due to the expansion of salmonaquaculture providing alternative hosts in coastalecosystems (Frazer et al. 2012). Research on sealice and juvenile salmon has focused on directphysiological effects of sea lice (e.g., Brauner etal. 2012), but ecological effects including parasite-induced changes to predation vulnerability maybe important given the high levels of predation

on juvenile salmon in the wild (Parker 1969,Groot and Margolis 1991). Krkosek et al. (2011)found that infested pink and chum salmon fry(O. gorbuscha and O. keta) were more vulnerableto predators as they accepted higher risk whenforaging, had deviant schooling behavior, andwere less likely to evade a predator strike relativeto uninfested conspecifics. The cumulative effectsof sea louse infestations and predation maytherefore result in higher mortality of juvenilesalmon due to sea lice than previously thought(Krkosek et al. 2011).

Indeed, the effect of sea lice on pink salmonsurvival is detectable at the population level;spawner-recruit analyses suggest that pink salm-on survival declines with increasing sea louseinfestations on out-migrating juveniles (Peacocket al. 2013); however, chum salmon survival doesnot (Peacock et al. 2014). Paradoxically, juvenilepink and chum salmon have very similar earlylife histories, with similar infestation levelsduring their seaward migration (Patanasatienkulet al. 2013) and similar rates of direct louse-induced mortality (Krkosek et al. 2009).

The way in which sea lice affect predation onmixed-species schools of pink and chum salmonmay explain their different population-levelresponses. Juvenile coho salmon (O. kisutch)spend a year in freshwater before migrating tosea and are primary predators of juvenile pinkand chum salmon (Parker 1969). Previous exper-imental work found that coho salmon predatorspreferentially consume pink salmon over chumsalmon (Hargreaves and LeBrasseur 1985). Amathematical model tailored to the systemsuggested that if this preference were amplifiedby infestations, then sea lice may reduce preda-tion on chum salmon (Peacock et al. 2014),offsetting the direct effects of parasitism anddampening the population-level impact. Previ-ous studies of predation on infested juvenilesalmon used only single-species schools of prey(Krkosek et al. 2011), so empirical evidence of sealice changing predation dynamics in mixed-species schools is needed to substantiate thishypothesis. Here, we expand on previous mod-eling work and experimentally test for evidenceof parasite-mediated changes to the food webdynamics of juvenile salmon. The results furtherour understanding of how sea lice affect juvenilePacific salmon and are an example of the

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unexpected outcomes of parasitism in multi-hostsystems.



We begin with a simple model for parasite-mediated predation and build upon previoussimulation work (Peacock et al. 2014) by analyt-ically determining the condition under whichpredation on chum salmon would be expected todecline with parasites. We then frame thiscondition in the context of predator preferenceand form the hypotheses to be tested in ourexperiments.

The functional responseA type II functional response describes an

increase in predation rate with increasing preyabundance until a saturation point where pred-ators are limited by the time it takes to handleand digest prey (Holling 1959). The functionalresponse of a generalist predator depends onboth the abundance of alternate prey species andthe preference the predator displays for eachspecies. The instantaneous rate of prey consump-tion by a single generalist predator on preyspecies Ni in the presence of alternate prey Nj isdescribed by

fi ¼aiNi

1þ ThðaiNi þ ajNjÞð1Þ

where ai and aj are the rates of successful attackresulting in capture, henceforth referred to asattack rates, and Th is the handling time forpredators to consume and digest prey (Holling1959, Lawton et al. 1974). This type of functionalresponse is common in piscivorous fishes such ascoho salmon (Moustahfid et al. 2010), and hasbeen applied previously to juvenile salmon(Krkosek et al. 2011, Peacock et al. 2014).

Attack rates may differ among prey species, inwhich case the predator is said to have apreference for the species with the higher attackrate (Chesson 1983). Due to previous evidence ofselective predation on pink salmon (Hargreavesand LeBrasseur 1985), we chose the attack rate onpink salmon to be greater than the attack rate onchum salmon. Handling time may also differbetween prey species, but here we assume that itis the same for both prey species because juvenile

pink and chum salmon are morphologically andbehaviorally similar. Throughout the paper, weuse subscripts i and j to denote different preyspecies, and subscripts c and p to refer specifi-cally to chum and pink salmon.

We included an effect of parasites on predationsusceptibility of prey by incorporating a linearincrease in the attack rate with the mean numberof parasites per prey, x

ai ¼ cið1þ xixÞ ð2Þ

where ci is the base attack rate on species i in theabsence of parasites and xi is the per-parasiteproportional increase in the attack rate on speciesi (Krkosek et al. 2011, Peacock et al. 2014). Weassume that the number of parasites is the sameon both prey species because no significantdifference in infection levels between juvenilepink and chum salmon has been reported in thewild (Patanasatienkul et al. 2013, Peacock et al.2014). The impact of parasites on host suscepti-bility to predation is likely non-linear, but alinear approximation is acceptable for low tomoderate parasite abundances (see Appendix).

To determine the conditions under whichpredation on chum salmon might decline withparasites, we consider how the per-capita preda-tion rate, gc ¼ fc/Nc, changes with respect to thenumber of parasites. Inserting Eq. 2 into Eq. 1,and solving dgc/dx , 0 leads to the followingcondition:




1þ ThcpNp: ð3Þ

In words, Eq. 3 indicates that in order to observea decline in predation on chum salmon withincreasing number of parasites, the per-parasiteincrease in predation on chum salmon must beless than the per-parasite increase in predation onpink salmon (i.e., xc , xp). Under this condition,the attack rate on pink salmon would increasemore quickly with the number of parasites thanthe attack rate on chum salmon (Appendix: Fig.A1). More specifically, Eq. 3 says that the ratio ofxc/xp must be less than the proportion of timethat predators would spend consuming pinksalmon if there were no chum salmon presentand no parasites. The more pink salmon there arein the environment (i.e., N ! ‘), the longer ittakes predators to handle prey (i.e., Th ! ‘), orthe higher the base attack rate on pink salmon

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(i.e., cp! ‘) the more occupied predators will bewith their preferred prey, therefore requiring lessof a difference in per-parasite increases in attackrates to see a decline in predation on chumsalmon.

Prey preferenceRivers in coastal British Columbia see hun-

dreds to millions of pink and chum salmonreturning to spawn each fall (Fisheries andOceans Canada 2011), and the following springtheir offspring emerge from the gravel andmigrate by the millions through coastal watersfor a period of two to three months (Heard 1991).It is therefore reasonable to assume that duringthis time, Np is large, and if cp and Th are not toosmall (Krkosek et al. 2011) then we can approx-imate Eq. 3 by xc , xp (we revisit thisapproximation later in light of our experimentalresults). This approximate condition can bestated in terms of the change in predators’preference for pink salmon with parasites. Thepreference for prey type j is defined as theprobability that prey type j will be consumednext given equal availability of all prey types,and can be calculated as aj ¼ aj=


ai (Chesson

1983). Values of aj . 0.5 indicate a preference forspecies j. Incorporating the effect of parasites onthe attack rate (Eq. 2), the preference for pinksalmon when prey are infested with x lice is

a ¼cpð1þ xpxÞ

ccð1þ xcxÞ þ cpð1þ xpxÞ : ð4Þ

The rate of change in preference with respect tothe number of parasites is


cccpðxp � xcÞ½ccð1þ xcxÞ þ cpð1þ xpxÞ�2

: ð5Þ

Therefore, the condition that xc , xp is equiva-lent to da/dx . 0, i.e., that the preference for pinksalmon increases with the number of parasites(Appendix: Fig. A1). In the following section, wedescribe a series of field-based experimentsdesigned to test the hypothesis that predatorpreference for pink salmon increases with thenumber of parasites, and that predation mortal-ity of chum salmon declines with infestations.



Experimental methodsWe conducted a series of field-based predation

experiments in the Broughton Archipelago,Canada (126.58 W, 50.88 N; Appendix: Fig. A2)in the springs of 2013 and 2014. The goals ofthese experiments were (1) to test for species-selective predation by coho salmon on pinksalmon, (2) to test for selective predation onparasitized prey, and (3) to determine if prefer-ence for pink salmon increases with parasitizedprey. Experimental methods are briefly describedhere, with details in the Appendix.

We collected coho predators and pink andchum prey by beach seine and transported themto a floating research facility where they werehoused in flow-through ocean enclosures untilbeing used in experiments. Two days prior to anexperiment, we haphazardly selected the re-quired number of coho predators and transferredthem to a separate ocean enclosure where theywere deprived of food until experiments.

Each experiment consisted of paired trials, onewith pink and chum prey that were infested withsea lice and one with uninfested prey. Prior to anexperiment, we sorted prey into lousy and cleaninfestation categories by examining each fish in aclear plastic bag with seawater using a 163 handlens (Krkosek et al. 2005b). We classified prey aslousy if they were infested with at least one L.salmonis sea louse of a chalimus II or motile stage,and clean if they had no sea lice of any stage orspecies and no signs of louse-induced morbidity.We size-matched pink and chum within andbetween infestation categories to minimize theimpact of prey size as a confounding factor(Hargreaves and LeBrasseur 1986). We recognizethat there may be other factors that increase thesusceptibility of certain individuals to infectionand would thus be confounded with sea louseinfestation. This is an unavoidable consequenceof using naturally infested prey. We note,however, that the aggregation of sea lice amonghosts is likely due to small-scale patchiness in thespatial distribution of infectious parasites andthere is limited evidence for selection among hostindividuals by sea lice (Murray 2002).

We transferred equal numbers of sorted pinkand chum prey to one side of a divided

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experimental net pen. We had two experimentalnet pens, one with clean prey and one with lousyprey, and we randomly assigned which of thetwo experimental net pens housed the lousy trial(see data in Supplement). The food-deprivedcoho predators were then transferred to theempty side of experimental net pens, andpredators and prey acclimatized to the dividedexperimental net pens for a minimum of fourhours and a maximum of 20 hours before trialsbegan. The variation in acclimatization periodwas unavoidable due to the variable timerequired to collect and sort prey and theconstraint of starting and ended trials duringdaylight hours only.

Trials began by dropping the divider of the netpen to allow coho predators access to the mixedschool of pink and chum prey. For experiments in2014, a one-hour observation period followedduring which we recorded the number of preysuccessfully captured by coho predators. Trialsran for between 4 and 24 hours; the length of thetrial was pre-determined, but varied amongexperiments depending on the number of pred-ators and prey we had (described below). At theend of trials, we divided the net pens andseparated the coho predators from the remainingpink and chum prey. We counted coho predatorsand returned them to the holding pen. Wemeasured the remaining pink and chum preyand visually inspected them for sea lice and othermarkings (e.g., scars from lice or predationstrikes) using a 163 hand lens (Krkosek et al.2005b) and then released them near their locationof capture.

The number of predators, number of prey, andthe length of the trials varied depending on howmany clean and lousy pink and chum prey wewere able to obtain. Lousy prey were oftenlimiting, as the natural prevalence of sea lice waslow throughout the study. When trials were runwith less than 100 prey, the lengths of the trialsand/or number of predators were predeterminedwith the goal of having approximately one-thirdof the available prey consumed based onconsumption rates in previous trials. The variablenumber of predators, prey and length of the trailsdid not affect the preference for pink salmon (seeAppendix).

We ran a total of 27 experiments, all but one ofwhich consisted of paired trials with lousy and

clean prey. Within these experiments, we per-formed eight control trials without coho salmonpredators. The objectives of control trials were (1)to test if mortality in the absence of predationdue to handling or sea lice was substantial ordifferent between prey species, (2) to test if size-matching between pink and chum salmon preywas effective, and (3) to assess observation errorin counting prey in and out of net pens. Anydifference between prey species in mortality fromsources other than predation may have con-founded a predator preference, as we did observecoho consuming moribund prey.

Data analysisAssuming the only substantial mortality of

pink and chum prey in experiments was due topredation (we verified this assumption in thecontrol experiments), the rate of change in preyspecies i throughout an experiment can bedescribed by the functional response introducedin Eq. 1


dt¼ �C

aiNiðtÞ1þ Th

�aiNiðtÞ þ ajNjðtÞ

� ð6Þ

where Ni(t) and Nj(t) are the number of preyspecies i and j available at time t and C is thenumber of coho predators in the experiment.Although we do not have a direct measure of theattack rates, we can solve for ai as a function ofknown variables by integrating the coupledequations for the change in prey, dNi(t)/dt anddNj(t)/dt (Lawton et al. 1974), obtaining

NiðtÞ ¼ Nið0Þexp½�ai


� Th½Nið0Þ � NiðtÞ þ Njð0Þ � NjðtÞ��� ð7Þ

where Ni(0) is the number of prey species i at thebeginning of the trial and Ni(t) is the number ofprey species i remaining at the end of the trial. Asimilar equation, with is and js exchanged,results for the remaining prey Nj(t). Eq. 7 isknown as the Random Predator Equation (Rog-ers 1972). Solving Eq. 7 for ap and ac, the attackrates on pink and chum, and taking the ratio ofap/(ac þ ap), we arrive at an equation for thepreference for pink salmon (Chesson 1983)

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a ¼log�



� � : ð8Þ

We calculated a for each experimental trial.Values of a are constrained between zero andone, where a . 0.5 indicates selective predationon pink salmon and a , 0.5 indicates selectivepredation on chum salmon.

To determine if preference for pink salmonprey (a) increased when prey were parasitized,we fit a linear mixed-effects model with a fixed-effect for treatment (lousy or clean) and randomeffects for experiment number and coho group.The random effects accounted for possiblevariation among experiments conducted ondifferent days due to weather, the age and sizeof prey, etc., and for possible variation among thecoho groups collected from different areas atdifferent times (Appendix: Table A1). We applieda logit transformation to a, which satisfied theassumptions of the linear model.

The predation scars on surviving prey andchanges in louse abundances during experimentsalso carried information about predator prefer-ence. We estimated the proportion of remainingprey that had predator scars using a binomialgeneralized linear mixed-effects model (GLMM;logit link), with fixed effects for prey species andtreatment (lousy or clean trial) plus an interactionterm that allowed for a disproportionate effect ofsea lice on one species. To account for non-independence of observations, we includednested random effects for trial within experiment

number within coho group. We also included anobservation-level random effect to account foroverdispersion in the proportion of remainingprey with predator scars (Warton and Hui 2011).

We estimated the number of sea lice on preyusing a Poisson GLMM (log link) with fixedeffects for prey species and a factor indicatingwhether the data refer to before or afterexperiments, plus an interaction term, and arandom effect for experiment number nestedwithin coho group. Although sea lice are oftenoverdispersed on hosts (Murray 2002), we weredealing with a group of hosts that had beensorted and had low but non-zero infestationintensity that was better represented by thePoisson.

Finally, we estimated the predation mortalityof both pink and chum as a function of the meannumber of lice per pink or chum at the beginningof each trial. The proportion of available preythat were consumed was estimated using abinomial GLMM (logit link function) with fixedeffects for prey species and the mean number oflice per fish, plus an interaction term that allowedfor a disproportionate effect of sea lice onpredation mortality of one species. We alsoincluded nested random effects for trial withinexperiment number within coho group, account-ing for the non-independence of pink and chumpredation mortality estimates from the sametrial/experiment/coho group. Again, we includedan observation-level random effect to deal withoverdispersion in the proportion of prey con-sumed by predators (Warton and Hui 2011).

Table 1. Model selection statistics for analysis of experiments. Only models comprising 90% of the cumulative

Akaike weight (Cum. wi ) are shown.

Response (distribution, link) Predictors K� AICc� Di§ wi} Cum. wi

Preference (normal, logit) null 4 80.93 0.00 0.588 0.588lice 5 81.65 0.71 0.412 1.000

Proportion remaining with predator scars (binomial, logit) species þ lice 7 380.84 0.00 0.544 0.544species 3 lice# 8 382.85 2.01 0.200 0.744

species 6 383.03 2.19 0.182 0.926Lice per fish (Poisson, log) after 3 species# 6 6742.23 0.00 0.517 0.517

after þ species 5 6742.71 0.48 0.407 0.924Predation mortality (binomial, logit) species 6 561.74 0.00 0.628 0.628

species þ lice 7 563.99 2.25 0.204 0.832species 3 lice# 8 564.38 2.64 0.168 1.000

� K ¼ number of parameters.� AICc ¼ AICþ 2K (K þ 1)/(n � K� 1).§ Di ¼ AICc(i ) � min(AICc).} Akaike weights: wi ¼ expð�0:5DiÞ=



# Interactive and additive effects included.

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For each set of models described above we fitall nested models and compared them usingAICc (Table 1). In all cases, no single model hadoverwhelming support so we based our inferenceon the weighted average prediction of topmodels comprising 90% of the cumulativeAkaike weight (Burnham and Anderson 2002),thereby accounting for both parameter uncer-tainty and model uncertainty. We report model-averaged predictions, as opposed to model-averaged parameters, to avoid errors in model-averaged parameters that can result from collin-earity among predictors and different methods ofaveraging parameters (i.e., ‘‘natural average’’ vs.‘‘zero method’’; Grueber et al. 2011). All modelswere fit in R (R Core Team 2014), using thelibrary lme4 for mixed-effects models (Bates et al.2014) and AICcmodavg for model averaging(Mazerolle 2014).

ResultsWe conducted 45 predation trials and eight

control trails, involving a total of 524 differentcoho predators and 3674 pink and chum prey.The eight control trials without coho predatorshad no substantial mortality of pink and chumsalmon (see Appendix). A total of 911 pinksalmon were consumed during predation exper-iments, while only 564 chum salmon wereconsumed. Coho predators showed a preference

for consuming pink salmon (a . 0.5) in 40 out ofthe 45 predation trials (Fig. 1A; see Supplementfor data). In trials with clean prey, the model-averaged preference was a0¼ 0.665 (0.611, 0.715;mean and 95% CI), indicating an overall prefer-ence for pink salmon prey over chum salmon(Fig. 1B). There was considerable uncertainty asto whether this preference changed when preywere infested with sea lice. We averaged predic-tions for preference over models that did and didnot include an effect of sea lice as there was noobvious support from the data for a single topmodel (see Table 1 for model selection statisticsand Table 2 for parameter estimates from the topmodels). The model averaged estimate of prefer-ence for pink salmon increased only slightly inlousy trials to a1 ¼ 0.680 (0.628, 0.727), andconfidence intervals for preference in clean trialsoverlapped the estimate for preference in lousytrials (Fig. 1B).

Fresh predation scars were clearly identifiedon surviving prey as semi-circular tooth marks,often accompanied by hemorrhaging (Appendix:Fig. A5). The proportion of remaining prey thathad predator scars was higher for pink salmonand higher when prey were infested with sea lice(Fig. 2A) with a weak interaction between preyspecies and lice suggesting that the difference inpredation scars between pink and chum salmonwas higher when prey were infested (Tables 1

Fig. 1. (A) A predator preference for pink salmon was evident across experiments, with a . 0.5 (dotted line) in

40/45 of the trials. Preference was higher in lousy trials (dark blue points) than clean trials (light blue points) in 12

experiments. Arrows indicate the direction of change in preference with parasites. (B) The model-averaged

estimate (with 95% CI) of preference was higher in lousy trials than in clean trials, although there was

considerable uncertainty in estimates.

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Table 2. Parameter estimates on the scale of the linear predictor from the top models for each of the response

variables we considered. See Figs. 1–3 for model predictions on the scale of the response.

Response and model wi� Fixed effect� Estimate SE

95% CI

Lower Upper Overlap§

logit pref. for pink

1 0.59 (intercept) 0.720 0.106 0.513 0.927 *2 0.41 (intercept) 0.638 0.120 0.403 0.874 *

treatment ¼ lice 0.159 0.116 �0.069 0.387

logit proportion of remaining prey with predation scars

1 0.59 (intercept) �2.402 0.187 �2.770 �2.035 *species ¼ pink 0.406 0.143 0.125 0.687 *treatment ¼ lice 0.369 0.165 0.045 0.694 *

2 0.22 (intercept) �2.349 0.203 �2.747 �1.952 *species ¼ pink 0.301 0.217 �0.124 0.726treatment ¼ lice 0.279 0.216 �0.145 0.703

pink:lice interaction 0.185 0.287 �0.377 0.7483 0.20 (intercept) �2.212 0.169 �2.542 �1.882 *

species ¼ pink 0.400 0.143 0.120 0.680 *

log number of sea lice per fish

1 0.56 (intercept) 0.191 0.030 0.132 0.250 *after �0.116 0.048 �0.210 �0.021 *

species ¼ pink �0.043 0.043 �0.127 0.041after:pink interaction �0.118 0.075 �0.266 0.029

2 0.44 (intercept) 0.210 0.027 0.156 0.263 *after �0.165 0.037 �0.237 �0.092 *

species ¼ pink �0.081 0.035 �0.150 �0.012 *

logit proportion of available prey consumed

1 0.63 (intercept) �0.876 0.163 �1.196 �0.556 *species ¼ pink 0.896 0.103 0.695 1.098 *

2 0.20 (intercept) �0.858 0.173 �1.196 �0.520 *species ¼ pink 0.895 0.103 0.694 1.097 *

mean lice per fish �0.030 0.091 �0.209 0.1493 0.17 (intercept) �0.783 0.180 �1.136 �0.431 *

species ¼ pink 0.749 0.143 0.469 1.029 *mean lice per fish �0.150 0.123 �0.391 0.091pink:lice interaction 0.243 0.169 �0.089 0.575

� Akaike weights normalized to include only the top models comprising 90% total Akaike weight from Table 1.� The (intercept) refers to the parameter estimate for the base factor level while other parameters indicate the change for the

specified factor level (e.g., ‘‘species¼pink’’) or the slope with respect to the continuous variable (e.g., ‘‘mean lice per fish’’). Basefactor levels are ‘‘treatment¼ no lice,’’ ‘‘species¼ chum,’’ and ‘‘before’’ predation experiments.

§ Asterisks denote parameters for which the 95% CI does not overlap zero.

Fig. 2. (A) The proportion of remaining prey (with 95% CI) that had predator scars was higher for pink salmon

than for chum salmon and higher in trials where prey were lousy. (B) The estimated number of lice per fish (with

95% CI) was slightly higher for chum salmon both before and after experiments, but decreased during

experiments for both pink and chum.

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and 2). This suggests that the observed species-selective predation on pink salmon was not theresult of chum salmon escaping predators, butthat pink salmon were more likely to be targetedby predators.

The number of chalimus- and motile-stage sealice on prey was lower after experiments (Fig. 2Band Table 2). Furthermore, at the end ofexperiments, the number of sea lice on pinksalmon was lower than the number of sea lice onchum salmon (Fig. 2B). In control experiments,the number of lice did not differ between preyspecies or before and after experiments (seeAppendix for details). Therefore the pattern ofreduced infestations after predation experimentswith a stronger effect for pink salmon suggestsselective predation of infested prey.

As the analysis of preference would suggest,the predation mortality of chum salmon waslower than the predation mortality of pinksalmon (Fig. 3A). There was little evidence thatsea lice affected the predation mortality of pinkand chum salmon differently, although the suiteof top models did include an interaction bywhich the predation mortality of pink salmonincreased with the mean sea lice per fish at thestart of the trial, but the predation mortality ofchum salmon decreased with sea lice (Table 2).The model-averaged odds ratio, describing theincrease in the odds of predation correspondingto an increase in one sea louse per fish, was 1.01(95% CI: 0.93, 1.09) for pink salmon and 0.97(0.88, 1.06) for chum salmon.

There was considerable uncertainty in theestimated predation mortality, particularly athigh louse abundances because the range ofinfestation pressure we observed was limited;most prey in the lousy infestation category hadjust one sea louse of chalimus II or motile stage(Fig. 3A). At the peak of sea louse infestations inthe study area, louse abundance was muchhigher (Fig. 3C). Nonetheless, the difference inpredation mortality of pink and chum salmon(Fig. 3A) is consistent with the estimates ofpopulation-level mortality (Peacock et al. 2013,2014; Fig. 3D–E), while individual-level directlouse-induced mortality (Krkosek et al. 2009; Fig.3B) and the abundance of lice (Peacock et al.2014; Fig. 3C) have been similar between thespecies.

Relating results to functional response modelAn increase in preference for pink salmon with

parasites was an approximate condition forpredation on chum salmon to decline withparasites, but this approximation held only forlarge Np. Given the relatively small increase inpreference with parasites that we observed, weconsider the full condition given by Eq. 3 todetermine what abundance of pink salmon isrequired for Eq. 3 to be satisfied.

First, we consider the equation for preferencein terms of the base attack rates, cp and cc, andper-parasite proportional increases in attackrates, xp and xc. For the trials with clean prey,we substitute x ¼ 0 into Eq. 4 to yield theequation for the preference for pink salmon in theabsence of sea lice

a0 ¼cp

cp þ cc


The corresponding equation for preference inlousy trials, denoted a1, with pink and chuminfested with x parasites is given by Eq. 4.Solving Eq. 9 for cc and substituting into Eq. 4 wearrive at the following expression for xc:

xc ¼a0 � a1

xa1ð1� a0Þþ a0ð1� a1Þ

a1ð1� a0Þxp ð10Þ

Our estimates of a0 ¼ 0.665 and a1 ¼ 0.680 yieldan intercept in Eq. 10 that is negative and a slopethat is less than one. In that case, xc is less than xp

for all positive values of xp, and the condition inEq. 3 is met as Np approaches infinity. Given ourestimates of a0 and a1, what is the minimum Np

for the condition in Eq. 3 to be met? If theintercept of Eq. 10 is negative, as our estimatessuggest, then we know that



a0ð1� a1Þa1ð1� a0Þ

; ð11Þ

and we can write the full condition for predationon chum salmon to decline with parasites interms of our estimates of preference

a0ð1� a1Þa1ð1� a0Þ


1þ ThNpcp

: ð12Þ

Rearranging Eq. 12, we arrive at an equation forthe minimum number of pink salmon, N�p ,required for predation on chum salmon todecline with increasing parasites

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N�p ¼a0ð1� a1Þ

Thcpða1 � a0Þ: ð13Þ

The calculation of N�p from Eq. 13 requires

estimates for the handling time, Th, and base

attack rate on pink salmon, cp (Fig. 4). To get an

Fig. 3. This study investigated the effect of sea lice on predation mortality in mixed-species schools of pink and

chum salmon (A; yellow box), which is just one factor contributing to the effect of sea lice on wild pink and chum

salmon populations. Other studies have investigated: (B) Rates of direct parasite-induced mortality per chalimus-

and motile-stage louse from a survival analysis of captive juvenile wild salmon (Krkosek et al. 2009). (C) The

mean number of sea lice per juvenile wild salmon, estimated from monitoring data (Peacock et al. 2013;

Supplement). (D) The population-level effect of sea lice estimated from spawner-recruit data using a Ricker

model: log (R/S )¼ r� bS� cL, where R are recruits, S are spawners, and L is the mean number of sea lice* per

juvenile wild salmon (Peacock et al. 2013, 2014). (E) The predicted mortality due to lice (1� exp(cL)) over louse

abundance. In all panels, shaded regions and error bars are 95% confidence intervals. *The x-axis of A is extended

to show louse abundances corresponding to peak epizootics in 2004 (dashed line in panels A, C and E). Louse

abundance includes chalimus II and motile stages in A, all louse stages in C, D and E (see Supplement).

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estimate of handling time, we consider themaximum number of prey the average cohocould consume in a day. In our experiments, themean number of prey consumed per predatorper day ranged from 0.25 to 10, but was biasedhigh in shorter experiments (see Supplement fordata). Considering the 24-hour experiments only,predators consumed an average of 1.88 preyeach. This was consistent with observations byHargreaves and LeBrasseur (1985) who foundthat coho consumed an average of 2–3 pink orchum salmon per day at the beginning of theirexperiments (as experiments progressed andcoho grew, this increased to ;6 prey per day)and observations from Krkosek et al. (2011), whoestimated that coho consumed approximatelyone prey per day in their group predationexperiments. Based on this information, weassumed that the average coho satiates at twoprey per day and set Th ¼ 0.5 days.

To get an approximate estimate of the success-ful attack rate on pink salmon in the absence ofparasites, cp, we can use our recorded observa-tions from the first hour of experiments, where

we noted each successful attack on the school ofprey by a coho predator (n¼ 12 trials; Appendix:Table A4). Based on these observations, theaverage attack rate per coho predator was 16.0day�1 (range 4.8–24.0 day�1). We were not able todistinguish between pink and chum prey in theseobservations, so we denote this overall attackrate as c ¼ cp þ cc. We can use our estimate ofpreference in the absence of parasites from thenumber of each prey species consumed tocalculate the attack rate on chum salmon interms of preference and the attack rate on pinksalmon: cc ¼ cp (1 � a0)/a0. It follows thatcp ¼ ca0, or cp¼10.6 day�1. Using these estimatesof Th ¼ 0.5 days and cp ¼ 10.6 day�1, the criticalnumber of pink salmon in the school from Eq. 13is N�p ’ 3 (Fig. 4).

The parameter estimates for handling time andattack rate derived from our experiments reflectthe scale of a single school of pink and chum preywith a single group of coho predators over amaximum period of 24 hours. Previous studieshave considered the population-level impacts ofparasite-mediated predation over the entire

Fig. 4. The condition for predation on chum salmon to decline with parasites depended on the attack rate on

pink salmon in the absence of parasites (cp; x-axis), the handling time of prey (Th; y-axis) and the number of pink

salmon available to predators (N�p ; filled contours). Approximate estimates of cp and Th from our experiments

suggested that the condition was met for N�p � 3 pink salmon (star), while previous population-level estimates of

those parameters suggest this critical value of pink salmon is much higher at N�p � 4 million pink salmon (black


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juvenile salmon migration of ;3 months (Krko-ek et al. 2011, Peacock et al. 2014). At thispopulation scale, Krkosek et al. (2011) estimatedTh¼ 1 day and a much smaller attack rate of cp¼3.4 3 10�6 day�1. These population-level param-eters result in a very different estimate of N�p ’ 4

million pink salmon. Although this estimate mayseem large, at the population-scale it is notunreasonable that there would be millions ofjuvenile pink salmon transiting through coastalwaters during the spring migration. Estimates ofabundance from river surveys indicate thatreturns of adult pink salmon to rivers in theBroughton Archipelago may be as high as ;2million spawners (Fisheries and Oceans Canada2011, Peacock et al. 2013: Fig. 6a), and thesurvival rate of salmon from juveniles to adultsis relatively low (Parker 1968) suggesting thatthere would be many millions of juvenilesmigrating in the spring.


Parasite infestations can have diverse out-comes for host populations depending on howparasites affect host interactions in the broadercommunity (Hatcher et al. 2012). Theoreticalstudies have suggested that predation can playan important role in mediating host-parasiteinteractions (Ives and Murray 1997), particularlyif predators display selective predation onparasitized prey (Hall et al. 2005). However,empirical work on the interactions betweengeneralist parasites and predators in multi-hostsystems has been rare.

In this study, we investigated how parasitesinfluenced selective predation in a juvenilesalmon food web. We found that predatorspreferentially consumed pink salmon and pref-erentially consumed both pink and chum infest-ed with sea lice, but there was uncertaintyregarding how the predator preference for pinksalmon changed with parasite infestation. Thesmall increase in preference for pink salmonwhen prey were infested with sea lice was notstatistically significant, but may be biologicallysignificant. Our calculations suggest that, giventhis small increase in preference, predation onchum salmon may decline with sea lice if enoughpink salmon are present to occupy choosypredators.

The minimum number of pink salmon re-quired to observe a decline in predation on chumsalmon with parasites was highly dependent onthe scale at which we considered parameterestimates. Observations from our experimentssuggest that this critical abundance of pinksalmon is as low as three, while parameters fromother population-level studies (Krkosek et al.2011, Peacock et al. 2014) put the minimumnumber of pink salmon in the millions. Thisdifference reflects the importance of scale wheninterpreting the results of experiments such asours. A type II functional response describing theconsumption rate of individual predators overincreasing abundance of prey may not be directlyapplicable at the population scale. For socialspecies like juvenile salmon that migrate or huntin groups, the number of groups, not individuals,may be the appropriate unit when consideringpopulation dynamics (Fryxell et al. 2007). Thenumber of groups may not increase linearly withthe number of individuals and, in our system, therelative numbers of pink and chum salmon mayvary considerably among schools. Therefore, itmay not be trivial to understand population-levelresponses from individual-level experiments. Ininterpreting our results, we have implicitlyassumed that the responses at the level of singleschools of predators and prey would be observedat the population-scale, but more careful consid-eration of how these effects scale up should beincorporated into in future work.

Our results clearly indicate that coho predatorspreferentially consume pink salmon over chumsalmon, consistent with a previous study report-ing species-selective predation by coho salmon(Hargreaves and LeBrasseur 1985). In the ab-sence of sea louse infestations, the predationmortality of pink salmon was significantly higherthan that of chum salmon (Fig. 3A). Thepreference for pink salmon did not changesignificantly in trials with lousy prey, but therewas a trend towards increased preference withsea lice. When prey were infested, predationmortality of pink salmon tended to increase, asexpected from previous work indicating that sealice make juvenile salmon more vulnerable topredation (Krkosek et al. 2011), but predationmortality of chum salmon tended to decline (Fig.3A). Although the increase in predator prefer-ence for pink salmon with parasites was small

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and uncertain, it does point to a mechanism thatmay explain the different population-level re-sponses of pink and chum salmon. The effect ofsea lice on predation of pink and chum salmon isconsistent with observed population-level effects(Fig. 3A and E).

Our experimental data did not offer clearsupport for a single hypothesis regarding preypreference or estimates of predation mortality,and so we used model averaging to account forthe uncertainty in both parameter values andmodel selection (Burnham and Anderson 2002).In this way, we avoided overestimating effectsizes, as would have occurred if we had used thefull models to draw inference. For example, theimpact of sea lice on predator preference (Fig. 1)was larger if the effect was estimated only frommodel that included treatment (i.e., lousy orclean trial) as a covariate. However, there wasonly a 41.2% chance that was the correct modelover the null model with no effect of sea lice(Table 1). Evidence of a change in preference withsea lice was weaker when accounting for thismodel uncertainty by averaging the predictedpreference between the null model and the modelincluding lice as a factor. We acknowledge thatthe use of AIC for mixed-effects models is anactive area of research and that there areconcerns regarding model-averaged parameterestimates for models with multiple predictorvariables (e.g., different parameter estimatesamong models for the same predictor due tocollinearity among predictors; Grueber et al.2011). To avoid some of these pitfalls, wemaintained the same random-effect structuresamong all models we compared and mainlyreported model-averaged predictions rather thanmodel-averaged parameters.

Several limitations in experiments may under-lie the uncertainty in our parameter estimates.Our experiments included a limited number ofpredators and prey, which may have increasedvariability in consumption of each prey speciesamong trials due to the unavoidable stochasticnature of the order in which predators willencounter the different prey species. Future workover a wider range of prey abundances withhigher replication would allow parameterizationof the functional response parameters directly,and allow a more direct test of how theseparameters differ for different prey species. We

used naturally-infested pink and chum salmon,and so the effect-size in our experiments waslimited by the level of infestation in the wild. Atthe time of experiments, sea lice were notabundant on juvenile wild salmon. As a result,prey in lousy trials often had just one chalimus IIstage louse, which may have had little effect onprey susceptibility to predation (Krkosek et al.2011, Brauner et al. 2012). Effect sizes may havebeen much larger for infestation levels such asthose measured in the early 2000s (Fig. 3C), butthat was extrapolating beyond the range of ourdata (Fig. 3A).

The ways in which generalist parasites affectfood web dynamics is gaining attention (e.g.,Hatcher et al. 2006, 2012), but the impact thatparasites can have on interactions in hostcommunities has long been recognized. Inparticular, parasite-mediated apparent competi-tion, by which generalist parasites cause declinesfor host species that are more vulnerable toinfection or have lower growth rates (Hudsonand Greenman 1998), has been cited as a majorfactor shaping the structure of ecological com-munities (Bonsall and Hassell 1997). For juvenilesalmon, parasite-mediated apparent competitioncould explain the observed differences in popu-lation-level survival of pink and chum salmon ifhigh chum salmon abundance caused a rise inparasite numbers overall that had a dispropor-tionate negative impact on sympatric pinksalmon. However, experimental work has shownthat, if anything, chum salmon incur higherdirect parasite-induced mortality (Krkosek et al.2009; Fig. 3B). Further, pink salmon are the moreabundant species in Broughton Archipelago,where population-level impacts have been esti-mated. The main source of sea lice on juvenilepink and chum salmon in our study area isfarmed salmon in open-net pens along themigration route (Krkosek et al. 2006), withsecondary infection among juvenile salmon beinglower, particularly at the beginning of themigration when juvenile salmon are most vul-nerable to sea lice (Krkosek et al. 2005a). Ittherefore seems unlikely that apparent competi-tion is a reason why pink salmon seem to bemore affected by sea lice at the population level,though this hypothesis may warrant furtherinvestigation.

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ConclusionsWe have shown that sea louse parasites can

alter the food web dynamics of their juvenilesalmon hosts and potentially shift predationtowards preferred prey, leading to unexpectedoutcomes of parasite infestations for salmonpopulations. Initial research on sea lice andjuvenile salmon focused on direct effects ofparasites on host physiology (Brauner et al.2012) and mortality in isolation (Morton andRoutledge 2005, Krkosek et al. 2009). In the wild,host survival is also influenced by communityinteractions and the ecological effects that para-sites might have on processes such as competi-tion and predation are of key importance(Hatcher et al. 2006).

In general, where predators display species-selective predation, even a small increase in preypreference with parasites can result in parasite-mediated release from predation for less-desir-able prey under the right conditions. This iscontrary to conventional thinking, which positsthat parasites make hosts more vulnerable topredation by altering host behavior or other traits(Hudson et al. 1992). Indeed, it was initiallyreported that sea lice increase predation suscep-tibility of both juvenile pink and chum salmon(Krkosek et al. 2011). However, as we havefound, this straightforward interpretation can becomplicated in multi-host systems with general-ist predators, where parasites may alter food webdynamics. In such cases, the potential forinteractions among host species through preda-tion needs to be considered. This study contrib-utes to an increasing realization of the diversemechanisms by which parasites influence thedynamics of host populations and communities.


We thank Brendan Connors for reviewing a draft ofthis manuscript and two anonymous reviewers fortheir constructive feedback. We also thank the follow-ing individuals for help in the field: Lauren Portner,Mack Bartlett, Leah Walker, Hannah Gehrels, CarolynPrentice, Jessica Phillips, Sean Godwin, Luke Rogers,Erica Forssman, and all those at the Salmon CoastField Station. We acknowledge funding from NSERC(Vanier CGS to S. J. Peacock, PDF to A. W. Bateman,Discovery and Accelerator grants to M. A. Lewis andM. Krkosek), a Canada Research Chair and KillamFellowship to M. A. Lewis, a Sloan Fellowship in

Ocean Science to M. Krkosek, a Killam PostdoctoralFellowship to A. W. Bateman and financial support forfieldwork from Watershed Watch Salmon Society.


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The Appendix and the Supplement are available online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES15-00337.1.sm

v www.esajournals.org 16 December 2015 v Volume 6(12) v Article 264