Regular Meeting–Nov. 16 he Annual Meeting of the Quad County Amateur Radio Club will be held Friday evening, November 16 th at 7:00 pm in the Smeal Building on the Penn State DuBois Campus. The Smeal Building is at the intersection of East DuBois Avenue (PA- 255) and College Place. T Elections for all club officers will take place at this meeting. All Full Members are encouraged to attend and vote. Nominations were opened at the September meeting, and remain open until voting takes place at this meeting. Election Notice Elections for all club officers will be held at the November Meeting, Friday, November 16 th in the Smeal Building Conference Room on the Penn State DuBois Campus at 7:00 pm. Nominations for all club offices are now open. Members are permitted to nominate themselves. Must be Full Member for 1 full year preceding election. Upcoming Activities QCARC Breakfast, Clearfield Dutch Pantry, route PA-879 at I-80, Saturday, December 8 th at 8:30 am. Everyone is welcome! VE Exams, 6:00 pm, Friday, December 14. Smeal Building Conference Room, Penn State DuBois QCARC December Meeting, 7:00 pm, Friday, December 14. Smeal Building Conference Room, Penn State DuBois. NOTE THE DATE CHANGE, DECEMBER 14 Minutes—October Meeting The regular meeting of The Quad-County Amateur Radio Club was called to order October 19, 2018 at 19:16 by President, KA3DEO, in the Smeal Building of Penn State University, Du Bois, followed with the salute to the Flag, and a moment of silence in remembrance of silent keys. Attendance: 4 members: W3BC, WA3UFN, KA3DEO, AB3CT 1 Guest: K3AHS REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES Secretary: No Correspondence. Motion by W3BC, seconded by KA3DEO to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as published in the newsletter. Carried Treasurer: Treasurer report was unavailable STAFF REPORTS Activities Page 1 Volume 44 – Number 11 Let Us Give Thanks...” November 2018 Parasitic Emission In This Issue... Regular Meeting–Nov. 16............................ 1 Election Notice........................................... 1 Upcoming Activities................................... 1 Minutes—October Meeting........................ 1 Shorts......................................................... 2 Club Information........................................ 2

Parasitic Emission - Quad-County Amateur Radio Club · 2018-11-16 · Regular Meeting–Nov. 16 he Annual Meeting of the Quad County Amateur Radio Club will be held Friday evening,

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Page 1: Parasitic Emission - Quad-County Amateur Radio Club · 2018-11-16 · Regular Meeting–Nov. 16 he Annual Meeting of the Quad County Amateur Radio Club will be held Friday evening,

Regular Meeting–Nov. 16he Annual Meeting of the Quad County Amateur Radio Club will be held Friday evening, November 16th at

7:00 pm in the Smeal Building on the Penn State DuBois Campus. The SmealBuilding is at the intersectionof East DuBois Avenue (PA-255) and College Place.


Elections for all club officerswill take place at thismeeting. All Full Members areencouraged to attend and vote.

Nominations were opened at the September meeting, and remain open until voting takes place at this meeting.

Election NoticeElections for all club officers will be held at the November Meeting, Friday, November 16th in the Smeal Building Conference Room on the Penn State DuBois Campus at 7:00 pm.

Nominations for all club offices are now open.Members are permitted to nominate themselves. Must be Full Member for 1 full year preceding election.

Upcoming ActivitiesQCARC Breakfast, Clearfield Dutch Pantry, route PA-879 at I-80, Saturday, December 8th at 8:30 am. Everyone is welcome!

VE Exams, 6:00 pm, Friday, December 14. Smeal Building Conference Room, Penn State DuBois

QCARC December Meeting, 7:00 pm, Friday, December 14. Smeal Building Conference Room, Penn State DuBois. NOTE THE DATE CHANGE, DECEMBER 14

Minutes—October MeetingThe regular meeting of The Quad-County Amateur Radio Club was called to order October 19, 2018 at 19:16 by President, KA3DEO, in the Smeal Building of Penn State University, Du Bois, followed with the salute tothe Flag, and a moment of silence in remembrance of silent keys.

Attendance: 4 members: W3BC, WA3UFN, KA3DEO, AB3CT 1 Guest: K3AHS


Secretary: No Correspondence. Motion by W3BC, seconded by KA3DEO to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as publishedin the newsletter. Carried

Treasurer: Treasurer report was unavailable


Activities –

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Volume 44 – Number 11 “Let Us Give Thanks...” November 2018


In This Issue...Regular Meeting–Nov. 16............................1Election Notice...........................................1Upcoming Activities...................................1Minutes—October Meeting........................1Shorts.........................................................2Club Information........................................2

Page 2: Parasitic Emission - Quad-County Amateur Radio Club · 2018-11-16 · Regular Meeting–Nov. 16 he Annual Meeting of the Quad County Amateur Radio Club will be held Friday evening,

Education/Training – The scheduled VE exam session, before the meeting, had no candidates.

Net Manager –

Programs –

Public Information –

Public Service –

Repeater –

Technology –

Additional & Miscellaneous –


Nominations continued.

President: None - Vice President: AB3CT, Jim -Secretary: W3BEV, Bev - Treasurer, KC3JAM, Judy


AB3CT declined nomination for Vice President

Nominees W3ZTB and KA3MUJ will be advised of ineligibility due to the Constitutionrecord of one year minimum membership.

After some discussion, the unanimous consensus was to reschedule the elections to the November meeting, due to low attendance.

Nominations remained open until elections atthe November meeting.







With no further business, motion by AB3CT, seconded by WA3UFN to adjourn at 19:26. Carried.

[Due to the resignation of the Club secretary, these minutes were recorded and submitted by previous secretary, WA3UFN, Bryan, pending approval at the November meeting.]

ShortsAmateur Radio volunteers have been active or arestanding by on several fronts as wildfires continueto rage in large sections of California.

In Butte County, in Northern California, the Camp Fire, the state’s deadliest wildfire, triggered a call up of ARES members for communication support. More than 25,000 people were evacuated. As multiple shelters opened to assist the evacuees, five Sacramento Valley ARES groups were called out to support communication between the Red

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Club Information

Mailing Address:Quad-County Amateur Radio ClubPO Box 599DuBois, PA 15801-0599


Officers:• President: Charles Lindahl KA3DEO• Vice President: James Green AB3CT• Secretary: • Treasurer: Judy Smith KC3JAS• Executive Board:

◦ Bev Hudsick W3BEV, Clearfield Co◦ Don Jewell KB3LES, Jefferson Co◦ Kevin Jones KC3BRR, Jefferson Co◦ Bryan Simanic WA3UFN, Clearfield Co◦ Kevin Snyder KA3YCB, Clearfield Co

Meetings:Third Friday every month at 7:00 pm, Penn State DuBois, Smeal Building

Monthly Breakfast:

Second Saturday every month at 8:30 am at Dutch Pantry,

• Even months: PA-879 @ I-80 Clearfield• Odd months: US-219 @ I-80 DuBois

Repeaters:147.315 + Rockton Mountain, FM + YSF, NO PL

443.850 + Falls Creek, FM + YSF, 173.8

Nets:VHF: Every Sunday at 7:00 pm 147.315

UHF: Follows VHF Net on 443.850

ARES North-1 District: Every Wednesday at 7:00pm147.315 (All hams in Cameron, Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, Elk, Jefferson, McKean & Potter Counties)

Page 3: Parasitic Emission - Quad-County Amateur Radio Club · 2018-11-16 · Regular Meeting–Nov. 16 he Annual Meeting of the Quad County Amateur Radio Club will be held Friday evening,

Cross Disaster Operations Center (DOC) and the shelters.

ARES communication at the shelters has been carried out using voice, Winlink, and email to pass shelter counts, and tactical messages between the shelter and the Red Cross Disaster Operations Center and Cal Office of Emergency Services.

The Red Cross is supporting ARES at the shelters with hot spots and backup radios.


75 Meter Interference

75 Meter operators are hearing a buzzing signal thatreaches above S/9 signal strengths in the Northeast. The frequencies affected are from 3.950 to above 4 MHz, every morning around sunrise (roughly 5:30 – 8:30 am EST).

Gray-line mapping and great-circle calculations place a potential source near the Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod, about 450 miles east of Moscow. The buzzing signal is consistant with current “Over-The-Horizon” RADAR technology in use by the Russians and Chinese.

Anybody remember the “Russian Woodpecker?”

Please note that the 80/75 meter Amateur Radio band in ITU Region I is from 3.500 to 3.800 Mhz. Thefrequencies in question are legally allotted to “Radiolocation” and international boradcasting.


DX-peditions this month

2018 Oct24 2018 Nov28 Tanzania 5H3MB

2018 Nov01 2018 Nov30 Sri Lanka 4S7KKG

2018 Nov03 2018 Nov25 St Lucia J68GU

2018 Nov05 2018 Nov30 Madagascar 5R8I

2018 Nov06 2018 Nov20 Barbados 8P9AE

2018 Nov06 2018 Nov20 Bermuda VP9

2018 Nov09 2018 Nov17 Christmas Is VK9XQ

2018 Nov15 2018 Nov30 Minami Torishima JA8CJY

2018 Nov17 2018 Nov23 Iran EP6RRC

2018 Nov18 2018 Dec02 Vietnam XV9D


Major Upcoming Contests

ARRL Sweepstakes, Phone (Nov 17-19, 2018)

CQ WW DX Contest, CW (Nov 24-25, 2018)

ARRL 160 Meter Contest (Nov 30-Dec 2, 2018)

ARRL 10 Meter Contest (Dec 8-9, 2018)

Rookie Roundup, CW (Dec 16, 2018)

ARRL Straight Key Night (Dec 31, 2018 – Jan 1, 2019)

ARRL Green Keys, RTTY (Dec 31, 2018 – Jan 1, 2019)


New Version of WSJT-X Now Available

A new WSJT-X “release candidate,” version 2.0.0-rc4,now is available, and the version 2.0 Quick Start Guide has been revised and extended. By December 10 or very soon afterward, everyone should upgrade to the full WSJT-X 2.0 general availability (GA) release.”

Coinciding with the release, the WSJT-X development team has scheduled an on-the-air FT8 protocol practice session to help operators become familiar with the software and to identify operationalissues. The 1-hour FT8 mock contest will be held on November 20, 0200 – 0300 UTC (Monday evening, November 19, in North American time zones). Download links for -rc4 on Windows, Linux, and macOS are available on the WSJT-X page.

Those participating in WSJT-X beta tests are expected to report their experiences to the developers and upgrade to the general availability release when it becomes available. Visit the WSJT-X web page for more information.


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