Paramedic Course Placement Portfolio & Record Book EDUCATION & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT

Paramedic Course Placement Portfolio Record Book Placement... · 2011. 6. 15. · Placement Portfolio & Record Book . EDUCATION & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT . CONTENTS . Paramedic Course

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Page 1: Paramedic Course Placement Portfolio Record Book Placement... · 2011. 6. 15. · Placement Portfolio & Record Book . EDUCATION & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT . CONTENTS . Paramedic Course

Paramedic Course Placement Portfolio

& Record Book


Page 2: Paramedic Course Placement Portfolio Record Book Placement... · 2011. 6. 15. · Placement Portfolio & Record Book . EDUCATION & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT . CONTENTS . Paramedic Course

CONTENTS Paramedic Course Placement Record Book


Practice Placement Assessment

Policies & Procedures

Infection Control

Code of Conduct

Non-Emergency Services Placement

Other Emergency Services

Emergency Services Control

Operating Theatres

Intensive Care / High Dependency

Coronary Car/Cardiac Unit

Accident & Emergency Department


Children – Paediatric Unit

Emergency Ambulance

Out of hours Unscheduled Care

Primary Care – GP/Walk-In-Centre

Mental Health Awareness

Medical Assessment Unit/Surgical Assessment unit

Older Adult

Allied Health Team

Critical Care Network-Air Ambulance Control

Operations Manager

Single Response Vehicles

Placement Interview

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Pre-entry Summary Date: Venue:

Element % achieved Pass Standard Pass/Fail/Referral Questionnaire 85% Short Essay 70%

BLS Pass* Trauma/Unconscious Pass* Patient Assessment Pass* *Key areas must be met in the relevant marking scheme Selection Interview Date: Venue: Signature of Chairperson of examination panel: Course start date: Training Summary

Module Venue Date Completed Signature Title G H I1 I2

Placements **

** This must be signed by member of the Clinical Directorate Assessment Summary

Module Questionnaire %

Written Paper %

Viva-voce (PASS/FAIL)

Practicals (PASS/FAIL)

G H I1 I2

Module Date PASS/FAIL Assessor

Signature Title

G H I1 I2

Pass marks: 85% for Questionnaire, 70% for Short Essay

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Practical Assessments - Summary Pre-entry

Assessment Date PASS/FAIL Assessor Signature


CPR Trauma Patient Unconscious Patient

Modules G & H

Assessment Date PASS/FAIL Assessor Signature


Advanced CPR Intubation Infusion ECG Interpretation Defibrillation Drug Therapy Scenario 1 - Collapse Scenario 2 - Trauma Needle Crichothyroidtomy Needle Thoracocentesis Laryngeal masks Module I1

Assessment Date PASS/FAIL Assessor Signature


Paediatric trauma Paediatric BLS & ALS Paediatric Intubation Intraosseous Infusion Module I2

Assessment Date PASS/FAIL Assessor Signature


Obstetric Emergency Resus of a newborn Normal delivery

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PLACEMENT SECONDMENT Continuous Assessment Report To be completed by the supervising clinician or nurse after each successful performance of each technique. There is no requirement based on numbers, the student must demonstrate a level of safe practice. Endotracheal Intubation

DATE TITLE SIGNATURE DATE TITLE SIGNATURE 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13

Intravenous Cannulation

DATE TITLE SIGNATURE DATE TITLE SIGNATURE 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13

Intravenous Infusion


This is a record of appropriate skills attempted during placement

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Continuous assessment report (continued)

Task Date Title Signature Airway Management Positioning of patient Oropharyngeal airway Oropharyngeal suction and toilet

Artificial ventilation Use of bag and mask Use of mechanical ventilator/resuscitator

Blood Sampling Taking blood and labelling blood samples

Intravenous Infusion Aseptic assembly of equipment

Intravenous Cannulation Establish and management of intravenous infusion

Electrocardiography Recognition/interpretation of:

Normal sinus tachycardia Sinus bradycardia Sinus tachyradia Asystole Superaventricular tachycardia

Ventricular extrasystoles Ventricular fibrillation Heart blocks (1st, 2nd, 3rd degree and bundle branch)

Pulseless Electrical Activity

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Task Date Title Signature Defibrillation Safety procedures Use of defibrillator Use of drugs Preparation of drugs of administration

Administration of drugs Subcutaneous route Intramuscular route Assessment and diagnosis Taking and recording:

Pulse Blood pressure Respiratory rate Glasgow Coma Scale Temperature Skin (texture/colour) Trauma scoring

Student Name: ……………………………………………… I have found the above Student has achieved a level of safe practice in all aspects required. Signature of supervision Clinician: ……………………………………………………………… Name: ………………………………… Title: …………………. Date: ……………… I have not found that the above trainee has met the required standard in all the aspects required and recommend further training and re-assessment in the following areas. Signature of supervising of Clinician: ………………………………………………………… Name: ………………………….. Title: ……………………………. Date: ………………….

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Placement Rules and Regulations

INTRODUCTION The development of a structured career pathway within the NHS and Agenda for Change has identified the need to give personnel within the Ambulance Service a career structure. The structure of the IHCD Paramedic programme allows the student to build upon their theoretical knowledge base by facilitating a structured practical element within the Placement environment. This structure should allow the student to develop theoretical and practical skills whilst being mentored through the placement phase of their education and as a result be eligible to apply for registration to the Health Professions Council as a Paramedic This placement diary has been designed to enable you to record your progress throughout your placement areas.

The placements are designed to facilitate your understanding of that particular speciality in order to acquire the knowledge skills and attitude which are applicable to your role as a paramedic. The British Paramedic Association has outlined a list of appropriate placements, they realise that students will not access all of these placements, however all of the placements that have been assigned to you by the Practice Placement Coordinator are deemed essential to complete the IHCD process of becoming a Paramedic and being able to access the HPC register as a Paramedic, if any are not achieved, for example due to ill health, then they will be rearranged prior to completion of the programme or being awarded the qualification. The placements have undergone a placement audit, which looks at the appropriate levels of qualified staff at the placement to facilitate educational needs and learning opportunities. Part of the audit is to ensure that the placement is a safe and secure environment which has appropriate health and safety policies and procedures in place to ensure the safety of students. Placements should be in your local geographical area under the guidance of senior clinicians, supervisors, nurses or allied health professionals. However placements may be conducted outside of your normal locality to achieve the full range of learning outcomes. This will be done in full discussion with the student. Students should be regarded as members of the patient care team, including membership of any cardiac arrest team. Modules G, H and I must be carried out at an IHCD accredited ambulance paramedic training centre, with Ambulance Service tutors qualified as ambulance paramedics and on the appropriate register. Wherever possible, students must not wait more than three months between satisfactory concluding modules I and commencing hospital secondment. Whenever possible, training should be carried out at the hospitals to which the student regularly conveys emergency patients, to develop a rapport between the student and the medical and nursing staff. The student shall be constantly assessed

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and additional time may be stipulated at the discretion of the tutors to overcome any problems that may arise. Placement training may be conducted outside the locality of the Ambulance Service providing:

There is agreement between the trusts on the placement programme (including monitoring arrangements).

A programme orientating newly qualified staff to their normal receiving centres is forwarded to and approved by the IHCD.

An Ambulance Service paramedic tutor or Practice Placement Coordinator will regularly visit trainees during hospital secondment to assess progress and to discuss any problems which may have arisen. Practice Placement Coordinator The Practice Placement Coordinator is the person who will oversee all of the placements that you will attend. There role is to arrange all placements ensuring that the placement is aware of the student arrival and that the learning experience required to meet the programme outcomes is in place. An additional responsibility of their role is to ensure that the placements that are used are appropriate and provide a safe and secure environment that is conducive to learning for the students needs. They will undertake a full written audit of each placement on a biannual basis which is used to ascertain the appropriateness of the placement and the staff who will be mentoring you through the experience are on the appropriate register and have the appropriate skills and knowledge to provide the supervision and support needed. They will also visit you during placements to ensure that you are attaining the required learning outcomes and experience that will allow development and growth. During any visit they will review any welfare or support issued that the student may have and direct appropriately any issues surrounding clinical or practice issues or concerns that are raised. They are also the initial point of contact for the student for any issues surrounding sickness absence monitoring or complaints that the student may have. PRACTICE PLACEMENT ASSESSMENT Achievement of the learning outcomes is determined by continuous assessment and achievement of competencies. For each placement, the specific competencies you are working towards will have been identified. This will ensure that both you and your practice Facilitator are clear as to the learning outcomes and expectations from each placement.

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Remember you are not expected to achieve all of them on every placement you visit as your learning is viewed as a continuous process. However, there will be specific placements allocated where essential skills are gained and as an example this would be airway management in the theatre environment. Your Syndicate/Personal tutor who will oversee your placement experience is:-


The Practice Placement Coordinator who will oversee your placements is:-

______________________________ The Placement Facilitator who is coordinating each of your non ambulance placements will oversee and co-ordinate your placement experience in that area. If they consider that you need a longer period of time in a specific area then this will be discussed with your Practice Placement Coordinator or syndicate/personal tutor. In these circumstances your placement may be extended until overall outcomes are achieved. During specific placements such as Operating Theatres, specific elements such as cannulation, intubation, etc can be practiced. The continuous assessment part at the front of the placement diary has an area to chart successful cannulations and intubations. Previously there has been a requirement to achieve 25 of each as a standard to ensure competency. This requirement has been removed and replaced with achievement of competency that is associated with the required learner outcomes for the placement. This section still has its place to record these skills but it is not a requirement to achieve the stated 25. It is much more important for the student to gain knowledge, understanding and achievement of competency in those skills based on the development of skills in a supported environment, thereby ensuring a practitioner who is confident in there achievement in practice skills. This will also allow the student to experience the full benefit of the theatre placement through discussion and following patient management techniques and skills, rather than chasing from theatre to theatre to try to get numbers of cannulations and intubations. Competence is determined by continuous assessment throughout each of the placements. The Practice Placement Coordinator will ensure that you complete the training programme and deal with any problems that arise. During the final week, by discussion with colleagues, the Practice Placement Coordinator will ensure that the course objectives have been achieved to the required standard and that the relevant sections of the placement diary have been completed. If satisfied with the student's overall competence, the Practice Placement Coordinator should forward the Record Book to the Clinical Educator Coordinator for

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processing and certificate registration. If not satisfied with the overall competence of the student, representation will be made to the Clinical Education Manager and the Medical Director. In these circumstances the student's placement or elements of their placement may be extended until overall competence is achieved. You will be visited or contacted by the Practice Placement Coordinator or a Syndicate/Personal Tutor who will monitor your progress and discuss any problems. Practice Placement Coordinator and Syndicate/personal Tutors can be contacted at:- Burn Hall Education and Development department: 01904 666095 Elmbank Education and Development department: 01924 888845 Doncaster Clay Lane Education and Development department: 01302 327021 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES When attending your placements you must adhere not only to service policies and procedures but also to any hospital or PCT policies and procedures. Confidential Information You will often have access to confidential information about patients, staff or colleagues. Never divulge information to unauthorised people. Never discuss any details regarding patient names or treatment received with unauthorised persons. NHS policy on security of confidential information applies. Any breach of this instruction will be subject to disciplinary procedures as gross misconduct. No Smoking Smoking is not permitted in any Health Service premises. Always comply with no smoking policies and instructions. Access to Occupational Health Facilities Staff requiring access to medical aid for sudden illness, accidents at work, dental or optical reasons should initially report to the hospital Accident and Emergency department. Any such incidents must be reported to the Clinical Education Manager immediately. All accidents must be entered on to Prism and any other relevant documentation completed.

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Staff requiring access to stress counselling should contact their Syndicate/personal tutor, Practice Placement Coordinator or lastly their line Manager. The Ambulance Service policy for access to occupational health department applies. Hygiene Universal precautions will be adhered to at all times. These will usually be displayed /available in all NHS departments. Gloves must be worn whenever the possibility of coming into contact with any body fluid arises. When attending theatres or other areas where specialised clothing is required you must seek guidance from department personnel or contact the Practice Placement Coordinator. Always wear specialised clothing and use protective equipment as advised and dispose of such items in accordance with departmental procedures. Sharps/Needle stick Adhere to hospital safe practice and disposal procedures. In case of needle stick injury follow departmental procedures. Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust policy also applies. Pressurised Gases Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust policy applies. You must also familiarise yourself with hospital/departmental policies and adhere to them. Prescription only Medicines All statutory regulations apply. Administer only the range of POM's that you have been trained and licensed to administer and follow guidance from your Syndicate/Personal tutor. Health and Safety The placement has been audited to ensure that it is appropriate and provides safe working environment, but students are reminded that they have a duty to ensure that whilst at work to take reasonable care for the health and safety of him/her self and of other persons who may be affected by his/her actions or omissions at work and to co-operate with management to ensure that the relevant statutory provisions are complied with. No person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare in pursuance of any relevant statutory provisions. Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust health and safety policy applies.

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Infection Control Measures to Prevent Transmission of Blood Borne Viruses in the Health Care Setting

1. Apply good basic hygiene procedures with regular hand washing. 2. Cover existing wounds or skin lesions with waterproof dressings. 3. Avoid invasive procedures if suffering from chronic skin lesions on hands. 4. Avoid contamination of person by appropriate use of protective clothing. 5. Protect mucous membranes of eyes, mouth and nose from blood splashes. 6. Prevent puncture wounds, cuts and abrasions in the presence of blood. 7. Avoid sharps usage wherever possible. 8. Ensure all safe procedures for handling and disposal of needles and other

sharps are followed. 9. Ensure all approved procedures for sterilisation and disinfection of

instruments and equipment are followed. 10. Clear up spillages of blood and other body fluids promptly and disinfect

surfaces. 11. Ensure the procedure for the safe disposal of contaminated waste is followed. The employer will ensure that it has an effective preventative strategy to minimise the risks of transmission of blood borne viruses to staff, patients and others. The Preventative Strategy includes:- 1. Clear health and safety procedures to minimise risk. 2. Clear infection control procedures to minimise risk. 3. Clear procedures on the care of people with blood borne viruses. The employer will ensure that these procedures are implemented and monitored for their effectiveness. The employers preventative measures are covered in the following policies:- 1. Infection control policy. 2. Health and safety policy. The policies will be reviewed annually and when any new guidance or recommendations from authoritative bodies, such as the Health and Safety Commission, are published they will be updated accordingly. The main risk of infection for staff is transmission by accidental inoculation or entry of infectious material through broken skin or mucous membrane. It is essential that all staff exercise great caution in the handling and disposal of sharps. Hepatitis B Immunisation Policy NHS guidelines (HSG(93(40) recommend that all employees who perform exposure prone procedures should be immunised against Hepatitis B and that their response to the vaccine should be subsequently checked. In order to reflect a good standard of practice, this Trust intends to ensure the immunisation of all employees who may be at risk through contact with blood, body fluids or patient tissues.

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A programme of vaccination and immunisation will be monitored jointly between the personnel department and the Occupational Health Service provider. For more information see Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust Hepatitis B Immunisation Policy. Fire Prevention/Fire Drill All staff attending placements must familiarise themselves with relevant fire prevention precautions, fire exits and fire fighting equipment for each department they will be working in, immediately on arrival in each department or as soon as practically possible. Purpose of the Placement Diary This diary will accompany you throughout your placement training period. You are responsible for its completion. When completed, you must ensure that it is given to the Practice Placement Coordinator who will ensure that it has been completed appropriately and then placed on your training file. An entry must be made for each day you attend a placement training period. These entries will record:

Skills practised on each day. Procedures that were observed. Hours worked (to be verified and signed by the placement facilitator). Department in which you were based. Any comments from clinical tutors. All visits by the Practice Placement Coordinator or Syndicate/personal tutor . Any comment you wish to make.

Code of Conduct In addition to your personal skills and knowledge, successful completion of this course depends on your willingness to participate in all that you are requested to do. It will be essential for you to adopt a flexible approach and not to consider this stage as 09.00 - 17.00 hours Monday to Friday. It is essential that, at all times, you are courteous, co-operative and helpful. YOU MUST a. Arrive punctually at the ward or department on the scheduled date and time,

ensuring that you report to the medical/nursing officer in charge. b. Wear your ID card at all times or leave it secure at theatre reception. c. Ensure that you are correctly and neatly attired. Uniform will be worn unless

otherwise directed by placement staff.

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d. Review the rules and operating procedures of the placement with the person in charge. You are required to comply with the rules and ethics of patient/medical confidentiality. Any breach of patient confidentiality will result in disciplinary action against you.

e. Under the guidance of the Practice Facilitator, you should actively become

involved in reviewing the history, diagnosis, complications and treatment of patients

f. Observe and participate in placement activities as directed by your placement

facilitator. If you observe a technique or procedure performed differently from your previous training, politely ask about the differences concerned. Remember that the techniques shown during the various modules may not be the only way of achieving the objective. However, you must remember that you are bound by JRCALC Guidelines. You will see and may be allowed to partake in, practices and techniques which you cannot undertake outside the placement setting during your operational duties.

g. At all times ensure that the person in charge of your training is aware of your

location. Failure to do this can be disruptive to the placement staff and could cause you to miss a valuable experience. You will carry a crash bleep and respond as a member of the 'Crash Team'.

h. Perform each procedure listed in the course objectives under the direct

supervision of a placement facilitator. If you are unsure of a procedure, ask the member of staff to explain before you attempt it. You must not practice any procedure unless specifically given permission to do so. Legal requirements dictate that as a student you are always supervised when practising within the placement setting.

i. Maintain this placement diary in which you must enter all training activities.

Review each procedure performed with the placement facilitator and ensure that you receive reviews and comments on your performance, which must be documented. Ensure that your practice placement diary is completed after each clinical session.

j. Should any problems arise even of a relatively minor nature, bring them to the

attention of your placement facilitator, Practice Placement Coordinator or Syndicate/Personal tutor. It is important that any problems or fractions that arise are quickly corrected.

k. On completion of the placement period of your training, the placement Diary

will be returned to the Practice Placement Coordinator. It will be verified and subsequently attached to your training file, which is held securely at one of the Education and Development Centres.

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Practice Placement

Practice placements should form a major aspect of paramedic education; to ensure that students have sufficient exposure to transfer taught theoretical sessions in to a practice setting that offers support, guidance and mentorship. The College of Paramedics Curriculum Guidance (2008) has set out specific key placements that help the student achieve key competencies linked to the standards of proficiency laid down by the Health Professions Council (HPC). One of the fundamental issues surrounding stand alone ambulance placements is around access or more importantly uncertainty of access to specific areas of patient care and management, due to the spasmodic and unpredictability of categories of patients using the service for student to access for specifically tailored learning opportunities. Therefore it is imperative that we have a succession of specifically tailored placements in a non ambulance setting that will give deliberate and controllable access to certain categories of patients with specific care needs and across the normal life span. With this focus in mind the College of Paramedics have provided a suggested list of appropriate placement areas which will allow the student to develop a true multidisciplinary educational experience. The list of suggested placement areas covers a full range of Primary, Secondary Tertiary and Emergency care settings, however it is realised that it may well not be possible for the student to attend all of the suggested placements, but a good spread of placements should be attended. The time spent in an individual placement is directly linked to the achievement of specific learner outcomes available from the placement. Whilst in any placement setting, be it ambulance or non ambulance related, the student must be supernumerary. This does not mean that they should simply be an observer but should participate in patient care at their level of education under the direct supervision of their assigned Placement Facilitator or mentor. The placement element of the Paramedic programme is designed to allow the student to develop skills, knowledge and attitudes that will foster autonomous practitioners who have developed an understanding of practice, derived from multi-professional working, reflective practice and a good sound knowledge base derived form research, collaborative study and professional attitude to lifelong learning. Students should maintain a high level of professionalism throughout the duration of any placements and must at all times demonstrate fitness to practice, meeting the standards of proficiency expected by the HPC. They are expected to work in partnership with the placement practitioners which will foster inter-professional learning opportunities and where possible be part of the patients multi-professional care team. One of the main benefits of practice placements is the opportunity for learning in an environment that offers access to important areas of education in a controlled and supportive environment. In order for the placement environment to meet these expectations the role of the placement facilitator or mentor is crucial.

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The placement facilitator or mentor should have the appropriate level of knowledge and experience. They should also be a registered professional in their own Wright. They should also hold appropriate qualifications such as City and Guilds A1, A2, and V1 units, City and guilds 7407 award or a mentorship award, or have had previous experience working with students in this type of environment. This is to ensure that the placement facilitators or mentors have the appropriate skills and attitude to learning to support the student through the placement experience. The placement facilitator or mentor should constantly provide learning opportunities for the student, but must also provide appropriate assessment of skills, knowledge and attitude. There should also be a debrief of the students abilities and performance in relationship to the required learning outcomes for the placement on a regular basis to ensure that the student understands the direction of their development as a practitioner. Students Support during placement

Supporting students throughout their educational experience is extremely important to the Education and Development department as we want to ensure that the students experience is positive and supportive. With this in mind student support whilst on placement is offered in a number of ways, the students Syndicate/Personal tutor is one point of contact, as is the programme assigned course director. The student will be issued with the works mobile phone numbers of these members of the Education and Development team, and can be contacted in relationship to any problem relating to education, welfare or placement issues. In addition the student will be issued with the Practice Placement Coordinators work mobile telephone number; again they can be contacted relating to any issue around the placement or welfare issues. The student will have access to the Education and Development department for assistance and support, each unit contact numbers can be found in the contact section of this diary. All of the services provided by the Yorkshire Ambulance Service for staff support are fully available to all students while on any educational programme including non ambulance placements. This includes access to the Human Resource Department which will open up access to a number of support mechanisms such as counselling, Occupational Health departments and mediation services. If a student requests a visit to their assigned placement, this will be facilitated by a member of the Education and Development Department such as the Syndicate/Personal Tutor, Course Director or Practice Placement Coordinator, or a member of the Human Resource Department. The student will also have access to their line manager and the support mechanisms that this avenue brings with it.

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DURATION OF PLACEMENTS Within the British Paramedic Association (BPA) curriculum guidance framework (2008) there is a lists of recommended placements that will allow the student to have a good learning experience, which will help transfer theoretical knowledge into practice. One of the main outcomes of the placement experience is to allow the development of multidisciplinary working and foster a culture of understanding leading to the development of autonomous practice. The following table outlines the list of placements with the minimum hours that should be achieved in each placement. It is recognised that students may not attain the full list of placements but should have a minimum of 160 hours in a variety of placements that will aid development and understanding of care issues that will enhance their patient care or enhance understanding of working within the multidisciplinary environment.

Placement Minimum Hours

Non Emergency Ambulance 8 Other Emergency services 12 Emergency service Control 12 Operating Theatres 37.5 Intensive care 12 Cardiac Care Unit 24 Accident and Emergency 24 Midwifery/obstetrics 24 Children Paediatrics 16 Emergency ambulance 12 Out of hours unscheduled care 12 Primary care GP walk in center 8 Mental Health 8 Medical/Surgical Assessment Unit 8 Older Adult 12 Allied Health 12 Critical Care 8 Operations Manage 8 Single Response Manager 12

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NON-EMERGENCY SERVICES PLACEMENT This allows the student to observe the role and operation of patient transport services delivery of care and transportation. As an introduction to an ambulance service this is an ideal area to develop basic communication skills On arrival you must report to:- ___________________________________ This placement will support your development in:-



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed consent

1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1a.6 Be able to practise as an autonomous professional, exercising

their own professional judgement

1a.7 Recognise the need for effective self-management of workload and resources and be able to practice accordingly

1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2b.2 Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills

in order to make professional judgements

2b.3 Be able to formulate specific and appropriate management plans including the setting of timescales

2b.4 Be able to conduct appropriate diagnostic or monitoring procedures, treatment, therapy or other actions safely and skilfully

2b.5 Be able to maintain records appropriately 2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned

activity and modify it accordingly

2c.2 Be able to audit, reflect on and review practice 3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge

which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location - Non-Emergency Ambulance Duration - 8 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Non-Emergency Ambulance Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms Location, security of personal items Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments on the students progress: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Non Emergency Ambulance Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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OTHER EMERGENCY SERVICES Road policing units, Fire Service, Royal National Lifeboat Institution, HM Coast Guard and Mountain Search and Rescue Teams, This will allow the student to gain an appreciation of the specific and collaborative role that each team can play in the patient care pathway. This placement has much more to do with the geography and locality of the clinical placement On arrival on the first day you must report to:- _____________________________________ This placement will support your development in:-



Mentor signature and


1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed consent

1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1a.7 Recognise the need for effective self-management of workload

and resources and be able to practice accordingly

1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2b.1 Be able to use research, reasoning and problem-solving skills to determine appropriate actions

2b.2 Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills in order to make professional judgements

2b.3 Be able to formulate specific and appropriate management plans including the setting of timescales

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location and service attended - Duration - 12 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Day Two

Other Emergency Service Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms Location, security of personal items Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Other Emergency Services Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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EMERGENCY SERVICES CONTROL This comprises ambulance emergency control centres and NHS direct. This will allow the student to gain an understanding of the communication skills and strategic decision making involved in the patient pathway On arrival you must report to:- ____________________________________ This placement will support your development in:-



Mentor signature and


1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain confidentiality

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned

activity and modify it accordingly

2c.2 Be able to audit, reflect on and review practice 3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge

which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

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Location - Ambulance Control Centre Duration - 12 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Ambulance Control Centre Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms Location, security of personal items Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Emergency Services Control Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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OPERATING THEATRES This can be in main theatres or day procedure units. This placement time will allow the paramedic student to focus on advanced airway management techniques such as laryngeal masks and endotracheal intubation, in a critical setting whilst interacting with Operating Department Practitioners, Nurses and Anaesthetists. And to follow the patient’s journey through the peri-operative period. On arrival on the first day you must report to:-

_____________________________________ This placement will support your development in the standards of proficiency.



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed consent

1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other

professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2b.2 Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills

in order to make professional judgements

2b.4 Be able to conduct appropriate diagnostic or monitoring procedures, treatment, therapy or other actions safely and skilfully

2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned activity and modify it accordingly

2c.2 Be able to audit, reflect on and review practice 3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge

which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

Students should be able to use the following airway management techniques, as well as knowledge of when and how each airway adjunct can be utilised to best effect:

Endotracheal tube and Laryngeal mask airway placement Cannulation Manual Airway techniques Artificial ventilation of a patient using a bag valve mask and/or ventilator

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Location - Theatres Duration - 37.5 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Day two

Day three

Day four

Day five

Operating Theatre Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms Location, security of personal items Theatre Clothing Appropriate garments, masks, footwear Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Operating Theatre Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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INTENSIVE CARE / HIGH DEPENDENCY This placement will allow the student to focus on the critically ill patients and the management and monitoring of the unconscious patient. On the first day of the placement you must report to:- _____________________________________ This placement will support your development in the standards of proficiency.



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed consent

1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other

professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2b.2 Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills

in order to make professional judgements

2b.4 Be able to conduct appropriate diagnostic or monitoring procedures, treatment, therapy or other actions safely and skilfully

2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned activity and modify it accordingly

2c.2 Be able to audit, reflect on and review practice 3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge

which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location - ITU Duration - 12 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Day two

ITU Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms Location, security of personal items Clothing Appropriate garments, masks, footwear Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Intensive Care/High Dependency Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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CORONARY CARE / CARDIAC UNIT This will allow students to identify with the relevant National Service Framework (NSF) for 12 lead ECGs, acute coronary syndrome, thrombosis’s including in-hospital assessment, treatment and care pathways. The student will be able to gain experience in care and management of the patient with acute chest pain. Observe the administration of thrombolysis and the monitoring of patients both during and post treatment. The student will also be able to consolidate knowledge of ECG interpretation under the supervision of an experienced practitioner. On the first day of the placement you must report to:- ____________________________________ This placement will support your development in the following standards of proficiency.



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed consent

1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other

professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2a.2 be able to select and use appropriate assessment techniques 2b.2 Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills

in order to make professional judgements

2b.4 Be able to conduct appropriate diagnostic or monitoring procedures, treatment, therapy or other actions safely and skilfully

2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned activity and modify it accordingly

2c.2 Be able to audit, reflect on and review practice 3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge

which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location - CCU Duration - 24 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Day two

Day three

CCU Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms Location, security of personal items Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Cardiac Care/ Cardiac Unit Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT This allows the students to experience interaction between paramedics and hospital staff, also handovers, patient assessment, further treatment and investigations. To participate in patient assessment, further treatment and investigations. To follow the patients journey through the accident and emergency department. On the first day of the AE placement you must report to:-

____________________________________ This placement will support your development in the following standards of proficiency.



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed consent

1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other

professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2a.2 Be able to select and use appropriate assessment techniques 2a.3 Be able to undertake or arrange investigations as appropriate 2a.4 Be able to analyse and critically evaluate the information collected 2b.2 Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills

in order to make professional judgements

2b.4 Be able to conduct appropriate diagnostic or monitoring procedures, treatment, therapy or other actions safely and skilfully

2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned activity and modify it accordingly

2c.2 Be able to audit, reflect on and review practice 3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge

which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location - A&E

Duration - 24 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Day two

Day three

A&E Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms Location, security of personal items Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Accident and Emergency Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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MIDWIFERY- OBSTETRICS This placement will involve teaching by qualified midwives in the placement setting and will consolidate midwifery theoretical knowledge, and to a lesser degree practical knowledge. The student may also get the opportunity to observe childbirth if the situation arises. On the first day of the Maternity placement you must report to:- ____________________________________ This placement will support your development in the following standards of proficiency.



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain confidentiality 1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed


1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other

professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2a.2 Be able to select and use appropriate assessment techniques 2a.4 Be able to analyse and critically evaluate the information collected 2b.2 Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills in

order to make professional judgements

2b.4 Be able to conduct appropriate diagnostic or monitoring procedures, treatment, therapy or other actions safely and skilfully

2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned activity and modify it accordingly

2c.2 Be able to audit, reflect on and review practice 3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge

which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location - Maternity Duration - 24 hours minimum

Shift From Shift To Day one

Day two

Day three

Maternity Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms Location, security of personal items Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Maternity/Obstetric Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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CHILDREN - PAEDIATRIC UNIT This placement will involve teaching by specialists in the placement setting and will consolidate paediatric basic and advanced life support theoretical knowledge. The student will be able to participate in assessment of children, further treatment and investigations, as well as observe the key role of the family in care of the child. On the first day of the Paediatric placement you must report to:-

____________________________________ This placement will support your development in the following standards of proficiency.



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain confidentiality 1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed


1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other

professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2a.2 Be able to select and use appropriate assessment techniques 2a.4 Be able to analyse and critically evaluate the information collected 2b.2 Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills in

order to make professional judgements

2b.4 Be able to conduct appropriate diagnostic or monitoring procedures, treatment, therapy or other actions safely and skilfully

2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned activity and modify it accordingly

2c.2 Be able to audit, reflect on and review practice 3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge

which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location - Paediatric department Duration - 16 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Day two

Day three

Paediatric Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms

Location, security of personal items

Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Child – Paediatric Unit Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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EMERGENCY AMBULANCE This placement allows the student to work with Paramedics, Technicians and Support Workers dealing with emergency and urgent cases in a clinical setting and also to consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice. On the first day of the Ambulance placement you must report to:- ___________________________________ This placement will support your development in the following standards of proficiency.



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed consent

1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1a.6 Be able to practise as an autonomous professional, exercising

their own professional judgement

1a.7 Recognise the need for effective self-management of workload and resources and be able to practice accordingly

1a.8 Understand the obligation to maintain fitness to practise 1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other

professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2a.2 Be able to select and use appropriate assessment techniques 2a.3 Be able to undertake or arrange investigations as appropriate 2a.4 Be able to analyse and critically evaluate the information collected 2b.1 Be able to use research, reasoning and problem-solving skills to

determine appropriate actions

2b.2 Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills in order to make professional judgements

2b.3 Be able to formulate specific and appropriate management plans including the setting of timescales

2b.4 Be able to conduct appropriate diagnostic or monitoring procedures, treatment, therapy or other actions safely and skilfully

2b.5 Be able to maintain records appropriately 2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned

activity and modify it accordingly

2c.2 Be able to audit, reflect on and review practice 3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge

which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location - Emergency Ambulance Duration - 24 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Day two

Emergency Ambulance Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms

Location, security of personal items

Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Emergency Ambulance Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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OUT OF HOURS UNSCHEDULED CARE This placement will allow the student to experience unscheduled care and gain an understanding of patient referrals pathways at the hands of a specialist paramedic in primary care On arrival on the first day you must report to:- ____________________________________ This placement will support your development in the following Standards of Proficiency.



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed consent

1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1a.6 Be able to practise as an autonomous professional, exercising

their own professional judgement

1a.7 Recognise the need for effective self-management of workload and resources and be able to practice accordingly

1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2a.2 Be able to select and use appropriate assessment techniques 2a.3 Be able to undertake or arrange investigations as appropriate 2a.4 Be able to analyse and critically evaluate the information collected 2b.2 Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills

in order to make professional judgements

2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned activity and modify it accordingly

3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location - Out of Hours unscheduled care Duration - 24 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Day one

Out of Hours Unscheduled Care Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms

Location, security of personal items

Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________

Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Out of Hours- Unscheduled Care Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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PRIMARY CARE - GP/WALK-IN-CENTRE These placements are designed to allow the student to identify the assessment process and treatment provision of general practice surgeries On arrival on the first day you must report to:- _____________________________________ This placement will support your development in the following Standards of Proficiency. Standards of Proficiency 2c.1 3a.1, 3a.3



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.6 Be able to practise as an autonomous professional, exercising their own professional judgement

1a.7 Recognise the need for effective self-management of workload and resources and be able to practice accordingly

1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2a.3 Be able to undertake or arrange investigations as appropriate 2a.4 Be able to analyse and critically evaluate the information collected 2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned

activity and modify it accordingly

3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location - Duration - 16 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Day two

Primary Care Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms

Location, security of personal items

Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Primary Care Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS This placement should allow the student to appreciate the complexities of mental health situations and focus on patient assessment techniques. On arrival on the first day you must report to:- _____________________________________ This placement will support your development in the following Standards of Proficiency.



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed consent

1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other

professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2a.4 Be able to analyse and critically evaluate the information collected 2b.1 Be able to use research, reasoning and problem-solving skills to

determine appropriate actions

2b.2 Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills in order to make professional judgements

2b.3 Be able to formulate specific and appropriate management plans including the setting of timescales

2b.4 Be able to conduct appropriate diagnostic or monitoring procedures, treatment, therapy or other actions safely and skilfully

2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned activity and modify it accordingly

3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Service Attended Location - Duration - 8 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Mental Health Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms

Location, security of personal items

Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Mental Health Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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MEDICAL ASSESSMENT UNIT / SURGICAL ASSESSMENT UNIT These placements will allow the student to develop either or both medical and surgical patient assessment skills, allowing the student to gain an insight in assessing medical emergencies care management and investigations, surgical emergencies care management and investigations. On arrival on the first day you must report to:- ____________________________________ This placement will support your development in the following Standards of Proficiency.



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed consent

1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other

professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2a.2 Be able to select and use appropriate assessment techniques 2a.3 Be able to undertake or arrange investigations as appropriate 2b.1 Be able to use research, reasoning and problem-solving skills

to determine appropriate actions

2b.2 Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills in order to make professional judgements

2b.3 Be able to formulate specific and appropriate management plans including the setting of timescales

2b.4 Be able to conduct appropriate diagnostic or monitoring procedures, treatment, therapy or other actions safely and skilfully

2b.5 Be able to maintain records appropriately 2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of

planned activity and modify it accordingly

3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location - Duration - 24 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Day two

Medical/Surgical Assessment Unit Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms

Location, security of personal items

Clothing What clothing to wear during placement Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Medical/Surgical Assessment Unit Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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OLDER ADULT This placement should allow the student to focus on assessment and communication relating to degenerative conditions. This could be in a care home or a medical or surgical ward. On arrival on the first day you must report to:- ____________________________________ This placement will support your development in the following Standards of Proficiency.



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed consent

1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other

professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2a.2 Be able to select and use appropriate assessment techniques 2a.3 Be able to undertake or arrange investigations as appropriate 2b.1 Be able to use research, reasoning and problem-solving skills

to determine appropriate actions

2b.2 Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills in order to make professional judgements

2b.3 Be able to formulate specific and appropriate management plans including the setting of timescales

2b.4 Be able to conduct appropriate diagnostic or monitoring procedures, treatment, therapy or other actions safely and skilfully

2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned activity and modify it accordingly

3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location - Duration - 12 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Day two

Older Adult Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms

Location, security of personal items

Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Older Adult Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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ALLIED HEALTH TEAM Placements such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, will allow the student to gain an appreciation of the specific and collaborative role that each team can play in the patient care pathway. On arrival on the first day you must report to:- _____________________________________ This placement will support your development in the following Standards of Proficiency.



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.6 Be able to practise as an autonomous professional, exercising their own professional judgement

1a.7 Recognise the need for effective self-management of workload and resources and be able to practice accordingly

1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned activity and modify it accordingly

2c.2 Be able to audit, reflect on and review practice 3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of

knowledge which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location - Duration - 12 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Day one

Allied Health Team Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms

Location, security of personal items

Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Allied Health Team Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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CRITICAL CARE NETWORK - AIR AMBULANCE CONTROL This placement comprises of units such as helicopter air ambulance and BASICs doctors. This will allow the student to gain an appreciation of the specific and collaborative role that each team can play in the patient care pathway. On arrival on the first day you must report to:- _____________________________________ This placement will support your development in the following Standards of Proficiency.



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.6 Be able to practise as an autonomous professional, exercising their own professional judgement

1a.7 Recognise the need for effective self-management of workload and resources and be able to practice accordingly

1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of planned activity and modify it accordingly

2c.2 Be able to audit, reflect on and review practice 3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge

which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location - Duration - 8 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Critical Care Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms

Location, security of personal items

Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Critical Care Network Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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OPERATIONS MANAGER This placement will allow the student to experience the clinical support and scene management that is available within the ambulance setting. It is also a useful setting to witness and experience leadership skills that are required of modern managers On arrival on the first day you must report to:- _____________________________________ This placement will support your development in:-



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed consent

1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1a.6 Be able to practise as an autonomous professional, exercising

their own professional judgement

1a.7 Recognise the need for effective self-management of workload and resources and be able to practice accordingly

1a.8 Understand the obligation to maintain fitness to practise 1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other

professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2a.2 Be able to select and use appropriate assessment techniques

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Location - Duration - 8 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Operations Manager Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms

Location, security of personal items

Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Operations Manager Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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SINGLE RESPONSE VEHICLES This placement will allow the student to observe out of hospital treatment and referral pathways and the added dimensions and complexities of lone worker practice. On arrival on the first day you must report to:- ____________________________________ This placement will support your development in the following Standards of Proficiency.



Mentor signature and


1a.1 Be able to practise within the legal and ethical boundaries of their profession

1a.2 Be able to practise in a non-discriminatory manner 1a.3 Understand the importance of and be able to maintain


1a.4 Understand the importance of and be able to obtain informed consent

1a.5 Be able to exercise a professional duty of care 1a.6 Be able to practise as an autonomous professional,

exercising their own professional judgement

1a.7 Recognise the need for effective self-management of workload and resources and be able to practice accordingly

1a.8 Understand the obligation to maintain fitness to practise 1b.1 Be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other

professionals, support staff, service users and their relatives and carers

1b.2 Be able to contribute effectively to work undertaken as part of a multi disciplinary team

1b.3 Be able to demonstrate effective and appropriate skills in communicating information, advice, instruction and professional opinion to colleagues, service users, their relatives and carers

1b.4 Understand the need for effective communication throughout the care of the service user

2a.1 Be able to gather appropriate information 2a.2 Be able to select and use appropriate assessment techniques 2a.3 Be able to undertake or arrange investigations as appropriate 2b.1 Be able to use research, reasoning and problem-solving skills

to determine appropriate actions

2b.2 Be able to draw on appropriate knowledge and skills in order to make professional judgements

2b.3 Be able to formulate specific and appropriate management plans including the setting of timescales

2b.4 Be able to conduct appropriate diagnostic or monitoring procedures, treatment, therapy or other actions safely and skilfully

2b.5 Be able to maintain records appropriately 2c.1 Be able to monitor and review the ongoing effectiveness of

planned activity and modify it accordingly

2c.2 Be able to audit, reflect on and review practice 3a.1 know and understand the key concepts of the bodies of

knowledge which are relevant to their profession specific practice

3a.2 Know how professional principles are expressed and translated into action through a number of different approaches to practice, and how to select or modify approaches to meet the needs of an individual, groups or communities

3a.3 Understand the need to establish and maintain a safe practice environment

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Location - Duration - 24 hours minimum Shift From Shift To Day one

Day one

Single Response Vehicle Placement Orientation

You must receive information on the following

Mentor to sign that it has been covered

Changing rooms

Location, security of personal items

Rest area Refreshment facilities Fire exits Location and layout of theatre suites and

recovery rooms

Equipment Equipment, monitors, gases etc that may be used during the placement

Procedures Any procedures that the student may need to be aware of during the procedure

Practice Mentor Comments: Student Comments: Practice mentor signature: ___________________________________________ Student signature: ___________________________________________

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Learning Contract for Single Response Vehicle Placement

Learning need

Agreed learning action plan



Student Name: _________________ Student Signature: _________________ Mentor Name: _________________ Mentor Signature: _________________

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Placement Interview

Name of Student Placement Venue ______________________________________ Date of Visit Comments



Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________ Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________ Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________

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Placement Interview

Name of Student Placement Venue ______________________________________ Date of Visit Comments



Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________ Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________ Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________

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Placement Interview

Name of Student Placement Venue ______________________________________ Date of Visit Comments


Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________ Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________ Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________

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Placement Interview

Name of Student Placement Venue ______________________________________ Date of Visit Comments

Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________ Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________ Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________

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Placement Interview

Name of Student Placement Venue ______________________________________ Date of Visit Comments


Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________ Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________ Name_________________ Signature__________________ Designation______________