Parade 1951 Vol 10 No 04 - shotpeener.com · 2016. 7. 5. · Aid Room. The eh a arfr eold It ('(Ill\ to tmploy

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Page 1: Parade 1951 Vol 10 No 04 - shotpeener.com · 2016. 7. 5. · Aid Room. The eh a arfr eold It ('(Ill\ to tmploy
Page 2: Parade 1951 Vol 10 No 04 - shotpeener.com · 2016. 7. 5. · Aid Room. The eh a arfr eold It ('(Ill\ to tmploy

NEW FACES ''•.-till- "'"""' J� 1� Sullivan. Vt•11k \\ lkt.J.O.ufl:h. Walt�r I" Bnoc· do"II'.Jr \14� ..... _.. Robe-rt � .._y, �lup­J'II'O(. J•ck Rlll»ll. En1f�rlfl3: WiiiU..m It lt4>yn<lole. M•lnt�NII'Ia' ()frl...- fl;th4:'1 .).honlh l.,oU. Jnn O.W· Am, fk'tty I.IIU IMhmMndy, Ha�t Hen · lkl"'ll)ff.LA!Of't,K r'lt>rft '"'I+Wk II'""" JIUII� T Mt'Curml('k, Wt�llo•r M Hllllry, Pcolf·r B K11lil. ,..IHIJ'IhnJo Jlllllot4H Nt'Wton,WIIItf'r V fkhol;ley, 1-k'mllrd V11.n O.ek-, Willi� It )1rll•rolrl, Wil bur II St• ley. o.,,·itl r> Jrkkrkll, ltk'I\Ao'l J. HuM. io�nk I' l't'f'ollnkk

011 The Cover S1• p!;>I•«�*M'ft n.rrdy. prp �- atod

('I r. MAkr-lm�-ltn'.Jihto ••llt.lhf-rllll<olhf'l

l"all1na OIGIIIt.:-. daUfl:lfTof &llle iT .. , J HH ....... � ot UM' atecl ..tlop P'lllf'tl u tho> toM. rhlkl Cuarda: ......,.. t,..hrr •Mf Jotb11 •"I'Jl'ol,.r ano ttl. pc'lkfo

Americau Paracle ....... _-c....,_.,

'""'•�W-Iw•I ...... �IOiol'lo ·-·"· ·-

\nH•t·ican Slwrl>' t O!ltW!III& t.Mtt l.m-.1. A OUaUibr l.)u:A

C()lk'C-tnr Pf'O'� lmporlAint ach .. n· llill"'' for Anwrlna SnwllWf; •ncl Rl!"­llonlfllll C"o. Mu�y. IJt.h.. 'nl,. 100 KD ()ll�or Mo "'"ua.un111 ... u lf'1ndln,t nJllbl P"'OC'f'tlllli"« on• nmt•mlns lro'ld. ,u. \'l't, and lnd T'hfo dUal n\lle<-led bl \'ll'r)' \-ahtAbl · but It Ia •""' potl("nou'- to tM> I'I·Orkf,. llround th1• n1tll Snh"tlt'OI: the' \-llhllibll• Mllh'rilll n!lutnJ lmmf'dJJOl!' .-n ... h bf'n+'tltJ: lilmJ by t-llnJIOiltln�t tho du.ot M.���trdl lnJUI'H brtl<!r worklnK rontlltU .. UI

Armllr-a A Whit.,, lr.e� C�widt, P• h.l•• found t.be Wh«l;��;buto.- to k tbc- bet! Wl1 to pupan tM •urf.acn of tMlr drc-•lu 1tnl pl.atu. Gril'dina: wh-eel C"otnPI"'" ... tMm u bloc:ll·a., pt.un. to wl'uc:h •r• bonded •bno•i•• whccl• The 1urfau of t.b. Jtell'l pl1tes mw•t bl ptrf.Cd1 fr•• of aftJ seal• and mYII be llfti(Ortl\ to obtlift tb• ma•imum boftdina of thor abruin wh11 l 10 thl 11111.

\\h .... l._b.-.llnc l'rW' Itt E�tro)>lllt• lnr. Thll' )h.urtor Supply ('o .. St Loull 1 jobblnlt r'•Uinl .t.op. �poru t\\"0 ma,.•r advantalltu al \\'h«"llbnUn« prior tu rl«troplallnl Ill bfOttll't .._.,. fa� ftllllih alld 121 tohmlnat\oft at dll'­f""ll! dtMo Ill pl<"llllnJ: Tbll' Wh�llbralll'd pH'('H Iff' kt(>al f« pb.lUlJt with tuJ.. radm•urn, tlnt'. n.kkf'-1. a&h"'l't lllld CGppl"r

\\llll ... rd ..... , """-' nc.pbtJ: ,,_ • mu,,-r kWidiPllt a-tAU•• llftd fro. pllltlui.Jl.nit P�tllt.,_ at iiA Oti.W» plllnl �tN'Iltf'd• nuUI'�...._rd�.._.t� In tllfllli<Hubl .. wa.I.IIJt· fo( vslu.atr.a. -­t<l'nal W1th t� ln•tallatJoa of 11 nu.­tubfof)\.l•tC'I)llHtor.alldu.t.IJit'llmln· at('(.i 'IIO"IIh ron1plo�tt' rf<'O\'t•ry nf thll' p,. ·�·

Smhh & Stont, Georclt'tOwn, Ont11rio, • pl.uuc• firm found that Wbc-clabrat inc .. .,d thtm 1700 duunc the fiut wtcll IMJ owMd the ma(h•nc. A brcll' ordll'r of plu:tlc pan• had bll'll'n rctutnll'd lrom 1 (Uttomcr 1hn bawuq: b«n badiJ &.mllll'd bJ tood •IIHS. Ofti. cil'• npcct" tbat sc:rubbiq: •o..,_td be nu,...ry. IHit ahn placniJ 1 IM-d in thor Wbccl1br�tor U 111 or.,.."""'"' tiM1 d•sc:-"11'4 tblt the K11fa. fo�d lrorn the UniPt�<rN coul-d k or.uiiJ ror• mowl4. Connq.untl,. tiM JNrtt WHit a11NI¥lii1Cd.

T.-... \1-.ioa lrtdU .. Iry AdoJ•I" \\�IM· h,..llnx, In th• -n� mllltiM"t In whkh ottw-r lnd111triu Uepend upon tM Whffllbl"llh!r.tdflvlalon lf"I.IIOUfActur1'fll •no tumllllf to thl• llrot� f•r lhf'lr mi"UII I"IMnln;; ••� tlnllhlriJ prnblMll• Thou•Mt• ot ahu111 num <-a•tl�t�:• for U·ko\"lllon lll'rlal• Iliff t'IM"fd dally In 1 Whft-tlbnllor by 1 flhJiad.olphi.a ftrm t•or 1n<>t.fw-r mllr'IU(ICIU�r. It hll• � �lr.lf'd that lhr W._,labrator wtU f"''\1cN tflto �r-y ftnlab -mll'llll tt-k-,.._. 1\1�

Page 3: Parade 1951 Vol 10 No 04 - shotpeener.com · 2016. 7. 5. · Aid Room. The eh a arfr eold It ('(Ill\ to tmploy

Safety is a dull subj.c-t -probably b.cause no one '- olw 1 •"-•O'U M . .. .... l plans to get hurt ot to hurt anyone elae - acci-dentaPy. Safety ruJes are good because they point a warning

s f R I at dangerous or care!.ss Ktions. The rules printed a ety '"lt es here ere the first half of the wfety and health s.ction of the new employee handbook �eheduled to b. published this year. These ufety rules wiD remind older employees and inform newer employee, or,,,. working habits. I'"> oint a W a1·n_i ng

. .




u )'tl'tl llfflnJUt'fll,nonllttt'rl\owalllht• ly, trll )'CUr fo'ortoman or SUJ'I('rlnltl'l(l('lll and K(l at � to 01� Fiflll Aid ftoom A •UJht Injury nay ('alae a �riou• In• fKtion

TM ('(lmpany tum� JOJ«k-• to lt. ..mp&o)"t'ft trH oL m.I'Jti'. Any empto� may obtall'l ro&:&:Wll by ·�yt"'' to hl.f Fort'mAft.

If )'Oil r"fqUI� prnntrtto. � you mAY apply at tM 1�..-.ntol DtpartiiW'nl (CIIr a Purdt.,.f' Ordft" wlwortob)' Uw Com· r-n1 ,.,.. fOI" the frame. and thp 4!m· plo.Yff r-,.., fOf" u.e cttndinc of u.. ......

Yfltl ar .. ...-qUHtt'd lCI Wf'ar (O@:IIIM on aJI .)<'lb• wh�rt' )'<>ur (')'�I •"' tJ:poM'd to hu.rd11.

Ktetl your tl)f'lll In f:'t� ('(Midttkm l)o not UN tooht w•Lh (' ... dt� or kJOt\W Narwll('a M muN\J'OOI'H('d h�<ll!l llM pro­ptrlyftttf'dwn>n('I\H.only

F.yf' lnjurits �ulno tM ft'IOM lklllf'UI llttftltloa. U""""norii'C'Ura.ta-�ld an,...... but a ���� or do"«tw """"'� a f� pntk� from llw •r• ol an ..,.,. _...

Do not attrmpt to lift M pullh ('Ojof'(U whkh a"' too hnry fot you A*.k fM hdp •·� )'OU llft'd u. LNm to lltt lMI I""''Pf1' WilY to 11\-aid Mraln._ bMd )'OUr kneH. k«p your body f'� tht'n ptaJh Ufh\·ard wtlh )U�r �

81tf..ty ahooftl may M�1r.-d In the- F�rat Aid Room. The� eh�a arfr eold It ('(Ill\ to tmploy<!ft and n!p!"faent quality hiJh· rr than nn bot obtal�ed at a romJMirablfl pr� It other IJOUN't"ll ol. IIUpply All l"M• ployt"fl ar� uf1:ed to \touor thrm.

8aftl)'JU11rdaal"fpl"C'ridedwtw"'� and undn' no a�- � a JUIII'd or•ft"ty� from any -('hiM oa1o-t sp«Uol jM:fm._.,.. froM Uw � and thm oat)' 1II"Mn Uw powtr '"'"

Jo�oundr)' rmpii>)'C'f'l ruuat wnr lf'£kinJ• and l'dfri:IU whll� pouriJ\11: r tr mnal or f')CpoMd to otntr h1urd"

10 Employft'tl a.re prohibited hom ridtn.c Ofl li!ttnte.h.

II - Do not ...,., "'-or tc>m dothlq. M('k • On or lnaer rtna-• arouiMI madrirwcy

le•t�rial '*.ndllnl l.a Uw rsu.w ol -"1 c:ut. atMII punrtunoa. Alw-.n "'"8-r etc''"" whtnn4.'t'ded.

Nrvf'r UM ('lo)mpN"...rd 111r for t"'"-nln1 your dot� ur any .-n 01\.M body. It '- �uoua and n1ay eauw �oer1oua Injury

Do not j;"U on an O\'trh«"•d Cl"¥nl' run"'-.y unit',. )'OUr dulltl rtqUII"fl It, and 11\fn not. until the Cl"'lnt'nuon tu&a botof'n notUI«t. Sa.re hllbiU around craJ\fll may pN'\'.,nt Injury to )'("Ufl!ol'lf or .Onl@OOt! 1'1• When loa� n• carrlfd O'<trheed always liMp from undrr t.Mm A1Wa)'8 u•"·e the e,..�n·a wa.mln1 lll"Nt.l Sf'ver ride Oft ll.fl)' lilt. hoolt, t"hahl., cw Clll)ie a.llnc �n.Md b)' • CfliM

ll R�ptwt lrt)' drlt!d-1,..- m.chllM'fY, cu-rds. 11oon1.. Of" olkr f'qUIJI'IM"t at � to )"OUl" for...,.n..



Emp&o,_ rn.-t "'t allf'mpt to ffJI&lr, ..-t.. or ad.tu.t dKtl"l<'&l equtpmn�t 1nd onJy authortUd tlp4',..10n. art atlo\l.·l!d to lt.art rt'tOIOI'II Wit hOOt I JM"h but loti All r?pa.tra fJl an f'W<"trk"tll naluN' mu.t bf' ma<ko by th<o Elttl!1nl �r-rtm,.nt. \\'Mnl'vf'rN'.,_t ... �r•tljUIIl.nlen ta lot'lf'('. i.rl('al ..qulpmf'nt lll'f n«'('-ry, noury )'OIU'fo"oN>man

No ftn"•rm• or t'J:plol.lvt�t of any kind II.N' ptrmiUed within the plant

All l!.no haant. ar• IMqual.f'ly I[Uantftl ap.Wt �tbf'r by a 111Pf1nkkl' •Y•t.-m or by .,.naJ tottWJII'IM'nt Ttwn � abo a larr•tupptyfll portablf'flr.�ntlnpiM· f'n avaUabk In t"OnYf'n�t klitatlona UI.I""'OIJChout 1M plant. 1"tw- 'l<'lt Cl tn­tl.amm.a.., •lvent .. rNtrt(tfoCI aa far a1 polllllibll'. ln caM& Wlw-l"fl It mutt be utri,. It ltkf'ptl� •ftt)'l'Cifl\.a11W't11

Page 4: Parade 1951 Vol 10 No 04 - shotpeener.com · 2016. 7. 5. · Aid Room. The eh a arfr eold It ('(Ill\ to tmploy

Sales Depa•·lmenl Reorganized

lo Heel Expamlin§i

L 1 .. , \ udru, It hll• �n �I:Md for a long Unit

tblll tolll' SJ,IM l)lvt!Jion, a\ the t"Xt'C\1• U''" lt>vfl h.- b«n url<kr-rnann.cl ltl rd•t�<"' t o tho- ComJ*ny'a b\lshl- op­

p.•rturvh"' Su¥1' 1�1 A\\ECO apprar­

\01 be' "''"'!\". IW'I'I' J�'tb ��- tlw'

� LJt•'*"' "'bt-tnr norc:-nbord 011 t"- ftoll '1\IPJ" ._ ..... tft'ec\IY" J\lly I


L.. L. ANMUS, \'- f�l. .-.;u \knott' pnt.• ll• •IIY all ol lwl �orts let thr dtn'<'tl<•. �tkon and (ti'O">-tb of

tlw l'-l a!Mt lo'\l..rnfo Control Dh1-. •• f')(f('Ulh.,. � td' that clh..-. wtlh

.uc:h oth.t-1' n.ruth·t' dutW. -.. may bt dt'l4'ptfit tb him frt •• tlml' to Urn. bY thto l'r""Mnt to �hom ht' ¥-'ill tw til·

lo'lll)' ft' .. fMolllllbh•

Mr ArnJntl. a lf,..dulllr of f>\lrdur

tlnh·t'r"t\)1, Jolrwd A WECO'• .ale. df'·

!"'l'lllll'l\l In ID31 In January or 193'l'

1\t' W111 mad• •It• MIIIU81'f; 4 yMre

lJittr tMt ""• riKll"d ,.\c., prntckollt. �·or

uw r-�t 1� nwnthll hP n.a d<-•"Oted lllttch of tua UI'M Ul de•"tlopint=' and dl· rrttlnl tho· 0\a•t and 1'"\lmt Control rn•� It· w -rrltd al'ld bU a '"'"'


JOHN A. SIL V£R � '-" •ppotntlfd

tot,.."'"' po:qt-Of[)l.rectoroi.S.\ft&.

A•f'll �th�tw.dtrlthotsal80in.ion.

tw ""'II"- ' .. full authority and�­

tb•lllYf<orO\f'l .. llJ>lan•ull��\xa­

''""· p. ofiormllnM' and lnt�tlon of

tho· t- n t l no •k"' •fkf •"·Itt dwWOP

Ill' "'til b\· dtrf'<"tiY ,.....poruilbk to the 1'u .tlrnt

Mr Rlh·f't, hu bc-.'" aMOCI.atl'd with

1< w•X'O ft•t tht- put )'� In ll PI"'

fio�ulllllK �·•t101rll)' 10.1 rtprt'Rnt•U\'t' of

thl' tlml 11f 1-lo·r anti Sllw•r. man&Jit'-

Sales Vol u 111 e

IUI'IIl 1 fiAint't"n 81� h'- l'"ldu.fiUOtl

from 11.A,,..rfol\l CQIIrg�t In M�blln�l

F.nj!:1nt'f'rlntt ht! tul• IPffll 26 )'�t•f'lll IJI •II phUH of l"t11[lnM"rlnllt' and u1...a

m.liiUIK""nu:-nt II .. wa• f(IM•ltrly •Mll!l·

•nt to th• l'r.·•tdt·nt ut F J. Stoltt'�

M•thlne C'o •nd WAI wu�!Wntly 01·

l't'('tOr •nd F.ltf'f'Uth·f VI« l'"rHi� .... tL Mr SIIHr � • pl'(ltll\Mnl •ulbl•r •ntl

1-<turn on t..rhnlr.l .ub�U and � • fl'.f'Mbtr (o( IIUII)' t.-: t>nl�\ tiOl"kUn � •..oclat�""' Ht' .. marn.d and ,_. •


I. I. RICH I'IU Mnl appc>Uitf'd w lJio!o MW pcw��t• ul C'AIWflll S.W lolanq:•r

"'" 'lfl111 - ckrf'("ll)" �b&fo to ttw Dlrw"t<>r ol S.t.. fOtr thor .. trk"lt'nt '¥"-·

Um M tM •lr•and � f<wft in \M tw-ld •ftd I)( th• 111.1pportm.& )!..,_walla ... k-11 •nd ... n-IN II\Jift'JI.. •fld fCiof 1JW toOnliNilk•ll of an fto'ld and ntrl«' d•r«t �t\lln&: r«o• u •rnbraMnc ...qu\�t


In 1933 I� joln.f'd AWFJCO lUI a'"'�"'

.-nlflrt('('rln thftChlrago tf'rriU'Iry. Sin('(>

t�n •·nutl", u ht> I• JIOJI'UII!rly c"IIN.

�!'O. Ik-&1111)

hnl dnnr nn I•Ul>o\llndlnJ: rtli\Ont�r· 1'•''-tl•>ll•job IU•tn\·l.llblr•JN�rd I•• triiiUll' to blJt•np,;tliiK ptfll.onallt)'

anti t<l t'IUI- lt•p·rartktn..: •M� MblhlY- He l� """"'"""w.l tbt- rathrrd :J��.:ru�.

A. f. LENHARD •lilc• ntlnU<·d S.tn l�run• ot10r1 M&Nif'C'f II• ct.rr ol all ... ,..pr-·1" .. \IKI'"'b.n\t. but n6\ lunll·

ed tn Markt!t ,..,. rdl>il.tl anal,...,.. all .. h ... rtl.�olnll:'. tu•-"" pllbh lt\,rtc

1olr Lotnba•·l. 1 ��\If ill l"•oln' 0.- l"nnt"r'!ll1)". � AWfX:'O ln 1nt •• •tl'• r\IMrtJC --�r Ia IIU�J

lW -"'"' tlw o.Ntlora "' -.� ... ,_.. t!OQ n ... na �.-r "" Ill nutnt<'d and Nt•


S. S. DfPUTY ��otll rootlnutr t1111 pr,...

.-nt tluU-r• 11\lb�t to ,....llJrnml'flt •• •d\·l,...b1e to �rtl\'("t \II{' n•.-..1 rtllcu•nl

op<rltiOII of thor Mt•tul¥1-.kll ftlllf'tl Of. fth·

l n uni'dtllt�tl)' ttj)(lrt l""(ht��tkm frmn lr.dlltrtll t111h·•r"'t)' Mr o.-rmty joinord

lnt.-r,..tlo•nlll ltu.dMM Madunn.. 1�.

10bcot< hO' lltf\>•1 Ia \-.r"l>>lll-lt'l pold·

tl•- unUJ fumtnc to A\\'F.CO In the" •prll\lt t t UHf llr I# ,..,.fl'Wd •nd hu ftfl" ......

lfJtNAlD llSTll Jhln ).l•�f'>

....-nt eo..,.nant Wlh "'""llnw � ..,.. Jll)dti,Uc- •tlh A\\"lX'O u adn_. to t� flaWa l)h·-· •fld t• a....�l ,)1.1111• •«""'"'' )1.- I.-In Wan autbuf"'\y on lndu.trUI •'" IIW<t.hoU and �-·

l""" Hr.,..., ..... t."l tndt.UI1.rta1 pSHI mana�tf'r ot w � .. un.ahouw •�11•

Corp tor nutn)' ).,..,..and I• "' w man·

•lf'�Til t(ltlllulla.nt '" • nmnbrt·r ol MtiONill)' kfMJ\Io· n lllaf'hint'rf rnsnu· f•rtuN' .... St''''"'' r)lt"l'tll·nl workll on •111n�t lul\'1' bt't·n. wntten by him

Page 5: Parade 1951 Vol 10 No 04 - shotpeener.com · 2016. 7. 5. · Aid Room. The eh a arfr eold It ('(Ill\ to tmploy

What a Difference

Savings Hal�e

in Increasing Your Pro�it Sbaring Fund


II orkrn on l'ro/11 \harmt

Ttnu�: Anytime

Ctu.noC'lf-nl: JOo• jU!A\\'F.COwvrktr

Work er

l"'lt>:'"S.y,J(J#,dldJ'OII�l)"'Url'ru­lt lUIIIrtn�t"Latnmont•••

Jut>: Yf'p. tookM P"'ltJ' pod dkln'l It That $Ut i7 Oompuy ('011\rtbutiOn .. til • my ara�Unt nftly."

JM: "Su�. AUrt, $3.32 00 0( that $1.· 25.8.841 I• my -vlng-. bl.t I'm atilt U8072 aht«d ot )'(Ill It t\41_. � )'01,1 that mo,�cb monf')', In f&�lr )'f'fll"'l. not to atlck away �·, 0( your •mtnp. Why, lallt yeu alone It ((Ill\ you I 127 23 In Compuy oontribution not to •"" . . . pfv. a�r $1117\n tlw dtft'f',_ boe­lw- � and fOrltiUU'M Aa J0U 1'\"tMmbr:r, m.trlbuUon ot U� ('(tm,_n,. C'OIItribu\.k.JII.. '- tr.«od Of' a unit .,..tem. You r;tt one unit for f\"ery dollar you Mntl ll A WECO. but 20 uniU for t'V1'r)'

dnlt.r you -ve So. on Ut1U buM aloM tNt Company «onlrlb\ltton loa t��o·kfo as

nlo,�ch (M' rtWl bfoaluw I .,-.. :Y, •• tor youbKau�)'OOdoon't."

l'ete: "l..rt m" - yoor .. aten1tnl. I'd like to tomj».re It ��o·IUt nlint". I lhouJhl It wu 110 .&mplt', all I bad to do waa to .tp my q.m.p loan appllnl· bOB. and watch thfo stal.-nla roll In and lhf _,. piW up*

J•: ··nun·. trw, but the lll.curn crt bt�rlter whf'n � .. , • .,_ )ff, I hke the 16M ot httph't bUild my o";n f'l!"liremtnt fund. And I'm mo�y •'-d to dolt."

1'1'1" "$�441. Howdld )'00 lj:tl U\.lol much � You tfUll tbe umto amount u I 00, • bi!C'k Ill\ hoUr. I ll\.oulfhl thf dt .. trlbutlotl v.-...tlgu�Ofl U'lf' bla4l• ot lnwm• My .Aare 11.'&4 $127 21"

luuqr.a.- un H"tW&) 11 Ul"

Joe: "It I.a. but do yvu ... \"e &-, o4' )'�wr�'"lnpb\�l'r\l.t Y'llnd� I*'"

r.tr: "'h,- can't a1foniiL,.

Jtlil': '.Atfonllt'" Wbynot'""

f't'tto: N\\'rll U.tn.c-••� hl1h. Uwo ('!(»\ ot food, tlothlnft, pay�nu on tht h<JUII!f,I'MVIfll,lheoar.fn.ul"ll�ldotl't havl' Aft)' III<M!4))' left And IIJ'o)"WA)', 1

ftf'l thAt any l'lttra monoty I ('fln MYt llhould &;0 whtre I �n u.,. ll ln an con1er• ¥tM)'. I M\�t know wrw-n • llttlot t-)11\nl m. n�t'f would ,.lake It ...-blot for mto to take •dn.ntart- ut • coed U'III\C Nopr. I ;.a.t Cl.A't atrl'>nl to Wl"l!'"' \Mo Maa."

JCM- "Atfonl it! How can you a.lford notto•l.onk,Pfott,)"'U''"ebtftia-· bt"r ot the Tru•t tVtT ldnno ll ..... IIUr\• f'd twu:k In I IIi How rn�h Ia your tc\111



J�c .. ,.1;1 II man, my ICCO!Int

•tJliWI.f It $1.258.M, ..

l�lt Yth. tH.tt part ol that l8 your O'llo""'l I:OOM)'. and .. y $4;&_11 l.f ,,..,., "'"' I'"VJ' I lwu-"1. put a C"f'fft Into IL"

Compuy Oontni:NUon ... ,




T .. . l

Trurtl.noon1t 1917 19d 19�9 1900


YDI'ff'illlrN ... ,

. .. . I Itt ....


S..\•lng• 1911 ....

19�1 ,.,.


Tot.S Accwnt

, .. � ... ......

.SU7M .....

IJ4..JI Utt7

..,. ..

• U2 1)81 ....

I 4021

• >n ....



12000 10100 104 00 ICHOO

.,, ...


$111U3 IHI-t

17.17 127.2i

$ �n 1.42 ....

. ,.., 11.22 lU8

$ 3UI

Page 6: Parade 1951 Vol 10 No 04 - shotpeener.com · 2016. 7. 5. · Aid Room. The eh a arfr eold It ('(Ill\ to tmploy

Our factory nit look$ today

1926 1951 \\\ l:lo l l,·lu· • ' ) :; ) ' r 11 lt.

25 }'Clll"'l Amrrlcan nm\•ed its oflice15 from N<'W York City. and its m�tnufactudng racilillelf from Chi­cago and York, Pa. to �hshawaka. The Company WIUJ 18 years old. ihey manufactured S�tndcuLU�I ... air blaill C'QUiJ)ment, OOI'e making machlnea, moldmg ftuka. and jacket .:c. and pattern mounting compound. By the end of the yea.r the Com1.any employed •1)o ,,roxlmltely 50 peotlle.

Through th� yeai'IJ An�riean hu grown and ex­ttand�. Through �h. tsuch tmJIOI'llln t "Fi...,_. ..

as the Tumblast. Wheeh•b•·ator. l>witube, Sandmas­ter, �ttcel shot and c .. •opt�er �>hot were dC\'CIOJ.k'<.l and


Today - 25 yean. IIller Antt'rlcufl hail a Dun and Bradstreet rating of AAA 1 (lhe highest given):

an employment or 875 1)('()1lle; a modem, well-equip­

ped plant: a progf'ell6i\'C ltlhng, encmeenng and manufacturing organi.z.ation; and a eontmuing n:-·

&e8n:h program.

Our f.,ctory as it loohd about 1934. Notice the open crane way from the •t«l shop.

Page 7: Parade 1951 Vol 10 No 04 - shotpeener.com · 2016. 7. 5. · Aid Room. The eh a arfr eold It ('(Ill\ to tmploy

Tht> o/5a foru 1n 1914- todtJy tb� oiJicr �mploys 137 IDf!D �nd womt'n. All bur rhrrt> of rhf­pnJplr picturrd "'""are still r.mployrd •r AtMtictJn.

Th� �ntrrr �ntlnurlnf d��rt�Wnr in lfJ4. Today thne tJTr 66 PffJplr 1n our engl�rring dr-­p�rtm� nr. In /914 thu� w�r� 1J mt'n on thf ulfs and s�rvicr s11f1, roday rh� total is"·

Th� f.ctory force in 1914- tJIJ 69 of them. Today th� l.ctory employs fSZtf pHple. NetJrly hall of thou In the picture IJtt still worJdn6 lit Atm'tlctJn.

Page 8: Parade 1951 Vol 10 No 04 - shotpeener.com · 2016. 7. 5. · Aid Room. The eh a arfr eold It ('(Ill\ to tmploy

Every Job is Important at AWECO

/limit Par!: it• .. lnlln8-hm,lr.tll!lt"'bllrl•"" \11n O.•ltfoK·

twm lulndlf'll 11500 W�llllirRtor hladl•• hand!� Uwm thrrP limN-. Thill tin·

l&bed Whet'lllbrator blaOO are �nt to the bladr room wMrr llw'y 11r� Rock·

w('lll'tl to Mt .. nnlnr th.!lt lht mtlal mt'('t..tulrdn-llffl'e('lllnllk;n• thi'n

wel�:h(od. aNJrtt'dllnd JliiCkf'd 'I'M bl.atk's 111"1' ptrked 8 to • bolo: for ¥hlpmtlll to C:UIIIOfllf'MI.

The wriiC'hl or _.aeh blll.de 111 • IK't

ttlmln<>t\'flrymore t"-n '• ofsnou.nct", olherwl•• � Wh�labratur whfi'l Will 1M' unbalan«d and not Opf'nlle ror""'t· ly. Tht' \\'hee-l•bretor w�ll1 the h ... rt nr thl> blutlng t.'qlllpment. Thtn':(OI't', lhla II II ll'llk ltult mWil � IICCUMI� Or u.,. machme di;Jir' not �rfvnn .. It >�houid.

\\ cm·il·> Ou l uf BIG Ou,·

A worrlt'd ••:orktr cannot do 111 good jOb. It matttrll lltllewhlllt ca�ll! lht­worry M6nl'l)'. hi"' lamlly, bit health Or Other CIU'tl. IL Will 10 brlp WOI'kt'r•

worrf('IJ about paylnfl' �tor and holt· pita! blllfl as wt.ll as li\•lttl\' t'Xpt'n.tH

10 htn ht � 111, tlul.t the A WECO 11\trur­

an.::t Pf'OC"'m Vl"&.t ln3ugu"'tt'd �\'t.ral yeant�go

Ulldtr our 1rururan«- progMLm lilt' W>Orker Pf!Y.f h.A.lt tht ln.fllran� Jlft.M· lum, t� Com�ny pay• lM otMr halt. f-'or MOIIl t'MPIO)'II"f"ll. the mill !.11 I� a w�k ror tht- tmpJoy�. 11n addlltor1al 2.'),( fer ont dtpt'nd('nt, o r Mt a w�k tor tv.·o or n)Ort dependentL

\ \'hrnt'•·er 11.n c:mploy� (Or mrnll>er of hr. family, 00\'t'rt:d by lruou.-.nf't'l � quh-...11 boalplttoli:t.AUon, ht Obi.A.in" a tornt from lhf" per.onnt>l d�f*rlmf'nt. AlttT t.hto !Om1 �.II ��� fille-d Jn by the tloetor. ttwo tmploy� lllll&�Chl"l! lh'i' doo:"· to.- and t�Wpital blll.l!l, and JTllll""nll it to tho�� perlk>nnrl d<:pertmrnt, Usually ""llhln a w�k ht rof'C'i'h't't 11. cht'Ck fl'('nl th(' bl•urane"' (01.1\pell)' tor thl:' �neftu

to wh�h ht' Iii l'nUU<'<l A OO()k ttlll.)' t.... obtalnt'd fl"(lnl t h� pi'...,Onnt'l kJ)Ilrtml'nt IU.tln.g ttw��e hururanee b!-Jldll-.

He� Ill' an actual ca:�W� b illtory uf a claim paid thls )'t-ar t o lUI <'lllpiO)"l't':

t:mployt-1! I.'"Dtt.red t h e ho!!p\Utl for an OJM'I'IIlk»\. 'l'hl'acl\131 b\1111

noepltal SIIW.OO Doct<Jr 22�.00

$�20.00 lnauran«bo.>nefttll:

Ha.pltal Sl%8.00 IJ da)"l lt.l $8.00 a day, plus '�0.00 fo.­ln t'ldcntall!l lme-<11· cinco. lt'SI.A ance-­thttk',ttc.)

Doctor Sl;".oO.OO SuTgtey

$278.00 In ld<lill(>fl, t'Dlploy"' fi'Cf"h·rd ��·

prn•ti<m f<H' 1in1 � fiWII)' h'Olll V�o'Ork In lht' amount or SlZ8.b7 t37 dllfl!l, al moo" w<!t'k). Total bt'ndlt. �h·N (1\)m in•ur.n�: $-108�7.

• ill


Do you aa\·� rtiUI"It:Y tn on.., ot t� Wll)'11;

lhd�· b!lhlln tht- msttl"'t'tl.l.! Bury Cbh In lhl'lf:llnkn! Drop d�mH Ill II piggy ban.k "! ChrllltmuSI!IvlngliCiuiJ� &.nk a prl'd('ternllnl"d •mount t'll'Ch

w�k' �:ndow-d With th.il COJI)' Q( �f11d(o 1.8

1111 11ppli�tlon blank for buyln�t b<nW on t� payroll <k-duct!Qn p'--.n. one ot thtb<!at !Ot)nAolllaVIng

Durin-=- World W•r II pr'MttlCIIIIy tV1'ryone at A WECO -· buymJ bonW on tM fi'I)'..OII t.lt'dm:tlon pllln. It'll l!ln

f'U)', IIUlOITUHh' way 10 M\"(' lhc MMfy I• dcduf:l('(( tmm y<>ur JHl)'C"hM:k •nd when f<IU'" •('Ct)lmt buUd11 up lo

$18.i5 you r('«ive • $�.00 Bond Th�rt '"'''1- • lot or nt'w <'mplb)'l."d

Wt\(1 h.A\'t' M•"rr AigytN Up for payroll �vlnglf . and • lot or older .. ruploy� whO •r(' out ct lht' ht<l:llt , , but 1'\'f"fl •t that AWI'XX) J)t'Opl(' Mn' l�lllllng n<!t<rly $!),0(10 a monlb Into Sa\1nga .......

l'I!')'I'O)ll .,.,1ng• Ill IIJI C'U)' \\ .. )' t o •v• bl'ouft 1 1 111 deductN from you.­pay c:h�k you don't havt' tht' nl<mt'y �d ll.l't not temp ted to IIJ!t'lld IL Bondlf II"' t.h(' llllfO"IIl ln\'Utfllt'lll In lhfl W<Jll(l to.- l�Y lll't' ..., aate U lhe g ow•rnmcnt

cr lht' Unlt('d Sl•tt'IIJ. l'"'ill In your llppllc. UOl'l bl,.nk lind

gh·� it to tht' Ptl'110nntl Drs-rtmen l to OCgln llJI �">"· 'Y"I�DlllUC Avlngl plan Begill now to JJoulld up your Bond .Ill\"· lng•att<M.�nt.

For )'OUT ftnancllll lndeptndt'nc:f! Buy U.S. S$1'ing• Bool.J#,

I, /"In· ( 11Im., O.ck In lll'lltQrm Nil•')' blu� '""' I..L l.cll :\C!t.Qn. Be will be allaehro

to t.M Tcchn�l Air Control Squadron. 2. Norfolk, Va.

I�L 8111 8Jlll.nk CCI v I 1 EnglJI('('ring C<ll'pl... US!':Rl. tit Will bt' A�<,tiA l ant Rc11ldf'"nt Oftlel'r In CI'IIU"g� ol Con· •t.n1ctl on of • !'lw�t.l .--.dmy IU Detrl:lit.. ,\tl(:hl glln .

Doo�t.ld ll!tpp, son or Uill, 1& an Army ,\lr CatkL at-11tlm!ed al Pe-rr in nr-!d, 8hnman,Tel'a&

Tf! lht' Army \\'elll nuu�hlne! llhopportl 4\lrrt'\1 \"rrtlf'kC', C'11rl IUtlPy, and Tf'(j lfa.,drn.

{lf'or�r )lilf'"hl'll <If th� SlO<'k Room Is ..._, !1. mtrnber of the lltm<'d roret'l now

Page 9: Parade 1951 Vol 10 No 04 - shotpeener.com · 2016. 7. 5. · Aid Room. The eh a arfr eold It ('(Ill\ to tmploy

H•r• Jim worb •• rltl' b•d' o/ • �••, 1M r•"•'H lot�'" aw• lUI'- Ht IS .lfWI•I rlfM �O.,tll•l Wll� • �",..,H -"·

.lan ..... 1.-t""• atoc':k room. aprndll bl• II'JMrt' tlnw re-uphOI•tutn.. fumitu� Hl''ll' not - amattur at lht' � but an l"XJWr-knndcraflMrlan..

Jan'lft bt'pn hl • f'Umitur. fa�tory about 20 )Wirw aro. ""'brr-. hi' wor�­nrlu4M ta....,. Abl.ut lllx monUw at::o be taml'lo AWE('()

Chairma11 At tbl' l2Ut Annual Mtf'tlnc of t.be

Amc-f'k"tln lndUIIlrllll ll)c"tnt- A-- R. T. l'rln�;, wa•• )oint t"tw.lnrnan of tbe round \Ablr c.•<mr,,.n<"e rn Enclntuinc. Th" mH-tlnll' wa• tw>ld durinr the 1901 hHh.illrtal Ut11lth Confert"nu, In Atlan· U<-City, Aprt121 to 23.

Red Cross Col/ectiou $1,.:.000 wu c.-ontributf'd to ttw> R.d

c.-�y AWEC'O.-mpAo)<"f'tl durin& ttw l'f'ft'nldri�

Batter Up Sunmltr •nd bf.H ganl<'l ro to�tber,

l.r.._. nt Pt'OIIIt llkl'll> pt8y MIL A WI«X> tmpl(l�aartnotJC('("ptk>n.

1-'or ttw bt-!Wftl ttl ptaytr�� and •s-to­l...-.. a pin th .. )'ftr A WECO Nos a � �l'tl to.-.rt:.- N'VII, ,!o�r. a. IN

m&llll.tr. and .1...- l'OiaiPI' 1.-' tiM> AA .,.,.rd ,...,.,1brr Ill tt..'Y'! ot tht t-..

lt YQU .,...nt to play t.ll- l'lthtr ot �-'"""-"A�thf>tqUI� nwnt MIU. bat., t::lot-.., •t� ••

IIi I'll u 1M uniiOf""ffY for Ow- playet11.

Han�ly 'Xlid1. a


Jamclf l,ciiolc,.6 llobby {lp/wl�lcrino Puruiturc

W1lh all thlJ exptritf'IN! Jim un hdp • n.at-...wr lkd<M> lb'l' to,· ... rtnr. Myle and paddtnJ for •• al"11tll' ol furnlllll"'! tw"''"'--' rt<OY'I'nod.

To rt"-Uph()Wn- a pi�. Jim &rat lake. l1fl the Old fCWt'Nllf. -lte. All)' rt"fiiiJ"' to t.ht qJn��J• aM padillA& Uaa.t b rtqWrtel Okn �'" and tuta Ow

He .-.,,._, • m*"'" full ef ucb. :t,nrrr•• rltrm *"' ••••r • um•. •• rite lf!ftlrteiiU-4 1'114 •I I� hm•tr. •:t IMJ' •r•-.4H

nrw tvl"trlnr 8<>mf. p� mu.t be cut wHbln half an ln•·h ut lht uacl dJfl"lftn· �; _...,,. P«te n.-.d liN' nat only to appru��;tmato:·ly 1M •c.- ano..l IIYJI"' c.t tbt­An�ptl"ft

TO('(fnr e Ml"1"rlpi"•I"1'1UIItAkt Jim appnlOfl-tdy "'Cfll bo.lUn; • t""hau t.k" elmo•t UW •m• ._,., flillliW'

Our Reputation

Good Will is simply the massed judgment of the int.lividunl customers who Uo business with us -and whcthc•· it is fn,·orablc or othcr·wisc depends wholly upon how well we sutisfy l"nch indi' idual customer.

�Good \\"1u·· t. -'.blftl" artt&nJ;ib&l'. bu\ leek (1/ It nta bf. a trrnlk

h&ndH:ap ln JttllfiC -..n ..... �•n1 �,. �w .. -. ••d tlwy hkr to do b\lantM 'kith "-' brftu. ot tur htlpf\11 <'OUI"14!0Ua -�. t���r '"-­

llkto �t.hocs. and our fn•ndly C'OOpPnU\"1' .._nt.

All ll b\l)tor )'(MI. too. Nl"C' Ctflnill' oplrlklru: •bout lhr pl'('pko -.1th whom )'(N tn.dl' ttw atot·•• ynu l"f!:fl1llt- to �tronJk' �"� tot tlllpk-._nl ��11-f't'Mft. t>l"lholw-: you rN:Omftlt-nd to your fritr>da �WIC llf fft\'O,.bl• buylngll'xptrto:n�

OUr «ood fl'plllAtl(ln •• m��odf" up (I( • lol (I( big �tnd IIUit lhlnp thlntt:• u .. mall a• UWi trim p.lnt job on the 1\nl:tohtd produet lh• tidy 11ppn."'nc.-e (Jl thf" .-nulope bearing • lt"llll'f lhf' rf,...•nt \'Qk-1' on thl' tl'll-phonl'- and thlnKJ that mi;kl' a bit" Imp� *"M"h u ttwo apt>cial "'"!:'till l'n.J lrtp • •rvict' m.an mak .. to )fiJiha\01-.k.B In (•f"dftt- tn ptc-k up • n-palr piirl � to �t a nat. nwr'• m..-hii1P 101·otkif\l by )llllldity

�'"" Sal� �-" tonUnt» to buJ ,,.... WI lllld to r--nd our

proctu.,;u to Olhf-ra. c-.mnllf'd .. �e� mrtiA .....,"' ,..._ ""' ,._ dol"& )'OUr p��rt 10 •u.t)· �b lnd . .hi<hlal nltll(Mnf"r•


Page 10: Parade 1951 Vol 10 No 04 - shotpeener.com · 2016. 7. 5. · Aid Room. The eh a arfr eold It ('(Ill\ to tmploy

WARREN VON GRUEN/GAN,)R. m11/Jnt tntCbii'IIL' 0�,101 dOf'Stlt l!h b!!l t�d hau biL'C;IiUJe II 1!1 SO COIISPIC• uou:il, "'I usiL' • lor of oil on 11 so it •P. pt-tn d"hr: /"ve evllln CODS deud d:t'"' ''!'"

�R�td"' or W•fff'D, or junior - hiL' ;��ruwtts ro t/1 rhret n;�mes - f•tmf'd lot ' num/nr of :tf',S, but l•ku (;tclot:t work lHiuu. Ut pl;�_ns to bUild 'flotbu bou5e •.s .soon n hf' Sf'lls the housf' bt 6m:shr:'d • yur tJO.

Can Yot.�lmagine (l..or, .. t.ln•• Nlllng 11JI of h!JI lunch

.. ·lthoul ht-lp !rorn hi;t ft·II.,.,.. 'A..,rkcna"' n .. , lll'lhl wlth ¥ 200 �·U n�;: • •·"''·


l.}nn 1.\.o\\O'NWilh<Ul l'l •lOry?

llulwrt lh•kt ... ;n whOOut 8 blgJ:'"'' WI�·•

1...-" 1� ::iihldak"r >A1thout 1'1 ch('w Qf to­M ceo'!'

Jr.t1, 1\oJ\\I'N without IIOIDIL' fi'\RC)' pl1()l0j:rtlphy'!'

n"" "Unkt'" tlmn �<> rthout hlA rNI hill'

.:t<"nn �lltflln wlthCKH t1 runwr"

1Fn."k .\Iii .... w1lhout hl• chuck I,. r ol11bn tilrkjNOiri<'k ¥>1U!OU\ 1'1 bit t•f

gn'<'n on St. f,_tr1ck"• W.y'!' t:m,....,t "l'ilwny" :"mllh without his

u·m�r� t!ml.- lh<Urrrll wl!hout ., ;kiJJ on� \\lllillnlltynlllln,.lth fliJ.IOW<"•r!

t::dlll'lrd IIIJ!:�tll.l..'-011 wl t h o u t • lh<h 11tory �

(;,.,,., IJ!dladc Ill S 111lm 100 Jb11.! IIIII Urlli11WII •lnJ;in� l.:Onor?

llarolll "ll""wllhatilhhl pli\1>1� lti.., ll•·u lll 1\Jth " trutfh?


t:d\\Br•l Milly�. Jr., frrm('r f(Mmdry grinll-tr, l.ll now •Ur.Uonf'd 11t 1-,ort Riley, Kan.sa .. H.:- t. a nJf'mtx-r ()f t� 10th lnfllntry 01\•U.kln.

T.-d C""l'll ct.n •lwll)'ll J�:"l ll jQtJ b 11 n.rpo.-ntt'r. Thl' pllllt yrtu'" he hid built his own hQnu•, •·&lurd ht $20 000 T"'· W<" &r(' JJOrry hi N)', h.t<ll b.-<rn 11\, lllld W'IIJtC(InJ\n«J t() b<l'd ror " thnt"

(1('<)r�tr Ouu�� wu jj:h't"n • plect� ot thtl Nrw York Ct::/111111 Hall IW.d 11 tt.,., wM<k• "flO. Gro'll'" wa.m't too hAppy aOOut lht' ,11ft u • l}fltl ()( an <"nl(in<" went lhrou&h hi• hotuK•.

Shrpmcnt dt('br GUERINO GIA­COMINI c•mt to A WECO m ,40 to wqrk m tilt h•tttr dtvf.JfOn. Smc• thton Itt hu bten • �rmdtr tn tht four�dry 11nd wrnkH rn !ht north 11htpp1tt� room. D1.111n( rhe war TIS�r. G1•comffll ,uw $.•rv•ee in thr Plc:flif" •tn.

"Ch•c'" lills m ll11nnre tlrnt by rt•d· 111. miJI"nu •nd hl'lplnJ IU,f btotlltt• m·l•w wnll C:ttHnlty. Somtd•y Itt hopts to b1.11ld btmself • houst.

A K Lrnlu.rd lJI chalrnlan of Uw .�1n!ll Aid Conuu.Jttr.. of thl"' :\IU!Iu!waka R«iCI"''.llU. ll•rt IU>u�:her i•ll.D irutru('• t<:>r In FinJt Ald. Thto H....t Cl'(loql wail Wf'd by tht' C"·ll Dl'ferll!'!' or.!'anir.alion to takt" QJ1 tbfo job ()( tn.lnlng <""h1Jian. In 1-'ir•t Aid lind H()tn.- Nu,..in¥ In :\tlllhll"''"ka .. alonf'. tht")' hu� to tM!Iln $.000 po:'(IPIC" In tbM<r \"il.lr) •k•ll•

For S{l/e 3-bt'tlroom bunJr&loW, 10 mU•• iii<OIIth

<>f :\IWt..wlllk•. � hou� '" 11 )"lf!llr old. liN- a full �m .. nt, buill·ln �NHh. Younpt(lwn kHth .. n, !!!.airwAy l<:l !JI'"8� unftnbh..:d attiC". J>riN<: :58�. Set" Wa�­l't'n \'ln (lrm·niJiin, ,fr., loUothme Shop

Have )'>ltl hnrd ('hmd,. \\ J.,.•man·� 11lnging l'o.nUa.e! ll iAa ilttl<" otf kf:)' b11t It dota1lng

l>ld )'<'II r\·u notlu lhl' 1'\'lK'mblllnf'•' bctwN'n �m 11nd Jr�,... \\,.�11 l..nok llgllln,. rmm lh<" r)'<"browa up

:\IQ!il ID('D II� ll!lUIII\NJ IO tnt Wt t J*lnt with ()nf:llq�t<"r. c ..... ,,. .. unn ktm· cd •@:•lllllt ll ""'hllt' W'""'l'ln!: an 11Im� nor\\ muwn rolori"d liohlrt.

Otd Y<l'l - c;.,..,,,.,. llull.uf, ut-mg lht· \'liiCU\1111 t"lf'lln••r In tM n<""W ot•·t'l �be>p olflct'� Th,. boy Is �ally gwd at It; nltuothll.•t' Nrd pnllrtlct.

Amon.: th� nt-w hom<" bulldot•nr '"" t".d t;tn!'l •nd t�ntWh "'UV\11111) ... t"rllrr"-

S11.-"att'r, •lwt"&tn. who o w n • the lh\'dter ! on ... dAy l llu.rl ,., ..... Ill ...... r. ln,;: It,. lhe next t; .. ,., .... , '"J'..,.k••'' "'qulr .... h•s ilWl

ESTHER G A L L A H E R ume to A W £CO m 1947 ro work m thl' pro­duc:uon conuol d•p,lmt'nt, now she un b• found 1n the tt'C:I'IVID& d•p•rt· m<"tJto/lkr.

Eslhrr bu lllllt ume 10 11'/dul�" m llobb•u (otlltt lhtn t'U<"brt') tftlllt i.ttp· 1n1 hrr bou.sr 1n order. mow1n1 lltf' ''"""· pu11m1 up or llkmJ down uorm wmdows, •nd tb• oth�t uUs tho�t '" w1tll owmn1 • ltoust. Bur $hr u .ltl In· thunt:slic: '""CIIIt'r outtr'" 1njoy111f: drn· '"C: '"• ""'u,. olpl•c:•s.

Page 11: Parade 1951 Vol 10 No 04 - shotpeener.com · 2016. 7. 5. · Aid Room. The eh a arfr eold It ('(Ill\ to tmploy

'f'bt.ft' l•a ctiiNilM>II I II I � Mindll ot a r•un.Mrc.t AWY.C'Ot'fl'lpiO)"ftaabout t.bt AlAa.-h• �lat-. flo tw�·a t.M • .-. ..... n � l O U!or mn.t oll't,.adlfod q-.. l-.:

,.,. Atht .. tk" A-. �Mflta f'\<rf)'OIW at AWV.CO YfU rto"lft'l jvln, )"'fJV lkla'l rav � an.tyou do:wl"lla\'ll!lO ptlrtJd· .-t• ln II.Ji profl;nlm.

'T'M A A �'"*- a IMN·hn,; INII;Uf', •uftbllll ami bllakt'lblltl t('ama and a l'"'knllll of tnlr·rt&lnnH'nU lhrouKhout the- .)'Mlr I.A.oll Y"'' ttw:-y plcklf'd up W

,._, .. , ....... .. ,.&',.... • I:OlJl& to \\',..t h•rn In JuM t o - hfor ....,._. p11td­uall' fro�n 0.. l' 8 lohhury A�y

,\no.:. C O W thona:a I 1M H'r kriC'W u.aUI '""" llltNitthfo l'tuladdptllat:.��:t...ot­ftro'll t':r11l" lolh004� I plal'f' on Uw1r pro­ftulor\.111 foytbllll ham bllck In 19-42 t�mif' had to rTfWlt' th• Otfl"r, tholl Na\')' ("tlllll" tlrlll

C"'ltlld l•rully bu..y ''"' """ �1��'11" wlll lw n1arritd JuM II

t .. Jtm t.an�: "'f'•lll.• \IIIJ "' .. mAn\,...,J td t..,_nk

l'atn<"k •r.-y %2 ,,.._ ,,,...,. .. "•" 111'lll � marT'kd to

!'\• rn11 C.' Ftfton••• tn JuJy ,.,.. ""' 1111 � a duomond rrom

l'tl •tpl�rt Kalpll l'a'"'U {'I( IM SttW'k f:oom aJJd

OmN O....,..n "''� nuorrt..cl lolay 1

bill t.w the- acru*'"" rllaM�r f� •mp&oy­and a Pftll 1 ,..,_ Juhan.- Club nM>• lJM' arnii.�UI. aa\'<r IRO\If' pto­cn&IU ((ot t>mployl'd and thfir fanut�e�� aMauapartk-a.

Ia addltto "- ((H' t.hP put ,...., � lAf' AA hu --'''"'" a Jift at C'hrVtmu llmf' IOM'I'"t)' HnploJ)"f'f ... ., )'f"ttr IAf' Clft .,.. a 8hatfl'r aut(lrM.tk' Pf'IW11

fi'Uinntna of AA •wnu '- d<- by a

b«Mrd tll dlrf'C'Wr• tlf'C't� by popular \'Ol(' from thf' VllriOO� M'p��rtn\. IIU. 1111.11 Kr<M.Ifl tlf'<:l!l fron1 th-l'lr nwR lllt-mbtr• •hlp, a pl'f1lhJtM. \"I« flR"IIIdtnt and M('·

R�ntl)' 11. (. T\rnohllll dnJ\-11' to the­�tat at C.mp CWtt-r Ht took a ...... or otampa;. ..._.. Gn ot.am� ,.,,. Tho. tw»ptt.J ,_. fount� that Aa111p contan·t­lna llr ·-• tho- brct Ol"tU pa t..-... 1 \hr-rapy tor rntntatly tll•turtw-d ptot._u 11\la la th.,. � tml .. )lr TutnbuJI h.u .... tnbl.rtiNS m•Vrllal on trtamp rut­koc'lm�t t.o t ik> Mtoplt.al

Alma 1111<'1111110'1', t:IIM"ro fo"niJ 1&1\t.l \hlrjllrl4' li'ra"""" """ rrtl w.rrrln� wlnjl"jl, Thco Yl'inp Wffl' ln"tn for .rrut'n'llalull;.o I'On1pk'lln,; th# tralnll'il' ("()U,... •t thll' Sooth lknd Jo'11tcor C•nlt'r.

Tht- lu�Kh howr ot'O."tii'W'lioltl Oil tho­«1rllr "'ho Ml In tM ulik• baJi l'luingN .�(ll' . ,.blk- tt ,...• •m�. lhll'n lutlttua� n.owltUinwtw-llftJ' l'.\'i'I')'<WW' I• INIIklfiC tiM- -- lhlll« • P't'* � .,SrS. -h u \a&t.- ...,.,.,.,, .\1· lwrlaKa•ft-aalld \laf') J,..a Hr-a. h.lvt>m.lc&o .... 'tnli JI'WII"'&.

Tbr: lUI Atltl•tu:: Aua BNt� •I Dr­tH"tots. Itt rh ;uu.al •r�u. ROBERT NEWSOM. •.adra• U•-; RAY LE.U· THOLD. ••.tr1Hflt1Jif; CL£TUS GUR· LEY, JtHI JJH-. tllll'o _ , , . , � , a t EARL WINSLOW, •lluo. p,,_,�••t llll..TON HOSTETTER, �t-astt•· rtoa • tfiUOtd; }01! SLATI:R, '"""' silo,, Snur�tT IIARII! MENZIE, womfla. B•/uN llotrfl, TED BAICI!R. m.c:l11o, •Ito,. Nor ,,,..,., •••• tb• poctur• wu rd .. a: LANGFORD CAN· NELL, Sfflll'l aJit�p 11M £0 NELSON

II hat It IJm $ u1ul lim. It ()p, rule.,

r�lary lla...W \\hlt-r Ul tho- prriDII­-l t..-n-r

,-., � tiUII' f'R'I{nUil, tJw. AA do•• """ IU f\l�h fn,.. P" fit•- tlwo f'Ok•.

•Uk. �prctt� and nuad)' �·� by U... '"t•chn(lt -('hi,.... In add.!.Uon A WECO .,....._�I:IW"IIt <"N\lnbulN $100 a JIIOIIU i lo lhi' A.A l,....r)'

'T'M A�•tl•.n lnVIlN f'\'tr)'f•nr to ptlrlklpllll" In IU at"lh1tln ,...)' \loill

htlp OIJIItlla. any •d.Jittonal lltth·ttif'A

l'fflu('lltt'\t by n •ufflth·nt numbrr to m•kco tht- .-nttl'f"'lk' liUlY....rul

PutKit.tfiUOtHtatllt FRANK MOR· IN c.a"'" 111 AW£CO •• IJJS. Wot.t •• Ollt •tttl JIH• W.U II 111111' SIIIIJII.t Ill fr•r/ot ltll'i.ri.J tii.JICII•flftomtlt"I'Oiol• liOn II.J •.anlll.ll'f fl( o 1.11',._101 SlOIII'.

Wk• Fr•nl lr•fl4 ra rh H..,,,, •• C•;.rarr. •• til# u,,., P•ti-111, lte p�.,fl4 ...... ,,. Jl.chy owl ....... �, II•"• s11ll 110 "'�'•' Ia• /ar rltu• rwo spon-.


Page 12: Parade 1951 Vol 10 No 04 - shotpeener.com · 2016. 7. 5. · Aid Room. The eh a arfr eold It ('(Ill\ to tmploy

1\b;•ut t-n·ry two Wl'('kC. 1'\(oubl�d!o)' &; ("o !1001)\"t-1", I"Q., h:u.J lt• f"ooi"� JI •bl"ll two lnt hf""Ji o I j)llp<•r dUA frotm liM- rOM Q( tht"lr p1nnt. Tht· du,.t �·:tmt' fmm lw� biXIk btnthn): mnt hill<"ll lh•tl �o:•·r• .. t�<l!".. •huol In lh" r"nl;!"lwnto;.;. '''Ht<lln�: ond hnu<.hln� t>pt'ratlon• do.�r1t'Jt ttu- blntUnr; "( tn1Wom.c ,,r ,,. .. , kll 11nt1 nil\�· 1Jtw• prtnl•"<l h)" thl� hUJtt' JM.thluohlng flm1

,.,·n.:r,.t. ... t IJy U� OJK-rtltiornt Ttlt Jllpn� kttt.lln.:- rronl tht tlu,ot-rrt•Urti( • JM:t'lltiOfllll to thl: roll«:"tor �n � llt'i'n In tht' hnn1•>dtlllt' fof"t'1;!r<..l!.mt1. Ttw 1•/lol't"tltor U. t:h('("king • book ro, ... , fnr lllll<lo"olhllt"MII tlurlng U� bt"IIJhH>jl; <lf"lo·rn\ltm Jll-'1 to the lf'ft "' tho! '"'f>orrrtwr·s tlctotl ran bt-n lht' MndlnK or •nothf"r tw.ok

1\l lt'ft• 1\ OltliiUI�\"I'ntll/tlhtlt lhl'dUill <"t<"fllingQ{'rntliOIUL In u� bltC"k,�;rouml t!!I <>M or tht' bmdm�o: m�•·htn,..._ �''W "" Aml'r:en.n 0\IJI\Ut.JI:.> ("<•llt'<"tll all ul tM pap.-r duJO.t

t: ... ,rx .. t·'. y,.,,.. \, ,... .. \ntrn-t spM�dJt 11 lot <)( bUI llpl'ltt> timor playlnK •hultlor ,,.._,, In IIMi StAli' l..ora,�;ur. :lh��• llf' •ktllful to kot-p up v..tth that kind or ("0nl!M!llll1)ft.

nw-..._. tuwe lM'--c!n a lot or t"hAnJfo>ft ml!ltk! ln the� st.OC'k room In 1111d1tlon to t·nlar,;tna � ofCl�.

"ltrd" l'•to·lu .. •nl•· IJI thf' nf'W group I(""Utl('r ; n n'pllllrperlll.

( laud,. l'nrl'ft\1" II lhf' m•w .. "TTlip IMulrr on thf' n<10r.

IH-1 l'm�.-11 h1 tM stoxk t"h&aorr on rr­f"'-""'1,.._

"'m C'n..tl .. hall Jxoo·n prnnmt!'d from l:rnttp IC'IdH on �pll.l"' to offiCf' rlrrk

l,arry 1\H•kf"l l'lllll ""•�I••)" lhou,..ond .,,... riO\\" fallowl.nJ: up ('((tdpnlo;>nt r�ra.

("l�tl(•k "'"'"n) toJ llQW WQrktn�: 111 Utr .11tock roo.m1 otf11.""0' M nl��:ht


Th'll A \VF.CO bowhng li\H"'l'flli'Utk.-. v.·o.:� hdd April 29. ltll) C"o•lif', 8 rww­to)nlf'r to:� lhl' l)om·hn�: A<l'l'f'IIIURkH for A WECO. bowh•o"l 8:.12 to .-nln top hono.-. •nd tile $1{100 prl..u SK-Orld pll'l« Mn· Olif 1-H>nl to fta,1 (luoo.l, &..nd .\tuurlo'f' ll•,..lnmll .. p�l thlrd

T''"' ,.,..,. . . ..., l!'()n or AI, Jptnl two Wff'kll f"n.tltunt; the C1"1.'11t Lakl'$. TVm I,. II N�n·y Re*'rYI•t.'nlt' t'nli� lo:>l.lrh('(l at S.ult St. Mnrle. •nd 0\'tnclt � hom ... port """" Chlea�;o.

lt wllll wt•tMing bl'll••ntlnrnnj;rbllM· 1111m.11 :\lny 27 ror ,\lilll'lrd :oll,.inl'ko• 11nd M1111.1u1 Hl!lllhf"r. Ttu·y WI'H' mllrriNI In lht' f-.,f11t Un-thren Church In 1-�\kJuirt

'lar)' t\oon '/ ... torlnii;" V.'Aa lrull )·rar'.JI typlnft" champion In lht- lora\ hl�o:h .-:rhuoJ

� .... ISotol•• wt·nt to C'hlo;"ti.J;Q On )ta,y 3 for hi;o rhy�<lt:al. N"l'al Ill ll N"n.�"lll fu-. JOt'r�·b:t •nd will be o;"tlllt'd to arU•·r duty •bout Juno:- 1�. Hb: brothi'r J)l.)n 111 allli• • n�n·U.t •nd o:oxporct• a ro� U anyUmC'

Womt 11 1;"0()d mlln lo "("all"' >!111.11""' dltn<'C'fl! C'hu.-k 'lor('un:oha),niJ:ht mAin. Ierum� nmn In th(' "'oundry Ia )'<)!.lr man. C"ltll<'k tra�·f'l!l •rounot qultf' ll blt doln��: thl!l 8-nd l• t'[email protected](k-l't'fl !(tJOO

(0<'<>rC"f' •:.-kmun l'f"f"l'l'ltly bn"lk� hill l...g while worklnl; In thr Jo'umutry. Art�r "'""" n�trm•""'' .,,phr-d f\r.rt .aid "'"'' • ffluplf' of yanb or wire. ooorg� 0011· llm1('(! with hia work

SoonctA sll�thtly eli:IIRKt•mted dr.oeM't ol T Oul lt•ll tnt�', for CffirJW h1111 11n arU· flclt>l lt>lt' • • 1111d Umt "''lUI tbt' •Jn•· h,. hrok ....