Paper-Digital Meeting Support and Review Adriana Ispas, Nan Li, Moira C. Norrie Institute for Information Systems ETH Zurich CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland Email: fispas,norrieg@inf.ethz.ch Beat Signer Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussels, Belgium Email: [email protected] Abstract—Paper notes are still widely used during meetings for the capture and review of information created in meetings. However, personal notes are limited in terms of providing an overview of collaborative work practices and reflecting the evolution of data along successive meeting phases, especially taking into account actions performed on paper and digital media. We propose a solution for the review of meeting data captured along three dimensions of collaboration: paper-digital interaction, private and shared documents as well as pre- and in- meeting information. Based on a general data model, our system enhances the transition between succeeding meeting phases and improves the review of personal and collaborative cross-media meeting material. I. I NTRODUCTION Even with remarkable advances in meeting support and review solutions [2], [31], paper-based notetaking continues to be one of the most commonly used work practices in the preparation and capture of information circulated in meetings. Factors such as a high technological overhead or the increased time to accomplish the same tasks may negate the bene- fits of more sophisticated systems [21]. Natural paper-based notetaking often represents the only means of documenting meetings and further processing information created as part of collaborative in-meeting activities. This is particularly the case in work environments where a meeting support system is not necessary to achieve collaboration goals and thorough meeting records are not required [7]. During co-located collaboration phases, part of the work takes place in shared interaction spaces and may be captured on media such as whiteboards, flipcharts and shared paper doc- uments on tables. Interactive digital whiteboards and tabletop computers are therefore becoming popular in providing sup- port for collaborative work. However, even if this collaborative work is captured, for example by taking pictures of traditional whiteboards or by the software driving the interactive tabletop surface, it can be difficult to maintain an overview for the reviewing of meeting interactions across private and shared interaction spaces. Material is often prepared in advance by individuals and then edited or annotated collaboratively during meetings for later action by the same or another individual. It is therefore necessary to provide support to allow users to easily move information between private and shared spaces, including the transfer between physical and digital media, without requiring major transcription efforts. Recent technological solutions for integrating paper and dig- ital media, such as Anoto’s digital pen and paper technology 1 , facilitate the integration of information captured on paper with digital services and create an opportunity for improved meeting experiences. When using Anoto-enabled notebooks, meeting participants can seamlessly switch between individual work on paper and collaborative work in digitally enhanced shared spaces. A series of experimental systems have proposed mechanisms for transferring paper notes between personal notebooks and shared interactive whiteboard or tabletop sur- faces. However, most of these solutions have only marginally addressed issues related to the further management and review of resulting artefacts across the two interaction spaces. We build on previous work for bridging private paper-based and shared digital information spaces based on Anoto technology and propose a solution for digitally reviewing meetings that involve interactions on both paper and digital media along alternative phases of individual and shared work. To identify system design requirements, we conducted a study on how paper notes are used to document meetings. The resulting system consists of a number of components that enable the data transition between different devices used during private and shared work through successive meeting phases. Features and functionalities provided by the pre- and in-meeting components are used to derive metadata and the organisation of paper and digitally edited data for the post- meeting review. Collaboratively created data is reviewed based on a simple but effective mechanism allowing the facile tracing of cross-media data transitions and flow of data between interaction spaces. We start in Section II with a discussion of related work. We then present findings of a user study on meeting notetaking practices in Section III. Section IV describes the features of our meeting review solution, highlighting some implementa- tion details. In Section V, we discuss the major design choices made when implementing the system. Concluding remarks are given in Section VI. II. RELATED WORK A number of collaborative systems have introduced shared interactive surfaces to address shortcomings of tools typically employed for individual work such as laptops. The interactive 1 http://www.anoto.com/digital-pen-paper.aspx

Paper-Digital Meeting Support and Review · including the transfer between physical and digital media, without requiring major transcription efforts. Recent technological solutions

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Page 1: Paper-Digital Meeting Support and Review · including the transfer between physical and digital media, without requiring major transcription efforts. Recent technological solutions

Paper-Digital Meeting Support and ReviewAdriana Ispas, Nan Li, Moira C. Norrie

Institute for Information SystemsETH Zurich

CH-8092 Zurich, SwitzerlandEmail: {ispas,norrie}@inf.ethz.ch

Beat SignerVrije Universiteit Brussel

Pleinlaan 21050 Brussels, Belgium

Email: [email protected]

Abstract—Paper notes are still widely used during meetingsfor the capture and review of information created in meetings.However, personal notes are limited in terms of providingan overview of collaborative work practices and reflecting theevolution of data along successive meeting phases, especiallytaking into account actions performed on paper and digitalmedia. We propose a solution for the review of meeting datacaptured along three dimensions of collaboration: paper-digitalinteraction, private and shared documents as well as pre- and in-meeting information. Based on a general data model, our systemenhances the transition between succeeding meeting phases andimproves the review of personal and collaborative cross-mediameeting material.


Even with remarkable advances in meeting support andreview solutions [2], [31], paper-based notetaking continuesto be one of the most commonly used work practices in thepreparation and capture of information circulated in meetings.Factors such as a high technological overhead or the increasedtime to accomplish the same tasks may negate the bene-fits of more sophisticated systems [21]. Natural paper-basednotetaking often represents the only means of documentingmeetings and further processing information created as partof collaborative in-meeting activities. This is particularly thecase in work environments where a meeting support systemis not necessary to achieve collaboration goals and thoroughmeeting records are not required [7].

During co-located collaboration phases, part of the worktakes place in shared interaction spaces and may be capturedon media such as whiteboards, flipcharts and shared paper doc-uments on tables. Interactive digital whiteboards and tabletopcomputers are therefore becoming popular in providing sup-port for collaborative work. However, even if this collaborativework is captured, for example by taking pictures of traditionalwhiteboards or by the software driving the interactive tabletopsurface, it can be difficult to maintain an overview for thereviewing of meeting interactions across private and sharedinteraction spaces. Material is often prepared in advance byindividuals and then edited or annotated collaboratively duringmeetings for later action by the same or another individual.It is therefore necessary to provide support to allow users toeasily move information between private and shared spaces,including the transfer between physical and digital media,without requiring major transcription efforts.

Recent technological solutions for integrating paper and dig-ital media, such as Anoto’s digital pen and paper technology1,facilitate the integration of information captured on paperwith digital services and create an opportunity for improvedmeeting experiences. When using Anoto-enabled notebooks,meeting participants can seamlessly switch between individualwork on paper and collaborative work in digitally enhancedshared spaces. A series of experimental systems have proposedmechanisms for transferring paper notes between personalnotebooks and shared interactive whiteboard or tabletop sur-faces. However, most of these solutions have only marginallyaddressed issues related to the further management and reviewof resulting artefacts across the two interaction spaces. Webuild on previous work for bridging private paper-based andshared digital information spaces based on Anoto technologyand propose a solution for digitally reviewing meetings thatinvolve interactions on both paper and digital media alongalternative phases of individual and shared work.

To identify system design requirements, we conducted astudy on how paper notes are used to document meetings.The resulting system consists of a number of componentsthat enable the data transition between different devices usedduring private and shared work through successive meetingphases. Features and functionalities provided by the pre- andin-meeting components are used to derive metadata and theorganisation of paper and digitally edited data for the post-meeting review. Collaboratively created data is reviewed basedon a simple but effective mechanism allowing the facile tracingof cross-media data transitions and flow of data betweeninteraction spaces.

We start in Section II with a discussion of related work. Wethen present findings of a user study on meeting notetakingpractices in Section III. Section IV describes the features ofour meeting review solution, highlighting some implementa-tion details. In Section V, we discuss the major design choicesmade when implementing the system. Concluding remarks aregiven in Section VI.


A number of collaborative systems have introduced sharedinteractive surfaces to address shortcomings of tools typicallyemployed for individual work such as laptops. The interactive


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surface is often used as a mediator for sharing artefacts frompersonal information spaces [23], [25]. The shared workspaceprovides a unified view of possibly heterogeneous artefacts andoffers better support for structuring and getting an overviewof complex information spaces [29], [32] as well as makingit possible for multiple users to work simultaneously. Digitaltabletops provide further advantages that make them particu-larly suitable for specific collaborative tasks [18], [24], [30].Among these, the natural co-habitation of physical and digitalartefacts on the table surface makes tabletops particularlysuitable for supporting collaboration in cases where personalwork is brought into a meeting in the form of paper docu-ments [10]. Other aspects include encouraging communicationin a face to face manner, providing better awareness, equitablecollaboration through equal access to material and the directmanipulation of information.

A number of existing systems, including Paperizer2 [3],Shared Design Space [8], Diamond’s Edge [1], the NiCEDiscussion Room [9] and DigiPost [12], interconnect personalwork recorded on paper with shared information spaces basedon Anoto’s digital pen and paper technology. Informationwritten on Anoto-enhanced paper with a digital pen can bemade available as digital ink data and rendered on tabletop orwall displays. Emphasising an identified need to support bothprivate and shared information spaces, existing work focusesalmost exclusively on interaction techniques to encode a user’sintention to transfer content from paper to the shared surface.Issues related to managing multiple instances of artefactsand changes made across information spaces or the synchro-nisation of changes are often not addressed. Furthermore,existing solutions are limited to meeting environments and lackfunctionality to access in a post-meeting phase collaborativelyproduced material.

Inspired by previous work [22], [26], Paperizer proposestwo sharing mechanisms. Printed content can be “pick-and-dropped” or paper sketches can be “sent” synchronously orasynchronously to a digital whiteboard surface. The SharedDesign Space project implements the concept of “hyperdrag-ging” [23], enabling the sharing of personal content on adigital tabletop including digital materials stored on a laptop aswell as paper content. Heterogeneous sources of informationare also supported in the NiCE Discussion Room by enablinginteractions with laptop screen captures on an interactive wall.Diamond’s Edge uses a technique called “rip to share” totransfer paper content to a multitouch table. After tapping adesignated page area, previously circled paper content is sentto the table and further edits inside the selected paper areaare mirrored by the shared copy. DigiPost uses Anoto-enabledpost-its to achieve a similar proxy approach. Once placed onthe touch sensitive tabletop surface, the annotations writtenon a post-it are synchronised with its digital counterpart andsucceeding edits of the physical post-it note will result inupdates of the corresponding digital annotation.

There exist various forms of controls to further interact


with paper content placed on a shared surface. For example,paper printed buttons to remote control shared content areused in Paperizer, Diamond’s Edge or PaperPoint [26]. Whilean indirection through paper for any editing operation thatrequires pen input is required in DigiPost and Diamond’sEdge, the use of Anoto technology has been extended tointeractive surfaces in Shared Design Space, Paperizer andthe NiCE Discussion Room, enabling the pen to be used asan input device for both paper and tabletop interactions. Thisallows further manipulations of shared content by means oftop projected buttons controlled with the digital pen as in theShared Design Space project. In the NiCE Discussion Room,a pen can also be used to manipulate whiteboard overlays thatallow switching between layers of heterogeneous content andto interact with content inside the laptop screen capture. Theuse of the digital pen as a universal input device resulted in aninteresting effect in Paperizer, where the touch input is onlymentioned for a vertical surface in the environment to whichcontent from the tabletop can be sent.

Shared Design Space and Diamond’s Edge deal with evolv-ing content by using overhead projections on the real printoutto provide an overview of edits performed on the shared copyof the paper content. For this purpose, ARTag3 markers areattached to each paper page and tracked by a vision system.The drawback of the approach is that the updated content isonly available while working with the paper documents inthe area covered by the tracking camera. The approach isonly effective for simple editing operations. In the case ofconcurrent private and shared edits by multiple users, more so-phisticated collaborative editing and consistency maintainingsolutions are required [28]. Furthermore, the updated content isnot available for later access outwith the meeting. In the NiCEDiscussion Room, the integration of meeting interactions intothe “larger context of overarching activities” is mentioned asone of the identified requirements and users are reported tohave preferred writing on paper rather than on the whiteboardsince paper could be taken away after the session. However,the system only addresses the integration of personal work intoshared environments during meetings. A solution proposed inDiamond’s Edge is to print updated versions of the contentand to attach them to notebook pages.

A series of vision-based systems, such as Pictionaire [10],DocuDesk [5] and Designer’s Outpost [14], provide similarsets of functionalities. However, interaction is limited to thetracked surface. In addition to already mentioned drawbacks ofvision-based solutions, these systems raise some privacy issuesgiven that personal content can only be manipulated on theinteractive surface [10]. On the other hand, systems belongingto this category have proposed further support for contentmanagement. Pictionaire introduces the concept of “collectioncontainers” to provide some sort of content organisation andreview based on a timeline. Similarly, the workspace can bebookmarked and the bookmarks can be reviewed based on atimeline in Designer’s Outpost. Pictionaire further supports the


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recording and later replay of collaborative sessions. DocuDeskintroduces the “task rehydration” feature that enables resum-ing previous workspace configurations comprising both paperand digital documents. For this purpose, documents displayedon the tabletop surface need to be explicitly linked by the user.In the revived workspace configuration, digital counterpartsof the paper documents created by the vision system arepresented, enabling comparisons with possibly updated paperversions. A limitation of the review functionality is that privacyaspects are not taken into account when constructing views ofthe collaboration data [25], [31]. Therefore, all participantshave access to any tracked and recorded document, evenif they are not meant to be permanently shared with otherparticipants but merely shown during a phase of collaboration.Some review functionality is provided on the table surface inthe same setup that is used for the capturing of content butnot in the privacy of personal computers. Furthermore, differ-ent participants may have different perceptions of interestingcontent [15]. Among the described systems, only Pictionaireproposes variable views.

Related to our work, CoScribe [27] has proposed a seriesof interaction mechanisms to integrate and later enhance thereview of complementary paper and digital material. How-ever, related documents are added to the proposed interactivegraph visualisation only if actively linked through associationgestures. Furthermore, approaches for differential visibility ofcollaborative material apply only to annotations and tags onprinted documents.

As highlighted in this section, most of the existing ap-proaches focus on the collaborative issues during a meeting.These solutions pay less attention to the post-processing ofinformation that has been collaboratively generated within ameeting. As a result, it is often not possible to track the tran-sition of information between private and shared informationspaces or across different types of media as part of a post-meeting review process.


Systems that deal with the integration of private work cap-tured on paper into collaboration environments often providelimited support for the management and review of generatedcontent. On the other hand, existing meeting support systemscreate highly accurate representations of in-meeting interac-tions based on multimodal recordings and multiple views ofthe recorded content can be consulted by means of integratedmeeting browsers. However, the use of these systems in tradi-tional working environments is not widespread due to the highcomplexity of locating content of interest from large amountsof recorded streaming data [13]. We performed a study onnotetaking in meeting environments where notetaking is theprimary means of documentation to understand what issuesaffect in-meeting collaboration and how to best make dataavailable for post-meeting reviews. Our goal was to identifyrequirements for a meeting support and review solution suitedto environments with incidental notetaking.

Extensive details about the method, the recruiting processand the results of our study are presented in a previouspublication [11]. The study revealed 7 categories of papernotes based on how they supported post-meeting activities.Notes taken with the purpose of supporting work in progresswere the most often recorded and amounted to 37% of thetotal notes. They were integrated into digital deliverables ashort time after the meeting through a process of updating,restructuring and modifying their content. 21% of the notesrepresented todos and reminders. These were typically un-derspecified and users provided additional details to createentries within digital calendars or similar tools in a post-processing step after the meetings took place. 6% of thenotes were meant to temporarily record information that isnot necessarily of interest for the participant, but which wasmeant to be later forwarded to other colleagues. Another 8%of the notes represented information that was classified aspotentially relevant in the future. The participants declaredthat they generally experience difficulties in managing thiscategory of notes as they tend not to be encountered in thefuture, a phenomenon described in Lin et al. as “out of sight, itis very likely out of mind” [17]. The rest of the notes comprisedmetadata (6%), means of diverting attention (2%) and notesdeclared as irrelevant (20%). In the latter case, participantsreported that they would take these notes “just in case” butmost likely never use them.

We further report on a series of additional aspects that wereanalysed during the final semi-structured interview phase ofour study. We were interested in finding what kind of materialis prepared and brought into a meeting by the participants.We also made inquiries regarding the parallel use of paperand digital documents and whether participants experiencedany difficulties in managing the combination of paper notesand other information sources after the meetings. Furthermore,we wanted to investigate different approaches to managingevolving information through successive meetings. Finally, wewanted to learn in which manner personally created notes areshared with other participants.

Three predominant types of meeting material were preparedin advance by participants. First, users declared that theymake notes in their personal notebooks about issues to bediscussed during the meeting. In a few cases, these noteswere interleaved with empty placeholders for information tobe added during the meeting. A second category comprisesprinted documents, such as slide handouts, diagrams or docu-ment drafts, that are brought into a meeting by a participant tosupport the discussions. Electronic documents such as slides orwikis containing the meeting agenda represented a third dom-inant category. In the case that the discussion was supportedby publicly shown digital documents, the owner typicallyperformed the changes directly in the digital document version.This was explained by the benefit of increased awareness ofother participants. The rest of the participants either took papernotes in their personal notebooks or no notes at all. In the casethat the discussion was supported by printed documents, userspreferred to annotate the received copy instead of writing in a

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personal notebook. Participants were rather fuzzy in terms oftheir approach to managing annotated documents. These weretypically kept in printed annotated form for later reference,without any digital transcription. In a few cases, participantsmentioned that they filed these paper documents within or inthe vicinity of their notebooks, particularly a short time afterthe meeting. However, participants also reported that theseannotated documents were often misplaced in the long term.

Normally, notes taken during a meeting were not completedwith supplemental details after the meeting and there was alack of managing evolving content. An exception were theparticipants who intentionally left empty placeholders in theirpre-meeting notes and filled in information during the meeting.Only one participant managed evolving content by rewritingthe updated content as a new entry in their notebook. The resultcan be explained by the preference to produce more refinedversions of meeting notes in a digital form as mentioned earlierin the case of notes supporting work in progress.

Participants reported that they normally do not share notesby physically passing around their notebooks. They mentionedthat the notes were too sketchy to be forwarded in the formin which they appear in the notebook and also, for reasons ofprivacy, they did not want to make the entire content of theirnotebooks available. Notes taken to inform others were usuallycommunicated verbally. In a few cases, participants used emailcommunication after the meeting. In one meeting, participantsused post-its to comment on a colleague’s presentation andhanded them to the presenter after the meeting. When asked,the participants expressed an interest in a service that couldpotentially allow them to easily share occasional notes takenfor somebody else’s interest.

We asked the participants which aspects of their meetingmaterial management practice could accommodate improve-ments. Three aspects were associated with the highest potentialfor improvements. First, the questioned people mentioned thatthey were not able to find a single tool that could manage all oftheir information; a problem that has been investigated in thefield of personal information management for quite some time.Second, they expressed their dissatisfaction about not havingfound a way to organise and get an overview of all their papermaterial including printed documents as well as handwrittennotes. Third, it was reported that it would be good to havea record of related content in the case that notes referred toother documents. For example, handwritten notes might beassociated with the points in a printed agenda that are notexplicitly copied into the notebook.

Based on the observation that participants processed less ur-gent notes mostly when randomly encountered “in their way”,our previous recommendation for the processing of paper noteswas to focus on reminder functionality [11]. In this paper, weaddress the case of information captured as paper notes thatneeds to be refined into digital representations in situationswhen users are required to actively seek information of interestsuch as the case of notes supporting work in progress. Amechanism to overview the entire set of information, possiblystored as a combination of paper notes and other resources,

as well as a solution to filtering relevant information fromheterogeneous notes in a paper notebook are required. In thenext section we present our solution for the latter case.


We start this section by listing the requirements of ourmeeting support and review system and then describing themain features of the system. In the third part, we providesome implementation details.

A. System Requirements

The results from related work and our own study lead tothe following main requirements.

Paper-based notetaking as primary documentation: Ourstudy participants were reluctant to change their meetingdocumentation behaviour [11]. They also declared that theywould accept changes imposed by a meeting support systemonly if the benefits clearly outweigh additional efforts. Itbecame obvious that any kind of support should not requirethat meeting participants use the system instead of theirhabitual documenting approach. The system should rathercomplement their preferred paper-based documentation workpractices. Lin et al. [17] recommend that pen and paper areprovided for recording information when it is triggered, butemphasise that digital solutions are typically more suitable forlater transfer, maintenance, reference and archiving phases inthe information management cycle. Therefore, our aim wasto allow participants to primarily refer to notes and use themeeting support system to enhance the sharing of informationboth during and after meetings.

Cross-media transitions between private and shared spacesthrough different meeting phases: It is obvious that differentsituations may require different degrees of refinement ofcontent brought into meetings to support collaboration. Insome cases, it may suffice to simply jot down some notes,while in others digital documents may be a more appropriaterepresentation. As mentioned in Section II, several factorsresult in less efficient collaboration when information thathas been captured on paper has to be integrated into sharedenvironments. The collaboration supported by a user’s physicalnotebook can be rather unnatural, lacks equalitarian input andequal access to material. Transcription is normally required tomake the information available on blackboards or other sharedspaces. In Section III, we discussed that printing prepareddigital materials to support in-meeting collaboration leadsto a fragmentation of notes into multiple paper resources.Similarly, digital projections result in a separation of notesfrom the content to which they refer. Therefore, a mechanismto make both paper and digital private material easily availablein shared spaces is required. In addition, we think that pre-meeting phases should also be addressed. Participants shouldnot only be able to prepare material when physically locatedin the vicinity of the shared spaces, but also on their personalworkstations as part of a pre-meeting phase. The distribution ofinformation and easy post-meeting access to information gen-erated in shared spaces should also be ensured. Furthermore, a

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mechanism to interrelate pieces of information across privateand shared spaces for documenting inter-space transitions anddependent edits is required and participants should be able tocorrelate their notes with material from the shared spaces. Asreported in our study [11], notes have different uses that canonly be identified by the user. Therefore, participants should begiven the possibility to control and actively enforce the processof interrelating parts of their notes with external material.

Granular content sharing and post-meeting data owner-ship: Different categories of notes occur in notebooks. It istherefore important that users are able to selectively share partsof their paper notes. The privacy of a user’s notes needs to begiven further attention in post-meeting phases. In a meetingreview, several levels of access to material managed in sharedspaces should be enforced. The owner of the shared materialshould be able to control who gets what type of access to theirdata after the meeting. This could encourage the sharing ofmaterial in the first place and support in-meeting collaboration.

Quick review of paper-digital material that has beenhandled in meetings: Meetings can generate a lot of paperand digital data. When using Anoto technology, handwritteninformation is captured as low level ink data. In additionto ensuring that relations between artefacts are appropriatelycaptured and enforced in a meeting review component, ap-propriate levels of granularity in presenting data and intu-itive entry points for navigating captured material shouldbe provided [31]. Various approaches of dealing with lowgranularity levels presented by streaming data have beenproposed. Ju et al. [13] propose a timeslice-based modelto reduce the complexity of recorded data. In Teamspace,indexes based on interactions with artefacts are recommendedto ease retrieval of recorded material [7]. In the case of inkdata, Pimentel et al. [20] propose a review solution based onreplaying pen-based interactions and address the problem oflow granularity by constructing intermediary views. As wewill describe in the next subsection, we opted for snapshotscontaining intermediary states of paper notes snippets andannotated digital documents processed in the shared space toorganise data for the review phase. Participants can obtain aquick overview of the collaboration by inspecting capturedcollaborative artefacts and identify entry points for filteringmaterial of interest from their notebooks. A similar conclusionis reached by Czerwinski and Horvitz [4] who recommendsnapshots of activities in the form of still images to reviewcomputing events.

B. Paper-Digital Meeting Assistant

The interaction design of our system is logically separatedaccording to the pre-meeting, in-meeting and post-meetingphases. The pre-meeting component provides the requiredfunctionality to prepare upcoming meetings. The in-meetingcomponent supports co-located collaboration based on an top-projected and Anoto-enabled tabletop system that can be con-trolled via digital pen input. Participants may collaborate whileseated around the tabletop and, at the same time, take notes intheir private notebooks that can be comfortably placed outside

of the projected tabletop interface as shown in Figure 1. Thepost-meeting component provides support for reviewing papernotes and digital documents that have been worked on duringa meeting. We will describe the functionality of each of thesethree components in more detail.

Fig. 1. In-meeting interaction

Meeting participants are provided with support to collectand upload both paper and digital materials to a virtualdocument space before a meeting. The uploaded materialwill be accessible for interactions in the shared interactionspace during a specific meeting chosen from a dropdown listshowing all upcoming meetings. To create a new meetingevent, a user has to provide the relevant meeting detailsincluding a title, a list of topics and the participants as shownin Figure 2. Similarly, new user profiles can be created byproviding a name, a password and a list with the identifiersof associated digital pens. The information defined in a userprofile will be used to control access during in-meeting andpost-meeting phases. Furthermore, in-meeting interactions willbe associated with individual users based on the unique digitalpen identifiers.

Fig. 2. Meeting event creation

To upload paper content, participants are required to useAnoto-enabled notebooks. Previously written paper notes canbe selected via a pen-based cropping gesture similar to the

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approach used in PapierCraft [16], as shown in Figure 3a.Selected parts of notebook pages are transformed into digitalrepresentations and stored in the virtual document space. TheAnoto digital pens are used in streaming mode so that paper-based user actions are continuously interpreted and feedbackcan be provided on the user’s personal computer screen. Anyselected paper content is represented as a virtual note and athumbnail of it appears on the central cover flow widget ofthe application window as highlighted in Figure 3b. Digitaldocuments can be selected via a file chooser component. Thefirst page of a selected document is shown as a thumbnailpicture in the cover flow list of prepared documents in a similarmanner to Figure 3b.

(a) Select note content (b) Display note thumbnail

Fig. 3. Collection of paper notes

The tabletop application user interface shown in Figure 4provides several elements for organising meeting material. Inthe centre, a set of buttons placed on a rotating Wheel ofFortune are easily accessible by all participants and providefunctionality to create workspace snapshots, reestablish previ-ous workspace layouts or save and delete documents.

Snapshot button

Public folderPrivate folder

Snapshots folder


Wheel of Fortune

Fig. 4. Tabletop user interface

By touching the Snapshot button with the pen, the currenttabletop configuration is captured and stored as a snapshot.A previously captured workspace snapshot can be loaded tothe tabletop by touching the Snapshots folder and draggingthe corresponding thumbnail representation from a cover flowinterface that contains all of the snapshots taken in the

current meeting session as shown in Figure 5. The droppingof documents into the Public folder will later make themaccessible to all participants in the meeting review phase.Furthermore, any document that is dropped into the Trashbinis permanently deleted. Paper notes and digital documentsthat have been prepared and uploaded in the pre-meetingphase are accessible during a meeting via each participant’sPrivate folder. The position of a private folder can be changedby simply dragging and dropping the folder with the digitalpen. Note that the folders will reorient themselves whenrepositioned by applying an auto-orientation technique similarto MERL’s DiamondSpin4.

Fig. 5. In-meeting review of workspace snapshots

Paper notes excerpts are represented on the tabletop userinterface as virtual notes containing a digital counterpart ofthe original paper note. Digital documents are representedas virtual physical books that can be consulted through asimulated 3D page turning effect. Pen input on both a virtualnote and individual pages of a virtual book results in pen-based annotations of the original content. In the case of notes,the new pen strokes update the digitised note content, whileannotations on a virtual book page are associated with eachpage in the form of overlay information.

A series of further editing operations are available forboth content types when moved into the shared area of thetabletop. These operations are provided through decentralisedtoolbars associated with each document or note and throughcontextual menus triggered by a double tapping gesture, asshown in Figure 6. The toolbars include action items tosave a public document in a user’s private folder, deletethe document, change the colour palette and switch betweendifferent editing modes. The available pen-based modes ofinteraction are freehand sketching to update a virtual noteor annotate digital document pages, zooming, rotating andmoving the corresponding document. The contextual menusprovide copy and paste, delete and deselect operations ofpreviously selected parts of virtual notes as well as digitaldocument annotations. The pen input is switched to selection


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mode after having touched a dedicated toolbar item. Newcontent can be created on the tabletop in the form of newvirtual notes. A virtual note is created by drawing a rectanglewith the pen as shown in Figure 7a.

(a) Copy selected strokes (b) Paste selected strokes

Fig. 6. Copy/paste operation

As soon as the user lifts their pen, an empty virtual noteappears on the tabletop surface at the same position andwith the corresponding size as highlighted in Figure 7b. Byapplying the auto-orientation technique mentioned earlier, thenew note automatically faces its creator.

(a) Draw rectangle (b) Empty virtual note

Fig. 7. Virtual note creation

Virtual notes created on the tabletop are by default public.A participant may claim the ownership of a public noteby dragging the note to their private folder or by invokingthe corresponding action provided by the associated toolbarwidget. Documents placed in a participant’s private folder canonly be accessed by their owner. When double tapping thefolder with one of their registered pens, a cower flow widgetcontaining thumbnails of the available documents opens anddocuments can be drag-and-dropped to the shared space. Oncedocuments are made available in the shared space, they canbe edited by other users. However, in the post-meeting review,they will have restricted access unless the owner explicitlyshared them with other users by dropping them into the Publicfolder in the centre of the tabletop surface.

Users may also transfer parts of their notes onto the tabletopsurface during the meeting. By using the same croppinggesture mentioned for the pre-meeting component, selectednotebook content is made available as a virtual note in a users’sprivate folder. Icons attached to the folder inform the userabout the status of their interactions on paper.

Selected paper notes can also be directly made available onthe tabletop without any indirection through a private folder,when the selection is performed by using a circling gesture

as highlighted in Figure 8. The note appears on the tabletopat the position indicated by a double tap gesture performedsuccessively to the circling selection operation.

(a) Circle paper note (b) Paste selected paper content

Fig. 8. Copy a paper note directly to the tabletop

As mentioned earlier, the use of private and public foldersto change the ownership of public material created on thetabletop during the meeting and private material created byindividual participants within their private space, is reflectedin the post-meeting review. If the ownership has not beenchanged, stored information about a document’s creator isused. Meeting material can be reviewed by using the samecover flow interface approach. Users may browse through col-lections of workspace snapshots as shown in Figure 9. Virtualnotes and physical books representing digital documents arehighlighted in different colours according to their ownership.Artefacts owned by the currently logged in user are highlightedin pink, public artefacts are highlighted in yellow and artefactspertaining to other users, and therefore inaccessible, are nothighlighted. When a user clicks on a highlighted thumbnail,the note or document is enlarged to expose more details.

Fig. 9. Review based on snapshots

The cover flow allows users to obtain a quick overview of allcollaborative artefacts and the highlighting helps users quicklyrealise what content they can access. It may be that not alldocuments are comprised within snapshots. A separate viewallows users to browse through all non-snapped documents forwhich they have access rights as shown in Figure 10.

A final review functionality allows users to get quick accessto updated versions of previously shared paper notes. When auser taps the pen within the extent of selection marks made

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Fig. 10. Review of documents handled on the tabletop

on paper when sharing the note, the corresponding virtualnote and all snapshots containing different versions of the noteare retrieved and shown as thumbnail images in a cover flowwidget in a third view of the post-meeting component as shownin Figure 11. Each shared paper note may be associated withseveral virtual notes, depending on whether snapshots havebeen created or the virtual notes have been deleted in themeanwhile. The corresponding virtual notes are highlighted inred when shown as part of a captured snapshot. The snapshotscan be interacted with as described previously.

(a) Tap inside notebook selection (b) Browse artefacts containing note

Fig. 11. Finding the updated state of a shared note

C. Implementation

Figure 12 shows the main components of our system. Thesystem consists of three modules, one for each meeting phase,and a central database module that manages information aboutmeetings, users and documents in the virtual document space.The database module is the mediator that allows data capturedin different meeting phases to be accessible across phases asindicated by the blue arrows.

The general data model with the main entities and relation-ships is shown in Figure 13 using UML notation. Administra-tive data is recorded as instances of the User and Meetingclasses which capture user profile and meeting event details.In the case of users, details about their name, password andthe unique pen addresses are stored. A meeting is describedby its title and a list of topics as well as participating users.As described earlier, the information is entered through thepre-meeting application user interface.

Fig. 12. System components

To be able to manage edits performed on the extent ofvarious types of artefacts handled in the shared space, weintroduced the high level abstractions of Documents andNotes. A Document models different types of content thatcan be displayed and manipulated on the tabletop surface,including virtual notes or PDF documents. Pen-based annota-tions made on the extent of a virtual note or digital documentpage are represented as Notes which are associated with thecorresponding Document instance. A Note is composed ofall the edits made on the extent of a Document page, suchas traces containing collections of successive pen coordinatesin the case of Anoto technology. A document is created bya user and is, by default, accessible to its creator. Accessrights can be granted to other users, for example in the caseof virtual notes created on the tabletop by a participant anddevised public by the system or documents dropped into thePublic folder or personal folders of other participants than thecreator, as modelled by the accessibleTo association.







timestamp: Date


title: Stringtopics: List<String>start: Dateend: Date


name: Stringpassword: StringpenIDs: List<String>










x: doubley: doubletimestamp: long


penID: String


Fig. 13. Data model

Workspace snapshots are modelled as Snapshots whichare associated with a specific meeting and refer to a setof document versions. When a new snapshot is created, thestate of each document placed on the tabletop at that specific

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moment is captured with an instance of the Version class,which is associated with the snapshot object and originaldocument. A document version maintains information abouta document’s representation on the tabletop and all containededits at the moment of the snapshot. If a snapshot has beenreconstructed, the document versions can be further edited,moved and resized. A subsequent snapshot will create newdocument versions.

To address differences in the manipulation of various typesof documents and their annotations, extensions of the twogeneral Document and Note classes can be implemented. InFigure 13, we show the extensions that we made to handle vir-tual notes and PDF documents in grey. The two specific imple-mentations of the Document class are VirtualNotes andPDFDocuments. Pen-based annotations are represented bythe VirtualNoteContent and PDFPageAnnotationextensions of the Note class. A PDFDocument can havezero or multiple PDFPageAnnotations associated to it. Incontrast, a virtual note can have at most one associated virtualnote content. Such document specific cardinality constraintsover the Document-Note association are specified in thecorresponding Document subclass implementations as indi-cated by the abstract addNote method.

Pen input on both paper and the tabletop surface coveredwith Anoto pattern is handled by the iPaper framework [19].For the tabletop surface used during the in-meeting phase, weused an inexpensive solution consisting of a large paper sheetprinted with Anoto pattern placed on a regular circular tableunder a protective glass layer. An in-meeting application userinterface implemented in Adobe Flex5 is overhead projectedonto the table surface and, through appropriate calibration,pen input interpreted by the iPaper framework is mapped tocorresponding manipulations of underlying projected content.To implement multitouch operations such as zooming, rotatingand moving content on the table surface, which require fasttransmissions in real time, the pen input is mapped to TUIO6

messages. These messages are transmitted to the applicationdriving the tabletop user interface and parsed into multitouchgestures. We use a modified TUIO cursor profile to alsotransmit information about pen identifiers and timestamps aspart of the TUIO messages. These were used for operationson the tabletop requiring user identification, such as the auto-orientation feature. The database module uses a db4o7 objectdatabase engine in client/server mode.


Our approach to reviewing collaboration data relies ona series of features introduced in the pre- and in-meetinginteraction. We use virtual notes and digital document pageannotations to cluster ink data representing interactions inthe shared space. Workspace snapshots further group relatedcontent of potentially heterogeneous types. Notes and snap-shots introduce two levels of coarser granularity in reviewing


meeting interactions, as compared to replaying individual op-erations [20]. Appropriate privacy levels in reviewing meetingmaterial are ensured through private and public folders used toadapt ownership metadata. Furthermore, a browsing approachbased on cover flow widgets allows users to quickly identifypossible information of interest among the captured data. Ourchoice follows recommendations made for meeting supportsystems, according to which the browsing interface has tobe simple and provide quick overview with low level effortrequired for the users [31].

The proposed solution is meant to support participants inprocessing meeting material, especially in cases driven by aspecific task such as producing an outcome artefact. Thesetasks require an overview of relevant material. In our system,an overview of paper and digital material handled in the sharedspace during meetings is constructed, along with means offiltering and discovering entry points into the heterogeneouscontent of paper notebooks. In addition to supporting activelylooking for specific relevant content, the mechanism maycreate opportunities to casually notice or increase the abilityto remember other useful information, as suggested in ourprevious publication [11]. Since our study has shown thatdocumentation material is most likely modified and a digitalversion of the same content would not necessarily be of use,we did not focus on supporting the creation or edits of digitalartefacts based on content extracted from the overview.

Whittaker et al. [31] suggest that one of the reasons whymultiple meeting browsers have not gained popularity might behaving “failed to provide an appropriate level of abstractionto allow users to strategically focus on important parts ofthe meeting”. The abstractions we propose for structuringand presenting meeting material for review are notes madeon documents and snapshots. They reflect users’ assessmentson the relatedness of content. Edits can be performed on theextent of the same virtual note or document page to modifyor add related content. New virtual notes can be created whenunrelated content has to be dealt with. By default, notes reflectthe final result of edits performed during collaboration to avoidgenerating too many or irrelevant stages of the collaborationin the final review and enforce the efficiency of the navigation.Intermediary stages of the content can be captured as part ofsnapshots when necessary. Snapshots provide a way of savingintermediary work states and revive them on the tabletop, butat the same time group notes that are related temporally inthat they were handled around the same time. In the caseof snapshots navigation, the reviewing approach combines atimeline with semantic grouping enforced by the user.

The approach used for capturing and organising meetingdata is further derived from users’ assessment of relevancy.In Teamspace [7], interactions with artefacts such as slidetransitions were considered relevant markers in browsing meet-ing material. We attributed a similar role to shared materialrepresented by paper snippets transferred to the shared spaceand documents brought into a meeting. Given the mixedcharacter of paper notes that users normally take, the fact thatonly shared notes are presented in the review introduces a

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filtering mechanism based on what was considered relevantfor the discussion at a specific moment.

Being derived from users’ assumptions of relatedness andrelevancy, the approach to overviewing meeting data is likelyto be more effective, as also pointed by Fass et al. [6].However, the same authors mention that users are likely notto spend time on documenting interactions when focusing onother activities. Ju et al. [13] introduced the idea of implicitand explicit captures used in combination to cope with thisissue. In our opinion, a form of implicit capture would haveneglected our initial goal of providing quick and effectiveoverview of collaboration data. Therefore, we chose to makea compromise on the assumption that if users do take the timefor additional actions such as uploading documents into thesystem or generating snapshots, then these would most likelyrepresent relevant data. At this stage, we have performed aninformal evaluation of the current system and, overall, userswere positive about its features. We are currently planning anextended user study of the presented system.


Previous work investigated various technological ap-proaches for integrating private paper-based informationwithin shared interaction spaces. We propose a system that,based on a series of features introduced to support the differentmeeting phases, provides means to review both collaborativeand personal meeting data and prepare meeting material tobe shared, in addition to supporting in-meeting interactionsbetween private and shared information spaces. The systemwas informed by a user study on incidental paper-basednotetaking. Meeting data is managed based on a general datamodel that allows us to enforce granularity and access levelswhile presenting data in the review phase.


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