Panoramic Landscapes

Panoramic Landscapes Landscapes = a painting, drawing or photograph that depicts outdoor scenery. What are some different types of landscapes you have

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Panoramic Landscapes

Landscapes = a painting, drawing or photograph that depicts outdoor scenery.

What are some different types of landscapes you have seen before?

3 parts to any Landscape:• ForegroundThe part closest to the

viewer• Middle groundThe part between the

foreground and background

• BackgroundThe part furthest


Can you find the 3 parts of the landscape in this painting?

Horizon Line= place where earth and sky meet

Perspective:= the illusion of depth on a flat surface

A “drawing trick” to help you show depth on a 2-D surface. Use these “rules” to make your drawings and paintings of still-life and landscapes more realistic.

• Ways that artists show perspective:–Overlapping (closer objects will be

in front of things behind)–Placement (closer to horizon line)–Size (farther away = smaller)–Color (farther away = duller)

Overlapping closer objects are in front of things farther away

Placement The farther away, the closer to horizon line

Size farther away = smaller

Color farther away = duller, less intense

Examples of objects to include in a landscape:

• trees, forest, bushes, flowers, rocks, mountains, roads/paths, bridge, pond, river, stream, animals, garden, lily pad, cactus… try NOT to include man-made objects!

More things to consider…

Place:• Desert, Mountains, River,

Ocean, Lake, Field


• Rain, sunny, cloudy, hot, wet, dry…

• Season: winter, spring, summer, fall…

Time of day:• Sunrise• Sunset• Mid-day• Night-time

panoramic• An unbroken view

of an entire surrounding area.

Hudson River School• 1855-1875. • Art movement by a group of landscape painters who showed America in a romantic way; idealized view

Late 19th century. 1870’s-1890’s

PARIS was where it started, the center of the art world, then it spread to other parts of EUROPE

Impressionist painters were considered radical in their time because they broke many of picture-making rules set by earlier generations.

They found many of their subjects in life around them rather than in history


* Their goal was to create an impression of their subject; quick glimpse

What do these have in common???

• “What do we see in the work of these men? Nothing but defiance, almost an insult to the tastes and intelligence of the public.” 1874

• “There is little doubt that Impressionist landscape paintings are the most appreciated works of art ever produced.” 1984

• Most people see Impressionism as beautiful, sunlit paintings of the French countryside and gorgeous gardens. But in 1874 when they first exhibited their work, they were considered shocking and outrageous.

Impressionism Here's a list that might help to

remember the issues important to most Impressionists:

E Everyday life L Light and Color B Brushstrokes O Outdoor settings W Weather and


Next we’ll see examples of this…

Impressionism Everyday Life

The impressionists tried to paint what they saw at a given moment.

Rather than painting historical, religious, or mythological subjects, the Impressionists chose to paint everyday scenes from the world they knew.


Light and Color The Impressionists used

vibrant, light colors, sometimes mixed directly on the canvas. This technique and application was much different than the darker colors used earlier in traditional art.

Impressionism Brushstrokes: are visible Fascinated with capturing movement, Impressionists applied

their paint with quick, brushstrokes.

Impressionism Outdoor setting: The Impressionists valued

nature as a subject for their paintings. Unlike academic artists, they painted real life landscapes as they saw them.

They often painted outdoors, rather than in a studio, so they could observe nature more directly.

BECAUSE train travel became easy to do landscape painting. Also portable easels, folding chairs, and easy tube paints were invented.

Impressionism Weather &

Atmosphere The Time of day, Atmosphere,and Season can be

seenin their paintings.

ImpressionismClaude Monet

“IMPRESSION, SUNRISE”,1872 gave the name to the entire Impressionist movement.

As an insult these were called “impressions” instead of paintings by critics.

Although the work of the Impressionist painters appears very spontaneous, they carefully and scientifically planned their work.

Monet’s Studies of Light and Color

Claude MonetRouen Cathedral

Monet bridged the span between realism and contemporary abstraction.

Part of a series of around 30 paintings.

The more he worked outdoors the more he realized that colors were constantly changing with the moving of the sun, clouds, and haze.These paintings show how colors change with the light.

So he decided to paint the same subject at different times of the day, year, and light. There are more than 30 canvases. Rouen Cathedral Series link

Impressionism: Capturing Light and Color

Monet’s House: Giverny, France

Monet’s Japanese Gardens



Examples of pastel landscapes:

More Examples:

And More Examples:

How you will be graded:

• Composition: foreground, middle ground and background

• Use of perspective techniques: overlap, size, placement, focus, brightness

• Mastery of chalk pastel: blending, values, and textures

Review: where’s the foreground, middle ground, background, horizon line ??