Krishna Menon Symptoms of Panic Disorders People with panic disorder may have: Sudden and repeated attacks of fear, where they feel out of control, and overwhelmed. They intense worry about when the next attack will happen, or what will trigger it. Oftentimes, they have a fear or avoidance of places where panic attacks have occurred in the past, or the situation that lead to the How to tell if YOU have a panic disorder Panic Disorder When the fear starts to conquer you, What do you do? panic attack, which can lead to social reclusiveness and general hermit-like life style and agoraphobia. An attack is not purely mental, and also has physical symptoms that are key indicators that you or a loved one is having a panic attack. These physical symptoms include a pounding or racing heart, with possible stress-related tachycardia, as Over 40 million Americans suffer from panic attacks, which is approximately 18% of all Americans, according to the Institute of Mental Health. Could one of those Americans be you?

Panic Attacks

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Krishna Menon

Krishna Menon

Krishna Menon6

When the fear starts to conquer you,What do you do?Panic Disorder

People with panic disorder may have: Sudden and repeated attacks of fear, where they feel out of control, and overwhelmed. They intense worry about when the next attack will happen, or what will trigger it. Oftentimes, they have a fear or avoidance of places where panic attacks have occurred in the past, or the situation that lead to the panic attack, which can lead to social reclusiveness and general hermit-like life style and agoraphobia. An attack is not purely mental, and also has physical symptoms that are key indicators that you or a loved one is having a panic attack. These physical symptoms include a pounding or racing heart, with possible stress-related tachycardia, as well as sweating, difficulty breathing or shallow breaths, a weakness or dizziness that forces the victim to collapse or pass out, as well as a numbness in the body or hands, and a tingling pain in the stomach, chest or body. If you experience these symptoms, please consult your physician immediately, and attempt to seek help. Panic is a serious disorder that can result in suicidal thoughts, or even death. Over 40 million Americans suffer from panic attacks, which is approximately 18% of all Americans, according to the Institute of Mental Health. Could one of those Americans be you?How to tell if YOU have a panic disorderSymptoms of Panic DisordersScientists are unsure of the exact cause of panic disorder. Panic attacks run through families, and you are more likely to have a panic attack if your family has a genetic disposition Severe changes in lifestyle, or significant drama or stress also induces panic attacks. Severe anxiety, triggered by events such as a traumatic event, or shock, can trigger a panic attack. Several medical conditions can cause panic attacks, such as, but not limited to, valve prolapse, hyperthyroidism (oversupply of thyroxin), hypoglycemia, stimulant use, medication or drug withdrawal, and abuse of albuterol or a similar heart simulant.

CAUSES OF PANIC DISORDERPanic Disorder is never your fault. Frustration and anxiety are very real, and undiagnosed panic is an emotional nightmare nobody deserves to face alone.

TREATMENTS FOR PANIC DISORDER Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: This is the most common type of therapy, and also usually the most successful. It seeks out the root of the problem, rather than treating the symptoms. It tries to recreate the situation in which you had the attack and find what caused it, known as the trigger, and eliminate your fear by presenting the fear in a more logical manner that dispels your fears. Once you figure out that nothing catastrophic will result from your fear, your mania, and therefore your panic, disappears. This type of treatment is handled by a therapist or psychologist. Exposure Therapy: This type of therapy heps you deal with your panic attacks. They expose you to a panic attack while you are in a safe and controlled environment, helping you recover and soothing you This type of treatment allows people with panic disorder to help themselves in the case of an attack and function properly. This is the beginning step to recovering from agoraphobia. Medication: Medication simply treats some of the symptoms of a panic disorder. It does not actually solve the problem, but helps it go away. These medications must be prescribed by a doctor. Benzodiazepines are quick acting pills, taken in case of an emergency that work within 30 minutes and calm your body down, reducing stress, inducing artificial euphoria. Antidepressants are also a viable treatment method but must be taken for months or weeks before they can start preventing attacks.

YOURE NOT ALONESome peoples lives become so restricted that they avoid normal activities, such as grocery shopping or driving. About one-third become housebound or are able to confront a feared situation only when accompanied by a spouse or other trusted person. When the condition progresses this far, it is called agoraphobia, or fear of open spaces.-NIMHDIAGNOSISBetter Safe Than SorryPanic attacks can happen anytime, whether it be while youre at school or fast asleep. They can strike at any time, and it is vital that you be proactive in both acknowledging your panic disorder and finding treatment. If you fear that you may have a panic disorder, please see a doctor as soon as possible, since panic grows only worse if left untreated. If you feel you may have a panic disorder. Your doctor should give you some medication to temporarily relieve your pain and confusion, while he or she refers you to a specialist. However, it is vital to confirm that you do have a panic disorder. The symptoms of a panic disorder can come from various other mental diseases, such as depression, arrhythmia, alcoholism or drug abuse. It is vital to list your symptoms to your specialist and confirm that you are getting the treatment and the help that you need and deserve. Living with a panic disorder IS POSSIBLE. Millions of people coexist with their panic disorder, with most eliminating it completely by the end of their life. Cras faucibus tempor magna. Maecenas dapibus sodales erat. Aenean sem felis.Anxiety disorders, when paired with the life-saving combination of therapy and treatment, is completely manageable, and becomes a normal part of most peoples lives, simply another task to deal with. People with an anxiety disorder are three to five times more likely to go to the doctor and six times more likely to be hospitalized for psychiatric disorders than those who do not suffer from anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders develop from a complex set of risk factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life events. Many people who suffer from anxiety also suffer from depression, making this even more complex. With hard work and dedication those with panic disorders can finally feel safe and like themselves again.

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