PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA August 1981. Illustrations by Thomas Stevens. Story by Obed Raggett. Waaḻ angka piipa palyalpayilu palyaṉu ngaatja, Yukutja 1981ngka. Thomas Stevensl u p i wakaṉu. Ingkaṯ a Raggettlu yara ngaatja wakaṉu.

PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to

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Page 1: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to


August 1981.I l lu s t r a t io n s by Thomas Stevens.S to ry by Obed R aggett.Waaḻ angka p iip a p a ly a lp a y ilu pa lyaṉu ngaa tja , Yukutja 1981ngka.Thomas Stevensl u p i wakaṉu.Ingkaṯ a Raggettlu yara ngaatja wakaṉu.

Page 2: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to

Katj a paluru ngurrangka nyinapayi. Paapa palumpa kukaku yankupayiwaṉma lingku , y a la t j i kutu.Ngula ngalya kuḻ parra wiya nyangu ka tja palumpa.

Page 3: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to
Page 4: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to

Paluru n g u rr iṉu palumpa katjaku "Y a a ly t ji anu ngayuku ka tja? "N gurriṉu paluru puḻ i katu, karru puntu t j u ṯ a, karru wiima t j u ṯ a.Wiya nyangu, Piyuku anu. N gurriṉu paluru puḻ i karru t j u ṯ a, wiya nyangu. N gurriṉu ngurra i l a l p i , wiya nyangu.

Page 5: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to
Page 6: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to

Piyuku karruwana anu, Yankula nyangu k a tily k a k u tju . Nyangu, m anytjira kuḻ t j u ṉu . K u liṉu, "Y aa ly tjingu ru ngaatja?" Miṯ uṉu, Wanara kutjupa nyangu.M anytjira kuḻ t j u ṉu .

Page 7: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to
Page 8: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to

Wanara nyangu katjupa. Kuḻ t j u ṉu, kuḻ t j u ṉu, kuḻ t j u ṉu. Wanara nyangulpi k a tily k a palunya mantangka, P i lk in y iṯ it ja n u . Paluru manta palunya yuṯ uḻ unu, k a t i ly k a lu r r t ju palunya ngalkuṉu kuḻ t j u ṉu lp i manta w ink i. K a tilyka manta t j u ṯ a kuḻ t j u ṉu.

Page 9: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to
Page 10: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to

Paluru kuḻ pangulpi ngurra kuḻ p i palumpakutu. Wiima n g a rr ir ra paluru pakara yulkapatjunu. Yulkapatjanu uḻ a palumpa pakaṉu k a t l ilyka tja n u , mantatjanu. Uḻ a pa lu ru lingku panya paapalu kanyiṉu tja .

Page 11: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to
Page 12: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to

Paapalu t ja p iṉu, "Y a a ly t jir r in g u uḻ a?" Uḻ a lu w atjaṉu , "Pangkaḻ angulu ngayunya pungu. Paluru kuḻ pangu n y a rra tja , w ilu ra rra " . Paapanya wangkangu, "Ngayulu ankula palunya pungkuku",Paluru k a t j i t j u ṯ a m a n y t ji lk a t ir ra yanu. K a tji w inta t j u ṯ a ka tingu, t j in a wanaṉu. Wanara tjunkukatingu k u tja rra ngururrpa. K a tir ra k u tja rra kutjupa ngaratjunkukatingu, katingu k u tja rra . K u tjg rra tja rra n g ku pika palunya pungkunytjaku. Y i l t a lp i paluru k u tja rra p ika rrin g a n g i.

Page 13: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to
Page 14: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to

K ala lp i paluru y ila r r in g u k a t j i pa lu laku tu ,paluru w inta k u tja rra wan t ik a t in g u t ja . Palula k a t j i w iyarringu . K u tja rra m an y tjiṉu, paluru p iyuku lp i p ika rrin g a n g i. Piyuku w iya rringu , K u tja rra m a n y tjiṉu, Piyuku w iyarringu ngurra ila rrin ga n y in g ka . Uḻ a lu lp i k u tja rra yungu, Wakara y ilu n ta n u lp i Pangkaḻ angu palunya w ilu ra rra t ja n u . Anulpi paapararra m ir r i pungkukatirra .

Page 15: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to
Page 16: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to

The son would always stay in the camp while his father went out far awayhunting for meat. One day the father returned and couldn't see his son.

The father searched for him, wondering where he could be, He searched high up in the rocks. He searched the big creeks and the small creeks. He didn't see the boy. He went out again. He searched all the hills and creeks, but couldn't find him. He searched the nearby camps. He couldn't find him anywhere.

Again he went out along the creeks, on the way he saw a maggott. He looked at it, and he picked it up and swallowed if "Where does this come from?" he wondered He followed its tracks. And then he saw another one. He picked it up and swallowed it.

He followed the tracks and then saw somemore. He ate and ate and ate. And thenat last he saw the place in the groundwhere the maggotts were coming from. Thesoil there was wet with fat. He gatheredthe soil together and ate it all up, theearth and the maggotts all together asone.

He returned to his home in the cave. Helay. dawn for a little while and then got up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to have.

"What happened to you,boy"? the father asked. "A Pangkalangu killed me," he replied. "He's gone back there, to the west".

"Well I'll go and kill him", said the father. He fetched his spears and went.

Page 17: PANGKAḺANGUNYA UḺA WIIMANYA32064/pl0079... · up and vomited. From that vomit, from the maggotts and the earth, his boy appeared. It was indeed the son that the father used to

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