Pancha Bhutas

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  • 8/10/2019 Pancha Bhutas


    1. Pritvi/Earth

    Correspondence for this element: its figure is the square, its space is between the

    knees and the toes, the sense is smell and the colour is yellow.

    Conscious: Experience the space which pervades the entire body from the top of the

    head to the tips of the toes. Experience the sthulakasha. the space throughout the body.

    Develop total awareness of the space which pervades your whole body. Within this

    space become aware ofprithvi tattwa, the earth element, which is related with the sense

    of smell. Bring your awareness to the sense of smell. Observe all the smells that are in

    the environment right now.

    Subconscious: Feel the body becoming heavy like the earth. Create the feeling of

    your body sitting inside the earth. Become one with the earth.

    Unconscious : Visualize the corresponding diety. See the book for details!

    2. Apas/Water

    Correspondence for this element: the figure is the Moon, the space is between the navel

    and the knees, the sense is taste, the colour is silver.

    Conscious: Feel the space pervading the entire body. Now focus your attention

    on apas tattwa, the water element. Taste is the tanmatrawhich is related with the water

    element. Bring your attention to the taste which is in your mouth right now. Be aware of

    this taste. Dwell on various tastes.

    Subconscious : Imagine yourself sitting in a mountain stream underneath a waterfall.

    Above you is water, below you is water. Visualize the water and become fluid like the


    Unconscious: Visualize the corresponding diety. See the book for details!

    3. Agni/Fire

  • 8/10/2019 Pancha Bhutas


    Correspondence for this element: the figure is triangle, the space is between the navel

    and the heart, the sense is sight, the colour is red .

    Conscious : Form/Sight is the sense associated with this element. In this state,

    conduct extensive visualizations of various landscapes. See each form or scene as

    clearly as you can, bringing as much detail into it as possible.

    Subconscious : Imagine sitting inside a fire. Feel the intense heat. Become the heat.

    Unconscious : Visualize the corresponding diety. See the book for details!

    4. Vayu/Air

    Correspondence for this element: the figure is hexagon, the space is the heart Chakra,

    the sense is touch, the colour is grey-blue.

    Conscious: Touch is the sense associated with the air element. Become aware of

    touch. Feel the touch of your clothes against your skin, your hands resting on your

    knees. Imagine you are stroking a cat. Feel the soft, smooth, silky fur of the cat as you

    stroke it. Then change to stroking a dog. Feel the different texture, the rough. wiry hair

    of the dog.

    Subconscious: See yourself within this space and become aware of a gentle breeze

    blowing. Feel the wind touching your skin. The wind is growing stronger. Feel the wind

    blowing all around you, filling up the whole space. Feel the wind on your back, against

    the front of your body. Feel the wind above you and underneath you. There is nothing

    butwind all around you, making you lighter and lighter. The wind is emptying your body

    of weight. You are becoming weightless.

    Unconscious: Visualize the corresponding diety. See the book for details!

    5. Akasha/Ether

  • 8/10/2019 Pancha Bhutas


    Correspondence for this element: the figure is circle, the space is between the

    eyebrows and the crown Chakra, the sense is hearing or sound, the colour is colorless

    or black.

    Conscious: Sound is the sense associated with this element. For the next few minutes

    become aware of the different sounds all around you. Centre your whole awareness on


    Subconscious: Feel as if you are floating through space. Your body is light, weightless

    and floating through the vast, inky black space. As you float through the dark space

    become aware of asteroids passing by. Become aware of the stars scattered through

    the darkness, bright, twinkling points of light. As you continue to float through space see

    the moon and the sun. Feel yourself merging into the space in which you are floating,

    becoming one with the space. Experience akasha tattwa, you are akasha tattwa.

    Unconscious: Visualize the corresponding diety. See the book for details!