Panacea Newsletter 12 %282011 Apr 29%29

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  • 7/31/2019 Panacea Newsletter 12 %282011 Apr 29%29


    Panac ea is a reg istered non-profit organiza tion,ded ic ated to ed uca tional study

    and resea rch. All co pyrights belong to their ow ners. All the materia l presented on

    the Panacea web site is either news rep orting or informat ion p resente d for non-profit

    study a nd research. All this information has p reviously been pub licly disc losed and

    imp lic itly been p ut into the pub lic do ma in. Fair Use applies.

    Our since rest symp athies go out to a ll the v ict ims suffering from the rec ent e vents

    unfolding on o ur p rec ious plane t. 2011 has a lrea dy been o ne o f the craziest years

    since World War 2. Revolutions have swe pt a c ross the Midd le East, the United Sta tes

    has go tten involved in the c ivil war in Libya, Europ e is on the ve rge of a financ ia lme ltdo wn a nd the U.S. dolla r is dying . None o f this is goo d ne ws for glob al foo d

    produc tion either.

    We a re a ll in this together. Higher ed uc ation exists which c an truly ma ke our wo rld

    sa fer, sec ure and susta inab le. WE nee d mo re pub lic exposure of this a rea . Panac ea

    is progressively consolidating education for harm reduction and self sufficiency.

    Tod ay co rporations, c ong lomerates, and / or government entities with priva te

    c ompo nents, control the d irec tion a nd go vernanc e o f a country, inc luding c arrying

    out ec ono mic p lanning no twithsta nding the 'free m arket' labe l. Given the sheer

    amount of d is-info a nd p rofit ma rgin- Self educ ation and self ca re is a funda mentalsec urity in life.

    With ope n source and othe r ed uc ational solutions there is mo re we c an do fo r New

    Zea land , Japan, Ha iti and ourselves. We will ad dress the se solut ions in this newsletter.

    Ge tting this particular NEGLECTED and suppressed ed uc ation out the re is where

    the rea l skills a re. Panac ea s func tion is not one of a norma l organization; it is one fo r

    this SPECIFIC ta sk. It is Panac ea s sincere friends comprising our trustee s, dona to rs,

    and subsc ribers who ma ke up this unique skill. Tog ether we are p rog ressive ly taking

    one step c loser to rea c hing the se goa ls throug h our co llec tive truth movem ent.
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    It is our responsibility to use a ny knowled ge we ha ve a va ilab le to ensure tha t whe re

    possible any future misfortunes a re a voided . The educ ation is p resent to p rove we

    c an reb uild NZ, Japan a nd Haiti with highe r ed ucation for harm reduc tion and self

    suffic ienc y. This inc lude s a lterna tive FREE energy tec hno logy and monolithic domes,

    these struc tures a re earthquake and hurrica ne p roo f. However no ma instream relief

    aid p roject is do ing this or has this c aliber of educ ation. Mainstream fac ulties do not

    tea c h this HARM REDUCTION ed uc ation in the ir curricula. Industry c annot profit the

    sam e wa y from these methods. One examp le is in using Mo nolithic dom es, a solution

    which insuranc e polic ies could a lso ta ke on boa rd . This ed ucation is p rac tica l in

    disaster relief rebuilds.

    A Monolithic Dome Design- Source

    The Earthship vo lunteers help with d esign p rotoc ols tha t utilize earthq uake p roo f

    dom es p lus renewa b le and rec yc led ma teria ls. Earthship designs are a pe rfec t

    examp le of a c hieving these ed ucational goa ls. However, like other ed ucational

    institutes with highe r ed ucation, they c annot educ ate this c ap ac ity alone. Norma lly

    a fac ulty wo uld be consolida ting a ll of this know led ge for public be nefit; howeve r

    this is no t the c ase. A p olicing fac ulty o f this nature is a go al of your nonprofit

    organization. WE intend to beg in the c onsolida tion of ALL this neg lec ted highe r

    ed ucation into such a fac ulty.

    Earthships rem ain neg lec ted a s do o thers ed uc ation, these d esign solutions c onta in

    their own sewa ge , are chea p to b uild a nd ena ble food to be g rown loc ally. If the

    ma instream aid bud ge t given to Haiti was utilized for these design solutions most of

    the country would now be protec ted and c loser to self sufficienc y.This hig her

    educ ation ca n be improved still.
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    Earthqua ke p roo f d ome - Earthship Haiti ed uca tional reb uild p rojec t

    The new Panac ea Earthship p age is one o f ma ny new pag es c oming to yourwe bsite to help train others. The Panac ea online university is offe ring the instructiona l

    Earthship build ing resources for EVALUATION and stud y. To qua lify fo r this materia l

    you c an b e a builder, ac ad em ic or resea rc her INTENT on sta rting the se com munity

    or housing p rojec ts and supporting Earthship. Note - these resources c annot be

    lega lly "lent out", sold , distributed or used for any other purpose. Anyone who is ab le

    to ma ke a go of this art of living a c arbo n zero lifestyle and c an support Earthship

    c an contac t us to d isc uss c ollaboration.

    This year Panacea we will be introduc ing o ur own OPEN SOURCE renewa ble

    Hempcrete building c ourse to aid Eco housing and the Earthship goa ls. Our Earthshipprojec t w ill be done loc a lly and involve using our future licensed industria l hemp

    from one o f our do nated farms.

    A house ma de o f Hemp Crete

    Hem p c an be g row n loc ally in com munities to p rod uc e 29,000 prod uc ts OF THEIR

    OWN. This me thod can service the Earthship self sufficienc y concep twell. Theed uc at iona l aspec t of industria l HEMP c an a lso p rovide food and manyother
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    resourcesfor countries but is c urrently not taught to c apac ity. Earthships we re

    taught in Ha iti to show them self suffic ienc y idea s. Hemp building is a needed new

    up a nd c om ing FREE and o pen source course b y Panac ea to he lp .

    The next new we bp age we are p lea sed to p resent is part of our Free energy

    research sec tion. The Summa ry of c ommercial free energy de vic es presents the

    needed solutions to he lp p rote c t free new energy devic es, build c onsumer

    awa reness and d emand a nd he lp the m w ith rea l time prog ress.

    Despite these PROVEN commercially available FREE energy alternatives to

    dange rous ga s frac turing and oil d rilling, the follow ing quote remains to be

    unnec essarily c ond itioning the pub lic .

    Here is the c hallenge we have: We don't yet have the tec hnolog ic al breakthroughs

    tha t c an c om plete ly rep lac e fo ssil fuels , so fo r the next ten yea rs or 20 years we are

    still going to b e using o il we are still going to b e using coa l we are still going to b eusing na tural ga s , we are still going to be using trad itiona l sources to fuel our cars

    hea t o ur homes run our big p ow er p lants ETC , unless som eo ne here invents

    something tomorrow that would be very helpful and if you have it, let m e know

    - Obam a. Can you help cha nge this? Contac t Panac ea.

    The new Pana c ea web pa ge c ontains the tec hnology c ap ab le of replac ing Japa ns

    dange rous nuc lea r rea c tors. Japans nuc lear rea c tors rema in on the Earths fault

    lines whic h are destined to be a ltered in the near future. The c oa st of Jap an is also a

    ma jor tsunam i risk.

    Blac k Light Powe r s c om me rc ially a va ilab le free e nergy system . Lice nses for a

    thermal pow er unit, Hydroge n home p ow er and m otive po wer are currently

    offered . They a lrea dy ha ve a round 8 Giga wa tts of p ow er alrea dy lic ensed out.

    The te rrib le events in Japan ma y well c ast doub t on the sa fety of nuc lea r pow er

    ge neration. Renewa b le sources such as tida l power and wind c an m ake some

    c ontribution as a substitute for nuclear power. How eve r there a re three neglec ted

    c om merc ia lly ava ilable FREE energy d evices which c an c om plete ly rep lac e a ll of

    them. With any one of these 3 devices Jap an c an/ must rep lac e ALL of their

    da ngerous nuclea r power reac tors with c leaner renewa ble energy .But who is

    policing this?
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    There ha ve b een bo th ma instream and non mainstrea m tec hnology solutions

    donated to help RE BUILD Ha iti and Jap an. So why not FREE ene rgy tec hnology?

    Panac ea will be a ppealing a nd writing to a ll commercially available free energy

    compa nies to use Jap ans unfortunate traged y to help educate the world.

    We must enc ourag e c ompa nies with com merc ially ava ilab le free energy devices

    like Hidro, Energy By Motion, and Black Light Power to utilize this opportunity for

    EXPOSURE and to help them inform the wo rld tha t to xic ene rgy sources can b e

    rep lac ed TODAY with c lea n and renewa b le energy system s.

    The next new Panac ea webpage c ove rs one o f these tec hnology solutions.

    The Hid ro Free energy system

    The Hidro d evice- A c om mercially ava ilab le

    free energy system

    Pana c ea be ga n with a supp ort a rtic le o n Hidro, we w ere a lso p lanning to produc e

    our own vide o p rod uc tion and wo rk with an Australian green festival to supp ort their

    wo rk. To our am azement a love ly and loya l Hid ro a ssistant c onta c ted us and invited

    us to witness a wo rking demo of the Hid ro device . After the initial shoc k and

    exc itement , Panac ea me t with Invento r James Kwo k and Hidro s assista nt Ka trina

    whom are bo th nothing short than spe c tac ular. With a w arm we lc ome a nd

    unbelievable hosp ita lity we were show n the ANSWER to a c lea n ene rgy future


    Panac ea has been working fo r ma ny years in the area of polic ing free ene rgy

    technology with the goals of erecting specific infrastructure for this purpose. Its one

    thing to do R & D, educ at iona l vide os and more, but to ac tually ge t to see a live

    wo rking device w ith c hild ren p resent left two of the Panac ea Trustee s mesme rized .
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    Top left Ashtw eth a Pana c ea Trustee. Top righ t - Invento r Jam es Kwo k. Center - Our future

    Hidro eng ineers. The Hidro de vice is pic tured b ehind . The Children ma y not ye t be

    aware ho wever Jame s has given them the b est gift in the w orld -A c lean energy FUTURE.

    Hidro a re ha rd wo rkers and one of us , they a re o n the same leve l as the t ruth

    mo veme nts. This fac t insp ired Panac ea mo re tha n ever. By witnessing the Hid ro

    tec hno log y self run p roved to us tha t freedom from fossil fuel sub juga tion is possible

    TODAY and not tom orrow . The Hidro device was confirmed by Panacea to p roduce

    self run. The Panac ea eng ineer s qualific a tions can b e provided upo n reque st. This is

    an op en e nergy system using na ture s forces. Instead of using w ind, solar or wa ve, it

    uses buoyanc y, gravity, gas density and hydrosta tic p ressure grad ients to asc end

    and desc end . The sma ll ba tte ry input ensures tha t a c ontinuous cyc le is ma inta ined ,

    but it is na ture s forces tha t give Hid ro the c apac ity to self run and p rod uce 30%

    excess continuous power.

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    A View to the FUTURE Clea n energy

    The one kW light loa d p ictured left in the a bove photo needs a m ere 15 amp s a t 24

    volts to self susta in Hidro s c ont inuous pow er outp ut c yc le. Tha t is 360 wa tts in and

    1kW out. Nature p rovides the rest. This towe r has a 20 kW ca pac ity. Hidro want this

    tec hnolog y for everyone. They are some of the m ost d own to earth people we have

    met in the Free ene rgy sc ene . They a re w ell aw are o f the c rimina l elements in the

    wo rld . Waking p eople up to Hid ro s c lea n energy future req uires public participa tion;

    they d eserve our love and supp ort, they c annot d o this a lone .

    A Side View o f the Hid ro d evice w ith Hidros loyal and be aut iful na tured Katrina

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    The first Hidro video a ppea red bac k in 2008. Hidro has since had a boo th d isp layed

    at the 2009 United Nations Clima te Change Conference in Copenha ge n. They have

    a lso ha d the ir working FREE energy princ iple mentioned by the IEEE. Even a

    University in Austra lia has worked with Hid ro and is now interested in imp roving the ir

    FREE ene rgy princ iple. Panac ea has rec ent ly done an interview with PES, cove ring

    our visit to Hidro. We wish to g ive a spec ial tha nks to Sterling A llan o f PES for working

    with Panacea a nd helping to launc h our educational drive for Hidro.

    Desp ite a ll these e fforts Hidro have rem ained idle , this devic e c arries a 3.75 million

    dolla r p rice ta g per MW; HOWEVER, Hidro c an offe r the nonprofit orga niza tion a

    50kW version OF CONTINUOUS POWER fo r only 200 thousand dollars. THIS IS A



    sponsorship for a 50kW unit to show the WORKING PRINCIPLE to the majority of the

    pub lic c an prevent this device from remaining stagnant.

    Dep loying Hidro m ea ns CHEAPER elec tric ity. This tec hnology has been d esigned to

    c o-exist w ith the c urrent ene rgy infrastructure to avoid t ransmission losses, add

    c ap ac ity to the energy grid a nd to a c hieve c arbon neutral ge neration. They ca n be

    c onstruc ted anywhere in the w orld , idea lly in 1 Mega-Watt m od ules. These m od ules

    c an provide c ontinuous elec tric ity for 1300 home s ad joining e xisting substa tions

    c apab le of saving up to 47% of reta il elec tric ity bills and in non-grid reg ions as a

    Distributed Powe r System. Hidro ge nerato rs are no t a ffec ted by fluc tua tions in the

    weather and ea c h 1 Mega -watt p lant will red uc e CO 2 emissions eq uiva lent to

    ta king 7,968 ca rs off the roa d per yea r (versus c urrent pow er infrastructure).
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    The 20 kW Hidro system eva luated b y bo th Queensland University and Pana c ea

    Desp ite these fa c ts, there is no o ne p olic ing po litic ians to dep loy Hid ro and they

    remain op ting fo r dange rous ga s hydraulic frac turing. Anyone c an review the

    dange rs of hydraulic g as frac turing b y watching the Gasland documentary. Natural

    ga s enjoys b roa d po litica l supp ort inc lud ing White House b acking due to its

    dom estic a bunda nc e. Ga s frac turing is a big p rob lem not just for the USA b ut for the

    wo rld . It has taken indep end ent a c tivist film m akers to p olic e the neg lec t and

    ed uc ate the public . Rec ently Dr. Anthony of Co rnell University ha s helped to

    prod uc e a rep ort to show Ga s frac turing p rod uces mo re p ollution than fossil fuels.

    The world remains igno rant of HIDRO AS AN INSTANT SOLUTION TO STOP GAS

    FRACTURING . Politicians are on rec ord knowing about Hidro but a re not telling you

    ab out it as an a lternative. Pana c ea recently spo ke on an educ at iona l pa nel at a n

    ac tivist film p resenta tion to help sprea d the wo rd of Hid ro a s the a lternative to

    dangerous gas d rilling.
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    Ga sland sc ree ning

    Panacea will be c rea ting a digital lobby ing resource for the public to use. This will

    enab le you to easily send the request for chea per and carbon neg ative elec tricity to

    your po litic ian. They w ill then be on rec ord abo ut knowing that Hidro is a solution topo llution and is cheaper elec tricity.

    The p ub lic need to use the rea lity of the Hid ro te c hnology to urge the ir

    rep resenta tives to op pose g as frac king and othe r environm enta lly harmful

    tec hnologies. There is now an a lternative to suc h tec hnolog ies, which c an be

    pursued by any who truthfully ca re a bout the environment, our health, the

    ec onomy, and the future of our civiliza tion.

    Solar c red its are a lrea dy p rovided by gove rnments to he lp c hang e over to c lea ner

    and mo re rene wab le energy. A solar sta tion uses p rec ious me ta ls; transmission losesp lus add itionally req uires ge nsets for down times. None of the se c an c om pare to the

    Hidro solution. Hidro c an a lso C REATE many LOC AL job s in ma nufa c turing for ANY

    c ountry adapting which a dop ts this technology. Australians and others MUST NOW

    COMPARE their renewa b le energy plans and budge t to the p rac tica lity of using


    WE c an help. Panac ea is launc hing an ed ucational d rive to show ALL these b ene fits

    with the d evice . Panac ea BOCAF is now a ttemp ting to find sponsorship to purc hase

    Hidro (estimated c ost is 200 thousand dollars). Panac ea will then a pply the device to

    ed ucate the p ublic and use it in an agric ultural op en source p roject to showc asethis tec hnology in op eration. The no n foc us will be to illustrate how such a

    technology c an p rovide m any b enefits, inc luding a llowing c omm unities to bec ome

    self suffic ient.

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    A sce ne from Panac ea s up a nd c oming educ ational

    film o n Hidro. Hidro is pic tured in the ba c kground

    In suc h a PUBLIC dem onstrat ion, visitors and me mbers of the c om munity would see

    how the d evice is providing c onstant po wer to the selecte d community without

    being c onnec ted to the grid. Initially, the a c tua l inner wo rkings of the d evice would

    not b e d isp layed . This wo uld be in order to p rote c t the c onfidentia lity of seve ral

    c ustom designe d patent pe nding com ponents. It is possible this will not a lwa ys be

    the c ase, and e ventua lly more de ta ils c ould be revea led w ithout jeopard izing

    James Kwo k's intellec tua l property.

    The purc hase of the Hid ro system by Panac ea would no t be for a one-time d emo,

    but for an on-go ing ed ucational ca mp aign. During the c am pa ign the b enefits ofsuc h environmenta lly friendly energy sources wo uld be exclaimed, while individuals

    and c omm unities would reap be nefits from the powe r it p rod uced .

    Panacea-BOCAF's cam pa ign to ge t started a nd financ ed is minimal. Billions of

    do llars are spent eac h year giving subsidies to gas fracking resea rc h, so c alled

    "clean coa l a nd o ther environmentally unfriendly tec hnologies. A tiny, miniscule

    frac tion of that c ould financ e this drive ma ny times over. The m oney is out there.Do

    you know someone who c an make a d onation towards this effort? Are you

    considering ma king a donation? Please fee l free to contact Pana c ea - BOCAF.
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    You c an still help raising finds by sprea ding the word to

    see if anyone c an help and sponsor this educationa l

    prog ram. Please dont underestimate this va luable a id.

    You c an even c lic k banners (add sense e tc) on thePanac ea site once a day to he lp us ra ise funds for this

    NON PROFIT goal.

    Pana c ea is also produc ing a Hidro educ ational Vide o produc tion c overing these

    fund ra ising g oa ls, Hidro s bene fits and our visit to Hidro. Please c hec k our news

    section in the next month.

    One of Panac ea s Trustee s s helping Hidro with their ow n prod uc tion

    In the mean time we urge the WORLDS residents prep are to say safe from Japa ns

    radiation risks, stock up on solutions to help de tox and protec t the body. Peop le with

    Orgone energy tec hnology need to disab le them; the rad iation risks are far too great

    and w ill be amp lified b y such a technology.
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    Potassium Iodine is selling out

    A po pular c hoice isPotassium Iod ide (KI) for protec tion from rad ioac tive Iod ine-131

    is 130 Milligrams (mg not m c g) which is 76.5% pure (e lem enta l) iod ine. Sma ll iod ine

    drop s with kelp can a lso do this job a long with vitamin C a ids. Plea se chec k this

    video fo r further de ta ils. http:/ / m/ wa tc h?v=B3xVgTXje9Q

    You c an a lso sta rt ea ting foo ds like the follow ing d ish Panac ea c rea ted . The

    follow ing c onta ins a kale and kelp sa lad with Chia seeds, Misu and sea food soup .

    Make sure ALL ARE MADE FROM ORGANIC INGREDIENTS, be c areful b uying

    ingred ients from Japan in the next few yea rs.

    Educ ationa l orga nic nutrition p rovided by Pana c ea

    Sea nood les and othe r nutritious raw foods c an help, aside from the free e nergy

    device s we mentioned be ing a suitab le replac ement fo r Japans d isaster. Research

    has shown that Brown's Gas ca n e fficiently neutralize radioac tive wa ste though

    transmutation right at the reactor, thus removing the need for transportation or

    storage of nuc lear waste. An a ttemp t wa s ma de to show this to the US Department
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    of Energy. This how eve r resulted in insufficient support and p roc ed ure to support the

    data . Dan Ha ley from New York investiga ted the lac k of response a fter the US

    Departme nt o f Energy ob served suc h a demonstration of transmutat ion. The report

    shows that a c ollab orative scientific effort is still neede d to p resent the full da ta and

    help this case. If you c an a ssist this needed effort, please Contact Panac ea . This is

    anothe r rea son why the p ublic needs our own resea rc h institute!

    - Tec hnic a l study show ing b row ns ga s treating rad ioa c tive ma teria l.

    This hydroxy resea rc h need s a g rant bac ked resea rc h and deve lop ment

    environment to flourish a nd will be subm itted into fac ulty stud y in the proposed

    grante d NON PROFIT Panac ea resea rc h and deve lop ment c ente r.

    There is muc h mo re tha t nee ds to b e d one and which c an be d one . This is a task

    tha t Panac ea is und ertaking . Every transition in huma n histo ry begun with the

    rea lizat ion We have to sta rt som ewhere". Most of these mod ern advances beg un

    by a single pe rson o r c ommunity consolida ting to c hange what were thought to be

    INFERIOR and UNNECESSARY. Today the modern c orpo rate profit system is suc h a

    scenario. Funda mental to a ll their successful efforts was education . It is for this very

    rea son tha t your nonprofit o rga niza tion is an ed uc at iona l institute.

    The educ ation system, co rporate industries c hoic e o f ma terials, financ ial system a nd

    their very design system have c rea ted the a rtificial need for non renewa ble

    resource s through a deb t based mo ney/ c om pe tition b ased labo r system . The

    a lternatives to this c ounte rprod uc tive system are no t reg ula ted or educ ated in the

    ma instream c urricula . It remains an ed uc ationa l crisis.

    The neglec ts and suppressed a lternative d esign systems prove tha t the ma ny

    branches of rela ted politics help regulate this non renew able industry into being a nd

    are not go ing to c hang e over any time soon. These are outdated and useless modes

    of soc ial ope ration.
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    Panac ea s susta inab le d eve lop ment model is designe d to educate the PUBLIC to

    polic e the politic ians on this issue. The follow ing a re som e of the systems which

    rep lac e the p resent outd ate d c orporative, soc ial, ec onom ic and environmental

    destructive p roc esses.

    Renewa b le industry can only be m ade from using Industrial hemp. This mate ria l

    rep laces p rac tica lly a ll of the present unsusta inable industry with most c arbon

    neut ra l results. This includes the c apac ity to rep lac e p lastic , which remains a b ig

    prob lem fo r ec o system s. 29,000 prod uc ts c anno t be ma de any more renewa b le or

    susta inab le othe r than b y using ind ustrial HEMP.

    All the b asic nec essities of life like: Food see ds, oil, flour, med icinesa lves, anti-

    nausea , to ilet riessoa p , shamp oo , lot ion, textilesclothing, tow els, bed d ing,

    c anvas, househo ld p rod uc tsca rpet, d ete rge nt, pa int, toys, industria l prod uc ts

    pape r, build ing m ateria ls inc lud ing c onc rete , insula tion, fuel, c ar pa rts c annot b e

    produc ed with any more of a c arbon neg ative result. A c ountry g rowing and using

    this resource would be self suffic ient of p etroleum and other industries. You w ill not

    find these method s in any o f the p resent c urricula. Politicians are not mentioning it


    Hemp p roduc ts

    There is othe r neglec ted ed uc ation out there whic h is p reventing susta inab le

    de velopme nt. Hea lth education is one o f them. Orga nic raw whole food med ic ines

    have b een proven to have the ca pa city to replac e the ma jority of pharma c eutic al

    d rugs p lus p revent d isea se inc luding c ancer.

    The finic a l system is another cu lp rit. Comm unity reg iona l c urrenc y rep lac es the d eb t

    and c red it system a nd sta b ilizes the e c onom y. We know tha t FREE ene rgy (c rea tes

    self suffic iency in home and t ransport energy lea d ing to chea p loc a l food

    prod uc tion) and a lternative med ic ines like the supp ressed c anc er cures ma ke the
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    deb t based system ob solete. However they all have never been educ ated to

    cap ac ity. No one other than Pana cea is intent on polic ing ALL of them.

    Pana cea is the only e duc ationa l institution intent providing these solutions in an

    open source environment and c reating the educational infrastruc ture need ed to

    po lice these solutions.This year will be a very b usy one for your nonprofit

    organization our good friends and will need your help with add sense c lic king or

    donations to maintain our help.Panacea is now c ompiling a c omplete OPEN

    SOURCE ed ucationa l course on how to p rogressively c hange ove r to self suffic ienc y.

    The Panac ea self sufficient c ourse w ill be structured w ith the widest rang e of op tions

    and free informa tion which no o ther orga nizat ion is c apable of p rod uc ing. The

    sta ge s of this c ourse will co mb ine integ ra ted tec hnology solutions spanning a wide

    range of design op tions for urban sett ings, rura l and to the third wo rld .

    Dam anhur A susta inab le ec o village in Italy using a sta ble m one ta ry system

    The a bove example is of Dama nhur - a sovereign soc iety in Ita ly using regional

    c urrenc y. Their mo neta ry system is a form o f ec onomy ba sed on e thica l values of

    c o-op erat ion and solidarity. It w ill not suffer inflation o r a financ ial crash and a ll the

    benefits remain in the c om munity! Regional currency has long provide d e c onom icsta bility eve n in the 1930 s grea t d ep ression. How ever it is not ed uc ated . This is one

    of the areas in self suffic ienc y which Panac ea will inc lude in this ed uc at iona l


    Neglected regional c urrency (ec onomic stability), alternative medic ine (inc luding

    canc er cures and raw food nutrition), supp ressed free energy (not inc luding solar,

    tidal or wind) and renewa ble industry through hem p produc tion have never been

    consolidated to p roduce a c ourse for c reating self sufficient c ommunities. Yet it is

    only these design systems that c an p roduc e these results. Pana cea is the only non

    profit organization we know o f integ rating these solutions to help real time prog ress.

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    The next mod ule in our self sufficient c ourse w ill be a prog ressive open source urban

    farming course to e duc ate c ity residents with SOLUTIONS for loc a l food c o-ops and

    show them how to utilize the ir unused spac e to relieve a n ec onomic b urden a nd

    c rea te food sec urity. This will also he lp imp rove their hea lth a nd ed ucate them selves

    with orga nic raw who le food nutrition.

    Current ly we must p repa re for food sec urity. Who says so? Well ask FEMA and the

    World Bank. 20 Signs Tha t A Horrific Glob a l Food Crisis Is Co ming. Projec ts like Food

    Not Lawns is a grea t p rojec t - Grow food , not lawns. Inc rea sing loc a l food sec urity

    improves your d iet, be autifies your surround ings, builds c om munity, red uc es pollution

    and energy use.

    The up and c om ing Panac ea Urban Farming resource w ill com prise a PDF c ourse

    and a video p rod uc tion to g et a ny one sta rted with all the p ossib le solutions. Most

    will not be aware of how they c an utilize a limited space a nd energy to p roduc e

    loc al food co-ops in URBAN settings.

    An o verview of som e examples inc lude: The square fo ot ga rdening system :

    Resourceful Square fo ot ga rdening

    Squa re foot ga rdening saves wa ter, nutrients and spa c e. Ima gine g row ing a ll of

    these vege tab les in one sea son self conta ined in a 4 foo t b y 4 foo t a rea .

    16 c arrots 9 turnips

    4 bunc hes of lea f lettuce 5 lbs of pe as

    4 bunches of spinac h 1 head of ca bb ag e

    16 rad ishes 4 hea ds of rom aine let tuc e

    9 beets 1 hea d of c auliflow er

    16 sc a llions 1 hea d of b roc c ol

    An urban street has a g rea ter loc a l food co-op capac ity by using this design

    c onc ep t. The sec ond system is designe d for ap artme nt d we llers. Window farming is
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    a hydrop onic system; however Pana c ea will be exploring the c ap ac ity to c hang e

    this system o ver to Aq uaponic s, an O RGANIC m ethod tha t uses few er resourc es.

    Chea p Hydroponic Window Farm from

    using recyc led ma terials

    There a re a lso p a tio solutions for apartments and other set tings. When a street

    beg ins to d o this, a p henome nal am ount o f food p rod uc tion is possib le. The

    educ ation of community food c o-op s is the most important aspec t of this c oncept.

    Photo c ou rtesy of o ur dearest Linda Tha nks Linda!

    The spa c e which one wo uld typ ic a lly rea son to b e c onc rete and an impossibility

    to use fo r foo d p rod uc tion is FAR from the c ase.

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    Vertic al garde n - Think of all the unused spa c e

    in urban settings!

    The o rganic Aq uaponic system is one which Panac ea will be extensively build ing

    and p rom oting. It is not w ell known how ever the Aq uapo nic s method (fish and

    p lants) ca n ma ke cities self suffic ient w ith organic food a nd remo ve the need for

    using fo ssil fuels in agriculture a nd foo d transport. This ma kes Aquap onic s the m ost

    carbon neutral method for food p roduc tion in c ities. Aquap onics is the c rea tion of a

    c omplete c yc le o f symb iotic relationships whe re the fish help p lants and the p lants

    help fish. Aqua ponics uses no c hemica ls, req uires one tenth of the w ater need ed for

    field p lant p rod uc tion and only a frac tion of the wa ter that is used for fish culture.

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    giving the farmers suffering from the rec ent Austra lian flood s a helping ha nd by

    dona ting 125,000 liters of Orga nic Solution Fertilizer to kick sta rt the rec overy of the ir

    flood a ffec ted land.

    Panac ea is a lso g rateful for Micha els dona tion of the DR Grow It All organic liquid

    fertilizer for testing. Dr Grow It All orga nic liquid fertilizer increases c rop yields and

    grows hea lthier crops more na tura lly resista nt to p est and d isea ses. This to ta lly

    organic solut ion is truly Biogenic d ue to its self rep lic a ting mic rob ial system. It is Ph

    neutral, unlike other sea weed and m anure ba sed prod uc ts tha t have high Ph which

    rend er nutrients unava ilab le to p lants. Panac ea will be investiga ting its soil rep a ir

    c apa c ity and will op en source our results in our new up a nd c oming Permac ulture /

    Urba n Farming c ourses.

    There are ma ny grow system s out the re whic h can be nefit from the c hange ove r to

    Aquapo nic s. This me thod is the fastest a nd mo st resource ful food growing me thod in

    the wo rld, and it is ORGANIC.

    This Urban farming system c an be integ rated into the home to rec ove r the e nergy

    used in lighting a nd prod uc e food . Your evening LED lights c an be used in your grow

    system. Light e nergy is then rec overed .
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    Windo w farming in Finland using LEDS

    Movab le g row bed s (which a re p ossib le) a re easily ad ap tab le to harness evening

    lights for grow systems.

    The follow ing compac t system is be ing d esigne d b y Pana c ea . We hop e to d o

    research a nd d evelopm ent to save energy a nd help ed uca te loca l food c o-ops.

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    Panac ea s Concep t

    Panac ea will also be experimenting w ith a lternative e nergy system s inc lud ing the

    Joule thief to p ower the LEDS grow systems. The Panac ea Urba n Farming c ourse w ill

    a lso inc lude Bio dynamic and Perma c ulture p rinc iples. Step by step instruc tions will

    show you how to c hang e a typica l bac kyard like this over to the Perma c ulture a nd

    bio dynamic w ay:

    Pana c ea s Test bed (botto m of pho to)

    Below is the first sta ge to t ransforming your bac kyard into Perma c ulture fa rming .

    Even we ed s are usefu l and c an make fertilizer.

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    The first sta ge in the c hange over proc ess

    These systems will be c onstructed , de ta iled and filme d by us to help others find

    solutions to prog ressively cha nge over to self sufficienc y. Our PDF and prod uc tion is

    open source and FREE. The Pana c ea University is the world s on ly open source

    c urric ula , relying on dona tions to help a ll.

    There are many system s tha t a re need ed to be show n to the fa rmer in order to m ake

    them self sufficient from fossil fuel fertilizer and Monsanto s GM round up . Pana cea

    will a lso b e fe a turing an o rganic fertilizer and an exciting ne w ORGANIC ROUNDUP.

    Once these urban farming systems are integrated, we then need to build the best

    nutritional c urricula possible. WE need not have the problem of foo d ad ditives,

    processed food and no c urric ula tea ching a bo ut the med ic inal and nutritiona l

    benefits of raw who le food nutrition. It g ives us g rea t p lea sure to p resent one of o ur

    mo st signific ant new pa ge s on ORGANIC raw who le food nutrition.

    Conserving, p reserving, and p rotec ting define susta inab le living. Design

    system s are the only wa y to help SAVE the qua lity of the a ir we brea the a nd the

    wa ter we drink. These d esign systems are need ed to sa fely trea t and d ispose o fwa ste , and rec yc le as muc h a s possib le.

    Conserving, p reserving, and p rotec ting our bod ies HEALTH throug h nutrition is

    part o f this p roc ess. Orga nic foods and raw who le food nutrition p rote c ts aga inst

    d isea se. This is not c urrent ly taug ht in the c urricula . How ever thousands of peo p le

    throughout the wo rld have m a inta ined suc cessful we ight loss and hea led

    themselves of many d isea ses throug h ORGANIC raw whole food nutrition.

    Further proof o f the me dicinal capa c ity of raw food s c an b e found in Don Tolma n's

    Farmac ist Desk Refe rence (FDR) on w holefo od s. You do not need big pharma d rugsto c ure. This system ha s a lread y prevented and c ured d isea ses suc h as c anc er,
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    hea rt d isea se, and others. Here is a partial list which c an be ve rified through his

    RAWFOO D whole foo d system.

    Ac id reflux, ac ne, ag e-related musc ula r deg enerat ion, ag eing, arthritis,

    a therosc lerosis, CANCER, ca ta rac ts, high c holeste rol, colds, constipa tion, d iab etes,

    d ia rrhea , poo r digestion, diverticula r disea se, headac hes, hea rt d isea se, he rpes

    simp lex, hemorrhoids, hype rtension, imm une defic ienc y, infec tion, infertility,

    insomnia, mental slowness, menopause, motion sickness, obesity, osteoporosis,

    resp ira to ry a ilments, skin d isea se, stroke , ulcers, va ric ose ve ins.

    Panac ea wishes to aga in since rely thank Micha el from Dr Grow It All for his

    unbe lieva bly gene rous dona tion of the Vitamix who le foo d p roc essor to help us

    op en sourc e the whole raw food c ourse.

    Vitamix An industrial grad e whole foo d nut rition b lende r

    This up a nd c om ing c ourse c annot b e und erestimated . Raw w hole food nutrition is

    not m ainstrea m, and this dona tion will do a wo rld of g ood and help us show OPEN

    SOURCE solutions which p rove tha t the ma jority o f the toxic pharma c eutica l drugsare not needed . Peop le must know that they have a c heap and easy way to

    improve their health, and tha t pills do not c ure b ut whole food is prevention in the

    true sense.

    Everything you ne ed to get sta rted to imp rove your hea lth a nd PREVENT DISEASE,

    ca n be found on our Orga nic raw food nutrition pag e. Panac ea has be gun filming

    a c omp lete menu resource w ith ma ny exam ples to help educ ate others. When

    completed , this will be the largest open source nutrition p roject to p revent disease

    thats ever been undertaken. We have been donated one piece of equipm ent to get

    started and will work the hardest to c omplete this with on no budge t.
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    We have a lso b een very busy helping renewa b le e nergy solutions. Panac ea is

    respo nsib le fo r a unique c onc ep t in rec ove ring e nergy from solar hot water and

    c ooking, using the thermoelec tric effec t. Pana c ea inspired one vendor to ta ke the

    p lunge a nd design this very system to rec ove r ene rgy when eve r hea t is used in the

    hom e to a id solar systems. This system is being tested and will be d eta iled on the

    university site this yea r upon c om pletion.

    These solutions a re ne ed ed now more tha n eve r, the c arbon tax is c om ing, fuel

    saving m od ific a tions and othe r c arbon nega tive solutions will be needed in future. A

    Tax is not needed , an inc ent ive tha t re invests a portion for the user is fa r mo re

    ob jec tive, and the majority of p eop le c annot afford to do 2 things. Rec ently the

    pe op le of Australia ha ve be en dup ed by their go vernment who c hang ed the ir pre

    election promise a bo ut imp leme nting a c arbon ta x.

    The Australian parliament p romised tha t there would b e no such tax befo re the

    elec tion, however like othe r politicians they d idn t lie, they just c hang ed the p romise.

    Honest g ove rnment seems to be som ething tha t rema ins nonexistent in both the

    United Sta tes and in Austra lia .

    What susta inab le d esign solutions have the mo st neg ative carbon foot p rint and whyare we in this mess? Unsusta inab le d eve lop ment beg an when the c onc ep tion of

    p rog ress wa s defined as industria l grow th a nd ec onomic expa nsion. The e ducation

    system and p ublic relations c amp a ign p romote d "co nsump tion". Corporate p riorities

    were a lloc ate d to p rofit through wha t c an o nly be de sc ribe d as "inap propriate

    techno log ies". Through systems, ma nufac turing a nd c onstruction tha t today still

    c auses ac id rain, ozone d ep letion, c lima te c hange a nd leave s a toxic aftermath

    that PERMANENTLY a ffec ts hum ans and ec o immune systems.

    These p articular externa lities have remained intrinsic to a design mo del of mod ern

    "development" and are still currently colonizing the worlds cultures andenvironment. The p resent c urricula still reflec ts this choic e o f industry tec hnolog y

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    despite the renewa ble a lternatives be ing ava ilab le. This industry is rec ognized as

    reliant o n non renewab le raw ma teria ls and resource c ap ita l (forest a nd fossil fuels

    for example) other than the renewable alternatives.

    This inferior design system c ont inues to c rea te the unnecessary dem and of no n

    renewa b le resource s and energy whilst p rod uc ing excessive wa ste and pollution

    dow nstrea m. The design, c onstruc tion and ma nag em ent o f the built environment

    (cities, buildings, landscapes and products) is central to this industrial system

    bec ause it la rgely dete rmines the a mount of resource s, spac e a nd energy

    c onsumed by this "deve lop ment". The unnec essary and artific ia l dem and of this

    industry c rea tes exploita tion of the inhabitanc e o f othe r c ountries and of the ir

    na tural resources.

    The "west" is exploited under this unsustainable system; however it is at different

    degrees then cheap er labor in other less developed c ountries. On Panac ea s new

    susta inab le d evelopm ent p ag e we ha ve out lined the m ost c arbon neg ative

    solutions with the educational drive on how to progressively change this system over.

    Pana c ea s ongoing rep ort into Steorns Orbo Tec hnolog y

    It has be en many yea rs since Steo rn first announc ed tha t they ha ve p rod uced a

    FREE ene rgy princ iple tha t can be develop ed into a func tiona l devic e. Steorn issued

    de velop er lic enses whic h me ant that anyone had ac c ess to their intellec tual


    There ha ve been 3 versions relea sed since Steorn origina lly announc ed the ir

    tec hnology - the PM o rbo, the E-orbo a nd the solid sta te O rbo. Rec ently they have

    c ome out w ith a sec ond version of their solid state O rbo intende d to b e ope rated as

    a hea ter. Steorn now a pp ea r to b e w orking w ith a de velop er to produc e a 15Kw

    hea ter. We should ha ve new s from Steorn within the next 2 months on this p rod uc t. It

    is not c lea r whe ther all deve lop ers will have a c c ess to the hea ter spec ific a tions a t

    this time.

    Panac ea has be en g iven a nothe r yea r for free to sta y on the Steo rn developer

    forum and wo rk with deve lop ers to he lp b uild a low c ost func tional devic e. It has not

    been ea sy for any one on the forum to rep lica te their c laims ove r the yea rs, now it

    see ms we are c loser to get ting a solid sta te test being fina lly c om pleted . This boa rd

    wa s designe d by developers not Steo rn and is based on w hat information has been

    provided to us. Panac ea is currently testing this bo ard for a hea ter ap p lic a tion.
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    Panac ea s ORT boa rd testing

    It ha s ta ken a while to get this far, looks like this yea r will be the final one for Steorn.

    We w ill keep our subsc ribers in touc h w ith the news and c ontinue to wo rk on the

    deve lop ers bo ard in our possession. Panac ea will do eve rything in our pow er to b e

    the first to c omplete a self conta ined ho me p ower ap plic ation and to ge t the word

    out. There a re loya l deve lop ers there which have c om e up with their ow n version of

    Steo rns solid sta te boa rd , we a re c ontinuing to w ork with them and exhausting a ll


    Main page news

    New regional currency page c oming

    The p ast recessions and current financ ial crash are enough inc ent ive to sta rt

    unde rstand ing the needed a lternatives and solutions. Alrea dy we are see ing the first

    signs of hyper inflation coming.

    The Nat iona l Inflation Assoc iation has issued the 12 warning signs of hyperinflation.

    In our estimat ion, the most likely time frame fo r a full-fled ge d outb rea k of

    hyperinflation is betwe en t he yea rs 2013 and 2015,the Na tiona l Inflation Assoc iation

    warns. Americ ans who w a it unt il 2013 to p rep are w ill mo st likely see the ma jority o f

    their purchasing pow er wiped out. It is essential tha t Am eric ans beg in p rep aring for

    hype rinflat ion imm ed iately.
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    This means the MIDDLE CLASS suffer. We ha ve seen this oc cur OVER and OVER aga in

    since the 1930s. How ever there seems to be no foc us on wha t system worked in the

    great depression. Reg iona l currenc ies a re p resent in many c ountries but a re not

    being to ld as a solution to the financ ia l meltdo wn. The fea r is tha t w ith hyperinfla tion,

    the purc hasing power of the dollar will diminish so d rastica lly tha t the wea lth o f

    millions of m idd le-class will be severely imp ac ted , possibly even w iped out . At the

    extreme, hyperinfla tion could b e the p relude fo r the d estruc tion of the d ollar.

    In the last newsletter, Pana cea announced the fac ulty of ec onom ic s pa ge to help

    ed ucate ba nking reform solutions. This new pa ge had an ad vanta ge over other

    propo sed me thod s to c rea te a stab le m oneta ry system. The Pana cea resource

    allowed the public to enforc e the solution through a leg al ma nda te. This resourc e

    presented a p rove n system to c rea te interest-free and fee-free loans.

    This is one solution. The o the r solut ion is a lrea dy in effec t. We are pleased to

    announc e that w e will be c rea ting an open sourc e regional currency video and

    showing how it is the only wa y to stop the c urrent p rob lems. There a re suc c essful

    reg iona l currenc y c om munities which a re no t suffering the same rec ession o r c red it

    c runc hes as the c urrent system. But who is ed uc ating this and polic ing this?

    In the United Sta tes, Eng land , Australia , and third wo rld c ountries, the p ow er to

    c rea te c red it or "issue c urrenc y is unnec essarily in p rivate ha nds. Constitutiona lly it

    c an b e restored into the hands of government for the pe op le a nd b y the people.

    Only then w ill money ma nipula tion, usury or the burden o f interest a nd fees on loa ns

    will not be ne c essary. The c urrent educ ation system is not set up to p rove this

    particular stable pecuniary management of the publics monetary needs.

    Pana c ea c an p rove that a ll that is need ed is for the Peop le to know and

    understand WHY THE ALTERNATIVES HAVE WORKED. Regiona l c urrenc y w ill be a

    ma jor ed uc ationa l resourc e fo r mo netary refo rm. There a re a lrea dy 12 signs of U.S.

    hype rinfla tion and how ramp ant infla tion will destroy the dolla r. The b est we c an op t

    for is a d oc umenta ry with the reg iona l c urrenc y educ at iona l them es. We w ill do our

    best on no b udget . Here a re som e links to proven systems involving reg iona l


    http:/ / nnec news/ story.aspx?id=481793

    http:/ / ww m/ wa tc h?v=xuNfeJTAkNo

    New Panacea Video produc tions in the works
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    The Panac ea site is currently be ing op timized and red one . Add itionally, all of the

    Pana c ea vide o p rod uc tions are being red one with imp roved content to help

    address FREE ene rgy suppression, pub lic hea lth and susta inab le deve lopme nt.

    This inc lude s our Free e nergy suppression video p roduc tion w ith solut ions. 3 years

    ago , Panac ea prod uced a mo dest FREE energy supp ression resea rc h p rod uc tion in

    order to stimulate help a nd resource s tow ards ac hieving a go a l a ll in the free energy

    c om munity are seeking, our own resea rc h c enter.

    Afte r 8,384 view s of o ur 10 hour FREE ene rgy prod uc tion, we have d ec ided to

    remake this resource with better content and more ideas to help address this

    prob lem. The c ases c ont inue to rise.

    The new p roduc tions will be:

    Short summ ary of the Panac ea ob jec tives on the w eb site

    Greenfest Re d one with more solutions

    Alternat ive c anc er cures

    Summa ry of c omm ercial free energy de vic es

    Raw food nutrition

    Susta inable fa rming


    Shorter summary of the fuel saving and pollution red uc tion tec hnolog ies

    The only a c tivism of its kind is present on the Panac ea Ac tivism p age

    Pana cea s ac tivism w ork c overs a wide rang e o f neglec ted subject ma tter. No

    othe r orga niza tion profiles the same amo unt of c onte nt tog ethe r. There are ma ny

    Issues like c hem trails , fluoride, vac c ines to the d isc losure p rojec t (go vernment UFO

    c over) whic h need an orga nization behind ALL of them do ing p ublic pe titioning a nd

    helping with public ed uca tion.

    Being a b le to c onsolida te a ll of the se issues and use one p et ition to address and

    c rea te p ub lic p ressure is an ob jec tive move c rea ted by Panac ea . Signa tures a re

    rising. How ever voluntee rs with experienc e a re required . If you a re experienc ed in

    c lass ac tions, mandates or others p lea se c onta c t us for your idea s we c an help take

    our co llec ted signatures further. In the mean time p etition signing o n the Panac ea

    site is essential to raise awareness.

    Ac tivism is an important life skill, there a re m any ra in forests, to oc ea n life to even

    landscape stop ped form multina tionals due to c lass ac tions, ma ndates and p etitions

    and ge neral ac tivism. Tod ay it is an important life skill and needed .
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    To effec tively dea l with ha rdship and injustice, we are neede d to evolve, ada pt and

    lea rn from histo ry. Tod ay p rote sting is not wha t it used to be, you c an see tha t in the

    recent In the Wake of the G20: As Ca nada 's Demo c rac y Trembles, a New Globa l

    Arc hitec ture Eme rge s

    Ac tivism is a b ig pa rt of justice , no one is go ing to d o it for us we have to ac c ep t tha t

    and w e c an ma ke it ea sy to participa te, and this d igital resource is needed . In the

    me an t ime, important issues like 270,000 farmers in a c lass ac tion against Monsanto

    do not enjoy a ny other supp ort.

    There has been effec tive protest. An imp ortant thing to rememb er about c ivil

    d isob ed ienc e is this: Only non violent p rotest, o r othe r ac tions like g ene ra l strikes, will

    ga in or ma inta in the grea ter pub lic 's approva l. Violent a c tions ma ke it easy to spin

    fea r ge neration in the m a jority who will then side w ith the g ove rnment's d rac onian

    responses not ge t a ngrier from them . Without a wide base o f support, any

    mo vem ent is doomed. So there a re very prac tica l rea sons for non-violent struggle;

    be yond the moral ones which a re p retty c ompe lling too.

    Gha nd i knew this, and he wo rked his mo vement like a m ilita ry cam pa ign without

    firing a shot. Tha t c amp a ign was the mo st suc cessful ever see n; it bea t the largest

    empire ever and there wa s a grea t d ea l of d om estic infight ing a nd d issension w ithin

    their ranks as we ll inc lud ing the huge prob lem s be tween the Islamic and other

    religions, ma inly Hindus but a lso Jainists, Bud dhists, and Sikhs . Sure they still fight

    there: But a llying them aga inst the British even tem porarily, who we re ma sters a t

    keep ing them a ll at their ow n throats, wa s perhap s the grea test succ ess of a ll.

    The a na log y here would be som ething like uniting a ll the b est a pp roa c hes and

    ma king the m work. Panac ea will be including these in our Ac tivism video p rod uc tion

    which is c urrent ly und er construction. Voluntee rs a re need ed as in all our projec ts, if

    you ha ve a n interest in any of these p lea se c onta c t us.

    Attac king the sourc e through pub lic ed uca tion is wha t we must d o; we ha ve a n

    ea sy and direc t wa y to d o this. We c an c ollec t ea sy digita l votes for a c orpo ration

    c harter whic h c an ma ke sure tha t the renewab le energy tha t's sought afte r by

    Ob ama must inc lude o ur FREE ene rgy a rea s of resea rch.

    This c orpo ra tion c harte r will p reve nt foreknowled ge, conflic t o f inte rest, insider

    trad ing a nd judg es with financ ia l ties to ha ve the ab ility to a pprove permits and

    polic e w ith stric ter pena lties. It will also m ake it mand atory for the renewab le FREE

    energy solution to be used instead of c onventional sources.

    One million signa tures a re p ossib le a nd c an c ontribute to a tta c king the source .

    Please help and pass this link around, it w as ha rd wo rk all of us c ollec ting info

    Providing your nam e, e -ma il, and c ountry is ea sy a t the fo llow ing link It is a ll it takes

    to he lp the ac tivism tha t we a re involved in.

    http:/ / www .pa nac ea -bo c forms/ evidenc eofc once rn.php
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    Rec ent Panacea Video p roduc tions

    Pana c ea has c ompiled a fund raising video to he lp the free e nergy tec hnolog y of

    Philipp ines invento r Ismael Aviso. Philipp ines invento r Isma el Aviso is a microwave

    eng ineer and industria l automa tion d esigne r. Isma el has d isc ove red a new highly

    efficient rep elling force p rinc ip le a long with a p ow er system tha t appe ars to ta ke

    energy from the a mb ient. The a mb ient energy c ollec tor has be en d eveloped into a

    self cha rging b at tery ap plic ation for an electric c ar.

    Ismael Aviso - Extracted from his TV appearance

    The e ffic ienc y of Isma els ba ttery cha rging system has been va lida ted by the

    Philipp ines dep artment o f energy. In our video p rod uc tion Panac ea inc luded

    essential ba c kground on how free ene rgy d evices op erate a s op en system s

    (am bient ene rgy c ollec tors) and offered our solutions to help t ra in faculties in this

    unique genre. Isma el is a lso w orking o n a hom e p ow er system.

    Isma el s MEG R & D

    Pana c ea Prod uc tion Isma el Aviso rep elling Force tec hno log y

    Panac ea has finished c om piling an extensive open source ed ucational resource onfuel saving and pollution reduction technologies. In our PDF course and video
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    prod uc tion, we have p resente d our original idea s to he lp train mec hanics and

    c rea te retrofitting garage s. We a lso d eta il how to he lp c rea te g ove rnment subsidies

    to help enco urag e a nd e duc ate the retrofitting o f these technolog ies.

    This mo ve is a ll about imp roving pub lic hea lth. The Pana c ea infrastructure c an a lso

    help va lida te a nd p olic e the fuel save rs. On no bud ge t in the mean time , we have

    valida ted the following 3 low c ost a nd effec tive fuel saving a nd po llution reduc tion


    Panac ea 's testing of the Z5 mod ific ation

    Panac ea is the only orga nizat ion to test 3 pa rticular low cost mod ific a tions and

    present unb iased results. There a re 2 pa rticular mo d ific ations whic h are c hea per

    and ea sier to insta ll than the typ ica l hyd roxy booster . Both of the se low c ost

    mo d ific a tions a re p roven to wo rk.

    "Xtreme Fue l Treatment"

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    Panac ea is c urrently in the midd le o f testing 2 new hydroxy ce lls, one is an op en

    source mo d ific a tion. These results will be p osted in our new hydroxy video


    Bill Williams open source d esign

    Panac ea s hydrog en g as splitting test using the HHO-Resea rch c ell

    Panac ea rec ently em issions tested the SPAD unit which is a com pac t em issions

    and fuel saver for trac to rs and d iesel ag ric ultura l mac hinery. Dave is a grea t

    suppo rter and volunteer of Panac ea ; he now is ab le to spray 4 fields using one tank

    of d iesel a s op posed to p reviously 3 sprays. Prob ably around a 20-30% saving.

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    Panac ea 's "SPAD" Insta lla tion - We w ere a ble to save up to up to 30% in the diesel

    c onsump tion of this trac tor using this Op en source mo d ific at ion.

    The results we re enc ouraging eve n using a b rief sta tiona ry test und er loa d . Panac ea

    c ould d o m ore. This is still proo f tha t it reduc es the em issions. A longer test would

    yield more results.

    Emissions test w ithout the SPAD a c tiva ted

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    Emissions test with the SPAD a c tiva ted

    Hydroc arbons 94 to 67 which is 29% reduc tion, CO is .08 do wn to .07 which is 12.5%

    and NOx is 570 down to 555 which is 2.63% High fue l prices a re up on us again. So

    please c heck Pana c ea s video production which c an b e found o n our Fuel saving-

    pollution reduction Page.

    Always Refresh the Pages on the BOCAF site




    c onta c t us if you see any m istakes. We a pp rec iate any help a nd feed ba c k. We are

    unde rsta ffed at this time.
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    Panac ea University News

    Update on Panac eas clean no c hemica l weather engineering tec hnology

    Pana c ea s first co mp eted ground unit

    For ba c kground on this tec hnology p lea se c onsult:

    www .pa nac ea-boc droughtrelief.htm

    Our long time supp orters will know that tog ether we ha ve a ll prod uce d Pana cea

    which now has the world s only c lea n and non c hemica l weathe r engineering

    tec hnology held in a public trust. There is no c hea per way for the tax payer to :

    Dissipa te SMO G
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    Lift FOG

    Break DROUGHTS


    Ca lm WINDS

    Weaken STORMS

    Public demos are need ed to p olice a ny po liticians or co nflic t of interest from

    keep ing this knowledge supp ressed . The task of e ducating the public is now our

    purpo se. Thanks to the Panac ea dono rs this tec hnology originally dona ted by Trevor

    Constable is rea dy to b e b uilt a nd tested . Thanks to YOUR donations, we w ere a ble

    to rec over our equipment from an unfortunate ac c ide nt a s rep orted in our last

    newsletter. Panac ea has now sta rted to re build the tec hnology for the first p hase o f


    A g round unit

    Thanks to our dono rs our a irborne tub e is up and running a ga in.
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    Airbo rne tub es

    The w orld has been ab le to a c c ess this technology since the 1950 s and save lives.

    Howeve r it rema ins neg lec ted denied and supp ressed . The Job of g ett ing it out

    there is one tha t we must d o.

    Panac ea has been collec ting reco rds public to show the non c omp lianc e b y the

    Australian government to utilize this CLEAN NON CHEMICAL CHEAP wea ther

    engineering tec hnology This tec hnology c an save the tax pa yer more money then

    what is currently used in its plac e, it is far cheap er to relieve drought in p lac e o f

    desalination plants and c loud seed ing. Pana c ea c ontinues to c ollec t these records;

    these reco rds continue to be po sted on our drought relief p ag e.

    Upon final testing, Panac ea intend s to d emonstra te this tec hnology p ublic ly and

    take the knowledg e to the p eop le; it is only the pub lic who c an o nly po lice the

    c orrup tion a nd politic ians. Your nonp rofit organiza tion is the only institute w hich

    pledg es to use d ona tions to e duc ate the world of the altruistic gentlema n whom

    have b een performing this d roug ht relief work.

    This tec hno logy ha s a CO NTINUED line of ne glec t a nd suppression; this is the only

    known p roc ess tha t is able to c rea te a tmospheric self reg ula tion and rep air d roug ht

    a ffec ted a rea s. It is essential know led ge to he lp advance hum anity. So fa r it ha s not

    be en ea sy to ge t it public ly known, howeve r now w e finally have a c ap ac ity to

    wa ke the world up and honor the pioneers who originally set o ut to ed uca te the

    world with this p roc ess. The late Wilhelm Reic h has be en trying to a dva nce

    ed uc at ion w ith this me thod since the 1950s.

    We will then he lp the Australian Murray River drought a nd ga ther da ta to va lida te

    the p roc ess to help ALL other c ountries.
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    We wish to since rely thank our loya l friends for the ir consistent d ona tions which g ot us

    ALL th is fa r. WE have the knowled ge now and c an app ly it to work for humanity. We

    are g rateful to all of our supp orters for being the only o nes to help ac hieve this so far.

    WE are in their deb t. After all the equipment is completed we will be the first

    community effort to finally get this technology known a nd help humanity. For a b rief

    ove rview of our NEW rec ords and op eration p lea se c onsult our new video .

    Trevor Jam es Consta b le Gent lemen Tribute

    If you can help speed this along in ANY way and help other communities please

    note any needed donations will make THE ONLY differenc e. Panacea will be

    emailing out your hard work AND rewards when the worlds first ever independent

    public dem onstra tion is done.

    In the p revious newsletter we announc ed tha t the Panacea University is expa nd ingto include o ther ca teg ories of op en source informat ion for susta inab le deve lop me nt.

    Our intent is to polic e this pa rticular highe r ed uc at ion w hich would o therwise rema in

    neglec ted and not a cc essible due to a conflic t of interest. There are many other

    areas besides free energy which need p rotecting and Panac ea will be there to

    support. All these areas require Panaceas independent, non-aligned and evidence

    based infrastructure to be truly secure.

    We have dec ided to p rioritize the a lternative canc er cure c ourse. This will also

    ac c omp any a vide o produc tion. We will be visiting a rec ently shut down a lternative

    c ancer cure clinic loc a ted in Queensland Australia and ta lking to doc tors and filmma kers who can a id us in show ing the a lternative c anc er cures with the va lida tion

    we need.

    Som e of our new c a teg ories inc lude Alterna tive med ic ine , Permac ulture, Hemp

    prod uc tion, RAW food orga nic nutrition and ec onomics. All of this c ombined subjec t

    matter is req uired to give you SELF SUFFICIENCY and susta inab ility. Howeve r this

    ed ucation is not p olic ed , sec ure o r even c overed in any othe r fac ulty. We a re d oing

    this on NO BUDGET. With mo re donations we c an do m ore.
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    We wish to extend our sincere g ratitude a nd thanks to all our new and c urrent

    subsc ribers. We a re g rateful for all of your NEEDED support. You are the only ones

    who a re helping to ac hieve the ob jec tives we have reported in this newsletter.

    Panacea s ac hieveme nts are our own for a simp le reason, only a t the g rass roots

    level ca n we ac hieve what no other orga nization has done.

    These individua ls c anno t do it alone. Sad ly we c anno t survive on a shoe string

    bud ge t. Howeve r no matter how small or slight you think your do nation is, without it;

    we wont be ab le to c ontinue to help . So p lease c onsider that the individua ls

    mentioned have done a world of g ood and that donations WORK. WE are in their

    debt. We must work together to stop segregation, only collec tively we c an we reap

    OUR rewards. Once o ur ed uca tiona l resourc es and c ontributo rs have pe aked ,

    Panac ea is then intent exposing them a ll throug h our public fac e. Panac ea

    appea red this yea r on TV for the sec ond time.

    Panac ea needs you and d onations!

    WE canno t survive on a shoe string budg et, if you c an a ssist us in any way, shap e, or

    form, please d onate.

    If you are involved in or c an help with any of the subjec t ma tter presented o n our

    projec ts pa ge , p lea se c onta c t us for c ollaborative wo rk. Only united c an we a ll wo rk

    effec tively to stop sub juga tion. Also we a re helping make real change s by public

    activism . Please sign our petitions; its as easy as name ema il and c ountry.

    A rem inder for Sec urity

    To a ll our new subsc ribers- It is Imp ortant no te tha t should your new s lette r not show

    up a nd / or the Pana c ea we b site ever be ta ken do wn, or anything susp ic ious like anon response from the nonprofit orga niza tion ever oc c urs - Please ema il from the link
  • 7/31/2019 Panacea Newsletter 12 %282011 Apr 29%29


    below (save this link). Along with the follow ing text temp la te p rovided . Please email

    the Pana cea web site BEFORE hand to doub le c hec k.

    Queensland Police headquarters.

    Polic e Hea dquarters

    Que ensland Police Service

    200 Roma Street


    Telep hone: (07) 3364 6464 (TTY - (07) 3364 4655)

    Fac simile: (07) 3236 2359

    GPO Box 1440


    Que ensland Polic e Servic e Inte rnet Web Site -

    Hello, I am a news lette r subsc ribe r of a nonp rofit orga niza tion a t Panac ea -

    boc a I am send ing this email in orde r to inform you tha t the nonp rofit

    organiza tion whic h is engage d in resea rc h and deve lop ment into a lternative and

    supp ressed FREE energy tec hnology m ay have been ta rgete d and or intimidated .

    Their news lette r has not turned up and or there is no response f rom the ir web site. As

    a new s let te r subsc riber this em ail has been sent as a prec aution, I am a c ting a s a

    dete rrent a nd a s a wa tc h dog of their op erations. Newsletter subsc ribers have

    been informed tha t the nonp rofit orga nizat ion ha s visited your polic e sta tion to g o

    on rec ord d etailing tha t the y are p erusing this resea rc h and further tha t intimida tion

    or interferenc e m ay possib ly oc c ur. Plus they have rep orted tha t p revious

    intimida tion ha s oc c urred to the ir reg iste red eng inee rs. Therefo re we the news let te r

    subscribers are advised that if anything suspicious arises, for the news lettersubsc riber to send you this c onc erned em ail. Plea se look into the situat ion

    immediately. Regards.

    Send the Email to this link below - Save this link!

    http:/ / ww w.polic e.qld .go Forms/ c onta c t.asp

    We are happy to rep ort that no susp ic ious be hav ior has happened to your nonprofit

    orga niza tion or to any of o ur ope n source eng inee rs desp ite us being involved in this

    ge nre of resea rc h tha t threa tens the sta tus quo . The Pana c ea s trustee s wo uld like

    to persona lly c ong ra tula te you fo r playing a c ontinued suc c essful sec urity role w ith

    mailto:[email protected]?subject=Newsletter%20/%20Website%20issues[email protected]?subject=Newsletter%20/%20Website%20issues
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    your news let te r subsc rip tion. Thank you for your critica lly needed support! We look

    forward to repo rting to you in the next newslette r which isdue in OCTOBER 2011.

    Please c hec k our news sec tion on the Pana cea -BOCAF site for new video

    produc tions coming soon. The no nprofit orga nization s vo lunteers a re p roud to w ork

    for the pub lic and look forwa rd to repo rting our pub lic service to you soon! Thank

    you ag ain for your subscription.

    Sinc erely,

    The trustee s of Panac ea -BOC AF.