1 Saturday, May 31, 1941 PERSONAL. MENTION "" * Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Pearson of Lynchburg were business visitors in Columbia, Tuesday. While here they spent a while at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Bowman on Harden street, they also visited Beanie-Martin at the Veteran's hospital. Mrs. Pearson is the former Pansy Martin a popular student und graduate of Allen. Messrs Joseph 6. White and William S. McClnin left Salurdayon the Seaboard Orange Blossom Special for New York City, to spend the summer. We hope for them a pleasant stay. Mrs. Lucy Allison, Mis* Bertha Lee Allison, Mr. and. Mrs. Charlie Allison, Mrs. Ella Curry and Mrs. 1,0 Laurens on Friday night, May 23rd to- witnessed the commencement exercises of the Sanders high school. Miss Jofinsie Lee Fowler, niece and cousin of the Allisons w*as among the gradu ates. The occasion was enjoyed by everyone. Mrs. Grace Meaeham has returned home after a lovely ten day visit as guest of Miss Jessye A. Hammond and mother of Ridge Spring, S. C. Mr. Richard Harris of New York City, formerly of Columbia, spent a few days here last weok. .visiting relatives^ and friends. He reported a pleasant stay. Kiss Thelma E. Koon of 2330 Pendleton street has returned to the city after finishing her _school work in Marion, S. C. WEDDING* ANNOUNCED M rs. Lue^A crams announces the marriage of her grand neice Cecil Angelene Crawford . to j~ Mr". Cornell Eugene^ Bellamy "" Nsvembci 01. 1940 Orangeburg. S. C. THE TEN SOCIALITES CLUB The club met at the home of Mrs. Emery Bowen 1112 Bull St. Old and new business was discussed. After a very interesting meeting the hostess served a delightful repast of sandwiches, punch, potato chips and assorted candy. We adjourned to meet at the home of Mrs. Marie Bowen, 423 Henderson street. * IVY VINP SnriAT. <5 A VIMC? A N D ! ITER A R Y " CLUB Georgetown.The club wa3 organized about five years ago; like the ivy isjjtiH green and progressive. The club held-its regular ; meeting at the^home of Mrs.Laura^ Nelson, Church Str~ OpenecT usual form. Mrs. Mary Williams leading in devotions. Topics of interest were discussed for.t h egbod oC:he club._ A.short .program renered. Mrs. Emma. Richardson read a paper, subject: Im- ' portance, which the club really enjoyed; After contributing to our Savings and Sinking fund meet- ing closed with our motto: "As the Jvy clings to the tree so in our hearts we- cling O Lord to Thee." A delightful course was served by the hostess, and each member -received a lovely bunch of flowers. FRIENDLY 14 SOCIAL CLUB Thursday night past the club opened at usual hour 8:30. the vice president in charge. Prayer by the chaplain. Selection by tlir k * club led Miss A. B. Felder. Bible " lesson by Mrs. J. Myers, St. Matled by Mrs. M. "Coleman. The devotions closed. The president took charge. The minutes of the meeting were read and on motion by Mr. F. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. A. Cherry approved. Unfinished and new business was to collect dues from members for Fish Fry and Silver Tea. The President refreshed the members' minds about the pennies and sacks which were due May 29th. The club had a Silver Tea Sunday past which was a success. Be sure to rnn /I Dnl .«ii-. T i * ,y""i i auneno Lietioer 101 thu Big pi if .Tnnn fUk TIT I i* many of our friends with us Sunday. Visitors 12. Next meetingThursday night, May 29th. THE ACES SOCIAL AND SAVINGS CLUB Laurens, S. C..Mrs. Judith Franklin was hostess to& the Aces club, May 21st with a delightful dinner party at her home. The menu- consisted of Martini cock tails, followed by ice tea giblet gravy and lice, southern fried ^ chicken, green beans, candied W yams,' buttered beats, hot muffins dessert, delicious pineapple fluff. Present other than the club mem. bers were Mr. Berry Madden. The guests expressed themselves a3 having enjoyed a lovely evening. Mrs. Mary Scott will he tho hostess at her home on River St. May 28th*-- . ^ ^ The member* were invited trr P White Plaina Baptia+ ehereh ftnrr-7 day to render music and scloc' tfons. This wa» for the benel't of Mr. Berry Madden's club. j /. ! > : THE Y. P. S. T. CLUB ..The.Young.People Social and" .Thrifty club met and was called to order by the president. Song and prayer by the chaplain; another 'sony was usng then scripture read ing after which the minnte-a nf the ASsf meeting were read, received and adopted. The mteeting was held at the home of Mrs. Butler. EAST END LOVELY THIRTY FIVE SAVINGS CLUB The East End Lovely Thirtyfive Savings club held its regular meeting at the home-of Mr. Rudolph Jackson, 2155 Gervais St. The meeting was opened by Mr. Willie Mayes. The first soi.g was When 1 Found Jesus; another song Phe Time7^was^sung; prayer was offered by the President Mr. J.II. Gladden. Father I Stretch My ilands to jThee. The scripture esSon was then read by the pres rent the 21rd Psalms of .Davldr Another song, I Got to Make this Journey whs Isung. The devotionil services were then closed. Bible verses were recited by each member.. Th«r-minutea wercmread received and adopted., No one reported sick. Unfinished and new business followed. Under new excursion. A committee was appointed to look after the prepara tions for this excursion. Remarks were made by Mr. Riticks -ailed. Amount raised $15.89. The meeting was then adjourned .o meet at the home of Mrs. Syl/ia Lemur, 2410 Washington St. The closing song was "Amen". Johnie Mae Terry, reporter. THE EAGLE CLUB We the members of the Eagl". lub met Friday night,. 'May 23rd. it 8:30 With Mrs. Christine Mury. 1323 tJiTgR St.* The devotion1 was led by Mr. Ezekiel Moten After "which the President, Mr. lohn TrezVsnt called for the minltes uf the previous meeting, it vas read by the Secretary, Mrs. .illie Perry and approved by the louse. The club planned to have i silver tea Sunday afternoon lune 1st at the home of Mrs. Rebecca Robinspiij 906 Green street Vour presence will be highly appinnated. Tliu tllllt1 lit 4:.1U, Uthei " hings of interest were dis ussed We were very glad to have two new members with us. At the roll call each member responded. We will meet May 30 it the home of Mrs. Lizzie Dantzcr. At the closing hour the hostesv served a delicious repast THE SUB-DEBS MEET Miss Ida Bentley was hostess to the Sub Debs on Thursday evening. The meeting was strictly a "business one and necessitated a departure from the usual club pro cedure. The program consisted only of the singing of one, hymn and repeating of thii.Lor d's.Prav er. Deb Dorothy Waller, th< -president, then opened the meet-'»-»«» f K-ioImoco TKq nlnWc /"»nrt- stitution was read and accepted "after The necessary corrections had been made. Miss Marian L,eevy w?u welcomed into the club membership,.Deb Leovy is a student of Allen university, Ctrtimrbia, S. C. During the social period the hos tess served punch and a delicious assortment of sandwiches includ ing chicken salad, chicken aiid pimento cheese. The next meeting will be at th home of Deb Eva Grant. The us ual club procedure will be observ ed. NEWS OF THE HEAl'TTCIANS OF GEORGETOWN, S. C. .. The Coiffure Review with the latest Hah* Styles on Parade. Flashes from Other Lands at St Stephen AME church May 13th sponsored by the following Beauticians. Madames Lula Walker, Mae Grant, Florence Jackson, Maude TTarolina and F. L Carolina, was a glowing success. The moftels m the latest styles were beautiful, from thP 8 year old chic to Mother's day cttrls. All were dressed in keeping1 with the coiffure. The business men that appeared on program were Dr. W. S. Thompson, our efficient Dentist, Mr. Henry Jackson, Mr. W. J. Wilds, one of our popular undertakers and Dr. U. G. Teele. Their remarks were inspiring, couragmg and eleyating. A very unique sum was realized, a part of which was given to the above rrt^i l Hi I! Il'll cmirfn. We' tnpnk all who modelled for us most heartily and also thank those who appeared on program. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, June 4, at the Lula Walker's Beauty Parlor on Hawkins St., at 4 o'clock. We are asking all Beauticians to be present; business of importance. The Fan-O-Pin Beauty School lwated on 1029 Highmarket St., Georgetown, S. C., is giving you Beauty Culture in all its branches Began another class on Mav lfi with a lovely group of single and married ladles. Some from Greelyville and Aynor, S. C. They are registering every day. Giving the course at a reasonable price, just what you would get at any other school. When course is completed you are able to take Hie State Board. Had five to takP the hoard in February, antd they are now working under tha laVrs of the State Board of Cosmetic Art. Any Information wri+0 Fan-U-Lin School of Beauty CuL ture, 1029 iHfghmarket Street, Georgetown, S. C. Unfortunately for on# of our j Outstanding Pupils of r^L.'.'A'-w i 1m. S|| The above pupils have proved t ioUs activities of B. W. Heights Scl arc leit to rT^trt^ rrrerrna A nderson Contest, and also a member, of the Chinh held second plage in the B. W was also Qaptain of the basket-ball ber Of The oth grade which the May fcjueen Contest, was cro\y Harrison, winner of the Annual Eh is shown holding the "Cup" which the part of the other members of h of the basket-ball team; and Melvii in the Annual Spelling Match, has "all round" pupil of JLJW. -Heights a^e classed'in the upper level of thi ^Beauticians oil West End,. Mrs. Esther Ford, her Beauty Shop xnd home were destroyed by fire, We hope she will be able to rebuild soon. . C.IRL SCOUT NEWS The frirls of Troop 14 met at the 1 home of Mrs. J. E. Dickson, our Troop leader, on McDuffie Ave, T nn .Naliuna!.HPflflquarters, New York, had previous ly taught "s.to.cook.en.a trrrp ean. The tin cans were about one gallon in size and Mrs. Dickson had cut them out for us. J! All of the girls made them- ^ selves busy preparing to cook. We cooked hamburgers and made hamburger sandwiches, while CJe- neva McBeth and Fabretta Paul made chocolate milk, It was much fun trying' to get the fires started without paper and still more fun frying the ham bu r gers; When we had eaten and cleared-J away oQr things wg engaged in games: Hide and go seek, Tag and the girls took turns playing tennis on MVs. Dickson's court. Our two guests were. Naomi and Julia Dickson, Mrs. Dickson's ( nerces from Society Hilk- whoJare-here~bh & visit. J We were happy to have with ) us Mrs. H. N. Vincent who i s q chairman of our Distrct. Cnm. mittfte. She also-invited d.he troops to meet" with her and have an out-door supper soon. HI.I K STAK SOCIAL CI-l'B The club helo its regular meeting on Monday night, May 26 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Brooks 916 Walnut street. The meeting was opened with singing "I'll be waiting up There," led by Mrs. Wise, our chaplain; after which she led us in prayer. The president then took charge. We went into our business discussion. ' We had as our guest Mr. Jonnie Moncrief, corporal at Ft. Jack- ' son, whom we are glad to have 1 with us. We had remarks from him. We_ adjourned until next week -to meet at the home T>f Mr. Juje White, 2321 Senate St. TJFE ROS ESOCIAL CLUB ( Stop! Look! Read!! There will J be a Moonlight Picnic Monday , night, June 2nd at the Log Cabin given by thP Rose Social Club. Round Trip 25c. Ticket wPl admit J vou to the dance. Trucks and , ^ oars leave on the corner of Lyon arid Cervais Sts., 8 o'clock; Tavlor and Harden 8:15. Come and go with us and enjoy yourself. The plnh jta r?H Ini 1 " lng Tuesday evening May 27 at the home of Mr James Haigler, ' Apt. Zl Allen-Benedict Court. The house v${y»»"called to order by , the president, Mrs. Gibson. Devotional exercise was carried out in its psunl manner. The roll was ! J called and minutes were read by ' the secretary, Miss Margaret |f Goodwin. A short business session ' was held. Th0 club adjourned to ' meet at the home of Misses Re becca and Maggie Rose'v2585 Cher ^ ry street. At the close of the !' meeting the hostess served a de- l' licious repast. I ' - _ | t THE WAVERT,Y SILVER STAR ' The club met at its usual time ) at thp home of Miss Ertha Dean 5 Hart on Stark St. with Mrs. Maggie jJohnson as assistant hosteiifl. ' .The "^levbtion was carried oftt in c rdts_TJRnRl Wfthner and a^T>Hef pro ^ ?ram was rendered. The meeting ' wo a then' Uiniwl over to the pres- 1 ident, Mrs. Johnson. Business was 1 briefly discussed and plans for a 1 ride in the near future is to take < place. We wish to thank our many 1 ~~ ffllfi PALHTETTO LI B. W. Heights School l;> s mm ^ I n themselves outstanding in the var100I during the year 1940-41. The^ , winner of "Miss B. W. Heights'1 girls' basket-ball team; Elorse . Heights May Queen Contest, and _tbe~ largest amount of- money in ned "May Queen;" Agatha Mae ementary School's Spelling Match, has created much enthusiasm on ,er school, she was also a member t Able, who received second place also really proved to be the most School. All of the ftVe pupils e school academically. friends who attended our anniversary and hope that they had a very pleasant evening. The host ess served a delicious repast. The meeting wag. adjourned to meet at the home of Miss Ruby Johnson 1220 Oak street. ALLEN-BENEDICT COURT NEWS The AIlen-Boncjjjft r.shorn!; Will present an outdoor musiral program Sunday afternoon, JnneT-; at 0:30 p.m., on-the lawn of the Court. The Booker Washington High School band will also render several numbers o n this program. The Booker Washington band, tinder the direction of Mr.Harold June, is the most outstanding Negro High School band in the state of South Carolina. The Allen-Ben edict Court chorus is fortunate in having this band to appear with them, and the program promise# to be very interesting. The public is invited-to-be -present. NK\VBERRY NEWS. Thelc \vas_a spring party-given It The home of Mrs. Houseal, Vin ent street Thursday afternoon 5:TQ o'clock by the Community Club and Bible class. Many joly games were played and enjoyed by all. A neat sum was realise'1 for cGinin.jmiyIprc4ects,. . Two new members Were greeted at Sunday school at Calvary Presbyterian church. All of the members enjoyed the review ol the lesson by the Supt. The Bible :lass wag interestingly taught bj the oryjinizev Mr« T W A Wo_ ville. Mrs. Z A. Rersoner was ehosun for dt-h-gate t0 the Womari"s Christian Conference at Benedict College, Columbia. The league service that, ^vus ield at the home of the president" Sunday afternoon was quite inter. sting. Mr. anrKMrs. Hampton Butler Jr., from Bolivia, N. C. are the juests of their parents Mr. ami Mrs. Hampton Butler, relatives ind friends. M*rs Jennie K. end hei daughter, Miss Sylvia Gilliam went to State college, Orangeburg, Mon- lay to sec her daughter Miss Dor >thy Gilliam, graduate. All of the students from the /arious colleges >are returning lornp after having spen^ u success' "ul term. 3AVID STAND A. M. E. '.ION CHURCH Rev. 1. J. Wines, Pastor How to grow to perfection. We >rn mi)milin'.) this biailL',1, ll.-UMd" ill Christian means' to help hu nanily out. from under evil influ>nce, to make the world better, hut some day the unborn generadon ran feel that the older ones vho are gone on before, tried to >e constraining to let their light ceep the Golden Rule. That may ihine that men may see they good vorks and glorify our Father in leaven. The growth of the churhe9 is vaiting for promptness, clearness, aconomy, correctness, completeless, courtesy,^ neatness, friendliless, godliness. Strive to make ,nese qualities ko to lne l°P «no n our J>earts there is room for Jesus. .... Sunday, May 24 service was fyeld it 11 o'clock by the Rev. J. I Wynn, pastor. Prayer meeting >y Mr. T. R. Reed. Sunday school :onducted by Mr.,F. F. Faulkner. !Ve were entertained in the aftertoon service by the Rev Martin Jftator ~oT St. Paul and members. Wr. W. A. Allen, steward of St. Paul assisted in the service. Interesting remark^ were made by Sev, Crockett. BADEK [_! CHESTER PARAGRAPHS Prof, and Mrs. T. J. Han berry, I --or ColumbiaT at Fin- r ley High sebool Wednesday7~MTiT Hanberry, who was formerly Miss Annie Gwrrielt was a teacher here ~l for several years. Miss Annit. Stinson who has been teaching at Lexington is here at the home of her brother, Mr. Clark Stinson. Mr. Godfrey James who attend- ed State College* in Orangeburg arrived home Sunday night and left Tuesday to spend the summer in New York City. L Miss Naomi Neal went to State College, Orangeburg, to witness her sister's graduation and Miss Mabel Gaines went Tuesday t o Benedict College to witness her J sister's graduation. J i'' i vnuii respective homos U>is week after the close of this year's teaching in Finley High school are.thv.-foWowhrg. teachers: Miss Dewey McDowell. I.Union; Mtss E. A. Wilkerson and Miss T. L. Luck, Washington, D. L C.; Miss E. A. Crosland, Tifton, Ga.; Miss Xaoroi Neal, -Colombia ^ [_ Miss. H. O. Wright, Camden; Mtk^ E. L. Beattv, Winnsboroi Miss A. , M. Lindsay, Pock Hill; Miss Dov, ey Johnson, Charlotte; Miss Eli "Tfrbtrth Gaines^ Great Falls. Mrs. Mary Macon of York spent (j Wednesday here as guest of Mrs P_eari_Buino. = R.pv Mr Hitif f"~4ri- f vhiL~ = Presbyterian church and also h principal of the school in Annis- e ton, Ala. is visiting friends here, s He is a graduate of Brainerd In- r stitute. He returned to Chester i after an absence of more_than 30 u vears, to see. the old town and < friends of long ago. f Mr. Woodrow Shelton of .the j 1037.elass of.Finley.High .hr -r spending a few days here and at h tending commencement at his Al- a ma Mater. He will return to Bal- g timoie in a few days. s Mrs. M. B. Spann, Miss Cleopa- f tra Spann, Mr. Harold Spann at- a tended commencement exercises _t at Morris" College Sumter and I witnessed the graduation of Miss g SaWne Spann v Prof. Joseph Stinson of Sumter P visite 'his brother, Mr. Clark Stfn |j son last week. > F F Miss Lillian Thompson" of the . Lnnanntei1 IP.faiully way here * Sunday for the baccalaureate' Jer- mon at Finley High school : ^ Miss Joanna Blackwell and.. Miss Mabel Sumter had as their guests Thursday evening Dr. and Mrs^ J. H. Thomas Misses Addie ^ I "and Julia Thomas, Mrs. Lula Sas porta?, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Kirk land, Mr. James Cook, Mr. Walter Adams, all from Camden. "jt Mr. Timothy Johnson a graduato of Finley Hi school \\Jho has ^ spent several years in camp at c Ft. Bennin-e, Ga., is here_ from_ Camp Croft, in Spartanburg vis- ^ itinpr friends. . Mr. and Mrs. John Hevmans' ' two dauehters of Philadelphia Pa j\ known by us all as Misses Pauline tI and Luclle came down to" witness *. the graduation of their brother, Mr. M. IT. Hevman from Finley Hieh School. Tuesday _eyeniflg. Mr. Joseph Crosby was here on ' Sunday from the CCC Camp near Newberry visiting his parents, P. j F and Mrs. Crosby, and to see _his sister Miss Sarah Crosby one of the graduate? of Finley High school. Commencement p* Finley High School Si On Tuesday nicrht. a large crowd was present to hear the speakers in the Oratorical Prize^kovtest; There were- seven yaUTTj? ladis. All spoke so well that it was hard for the judges to decide n. Their speeches were well learned 'and they spoke clearly anil distinctl.v. The old medal was won by Miss Annie Roll Spann. Appropriate music by the glee club ai was interspersed on the program with Miss E. L. Reattv accom- \ panist. "I Friday night, the.stage.wa*~n lawn scene-. With Miss Lucile Wright arvl Miss Virginia Price seated on a lawn bench discussing a wardrobe, the girls camie up ( the center aisle by ones and twos '< took their places and displayed their dresses. There were sport clothes. street costumes.house dresses, play suits, evening dress- S'1 es. Light refreshments were served as they talked, walked.and. sot about the lawn, the different patterns and colors showing up very pleasingly, exhibiting the '? fine taste of the wearer and their 11 pp-1 1 1 -Udress. Nearly 100 girls took part bi 1 Mtcc Trvctn Wq 1 Iror* nrtrl \fnn I Fanhie Brown did some acrobatic 'M stunts which brought much ap- st plause. This was the porprram sl from the Home Economics depart !l ment. Miss E. A Wilkerson, teach er. ' Standing: room was at a prem- u ium Sunday afternoon when Rev. '' James Foster preadhed the "Bnccalaureate sermon. He used as a* " subject Preparation for' Service. His sermon Wa<? logically treated " forcefully and effectively delivered. It was to the point-.full of *sound advice to the ffraduates "j and advice td the audiehee also Everyone was happy to hear Rev. *l Foster and at the close, he was ^ surrounded with triends oompnmfvfiting him for such a pointed ^ and resourceful message. Rev. Foster ia one of Cheater's own sc itonfc. It iraff fl great sermom The 48 grauates in caps and gowns r.< and the 104 -from the Junior fftgtr school (7 and 8 grades) the girls dressed in white, and boys i n SI white trousers and dark Coats, mae a vfery attractive appearance s< After the close, pictures of the E i y-, v XIAX-QITEKK Kichai d*ht <'h..ic,-. a ;i 'int.c-i >r tfa; tMirht* jffsnJi. ., t'., ii ;,.. I; It- (' unity I i aiiiiii'.''.- twwr rrrrv at to.- iiJiil Ala;, <^ue«-n o nit->j_ c»! .vI ;. lay nig; t. May '">. I'.'41". Tass were made. . .tvioniiuy night, one- of tlm most ieautiful settings for a program ver seen in Chester was the tage of the auditorium. Stream rs of vari-colored paper arrangd^ from tin- .ceiling, somev.hat uhbiella like;-and numbers. o f mail tables at whey Wei e-«-b;d| or each member offtli^. cla-s. an ust at the front of the stage us [ten <led f mm Ttu celling wereTtstuf vari-colored balloon..-. niad cneerful setting for the pro-' rani wfiich was to -follow. Mr. wlolphus Brown and Air. Waltei 'hisolm appeared on the stae* nd after a little dusting "f seat-he- guests -began to anrvc- "th-'-r »eing the class members Thirls wore sky blue skirts and erv sheer blouses. They greeted ach other most cordially for the rogranv was depicting a Class teunion.' With Air. S. D. Wilks. 'resident". Miss Lucile Wright pre iding ihi li^e.ibi of I'UL-.-" old what they were doing and here they were living, of M--lehiattie Wright read the Class [istorv. Miss Jahie Mae Crosby ke Cla-s Wjll; Miss Mami. Johnon. the ClasS^ Poem. Mr- 8." l> i'ilks gaw an address of WeT~ nmc, Miss Eliza Rainev, t h, e mallest member of the class layed flu -instr'Jmental solrry"Miss" a rah Crosby wa« ninnigt She layed several numbers which the lass sang and touching indeed as the Class Song, written "by" Its? Crnshy^-A great big s:ip;is' waited everybody when the h< an ful new and expensive velvet aero curtain was presented t<< 10 Principal and' audience. On w>.prrrld frincod vnlar.ee r.ro th«ttors in old ptold.tv-rw.P is a beautiful dark red curtain made thc_- udiolo.fHhPttrriuni ike,on a new look. Also <.?i th< dance is "Class of li'MI " T1 lass passed its mantl,. tie iniors. It was received 1,- Mv White. JinTs T. I. IiuLk-li«(> "om iTi cbarce of these S. pi n's he has worked f.titlif. !1\ and aid. and put into them >i>ii^it " love and devotion to the school ways advising fhem to oooper:e and help wherever they could he is st.i1! receivinir smiles and aise foj' thc\ great deed d ne a 11 d >r this fine class which mo<' out xmv the .ji<h<nd with a vtuv gxhr(t icord; Rev. fv R. Hiegins. president r Allen University y-'iTJ sneak te [£. .g.r.«!«loatiaiJ class- Wydtn-sdnw eht > Piineipal Finley is Very happy or the many 2*06(1 pr imite' ul the fine year oFAvork RMFVI1 I.K (OFVIA r mm\ff y< fiftoi. yf\\ s ~%\ rn Wade. Principal Mnv iji.ii Th. \ I'unty Trr.inine school is' .'losing very successful v ear'.; work. The activities "f the srho d huvt en varied. Each year definite >.icetrvTT are set tip. These arc into of the objectives that have »v Ujy'ii? ..boye ,bmi.-.u»rcha«>d foi ie library; a duo-therm circulat g heater hrs been purchased fi>: it- auditorium: and ,n con*Hhu r>n of $143.1 7 for Chi-i'slma- S a, in nil fin t l.i- flL'1,1 11711 ^rculosis. N'ot-^onTy Tfa,- the schn,.; \ , ft) successful financially. \ v udrnt-body has participate j in nh activities as declamat. : nd "amatic contests, athletics, and a icnkinpr contest sponsored by tin eople's Burial Aid society in h'ch a senior from this yeat' ass won n prize of $25.bit. Ail P this has been valuable' cspiv,ice. The scholarship of the st d- rnt bo«ly * is g#»ntinning to show ' npflovement. For thy pasj thru' years. tin Itr.te Department of Education is (riven the principal n scholar* lip to study administration and ipeiv;sioii at Atlaioa university, he offer has been mode this year ) as much uv the Abbeville Cimrt' Training school is closing late , may he unable to accept the hularship to (|o graduate work. You a re invited" to attend the ?maining comrnerveniont exersea. May ,10 at 8:30 p.m..Fashion how and Open Shop. \ June 1, at 3:30 p.m..Annu 1 >rmon, held ap St. James A. M . church. J PAGE SKVEBM «hun^ 2,-at 8:M<J p.m..Class Nito^H in .11 t he school audi- I t' /! i J ! 11 _..i on- -17, Tit --Gradua- J tiou Exercises, held in '.lie school J NMMT.MIKK N K N\ S Rev. Mrs. Ruxic- Alston, woman J i "in Ciarthuge, N. "fini - i;lk of meeting at Bruce T. i-.: iiuth- church Sunday night ';.i deiiVi .'i-d an excellent sage. Come and hear a God-sent woman. S'.e is residing at the H '11. oJ .Mi. a:.i: .Mr.- Jim Law. i t.e iiUi calaureate s_erinon .for trie '.crx graduates t>l the Whitmire graded sehooi, was delivered Sun__^B ?~'b\ la W K 1111niel n|| i.twi .J IuLi.ii" t: 1 ill- Goal "! Achieveinent. ] .Ri \ llunti i n.p. es.-cif tie -girls, i!..' ;n obtaining diploin, from__^B -' .> 0' ».h.iu- ud.-.Li strive- for a 1 i;-i- 11.:» iron, iieaw i., wn<.. that will .ast always. We hope his mes* .age prove..to .be a task, tor theCZ i a-L.n!ov u. perform, and ull_.of___^B Lfois iiatcno1!'.. Gcd Ve, and achieve, lir.ri* e-rra ivy- your vocation. H A- tr.i- i.ayeafauieUte H [services were Pi of. L. P. Moore, iatini of Pii-t. Robert i. .Moure J ;-ai el ti.e W nitino t.* g.-aded : Me u. e.r I'.-v II..II. ler. Othej vis;tor(S,.wei.e -present -1-rom.Hoc: mil aiiii Whitmiiv; s' '-liiiliiiau i'juiii Nfett berry. Miss < .orrrc Harper, pre1 «.»» night, play en: t- if., i "a;. Ii was hy lhe 4tn ai,<i otli grades ^ T- I. ! 'f \Mij: exiiMted in this pi. y, 1 'urii.i; lhj> Miss Mci»> riiMf.t, tixr-i. fulumnia. visited Alls.® Harper. ah u Mi.-:; Nalley ^ : -it. N«;v. m>. Mfv lOtlivT 1. 1' aiit pa wit:.' a play entitle.j <i'ir,g. ' , Out- it- w visituis were Ml;. \\ right alet in-1 dutig'.'.er of New ben-;. |m i: qN\'W-' berry A 'play HurJo.i Ha<i« -IHpo J r.ir.r.. "fry""!"', ~~ff't,1 Monday nito i.\ Mi--, hv.i. \V. i.au.s I he a; i* - \ w thrilling. l'he >Jli ii-' , fi eU t:V'if parts .weiL praise tut- entire school faculty for presi-Htinperucn.rx~Tilient proy Whitm.r. ha. ackievTTJ^^TT; lionor ol.recogr.tliou for - a :: gala programs. HhTHEI. A. M. K. ( Hl'IK 11 Rev. H. J. Hutchinson. Eastor ?t. CTeoi ge >. S wa- called .to »'ler IPilf.. .t- the Usual H hollr. 'file OCT ii-wc Wava very yuo<i. We received a nies ;.ge ; ay green by the Gud-ser.t 33 an a- if-t .i!: -e 1 f <! '\vn in the 11 'a~v.iv bringing out ., Hungs r.c-w a;:J '.id. 'I'he tix» wa.-. ~tlect(cd_lic>m Acts. finL7_T- subject: rile I ewer ef a known spirit. An excellent discourse wi»s enjoyed. The night -ervices were equally us guoq aN the morning service ' Subject Ho- i' . iij,'t Wri'inr' Contact w 11h Jesus. Quite ., few > w<»rsiiiged with us from otfter churctfes/ Rev. Joseph LinMr. (' Ivin-^Thumas. of North Carolina; Mr. and Mrs. William -teapens. Miss Julia Thomas, Mr. _Lu.Liuiu-on-,.Me-c.Simmons. Miss. 1st Hi of Georgia: 'Mi?* " Gerotha-"" >?U phens also of Georgia; Mr. B. Brown of tne .Holiness church. - The St. George high school is : y\ ;nir Us ca.n.encenient. The Educational sermon was delis ered S .nda.s c\enmg in the school amitotrwr at J:W b\ the Rev. J. J. Abrn-y. pa. t.>! of New Mi. Zion. 11»-.» orc-_.The- a aditorium AV08 full to capacity. -3 Mr-. Morris and hei little grand left fur their'home i:i Graniteville a.fter spending several weeks with « r < la U L'tTW i a ft !" soT.-u.-iaw. They a to accon.paiiied by < Re\. and Mrs, ,B. J. Hutchinson. Mrs Alaio. ---.i tiit .apeiif u very- pleasant >tay. WANTED.A »« 1 r at once tn-wurk Colored trade No liquor head. r.o gambler. no apprentice. no old mar: need apply. Call at 1127 Washington St. Columbia. S C VIS! T . Henry's Beer Tavern N( HCI'HNN F.ST ( OKNF.K HE1DT AMI ( \I.HOl N STS. TO-MTF AM) RVkhY NITE 1 he home of Mellow Barbecue and Hot Fried Ffth <"KKAM n III! .^UliVici: John Henr> Washington. Mgr. Poro Beauty School 1 orated at 24*1 Millwood Ave. v HE AI "TV rri.T! KK IN ALL ITS BRANCHES "* hnmpooin^, Pressing, Marcelling C roquitiolling. Finger Waving, Flair Dyeing, Bleaching. Mantaurine. Massaging. Hand Molding Anatomy and Electricity. PHONE r>687 Wilhelmina C. Pope. Instructor \nnie M. Pope. T. Maloi^'Prea. Watches and Old PornsrFoi" Sale A 17 .Towel Wh am. gold filled ~ase.Onlv $12.7,5 r*ish. Guaranteed. Write EDWARI) CAMPBELL B<w 168 Rrnnawiek, Ga. * ~ .' 5. . , VJ

Palmetto leader (Columbia, S.C.). 1941-05-31 [p PAGE SEVEN]. · 1 Saturday,PERSONAL. May 31, 1941 MENTION"" * Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Pearson of Lynchburg were business visitors in Columbia,

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1 Saturday, May 31, 1941


Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Pearson ofLynchburg were business visitorsin Columbia, Tuesday. Whilehere they spent a while at thehome of Rev. and Mrs. Bowmanon Harden street, they also visitedBeanie-Martin at the Veteran'shospital. Mrs. Pearson isthe former Pansy Martin a popularstudent und graduate of Allen.

Messrs Joseph 6. White andWilliam S. McClnin left Salurdayonthe Seaboard Orange BlossomSpecial for New York City, tospend the summer. We hope forthem a pleasant stay.

Mrs. Lucy Allison, Mis* BerthaLee Allison, Mr. and. Mrs. CharlieAllison, Mrs. Ella Curry and Mrs.

1,0 Laurens on Friday night, May23rd to- witnessed the commencementexercises of the Sandershigh school. Miss Jofinsie LeeFowler, niece and cousin of theAllisons w*as among the graduates. The occasion was enjoyedby everyone.

Mrs. Grace Meaeham has returnedhome after a lovely tenday visit as guest of Miss JessyeA. Hammond and mother of RidgeSpring, S. C.

Mr. Richard Harris of NewYork City, formerly of Columbia,spent a few days here last weok.

.visiting relatives^ and friends. Hereported a pleasant stay.

Kiss Thelma E. Koon of 2330Pendleton street has returned tothe city after finishing her _schoolwork in Marion, S. C.


announces the marriage of hergrand neice

Cecil Angelene Crawford .

to j~Mr". Cornell Eugene^ Bellamy ""

Nsvembci 01. 1940Orangeburg. S. C.


The club met at the home ofMrs. Emery Bowen 1112 Bull St.Old and new business was discussed.After a very interestingmeeting the hostess served a delightfulrepast of sandwiches,punch, potato chips and assortedcandy. We adjourned to meet atthe home of Mrs. Marie Bowen,423 Henderson street. *




Georgetown.The club wa3 organizedabout five years ago; likethe ivy isjjtiH green and progressive.The club held-its regular

; meeting at the^home of Mrs.Laura^Nelson, Church Str~ OpenecTusual form. Mrs. Mary Williamsleading in devotions. Topics ofinterest were discussed for.t h egbodoC:he club._ A.short .programrenered. Mrs. Emma. Richardsonread a paper, subject: Im-

' portance, which the club really enjoyed;After contributing to ourSavings and Sinking fund meet-ing closed with our motto: "Asthe Jvy clings to the tree so inour hearts we- cling O Lord toThee." A delightful course wasserved by the hostess, and eachmember -received a lovely bunchof flowers.

FRIENDLY 14 SOCIAL CLUBThursdaynight past the club

opened at usual hour 8:30. thevice president in charge. Prayerby the chaplain. Selection by tlirk * club led Miss A. B. Felder. Bible"lesson by Mrs. J. Myers, St. Matled

by Mrs. M. "Coleman. The devotionsclosed. The president tookcharge. The minutes of themeeting were read and on motionby Mr. F. Coleman, seconded byMrs. A. Cherry approved. Unfinishedand new business was tocollect dues from members forFish Fry and Silver Tea. ThePresident refreshed the members'minds about the pennies and sackswhich were due May 29th. Theclub had a Silver Tea Sunday pastwhich was a success. Be sure tornn /I Dnl .«ii-. T i *

,y""i i auneno Lietioer 101thu Big pi if .Tnnn fUk TIT I i*many of our friends with us Sunday.Visitors 12. Next meetingThursdaynight, May 29th.


Laurens, S. C..Mrs. JudithFranklin was hostess to& the Acesclub, May 21st with a delightfuldinner party at her home. Themenu- consisted of Martini cocktails, followed by ice tea gibletgravy and lice, southern fried

^ chicken, green beans, candiedW yams,' buttered beats, hot muffins

dessert, delicious pineapple fluff.Present other than the club mem.bers were Mr. Berry Madden.The guests expressed themselvesa3 having enjoyed a lovely evening.Mrs. Mary Scott will he tho

hostess at her home on River St.May 28th*-- . ^^The member* were invited trrPWhite Plaina Baptia+ ehereh ftnrr-7day to render music and scloc'tfons. This wa» for the benel't

of Mr. Berry Madden's club.j

/. ! > :


..The.Young.People Social and"

.Thrifty club met and was called toorder by the president. Song andprayer by the chaplain; another'sony was usng then scripture reading after which the minnte-a nf theASsf meeting were read, receivedand adopted. The mteeting washeld at the home of Mrs. Butler.


The East End Lovely ThirtyfiveSavings club held its regularmeeting at the home-of Mr. RudolphJackson, 2155 Gervais St.The meeting was opened by Mr.Willie Mayes. The first soi.g wasWhen 1 Found Jesus; another songPhe Time7^was^sung; prayer wasoffered by the President Mr. J.II.Gladden. Father I Stretch Myilands to jThee. The scriptureesSon was then read by the presrent the 21rd Psalms of .DavldrAnother song, I Got to Make thisJourney whs Isung. The devotionilservices were then closed. Bibleverses were recited by eachmember.. Th«r-minutea wercmreadreceived and adopted., No one reportedsick. Unfinished and newbusiness followed. Under new

excursion. A committee was appointedto look after the preparations for this excursion. Remarkswere made by Mr. Riticks

-ailed. Amount raised $15.89.The meeting was then adjourned

.o meet at the home of Mrs. Syl/iaLemur, 2410 Washington St.The closing song was "Amen".

Johnie Mae Terry, reporter.


We the members of the Eagl".lub met Friday night,. 'May 23rd.it 8:30 With Mrs. Christine Mury.1323 tJiTgR St.* The devotion1was led by Mr. Ezekiel MotenAfter"which the President, Mr.lohn TrezVsnt called for the minltesuf the previous meeting, itvas read by the Secretary, Mrs..illie Perry and approved by thelouse. The club planned to havei silver tea Sunday afternoonlune 1st at the home of Mrs. RebeccaRobinspiij 906 Green streetVour presence will be highly appinnated.Tliu tllllt1 lit 4:.1U, Uthei "

hings of interest were dis ussedWe were very glad to have twonew members with us.At the roll call each member responded.We will meet May 30

it the home of Mrs. Lizzie Dantzcr.At the closing hour the hostesvserved a delicious repast


Miss Ida Bentley was hostess tothe Sub Debs on Thursday evening.The meeting was strictly a

"business one and necessitated a

departure from the usual club procedure. The program consistedonly of the singing of one, hymnand repeating of thii.Lord's.Praver. Deb Dorothy Waller, th<-president, then opened the meet-'»-»«»f K-ioImoco TKq nlnWc /"»nrt-

stitution was read and accepted"after The necessary correctionshad been made. Miss MarianL,eevy w?u welcomed into the clubmembership,.Deb Leovy is a studentof Allen university, Ctrtimrbia,S. C.During the social period the hos

tess served punch and a deliciousassortment of sandwiches including chicken salad, chicken aiidpimento cheese.

Thenext meeting will be at thhome of Deb Eva Grant. The us

ual club procedure will be observed.


The Coiffure Review with thelatest Hah* Styles on Parade.Flashes from Other Lands at StStephen AME church May 13thsponsored by the following Beauticians.Madames Lula Walker,Mae Grant, Florence Jackson,Maude TTarolina and F. L Carolina,was a glowing success. Themoftels m the latest styles were

beautiful, from thP 8 year oldchic to Mother's day cttrls. Allwere dressed in keeping1 with thecoiffure. The business men thatappeared on program were Dr. W.S. Thompson, our efficient Dentist,Mr. Henry Jackson, Mr. W.J. Wilds, one of our popular undertakersand Dr. U. G. Teele.Their remarks were inspiring,couragmg and eleyating. A veryunique sum was realized, a partof which was given to the aboverrt^i l Hi I! Il'll cmirfn. We' tnpnk allwho modelled for us most heartilyand also thank those who appearedon program. Our next meetingwill be Wednesday, June 4, at theLula Walker's Beauty Parlor onHawkins St., at 4 o'clock. Weare asking all Beauticians to bepresent; business of importance.The Fan-O-Pin Beauty School

lwated on 1029 Highmarket St.,Georgetown, S. C., is giving youBeauty Culture in all its branchesBegan another class on Mav lfiwith a lovely group of single andmarried ladles. Some from Greelyvilleand Aynor, S. C. They areregistering every day. Giving thecourse at a reasonable price, justwhat you would get at any otherschool. When course is completedyou are able to take Hie StateBoard. Had five to takP the hoardin February, antd they are nowworking under tha laVrsof the State Board of CosmeticArt. Any Information wri+0Fan-U-Lin School of Beauty CuLture, 1029 iHfghmarket Street,Georgetown, S. C.

Unfortunately for on# of our

j Outstanding Pupils ofr^L.'.'A'-w

i 1m. S||

The above pupils have proved tioUs activities of B. W. Heights Sclarc leit to rT^trt^ rrrerrna A nderson

Contest, and also a member, of theChinh held second plage in the B. Wwas also Qaptain of the basket-ballber OfThe oth grade whichthe May fcjueen Contest, was cro\yHarrison, winner of the Annual Ehis shown holding the "Cup" whichthe part of the other members of hof the basket-ball team; and Melviiin the Annual Spelling Match, has"all round" pupil of JLJW. -Heightsa^e classed'in the upper level of thi

^Beauticians oil West End,. Mrs.Esther Ford, her Beauty Shopxnd home were destroyed by fire,We hope she will be able to rebuildsoon. .


The frirls of Troop 14 met at the 1

home of Mrs. J. E. Dickson, ourTroop leader, on McDuffie Ave,

T nn .Naliuna!.HPflflquarters,New York, had previously taught "s.to.cook.en.a trrrpean. The tin cans were about onegallon in size and Mrs. Dicksonhad cut them out for us. J!All of the girls made them- ^selves busy preparing to cook.We cooked hamburgers and madehamburger sandwiches, while CJe-neva McBeth and Fabretta Paulmade chocolate milk,

It was much fun trying' to getthe fires started without paperand still more fun frying the hambu rgers;When we had eaten and cleared-J

away oQr things wg engaged ingames: Hide and go seek, Tagand the girls took turns playingtennis on MVs. Dickson's court.Our two guests were. Naomi

and Julia Dickson, Mrs. Dickson's (nerces from Society Hilk- whoJare-here~bh& visit. JWe were happy to have with )us Mrs. H. N. Vincent who i s qchairman of our Distrct. Cnm.mittfte. She also-invited d.he troopsto meet" with her and have anout-door supper soon.


The club helo its regular meetingon Monday night, May 26 at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. JesseBrooks 916 Walnut street. Themeeting was opened with singing"I'll be waiting up There," led byMrs. Wise, our chaplain; afterwhich she led us in prayer. Thepresident then took charge. Wewent into our business discussion. '

We had as our guest Mr. JonnieMoncrief, corporal at Ft. Jack- '

son, whom we are glad to have 1with us. We had remarks fromhim.We_ adjourned until next week

-to meet at the home T>f Mr. JujeWhite, 2321 Senate St.


Stop! Look! Read!! There will Jbe a Moonlight Picnic Monday ,

night, June 2nd at the Log Cabingiven by thP Rose Social Club.Round Trip 25c. Ticket wPl admit Jvou to the dance. Trucks and ,


oars leave on the corner of Lyonarid Cervais Sts., 8 o'clock; Tavlorand Harden 8:15. Come andgo with us and enjoy yourself.The plnh jta r?H Ini 1 "

lng Tuesday evening May 27 atthe home of Mr James Haigler, 'Apt. Zl Allen-Benedict Court.The house v${y»»"called to order by ,

the president, Mrs. Gibson. Devotionalexercise was carried outin its psunl manner. The roll was ! Jcalled and minutes were read by '

the secretary, Miss Margaret |fGoodwin. A short business session '

was held. Th0 club adjourned to 'meet at the home of Misses Rebecca and Maggie Rose'v2585 Cher ^

ry street. At the close of the !'meeting the hostess served a de- l'licious repast. I '



The club met at its usual time )at thp home of Miss Ertha Dean 5Hart on Stark St. with Mrs. MaggiejJohnson as assistant hosteiifl. '.The "^levbtion was carried oftt in crdts_TJRnRl Wfthner and a^T>Hef pro ^?ram was rendered. The meeting '

wo a then' Uiniwl over to the pres- 1ident, Mrs. Johnson. Business was 1briefly discussed and plans for a 1ride in the near future is to take <place. We wish to thank our many 1

~~ ffllfi PALHTETTO LI

B. W. Heights School

l;> s mm^

I n

themselves outstanding in the var100Iduring the year 1940-41. The^, winner of "Miss B. W. Heights'1

girls' basket-ball team; Elorse. Heights May Queen Contest, and

_tbe~ largest amount of- money inned "May Queen;" Agatha Maeementary School's Spelling Match,has created much enthusiasm on

,er school, she was also a membert Able, who received second placealso really proved to be the mostSchool. All of the ftVe pupils

e school academically.friends who attended our anniversaryand hope that they hada very pleasant evening. The hostess served a delicious repast. Themeeting wag. adjourned to meet atthe home of Miss Ruby Johnson1220 Oak street.


The AIlen-Boncjjjft r.shorn!;Will present an outdoor musiralprogram Sunday afternoon,JnneT-; at 0:30 p.m., on-the lawnof the Court. The Booker WashingtonHigh School band will alsorender several numbers o nthis program.The Booker Washington band,

tinder the direction of Mr.HaroldJune, is the most outstanding NegroHigh School band in the stateof South Carolina. The Allen-Benedict Court chorus is fortunate inhaving this band to appear withthem, and the program promise#to be very interesting. The publicis invited-to-be -present.

NK\VBERRY NEWS.Thelc \vas_a spring party-given

It The home of Mrs. Houseal, Vinent street Thursday afternoon5:TQ o'clock by the CommunityClub and Bible class. Many jolygames were played and enjoyedby all. A neat sum was realise'1for cGinin.jmiyIprc4ects,. .

Two new members Were greetedat Sunday school at CalvaryPresbyterian church. All of themembers enjoyed the review olthe lesson by the Supt. The Bible:lass wag interestingly taught bjthe oryjinizev Mr« T W A Wo_

ville.Mrs. Z A. Rersoner was ehosunfor dt-h-gate t0 the Womari"s

Christian Conference at BenedictCollege, Columbia.The league service that, ^vus

ield at the home of the president"Sunday afternoon was quite inter. sting.Mr. anrKMrs. Hampton Butler

Jr., from Bolivia, N. C. are thejuests of their parents Mr. amiMrs. Hampton Butler, relativesind friends.

M*rs Jennie K. end hei daughter,Miss Sylvia Gilliam went toState college, Orangeburg, Mon-lay to sec her daughter Miss Dor>thy Gilliam, graduate.

All of the students from the/arious colleges >are returninglornp after having spen^ u success'"ul term.


Rev. 1. J. Wines, Pastor

How to grow to perfection. We>rn mi)milin'.) this biailL',1, ll.-UMd"ill Christian means' to help hunanily out. from under evil influ>nce,to make the world better,hut some day the unborn generadonran feel that the older onesvho are gone on before, tried to>e constraining to let their lightceep the Golden Rule. That mayihine that men may see they goodvorks and glorify our Father inleaven.The growth of the churhe9 is

vaiting for promptness, clearness,aconomy, correctness, completeless,courtesy,^ neatness, friendliless,godliness. Strive to make,nese qualities ko to lne l°P «no

n our J>earts there is room forJesus. ....

Sunday, May 24 service was fyeldit 11 o'clock by the Rev. J. IWynn, pastor. Prayer meeting>y Mr. T. R. Reed. Sunday school:onducted by Mr.,F. F. Faulkner.!Ve were entertained in the aftertoonservice by the Rev MartinJftator ~oT St. Paul and members.Wr. W. A. Allen, steward of St.Paul assisted in the service. Interestingremark^ were made bySev, Crockett.


[_! CHESTER PARAGRAPHSProf, and Mrs. T. J. Hanberry, I

--or ColumbiaT at Fin- rley High sebool Wednesday7~MTiTHanberry, who was formerly MissAnnie Gwrrielt was a teacher here ~lfor several years.Miss Annit. Stinson who has

been teaching at Lexington ishere at the home of her brother,Mr. Clark Stinson.

Mr. Godfrey James who attend-ed State College* in Orangeburgarrived home Sunday night andleft Tuesday to spend the summerin New York City.L Miss Naomi Neal went to StateCollege, Orangeburg, to witnessher sister's graduation and MissMabel Gaines went Tuesday t oBenedict College to witness her J

sister's graduation. Ji'' i vnuii respectivehomos U>is week after the close

of this year's teaching in FinleyHigh school are.thv.-foWowhrg.teachers: Miss Dewey McDowell.I.Union; Mtss E. A. Wilkerson andMiss T. L. Luck, Washington, D.

L C.; Miss E. A. Crosland, Tifton,Ga.; Miss Xaoroi Neal, -Colombia ^

[_ Miss. H. O. Wright, Camden; Mtk^E. L. Beattv, Winnsboroi Miss A. ,

M. Lindsay, Pock Hill; Miss Dov,ey Johnson, Charlotte; Miss Eli"Tfrbtrth Gaines^ Great Falls.Mrs. Mary Macon of York spent (jWednesday here as guest of Mrs


R.pv Mr Hitif f"~4ri- f vhiL~ =Presbyterian church and also hprincipal of the school in Annis- eton, Ala. is visiting friends here, sHe is a graduate of Brainerd In- rstitute. He returned to Chester iafter an absence of more_than 30 uvears, to see. the old town and <

friends of long ago. fMr. Woodrow Shelton of .the j

1037.elass of.Finley.High .hr -rspending a few days here and at htending commencement at his Al- ama Mater. He will return to Bal- gtimoie in a few days. s

Mrs. M. B. Spann, Miss Cleopa- ftra Spann, Mr. Harold Spann at- atended commencement exercises _tat Morris" College Sumter and Iwitnessed the graduation of Miss gSaWne Spann v

Prof. Joseph Stinson of Sumter Pvisite 'his brother, Mr. Clark Stfn |json last week. >F

FMiss Lillian Thompson" of the. Lnnanntei1 IP.faiully way here *

Sunday for the baccalaureate' Jer-mon at Finley High school : ^Miss Joanna Blackwell and..Miss Mabel Sumter had as theirguests Thursday evening Dr. andMrs^ J. H. Thomas Misses Addie ^I "and Julia Thomas, Mrs. Lula Sasporta?, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Kirkland, Mr. James Cook, Mr. WalterAdams, all from Camden. "jt

Mr. Timothy Johnson a graduatoof Finley Hi school \\Jho has ^spent several years in camp at c

Ft. Bennin-e, Ga., is here_ from_Camp Croft, in Spartanburg vis- ^

itinpr friends. .

Mr. and Mrs. John Hevmans' '

two dauehters of Philadelphia Pa j\known by us all as Misses Pauline tI

and Luclle came down to" witness *.the graduation of their brother,Mr. M. IT. Hevman from FinleyHieh School. Tuesday _eyeniflg.

Mr. Joseph Crosby was here on '

Sunday from the CCC Camp near

Newberry visiting his parents, P. jF and Mrs. Crosby, and to see

_his sister Miss Sarah Crosby one

of the graduate? of Finley Highschool.

Commencement p* FinleyHigh School Si

On Tuesday nicrht. a largecrowd was present to hear thespeakers in the Oratorical Prize^kovtest;There were- seven yaUTTj?ladis. All spoke so well that itwas hard for the judges to decide n.Their speecheswere well learned'and they spoke clearly anil distinctl.v.The old medal was won

by Miss Annie Roll Spann. Appropriatemusic by the glee club ai

was interspersed on the programwith Miss E. L. Reattv accom- \panist. "I

Friday night, the.stage.wa*~nlawn scene-. With Miss LucileWright arvl Miss Virginia Priceseated on a lawn bench discussinga wardrobe, the girls camie up (

the center aisle by ones and twos '<

took their places and displayedtheir dresses. There were sportclothes. street costumes.housedresses, play suits, evening dress- S'1

es. Light refreshments wereserved as they talked, walked.and. k£sot about the lawn, the differentpatterns and colors showing upvery pleasingly, exhibiting the '?fine taste of the wearer and their 11

pp-1 1 1-Udress.Nearly 100 girls took part bi1 Mtcc Trvctn Wq 1 Iror* nrtrl \fnn I

Fanhie Brown did some acrobatic 'Mstunts which brought much ap- st

plause. This was the porprram sl

from the Home Economics depart !l

ment. Miss E. A Wilkerson, teacher. '

Standing: room was at a prem- u

ium Sunday afternoon when Rev. ''

James Foster preadhed the "Bnccalaureatesermon. He used as a*"

subject Preparation for' Service.His sermon Wa<? logically treated "

forcefully and effectively delivered.It was to the point-.full of *soundadvice to the ffraduates "jand advice td the audiehee alsoEveryone was happy to hear Rev. *l

Foster and at the close, he was^

surrounded with triends oompnmfvfitinghim for such a pointed ^and resourceful message. Rev.Foster ia one of Cheater's own sc

itonfc. It iraff fl great sermom The48 grauates in caps and gowns r.<and the 104 -from the Junior fftgtrschool (7 and 8 grades) the girlsdressed in white, and boys i n SIwhite trousers and dark Coats,mae a vfery attractive appearance s<

After the close, pictures of the E


y-, v


Kichai d*ht <'h..ic,-. a ;i 'int.c-i>r tfa; tMirht* jffsnJi. ., t'., ii ;,..I; It- (' unity I i aiiiiii'.''.-twwr rrrrv at to.-

iiJiilAla;, <^ue«-n o nit->j_ c»! .vI ;.

laynig; t. May '">. I'.'41".

Tass were made. .

.tvioniiuy night, one- of tlm mostieautiful settings for a programver seen in Chester was thetage of the auditorium. Stream

rsof vari-colored paper arrangd^from tin- .ceiling, somev.hatuhbiella like;-and numbers. o fmail tables at whey Wei e-«-b;d| .«

or each member offtli^. cla-s. anust at the front of the stageus [ten <led fmm Ttu celling wereTtstufvari-colored balloon..-. niadcneerful setting for the pro-'

rani wfiich was to -follow. Mr.wlolphus Brown and Air. Waltei'hisolm appeared on the stae*nd after a little dusting "f seat-he-guests -began to anrvc- "th-'-r»eing the class members Thirlswore sky blue skirts anderv sheer blouses. They greetedach other most cordially for therogranv was depicting a Classteunion.' With Air. S. D. Wilks.'resident". Miss Lucile Wright preiding ihi li^e.ibi .« of I'UL-.-"old what they were doing andhere they were living, of M--lehiattieWright read the Class[istorv. Miss Jahie Mae Crosbyke Cla-s Wjll; Miss Mami. Johnon.the ClasS^ Poem. Mr- 8." l>i'ilks gaw an address of WeT~nmc, Miss Eliza Rainev, t h, e

mallest member of the classlayed flu -instr'Jmental solrry"Miss"a rah Crosby wa« ninnigt Shelayed several numbers which thelass sang and touching indeedas the Class Song, written "by"Its? Crnshy^-A great big s:ip;is'waited everybody when the h< anful new and expensive velvetaero curtain was presented t<<10 Principal and' audience. Onw>.prrrld frincod vnlar.ee r.ro th«ttorsin old ptold.tv-rw.Pis a beautiful dark red curtainmade thc_- udiolo.fHhPttrriuni

ike,on a new look. Also <.?i th<dance is "Class of li'MI " T1lass passed its mantl,. tieiniors. It was received 1,- Mv

White. JinTs T. I. IiuLk-li«(>"om iTi cbarce of these S. pi n'she has worked f.titlif. !1\ andaid. and put into them >i>ii^it" love and devotion to the schoolways advising fhem to oooper:eand help wherever they couldhe is st.i1! receivinir smiles andaise foj' thc\ great deed d ne a 11 d>r this fine class which mo<' outxmv the .ji<h<nd with a vtuv gxhr(ticord;Rev. fv R. Hiegins. president

r Allen University y-'iTJ sneak te[£. .g.r.«!«loatiaiJ class- Wydtn-sdnweht >

Piineipal Finley is Very happyor the many 2*06(1 pr imite'ul the fine year oFAvork

RMFVI1 I.K (OFVIAr mm\ff y< fiftoi. yf\\ s

~%\ rn Wade. PrincipalMnv iji.ii Th. \I'unty Trr.inine school is' .'losingvery successful v ear'.; work.The activities "f the srho d huvten varied. Each year definite>.icetrvTT are set tip. These arcinto of the objectives that have


Ujy'ii? ..boye ,bmi.-.u»rcha«>d foiie library; a duo-therm circulatg heater hrs been purchased fi>:it- auditorium: and ,n con*Hhur>n of $143.1 7 for Chi-i'slma- Sa, in nil i» fin t l.i- flL'1,1 11711^rculosis.N'ot-^onTy Tfa,- the schn,.; \ ,

ft) successful financially. \ v

udrnt-body has participate j in

nh activities as declamat. : nd"amatic contests, athletics, and a

icnkinpr contest sponsored by tineople's Burial Aid society inh'ch a senior from this yeat'ass won n prize of $25.bit. AilP this has been valuable' cspiv,ice.The scholarship of the st d-rnt bo«ly * is g#»ntinning to show '

npflovement.For thy pasj thru' years. tin

Itr.te Department of Educationis (riven the principal n scholar*lip to study administration andipeiv;sioii at Atlaioa university,he offer has been mode this year) as much uv the Abbeville Cimrt'Training school is closing late ,

may he unable to accept thehularship to (|o graduate work.You a re invited" to attend the?maining comrnerveniont exersea.May ,10 at 8:30 p.m..Fashionhow and Open Shop. \June 1, at 3:30 p.m..Annu 1>rmon, held ap St. James A. M. church. J


«hun^ 2,-at 8:M<J p.m..Class Nito^Hin .11 t he school audi- It' /! i J ! 11

_..i on- -17, Tit --Gradua- Jtiou Exercises, held in '.lie school J


Rev. Mrs. Ruxic- Alston, womanJ i "in Ciarthuge, N.

"fini - i;lk of meeting at BruceT. i-.: iiuth- church Sunday night';.i deiiVi .'i-d an excellentsage. Come and hear a God-sentwoman. S'.e is residing at the H

'11. oJ .Mi. a:.i: .Mr.- Jim Law.i t.e iiUi calaureate s_erinon .for

trie '.crx graduates t>l the Whitmiregraded sehooi, was delivered Sun__^B?~'b\ la W K 1111niel n|| i.twi .JIuLi.ii" t: 1 ill- Goal "! Achieveinent. ].Ri \ llunti i n.p. es.-cif tie -girls,i!..' ;n obtaining diploin, from__^B

-' .> 0' ».h.iu- ud.-.Li strive- for a1 i;-i- 11.:» iron, iieaw i., wn<.. that will.ast always. We hope his mes*.age prove..to .be a task, tor theCZi a-L.n!ov u. perform, and ull_.of___^BLfois iiatcno1!'.. Gcd Ve, and achieve,lir.ri* e-rra ivy- your vocation. H

A- tr.i- i.ayeafauieUte H[services were Pi of. L. P. Moore,iatini of Pii-t. Robert i. .Moure J

;-ai el ti.e W nitino t.* g.-aded: Me u. e.r I'.-v II..II.

ler. Othej vis;tor(S,.wei.e -present-1-rom.Hoc: mil aiiii Whitmiiv;

s' '-liiiliiiau i'juiii Nfett berry.Miss < .orrrc Harper, pre1«.»» night, play en:t- if., i "a;. Ii was

hy lhe 4tn ai,<i otli grades^ T- I. ! 'f \Mij: exiiMted in thispi. y, 1 'urii.i; lhj> MissMci»> riiMf.t, tixr-i. fulumnia. visitedAlls.® Harper. ah u Mi.-:; Nalley

^: -it. N«;v. m>.Mfv lOtlivT 1. 1' aiit pa

wit:.' a play entitle.j <i'ir,g. ',

Out- it- w visituis wereMl;. \\ right alet in-1 dutig'.'.er ofNew ben-;. |m i: qN\'W-'berryA 'play HurJo.i Ha<i« -IHpo J

r.ir.r.. "fry""!"', ~~ff't,1 Monday nitoi.\ Mi--, hv.i. \V. i.au.s I he

a; i* - \ wthrilling.l'he >Jli ii-' , fi eU t:V'ifparts .weiL

praise tut- entire school facultyfor presi-Htinperucn.rx~Tilientproyrauis:Whitm.r. ha. ackievTTJ^^TT;lionor ol.recogr.tliou for

- a :: gala programs.

HhTHEI. A. M. K. ( Hl'IK 11

Rev. H. J. Hutchinson. Eastor

?t. CTeoi ge >. S wa- called .to»'ler IPilf.. .t- the Usual H

hollr. 'file OCT ii-wc Wava

very yuo<i. We received a nies;.ge ; ay green by the Gud-ser.t 33an a- if-t .i!: -e 1 f <! '\vn in the

11 'a~v.iv bringing out .,

Hungs r.c-w a;:J '.id. 'I'he tix» wa.-.

~tlect(cd_lic>m Acts. finL7_T- subject:rile I ewer ef a known spirit. Anexcellent discourse wi»s enjoyed.The night -ervices were equallyus guoq aN the morning service '

Subject Ho- i'. iij,'t Wri'inr'Contact w 11h Jesus. Quite ., few> w<»rsiiiged with us fromotfter churctfes/ Rev. Joseph LinMr.(' Ivin-^Thumas. of NorthCarolina; Mr. and Mrs. William-teapens. Miss Julia Thomas, Mr._Lu.Liuiu-on-,.Me-c.Simmons. Miss.1st Hi of Georgia: 'Mi?* " Gerotha-"">?U phens also of Georgia; Mr. B.Brown of tne .Holiness church.- The St. George high school is

: y\ ;nir Us ca.n.encenient. TheEducational sermon was delis eredS .nda.s c\enmg in the school amitotrwr.at J:W b\ the Rev. J. J.Abrn-y. pa. t.>! of New Mi. Zion.11»-.» orc-_.The- a aditorium AV08full to capacity. -3

Mr-. Morris and hei little grandleft fur their'home i:i Granitevillea.fter spending several weeks with

« r < laUL'tTW i a ft !" soT.-u.-iaw. Theya to accon.paiiied by < Re\. andMrs, ,B. J. Hutchinson. Mrs Alaio.

---.i tiit .apeiif u very- pleasant>tay.


11r at once tn-wurk Colored tradeNo liquor head. r.o gambler. no

apprentice. no old mar: need apply.Call at 1127 Washington St.Columbia. S C

VIS! T .

Henry's Beer TavernN( HCI'HNN F.ST ( OKNF.K HE1DT

AMI ( \I.HOl N STS.TO-MTF AM) RVkhY NITE1 he home of Mellow Barbecue

and Hot Fried Ffth<"KKAM

n III! .^UliVici:John Henr> Washington. Mgr.

Poro Beauty School1 orated at 24*1 Millwood Ave.



hnmpooin^, Pressing, MarcellingC roquitiolling. Finger Waving,Flair Dyeing, Bleaching. Mantaurine.Massaging. Hand

Molding Anatomy andElectricity.PHONE r>687

Wilhelmina C. Pope. Instructor\nnie M. Pope. T. Maloi^'Prea.

Watches and OldPornsrFoi" SaleA 17 .TowelWham. gold filled

~ase.Onlv $12.7,5 r*ish. Guaranteed.Write

EDWARI) CAMPBELLB<w 168 Rrnnawiek, Ga. *

~.' 5.

. , VJ