Zhc Palestine (Sa3ette lpublisbeb bs Hutbonts No. 912 THURSDAY, 24™ AUGUST, 1939 863 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES Colonial Police Medal Award of - 865 - - ־Notices of Enactment of Ordinances Nos. 31 and 32 of 1939 - - - 865 Appointments, etc. 865 Certificates of Recognition of Palestinian Citizenship - - 867 ־Authentication of Documents by the Deputy Chief Secretary - 867 ־Establishment of a Postal Agency at Beit Jala - 867 ' Certificate Examination of the Jerusalem Law Classes - - - 867 Cancellation of a Medical Licence - - - - - 867 ־Land Valuers' Licences granted - - - - - 867 Statement of the Currency Reserve Fund - 867 Claims for Destroyed Currency Notes - - - - 868 State Domains to be let by Auction - - - - - 868 Notice of Intended Destruction of Court Records in the District Court of Haifa (ex Nablus Judicial District) - - - - 870 ־Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts - - - 873 ־Citation Orders - 874 - - Notices of the Execution Offices, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv 875 ־I RETURNS Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - 876 ־( Summary of Cash Account for the Year 1938/39 of the Faluja Local Council - 877 Statement of Assets and Liabilities at the End of the Year 1938/39 of the Faluja Local Council ־ ־- - - ־8 7 8 Persons changing their Names - - - - 879 Sale of Unclaimed Goods - - - . . - 880 ־NOTICES REGARDING COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES AND BANKRPTCIES, REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS, ETC. - ־- . _ - ־8 8 2 CORRIGENDA - - - 8 8 6 - - - ־SUPPLEMENT No. 1. ORDINANCES ENACTED Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance (No. 4 ) , No. 31 of 1939 - - 79 Municipal Fees (Indirect Collection) Ordinance, No. 32 of 1939 - 80 (Continued) PRICE : 30 MILS.

Palestine (Sa3ette - Nevo.co.il · Zhc Palestine (Sa3ette lpublisbeb bs Hutbonts No. 912 THURSDAY, 24™ AUGUST, 1939 863 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES Colonial Police Medal —

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Page 1: Palestine (Sa3ette - Nevo.co.il · Zhc Palestine (Sa3ette lpublisbeb bs Hutbonts No. 912 THURSDAY, 24™ AUGUST, 1939 863 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES Colonial Police Medal —

Z h c

Palestine (Sa3ette lpublisbeb bs Hutbonts

N o . 9 1 2 THURSDAY, 2 4 ™ AUGUST, 1 9 3 9 863

C O N T E N T S Page


Colonial Police Medal — Award of - 8 6 ־ - - 5Notices of Enactment of Ordinances Nos. 31 and 3 2 of 1 9 3 9 - - - 8 6 5 Appointments, etc. 8 6 ־ - ־ - - ־ 5Certificates of Recognition of Palestinian Citizenship - - 8 6 ־ 7Authentication of Documents by the Deputy Chief Secretary - 8 6 ־ 7Establishment of a Postal Agency at Beit Jala - 8 6 7

' Certificate Examination of the Jerusalem Law Classes - - - 8 6 7 Cancellation of a Medical Licence - - - - - 8 6 7

- Land Valuers' Licences granted ־ - - - - 8 6 7 Statement of the Currency Reserve Fund - 8 6 7 Claims for Destroyed Currency Notes - - - - 8 6 8 State Domains to be let by Auction - - - - - 8 6 8 Notice of Intended Destruction of Court Records in the District Court of Haifa (ex

Nablus Judicial District) - - - - 8 7 ־ 0Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts - - - 8 7 ־ 3Citation Orders - 8 7 ־ ־ - - 4Notices of the Execution Offices, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv 8 7 ־ 5


Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - 8 7 ־ 6( Summary of Cash Account for the Year 1 9 3 8 / 3 9 of the Faluja Local Council - 8 7 7

Statement of Assets and Liabilities at the End of the Year 1 9 3 8 / 3 9 of the Faluja Local Council ־ - - - ־ ־ 8 7 8

Persons changing their Names - - - - 8 7 9 Sale of Unclaimed Goods - - - . . - 8 8 ־ 0


CORRIGENDA - - - 8 8 ־ - - - 6


Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance (No. 4 ) , No. 31 of 1 9 3 9 - - 7 9 Municipal Fees (Indirect Collection) Ordinance, No. 3 2 of 1 9 3 9 - 8 0

( C o n t i n u e d )

P R I C E : 30 M I L S .

Page 2: Palestine (Sa3ette - Nevo.co.il · Zhc Palestine (Sa3ette lpublisbeb bs Hutbonts No. 912 THURSDAY, 24™ AUGUST, 1939 863 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES Colonial Police Medal —

C O N T E N T S ( C o n t i n u e d )

Page S U P P L E M E N T No. 2.

T h e f o l l o w i n g subsidiary legislation is published i n Supplement N o . 2 which forms part of this Gazette: —

Court Fees (Amendment) Rules (No. 2 ) , 1 9 3 9 , under the Palestine Order in Council, 1 9 2 2 , and the Courts Ordinance - 637

Customs Tariff and Exemption Order (No. 7), 1 9 3 9 , under the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordinance, 1 9 3 7 - - - - - 6 3 8

Order under Emergency Regulations, 1936 , appointing a Special Commissioner for the Purposes of Regulation 5 in respect of Oil and Timber Areas situated at Upper Bak'a, Jerusalem, and of all Oil, Fuel and Timber Stores situated within the Municipal Area of Jerusalem 6 3 ־ - - - 9

Notice under the Emergency Regulations, 1 9 3 6 , prohibiting the Publication in Pales­tine, and the Importation into Palestine, of the Pamphlet "The Unknown Avenger" - - - - - 6 3 ־ 9

Notice of Grant of Oil Prospecting Licences, under the Oil Mining Ordinance, 1 9 3 8 - 6 4 0 Immigration (Amendment) Rules (No. 3 ) , 1 9 3 9 , under the Immigration Ordinance - 6 4 1 Exclusion of Foreign Newspapers (No. 2 9 ) , Order in Council, 1 9 3 9 , under the Pi־ess

Ordinance - - - - - - 6 4 2

Notice of Grant of a Permit to publish a Newspaper under the Press Ordinance - 6 4 2 Notice of Grant of a Permit to keep a Printing Press, under the Press Ordinance - 6 4 2 Notice under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, regarding the Revaluation and the

Preparation of a New Valuation List in Tiberias - - - 6 4 3 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in E l Faluja Village, under the

Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - - - 6 4 3 Transfer of Land (Fees) (Amendment) Rules, 1 9 3 9 , under the Land Transfer Ordinance 6 4 4 Order under the Emergency Regulations, 1 9 3 6 , ordering a certain Person to remain

out of Palestine - - - 6 4 5 Order under the Emergency Regulations, 1 9 3 6 , revoking the Order of the High Com­

missioner of the 27th Apri l , 1 9 3 9 . . . . 6 4 5

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24th August, 1939 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 865

T H E C O L O N I A L P O L I C E M E D A L .

Hi s Majesty the K i n g has been graciously pleased to approve the award of the Colonial Police Medal (for gallantry) to the following members of the Palestine Police Force : —

J O H N C H A E L E S M A E T I N , D E P U T Y D I S T R I C T S U P E R I N T E N D E N T O F P O L I C E .

For gallant conduct on the night of 2nd M a y , 1939, during an attack by three armed gangs upon Nazareth town.

P H I L L I P E O B E E T A D A M S , B R I T I S H S E R G E A N T .

For gallant conduct on 19th June, 1939, in an engagement with an armed band on the Mount of Temptation, near Jericho.

J A M A L S A I D F A H O U M , M O U N T E D P O L I C E C O N S T A B L E .

For gallant conduct on 25th June, 1939, in rescuing another constable from an armed assailant in Nazareth.

B y H i s Excellency's Command,

S. MOODY Acting C h i e f Secretary.

N O T I C E S O F E N A C T M E N T .

I .

U N D E R A R T I C L E 17(l)(tf) O F T H E P A L E S T I N E O R D E R IN C O U N C I L , 1922.

The Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance (No. 4), No. 31 of 1939, was enacted in the form shown in Supplement No. 1 which forms part of this Gazette and was signed by the Officer Administering the Government on the 22nd day of August, 1939, immediate enactment being in the judgment of the Officer Administering the Government indispensably necessary in the public interest.

J . G U T C H 22nd August, 1939. Acting C l e r k to the Advisory C o u n c i l .


The Municipal Fees (Indirect Collection) Ordinance, No. 32 of 1939, which was published as a bill in the Gazette No. 903 of the 13th July, 1939, (page 699), has been enacted in the form shown in Supplement No. 1 which forms part of this Gazette and was signed by the Officer Administering the Government on the 22nd August, 1939.

J . G U T C H 22nd August, 1939. Acting . C l e r k to the Advisory C o u n c i l .


A P P O I N T M E N T S , E T C .


The Officer Administering the Government has appointed: —

M R . J . W. B R O W N to be Mechanical Engineer, Grade K , Department of Public Works, with effect from, the 1st Apri l , 1939.

M R . W I L L I A M O ' H A R A to be Chief Boiler In­spector, Grade K , Palestine Railways, with effect from the 23rd June, 1939.

S H . HUSSAMEDDIN E F F . JARALLAH, Headquarters Inspector, Department of Education, to be President, Sharia Court of Appeal, with effect from the 16th August, 1939.

T H E REVEREND FATHER E U G E N E HOADE to be Roman Catholic Chaplain (D.D.S.P., Hon­orary), Department of Police and Prisons, with effect from the 1st April , 1939.

M R S . E . HENSCHEL-SIMON, Junior Assistant Keeper, Department of Antiquities, to be Assistant Keeper, with effect from the 25th May, 1939.

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866 24th August, 1939

D R . J . M . TUFFAHA to be Medical Officer, De­partment of Health, with effect from the 1st August, 1939.


The Officer Administering the Government has appointed M R . A . E . TAYLOR, Clerk, Grade M , District Administration, Haifa District, to act as District Officer, from the 3rd to the 14th July, 1939.


The acting appointment of M R . T. SERAPHIM, Clerk, District Administration, Galilee and Acre District, published in Palestine Ga­zette No.' 885 of the 4th May, 1939, ceased with effect from the 28th July, 1939.

The acting appointment of M R . W . B . K E N ­NEDY SHAW, Departmental Assistant, Depart­ment of Antiquities, published in the Pales­tine Gazette No. 893 of the 7th June, 1939, ceased with effect from the 17th August, 1939.

The date of the departure on leave of M R . N. KRAMER, Assistant Superintendent, Depart­ment of Police and Prisons, published in Pal­estine Gazette No. 907 of the 27th July, 1939, as the "20th July, 1939" should read the "9th August, 1939״.

The name of M R . L . V. BENNETT, Super­intendent, Lydda Airport, published in Pales­tine Gazette No. 909 of the 10th August, 1939, as " M R . L . V. BENNETT, M . C . " should read " F L I G H T LIEUTENANT L . V. BENNETT, M . C . ( R . A . F . O . ) " .


The appointment of M R . N . H . B . FORDE, Assistant Superintendent, Grade K , Depart­ment of Police and Prisons, terminated on transfer to Nigeria, with effect from the 16th August, 1939.

The appointment of M R . L . B . WATTS, Exe­cutive Engineer, Grade K , Department of Public Works, terminated on resignation, with effect from the 7th August, 1939.


The date of the acting appointment of M R . C . PUSEY, published in Palestine Gazette No. 909 of the 10th August, 1939, as the "5th June, 1939" should read "1st June, 1939".


YOUSEF B E Y RAMZI, Kaid, Trans-Jordan Frontier Force, retired from the Public Ser­vice with effect from the 12th July, 1939.

L E A V E .

The Officer Administering the Government has approved the leave of the following officers:—

Name of Officer Appointment and Department


M R . A . H . SALEM




M R . F . C . STEEL, M . B . E .


M R . J . L . BLOOM



M R . J . C . MARTIN, D . C . M .

vacation Leave granted

inclusive of Travelling


Date of Departure

Magistrate, Judicial Department

Assistant Settlement Officer, Department of Lands and Surveys

Acting Assistant Superintendent, Department of Police and Prisons

District Officer, Galilee District Inspector, Department of

Migration Assistant Superintendent,

Department of Police and Prisons

Magistrate, Judicial Department District Inspector of Jewish

Schools, Department of Education Medical Officer, Department

of Health Medical Officer, Department

of Health Deputy District Superintendent,

Department of Police and Prisons




96 42










6.8.39 7.8.39








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24th August, 1939 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 867

N O T I C E . N O T I C E .

It is notified for general information that persons who acquired Palestinian citizenship under Article 1 of the Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1925, or Article 1(1) of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, who do not intend to apply for Palestinian passports but wish to be in possession of official evidence of their national status may obtain on applica­tion at the sub-offices of the Department of Migration, a certificate of recognition of Pales­tinian citizenship. The certificate is issued free of charge, but applicants will be required to affix to their applications a revenue stamp of value 20 mils. Further particulars may be obtained on personal application at the sub-offices of the Department of Migration at Je­rusalem, Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Tiberias.

N O T I C E .


It is notified for general information, with reference to Palestine Gazette Notice No. 473 dated the 24th June, 1929, that all documents requiring authentication of signature by the Deputy Chief Secretary should be presented for this purpose to the Secretariat (Room No. 41) Jerusalem, on any day during office hours except Sundays.

The documents, will be available for collec­tion, after signature, at 11 a.m. any day (ex­cept Sundays).

For convenience of reference, the notice of 1929 referred to above reads as follows: —

"The Acting Chief Secretary to the Gov­ernment of Palestine gives notice to all con­cerned that documents for authentication of signatures should be submitted to the Chief Clerk, Secretariat, and collected from him at 1 p.m. each day except Sundays."

N O T I C E .


Establishment of a Postal Agency at Beit Jala.

It is notified for information that a Postal Agency will be opened at Beit Jala, on the 21st August, 1939, for the transaction of the follow­ing classes of business : —

Sale of postage and revenue stamps. Acceptance and delivery of registered cor­

respondence. Acceptance and delivery of inland and

foreign parcels. Issue and payment of Palestine Postal

Orders. Acceptance and delivery of inland and

foreign telegrams. Issue of Wireless Receiving Licences.

The hours of public business will be as fol­lows : •—

9. a.m. to 12 noon 1 ., , ״ , 3 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. \ Daily except Sunday.

Closed — Sunday.

17th August, 1939.


It is hereby notified for the information of the students of the Jerusalem Law Classes that the next Certificate Examination will commence on Monday, the 20th November, 1939.

A further notice giving particulars of the arrangement of this examination will be is­sued in due course.

E . S A L A N T Secretary, Law Council

( L a w Classes).

| N O T I C E .


| Licence No. DR.2084, dated 17th May, 1935, to practise medicine, granted to E L S E K A T Z WAGNER has been cancelled on account of the death of the holder.

15th August, 1939.

N O T I C E .

The undermentioned are licensed to practise as land valuers in Palestine under the Land Valuers Ordinance : —

Licence N o .

Name Town Licence expires on


Tel Aviv 13.8.1944 Petah 13.8.1944


M. C. B E N N E T T Acting Commissioner for Lands

and Surveys. 14th August, 1939.


Statement of the Currency Reserve Fund and of Securities forming the investment portion of the Currency Reserve Fund on the 31st March, 1939.

s. d. Total amount of Currency Re­serve Fund on 31st March, 1933 6,659,413.19. 9 Amount of Investment Reserve Account 440,087.15. 9 Securities forming the investment portion of the Currency Reserve Fund:

Nominal Value 4,605,900. 0. 0 Cost Price 4,768,787:14.11 Value at market price on 31st March, 1939 4,657,296. 0. 0

Total currency in circulation on 31st March, 1939 (details of which were published in Palestine Gazette No. 877 of the 6th Apri l , 1939, page 360) £P.6,574,134.000 mils

19th August, 1939. W . J . J O H N S O N

Currency Officer.

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868 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 24th August, 1939

P A L E S T I N E C U R R E N C Y N O T E S .

The following currency note is stated to have been destroyed, and payment of its value has been claimed by the person whose name is placed against the number. Any other per­son claiming a right to it should communicate at once with the undersigned: —

P A L E S T I N E C U R R E N C Y N O T E S .

The following currency notes are stated to have been destroyed, and payment of their value has been claimed by the persons whose names are placed against the numbers. Any other person claiming a right to them should communicate at once with the undersigned: —

Number of Note Number

of Note V a l u e N a m e of C l a i m a n t Number of Note V a l u e Name of Claimant Number

of Note

A.168981 LP.10 Mohammad Ed Dib Hamatto, A.271589 LP.5 Haj Khalil Shawar, Hebron

Pais, Jaffa Port B.733678 500 Mils V. J. Krikorian, Local Head

Office, Barclays Bank (D. C. & 0.), Jerusalem

8th August, 1939.

A. W. L . S A V A G E Currency Officer.

18th August, 1939.

W. J . J O H N S O N Currency Officer.

N O T I C E .


Notice is hereby given that the following State properties will be let by public auction:

N o . of Location Description A r e a T e r m

property Location

of property Buns. M % F r o m T o

• GP/3/40-8) Shalluf (Daraj Quarter) Gaza Arable Land 11.632 1.10.39 31.8.40

GP/3/4(19) Shalluf (Daraj Quarter) Gaza Arable Land 16.265 1.10.39 31.8.40

D/Gaz/22 Karantina (Zeitun Quarter) Gaza Arable Land 4.000 1.10.39 30.9.40

D/Gaz/24 Dareebet Sakiet E l Kasr (Zeitun Quarter) Gaza Arable Land 21.903 1.10.39 30.9.40

The outbidding list will be open at the District Offices, Gaza, from 9 a.m. on Friday, the 25th August, 1939, to 12 noon on Monday, the 25th September, 1939, unless extended.

Particulars of conditions of the tenancy can be obtained, on application, from the District Officer, Gaza Sub-District.

16th August, 1939.

M. C. B E N N E T T Acting Commissioner for Lands

and Surveys.

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24th August, 1939 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 869

N O T I C E .


Notice is hereby given that the following State properties will be let by public auction: —

N o . of Location ê «s


t S



Description Area Term

property Location

O m




of property Duns. M * F r o m To

D / N a b / 4 Burin Ard Sheikh D / N a b / 4 Ghanim Land 7 0 . 0 0 0 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 6 5 Immatain Ard E l D / N a b / 6 5 Mash-hab I Land 6 . 4 3 5 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 6 6 Immatain Ard l 4 Land

D / N a b / 6 6 Maris Darwir l

4 Land 4 . 5 9 6 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 6 7 Immatain Ard Land

D / N a b / 6 7 Snobar i Land 1 3 . 7 8 9 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 6 8 Immatain Ard D / N a b / 6 8 Zibadieh l

8 Land 1 .838 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 6 9 Immatain Ard D / N a b / 6 9 Bayadeh * Land - . 919 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 7 0 Immatain Ard 1 4 Land

D / N a b / 7 0 Hariqa 1

4 Land 2 3 . 9 0 1 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D/Nab/71 Immatain Ard 1 4

D/Nab/71 Nasib 1

4 Land 1 1 . 0 3 1 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 7 2 Immatain Ard D / N a b / 7 2 Karm Zaitun I Land 7 . 3 4 5 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 7 3 Immatain Ard D / N a b / 7 3 Hakuret Dukhan X

4 Land 1 .378 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 7 4 Kafr Qaddum D / N a b / 7 4 Ard Kasteniya i Land 2 . 7 5 7 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 7 5 Kafr Qaddum £ Khallet Snobar £ Land 5 . 5 1 5 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 7 6 Kafr Qaddum Ard E l Bassa i

5 Land 1 .838 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 7 7 Kafr Qaddum Ard el Zalla 1

8 Land 2 . 7 5 7 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 7 8 Kafr Qaddum Ard Mares E l Funduq Land 5 . 5 1 5 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 7 9 Kafr Qaddum Ard Qtan Bir Soma'a Land 5 . 5 1 5 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 8 0 Kafr Qaddum A r d Khallet Abu Imjehed * Land 1 .838 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

D / N a b / 9 1 Zaitun E l Mahakem Land 1 . 1 0 . 3 9 3 0 . 9 . 4 0

The outbidding list will be open at the District Offices, Nablus, from 9 a.m. on Saturday, the 2nd day of September, 1939, to 12 noon on Thursday, the 21st day of September, 1939, unless extended.

Particulars of the conditions of the tenancy can be obtained, on application, from the District Officer, Nablus Sub-District.

15th August, 1939.

M. C. B E N N E T T Acting Commissioner for Lands

and Surveys.

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870 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 24th August, 1939



Notice is hereby given that I, S H U K E Y MUHTADIE, Registrar of the District Court, Haifa, intend to apply to His Honour the Acting Chief Justice, for permission under rule 11 of the Archives Rules, 1935, as amended, to destroy Court records in the District Court of Haifa (ex Nablus Judi­cial District) as follows : —

Case files relating to the crimes and misdemeanours for the years 1919 to 1932, inclusive, with the exception of the following case files : —

F i l e s r e l a t i n g to Crimes and Misdemeanours committed w i t h i n the Sub-Districts of N a b l u s , T u l h a r m , J e n i n and Beisan.

Case f i l e N o . Prosecutor Accused

Crime 42/19 Muhammad Said Mahmoud Diab Crime 1/20 Shamekh Hussein A. Diab Crime 46/20 Attorney-General 46/20

(Public Rights) Hamad Hamdan Khalaf Crime 10/21 Heirs of Badawi Yousef Kassem Hussein Crime 14/21 Hassan Shreim M. Abu Mudeiris Crime 61/21 M . Abdul Majid Hafez S. Bakheet Crime 73/21 Heirs of A. Abu A l i Ibrahim Kh. Sleifeh Crime 82/21 Attorney-General M. Abu Mudeiris and another Crime 88/21 Attorney-General M. Ikbari Crime 89/21 Attorney-General Turki Kh. Muhd. Crime 26/22 Attorney-General Muhd. Abu Ikbari Crime 28/22 Attorney-General Ibr. Abdul Rahman Crime 29/22 Attorney-General Muhd. Abu Ikbari Crime 39/22 Attorney-General Mutlak Abdul Hamid Crime 65/22 Attorney-General Muhd. Abu Ikbari Crime 66/22 Attorney-General Sultan Zeinati and others Crime 1/23 Attorney-General A. Aziz Affaneh Crime 24/23 Attorney-General Ahmad JabrMahmd. Crime 33/23 Attorney-General Muhd. Abu Ikbara Crime 38/23 Attorney-General As'ad Na'oura Crime 53/23 Attorney-General Muhd. A l i Ram'a Crime 55/23 Attorney-General Hameed Tayeh Crime 66/23 Attorney-General Taher Odeh Kassem Crime 74/23

81/23 Attorney-General Tala' el Zobi

Crime 74/23 81/23 Attorney-General Ibrahim Kh. Abu Sali'a

Crime 82/23 Attorney-General Ahmad Yousef Khateeb Crime 3/24 Attorney-General Hmeid Tayeh and another Crime 19/24 Attorney-General Ahmad Masoud A l i Crime 37/24 Attorney-General Said Sh. Mousa Hussein Crime 41/24 Attorney-General Izzat Ahmad Yousef Crime 46/24 Attorney-General Ibrahim Khalil Crime 48/24 Attorney-General Hussein A l i Diab Crime 56/24 Attorney-General Mahmd. Mohd. Hammad Crime 60/24 Attorney-General Hafiz Sul. Bakheet Crime 61/24 Attorney-General Haj Awad Kh. Jabir Crime 64/24 • Attorney-General Muhd. Kassim Muhd. Crime 87/24 Attorney-General Ahmad Yousef Shaklut Crime 72/25 Attorney-General Nafe' Hussein Abdalla Crime 3/27 Attorney-General Muhd. Abid Ibrahim Crime 26/27 Attorney-General A. Lateef Abd. Daoud Crime 32/27 Attorney-General Mustafa Yousef Faza' Crime 45/27 Attorney-General Marzouk Asmar Abu Srour Crime 61/27 Attorney-General Mahmd. Jabir el Kassim Crime 94/27 Attorney-General Muhd. Ahmad Salameh Crime 1/28 Attorney-General Ahmad Saleh Abdul Muhsen Crime 24/28 Attorney-General Abed Minsen Abu Faour Crime 35/28 Attorney-General Ahmad Ibrahim Abu Saleh Crime 36/28 Attorney-General Abdul Razak Said Muhammad Crime 72/28 Attorney-General Mahmd. Saleh Abdul Khalek Crime 108/28 Attorney-General Osman Mustafa Khurfan Crime 127/28 Attorney-General Muhammad Odeh and another Crime 35/29 Attorney-General Kamel Zandeek and others Crime 101/29 Attorney-General Fares As'ad Shteiwi Crime 123/29 Attorney-General Sabri A. Kader Faour Crime 132/29 Attorney-General Elias Nassif Lahham Crime 133/29 Attorney-General Hassan Abdul Jawwad Crime 181/29 Attorney-General Rushdi A. Kader Affpuri Crime 207/29 Attorney-General A. Kader Khalil Faza' Crime 226/29 Attorney-General Suleiman Labadi

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24th August, 1939 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 871

Case f i l e N o , Prosecutor Accused

Misd. 73/20 Attorney-General Hamdan Ahmad Mustafa Misd. 78/20 Attorney-General Hamed Abdalla A'raj and others Misd. 7/21 Attorney-General Isaa Dauod and 3 others Misd. 38/21 Attorney-General Muhammad Hassan and others Misd. 43/21 Attorney-General Hilweh .Saleh Hassan and another Misd. 44/21 Attorney-General Ahmad Osman Mustafa Misd. 74/21 Elias Mutran Iskandar Abyad Misd, 91/21 Attorney-General Deeb A. Khalek Hamed Misd. 14/22 Attorney-General Mahmoud A l i Hussein Misd. 18/22 Attorney-General Muhd. Yasin Khalil and others Misd. 45/22 Attorney-General A. Razak Mutlak Abed Misd. 55/22 Attorney-General A. Razak Mutlak Abed Misd. 6/23 Attorney-General Saleh Saadeh Jalad Misd. 31/23 Attorney-General As'ad Abdul Lateef Freitekh Misd. 85/23 A. Latif Salah Najib Mutran Misd. 43/24 Barda'i Masri Misd. 80/24 Muhd. Bashir A. Karim Hussein Misd. 2/25 Attorney-General Yousef Odeh Nassar and others Misd. 22/25 Attorney-General Hammad Hamad Awwad Misd. 26/25 Attorney-General Jameel As'ad Ismail Misd, 29/25 Attorney-General Hassan Hijazi Misd. 30/25 Attorney-General Mahmd. Kh. Omar and another Misd. 65/25 Attorney-General Hassan Yousef Kawas Misd. 73/25 Attorney-General Awad Abdul Karim Misd. 74/25 Attorney-General A l i Ahmad Abu Jabal and another Misd. 98/25 Attorney-General Tewfik Khandakji and others Misd. 110/25 Attorney-General Abdo Elias Abdo Misd. 117/25 Attorney-General HillelWer Misd. 22/26 Mahmd. Kayed Ibrahim A. Kader Misd. 39/26 Attorney-General Muhammad Nasser Misd. 49/26 Attorney-General Fathalla A l i Salim Misd. 68/26 Attorney-General Radwan Jiries Sarnmouri Misd. 100/26 Attorney-General Salim Muhd. Said and others Misd. 53/27 Attorney-General Mahmoud Abdalla Ghanayem Misd. 59/27 Attorney-General Hassan Al i Jabr and others Misd. 95/27 Attor ney-G eneral Ahmad Shak'a Misd. 123/27 Attorney-General Stefanos Abu Khalil Khoury Misd. 1/28 Attorney-General Muhd. Hassan Khadraj Misd. 2/28 Attorney-General Fares Shteiwi Badawi Misd. 90/28 Attorney-General Hassan Said Nour Misd. 137/28 Attorney-General Mustafa Mas'oud Nayfeh and others Misd. 242/28 Attorney-General Auni Mansour Khader and others Misd. 136/29 Attorney-General A l i Muhammad Haj A l i Misd. 161/29 Attorney-General Mahmoud Ibrahim Turki Misd. 166/29 Attorney-General Zaki Muhd. Tit i and another Misd. 221/29 Attorney-General Muhd. A. Rahman Hadhad Misd. 259/29 Attorney-General A. Karim A. Rahim Karkabi

F i l e s r e l a t i n g to Grimes and Misdemeanours committed w i t h i n the Sub-District of N a z a r e t h : — ( 1 9 2 4 - 1 9 2 9 inclusive)

Case f i l e N o . Prosecutor Accused

Crime 1/27 Attorney-General Abdul Kadir Hussein Crime 1/29 Attorney-General Karim Habib Saffouri and others Misd. 11/24 A l i Srouji Ahmad Odeh Misd. 17/24 Attorney-General Muhd. Khalil Abu Zagha Misd. 22/24 Attorney-General Ahmad Haj Umar Taha Misd. 10/25 Attorney-General Abdul Kadir Turki Misd. 2/26 Ahmad Kamil Haj Faris and Tewfik Mustafa Misd. 4/26 Tewf. mar As'ad Sheikh Khader el Moussa Misd. 1/27 Attorney-General Jabir Yousef Kibti Misd. 18/27 Attorney-General Salim Ahmad Ismail Misd. 3/28 Attorney-General Jacob Ismail Odeh Misd. 4/28 Attorney-General Salim Suleiman Rahil Misd. 9/28 Attorney-General Hassan Al i Rashid Misd. 15/28 Attorney-General Elias As'ad Sha'bi and another Misd. 17/28 Attorney-General Nayif Salim Warwar Misd. 27/28 Attorney-General Umar A l i Misd. 28/28 Attorney-General Azzam Yousef Muhammad A l i Misd. 31/28 Attorney-General Muhammad Abid Ghazzawi Misd. 35/28 Attor ney-Ge ner a 1 Abdallah Dauod A. Rahman Misd. 43/28 Attorney-General Amin Ahmad Haj and another

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872 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 24th August, 1939

F i l e s r e l a t i n g to Crimes and Misdemeanours committed w i t h i n the Sub-Districts of N a b l u s , T u l k a r m , J e n i n , Beisan and N a z a r e t h (1930-1932 inclusive) : —

Case f i l e N o . Prosecutor Accused

Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Crime Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd., Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd. Misd.

62/39 82/39 83/30 89/30 98/30

102/30 128/30

2/31 32/31 36/31 42/31 51/31 76/31 83/31 88/31 90/31

100/31 103/31 108/31 146/31 149/31 20/32 21/32 38/32 39/32 52/32 66/32 71/32 91/32

112/32 127/32 129/32 17/30 55/30 75/30

199/30 217/30 115/31 163/31 168/31 179/31 216/31 282/31 50/32 73/32 95/32

108/32 123/32 149/32 151/32 174/32 240/32 296/32 375/32 382/32 388/32 402/32 435/32 466/32

Attorney-Atoprney-Attprney• Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-Attorney-

Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Oenera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera •Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera Genera

Hassan Mustafa Hannoun Umar Sheikh Muhd. Salah Hassan Awad Abdalla and another Muhd. As'ad Ahmad and another Muhd. Abdel Rahman Kanaan Hilmi Muhammad Hussein Mahmoud As'ad Khalil Said Salim Warwar Abdul Lateef Saffarini Ahmad Muhd. Salem and 2 others Yousef Kassem Abu Osman Abdul Kader Ibrahim Nassar Abdul Ghani Hijazi and another Abdul Lateef Madani and another Abdalla Sakhel Abdul Kader Said Audi Sadek Deeb Khalil Raji Mustafa Daoud Hassan Ramadan and 2 others Yousef Abdul Kader Abu Ras Ahmad Yaseen Hamad Suleiman Osman Sul. and others A. Rahim Hassan Abu Shehadeh Said Shami Hassan and others Kamel Shehadeh Mustafa Halabi Suleiman Assaf Nayef Salem Ayoub Saleh Suleiman Muhd. Hamad Muhd. A l i Abdul Haq A l i Nimer Hussein Moussa and another Abdul Ghafer Ahmad Afaneh Abdul Ghafer Ahmad Afaneh Ahmad Ideily Jabr Badran Khalil Farid Abder Rahmad Adham and another Abdul Rahman Jaber and others Mansour Naser Spudah Abdul Lateef Salim Bustami Fai-z Moussa Diab Mustafa Atieh Rabous Eliahu Joseph Samaan Yousef Badawi , Abdul Rahim Yousef Abu Abra Alfred Jacobs Said Muhammad Khammash Fares Suleiman Mustafa Abdul Fattah Mahmoud Abdalla Tewfik Nicola Elias Farah Ahmad Muhammad and 3 others Sudki Hilmi Adham Muhammad Mahmoud Mustafa Ahmad Dib Rashid and another Estrati Foti and another Abdul Jalil Abdul Karim Ahmad Muhd. Abdul Salam and another Adel Abdul Kader Hassan Nimer Muhammad Abu Dabbeh Darweesh Mustafa Hamzeh A l i Haj Imam Daoud

H N * •,־:- ־.־־־ ״ 7Objections, if any, to the destruction of these records should be submitted to me, within six

weeks of the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, failing which an application will be made for an order under rule 11 of the above rules.

Dated this 12th day of August, 1939.

S H . M U H T A D I E Registrar,

D i s t r i c t C o u r t of H a i f a .

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24th August, 1939 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 873

T E N D E R S .



Tenders are hereby invited for the installa­tion of a lift for conveyance to the Central Building of the "Hadassah" Municipal Hos­pital.

Details, technical explanations and plans may be obtained at the Engineering Depart­ment, 14, Dvorah Hanviah Street, as from Thursday, the 10th August, 1939, against pay­ment of 250 mils and P . l . — as deposit fees, which will be returned.

The tenders in plain sealed envelopes, en­dorsed "Tender for the installation of a lift for conveyance to the "Hadassah" Municipal Hospital", are to be put in the tender-box of the Town Clerk's Department until noon, Sep­tember 1st, 1939.

For every tender, a deposit amounting to 10% of the value' of the tender in cash or a bank guarantee for 3 months, is to be placed with the Municipality. Without such a de­posit no tender will be taken into considera­tion.

The Municipal Corporation does not bind it­self to accept the lowest or any tender.

I. R O K A C H M a y o r of T e l Aviv.




Tenders are hereby invited for the supply of cast-iron covers.

Details may be obtained at the Water Supply Department of the Municipal Corporation, 30, Idelson Street, between 9 a.m. and 12 noon.

The tenders in plain sealed envelopes, en­dorsed "Tender for the supply of cast-iron covers" are to be put in the tender-box of the Town Clerk's Department until noon, Septem­ber 3rd, 1939.

For every tender, a deposit amounting to 10% of the value of the tender in cash or a bank guarantee for 6 months, is to be placed with the Municipality. Without such a de­posit no tender will be taken into consideration.

The Municipal Corporation does no bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

I. R O K A C H M a y o r of T e l Aviv.




Tenders are hereby invited for the supply of various kinds of furniture for schools.

Details and explanations may be obtained at the Engineering Department, 14, Dvorah Ha­nviah Street, first floor, as from the 10th August, 1939, against payment of 150 mils.

The tenders in plain sealed envelopes, en­dorsed "Tender for the supply of various kinds of furniture for schools" are to be put in the tender-box of the Town Clerk's Department until noon, September 1st, 1939.

For every tender, a deposit amounting to 10% of the value of the tender in cash or a bank guarantee for 3 months, is to be placed with the Municipality. Without such a de­posit no tender will be taken into considera­tion.

The Municipal Corporation does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

I. R O K A C H , M a y o r of T e l Aviv.




Tenders are invited for the loading, offload­ing and transhipment of goods and baggage at stations excluding Tel Aviv, Petah Tiqva and E l Kantara East for a period of two years commencing on the 15th September, 1939.

Conditions of contract and form of tender may be seen on application to the Superintend­ent of the Line, Haifa, or District Traffic Superintendent, Lydda.

Tenders to be addressed in sealed envelopes endorsed "Tenders for Porterage" to

The Tenders Board, General Manager's Office,

Palestine Railways, Haifa,

to reach that office not later than 12.00 hours on Wednesday, the 30th August, 1939.

The Administration does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender.

C . R . W E B B G e n e r a l M a n a y e r .

18th August, 1939.

A D J U D I C A T I O N OF C O N T R A C T S .

1. The contract for carrying out work con­nected with plastering, insulation and tiling of the Allenby Bridge Police Post has been awarded to M R . ELIAS NASER M U K H A R of Jeru­salem at 20% below P. W. D. estimate rates. Period of contract is 40 days.

2. The contract for the construction of a road from Beit Dajan—Gaza road to R. A. F . Aero­drome at Aqir has been awarded to M R . M O ­HAMMED K A Y A L E of Lydda at £P.3,512.550 mils. Period of contract is 4 months.

3. The contract for the construction of 7 cul­verts and 3 Irish bridges on road section be­tween Km. 8.900 and Km. 18.300 of the. Solo­mon's Pools—Bab el Wad road has been awarded to MESSRS. SHAHEEN BROS, of Jeru­salem at 26j% below P.W.D. estimate rates. Period of contract is 30 days.

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874 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 24th August, 1939

4. The contract for the construction of 6 cul­verts and 6 Irish bridges on road section be­tween Km. 12.900 and Km. 17.500 of the Solo­mon's Pools—Bab el Wad road has been awarded to M E . ABDULLA OSMAN of Jerusalem at 31̂ % below P.W.D. estimate rates. Period of contract is 35 days.

5. The contract for the construction of 3 cul­verts and 6 Irish bridges on road section be­tween Km. 18.900 and Km. 26.600 of the Solo­mon's Pools—Bab el Wad road has been awarded to M E . ABDALLA OSMAN of Jerusalem at 30j% below P.W.D. estimate rates. Period of contract is 35 days.

6. The contract for shaping, soling and metal­ling 3000 metres run of road section from Km. 49 to Km. 52 of the Jericho—Beisan road, has been awarded to M E . YOUSEF EL KHATEEB of Jerusalem at 41% below P. W.D. estimate rates. Period of contract is 42 roller working days.

7. The contract for the supply of soling and metal for section from Km. 42.600 to Km. 47.100 of the Beit-Jibrin—Bab el Wad road has been awarded to M E . K A M E L YOUNIS AZZE of Je­rusalem at 11% below P. W. D. estimate rates. Period of contract is 20 days.

8. The contract for carrying out repairs to sections from Km. 80.160 to Km. 80.850 and from Km. 81.210 to Km. 82.690 of the Jaf fa -Haifa road has been awarded to MESSES. K V U Z A T H A H I M COOPEEATIVE SOCIETY L T D . of Tel Aviv at £P.445. Period of contract is 1 month.



In the matter of the succession of No. 43 British Sergeant A. COLLINGE, deceased.

In virtue of an order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to ap­pear in the said Court within ten days from the date hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an order of administration of all and singular the movable property, rights and credits of No. 43 British Sergeant A. COLLINGE should not be granted unto M R . THEODORE K R I -KORIAN, Paymaster of the Palestine Police Force, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly.

Dated this 4th day of August, 1939.

A. N A S R Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, Jerusalem.



In the matter of NATHAN H . GORDON, deceased.

In virtue of an order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from the date hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why the last will of NATHAN H . GORDON, de­

ceased, should not be proved, approved and registered, and ancillary probate thereof granted to D R . BERNARD JOSEPH, Barrister-at-Law, of Jerusalem, attorney of M R S . SARAH A. GORDON, one of the executors named therein, and why the said D R . BERNARD JOSEPH should not be appointed administrator of the estate of the late NATHAN H . GORDON in Palestine, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant such probate and make such appoint­ment accordingly.

Dated at Jerusalem, this 9th day of August, 1939.

A. N A S R Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, Jerusalem.




In the matter of NINET, AIDA, GABRIEL, H I L D A , N O H A AND RAMZI, minor children of M I C H E L D. M A N N E H of Jerusalem, deceased.

In virtue of an order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do here­by cite all and all manner of persons to ap­pear in the said Court in ten days from the date hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an order of guardianship over the said minor children of the deceased should not be granted unto their mother A L I C E M . M A N N E H and their uncles NICOLA C. SIFFRI and NASSEEF D. MANNEH, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly.

Dated this 14th day of August, 1939.

A. N A S R Registrar,

D i s t r i c t Court, Jerusalem,

| II.


Probate Case 158/39.

In the matter of the guardianship over the minor child SHAY B E N - E L I A H U .

| Petitioners: SARA B E N - E L I A H U and BENJAMIN GILEADI. ־

In virtue of an order of the District Court sitting at Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court within ten days from

j the date of publication hereof, and show cause, ! if any they have, why an order of guardian­

ship in respect of the minor child SHAY B E N -| E L I A H U should not be granted unto SARA B E N -| E L I A H U and BENJAMIN GILEADI, as, in default I thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the

same accordingly.

Dated the 18th day of August, 1939.

M . K A N T R O V I T C H Acting Registrar,

' D i s t r i c t Court, T e l Aviv.

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24th August, 1939 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 875

E X E C U T I O N N O T I C E S .




F i l e of the Execution Office, T e l Aviv, N o . 13714/38.

Between : Hubert Walter Norden, through S. Agra-no vitch and H . Ben-Ari, advocates, Tel-Aviv — Judgment Creditor

vs. 1. Abraham Haim Khojahinoff. 2. Bcnsion Khojahinoff. 3. Mordechai Khojahinoff

— Judgment Debtors.

Notice is hereby given that pursuant to sec­tion 14 of the Land Transfer Ordinance (Cap. 81) an order has been given by the President of the District Court, Tel Aviv, for the sale of the property specified in the schedule attached to this notice, in satisfaction of a debt for the sum of £ P . 6,022.068, together with costs, in­terest and advocates' fees as may accrue from this date until final payment.

The sale will be by auction and the property will be offered for sale pursuant to the con­ditions attached to the original form of this notice which may be seen at the Execution Office of this Court.

The sale will'be of the property as described in the attached schedule, and subject to the burdens and claims attaching to the same pro­perty.

In the absence of any order of postponement, the sale will be held and the public interested in the purchase of the said property should apply to the Execution Officer at the Execu­tion Office of the District Court, Jerusalem, within a period of 30 days from the day of publication of this notice.

In the event of the debt above specified and costs being paid before the property is sold, the auction will be cancelled.

At the sale the public generally are invited to bid either personally or by duly author­ised agents. No bid by the judgment creditor or his authorised agent will be accepted, nor will any sale to him be valid without the ex­press permission of the Chief Execution Officer or of a person authorised by him previously given.


1. Tjocality. • Karm II Kirami, Jerusalem.

2. Class of land: Mir i .

3. Description : Plot of land.

4. Name of registered owner: Mordechai Jousef Khojahinoff.

5. Details of conveyance to registered, owner: Sale after partition.

6. Details of any incumbrances to which the property is liable: Provisional attach­

ment, file No. 2/34, fol. No. 6, and pro­visional attachment No. 17/52 (as re­gistered in the extract of the Land Re­gistry Office, Jerusalem.) There are cul­tivators on the land.

7. Area of land: 18 dunums.

8. Nos. of volume and folio: Volume No. 16, folio No. 19.

9. T i t l e deed N o . : Deed No. 416 dated the 22nd Apri l , 1925.

10. Shares: In whole.

11. Particulars as to the plants, number of trees and their age: On the above plot there are 11 big olive trees.

12. Boundaries as registered i n the extract of the Jjand Registry Office, Jerusalem:

N o r t h : Numan II Jaouni; South : Karm E l Kannineh; Fast: Heirs of Abdal Ruhman Jaouni; West: Karm E l Imari.

13. T h e actual boundaries: N o r t h : Alhaj Zaker Abd Schanek and

Company; South: Ismail Alnajar; Fast: Ata Aish and Company of Liftah; West: Government garden, and its

continuance Leib Silberstein and Reichtiler.

14. V a l u e assessed: £ P . 120 the dunum, and in total £P.2,160, for the purpose of pay­ment of the deposit.

A. N A S R Registrar,

District Court, Jerusalem.




In the matter of the execution proceedings in case file No. 16677/38.

Between: Mr. Moshe Makhness, represented by D. and A. Hamburger, advocates —

Mortgagee vs.

Mr. David Goldstein, through his at­torney Mr. Moshe Shoked of Nathanya—


Notice is hereby given that an order has been made under section 14 of the Land Trans­fer Ordinance (Cap. 81) by the President of this Court for the sale of all rights and inter­ests of the mortgagor in the property described in the schedule hereto, in satisfaction of the mortgage in favour of Mr. Moshe Makhness, executed by the above-named mortgagee and registered at the Land Registry of Nathanya under deed No. 418/36 dated the 22nd July, 1936, amounting to this date to the sum of £P.2,110.— together with such subsequent in­terest, advocate's fees and costs as have ac­crued to this date and may accrue from this date until final payment has been effected.

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876 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 24th August, 1939

The sale will be by public auction and the property will be put up for sale on the condi­tions annexed to the original of the notification which may be seen in the Execution Office of this Court.

The sale will be of the immovable property of the mortgagor as described in the schedule hereto and subject to the burdens, limitations, liabilities and claims attaching to the said property.

In the absence of any order of postponement, the sale will be held by Mr. M. Levi at the Tel Aviv Execution Office of the above Court, 35, Yehuda Halevi Street, commencing at the date of publication, on Mondays and Thursdays, be­tween the hours of 4 and 6 p.m., and shall con­tinue for a period of 30 days from the date of publication hereof.

In the event of the debt above specified and costs of the sale being tendered or paid before the property is sold, the auction will be can­celled.

At the sale, the public generally are invited to bid either personally or by a duly author­ised agent. No bid by or on behalf of the mort­gagee above-mentioned will be accepted, nor will any sale to him be valid without the ex­press permission of the Chief Execution Officer or of his delegate previously given.


1. Locality: Nathanya.

2. Glass of property: Waqf Hal i l E l Euha-man.

3. Description: The eastern part of the above property in an area of about 25 sq. dunums consists of a citrus grove of which 5 dunums are grapefruit trees, 6 years old. The grove is very well cultivated and in a very good condition. The western part of the property in an area of 20 sq. dunums is being cultivated for vegetables. Water is brought from the near­by Mukhness farm. The ground is of good quality.

4. Name of registered owner: Mr. David Goldstein.

5. Details of conveyance to registered owner: By purchase.

6. Area : 45.006 sq. dunums.

7. Particulars of plantations and number of trees and their age : See item 3.

8. Particulars of registration: Vol. 1, fol. 50.

9. Boundaries:

N o r t h : Plots Nos. 569 and 570;

South: Road;

Fast: Plots Nos. 572, 573, 574, 575;

West: Road.

10. ' Date of title deed: 418/36 of the' 22nd July, 1939.

11. Shares: In whole.

12. V a l u e assessed: £P.2,200.— for the pur­pose of paying the deposit.


Z. H A R A K A B I Registrar,

District Gourt, T e l Aviv.


For week ending midnight 19.8.39

1. Quarantine Restrictions.

The following restrictions are at present in force :—

A g a i n s t P o r t D a t e

restrictions enforced

Cholera Arrivals from Calcutta by air routes


Cholera Arrivals from Hong-Kong by air routes


Cholera Arrivals from Cawnpore by air routes


Cholera Arrivals from Bombay Presidency by air routes


Cholera Arrivals from Madras Presidency by air routes


Cholera Arrivals from Allahabad by air routes


Cholera Arrivals from Afghanistan by air routes


Smallpox Arrivals from Hong-Kong by air routes


Smallpox Arrivals from Calcutta by air and sea routes


Smallpox Arrivals from Delhi by air routes


Smallpox Arrivals from Madras by air routes


2. Weekly Report of Infectious Diseases in Palestine.

P l a c e Typhus R e l a p ­

sing F e v e r

D a t e notified

Haifa 1 5.8.39

Saint — 1 8.8.39

Nablus — 1 15.8.39

Balata — 1 16.8.39

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24th August, 1939 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E

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Page 16: Palestine (Sa3ette - Nevo.co.il · Zhc Palestine (Sa3ette lpublisbeb bs Hutbonts No. 912 THURSDAY, 24™ AUGUST, 1939 863 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES Colonial Police Medal —

878 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 24th August, 1939


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Page 17: Palestine (Sa3ette - Nevo.co.il · Zhc Palestine (Sa3ette lpublisbeb bs Hutbonts No. 912 THURSDAY, 24™ AUGUST, 1939 863 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES Colonial Police Medal —

24th August, 1939 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 879

P U B L I C N O T I C E .


The following changes of names have been registered at the office of the Commissioner for Migration and Statistics.

O l d N a m e Neto N a m e

S u r n a m e Other ñames S u r n a m e Other names N a t i o n a l i t y Address

Abrahamsohn G ü n t h e r Abrahamsohn Binjamin German Mikve Israel Azizulah Abdul Azizulah Reuven Irani Te l Aviv

Rahman Bakaleishtshik Shmuel Yisraeli Shmuel Palestinian Tel Yosef Bakaleishtshik Libe Yisraeli Haviva Palestinian Te l Yosef Bakaleishtshik Avishai Yisraeli Awishai Palestinian Tel Yosef Bakaleishtshik Noga Yisraeli Noga Palestinian Tel Yosef Dajczgewant Dawid Ben-Arieh David Polish Magdiel Dajczgewant L i b a Ben-Arieh Ahuvah Polish Magdiel Dajczgewant Yehuda Ben-Arieh Yehuda Polish Magdiel Dajczgewant Sara Ben-Arieh Sara Polish Magdiel Davidaviciute Masada Ostrinskas Masada Lithuanian Nahlat Ganim Davidson Sanea Davidson Netanel Rumanian Hadera Dihmes Alberto Dihmes Wadi Alberto Palestinian Beit Jala Fukson Itzhac Fuxon Isaac Palestinian Tel Aviv Fukson Rachel Fuxon Rachel Palestinian Tel Aviv Fukson Asher Fuxon Asher Palestinian Tel Aviv Fukson Pinchas Fuxon Pinchas Palestinian Tel Aviv Fukson Sora Feige Fuxon Sara Palestinian Tel Aviv Geisenberg Joachim Geisenberg Yitshaq German MeshekYagur Geisenberg Ruth Lotte Geisenberg Ruth Rahel German Meshek Yagur

Rahel Gherviti Saea Horowitz . Yeshayahu Rumanian Haifa Gherviti Brentea Horowitz Bruria Rumanian Haifa Goetz Walter Goetz Shlomo German Meshek Yagur Goetz Berta Goetz Ruth German Meshek Yagur Goldstik Zelda Zelma Goldstick Zehava Undefined Montefiore

Quarter Haimovics Ovsejs Bar-Khiya Yehoshna Latvian Tel Aviv Hawa Solomon Ruben Solomon Iraqi Jerusalem

Rouben Jacobson Hayman Cobo Yehuda H a i m Undefined Jerusalem Jacobson Ester Cobo Ester Undefined Jerusalem Jacobson L e a Cobo L e a Undefined Jerusalem Jaffe Fri tz Yaffe Perez German Gvat K h a n Pir Khan Pir Marcus British Jerusalem

Mohammed Kaminker Isak Uscher Kaminker Icchak Asher Polish Haifa Kaminker Dresel Kaminker Shoshana Polish Haifa Kancedykas Kolevas Cohenzedek Kalev Lithuanian Rehovot Kancedykas Pese Cohenzedek Sara Lithuanian Rehovot Katz Tamar Mekori Tamar Polish Tel Aviv Kuricky Derora Shneider Derora Polish Borochov

Quarter Landesman Vilem Ailon Josef Czecho­ Haifa

slovak Lebinas Yossef Levin Joseph Palestinian Tel Aviv Lebinas Roza Levin Shoshana Palestinian Tel Aviv Lebinas Shlomo Lev in Shlomo Palestinian Tel Aviv Meister Levy Sloima Aron Halevy Aron Rumanian Tel Aviv Meister Levy Sura Halevy Tzipora Rumanian Tel Aviv

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880 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 24th August, 1939

O l d N a m e Neiv N a m e

S u r n a m e Other names S u r n a m e Other names N a t i o n a l i t y Address

Orn stein Leopold Oren Arieh Polish Haifa Powiatowski Abram Mehozai Abram Polish Jerusalem Powiatowski Sara Mehozai Sara Polish Jerusalem Powiatowski Z v i Mehozai Zvi Polish J erusalem Rosenberg Arnost Rosenberg Eliahu Czecho­ Tel Aviv Rosenberg

slovak Rosenberg Manfred Rosenberg Meir German Tel Aviv

Gerhard Manfred Rosenberg Susi Rosenberg Schoschanah German Tel Aviv Rosenberg

Susi Santman Chaim Leib Zand man Arjeh Polish Benyamina

(Spitzer) Santman Chana Zandman Chana Polish Benyamina

(Spitzer) Santman Ruth Zandman Ruth Polish Benyamina

(Spitzer) Segall Leon Segall Arieh Polish Mikve Israel Spitz Schaja Amir Yeshayahu Polish Haifa Spitz E l k a Amir E l k a Polish Haifa Spitz Regina Amir Malka Polish Haifa Spitz Isaak-Tobias Amir Itzhak-Tubia Polish Haifa Steinshleifer Aaron Shamir Aaron Palestinian Tel Aviv Silber Baruch Caspi Baruch Palestinian Haifa Strauss Walter Jakob Yaani Yaakov German Shaara Strauss Flora Yaani Nurith German Shaara

Susanna Leopoldine

Svartman Ghers Schory Zvi Rumanian Shaar H a -Schory amakim

Svartman M i r l Schory Miriam Rumanian Shaar H a -Schory amakim

Svartman Camelia 1 Schory Carmela Rumanian Shaar H a -Schory amakim

Tanz Salomon Levadi Shlomo Polish Haifa Tanz Sary i Levadi Sarah Polish Haifa Viskinas 1

Sara ! Jankilevitch Sara Lithuanian Tel Aviv

Yontef Arnos Wajnsztejn Amos Polish Te l Aviv

Page 19: Palestine (Sa3ette - Nevo.co.il · Zhc Palestine (Sa3ette lpublisbeb bs Hutbonts No. 912 THURSDAY, 24™ AUGUST, 1939 863 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES Colonial Police Medal —

24th August, 1939 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 881



The following unclaimed goods lying in the Customs Stores, Haifa , will be sold by public auction if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

N a m e of Steamer, etc.

D a t e of a r r i v a l

Description Consignee Whence


Amal 14.3.39 2 bags barley A A.N.A. Co. Jaffa Amal 14.3.89 1 box samples of oils and C. H . Silberhesty Port Said

acids CS Adana 24.3.39 1 used sewing machine Irma Walloch, Pardess Hamburg

E W . 17 Hanna Galilea 10.4.39 1 cast iron machine for Pavel Galser, Hadar Trieste

domestic use Hacarmel, Hotel JB. 348/101 Ganz, Haifa

Bolsena 14.4.39 1 package furniture L . 23 — Over manifest Derindje 14.4.39 3 cases removal goods Silberstein's Or. Hamburg Derindje

1795/A-C Transp. Co. Cilicia 18.4.39 1 used sewing machine Order Genova

834 Zaafaran 19.4.39 6 bags wheat M M Order — Galilea 25.4.39 1 case electric material P .E .C. Ltd. Trieste

S T E 0838 Belgrad 26.4.39 1 boundle iron bars — Over manifest Belgrad

G H . 5511/2 Belgrad 26.4.89 9 earthenware covers — Over manifest Belgrad 26.4.39 11 earthenware bows Over manifest


The following unclaimed goods lying in the Stores of the Sharput Bonded Ltd. at Haifa, will be sold by public auction if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

N a m e of Steamer, etc.

D a t e of a r r i v a l Description Consignee Whence


Egyptian Prince 22.11.35 5 cases beer PA/I 37/41 Diskin & Co. Manchester Sicilian Prince 21.11.85 8 cases beer PAI 65/72 Diskin & Co. London Yalova 1.5.36 1 case personal effects E . Katz Vienna

GE6017 Polonia 10.5.86 1 case personal effects Hirschhorn Constanza

H 508 Corsican Prince 22.5.36 1 bale ) brass screw joints Barclays Bank London

1 case j 939 1/2 Barclays Bank

S W H & Co. Maronis 10.7.86 36 cartons ) gramophone re- D. Brandwein New York

1 case j cords and shoes N H Jerusalem

1,4,6,8,10/23, 25/26, 28/30, • 32/38, 40/41,

43,45/46,48,60. Kosciuszko 18.5.36 1 package personal effects Pell Constanza

P 2160 Gerusalemme 15.6.36 1 case porcelain (isol.) Express Service Trieste

PJS 524 Duna 2.6.36 1 imitation stone 41856 Pell Budapest Thraki 14.7.36 1 case cigarettes ITC Imp. Tob. Co. Pireaus


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882 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 24th August, 1939


The following unclaimed goods lying in the Stores of the Near East Bonded Warehouses Co. Ltd. Haifa, will be sold by public auction if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

Name of Steamer, etc.

Date of arrival

Description Consignee Whence


Regele Carol 14.5.36 1 package personal effects Levco Ltd., Haifa Sniatyn Address


Kosciuszko 3.5.86 1 package personal effects Till Ltd., Haifa Constantza A. 444

Bourgas 14.5.36 2 packages personal effects Meshoulam Bros. Bourgas N / M N/N


Kosciuszko 2.6.36 1 package personal effects M. Dizengoff & Co. Constanza 180

Thessalia 5.6.36 1 crate personal effects Silberstein Orient Anvers L . L . 204 Transp. Co.

Evoikos 26.6.36 2 trunks personal effects S. Schreiber Anvers S.M.1/8

Evoikos 26.6 36 1 case personal effects S. Schreiber Anvers S.M.1/3

C O O P E R A T I V E S O C I E T I E S O R D I N A N C E .


In accordance with the powers vested in me under sections 46 and 48 of the above Ordinance, I hereby order that MOSHAV O V D I M SHEL H A -PO'EL HAMIZRAHI K F A R YA'BEZ AGUDA HADADIT LIMITED shall be wound up and appoint M R . ISAAC R O S K I N - L E V Y , auditor in the Office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, as li­quidator.

J . B L U M E N F E L D Acting Registrar

of Cooperative Societies.

15th August, 1939.

C O O P E R A T I V E S O C I E T I E S O R D I N A N C E .


Whereas on the 15th August, 1939, an order for winding up of MOSHAV O V D I M SHEL HAPO'EL HAMIZRAHI K F A R YA'BEZ AGUDA HADADIT L I ­MITED was issued;

Notice is hereby given that all claims against the society must be submitted within one month from the date of this notice to the liquidator, M R . ISAAC R O S K I N - L E V Y , auditor in the Office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, P. O . B. 1176, Jerusalem.

J . B L U M E N F E L D Acting Registrar

of Cooperative Societies.

24th August, 1939.

B A N K R U P T C Y O R D I N A N C E , 1936.


Debtor's N a m e : Yaacov Umansky. Address: 20, Zangwil Street, Tel Aviv. Description: Labourer. Court: District Court of Tel Aviv. Number of M a t t e r : 249/39. D a t e of F i l i n g P e t i t i o n : 14th August, 1939. D a t e of Receiving Order: 15th August, 1939. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's P e t i t i o n :

Debtor's. D a t e of F i r s t M e e t i n g : 31st August, 1939. H o u r : 9 a.m. Place : Law Courts, Haifa. D a t e of P u b l i c E x a m i n a t i o n : 8th September,

1939. H o u r : 9 a.m. Place: Chief Magistrate's Court, Tel Aviv.

H . K O S L O F F Acting O f f i c i a l Receiver.

N O T I C E O F D I V I D E N D .

N a m e of *company: Palestine Shipping Com­pany Limited in Liquidation.

Address of registered office: Haifa, Palafrica Building.

Court: District Court of Haifa. Number of matter: Civil case No. 7 of 1937. Amount per £P. : 50 mils. F i r s t and f i n a l or otherwise: Second dividend. W h e n payable: From 1st September, 1939. W h e r e payable: Official Receiver's Office,

P.O.Box 1254, Jerusalem, Mizpeh Build­ing.

H . K O S L O F F Acting O f f i c i a l Receiver

and. L i q u i d a t o r .

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T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 883


T h e p a r t i c u l a r s given below correspond w i t h the f o l l o w i n g headings: —

1 . Names a n d addresses of p a r t n e r s . 2 . F i r m n a m e of p a r t n e r s h i p . 3 . Names of partners authorised to a d m i n i s ­

ter the p a r t n e r s h i p a n d to sign- f o r it. 4. D a t e of commencement a n d t e r m i n a t i o n . 5: Object.

1. Jacob Bendet, 14, Florentin Street, Tel-Aviv. Yehuda Trevgoda, 83, Levinsky Street, Tel Aviv. Moshe Avni, 29, Hahashmonaim Street, Tel Aviv. Shmuel Margolin, 72, King George Street, Tel Aviv.

2. "Good-Luck" Factory for Retreading Tires. 3. Jacob Bendet and Moshe Avni jointly. 4. From the 10th July, 1939, for an unlimited

period. 5. Retreading of tires. 1. Bruno Bender, 10, Zamenhoff Street, Tel

Aviv. Isak Leib Leimsieder, 31, Ben Zion Blvd., Tel Aviv.

2. Bender and Co. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. From the 10th July, 1939, for an unlimited

period. 5. Import and export of all kinds of goods.

1. "Wladimir Wolosow, 28, Sheinkin Street, Tel Aviv. Dr. Siegmund Kleiner, 16, Adam Hacohen Street, Tel Aviv.

2. Sheinkin Pharmacy. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. From the 10th June, 1939, for an unlimited

period. 5. Dealers in pharmacy and agents for phar­

maceutical products.

1. Aaron Rosenfeld, Pardess Building, Pal­mer's Gate, Haifa. Bezalel Moed, Pardess Building, Palmer's Gate, Haifa.

2. A Rosenfeld and B. Moed. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. 5 years as from 11th July, 1939, provided

that either partner may terminate the part­nership on the 31st July, 1940, by registered letter to the other party to be posted latest on the 15th April, 1940.

5. General insurance.

1. Shimon Konstantin, 23, Bar-Giora Street, Haifa. Ysidore Rosenthal, 20, Hehalutz Street, Haifa. Meyer Zejger, 13, Hagai Street, Haifa. George Bakos, 10, Hashiloah Street, Haifa.

2. Saniheat. 3. S. Konstantin and M. Zejger or S. Kon­

stantin and G. Bakos or Y. Rosenthal and M. Zejger or l r . Rosenthal and G. Bakos.

4. 2 years as from the 16th April, 1939. After two years the term of existence of the part­nership will be extended according to the wish of the partners.

5. Sanitary and heating installations.

1. Mazal, wife of R. Asher, 15, Levinsky Street, Tel Aviv.

Yohanan R. Asher, 15, Levinsky Street, Tel Aviv. Asher R. Asher, 15, Levinsky Street, Tel Aviv.

2. R. Asher and Co. 3. Mr. Rahamim Asher will manage the part­

nership and his signature alone or two I signatures of the other partners will bind J the partnership. I 4. From the 1st July, 1939, for an unlimited

period. 5. Wholesale and retail drug store.

1. Shlomo Wiesmontzki, Bezalel Street, House of Dr. Noiman, Jerusalem. Idele Wiesmontzki, Bezalel Street, House of Dr. Noiman, Jerusalem. Sinai Solomon, Mahane Yehuda, House of Joseph Ben Shmuel, Jerusalem.

2. Pharmacy Agripas. ! 3. The signature of Mr. Shlomo Wiesmontzki

with the partnership's seal will bind the ! partnership. J 4. From the 20th July, 1939, for an unlimited

period. The partnership will be concluded by a six months' notice given by one part­ner to the other.

5. Sale of all kinds of medicines and per-\ fumes.

1. Artur Geller, 49, Hillel Street, Haifa. Arthur Lauterstein, 28A, Joseph Street, Haifa.

2. Geller and Lauterstein. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. One year as from the 1st July, 1939. If no

notice of dissolution is given by any one of the partners six months before the ex­piration of the above-mentioned term, the partnership shall continue on the same terms.

5. To manufacture and sell all kinds of bake-lite merchandise.

1. Dr. Emil Buechler, 7, Adolphe Cremuin Street, Tel Aviv. Otto Rabl, 1, Philon Street, Tel Aviv.

2. Buechler and Rabl. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. Five years as from the 15th May, 1939.

\ 5. Candies factory.

; 1. Itzhak Diskin, 96, Nahlat Benyamin Street, Tel Aviv.

! Zalman Dov Weiler, 13, Melchett Street, I Tel Aviv.

2. Carna. 3. Notes, cheques, contracts, powers of at­

torney and all other documents binding the partnership shall bear the signatures of both partners.

I 4. From the 29th June, 1939, to the 30th No­vember, 1942. The partnership will con­tinue for another year if none of the part-

i ners will notify the other by re­gistered letter at least 4 months prior to

) the expiration of the term of the partner­ship of his intention to dissolve the part­nership, and the same provision will apply to every consequent year.

5. To manufacture mineral and curative waters and all kinds of drinks and similar products in Palestine.

1. Isac Feig, Pardess Hanna. Yefet Levi, Pardess Hanna.

J Menahem Engel, Pardess Hanna. j Moshe Skoratowski, Pardess Hanna. I Rafael Radziewski, Pardess Hanna.

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884 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 24th August, 1939

2. Pileser. 1

3. Moshe Skoratowski. Documents must be signed by all the partners.

4. From the 1st July, 1939, for an unlimited period. The partnership may be dissolved by any partner giving notice 6 months be-fore the first of October of each year.

5. To hold a packing house and to carry on j the packing of citrus fruit.

1. Benjamin Chaikin, F .R.I .B.A. , Ben Yehu-da Street, Jerusalem. Richard Kaufmann, M.T.P . I . , Hassolel Street, Jerusalem.

2. Benjamin Chaikin, F .R.I .B .A. and Richard Kaufmann, M.T.P . I . , Architects, Jeru- ! salem. ן

3. Both partners jointly and severally. ' 4. From the 10th July, 1939, for an unlimited

period. The partnership shall continue for such a period as the War Department shall entrust architectural work to it.

5. Carrying out all architectural work that may be entrusted to them by the War De-partment in Palestine.

1. Yona Cohen, 25, Ahavat Zion Street, Tel j Aviv. j Izhak Windman, 87, Keren Kayemeth Blvd., ־ Tel Aviv. !

2. Yona Cohen and Izhak Windman. j 3. Both partners jointly. ; 4. From the 11th July, 1939, for an unlimited j

period. , 5. Purchase and sale of building materials j

and sanitary installation. j

1. Hadje Mohamed Ben Hadje Mohamed Tabbakhe, Souk, Haifa. \ Subhi Ben Hadje Mohamed Tabbakhe, Chouamme, Haifa. Bakri Ben Hadje Mohamed Tabbakhe, Chouamme, Haifa.

2. Hadje Mohamed Tabbakhe and Sons. 3. Each partner severally. 4. 3 years as from the 1st July, 1939. j 5. Wholesale and retail sale of dry goods. I

1. Abe Milstein, 19, Merhavia Street, Tel Aviv. Shimon Mass, 34, Geulah Street, Tel Aviv.

2. "Nesher" Printing Press, Milstein and Mass. (in Hebrew : ת מאס ן א לעטי ״ מי ר ד נ ס ״ ו פ ד ן ׳

3. Both partners jointly. I 4. From the 9th March, 1939, for an unlimited '

period. j 5. Printing press. j

1. Shmuel Gottlieb, 54, Emek Yezreel Street, ! corner Mizrahi 'B' Street, Florentin ! Quarter, Jaffa. Eliezer Pickholtz, 54, Emek Yezreel Street, ! corner Mizrahi ' W Street, Florentin j Quarter, Jaffa. !

2. Margarin Products, Gottlieb and Pickholtz. (in Hebrew : גוטליב־פיקהולץ , ן (תעשית מרגרי

3. Both partners jointly. 4. From the 14th March, 1939, for an unlimited

period. 5. Manufacture and distribution of margarin

and fats.

1. Moise J . Levy, Herzlia Street, Haifa. Haim J . Levy, Levontin Street, Herzlia, Haifa.

2. Levy Brothers. 3. Each partner severally.

4. From the 20th July, 1939, for an unlimited period.

5. Sale of cigarettes, cigars and tobacco.

1. Henry Heald and Co. (a general partner-ship), 23, Kingsway, Haifa. Wm. Stapledon and Sons (a general part-nership), Port Said, Egypt.

2. Heald and Stapledon. 3. Any one of the following alone :

K. H . Joly and N . R. S. Joly (of Henry Heald and Co.) E . W. Allen and E . T. Acfield (of Wm. Stapledon and Sons).

4. From the 1st August, 1939, for an unlimited period.

5. Shipping, insurance, forwarding and gen-eral agents.

1. Julius Mansfeld, 12, Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv. Mordechai Mansfeld, Ben Zion Street, Re-hovot.

2. Tamar. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. From the 10th July, 1939, for an unlimited

period. 5. Medical and chemical industries.

1. Ben Shaffermann, 46, Balfour Street, Tel Aviv. David Shaffermann, 43, Rue Ibrahim Pa-sha, Cairo. Harry Shaffermann, 4, Place Ismail, Alex-andria.

2. Palestine Electrical Industry, Shaffermann Brothers. (in Hebrew:

ן מ ר פ ם ש י ח א ל ה מ ש י ח ר מ ח ת ל י ל א ר ש ץ י ר ה א י ש ע ת )

3. Any one of the partners has authority to do all acts.

4. Five years as from the 1st August, 1939. 5. Manufacture of electric bulbs and appb'-



Change in the partners or in the name or sur­name of any partner:

Outgoing partner: Hakibutz Hameuhad Kvutzat Hahugim, Kvutzat Poalim Lehityashvut Shetufit Ltd.

R e m a i n i n g partners: 1. Kvuzat Hahugim, Beth Hashita, Kvuzat Poalim Lehityashvut Shetufit Ltd. 2. Gershon Marienbach, Kvuzat Ha­hugim, Beit Hashita.


Change in the partners or in the name or sur­name of any partner:

Mr Moshe Strawczynski has left the part­nership.

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24th August, 1939 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 885


Change in the partners or in the name or sur­name of any partner.

Outgoing partner: Chaya Kiela Yaskin. New partner: Nissim Y. Mitrani, 8, Ha-

hashmal Street, Tel Aviv.

N O T I C E S .


R. A S H E R AND C O .

Notice is hereby given that the above part­nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 403 of the 16th November, 1933, has been dissolved as from the 30th June, 1939.



Notice is hereby given that the above part­nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 418 of the 1st February, 1934, has been dissolved as from the 15th July, 1939, owing to the death of JOSEPH WEINER.



Notice is hereby given that the above part­nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 756 of the 3rd February, 1938, has been dissolved, as from the 25th July, 1939.

. IV.


Notice is hereby given that the above part­nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 779 of the 5th May, 1938, has been dissolved as from the 21st July, 1939.



Notice is hereby given that the above part­nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 561 of the 9th January, 1936, has been dissolved as from the 5th August, 1939, by mutual consent and all assets and lia­bilities have been taken over by A D I B MUSTAPHA A R A F E H .


Notice is hereby given that the above part­nership, notice of which was published in the

Palestine Gazette No. 664 of the 4th February, 1937, has been dissolved as from the 31st July, 1939, and all assets and liabilities have been taken over by YESHAYAHU DAYAN.

N O T I C E .


Notice is hereby given that the Hebrew name of the above partnership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 903 of the 13th July, 1939, should read:


. ק ת קלפרז י א ת שרדנ ו נ טו דה בסי פקטו ו מנ

N O T I C E S .

T h e f o l l o w i n g notices a r e published at the risk of the advertisers and their publicaiiqn does not imply any certificate as to correctness or authority.


Galini Aguda Shetufit Le-Taasiyat Gazoz Ltd.

Notice is hereby given that at the annual general meeting of the said society held on the 24th June, 1939, a Board of Directors was elected consisting of the following members: —


At a meeting of the Board of Directors held on the l ith July, 1939, it was decided that the joint signatures of MESSRS. Z V I LERMANN, JACOB DITKOVSKI and Z v i GRUNDMANN, together with the seal of the society, shall bind the society.


Yorshei Haim Cohen Ltd. in voluntary li­quidation.

Notice under section 206(2) of the Companies Ordinance.

Notice is hereby given that the last general meeting of the said company will take place at the offices of D R . A. H I L L M A N , auditor, 112, Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv, on the 20th September, 1939, at 12 noon. The agenda will include a report on the liquidation of the business showing the manner in which the li­quidation of the business has been conducted and the property of the company disposed of.

"Davar" Company Ltd.

Notice is hereby given that at the general meeting of the above company held on the

Page 24: Palestine (Sa3ette - Nevo.co.il · Zhc Palestine (Sa3ette lpublisbeb bs Hutbonts No. 912 THURSDAY, 24™ AUGUST, 1939 863 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES Colonial Police Medal —

886 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 24th August, 1939

27th July, 1939, the following persons have been elected to the Board of Directors: —



The signatures of any two out of the fol- [ lowing 4 members of the Board of Directors, | viz. M . K R U P N I K , M . BOGDANOVSKI, D. PINES and B . KATZENELSON, or the signature of any one of them jointly with the signature of the chief accountant, M R . M . LAPIDOTH, together with the seal of the company shall bind the company.


Notice is hereby given that the power of at­torney held by Miss A N N A SULTANA ESKENAZI from M R . JACOB ESKENAZI, the son of BENJAMIN ESKENAZI (also known as ASHKENAZI) made on the 23rd day of September, 1932, before the Notary Public of Jerusalem, No. C. 343/32, receipt No. 835628, has been revoked and that the said Miss A N N A SULTANA ESKENAZI is not authorised to act on behalf of M R . JACOB E S ­KENAZI, the son of BENJAMIN ESKENAZI (also known as ASHKENAZI) in any matter whatso­ever.

C O R R I G E N D A .


Palestine Gazette No. 907 of the 24th July, 1939.

Page 795, right column, the name of the part­nership " H . à Y. B e n j a m i n " should read " H . & J. B e n j a m i n " and for " A b r a h a m B e n j a m i n " read " A h a r o n B e n j a m i n , J a f f a Road, J e r u ­salem."


Palestine Gazette No. 911 of the 17th August, 1938.

Page 859, right column, notice under the Bankruptcy Ordinance, 1936, regarding Nathan Meshi, the following should be inserted as 7th item : "Bate of Adjudication Order : 8th August, 1939."


The notice of changes in the general partner­ship "Beit Haroshet Letzipuy Hashmal, Kos-man et Aizenberg", published in the Palestine ; Gazette No. 825 of the 13th October, 1938, should | read as follows : — I

"1. Previous name : Beit Haroshet Letzipuy Hashmal Kusman et Aizenberg. j

New name : .j Kusman — Barzili. 1

2. Change in the partners or in the name or surname of any partner: —

The name of Owadia Aizenberg should read Owadia Barzili.

3. Change in the term or character of the partnership :

Previous term: 1st May, 1934, to 1st May, 1937.

New term: 1st May, 1937, for an unlimited period."


Palestine Gazette No. 907 of the 27th July, 1939.

Page No. 795, right column, in respect of the dissolution of the partnership " H a k o l Lav a n " , the name of the partnership should read : " l i a h o l L a v a n " .

N O T I C E .


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Page 25: Palestine (Sa3ette - Nevo.co.il · Zhc Palestine (Sa3ette lpublisbeb bs Hutbonts No. 912 THURSDAY, 24™ AUGUST, 1939 863 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES Colonial Police Medal —

24th August, 1939 T H E P A L E S T I N E G A Z E T T E 887

Notices of registration of Companies, Co­operative Societies, Trade Marks and Patents will not be accepted for publication unless submitted through the appropriate Registrar.

Orders with regard to the administration of the estates of deceased persons or probate of wills, and any orders issued under the Com­panies Ordinance, or in accordance with any other Ordinance or Order of the Court, and notices of registration and dissolution of part­nerships will not be inserted unless passed for publication by the Court.

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P R I N T E D A T T H E G O V E R N M E N T P R I N T I N G P R E S S , J E R U S A L E M .