Pakistan’s National Human Development Report on Youth, 2015

Pakistan’s National Human Development Report on Youth, 2015

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Pakistan’s National Human Development Report on Youth, 2015

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What is a National Human Development Report?

• National Human Development Reports combine research, data and policy recommendations to explore and elaborate on themes of human development

• The reports are born out of an intensive country-led, country-owned process of consultation and outreach

• Ultimately, they are designed to generate public debate and shape policy around human development issues

No. of national reports by country

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NHDRs in Pakistan

The NHDR has Pakistani roots: The very first global report was produced by the Pakistani

economist Mahbub ul Haq in 1990 Since then, more than 700 national and sub-national HDRs have

been produced by 135 countries However, Pakistan has only formally published one NHDR in 2003.

That report focused on poverty, growth and governance.

1990 2015

The NHDR is back in Pakistan! The 2015 report will be guided by Lead Authors Dr. Adil Najam

and Dr. Faisal Bari

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Communication for Results & Reporting

The upcoming, second National Human Development Report (2015) for

Pakistan will focus on youth as a critical force for shaping national

human development in the country


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Why youth?

With almost 64% of Pakistan’s population below the age of 29 (and 31% between 15-29 years of age), youth is

one of the most important forces that will forge the future of Pakistan.

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What will Pakistan’s NHDR do?

Chart the opportunities and obstacles for youth in Pakistan today, by asking:

How do you empower the youth of today?

Identify a set of recommendations to transform the national and provincial policies on youth, and influence the ways investments are made for young people in Pakistan – essentially a call for action

How do you prepare youth for active citizenship tomorrow?

How can youth be mobilised to become agents of positive change towards a path of prosperity, peace and human


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Education, Employment & Engagement

The report will be structured around three central themes or ‘drivers for empowerment’:







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• Education is about enhancing the capabilities, freedoms and choices amongst the young

• However, the mean years of schooling for boys in Pakistan is 6.1 years and just 3.3 years for girls*, with significant concerns around quality of education

• The NHDR 2015 will explore these gaps and challenges to understand their effect on Pakistan’s human development in the future

*UNDP, Human Development Report 2014, years tracked 2002-12

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• Employment is about earning, skills, purpose, and competitiveness

• Pakistan appears to have relatively low youth unemployment (7.7% compared to India at 10.7% and Sri Lanka at 17.3%*) but questions remain as to the nature of employment and its capacity to provide adequate wages, conditions and dignity

• The NHDR will investigate the quality of employment in Pakistan to look at the future health, economic viability and fulfilment of the population

*UNDP, Human Development Report 2014, years tracked 2008-12

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• Engagement is about voice, identity, inclusion and citizenship

•There are signs that engagement in community life is low in Pakistan – with just 2% of young Pakistanis (18-29 years) saying they are an active member of a community group, club or other local organisation*

• The NHDR 2015 will investigate the causes and effects of this phenomenon and try to understand the impact is has on young people’s lives in Pakistan

*British Council, Next Generation Report on Violence 2014

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Direct and extensive youth participation

• From the very outset, we will seek to engage with youth through a variety of events including public hearings, focus groups, social media, structured interviews and open contests

•This consultative process is by far the most important input into the report

• Our aim is for the NHDR 2015 to be ‘by the youth, for the youth’

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Analysis of secondary sources

• The NHDR research team will undertake a thorough analysis of the core data sets provided by the Pakistani government, primarily:• Pakistan Social and Living Standards

Measurement (PSLM)• Pakistan Demographic and Health

Survey (PDHS)• Labour Force Survey (LFS)• Time Use Survey (TUS)

• The team will also tap into the reservoir of data and insight available from research undertaken by donors, civil society and the private sector on themes related to youth

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National Youth Survey

• Aim: to generate fresh data around the hopes and fears of young people around the three themes of the report.

• Target: representative sample (at the regional level) of Pakistanis who are between the ages of 15-29. The sample will include all provinces of Pakistan with the exception of AJK, and will ensure that the following groups are well represented:• Minorities (religious, ethnic, linguistic)• Female respondents• Rural youth• Poorer communities

• Timing: fieldwork is expected to take place between December 2014 and January 2015, with analysis completed by the UNDP team by March 2015.

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Youth Development Index

• The NHDR 2015 aims to create a Youth Development Index for Pakistan.

• This will be developed internally by the NHDR team based on:• YDI Colloquium – a consultation

with leading statistician and demographers in Pakistan

• Similar indices created in other NHDRs, so that comparative analysis can be conducted.

• The intention will be to make the index a composite of indicators relating to the three themes of the report – education, employment and engagement.

Waiting for image from the colloquium to be held

on 17/11/14

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Experts Consultation and Contributing Authors

Contributing Author Author Profile TopicEducation

Dr. Baela Jamil Director of Programmes at Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA)

Public Private Partnerships and Reform of Low Cost Private School

Prof. Mohammad Nizamuddin

Vice Chancellor of Gujrat University Higher Education

Mr. Irfan Muzzafar Education and Social Research Collective, Pakistan

Curricula with a focus on science & maths education

Dr. Faisal Bari Associate Professor at LUMS and Quality levels in secondary schoolsEmployment

Dr. Ali Cheema Associate Professor at LUMS, Director at Center for Economic Research in Pakistan

Skills for youth in lower income communities

Mr. Nabeel Qadeer Programme Manager, Plan9, Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB)


Mr. Musharraf Zaidi Campaign Director, Alif Ailaan Linking employment and education

EngagementDr. Moeed Yusuf Director of South Asia Programmes, United

States Institute of PeaceRadicalisation

Dr. Taimur Rahman Associate Professor, LUMS Internet’s role in youth’s livesMr. Raza Rumi Author, columnist and analyst, ex-Director of

the Jinnah InstituteSocial media

Ms. Niloufer Siddiqui PhD candidate, Yale University Political engagement (political parties)

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Advisory Council

• A high level advisory council will provide strategic direction, oversee the report preparation and help advocate for priority public actions

• Members are drawn from the full spectrum of political parties, academia and policy practice, representing a range of provinces and constituencies

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Full set of NHDR Tools

Direct Youth Participation

Variety of events including public hearings, focus groups, social media,

structured interviews and open contests.

Analysis of Secondary research

A thorough review of existing data and insights

on youth in Pakistan

National Youth Survey A rigorous piece of primary research structured around

the ‘hopes and fears’ of young people in Pakistan

Youth Development Index

An assessment of inclusion with respect to education, employment and civic life

Experts’ ConsultationThought provoking papers from leading academics,

policy makers and practitioners on selected themes relating to youth

National Human Development Report 2015

Advisory Council

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Online engagement: Jawan Pakistan!


Social Media

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Creative communication tools

The NHDR team will develop a series of multimedia tools to help communicate youth data and insights in a fresh, engaging way. These tools will include a mix of the following:• Edited video packages of interviews and

focus groups with youth across the country

• Info-motion of youth survey data• Cartoon representing themes and

experiences of youth in Pakistan• Photo-journalist quality images of young

people’s lives in Pakistan• Jawan Pakistan audio / jingle

commissioned to accompany video material

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Theory of Change for the NHDR 2015

Youth Consultation


Hopes and Fears







Analysis of secondary

data & reports

Better human development outcomes for youth in Pakistan

Experts’ Papers and


Better designed, evidence-

informed policies for youth in


National Human Development Report on Youth 2015

Accurate, up-to-date data and

insights into needs of Pakistan’s youth

Policy recommendatio

ns for supporting

Pakistan’s youth

Relationships, contacts and

networks built with Pakistan’s youth





Increased, sustainable

dialogue between Pakistan policy-

makers and youth

Increased investment in programmes

targeting youth in Pakistan

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Communication for Results & Reporting

“By the youth, for the youth”