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    Leaders of VA-Based Public Affairs Firm Boast High-Level Communications Success In White House, Federal Agencies, Office of the House Majority Leader and Private Sector

    July 23, 2015 Pursuing Americas Greatness (PAGPAC), the Super PAC supporting former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee in his candidacy for President, today announced that Stuart Roy, the former communications director for U.S. House Majority Leader Tom Delay (R-TX), and Blain Rethmeier, former special assistant to the president for communications in the Bush 43 White House, have joined its winning team as senior communications strategists and spokespeople. PAGPAC President Nick Ryan said, Stuart Roy and Blain Rethmeier bring with them a track record of repeated success as strategists and communicators at the highest levels of political campaigns, government and the private sector. Wherever they have served in grassroots political efforts, at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, on Capitol Hill, or advising leaders of some of Americas greatest organizations they have brilliantly and fearlessly advanced the conservative values and principles for which our organization and Governor Huckabee stand. Roy and Rethmeier are the co-founders of Strategic Action Public Affairs, an Alexandria, VA-based firm serving a range of prominent private sector and non-profit clients. Both as Strategic Action president and in previous leadership roles at two Washington, DC-based public affairs firms, Roy has led successful issue and public policy campaigns to advance organizational goals, improve shareholder value and mitigate risk for major companies, trade associations and non-profits. Previously, Roy has served as deputy assistant secretary and head of public affairs at the U.S. Department of Labor under Secretary Elaine Chao, communications director for former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (RTX), communications director for the National Republican Senatorial Committee under Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and campaign manager for former U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO). Rethmeier has also led high-profile communications initiatives and national-level advocacy campaigns in his roles at the White House, on Capitol Hill and as an association executive. As special assistant to the president for communications, he directed all aspects of public affairs for President Bushs National Economic Council and Homeland Security Council and helped manage the hearings of Supreme Court justices John Roberts and Samuel Alito while serving as press secretary for the Senate Judiciary Committee. He has also been a spokesman at the U.S. Department of Justice and communications director for the House Government Reform Committee. In addition to Roy and Rethmeier, another member of the Strategic Action team, Bob Maistros, will provide editorial services to PAGPAC. Maistros previously served as chief writer to the Reagan-Bush 84 campaign, speechwriter for Senators Orin Hatch (R-UT) and Charles Grassley (R-IA) and a senior executive at Robinson, Lerer & Montgomery, a prominent New York strategic communications agency.
