page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper 2-3 protein bar and shake pudding & PB sandwich crackers spaghetti dinner, corn, fruit cktail 4 oatmeal, milk Juicy Gels & Rice Krispie Treats beef stew, beets, peaches 5-6 meal replmnt shake, protein bites sweet/salty snack mix, Nutr bars mac & cheese, tuna, b salad, 7 Vitamin Water, Complete Cookie pistachios & pudding pork & beans, Vienna s, pears 8 Muscle Milk & mini muffins salad & crackers, Vitamin Water clam chwder, Ps & Cs, drycherries 9 gluten? coconut rice PB, gluten free pretzels, nectar chkn Korma, rice, spinach, pinaple 10 fruit & oats, whey protein bar Ritz, deviled ham, Easy Cheese fajita chkn, rice, limas, drymango 11 cold cereal, almond milk fruit & chia, graham crackers teriyaki chkn, rice, wtrchnuts, mo 12-13 grits, bacon, Tang ginger carrot soup, cookies turkey dinner, dry apples 14-16 corn muffin, eggs pudding, ginger snaps, lac fre milk stroganoff, gr beans, dryblueberri 17 MTR 3 min breakfast, Nesquik sumr sausge, kraut, potatoes sweet & sour, bb corn, banana ch 18-20 apple crisp, milk crackers, V-8, antipasto pasta, ham, zucch, dry apricots 21 pancakes food ration & fruit juice pepper steak, asparg, citrus salad 22 scramble eggs, cheesy biscuits nutritional shakes & bars pad Thai, dry roasted edamame 23 yogurt, power bars pudding, pears, nut mix chkn peant sauc, r nood, trop frut 24-25 breakfast skillet nachos m potato, grvy, SW corn, chrycrsp 26 Fiber 1 bars, meal shakes Ritz, hummus, apple juice Jodhpur Lentils, rice, peaches 27 fruit refreshers, BB muffins, milk fruit snacks, Larabars Madras Lentils, rice, pkled beets 28-29 mini donuts, tea, half & half macadamias, Craisins Bombay pot, corn beef, cake, cidr 30-31 hashbrowns, bacon, biscuits, Tang fruit mix, Mojo bars, banana muffn Jambal, pork, hominy, popcorn 32 cocoa & “cake bites” cracker sandwiches & chili Jaipur Veg, rice, tuna, pears 33-34 tropical fruit cups, Clif bars snack mix, fudge cookies, gelatin Dutch Oven pizza 35 instant oatmeal, milk, dried Bluber fruit/nut mix, nutritional shake pork chili verde tacos 36-37 instant rice pudding Dutch Oven frittata lasagna, mixed vegetables 38 yogurt & cookies crackers, hummus, applesauce pork shawarma, rice w/edamame 39 wheat pancakes w/apple jelly/syru pretzels, pears, jambalaya soup sweet & sour chikn, rice, bby corn Following are some ideas for 72-hour emergency menus, with further details. I have tried to include as great a variety as I could, just for ideas. All meant to be adjusted to your family’s tastes and circumstances. Pictures, approximate nutritional info, pricing, 1200/1500/2000 cal options, grocery lists, comments, a few recipes. 26 days.

page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper · page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper 2-3 protein bar and shake pudding & PB sandwich crackers spaghetti dinner, corn, fruit cktail

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Page 1: page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper · page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper 2-3 protein bar and shake pudding & PB sandwich crackers spaghetti dinner, corn, fruit cktail

page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper

2-3 protein bar and shake pudding & PB sandwich crackers spaghetti dinner, corn, fruit cktail

4 oatmeal, milk Juicy Gels & Rice Krispie Treats beef stew, beets, peaches

5-6 meal replmnt shake, protein bites sweet/salty snack mix, Nutr bars mac & cheese, tuna, b salad,

7 Vitamin Water, Complete Cookie pistachios & pudding pork & beans, Vienna s, pears

8 Muscle Milk & mini muffins salad & crackers, Vitamin Water clam chwder, Ps & Cs, drycherries

9 gluten? coconut rice PB, gluten free pretzels, nectar chkn Korma, rice, spinach, pinaple

10 fruit & oats, whey protein bar Ritz, deviled ham, Easy Cheese fajita chkn, rice, limas, drymango

11 cold cereal, almond milk fruit & chia, graham crackers teriyaki chkn, rice, wtrchnuts, mo

12-13 grits, bacon, Tang ginger carrot soup, cookies turkey dinner, dry apples

14-16 corn muffin, eggs pudding, ginger snaps, lac fre milk stroganoff, gr beans, dryblueberri

17 MTR 3 min breakfast, Nesquik sumr sausge, kraut, potatoes sweet & sour, bb corn, banana ch

18-20 apple crisp, milk crackers, V-8, antipasto pasta, ham, zucch, dry apricots

21 pancakes food ration & fruit juice pepper steak, asparg, citrus salad

22 scramble eggs, cheesy biscuits nutritional shakes & bars pad Thai, dry roasted edamame

23 yogurt, power bars pudding, pears, nut mix chkn peant sauc, r nood, trop frut

24-25 breakfast skillet nachos m potato, grvy, SW corn, chrycrsp

26 Fiber 1 bars, meal shakes Ritz, hummus, apple juice Jodhpur Lentils, rice, peaches

27 fruit refreshers, BB muffins, milk fruit snacks, Larabars Madras Lentils, rice, pkled beets

28-29 mini donuts, tea, half & half macadamias, Craisins Bombay pot, corn beef, cake, cidr

30-31 hashbrowns, bacon, biscuits, Tang fruit mix, Mojo bars, banana muffn Jambal, pork, hominy, popcorn

32 cocoa & “cake bites” cracker sandwiches & chili Jaipur Veg, rice, tuna, pears

33-34 tropical fruit cups, Clif bars snack mix, fudge cookies, gelatin Dutch Oven pizza

35 instant oatmeal, milk, dried Bluber fruit/nut mix, nutritional shake pork chili verde tacos

36-37 instant rice pudding Dutch Oven frittata lasagna, mixed vegetables

38 yogurt & cookies crackers, hummus, applesauce pork shawarma, rice w/edamame

39 wheat pancakes w/apple jelly/syru pretzels, pears, jambalaya soup sweet & sour chikn, rice, bby corn

Following are some ideas for 72-hour emergency menus, with further details. I have tried to include as great a variety as I could, just for ideas. All meant to be adjusted to your family’s tastes and circumstances. Pictures, approximate nutritional info, pricing, 1200/1500/2000 cal options, grocery lists, comments, a few recipes. 26 days.

Page 2: page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper · page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper 2-3 protein bar and shake pudding & PB sandwich crackers spaghetti dinner, corn, fruit cktail

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

220 15g 3g 8oz Breakfast Essentials High Protein shake

$7.26/ 6 pack

160 8g — 1 bar Special K Protein snack bar

$2 on sale 6 bars

Totals: 380 23g 3g $9.26

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

110 1g 1g 1 “cup” Snack Pack pudding $.95/ 4 pack

190 4g 1g 1 pkg peanut butter sandwich crackers

$2 8 pack

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

230 11g 3g 1 cup 14.5 oz can Spa-ghetti w/meatballs

2x $.68/ 2 servings

130 5g 0 14 slices 6 oz pkg pepperoni slices

$2.59/ 6 servings

60 1g 0 1/2 cup 15.25 oz can corn $.58/ 3.5 serving

60 0 1g 1/2 cup 14-15 oz can fruit cocktail in juice

$.99/ 3.5 serving

Totals: 300 5g 2g $2.95

Totals: 480 17g 4g $5.52

Daily Totals: 1160 45g 9g $17.73

for 1500 cal: add 1 protein bar and 1 extra pkg peanut butter sandwich crackers for 2000 cal: also add 1 breakfast shake, another serving of pepperoni, and 1 more pkg sandwich crackers Add other water/liquids as needed: at lunch I drank a bottle of zero cal Vitamin Water $3.99/6 pack, ate fig from garden

Idea 1: Spaghetti dinner day

Grocery List 6 pack of Breakfast Essentials 6 pack Special K protein snack bars 4 pack Snack Pack pudding 8 pack PB sandwich crackers 2 14.5 oz cans Spaghetti w/meatballs 6 oz pkg pepperoni slices 15.25 oz can corn 14-15 oz can fruit cocktail

Comments: This is about as inexpensive as you can get to feed a family of 4 for a day, in an emergency grab & go situation. How-ever, the lunch will likely require additional water/beverage because the crackers will increase thirst. A beverage would also make lunch more filling. These foods could be eaten without having to be heated, if needed. Water for washing etc. would increase the cost, bulk, and weight, of course. Spaghetti option next page . . .

Page 3: page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper · page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper 2-3 protein bar and shake pudding & PB sandwich crackers spaghetti dinner, corn, fruit cktail

If you’d rather make your own spaghetti, you can store the uncooked spaghetti (unopened) in a crush resistant con-tainer, with a can of spaghetti sauce (or you can include your own ingredients for spaghetti sauce). Optionally, you could include a can of mushrooms, etc.. You will need to include water to cook the spaghetti, and of course a heat source and pot to cook with, including a lid or way to drain the spaghetti. I haven’t tabulated the nutritional data.

Page 4: page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper · page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper 2-3 protein bar and shake pudding & PB sandwich crackers spaghetti dinner, corn, fruit cktail

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

160 4g 3g 1 pkt Quaker Instant Oatmeal

$2.49 10 pack

130 8g 0 1 cup Paramalat 2% milk $1.98/ qt.

100 2.5g 1g 1/8 cup = 1/2serving

2.25 oz walnuts (Target Mkt Pantry)

$1.89 for 4 half serv.

100 0-1g 2g 1 oz box Raisins or Craisins $2.19-2.29 6 pack

Totals: 490 14g 5g $8.55

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

90 0 0 1 “cup” Snack Pack Juicy Gels

$1.09/ 4 pack

4x90 0 0 4 pkts Rice Krispie Treats $3.89/ 16 pack

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

200 10g 1g 1 cup 15 oz can Beef Stew 2x $1.92/ 2 servings

70 13g 0 2 oz 12 oz can roast beef $2.74 / 6 servings

30 1g 1g 1/2 cup 15 oz can beets $.88/ 3.5 serving

70 0 1g 1/2 cup 15 oz can peaches in juice

$1.59/ 3.5 serving

Totals: 450 0 0 $4.98

Totals: 370 38g 3g $9.05

Daily Totals: 1310 45g 8g $22.58

for 1200 cal: only 2 Rice Krispie pkts for 1500 cal: add an extra pkt instant oatmeal, or extra nuts/raisins for 2000 cal: also add 1 more serving oatmeal and 2 more servings meat water/liquids must include: water to cook oatmeal, though it could be cooked in the milk

Idea 2: Beef Stew dinner day

Grocery List 10 pack Instant Oatmeal 1 qt box Parmalat or other milk 2.25 oz walnuts 6 pack raisins or craisins 4 pack Juicy Gels

Comments: My breakfast picture doesn’t quite match my chart, but I thought I would chart the least expenditure nut option. Of course larger packages are usually cheaper by the oz, but if you are packing to go, you may want the smaller package that will easily slip in cracks. This lunch has no nutritional value at all (except calories), but may be ok for a day.

16 Pack Rice Krispie Treats two 15 oz cans beef stew 12 oz can roast beef 15 oz can beets 14 oz can peaches water to cook oatmeal

Page 5: page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper · page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper 2-3 protein bar and shake pudding & PB sandwich crackers spaghetti dinner, corn, fruit cktail

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

180 10g 4g 11 oz Equate/Ensure Meal Replacement Shake

$4.88/ 6 pack

180 9g 3g 11 pieces Special K Protein Bites

$2 on sale 4.5 serving

Totals: 360 19g 7g $6.88

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

140 4g 1g 1 oz (1/4 cup)

Kars Sweet & Salty snack mix

$2.98 8 pkgs

2x 120 4g 2g 2 bars Kellogs Nutrigrain bars, or similar

$1.98 8 bars

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

210 7g 2g 1 cup 14-15 oz can Mac ‘n cheese

2x $.88/ 2 servings

80 18g .5g 1 pouch Starkist Tuna Creations

4x $.98/ serving

70 2g 2g 1/3 cup 15 oz can 3-Bean Salad

$1.25/ 5 servings

50 0 1g 1 “cup” Unsweetened Apple-sauce-6 pack

$2/ 6 servings

Totals: 380 8g 3g $4.96

Totals: 410 27g 5.5g $8.93

Daily Totals: 1150 54g 15.5g $20.77

for 1500 cal: add 1 extra shake at breakfast, 1 extra snack mix at lunch, 1 extra applesauce at dinner for 2000 cal: also add 3 more pkgs snack mix through the day, and an extra serving of 3-Bean salad at dinner Add other water/liquids as needed (probably especially at lunch)

Idea 3: Mac & Cheese dinner day

Grocery List 6 pack Equate Meal Replacement shakes Special K protein bites 8 pack Kars Sweet &n Salty snack mix 8 pack Nutrigrain bars 14-15 oz can Mac ‘n Cheese 4 pkgs Tuna Creations, or 5 oz cans tuna 15 oz can 3-Bean Salad 6 pack applesauce

Comments: If you prefer boxed Mac & Cheese, you would need to include water to cook it (and a pot; the lid could help drain off the water), a can or 8oz carton of shelf stable milk (the box calls for 1/4 cup milk), and perhaps some butter powder or flavoring, or you could just use oil instead of margarine. The 5 oz cans of tuna may be a little cheaper than the pouches of tuna, though the pouches are tasty, light weight, and slip in the cracks easily. Another Mac & Cheese option next page

Page 6: page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper · page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper 2-3 protein bar and shake pudding & PB sandwich crackers spaghetti dinner, corn, fruit cktail

If you don’t care for canned mac & cheese (as I don’t), you can include either a box or a packet. A packet is light weight, can slip in easily without the boxy corners. You will probably have to find a way to make it crush resistant . . . make sure you have water, heat source, cooking pot etc, as well as some milk option to prepare it. Of course there are various varieties to choose from . . . I haven’t tabulated the nutritional data.

Page 7: page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper · page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper 2-3 protein bar and shake pudding & PB sandwich crackers spaghetti dinner, corn, fruit cktail

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

100 0 0 16.9 oz bottle

Vitamin Water $3.99 6 pack

2x 210 16g 10g 2x half cookie serv

Lenny & Larry’s “the Complete Cookie”

$6.49/ 4 cookies

Totals: 520 16g 10g $10.48

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

160 6g 3g 1/2 cup with shells

8 oz lightly salted pistachios

$6.48 4 servings

110 1g 1g 1 “cup” Snack Pack pudding $.95/ 4 servings

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

2x 120 12g 12g 2x half cup servings

16 oz can Pork & Beans

2x $.57/ 3.5 serving

120 7g 0 4 sausages

4.6 oz can Vienna Sausages

2x $.53/ 2 serving

40 1g 1g 1/2 cups 14.5 oz can stewed tomatoes

$1.49/ 3.5 serv

40 0 2g 1/2 cup 14.5 oz can sliced pears, no sugar

$1.25/ 3.5 serv

Totals: 270 7g 4g $7.43

Totals: 440 20g 15g $4.94

Daily Totals: 1230 43g 29g $22.85

for 1500 cal: add 2 Fiber One protein bars (140 cal each) for 2000 cal: also add a 16 oz (2 cups) can of pork & beans, and another serving of Vienna Sausages Add other water/liquids as needed (probably especially at lunch)

Idea 4: Pork ‘n Beans dinner day

Grocery List 6 pack 16.9 oz Vitamin Water 4 pack or 4 individual the Complete Cookie 8 oz pkg pistachios 4 pack Snack Pack pudding 2-3 cans Pork & Beans 2-3 cans Vienna Sausages 14.5 oz can stewed tomatoes 14.5 oz can pears 1 pkg Fiber One bars?

Comments: My granddaughter liked the PB Complete Cookie best, my grandson liked the choc chip Complete Cookie best; I didn’t care for any of the 5 varieties I tried. Pork & Beans is a very inexpensive meal, and can be eaten room temperature, if need be.

Page 8: page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper · page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper 2-3 protein bar and shake pudding & PB sandwich crackers spaghetti dinner, corn, fruit cktail

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

130 20 4g 11 oz Muscle Milk $5.99/ 4 pack

190 2g 1g 1 muffin Entenmann’s Little Bites Muffins

$2.99/ 5 servings

Totals: 320 22g 5g $8.98

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

300 7g 1g 1 pkg Bumble Bee Snack on the Run

4x $1.24/serving

100 0 0 16.9 oz Vitamin Water $3.99/ 6 pack

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

180 6g 1g 1 cup 18.5 oz can heat & eat Clam Chowder

2x $1.69/ 2 servings

22 2g 0 6.5 / 4 6.5 oz can chopped clams


2x 140 6g 2g 2x half car-ton serving

Goldfish 4x $.99/ carton

30 / 2 0 .5 1/2 cup 7 oz container Kroger peas

$.59/ 2 servings

10 / 2 0 .5g 1/2 cup 7 oz container Kroger carrots

$.59/ 2 servings

130 1g 1g 1/4 cup 5 oz dried cherries $3.09/ 3.5 serving

Totals: 400 7g 1g $8.95

Totals: 632 15g 5g $13.20

Daily Totals: 1352 44g 11g $31.13

for 1200 cal: only eat half a box of Goldfish (1 serving) for 1500 cal: snack on an extra serving (half carton) of Goldfish, or dried cherries through the day for 2000 cal: add an extra muffin in the morning, an extra Vitamin Water through the day, and extra serving clam chowder Add other water/liquids as needed

Idea 5: Clam Chowder dinner day

Grocery List 4 pack Muscle Milk Entenmann’s Little Bites Muffins 4 Snack on the Run (tuna, chicken, ham, salmon …) 6 pack Vitamin Water

Comments: The Snack on the Run are not too expensive, but such tiny portions, I think you can find a better bargain. You can get condensed clam chowder and canned milk to make it up, but it’s more weight and cans, and I’m not sure cheaper. I got peas and carrots and mixed them myself. They were in light weight packaging.

2 or 3 18.5 oz cans heat & eat clam chowder 6.5 oz can chopped clams 4-6 small cartons Goldfish 7 oz container peas 7 oz container carrots 5 oz pkg dried cherries

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calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

1/2 x 250

2.5g .5g half of one cup serv

Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice—Jasmine

$1.89 / 2 1 cup serv

120 1g 0 1/3 cup Coconut Milk $1.98 / 5 servings

70 0 2g 2 T sweetened coconut flakes

$1.98 / 26 serving

Totals: 315 3.5g 2.5g $5.85

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

250 9g 3g 1 “cup” Jif to Go $2.69/ 8

110 0 2g 1 bag Glutino pretzels $5.97 8 bags

abt 170 0 3g 11.5 oz peach or other nectar 4x $.59

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

130 3g 5g 1/2 10 oz package

Tasty Bites Veg Korma

2x $3.49 2 servings

1/2 x 250

2.5g .5g half of one cup serv

Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice—Jasmine

$1.89 / 2 1 cup serv

60 11g 0 2 oz 10 oz can chicken breast


25 2g 3g 1/2 cup 27 oz can Allen’s Pop-eye spinach

$.99/ 6 servings

60 — 1g 2 slices 20 oz can pineapple $1.48 / 5

Totals: 530 9g 8g $11.02

Totals: 400 18.5g 9.5g $12.82

Daily Totals: 1245 31g 20g $29.69

for 1500 cal: a full cup of rice breakfast and dinner for 2000 cal: also add 2 extra servings coconut at breakfast, 1 extra bag pretzels at lunch and an extra Jif to Go Add other water/liquids as needed

Idea 6: Chicken Korma dinner day—gluten free, I think

Grocery List 2-4 pkgs Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice 14-15 oz can coconut milk sweetened coconut flakes 8 pack Jif to Go 8 pack Glutino pretzels, or reg pretzels 4 cans peach and/or other nectars 2 pkgs Vegetable Korma

Comments: Heat the rice in the morning with the coconut milk in a pot, add coconut flakes. Heat the rice for dinner with the Korma in a pot. Add the chicken breast. To be sure of gluten-free, check packages, esp. PB. Snider’s 100 cal pretzel packs were $3.99 for 10 packs

10 oz can chicken breast can of spinach can of pineapple

Page 10: page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper · page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper 2-3 protein bar and shake pudding & PB sandwich crackers spaghetti dinner, corn, fruit cktail

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

180 4g 4g 1 cup 2 pack Delmonte Fruit & Oats

2x $2/ 2 servings

340 20 — 1 bar Gatorade Recover Whey Protein bar

4x $1.25 per bar

Totals: 520 24g 4g $9

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

190 9g 0 1 can 6 pack deviled ham $4.98/ 6

2x 90 8g 0 2x 2T 8oz can Easy Cheese

$3.99 / 7 servings

110 2g — 1 stack Ritz Fresh Stacks $2.69/ 8 stacks

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

60 13g 0 2 oz drained

12.5 oz can Kirkland chicken breast

$2.50 / can

15 0 0 2 tsp mix fajita seasoning $1.39

20 0 0 2x 2T 7 oz diced green chilis $.60 /can

25 1g 1g 1/2 cup 14.5 oz can diced or stewed tomatoes

$.89/ can

1/2x 250 2.5g .5g half 1 cup serving

Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice—Jasmine

$1.89 / package

100 6g 8g 1/2 cup 15.25 oz can lima or other beans

$1.59/ 3.5 serving

130 2g 2g 1/2 cup 2.8 oz pkg dried mango

2x $3.79 / 2 servings

Totals: 480 19g 0 $11.66

Totals: 475 24.5g 11.5g $16.44

Daily Totals: 1475 67.5g 15.5g $37.10

for 1200 cal: only half a whey bar in the morning, 1 serving Easy Cheese and 5 crackers for lunch, or half serving ham for 2000 cal: double portions for lunch Add other water/liquids as needed (especially at lunch)

Idea 7: Fajita Chicken dinner day

Grocery List 2 double packs Fruit & Oats 4 Gatorade Whey bars 6 pack deviled ham 8 oz can Easy Cheese or similar 8-stack box Ritz Fresh Stacks

Comments: The fruit & oat cups are tasty, and nice size. The protein bar (as most) is full of carbs/sugars. Easy Cheese does-n’t have to be refrigerated. For fajita chicken, heat together chicken, seasoning, chilis, tomatoes, and rice. You can also add the beans, if you like. Makes quite a filling meal.

12.5 oz can chicken pkg fajita seasoning 7 oz can green chilis 14.5 oz can tomatoes 1 package Ready Rice 15.25 can lima beans 2 2.8oz pkgs dried mango

Page 11: page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper · page Breakfast Lunch/Snack Dinner/Supper 2-3 protein bar and shake pudding & PB sandwich crackers spaghetti dinner, corn, fruit cktail

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

280 5g 6g 1 bowl single serve cold cereal

4x $.50 or more each

60 1g — 8 oz Almond Breeze $2 / quart

Totals: 340 6g 6g $4

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

140 2g 5g 7 oz cup Delmonte Fruit & Chia*

2x $2.28/ 2 servings

2x 130 4g 2g 1 stack Fresh Stacks Graham Crackers

$3.18/ 6 stacks

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

230 11g 2g 1 c dry mix Mtn House chicken teriyaki w/rice

2x $8.99/ 2.5 serving

60 13g 0 2 oz drained

10-12 oz can chicken $2.50 / can 2can$4.44

1/4 x 60

1g 3g 1/2 cup drained

8 oz waterchestnuts $.99/ can

2x 90 1g 0 2 x 1/2 cup 15 oz can mandarin oranges

2x $1/ 3.5 serving

Totals: 400 6g 7g $7.74

Totals: 485 26g 5g $23.47

Daily Totals: 1225 38g 18g $35.21

for 1500 cal: add another bowl of cold cereal for 2000 cal: also add 2 more stacks of graham crackers and a Jif to Go (or canned chocolate frosting, or Nutella) Add other water/liquids as needed—you will need 2 pint water bottles to steep the teriyaki (you can use liquid from the chicken and waterchestnuts for part of it).

Idea 8: Mountain House Chicken Teriyaki dinner day

Grocery List 4-6 single serve cold cereals 1 quart Almond Breeze or similar 2 double packs Fruit & Chia 1 box Fresh Stacks graham crackers 2 Mountain House chicken teriyaki w/rice 10-12 oz can chicken 8 oz can water chestnuts 2 15oz cans mandarin oranges

Comments: The cold cereal is very light, but rather bulky. The price of single serve cold cereal varies very widely, from 4 for $1, to closer to $2 each. Canned choco-late frosting was $1.59 at one store, and Nutella from $2.59 for 7.7 oz—about 5 two tablespoon servings. MamaChia [fruit] Squeeze 3.5 oz pouch was only $1, but little filling. It had 70 calories, 4g fiber, 2g protein. Uncle Ben’s has a teriyaki rice option, for a lot cheaper, though I haven’t tried it. And you can likely find a teriyaki sauce mix. Ready Rice can be heated with the liquid from the chicken, or the teriyaki sauce made up.

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Totals: 270 9g 2g $6.77

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

120 1g 3g 1 cup 32 oz PaciOrg Cash Carrot Ginger soup

$3.49 / 4 servings

120 2g — 13 cookie 1 packet

GV Alphabet Cookies 12 pack

$2.97 / 12 serving

Totals: 240 3g 3g $6.46

Totals: 775 19g 10g $27.05

Daily Totals: 1285 31g 15g $40.28

for 1200 cal: drink water or Zero cal Vitamin Water or other beverage for breakfast for 1500 cal: add another serving potatoes and gravy, another serving cookies, and another serving apple slices for 2000 cal: also add another serving yams, and another serving cranberry sauce (or yet another serving apples slices) Add other water/liquids as needed—you will need 2 pint water bottles to cook the grits, 2 pint water bottles for the Tang, 20 oz (1 1/4 pint) to steep the turkey dinner, 1 pint for cooking the potatoes. If you choose to use a dry gravy mix instead of the can, you will need another half pint of water. Grocery List and Comments next page

Idea 9: Mountain House Turkey Dinner Casserole day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

240 14g 3g 1 cup dry mix

Mtn House Turkey Dinner Casserole

2x $8.94/ 2 serving

170 2g 3g 2/3 cup 29 oz can Bruce’s yams in syrup

$1.78 / 5 servings

110 2g 1g 1/2 cup prepaqred

4 oz package mashed potatoes

$1 4 servings

25 1g 0 1/4 cup 10.5 oz can GV turkey gravy

$.86 / 5 servings

110 0 — 1/4 cup 14 oz can Kroger cranberry sauce

$1.59 / 6 servings

120 0 3g 5 rings 4.5 oz GV dried apple slices

2x $1.97 / 3 servings

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

130 3g 2g 1/4 c dry 24 oz Quaker Quick Grits

$1.79/ 18 serving

50 6g — 2x 1 T serv 2.5 oz Kroger Real Bacon Bits

$2.29 / 5 servings

90 0 0 2 T mix 20 oz Tang $2.69 / 24 serving

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Grocery List 24 oz box Quick Grits—or, 12 pack instant grits optional cheese option for cheesy grits 2.5 oz pkg real bacon bits 20 oz canister of Tang 1 quart box of shelf stable Cashew Carrot Ginger soup 12 pack package of alphabet cookies 2 packages Mountain House Turkey Dinner Casserole 29 oz can yams 1-2 packets instant mashed potatoes 10.5 oz can gravy, or pkt gravy mix (plus 1 cup water) 14 oz can cranberry sauce 2 packages 4.5 oz dried apples

Comments: This is a pretty expensive day . . . but if it’s Thanksgiving, it’s nice to have a treat. What constitutes a treat is different for everyone, and I would not get canned yams or cranberry sauce for myself . . . I would have them fresh on hand . . . they both can handle 3 days or more without refrigeration. This is a water heavy day, as well (about 6 pints). Dried foods are lighter weight and more space saving than cans, but you must still factor in the weight of the water (though plastic bottles are lighter than cans). Generally, rounded containers are easier to pack to go, than a carton of soup, if you need to evacuate, but it depends on your containers and how things fit.

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Totals: 450 15g 5g $11.31

Totals: 350 9g 0 $4.58

Totals: 435 12.5g 6g $25.83

Daily Totals: 1235 36.5g 11g $41.72

Idea 10: Mountain House Beef Stroganoff dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

260 11g 1g 1 cup Mtn House Beef Stroganoff w/noodles

2x 8.94 / 2.5 serving

1/4 x 60 1.5g 1g 1/4 one can

4 oz can mushrooms added to stroganoff


20 — 2g 1/2 cup 14.5 oz can green beans

$.50 sale 3.5 serving

140 0 2g 1/4 cup 8.5 oz pkg dried blue-berries

2x $3.28 2.5 serving

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

180 3g 4g 1/4 c mix (1 muffin)

8.5 oz box Jiffy Corn muffin mix

$.47 / 6 servings

210 12g 1g 1 container Cup at AM breakfast cup eggs

4x $1.99 1 serv ea.

60 0 — 1 T 12 oz honey bear $2.88 / 16 serving

abt 2 T Powdered Milk

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

90 0 0 1/2 cup 3.4 oz box Jell-O instant pudding

$.99 / 4 servings

140 1g — 7 cookies 12 oz Winco Ginger Snaps

$1.59? / 11 serving

120 8g 0 1 cup LaLa 2% Lactose Free milk

$2 / 4 servings

1 egg or equivalent

Grocery List 8.5 oz pkg Jiffy corn muffin mix 4 cup at AM breakfast eggs 12 oz honey bear 3.4 oz Jell-O instant pudding 12 oz or equivalent cookies

1 quart carton shelf stable milk 2 Mtn House Beef Stroganoff 4 oz can mushrooms (opt) 14.5 oz can green beans 2 pkgs 8.5 oz dried blueberries

for 1500 cal: add an extra corn muffin and tablespoon of honey, and 3 more ginger snaps for 2000 cal: also add another serving of beef stroganoff and 1 more serving blueberries Add other water/liquids as needed—you can use water for the corn muffins and either no milk, or couple table-spoons of powdered milk (since it’s baked, you won’t probably notice much difference), 2 cups milk for the pud-ding (use from carton milk), and 2 pints water to steep the stroganoff.

Comments: The egg cups for breakfast make this day more expensive than it need be. Muffin comments next page. You can mix the Jello in a cup with tight lid and hold it tight to shake til done. Not much nutrition for lunch … maybe ok for 3 days, but this would not be my lunch choice. The mushrooms added to the stroganoff don’t offer much, and could be eliminated. Another option next page . . .

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A much cheaper stroganoff option, even after you add the blueberries. You would still need water to cook the strogan-off . . . I haven’t tabulated the nutritional data.

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Interesting information about egg substitutes—eggs have 3 jobs: moisture, leavening, binding. EnerG makes an egg replacer . . . not sure how it works for binding . And of course you can buy a #10 can of dried eggs (a fairly major investment), and you could use that for the breakfast eggs, as well, you would have to season them yourself, but that can be done. Still experimenting with those. I wanted to practice baking in a Dutch Oven. I made several things at once while I had the fire pit going . . . it is not an efficient use of fuel for small cooking tasks. The meat tins worked much better than taller cans for baking the muffins. I set the cans in the Dutch Oven without a rack, and they worked fine (Dutch Oven on a grill over the fire).. Spray the cans with an oil cooking spray. I later used the Dutch Oven on my camp stove to cook pizza, and that worked fine, as well, and is a more efficient use of fuel than the fire pit. I know reflec-tor ovens can be used, but I haven’t got one yet. See also: 13 Effective Substitutes for Eggs, from: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/egg-substitutes

Corn muffins cooked over the fire pit— of course they were covered with the Dutch Oven lid to bake.

Tops when done: Clumsy old lady dropped one, but bottoms

looked good.

To replace the egg, I tried using flax meal in a batch, as suggested on the package, and the muffins fell apart. More experiments needed.

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Totals: 467 14g 2g $17.14

Totals: 255 11g 2 $6.61

Totals: 540 16g 5g $19.91

Daily Totals: 1262 41g 9g $43.66

Idea 11: Mountain House Sweet & Sour Pork dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

290 12g 1g 1 cup prepared

Mtn House Sweet & Sour Pork w/rice

2x 7.49 / 2.5 serving

90 3g 2g 5 pieces, 3 oz drain

15 oz can GV whole baby corn

2x $.98 / 3 servings

160 1g 2g 1/3 cup 12 pkg GV Banana Chips

$2.97 / 11 serving

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

327 6g 2g 1 pkg 2.82oz cup MTR 3 min Breakfast

4x $2.29 / 1 serv ea.

140 8g — 8 oz bottle Nesquik $7.98 / 10 pack

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

180 9g 0 2 oz 9 oz Hillshire Farm Summer Sausage

$2.50 / 4.5 serving

10 0 0 1 tsp 12 oz Kroger Honey Mustard

$1.79 / 68 serving

60 1g 1g 2/3 cup 15 oz can GV sliced New Potatoes

2x $.74 / 2.5 serving

5 0 — 2 T 14.5 oz can Libby’s Sauerkraut

$.84 / 14 serving

Grocery List 4 MTR 3 min breakfast cups Nesquik 9 oz summer sausage mustard (could be smaller) 2 cans sliced potatoes (15 oz) 14.5 oz can sauerkraut 2 Mtn House Sweet & Sour Pork 15 oz can baby corn 12 oz banana chips

for 1500 cal: add another bottle Nesquik, and an extra serving of banana chips for 2000 cal: also add an extra serving Sweet & Sour Pork, and one more serving banana chips Add other water/liquids as needed—water for the 3 min breakfasts, and 2 pint bottles of water to steep the Sweet & Sour Pork—some of which might come from the liquids in the canned vegetables.

Comments: The 3 min breakfasts are rather expensive, and they may be too spicy for some palates, though I liked them. They are reasona-bly filling. The Nesquik at least has some protein, and if you want to invest to hsve it for other meals, it may be worth it to you. I liked the lunch much more than I anticipated, and it is not too bad a price, for including a meat. While it is important to have enough caloric energy, it’s also important to have the meals be reasonably filling. The Moun-tain House meals are not enough on their own, for either the calories or being filling enough. I think La Choy also offers a sweet & sour option, much cheaper, but I haven’t tried it.

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Totals: 476 11g 2g $8.72

Totals: 460 19g 5g $20.72

Daily Totals vary according to lunch choices abt. $43?

Idea 12: Mountain House Pasta Primavera dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

220 8g 2g 1 cup dry mix

Mtn House Pasta Primavera

2x $5.99 / 2.5 serving

100 9g 0 2 oz DAK canned ham $3.97 / 8 servings

30 1g 1g 1/2 cup 14.5 oz can Zucchini Italian style

$1.48 / 3.5 serving

110 1g 2g 5-6 apricot 6 oz pkg dried apricots

$3.29 / 4.5 serving

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

346 3g 2g 1/4 of ap-ple crisp

Apple Crisp recipe on next page

$6.72 / 4 servings

130 8g 0 8 oz cup 1 quart Parmalat 2% milk

$2 / 4 servings

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

2x 15 0 — 2x 4 olives Pearls Olives to Go 1.2 oz

4x $.25 ea, sale

1/2 x 30 1 g 2.5 g 1/2 16 pieces

14 oz Kroger artichoke hearts

$2.00 / 2 servings

30 1g 1g 5.5 oz can V-8 low sodium veg drink

$3.49 / 6 pack

80 — 0 5 crackers 11.8 oz Ritz 8 Fresh Stacks

$2.49 / 21 serving

chart p. 20

fish options

Grocery List 21oz can apple pie filling pie crust mix instant oatmeal opt. pecans olives artichoke hearts

for 1200 cal: kipper snacks at lunch for fish option (160 cal) for 1500 cal: Snack on the Run at lunch for fish option (300 cal), and 2 extra servings ham at dinner for 2000 cal: 2 full fresh stacks and Tuna Creations at lunch (400 cal + 110 cal), an extra serving Primavera, 2 extra ham Add other water/liquids as needed—need 2 pints to steep the Primavera.

Comments: Of course the apple crisp doesn’t really cost that much to make because you can use the leftover ingredi-ents for other meals. You might choose different vegeta-bles; I have just tried to show what variety there is. Similar option next page . . .

6 pack V-8 11.8 oz Ritz Fresh Stacks fish options as desired 2 Mtn House Pasta Primavera canned ham 14.5 oz can Zucchini 6 oz pkg dried apricots

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A couple similar dinner ideas, but much cheaper. You would still need some water to cook, and I would add some kind of fruit. I haven’t tabulated the nutritional data.

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Apple Crisp by ST serves 4 21 oz can apple pie filling 1/4 cup pie crust mix 2 envelopes instant oatmeal optional 1/4 cup pecan chips Pour the pie filling a 6” cake pan, or a metal pie tin. Combine the pie crust mix with the oatmeal (you can use the can to mix it in). Crumble the oatmeal mixture over the filling. Sprinkle with pecan chips if you like. Can be baked without a rack in the Dutch Oven, over a fire or camp stove. Cover the Dutch Oven with its lid. When the filling is bubbly, it’s done. (You can dispose of the metal pie tin, if con-serving water, and you don’t need it further.)



fiber serving description cost/quantity

110x12 8

1.5g 0 1/4 c mix Jiffy Pie Crust mix $.68 whole box

160 x 2 8g 6g 2x pkt Quaker Instant Oatmeal

$2.49 / 10 pack

100 x 7 0 0 21 oz can 21 oz can DH Ctry Apple Pie filling

$1.98 / can

200 2g 2g 1/4 c raw pecans

Signature pecan chips

$1.57 / 1/2 cup?

1385 11.5g 8g $6.72 Totals 346 3g 2g per serving (1/4 of the whole crisp)

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

220 + 80 6g + 1g 1g + 0 1 pkg Snack on the Run tuna salad and crackers

$1.24 / 1 serving

45 10g 0 2 oz drained 5 oz can Bumble Bee tuna in water

$.78 / 2 servings

110 19g — 2.6 oz pouch Starkist Tuna Creations $1.25 / pouch

160 16g 0 3.5 oz can Kippered Herring snacks $1.59 / 1 can

Fish options for lunch:

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Totals: 500 7g 3g $8.98

Totals: 320 5g 1g $4.73

Totals: 340 19g 5g $18.43

Daily Totals: 1280 31g 9g $32.14

Idea 13: Mountain House Pepper Steak dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

240 16g 6g 1/2 package

Mtn House Pepper Steak

2x $7.49 2 serving

20 2g — 1/2 cup 14.5 oz can Green Giant Asparagus

$1.69 / 3.5 serving

80 1g 2g 1/2 cup 15 oz can Delmonte Citrus Salad

$1.76/ 3.5 serving

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

240 5g 1g 1/2 cup dry mix

Kroger Complete But-termilk pancakes

$1.79 / 14servings

2x 40 0 — 1 T Smuckers Nat Straw-berry Fruit Spread

$2.94 / 28 servings

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

400 7g 3g 3 oz 18 oz pkg apple cin-namon food ration

$5 / 6 servings

100 0 0 8 oz can V-8 Fusion Pom. Blueberry 100% juice

$3.98 / 6 pack

Grocery List pancake mix topping for pancakes emergency food ration bar for 6 6 pack V-8 Fusion 100% juice 2 Mtn House Pepper Steak 14.5 oz can asparagus 15 oz can citrus salad

for 1200 cal: Zero cal syrup instead of jam for pancakes for 1500 cal: an extra pancake for breakfast for 2000 cal: 3 extra pancakes for breakfast, or an extra pancake at breakfast and a double lunch Add other water/liquids as needed—need water for cooking pancakes, and 2 pints water to steep Pepper Steak

Comments: You can take the inner bag out of the pancake mix box, write the instructions on it, for more efficient packing. Include a zip bag to keep it from spilling. If your family likes pancakes every morning, it simplifies preparations. Choose a pancake topping your family likes, such as jam/jelly, syrup, powdered sugar (powdered sugar can be put in a suitably sized plastic jar), etc. I try to avoid glass containers, but if they are small and sturdy, they might be ok. The food ration is very dry, and may cause more thirst than an 8 oz beverage can manage. Of course you might choose different vegetables or fruit, according to your tastes.

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Totals: 420 17g 3g $9.40

Totals: 400 20g 0 $15.23

Totals: 750 40g 18g $16.36

Daily Totals: 1570 77g 21g $40.99

Idea 14: Backpacker’s Pantry Pad Thai dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

460 20g 8g 1/2 package

BackPacker’s Pantry Pad Thai

2x $5.99 2 servings

160 7g 2g 1oz 16 oz Planters honey dry roast peanuts

$2.49 / 16 serving

130 13g 8g 1/3 cup 4 oz Dry Roasted Edamame

$1.89 / 4 servings

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

240 17 g 0 1 cup dry mix

Mtn House scram-bled eggs & bacon

2x $6.97 / 1.5 serving

160 3g — 1/3 cup mix

Bisquick cheese gar-lic biscuits

$1.29 / 6 biscuits

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

220 9g — 8 oz shake Equate/Ensure Nutri-tional Shakes

$5.88 / 6 servings

200 8g 3g 1.69 oz bar Luna whole nutri-tional bar

4x $.88 each—sale

Grocery List 2-3 Mtn House scrambled eggs & bacon 1-2 pkgs Bisquick 6 pack Equate/Ensure Nutritional Shakes 4 Luna nutritional bars 2 Backpacker’s Pantry Pad Thai 16 oz plastic bottle peanuts 4 oz pkg edamame

for 1200 cal: no peanuts or edamame for 1500 cal: half a serving of edamame for 2000 cal: an extra shake at lunch, an extra serving of peanuts at dinner Add other water/liquids as needed—1 pint to steep eggs. 1/2 cup for biscuits, 4.5 cups for Pad Thai; dry roasted peanuts and edamame will create extra thirst

Comments: Not sure why they made the scrambled egg package 1.5 servings—you can either give everyone small portions, or get an extra package. Similarly, if each person is going to want more than one biscuit, you would need to get another pkg biscuits. You can bake the biscuits in a Dutch Oven. I’m not sure if it’s ok to give kids an adult nutritional shake, so you could in-stead give them a Nesquik. A person wanting to cut the calories of the Nutri-tional Shake could get a meal replacement instead (180 cal for 11 oz). For those who need to control carb intake, meal replacement shakes and protein bars are very high in carbs.

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Totals: 290 3g 3g $7.69

Totals: 300 24g 4g $6.50

Totals: 725 21g 1g $11.90

Daily Totals: 1315 48g 8g $26.09

Idea 15: Chicken & Peanut Sauce dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

90 3g — 2 T mix 3.5 oz Taste of Thai Peanut Sauce

$2.85 / 5 servings

120 1g 0 1/3 cup 13.5 oz Taste of Thai coconut milk

$1.98 / can (5 serving)

350 7g 0 1 cup 14 oz JiangXi Rice Sticks-4 bundles

$2.29? / 4 servings

45 9g 0 2oz 12.5 oz can chicken breast

$2.50 / 6 servings

120 1g 1g 1/4 cup 10 oz pkg Dried Tropical Fruit Mix

$2.28 / 9 servings

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

90 4g 0 3 oz pouch 4 pack GoGo Squeez Yorgurtz

$2.98 / 4 pack

210 20g 4g 1 bar Protein Plus Power bar

4x $.88 each bar

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

100 3g 1g 20 g pkg Emerald 100 cal packs, nuts&cranb…

$4.74 / 10 pack

100 0 — 1 pudding cup

Snack Pack Pudding $.95 / 4 servings

90 — 2g 1 ‘cup” Dole diced pears in 100% juice

$2 / 4 pack

Grocery List 4 pack GoGo Squeez Yogurtz 4 protein power bars 10 pk Emerald 100 cal nuts &cranberries 4 pack Snack Pack pudding 4 pack diced pears & 100% juice Taste of Thai Peanut Sauce

for 1200 cal: cut one of the three lunch items for 1500 cal: an extra nut and cranberry mix at lunch, and an extra Tropical Fruit mix at dinner for 2000 cal: 2 extra nut/cranberry mixes at lunch, and extra serving of chicken & peanut sauce, and 2 extra tropical mixes Add other water/liquids as needed—a pint or two of water to cook the rice sticks

Comments: The yogurts are pretty small. 13.5 oz can coconut milk

14 oz rice sticks 12.5 oz can chicken breast 10 oz pkg dried Tropical Fruit

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Totals: 380 10.5g 4.5g $9.29

Totals: 440 14g 2g

Totals: 592 7g 6g $17.92

Daily Totals: 1412 31.5g 12.5g $43.89

Idea 16: Mashed Potatoes & Country Sausage Gravy dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

110 2g 2g 1/4 c dry mix

1 pkg instant mashed potatoes

$1 / 4 servings

70 2g 0 1/4 cup 15 oz can Libby’s Country Sausg Gravy

$1.38 / 7 servings

50 1g 2g 1/3 cup 15.25 oz can Delmonte SW corn

$1.69 / 3.5 serving

362 2g 4g 1/4 of crisp Cherry Crisp, recipe next page

$13.85* / 4 servings

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

350 13g 1g 1 cup dry mix

Mtn House breakfast skillet

2x 6.97 / 2 servings

60 0 0 1/4 cup Rico 15 oz can cheddar chees sauce

$1.98 / 7 servings

30 1g 1g 2 T 7 oz can Herdez salsa

$.76 / 6 servings

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

150 2g 1g 1 1/8 oz pkg

Doritos tortilla chips 4x $.50 per serving

1/2 x 290

1/2 x 17g

1/2 x 7g

1/2 of 1 cup serv

14 oz can Nalley chili con carne

$.93 / 2 serving

10 0 0 1 oz 7.75 oz El Pato Tomato salsa

$.69 / 7.75 serv

60 0 0 1/4 cup 15 oz can Rico ched-dar cheese sauce

$1.98 / 7 servings

15 0 — half a 1.2 oz cup

Pearls Olives to Go! 4 pack

$3.69 / 8 servings

for 1200 cal: cut the cheese and salsa for breakfast, serving size for cherry crisp: 1/6 of crisp for 1500 cal: 2 servings mashed potatoes for 2000 cal: an extra 1 cup chili at lunch, extra serving of mashed potatoes and gravy at dinner Add other water/liquids as needed—24 oz water for breakfast skillet, 16 oz for mashed potatoes, (double if 2 pack-ets of mashed potatoes), 16 oz if using gravy mix instead of canned. You will probably need more beverages. Grocery list and comments next page.


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Comments: Expensive breakfast. You may or may not like the cheese and salsa with the breakfast skillet—I thought it was tasty plain. I was disappointed that the canned cheese /nacho sauces all have almost no protein or anything else but carbs. El Pato brand was rather spicy, and not chunky, if that’s what you like. Pictured is a large can,but it is available in a small can, as on the chart. Other brands of salsa in cans are (available in 7oz sizes) La Costena, Em-basa, Herdez, and of course you may can your own, though if you have to evacuate, they are not as easy to take without danger of breaking. There are salsa mixes that might be mixed with canned diced tomatoes just before eating, too. The idea for lunch was nachos. I couldn’t find plain tortilla chips in the small packaging, and the larger bags would be more difficult to keep from getting crunched—easier to pack smaller crushproof con-tainers for the chips. If you prefer refried beans to chili, they are 120 cal, 6g protein, 6g fiber per half cup serving. Other cheese options would be Easy Cheese or similar (80-90 cal / 2T serving, 3-4g pro-tein), or Velveeta (70 cal/1oz serving, 4g protein). I’m thinking the salsa and the cheese would be ok unrefrigerated for half day, but Easy Cheese, at least should be, and smaller cans of salsa would not leave much leftover. Olives not shown—Olives to go are in smaller, lightweight packaging, and without the liquid to deal with (I bought some on sale for I think 25 cents per 1.2 container); but less expensive is a 15 oz can of olives, which you can often get for $1 or less. Of course you can get a gravy mix, which is smaller and lighter, but would require another pint bottle of water. *The cherry crisp costs less than it looks, as you would have lots of pie crust mix left over, 8 more pkgs of instant oatmeal, plenty of nuts for another day(s). You could, of course, just make a cherry pie, instead of a crisp, and lose the cost of the nuts and instant oatmeal. You would need a little more water to make the pie crust. If you cook the cherry crisp (or pie) in a pie tin in a 10” Dutch Oven, it will be difficult to get out, espe-cially when hot. A12” Dutch Oven would be better for cooking in a pie tin. I cooked this without a rack under the pie tin.

Grocery List 2 Mountain House Breakfast Skillets cheese option if you like salsa option if you like 4 individual tortilla chips 14 oz can chili or refried beans olives if you like 1-2 packages instant mashed potatoes 15 oz can sausage gravy, or pkg gravy mix 15.25 oz can Delmonte Southwest Corn 30 oz can cherry pie filling pkg of pie crust mix (Jiffy sells smaller size, if preferred) instant oatmeal (10 pack) 2 oz pkg pecan chips, walnuts, or almond slices, if you like Cherry Crisp 4-6 servings 30 oz cherry pie filling 1/4 cup pie crust mix (*cost based on Krusteaz, Jiffy is less) 2 packets instant oatmeal .5 oz pecan chips, chopped walnuts, or sliced almonds, opt Pour pie filling in pie tin. Combine pie crust mix with oatmeal and sprinkle over filling. You can use a can for a bowl to avoid dishes to wash. Sprinkle nuts atop, if you like. Bake in a Dutch Oven over moderate heat ‘til the filling is bubbly.

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Totals: 350 8g 3g $7.29

Totals: 320 16g 9g $8.87

Totals: 460 18g 7g $14.97

Daily Totals: 1130 42g 19g $31.13

Idea 17: Jodhpur Lentils dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

130 6g 4g 1/2 pkg Tasty Bites Jodhpur Lentils

2x $3.49 / 2 servings

50 7g 0 1 pkg Jack Links Teriyaki Beef Jerky

4x $1 / pkg/serv

220 4g 1g 1 cup Tasty Bites Basmati Rice

2x $1 sale 2 servings

60 1g 2g 1/2 cup 29 oz can Kroger sliced peaches/juice

$1.99 / 7 servings

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

140 6g 5g 1 bars Fiber One protein bars

$3.99 / 5 bars

180 10g 4g 11 oz bottle

Equate/Slimfast Meal Replacement shake

$4.88 / 6 pack

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

110 2g — 1 fresh stack

Ritz Fresh Stacks $2.69 / 8 stacks

3x 40 3x 2g 3x 1g 1 oz 14 oz can Ziyad Hummus

$1.62 / 13 serving

120 0 — 8 oz 6 pack Motts 100% apple juice

$2.98 / 6 servings

Grocery List box of Fiber One bars (5 bars) 6 pack of meal replacement shakes 8 pack box of Ritz Fresh Stacks 14 oz can of hummus 6 pack 100% apple juice 2 Tasty Bites Jodhpur Lentils

for 1200 cal: add an extra serving of peach slices for 1500 cal: also add an extra shake & an extra stack of crackers sometime in the day for 2000 cal: double breakfast, 3 stacks crackers, 4 servings hummus, 2 juices, 3 servings peaches Add other water/liquids as needed—

Comments: The protein bars are like candy bars—lots of carbs. For some it might not be advisable to have hummus in the same day as lentils. Heat the rice with the Lentil mixture. Townhouse has a cracker and hummus combo, 3 pack. Rather bulky, but could be made less so. Mediterranean is quite tasty.

4 $1 pkgs Beef Jerky 2 Tasty Bites Basmati Rice 29 oz can peaches in juice

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Totals: 470 9g 10g $9.43

Totals: 350 10g 2.5g $7.52

Totals: 475 17g 6g $15.91

Daily Totals: 1295 36g 18.5g $32.86

Idea 18: Madras Lentils dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

150 6g 5g 1/2 pkg Tasty Bites Madras Lentils

2x $3.49 / 2 servings

90 7g — 1 stick Vermont BBQ Beef Stick

4x $1.50 / stick

220 4g 1g 1 cup Tasty Bites Basmati Rice

2x $1 sale 2 servings

15 0 0 4 slices 15 oz can Santiam sliced pickled beets

$.93 / 9 servings

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

90 1g 2g 7 oz cup Delmonte Fruit Refreshers

2x $2.28 / 2 servings

1/2 x 260

1/2x 2g 1/2x 1g

1/2x 2 muffins

7 oz Martha White Blueberry Muffin mix

$.98 / 6 muffins

130 8g 0 8oz 1 quart Parmalat 2% milk

$1.98 / 4 servings

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

70 1g 2g 1 pouch Welches Reduced Sugar Fruit Snacks

$2.39 / 8 pouches

2x 200 for ex.

2x 4g 2x 4g 1 bars Larabar various flavors fruit &nut bars

8x $.88 /serving

Grocery List 2 two packs Delmonte Fruit Refreshers 1-2 packages blueberry muffin mix 1 quart shelf stable milk 8 pack fruit snacks 8 Larabars or other nutritional bar 2 Tasty bites Madras Lentils 4 Vermont BBQ beef sticks 2 Tasty Bites Basmati Rice 15 oz can pickled or plain beets

for 1200 cal: cut the beef stick or only have half a Larabar for 1500 cal: add an extra muffin and an extra fruit snack for 2000 cal: add 3 extra muffins, 3 more fruit snacks Add other water/liquids as needed—

Comments: Fruit Refreshers cost more than the smaller fruit cups moms get for kids, but they are more substantial/filling—about twice as big. Use a little of the milk to make the muffins (or a little milk powder). You can cook them in empty meat tins in the Dutch Oven, in an Aebleskiver/Ebelskiver pan/skillet, or just make pancakes of them. Pictures see Idea #20. The Larabars are rather small (not filling), and the kids and I didn’t really care for them, though there are many flavors to choose from.

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Totals: 290 2g 4g $4.54

Totals: 420 3g 1g $8.01

Totals: 730 20g 4g $17.33

Daily Totals: 1440 25g 9g $29.88

Idea 19: Bombay Potatoes dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

140 4g 4g 1/2 pkg Tasty Bites Bombay Potatoes

2x $3.49 / 2 servings

160 13g 0 2 oz 11.5 oz can corned beef

$5.86 / 6 servings

350 3g — 1/5 frosted cake

9.4 oz DH Perfect Sz Golden Fudge cake

$2.50 / 5 servings

80 0 0 1 pkt Kroger Spiced Apple Cider (hot or cold)

$1.99 / 10 pack

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

410 3g 1g 6 donettes Hostess 6 pack mini donuts

4x $1 / pkg of 6

0 0 0 1 teabag in cup water

herbal tea $2.32 / 18-20 pack

10 0 0 1 portion Land O’ Lakes Mini Moo’s half & half

$1.69 sale / 24 pack

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

200 2g 2g 1 oz 20 nuts

6.5 oz PS Dry Roast Macadamias

$2.25 sale / 7 serving

90 0 2g 1 oz box Ocean Spray Crais-ins--dried cranberries

$2.29 / 6 pack

Grocery List 4 packages Hostess mini donuts box of herbal tea single packs 24 pack Mini Moo’s half & half 6.5 oz macadamia nuts 6 pack craisins 2 Tasty Bites Bombay Potatoes 11.5 oz can corned beef Duncan Hines Perfect Size cake 10 pack apple cider

for 1200 cal: only half package of donettes (3 donuts) for 1500 cal: add another Apple Cidar for 2000 cal: also add another serving macadamias and craisins, and another piece of cake Add other water/liquids as needed—

Comments: It’s a lot of cake this day . . . I would choose something dif-ferent than the donuts for breakfast. Not much to fill one for lunch, but more tea would be nice. I really liked the Bombay Potatoes. You could add rice to the dinner, if you liked—heat the rice with the Bombay Potatoes, the corned beef, or with a bit of water or oil—in a separate pan or skillet, or be-fore you heat the Bombay Potatoes and corned beef. Info about baking the cake, and pictures next page:

the cake calls for 1 egg, 1/4 cup water, 2 T butter you can use: oil instead of butter in cake, water in frosting (pour it like thick icing) egg replacer or dried egg powder for the eggs

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I used the fire pit to cook several things at once, so as not to waste fuel. Similarly, if you use a charcoal grill, it would not be fuel efficient to cook only one thing. The cake can be made ahead, if you want to use the fire or charcoal to cook multiple items for more than one day. You could use a gas grill or a camp stove for better fuel efficiency. The package includes a pan, and directions say you don’t have to grease the pan they provide. It

says bake at 300º for 34-39 mins . . . so not at the hottest part of the fire, or use a med-low setting for a gas burner. Put the cake on a rack inside the Dutch Oven (best if it fills as much of the bottom of the Dutch Oven as possible. An Instapot rack can be used, but try not to let it slide around as you work with the Dutch Oven), set it level, and cover it with a lid to bake. (Mine got a bit tipsy …. I had a little trouble working from my wheelchair). My finished product didn’t look pretty, but in difficult times, a little laughter at lopsidedness, and sharing a tasty treat, can help the family cope with stresses.

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Totals: 790 16g 5g $5.77

Totals: 355 7g 1g $9.13

Totals: 590 20g 11g $11.51

Daily Totals: 1735 43g 17g $26,41

Idea 20: Uncle Ben’s Jambalaya dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

200 4g 3g 1 cup Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice Jambalaya

2x $1.74 / 2 servings

60 12g 0 2 oz Kroger 10 oz can pulled pork

$2.00 / 3.5 serving

70 — 2g 1/4 cup 16 oz Manwich Bourbon BBQ

$1 / 6 servings

70 1g 1g 1/2 cup 15.5 oz GV hominy $.74 / 3.5 serving

50 0 2g 4 oz bowl Kroger 6 pack applesauce

$2 / 6 servings

140 3g 3g 2 T un-popped

Jiffy Pop popcorn

$2.29 / 3.5 serving

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

90 1g 1g 1/2 cup dry 4.2 oz Hungry Jack hashbrowns

$1.57 / 7 servings

25 3g 0 1 T 3 oz Kroger Real Ba-con Bits

$2.29 / 12 serving

150 3g — 1/3 cup mix

Bisquick biscuit mix $1.29 / 6 servings

90 0 0 1/8 cup for 8 oz water

20 oz Tang drink mix $3.98 / 24 serving

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

60 1g 2g 1/2 cup 15 oz Kroger Chunky Mixed Fruit

$1.25 / 3.5 serving

200 9g 2g 1 bar Clif Mojo bar 4x $.88 /serving

530 6g 1g 1/6 pckg 15 oz Sam’s Choice banana nut muffins

$1 sale / 6 servings

for 1200 cal: cut the muffin; or the biscuit, the Mojo bar, the BBQ sauce, the applesauce, and half serving popcorn for 1500 cal: cut the Mojo bar for 2000 cal: add one more biscuit and another applesauce; or, extra serving hashbrowns, extra serving bacon, & biscuit Add water/liquids as needed—1 pint for the hashbrowns, 1/2 cup for the biscuits, 2 pints for Tang, 2/3 cup for ba-nana muffins (& egg replacer or egg powder, if you use either).

—shopping list, comments, and pictures next page

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Shopping List 4.2 oz Hungry Jack hash browns 2.5-3 oz shelf stable bacon biscuit mix Tang 15 oz can mixed fruit 4 Clif Mojo bars muffin mix (oil & egg substitute if you can’t use eggs) Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice Jambalaya 10 oz can pulled pork opt. Hunts Manwich Bourbon BBQ sauce 15.5 oz can hominy 6 pack applesauce Jiffy Pop pocorn Comments: I thought the hash browns were quite good. The Mojo bars or the muffins are perhaps overkill (the box shows 6 Jumbo muffins, or a 9x4 inch loaf pan). Both are high in carbs. The BBQ sauce is also maybe unneeded, and adds lots of carbs. You can heat the rice with a couple tablespoons water in a pan or skillet. Let the hominy come to a full boil to soften it. Don’t do the Jiffy Pop on a grill or campfire. Camp stove works fine. Sam’s Club Banana Nut Muffin Mix calls for 2/3 cup water 2/3 cup veg oil 2 eggs—see other options below Bake the muffins in empty meat or tuna tins, 2-3 small loaf pans, or a pie tin, in the Dutch Oven. Coat the pan(s) with cooking oil spray, and set them on a rack inside the Dutch Oven. Alternatively, you can use the mix to make sweet treat pancakes, or use an Aebleskiver/

Ebelskiver pan/skillet to make little cake balls. The in-

structions say to bake them at 400ºF, so fairly hot fire, for 23-27 minutes for Jumbo muffins. 13 Effective Substitutes for Eggs, from: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/egg-substitutes eggs provide binding, leavening, moisture, and flavor & ap-pearance 1, applesauce, 2. banana, 3. ground flax or chia seeds, 4. commercial egg replacer (google egg substitutes), 5.silken tofu, 6. vinegar & baking soda, 7. yogurt or buttermilk, 8. Ar-rowroot powder, 9. aquafaba, 10. nut butter, 11. carbonated water, 12. agar-agar or gelatin, 13. soy lecithin —read the entire article for important details.

biscuits in a Dutch Oven—bake with lid on, of course —could use gas grill or camp stove

Biscuit bottoms perfect, below:

Muffins as pancakes or pancake bites/balls:

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Totals: 490 20g 7g $4.12

Totals: 310 20g 0 $8.26

Totals: 540 25-29g 8.5g $17.97

Daily Totals: 1340 65-69g 15.5g $30.35

Idea 21: Jaipur Vegetables dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

150 5g 2g 1/2 pkg Tasty Bites Jaipur Vegetables

2x $3.49 / 2 servings

250 6g 4g 1 cup Uncle Ben’s brown Jasm rice& edamame

2x abt.$2/ 2 servings

80 14-18g .5g 1 pouch Tuna Creations 4 / $5

60 0 2g 1/2 cup Kroger 29 oz pear halves in juice

$1.99 / 7 servings

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

80 — — 1 packet Nestle Hot Cocoa $1.29 / 6 pack

230 20g 0 3 in a pack Cake Bites $6.97 / 4 pack

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

200 3g — 1 package 11.3 oz Kroger cracker sandwiches

$2 / 8 pack

290 17g 7g 1 cup 14 oz Nalley chili con carne

2x $1.06 / 2 servings

Grocery List hot cocoa mix 4 pack cake bites or similar 8 pack cracker sandwiches 2 cans chili 2 Tasty Bites Jaipur Vegetables 2 Uncle Ben’s Brown Jasmine Rice w/edamame 4 Tuna Creations or 2 cans tuna 29 oz can pear halves in juice

for 1200 cal: only half cup chili for 1500 cal: add an extra package sandwich crackers for 2000 cal: add an extra hot cocoa, 2 extra sandwich crackers, 3 extra servings pears Add other water/liquids as needed—2-3 pints for hot cocoa, and probably a beverage at lunch

Comments: The cake bites are not like cake, and I didn’t care for them, though one grand-child did. There are less expensive brands hot cocoa mix. I really liked the Jaipur Vegetables. You can heat the rice with them. A 5 oz can tuna says it has 2 servings, 2 oz each. The Tuna Creations cost more, but you get 2.6 oz all “meat”. And I think they are tastier.

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Totals: 390 10g 4g abt $5.50

Totals: 330 10g 5g $5.52

Totals: abt. 300 2or4g 0or1g abt. $5-8 2 pizzas: 600 4or8g 0or2g abt. $10-16

Daily Totals (2 pizzas): 1320 24or28g 9or11g $21-27

Idea 22: Pizza dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

242 — — 1/5 of pizza

basic cheese pizza recipe next page

abt. $2.64 5 servings

56 2g 0 1/5 x 30 slices

pepperoni topping $2.50 / 6oz (3 pizzas)

60 4g 1g 1/5 combo toppings

combo toppings see next page

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

80 — 1g 4oz “cup” Tropical Fruit cups in juice

$2 / 4 pack

250 10g 4g 1 bar Clif bar 4x $.88 / bar (sale)

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

150 9g 4g 1/2 cup 4.2 oz Snak Club snack mix

abt $2.50?/ 4 servings

150 1g — 14 cookies 3 oz cups Keebler Fudge Stripe cookies

2x $1 / 3 servings

90 0 0 1 “cup” Snack Pack gelatin 10% juice

$1 / 4 servings

Grocery List 4 pack tropical fruit cups in juice 4 Clif bars or alternative 4.2 oz bag Snak Club snack mix 2 three oz cups fudge strip cookies Snack Pack gelatin, 10% juice 2 boxes Jiffy Pizza Crust mix + flour can spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce, or tomato paste 8 oz container parmesan pepperoni if that’s what you like

for 1200 cal: only 3 cookies for 1500 cal: add an extra serving cookies for 2000 cal: add an extra serving of cookies, and 2 extra slices pizza Add other water/liquids as needed—probably a beverage at lunch and dinner, and 1 cup to make pizza crust (you can use vegetable water from the canned vegetables for at least part of it).

Comments: You will probably need some beverages at each meal, either to fill the tummy, or the thirst. Keep the cookies sealed until ready to eat, for longer shelf life. Of course there are many varieties. I happened to pick these. Of course you could just make cheese pizza, and you could make it with Velveeta if you prefer. You could also just make pizza sticks and dip them in a can of spaghetti sauce.

for combo: can mushrooms 4oz can diced chilis olives 3 oz Real Bacon bits 14 oz can artichoke hearts (use half) recipe next page

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Pizza in a 10” Dutch Oven Per pizza: Basic pizza— 1 box Jiffy pizza crust mix a little extra flour (probably less than 1/2 cup) 1/2 cup water 1 can Spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce, or tomato paste opt. onion powder, garlic powder, Italian seasonings 1 cup parmesan cheese Line the Dutch oven with foil and coat it with spray cooking oil. Make up the dough as per instructions on the box. You will definitely need the little extra flour, or the dough will be too sticky, and difficult to work with. Spread the dough in the prepared Dutch Oven. You can do it with your floured hands. Spoon the sauce over the pizza—you don’t need a lot, or it won’t cook properly. Maybe a quarter cup. Sprinkle seasonings if you like. Sprinkle the cheese on top—not as thick as you would with mozzarella or cheddar, but cover the pizza substantially. For pepperoni pizza, lay out the pepperoni slices. For combination pizza, choose your toppings. I used: 3 oz package Real Bacon Bits (half for a whole pizza) 4 oz can mushrooms (for a whole pizza) 4 oz can diced chilis (for a whole pizza) 6 oz can olives, sliced (half a can for a whole pizza) 14 oz can artichoke hearts, cut up (half can for a whole pizza) After you have your toppings on, cover the Dutch Oven and bake the pizza over medium(?) heat ‘til the crust is done (everything else is precooked). I baked mine over a camp stove. I made it half pepperoni, half combination.

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Totals: 370 13g 3g $9.87

Totals: 350 12g 4g $8.44

Totals: 530 18g 7.5g $18.83

Daily Totals: 1250 43g 14.5g $37.14

Idea 23: Taco dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

1/2 x 300

1/2 x 18g

1/2 x 2g

1/2 x 1 cup

25 oz Juanitas Pork chili verde

$5.47 / 2x3 servin

1/2 x 120

1/2 x 6g

1/2 x 6g

1/2 x 1/2 cup

16 oz Rosarita trad. refried beans

$.90 / 2x3.5 serv

1/2 x 250

1/2 x 5g

1/2 x 1g

1/2 x 1 cup

8.5 oz pkg Ready Rice

$1.89 / 2x2serving

1/2 x 160

1/2 x 3g

— 1/2 x 2 bowls

6.7 oz pkg Old El P. Soft Flour Tort. bowls

$2.54 / 8 bowls

1/2 x 60

0 0 1/2 x 1/4 cup

15 oz can ricos Cheddar Sauce

$2.60 / 2x7 serv.

30 1g 1g 2 T 7 oz can Herdez Salsa Ranchera

$.76 / 6 servings

15 0 — 4 olives 1.2 oz cry weight Olives to Go

$3.69 / 6 pack

40 1g 2g 1/2 cup 14.5 oz can Toma-toes, Okra, Corn

$.98 / 3 servings

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

160 4g 3g 1 packet Quaker Instant Oat-meal

$2.49 / 10 pack

120 8g 0 8 oz 1 quart LaLa Lactose Free Milk

$1.96 / 4 servings

1/2 x 140

0 1/2 x 2g

1/2 x 1/4 cup

3.5 oz Mariani dried blueberries

$3.99 / 2.5 serving

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

150 4g 3g 3T 5.5 oz Nut-rition anti-oxidant mix

$3.99 / 5 servings

220 9g — 8 oz shake Equate/Ensure Nutritional Shake

$5.88/ 6 pack

for 1500 cal: 3x oatmeal or extra meal replacement shake for 2000 cal: also add an extra taco Add other water/liquids as needed—water to steep oatmeal (or use milk), probably a beverage at dinner Comment—just choose what you like...this gives some ideas: there are other brands salsa, other cheese options,

different beans, other tortilla options (you don’t have to have boats}, could use chicken for cheaper, etc.

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Totals: 510 34g 5g $

Totals: 315 9g 1g $6.81

Totals: 535 23g 8g $16.56

Daily Totals: 1360 66g 14g too many variables

Idea 24: Wise Co. Cheesy Lasagne w/sausage dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

360 15g 4g 1/2 pouch Wise Co dried Cheesy Lasagne…

2x $5.98/ 2 servings

45 2g 3g 1/2 cup 15 oz can GV mixed vegetables

$.60 / 3.5 serving

130 6g 1g 1 stick .92 oz Slim Jim smoked snack stick

4x $1 each

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

1/2 x 240

1/2 x 5g

1/2 x 1g

1/2 x 1 cup

Minute Ready to Serve Rice

$2.19 / 2 pack

1/4 x 480

1/4 x 24

— 1/4 x 12 oz can

12 oz can Evaporate vitamin D milk

$.94 / can

1/3 x 90

0 0 1/4 x half pkg

3.4 oz pkg vanilla instant pudding mix

$1.39 / box

1/2 x 90

1/2 x 1g

1/2 x 1g

1/2 x 1 oz box

6 pack 1 oz boxes raisins

$2.29 / 6 pack

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

470 33g 3 1/4 of frittata

frittata recipe next page

depens on egg cost

40 1g 2g 1/2 cup 14.5 oz can Toma-toes, Okra, Corn

$.98 / 3 serving

0 0 0 16.9oz bottle

Zero cal Vitamin water

$3.99 / 6 pack

for 1200 cal: cut the Slim Jim or only have 1/6th of the frittata for 1500 cal: add another Slim Jim, or take a larger portion of frittata for 2000 cal: also add 500 calories of drink Add water/liquids as needed—2 pints of water to steep the lasagne

—shopping list, recipe, comments, and pictures next page Emergency Rice Pudding by ST 2 cups pre-cooked rice, 12 oz can evaporated milk (or equivalent), half a 3.4 oz package instant vanilla pudding mix, op-tional cinnamon/nutmeg/cardamom, and raisins/nuts. Combine ingredients and stir until it thickens. Serves 4-6 or more.

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Shopping List 2 pack Minute Rice Ready to Serve, or similar 12 oz can evaporated milk 3.4 oz pkg instant vanilla pudding mix opt. 6 pack 1oz raisins, or similar opt. cinnamon dried eggs (equivalent of 8) 14 oz can artichoke hearts 2-6 oz can olives 4 oz can mushrooms 4 oz ham or other meat, such as pepperoni, salami… Italian Seasonings, powdered garlic, powdered onion small pkg Velveeta or other cheese option 6 pack of vitamin water or other beverage 14.5 oz can Tomatoes, Okra, & Corn, or other vegetables 2 Wise Co. Cheesy Lasagne with sausage 15 oz can mixed vegetables or other 4-6 meat snack sticks, or similar Comments: Some don’t like raisins in their rice pudding, so in order to give needed calories, you could replace them with nuts, or have some dried fruit or nuts on the side. You can repack-age spices and herbs in smaller tightly sealing containers, if needed. You may want to look for high calorie beverages for teens and adults who may need to help with clean-up or rescue after a disaster. You can, of course, get canned lasagna for much cheaper. It may save you on water, but the cans are heavier than the water bottles … so you have to decide which you prefer. Cans have a more limited shelf life than the freeze dried foods, if you are hoping to get it and forget it. But I think there is value in having a practice camp periodically, and using that to rotate your supplies. Dried Eggs You can buy a #10 can of dired eggs for about $30-40, which is 72 eggs from Augason (there are other brands). Bob’s Red Mill has a $3.97 package of (34) egg replacer . . . I don’t know how it would work for making a frittata, but I have an EnerG box of egg replacer that has a recipe on the box for a quiche I haven’t tried yet. For just one breakfast (unless you are feeding a lot of people), $30-40 is pretty ex-pensive. But if you have a large family of egg eaters, and want them every day, or you want to be able to cook/bake things that require shelf stable eggs, they may be worth it to you to invest in.

8 Egg Frittata in a Dutch Oven by ST 1 1/3 cup warm water (or package directions) 1 1/3 cup egg powder (or as directed on packaging) 10oz Velveeta, cubed, or other cheese option 14 oz can of artichoke hearts, cut up 4oz olives, sliced (20 olives) 4oz can mushrooms, chopped 8 oz ham or other meat (Spam, pepperoni, salami, bacon, Vienna Sausages,etc) Italian Seasoning, onion powder, garlic powder optional Line the Dutch Oven with foil and heat while combining ingredients. Coat the foil lined Dutch Oven with spray cooking oil. Pour in egg mixture. Bake about 30 min-

utes on a medium high heat (as if 375ºF in regular oven) I made the small one on the preceding page with the above ingredients, which used them up. I liked the to-mato/okra/corn as a topping for it. I made the 8 egg one afterward, using canned zucchini and pepperoni pic-tured on this page You can choose whatever vegeta-bles you like, or none at all (some too mushy canned). The yellow spots below are the Velveeta chunks.

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Totals: 330 8g 0 $5.95

Totals: 535 42g 7g $17.09

Daily Totals: 1215 56g 11g $29.35

Idea 25: Pork Shawarma dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

45 0 1g 1 T 6oz pkg Shawarma Marinade

$6.33 / 12 serving

3x 60

3x 12g

0 3x 2 oz

10 oz can Kroger pulled pork

3x $2 sale/ 3.5 serving

250 6g 4g 1 cup Ready Rice Brown Jasmine w/edamame

2x $1.89 / 2 servings

60 0 2g 1/2 cup 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes

$.98 / 3.5 serving

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

90 4g 0 1 pouch GoGo Squeez Yogurtz

$2.98 / 4 pack

2x 120

2x 2g

— 2x pkg

GV Mini Alphabet Cookies

$2.97 / 12 serving

Grocery List 4 pack GoGo Squeez Yogurtz 12 pack Animal Cookies 14 oz can hummus 8 pack Ritz Fresh Stacks crckers 6 pack unsweetened applesauce 6oz pkg Shawarma marinade 3 cans 10oz pulled pork 2 packages Ready Rice 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes

for 1500 cal: double the hummus and crackers at lunch for 2000 cal: also add a double dinner Add other water/liquids as needed—possibly a beverage each meal

Comments: The breakfast may not be very filling unless it includes a beverage, and simi-larly the lunch. I found the Shawarma rather strong, so I think adding the 3 cans of meat, as well as tomatoes, along with the rice, will help balance the Shawarma flavor. It’s not for everyone.

Totals: 350 6g 4g $6.31

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

2x 40

2x 2g

2x 1g

2x 10z

14 oz Ziyad Hummus

$1.62 / 13 serving

220 2g — 1 fresh stack

Ritz Fresh Stack crackers

$2.69 / 8 stacks

50 0 2g 4oz bowl Unsweetened applesauce

$2 / 6 pack

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Grocery List pancake mix apple jelly or syrup 8 pack pretzels 29 oz can pears in juice 2 cans Jazzy Jambalaya soup 11 oz pkg Campbells Skillet

Comments: You can melt the jelly to make apple syrup for the pancakes. It’s a pretty inexpensive meal, especially since it could make several meals for a family. Prob. need a beverage. I was disappointed with the Jazzy Jambalaya soup—added diced tomatoes and jalapenos. Prob needed something else.

Sweet & Sour Chicken sauce 2 cans chicken breast 12.5 oz 2 Ready Rice 15 oz can baby corn

Totals: 330 6g 3g $5.51

Totals: 460 25.5g 2.5g $16.08

Daily Totals: 1160 38.5g 11.5g $32.05

Idea 26: Campbells Skillet Sweet & Sour dinner day

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

60 1g 0 1/4 cup 11 oz Campbells Skil-let Sweet & Sour

$6.98 / 5 servings

2x 45

2x 9g

0 2x 2 oz

12.5 oz can chicken breast

$4.44 / 2 pack

250 5g 1g 1 cup Ready Rice Jasmine 2x $1.84 / 2 servings

1/2 x 120

1/2x 3g

1/2x 3g

1/2 x 1/2 cup

15 oz can Sunluck cut baby corn

$.98 / 3 serving

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

230 6g 3g 1/2 cup mix

Krusteaz 56 oz Honey Wht Pancake

$3.54 / 25 serving

2x 50

0 0 2x 1 T

18 oz GV apple jelly

$1.97 26 serving

for 1200 cal: add an extra serving of pear halves for 1500 cal: also add an extra breakfast for 2000 cal: add both above, plus an extra serving of dinner Add other water/liquids as needed—a little water to make the pancakes. Probably a beverage would be needed at least for breakfast and dinner.

Totals: 370 7g 6g $10.46

calories protein fiber serving description cost/quantity

110 0 2g 1 bag Glutino gluten free pretzel twists

$5.97 / 8 pack

2x 60 0 2x 2g

2x 1/2 cup

29oz can pear halves in juice

$1.99 / 7 servings

140 7g 0 1 cup Campbells heat & serve Jzzy Jmbalaya

2x $1.25 / 2 servings