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Page 2 Second Sunday of Advent December 8, 2013

Pastorela—Spanish Christmas Play Sunday, December 15th at 1:00pm in the Parish Hall.

Join us for this Christmas program put on by Oscar

Rodriguez and the Spanish Choir.

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Mass in Spanish

Thursday, December 12th


Join us for this Spanish Mass to

celebrate the feast of Our Lady of

Guadalupe. After Mass there will be

a reception in the Parish Hall with

hot chocolate and sweet bread.

Next weekend has been designated for the Collection for the Retired Fund for


Support elderly religious. A parishioner writes, “As a Catholic school student from grades K-12, I was formed to be the person I am by many religious brothers and sisters, and I am forever grateful.” Show your thanks for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to next weekend’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. There are special envelopes in the pews for this collection.

Advent Penance Service Tuesday, December 10th


As with any great feast, there comes preparation. What better way than to

come together as a community to “prepare the way of the Lord.”

All Catholics are encouraged to celebrate the Sacra-ment of Reconciliation as part of their spiritual prepa-ration for Christmas. We prepare for it by opening ourselves up, by reflecting upon the areas of dark-ness in our lives into which God so deeply desires to shine a light. It might begin with the simple question: Where might God be offering me forgiveness and healing? Take this special time to examine your life to find the areas that are hindering your relationship with God. The most important thing that happens in the Sacra-ment of Reconciliation is what Jesus does. While the examination of conscience, sorrow for sin, telling the sins to the priest and the “penance” are all important elements on our part, the key to understanding the sacrament is to focus on God's part. The Sacrament celebrates God's gift of reconciliation and peace. Join us for our Advent Penance Service. Father Mike and visiting priests will hear confessions

after a brief liturgy of the Word.

The Annual Altar Society

Christmas Bake Sale...


Come to the Parish Hall

to shop after Mass today!

Preparing the Way for the Lord John knew that with the coming of Christ, people would be able to live in the world with a new perspective, that of the kingdom of God. John didn’t want people to reject the world and live with him in the desert; he wanted them to center their lives on God so that they would recognize in Jesus how the promises made to the patriarchs were being fulfilled. John baptized with water, preparing the people for a baptism “with the Holy Spirit and with fire,” which would enable their lives to manifest the truth of God. Paul encourages us to “think in harmony with one another” and “with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” If we await Christ’s coming with hope rooted in the Scrip-tures and with a confidence engendered by God’s mercy, then we have nothing to fear. We can look forward to taking our place with the wolf and the lamb, the leopard and the kid, the calf and the young lion, for we are one with the “little child” who guides them “in fullness of peace forever” (Psalm 72:7).

Jesus does not demand great actions from us but simply surrender and gratitude.

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THE WEEK OF December 1, 2013

Collection for December 1, 2013 $4,852.00 Restricted Funds for December 1, 2013 $2,125.00 Total Income: $6,977.00

Saturday…………........December 7 5:00PM………………....†Cora Darnell Sunday………….....…..December 8 8:30AM…………...…….People of St. Didacus 10:00AM………….…….†Fred Dueber 11:30AM………………..†Magdalena Yerena Monday………………...December 9 7:30AM………………....†Irene Blake Tuesday………..…..….December 10 6:00PM……………........Advent Penance Service Wednesday……......….December 11 8:30AM………………….†Fred Dueber Thursday………...…….December 12 7:30AM…………………..†Eduardo & Guadalupe Hijar 7:00PM…………………†Jose de Jesus Avalos

Friday…………...……...December 13 7:30AM………………....Mary Grace Davis, Spec. Int. Saturday…………........December 14 5:00PM………………....†Joe & Eleanor Martinez

Mass Intentions

Please Pray For

Weekly Events at St. Didacus

Sunday, December 8, 2013 Location Altar Society Bake Sale after Masses Hall Knights of Columbus Card Sale after Masses Hall Monday, December 9, 2013 Location Tiger Scouts 3:45-5:15pm Hall Our Lady of Guadalupe Practice 4:00-6:00pm Church Pastorela Practice 6:30pm Hall Small Faith V 7:00pm Winona Tuesday, December 10, 2013 Location Small Faith III 8:30am Hall Our Lady of Guadalupe Practice 4:00-6:00pm Church Small Faith I & II 6:30pm Hall Youth Night 6:30pm Hall Small Faith IV 7:00pm Hawley Wednesday, December 11, 2013 Location Eucharistic Adoration 7:30-8:30am Church Religious Ed 5:30pm School Men’s Prayer Group 7:00pm Hall Thursday, December 12, 2013 Location Friday, December 13, 2013 Location Encuentro Matrimonial 7:30-9:00pm Church Saturday, December 14, 2013 Location Pastorela Practice 10:00am-10:00pm Hall

Welcome to St. Didacus Parish! Masses Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am & 10:00am English 11:30am in Spanish Daily Mass Mon., Thurs., Fri. 7:30am Wednesday 8:30am & Tues. 6:00pm Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays 7:30am—8:30am First Fridays 8:00am—9:00am Confessions—Saturdays 3:30pm or by appt.

Pastor, Fr. Michael J. Sinor Parish Office 619-284-3472

And the special intentions in our Book of Needs

Maria Luz Arrellano Katherine Artale Jim Barnes Diann Bauer Dan Bauer Herbert Baxter Martha Becerra Rita Bonnell Norm Boyer Herminia Brignoni Ibeth Brignoni Lee Burnett Ruben Campos Marie Cavanaugh Terry Davidson Irene Davis MaryLou De Luca Juanita Diaz Cecelia Dueber

Maria Fielding Susan Guenzel Rosie Kinninger Marcella Halweg Bernie Kober Marilyn Kober Virginia Lantry Juanita Lopez Maria Lopez Dolores Mediano Esteban Mediano Segunda Ordona Sylvia Paiz Dominick Palestini Diane Porter Dolores Robertson Atina Rodriguez Aaron Rodriguez Alette Rodriguez

Gladys Palestini Jeff Salazar Patricia Seay Christine Segura Alice Sergi Michael Smith Raymond Sparks Mary Sutton Angel Tapia Pedro Tapia Therese Tucker Carol Verdon Catarina Zizzo Rose Zaragoza Adalina Zarate


What holds you back from being the best version of yourself? What situations, beliefs, and past actions fester

the angst that twists at your soul? John the Baptist lived an austere life so as to better experience God. He knew that water cleanses the body and fire would ignite the soul. Take a step inward this week and be mindful of all that needs to be healed from the past and in the present.

Readings for the Week of December 8, 2013 Sunday: Is 11:1-10/Rom 15:4-9/Mt 3:1-12 Monday: Gn 3:9-15, 20/Eph 1:3-6, 11-12/Lk 1:26-38 Tuesday: Is 40:1-11/Mt 18:12-14 Wednesday: Is 40:25-31/Mt 11:28-30 Thursday: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/ Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47 Friday: Is 48:17-19/Mt 11:16-19 Saturday: Sir 48:1-4, 9-11/Mt 17:9a, 10-13 Next Sunday: Is 35:1-6a, 10/Jas 5:7-10/Mt 11:2-11

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”

—Meister Eckhart

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Page 4 Second Sunday of Advent December 8, 2013

4630 34th Street, San Diego CA 92116 284-8730

Join us for our all-school Mass on

Wednesday, December 11th at


Mark your calendars!

St. Didacus School’s Christmas Program

Tuesday, December 17th 9:00am or 7:00pm

at the school

Culture of Life

Family Services

sends their thanks…

We received a note from Culture of Life Family Services

thanking our parish for our support of their Baby Bottle

Drive. The collection from our parish totaled $1004.50. Our

donations will go to pay the costs of ultrasounds and the

medical needs of women who can’t afford these services.

Many thanks for supporting life and the ministry of the

Culture of Life Family Services!

Women of the parish are invited to attend

San Diego North County’s

Magnificat Saturday, January 18, 2014

St. Gabriel Catholic Church

13734 Twin Peaks Road, Poway

8:00am Mass

followed by breakfast and program


Special guest speaker will be Bishop Cirlio Flores.

Advanced reservations are required. The cost is $20 per

person. Please see their website for more information

www.magnificat-nsd.org or contact Rosemary Geiger at

760-505-6625 or email: [email protected].

Christmas Novena of Masses Remember your loved ones this Christ-mas by enrolling them in our Christmas Novena of Masses-December 17th through December 25th. Envelopes are available at the entrance of the Church. Fill out the envelope and place it in the Sunday collection or drop it off at the Parish Office.

Christmas Toys Needed! The St. Didacus Men’s Prayer Group is collecting toys and hygiene items for the needy at Casa de los Pobres, Tijuana, Orfanatorio Nazareth, Tecate and Ejido El Hongo, Tecate. If you’d like to donate please bring your unwrapped toys or personal hygiene items to the parish office by Monday, December 16th. Monetary donations are also welcome! If you have any questions, please contact Felipe Enciso at 619-608-5481.

Mark your calendars for our upcoming

Advent activities!

St. Didacus Adult Choir

Advent Concert Wednesday, December 18th

7:30pm in the Church

Followed by a reception in the Parish


Parish Posada Friday,

December 20th

7:00pm starting at the

Parish Hall and end-

ing there with piñatas

and refreshments!

The Knights of Columbus will

have their beautiful "Keep

Christ in Christmas" Christ-

mas Cards for sale in the Hall

after Mass for the next two


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Kid’s Corner

Did you know that

each week of Advent

has a “theme” or

idea to think about?

The second week of

Advent’s theme is

JOY! Think today of

all the joy in this

month: the joy of

planning for the holy day of Christmas, the

joy of sharing with others by giving them

gifts, and especially the joy of knowing that

Jesus gave himself as a gift to the world on

that first Christmas! —365 Fun Facts for Catholic Kids

Page 5 Second Sunday of Advent

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of

the Blessed Virgin Mary Monday, December 9th

Mass at 7:30am

On this day we celebrate the patronal feastday of the United States of America. Mary’s Immaculate Conception reminds us of Christ’s redemptive mission. God preserved Mary from original sin at the outset so that she could be the mother of Christ, who would save us. Washed of our sins and joined to Christ at our Baptism, we are invited into his saving work. Do you have an image of Mary in your home? Place flowers or light a candle in front of it.

A Season of Waiting

Advent is experienced as a time of waiting and anticipa-tion. It is not only a time of waiting for Christmas but a season in its own right and with its own mystery. So often waiting can be difficult for us. We become impatient, bored and anxious. We may have memories of waiting as a time of loneliness, disap-pointment, suffering and despair. The Bible illus-trates another side of waiting – how waiting can be necessary and desirable, a creative time when we are given an opportunity to grow spiritually and in wisdom. It is a season to remember with gratitude experiences of waiting in our lives and how those experiences changed, shaped and molded us. It is a time also to think of those who have waited for us; the great waiting moments in the Bible and in hu-man history; and the waiting of creation itself.

During Advent we remember with gratitude the First Coming of Christ and the gift of new life that event offered us. It is a time to discern how to use the gift fully and enjoy its fruits in the here and now, while we await His Second Coming. In this we are only being true to the Christian tradition which began two thousand years ago.

Evangelii Gaudium — The Joy of the Gospel

The Vatican has published Pope Francis’ first post-synod apostolic exhortation —Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel). This new document speaks of "the church’s primary mission of evan-gelization in the modern world." It has been described as a "remarkable and radical document, one that ranges widely and challenges complacency at every level," as well as "the manifesto of Francis" and a "Magna

Carta for church reform."

Evangelii Gaudium touches on many of the themes of Francis' papacy, including obligations Christians have to the poor, and the duty to establish and maintain just economic, political, and

legal orders.

Read this document yourself on-line on the Vatican’s website: www.vatican.va

Lord Jesus Christ

I give you thanks.

You are the breath that gives

me life. You are the love that

fills my heart. You are the

words that guide my steps.

You are all that I need,

and I give you thanks.

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Los invitamos al concierto

de navidad, será en la

iglesia a las 7:30 PM y tendremos después

galletitas y chocolate caliente.

Pagina 6 Segundo Domingo de Adviento 8 de diciembre 2013


Este jueves 12 de diciembre ten-dremos nuestra tradicional sere-nata a la Virgen a las 7:00 PM y

en seguida la misa con las Apariciones de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Necesitamos donadores de pan dulce, chocolate y leche. Anótate a la salida de misa el próximo domingo.

Novenario de Misas de Navidad

Recuerde a sus seres queridos en esta Navidad al inscríbalos en nuestra Novenariorio de Navidad del 17 de diciembre al 25 de di-ciembre. Los sobres están dispo-nibles a la entrada de la iglesia. Llene el sobre y colóquelo en la colecta dominical o entregarlo a la Oficina Parro-quial.


al Servicio de

Reconciliación de

Adviento, martes 10 dic. 6:00 PM

Una de las mejores maneras para preparar-nos para recibir el Nacimiento de Jesús es a través del Sacramento de la Reconciliación con Dios y con nuestros hermanos y herma-nas, es decir, confesarnos. Habrá varios sa-cerdotes que hablan español. Todos los ni-ños que ya hicieron la Primera Comunión y sus papas están invitados a participar, acompáñenos.

Se necesitan juguetes y artícu-los de higiene para ayudar a nuestros hermanos/as de Téca-

te, Mexicali y Tijuana.


¿Donde nacerá el Salvador? Aparte esta fecha: Domingo 15 de di-ciembre después de la misa de 11:30 AM tendremos nuestra tradicio-nal Pastorela. Los jóvenes de confirma-ción estarán vendiendo tamales para re-caudar dinero para su retiro de confir-mación. Acompáñenos con toda su familia en nuestras tradiciones Navideñas.

Para la revisión de vi-da…

¿Creo realmente en la Bue-na Noticia por la que Jesús dio su vida y lucho? ¿Cómo me comporto yo en

el ambiente en el que vivo? ¿Hay algo de anuncio-denuncia en mi manera de ser y de transmitir el mensaje de Cristo?

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