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Bridging The Gap - CBE Extension for MTNM

…Tying up OSS/J and Layer 2 Technologies.

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MTNM:TMF Standard Interface




CBEEntity Entity SpecificationAssociation

The Gap

Inventory ManagementQoS Service


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CBE EssentialsCBE Essentials

CBE means Core Business Entities CBE defines a CORE information model

CORE Information Model of shareable Data Transfer Objects in CBE aligned with SID from which the Vendor Specific Information Model must derive.

CBE defines interfaces that are reusable across multiple OSS components (Activation, Inventory, TroubleTicket, QoS, etc…)

Common Managed Entities: Service, Resource, Product, Alarms

Common Types Addresses, TimePeriods etc..

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CBE Core ModelCBE Core Model

The CBE Core Model is composed of: Entity

Entities are value type objects representing inventory concepts such as “Product”, “Service” and “Resource”.

Entity Specification Entity Specifications are value type objects

representing specifications of CBE entities. Association

Associations are value type objects representing CBE associations, e.g., “ResourceSupportsServiceAssocValue”.

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So where do I find the CBE ?So where do I find the CBE ?

javax.oss.cbe The CBE package defines a set of

interfaces that represents the upper layers of a generic information model within the OSS domain. 

The CBE package defines a set of shareable Data Transfer Objects, via interfaces

Implementations of CBE aware APIs provide the implementation; Java™ and J2EE™ do the rest …

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MTNM EssentialsMTNM Essentials

MTNM - Multi Technology Network Management.

TMF Working Group. The Goal of MTNM is:

To provide standard, common interface between Element and Network Management Layers.

This interface is provided for ATM, SONET/SDH, Frame Relay, DSL, Ethernet etc (i.e. Layer 2 technologies)

Management Scope MTNM model is focused on Service Fulfillment and


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MTNM Scope – eTOMMTNM Scope – eTOM

Service Configuration & Activation

Service Problem


Service Quality


Resource Provisioning

Resource Trouble Mgmt

Resource Performance


Resource Data Collection & Processing

SM&O Support & Readiness

RM&O Support & Readiness

OperationsOperations Support & Readiness

Fulfillment Assurance Billing

Customer Interface ManagementCustomer Relationship Management

Service Management & Operations

Resource Management & Operations

Supplier/Partner Relationship Management

Retention & Loyalty

CRM Support & Readiness


Order HandlingMarketing FulfillmentResponse

Problem Handling

Customer QoS/ SLA


Billing & Collections


SM&O Support & Readiness

Service Configuration &


Service Problem


Service Quality Management

Service & Specific Instance


RM&O Support & Readiness

Resource Provisioning

Resource Performance


Resource Data Collection & Processing

S/PRM Support & Readiness

S/P Settlements & Billing


S/P Problem Reporting &


S/P Performance Management

S/P Buying

S/P Purchase Order


Retention & Loyalty

Resource Trouble


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MTNM Information ModelMTNM Information Model

The MTNM Model is composed of: Objects that are visible across the

interface and the operations that may be performed on these objects.

These objects have a common set of attributes.

A Root Class namely, “CommonResourceInfo” that contains:

A common set of attributes and A common set of operations permissible on

these objects.

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Bridging The Gap …Bridging The Gap …



CBEEntity Entity SpecificationAssociation

Inventory ManagementQoS Service


CBE Extension for MTNMTermination Point




(Layer 2 Technology)

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CBE-MTNM Extension …CBE-MTNM Extension …

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CBE-MTNM Extension …CBE-MTNM Extension …

Extension of CBE also contains some Helper Classes.

These classes deal with Common set of Parameters or constants across MTNM classes.

Examples of helper classes are Layered Parameters, Directionality, Communication State etc.

Helper classes are not inheriting CommonResourceInfo interface.

They have set-get methods for each defined parameter in class.

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CBE and the OSS/J APIsCBE and the OSS/J APIs

OSS/J Core

Business Entities

Vendor and

Technology Information


Customer Management










Functional Partition of OSS Business Logicinto APIsAnd RealizationOf the Vendor orTechnolgy SpecificInformation Model

Vendor or TechnologySpecificInformationModel is an Extensionof the Core SID/CBE Entities

OSS/J Core SID/CBE Entities

OSS/J – CBE Extensions for


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Functionality … we got it coveredFunctionality … we got it covered

Extension of CBE to incorporate MTNM information model

Realization of MTNM information model using OSS/J APIs.

Thereby bridging the gap between OSS/J APIs and Technology.

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Benefits …Benefits …

Integration efforts are reduced further as the gap between OSS/J APIs and specific Technology is bridged.

Leveraging work done by CBE, OSS/J APIs and MTNM that adhere to TMF NGOSS standard.

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SID Provides the Optimal SolutionSID Provides the Optimal Solution

TMF SID provides rich set of Resource Model.

OSS/J CBE has well defined “Resource” package which uses TMF SID’s Resource Model.

MTNM entities could be logically mapped to SID Model.

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Why use the SID ?Why use the SID ?

Rich information models take a great deal of time and effort to develop OSS through Java is an implementation

body, not a modeling forum SID is a key aspect of NGOSS Adoption is the key to success OSS through Java is working to make

NGOSS real

OSS/J Common Business Entities map the SID analysis (GB922) and design (GB926) models to Java data models

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Roadmap …Roadmap …

OSS/J CBE Extension for MTNM OSS/J – MTNM realization kit for Service

Activation and Inventory Management APIs. TMF Catalyst to demonstrate

interoperability of OSS/J and MTNM. Catalyst to demonstrate “Zero Touch” Service

Provisioning involving L2 networking gear Catalyst to involve:

Sun Microsystems as a Hardware/Platform vendor. Metasolv as a Product Vendor MBT as an experienced Telecommunication

Products/Services SI Equipment Vendor - ? Service Provider / Telco - ?

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Roadmap …Roadmap …

Q4 05Q3 05Q2 05Q1 05 Q2 06

OSS/J CBE Extensions on Java.net

Realization Kit- Phase 1

Realization Kit- Phase 2

CBE Extensions

OSS/J CBE APIs extended to incorporate MTNM data model.

CBE-MTNM Extensions available on java.net

OSS/J MTNM realization Kit

Inventory Management APIs to be used for the first phase of realization kit.

OSS/J MTNM realization Kit

Service Activation APIs to be used for the second phase of realization kit.

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JCP & Open Source …JCP & Open Source …

OSS/J Common and CBE APIs are “Standards”

These “Standards” are designed to be “Extensible” Extension Mechanism are “Standardized”. All these are covered under an umbrella of JCP.

Extensions are not covered under an umbrella of JCP.

Extensions can implement domain specific standards or proprietary models.

E.g. TMF MTNM These Extensions are illustrative work under

open source licensing

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Takeaway Message …Takeaway Message …

The ultimate goal is:

“To strengthen the cooperation with TMF standards, and to promote their adoption”.

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“A new breed of OSS solutionspowered by Java Technology”

OSS Through JavaTM InitiativeOSS Through JavaTM Initiative